wildfrau · 8 months
"What sort of trouble are you up to now, hm?"
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"I'm not. If you're worried or some shit."
She gave the Captain a wary look before resting a hand on her hip.
"Look, I'm not one of the ..Liaisons or whatever. If you're looking for Bambi you'll have to call one of them."
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oyabxn · 4 years
@loyaltypunished encountered a fishman.
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"Ur......is there any reason why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" Is that a wolf mink? I know Observation Haki works but this? The fishman thought. He never expected someone else take a good look at him. Besides humans, this wolf stared at him intently. Hopefully Jinbei won't be a tasty snack.....
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hirako5hinji · 4 years
[ continued | X ]
@loyaltypunished​ said:
The subtle under breath chatter of the visored Captain did not fall on deaf ears. Although Sajin wasn't much for gossip, he couldn't withhold his curiosities very well either. He took a brief look around, but he couldn't seem to place any one or two individuals that comment might apply. His sense of naivety to the topic might be to blame for that.
"If I might, and my apologies for overhearing, but to whom are you referring to, Captain Hirako?"
          The blond turned his head and gazed upon the rather serious features of his fellow captain. He still looked vaguely exasperated by the titillating gossip that he had to dispel earlier...but there was no harm sharing it with Komamura. There was something about the other taichou’s calm, patient demeanor that invited conversation.
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               “ I was referrin’a my Lieutenant and her, uh, childhood friend. S’not even spring yet and people’s already got spring fever in the head. ” Usually, he was seldom one to put his foot into rumors and hearsay, but some of the stuff being bandied about had the potential to be seriously hurtful, if heard by Momo. So Shinji was...annoyed. 
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ryusxnka · 4 years
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             “ Tell me, Komamura ... What sort of methods did you use to grow so large? “
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hanabiira · 4 years
@loyaltypunished​​ cont. from x
It was always nice to have a little break with Sajin. He was a good conversation partner and had an undeniably calming aura. No wonder he is so well loved by his division. 
“Nothing in particular. Just a good day, I suppose~” she takes a seat beside him, unwrapping the bento box she brought along with him. Next to him, she must seem quite insignificant, would people even notice if they weren’t paying attention? 
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“I made salmon onigiri, would you like one?” 
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glacies-tempestatem · 4 years
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@loyaltypunished​ said:  💐 Why not
Send 💐 for your muse to give mine a bouquet of flowers
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—[ 氷の女王]—  “This is certainly unexpected but so nice and friend, Komamura-taichou!”
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Commented with a bright smile on her lips and a cheerful expression when saw him with such a wonderful bouquet of coves and white lilies. “Thanks very much!”
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i-minato-chan · 3 years
"Excuse me, Captain Komamura?"
The instructors at the Spirit Acadamy had made what several professors in the World of the Living had once considered An Error. Over the course of several years, an entire department had learned to fear a very particular knocking on their doors - Minato had come. With questions.
Minato had been serving in the Court Guard squads for three years now, but the allure of studying - alongside his training, and his shinigami duties - was irresistable.
Now the Spirit Academy instructors had given their students a research task - to pick some aspect of the Seireitei's history or culture and write an essay on it. Minato, ever practical, had chosen a subject otherwise mentioned exactly once in the classroom and in only hushed whispers otherwise.
Solid information on bankai was hard to come by, so Minato had decided there was only one thing for it. He was going to ask the people who should definitely know about it.
"Sorry to disturb you, sir, but I have a few questions for you, if you have the time?"
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hiyorisarugaki · 4 years
"Who would dare to call you vile or wretched, little one?"
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“Y’know, the organization ya serve.”
Okay, that was hitting below the belt. She decided that they maaaay have just changed their ways - only after Aizen had screwed them all over so badly, they had no choice but to let these vile things into their ranks. But, she had to let go of this grudge (read as: Hiyori will never let go of this grudge).
But... this guy had been an alright captain. He had actually welcomed them for saving the shinigami in the winter war.
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“... Yer so fluffy and cute.”
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imuditia · 4 years
continued from [ x ] @loyaltypunished​ 
“Why yes. Most black-garbed people were human-looking while you look like a werewolf, which is from one of human-related fiction.” By black-garbed, she refers to the shinigami who were carrying katana of different varieties. She would wonder if he’s the only wolfman in his kind. 
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“Were you the only one in your race? Surely there’s still a few of you.” 
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thousandblossoms · 4 years
Dandelion: Have you ever tried to garden?
Send me a cup of tea
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“It is not among my duties as a noble to soil my hands with dirt, but as the current head of the Kuchiki clan I am responsible for the aesthetic arrangement of the flora within--and surrounding the manor. Personally, however, I do collect and maintain a few bonsai plants.”
A potted bonsai within a gold and porcelain pot is presented. Each of the leaves is a small pink flower that resembles a sakura in eternal bloom. However this was achieved is a mystery, but it most likely isn’t easily affordable.
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maddmuses · 4 years
His 'GO' senses tingled and so he came to play.
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When the first stone hits the board, he sees her face go like this, as her killer Go instinct has engaged.
Her captain had no clue what he was in for.
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wildfrau · 8 months
your name: Komamura Sajin
Romantic or platonic?: Platonic, but... I suppose if you truly preferred, romantic?
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: Dinner or Activity
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: I don't think chocolate-covered anything would be a good idea for me...
What's your perfect date?: A nice walk
Would you cook for me?: I could
Would you let me cook for you?: Of course, though I can't promise it will be very good, i'm not much of a chef.
Can we make-out?: I-I suppose but... how?
Make out in private or in public?: P-private!
Do you like to cuddle?: I cuddle with Goro, does that count?
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: No blankets
Couch or bed?: Either
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Does training count? Taking a stroll, Watching Tv/Movies.
Tell me something about you no else knows: Hm... I'd like to try surfing sometime. It looks and sounds quite enjoyable.
What makes you a good Valentine?: My Lieutenant, Iba, has told me I would be a very good 'catch', though I think his reasoning may be biased.
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Well well well, someone actually sent one in.
Candice thought to herself as she lightly peeled the application form her mailbox. Huh, no smell of blood or gunpowder. It smelled.....woodsy? Not even who she expected to send one in.
Peeling the envelope open, she raised a brow for a moment as she took a brief second to process the name.
"Eh? A Captain?" She murmured, a bit surprised at that. And NOT even one of the ones who had been making passes at her either! Seventh Right? The big wolf guy. She'd been aware Bambi had called him 'doggy'. But structure and stature had her beleiving it was more likely a plain ol wolf.
And the guy had a reputation. Via the daten even before the war had rolled in, the guy was well known for being aggressively loyal to Genryuusei. A recluse, and hardly the sociable type. Guy usually kept to himself.
Which made it EXTRA cute that he went out of his way for a valentines. The awkwardness practically dripped from the page and she found herself smiling as she read it. Not exactly a stellar pitch.
Not ONLY that. But quite adorably. The guy had left one space blank.
Why DID they wanna be her valentine?
She smirked a bit to herself, as frankly THAT was one of the most important questions. She well..hadn't exactly made a good account of herself during the war. Well, she'd taken on Zaraki directly, as well as Ichigo. She had passion certainly, but well. He more or less would only know about her being a hot head directly.
Maybe he'd heard about how she was like outside of combat via his peers? Hmmm. Taking a pen, she proceeded to fill out the response section.
'Your application is currently pending. Please fill out your application fully and completely, so that I might process and provide an appropriate response.
Sincerely, Candice'
She smiled a little to herself and promptly got up from her seat. Fully intent on delivering her response personally.
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momxku · 4 years
Songtext meme: Control - Halsey
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---  Do you remember when we met?” He smiles a little, even though to think of it causes him pain, especially because it relates directly to Kakyou and her demise. Though Komamura had met him when he had been in a determined headspace, despite his grieving, and despite his positive facade in meeting him, Kaname can be honest towards him now. He trusts him, despite himself. Despite daily reminding himself of the inherent wrongness in the system and those a part of it. 
       “I paced around for hours on empty. I jumped at the slightest of sounds, and I couldn't stand the person inside me..” He relays quietly, running his thumb across the inside of his palm, softly massaging, eyes downcast, even if raising them towards the other wouldn’t betray his feelings towards his statements. Not to him. Komamura’s energy ought to speak for him.
      The person he had been... He had hated him. The person that had allowed Kakyou to be murdered. Now he felt.. More at peace. Knowing he was working to right his wrongs. The weaknesses he had had to deal with when younger. Though these things he could not share with Komamura. Because certainly, a man such as him would not approve. And in that.. Their views of justice were worlds apart.
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senboago · 4 years
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@loyaltypunished​ said:
"There is no knowing what may happen,"
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A sorrowful point of view, and yet the truth. Komamura would always remind her, warn her of unknowing futures. However, Mochizuki couldn’t help but hope to have some control of it. After all the shit she’d been through, was it too much to ask for?
She held her hands to herself, though desperate to reach out for comfort. “Of course, sir.”
They could at least hold onto these moments, right? Those hundred years where he and Tetsuzaemon nurtured her growth. Her chest heaved a sigh, solemn in its sound. “Thank you,” For his acceptance, his leadership, and most importantly his presence.
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hanabiira · 4 years
’ you always make the days a little brighter for people. ’
( complement starters ) 
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“Well I’m doing something right, then!” she chuckles, grinning at Komamura’s kind admission. She doesn’t think he would lie to her just to boost her ego. He is far too honourable a man (dog? dogman?) to not say the truth.
“sometimes being sad is unavoidable, it’s part of life for all of us but I think its nice to know that there’s people that’ll always make it a bit more bearable, no?” She doesn’t mean to wax philosophical with him, but she thinks he will be someone who understands. 
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kenpxchi · 4 years
"Are you sure it wasn't just a dream?"
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“does it matter? i still had fun, whether or not it was a dream.”
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