#low profile range hood
iventilation · 1 year
How to Replace the Filter in Your Range Hood
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A range hood is an essential component in any kitchen, helping to vent out smoke and reduce airborne grease. But, for it to work optimally, its filter needs to be in good shape. In this article, we will guide you through the process of replacing the filter in your range hood.
The Importance of Replacing Your Range Hood Filter
Why Should You Replace Your Range Hood Filter?
Replacing your range hood filter is crucial for maintaining the functionality and efficiency of your ventilation system. Over time, filters get saturated with grease and other pollutants, which can reduce their effectiveness.
Signs That Your Filter Needs Replacing
Some signs that indicate your filter needs replacing include lingering odors, increased smoke, and a decrease in suction. If your filter still emits odors after cleaning, it might be time for a replacement.
Understanding Your Range Hood Filter
Types of Range Hood Filters
There are two main types of range hood filters: mesh and baffle. Mesh filters are made of layered aluminum or stainless steel mesh, whereas baffle filters have a series of panels.
Choosing the Right Filter for Your Range Hood
Ensure to choose a filter that is compatible with your range hood model. You can typically find this information in your hood’s manual or by contacting the manufacturer.
Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing Your Range Hood Filter
Removing the Old Filter
The first step is to remove the old filter. Most filters can be removed by sliding or popping them out.
Purchasing the New Filter
With the old filter removed, you can now purchase a new one. Remember to buy a filter that fits your specific range hood model.
Installing the New Filter
Now it's time to install your new filter. This is typically done by sliding or snapping the new filter into place. Make sure it fits securely.
Tips for Maintaining Your New Range Hood Filter
Maintain your new filter by cleaning it regularly. This will extend its life and maintain the efficiency of your range hood.
Replacing your range hood filter is an essential task that ensures your kitchen ventilation system remains effective. With our guide, you can confidently undertake this task and ensure your kitchen remains smoke and odor-free.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How often should I replace my range hood filter? Typically, you should replace your filter every 6-12 months, depending on usage and the manufacturer's instructions.
2. Can I use any type of filter for my range hood? No, it's important to use a filter that is compatible with your specific range hood model.
3. What can happen if I don’t replace my filter? Failure to replace a saturated filter can result in reduced hood efficiency, increased smoke, and potential fire hazards.
4. Where can I purchase a new range hood filter? You can usually purchase a new filter online, at an appliance store, or directly from the manufacturer.
5. How can I extend the life of my filter? Regular cleaning is the best way to extend the life of your filter and keep your range hood functioning optimally.
0 notes
kanskesims · 9 months
Kitchen - Farmhouse Kitchen
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Inspiration for a large cottage galley light wood floor enclosed kitchen remodel with a farmhouse sink, raised-panel cabinets, white cabinets, granite countertops, beige backsplash, stone tile backsplash, paneled appliances and an island
0 notes
saekkas · 9 months
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summary: you’re not a believer in airport crushes. you think the theory that people look better when you’re bound to never see them again is delusional. that is, until fushiguro megumi comes and proves you wrong.
tags: 1.1k wc | f!reader | narration heavy | open ending | nobara and yuuji are the best wing men | strangers to potential lovers | very romanticized | megumi has green eyes here, as stated in the manga | for plot's sake, pretend it isn't weird to call him 'gumi' right off the bat
notes: megumi finally debuts on saekkas (clap clap). also, this may or may not be inspired by real life events hehe
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early mornings have never been your forte. the wind bites your cheeks, prickling your skin with goosebumps that range all the way from your arms down to your legs. even the hoodie you’re wearing– the thickest, comfiest one you own, doesn’t help shield you from the elements.
it doesn't help that the air conditioner is on full blast.
“i swear to god,” you mumble, expression souring as strong winds crash against the airport’s ceiling high windows. in the distance, trees sway around erratically, crashing against each other as the sky turns a bleak gray. “if a hurricane comes, at least let it hit after my flight takes off.”
the line to check in is unnaturally long and it takes almost half an hour until you’re seated at the gate, an hour early before your flight departs. better safe than sorry, your mother always said.
the seating area is nothing but crowded, and as pregnant mother tries to calm her baby’s wails by swaddling him in blankets, you curse yourself for booking economy. a private longue with wifi and food sounds good right now.
tucking yourself into the furthest seat from the wailing baby, you breath out a sigh. your legs have been killing you for the past hour and you have no one to blame but yourself for not choosing more comfortable shoes.
there’s minimal noise in the area, being that it is far more secluded from the others. the only sounds you can hear are of footsteps and bickering from the trio sitting right across from you. one of the boys, the one with pink hair and a red hood over his head, is in what looks to be the deadliest game of rock-paper-scissors you’ve ever seen with a girl that has short brown hair.
your eyes flicker towards the last of the bunch– a boy who looks like he’s around your age with an unruly mess of hair on top of his head. he’s calm, minding his own business with a book in his lap, and legs crossed elegantly. the sweater he wears is black, oversized, and the fabric looks to be so soft.
you’re not a believer in airport crushes. you think the theory that people look better when you’re bound to never see them again is delusional.
you might just eat your own words because he’s actually cute.
you don’t know how many times your eyes have gravitated towards him in the past hour, but you know it’s probably enough to tip his friends off. from the corner of your eye, you see the girl nudge him repeatedly before very obviously pointing your way.
at first, he ignores her– goes back to reading his book like she’s a fly buzzing around his head. he’s probably used to it, you muse to yourself, chuckling in your head.
and then you feel it. the pinpricks of his stare. so pointed and sharp now that it’s directed at you.
the notes app is your only friend as you type against the screen of your phone. you feel stupid– like a schoolgirl who’s just been noticed by her crush, trying to seem busy as if you haven’t been staring at him for god knows how long.
when he looks away from your general direction, you lift your head– trying to get a glimpse of his side profile for, what you promise yourself to be, the last time.
only to meet his gaze straight on.
you hear his friends snicker, nudge their elbows against him as you look to the side, too embarrassed to even think of looking in his direction again. you hear his voice, low and smooth as he snaps, trying to make them stop. they only tease him more.
you hear the name megumi, picture the shy smile that spread on his lips before stiffening, quickly getting up from your seat when the intercom calls your flight number.
the staff are quick to usher the crowds of people into a neat line, herding passengers to their respective gates. your feet move on autopilot, making your way towards the double doors that lead to your plane.
you only stop when someone calls your name, waving frantically as they push through the people to get to you.
megumi stands in front of you, hair even more tousled than before. there’s a bead of sweat on his forehead that slides down the side of his neck and into his sweater. his eyes are green, reminding you of the forest, a piece of jade, and the color of your passport holder in his hand.
“you forgot this.” he holds the official document against his chest before handing it over to you. his fingers brush against yours, delicate and neatly trimmed, before they clench into a fist by his side. “you left it on your seat.”
“right,” you mumble, the sound wispy as if your own breath had been sucked out from your lungs. you bow your head in gratitude while simultaneously trying to shake away the daze clouding your thoughts. “thank you. i owe you one.”
the silence that stretches after is nothing if not awkward. you’re looking anywhere but him, and he’s doing the same. the staff guarding the gate watch– clearly gossiping about your little interaction with the male in front of you.
after a while, megumi nods once before turning back towards his seat, a muffled safe flight leaving his lips.
that's it?
you watch as he strides away, some parts confused and disappointed. his friends wear the same expression as you do, the girl practically screeching into his ear while the boy tries to push him back towards your direction.
megumi doesn’t budge, stone faced as he sits in between them. returning to his book as if nothing significant has happened.
maybe some things just aren’t meant to be.
you send the duo a wave, smiling when they do the same, before showing the staff your ticket and passport, heading straight down the gate, and boarding the plane.
you won't see him again anyway.
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it’s only when you’re seated on a train, a thousand miles away from where you were, gazing out of the window as it speeds across Tokyo that you finally see a note slipped into your passport, one containing his full name and number.
i think you’re pretty. my friends think you’re cool. would you like to get dinner some time? – megumi fushiguro.
your pointer finger traces his handwriting, neat and cursive, and you let out a giggle because for whatever reason, it feels exactly like him.
to: cute sea urchin
[13:57] hey. it's the girl from the airport. [13:58] is sushi okay? it's my treat! i owe you one after all.
from: cute sea urchin
[14:23] yeah, anything's fine with me. see you.
to: cute sea urchin
[14:37] cool! can't wait to see you again, gumi!
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piedpiperart · 11 months
Phantom of Gotham 19
Chapter 18
Danny had unsurprisingly not gotten a good night's sleep that night. He was currently staying in an abandoned Firehouse. He was pretty sure he was getting the hang of finding semi-hospitable hideouts. Just to be safe, he had taken to hiding his stuff in the walls when he left. It was tedious, but there was no way he was risking a Red Hood (Jason?) situation. He knew that opening a portal to the Ghost Zone would be a bad idea, and that it could lead the GIW straight to him. That big of a power surge in one spot would no doubt attract them. At the very least, Vlad might also be aware of him in Gotham now. But for some reason he didn’t want to leave. 
Sure, He’d be safer if he stayed on the run but he had friends at school, was actually doing well in classes, and he had befriended the local vigilantes. Not that he was avoiding them. He had patrolled a bit with them again- invisible as always- but he’d started to feel eyes on him so he gave them Phantom’s contact info and proceeded to lay low the past few days. 
Danny had started feeling a bit paranoid after the whole ghost portal thing, but Batman and Frostbite were already making progress. Batman had even said that the GIW wouldn’t be able to do much in Gotham since he’d alerted the GCPD to reject any attempts at partnership and to detain the Fentons if they were spotted. Danny was still worried about it. Especially with Vlad and his parents. He’d of course told Batman about Plasmius, but in order to keep his own secret he hadn’t told them Vlad was a Halfa too. He was starting to think that maybe he should, just in case he showed his fruit-loopy self in Gotham. 
Obviously, Phantom could take Vlad in a fight no problem. It was him against the bats that he wasn’t so sure about. Lack of ghost weapons aside, Vlad also had a propensity for overshadowing people. Often multiple people because of his clones. The two things Danny wouldn’t or couldn’t do. 
He sighed. Maybe he was overthinking it. He should just do his best in school and hang out with Tim and Steph like a normal kid for once. Phantom was benched for now, and Danny needed to lay low in case the GIW or … the Fentons were searching for him. If they noticed the power surge of the portal, it’s likely, but who knows. Maybe they didn’t notice anything. Maybe Danny’s still safe. 
“Yo, Danny, are you okay man?” Steph asked, nudging him. They were at lunch, having gone off campus to a coffee shop instead of sticking around the cafeteria. Tim was downing his coffee and staring longingly at the second one he ordered like he couldn’t drink them fast enough. Steph and Danny had both gotten sweeter drinks because, as Steph says, they have taste buds that work. 
“Yeah,”Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck.”Just an off day, you know? Couldn’t sleep.” 
Tim perked up at that.”You know you can always come over to the manor-”
Danny cut him off with a groan. “I told you Tim, I’m not coming back.”
“Yeah I know,”Tim glowered, sipping his drink. “Had to try though, the Demon Brat is still spamming my phone about you. Even Bruce asks for updates.”
“Yeesh, even Bruce?” Steph winced, looking between the two boys. “Yikes Danny. Bruce isn’t known for letting things go. You’re doomed.”
“He’s not ‘doomed’,” Tim rolled his eyes, while Danny sighed dramatically from the other side of the table. 
“You know, it’s kind of hard to keep a low profile with a billionaire taking an interest in you,”Danny commented dryly. Tim shrugged. 
“Just means he can keep you safe from whatever you’re running from,”Tim raised an eyebrow pointedly at Danny’s scowl. His phone alarm rang and the three of them started packing up to head back to school. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,”Danny wrinkled his nose. “And wouldn’t hiding with a billionaire make it easier for them to find me?” 
“He’s got a point,”Steph chimed in, getting a look from Tim. “I’m pretty sure Bruce has a room for me just on the off chance I spontaneously need adopting. No doubt they’re gonna keep your room exactly how you left it.” Tim fought back a smile, knowing it was true, but wouldn’t prove his point. 
“Pssh, Bruce can be stealthy. No one will even know you live at the manor,” Tim pointed out. Danny snorted. “What? He can be stealthy,”Tim persisted, only for Steph and Danny to exchange amused looks and start laughing. “I’m serious!”
“Sure,”Danny chuckled as he and the others left the cafe and headed back to school. “He’s about as stealthy as the sun. Sure, you don’t see him at night, but when you do see him he’s super intense and the center of attention.”
Steph burst out laughing at that, and Tim made a face. “Okay that’s a fair point but still. I know we all told you before but everyones still worried about you.” 
“I get it,”Danny said. More than you know, Danny thought wryly. He knew that if the GIW had a way to track him they’d be led straight to the Wyanes, and then their secret identities would be in jeopardy. Danny wouldn’t allow that to happen. Besides, if he’s on his own he can use his ghost powers to sneak away and fly to a different state undetected. “This is my problem to deal with though. Can we just drop it?”
Tim wilted. “Fine, but if you ever need anything let me know.”
“Will do,”Danny saluted lazily. He would not. And judging by the look on Tim’s face, he knew it too. 
The conversation switched to upcoming school projects and classes as they made their way through the school. “Alright, I’m off to class, see ya later,”Steph waved. 
“See ya,”Tim and Danny waved. The two boys had chemistry together, so they walked to class side by side. They were a bit late, so they didn’t have much time to chat before sitting down in their seats before class started. 
Tim was a bit worried about his friend. Sure, he knew Danny could take care of himself, and had superpowers that could help him. But was he taking care of himself? Tim was sure the meal plan Damian had him on was all but nothing while Danny continued to live by himself. He wasn’t too worried, knowing that Danny was pretty good at surviving on his own. Besides, he was pretty sure everyone had scared Danny away with their lack of boundaries. 
In addition, Danny was a good person. Tim would be a fool to not see how the kid was trying to protect them. It was nothing they couldn’t handle, sure, but Danny didn’t know that. Even if the bats couldn’t be with him all the time, Tim was sure Phantom was protecting the kid. At one of the meet ups, Phantom had said he’s usually with the bats at night and Danny during the day. Though, the past two days Phantom had more or less said he’d be sticking around Danny more often so he wouldn’t be around much to help the bats. Which was fine. They’d need to find Danny to talk to the Phantom though, because they hadn’t been able to give Phantom a communicator before he disappeared. 
A voice came over on the intercom and Tim snapped out of his thoughts to pay attention. Especially since the rogues were keen on attacking schools, Tim was listening to make sure there wasn’t some sort of attack on the way. Oddly enough, it was just about a student needing to come to the office. But that student? Danny. 
Danny stiffened next to him, and Tim looked over with a raised brow, silently asking if he wanted company. Danny gave him a small smile and shook his head,”Probably just something about paperwork,”Danny whispered before gathering his things and making his way out to the office while Tim’s head spun with questions. The intercom didn’t give any details, and despite it probably being about paperwork, considering Danny had no actual adult supervision at home, Tim had worries. Parent teacher conferences were weeks away, and Danny hadn’t gotten in any kind of trouble at school. He had a bad feeling about this. 
Exactly two minutes after Danny left, Tim raised his hand. “Can I be excused to the bathroom?”He asked and the teacher, Ms. Morgan, sighed but waved her hand to let him go. She was more than used to Tim’s antics, but because of his good grades and lack of friends, she let him do what he wanted. Maybe he should send her some sort of gift basket, he thought. She was a good teacher. 
Once in the hallway, Tim beelined for the office on silent footsteps, passing by the bathrooms on his way. He kept an eye out for Danny, pausing when he heard voices coming from the door to the office. Getting as close as possible, TIm busied himself with a nearby locker while he eavesdropped. 
“I assure you, this is the best possible outcome for everyone,”Someone was saying. He didn’t recognise the voice, but it sounded like a man. 
“I suppose. As long as you keep your end of our deal. I don’t want any of this getting out,”Tim recognised the vice principal’s voice. What kind of deal? And where was Danny?
“Trust me, your school’s reputation is safe. Dealing with these creatures is classified government business. Nothing will get out to the public,”The man was saying, and Tim’s blood ran cold. Creatures? Were they talking about  Danny? Did they know? Where was Danny? Tim thought frantically. He needed more information. 
“Either way, this is how far I’m willing to help you. Follow the others through the back entrance. I don’t want anyone seeing you or the boy,”The vice principal, Miss Wethers, snapped. 
“Trust me, he won’t be seeing anyone from Gotham Academy anytime soon,”He chuckled darkly, and dread filled Tim’s chest. They had Danny? Where was Phantom? How did they know where he was? Tim thought frantically, shoes squeaking on the floor as he quickly made his way to the back door of the school. It was the staff parking lot, and if he didn’t want to run into Miss Wethers or the creepy dude he’d have to go the long way. 
On the way, Tim took out his phone, calling Jason and putting a com in. The others would be at school or work right now, and he knew Bruce and Alfred were getting ready for the Gala tonight. 
“What is it now, Replacement?” Jason snapped, but Tim didn’t have time. 
“The GIW’s at the school, I think they got Danny,”Tim rushed out, turning a corner and skipping down the stairs. “They’re taking him through the school’s back entrance, I’m on my way there but I’m in school clothes,”Tim said, and he could tell by the movement on the other end that Jason was getting his gear. 
“Alright, find out what car and where they're going but don’t interact unless you have a way to sneak Danny out without them noticing,”Jason grunted,”Be there in five.” 
Tim gave an affirmative and cut the comm, finally making it to the back entrance door. He wasn’t sure if Danny had five minutes, but Tim was confident in his ability to be a distraction and stall for time. He eased the door open and immediately latched onto seven guys in white suits, three of which were carrying  what looked like a heavily restrained and unconscious Danny into the back of a big white van. Damn. From what Tim could see, there was a muzzle and handcuffs, but he wasn’t sure if Danny was knocked out or drugged. 
“Shit,”Tim cursed as the last guy came through the side of the building with the vice principal behind him. He didn’t have hardly any of his gear on him and they were about to leave. Taking out what he had in some hidden pockets, he activated a tracking device and took aim, hitting the van perfectly on the back of the vehicle, near the back right tire. 
Tim chewed on his bottom lip nervously as he watched the van doors close. For a small group they were very efficient and fast at getting Danny out and on the road. Tim eased out from behind the door and made his way behind some cars, following the van’s path as they drove out of the parking lot. He knew he couldn’t keep up from ground level, so he climbed up to the rooftop of the nearest building when he had a chance to do it  without being spotted. The whole time he felt nothing but worry for Danny. 
“Hood, come in, where are you?” Tim asked impatiently. “They’re in a white van, sending you the location now. I managed to get a tracker on them but couldn’t get Danny out.”
“Two minutes out. How’s the kid?”Hood grunted, and Tim could hear the sounds of his motorcycle in the background. 
“Not great. They have handcuffs and a muzzle on him, and he was unconscious when they loaded him into the van,”Tim reported, and Hood cursed. 
“I see em’,”Jason said, and Tim could hear the roaring of his motorcycle across the street. Tim brought up his phone and used it to pull up the tracker he’d set on the van. He took a second to catch his breath from roof hopping, and tried to calculate their path. 
“Looks like they're headed towards the docks or the outskirts of Gotham,”Tim cringed. That’s also where a bunch of warehouses and abandoned buildings were located. It would be hard to find Danny around there if they manage to get away or ditch the van.
Suddenly, there was an explosion and Tim looked up from his camera with wide eyes. Looking over the edge of a building he was perched on, he could see the van scurry to a stop, smoke and what looked like the aftermath of an explosive right in front of them. “Jason?” Tim exclaimed, only to catch a glimpse of the Red Hood coming out of the smoke dramatically. He sighed a breath of relief. 
“What, worried about me Timbers?” Jason sing-songed, and from the roof Tim could see two agents exiting the van as Jason drew his guns. Tim huffed a laugh. “Stay out of sight, not sure what weapons they have on hand.”
Jason sneered at the white-suited agents as they approached him with a haughty walk. “The fuck do you think you’re doing kidnapping kids in my territory?” Jason called out to them, and the second guy paused. They weren’t actually in Jason’s area, but Gotham counted as his territory when he wanted it to be.
“You misunderstand,”The first agent said calmly, holding up his glowing green weapon nonchalantly. “I’m agent K with the Ghost Investigation Ward, we’re simply taking the entity in. It’s just possessing the boy, and it’s our job to apprehend it. You’re interfering with government jurisdiction.”
Jason let out a breath, but cocked his guns. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re doing. Step away from the vehicle before I start shooting.”
Agent K looked incredibly annoyed and yet smug as he slowly lowered his weapons. “Fine, we’ll do things your way. Agent O?”
At that, the other Agent dropped his weapons, including what looked like a glowing green grenade that rolled towards Jason. Hood cursed and leaped away as it went off in a flash of green light, firing at the Agents as they pulled out their weapons. Jason hadn’t seen any weapons like theirs in action before, but it was clearly heavy duty. Agent O even  tried to shoot a fucking net at him like he was some kind of crime fighting fish. Frustratingly, they kept him on his toes while he ducked behind a car. Jason managed to hit Agent K in the shoulder before the two ducked behind the car door. Hood caught a glimpse of them inching back to their van, and made to follow when suddenly the van itself rumbled. 
Tim and Jason’s eyes widened as what looked like missiles and lasers appeared from the van and locked onto Jason. “Shit,”Jason cursed, woefully unprepared for their tanked up van. Three missiles immediately took off, and Jason did his best to get to better cover while green lasers shot at him. One of the grenades from earlier hurtled towards him too, and it was at that moment that Jason vowed to blow up each and every one of those white suits in the van. He hissed as a lazer caught his leg and grazed his side. Clearly the weapons were made to hit ghosts, but damn, they still hurt. He needed to step back and regroup. As much as he hated to admit it he’d need backup. Or more firepower to counter these weapon-crazed maniacs. 
“Hood! They’re getting away and the tracker is down!” Tim shouted in his ear. Jason grimaced. 
“Little busy here,”Jason grunted as two missiles collided with each other, but the force of the blow blew him back, dragging his feet on the pavement. The third one struck him before he had time to dodge, and all he heard was the screeching of tires getting further away as it went off, sending him into darkness. 
Tim cursed as Jason was thrown back into a building before slumping to the ground. The van was gone and the tracker malfunctioned when the weird energy sources of the van's weapons activated. As much as Tim would have liked to go after Danny, he didn’t have a car or his Red Robin suit, nor a way to track them anymore. And Hood was down, He thought dryly. 
Hood was already moving by the time Tim skidded to his side. There was no blood, so Tim figured it was just a lot of percussive force damaging his brother. He’d have a lot of bruises for sure. As Hood grumbled and caught his bearings, Tim helped him stand, finding burns through his armor on his side and left thigh from the lasers. He grimaced in sympathy. 
“You okay?” Tim asked once Hood was standing. He didn’t seem injured too badly, but might have a concussion if not for the red helmet on his head. 
“Yeah,”Hood coughed. “Nothing I can’t handle. Wasn’t prepared for that shit though. The fuck do they have so many heavy duty weapons?” Hood spat, brushing off Tim’s hands. “Any way to track them?”
Tim shook his head. “I didn’t see Phantom anywhere but they managed to get Danny by roping the vice principal into setting up a trap for him. I didn’t notice until after they had him.” 
“Shit, think they got Phantom too?”Jason swore again, but went over to where his motorcycle was, dragging Tim with him. “C’mon, we’ll find them.”
“Yeah,”Tim responded, feeling his brain buzz with anxiety and plans. He’d have to figure out where the GIW base was, how they got into Gotham, and hack into the CCTVs to figure out if Phantom was around. A helmet was shoved into his arms and Tim jolted back to the present. 
“We’re on our own for this one. B and the others are on their way to the Gala already,”Jason said, revving the motorcycle. “Sides, not much we can do until we track down the van. We’ll gear up at my place and come up with a plan before looping in everyone else.”
“I can loop in Spoiler,”Tim added, twisting his arms around Hood’s waist. Jason grunted in agreement and they made their way to Jason’s apartment without following most traffic signals. The whole way, Tim worried about his friend and what the GIW would do to him. Though he had one big question hanging over him. Where was Phantom?
Chapter 20
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azucarmorena97 · 25 days
Money Ties (Jungkook Love Story || Pt.11)
Pt.10 || Pt.12
Your parents have worked hard to get to the top and have made sure to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this business: from tough but lucrative financial decisions, down to the right ball gown for any given banquet. A promising and extravagant future awaits you- that is, if you agree to one teensy detail...
Son of Mr.Jeon Sr. and heir to June Company, Jeon Jungkook is an immature playboy with nothing to offer a woman but good looks and a crap ton of money, and he stands to inherit much MUCH more, so long as you both enter into the arranged marriage contract that was drawn up before the pair of you were even born.
You're more than willing to try, but you're not sure you'll be able to stand each other long enough to inherit a single penny...
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Series Warnings: There will be smut in the near future and I will label those chapters as such. As I say before most of my pieces- I do not endorse any themes, ideas, or behaviors in this series. This is all purely fiction/fantasy! Feel free to inbox me suggestions/ideas/what you'd like to see in this series and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy <3
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Recap: Suddenly, it's as though the world was set to slow motion; Frame by frame, you watch as Jungkook lifts your veil, the last barrier between you and destiny.
He wraps his arm around your waist and brings you closer to him until your faces are centimeters apart, "To the ride," He whispers, drawing back to the night where you both shared a toast at the bar. "To the ride."
His lips collide with yours and eventually, you don't know where you end and he begins- as now, and forevermore, you are but one flesh.
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When he pulls away, he looks at you under hooded eyes, lashes barely exposing his beautiful brown irises. You'd give anything to stay like this...
But of course, it comes time for the both of you to turn to everyone: friends, family, and receive their love and cheers. He grabs your hand and then the both of you are running out of the ballroom, the crowds muted by the double doors closing behind the both of you.
For a moment, you and him are alone again, as the photographers haven't made their way out to take your photos.
"You look so beautiful..." He says, his own cheeks blushing slightly. "Thanks...They-they found a dress," You say, adjusting your shoulder straps nervously, feeling quite shy yourself under his gaze.
"I can see..." He can't take his eyes off of you, meanwhile, you're looking everywhere else but at him; you might just burst if you do.
Finally, the photographer comes out and leads you both out to the courtyard of the hotel; the perfect spot for photos. There's a tall fence around the perimeter of the courtyard, along with a tall hedge full of beautiful flowers. You do, however, spot a few cameras being held high on the other side of the fence in order to capture a few lucky pictures of your groom. "Are those...paparazzi?" You ask. "Yeah...a lot of people really care about our wedding." "I can see."
It does make you a tad uncomfortable, but you try to shake it off; this is something you'll have to get used to. Back home, no one really recognizes you- although, you do typically keep a pretty low profile. Jungkook, on the other hand, has a slew of loyal followers ranging in the thousands- as confirmed by his social media.
"Okay, Mr.Jeon, can we get one of you hugging her?" The photographer asks. Without hesitation, Jungkook pulls you in from your waist, pressing you close to himself. You blush, not used to such public displays of affection...not used to affection very much at all, considering you've never had a boyfriend. This is gonna take some getting used to.
"Mrs.Jeon, a little more to the left."
That's gonna take some getting used to, too.
"Ah! Mr. and Mrs.Jeon!" B/f/n's voice travels over to the both of you as the bridesmaids and groomsmen all trail behind her into the courtyard.
"Shut up," You laugh. "My man!" One of the groomsmen come up to Jungkook and hugs him, "I'm happy for you- for the both of yo." He turns to you and extends his hand for you to shake.
"Thanks, uhm...?" "I'm sorry, I know we haven't formally met you. I'm Felix," He says with a sweet smile. He's quite handsome, as is typical for Jungkook's friends. "I'm Y/n," You say with a slight bow.
"That's Mrs.Jeon to you," Jungkook cuts back in, wrapping his arm around your bare shoulders, though his smile is playful.
Suddenly, Jungkook is abruptly pulled of of you, "Kookie! I'm so happy for you!" Lisa exclaims, throwing herself on him before he gets a chance to react. He doesn't hug her back, just keeps his arms open, "Lisa- I- uhm, thanks."
She pulls away slightly, though she doesn't let him go, "Look at you all grown up and mature now."
You didn't think she'd stoop so low, but here she is blatantly flirting with him in front of you and everyone else. "Yeah...thanks," Jungkook says, clearly uncomfortable. He gently pulls her off of himself, which is clearly a move she didn't expect from him because she immediately goes into clean-up mode, "And you- you make the most beautiful bride, Y/n!"
"Thanks." You can't even be bothered to say anymore than that because if you do, these cameras are gonna catch you pummeling her into the ground in your wedding dress.
"Anyway!" B/f/n cuts into the conversation, emphasizing how awkward the interaction is, "Time for pictures!"
And, as though someone has flipped a switch, everyone is back to their excitement and merriment.
Except, of course, Lisa.
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All things considered, the time spent taking pictures was a breeze. Everyone got their chance to pose with you and Jungkook, and you're sure even the paparazzi must've gotten a few good shots.
Now, you're all standing outside of the dining hall waiting to be announced upon entry. Pair by pair, each bridesmaid and goormsman walks in until it's only you and Jungkook.
"Ready?" He asks, a smile on his face as he takes a deep breath. You nod, "Ready."
"And now, I'd like to present, for the first time ever as man and wife, Mr. and Mrs.Jeon!"
You and Jungkook enter into a room teeming with cheers and shouts, a few tables being banged on in excitement.
Of course, unable to resist the applause, Jungkook take an exaggerated bow and then pulls your hand straight up in the air in triumph before leading you to the table where all your court is already sat, with two large empty seats in the middle, saved for the both of you.
Slowly, guests come up to congratulate you both personally, their smiles genuine and warm. All this time you spent dreading your wedding day; you never thought you'd feel so at peace in your new role- of course, it's only been about an hour and a half.
You spot Namjoon walking around from table to table recording people, "Wanna say a few words to the bride and groom?" He looks quite happy for being "Jungkook's babysitter", as he'd put it that night at Jungkook's birthday party. You chuckle. "Namjoon's funny, isn't he?" Jungkook asks, as though he's able to read your mind. "Yeah...very much so." "You know he's totally in love with B/f/n, right?" "Totally." You watch as B/f/n follows him around with a small ring light.
Soon, people start making their way to the dance floor, having had their fill of food and drinks. "Come dance with us, Mr. and Mrs.Jeon," B/f/n says, pulling on your wrist. You look at Jungkook who is aggressively noding his head, "Oh, absolutely." He puts his drink down and then grabs your other wrist, the both of them leading to the dancefloor with the rest of your court- except Lisa, who you spotted only moments ago, seething, sitting at a table with Rose, arms crossed.
You all dance together in a cluster on the dance floor, Jungkook and Felix are clowns, of course, and soon they're pulling their pant legs up so they can get in a "twerking stance." "They're a little too good at this," B/f/n laughs, "Oh, you should see him twerk on a door," Namjoon cuts in, bringing his drink up to his lips as he sways slightly. Jungkook looks at Namjoon, clearly already a little buzzed and he puts his hands square on Namjoon's shoulders, "You were the best ring bearer that ever...beared rings." "And you were the best groom that ever...Yeah, let me not finish that sentence." "Aaaay! The wedding man!" You all turn to see Jin coming up and throwing his arm on Jungkook's shoulders, "You sly devil, how'd you manage to nab a girl this fine," He says, motioning to you. Jungkook's tone gets immediately more serious, "Yo, that's my wife." "Of course, of course. I'm sorry- you know how I get when I get a few drinks in me. I say whetever comes to mind." "Oh, we know." Namjoon rolls his eyes. Jin says, "I'm so glad there was a wedding after all." "The wedding was never off, dweeb," Namjoon looks annoyed whenever he has to interact with Jin- I wonder if it's because he's almost always intoxicated. Jin furrows his brows, "I know, I meant after the whole dress thing." You all look at each other in confusion, "What about my dress?" You ask, narrowing your eyes at him.
As far as you know, your mom and B/f/n didn't tell anyone about the dress except Jungkook and it was right before the ceremony. The dress you're wearing now is one they'd previously considered at the bridal shop weeks ago that they'd held on to in case you didn't like the first one. How the hell did this bozo know anything about your dress?
"Oh- uhm, your dress? I- I didn't mean to say that," Jin's eyes widen and he starts trying to backtrack. Jungkook gets in his face and takes Jin's arm off from his shoulders, "No, too late. Say what you were going to say." "It's nothing, man. Like I said, I say anything when I'm drunk." "Jin." With Namjoon and Jungkook both standing so close to his face, Jin has no choice but to give in to the pressure. "LisatoldRosethatshewasgonnaruinY/n'sdressbforetheceremony!" He blurts. "What?" Jungkook asks. "Ugh...Lisa told Rose that she was gonna ruin Y/n's dress before the ceremony. She's been planning it since Mrs.Jeon asked her to be a bridemsaid..."
Your heart is pounding in your chest. Of course it was her. How could you not have known? The nerves and adrenaline of it all completely clouded your judgment before. You and B/f/n immediately start looking around for Lisa. Wedding or not, you're gonna beat this bitch's ass.
"Do you see her? I don't see her," B/f/n says, still looking around. "She was just there, what the hell?" You groan. When you turn back to say something to Jungkook, you realize he's not there anymore. "What- where'd he go?" You ask Namjoon, who only points in the direction of the dining hall doors.
You see Jungkook walking over to the security guards standing at their posts. You pick up the skirt of your dress and follow after him. Once you get over to where he is, the bodyguards immediately walk in the directions of the tables. "What- what are you doing?" He doesn't answer, just stands there watching. The goofiness from minutes before is gone and he seems completely sobered up. You both watch as the security guards approach a birdesmaid over at the punch bowl- It's Lisa.
They exchange a few words, her face going from confused to irritated, her eyes immediately darting to Jungkook, and then settling on you.
All three of them walk back toward where you are, right in front of the doors, and you see some people who were sitting in that general vicinity are now staring, whispering to each other. Everyone else seems completely oblivious.
"Kookie, what's going on?" She asks, her eyes switching from snake to deer in the headlights, but you know better than to fall into it. Does Jungkook?
"Cut the shit, Lisa. Jin told us everything," Jungkook hisses. "What- what are you talking about?" She starts playing with her fingernails, getting more and more nervous but trying to play it cool. "The dress, Lisa. The fucking dress. How could you do this to me? To Y/n?" "Are you insinuating that I had something to do with her dress?" She narrows her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
"You know, so many people have tried to warn me over the years, but I ignored it all. I ignored the warnings, I ignored the cattiness, I ignored the childish games- this ends here."
Her eyes get wide again, "Kook, come on. It's- it's not that serious. She found another dress- Y/n, come on. Can't fight your own battles so you got my best friend to turn on me?-" "Don't ever talk to my wife again." "Jungkook-" She puts her hand on Jungkook's arm but he swiftly pulls it away, "Get her out of here." He doesn't even stick around to watch her go, just grabs your hand and leads you out of the double doors and back out to the courtyard where you'd previously taken pictures with your court.
Once you're outside, he lets go of your hand and just leans against a pillar, putting his face in his hands, "I'm so sorry, Y/n."
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"Jungkook, it's okay. I-" "No, it's not. You tried to tell me again and again and I didn't listen. I couldn't protect you even from something so petty. I'm so sorry-" You step toward him and take his hands off of his face, "Hey..." You say gently, looking up at him. "Hey..." He says, sadness melting into a small smile.
You hadn't noticed it before under the dim lights of the dining hall, but his cheeks are flushed the perfect shade of soft pink, the drinks having caught up to him, despite how soberly he was talking only moments ago. His hair is just messy enough to fall in his eyes, but still neat enough to hold an entire photoshoot for Calvin Klein if he wanted to, especially with his loosened tie and slightly unbuttoned dress shirt.
Again, Michelangelo's David comes to mind.
You stand in silence for a bit, basking in each other's presence; the first time you've been alone as husband and wife. It feels the same...and yet different. Jungkook's called you his wife twice tonight. Both times, it made your heart stir in your chest. You're his wife...
"You're my husband now," You say shyly, putting your hands behind your back and looking down, your smile practically cramping up your cheeks,
"I am," He chuckles, staring at you.
He takes another step closer and lifts your chin, your eyes locking once again, though just as you think he might kiss you, he's pulling your arms onto his shoulders and snaking his around your waist, beginning to sway with you. You only now notice that they've begun to play a slow song inside, the distance making the melody barely audible...but you don't mind.
You're in his arms again.
You lock your hands together behind his neck, letting him lead you, and you just let your head rest on him. After a moment, you realize he's humming. "You know this song?" You ask. "Mhm...She is Love by Parachute." "It's pretty." He doesn't respond, choosing instead to sing the words softly to you.
"It was all the same, all my pride and shame, but she put me on my feet... They call her love, love, love, love. She is love and she is all I need. She is love and she is all I need. She is love, and she is all I need."
His voice so angelic, you wish you could record this moment.
But that's the thing about these beautiful moments; we always wish we could capture them somehow, though if we could, they might not be so special anymore.
Maybe what makes them so, is their inability to be bottled up.
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You and Jungkook are back at the dinner table chatting it up with your court, the only empty seat being Lisa's. Funny enough, Rose and Jin seem perfectly settled in and comfortable despite the fact that their bestie has been swiftly kicked out. You're sure Rose's mission is now to relay everything to Lisa.
"Excuse me everyone, may I please have your attention! Before we wrap up the party, the father of the groom would like to say a few words to the Bride and Groom." The DJ says, the lights brightening just a bit as Mr. and Mrs.Jeon Sr. come up to stand by the booth.
"Yes, hello everyone," Mr.Jeon bows, "I'm so happy that everyone came to support our family on this momentous occasion. Truly, an occasion we've looked forward to since the day our son was born," From where you and Jungkook sit, it almost looks like Mr.Jeon's eyes are watering.
"As you all know, this wedding will mark the beginning of the merger of our family companies, with my son and new daughter-in-law being the heirs. We cannot begin to express how incredibly proud we are of them- so, as a gift to express our love, my wife and I, along with Mr.L/n and Mrs.L/n, have gotten the bridge and groom a gift."
He waves you and Jungkook over, to which you both respond by looking at each other confusedly. Jungkook helps you out of your seat and you walk up to them. Mr.Jeon hands an envelope to Jungkook, who quickly opens it and pulls out its contents.
A paper, and two sets of keys.
"Wait-" Jungkook says, brows furrowed. He passes the paper to you and then looks at his dad, an expression of complete disbelief. "Congratulations, son."
A house. They've bought you a house.
Everyone begins cheering at every table, as though they've instantly understood the gift.
Jungkook immediately hugs his dad, and then his shoulders start shaking violently- he's begun to cry, and so has his father. You hug Mrs.Jeon tightly, and then go over to your parents who are sat at a table a few feet away, hugging them with all of your strength, your own tears falling onto their shoulders.
You rejoin Jungkook after he's had his moment, and he takes the mic from his dad, "Wow, I cannot tell you all how shocked we are. This was truly unexpected. I think I can speak for my wife-" He glances over at you, a smile on his face as he says it, "- and myself when I say that we are so grateful for the support our parents have given us, and also for the support you've all shown us. Not just today but every day leading up to this and even before. Friends, family- we love you all so much.
We couldn't have done it without you."
The rest of the party was a blur after that moment; more food, more drinks, more laughter and joy, and before you know it, it's all come to an end. "Okay, let's get you back to the hotel and get you out of this dress so you guys can pack your suitcase for the honeymoon!" B/f/n says, grabbing her purse and walking over to Namjoon really quickly. Jungkook looks at you, his soft eyes taking you in; you'll only be in this dress for a little while longer...he's not so eager to end this night yet. "Wanna go somewhere?" He says quietly. To which you smile and respond, "Sure."
"Ready?" B/f/n says, bright eyed and bushy tailed for someone who had thrown back at least 5 shots in the last hour and a half. "Uhm...I'm actually..." You don't quite know how to say it. "I'm gonna take her to the hotel," Jungkook interjects. "What? But you still have to-" "That sounds just fine," Namjoon says, coming up behind B/f/n and lightly pushing her along, giving the both of you a knowing smile. "Wait-" "Let's go, B/f/n," He coaxes. You and Jungkook share a little laugh and then walk out hand in hand to the car.
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This time, rather than having a driver, Jungkook is behind the wheel. His arm is extended past the center console and resting on your knee, his thumb stroking the fabric gently. Your heart skips with every touch, and suddenly you feel like a shy teenager; maybe this is what Madonna was talking about when she sang, 'Like a Virgin'.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks, glancing at you. It's only just dawned on you that you've been quiet the entire car ride, which has been about 20 minutes. "I...I don't know." "Liar," He smiles. "I guess I'm just...taking it all in." "Me too." He pulls into a gas station and turns the car off, "Come on." "What? Where?" "Into the unknoooown," He sings. "Never took you as a Disney Princess guy," You laugh. He doesn't acknowledge what you'd said, just exits the car and walks around and opens your door, "My queen." His exaggerated bow elicits another laugh. You gather your skirt and somehow manage to jump out of the car. One arm hooked around his, you both walk into the gas station store. The few people inside turn to look at you and just continue staring. It was probably a strange scene: a bride and groom strolling in casually, walking over to the chip section. You almost wanna laugh imagining it from their perspective. "Pick anything you want," Jungkook says, excitedly picking up a few bags of chips for himself. You carefully examine the wide selection. He walks away to, you assume, look at more things- but when he comes back, he has a basket full of things. You toss a few bags of chips and a candy bar into the basket, along with two drinks; one for hydration, one for pleasure. "Done." He nods and walks over to the counter. "Will that be all?" The cashier says sarcastically. "Wait, wait..." Jungkook tosses in a small pack of gum, "Done."
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You ride in happy silence, windows down, your hair falling out of the once-elegant wedding hair style, though you look just as beautiful- at least, that's what Jungkook thinks. You finally drive into a parking lot set on a hill, overlooking the beautiful cityscape. The businesses that would normally be bustling with clientele are closed for the night, so it's only the two of you there.
"Wow...it's beautiful out here," You say, dazzled by the way the lights twinkle down below, cars going back and forth, weaving in and out of sight between the buildings. "Yeah. I first found this spot a few years ago during one of my...not so bright moments," He chuckles, grabbing the bag with all the snacks and taking out his banana milk, "and I've just been coming ever since." "Hmm," You nod, thinking about what he's just said. Not so bright moments... "What does that mean?" You ask. You would've normally left suuch a vague statement alone, thinking if he wanted to expand then he would, but fuck it. That's your husband now, right? You deserve to know...you want to know. You want to know him so badly, now more than ever.
"What, did Namjoon not do a good enough job telling you all my business?" He smirks, causing you to roll your eyes playfully, "Shut up." His smile fades slightly as he sinks into deep thought; as though he's carefully selecting what words to use. "Well...after I came out of rehab, I kind of didn't know what to do with myself. I knew I couldn't go back to how I was living before, as far as the heavy drinking and the drugs- I had done a lot of damage to my family, you know? I couldn't bear to disappoint them like that again," He sighs, taking a sip of his drink, "So, I would spend hours- some times all night- just driving and driving. I drove everywhere, all alone. I drove angry, I drove sad, I drove numb, I drove happy...not that I had many happy moments at that time." You turn in your seat (as best as you can in this big ass dress) and look at him as he talks.
"Did you...ever ask anyone to drive with you?" He furrows his brows, a confused expression on his face, "No, I...I guess I didn't know that I could." Without another word, you reach over and grab his hand, squeezing it lightly. "You might just be the only person in my world who can relate to this feeling," He says in a low voice, looking down at your hands; you do the same. You know exactly what he means.
When you look back up, he's already looking at you; his eyes are low, dark obsidian pupils flickering back and forth from your eyes, to your lips, "Y/n..." "Yes?" You whisper, heart so loud you hear it in your ears. "Can I kiss you again?"
You nod, chest rising up and down as your breath catches in your throat. Not even at "You may kiss the bride" did your heart beat so fast as it does now.
His lips press firmly against yours and slowly, you feel both yours and his head moving rhythmically together.
When he pulls away breathlessly, you can see a tiny bit of your makeup on his nose and mouth, causing you to let out a little laugh.
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"What?" He smiles, "Nothing..." You reach over and grab the side of his face, and this time, its your thumb stroking his cheek.
You could look at him forever...
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Thanks for being patient in your wait for the next part! Let me know what more you want to see going forward into their married life! DM me some juicy drama to add in :)
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cochineal-leviat · 10 months
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Kirby reference The Midnight Soirée chapter 1 & 2
This is Kirby in full! Usually, I would do a full rotation, but I'm too lazy. Unless the other side profile differs greatly, I will keep doing only one side profile for every reference I post.
Fluff 1-5
A warning for minor spoilers for The Midnight Soirée.
Colour Pallete:
Although saturated, Kirby's palette is colourful and uses all colours on the colour wheel except for purple and orange (well, the blue in his eyes is slightly purple and brown is desaturated orange). Kirby is a colourful character; I want to convey that in their colour palette. I had to use grey for the trousers to naturalise the other colours, but I'm pretty happy with it even though it took me a long time to find the right colours to use. Kirby's colour palette is more suited for the natural life on earth than Fluff's reference (which you can see in the preview I posted), as Fluff's colours are much more saturated and benefiting of a supernatural creature whose domain is in the void.
The boots and gloves are red to match each other, but also because I am a sucker for Kirby's iconic red shoe look, I wanted to keep that fun detail in his human form. The gloves/gauntlets were a gift from Meta Knight gift before they embarked on their journey. They are red because Meta Knight used Duke Dedede's favourite colour. As are the boots Bandana Dee gave to match the gloves as Meta Knight and Bandana Dee coordinated their gifts. Duke Dedede chose a blue cloak to represent both Meta Knight and Bandana Dee as they are associated with the colour blue (dark blue for Meta Knight and sky blue for Bandana Dee)
(*More on the cape in the next reference)
(**More on the tunic itself on the reference - sans cape)
Instead, like Meta Knight did by stamping his sigil on Kirby's gloves, Duke Dedede gave Kirby a belt buckle with his emblem. It is subtler than his original plan of emblazing his logo on the back of Kirby's cape. As cool as it would have been, as Kirby laments in Chapter 2 of MS - it would have been too eye-catching and drawn highwaymen to Kirby, who needs to keep a low cover if they want to explore the continent of Popstar without being bothered every turn.
Kirby's clothes are dirty, and doing upkeep on his clothes is difficult while travelling. But they are not super filthy, as Kirby has not travelled that far from Sunset Mountain Range. They are a week away on horseback from the infamous southern mountains of the country of Dreamland. Although Kirby has been taking the scenic route stopping by all the sights and staying at every village to get to know the world beyond the mountain he grew up in. (Well, he was born at the base and only started living at the summit with Dedede, Bandana and Meta after a good while of being friends)
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Hood up! Kirby and * more information about the cape. The rabbit fur is missing some strands because of Kirby's rough travelling style and habit of getting into fights. The fur comes from the rabbits' Sunset Mountain is famous for as Dedede's dukedom handles livestock and its savoury cuisine. (They know how to throw a good potluck). It is customary in Southern Dreamland to sew a travelling gift with this rabbit fur for luck in one's travels. Duke Dedede personally caught the rabbit, skinned it and made a parting dinner with it to wish Kirby safe travels, as the gift would be moot if he did not prepare the rabbit himself.
You can see a subtle star design on Kirby's back with the hood up. The whole cloak represents Kirby's name and connection to the stars. Kirby's full name is Kirby From the Stars/de las Estrellas (the latter is a surname Meta Knight gifted Kirby to protect them from human society and from the Nightly Folk). A nickname that transformed from 'Kirby Godess gifted' to 'Kirby Godess's gift', 'Kirby Starbright' all the way to' child descended from the star' as Kirby's actions proceeded him. Dedede commissioned this cape in Kirby's honour to call back to their first meeting and the amount of effort and work it took for them to become friends/family. Kirby's greatest treasures are the three gifts from his friends (cloak, gloves and boots).
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Dirtless! Kirby. This is after Kirby landed in Underhill. Fluff repaired his cape and polished his shoes and gloves. Other than that, there is not much to say. The patch to Kirby's trousers is left intact because Fluff thought it was a part of the outfit and not a literal patch-up job Kirby did because he tore his pants in the first week of travelling. 
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**As you can see, without the cloak, Kirby lacks the colour blue (aside from his eyes). The green sweater contrasts the red of the boots and gloves, and the yellow contrasts all the blue shades. As for why the tunic is split colour - it is because originally, the tunic was entirely yellow. But that didn't fit Kirby, plus I wanted Kirby to have pink on him as he wouldn't have pink hair as a human (yet). Since the cloak covers the tunic, it doesn't attract too much attention, and even then, a lot of peasant clothing had fun designs. As long as something doesn't look too fancy, Kirby won't be mistaken as a noble or servant of a noble. 
I lovingly call this tunic the Strawberry Custard Tunic. Strawberry because pink for Kirby and the Custard for the yellow dye in relation to Keeby, with the original tunic colour being a reference to them. The tunic's design is inspired by the Hylian tunic from BOTW/TOTK. Which was probably obvious with the leather chest plate. The tassels bring out Kirby's playful side and help spread the pink/yellow across the whole tunic. One side is longer than the other simply to enhance the design a bit, as an even-cut hem is not Kirby's style. Even if I gave Kirby an even-hem, it would slit at the sides for more spatial movement. Kirby's earthen look isn't all that exciting, so the little details go a long way, like the sleeves of the outer tunic, which are flowy and stitched to create folds.
As Kirby bemoans, his tunic isn't very pretty or festive, so they were so tempted to wear the dresses in the closet in chapter one. It is a shame I never got to draw/write Kirby with a dress. Well, maybe next time. :)
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And finally, at the end of chapter 1, Kirby with the blue rose behind his ear. A blue rose symbolises mystery or attaining the impossible. They are notorious for their 'love at first sight' meaning, and as Fluff gave Kirby one thornless rose, this meaning is amplified as gifting one rose means 'you are the one/you are still the one' and a thornless one also means 'love at first sight'. So it's 'love at first sight' message is doubled. It also adds Fluff's blues to Kirby's palette and nicely matches Kirby's blue cloak. 
Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 sees two major differences to Kirby. His hair change, and the sash Fluff gives them. The sash was neither a gift nor a deal because Fluff's sash tied Kirby to Fluff. This way, Fluff knew where Kirby was throughout the whole night. Once Kirby discarded the sash later in the fic, Fluff lost his ability to locate Kirby. 
Fluff changed Kirby's hair pink as a part of a mini deal. Interestingly enough, the pink used for Kirby's hair is not Fluff's brand of pink but the same pink as Kirby's split tunic. It also fits them more than the blonde hair did. Though I am sure many people in their world would disagree with this statement. (The pink also fits the blue rose better. Though that might be my bias showing)
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(A closer look comparing Kirby with their natural blonde hair and the pink hair Marquis Fluff magicked without the blue rose.)
I made Kirby blonde because it's the brightest colour next to pink, as I could not make Kirby pink-haired from the start. Pink hair on a human would be really suspicious. If Kirby had been born with pink hair despite being fully human, he would have been tossed into the woods, never to be seen again. Either mauled to death, succumbing to starvation/dehydration or taken in by one of the elusive fae this story is centred around. Now, Fae! Kirby would be a very interesting character to write about. But that is not for this story... 
Kirby's dirty blonde hair (or pudding blonde, as I like to call it) makes the blue of his cape stand out more. If I had chosen brown hair, which is closer to pink and easier to make a gradient out of, it would have blended too much with the fur on the cloak. This worked back when Kirby's cloak was more on the green/cyan side. But that was before I made Kirby's cape and Fluff's tights match. (Though Kirby's hair does appear brown in low light/the dark)
I can also geek out about Kirby's eye colour with this close-up. Kirby's eyes have violet shading in this AU to bring in the colour purple to their palette and accentuate the blues. But also to differentiate this Kirby from canon Kirby as I paint puffball Kirby and Gijnka Kirby with green-blue eyes. Kirby's undertunic woollen sweater is already green, so it would have been too much green. Plus, I couldn't have it contrast with the pinks Kirby uses/is going to use. Blue/violet is a nice compromise as it is analogous to purple. 
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And now the last touch - the flower crown Fluff weaved into Kirby's hair as Kirby took a nap. They are just a bunch of pink and white roses. Nothing sinister about it :) (I got a little lazy with them, but you get the gist)
Okay, but seriously. The meaning of white and pink roses is peculiar. On their own white roses represent loyalty, purity, and innocence. It is a popular wedding flower and can also mean: eternal love and a brand new start. Pink Roses mean grace and sweetness. Other interpretations include; gentleness, appreciation, joy, thankfulness, and elegance. Pink and white roses are used in anniversaries, graduations or as wedding gifts. 
Combined, the Blue rose, pink and white roses mean: "Love at first sight, pure/gentle and graceful/elegant person - I attained the impossible/mystery, and I am thankful for this joy/new beginning you bestowed upon me." 
And so, in the end, Fluff's magenta and blue shades have been added to Kirby's colour palette. More of Kirby's references follow after Fluff's turn with his early chapters appearances. 
Thank you so much for making it to the end of my design notes. Until next time. ♪(^∇^*)ブ
(Don't be afraid to ask questions about this AU. I am all too happy to answer them)
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ramesho7 · 1 year
Asus vivobook 16 5600H leptop review performance | AMD RYZEN 5 | windows11
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The Asus VivoBook 16 5600H laptop is a powerful and stylish device that offers impressive performance for both work and play. This laptop features a 15.6-inch FHD display that delivers stunning visuals with vivid colors and sharp details. The screen also boasts an anti-glare coating, which reduces eye strain and makes it easier to work or watch content for extended periods.
Under the hood, the Asus VivoBook 16 5600H is powered by an AMD Ryzen 5 5600H processor, which is a powerful chip that can handle demanding applications with ease. The laptop also features 8GB of DDR4 RAM and a 512GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD, providing plenty of storage space and quick access to your files.
The laptop's design is sleek and modern, with a slim profile and a minimalist aesthetic that makes it easy to take with you wherever you go. The keyboard is comfortable to type on and features a backlit design that makes it easy to work in low-light conditions. The touchpad is also responsive and accurate, making it easy to navigate the operating system and applications.
In terms of connectivity, the Asus VivoBook 16 5600H comes equipped with a range of ports, including USB-C, USB 3.2, HDMI, and a headphone/microphone jack. The laptop also features Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0, providing fast and reliable wireless connectivity.
Overall, the Asus VivoBook 16 5600H is an excellent laptop that delivers impressive performance, stylish design, and a range of features that make it perfect for work or play. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, this laptop is a great choice for anyone who needs a powerful and reliable device.
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Death Hunter - CR12 Undead
A higher CR version of yesterday’s Unlocked Minor Reaper, for higher level PCs.
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Artwork by Vuk Kostic, aka Chevsy, formerly on DeviantArt.  I was able to find an archive of some of his pieces on another blog.
It took all of my willpower not to name this creature “Moderate Reaper.”
For the most part, this is effectively a higher CR version of yesterday’s Unlocked Minor Reaper, which was a redesign of the minions of the Grim Reaper.  I wanted to give game masters some different options for reapers of different levels.  It does have some new abilities though: truesight vs. a single target, instant draw, and the ability to fly.
Death Hunters serve the Grim Reaper in the same way as Minor Reapers, but due to their more powerful abilities, they are more likely to be sent after high-profile targets that are likely to be well-defended.
Minor Reapers can be created by high level necromancers using Create Greater Undead, but Death Hunters cannot.
Death Hunter - CR 12
This tall, cloaked figure stares out from the black hood that covers its head. It wields an enormous scythe in its skeletal, bone-white hands, looking as though it is freezing the very air around it.  It’s wearing armor, and seems intent on its prey, as it flies on black wings like those of a raven.
XP 19,200 LE Medium undead (evil, extraplanar) Init +9 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +18
AC 29, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+7 armor, +5 Dex, +7 natural) hp 187 (15d8+120) Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +9 DR 5/cold iron or good Immune cold, undead traits
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) Melee +1 cold iron scythe +16/+11/+6 (2d4+5/×4 plus death touch) Ranged +1 composite longbow +17/+12/+7 (1d8+4/x3 plus death touch) Special Attacks fear cone (30 ft., DC 24), reaper’s mark
Spell-like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +18)    1/day—Finger of Death (DC 24; see text)
Str 16, Dex 20, Con —, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 24 Base Atk +11; CMB +16 (+18 to overrun and reposition); CMD 29 (31 vs. overrun and reposition) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved Reposition, Point Blank Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus (scythe) Skills Fly +14, Intimidate +14, Perception +18, Stealth +18 SQ sole target Languages Common, Infernal, Necril Gear mwk banded mail, +1 composite longbow (+3 strength), +1 cold iron scythe, 100 arrows
Death Touch (Su) Creatures hit by either a death hunter’s touch attack or by a weapon wielded by a death hunter must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or gain 1d4 negative levels.  The save DC is Charisma-based.  A humanoid slain by a death hunter’s death touch is consumed in unholy fire and has its remains destroyed as the destruction spell.  This is a death effect.
Sole Target (Su) Each death hunter is assigned a specific target by the reaper that summoned it or the necromancer that commands it.  It attempts to kill that target at the exclusion of all other foes, dealing with other attackers only once its sole target is dead (though it may use abilities such as combat maneuvers or its fear cone to get past other creatures, and may attack them directly if doing so doesn’t interfere with going after its sole target, such as with attacks of opportunity).
If a creature attacks a death hunter targeting another creature, once per hour that death hunter may immediately summon another death hunter as an immediate action to battle the interceding creature unless the interloper is already in battle with a death hunter or other reaper of its own, in which case the ability is wasted.  If a death hunter does not or cannot use this ability immediately after being attacked, it must wait until it is attacked once again in order to do so.
When a death hunter is summoned, the death hunter that summoned it must audibly speak in Necril to tell it which creature to target; without this instruction, it will not attack except to defend itself.  This summon has a duration of 1 hour.  A summoned death hunter cannot use its own Sole Target ability to summon additional death hunters.  If a summoned death hunter kills the target it was summoned to face, the summon ends early and it disappears.
Reaper’s Mark (Su) As a swift action, a death hunter can point at its sole target and speak in Necril to verbally designate that target as its foe.  The death hunter gains a +2 insight bonus to hit the target, always knows the target’s precise location, gains the effects of truesight against the target, and can use Finger of Death against the target.  This effect lasts for 24 hours.  A death hunter can only have a reaper’s mark active against a single creature; using it on a new creature ends the previous effect.
Finger of Death (Sp) A death hunter can cast Finger of Death, but only against a target it has marked with Reaper’s Mark.  Doing so is a one-round action instead of a standard action.  A death hunter cannot cast Finger of Death on the same round as it uses Reaper’s Mark.
Fatal Shot (Ex) As a full-round action, a death hunter can fire a single arrow at a target that is infused with deadly power.  This attack gains a +8 bonus to hit and deals double damage.  A death hunter suffers a -2 penalty to AC for 1 round after using this ability.
Instant Draw (Su) A death hunter can teleport its scythe or longbow into its hands as a free action from anywhere (even if in the possession of another creature), or dismiss its scythe or longbow from its hands into an extradimensional space as a free action.
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bcwritingjourney · 2 days
Read the prologue and chapters 1-7 of my fantasy novel, Sanguinatus, for free on my patreon! You can get early access to chapter 8 and further chapters, along with a number of other benefits by joining my Bound by Blood tier for $3! I appreciate any and all support :)
Below is a portion of this chapter, or you can read the full chapter on patreon!
The world of Khiapon was said to have been caressed by a goddess in the time when only simple flora and fauna lived upon the planet. From that first touch, life sprang forth upon this tumultuous world, from the Surono and Sesinae people within the Shattered Islands to the east, the reclusive and rarely seen Ezimith, sheltered within the depths of the world, the fierce Khurdae occupying the Calae and Osin people’s homeland in the large, lush western continent, to the Vaeder, Drossenac, and Kronesh races occupying the frigid and barren northern continent, home to both freezing tundras and blazing deserts. All these beings and more were a product of what many claimed to be a just, but harsh goddess.
Yisev shook his hooded head, lost in his own thoughts as he hid among debris and large wooden bins strewn across the alley. He had his eyes closed, though he heard repeated grunts and pleas as a man, not a stones throw away, was getting beaten savagely by a group of bestial Khurdae guards. Countless religions preached of the goddess who made life on this world, and yet? What goddess would make so many different peoples, only to leave them to kill and enslave different species for the tiny bit of divine power within the blood of each race, and other, pettier reasons.
He listened as the man finally quieted. Yisev ached to help the man as he was being dragged away, but stayed where he was. He thought the man was an Osin, a valuable thing for the Khurdae Empire. Tall and humanoid, the Osin had an innate connection to nature and the world, particularly plant life. Though their skin was of varying shades, it always resembled bark, and as they matured they could grow and shed scale like pieces of a stronger type of bark over their skin. While they were in tune with the world and a peaceful species, others sought them for their emerald green blood, for the power it would give to them. The power of growth, healing, and influencing plant life around them.
The sounds of the man getting dragged away slowly faded. He had likely been trying to escape his fate, but now he was being taken away to be imprisoned for years as some lord or one of the Sanguine used him as a replenishing well of power. Yisev didn’t move for a long time, the fading light of the sky finally turning to a canvas of obsidian, broken only by the coldness of the stars. He scratched his patchy, unkempt white beard and leaned back against some trash, cloak drawn tight around his well muscled frame, his bone shell making odd outlines beneath it.
Yisev was Kronesh, an oddity in these lands to say the least. Kronesh were one of the closer cousins to the mythical humans the goddess Lyrandren supposedly modeled certain aspects of her children on. With skin ranging from sickly white to deep browns and tans, a Kronesh child would appear mostly human, save for the bone white hair they grew. As with many races, once matured, some changes took place.
Yisev was in his late twenties, and since he had become an adult, he had gained the ability to manipulate his bones and osseous shell at will. Currently he only had natural osseous ridges along his limbs and back. He preferred to grow a protective suit of osseous matter, but he was trying to keep a low profile while in the grand city of Khatir, second only in size and wealth to the capital.
He rose, brushing some dirt and trash off himself, then strode to the edge of the alley. He peered out and across the Central Plaza. It was a wide, well paved square where the six curving main city streets met, directly in the center of the somewhat circular city. Along many of the edges of the square were businesses, essentially the commercial zone of the city. Kept in six small, precise rows spaced neatly across the square were sturdy and well made wooden businesses or warehouses, and though still owned by the main race of the region, were likely operated by the few lucky Osin and Calae to be allowed out of the slums or fields, either due to having so little power in their blood they’re put to work instead, or perhaps they’d contracted or been born with any number of blood sicknesses.
Several tall guard towers dotted the plaza, and many soldiers stood guard and patrolled. Yisev made his way slowly to the left, passing closing and closed businesses. He passed within a dozen feet of a guard patrol, but to them he appeared to be one of the many beggars within the city. Yisev purposefully walked slightly hunched and with a wider stance, emulating the gait of the Khurdae. They glanced at his shadowed face briefly, unable to make out his features in the darkness, but moved on as Yisev passed, then he stooped to rummage through some trash in an attempt to come off as a beggar to anyone else watching.
He stood and turned down Alris Avenue, which winded towards the high-end commercial district of the city, and as the night drew on, more and more warehouses and shops occupied each street he traversed, occasionally broken by a small plaza. The architecture of the Khurdae people held its own elegance and beauty, odd as it was. Stone was commonplace but was mostly used for paving and exterior walls, with many stone buildings heavily relying on wood from within. They favored wide, relatively short buildings with peaked roofs, arches and circular paneless windows.
It was ironic that the somewhat natural feel and the artistry of this city was the product of a people oppressed. Many designs, murals and architecture were in fact drawn from the Osin people, and to a lesser extent the Calae. The Khurdae were anything but focused on art and crafting, somewhat naturally predisposed towards bestial tendencies and constant warfare, even among the many houses of nobility within the empire.
Instead the downtrodden they held in place were the ones creating these things, despite what the Khurdae artisans may claim. They built their cities, farmed their land, mined metals for the Khurdite war machine, and bled for their overlords. It sickened Yisev to his core, it was like a cruel joke.
He decided to duck into an alley near a closed weapon smith as eight soldiers moved down the street, a line of a dozen chained slaves plodding between them. He pressed back against the wall of the building, edging further away as they drew nearer. Yisev heard some shouting, and looked on as two of the guards began beating on a large Calae man with cudgels, and he fell quickly to the ground under the shower of blows despite his massive build and savage appearance. The soldiers berated him for walking as slow as he had as they delivered punishment.
Yisev’s insides knotted up, and he felt a pang of guilt, slicing through him like a particularly dull and painful knife. He knew he couldn’t intervene or do much for these specific slaves, though he still struggled to hold himself back. There was a snarl, causing the soldiers to stop and look around.
A black and white furred Khurdae man approached them, a lord judging by his expensive looking clothes. He wore functional trousers, a laced up silk shirt and a frivolously decorated long coat, the entire outfit a deep navy blue. Though Yisev was fluent in their language, he still had to focus intently to discern what the man said.
“You men were ordered to transport these people correct?” He thundered, flexing the claws on both hands, his muzzle still pulled back in a snarl.
“Yes Lord Blackwood, but he was moving too slowly-” One of the armored men raised a black furred hand in protest, but was cut off.
“And so you beat a defenseless man for such a shallow reason?” The lord snapped his sharp teeth together, took a deep breath and composed himself.
He prowled forward, closer to the man who had spoken, and as he did, the man’s long, rounded ears slowly pressed back against his head, and he looked down.
“We are predators, and we are fierce. That is our legacy, yes. But for what reason would we act more monstrous than we already must seem to these people? Not only that, these men and women are to be laborers, and here you are damaging them.” The lord was growling out each sentence, getting in the face of the soldier, whose steel armor clinked as he stepped back from the lord. From the look on the lord’s face, there was more to his words than what the men had gathered, and he turned away.
“I should draw my axe and cut you down. You have no honor, injuring an unarmed man and a prisoner of war! Instead, your pay is being docked by five gold, and your captain will reassign you to a less pleasant post. Perhaps to my father’s outposts near the Ezimith borders.” The lord said, scratching his black, white speckled muzzle briefly in contemplation.
The other man’s face fell, and the lord went on, “Get out of my sight soldier. Keep your hands and weapons off them.”
The soldiers, justifiably, looked regretful and marched off, this time without roughly handling the slaves. The lord slipped his hands into the pockets of his long coat, and sighed, standing there in the dimly lit streets, looking after the soldiers. The night was growing older, and most citizens were already indoors, leaving many streets nearly empty. Yisev eyed the man curiously, then shrugged and stepped a bit closer to the entrance of the alley...
After a minute or so the man finally looked around, then did a double take when he saw Yisev’s shadowed figure within the alley. Yisev took a step closer, palms raised.
The lord stepped towards him, squinting his brown eyes, moving one hand to the small axe he had strapped to his belt.
“It’s not often you see a Khurdae, lord or not, show mercy to those they enslave, and to those whose lands they inhabit. One who understands sympathy and compassion.” Yisev said, leaning casually against the wall to his left.
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carlistmalaysia · 1 month
Are you in the market for a sleek and powerful ride that doesn't compromise on style or performance? Look no further than the X50 1.5TGDi Flagship by CS Kiara Auto SDN BHD. This exceptional SUV is designed to impress with its cutting-edge features, robust powertrain, and elegant design. Under the hood, the X50 1.5TGDi Flagship boasts a 1.5L Petrol Engine with an inline 3 Cylinder 12 Valve DOHC configuration. This powerhouse delivers an impressive 175 horsepower, ensuring a thrilling driving experience every time you hit the road. With a torque of 255 Nm available from as low as 1500 RPM, you'll enjoy smooth acceleration and effortless maneuverability in any driving condition. Despite its powerful performance, the X50 is surprisingly efficient, thanks to its advanced fuel supply system. With Direct Injection technology, this SUV optimizes fuel consumption without compromising on power, making it an eco-friendly choice for discerning drivers. The X50 exudes sophistication from every angle. Its sleek exterior design is complemented by 18-inch alloy wheels, adding a touch of elegance to its profile. Whether you're navigating city streets or embarking on a weekend getaway, you'll turn heads wherever you go. Inside the X50, you'll find a host of cutting-edge features designed to enhance your driving experience. From the adjustable steering column to the electric power steering, every aspect of this SUV is meticulously crafted for comfort and convenience. With seating for five and ample cargo space, the X50 is perfect for both daily commutes and long-distance journeys. CS Kiara Auto prioritizes your safety, which is why the X50 comes equipped with a range of advanced safety features. From ventilated discs brakes to MacPherson Strut front suspension, this SUV offers stability and control in any driving situation. Plus, with its adjustable steering column and rack & pinion steering gear type, you'll enjoy precise handling on every journey. Ready to experience the power and performance of the X50 1.5TGDi Flagship for yourself? Visit CS Kiara Auto SDN BHD today and take this exceptional SUV for a test drive. With its combination of style, efficiency, and advanced technology, the X50 is sure to exceed your expectations.
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mobilebazarspecs · 1 month
Unveiling the BLU C5L Max: A Budget Smartphone with Surprising Specifications
Dive into the world of the BLU C5L Max, a budget-friendly smartphone packed with impressive features. From its sleek design to its powerful specifications, discover why this device is worth your attention.
In the dynamic landscape of smartphones, finding a device that strikes the perfect balance between affordability and functionality can be challenging. Enter the BLU C5L Max, a budget smartphone that defies expectations with its impressive specifications and features. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve into what makes the BLU C5L Max stand out in the crowded market of entry-level smartphones.
Design and Display
The BLU C5L Max boasts a sleek and modern design that belies its affordable price tag. With its slim profile and curved edges, this device exudes elegance while remaining comfortable to hold. The front of the phone is dominated by a vibrant 5.5-inch IPS LCD display, which delivers crisp visuals and vibrant colors for an immersive viewing experience. Whether you're streaming videos, browsing the web, or playing games, the BLU C5L Max's display ensures that every moment is enjoyed to the fullest.
Performance and Hardware
Under the hood, the BLU C5L Max is powered by a quad-core processor clocked at 1.3GHz, coupled with 2GB of RAM. While it may not rival flagship smartphones in terms of raw power, this configuration provides smooth performance for everyday tasks such as web browsing, social media, and light gaming. Multitasking is a breeze, thanks to the generous amount of RAM, allowing you to switch between apps with ease.
Storage-wise, the BLU C5L Max offers 32GB of internal storage, providing ample space for your apps, photos, videos, and music. Additionally, the device features a microSD card slot, allowing for further expansion of storage up to 128GB, ensuring that you never run out of space for your digital content.
Camera Capabilities
For photography enthusiasts, the BLU C5L Max comes equipped with a capable camera setup that allows you to capture life's moments with ease. On the rear, you'll find an 8-megapixel primary camera, accompanied by an LED flash for low-light situations. Whether you're snapping photos of scenic landscapes or documenting your everyday adventures, the BLU C5L Max delivers crisp and clear images with vibrant colors.
On the front, the device sports a 5-megapixel selfie camera, perfect for capturing stunning self-portraits or video calls with friends and family. With features such as beauty mode and HDR, you can enhance your selfies to perfection, ensuring that you always look your best.
Software and Connectivity
The BLU C5L Max runs on Android, providing a familiar and intuitive user experience that's easy to navigate. With access to the Google Play Store, you can download your favorite apps, games, and utilities to customize your device to suit your needs. Additionally, the BLU C5L Max supports 4G LTE connectivity, ensuring fast and reliable internet access wherever you go. Whether you're streaming content, downloading files, or browsing social media, you can stay connected at all times.
Battery Life and Additional Features
Powering the BLU C5L Max is a non-removable 3000mAh battery, which provides ample endurance to keep you going throughout the day. Whether you're tackling work tasks or enjoying entertainment on the go, you can count on the BLU C5L Max to keep up with your busy lifestyle. Additionally, the device features a range of convenient extras, including a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor for secure and convenient authentication, as well as support for dual SIM cards, allowing you to easily manage work and personal lines on the same device.
In conclusion, the BLU C5L Max proves that you don't have to break the bank to enjoy a feature-packed smartphone experience. With its sleek design, vibrant display, capable performance, and versatile camera capabilities, this device offers tremendous value for budget-conscious consumers. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a casual user, the BLU C5L Max delivers everything you need and more at an unbeatable price point. If you're in the market for an affordable smartphone that doesn't compromise on quality, look no further than the BLU C5L Max.
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techsoftwareblogs · 4 months
Unveiling the Powerhouse – Samsung Galaxy S Series
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The Samsung Galaxy S series stands as a testament to innovation in the world of smartphones. From the sleek designs to groundbreaking technology, each iteration promises an enhanced user experience. Let's delve into what makes the Galaxy S series a true powerhouse.
Design Elegance: One of the defining features of the Galaxy S series is its captivating design. Samsung consistently raises the bar with each release, featuring premium materials, slim profiles, and stunning displays. Whether it's the glass and metal construction or the mesmerizing color options, the Galaxy S series is a symbol of sophistication.
Cutting-Edge Displays: Samsung is renowned for its exceptional displays, and the Galaxy S series is no exception. Expect vibrant Super AMOLED screens with high resolutions, providing users with a visual feast. From watching videos to playing games, the immersive display experience is a hallmark of the Galaxy S lineup.
Camera Innovation: Photography enthusiasts are in for a treat with the Galaxy S series. Samsung consistently integrates advanced camera systems, combining high megapixel counts with intelligent software. From low-light capabilities to impressive zoom features, the cameras on the Galaxy S series redefine smartphone photography.
Performance Prowess: Under the hood, the Galaxy S series houses powerful processors and ample RAM, ensuring smooth multitasking and seamless performance. Whether you're gaming, streaming, or running demanding applications, the Galaxy S series delivers a snappy and responsive user experience.
Software and User Interface: Samsung's One UI, layered on top of Android, provides a user-friendly interface. Packed with customization options and intuitive features, navigating through the Galaxy S series is a delight. Regular software updates ensure users have access to the latest enhancements and security patches.
Connectivity and 5G Capabilities: Keeping up with the demands of a connected world, the Galaxy S series boasts robust connectivity options. With the integration of 5G technology in recent models, users can experience blazing-fast internet speeds, low latency, and enhanced overall connectivity.
Battery Life and Fast Charging: The Galaxy S series understands the importance of all-day battery life. Paired with efficient power management, users can enjoy prolonged usage without worrying about running out of battery. Additionally, fast-charging technologies ensure that you spend less time tethered to an outlet.
Security Features: Security is a top priority for Samsung, and the Galaxy S series incorporates a range of features, including facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and secure folders. These ensure that your data remains private and your device secure.
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indiabrandstore · 5 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Oven Types, Varieties, and Features
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Choosing Between Convection Oven and OTG Heating Methods and Capacities Compared - Heating Method: An OTG oven can cook juicy and crispy food like kebabs, meats, and tikkas. Convection uses a microwave with a fan for heating purposes. - Capacity: The capacity of an OTG may go up to 60 litres, whereas a convection microwave's capacity reaches just 32 litres. Therefore, OTG might be the better option for large batches of food. Preheating, Cost, and Energy Efficiency - Preheating: An OTG oven can take up to ten to fifteen minutes to preheat; a convection microwave only takes five minutes. This can reduce the cooking time considerably. - Cost: Although an OTG has a lower initial cost, the energy efficiency of a microwave oven is higher. A microwave oven saves money over time by using 20% less energy than an OTG. Call +918930313030 for consultation. Buy Oven for the Best Price! Microwave Selection Guide Costs and Considerations - Average Microwave Cost: Small models start at around 4000 Rs, and mid-sized models start at a range of around 9000 to 22000 Rs, but most tested ones cost 35000 Rs and up. - Space and Location Planning: Before you buy a microwave, look over where the microwave works best for you and the space available. Microwave Types Explained 1. Countertop Microwaves - Versatile Placement: You can place them on any flat surface, making them easy to reach, move around, and take with you. - Example: The Panasonic countertop microwave offers a greater capacity of 2.2 cubic feet of cooking space. 2. Over-the-Range Microwave Ovens - Space-Saving Solution: These microwaves are installed between the cabinets above your range to free up counter space. - Features: They also act as a vent, filtering smoke and steam from the ceiling. These popular models often come with the latest features, although back-to-basics microwaves are also available. 3. Low-Profile Over-the-Range Microwave - Slim Design: An over-the-range microwave is an ideal option for some kitchen layouts. - Functionality: Some models are fully vented and can work in place of a full range hood. 4. Built-In Microwaves - Seamless Integration: Built-in microwaves are installed right into pre-existing cabinetry, bringing clean lines and a modern look to the kitchen. - Placement: Several people place the built-in microwave above their wall oven to maximize space and provide easy access to both. 5. Microwave Drawers - Convenient and Safe: As the name suggests, microwave drawers slide out for use and are installed on the countertop or under a wall oven. - Location: The location of this microwave makes it a more convenient and safer option for all family members. Call +918930313030 for consultation. Buy Oven for the Best Price! Essential Microwave Features Focus on Functionality - Turntables and Trays: As one of the most convenient and common ways to increase temperature uniformity, a turntable is used in the microwave oven as a tray to carry and rotate the heated material to improve the temperature uniformity microwave could. - Quick Keys: The 1-minute or 30-second key requires just one tap to increase the preset cooking time, whatever power you select. - Racks: These let you expedite things up and cook multiple dishes at once. Safety Features - Child Lock: If you have kids and want a hassle-free cooking experience, remember to buy a microwave that allows you to set a passcode to unlock the device. - Door Lock Mechanism: Some advanced microwaves come with a secure door lock mechanism, preventing accidental opening during operation and ensuring the safety of users. - Overheat Protection: Modern microwaves often feature overheat protection to automatically shut down the appliance if it detects excessive temperatures, reducing the risk of fire hazards. - Open Door Sensor: An open door sensor is a valuable safety feature that halts microwave operation if the door is left ajar, preventing any potential harm or accidents. - Audible Alerts: Microwaves equipped with audible alerts can signal the end of a cooking cycle, reducing the likelihood of burns or handling hot dishes prematurely. Popular Microwave Features - Smart Technology: Several new microwaves have smart compatibility so that you can control the device via an app, Bluetooth, or voice assistant. - Convection: Convection cooking uses a fan to circulate hot air around the dish, resulting in more evenly cooked food. - Speed Cook: Speed cooking combines the functionality of convection cooking with microwaving for quick results. - Sensors: To avoid overcooking, microwave oven sensors automatically change time and temperature as needed. - Non-stick Interior: Non-stick interior coatings make cleaning easy. - Turntables, Trays, and Removable Racks: Enhancing the cooking process and making it easier to use a microwave. - High Wattage: Using a high wattage microwave accelerates the cooking process, reducing overall cooking time. It is particularly useful for tasks like reheating, defrosting, or cooking larger portions, offering efficiency and convenience in the kitchen. Call +918930313030 for consultation. Buy Oven for the Best Price! Read the full article
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carcommunity · 6 months
Iso Grifo
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The Iso Grifo is a high-performance grand tourer produced by the Italian manufacturer Iso Autoveicoli S.p.A. from 1965 to 1974. It was designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro, who was working at Bertone at the time. The Iso Grifo combined Italian styling with American power, featuring a blend of European design and American V8 performance.
The Grifo was available in different variants, including a coupe and a convertible. Its design was characterized by clean lines, a low-slung profile, and aggressive yet elegant styling cues. The bodywork was crafted from steel and featured aluminum doors, hood, and trunk lid for weight reduction.
Under the hood, the Iso Grifo was powered by various engines throughout its production. Initially, it was offered with Chevrolet small-block V8 engines, including the 5.4-liter and 7.0-liter variants. Later models featured Ford’s 7.0-liter V8 engine. These powerful engines delivered impressive performance, with acceleration and top speeds that matched or exceeded other high-performance cars of the era.
The interior of the Iso Grifo was luxurious and well-appointed, featuring high-quality materials, comfortable seating, and a range of amenities. It offered a combination of sportiness and elegance, with a driver-focused cockpit and ample space for occupants.
The Iso Grifo gained a reputation for its exceptional performance, refined handling, and comfortable ride, making it a capable grand tourer for long-distance driving. It was also appreciated for its exclusivity, as production numbers were relatively low compared to other sports cars of the time.
If you are interested you should read about BMW 507
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military1st · 6 months
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Viper Armour Hoodie
Viper Armour Hoodie offers a range of features to keep you cosy in colder conditions.
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jeepcarupdates · 8 months
Jeep Compass: An In-Depth Look at Its Design and Engineering
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The Jeep Compass, a compact SUV in the Jeep lineup, has gained popularity for its blend of style, off-road capabilities, and daily practicality. Delve into the heart of automotive innovation as we unravel the artistry and precision that define the Jeep Compass. Explore the intricate blend of design and engineering that makes this vehicle an emblem of excellence. Join us on a journey through the meticulous craftsmanship, cutting-edge technology, and the compelling story behind the creation of the Jeep Compass, where form meets function, and performance meets style. Browse PPS Jeep Showroom Near Me, visit, and explore the world of adventure and style with a Jeep vehicle today!
Jeep Compass: An In-Depth Look at Its Design
Jeep Compass Exteriors
·         Iconic Grille: The Jeep Compass features the classic seven-slot grille, a signature of the brand, enhancing its recognizable and rugged appearance.
·        Sculpted Body: The sculpted body with sleek lines provides an aerodynamic profile, contributing to its modern and stylish design.
Jeep Compass Interiors
·         Premium Materials: The Compass interior incorporates high-quality materials, including soft-touch surfaces and available leather upholstery, creating a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere.
·         Spacious Layout: With generous legroom and headroom for both front and rear passengers, the interior design prioritizes comfort.
Customization Options
·        Trim Levels: The Compass offers multiple trim levels, allowing buyers to choose between different feature packages and design elements.
·         Colour Choices: Buyers can select from a variety of exterior and interior colour options, tailoring the design to their preferences.
Wheels and Tires:
·         Wheel Choices: Depending on the trim level, the Compass offers a range of wheel sizes, from 16 to 19 inches, allowing for personalized styling.
·         Tire Options: Different tire options are available, including all-season and off-road tires, further tailoring the vehicle's performance and appearance.
additionally, the Jeep Compass design combines classic Jeep elements, like the iconic grille, with modern aesthetics and premium materials. Buyers can further personalize the design through trim levels, colour choices, and wheel/tire options, ensuring that the Compass meets both their style and performance expectations. Discover a world of premium Jeep Accessories Near Bangalore, elevating your vehicle to new heights of style and performance.
Jeep Compass: An In-Depth Engineering
Engine Options:
·         Powerful Engines: The Jeep Compass offers a choice of engines, including 2.4-liter four-cylinder and 1.3-liter turbocharged four-cylinder options, each delivering different levelsof performance and efficiency.
·         Transmission Choices: It comes with either a 6-speed manual, 7-speed dual-clutch automatic, or a 9-speed automatic transmission, enhancing versatility.
4x4 Systems:
·         Jeep Active Drive: This system provides automatic engagement of the 4x4 capabilities, ensuring optimal traction in various driving conditions.
·         Jeep Active Drive Low: A more rugged 4x4 system with a low range for enhanced off-road capability, ideal for adventurous journeys.
What is special about Jeep Compass?
What sets the Jeep Compass apart is its blend of power and versatility. Under the hood, the Compass is driven by a BS6 Phase 2-compliant 2.0-liter turbo diesel engine, unleashing a robust 168bhp and an impressive 350Nm of torque.
The potent powertrain ensures a dynamic and exhilarating driving experience, whether you're navigating city streets or conquering challenging terrains. The transmission options add to its allure, with a choice between a six-speed manual for those who relish the feel of total control.
But the Jeep Compass doesn't stop there - it offers both 4x2 and 4x4 systems, allowing you to tailor your vehicle to suit your specific needs. You can crave the efficiency of a 4x2 setup for urban commutes or the off-road prowess of a 4x4 system for adventure-filled journeys.
It's this impressive combination of power, transmission options, and drivetrain versatility that makes the Jeep Compass truly special, catering to a wide range of driving preferences and lifestyles.
Suspension and Handling:
·         Independent Suspension: The Compass boasts an independent suspension system for smoother rides, absorbing road imperfections.
·        Adaptive Damping: In some trim levels, an adaptive damping system is available, adjusting shock absorbers for improved handling and comfort.
Off-Road Features:
·         Select-Terrain Traction Management: This system allows drivers to choose from multiple driving modes, such as Auto, Snow, Sand, Mud, and Rock, to adapt to various terrains.
·         Off-Road Equipment: The Compass includes features like skid plates and tow hooks, enhancing its off-road readiness.
What is the Jeep Compass based on?
The Jeep Compass and Patriot, two stalwarts in the Jeep lineup, share a common platform, namely the DaimlerChrysler/Mitsubishi GS platform. While their underpinnings are the same, it's their styling and marketing that set them apart.
The Patriot embraces a classic 4-door Jeep wagon design. It harkens back to the traditional Jeep aesthetics with its rugged and boxy profile. This design caters to those who appreciate the iconic Jeep look, combining utility and the brand's heritage.
In contrast, the Compass takes a more modern and softer approach. With a hatchback appearance reminiscent of the Dodge Caliber, it offers a sleeker, urban-friendly design. The Compass targets those seeking a blend of Jeep's off-road capability with a more contemporary and city-centric style.
In essence, these two vehicles, despite their shared platform, cater to different consumer preferences – the Patriot caters to the traditionalists with its rugged design, while the Compass appeals to those looking for a more modern and versatile urban vehicle. Discover a wide selection of genuine Jeep Parts Near Me to keep your off-road adventures in top gear.
Where is the Jeep Compass made at?
The production of the Jeep Compass is a truly global endeavour, with assembly plants located in several countries. These plants ensure that the Compass reaches markets around the world, meeting the demands of Jeep enthusiasts from diverse regions.
In Europe, the Jeep Compass is primarily manufactured in Melfi, Italy, with the designation BU/520. This Italian production facility plays a significant role in meeting the demand for Compass models in the European market.
For North American markets, the Compass used to be produced in Belvidere, Illinois, but it was moved to Toluca, Mexico, with the designation MP/522. This strategic relocation allows Jeep to efficiently supply the North American market with this popular SUV.
However, the global footprint of Compass production doesn't stop there. Plants in Brazil, China, and India also contribute to its manufacturing. This extensive production network ensures that the Jeep Compass is readily available to customers around the world, reflecting the international appeal of this versatile and stylish SUV.
What style of car is a Jeep Compass?
The Jeep Compass fits into the category of a compact crossover SUV, a versatile and popular segment in the automotive world. This vehicle made its debut in 2007, and as of now, it's in its second generation. The Compass played a pivotal role in Jeep's expansion into the crossover SUV market.
Crossover SUVs like the Compass combine elements of traditional SUVs with the driving dynamics of smaller, car-based vehicles. They typically offer a more car-like driving experience with better fuel efficiency while retaining SUV characteristics like increased ground clearance and available all-wheel drive or 4x4 systems.
The first-generation Compass, along with its counterpart, the Patriot, marked a significant shift for Jeep into the world of crossover SUVs. While the Patriot had a more traditional Jeep design, the Compass introduced a softer and more modern hatchback appearance, appealing to a broader range of consumers looking for a compact SUV with a contemporary style.
In conclusion, the Jeep Compass is a compact crossover SUV designed to provide the ruggedness and capability typically associated with Jeep, combined with the practicality and comfort of a modern compact vehicle. This blend of style and functionality has made it a popular choice among those seeking versatility and adventure in their daily drives.
Review Jeep Compass
The "Jeep Compass: An In-Depth Look at Its Design and Engineering" provides an insightful exploration of this iconic SUV's key aspects.
The comprehensive review of its engineering delves into the heart of this SUV, discussing engine options, transmission choices, 4x4 systems, suspension, and off-road features. This provides a holistic understanding of what makes the Compass an agile and capable vehicle, suitable for a range of driving conditions and outdoor adventures.
Moreover, the subheadings make it easy to navigate and absorb the information, enhancing the article's readability. The specifications provided allow readers to quickly grasp the essential details about the Compass's design and engineering.
This blog is a valuable resource for anyone considering the Jeep Compass, offering a well-rounded perspective on its style, performance, and versatility. Review Jeep Compass for a comprehensive understanding of what it offers with the features and how you enjoy off-roading in it.
In the exploration of the Jeep Compass's design and engineering, we uncover a harmonious fusion of form and function. From its iconic seven-slot grille to its powerful engine options and adaptable 4x4 systems, the Compass epitomizes the Jeep brand's heritage while embracing modern aesthetics. Its spacious and premium interior design complements its rugged exterior. With choices for customization and off-road features, the Compass caters to diverse driving preferences. Ultimately, this in-depth analysis underscores the Jeep Compass as a well-rounded vehicle, designed for those who seek both style and substance in their automotive journey. Find your nearest Jeep dealer and explore the world of off-road excellence right in your neighborhood with PPS Jeep Dealer Near Me. Embark on an exhilarating test drive to discover the true essence of adventure on the road.
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