#lref douglas
crayonverse · 2 years
Douglas: Huh? What has Kaz got there?
Chase: I guess other than his shining eyes and radiant hair, an electric guitar?
Douglas: Hm, it’s almost like Marcus’s old-- Sorry what did you just say?
Chase, sweating: What. Nothing. You’re old, you’re hearing things. I didn’t say anything.
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tabl3 · 8 months
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rip quality
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lref-incorrect-quotes · 2 months
Douglas: I don’t dress the way I do because it’s sexy. Douglas: I dress the way I do because it puts queer people at ease and makes bigots wildly uncomfortable.
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neurodivenport · 1 year
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been a min
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Erm greek god lab rats parallels
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secretsandlabrats · 5 months
I’ve been thinking about Donald (*collective gasp* yes, I know, it’s shocking to me too) again and the possibility that Tasha might not be his first or even second wife but, what if she’s his fourth? I feel like he’s the type of man to be married more than three times which makes me dislike him more but it’s literally just a headcanon for him also, what if he had children with those women? So there would be more than Adam, Bree, and Chase.
They only way that they find this out is Kaz and Douglas doing a deep dive because they got bored together once so they decided to go look into Donald’s old life and so much more. They just causally bring it up like it’s common information meanwhile Bree and Chase are like, “What in the actual fuck?” and they just give Donald weird glances, even Tasha! She’s a bit offended that he didn’t tell her about his other wives especially when she’s spoke of Leo’s father. She doesn’t like talking about him but Donald pushes her to talk about him to get over him.
When confronted he just tells them, “I thought it wasn’t a big deal to talk about,” so Tasha, Bree, and Chase are just so done with him at this point. This man has other wives and he could have other CHILDREN somewhere 🤨💀
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mushed-kid · 1 year
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themoonandtheprincess · 4 months
Hey Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force fandom,, what are the essential episodes to watch so I can skip the fillers?
34 notes · View notes
lab-trash · 1 year
Kaz: You didn't tell your Dad we were sneaking out on a date, did you? Chase: I kinda sorta... didn't tell him anything? Kaz: Chase, that's irresponsible! He'll be worried sick! Call Douglas this instant, and tell him that you're spending the night at AJ's house, okay? Lying. It's the responsible thing to do.
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On The Edge is Best of Season Four of Lab Rats
I have a few things to say about the On The Edge special. Out of the many specials in season four, it’s by far my favorite as it’s clearly a Leo focused special. I am a Leo fan girl through and through. Leo since the start of the Island stuff has been stuck as a student trying to prove himself worthy of being a mentor. The special brings out all Leo’s pent-up frustrations and allows him to express them.
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I find the special to be a really good character study of Leo as well. Part one of the special has the more negative qualities on display(Leo’s recklessness, impatience, ego, arrogance, and even some his trademark sneakiness) while part two puts Leo’s best qualities on display(his fearlessness, his compassion, determination, etc.). The first part has Leo’s worst qualities blow up in his face to only have his best qualities shine threw and save the day.
In terms of season four, each of the many specials focus on one of the main characters. Bionic Action Hero is mainly a Bree special with Chase and Adam centered stuff thrown in. Space Colony is primary an Adam special. Bionic Rebellion is mostly a Chase centered special, if I had say anyone was focused on. The finale/The Vanishing is Douglas/Daniel focused special while serving as the series finale and last hooray for the cast/series. On The Edge is Leo’s focused special.
I think before going further its with pointing out that Disney+ took out some scenes for streaming, but for the purpose of this I will be talking about scenes and episode as it originally aired. I found the transcript of the episode along with OG broadcasted episode. I won’t link with the episode since it’s technically would be a pirated version. I do trust anyone who is interested in the OG version can find it themselves. The transcript is pulled from the Lab Rats Wiki, IMBd, and Quotes.net, but mostly the Wiki.
I want to quickly touch on some of acting in the On The Edge special. Tyrel Jackson Williams(actor who plays Leo) is one of the best actors in the cast of Lab Rats and I think most fans can agree on that. Williams acting in whole special is great. He isn’t often given much dramatic material to work with in Lab Rats since it is a sitcoms, but this special does. I think the On The Edge is some of Williams best in the show. The way he portrays Leo in this episode is just great. Leo is still as funny as ever, but Williams able to give weight Leo’s anger, frustrations, guilt, and joy. You can tell Tyrel put a lot of heart into Leo. Watching Leo on the bridge mission with Taylor and saving Chase are some Tyrel’s most dramatic moments on the show. The rest of the other members of the cast are great, but I think Tyrel brings just something more than usual in terms of acting in the On The Edge special.
The score for On The Edge is solid. There are a few spots where I think score just shines and goes above a normal TV score(I will point where that is when it comes up). Lab Rats score for TV sitcoms is decent and does it job, but I think for the specials, and On The Edge especially, the score is just a step above normal.
The special starts off with Leo is rightly upset that Adam, Bree, and Chase are getting honored with an award and tells his family about it. His family, namely Adam, Bree, and Chase, as usually don’t listen. A big thing with dynamic of Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo is the trio not taking Leo 100% seriously ever. The bionic trio didn’t believe Leo about Marcus, didn’t think bringing Douglas to help fix Bree’s chip was a good idea, and didn’t think Leo had a leg to stand on for his argument that he should be a mentor. Even Donald Davenport doesn’t take Leo 100% seriously. Leo not getting the award along side his family is just another thing in a long line of things that Leo isn’t believed or taken serious on.
“I worked so hard to prove myself but it doesn't matter. They're always gonna see me as their little barely bionic brother.”
As the special goes on, we see Leo air his complicate to both his new team and to his family. It’s paints a picture that Leo has been feeling undervalued for a long time.
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Leo appears to appreciate all the positive feedback that he starts to get from Taylor and Logan(members of Leo’s team) and some of that is Leo’s ego. Even Logan’s hero worship of Leo means a lot to Leo. I can’t help but think a lot of it is also Leo getting some validation he hasn’t been getting anywhere else. It’s pretty clear that Taylor and Logan’s support throughout the special mean a lot to Leo. Leo does get a little arrogant as their leader by exaggerating his own successes/abilities.
“Talk about an underdog. He was just a regular guy. And all of a sudden he got bionics and became an inspiration to the whole world.”
Taylor and Logan(Logan especially) are there from story structure standpoint to help Leo have someone to listen and actual hear what he saying. Taylor and Logan listen to what Leo is saying and take him seriously as a leader while his siblings(mostly Chase) don’t.
There is unique to view Logan, Taylor, and Leo as a parallel of sorts to Adam, Bree, and Chase. Leo is Chase aka the leader of group. Logan is Adam aka the dumb but loyal protector. Bree is Taylor aka balancer/mediator of the team who sometimes acts in a leader role. Taylor is a bit of stretch, but I think it’s interesting way to look at Leo’s team.
“I am MORE than ready, and maybe I wouldn't feel like I need to prove that to you guys if you weren't looking down on me.”
A line from Leo “if you guys weren’t always looking down on me,” really stands out as to how Leo feels. He doesn’t feel like an equal in his own family. He was made a student upon arriving, not mentor like literally everyone else in his family(minus Tasha and possibly Douglas). There’s also the fact Leo wasn’t bionic for the most of the show and only recently got a bionic arm and later bionic leg. It’s not hard to see why Leo feels like he is not an equal in his own family. There isn’t much to suggest otherwise.
“Is that why you're always bragging about how you're not one of us? I think you're just pretending to be a student so you can spy on us for the enemy.”
When you watch back earlier episodes in the Island storyline, you start to notice that Leo harks on the fact he is family to the mentors and goes on missions. Leo even throw a tantrum when he was “assigned to live in the student dorm”(episode: Bionic Rebellion). Seriously, the Bionic Rebellion special has Leo spend a lot of time ranting the student about all this. I think Leo is trying to point out and cling on to all the ways he is different from the other student.
Sometime that really speaks volumes to how sort of clueless Davenports are to how Leo is feeling is that when says he feels like “always looking down on” him. Bree replies “we don't look down on you”. I find that pretty telling that his family doesn’t realize how Leo is feeling.
We going to take quick look at interaction between Leo and his team that I think highlights how Leo is feeling. The scene comes after Taylor and Leo show Chase their new combined EMP ability and Chase tells Leo and Taylor not to use the ability. The scene starts with Leo being frustrated that despite working hard to proving himself it doesn’t change how his family sees him as the “little brother whose barely bionic”. Leo takes Chase not trust Taylor and Leo to their new EMP as a sign of how his family sees him. Leo even states in the scene “I'm so sick of them not treating me seriously. It's time to prove I'm as much a bionic hero as they are”.
“I hate this. I've worked so hard to prove myself but it doesn't matter. They're always going to see me as their little brother whose barely bionic.”
Taylor and Logan actually try to comfort Leo about how he is feeling. Taylor even tells Leo that her and Logan they’ve got Leo’s back. For Leo, these appear to be the only two people that believe in him and his abilities right now.
When Leo tries to convince Chase to let Taylor and him use the ability, Chase doesn’t let them have a word in. Leo give a good reason that if this ability was when they were fighting Krane then the Triton app could be taken out much easier. Chase tells Leo that “doesn’t matter” and that ability “is dangerous”. In the long run, Chase is half right that ability was dangerous. The problem here is that Chase wasn’t willing to hear Leo out and due that the EMP ability became dangerous(because Leo was trying to prove himself to his family/Chase). When the ability was used again in part two, it wasn’t dangerous. The ability wasn’t dangerous the first times the ability was used by. It was only dangerous when Leo was trying to prove something.
You could make the argument that EMP ability is what symbolic of Leo’s journey. The ability is found by accident like how Leo often causes accidents and found the the Lab by accident. The ability wasn’t dangerous until Leo’s recklessness and need to prove himself took him. This often happens when Leo was trying to impress Jenelle or even other social situations. The ability becomes safe again when Leo is not trying to impress or prove anything rather he just trying to help.
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Leo drive and need to prove himself leads to Leo seriously injuring Taylor. The injuring of Taylor is classic recklessness of Leo with a hint of ego/arrogance. Leo thought they could handle it while also rushing into using this new EMP ability without knowing much about it.
“Back off! This is my team!”
When looking at the scene where Taylor actually gets hurt it is the build of a lot Leo trying to prove himself once again, but feeling like his family is once again telling him he’s not good enough. The scene starts off with Leo and Taylor doing well training to use the ability. The problem starts with Leo and Taylor add more power to EMP because Leo wants to show-off a little. In the show that’s often where Leo’s problems start, when he is trying to show off to Jenelle or someone else. Chase and Bree telling Leo to stop using the ability doesn’t help. Leo is stubborn and I think he is done listening to them. He wants to show them he is worth taking seriously.
The score in the scene is just great. I love how sound effects and music mix together. The score helps sell the intensity of the interaction. I don’t have much else to say other than score is just great in these scene.
“Oh, please, you're just jealous that your team isn't as powerful as mine.”
Tyrel Jackson Williams acting in the scene is just amazing. The way Tyrel delivers the anger, hurt, and determination in some of lines is amazing. When Leo claims Chase is jealous the playful tone that underlined with angry and hurt is amazing. After Taylor is hurt, the way Tyrel acts is amazing. The guilt and shock is written all over the acting/character. It is just amazing how well Tyrel gets the emotions in the scene.
“I can't believe it. She's never gonna see again. It's all because of me.”
The next couple scenes after training mishap with EMP ability have Leo thinking everything will be fine and Taylor will be okay. Leo has had bad injuries and he just got bionics. It’s makes sense for Leo to think this way. It’s also very innocent way of thinking.
It isn’t until the news that Taylor is now blind thanks to Leo’s leadership that things change. Lab Rats doesn’t always have lasting consequences like this. Leo got his arm and leg crushed but he was fine since he got a bionic upgrades/replacements(not completely sure how that worked). Villains dies off screen or in the case of Marcus is technically a robot so the death can be shown. Taylor getting blinded is just brutal and sets up next part perfectly(we will get into soon). It’s honestly one of the worst and most lasting thing to happen on the show.
Side note: not completely related, but interesting to point out(I’m not the only who has noticed this). Taylor, formerly S-1, was the reason Leo’s arm was destroyed and now here Leo takes Taylor’s sight. Don’t know if was intentional, but interesting parallel.
Leo rightly feels a lot of guilt over what happened to Taylor and decides to leave the island. I know some people don’t like this scene. I find that it’s very in character character for Leo. Leo tends to put the protection of those he loves first and does whatever he can to protect them. I think in his mind by leaving he was protecting everyone. It is debatable if Leo made the right call here or not, but it was his decision to make at the end of the day.
“Taylor has to live with my mistake for the rest of her life.”
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I want to actually take a moment to actual break down the whole scene where Leo leaves the island. It’s very powerful scene and sets the stage for the second part of the special. It’s very impressive that whole scene is carried by acting alone, there no music until the Leo starts to board the hytroloop.
Disclaimer: the photo edit above was created by me.
The conversion in the scene is mostly between Leo, Chase, and Donald Davenport. The special as whole does have Adam, Bree, and Douglas as features rather than a main focus. Adam and Douglas in the first part mostly work on making limo indestructible. Bree tends to be paired with Chase or Adam in scenes to help add to conversion, but her character isn’t really a focus in this special. Even Donald’s role in the overall story is small. In this scene and other dramatic scenes, Donald acts in his mentor/father role in the show. The special is mostly about Leo and his problems, but it’s feature Chase quite a bit. Chase arguably is the one Leo is most close to out of the trio. The special takes their stable relationship and breaks it down. Leo and Chase bud heads as Leo wants to step and be a leader. Chase doesn’t want to let go of being a leader and he doesn’t see Leo as anything more than his little brother. The whole point I am making is the scene here is the climax of the first part and it chooses to focus on these characters.
I think Chase’s line of “I never meant for you to leave” says a lot of what was going on. This clashing of heads between Leo and bionic trio on the surface didn’t seem like anything new to trio. If you look at Leo’s point of view this clash was culmination of everything since they got to the island. From the trio’s point of view it was just another disagreement to solved and fixed in a couple days. I don’t think Adam, Bree, or Chase actually thought Leo was this upset about Taylor or his place at the Academy until then.
Headcanon: I also like to think that trio never can imagine Leo up and leaving. Leo has never really left their side from extended period since the day they meant as the show explains. Leo is also the one who showed them the real world and was the first real friend outside the lab. He is an important figure in their life.
There is very interesting idea presented in the scene about mistakes and leadership. Donald Davenport states “part of being a leader is making mistakes. You learn from them, and you move on”. It’s actual a good piece of advice for life, not just leadership. Donald even points out Chase’s mistakes throughout the show as an example. Something I really like and is just a such a Leo thing to do, Leo makes a clear distinction between Chase’s mistakes and his own. That distinction is that Chase mistakes “never hurt anyone” while his mistake with Taylor is permit and hurt her.
In the scene Leo has clearly made up his mind and thought through everything he wants to say. Everyone else is a sort of shocked state trying to get Leo to stay, but he isn’t having any of it. Leo as a character is very stubborn so scene really showcases that. Leo has clearly also dealing with a LOT guilt and likely PTSD from what happened with Taylor.
“I'm going back to Mission Creek. I don't belong here anymore. I'm quitting the academy.”
I find Leo’s final words and his words beginning of the of scene to provide a bit of insight into Leo’s headspace. Let’s start with “I don’t belong here anymore”. Leo throughout the special has shown he feels like he not an equal with his family while the island stuff has shown Leo positions himself as not just a student(see above arguments). Leo never really belonged anywhere on the fully.
Leo made his own team in the special and I think that was the first time Leo felt he belonged on the island. Leo didn’t have student friends like Bob or Spin. He came to the understanding and respect of Spin. I think Leo puts up with Bob for Adam’s sake. The other students we don’t really see Leo interact with until this special. Leo clearly enjoys and loves spending time with Taylor and Logan. There is Douglas, Donald, and his siblings, but the Davenbros(Donald and Douglas) aren’t always around and the trio is likely busy with classes and stuff. Again, I want to point that Leo is student while his siblings are mentors. Even Leo’s stepdad is a mentor. It can create feelings of not fully belonging. I do want to point out that Tasha, Leo’s mother, isn’t around and I think everyone in the fandom can agree that if Tasha was around on the island then Leo would have had better emotional support.
“Give it[his mission suit] to someone more deserving… it's not your choice. It's mine. Bye, guys. Sorry I let you down.”
I see Leo giving back his mission suit as something very symbolic. In comics, a mission suit/super suit, the costume/suit is often seen something you have worthy to wear and something that is apart the hero’s journey/mission. Think back to Superman getting his suit in basically any origin show/movie/comic/story when he gets the suit it’s the moment where is ready or worthy to start saving the world. When Leo got his suit in the show it was the moment he was finally worthy and ready to join the team on missions. When Leo says “give it some deserving” it’s his guilt saying he is no longer worthy of the suit, going on missions, or being a hero because of he did to Taylor.
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Leo goes further later on with this deserving idea with Logan telling him that deserves “better team. Or at least a better leader”. Leo’s guilt is speaking here and sees himself unworthy to a leader. This conversion also ties into the idea presented by Leo earlier when he made the distinction between Chase’s and his mistakes as leaders. Leo is pointing out that Chase is the better and more deserving leader in a way by stating this. Leo even earlier stated he wasn’t “cut out to be a leader”.
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One last thing to touch on in this scene in the framing. Look at Leo in relation to everyone else(see image). Throughout the scene, Leo is apart from everyone else. It’s a good way to show just alone Leo must feel. Also, interesting choice to have Leo in red shirt in the scene which is the same as mission outfit(not sure if it has a meaning or not. Just thought it was interesting to point out). Leo being out of his student uniform and standing from the everyone else could also tie into Leo’s line of how he does not “belong here anymore”
Quickly before getting to part two of the special, a few notes on Leo’s worst qualities displayed during part one(I mentioned earlier this and wanted to make I touched on, but couldn’t find place anywhere else). The way Leo gets his team is rather sneaky. Leo knows Donald Davenport isn’t paying attention, so he asks then to ensure he gets what he wants. Leo is quick to inflated ego when Taylor or Logan even slightly build up. He is also somewhat reckless later on with EMP ability. There is a LOT of arrogance in the way Leo behaves in the way he believes that Taylor and him can just control EMP ability and his own leadership skills(not all unfounded though as Leo has many moments of leadership throughout the show).
Moving onto part two of the special, the episode cuts to two weeks later to check in on the character. The first couple scenes during part two of the special shows how Adam, Bree, and Chase come to realize how they were being unfair to Leo due to his departure. I do believe that Leo had to leave the island the island for Adam, Bree, and Chase to realize that how they really treating Leo and how Leo deserved to be treated better.
Side Note: I appreciate how the first couple scenes of the second part deal with the aftermath of Taylor being blinded and Leo leaving. I think a lot of fans watching On The Edge for the first time(didn’t watch the trailer or watched the show on a binge/blind) were surprised/shocked that Leo left at the end of part one. I think that episode taking time to show the characters dealing the emotions and aftermath of part one is a smart move that helps the audience process the information too and helps up some of future events in the special.
The first scene of the episode is a phone call between the bionic trio and Leo. The phone call between the the trio and Leo is just great to show the new status quo that has established on the island during time-skip of two weeks. Leo is still set on not coming back to the island or the team despite the bionic trio trying to convince Leo to come back during the call. I’ve always read this scene as this is not the first time the trio have tried to convince Leo to come back(feel free to read another way). That does run into headcanon territory, but I don’t think it’s that big of a leap to think that the trio on more than occasion tried to get their brother to return to the island.
Note: Tasha is mentioned at least twice in the phone call, but she never appears in the special. I wish she actually did appear since this is the big Leo focused special since Tasha is Leo’s mother and biggest supporter.
Something I find really interesting in the phone conversion is that Chase asks Leo, “when are you coming back?” Chase didn’t ask if he was coming rather when. It’s an interesting choice of words and says a lot about Chase’s line of thinking. I think another interesting comment comes from Bree stating “it's really weird not having you here, Leo”. I said this earlier, but this is longest time the characters have been split up since the the start of the show. Humans are creatures of habit so, it really must be strange to not have Leo around. Leo has been there despite the other changes in their lives(ex: moving to the island, new lab, etc), so it is just strange and new reality for the whole family.
“I feel bad. We should've given him more credit.”
After the call, the trio discuss Leo and the ceremony. I find the way the trio, mostly Bree and Chase, discuss Leo interesting. It’s clear they all feel guilty and realizes that Leo deserved more credit and be at the award ceremony. Bree talks her feelings and how had more credit. Bree got the heart of the issues fairly quickly(I think Bree is pretty good overall when called for at getting to heart of emotional problems). Then Chase jumps in states that Leo deserves the award as much as the rest of the team. I think it was good choice to give Chase this line. Chase at the start of the episode was the one(beside Donald Davenport) most against Leo getting the award with the rest of the team. Chase used the numbers/data to justify the decision rather than the actual merits Leo possesses that would make worthy of the award. Adam jumps in with the joke of cardboard Leo. I wish do we had a line or two more on the emotions in scene before cardboard Leo.
“He deserves to be up there with us at the award ceremony tomorrow.”
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I actually think cardboard Leo has a bit more depth than most give it credit for. First off, I think Adam misses having Leo around and the cardboard cut out is a way to have Leo around(sort of). The audience is introduced to the cardboard cut after Chase says Leo deserves to be at the award ceremony, with Adam saying “that's why he's[Leo] gonna be”. I think Adam is trying to do a nice thing here by trying to bring Leo to the ceremony any way he can. Adam even puts the cardboard Leo in a tux and brings into the limo all so he take it into the ceremony. That’s a lot of effort for a piece of cardboard.
“When real Leo watches from home, I want him to feel like he's still an important part of our team.”
There is another side of cardboard Leo that is sort creepy. It is just a piece of cardboard, not the real person of Leo Dooley. It’s also clear that Bree and Chase don’t approve of cardboard Leo whatsoever and don’t want Adam to bring it to the ceremony. Still, everyone in the family lets Adam bring the cardboard cutout in the limo anyways.
“Have you lost your mind? This is not our brother, it's a piece of cardboard.”
The next scene deals with how Taylor is doing with her newfound blindness. Taylor is doing fairly well as she up and about and is good spirits. Taylor even asks if anyone has gotten Leo to come back to island. I actually like that she asks this since it show that Taylor doesn’t hold any grudges against Leo for playing a part in blinding her.
Note: Logan is also in the scene that is checking up on how Taylor since her accident. I really appreciate Logan being in the scene since it shows that Leo isn’t the connective tissue for Taylor and Logan being/staying friends.
I appreciate that the episode doesn’t shy away from the fact that Taylor is now blind, but doesn���t treat that disability as if it is end of the world. There is concept called ableism that basically means bias/prejudice/discrimination against people with disabilities hinging on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable and have lesser quality of life than nondisabled people (further reading on the subject of ableism). I appreciate that the episode is firmly anti-ableism. Taylor’s quality of life isn’t lessen and she was still valuable to missions/the team. It’s just refreshing to have a piece of media that’s not ableist.
“Have any of you guys spoken to Leo? I was hoping someone convinced him to come back to the academy by now.”
I’d argue Taylor is the one who had to learn that she is still of value to the team. She was the one who thought she couldn’t go on missions anymore thinking . Leo told her that she’d “just be in the way”(episode: On The Edge). Leo counters this convincing Taylor she won’t be in the way telling her she still has a lot to offer and he needs her help. I’ll talk about this conversation between Leo and Taylor later, but I do appreciate it.
On last thing on Taylor being anti-ableism is Taylor on the bridge mission hears a snapping cable on bridge before Leo and Logan and she pushes them both out of the way saving all of their lives. Taylor explains that her senses have increased/improved since she lost her sight which is true to life. People who lose one of their five senses then the other four tend to improve(this fact is sort basis of Daredevil). I like that Taylor has this big moment that shows/proves that Leo is right, Taylor is NOT in the way. I also like that during the bridge mission Taylor is still willing to use the EMP ability despite being the thing that blinded her.
It is rare in media today to have disabled characters not be written with ableist, so I appreciate how Taylor isn’t an ableist character. It’s refreshing and nice to see.
I haven’t said much about indestructible self-driving limo that Douglas, Adam, and Donald Davenport were working on during the first part since it didn’t feel important until now. Adam and Douglas making the limo indestructible was just a fun side-story/b-plot of the first part, but I love how limo comes back in part two as major part of the plot. I know that’s basic writing, but I do appreciate it.
On a plot level, the limo being as high-tech with all the upgrades given to it in part one is the reason why the limo gets stuck on the bridge collapsing in the first place and traps the Davenports(Douglas, Donald, Adam, Bree, and Chase) inside. Since the limo goes into lockdown when an emergency is detected and the tech that makes impossible to get in the limo also makes it impossible to get out.
“I know you quit the team, but your family needs you.”
Before getting to big bridge rescue let’s go over the phone call between Taylor and Leo. I love the fact that Taylor first idea when she sees the mentors are in trouble are to call Leo for help. It shows that she still sees Leo as her leader. Also, a little ironic considering she was S-1 during the Krane thing and seemed to be one of leading solders there.
The phone call starts with Leo asking how Taylor doing which Taylor quickly shuts down. Taylor gets straight to the points stating “there's been a horrible accident with your family's limo”(episode: On The Edge). I like how Leo doesn’t try to say he is retired or doesn’t do mission anymore, he just asks “what? Where” (episode: On The Edge). That reply is just so in character for Leo. Leo doesn’t hesitate to help those he cares about. Examples being Leo going on the particle accelerator mission to save Adam, Bree, and Chase, running head first to Marcus and Dougls’ lair to save Donald and the trio, or bring Douglas to lab to fix Bree’s chip despite Donald not wanting Douglas there.
“Look, you're not gonna be in the way. You've still got a lot to offer, and I need your help”
I really like that Leo assumes that BOTH Taylor and Logan are going on the mission. He doesn’t think that any of Taylor being blind now. This line of thinking leads to a great conversation between Taylor and Leo. Leo in season four has been the character giving pep talks and talking down the bad guy. The conversation between Taylor and Leo here follows that compassion trend for Leo in season four and I want to break down the scene.
When Taylor tells Leo she’s not going, Leo simply asks her for a reason. Taylor thinks/answers that her disability/blindness is the reason she can’t go on the mission because she will just be in the way. Leo in early seasons(especially one and two) was clumsy and tended to make a big mess out things. He even created a lot of his own problems/the problems of the episode. As the series went on, Leo became more competent, less clumsy, and he didn’t make as many problems. Leo even worked his way from a kid wanting to go on missions, be on the team, and have bionic to mission specialist to member of the team with bionics. Leo had setback and missteps, which included going on missions before he was ready. That’s what makes Leo the best person to talk to Taylor here. Leo understand better than anyone that messing up/making mistakes is going to happen, but that doesn’t means to give up.
“Well, the only difference is, I was awesome and you're stuck in mud. Look, I get it. But just like Big D said, focus on your training. Trust me, you'll get there.”
I love that Leo draws on his own experience and asks Taylor “do you have any idea how times I've been in the way on a mission?” It is a sign of growth. Leo isn’t always the most humble person. He does have ego and arrogance, but when it counts Leo is willing to put both of these aside to help someone else. I actually think this is the first time Leo doesn’t try to add a level of ego/arrogance to the statement about his own experiences. For example, looking back at Leo’s pep talk to Spin when he was upset about not being ready for missions Leo starts with level arrogance saying he was awesome to able to go on missions when he was fourteen. Still, Leo does relate, tries to comfort, and give advice to Spin.
“Don't worry. We're gonna make it though this together. All three of us.”
Taylor is not completely convinced by Leo telling her she’s not going to be in way and he needs her help. I like that it takes one last little push from Leo saying it’s all three of them(Leo, Taylor, and Logan) in the mission today that gets Taylor to come. Leo and Logan are from my reading are closest friends at the academy(feel free to disagree with me on that).
“Get them[civilians] off the bridge and set up the triage area. Where's the limo?”
Let’s start looking at the bridge mission which is Leo’s big hero/leadership moment. There is one quick, easy to miss line/moment, at the start of bridge mission scene where Leo gives orders to student(who go mostly unseen since we only see like two or three students and civilians on the bridge) to get the civilians off the bridge. Later on, the special mentions Leo leading the mission so, it’s nice to know that special actually shows it rather than only saying it.
The next few pieces of dialog have Doanld Davenport tell Leo and his team to disable the limo’s computer to turn off car’s lockdown and release the locks. Leo immediately comes up with plan after hearing this information. Leo’s plan is using Leo and Taylor EMP ability with Logan using one of his abilities to guide the EMP to limo’s computer.
Leo’s plan is smart and will get the job done. The problem is that when Leo and the rest of team try to enact this plan, Leo has a flashback to blinding Taylor(see note below on Leo and PTSD). I say a flashback because, the editing uses the footage from when Taylor was hurt. Basically when Leo and Taylor try to use the ability, the camera intensely focuses on Leo, then intensely focused on Taylor. Then camera goes back to Leo. This intense focus on Taylor is mean to be from Leo’s perspective aka Leo looking at Taylor. As the camera intensely focused on Leo, there is a cut to footage from part one from when Taylor was hurt the last Leo and Taylor used their EMP ability. The way this part is edited, it makes the viewer think that the next cut from second shot of Leo will back Taylor in the present. It’s very clever and well-done editing.
Note on Leo having PTSD Headcanon: this flashback scene and the how traumatic of an event blinding Taylor leads a lot fans(myself included) to believe Leo has PTSD from the event. It is important to remember that flashbacks to the traumatic event are a sign of PTSD. I don’t have much to say on this. The writers don’t go into much depth on PTSD or if Leo has it or not. It hasn’t even been confirmed, as far as I know, by the writers/creators on social media or on interviews if Leo has PTSD. The writing and acting supports the ideas that Leo has PTSD. It is still mostly just a headcanon, but I think most fans can agree Leo does have PTSD from that the event of blinding Taylor.
Leo due to this guilt and likely PTSD(see above), can’t go through with using the EMP again. He doesn’t want to hurt Taylor or anyone again. That’s the core of why Leo left the island and being a hero in the first place. He didn’t want to hurt anyone else.
The score in this moment is amazing! I love the way the music has sort uneasy building tension sound(sort of like a train moving down the line) before Leo and Taylor attempt to EMP ability. Once they start, the music takes uneasy dip. The sound effects for ablilies, like lighting sort of sound is mixed in the score(really clever). The music keeps building and building, then it stops. Everything is silent. Leo has pulled back. I think reason why there is uneasy feeling with score in this section is possibly the music used a minor key (don’t quote me on that). The music/score adds a lot to internal conflict going on inside Leo head.
“I can't do this. What if I hurt you again? What if I hurt them[Adam, Bree, Chase, Donald, and Douglas]? I don't wanna ruin anyone else's life.”
I’ve mentioned this easier, but this is one of Tyrel Jackson Williams best acted episode. The way Williams acts this during this interaction is just amazing. You can see the all the uncertainty and anxiety that quickly became guilt and fear after the flashback. The way Leo, not only take his hand away, but pulls his body away says a lot. Leo’s line delivery after pulling back is just amazing. The way he sounds so defeated is so unlike Leo(normally one of the determined characters in the show) but considering everything Leo has been through in the special it’s in character when he says it now. Plus, the way Leo’s voice cracks when he says “what I hurt them”(‘them’ refers to his family in limo) is nice added layer to Tyrel’s deliver.
The acting on Tyrel’s part even shows the conflict of wanting to help his family, but feeling like he all he’s going to do his hurt someone again. Even Leo’s character and writing support this. Every time I rewatch this scene or the special, I wish that Tyrel did more acting after Lab Rats ended. He has real talent for it.
“Leo, you didn't ruin my life. It was an accident. And if I'm not gonna let it stop me from being a bionic hero, why should you? This is it, Leo. This is your chance to prove you're the leader I know you are. So...are you in?”
After Leo’s speech about not wanting hurt anyone, it’s Taylor’s turn to give Leo a pep talk. There is a real beautiful in what Taylor is telling Leo and it’s a nice role reversal. I like how Leo has someone who believes in him(minus Tasha and Logan). You can tell throughout the special, especially here, that Taylor and Leo have come a long way since when they first met and formed a close friendship.
There’s a really great moment of editing where after Taylor asks “if I'm not gonna let it[her blindness] stop me from being a bionic hero, why should you,” then there’s nat/natural rumble sound effect and cut to the limo. I don’t think that edit is to suggest that Leo’s family stopping Leo rather it’s meant to remind Leo/audience what he has to fight for. The look Leo has when looking at limo reads of confusion, worry, and doubt. Leo realizes he could lose his family if messes up and possible hurt Taylor again. It’s all over his face.
The way Leo during the last little half the speech where starts to understand how much Taylor actual believes in him is nice to see. The way Leo’s face start changing from confused, guilty, and worry to determined is great. There is even still a little doubt/worry about hurting Taylor in eyes, but you can tell Leo is truly ready to be back out in the field again. I really like how before Leo says he’s in, he take a quick look at his family. The acting is just so great here.
The next part in scene has Taylor hear a cable snap and pushing everyone out of the way. Another great moment of acting as Taylor explains how she hurt it before everyone else, Leo just gets look of understanding. He is speechless. I think he understood what Taylor meant when she told him “you didn’t ruin my life”.
The next part of bridge scene I want to cover is the Leo and Taylor using the EMP. After Leo and his team get back up after the snapped cable thing, we see Leo acting fully as a leader. He is giving Taylor and Logan orders based off his plan. This time when Leo and Taylor use EMP ability the frame and shot from earlier(when Leo pulled back) are basically the same with more triumphant and heroic sounding music. Leo looks less fearful and has that determination look in his in face. Leo even seems to have some confidence in himself back. There is an air of worry, but Leo is back in action. The way the acting and music are done here is just fanatic.
“Trust me. We got this”
That moment when Leo’s plan work, it feels like real victory. The music support this as well with the music reaching its climax when the doors unlock(which was Leo’s end goal with using EMP).
“I'll get Chase. You guys get everyone else out of here.”
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The big part I want talk about is Leo’s rescue of Chase. I know Chase ends up being the damsel in distress(for lack of term) a lot during Lab Rats, but I think it works here. Leo and Chase during part one of special had a big falling out. By having Leo needing personally save Chase as a way mending fences.
I will never gets over how well done the acting, music, and editing is. The way Leo looks so determined and desperate to save his brother. Chase trying to Leo to leave to save himself. Leo unwillingness to just let Chase die. The scene is melodrama and over-dramatics. The scene doesn’t need to have so many shots focusing on Leo’s and Chase’s face and hands, but I think the scene is better for it. You can tell how much these two have gone through the past couple of weeks, all the unsaids, but right now they are focused on trying to save each other. Its desperate and intense scene and, its beautiful.
I see find the two hand reaching out for reach other to some what symbolic of Leo and Chase journey of the special of reaching an understanding/respect. Leo and Chase did have a failing out and here finally appeared to mend that rift. I don’t have much to back this up other than my reading.
Personal story: I remember watching this live back when it first aired and this scene had my heart pounding. The sigh of relief I had when Chase was safe is hard to describe.
After saving Chase gives Leo an apology that was a long time coming. I love that Chase finally admit he should have never doubted Leo. It’s nice to see Chase finally seeing Leo as hero properly and Leo getting to see that Chase sees him that way.
“Leo, you did it. You saved my life. Sorry I ever doubted you.”
What I always loved about what happened next is Leo didn’t really reply to Chase’s apology. He just says “I’m just glad you’re okay”. The relief and joy in Leo’s voice and face says it all. It’s such a simple and lovely reply.
“I'm just glad you're okay.”
There is still a lot both Chase and Leo would probable say to each other about what happened, but I love that in that moment they are just happy that they are both okay. It’s just a beautiful moment. I never get sick of watching it even if it only four lines of dialog. It’s says a lot in very little.
The final parts of the special deal with Leo finally getting the credit he deserves serving as epilogue of sorts for the special. The first scene takes the audience to the award ceremony and we see Adam, Bree, and Chase. It takes a few minutes, but Leo is revealed to standing next to them receive the award along side them.
Note: I forgot to mention the award(sorry).
I think some of the words president uses describes Leo extremely well. The words go as follows the “real way to measure a true hero is by their determination to never give up”. It’s perfect way to describe Leo’s character in the show and in the special. It’s clever that after President says these words, the camera reveals Leo is receiving the award as well.
“Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, but the real way to measure a true hero is by their determination to never give up.”
The next scene has Leo finally become a mentor at the academy. When Leo walks out as mentor, it feels like an end to journey. I have come to respect the decision to make Leo a student due to special. It would have been nice to see Leo be a mentor the whole time, but I don’t think it would be as good as season without it. Leo has always been the protagonist of Lab Rats. It’s his story and journey that the show follows. I think by having Leo as a student it allowed the writers to more easily follow the student while also giving Leo something to work for.
Leo always wanted be bionic hero and go on missions. Once the island stuff started, Leo wanted to be mentor. I think the deeper reason for this was that Leo wanted to like his siblings, respected by them, or at least fully apart of their world. The special has Leo finally gain the full respect of his family and the students on the island. The special is final piece in Leo’s four season long journey of becoming a hero. Leo has finally has everything he has ever wanted.
“Not only is Leo back at the island, but because of his bravery and leadership on the bridge mission, I have officially made him a mentor.”
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The next couple interactions in the scene of Leo become a mentor just wrap things up. We have Chase telling Leo he’s proud of him and they hug. After seeing Leo and Chase at odds in part one, it is so nice to see them actually liking each other again. At the end of special Chase is the one to hoist Leo on his shoulders and start the whole academy chanting Leo’s name. The final scene here shows how much the who have mended their rift and are truly brother again.
“I didn't think I'd ever go on a mission again, Leo. But you changed all that.”
The next interaction is between Taylor and Leo both thanking each other for helping each each. Taylor thanks for Leo helps getting back out on the field and Leo thanking Taylor for believing him. Leo and Taylor also hug with Logan joining said hug. It’s a great interaction that shows that how deep Leo and Taylor’s friendship is.
“I'm the one who should be thanking you. You showed me I really am a leader.”
The last little moment I want touch on is that Douglas is crying during all of this. I love this. Douglas is the one who originally started training Leo and Leo and Douglas appear to have a strong friendship. It’s small, but sweet interaction.
On The Edge does work in many ways as the finale to Lab Rats. Leo is more or less the protagonist of the show. Leo’s journey is so well wrapped up by the end of these special that in the finale Leo doesn’t have much to do(he has stuff to do, but it’s very minor) I have a lot problems and issues with finale and Elite Force, but I do still love Lab Rats.
I find more and more I come back to the On The Edge special and appreciate all it’s done for Leo. I find the special does a great job handling the characters it focuses on and is honestly the most character focused piece in Lab Rats. Leo is allowed to tell other characters how is feeling. There is a lot time spent with the characters and what they are going through. I honestly love a good character drama(seriously, there is a real why the Titans are my favorite team).
I know there are fan that take issue with On The Edge and some of stuff that happens in it along with Island stuff, but I’ve come to really appreciate it over the years. The special has a job of finishing Leo’s character arch for island and the show in general which it handles incredibly well. There are things to be improved on like more stuff with Adam or Bree or having Tasha in the special. Overall, the special is well acted, well edited, and just has great writing. The special most of keeps in mind it’s main focus of Leo and his journey.
Question: what y’all thoughts on anything I’ve discussed here?
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thedragonemperess · 1 year
Fun/weird thing that I noticed, but y'all know how the DavenKids are named in alphabetical order, right?
Adam, Bree, Chase, Daniel.
And, assuming that there were failed androids before Marcus, he still fits into this.
Cool, so after M, what's the next letter in the alphabet?
It's N, right?
Cool, now, follow-up question, what's Donald and Tasha's daughter's name?
It's Naomi.
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crayonverse · 2 years
Chase: the only things i got from my father was a horrific taste in men and crippling self-image issues.
Bree: damn, all i got was a longing for freedom and independence.
Adam: I got a overwhelming need to protect you all or ill die
Daniel: you guys got something from our dad?
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tabl3 · 2 months
How do the Rats sense increase/decrease as they get older? Does Chases bionic hearing hurt less or does modern technology fuck with the chips? Does Adam accidentally shoot out lasers more with the blue light/UV light thing?
so before douglas: yes their chips absolutely got fucked up by being in the world because donald couldn't safeguard them. he didn't know how bc he didn't build them. this also led to adam's eyes being permanently damaged due to his heat vision which is why he wears glasses as an adult
douglas upgraded and rewired their chips in s3 to help with that, but sometimes (mostly for chase's database) they do get fucked up with the different tech in the world
their chips were built in the late 90's I should add; so they didn't compensate well in the 2010s w/o dougie's help
that strain on their chips and bodies during missions without the total knowledge of what to do not only damaged adam's eyes, but started chase's chronic migraines and increased bree's uncontrollable twitches. bree had those before but they got worse. now that they're older those glitches are more controllable, but they're permanent unfortunately, because donald didn't have the means to properly protect the chips from stimulation like that
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lref-incorrect-quotes · 2 months
Horace: If you were arrested, what would be the charges? Megahertz: Theft Kaz: Disturbing the peace Marcus: Aggravated assault Adam: Arson Douglas: Probably all of the above, in that order
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neurodivenport · 1 year
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text posts get ya text posts here (part 20)
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After much careful consideration:
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Blank template
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