#luca t mai
avomagazine · 5 months
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Currently touring Europe for the first time: RuinsZU - a collaboration between Yoshida Tatsuya of Ruins and Luca T Mai and Massimo Pupillo from ZU. More information in the article linked below:
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spilladabalia · 2 years
Ardecore | Fiore de Gioventù (2005) / Io la conoscevo bene (1965)
Spoiler Alert!
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marvelstars · 2 months
Artoo knowing everything is one of the greastest creative decisions Lucas made because it connects the PT very neatly with the OT.
How did Artoo know the place of Luke´s home? He has been there before.
How did he know Obi-Wan´s name and why he and old Ben saw each other so suspiciously? ObiWan is trying to order Artoo not to tell Luke anything about his Dad and Artoo isn´t having anything of it but he will let Luke discorver for himself what´s up.
Why was artoo so easy going inside the death star ? he is used to work on military stations just like that one.
Why he decided to take Yoda´s food? Because he knew exactly who this guy was and didn´t like him trying to hide himself from Luke?
Why is he so attached to Luke and Leia? They are his bro and his lady little kids, they are all he has left of them and he will protect them even if it destroys him. Same reason why he protects Threepio so much.
Artoo may not recognize or consider Vader Anakin but he will protect his kids in his memory, he got attached to Anakin and Padme since they were wee 14 and 9 years olds, he is way too invested in this family to let go of them now.
Artoo and Chewie are the war veterans of their group and it amuses them greatly to see the younger ones shenanigans, especially because they don´t realise how much more they know than them about everything.
Anakin´s force ghost said goodbye to artoo and nobody can take this from me :D
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
the kind of charm we need
written for @steddiemicrofic september prompt ‘charm’ + 548 words | rated T | pre-relationship, fluff, flirting, boys being dumb
“‘Not the kind of charm we need,’” Steve mutters derisively to himself for the tenth time that day as they pull up to the cemetery curb.
“Yeah, yeah,” Dustin sighs, “your time and talents are sooo wasted on us, Steve, we get it.”
Max glares at him from the rearview like she agrees with Dustin, then shoves out of the backseat and slams the door shut behind her without a word.
Steve watches her climb the hill, guilt rolling through his guts. Fuckin’ Nancy. There are bigger problems here.
Like, for example, the metalhead fugitive having a nervous breakdown in a boathouse.
“Oh, my god,” Lucas says from the backseat as the walkie crackles to life, Eddie’s quivering voice calling out for ‘Dustin? Anybody? Hello??’
He passes the walkie up to the front with a look like he’s debating whether or not to just smash the thing to pieces on the asphalt instead. “Can you maybe use your charm on Eddie before I murder him?”
“He’s in distress!” Dustin cries.
“He’s on my last nerve!”
“Seriously, anybody?? Please!”
“Oh, Jesus Christ, give me that.” Steve yanks the walkie out of Lucas’ hand, hauls himself out of the car — leans in to tell the two shitheads to stay put and shut up before he closes the door.
He leans against the driver’s side, head throbbing, body sore. Can’t tell if he’s too young or too old for this shit. He pushes the talk button with a begrudgingly slow press.
“Steve Harrington’s babysitting and distraction service, how may I help you? Over.”
“Stevie!” Eddie whoops, sounding genuinely thrilled to hear Steve’s voice. Steve knows he’s just excited to hear anyone’s voice, but. Hm. “Goddamn am I glad to- wait, where’s Henderson? Sinclair? Are they—?”
“They’re fine,” Steve assures before the creep of hysteria he hears can fully take hold. He kicks his heel against the front tire. “They’re waiting in the car. I’ve been instructed to, like, charm you into calming down, or whatever.”
“Charm me?” Eddie’s voice lilts with interest. Steve can almost see the smile, the way he licks across his front teeth.
“Just a— well, not a joke, but, like…” Steve trails off, gives up trying to explain. Nance has this way of making comments that cling like cactus spines. “Never mind.”
“No, no,” Eddie says. “Go on. I’m ready to be charmed.”
And maybe it’s the way Eddie says charmed like a snake scenting the air, or maybe it’s the stress of the day; maybe he’s finally having his own little mental breakdown as a treat, because for some insane reason he leans into whatever this is, pitches his voice all low and slippery and asks, “What are you wearing?”
Silence for a moment, and then Eddie cackles, the noise so loud it overwhelms the little speaker in the walkie, bursts of laughter breaking through the static noise. Steve finds himself laughing, too, a slow thing that builds and builds, swells inside him like blown glass until he’s warm and bright all over.
“Jesus,” Eddie breathes when he finally calms. “You’re— you’re ridiculous. Shit, man, I really needed that, you have no idea.”
Steve smiles to himself. Bites the inside of his cheek. Not the kind of charm we need.
No, but someone might.
note: i am aware that this is canon adjacent (which is to say that i meant for it to take place in canon but i didn’t feel like rewatching the scene for total accuracy so like, canon can bite me it’s close enough)
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runninriot · 5 months
written for the @steddiesongfics may prompt
(David Bowie - Absolute Beginners, 1986)
wc: 1986 | rated: t | tags: Steddie in love, newly established relationship, fluff, background characters, Good Uncle Wayne Munson | also on ao3
As long as we’re together, the rest can go to hell
Waking up in Eddie’s arms for the first time feels unreal. Like maybe he’s not really awake after all. Maybe Steve’s still stuck in a beautiful dream and the sound of the other man’s peaceful breathing is just a fragment of his imagination. But he can feel Eddie’s chest rise and fall beneath his head, can feel the comfortable weight of Eddie’s arm on his back, the soothing warmth of his skin.
Maybe it is real.
Maybe they actually, finally got their shit together – as Robin would say.
    God, Robin would be so smug if she could see him right now, nuzzling Eddie’s skin, sinking deeper into the sleeping man’s arms.
She’d known there was something going on, told him so but never pushed. Even before that night Eddie came out to them a few months back. Where Robin told him her secret, too, and Steve didn’t even know he had one of his own to share.
Before Steve realised what that funny feeling was. What it meant to have a riot of butterfly wings create a storm in his stomach, to have his heartbeat set the rhythm to a song he’s never heard before.
Man, she will be so proud of herself when- if they tell her.
They will tell her, right?
They’ll them all – Robin, Nance, the kids...
    Oh God, what will Dustin say if they tell him that they’re-
Are they together?
Is this- Is this what they are?
It must be, right?
Eddie told him he loves him. Kept repeating the words over and over again between kisses. Said it so many times, Steve had no reason to believe it wasn’t true.
It must be true because Steve wants it to be true.
Eddie is-
This isn’t just a stupid crush, some made-believe infatuation with his high school sweetheart. Steve isn’t a stupidly naive teenager anymore. He knows the difference between simply searching for affection and truly wanting to be with someone.
He is in love with Eddie. That’s a fact. Unshakeable like the fact that water is wet, the sun is hot, and the moon is 238.700 miles away from earth (yes, he does listen to Dustin ramble about his stupid nerd interests sometimes, thank you very much).
He’s in love and although this is all very scary and new, he wants their friends to know about them. Wants them to be happy for them.
But what if they’re not?
What if the fact that he’s in love with another man gives Mike one more reason to hate him? What if Lucas refuses to let Steve coach him because of it? What if it doesn’t work out and Dustin has to choose between him and Eddie? What if-
   ��I can hear you think.”
Steve startles when Eddie tightens his arms around him, pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head. And when he looks up at Eddie, Steve finds two sleepy eyes blinking back at him.
   “Morning, baby,” Eddie says through a smile and-
Steve’s heart immediately does that thing again and there’s this familiar feeling in his gut, and Eddie looks so soft in the warm morning light that Steve just can’t not kiss him.
   “Morning,” Steve finally answers when they part – Eddie’s hand still holding his face, beautiful eyes looking right into his soul, and Steve feels like flying.
   “Hm, so that’s not what it’s about, huh?”
Steve’s confused, doesn’t know what Eddie is talking about and it must show on his face because Eddie chuckles before he continues.
   “For a moment I was scared you’ve gotten all nervous and fidgety because you were- I don’t know. That maybe you had doubts. About this?” He moves his free hand between the two of them, pointing at himself and back at Steve.
   “But I guess you kissing me despite my morning breath must mean you-“
Steve shuts him up with another press of lips, morning breath be damned. He won’t give Eddie any reason to even think for another second that he doesn’t want this. Because he does. He wants this, them, together. Probably more than he’s ever wanted anything in his life.
He shakes his head, doesn’t know how to express all those things that are rattling his mind. How to tell Eddie what goes on in his head without stumbling over the words, without twisting his tongue, without making a fool of himself because-
They’ve only just woken up and it’s the first time they’re in bed together and instead of just enjoying the moment, instead of being in the here and now, Steve is already like, 238.700 steps ahead.
   “Talk to me, Stevie. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
Steve slowly relaxes into the pleasant feeling of Eddie’s fingers gently scraping along the back of his neck like he’s trying to coax the words out of him, trying to help slow down his racing thoughts. And somehow, it works.
   “I was just-“ Steve takes a deep, grounding breath, “I was just wondering if we should tell the others. About us. A-about us being... boyfriends?”
Steve feels heat spreading in his face, feels the blush creep from his cheeks to his ears.
He didn’t mean to make it sound like a question but they haven’t really defined what they are, yet. They’ve been way too busy making out, kissing, touching – God, how could he not have been completely distracted by the way Eddie kissed him. The way he painted his neck in love-coloured bruises. How he worshipped Steve’s whole body with his lips like he was something special, something worth taking his time with.
And oh, his time he took, that teasing bastard. Made it his mission to kiss every goddamn mole and freckle on Steve’s body. Started counting them with his lips, his tongue, tracing his fingers over every inch of his exposed skin. Kissed him where no one had ever kissed him before, his touch so careful and gentle it only made Steve crazy for more, more, more.
By the time Eddie finally put his mouth on him, Steve was already so far gone that it took not even 30 seconds for him to lose it. But then Eddie didn’t give him a chance to feel embarrassed about it, just kept kissing him, touching him, showering him in sweet little nothings that meant everything to Steve.
   “Steve? You with me?”
    Hm? Oh.
   “S-sorry. What did you say?” Steve smiles apologetically, relieved when Eddie chuckles lightly.
   “I said. Yes, boyfriends. If you want that? And yes to telling people. God, I can’t wait to see Dustin’s stupid little face when he hears that I, Eddie Munson, get to date the hottest guy in Hawkins. Hell, the hottest guy in the entire fucking world!”
Eddie balls his fist and punches the air like he’s just won a competition, and the excitement in his voice is infectious, startles a loud and very unsexy snort out of Steve.
   “Take that, Dustin! So much for teasing me for my lack of success in the dating department. Ha! Oh, but Mike will be devastated. Everyone knows he’s got the biggest crush on you.”
   “What?! Shut up, he does not!” Steve is screeching now, tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.
   “You think I’m lying? Ask Lucas! He was the one that told me. Said he doesn’t quite get it but Lucas only has eyes for Max so, of course he doesn’t.”
   “Eddie, stop! I don’t believe it. Mike hates me! Sometimes I could swear he’s doing his best to pretend I don’t even exist.”
   “Tell yourself whatever makes you feel good, baby,” Eddie winks, smiles so bright it’s like he’s the sun himself. Bright like the sun and just as hot.
(How hot is the sun? Dustin will know, he’ll ask him next time he sees him.)
   “Robin will be a tough one, though.”
   “Huh? Robin? She’s literally one of us, Eds. Why should she of all people have any problem with us being together?”
Eddie must sense his concern, because he glides his thumb over Steve’s furrowed brows to smooth out the worry lines, kisses him on the forehead like that’s gonna stop his mind from reeling.
Weirdly enough, it does.
   “Well, duh! She’ll be so happy for you. It’s me I’m worried about.”
Eddie winks at him and that’s when Steve finally catches on. He huffs out a laugh, rolls his eyes in fake-annoyance, can’t not smile when Eddie offers him the saddest, most convincing puppy eyes he’s ever seen.
   “She’s going to kill me if I ever so much as make you mad or, god forbid, sad for whatever reason.”
   “Oh that’s easy to avoid. Just never make me mad or sad and you’ll be fine,” Steve mocks him, knows deep down Eddie would never anyway.
   “What about-“ Steve realises he hasn’t even thought about that before.
They’re at the trailer. Steve heard Wayne come home from his night shift a while ago, knows the man’s still awake, considering the noise coming from the outside Eddie’s bedroom.
   “Do you want to tell Wayne? It’s okay if not. We don’t- We can just pretend nothing has changed. I don’t want him to get mad. Or, or worse.”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to look worried and Steve gets it. He couldn’t even think about telling his own parents. His father would- No, he’ll just have to keep this from them. Not like they ever really care for what goes on in his life anyway.
   “Come on.”
Eddie throws back the blanket they shared, leaving them both naked and exposed to the light of the day, the reality of the night before hitting them both with a rush of childish embarrassment, sending a deep blush into both their faces, both not used to being so vulnerably bare in front of each other.
But Eddie seems to regain his composure quickly, untangles from Steve’s arms and jumps out of the bed.
He grabs two pairs of boxers and sweatpants and shirts from his dresser, tossing half of them at Steve who’s still too stunned to speak.
   “Eddie, what-”
   “Hurry up, sweety! I smell coffee.”
Steve follows Eddie, nervously fussing with his hair in a weak attempt to make himself more presentable, less... ‘spent the night making out with your nephew’, hiding behind Eddie when Wayne catches sight of them.
   “Morning boys. Coffee?” The man grumbles, not even batting an eye when Eddie abruptly turns, grabs Steve by the face, and plants a kiss right on his mouth.
   “Yes, please. Me and my boyfriend would love a nice cup of coffee. Don’t we, Stevie?”
Eddie beams at him, a teeth-flashing grin on his face, and Steve wants to kill him. Wants to kiss him even more. Doesn’t know what to say, what to do. Just stands there, frozen in shock, dumbly nodding to answer the question he only vaguely remembers has been asked.
   “I see.” Wayne stands up from the armchair he was sitting in, walks over to them, blank expression on his face.
He exhales deeply and Steve holds his breath, not ready for whatever comes next.
   “Took you long enough to figure it out.”
Eddie shoots his uncle a look, rolls his eyes, scoffs – and Steve feels the weight of a thousand worlds fall off his shoulders.
(How much does one earth weigh? He’ll ask Dustin. Maybe he-)
   “You better treat him right, son. You do not wanna get in trouble with me for hurting him, you hear me?”
Steve’s mouth falls open in disbelief when he realises those words are directed at Eddie and not at him.
That’s what finally cuts the tension. Steve starts laughing, loud and whole-heartedly, feels lighter, better than ever before.
He kisses Eddie again, because he can. They’re in love, and that’s okay.
And as long as they’re together, the rest can go to hell.
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asbealthgn · 1 year
“Tonight is the night,” Nancy says.
She says it with so much gravity that it makes Eddie look up from his spot on the couch, drawing his attention away from the email he’s reading (lyrics from Jeff that he wants input on). He whistles.
“Damn, Nance, you look good,” he says. She has her hair and makeup done and she’s wearing her favorite dress, the one that looks black until the right light hits it and reveals it’s actually purple. Eddie may be as gay as they come, but he can recognize that she looks sexy as hell. “The night for what?”
She takes a deep breath. “I’m going to ask Robin to be my girlfriend.”
“Hell yeah!” Eddie says, putting his hand out for a high-five. She returns it before sitting on the couch next to him. “You have a date tonight?”
“No, remember? It’s the party.”
Right. Nancy spent twenty minutes the other day trying to convince Eddie to come with her to the party that Robin and her housemates are throwing. He refused. He’s met Robin a few times and really likes her—and he knows Nancy is completely head over heels for her—but he’s not big on house parties where he doesn’t know anyone. Especially because it’s a guarantee that Nancy will abandon him immediately to be with Robin.
“Do you think that’s a terrible place to do it?” Nancy asks, “And do you think it’s too soon?”
Eddie shrugs. He’s shit at relationships, so he doesn’t know the rules. “I think you’re fine,” he says, “You guys are clearly crazy about each other. I think you could take her to, like, a sewage plant and ask her to be your girlfriend and she’d still be over the moon.”
She gives him a tiny smile. “Will you please come?” she asks. “I’m just so nervous about it and it would really help to have my best friend there.”
Unfair. She’s giving him her biggest doe eyes. It shouldn’t work on him because he knows she only makes that face when she’s trying to manipulate him. But even though he knows what she’s doing, she’s just so adorable. He can’t say no to her.
He sighs. “God, fine,” he says. He looks down at his worn out t-shirt and hole-riddled sweatpants. “I probably have to change, huh?”
Forty-five minutes later, Eddie is circling the block looking for a spot to park. Normally Nancy drives when they go somewhere together because she hates his driving, but he insisted tonight because he has a feeling that she’s going to end up staying the night and he doesn’t want to be trapped. As they drive, Nancy has been giving Eddie the rundown on Robin’s housemates. There’s Max and Lucas, the couple who are Nancy’s brother Mike’s age. She’s convinced that they would get along really well with Mike and his boyfriend Will, so she keeps trying to figure out an organic way for them to meet. She tells Eddie that she invited them to the party but never heard if they’ll actually be there. Then there’s Steve, Robin’s best friend who works with her at the same library where Robin and Nancy originally met (because Nancy was doing research for a story and had to access the archives for some records that were never digitized). Nancy keeps telling Eddie that she thinks he’s either going to fall madly in love with Steve or hate his guts. So Eddie guesses he’s about to find out which one it’ll be.
He finally finds a spot on the street around the corner. He squeezes his van into the tiny space and puts it in park before glancing over at Nancy. She looks nervous, taking slow, even breaths to steady herself while her hands shake.
“Hey,” he says, putting his hand out. She puts her hand in his and he squeezes it tight. “You’ve got this. Robin’ll be a goddamn idiot if she says no.”
She gives him a small smile. “Thank you,” she says, then tosses her shoulders back. “Let’s do this.”
They get out of the van, where Nancy makes him stop so she can fix the collar of his battle vest that’s standing up. It’s a pretty warm night, so he’s had to forgo his favorite leather jacket plus vest combo. Instead, it’s just the vest over top of a Nekrogoblikon t-shirt paired with his favorite black jeans. He feels really underdressed next to Nancy, but she told him it was fine when he showed her the outfit for approval.
Inside, the house is pretty packed. Right away, Eddie sees that Mike and Will made it after all, along with Will’s sister El. They’re all sitting side by side on a couch talking to three people who are sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of them. 
“That’s Max and Lucas,” Nancy tells Eddie, pointing out two of the kids on the ground. “Not sure who the other one is.”
As they get closer, Mike glances up and waves. But the group seems pretty engrossed in their conversation, so Eddie and Nancy move deeper into the house. 
Eddie feels Nancy clench his wrist. “That’s Steve,” she hisses, nodding significantly in the direction of the kitchen. His eyes find the guy she’s pointing out, ladling punch into a red Solo cup and—
He’s the most beautiful guy Eddie’s ever seen. Nancy way undersold him. He gets that there’s a certain amount of leeway he needs to grant to her as a lesbian since she can’t really tell, but come on. Eddie could be full on blind and still recognize that Steve is unreal. His swooping brown hair catches the last of the setting sun coming in through the window and turns it all shades of honey. His eyes are the same, amber in the dying light. And it’s like his face has been sculpted from stone—not marble—something better than that. Some stone they haven’t invented yet because nothing else currently on this earth could capture him.
Belatedly, he becomes aware of Nancy laughing at him. Somehow, she can always follow his thoughts. Always knows when he’s composing terrible sonnets in his mind. But just as she’s opening her mouth (definitely to make fun of him), Robin appears in front of them. Eddie watches her cheeks flame as she looks Nancy up and down. 
“Hi, Nancy!” she says, “Glad you made it!”
“Of course I did!” Nancy says, eyes practically turning into hearts and popping out of her head. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Robin reaches her hands out to grasp Nancy’s. “You look gorgeous,” she says, “I love that dress.”
Eddie can tell this is going to veer into territory where he can’t follow very quickly, so he cuts in. “Hey, Robin, nice to see you.”
Robin blinks at him. “Oh, hey!” she says, “I didn’t see you.”
That was apparent. Not that Eddie’s upset about it. He loves seeing the two girls like this, loves that Nancy has found someone who matches her intensity. 
They get through the bare minimum small talk (work is good, yes they all watched that new episode of that show, yes it was crazy), but Eddie can see that Nancy and Robin want to be alone. So he lets Robin drag Nancy away, presumably to her bedroom. And now he just needs to figure out what he’s going to do now that the only two people he knows here are preoccupied. 
Well, that’s not entirely accurate. He knows Mike, Will, and El. He looks over, but they’re no longer sitting in the living room. He scans the crowd for them and sees Mike and Will have moved to the kitchen (apparently Steve has moved on—that’s unfortunate) where they’re talking to Lucas and the other guy Eddie doesn’t know. Eddie makes his way over to them, stopping by the punch bowl on his way.
“Eddie!” Mike says as soon as he sees him. “Lucas and Dustin here play D&D. Can we invite them to Hellfire?”
Eddie crosses his arms and surveys the two guys, sizing them up. Dustin looks like the type, with a Star Wars shirt and a goofy grin. Lucas looks way too athletic to be into D&D though. Not nearly enough of a loser.
“I don’t know,” he says, “Are you guys any good?”
That causes both boys to launch into tales of their various past exploits on campaigns, apparently not giving a shit that they’re yelling over each other so Eddie can’t tell anything they’re saying. He feels the passion, though. 
“Alright,” he concedes, “You can sit in for a session. If you’re good, we’ll let you stick around.”
Whooping, Mike and Will high-five each other, then Lucas and Dustin. 
“Where’s your sister?” Eddie asks Will. 
Will nods over to an adjacent wall. “Over there talking to Max and Steve,” he says. Eddie follows his gaze and sees the trio. More specifically, his eyes are drawn to Steve. He’s so goddamn beautiful, even in the artificial light now that the sun has disappeared below the horizon. 
Well, isn’t this a perfect opportunity? “I’m gonna go say hi,” Eddie says casually, nodding in farewell to Will, Mike, Lucas, and Dustin. Then, red Solo cup in hand, he starts heading in the direction of El, Steve, and Max. 
In a way, it’s just too damn predictable. 
Eddie is walking toward the group, feeling pretty good, doing his best to look cool and nonchalant. He’s about five feet away and Steve glances up, eyes flicking over him. And Eddie’s so caught up in the euphoria of being seen (and maybe admired?) by Steve that he completely misses someone’s purse on the ground. He trips over it, doesn’t manage to right himself, and goes sprawling. To add insult to injury, he doesn’t manage to keep hold of his cup of punch and manages to spill it all over himself and Steve.
“Fuck, man, I’m so sorry,” Eddie says, hopping to his feet and putting his hands out like he can—what? Wipe away the bright red punch from Steve’s white shirt? God, he’s so stupid. 
Steve is looking down at himself in surprise, then back up at Eddie. “It’s cool,” he says. Fuck, his voice is so sexy. Eddie can’t believe that the first thing he did when trying to approach this guy was spill punch all over him. When did he become such a mess?
Max laughs. “I told you not to wear white, dingus,” she says. Steve scowls at her. 
“Only Robin gets to call me dingus,” he says. “And you told me not to wear white because you think I look ugly in it, not because you thought I would spill on it.”
Max shrugs. “Different reasoning, same end result,” she says breezily. 
Alright, Eddie is definitely gonna need to befriend this girl as soon as he stops wanting to die of mortification. If that happens. 
“Seriously, man, I’m so sorry,” Eddie says, “I can, like, buy you a new shirt, or—”
Steve waves him off. “Seriously, it’s cool,” he says, “Honestly, I got this shirt in a pack of five from Target so it’s not a big loss.” He looks over Eddie again. His all black ensemble probably doesn’t reveal the punch as much, but Eddie can feel the wet patches sticking to his skin. “C’mon, I’ll lend you something to change into.”
Not about to complain about the prospect of seeing the inside of Steve’s room, Eddie follows him down the hall and through a door. It’s a nice bedroom, tidy without feeling sterile. There are posters for bands on the wall that Eddie doesn’t listen to but doesn’t disrespect either. An acoustic guitar is leaning against a desk that’s stacked with neat piles of books. There are twinkle lights along the bedframe, giving the room a cheerful glow. And it’s a comfy looking bed, with a thick white comforter and fluffy pillows. 
Stop staring at his bed, you absolute creep.
“I’m Eddie by the way,” Eddie says, looking back over at Steve. Who is very shirtless. Apparently having peeled his wet shirt off, he’s now standing facing the closet. Goddamn. The smooth expanse of his back is on display, toned and freckled. Eddie wants to bite it. 
Steve looks over his shoulder at Eddie. “Yeah, I know,” he says. 
“You do?”
“Yeah.” Steve grins, turning more fully around. Don’t stare at his chest don’t stare at his chest don’t stare at his— “After Robin met Nancy she made a whole ass PowerPoint of her Instagram photos. You’re in some of ‘em.”
Eddie feels a little flustered that Steve knew who he was before Eddie knew him. What did he think? Did Steve think he was good looking? Or was he even paying attention? Then Eddie wrinkles his nose, the rest of the context registering. 
“A whole PowerPoint, huh?” Eddie asks. 
Steve shrugs (his shoulders are so pretty, fuck). “Yeah, it’s kinda what we do,” he says, “Anything significant happens, we share it with each other in excruciating detail. And Robbie knows I’m a visual learner so slideshows work pretty well.”
“Fair enough.”
Steve turns back to the closet and rifles through the hangers. “Good news is I think we’re about the same size,” he says. He produces a plain black t-shirt. “Does this work?”
“I’ll take whatever you give me,” Eddie says (God, he hopes that comes off less horny than it sounds to his ears). “I’m the one who spilled punch all over us.”
Eyes fixed on Eddie’s chest, Steve comes back over. Eddie resists the urge to cross his arms over himself. But obviously, Steve’s just looking at the stains, not him. “Your vest was mostly saved,” Steve says. He touches a spot below one of the buttons on Eddie’s chest, making Eddie’s heart leap into his throat. “There’s a bit, but I think Max has some stuff for stains we can borrow.”
“Cool,” Eddie says. His voice definitely sounds unnatural, and he thinks Steve notices, eyes flicking up to his. Those pretty, pretty eyes. Up close, his eyelashes are so long. And his face is dotted with moles. Eddie wants to touch every one of them. “I’m not really that worried about it,” he chokes out. 
Shrugging, Steve hands him the black shirt. And then he just stands there, watching. “Um,” Eddie says. Does Steve really expect him to just strip down right in front of him? He can’t present his incredibly mediocre shirtless self to the most beautiful man he’s ever seen. 
Steve lifts his eyebrows. “What’re you waiting for?” 
“Uh, nothing,” Eddie says. 
This isn’t weird. Right? It’s only weird if he keeps acting all weird about it. But he can be all cool and casual about this like Steve was. So he shrugs out of his battle vest, draping it over the desk chair along with the borrowed shirt, and then tugs his own shirt over his head. Steve’s standing a little closer than Eddie realized, so his arms bump against him as he untangles them from the shirt. Totally fine, totally normal. Totally not gonna obsess about the feeling of Steve’s skin against his for the next 3-5 business days. 
As soon as Eddie has laid his shirt over his battle vest, he feels featherlight fingers brushing over the demon tattoo on his chest. He sucks in a breath, frozen to the spot. What is happening right now?
He risks a glance at Steve, whose eyes are trained on Eddie’s tattoos. “I was curious what these looked like up close,” Steve says, “I should admit I actually have seen you shirtless before. I kind of stalked your Instagram.”
What? That’s not computing. First of all, Steve, most gorgeous man to ever exist, stalked Eddie’s Instagram? Second of all, Eddie has shirtless pics on his Instagram? He doesn’t have the confidence to post that kind of thing. Except no, there is a picture on there from when he went to the beach with Gareth and Jeff a month or two ago. But what? Steve has seen it? And it was significant enough for him to remember?
Steve looks at Eddie, eyebrows furrowing. “Is that creepy?”
“No, but—” Eddie shakes his head. “Me?”
“Yeah.” Steve grins. “I think you’re pretty.”
Maybe Eddie hit his head when he fell. Maybe he’s hallucinating this. Maybe he’s gonna wake up on the floor out there, and Steve calling him pretty will all have been a delicious, far-fetched dream. Because there’s just no way. 
“You think I’m pretty,” Eddie says. When Steve nods, Eddie almost laughs. “And have you happened to look in a mirror recently?”
Steve laughs. “Yeah,” he says, “But somehow, I’m not my own type.”
He keeps leaning in closer and it’s making it very hard for Eddie to come up with something intelligent to say. He should make a joke or something to prove that he’s very cool and collected, but his brain turns more and more to static the longer he stares into Steve’s eyes. 
“Um,” Eddie says. Clever. What’s wrong with him? He doesn’t usually get this flustered. But then, he doesn’t usually talk to guys who look like Steve. 
Steve’s smile is very self-satisfied as those gossamer fingers of his trail down past Eddie’s tattoos and brush over his nipple. Eddie takes in a sharp breath. “You often invite strangers who you’ve been stalking into your room to get ‘em shirtless and feel ‘em up?” he asks, aiming for aloof and entirely missing the mark. 
“Hmm, just the ones that spill punch on me,” Steve says, pinching Eddie’s nipple slightly. “And just the ones that I catch staring at me.” He leans in, putting his mouth inches away from Eddie’s ear. “I don’t think you’re as subtle as you think you are.”
Unable to resist any longer, Eddie slides his hands around Steve’s waist. His skin is so smooth, so velvety. “Who says I’m trying to be subtle?” he asks. 
Grinning, Steve wraps his free arm around Eddie’s neck and pulls him in. Eddie kisses Steve eagerly. His lips are heavenly, so much softer than most guys Eddie has kissed. He tastes like strawberry lipgloss and punch. And he kisses like they have all the time in the world, which maybe they do. Nancy’s off with Robin somewhere, so there’s no reason Eddie needs to rejoin the party any time soon.
They wind up on Steve’s bed, Steve on his back under Eddie. Eddie gets the fingers of one hand tangled in Steve’s hair. So silky, just like everything else about him. The man defines the word soft. It makes Eddie a little crazy, makes him want to dig his teeth and fingers in, ruin the undisturbed perfection. He goes after Steve hungrily, attacking his jaw and throat and collarbones like he’s starving. Steve seems happy to let him, pulling Eddie’s hips down flush with his and rolling his own hips gently up.
Eddie’s just thinking that he’d be happy to never stop kissing Steve exactly like this when there’s a knock at the door. He pulls away and looks at it while Steve sighs. 
“I have to answer that,” he says, sounding resigned. 
“You sure you have to?” Eddie asks, brushing the hair back off Steve’s forehead. He looks sort of wrecked, red marks already starting to form on his neck.
Steve nods. “If it’s Robin or Max they’ll just let themselves in after thirty seconds.” 
He edges out from under Eddie and crosses over to the door. Eddie feels vindicated that he has to adjust himself in his jeans before opening the door a crack. 
“Hey, Robbie,” he says, “What’s up?”
“Steve! I have huge news!” Robin says from just out of sight. “Nancy asked me to be her—wait, why don’t you have a shirt on?”
Steve is forced back as Robin pushes the door open farther and pokes her head in. She looks over at the bed, sees Eddie, and grins. “Oh, that’s why,” she says, mischief in her voice.
“Hey, what’s up?” Eddie says, trying to sound casual. 
“Eddie?” He hears Nancy’s voice from the hall, and then her head is appearing in the doorway next to Robin’s. As soon as she sees him, she gives a triumphant laugh. “I knew it!”
Eddie buries his face in his hands, sure it’s burning. 
“Alright that’s enough,” he hears Steve say. Then there’s the overlapping protests from the girls before the door clicks shut again. 
Removing his hands, Eddie risks another glance and sees Steve coming back over to the bed, shaking his head. He slides onto the mattress next to Eddie and puts his arms around him. “Can you believe them?” he asks, not quite managing to hide his smile. 
Smiling back, Eddie pinches Steve in the side. “You sure you should have closed the door on them?” he asks, “Sounds like they had big news.”
Steve shrugs. “It’s fine,” he says, “They can tell us in the morning.”
“Morning, huh? Think we’re gonna be occupied until then?”
Smile turning devious, Steve kisses Eddie once before rolling him onto his back. “I think I can come up with a couple things to keep us busy,” he says. 
And as Steve kisses him again, Eddie’s pretty sure he agrees.
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antianakin · 3 months
So, when I read George Lucas' quotes about attachments, he's all like:
"Accept that your loved ones are going to die someday. You can't do anything about that. Don't be a jerk because you're afraid of losing them, don't lash out in vengeance because they are hurt, don't shoot up a school to save their lives. Don't try to control people's fate. Don't get married because that's a form of ownership."
Am I crazy...but none of this sounds that that difficult or hard to do?
But when you read around the SW fandom, they talk like the Jedi practice some kind of human rights violation, like they're out here demanding that children suppress all of their emotions, forget about the people they love, that everyone should be able to spew their obsessive anger and misery all over everyone else, and that the Jedi are wrong to suppress a person's right to destroy as many relationships as they see fit.
In fairness, I DO think that it's hard to do sometimes. And I think that that is part of the point. Letting go of people, places, and things that you love is never easy. It's IMPORTANT, but it's not easy. It can even be painful sometimes to let these things go, especially if you aren't used to it. It's EASY to lash out at people when you're upset, it's EASY to be scared of losing what you love, it's EASY to decide to do whatever it takes to avoid that. It's a LOT harder to understand yourself well enough to recognize why you're actually upset and then calm down before you do something you'll regret later. It's a LOT harder to just accept that you're going to lose something you love because that's just how life works. It's hard to accept that everyone, yourself included, has the capacity to be tempted by selfishness.
And i don't think that the message Lucas is sending is that marriage sucks because it's a from of ownership at all. I don't think that's why the Jedi don't allow marriages. They're not trying to stop ANYONE from getting married, we never see or hear them discussing how bad marriage is, it's a cultural thing more than anything else. And my personal opinion is that marriage requires a COMMITMENT that can make being a Jedi difficult, so they DISCOURAGE marriage. Any relationship comes with expectations and obligations, but there are certain relationships that often come with greater expectations of commitment which require a lot more time, attention, and effort given to said relationship. Romantic relationships, and especially marriages, are the most likely relationships to expect major commitments to your partner. Friendships tend to be more flexible about that kind of thing. It doesn't mean that the feelings in a friendship are any less deep or profound, it just means that friendships and romantic relationships often tend to come with very different expectations of commitment. And the expectations involved in friendships tend to be more compatible with the Jedi way of life than the ones involved in romantic relationships (especially marriages).
It's genuinely no different than what nuns do (minus the celibacy aspect). I don't think that nuns feel that marriage is bad, or that it's a form of ownership and so that's why they all choose to never get married. Nuns believe that they have a higher calling to serve their god and they don't want to be distracted by an exclusive relationship that could get in the way of that service. This parallels the way that Jedi are implied to feel a call to destiny, a higher calling to serve the will of the Force, so they choose never to get married (and often to simply not enter into committed romantic relationships at all) because those relationships often involve expectations of time, attention, effort, and exclusivity that they cannot provide because they've chosen to give it to something else instead.
Certain people may not AGREE with the choices a nun makes, they may personally view such a choice to be really weird or unusual or even upsetting, but that doesn't really matter. It's their choice to make and it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. As much as some people might look at a nun's lifestyle and go "I'd never EVER want that life", a nun probably looks at the choices made by people who get married and go "Wow I'd NEVER do that." Both choices can be valid and just because it doesn't make sense to someone else doesn't make it wrong or inhumane. Marriage can be beautiful, that commitment to someone can be a really wonderful choice to make. Likewise, the choice NOT to get married in order to give yourself to what you believe to be a higher cause can ALSO be a beautiful, wonderful choice to make.
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you-were-alone-too · 3 months
the aftermath of eddie's death & what it means for mike's arc in season 5
someone may have already posted a similar theory before, so i apologize if i'm super late to this, but i've had this theory in mind ever since the s5 set pictures of dustin and mike were dropped, and i've been wanting to make a post about it ever since. basically, we're going to take a look at eddie's respective relationships with dustin and mike and how his death will affect them both, but especially mike in s5.
in s4, the show made it super clear that eddie had a close relationship with the boys in the party, more specifically mike and dustin (since lucas is on a quest to be popular and joined the basketball team, we can guess this prevented them from being as close). although we don't get to see much of eddie's relationship with mike, his friendship with dustin is heavily established throughout the entirety of the season. while both mike and dustin value eddie for being a cooler, older high school boy that embraces their shared interests despite the fact that it makes him an outcast, the impact of these relationships, and ultimately, his death, will affect them in completely different ways.
while both mike and dustin value eddie's commitment to embracing his true self/interests, the difference in the impact of their respective relationships is that mike struggles with the fact that he's different whereas dustin is more comfortable in his own identity.
a great example of this is when eddie talks about how he remembers the first time that he met dustin and mike; he says dustin was wearing a weird al t-shirt, which he "thought was brave," while mike was wearing "whatever his mommy bought him from the goddamn gap". not to mention mike trying to "dress cool" when he visits el in california, being afraid of seeming childish by playing d&d and liking christmas presents, not to mention:
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so what does this have to do with their arcs in s5, particularly mike's?
eddie's character represents one of the show's core themes: non-conformity. right before eddie dies, he makes dustin promise to never change. and when dustin tells wayne that he was with eddie when the earthquake hit, the main thing he emphasizes is that eddie never changed even as he was dying.
one of the first scenes that gaten filmed for s5 shows him wearing his hellfire club t-shirt, which is now faded and full of holes, and his hair is also grown out even longer (possibly to resemble eddie's hair, like mike in s4). in the picture of the party members' hands on top of each other, we can also see he's wearing (presumably) one of eddie's rings.
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as for mike, one of the first pictures we see of him on set for s5 shows him with a haircut and outfit that nearly resembles his appearance in s1. after the beginning of s4 showed mike growing out his hair (which was confirmed to be inspired by eddie), playing d&d again, and saying he doesn't want to be popular, we now see him in s5 conforming back to how he used to dress. how his parents want him to look. normal.
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in the aftermath of eddie's death, it's clear that as a symbol of non-conformity and self-acceptance, his death has impacted dustin and mike in completely different ways.
for dustin, he sees eddie's untimely death as a legacy he must continue. a vow he made to eddie in his dying breath to never change. and now, he's sticking to his word by embracing all that eddie did and stood for in life, almost as if he's trying to physically emulate eddie to become that symbol for himself and others.
as for mike, he's lost without that symbol. he saw eddie as a symbol of hope, safety, and bravery, a person that made him feel like it's okay to be different, to stand out, to not conform with what society wants him to be. without eddie, he's on the opposite trajectory; now that eddie's gone, that reassurance and safety he felt about standing out is gone too, and now he's regressing into the person that he thinks everyone expects him to be.
it's not that shocking since as soon as he's away from eddie in s4, he goes back to trying to fit in around el. but what's even more interesting is that mike seems to become himself again once it's just him and will in s4; although will carries himself in a much more subtle way than eddie, will also inspires mike to feel confident in himself, to feel like he can be different.
but before there was eddie as a symbol of non-conformity, there was jonathan byers. from the get-go in season 1, we see jonathan encouraging will to be himself, such as telling him "you shouldn't like things because people tell you you're supposed to." then we see mike get a similar, louder version of this encouragement in the form of eddie. both mike and will have role models that encourage them to be different. both mike and will feel like they can be themselves around each other in a way they can't with anyone else because they're the same kind of different. "i saw you on the swings, and you were alone too" "maybe i feel like i lost you or something" "hawkins, it's not the same with you." "you make [me] feel like [i'm] not a mistake at all, like [i'm] better for being different" "we'll go crazy together, right?"
even though will does make mike feel like it's okay to be himself, it's not enough to fully pull him out of his shell. eddie had that power as an older male role model that mike could look up to and admire. someone that could give him a look into the future and show him that being different on the outside isn't all that bad. but then, not only does eddie die, but even in death, he's still viewed as satanic and monstrous because he was openly different.
now in s5, mike is going to have to come to grips with eddie's death and the loss he associates with that. how he thinks that eddie being dead is proof that standing out is dangerous, that it's wrong, that it's sinful. he has a lot of fear to work through, but in the end, he's going to get there, and will is going to be there at his side the entire time, reminding him that they make each other feel like they're better for being different, so it must not be so bad after all.
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oh-stars · 8 months
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Love is secretly studying up on the nerd shit he’s into.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 2249 words | CW: N/A | Rating: T
It’s not often that they all make their way to Indianapolis. It’s no Chicago and getting everyone together to make a big trip of it is getting harder and harder every month. But Will’s birthday falls in line with the grand opening of a new collectibles store that promises shiny new dice and rare items among their comics and board game memorabilia. How could anyone deny his pleading eyes to make it a part of his birthday celebration: to go see the store and find a place to eat, a day trip that’s on the simpler side. 
Eddie’s just as excited as the boys are, but he’s more surprised to find Steve is practically vibrating out of his skin with how eager he is to get to the store. He’s just not showing it in the same way the others are. It’s all vibrant eyes and small smiles, bouncing knees and one too many questions. 
Eddie’s still trying to figure out what he’s excited about. 
Over the last year, Eddie’s learned how to read Steve Harrington. The man may think he keeps an even, cool composure about everything, but Eddie’s an expert in the minor details to figure out how Steve really feels. When he talks to Hopper about some sports thing, his hands will have a small tremor and he stumbles over his words sometimes, always playing it off as some headache or not getting enough sleep if you point it out. Eddie knows better, he knows Steve gets so excited that he can’t contain it and is embarrassed at how eager he is to share it, about his interests all together. 
The kids don’t help, he knows. Outside of Lucas, the others just tease him for being a meathead jock or some other bullshit insult – pulling the same shit they get bullied with, the same shit Eddie encouraged. He’s trying to get them to see how fucked up it is, but it’s a work in progress. 
They’re driving separately so Eddie doesn’t get to watch Steve’s excitement build other than the glimpses he gets in his rearview mirror of Steve, Robin, and the girls singing along to whatever mundane Top 40 shit they’re blasting. He’d listen to the shitty music with Steve over Dustin and Mike arguing over D&D editions any day, though. At least he can control the volume of the music… 
“I’m this close,” Eddie holds up his pinched fingers, “to leaving you on the side of the road,” he tells them. 
Dustin rolls his eyes. “Steve wouldn’t let you.” 
“I think I can convince him,” Eddie says with a smirk. Only Robin knows about their relationship, even now after it’s been a year, but that doesn’t mean the kids don’t know they’re close. They know they’re inseparable and good friends. Just not… naked in bed, touchy-feely ‘friends,’ ya know?  “We’re nearly at the store. Can you at least pause the screaming match until you have the editions in front of you for proper comparison?” 
That buys Eddie a few minutes of just his music as the boys have a more reasonable discussion to figure out how to split their small funds to maximize their haul. They may be turning sixteen this year, but they’re not exactly loaded. It’s the same shit he and the guys used to pull, and sometimes… still do. It’s nice seeing them like actual kids for a little while longer. 
But he’s still happy to climb out of his van and meet back up with Steve and the gang. 
He slings an arm over Steve’s shoulders, feels how keyed up he is and how his muscles are tense despite the relaxed looking posture. “Are you mortals ready to blow your minds?” Eddie asks, voice rumbly as he leans in to stare at the girls. 
Max rolls her eyes as Erica levels him with a stare of her own. 
“Let’s go already!” Dustin calls back as the guys are already booking it toward the store. 
Nancy and Jonathan have only just pulled up as the group passes. Robin, Jane, and Max wait for them, happy to hang back from this particular stop on their day. Or maybe they’re scheming about Will’s surprise that the rest of them have been left in the dark about. 
Either way, Eddie doesn’t drop his arm from Steve’s shoulders until they reach the door. 
The store’s packed with nerds of all ages, shuffling here and there as they browse the small space. It’s like nerd paradise, with walls of collectibles and big crates of comics and books, and big displays of art and promotions everywhere. It even has that musty book smell he loves so much! 
Eddie squeezes Steve’s shoulder before he completely drops his arm. “Permission to go feral?”
Steve rolls his eyes, but shoves Eddie lightly. “Go. Have fun,” he says. 
“You could always follow me, you know. Don’t want you getting lost,” Eddie says, getting back into Steve’s space even as his eyes flickered around the space. 
“I’ll come find you, okay?” Steve says, then he walks away with his hands in his pockets like he’s just strolling through the store. But Eddie can see the sharp way his eyes are searching the space, hunting for something. It’s enough to have Eddie trailing behind him, eager to figure out this mystery. 
Okay so Eddie gets briefly distracted by a wall of dragon figurines, but he manages to pull himself away when he sees the price tags are dangerously close to having commas. He stumbles his way around, only getting swept into conversation with Will once about the variety of figures they have and able to dodge Dustin’s badgering about the new Justice League comic. 
He finds Steve hunched over a glass case that’s near the cash register, at the far end where people aren’t huddled around looking at trading cards or the pricer collectibles. Eddie tucks himself partially behind a bookshelf so he can see Steve from the side. He watches as Steve’s eyes squint and he squats lower to look at the case from a new perspective. It takes a lot of effort to not let his own eyes wander to how his ass puts his Levi’s to the test, but Eddie’s stronger than that (sort of).
And because of that strength, Eddie gets the rare experience of seeing Steve’s eyes light up as his jaw drops. He looks… in awe of whatever he’s found, like someone just showed him the Holy Grail. 
Eddie can’t help himself as he walks over. Steve’s so entranced, he doesn’t even notice. For a split second, Eddie feels that familiar panic creep up his throat before he hears a soft “holy shit,” from Steve. 
On this side of the case are… sports cards. Trading cards of different sports people in various conditions, some are in little wrappers, some in packs, and others loose in the glass display case. Huh. Go figure. 
He’s kind of surprised, if Eddie’s honest with himself, he never would have taken Steve for a collector of any kind, much less trading cards. But here he is, so amazed at whatever he’s found that he still hasn’t noticed Eddie’s presence. 
Eddie squats down beside him, knees popping with the movement, and rests his forehead on the glass. “Which one is it?” 
Steve curses under his breath as he jumps, snapping out of it. “Jesus, Eds,” he says, standing up. 
“Sorry,” Eddie says with a grin. “Seriously, though. Which is it?” 
His face is red and he looks almost ashamed to be caught staring at the cards. “Find anything cool yet?” Steve asks, shoving his hands into his pockets. 
Eddie frowns. “Steve…” 
Steve just shakes his head and turns his back on the glass. “Looks like Lucas found something,” he says with a forced laugh as he points to where Lucas is struggling to carry a few different boxes of figurines as he searches for the others in the busy store. 
“And so did you,” Eddie says softly as he stands beside him, shoulders touching. “Trading cards, huh?” 
He just shrugs. 
“I think it’s pretty cool,” Eddie says. “I don’t know anything about them but,” he glances back at the rows and rows of cards, some with tiny words and charts, “those stats have to mean something. And you know how I am about stats, Stevie.” 
Steve rolls his eyes. “They’re player stats, Eddie. It’s from their games and shit.” He sighs. “You don’t… don’t have to pretend it’s cool, man. Just sports shit, right?” 
“Hey,” Eddie says, a little more forceful, “I don’t mind sports shit, remember? We had fun watching that basketball game the other day.” 
“You were just being nice,” Steve says. 
“No,” Eddie counters, “I was a little confused on the language and how it works, but I love seeing you get passionate about something you love, Steve. Even if it means seeing how angry you get at whatever the refs are saying.” 
Steve’s face darkens as he grumbles out, “It was a shit call.” He hasn’t been able to let it go since they watched it. 
“C’mon,” Eddie says, turning back to the case, “will you just show me which one you like?” 
“It’s not necessarily about liking them,” Steve starts, turning as well, “but the players themselves.” 
Eddie hums. “So which player did you find?” 
“Nolan Ryan,” Steve breathes out, pointing at the card, “he’s a pitcher for the Astros and that,” he lets out a whistle, “is a rare 1985 Tiffany.” 
“What makes it rare?” Eddie asks. 
Steve waves him off. “Don’t worry about that–”
“No,” Eddie insists. “I told you, in detail, about my Lord of the Rings theories and you listened to every word. Let me hear about your Tiffany card.” 
“It’s not mine,” Steve reminds him. 
Eddie nudges his shoulder. “Steve.” 
Steve lets out a breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Okay, so the cards are printed here, right? Like it’s one of their things? But the Tiffany cards aren’t, they’re printed in Ireland. And you see how that one is a little brighter than the one next to it?” He doesn’t wait for Eddie’s response. “They printed the Tiffany sets on white cardboard instead of gray. And they only made a limited run of the sets, right? So to just… find one,” he says, voice soft and light, “and Nolan Ryan’s card at that?” He whistles. “Kind of a big deal.” 
“So you’re getting it, right?” 
Steve shrugs again. “Maybe I’ll drive up later for it. I don’t want to deal with the kids–” 
“We’ll put it in my bag. I haven’t even really started to look, but you know I’m emptying my wallet in here, right?” Eddie says, smiling. 
“Why haven’t you looked?” Steve asks, brow furrowing. “We’ve been here for twenty minutes, Eds, what have you been doing?” 
Eddie feels his face soften as he tilts his head and plays with a strand of his hair. “There’s this guy I’ve got a thing for,” he whispers, “and he was really excited to come to some nerd store, but wouldn’t tell me why. So I had to figure it out myself.” 
Steve’s blushing again as he looks away. “C’mon,” he says, grabbing Eddie by the elbow, “show me what you want to look at.” 
He allows Steve to change the subject and does look for himself, but he doesn’t forget the wistful look in Steve’s eyes when they end up by the case again for check-out. 
“Hey,” Eddie says, mostly to Nancy and Robin who have joined them in line, “should we send some of us down to the restaurant?” 
Nancy looks at her watch, then at the line. “Yes, that’s not a bad idea.” 
Steve nods and hands Eddie some cash. “Just in case the kids need help. Nance, Rob and I’ll go check in at the restaurant. See you there?” 
Eddie lets the three of them walk out the door before he steps out of the line. Sure, he’ll lose his place, but it’s worth it. 
“Excuse me,” Eddie says to an employee behind the counter, “I need to get this card.”
The guy knows his shit, so while the line dwindles, Eddie takes the opportunity to ask some questions. He even gets a few more card packs from the newest run, card holders and sleeves to put them in, and a booklet that explains the set. There’s even a book on the history of the game that the cashier suggests; Eddie doesn’t hesitate to buy it all. Sure, he had to put away a few figures and the new dice set he found, but it’s worth it. 
He hides all of his new goods in with his other nerdy shit and carefully puts his bag in the glove box so it doesn’t get mixed up with the kids’ bags. “You guys ready?” Eddie asks, arms draped over Mike and Will’s shoulders. 
As they walk to the restaurant for the next stop in their plans, Eddie listens to the kids share about their hauls and what they want to come back for. It all goes in one ear and out the other, too busy mulling over the information he learned from the cashier. He’s kind of surprised by how excited he is to read the materials he bought, but he really can’t wait to give Steve the card. 
Now if he can just get Steve to admit he’s a nerd, too, it’d be icing on the cake.  
Thanks to @lady-lostmind for betaing!
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'freak'
rated t | 930 words | cw: temporary character death | tags: canon-adjacent events, frankie pov, eddie munson lives
Frankie doesn't think he's a freak. He knows he's not the typical teenager, but he definitely knows there's weirder dudes out there.
Take Eddie Munson, for example. He's fuckin' weird.
He knows people call him a freak for a lot of reasons: he's got long hair, likes heavy metal, plays DnD, and is allegedly queer.
Frankie stays under the radar as much as possible, but he ends up at Eddie's table, sitting next to his one and only friend, Jeff. Eddie's starting a DnD club, needs people who are serious about playing long campaigns. He's a senior and "wants to leave a legacy."
Jeff convinces him to try it out.
He tries it out.
He has fun.
He becomes a freak, too.
And, actually, Eddie isn't really a freak. He's eccentric, sure, but he's definitely not what everyone implies when they call him that.
He's kind in his own way, inviting to people where most other kids at school have their cliques and don't let anyone else in. He's funny, too, sometimes completely unintentionally.
His Uncle is nice enough to let them use their trailer for campaigns, at least until Eddie is able to convince the school to let them use the storage room in the auditorium. They have to fight for space, especially when it comes time for the end of year drama club performance.
Frankie doesn't think much about what will happen when Eddie graduates. He assumed Jeff will run the club since he's Eddie's right hand man.
But Eddie doesn't graduate.
Frankie starts to get into the same music as him, no longer worried about wearing his Black Sabbath shirt to school. It's just music.
He doesn't worry about shaving his head, letting his natural curls grow out a little.
Maybe he's more of a freak than he thought, but it doesn't bother him when he hears others whisper it under their breath. Eddie wears it like a badge of honor, and now he does too.
When the news reports that Eddie is the suspect in the murder of Chrissy Cunningham, Frankie knows they've got it wrong.
Eddie is a lot of things, he's a freak, he's different. But he's not a murderer.
He's also gay as fuck, and while very few people know that, Frankie knows he had no intentions with that girl other than to sell to her. Maybe he should have been more careful, but he's gotten away with it this long. Eddie never pushes anything on anyone, only sells to those who seek him out, so there's no way she wasn't the one who wanted drugs.
It seemed to Frankie like a wrong place, wrong time situation for all involved.
Eddie was missing, which means he got scared and ran, and Frankie isn't sure what that means for any of them.
Everything is hanging in a weird balance for days.
Gareth swears he saw him in an RV when his parents dragged him to The War Zone, but no one believed him. Frankie didn't not believe him, he just figured Eddie was probably already out of the state.
Guilty people may run, but so do innocent people with a bounty on their head.
Frankie doesn't think Eddie is coming back.
He sees Dustin crying and handing Wayne something. He sees Steve Harrington of all people in Eddie's vest, a vest that now has some suspicious stains on it.
No one mentions him for a while.
Gareth is a mess, and Jeff keeps saying that he'll come back, but the news spreads that he's dead and Frankie feels like he's the only one who is taking that seriously. He doesn't realize how much he's hurting until they're standing in Jeff's garage with no idea how to fill the space Eddie left in the band.
"I think we should have auditions," Jeff says quietly.
"I think you should fuck yourself," Gareth bites back.
Jeff sighs. Gareth crosses his arms.
"I think you guys should come with me," Lucas interrupts from the driveway.
They go with him because Frankie is sure he wouldn't have even spoken to them if it wasn't important. They barely talked since everything happened over Spring Break, but now that school's starting up again, they'll need to figure out Hellfire Club.
He leads them out of the neighborhood and towards the neighborhood at the bottom of the hill: Loch Nora. The nice neighborhood.
It's hot and Frankie and Gareth are both sweating by the time they make it to their destination: Steve Harrington's house.
"You guys can't say shit to anyone, got it? You'll put us all at risk." Lucas is glaring at all of them as he knocks in a very specific pattern on the front door.
"Are you leading us to our deaths?" Frankie asks, only half-joking.
"Despite what Mayfield thinks, I'm not gonna kill anyone."
"Eddie!" Gareth yells as he runs past Frankie and Jeff into the house.
"Alright, keep it down." Steve says from the couch. "Neighbors don't need to know he's hiding out here."
"Holy shit, it's good to see you," Jeff finally says as it registers that Eddie is actually in front of them.
"You know, I was prepared to take on the role of freak," Frankie said quietly. "Just to protect all your sheepies."
Eddie smiled at him. "Yeah?"
Frankie nodded.
"Well, you still can. I'm not gonna go back to school anyway."
"So what will you do?" Frankie asked.
"Not sure," Eddie shrugged. "Teach you my ways, I guess."
Frankie smiled at him. "First lesson: how'd you come back from the dead, dude?"
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lukehughescurls · 7 months
at long last
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luke hughes x childhood best friend
2k words
Staring up at my childhood best friend I realized two things. One, I could never imagine my life without him in it. Two, I was hopelessly in love with him and there was nothing I could do about it. 
Following Luke to Michigan was a spontaneous choice made one drunken night the summer before our senior year, when Luke looked over at me stating that he couldn't believe I wanted to move to New York for school. Asking how I could go so far from him. In that moment I had made my mind up, I was going to Mich with him and nothing was going to stop me. 
Back to the present moment, we’re currently cuddled up on the couch in the sophomore house living room, Luke talking to his teammates while I observe the party going on around us. Tonight the party was in full swing because Michigan had beat Penn State and Luke had scored four goals meaning the celebration was bound to go all night long. Looking around I notice Ethan, Mark, and Duker staring me down. Luke was too preoccupied talking to Adam and Luca to notice their staring. When I looked over again Ethan had motioned to the kitchen when he and the boys started making their way in. Catching the hint I start getting up before Luke stops me, “Bug where are you going.” Of course I can’t get away without my supposed guard dog noticing, “Just going to get a refill, do you want anything from the kitchen?” Luke shakes his head no and goes back to talking to the Fantilli boys letting me make my escape. 
When I finally made my way into the kitchen the trio was already staring at the door waiting for my arrival, “when are you going to put him out of his misery and tell him you love him.” Dylan exclaimed, leaving me in shock. “Dylan, Luke and I are best friends, nothing more.” My statement made the three boys groan, “Oh come on we all know that's such bullshit, right Mark?” Ethan said while turning to Mark who had been silent, finally opening his mouth to say, “Bug you may not be able to admit it to yourself but it's pretty obvious to the rest of us that you both are hopelessly in love with each other.” Shaking my head and grabbing a seltzer out of the fridge I attempt to walk past the boys unscathed but Mark grabs my arm causing me to look up at him, “Just think about what we’re saying.” I nod before walking back to Luke where I see a pretty blonde sitting where I had previously occupied. Scoffing, I turn back to the three boys saying, “ya he looks so in love with me you guys.” I try escaping back into the kitchen but Luke notices my presence yelling, “Bug! Come meet Sofia.” The pull Luke has on me is massive because I find my feet walking in the direction of the large couch when that's the last place my heart wants to take me. Sofia looks over at me and smiles. Of course her smile is perfect, beaming at me with white straight teeth. When I reach the couch she leaps up giving me a hug exclaiming, “Luke has told me so much about you,” and before I can stop myself I mutter, “oh, well he hasn’t mentioned you.” Watching her smile start to drop I realize my mistake, “That was not meant to come out so rudely ignore me, how do you and Luke know each other?” I ask laughing and shaking my head hoping to diffuse the situation. It clearly works because she starts going on and on about a class the two of them share. 
While Sofia talks I sit and listen with a solemn smile on my face hoping it's passing off as pleasant. Luke starts jumping into the conversation causing me to put my focus upon both of them and all I can see is this picture perfect couple. Sofia with her blonde hair and long tan legs that match perfectly with Lukes height. It dawns on me while sitting there how happy and relaxed Luke seems around Sofia, making me wonder if he’s keeping something from me. If he’s been keeping her a secret. Looking at our friends they all seem pretty comfortable around her, has she been here? Has she slept in his bed with him? The same bed we sit on and talk for hours, do they talk for hours too? Is what we share just limited to friendship? Feeling overwhelmed I interrupt the conversation stating that I need some air. Luke looks over at me with concern written all over his face, so I laugh it off and say, “It’s just so hot in here.” Luke clearly feels comfortable with my answer because he nods his head and says, “Come get me if you need me.” I give him a short nod saying, “Sofia, it was so nice to meet you, hopefully I’ll see you around later on,” She gives me another megawatt smile before nodding her head in response. 
When I finally burst out of the house away from the hoards of people and my best friend who clearly loves someone else I let go of the breath I didn’t realize I was holding onto. It comes out of me shuddering as I lower myself onto the stairs taking deep soothing breaths, jumping when I feel someone rest their hand on my shoulder. Did Luke follow me outside? Looking up I realize it’s Mark, who's wearing a bleak look on his face. I start to frown realizing I must be so naive to believe Luke would follow me out here when he clearly is preoccupied by perfect Sofia. Mark takes a seat next to me on the stairs, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his side. “Hey what's got you down? That excuse may have convinced Luke but not me.” Of course he notices, “You’re right, I love him.” I sigh and Mark barks out a laugh saying, “Ya, I know, I’ve known that since the day he introduced me to you.” I start laughing leaning into him more as he starts to rub my arm, “Bug, I really do think he’s in love with you too, we all see how he looks at you it's as if you hung the stars in the sky.” Mark comments “Who knew you were such a romantic marky,” my nickname making him groan, “not the nickname bug, you know I hate that.” Giggling I state “well I’ve been saying it since we were freshman and you haven’t stopped me yet.” I give him a puzzling look and his response is simple, “well I can’t tell you no it’s actually impossible,” making me laugh even harder and Mark joins in. Our laughter is interrupted by the door slamming shut causing us to both turn around. Luke stands by the door looking at us with an imperceptible look on his face, “oh hi Luke, you want to come join us.” I say while patting the space next to me. He rolls his eyes before spitting out, “no you look pretty occupied with Mark, no need for my company.” His tone shocked me, it was venomous. “Anyways I’ll leave you guys to it, I need another drink,” Luke states before stalking back into the house. Mark and I look over at each other, my shock written on my face while Mark has a knowing smile on his face. I go to stand up but Mark stops me, “wait don’t follow him. He clearly needs to cool off.” I nod my head in agreement and settle back into conversation. 
I didn't see Luke until the end of the night. Mark had dragged me back inside a little while after Luke had left and we had been shooting the shit with Ethan. When I do see him he doesn't look like himself. He has a scowl on his face that's causing the room to feel tense and people to avoid eye contact, yet I’m unable to stop looking at him. Feeling my gaze he turns to me and says, “Bug we should go to bed” which is a statement everyone in the room is used to due to Luke and I having frequent sleepovers. Following his long strides up the stairs I start to feel unsure about what's going to happen when Luke closes the door. I’m standing in the center of his room when he starts rummaging through his closet before handing me one of his Michigan t-shirts and turning to close the door. When the door finally shuts I’m still standing there, shirt limp in my hands. “Why are you just standing there?” Luke exclaims, I don’t know if I should stay with him or if I should walk away. Finally finding my voice I tell him “Luke I think I’m going to go home,” gently setting the shirt on the bed and starting to walk past him when he suddenly reaches out and grabs my arm. The hold isn’t tight but it stops my movement turning my head up towards him, I find him staring down at me with an indescribable look on his face until he speaks and everything becomes clear. “Don't bug, please, stay with me” my head feels at war, I know I shouldn’t stay with him especially if he’s dating Sofia, but those puppy dog eyes always win. Before I can stop myself I blurt out, “what about Sofia? How would your girlfriend feel if I slept in the same bed as you,” Luke scoffs rolling his eyes before countering back with “she’s not my girlfriend, unlike you I don’t keep my relationship status a secret from my best friend.” His words run deep. Suddenly the conflict turns to anger, ripping my arm from his grasp I raise my voice and say “what the hell are you talking about Luke” I don’t even blink before he responds with “Mark.” I can’t help but let out a cackle, “Mark, you think I’m with Mark??” He obviously finds my response annoying because his face starts to morph into anger, “he was all over outside of course I think you’re with Mark.” I start to laugh even harder, the laughter sounding manic, “Luke how could I be with Mark when I’m in love with you.” Suddenly everything stops and my face drops. 
The room is completely silent. Luke and I standing still, staring at each other. There’s no way I just said that. My face goes beet red and, with Luke distracted I start to make my escape. I have the door open when a hand pops out of nowhere and shuts it closed again. I can feel his presence behind me but I refuse to turn around and face him. Luke takes care of that for me, grabbing me and physically turning me around himself, “bug I need you to open your eyes,” I shake my head no and Luke prods again, “baby please look at me.” I fold and slowly peel my eyes open, when I finally look at him all I can see on his face is adoration, “can you say that again for me.” I know he’s not mocking me so I say it again “Luke, I’m in love with you,” his face stretches in a wide grin “I love you too pretty girl.” Relief floods my body and I sag into him when he wraps his arms around me. “I’ve been waiting to say that to you since we were 16, can I kiss you please,” I don’t even hesitate before shooting my body upwards, grabbing his face and crashing our lips together. The kiss is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before, soft and sweet but fiery all at the same time. His hands wrap around my lower back lifting me to him so he can kiss me deeper. Poking his tongue into my mouth I let him take the lead as he walked us back to his bed and sat down on the edge with me on his lap. His lips start to trail down my neck sucking and kissing everywhere he can touch, he finds my sweet spot causing a breathy whimper to escape my lips. Yanking his face back to mine I give him one more long peck before pulling away and staring into his eyes. I grin down at him before tucking myself into his neck and snuggling close. He kisses the top of my head before saying, “Why didn’t we do that sooner?” I snort before responding, “I have no idea but there’s no way in hell I’m stopping now.” Luke hums in agreement before standing up and heading into his bathroom with me trailing behind me. We get ready for bed in silence and Luke somehow manages to stay wrapped up in me while we do our nightly routines together. 
Crawling into bed, Luke is quick to follow me, slipping into his side and pulling me to his chest. I snuggle into him as he drags his hand up and down my arm. Breathing deeply I let sleep overtake me while my thoughts are all about the man I’m in bed with. Next thing I know there’s bright light shining into my face, letting out a groan I slowly blink my eyes open and look around. When I look down I see an arm sprawled against my stomach and a hand resting over my boob. Smiling, I shake my head and quietly laugh at Lukes hold on me while I reach for my phone, my movement causing Luke to stir. “Mmmm go to sleep its early,” my sleepy boy grumbles before pulling me to him and sticking his face in my neck. I laugh louder now, amused by his antics before looking at the time, deciding it is in fact early I place a kiss on top of his curl before pulling the blanket closer to us. Luke clearly falls back asleep because I can feel his little puffs of air hit my neck making me squirm a little. Unable to close my eyes I find myself staring at my beautiful boy in complete disbelief that last night happened. Luke loves me, he loves the girl who cried when she fell in the mud in third grade, the girl who refused to wear skirts until the age of ten because she wanted to fit in with the boys, the girl who knew she loved him the minute he told her she was his good luck charm. Time goes by and I start to feel Luke kiss my neck before looking up at me and saying, “good morning baby,” in his sexy morning voice. My face starts to flush but I say good morning back before getting up to go make coffee. Luke whines but lets me walk out the door and down the stairs, where I find no one else awake. As I’m standing in the kitchen waiting for my coffee to brew I feel two strong arms entwine around my body and feel a curly mop brush against my cheek. Leaning back into him he starts to sway us as his grip tightens. Turning around I circle my arms around his neck and lean up to kiss him, Luke instantly reciprocates and deepens the kiss but the moment is ruined when a loud gasp rings off the kitchen walls. 
Luke and I turn to face the door and see Mark standing there with a shit eating grin on his face. He looks like a kid opening presents on Christmas morning. With that excited gleam in his eyes he yells, “GUYS GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE NOW,” loud footsteps race down the stairs and into the kitchen, Luke still holding me to him when three other people join us in the kitchen. Ethan smirks and Dylan exclaims, “mom and dad!!” Mackie just rubs the sleep out of his eyes and smiles at us before heading back to his room. Mark is still grinning when he says, “I told you so.” Of course the cocky fucker has to rub this in my face. Rolling my eyes I go to respond but Luke beats me to it, “leave my girlfriend alone Estapa, it’s early save the teasing for later.” I can't help but pull back in surprise because Luke just referred to me as his girlfriend. “Girlfriend, huh?” Luke turns bright red before stuttering out, “well.. I uh I mean if you don’t want to be my girlfriend, it’s totally cool." I can’t help but pull him down for another kiss before whispering against his lips, “of course I’ll be your girlfriend you dork.” Luke smiles into my lips before kissing me again. Only stopping when Duker starts slow clapping which leads the rest of his roommates to follow along. “Look at you Hughesy, you got the girl,” Looking away from me he smiles and says, “ya I did, I got the girl.” 
Staring up at my childhood best friend I realized two things. One, I could never imagine my life without him in it. Two, I was hopelessly in love with him and he felt the same way. 
hope you enjoyed, this was my first fic so please be kind. feedback is always welcome :)
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alwaysmoncheri · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧
summary: in which best friends, y/n henderson and steve harrington get caught up in their feelings while paranormal activities occur in the small town of hawkins, indiana
cw: fem!reader, I wrote this a long time ago(I apologize for everything cringe), shit writing, first person pov, mentions of psychiatric hospital, mentions of sex, 2k
When I get home that night, I lay in bed so many thoughts swirling through my mind. What happened to Will? Is he okay? Why didn't he make it home last night? And Steve. I couldn't stop obsessing over Steve. Why does Steve want to become close again? Why is he perusing Nancy? Why not me?
The thoughts make me sick.
Suddenly I hear a crash from inside the house. Instantly, I stand up and grab my hair brush, making my way towards the sound. I raise my arm up, ready to attack the unexpected visitor.
That's when I hear a muffled, "Shit!" emanating from the garage. Still armed with my raised arm, I fling open the door. I'm met with my brother picking up his bike off the ground.
Dustin jerks his head in my direction with wide eyes. He was caught.
"Dustin, where are you going?" I ask with eyebrows raised and head tilted down.
"Shit," he mumbles under his breath, "The party and I are finding Will." I start walking towards him intending to grab my own bike, "And there's nothing you can do to stop us."
"Relax, little bro," I roll my eyes, picking up my bike, "I'm coming with you." 
And whatever you do, don't go looking for Will.
Dustin and I meet up with Mike and Lucas, then bike to Mirkwood road, where we last saw Will. We reach a taped off section of the woods and set our bikes down. I hear a rumble of thunder in the distance and raindrops start to fall.
"Hey guys," Dustin says, a single raindrop falling on his face, "Feel that?"
"I think, maybe, we should go back"
"Yeah, Dustin's right, we shouldn't be out here in a thunderstorm." I say, agreeing with my brother.
"No, we're not going back, jus' stay close," Mike says determined in finding our friend, "Just stay on channel six, and don't do anything stupid!"
"Mike! Lucas! Come back!" I yell as they make their way further into the woods, "I told Hopper I would watch over you guys!"
"Hey guys, wait up," My brother shouts, running after them, "Wait up!"
"Damn it!"
And I run after them.
The rain pours down on us as we make our way through the dark woods. I tug my jacket tighter to my body, a shiver running down my spin when the breeze rushes past. This may not be my brightest moment, but someone has to watch over these kids.
"Will!" Mikes screams into the woods.
"Will" I yell, "Where are you!"
"Byers!" Lucas shouts, over the noisy rain.
"I've got your X-Men 134!" Dustin offers, "Guys, I really think we should turn back!" He adds.
"Seriously Dustin?" Lucas says frustrated with his friend, "If you wanna be a baby, then go home already!"
"Guys, c'mon! This is no time to fight! Our friend is missing!" I yell at the two.
They ignore me.
"I'm just being realistic, Lucas!" Dustin defends himself.
"No, you're just being a big sissy!" Lucas counters.
"Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going in the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?" Dustin rants.
"Dustin, shut up." Mike says.
"I'm just saying, that seem smart to you?" Dustin finishes loudly over the rain.
"Yeah, we really shouldn't be out here guys. We didn't come prepared." I add.
"Guys shut up, shut up!" Mike says, the trees rustling nearby, "Did you guys hear that?"
The forest rustles all around, each of us frantically searching for the source of the sound. Suddenly, in front of us, appears a girl in a yellow t-shirt and a buzzcut.
"Holy shit..."
Having successfully brought the girl to Mike's basement, I don't fully understand how we did it without being caught. We stand around her, eyes wide and breaths heavy, as she sits on the couch, too shocked to speak.
"Is there a number we can call?" Mike asks, "For your parents?"
"Where's you hair?" Dustin gasps, "Do you have cancer?"
"Did you run away?" Lucas asks.
"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asks.
"Is that blood?" Lucas asks, reaching his hand towards the girl.
"Stop it!" Mike says, swatting Lucas's hand away, "You're freaking her out!"
"She's freaking me out!" Lucas says gesturing to the girl.
"I bet she's deaf." Dustin says before clapping his hands in front of the girl's face.
She flinches.
"Not deaf." Dustin says, over to us.
"Alright, that's enough, alright," Mike says, stopping the boys from anymore questions, "She's just scared and cold." Mike turns to get a clean shirt and pants.
Thunder rumbles loudly, causing the girl to jump back, scared and squeeze her eyes shut.
"Hey, it's okay. You're safe with us." I say softly to the girl and she looks up at me a little more at ease.
"Here, these are clean, okay?" Mike comes back, handing the clothes to the girl.
She stands up and starts taking off her shirt. All the boys start yelling and covering their eyes. I chuckle and gently bring the girl's shirt back down.
"Over there," I point, "That's the bathroom, honey, privacy. Get it?" I tell the girl before walking with her to the door.
I'm about to close the bathroom door when the girl suddenly puts her hand up, stopping me from doing so.
"You don't want it closed?" I ask.
"No." She responds shortly.
"Okay well, how about we just leave it like this?" I ask leaving the door open with a few inches cracked, "Is this better?"
"Yes." She responds again.
"Okay, sweetie, let me know if you need anything." I say giving her a soft smile before walking back over to the boys.
"This is mental." Dustin says.
"At least we know she can talk." I offer, shrugging slightly.
"She said "no" and "yes." Mike's three-year-old sister says more." Lucas responds slightly annoyed.
"She tried to get naked." Dustin points out.
"There's something seriously wrong with her," Lucas says, "Like wrong in the head." Lucas adds pointing to he head.
"She just went like..." Dustin says before going through the motion of taking off a shirt, knocking his hat off in the process.
"I bet she escaped from Pennhurst." Lucas says pointing at Mike.
"From where?" Mike asks annoyed.
"The nuthouse in Kerley County." Lucas says like it's obvious.
"You got a lot of family there?" Dustin asks with a smirk.
"Bite me." Lucas responds, "Seriously though, think out it. That would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy."
"Why she went like..." Dustin says, making the same motion as before.
"She's an escapee is the point," Lucas says, "She's probably a psycho."
"Like Micheal Myers." Dustin concludes with wide eyes.
"She's not like Micheal Myers, Dustin." I say, but I'm ignored.
"Exactly." Lucas agrees, "We should have never brought her here!" Lucas adds frustrated.
So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?" Mike asks, equally frustrated with his friend.
"Yes! We went out to find Will, not another problem." Lucas argues.
"I think we should tell your mom," Dustin says.
"I second that." Lucas agrees.
"I third that." I say, raising my hand up.
"Who's crazy now?" Mike questions us.
"How is that crazy?" Lucas whisper-yells back.
"Cause, we weren't supposed to be out tonight, remember?" Mike sighs, making a point.
"So?" Lucas says.
"So, if Mike tells his mom, then she tells our moms." I say with a shrug.
"Oh man." Dustin says worried.
"Our houses become Alcatraz..." Lucas says.
"Exactly. We'll never find Will," Mike confirms.
"Alright, here's the plan," Mike begins, "She sleeps here tonight."
"You're letting a girl—" Dustin starts.
"Just listen," Mike cuts him off, "In the morning, she sneaks around my house, goes to the front door and rings my doorbell. My mom will answer and know exactly what to do. She'll send her back to Pennhurst or wherever she comes from. We'll be totally in the clear! And tomorrow night, we go back out. And this time, we find Will."
Mike's idea doesn't seem terrible. Dustin and Lucas glance at one another before giving Mike a nod. I follow suit and nod as well. With that, we leave the Wheeler's house.
Dustin and I bike back to our house in the middle of the thunderstorm. Not the safest choice, but what other option do we have. Thankfully our mom is once again, sound asleep on the couch.
I'm in my room getting ready for bed. I start to cross my room to get into bed when I hear two taps on my window. I freeze in place, and wait, maybe it was just rain.
Two more taps. When I walk over to the window and open my curtains, I'm met with a mop of familiar brown eyes and a sheepish smile. I quickly open the window and pull the soaked boy inside.
"Steve? What are you doing?" I question, holding his forearms, slowing moving my hands up to his biceps, "It's pouring outside!"
"When has a little rain ever stopped me before?" He says, running a hand through his dripping hair and then moving past me to sit on my bed.
"Oh no, you are not sitting on my bed with wet clothes, Harrington," I shoot him a pointed look, hands on my hips, "At least take off your jacket." I say gesturing to his jacket before plopping down on my bed.
"Tryin' to get me naked, sweetheart?" Steve responds while shrugging his jacket off placing it on my chair.
"For the love of g—"
"I'm kidding, I'm saving that for Nancy tomorrow night." He says cutting me off, sitting in the space next to me.
My stomach drops.
"Tomorrow night, party at my house. I'm inviting Nancy and Barb." Steve says nonchalantly.
"Tommy and Carol will obviously be there and, I'm inviting you now." He shoots me a soft smile.
"Yeah, I know right," Steve continues, "So, I'll definitely be getting to home base with Nance." He says almost giddy.
"Any tips, Henderson?"
"Did you just ask me, a girl who's never had sex in her life, for tips...?" I ask, sitting criss-cross.
"Not that, I mean tips for getting Nancy to like me." He says as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
There's a pause.
"Wait, you've never had sex?"
"Nope," I say casually.
"Like, no one ever..." He cuts himself off.
"No," I say more embarrassed, shifting uncomfortably on my bed.
"Oh," Steve says looking down awkwardly, "Shit, Henderson."
I fidget with my hands placed in my lap and decide to change the topic, "You want tips for getting into Nancy's pants?"
"That's not what I said."
"No, but it's what you meant."
"(Y/n)...please," Steve whispers.
I sigh.
"Okay, but you can't break her heart, Harrington." I say, pointing my finger at his chest.
"I won't, you know I won't." He says.
"Do I?" I respond.
"C'mon, you don't really believe that crap about me, do you?" Steve says, sadly, almost as if he cared what I thought, "It's all rumors and shit."
"I don't really know who you are anymore Steve." I say looking down to my lap.
"Then let me show you," He says softly, bringing his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart is racing. I start to feel hot, shamelessly thinking about something entirely different than his pure intentions.
"Come to the party, you won't be disappointed." Steve says confidently pulling his hand back.
I raise my eyebrows at him.
"And I promise, I won't break Nancy's heart." He finishes.
"Okay, fine." I give in.
"Great, you won't regret it," He grins, as he stands up, grabs his jacket and walks over to the window.
"See you tomorrow, Henderson," Steve says, giving me one last glance before climbing out my window into the pouring rain.
"Bye," I say, "And Steve?"
"Nancy already likes you, like a lot," I say softly, "Just have patience with her."
"Thanks (Y/n)." Steve smiles before pulling his hood over his head, "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you."
next chapter . masterlist . steve harrington masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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tecontos · 28 days
Fazendo a alegria do meu sobrinho, e porque não dizer a minha tambem. (Agosto-2024)
By; Ana
Meu nome é Ana, sou gordinha, tenho 1,67 de altura, pernas grossas, bundas grande, seios médios e fartos, sou gordinha daquelas que tem cintura e um corpo tesudo. Os homens piram quando me veem.
No começo desse mês de Agosto minha família foi para um sítio que temos, passar o fim de semana, total de 3 dias (sexta, sábado e domingo). Incluia um total de 12 pessoas da minha família: minha mãe, eu, minha irmã mais velha e a segunda irmã (eu sou a caçula). Minha irmã mais velha tem um filho, o Lucas (18 anos) e a outra irmã tem 3 filhos, 2 meninos e uma moça (apenas o mais velho é adolescente). Junto também foram o marido da minha segunda irmã e meu irmão que levou a esposa dele e sua filha. Além da minha família havia ainda outras 3 famílias.
Meu sobrinho esta naquele período que chamamos de adultESCENTE (sabe? aquele momento que o cara já não é adolescente, mas ainda age como um).
No primeiro dia, sexta-feira, ele não quis muito entrar na água. Ninguém sabia, ele parecia meio tímido, mas depois da mãe dele insistir muito, ele foi, de calção por cima da sunga e foi meio distante das outras pessoas.
No segundo dia, no sábado, a mesma coisa, mas dessa vez sem o calção, porque a mãe dele reclamou. Ainda era de manhã e estavamos preparando o churrasco e quando ficou pronto, fomos chamar todos os sobrinhos. Como eu estava mais perto do Lucas fui até ele e o chamei. Ele disse que ia depois. Notei que ele nem se levantou para me responder e onde ele estava não era fundo. Insisti dizendo “vem logo” e coisas assim, ele disse que ia depois. Olhei mais para o lado, na direção que ele olhava antes de eu chamá-lo e vi que tinha algumas garotas ali de biquini ou maiôs extravagantes ou sensuais. Na hora pensei que ele estivesse excitado e por isso não quis levantar. Deixei quieto e disse;
- tá, mas não demora.
Todos comemos e só depois ele veio, quando veio, somente eu ainda estava ali perto da comida, todos da família foram se banhar ou tirar um cochilo. Ele começou a se servir e comentei sobre o ocorrido. Ele desconversou, é claro, mas insisti e disse logo que ele tava duro e por isso não quis ficar em pé porque tava olhando aquelas garotas. Ele meio que confessou que era “tipo isso”. Falamos sobre quais ele achava interessante ou estava atraído e ele fez comentários contidos.
Quando foi no fim da tarde, eu fui para o quarto (no caso, eu dividia o quarto com minha irmã mais velha que tinha 2 camas, uma de solteira e outra de casal). Fui para o quarto a fim de tirar um cochilo também. Ao entrar, o Lucas tava lá, deitado e embrulhado no lençol da cama, quando vi falei logo:
- já tá na punheta menino!
Ele se assustou e tentou se ajeitar. Ficou completamente envergonhado (e tava na minha cama fazendo aquilo).
Então falando ele disse que não queria muito ficar na água porque não tava aguentando, tava ficando excitado direto e tava precisando bater uma (ele não falou exatamente desse jeito, ok). Disse para ele que se quisesse se masturbar fizesse isso no banheiro ou na cama da mãe dele, não na minha.
Ele só respondeu com um ok. Saiu da cama e eu disse;
- vai para o banheiro terminar isso.
Deu para ver que ele ainda tava duro e ele foi.
Ao arrumar minha cama, encontrei a parte de cima do meu biquini de ontem ali. Ele tava se masturbando com ele. Na hora tive um insight. Fiquei estressada e decidi aguardar ele sair do banheiro para falar sobre. Mas ele tava demorando, então resolvi bater na porta e mandar ele abrir e conversar diretamente.
Fui até a porta mas antes de bater ia tentar abrir para assustar ele, só que a porta não tava trancada (ele não tinha costume de trancar porque em casa nem porta tinha), quando abri ele tava lá com a parte debaixo do biquini enrolada no pau dele e foi bem na hora que abri a porta com tudo que ele virou para minha direção e gozou. Na hora que me viu e gozou, ele tentou esconder. Eu fiquei sem ação e apenas olhei aquilo, ele todo tímido pediu desculpas e tentou esconder meu biquini colocando nas costas para que eu não visse. Mas ele sabe que vi então estendeu a mão para me dar. Seu pau tava soluçando e ainda pingou um pouco de gozo. Ele me deu o biquini e eu não disse nada a princípio, mas quando me virei para sair, falei para ele:
- Não vou contar isso para sua mãe porque vai ser um escandalo em casa, por que tava usando meu biquini para se masturbar?
Ele não respondeu, então eu sai.
Fiquei lá na cama, deitada pensando nisso e ele no banheiro, não sei se não saiu logo com vergonha ou outro motivo. Mas enquanto eu fiquei pensando, lembrando daquele pau gozando com meu biquini enrolado nele e eu tava com ele na mão ainda. Até dei umas cheiradas como que quisesse sentir o cheiro de pau. Eu tava ficando molhada.
Quando ele finalmente saiu, já estava ficando escuro. Levantei da cama antes dele sair do quarto e dei uma olhada la fora para ver se alguém viria para o quarto. Fechei a porta e me virei para ele e perguntei se foi bom? Ele ficou sem reação e perguntei de novo e ele disse sim. Então perguntei quanto tempo ele tava se masturbando pensando em mim (fiz essa pergunta já indagando que era isso que ele tava fazendo e ele confessou que sim em sua resposta)
- “já tem uns 3 a 4 meses quando a vi saindo do banho enrolada na toalha lá em casa”. Daí começou a falar que me achava gostosa porque minhas pernas eram grossas e eu tinha a bunda gostosa. Quando ele disse essas palavras, senti que fiquei mais molhada. Simplesmente me aproximei dele e coloquei minhas mãos nos peitos dele e peguei suas mãos e coloquei na minha cintura.
“Era isso que tu queria, é?”
E fui direcionando as mãos dele para pegar em todo meu corpo. Ele se tremia todo, não apertava, só deslizava. Então coloquei a mão sobre seu pau e já estava duro.
Ele fez que sim com a cabeça.
Mesmo tendo trancado a porta do quarto, o empurrei para o banheiro, não o beijei, achei que não devia fazer isso. Mas coloquei meus seios para fora e fiz ele chupar e ele chupou. Eu já o masturbava com as minhas próprias mãos, mas bem de leve, o suficiente para mantê-lo nervoso e “acordado”, o sentei no vaso virei de costas, puxei meu biquini para o lado, peguei sua mão e pus em cima da minha buceta, toda molhada e disse “quer comer?”
Nem vi se ele respondeu com a cabeça, só peguei no seu pau e direcionei na minha buceta até entrar e sentei (ouvi ele suspirar e soltou um “caralho, caralho”, isso me deu um tesão literalmente do caralho). Dei uma cavalgada básica e fiquei com medo dele gozar e eu queria ver a cara dele gozando. Então sai e virei de frente. Automaticamente ele pegou nos meus seios e quis chupar mais, enquanto isso sentei novamente no seu pau e dei mais uns pulos. Ele só fazia “ahh ahh ahh”, acho que fez isso umas 4 ou 5 vezes e disse;
- “não vou aguentar, não vou aguentar”
Na hora pulei, sai de cima e ele gozou, seu gozo ainda pegou na minha perna e no meu pé. Ele ficou todo envergonhado e ficou pedindo desculpe. Eu disse apenas “gostou?”
Ele fez que sim e eu disse que se quisesse mais teria que aprender a comer porque eu gostava de foda demorada e se realmente queria de novo que isso ficasse entre a gente.
Foi isso... depois La no sitio eu só bati punheta pra ele 2x, não tivemos oportunidade de umas metidas novamente. Logo conto como dei pra ele de novo.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Ana
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marvelstars · 7 months
Anakin and Slavers
"His undoing is that he loveth too much"
George Lucas
One thing that I always liked about George´s work in relation to Anakin and slavery is how out of the left field he and Dave Filoni wrote Anakin´s relationship to the people who owned or saw him as a property at one point or another and yet it makes total sense for his character.
For example kid Anakin has no doubt that Slavery is horrible and at 9 he is actually working towards developing technology to help free his Mom, friends and himself from it. He hates with capital H the fact those people have control over the life and death of other people but at the same time he has great compassion and kindness which his mother helped nurture. This along with the fact that Watto was the only adult male figure who was around during his early chilldhood, this complicated his feelings towards slavers in a very tragic way.
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Anakin feared Watto´s violence and didn´t for a moment doubt he would have been willing to sell off his mother or him if the customer got to a big enough price but at the same time he listens to his advice when he travels to the dune sea to do his work with the jawas and his pov is almost as important as his Mom´s, in the novelization of TPM Anakin remembers not to talk to strangers or to get close to Tuskens Raiders camps thanks to Watto´s advice.
So in Anakin´s mind, Watto is someone he fears but also someone he takes advice from, respects to a point, sometimes gets sassy to and actually listens to almost as a father figure BUT at the same time he has no doubt he would activate the killing chip if he tried to escape.
Pain/abuse/fear mixed with care/advice(sounds familiar?) Anakin knows slavery is awful but he can´t help but see Watto as a person because of who Anakin is, Annie is a kind and understanding person and to point may justify Watto as a "Man of bussines" and "Not as bad a other masters" "It could be worse" but he definitely doesn´t trust him in the same way he does his mother, she is blood, she is family. He and Mom are a team.They shared their secrets.
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The first time Anakin saw Watto again after being freed, he was a Jedi with training, almost a knight and the first thing he does to the guy who beat him and his Mom some years ago is to ask him if he can help with the ship parts Watto is working on because he noticed Watto is struggling and his bussines is falling down compared to how it was when Anakin was a kid. When Watto noticed who Anakin was he didn´t reject him and accepted his congratulations but keep himself appart, hoping to learn about his mother whereabouts.
When Watto told Anakin he sold Shmi, Anakin doesn´t have a reaction, he takes Watto´s justification of "I am sorry Ani but bussines are bussines and anyway the person who bought her freed her and married her" Anakin doubts it´s as good a picture as Watto is talking about but he takes his justification and leaves.
When he meets Owen, Beru and Cliegg he sees they are indeed nice people and the reason for his mothers suffering is something completely different that they were not able to stop so he doesn´t blame them for her fate. When Anakin lost his mother it was only natural for him to seek a family, someone he could share how he really felt and his secrets, he could not be part of the Lars family but Padme was willing to love him so she became his new confirmed family, right along with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka but while he had to show himself different to them, he didn´t had to do that with Padme, just like he did with his mother.
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In the clone wars Anakin shows again this complex view of slavers with Queen Miraj Scintel, the cartoon goes out of it´s way to show she looked at him as pretty property and he didn´t let her forget that and actually it was strongly suggested he may have been raped by her at some point to keep safe Obi-Wan, Rex, Ahsoka as well as the people they wanted to save while he got enough soldiers to stage their rescue. Anakin had a plan the whole time just as he did as a kid so he keep his cool even when he saw another slave choose suicide over keep being under the control of Scintel. Yet in the end when the Queen was killed by Count Dooku Anakin felt sorry for her, he could not help it.
So this mix of rejection/anger/hate/disgust towards slavers mixed with pity/understanding which is something that was part of what made Anakin a good person gets used agaisn´t him in his relationship with Palpatine.
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He first shows himself as the father figure Anakin thought he could find in Qui-Gon before he died a better father figure than Watto had been, a father figure that didn´t reject this title like ObiWan did, Palpatine did this to get his trust as a young child and later young adult and then he showed himself as the real sith master he actually was, Palpatine knew that Anakin wasn´t a stranger to be treated as property by people who showed themselves as good advicers or somehow not as bad as others despite their actions. So Anakin´s initial compassion, kindness and understanding for people that abused him is played agaisn´t him to make him fall to the darkside and chain himself again to another worse master who didn´t just seek to use his skills and body but who wanted his soul as well.
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And the same reasons why Anakin justified Watto at first when he was a young kid also applied to Palpatine, he may be a sith but he ran the Republic better than those corrupt politicians, he isn´t a perfect Emperor but in Padme´s absence he is better than the alternatives. He isn´t as bad as a master and anyway I deserve this because I fell to the darkside and nobody can come back from that, if he abuses me I got this coming because I choose this and he still teaches me the ways of the force, he rescued me from Mustafar when Obi-Wan left me to die and he didn´t have to, he is all I have left.
So once Anakin´s voice died down Vader was left with many reasons to say to Palpatine "What´s your bidding my master?" because in his mind master isn´t a word that contradicts father and Palpatine became his father in all but name, this makes George´s words about Anakin fatal flaw being the fact he loved too much make complete sense and it´s a tragedy.
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noellawrites · 9 months
Souvenir Part 2 - Yandere!Luca x reader
part one linked here
summary: someone pays you a surprise visit at The Bear’s friends and family night.
warnings: baby trapping mention, abortion mention, s2 finale spoilers
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It was the night of The Bear’s soft opening and emotions were running high.
You were back to waitressing after having passed Luca’s pastry expertise to Marcus. You were just thankful to be back where you knew you belonged.
Too much time spent at the dessert station just made you think more about your time in Copenhagen and your little souvenir that has been growing inside of you for the last three months.
If you never saw Luca again, it would be too soon.
“Hands!” Tina yelled and you approached from behind her at lightning speed, reaching out and grabbing table twenty’s focaccia.
“Fire up three t-bones and four calamari!” Sydney’s voice echoed from behind you as you rushed through the doors and walked briskly towards the middle of the restaurant.
On your way back, Natalie gestured to you from her and Pete’s table.
“What’s up, Nat?” you asked, feeling your nerves being reflected in her expression.
“I have some news for you,” she grimaced, reaching her soft hand up to touch yours gently.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”
“Richie, uh… may or may not have invited Luca tonight,” Sugar said, wincing at your reaction.
“W-what? But he’s in Copenhagen, that’s… that’s not possible!” you exclaimed, louder than you meant to.
It wasn’t enough that he had to force a baby into you, but now he had to come all the way to America to rub it all in? You wanted to throw up.
“If he shows up, I’m switching to back of house. I can’t handle seeing him right now,” you stated.
“I understand, (y/n). We’ll figure it out,” Sugar promised.
“Yeah, and I’m gonna fucking kill Richie.”
“Shit, there he is!” you hissed as you looked through the thin glass strip into the front of house.
“Oh shit, like, baby daddy Luca?” Sydney exclaimed, eyes wide in disbelief.
You nodded, gnawing at your lip as you watched him being seated at the bar. He was already looking around, no doubt searching for you.
You decided to help Tina and take over Josh’s station, since he’d disappeared and Carmy was still stuck in the walk-in. Tina and Syd both knew what’d happened to you and had been nothing but supportive through it all.
As you were distracting yourself by prepping dishes for Tina, you heard the door swing open and hit the wall.
“I thought I’d find you here,” said a voice with a familiar British accent.
“Uh, sorry dude, you can’t be back here,” Sydney stated, pointing at the door and raising her eyebrows at Luca.
As much as you wanted to scream at him, you knew that making a scene would only make things worse.
“Outside,” you said, nodding your head towards the back door.
“You never answered my calls.”
“You baby trapped me!”
“You could’ve gotten an abortion.”
“I can’t afford one!”
“Oh, poor you,” he sneered.
You swallowed a sob as you stared into his cruel, intense eyes.
“Why are you acting like this? Why are you even here?” you sniffled.
“I wanted to watch Carmy fail, of course. And visiting you and the baby is an added bonus,” he said, then reached his tattooed hand out to cup your rounded belly over your apron.
“Don’t touch me!”
“(Y/n), come back with me. You won’t have to do grunt work for Carmy or live in that tiny apartment anymore. You and the baby could live with me and you could focus on raising them. And you can work in my restaurant if you miss waiting tables.”
“I never wanted this baby, Luca.” you sighed, shaking your head.
“But I did. I do. So let me take care of everything, yeah?” he said so gently, holding out his arms to you.
You were weak and needy and tired, and you let him hold you close just like he had done three months ago.
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
#thinkin about teen dad marc…. like diplopia year…. <- say more callie
eye got. SIX asks about this lmao. but anything for you elle ofc. required reading on this is @yekoc’s vale knocks marc up in like 2013/14 post found here go read it (AND THE REPLIES !!! ). foundational text.
but in this one. vale is jerry springer voice NOT THE FATHERRRR. which i think would make his specific commitment issues significantly weirder and more complex. and marc MUCH more neurotic lmao. he has a baby to look after !!! AND he’s doing death defying stunts !!!
so marc either gets a girl pregnant and keeps the baby or gets knocked up and keeps the baby. choose your own adventure. he’s a teen. diplopia year cwaziness. fully like. i am injured and may never race again which i can’t fix instantly and easily so i’m going to HAVE THIS BABY. tries to #win at teen pregnancy. and marc is part of a VERY tight knit little family so once he gets better he absolutely carts that baby all around the world and inside the garage. (which. he comes back because he both wants to and HAS TO. marquez family finances already depended on him, now you add a tiny sweet infant into the mix that he is responsible for. marc is already psychotic about winning because of natural competitiveness and the aforementioned family pressures this would literally make him worse. crazier.) babychamp t-shirts new meaning. bouncing her on his knee in the box in 2012 BIG ASS baby ear protectors. santi very seriously explaining shit about tire pressure to the side. kissing her little cheek in parc ferme.
and vale. meets this baby/toddler. LOVES this baby/toddler. and as his relationship with marc takes shape it’s a little different! marc’s i’m old for my age complex is 9000x more pronounced but VALE’S i’m young for my age complex is toooooo… so it’s weirder. yes they start fucking but it’s also like. less often. less free time more baby time they don’t hang out at bars as much but every time vale sees marc he gets to hang out with a hot person he likes and sometimes he gets to be goofy for a leedle baby that he is RAPIDLY gaining affection for. marc leaves her with vale (HUGE TRUST. THE BABYSITTING LIST OUTSIDE OF FAMILY IS LIKE TWO PEOPLE.) when he goes to the bathroom and vale reaches over to grab her favorite toy (bugs bunny plush iykyk) without thinking and it’s like oh. oh no. like he spends enough time with her that he KNOWS HERRRR… doesn’t have the rigidity of the fuckbuddies dichotomy because they hang out so often WITH the baby so he can’t write the whole thing off as much. truly what do you do if you love and want to coparent a child. but are also exceedingly scared of commitment and growing older. well.
anyways vale is a freak so he turns that over in his head for a bit. scared 2 death. chews on that for a while. but when it really gets too deep for him is hmmmm ranch visit. when marc rocks up with his toddler (hot pink tiny bike for her that goes 1mph. baby pecco and luca and franky braiding her hair.) lethally adorable in a too big yellow vr46 hat that makes vale’s chest feel like RIBBONS.) and then marc races vale like he’s going to DIE. for NO reason. in a fun vibey recreational session. and vale’s fucking in it now!! every time marc takes a corner too fast his heart seizes up and marc’s daughter flashes in his brain (the baby curl of her hair and the way she reached for marc laughing from the crowd last race…) ans cold sweat breaks out across the back of his neck because if something happens to marc then—
so he pulls back. still waves to her in parc ferme. still makes stupid faces to make her laugh (feels like he’s FLYING. feels like WINNING.) and does grabby hands with marc on cooldown laps (eye ALSO think he doesn’t realize that his marc feelings are a separate entity for the baby feelings lmao. like that he would be worried about marc regardless. the baby is a good excuse here…) but. it’s interfering with his focus. he has to win his tenth. he can’t be coparenting this kid (she’s turning FOUR he’s been giving her bday presents for THREE YEARS NOW.) and worried about marc like that because marc is a competitor. and marc doesn’t feel that way anyways. marc is a bastard to him on track. marc is crashing all the time (WITHOUT VALE THERE. he hears about marc’s summertime hand injury and is like haha. and the baby was WERE. who is HOLDING HER??). and suddenly uccio is at his door and marc is a saboteur. and he’s getting older and he’s slower and jorge is GOOD and that’s— that gives something for vale to grab on to. to self destruct this before it can implode by itself. to make sense of all of this.
and afterwards— after sepang and their text thread drying up and everything. she still runs up to vale allll the time… finds him in the paddock tugs on marc’s hand until he lets her go… and vale always picks her up spins her around sends her back to her dad… still gets her a bday gift… marc watching with a sad smile on his faceeeee… vale DOES get over things faster in this universe because he wants to be more involved for babychild but. it’s rough there for a while when vale is still lying to himself and marc is creating RIGID structures for who he lets in to his daughter’s life because she STILL asks him to call vale so he can read the bedtime story because marc does NOT do the voices right… and he CANT CALL HIMMMM
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