#lucci x oc
emptystove · 2 months
Sparrow - Ch 7
One Piece Fanfic (Drama/Romance/Suspense)
Pairings: E. Kid x Reader, Sabo x Reader, Lucci x Reader (one sided)
Rating: EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY
Chapter Summary: You are kind of a mess trying to understand these familiar feelings. It's a good thing you have some new friends around to help you out~
CW: trauma, spicy situations
Links to AO3, Wattpad -- Fanfic Master List
Chapter 7: Sensory Memory
Cipher Pol Headquarters, NWC Central District
3 Years and 4 months ago
Lucci crossed one leg over the other as he scanned the room. 
Spandine had called the heads of each Cipher Pol unit to appear in person for a briefing. These types of gatherings were only held when he wanted all units to be aware of the information and when the information was highly sensitive, so much so that they didn't want to risk it being intercepted. 
"Suspect is female. From the state we found the bodies in, she is believed to be skilled in the use of firearms and edged weapons," the suit droned on as Lucci scanned the document detailing the next rising threat under discussion. The whole thing felt so beneath him. He was ready to delegate it to one of the other CP units when the next piece of information gave him pause. 
"There was a witness to the last incident. The bartender couldn't give us much, but he remembered someone fitting the suspect's description asking about some of the gangs who 'allegedly' participate in human trafficking. He apparently hid in a supply closet during the event. He did not see anything of use, but he claims to have heard her use the name Aisa."
Lucci quickly understood why this was a priority case. The person targeting these gangs started with street level thugs but was moving on to higher members of organized crime. They were following a trail of criminals that would inevitably lead to an elite yet elusive group of government officials and politicians who indulged in many illegal activities, one of which being the keeping of slaves. 
"I've seen a woman fitting this description, and I distinctly remember her mentioning that name."
The older man in a white lab coat standing beside Spandine looked up excited at Lucci's statement.
"I was hoping one of you might," his supervisor smirked. "Anyone else know of a potential lead on the suspect?"
The other agents stayed silent.
He nodded to the older man before addressing the room again. "In that case, the rest of you are dismissed."
Lucci remained seated as the remaining CP unit leaders left the room. Before the door closed, two more employees with the same white coats entered, rolling a cart filled with what looked like medical and mechanical equipment.
"Was it recent? Do you remember it well?" the older man had moved to take the seat next to him.
Lucci sent a questioning look to his superior and the man responded with stern indifference. "Lucci, this is Dr. Vegapunk. You are to answer his questions honestly and adhere to any procedures or testing he requests of you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir," Lucci replied coldly before turning to address the doctor. "It was fairly recent, within the last few months. I remember it well."
"Excellent! Excellent!" The doctor excitedly ushered over what were clearly his own subordinates and pulled several items from the cart.
He pulled out a black box, the size a bit bulkier and wider than that of a laptop, and flipped it open. Inside, he used a small keyboard to start inputting something Lucci didn't catch. The other two extended four wires from the small machine. They attached each wire to Lucci's head at various points using what they claimed were electrode pads. 
"Now, this won't hurt a bit, but you may feel foggy for a few minutes after. We'll be monitoring your vitals, so there's really nothing to worry about. It's definitely probably perfectly safe," Dr. Vegapunk instructed happily.
"I'm not worried. Just get whatever this is over with so I can continue my scheduled duties," Lucci's scowl was audible with every word.
"Right... Well, let's get into it then." He pressed a large button on the machine. A red light began blinking on the side, and a faint whirring sound could be heard. "We'll start with something simple. I want you to think about everything that happened from the beginning of the briefing to now."
Lucci didn't let his opinion of the annoyingly upbeat doctor deter him. No matter how pointless this exercise seemed, he would always follow orders.
As he began thinking back to the beginning of the briefing, he felt his eyelids getting heavy. 
The red light stopped blinking and remained on. 
Lucci's Private Residence, NWC East District 
Lucci woke up gasping for breath. 
He slowly sat up in bed, allowing the sheet to fall to his waist as he let out a long exhale. That was one he didn't dream of very often. 
His thoughts were muddled as he lazily stood. He was in nothing but a pair of silk boxers, but he didn't bother to even grab a shirt as he made his way out of his room. His next actions had become a standard morning routine, though it wasn't his intention. 
First, he checked his messages. There were no leads on your whereabouts from Cipher Pol, and there was nothing from Trafalgar. 
How disappointing. 
He then checked each room in the house. Your bedroom, the basement, the dining room, the kitchen, and lastly the den. He sighed softly as he confirmed what he already knew. He was awake. This was all real. And you were not there. 
Finally, he made his way to his home office, pressing a button under his desk to reveal a hidden safe in the wall. He input the code and opened the metal door. He brushed aside the other items and pulled out a black metal box labeled "EMR."
Kid's Body Shop, NWC South District
You were restless.
It was a week after your visit with Law, and the adrenaline and excitement that came with your escape and prospects moving forward were starting to dull. 
Kid was kind enough to give you his room, but you were trapped there each day until the shop closed, unwilling to risk any clients or passersby recognizing you. At least he let you sleep in the bed. He insisted on taking the couch even though you pointed out he was starting to rub his stiff neck on a fairly consistent basis because of it. More than anything though, you appreciated that he seemed not to notice the times that you woke up in the middle of the night startled and wheezing. 
Still, you were grateful. His was twice the size of Killer's room with an en suite to match. You fell into a sort of routine, though you didn't intend to. Each morning, Killer would bring you something different for breakfast along with that day's newspaper. You would then get in a lengthy workout before showering and changing into the least baggy set of clothing they had offered you. The rest of the time you spent waiting for closing proved more difficult for you. You would have loved to keep yourself from overthinking everything, and you did your best to keep busy. Heat gifted you a notebook, which was something, and Wire promised to drop off some books by the end of the week. By now, you were struggling to find things to keep your mind busy. Hell, you even deep cleaned the bathroom. You were questioning whether Kid would be annoyed if you reorganized his closet when you felt something slip out of your pocket. 
You reached for the item and held it carefully between your fingers.
A heaviness filled your chest as your looked down at the picture Sabo gave you. You wanted to see him. You wanted to talk to him, ask him questions, learn things from him. You whined grumpily when the rational side of your brain reminded you that until you meet with Law's friend, it would be too risky. He was one of the more recognizable members of the RA, and anyone noticing a connection between them and Kid's group could put unnecessary attention on them.
You sighed dramatically and sat by the window in Kid's room, looking out at all of the carefree people walking through the streets. As long as Lucci was looking for you, you would never really be free. You wanted your memories back, but you also wanted your freedom. Freedom to live your life and freedom from the man who took it from you.
You wanted to ignore his obsession at the time or write it off as being overprotective after your amnesia, but you couldn't deny it. You knew how he looked at you when he thought you weren't paying attention or how his eyes would roam your body after he had a few drinks. Even looking back at it now, you wanted to believe his tight hold on you was only because he was deceiving you. But the things he said to you before he kissed you the night you ran and the way he begged you rather than killing you at the train station just confirmed what you didn't want to be true.
Even if CP9 stopped looking for you, Lucci wouldn't. And anyone who helped you stay away from him wasn't safe from his wrath. If you were honest with yourself, you weren't sure if you held onto that thought because it was true or because it was a justification for the one thing you wanted almost as much as getting your memories back. 
You wanted to kill him.
As you continued to gaze out the window, certain things started to take your attention. 
A digital billboard in the distance switched to an advertisement for athleticwear, and you found that you couldn't take your eyes off of it. The color was just so damn blue. Your head started to get a bit fuzzy, and you weren't sure what you were feeling. Shortly after, it faded into a different advertisement and your gaze fell back to the street below. You could faintly hear high pitched laughter as your eyes landed on the source. 
You saw a little girl with short brown hair. Instantly, your heart twisted as you were overtaken with fear and grief.
She was facing the other direction, but you could tell she wasn't laughing anymore. She had just been surrounded by a group of similar aged kids, but now she was alone. You felt your heart start beating faster and you parted your lips. 
Was she crying?
You couldn't pull your eyes away. She was looking around franticly for someone. You felt the urge to call out to her, but you also felt like you couldn't breathe. 
You were so lost in the feeling that you didn't notice someone behind you calling out to you until you heard the one word that cut through your trance. 
When you finally turned to face him, the look on your face made him pause.
Kid assumed you were so enthralled with your view out the window because you caught a glimpse of what was about to arrive for you. When you finally took notice of him, you weren't excited or even uplifted in the least. No, you looked confused and scared. The way you looked down at yourself, your eyes traveling over your one hand on the glass of the window and the other on your heart, made it look like you didn't realize what you had been doing. Fuck, was that a tear rolling down your cheek?
He stormed toward you in an instant, yanking you away from the window and looking out at the street below. Nothing within view caught his eye. No criminals or police were anywhere in sight, no one suspicious, no one even loitering nearby. No out of place vehicles parked on the street, and by the look of the few pedestrians casually walking about, nothing of significance had happened. 
He swiftly shut the blinds with a yank of the cord before pulling out his phone. No missed calls, and flipping through his messages again confirmed everything was on schedule. 
"What happened? What were you looking at?" Kid asked as he turned back to you.
"Uh...," you faltered a reply. 
At least you seemed to know he was there this time. 
He was frustrated with your slow response, but he forced himself to wait for you to gather your words. You had moved away from the window, arbitrarily standing in the middle of the room. Your brows remained furrowed as your eyes flit between your hands and some random spot on the carpet. You shook your head briefly and swiped the wetness from your face. "It was just some little girl. I- I don't really know what I was looking at... just felt familiar I guess," your words trailed off at the end, and Kid felt his frown deepen.
He shot Killer a quick text to check the perimeter just in case. 
When he glanced back at you again, you were still looking away from him. You look smaller in a way, afraid and unsure of yourself. You probably needed someone to talk you through whatever emotional shit was knocking around in your fucked up brain. He ought to just text Killer to come up and set you straight while Kid did the sweep himself, but he pocketed his phone instead. 
Kid would normally be the last person to try to deal with this type of thing, but seeing you like that was pissing him off. 
He still had a bit before he showed up, and Kid didn't feel like waiting until after you were done to see you stare him down again. It couldn't be that hard to bring you back to your senses, right?
He walked up to you with appraising eyes. As he moved closer, you kept your gaze low, irritating him further. He opened his mouth to speak but found he had no idea what to say. He gaped at you in silence, his own sudden awkwardness in the situation angering him further until he did the only he knew to do and shoved your shoulder with what might have been more force than necessary. 
You stumbled a few steps back upon the impact, catching yourself before you fell into anything. Your eyes shot up to the redhead, widening in surprise before shifting to a more annoyed expression. 
"What the hell was that for?" You snapped. 
"Quick acting weird."
"I'm not," you denied. 
Kid blew a raspberry into the air at your obviously false claim. "Cryin' over seeing a random kid outside is normal for you?"
"Fuck you. I wasn't crying. My eyes were watering from being stuck in your musty room all day."
"You cleaned this room about every damn day since you got here, so if it's musty, it's your fault." Kid bit his cheek as he tried to suppress a smug grin. You were staring him down hard, no longer meek or afraid. 
That was easier than he thought it would be.
"Hey, I can clean up dust and grime, but there isn't much I can do about the mountain of hair products you spray into the air every morning," you replied coolly.
"Oi! That's not- Quit blaming me for your own shit, woman." Kid growled, suppressing a chuckle when he noticed you pursing your lips to hide your cheeky fucking grin. A cheeky fucking grin that seemed to spread after he stayed quiet too long without hitting you with a comeback. 
Exhaling loudly, Kid changed the subject, satisfied that he got what he wanted but not quite ready to leave you yet, "Anyway, you been asking about a way to help us out for letting you crash. Well, we got something coming up, and we're short a few guys." 
It was almost the truth. It was less about needing more guys and more about keeping a close eye on you. He doubted you'd be half as excited once you found out how little you would really be involved. 
"I can do that," you perked up significantly at the suggestion. "Yeah, you need guys. I can be your guy, -er whatever." You nodded and cracked your knuckles. Kid watched the little remaining unease melt off your features at the thought of anything potentially dangerous or exciting, the exact opposite of how any sane person should react. 
Damn, you were kinda cute when you were getting yourself all fired up. 
"Got something else I think you'll like even more than that. Not sure you deserve it after being an ungrateful brat," Kid teased.
"You literally tried to shove me on the ground," you dismissed quickly. "What is it?" 
"Your friend's coming by to see ya."
"Heat or Wire? It isn't even movie night," you mused happily.
"Heat and Wire are my friends," he corrected.
"Yeah, ok," you chuckled sarcastically. "Who is it then?"
"If you ain't figured it out yet, you're more brain damaged than I thought. You've got him for two hours. Don't make me regret it."
You could have cried when Sabo handed you a suitcase filled with clothes and shoes in your own size. As thoughtful as that was, having this time alone with Sabo was a much better gift. You agreed to limit your contact with the RA until the heat died down a little. The only reason he was here now was because he already had a scheduled exchange with Kid. You didn't bother asking what they were buying from him or why. Frankly, you couldn't care less. 
Your plans were stalled on getting back your memories until Law's friend was ready to meet. Although you would have preferred remembering your past on your own, you were happy to hear his own memories of your past. 
"So you walked into the conference room wearing an exact replica of Inazuma's outfit - the custom coat, the sunglasses, everything. He just rolled his eyes and tried to keep everyone focused. When Koala walked in a few minutes later to drop off some documents to Dragon, wearing another exact copy of his outfit and acting like nothing was strange about it, he still somehow kept it together. But not one person in the room could keep a straight face when Hack and Karasu walked in, completely straight faced, wearing the same exact getup," Sabo laughed.
"Sounds like they all have an excellent sense of humor," you giggled with him. 
"Yeah, some of us more than others. Those two are definitely the opposite of pranksters. You never did tell me how you got them to agree to it," he sighed as the last of his chuckling died out. 
"Eh, it probably had more to do with them than me. Any attempts at fun at Cipher Pol were swiftly stamped out," you replied casually. 
"What was it like, working as an agent for them?" He asked almost hesitantly. 
You tilted your head, frowning slightly at a spot on the wall. "I don't know. It's weird to think about how I felt then when I know the truth now. Back then, I thought it was the life I chose, but even then I knew it sucked." You gave a half-hearted chuckle, "Most of the other agents wouldn't even give me the time of day outside of missions or training. I never understood why, though I guess at the time, I figured it was because of Lucci. Seems pretty obvious now that it was because I was really just a brainwashed enemy to them."
You ignored the guilty yet concerned look Sabo was giving you as you tried to turn the conversation a bit in another direction. 
"Oh, right. I almost forgot." You walked to the bed and opened the top drawer to the bedside table. You made your way back to Sabo and perched yourself on the armrest of the opposite end of the couch as you handed him a small notebook. "I thought this was the least I could do for you rescuing me or whatever."
Sabo's brows raised slightly as he thumbed through the pages upon pages of information. You tried to write down what you knew, but once you began, you realized that they withheld a lot from you. Still, there were some roughly hand-drawn maps of the levels within headquarters, notes on the types of missions you were privy to, and finally what you knew about the individual members of CP9. 
"Why would they ignore you because of Lucci?" He was trying his best to seem casual, but you could tell he was listening intently for your answer.
"I guess you could say he kept me on a pretty short leash," you began. Sabo watched you patiently, silently urging you to continue. There wasn't really a point in hiding the truth, but it still made you uncomfortable to talk about for some reason. "He was my sensei, in charge of my rehabilitation after I woke up. He kept me on a strict schedule, slept in the room next to mine, trained me everyday. At first, I would only see him once a day. By the end, leaving me alone in my room for a few hours was considered a gift. He would flip if I got banged up after training with another agent." You rolled your eyes and sighed. "He was always watching me. I woke up everyday with him standing in my room, and the way he looked at me when he would drink... The day you saw me on that train was the first time I had ever been outside headquarters without him with me. And that night, he tried to.. Well, he was drinking then too, and..." 
You were starting to get frustrated with yourself now. Why was it so difficult to say this out loud? It's not like you were the one who did anything wrong. It's not like you had anything to be embarrassed about. You didn't want to think about Lucci or about why something as seemingly small as an unwanted kiss was so upsetting to you. What you wanted to do was beat his face in until he had to eat through a straw. The thought gave you enough courage to steel your nerves and force out the words. 
"He trapped me against a wall, whispered bird facts to me, told me I belonged to him, and kissed me," the words left you all in the same breath. "That's when I ran," you added in a much softer voice.
When your eyes moved back to Sabo, his mouth was drawn out in a thin line. His head hung down slightly, allowing his bangs to cover his eyes. It was tough to read his expression, but you could tell that his jaw clenched as much as his fists by his sides. 
It probably should have made you happy, right? To have someone care enough about you to be upset by how you were treated, but you found it hard to keep your eyes on him. Mixed in with his anger was a clearly painful layer of guilt that you found difficult to bare witness to. 
You turned where you sat on the armrest of the couch so your back was to Sabo, then let yourself fall onto your back, bouncing lightly on the cushions. Your eyes wandered over the ceiling, letting him have whatever moment he needed to while your thoughts drifted elsewhere.
After a few minutes, you finally broke the silence. 
"What were... we... to each other?" You asked carefully as you peeked at him from behind a few strands of your hair. 
You didn't even notice just how tensed he was until his shoulders visibly loosened. He lifted his head and let out a deep breath. A small smile graced his face, and you had to push down the fluttering in your stomach when you noticed how handsome he was when he let himself relax. "It was... complicated," he began slowly. His gaze moved aimlessly around the floor until he finally glanced down to gage your reaction.
Ok, you were kind of hoping for more there. 
You wanted to push him, but you could tell he was just trying to find the right words, so despite your instincts, you kept your mouth shut and waited for him to continue.
"We were...," he swallowed hard. "The way I feel about you...," he trailed off again, furrowing his brows in quiet frustration. He finally shook his head and met you head on with a hard gaze. "Living the kind of life we did, we agreed it would be a bad idea to try to carry on with anything serious."
"Oh," was all you could manage to reply. So, there was something but you both stopped it before it could go too far. That made sense. 
"What made you ask that?" A warm hand lightly brushed a few stray hairs from your face as you resist the urge to lean into his touch.
"Uh," you feigned a nonchalant tone as you reply. "I guess I just get these familiar feelings when I look at you."
Sabo let out of breath and even without speaking you could hear his smile. His fingers moved through your hair again, then fell to trace lightly against your cheek, his touch prompting a nervous fluttering in your stomach. 
You tilted your head slightly to look up and him, and when your eyes connected, something shifted.
All of the sudden, you were starting to feel fuzzy. 
Your muscles relaxed, and you felt your hand glide against his as he caressed your face.
Yes, that felt right. That felt familiar.
You held his gaze as you started to sit up, all the while inching closer to where he was seated. You couldn't look away from him if you wanted to. Those blue orbs connected with yours and you could feel yourself being pulled further into him. Closer to him. A tiny voice in the back of your mind was telling you not to let go.
"Is this..." you asked, not fully understanding your own question but also desperate to hear the answer. 
"Ok? yeah," Sabo offered a breathy reply. 
That wasn't quite right. You had no idea what you expected to hear, but you knew he was supposed to say something different. 
This is your chance. The tiny voice grew a bit louder. 
And then your body was moving on it's own. You shifted toward him, never leaving his eyes as you slowly climbed into his lap. You heard a muffled sound. He was telling you something but you couldn't quite hear him. It almost sounded like he was underwater. He was right in front of you, but he felt so far away. Everything did.
His hands found your hips as you reached out to him. His eyes were shining that brilliant blue and it was all you could see.
You felt your hands move to cup his cheeks, and you heard that tiny voice again telling you that this was your chance, only this time with unsettling urgency. But it was difficult to read into what that might mean when the man between your thighs was so beautiful. 
You hummed as you noted the smooth, soft skin in your left hand while tracing the rougher, darkened skin around his scar under your right.
"Is this real... or is this just a..." you heard yourself whisper.
"This is real," a low voice replied, and Sabo smiled softly before giving your hips a reassuring squeeze.
You smiled. 
Yes, that felt right. That's what he was supposed to say.
You leaned forward slowly, only willing to close your eyes as your lips pressed softly into his. This is real, that little voice in your head emphasized, although you still weren't sure why that was so important to you right now. 
It should have surprised you, when you finally pulled back and opened your eyes. Somewhere deep down, you knew this. But your brain was so cloudy now. Your fingers grazed the sides of his face, smooth olive skin under each one of your fingertips. 
This is what you needed.
Your hands fell gently onto his shoulders as you took in the sight of him, the blue you so blindly gravitated towards fading into a greyish black. 
This is what he wanted.
You leaned back in more quickly this time, capturing his lips with renewed fervor and working hard not to smile against him as you heard him let out a small whine. 
This is real.
You kissed him mercilessly, ignoring the scruff of his facial hair that tickled your chin as you tugged at his wavy black hair. His hands started to roam over you as he pulled you flush against his chest. You let your hips shift against him as you felt him growing harder beneath you. 
You refused to let your mind wander to all of the vile, unforgivable things he did to you. That didn't matter right now. The only thing that mattered now was moving forward, getting out of the cycle you were trapped in. 
You moaned into his lips as you continued grinding. You were ashamed of how wet you were getting from pushing your clit against this monster's clothed cock. You began to undo his belt buckle, but he moved a hand to stop you.
You pouted and heard him chuckle softly into your ear. 
That wasn't what was supposed to happen. 
He leaned his head onto your neck while he tried to collect himself, and you shifted so his face was on your left side. You could hear someone speaking again, but everything still sounded so foggy. You ignored the far away voice, and took a few light nips under his ear. You allowed his hands tightening around you to still the movement of your hips, instead focusing on weaving your left hand through his hair and reaching out as far as you could to the side with your right.
Just a few seconds more and you were sure you could reach it...
The next thing you knew, you were on the floor, looking up at a baffled and disheveled Sabo. He was standing over you panting, belt half-way undone, with a look of confusion and worry on his face that only increased as you brought a hand up to candle your pounding head. 
…What the FUCK just happened!?
He opened his mouth to speak but was cut short by a swift knock and opening of the bedroom door.
No one that knew him would characterize Killer as someone who was easily surprised. Yet somehow, you had been leaving him in such a state on a fairly regular basis since you arrived.  
The blond stopped dead in his tracks upon entering. His eyes darted from you to Sabo and back before shutting the door tightly behind him.
"It's not what it looks like," Sabo began.
Killer crossed his arms over his chest and gave you a long, penetrating look. He watched your expression morph from surprised and confused, to pained and confused, then finally to embarrassed and annoyed. 
"I'm fine. Thanks for dropping that stuff off, Sabo," you finally reassured both men as you hopped up from the floor, a newfound confident and aloof mask covering your features. "He's right. It isn't what it looked like. Just a little misunderstanding. Anyway, I'm gonna go take a shower for totally unrelated reasons."
Sabo called your name pleadingly as you moved toward the bathroom. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"I'm perfectly fine," you assured him again, subtly glancing toward Killer before facing Sabo again. "Can we talk about this later?"
Killer didn't like that. 
They promised to keep you hidden and keep you safe. Ever since Kid filled him in on what you found out from Law, he had been watching you closely. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until this very moment. You were not fine, and it was painfully obvious. What bothered him more though is that you were trying to hide it from him.
Once you finally left the room, Killer cleared his throat to get Sabo's attention. 
"You gonna tell me what happened?" Killer asked.
"I think it's pretty obvious," Sabo sighed in frustration.
"It really isn't."
"We were... reconnecting I guess, but she was pushing too far. I asked her to stop, and then she..." Sabo swallowed looking down at the floor where she had been when Killer walked in, hesitating slightly before finishing his thought. "She kind of threw herself onto the floor."
It made sense. Well, the part about reconnecting did anyway. Anyone with eyes could tell by the way Sabo looked at you that there had been something between you two. You throwing yourself off of the couch seemingly without reason was less believable, though it was exactly how he had found you. 
Killer knew he was holding something back, but the way the gears seemed to be turning in Sabo's head made him fairly certain that it wasn't out of ill intent. It seemed like Sabo himself wasn't sure what to make of it all. 
"You know, you're lucky it was me coming to get you and not Kid. He probably would have killed you before you could explain what happened."
Sabo furrowed his brows. "I didn't hurt her. I would never hurt her."
"I know," Killer said honestly, moving a bit closer. "That's why I didn't kill you."
Sabo gave Killer a hard look, then tilted his head in amused intrigue.
"I'm the one who asked you to take her in, you've only known her a week, and already you would actually kill me if you thought I hurt her?" he mused.
Killer shrugged, "Yep."
Sabo hummed shortly. "The other two that know about her, Heat and Wire, would they do the same?"
"In a heartbeat."
Sabo seemed to think on Killer's words for a few moments before a genuine smile stretched across his cheeks. "I'm glad."
Killer wasn't sure why that would be surprising. You were under their protection, and they took that seriously. If anyone hurt you while you were with them, retaliation was inevitable. They would do that for anyone in your position. That should have been obvious. Sure, they hadn't actually harbored anyone outside of people they were already close with in the past. And sure, they also rearranged a few appointments to make sure all four of them could be at the next movie night with you. Maybe he even went out of his way to buy puff pastry to cook with after you mentioned it. But nothing about that was unusual, right? 
"I should get going," Sabo sighed. It was the agreed upon time he planned to leave, and waiting would only increase his chances of being spotted there. 
"Right, better fix that first though," Killer stated while motioned to the other man's open belt.
Sabo cursed under his breath as he quickly fumbled to make himself presentable.
"Is that what you were doing on the train?" Killer deadpanned.
"I didn't do anything on the train!" Sabo whisper-shouted, mumbling curses again as Killer led him out of the room. "And stop asking my subordinates about it. I don't even know how you got Koala's number, but quit texting her."
Killer's lips pulled up into a slight smile. He would figure it out eventually. 
Author's Note:
Killer: *sharpens his blades grumpily in the corner.* Author: Killer, you can't be serious. You had your own POV section in this one! Killer: If I'm so important, why haven't you added me to the relationship tags yet? Author: *sinks lower behind computer screen* Sabo: He's not the only one upset, author. Author: Wha- You got your own spicy scene with her though! Sabo: *pulls out a metal pipe.* My own scene? Author: Uhh, well… Sabo: We waited months for this chapter, and you let that overgrown house cat take over half way through? Kid: *adjusts his metal arm menacingly* I'm burning that couch to ash. Author: Ok, wait wait wait. You guys just need to trust me. It's all part of the plan! Lucci: I think it's the best thing you've ever written. Killer/Sabo/Kid: Shut up!
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sayakdrinking · 9 months
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Thank you @thewanderinglunarian for your support <3 Plesse enjoy the smut.
Lucci x OC x Kaku N.SFW WC: 2,200
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With her partners away on a mission she had plenty of time to enjoy herself, in the peacefulness of the large comfortable room, sinking into the big plush armchair. She sighed and snuggled into the pillows, curled up and ready to feast upon the new book she’d gone into town to purchase. Something sinful and delicious to keep her company while the two men were busy doing God knows what she didn’t ask, it was always better not to ask.
Emily looked at the cover, it didn’t look like much, discreet, something if found wouldn’t appear to be anything of interest. Her bright green eyes lit up when she opened the cover and the first page was already setting the scene, she was hungry for a good story and even better filth. She bit her lip as she devoured word after word, page after page.
She felt flustered already, fidgeting in her seat, pressing her thighs together to give herself the subtle and much-needed attention on her now aching clit. Emily turned the page and made a breathy sigh, everything she liked in a dirty story laid out bare before her greedy gaze. Another shift in her seat as the heat between her thighs grew.
Mildly ashamed of herself, it didn't take long before she couldn't resist the temptation of self-exploration any longer. A hand trailed down her body as she carried on reading, ingesting each word that dripped with promise and desire. 
Her hand dipped below the waistband of her shorts and panties… she let out a gasp when her finger found her engorged clit, feeling how wet she was, well and truly worked up and wanting. She gently rubbed circles around her clit with a nimble fingertip, teasingly as she finished another page.
She let out a moan into the empty room, head falling back against the chair as her half-lided eyes tried to focus on the words on the page, soon the attention on her clit wasn't enough, she needed more. Two fingers slid into her tight waiting cunt and she let out another sweet sound, closing her eyes for a moment and picturing the content of the book in her mind.
Emily didn’t notice the door opening, the two agents used to stealth had heard the mewls from the front door and they’d been as silent as possible slipping into the bedroom, seeing their girlfriend sat in the chair, a hand down her pants as she thrust into her own touch.
“Dirty girl, couldn’t wait for us.” Lucci tutted, fake disappointment, smirking when her eyes opened and she retracted her hand as fast as she could, her heart racing at the surprise of seeing her boyfriends both standing there.   
“This whole room smells like your slutty pussy, how long have you been fucking yourself stupid?” Lucci asked as he stepped forward, Kaku grinning behind him as they both closed in.
Lucci’s zoan senses were alight with desire and need, having smelt Emily’s arousal as soon as he stepped into the apartment. His cock twitched in his slacks as he saw the bright red blush creep across her cheeks as she stumbled over her words, looking at them through her lashes, shame painted her face and it went straight to his cock.
“What’s so good about this book?” Kaku mumbled and plucked it from her hand, flipping through the pages and scanning the words, skimming the page she had been on. His eyebrows quirked and he chuckled, passing it to Lucci.
“Is this what you do every time we are on a mission? Do you miss us that much?” Kaku asked, arms folded as he watched her press herself against the chair, hands gripping the arms as she watched the two, watched how Lucci’s smirk grew when he found the part she’d just been touching herself to.
“Oh, this book is pretty dirty.” He hummed and soon threw it behind him, ignoring where it fell as he leaned down, picking her off the chair, hands gripping her flesh, fingertips sinking into the soft skin, bound to leave ownership marks.
She shook her head, lying, as he carried her over to the bed, tossing her onto it, she bounced a few times as she watched Kaku remove his clothes, Lucci following suit and both grinning at her, looking like predators analyzing their prey with hungry eyes. 
“Don’t lie, it’s not cute.” Kaku chided as he crawled over to her on the bed, Lucci doing the same on the other side. “I think we can do better than this book, we can come up with ways to make you scream can’t we kitten?” Lucci purred, the wild streak in his eyes as he started to pull off her clothes, Kaku helping.
Needy hands pawed all over her, tugging and pulling, she heard the sound of fabric ripping as her skin was revealed piece by piece, second by second for their lustful gaze. “That was my favorite shirt..” She said with a huff, pouting and placing her hands over her breasts to punish the two. “We can get you more, don’t be such a brat or we can put your mouth to good use..” Kaku warned but his face seemed delighted at the prospect and she had to admit she’d missed choking on their cocks, the thought went straight to her pussy, wanting that so badly.
“I think she needs to be punished for touching herself without our permission, don’t you think?” Kaku asked, looking up from her naked form to meet Lucci’s eyes, he nodded in return and flipped her over, she knew what they wanted and in all honesty, she couldn't wait. 
On all fours she proudly presented her ass to Lucci, looking over her shoulder with a seductive look, biting her lip, and waiting for the impact, knowing just how Lucci liked to punish her. She braced herself watching as he raised his hand, watching and waiting for the impact but she felt hands on her face, forcing her to look forward, feeling the wet tip of Kaku’s cock being smeared across her plush lips. She wanted to say something but the moment she opened her mouth to protest he slid his hard cock into her waiting mouth, he groaned when he pushed all the way back, forcing her to take him, and she was so practiced she took him with ease.
Hollowing her cheeks and lapping her tongue around his member, sucking and moaning, acting like his cock down her throat was getting her off, and maybe it was a little. She started to bob her head, taking more each time as she worked her tongue along the veins of his cock.
Distracted and forgetting about the hand of Lucci she jumped and let out a muffled cry when the hand came down on her ass cheek firmly. She almost gagged in surprise, Kaku gripping her hair to keep her from moving off of his cock.
She struggled but was loving how it made her eyes tear up as another slap wobbled her pert asscheek, again and again, Lucci spanked her “Such a dirty slut, can’t leave you for a day can we?” Lucci sighed and brought his hand down once more. Her skin turned red from the impact, a pleasant hot sting tingled and made her wetter for the pair.
Wanting nothing more than to be able to touch herself, she didn’t dare move her hand to her pussy though, instead, she fondled her breast, pinching her nipple and rubbing circles around it, pushing her ass higher into the air, wanting harder, wanting to hear the slapping of flesh fill the room along with her muffled moans and Kaku’s grunts of pleasure.
She felt Lucci's hands rubbing her cheeks, feeling the sore skin, easing the tingle, a little aftercare doted upon her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed feeling his lips kissing the red mark on her skin. “So good for us, aren’t you?” He purred before he got behind her.
This was what she wanted, she needed one of them inside of her. Kaku pulled out his cock and the sound she made, the groan of disappointment when her mouth was woefully empty, Kaku ruffled her hair and rubbed his thumb across her puffy lower lip. “Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy this even more than sucking my cock, I promise.”
Emily was about to ask what he meant when they grabbed at her, rearranging her neatly, she blinked and looked down at Lucci, seeing his grinning face and fierce eyes narrowed as he watched her face, shocked at the sudden position change. He rubbed the tip of his cock against her wet slit, purposely bumping the head against her clit. Her eyelashes fluttered as she whimpered from the sensation, she tried to grind against him but Kaku had other ideas, gripping her hips hard.
“You made such a mess of my cock, I wonder if I even need lube,” He teased and rubbed his member between her stinging ass cheeks. She blushed at his comment and was about to plead for him to use it. She relaxed when she felt the cold slick gel drip on her puckered hole, he rubbed it along his member as he gently inserted a finger or two, working her open, working her into a lewd moan as Lucci pinched her nipples and teased the head of his cock at her entrance.
“We are going to breed you, our dirty little mate.” He said with a wild look in his eyes as his smirk grew to show off the perfect white teeth of a wild animal lurking beneath the man. “Fucccck..” She whined and tried to take more of him into her cunt.
“Ye-yes.. Please… breed me…. I want to be full of your cum, both of you!” She sounded drunk on cock already, trying to push back on Kaku’s fingers as well as take Lucci in deeper. “So impatient… just desperate for us aren’t you?” She nodded her head, unable to form words as she felt Kaku replace his long diligent fingers with the head of his cock, pushing in slowly, feeling the tight ring of muscle yield and accept him as Lucci thrust up into her, sheathing his entire cock.
Words were lost to Emily, only able to cry out in bliss, her body moving on its own, not sure what she wanted more of the rough treatment or close to asking for mercy. She felt her eyes rolling back when Kaku pushed himself into her ass, fully inside they both took a moment to let her adjust.
“I can feel you through her walls…” Lucci snickered and ground into her, she felt even tighter with two big cocks stuffed into her holes. She was drooling, unable to focus as she wiggled helplessly, consumed by the sheer pleasure she felt from her partners.
“Going to breed you so good, going to fill you with cum so deep you’ll be full of it for days.” Kaku groaned as he pulled out, pushing in with a thrust of his hips, making her gasp and moan. Lucci pulled out as soon as Kaku snapped his hips forward.
Both fucking her in tandem now and watching as her arms trembled and her lip wobbled, she gasped and moaned and gripped Lucci’s shoulders, digging in her nails as she felt the pleasure course through her. She said something but it didn't make sense, lost and tangled in the sounds of ecstasy as they picked up their pace.
Hands running over her body, thrusting into her wet tight cunt and needy ass. She cried out “Fuck, fuck! I’m already so close…p..please breed me!” She wailed and stared down at the smirking face of Lucci. “Just a good bitch in heat for us aren’t you?” He reached up and stroked her cheek, enjoying how she leaned into his touch, moaning against the palm of his hand.
“Go on then, cum for us…” He said a command growled out to her.
She nodded and came hard, harder than she could have by herself to just a book that could never measure up to the joys of these two animals. “Yes!” She cried out and thrust down harder into Lucci as he raised his hips. She came around his member, cunt holding him tightly and pulsating as her breath left her, chest aching and heart beating faster.
Feeling them grunt, filling her with their cum. She felt so full, she felt so complete. She couldn’t hold herself up any longer and fell flat against Lucci, or tried too, Kaku still held her lower half up, still plunged deep inside.
“Who says we are finished kitten? We had a tough time without you.. We plan on giving you more cum, what do you say to that?” Lucci stroked her hair as his cock twitched inside of her.
“Oh…y..yes… more.. Please..” She sighed, content to be fucked by the two for the rest of the night.
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auryborealis · 15 days
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Kita: Is your cat boytoy misbehaving? Blind and drug him with catnip! :D
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ellii0tt · 2 months
long time no one piece photodump
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mishanks first bc they're still eating my brain 24/7
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then Lucci bbg ft. @layer-bloody-sun 's oc Neo (my angel my baby my wife the loml)
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and finally dragodile new hyperfix unlocked
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angelplushiepomff · 1 month
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"𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮…𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓽 𝓰𝓸…"
Oc x Canon lunni✨ (Astra Hanni💫 x Rob Lucci🐆)
Lucci had a nightmare but don't worry Hanni isnt going anywhere... ( ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ⁱᶠ ⁱᵗˢ ᵗʳᵘᵉ… )
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oxianamello · 5 months
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A few meme pics I've not posted on here yet
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
I must inform you, ever since you posted that Yandere Rob Lucci fic, he's been plaguing my mind 👀 and now I can't stop thinking of one of my OCs (who's a cat lover and cat whisperer) setting out cardboard boxes to ensnare him, pamper him like a housecat, and basically annoy the crap out of him 😂
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I am so glad you liked Lucci leaning in on his animalistic, possessive side. Your art is spectacular, I am still laughing. Your OC can "pspspsps" Rob Lucci any day.
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star-babii · 4 months
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two sketch comms for some mutuals on twitter!
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rkke-00 · 18 days
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onepiecebrained · 9 months
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marine/world government kids vs pirate kids
information dump incoming
Name | Parents | Age | Who's personality they are more similar to
Coral | Coby + Helmeppo | 8 | Helmeppo (Don't let her Coby facial features fool you)
Nevaeh | Hina + Smoker | 15 | Smoker
Scritto | Lucci + Kaku | 12 | Lucci
Nico Oliver | Franky + Robin | 14 | Robin
Nefertari Miki | Nami + Vivi | 10 | Vivi (She's a mini Vivi that loves tangerines)
Roronoa Auk | Zoro + Sanji | 9 | Sanji (but still pretty evenly both)
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potato-imouto · 6 months
Meet my One Piece CP0 OC: SPOLIARIUM
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She's codenamed after the painting "Spoliarium" by Juan Luna
She's a Masked Assasin as well
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She's 25 years old (23,pre timeskip)
Her height is 160cm
Everyone around her treats her like a Little sister--
If she smiles at you ominously,RUN
She's only nice to those who are nice to her.
But she thinks that some people are still redeemable and hoping those people can be redeemed someday.
Only few people can call her 'Spoli' for short
She's close to lucci (🧐)
Her fave food is Matcha cake and Honeycomb candy
(But she sometimes eat alot cuz her of DF for a reason)
Her hobbies is to draw and read fiction and comics,and taking pictures with her cameko mushi as well.
Her fave comic was OddFamily (which is literally SpyxFamily in One Piece universe in my headcanon)
DF user
Her Devil Fruit was called Kami-Kami no mi (paper paper fruit),It grants her the ability to manipulate paper,turn her body and her target she touches into literal pages of paper to read their information,write on it,and rip it off said page (which will end up the target lose weight or memory). She can also trap her target she touches in a huge paper and she keeps them in a picture frame so they wont escape Like an Animation Frame.
Basically,Her DF ability was a mix of Rohan Kishibe's Heaven's Door from JOJO part 4 and Naobito/Naoya Zenin's Projection sorcery from jujutsu kaisen....and paper cuts.
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Height comparison with lucci cuz why not?
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sayakdrinking · 9 months
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🎁𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔🎅
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emperorschariot · 7 months
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oc x canon n shit because i can
this guy is also enel's brother i have stuff thought out im just not willing to gather it all in text
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auryborealis · 9 days
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Kita: You really wanted to aim between my breasts, didn't you, you naughty kitty?~
Lucci: Y--your torso provides a greater chance for me to hit than your head!
Kita: Oh, so you just didn't want to ruin my pretty face?~
Lucci: N O
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eli-workshop · 5 months
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