#lowkey a very organized hoarder
starfleetsxvulcan · 1 year
A Hand painted half cat mask, an Enus Tradition to have~From Bluebird ( @mediical-trek )
Spock held the mask quite gently in his hands, sensing that it had some importance despite him not being fully certain of why.
'Fascinating.' He stated after a moment of careful and thoughtful inspection, taking in the finer details whilst also letting his fingertips feel along the paint on the surface of the feline-themed mask. 'I must say, I have not seen anything quite like this. I would be pleased to learn more about it.'
// @mediical-trek
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mono-dot-jpeg · 2 years
canon aaitl - zhongli
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summary; actual canon to "another adeptus in the line" series
genre; bullet fic??? not really though, literally just me rambling about my aaitl series while i write the next part, child! reader, father! zhongli
[platonic] [gender neutral]
a/n; im finally opening a taglist for my aaitl readers! you will be able to access it through my bio or the end of this post. when the taglist form says it is no longer accepting requests or responses, i will not be taking reponses during that time. but there will be more chances to join whenever i feel opening it up again.
anyways with that aside, please enjoy some crumbs of content
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okay proper canon things about aaitl!!!
zhongli lives in his teapot that madame ping gave him
i thought abt this bc of a tip thing i saw on the genshin loading 
bc like hey if “Adepti use Serenitea Pots as media through which they can channel their adeptal power and create realms and abodes.” then that means zhongli probably has one right????? RIGHT???????
anyone can visit it really he doesn’t care and loves having people over
he’s lowkey a hoarder tho but he really likes presents that he’s given :((
probably has a nice bouquet of qingxin, glaze lilies, and silk flowers
either that or he’s got a nice garden for all of the flowers and herbs or veggies :))) 
its so lovely and sweet and so homey for him and you
you like to chew on the sweet flowers when he lets you roam the garden
he doesn't stop you
back to the hoarding, bc he’s a dragon in his heart yk???
he like to grab and keep :] he has a lot of nice gifts from the past and from the present 
all organized nicely in his office that’s sort of merged with your room so he can watch over you at night :’)
the office/your room is pretty big in size, it’s like one big open room but it is split with like a half wall sort of? there’s like a curtain you can use when you need privacy but you’re still a baby
he does have a room plan for when you’re older 
even if you don’t like childe, he does not give a damn and will smother you in his love and affection 
but also he is jealous everytime you take zhongli’s attention which is all the time really-
frienemies the both of you are
you hate him so much- KDHJSHSJDJS
when will the ginger abuse end 😔😔
you only know madame ping, traveler, hutao, and childe
but for now you only know stories abt them
you think they're really cool mostly ganyu bc of the horns zhongli told u about !!
you haven't gone through growing your horns quite yet, they exist as sort of small pointy guys on your head but they havent grown in yet
dont ask me how your tail developed before your horns, it makes sense to me 
your scales are orange amber colored at the ends and skin color closer to your skin ofc
hutao gave you some old baby clothes she had lying around from her childhood
if you ever babble or speak gibberish, you fucking BET that zhongli is the parent that listens and responds naturally, he’s just so sweet :(
you're a slow learner only bc you literally got reborn as a baby and not only that, you just have no prior experience to anything despite watching over the village you once protected and seeing all the families love and learn from each other
zhongli has yet to find the right person to tutor you since it's more of a high class thing in liyue to even hire a tutor
childe is probably gonna pay the funds for said tutor
zhongli is the kind of father to be like, "for you the entire world" and it would happen <333
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taglist; empty :(
[taglist open until it's too much for me to handle/hj]
[click me to join the taglist!]
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canvasofthecosmos · 7 years
Chiron in the Signs & Houses
Where Chiron is, there is a slow, itching burn here that’s always in the back of your head, but this is also what those closest to you might appreciate the most, as they’ve learned much from you in this area. Potent healing powers come from frantic overcompensation, as the wound was developed in your upbringing.
Constant Learning
Personal quest
The key
Click here to go to the extended chart selection on Astro.com. Under additional objects, go to ‘multiple selections possible,’ under ‘asteroids’ and select Chiron. You can also select aspects up to and including Chiron. Astrotheme.com also includes Chiron in the natal chart drawing. His glyph looks like a key with a ‘K’ on top.
Chiron in Aries/1st House: Headaches and head injuries are common here. Overemphasis, or lack thereof, on the self inspires others’ self care. You may seem selfless as you have a deep personal wound with unbridled spontaneity. Others take advantage of your care, and love for yourself is hard to come by, as you likely felt ignored as a child, leading to current feelings of worthlessness. Take more time for yourself and don’t exhaust your fire on people who are less than worthy, as you are on a journal of personal discovery. You may have grown up early, realizing quickly how you’re taken advantage of. New starts/endeavors feel false and you feel more like a stepping stone than a source of boundless energy. You have to fight depression often and often focus on others more than yourself, trying to allow them the softness you’ve never felt as you know how harsh the world can be. Don’t be afraid to start things on your own, as this can be liberating even if only for a short while.
Chiron in Taurus/2nd House: Throat injuries, lost voices or your own ‘voice’ not being found is commonplace. Your personal wound is security, and possessions are taken advantage of, making you never feel like you have enough. This can give way to excess when the inner world is ignored and your personal sense of value is off kilter, which happens a lot since you felt like you didn’t get enough of something when you were young. You probably didn’t have a lot as a kid, and had to make due with whatever was around you. This can show up later in life as hoarder-like tendencies, as you never feel like you have enough to work with. At the same time, you can see value in things others have given up on or never see anything good in. This attracts people who prefer to make excuses rather than develop themselves. Don’t squander your precious resources and sturdiness on people who depend on you to enable bad habits. Remember that you have enough, you are enough, and things will fall into place, eventually.
Chiron in Gemini/3rd House: Arms are easily exhausted. Finding your voice has been a struggle because you may have been criticized as a kid for expressing yourself. You feel talked over or brushed off when you speak. When you are heard, you have feel like you have foot-in-mouth syndrome, unable to clearly express what you mean and instead making generalizations that don’t express what you meant to, or worse, being made fun of. Making friends was hard as a kid, and you probably connected with people older than you much easier. In fact, any kind of connection was difficult to make- you don’t feel close to your siblings or aunts and uncles and the concept of being neighborly has somehow evaded you in your surroundings. It may be easier to get things out in writing, and you probably have a plethora of journals or a personal rant blog. You feel like you’re always on the outside looking in. This has inspired you to always try to be a good friend to others and listen to them. The friends you do have mean the world to you, and you to them. It’s not the end of the world when you accidentally say something ‘wrong,’ and those who matter do hear you and appreciate your creative input.
Chiron in Cancer/4th House: Stomach problems are common here. You never really think you’ve connected with your family. It’s not that they’re bad (although of course there are exceptions), you just can’t seem to bridge the gap and don’t think they’ll ever understand what your feelings really mean. You feel abandoned by them because of this. Even if they’re still ‘here for you,’ still you feel like the black sheep. You feel like a ghost in your own home and often would rather be anywhere else, often making homes out of your friend’s houses or your favorite spot outside to unwind. This wound is such of simple comfort, and you frantically search for a stable place to just call home. Because of this, you are a beacon of comfort to others, as you’ve tried every means of self-soothing. You know what it’s like to feel unwanted, and never let someone else feel that way. Those closest to you have found a comfortable home in you. You’re a shoulder to cry on, a friend that’s always down for anything. Don’t be so afraid to open up, as someone is bound to sympathize and give you that serenity you so long for. Reversely, don’t waste your vast empathy on those who take advantage of it.
Chiron in Leo/5th House: You may have heart or blood trouble. You are immensely creative, but never seem to find the right outlet for it- you’ve tried it all and still can’t seem to express yourself in a way that feels organic. You don’t feel special, and while you were told vaguely that you are as a child, you are the first to say that nobody is that special if everyone is. Your parents may have also told you that you can do anything but that. You hate the spotlight and prefer to stay lowkey, as this as always felt the safest. You were never popular with peers as a kid but connected with adults much easier, as they seemed to have it all figured out. Growing up, you realized that they don’t really, and they’re just kind of winging it. This still astonishes you. Your wound is very personal, that of creating freely, and you prefer instructions so you know you can’t mess things up. That being said, you allow others to be their vibrant selves inhibited. As you have children, you give your kids free reign over their activities, never a helicopter parent. That is if you do decide to reproduce- this placement makes it hard physically or instills fear of parenthood. Don’t forget to fan your own flames as you encourage others the same release.
Chiron in Virgo/6th House: Your hands hurt frequently, and you may be prone to arthritis as well as digestive and nervous problems. Routine is difficult to get yourself into. Work seems like boring, even painful drudgery. You were allowed to do kind of whatever as a kid, never having a strict bedtime or chore list, but rather left to your own devices. You were mature at a young age, or expected to be. Now, you live in extremes. You are extremely on your shit, or in shambles, hardly or never in between. You are a very hard worker still, but your effort always seems to be in vain. Animals are of great comfort to you, and feeding, cleaning, walking and playing with them have helped establish routine as well as a healthy outlet for your need to take care of things. You hate service jobs not necessarily because you dislike others or even doing things for them, but because this is where you are most taken advantage of. You are good at giving advice, however, as you know the intricacies of the given situation and also how far good ol’ elbow grease can go. While every day is a battle, you are there for others before anyone else and always willing to help in any way you can, even if it’s just a few words of guidance. You have woken up today, you will go to bed sometime tonight, and everything will be okay, even if it seems like it never is.
Chiron in Libra/7th house: You likely have lower back or kidney issues. You are painfully insecure and may take this out on others, as relationships are a perilous mountain for you. It’s not that you don’t love others, you just forget or even don’t know how to love yourself, and that’s where a healthy relationship always starts. This is because your personal wound is the other. In finding self love, you can learn how to share it with others. It takes a relationship of any kind with someone who shares your immense love for you to realize that you are worth love, you are love. You care for your friends dearly and help them find love in themselves on your own journey. When a relationship does end, realize that you’re not the only factor in that. The other person is just as at fault at the very least. No matter how many relationships fall through, never let it discourage you when it comes to loving- not only yourself but others, too.
Chiron in Scorpio/8th House: There are issues surrounding the genitalia and sex, as well as any kind of intimacy. You abhor opening up. You’d rather bite back than show weakness, as in being out of control- and being human. This is the wound here- control- and you know all too well that there are seemingly endless outside factors that affect every situation. You were likely well acquainted with trauma at a young age. There was abuse relating with power imbalance in your childhood, and now you always need to be in control. At the same time, you allow your past to haunt you and drive your distrust, even hatred, of change and possibly others, definitely anything unknown, as they are threats until proven otherwise. However, you encourage others to change as frequently as you do, while still knowing where they come from, but not allowing it to control your life as your past does. Learn to release your intense emotions and understand that what’s done is done- you can’t change what has happened to you, but you can control what you do, and allow things to affect you in a positive manner. Learn from the past, don’t simply hate it.
Chiron in Sagittarius/9th House: You often have sore thighs or buttocks. Believing in anything is difficult. You may have been forced into a belief system that was inexplicably upheld, never given a rhyme or reason but still held to those moral standards. Reversely, you weren’t given any reason to believe in anything, especially religion. Higher learning comes with bitter tears. Because you know you were meant for greatness but you still feel that, somehow, you haven’t achieved it, you even find it hard to believe in yourself. Morality is lost on you, and those closest to you may get annoyed that you play by your own rules. Despite this, you inspire others to learn about what they truly believe, to find reason and hope in such and follow their own moral paths. You’re afraid of the answers you can never seem to find. Afraid that you’ll be wrong, afraid they won’t be enough, afraid of the complexity of simplicity and other oxymorons of life. Find your own religion, and continue to go to the beat of your own drummer while keeping in mind the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated, and those worth believing in will do the same to you.
Chiron in Capricorn/10th House: You have issues involving your bones, particularly your knees. Your wound is with structure and reassurance. You have experienced a power imbalance much like that of Chiron in Scorpio, but this affects you with a fear that life is just as chaotic and unpredictable as your life seems to be. There’s just -so much- out there that you’re afraid you’ll never find the job for you and respect you deserve. Your public persona is associated with known suffering as you have too firm a grasp on everything you can. Rejection from authority at a young age has you feeling lesser than others. This makes you harshest on yourself. You can be harsh with others, but this is to help them create their own structure. For others, you bring a sense of being a necessary and functioning member of society. You give others the respect, courtesy and dependability you so desperately strive for. Once you learn to accept yourself, flaws and all, you can finally find goals and fulfill them, earning the trust you want so badly.
Chiron in Aquarius/11th House: You likely have problems with your shins and calves. You never feel like you belong to any particular group, and often find yourself shunned. This stunts your vast reservoir of hopes and dreams. You feel like there’s something wrong with you for not being able to fit in. You’ve been openly rejected by friends that you thought were forever, and this has you avoiding close relationships now, especially of brotherhood. While you wind up relieved to be alone, this longing keeps you up at night, but in the crowd you learn to accept and flaunt your eccentricities, as they are the only things keeping you going. Because of the amount of time you spend alone, you have admirable objectivity, though it feels like alienation to you. You need this alone time to realize that everything is fluid and to connect to the universe itself, the only place you can find a sense of belonging. While you feel like you don’t have many friends, the close connections you do form are satisfying to all parties involved and you are the best friend to have, as you know better than anyone what it’s like to be alone and you wouldn’t wish it on someone you do finally find solidarity with. You will find hopes and dreams in the vast void eventually because of this.
Chiron in Pisces/12th house: Constant sore feet, and possibly poor posture. Your wound is with the divine, whom you feel abandoned you. Similar to Chiron in Sagittarius, you have to create your own belief system. Your inner world feels like an empty desert, and you find it hard to connect to your imagination. Your guilt is immense yet you still feel like you’re perpetually alone against the world. This may lead to a victim complex, as this pain seeps into everything and is all-consuming, yet is evasive simultaneously. If you haven’t already, you will realize that this unfairness that is life is simply a part of it, your burden to bear just as everyone has their own, and you will overcome it just as you have every day. You help others with their personal serenity as you search for yours, and give people something to believe in. Don’t fret the pain, as it isn’t a personal attack but rather your lot in life. Your inner chaos is calming to others as they too feel like they’re on the verge of losing it rather often. Allow yourself some alone time, though scary it may be, you will be refreshed afterwards.
All About Chiron
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mbtimemes · 7 years
brutally honest descriptions of the mbti types based off my experiences with them via a very sleep deprived infp
-commitment issues? haha i’ve never heard of those :))))
-will literally punch a toddler in the throat if they say they support trump
-so i took the mbti test 7 times and i got infp twice and entp once?? i don’t really know, because i kind of fit into the infj sterotypes more, but if you really think about it i’m kind of an enfj? but i also really relate to isfps, but then again i think i’m too opinionated and logical to be a feeler, so entp isn’t out of the question, but i also feel like the entj cognitive functions really fit m
-genuinely love animals and it’s so pure
-hi sorry for not replying, i was in prison :3 also i moved to norway lol
-actually just the 2007 taco xd random aesthetic irl
-“i just came up with another book plot” texts approximately every 2.3 hours
-hi i’m melissa i’m a 23 year old art school dropout and i abuse prescription pills but it’s okay because i have 200 followers on my grunge aesthetic instagram account. rent me an apartment?
-(talking about veganism to someone at a party) i just don’t understand how anyone could put all of that stuff in their body :/ *bends down to snort a line of cocaine*
-actually really artistically talented but much like the infp they refuse to give themselves any credit for it
-my dream man is someone who goes to coachella with me, helps me align my charkas, takes sad candid pictures of me, is willing to backpack around europe with me and my philosophy class during the summer,
-*googles* why do i share a type with literally every indie musician that has ever breathed lol
-probably fucked your girl in the back of a vape shop
-if you manage to find one never let them go they are some of the best people you’ll ever meet
-huge harry potter nerds
-can manage to get you to spill out your entire life story to them with a concerned glance
-please actually care for yourself for once and a while literally you do everything for everyone else just take some time for yourself god dammit you deserve it
-could be literally the most talented person in the world but would never come close to admitting it
-hi i’m actually just jesus christ irl! nice to meet you :-)
-they know everything
-like seriously everything it’s kind of scary like calm down karl
- allows themselves to recognize exactly one (1) human emotion per year
-can read for hours on end without getting bored and genuinely loves learning
-are generally dicks tbh especially to the people they love the most
-wikipedia articles™
-they actually aren’t actually the emotionless robots tumblr seems to display them as, they are actually extremely emotional in my experience and tend to get offended/upset easily and over small things
-sci-fi, cats, and machines > humans
-superiority complex™
-cute when they aren’t busy throwing tantrums/crushing the souls of their enemies
-hi i’m martha, i’m 32 years young, i like long walks by the beach, yoga, and judging my neighbors for not mowing their lawn :-)  
-tend to be extra™ parents and their kids can either turn out complete emotional wreck assholes because they’ve never been disciplined or the happiest child you’ll ever meet, there is no in between
-they may be complete snakes and have never came up with an original idea in their entire life but boy can they make a killer chicken parmesan
-kind of comforting in a mother-like sense when they aren’t busy being judgmental dicks
-will clean your entire house for you on a whim
-wow i love being an infj :)) top 1% haha :))
-will literally develop a crush on someone because they say they know what tumblr is
-find purpose in writing/creating in general
-ending toxic relationships?? haha what’s that??? :))
-constantly switches between their “you can’t control me it isn’t a phase mom go away >:(( my chemical pilots at the disco saved me xd i will literally punch a baby fuck the system i’m 2cool4school” persona and their “i’m such a smol bean :3 save all the animals <333 i love pretty girls and dogs :))” persona
-“can i txt you back in like 15 mins i’m having an emotional breakdown lol”
-actually genuinely empathetic and creatively gifted but gives themself credit for none of it
-intelligent but fails classes because their teacher said something that went against their morals
-playing the victim? never heard of it! :))
-secretly just meme hoarders
-attention whores tbh i won’t even deny it
-o v e r d r a m a t i c
-hi it’s 6 fucking am and everyone just wants to go back to sleep or die or both but i’m gonna start an argument with the professor over the origin of tangerines for no apparent reason
-*googles* how to permanently get rid of my fe in 5 simple steps
-follow my meme page xd
-so what if i love my dog more than i do myself and my entire family?
-this conversation is boring me i’m gonna go chug a bottle of vodka and binge bill nye the science guy™ peace out
-have low self-esteems but compensate through obscure dark web conspiracy theories at 3 in the morning
-shirley i didn’t call you back because you’re a fake ass bitch not because i didn’t like your lasagna at the block party
-why do i keep physically abusing my crush lol
-and why do i keep yelling i can’t even stop at this point someone please send help
-they love food more than they do themselves
-hi welcome to my prank youtube channel :3
-the type of people to show up to school with 37 puppies and a knife
-i’m not gay but 20 bucks is 20 bucks
-sorry i didn’t show up to school because you’re fucking stupid
-awe infp is so cute <3 i’ll destroy them last
-*on the floor, drunk, talking to their dog* you’re the only motherfucker in this town who can handle me
-what do you mean other people’s opinions/beliefs besides my own are valid lol??
-lowkey have daddy kinks
-what do you mean it’s physically impossible for me to control every aspect of my life??
-i mean if you really think about it voldemort was the victim,
-the type of person who could tell their crush they like them without flinching. terrifying
-wears d.a.r.e shirts ironically
-1990’s grunge aesthetic
-would walk into a burning building for the meme
-playing the hero?? haha never heard of it :))
-ew what the fuck man get those feelings away from me lol
-fuck da police
-following the rules?? that seems excessive lmao no thanks
-i once had one (1) original idea back in the summer of ’67. it was terrifying. i’ll never do it again.
-your scary math teacher that wears black socks everyday expects friday. then they jazz it up a bit with stripes. will mark your grade up if you say you like the same sports team as they do.
-understanding concepts outside of your own experiences? lmao no thanks?
-will make quizlet sets organize your desk for you
-my dream in life is to narrate a crime documentary and complete my george washington memorabilia collection.
-remembers all of their colleagues birthdays. doesn’t say happy birthday.
-fucking get over your ex already he wasn’t that attractive calm down allison
-*googles* why do i relate to regina george from mean girls so much?
-the type of person who tells your boyfriend you have a crush on him
-o v e r d r a m a t i c
-gets your shit together for you. judges you
-dead inside
-if you can manage to find one that actually tolerates you they are some of the most loyal and true people you’ll ever meet
-horrible social skills, compensates through meme hoarding
-sends you links to conspiracy theory videos when you’re sad
-extremely intelligent but they get lost in their own house
-whoops i just remember i haven’t showered in 3 weeks lol
-i would laugh at that joke but i’m 3 hours deep into an existential crisis and i’m 100% convinced you are actually a robot created by bill clinton so not today jeff
-yes homo
-cries over cat videos in public
-facetimes you in a grasshopper fursuit at 3 in the morning
-probably an alcoholic
-has 87 different crushes at once
-you haven’t talked to them in 7 years but they’ll show up at your birthday party and give you dog
-also attention whores
-generally has the personality of someone who just did 10 lines of cocaine
-one sec let me just gather up all of the fake empathy i can muster for this particular situation
-that one kid in class who always has perfect notes
-shudders at the thought of… a… creative… thought….
-falls in love with an estp approximately every 23 seconds
-hi i’m karen, i’m 34, i love my family, cupcake baking, helping people of course until it interferes with my own personal comfort haha, christmas decorations, room layouts,
-probably has a studyblr
-your angry boss
-probably cyberbullies children on the internet 
-has an emotional breakdown when they don’t win classroom jeopardy 
-*googles* who is bernie sanders and why do i want him dead
-organizes your shit for you, regrets it later
-dead inside
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m4rkshouse · 7 years
so i’ve had this kinda random idea of neighbour!astro so like,, here’s a neighbour!astro au in which all of the guys live on the same floor of an apartment building! 
everyone in the building knows who he is and loves him
like myungjun doesn’t leave, return to, (etc) his apartment without saying hello and smiling at every single person he passes 
he’s always ruffling kids hair on the way by and always has candy with him to hand them
at first all of the parents were freaked out by this dude giving their kids candy but eventually they got used to it bc they realized myungjun is literally a harmless bean
there’s a lot of house plants in his apartment
succulents on the desk in his bedroom
a flower called a clivia on the living room table (everyone says this flower is just myungjun as a plant due to it’s orange and yellow petals)
grows aloe and various herbs in the window in his kitchen
random flowers and other plants scattered around the various rooms of his house
once sanha broke one of his plants and he cried 
he didn’t talk to sanha for a whole week and only forgave him when sanha bought him a new plant
doesn’t care at all about anything else in his apartment looking good though and jinwoo is constantly yelling at him bc “myungjun hyung you literally have yellow walls and your bedsheets are blue and you have purple and green striped pillows whAT ArE YOu dOIng” 
jinwoo has tried like five times to get him to buy matching stuff and each time myungjun gets out of it by distracting jinwoo with his flirting skills™️
cue flustered jinwoo with super red cheeks and barely responding to anything myungjun says
he introduced all of the guys to one another and they all kinda credit him for their friend group
is the friend who brings them all coffees, treats, etc whenever he goes out
loved unconditionally by everyone for his ever present smile and positivity around the building
has his dog’s name on the name plate next to his door alongside his
everyone thought that it was the name of his child for a really long time bc he refers to his dog as his kid and bc his dog’s name is jihun which is a pretty common name
takes his dog on runs/walks every day and when he sees the old women in the park doing yoga/exercising he yells out a “looking great ladies” with his signature smile nd literally all of them are in love with him 
”omg i wish he would marry my daughter” “psh please mrs. kang i want him to marry me” (sucks for all of them though bc he only has eyes for myungjun)
has way too many things for his dog scattered around his apartment,,, somehow his house is nearly as neat as dongmin’s
his apartment is the epitome of aesthetic and everyone who comes in is jealous of his white walls and white bed sheets and completely matching green accents
(if only he could keep a plant alive, then it would be perfect in his mind)
only has mugs in his kitchen and no one knows why he doesn’t own any glasses 
he met myungjun bc he was constantly throwing out dead house plants and myungjun saw and started to leave ones he had been taking care of for a while outside jinwoo’s door
kept it up for like 3 weeks before jinwoo finally caught him trying to sneak back into his apartment across the hall
jinwoo thinks that he should probably be offended that myungjun had no faith in his ability to grow a plant but he can’t be upset bc the cutest guy in his building is giving him plants and its a great excuse to talk to him for “tips on keeping his plants alive”
is the one of his friend group who all of them go to for advice whenever they’re having trouble with something
he’ll sit them down on his couch with a mug of tea and let them pet his dog as they rant to him about whatever is wrong
gives them great advice and a good hug before sending them back to their own apartments
highkey the kindest and most genuine hearted person in the building and he always has something nice to say to everyone he sees when leaving, coming, walking around, (etc)
has been living in the building for the longest time of all of the guys
he tutors like half the kids in the building in various subjects ranging from science to english
he met myungjun the week that he moved in bc he thought myungjun was trying to kidnap one of the kids he tutors
myungjun ran into the boy as he was returning to his apartment and told the kid to come in for a minute bc he just bought new chocolates
cue dongmin freaking the heck out bc he thought that his new next door neighbour was actually going to murder the 10 year old or something
calmed down after myungjun explained himself and gave dongmin some chocolate too
his house is literally spotless and no one knows how he does it bc he’s so busy
though it’s not as aesthetic as jinwoo’s apartment it’s super nice and well decorated and put together
has complete matching utensils and plates and glasses (and even has a set of wine glasses)
a closet that, according to myungjun, is “bigger than my bathroom wtf” and is filled with super nice pieces of clothing that the other guys steal from time to time
doesn’t talk to everyone he sees bc usually he’s rushing around to get home for tutoring, to school, or to his part time job but always offers everyone a smile
the most organized and put together person in the building,, you’ll never catch him in any drama like he’s so lowkey it’s unbelievable 
hosts weekly drama-watching nights for all the guys bc his living room is the biggest
doesn’t get caught in any irl drama but will binge watch an entire show in 24 hours and rant to anyone who will listen about why it sucks/is a must see while in the laundry room
everyone who lives in the building either wants to be him, marry him, or have one of their kids marry him tbh
everyone in the building describes him as “unique”
no one really knows him that well but they also can’t really complain about him bc for the most part he’s a great neighbour
he’s quiet and keeps pretty much to himself,, never really has people over very often 
lowkey a hoarder though bc he finds things that he thinks are cute, different, (etc) at stores and buys them for no real reason and then stacks them on his shelves
dongmin is always trying to get rid of these little trinkets like “wtf bin why do you need this mini statue of a rooster??” “bc it’s cute, okay, and the lady told me it was a good luck charm i can’t get rid of it”
highkey in love with dongmin,,, everyone knows it,,, even dongmin knows it,, but it’s okay bc dongmin is highkey in love with bin too
the two spend hours together /studying/ but actually study bc they just like being around each other even if they’re not talking
sanha, being the buildings Drama King, has tried to find dirt on their “study dates” but can’t bc they literally just study
go on coffee dates 25/8 bc they’re both struggling university students, pray for them (sanha and minhyuk are constantly annoyed that they don’t get invited for coffee bc they are also struggling university students, jinwoo reminds them that dongmin and bin are in love™️ and they need to chill)
he’s the only one who actually knows how he and myungjun met bc myungjun doesn’t remember
bin lives across the hall and to the left of myungjun, next door to jinwoo
basically he lives on the end of the hall, with jinwoo in the middle and minhyuk on jinwoo’s other side; sanha lives directly across from him, myungjun in the middle of the opposite side and dongmin on myungjun’s other side
one night myungjun somehow manages to knock on the wrong door and totally confess to jinwoo how much he likes having him as a friend bc he’s only his second friend in the building aside from dongmin
except he tells bin all this stuff and bin is like “uhh i mean, i know i’m great but who are you??” 
they end up friends after that somehow,, it helps that myungjun is friends with dongmin 
bin will bring all the cats back home each time he comes back to his apartment
like he’ll see a familiar black cat and be like “oh that’s miss. kim’s cat, mina, i better bring her home!!” 
then gets the cat to follow him home bc cats love him for some reason and returns the cat to it’s apartment 
smiles so much bc he loves smiling and being smiley and everyone loves seeing him walking around
super nice when you get to know him but comes off as slightly intimidating
the guys know he cries at dramas, and offers to fight anyone who hurts them
athlete extraordinaire in a nontraditional way
aka the shelves of his apartment are filled with dance and taekwondo trophies 
really quiet and pretty shy tbh like no one really talks to him unless he wants them to
he lived next to jinwoo for almost a month before anyone met him
they literally never saw him and thought maybe it was some kind of ghost tenant or something living in the apartment
and then one night when myungjun was working jinwoo went over bc he heard minhyuk playing a song by bts that he really liked the dance to
cue him and minhyuk bonding over dance and becoming dance buddies
his apartment is really messy,,, like there’s clothes covering every spot in his room and no one knows how he can tell anything apart
he’s the person who will just grab a random shirt off the floor like “eh this is good” and wear it 
dongmin is always telling him to clean up but he doesn’t ever listen
he’s really observant which is a benefit of being quiet and not talking much
him not talking much is also why him and sanha bond so well bc sanha incessantly talks but in like a good way bc minhyuk loves it
hardcore pining after sanha and everyone knows it except sanha bc he’s oblivious
does absolutely anything sanha asks him to bc he just cares about him so much
even helps him with finding dirt/drama about people around the building even though it’s not really his thing
he heard about a few of the kids wanting to attend dance lessons and not being able to afford it so he convinced bin and jinwoo to help him teach them for free,,, took none of the credit even though it was 110% his idea
everyone has a lot of respect for him bc they know he works hard 
is super polite to everyone so pretty much everyone likes him and they leave him alone for the most part
definitely the balancing personality in his friend group bc while he can be excited and joking when he wants to be he’s pretty serious for the most part and makes sure they’re not doing, saying, (etc) anything silly or stupid
only moved in like 3 months ago and lives on myungjun’s other side
when he moved in myungjun helped him carry some boxes up without even saying anything to sanha first
the poor boy thought this guy was trying to steal his stuff and only realized myungjun was helping him after he yelled at him
quickly forgave him bc they live right beside each other and have quite a bit in common
absolute Drama King like he doesn’t start it or get involved in it but he knows everything there is to know about everyone
he goes to tea at the houses of the gossip ladies and bc he seems so innocent they just talk about everything in front of him
someone: “did you hear about what miss. kang did with mrs. kim’s husband??” 
sanha: “uhh no please fill me in” 
all the ladies love him and invite him back every single week
he doesn’t spill any of the secrets he learns unless he has to,,, chaotic good tbh
his house is surprisingly clean,,, bc he’s so young everyone expects it to be like minhyuk’s but somehow it isn't 
his plates, bowls, cups, other kitchenware are yellow and everyone loves it bc they think they’re adorable
constantly falls asleep at the desk in his room due to staying up late to do homework and jinwoo is always telling him he needs to get proper sleep and use his bed
the buildings largest child tbh,, everyone kinda watches out for him and all the parents pinch his cheeks and think he’s adorable 
the most oblivious person on earth
everyone has told him that minhyuk likes him, including the gossip ladies but he won’t listen bc he’s stubborn
doesn’t believe that his huge crush isn’t one sided until minhyuk kisses him one day while they’re having a very very rare argument about something
when the guys find out they yell/say variations of “finally” and myungjun buys minhyuk ice cream as a congratulations
like myungjun, he’s super positive and always smiling his super nice smile and everyone loves having him around
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laurelwinchester · 7 years
Paging goshutuplucifer because you also sent me D/L for this meme.
who hogs the duvet: Laurel. She is always cold and she tosses and turns in her sleep, which means she usually wakes up all tangled in the blankets. Dean tends to run hot anyway so he doesn’t really care about the lack of blankets but she always feels so guilty when sees that she’s stolen all the covers so when she inevitably wakes up before him, she carefully covers him up and lets him sleep in.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: They both do this a lot. However, neither one of them actually say outright that they’re texting to check in so they just send each other texts about dinner or grocery lists or random things about their day. If one of them is out of town - if he’s on a case or she’s off working with the Justice League - they kind of up their check in texts. Occasionally, one of them will bluntly send a text that says something like yo, babe, you still alive???? Especially if it’s been over 24 hours since the last check in. But most of the time, they try to be lowkey in their worrying.
She’ll send him selfies of her expression while she’s stuck listening to Oliver or Bruce drone on in meetings just to let him know she’s still alive and uninjured. Or she’ll try to start conversations by texting him random things like Kara says hi and she’s sending me home with Eliza’s recipe for sweet potato pie or Helena’s in a mood today. She keeps threatening to “dickpunch” Ollie. Has she talked to you at all?
Meanwhile, when Dean wants her to know that he’s okay or when he’s fishing for a response to let him know she’s not dead, he just sends her a lot of pictures of random birds all with the caption is this u?
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Okay, so, Laurel’s grandmother had this really ornate jewelry box that had been in the family for generations. Laurel absolutely loved that thing. She’d admired it since she was a kid. It was so beautiful. It was supposed to be passed down to Dinah but when Beatrice saw how much Laurel loved it, she planned to give it to her. But when Bea and Richard moved from their house into the nursing home, it was broken in the move. A couple of years later, Dean had the box recreated and gave it to Laurel on her birthday. It was amazing. She cried.
Of course, Sam was the one who pointed out, “That was nice, dude, but you fucked yourself. Now you have to try to top that every year.”
Dean considered that but eventually just threw his arms out with a smirk and went, “Challenge accepted.”
who gets up first in the morning: Laurel gets up at an obnoxiously early time to go for her morning run. Most of the time, when she does this, she’ll wake him up briefly just to let him know that she’s heading out for her run and he’ll sleepily mumble something like “have a good run” or “I’ll have coffee waiting when you get back” but sometimes he’s just like “it’s six in the morning, what the fuck, go back to sleep, what is your life.” Because who wakes up at six in the morning on a Saturday in the winter to go for a run?
who suggests new things in bed: I feel like they’re both on pretty even ground at this point. In the beginning, however, it was Dean who made the suggestions. He had more experience than she did and he wanted her to be happy, comfortable, and satisfied. So there are a few things he’s responsible for introducing her to, sure, but he’s also just responsible for helping to loosen her up a bit and make her more comfortable in the bedroom. She’s always been a sex positive person in theory but you need the right partner for some things and I will bet everything I own that pre-island Oliver was selfish in bed. Dean, on the other hand, is very giving and there’s definitely a level of trust there that she didn’t have before.
who cries at movies: 90% of the time this is Laurel. Unless they’re watching a Disney movie. Then it’s both of them.
who gives unprompted massages: Dean does this all the time. Half the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. He just likes to be touching her to remind himself that she’s still there. It becomes a habit for him. And it he really good with his hands. He massages are amazing and she carries so much stress in her neck and shoulders so she is on board with that habit. Never turn down a Dean Winchester massage, honestly.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: They both do this because they’re both caretakers by nature, but Dean is a bit more insistent in his fussing. Which works out perfectly because Laurel is needy af when she’s sick.
who gets jealous easiest: It used to be Dean, especially in regards to a certain ex of hers, but at this point, neither one of them really bother with jealousy anymore because it’s honestly just a waste of time. Overprotectiveness? Sure. But jealousy? Not so much.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Oh, Laurel. It’s not all embarrassing. She likes classic rock, indie music, and she went through a belated Riot Grrrl phase when she was 12/13 and some of that stuck, but her not-so-guilty-pleasure music is Top 40. Her workout playlist is all Britney, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce. She is not at all embarrassed by this, though. She also uses it whenever she needs to get her way.
Like, one night, right after Thea’s moved in with them, Laurel and Dean get in the world’s dumbest argument over whether or not they need a dishwasher (she’s for, he’s against) and it just goes on and on and on and on. Thea, equal parts irritated and amused, goes to hide in her room. She’s in bed, online shopping and live texting the fight to Sam, when she hears Laurel yell, “Don’t make me do the thing, Dean!”
And he’s like, “Do not do the thing!”
Then there’s just a lot of incoherent protesting from Dean, followed by the sound of the Spice Girls, followed by a, “DAMN IT, LAUREL!”
Thea frowns and has to text Oliver: what does it mean when laurel puts on spice girls in the middle of an argument????
His response is quick: She’s going to get whatever she wants.
Thea: ??????
Oliver: It’s her idea of a filibuster. Then, a minute later: Has she started dancing yet? She’s a terrible dancer.
Thea: awww that’s mean bro. she tries. she’s still a better dancer than you.
Anyway, the next morning, when she’s in the kitchen, eating cereal and reading one of Laurel’s old Vogue magazines, Dean comes into the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee, sighs heavily, and asks her, “Do you need anything from Ikea? We’re getting a dishwasher.”
(This answer got long. I just wanted everyone to know that Laurel Lance stages filibusters with the Spice Girls because it seemed like really important information.)
who collects something unusual: Dean sends her a postcard every time he’s out of town so she has a collection of those that she keeps in a box by her bed. But also, THIS GIRL IS A BORDERLINE HOARDER. Whatever home she’s in, it’s cluttered. She keeps everything. She has magazines dating back to 2005, a bunch of her grandparents’ things (including a bunch of fine china that she never knows what to do with), flea market finds, and way too many shoes.
who takes the longest to get ready: Generally speaking, it’s Laurel. But if they’re going to some fundraiser or gala in Star City or out to dinner with her father, it’s Dean who takes the longest. He’s just dragging his feet but he’ll insist it was because he needed an extra minute for his hair because, “Do you think I just wake up like this?” Her response to that is always a dry, “I wake up next to you, honey. I know for a fact you wake up like that. It’s annoying. I hate you a little bit for it.”
who is the most tidy and organized: Neither of them are particularly tidy and organized but Dean might take this one just because of the borderline hoarder thing. She has so much stuff that their house is practically bursting at the seams. And you know what else? She leaves her goddamned shoes everywhere. He has nearly died before because she left a stiletto in the living room. (He didn’t “nearly die” but that’s what it said in his all caps text.) But, at the same time, Dean doesn’t fold clothes. The bedroom is full of all these piles of clothes and Laurel never knows what’s clean and what’s not because that man is allergic to folding clothes and putting laundry away.
who gets most excited about the holidays: Laurel loves the holidays! She was so excited to move into their cozy little house because it meant trick or treaters at Halloween. She spends weeks fixing up goodie bags for the kids and decorating the house and planning costumes and forcing Dean to make a menu for the Halloween party. She puts up the Christmas tree and starts playing Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving. She stands at the bottom of the ladder while she tells Dean where to put all the lights. She plans the Easter egg hunt for all the kids in the Justice League.
She gets so full of energy around the holidays that people keep telling Dean that they need to hurry up and have kids because she needs somewhere to put all that “weird holiday energy.”
who is the big spoon/little spoon: They take turns because sharing is caring.
who gets more competitive when playing games and/or sports: One year, there is a softball game between all of the superhero teams. We’re talking all of them. Team Arrow, Team Flash, Sara’s time traveling team, the Birds of Prey, Supergirl and Friends, other various members of the Justice League and their teams. It’s supposed to be a team building exercise. Dean is offered a spot with Laurel and her girls but his response basically boils down to, “Hard pass.” Still, on the day of, he dutifully shows up with Cas and sits in the bleachers with a very pregnant, very tired, and very grumbly Iris West-Allen. Everything is fine for awhile. Until Oliver and Laurel get in an argument over his pitching abilities and it ends in her chasing him around the field.
Iris bursts into laughter and films the whole thing on her phone, managing to get out giggles of, “I take back every grumpy thing I’ve said today. This is the best thing that has ever happened!”
Dean does eventually manage to grab Laurel and toss her over his shoulder while she’s ranting and accusing Oliver of cheating, but not before he almost falls off the bleachers because he’s laughing so hard.
who starts the most arguments: Ummm, Dinah Laurel Lance: Lawyer By Day, Vigilante By Night. She should have “I’m a lawyer, I live to argue” tattooed on her forehead.
who suggests that they buy a pet: Pets have always been an ongoing discussion for them. Laurel was the one to bring it up first before they even got married, but they both decided to wait until they were working less and home more. It takes them a long time to be ready to pull the trigger on that particular issue. See, they’ve both always said that they’d like their kids to have a dog. But, you know, some things aren’t meant to be. The years pass and the people around them start getting married and having kids. Sam and Eileen have a daughter, Sara and Nyssa raise Nyssa’s nephew for a few years, Barry and Iris have twins, and even Oliver has William.
Meanwhile, Dean and Laurel have nothing but an empty house that feels too big and these chasms in their chest that they’ve tried and failed to fill. Finally, after 10 years together, 7 years of marriage, and 5 years of trying for a baby with nothing to show for it other than a handful of losses, they decide to adopt a pitbull puppy.
The puppy - a super sweet and shy little girl - doesn’t completely fill the void but she sure does love them a lot and they love her too.
what couple traditions do they have: They take a vacation once a year. That’s Laurel’s doing. Sometimes you just need to get away from the vigilante life, recharge your batteries, and have sex on a beach.
Also, it’s not so much a tradition as a habit, but they high five each other a lot. It’s weird. They do it for everything. It’s like every time they make a decision or every time they want to celebrate, they high five. Some people shake on it. Some people pinky swear. They high five. Nobody says anything about it for a long time until Claire is over for dinner one night and winds up blurting out, “Do you two do that all the time?”
Thea bursts out, “Oh my god, all the time!”
Dean and Laurel are both a little startled by that because they genuinely didn’t realize they were doing it that much. When he asks if they high five each other that much, Laurel is adamant that they don’t. Then a few seconds later, she looks up from what she’s doing and admits, slowly, “Well… We did high five after sex last night. Is that weird?”
Dean thinks long and hard about that before answering, “No, that was really great sex. It deserved a high five.”
And then Claire’s like, “Wow, we’re still at the table, you pervs.”
what tv shows they watch together: They used to watch cooking competitions together until an intervention was staged. Dean yelled at the television like a sports fan watching the superbowl and Laurel got way too emotionally invested in the people and their backstories.
what other couple they hang out with: I don’t know if they’re really a double date kind of couple but I can see them hanging out with Sam and Eileen, Sara and Nyssa, John and Lyla, and maybe Barry and Iris.
how they spend time together as a couple: They both work so much and they’re both out of town a lot so when they’re together, they prefer to spend their time at home doing absolutely nothing but watching bad movies on Netflix, eating pizza in bed, and ignoring the outside world.
who made the first move: Nobody knows for sure because they each have a different answer to that question. Dean says it was Laurel. Laurel says it was Dean. (…It was Laurel.)
who brings flowers home: Laurel loves having fresh flowers in the house but buying flowers all the time can get expensive so eventually she decides to just start her own garden in the backyard and they have flowers all over their property and they are never without a few vases of fresh flowers inside.
who is the best cook: No question about that. It’s Dean. Laurel tries, but it’s just safest for her to stay out of the kitchen.
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you
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mmeocancer-blog · 7 years
Magical Phone Blog
 2)                                                                                    November 19, 2017 
And… It has been the second day of my “technology - cleansing” journey. The challenge today was to de-clutter my phone and/or rearrange the apps from most to least meaningful to me. Easy peasy, right? Well… Not really… As a self-proclaimed “lowkey” hoarder, I would use almost every excuse possible to keep things, even if I have not put them to work for over the past year or so. I would literally convince myself that it will be handy in the future or just because its’ icon complements my background perfectly. Nevertheless, I still like to be organized, so I gave this task a go. Following Marie Kondo’s method of decluttering, as mentioned in her book The life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, where she explained: “You have to hold things close to you, decide if they are sparking joy and if they don’t get rid of them!” It was difficult in the beginning as I continually felt conflicted every time I “held -onto” the apps and debating whether to uninstall it or not. Funny thing was that I even had to open some apps to remind myself why I installed it in the first place, which was like a trip down memory lane, fun and astonishing at the same time. Astonished because thinking back to when I downloaded the apps, I was very eager to implement them in my daily use, yet in reality, roughly six made it to my regular routine. Thinking about that made the challenge a bit easier. There wasn’t much of a change, but the effort was made, and I was able to clear up my phone from a total of 115 to 106 apps as well as 2GB of storage. Additionally, I also put all the apps that were not only useful but also brought me joy to the home screen, a slightly different approach to the article – putting them in a folder, since I found it was more convenient like so. Overall, today’s challenge wasn’t  half as bad as yesterday’s, nevertheless, I still felt super proud of myself for being able to “let go” of things that were not necessary on my phone as well as reorganizing it more to my daily reach. As I wrap up today’s blog, I challenge you to try this method of tidying up as well! Hard, but worth it cause not only is it convenient to have all your favorite apps in the same space, but it also helps your phone function faster than it used to.
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