#lucien x f!reader
assriels · 1 month
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pairing: lucien x reader
summary: falling in love with lucien felt like trying to resist gravity and realizing it’s a futile pursuit. slowly, and then all at once.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none/mostly fluff!
a/n: i played around a little bit with my writing style and i really enjoyed it :’) also i’m only capable of writing fluff for lucien i think lol
banners by @/cafekitsune !
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lucien: derived from the Latin root word lux, meaning light. 
When you had first felt yourself falling for Lucien Vanserra some odd years ago, you had been keeping a watchful eye on him — per Rhys’s request — upon his initial arrival to the Night Court under the guise that you would help him research ways to persuade the human queens to your cause against Hybern. 
Initially, it had been just that. A favor for your High Lord, your friend. 
But what had once felt like a vague indifference for the youngest Vanserra brother quickly devolved into a genuine appreciation for him. The more time you spent with Lucien, the more you glimpsed the light peeking out from beneath his guarded exterior.
(You nearly laughed at how aptly Lucien lived up to the brightness belying the meaning of his name.)
It had started with friendly teasing, then secret smiles over piles of textbooks, then not so accidental touches in the quiet of the townhouse. With each evolution of your relationship with Lucien, the more and more you found yourself wanting to be around him, seeking each other out with flimsy excuses that would guarantee a day’s worth of cherished company. 
The inextricable desire you had to be near him that was growing exponentially with every subtle glance he stole had made you nervous. Wary, even. 
You were an academic – the coveted researcher for the Night Court – relying heavily on concepts you could study, could quantify. Well-evidenced theory informed much of your advice to Rhys and his court, and you were often the first point of contact when anyone had any questions about…anything; your wealth of knowledge was endless.
But Lucien — his undeniable magnetism — was an enigma; you could never quite understand why you’d felt so drawn to him, could never formulate an accurate hypothesis for how easily he could coax a smile to your lips and make butterfly wings tickle your stomach.
But it was becoming increasingly evident that he felt the same indisputable pull that you did. He had spent much of his time in your presence, bringing you tea in the late hours of the nights you spent in the townhouse’s reading room, poring over tomes and texts that you and Amren had thought might be useful. Lucien always made the excuse that he made too much tea and didn’t want it to go to waste. 
(Later, you’d find out that he didn’t even really like the tea he brought you every night, only brewing an excessive amount of it because Feyre had offhandedly mentioned it was your favorite.) 
He was rarely there to give his opinions, merely lingering to offer his quiet companionship, situating himself in a comfortable lounge chair in your periphery as he perused the pages of his book of choice. More often than not, he’d fall asleep in what had to be a supremely uncomfortable position, untouched tea cooling on the table. 
It was in those sweet and fragile beginnings of your relationship with Lucien that you had begun to contemplate the potential cosmic underpinnings of your mutual fondness for each other, and what that could mean for you and your future. 
Orbiting each other like stars caught in the same gravitational field, you and Lucien were on a steady course of stellar collision, sure to erupt in some unexplainable astral phenomenon that would certainly result in your doom. Or your salvation. 
(It was the latter.)
The same way you could track the trajectory of an apple falling from a tree and calculate the force with which it would hit the ground, you could guess — with near one hundred percent accuracy — how hard you would fall for Lucien. It was a dangerous descent, you knew, but one that you could hardly fight against. 
Despite being quite the closet romantic — how could you not be, with the knowledge of endless possibilities at your fingertips? — you had been hesitant to pursue anything more with Lucien, wanting to preserve the innocent, lighthearted flirtations that had come so easily between you. You’d been hurt before, been wickedly tricked into the dangerous downward spiral of broken promises and fleeting loyalty of lovers past. And you’d be damned if you’d let yourself make that mistake again. 
But Lucien…
Lucien was all of things your previous paramours had not been. He was kind and gentle and genuine. Funny and insufferably sweet. He was a wonderfully fresh breath of air in an otherwise stagnant atmosphere. 
He had his darkness — he’d admitted as much to you himself. But he had never hidden it from you, had even allowed you the privilege of holding the most tender parts of his past in your hands to examine, always providing ample opportunities for you to deny him, decide that you didn’t want all the pieces of his whole after all.
You had never been afraid of the dark, though, not in the literal or metaphorical sense. It was comforting, quiet, familiar. Besides, before Lucien, you had never found a light bright enough to fear the return of the dark. 
But when faced with the sheer enormity of the warmth his light provided, suddenly you were afraid of its absence. You wanted only to spend your time basking beneath the sun you had discovered beneath Lucien Vanserra’s ribs. 
It was torturously paradoxical, how the more you chased Lucien’s light the more you were plunged into the dark unknown of what loving him would mean, and how afraid you had become. But resisting Lucien’s solar gravity was like trying to defy the very laws that governed the universe you were lucky enough to live in with him: near impossible. 
The way he so effortlessly drew you to him, enticed you to trust him, open yourself to him was something that the greatest physicists of your time could never explain. It was a mystery you weren’t sure you wanted solved for fear that once discovered, he’d be taken from you; you selfishly wanted to keep Lucien’s impossibly beautiful energy to yourself. 
He was undefinable in his unwavering loyalty and limitless consideration. Lucien’s love for you seemed to be as intrinsically written into his existence with the same certainty that you knew the sun would rise over the horizon every morning. It was with that same certainty that you knew falling in love with him was inevitable, and fighting it was a futile resistance of gravity.
So you had let yourself fall, let yourself dive deep into the unknown, praying – begging, really – to whatever gods that were listening that this wasn’t another funnel towards heartbreak. 
You fell with maddening speed and Lucien caught you – having already fallen long ago – with all of the warmth of the sun that his name promised.
If your past self had ever doubted the stability of loving Lucien Vanserra (read: you did), none of that doubt existed in you now. Especially in moments like this: skin to skin in the morning light of the first spring day in the Night Court. Three years since you and Lucien (separate) became you and Lucien (duo), you could hardly believe that you ever considered any other choice but him.
The sun was warm on your back as you lay on your side, arm tucked comfortably beneath your head as you listened to Lucien give you his annual spiel about how the springs in the Spring Court were unbeatable, though the Night Court did have some acceptable weather sometimes. You giggled at his remarkable consistency, love and fondness filling the space between your ribs, momentarily seizing your heart to flutter giddily.
“Okay, Lu,” you responded in mock exasperation. “And then in the fall –”
“Autumn,” he corrected, just to jest further.
“ – you’re going to tell me that the Autumn Court has the best autumns.”
“Naturally.” His grin was blinding as he teased you, pressing a firm kiss between your brows. 
You rolled your eyes but gave in, leaning in towards him – always leaning in towards him (that pesky gravity again).
“But I guess your court,” he continued, “has us beat as far as stargazing goes.”
“Naturally,” you mimicked, winking.
His laugh was a resounding bell of warmth and you took the opportunity to drink him in, pale skin tinted pink with joy and the heat of the morning sun. His hair was disheveled with sleep, but he was impossibly effortless in his beauty.  
The freckles on his cheeks reminded you a lot of the stars that illuminated the streets of Velaris, and you spent the next few hours of the early morning drawing constellations on his skin and fabricating stories of their origin while Lucien’s own fingers drew matching patterns onto your back.
He whispered cheesy lines about how you outshone all of the stars in your beloved Night Court, and then his cheeks dimpled — beautiful craters of mirth — as he smiled at your feigned incredulity. He kissed you then, and you once again found yourself at the mercy of his gravitational pull, your body arching almost instinctively against his in an effort to satisfy your craving for the feel of his skin against yours. 
Lucien – as always – indulged you, snaking a muscled arm around your waist to pull your body flush against his as he whispered in your ear about how he had heard once that freckles were the spots that past life lovers had kissed the most. In an act of petulant pseudo jealousy at the idea that someone had the privilege of loving Lucien before you, you spent the rest of the morning peppering his skin in a thousand kisses. 
“No need to be jealous, my love,” he said as you anchored your lips to the apple of his cheek. “I’m certain that in every life before this one, I enjoyed the pleasure of your affections. And I will continue to find you in every one after.”
Maybe that was it. Maybe the undeniable, visceral need to have him, be with him, love him was written into your bones by the infinite previous lives you spent within each others’ orbit. Your devotion to Lucien seemed as intrinsic as the laws of the universe; there was no life in which you did not feel the warmth of his yearning. 
You hummed in contented agreement, feeling as though you’ve just discovered the unthinkable as you continued your quest, reveling in the gentle shiver you earned with a well placed kiss to the junction of his jaw and neck. For a brief moment, you made a mental note to thank whatever force – physical, cosmic, celestial – that had bound you and Lucien together.
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
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THE PARTY || Lucien Flores x f!reader || 580 words
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, NON CON, unspecified age gap, unprotected piv.
Hugs and kisses to @milla-frenchy for beta reading😘
Your red lipstick is smeared all over his palm, but you’re not screaming anymore. Not with the way his thick cock slides in and out of your treacherously wet pussy.
“Yeah - yeah - yeah…” Lucien rasps into your ear with every thrust, “ya like it? Good girl.”
His strong fingers are digging into your left thigh leaving marks and pain in their wake as he’s holding your leg against his hip, opening you up for him to fuck. His fist bunches up the skirt of your red dress, the color of the flower he plucked off a bush for you just a few minutes ago. You thought he was sweet, not expecting him to turn into this monster, eyes boring into yours, gaze dark, carnal, hungry, as he’s ruthlessly using your pussy for his pleasure.
You should scream, must scream but can’t. Lucien’s pounding into you by the wall in a dark corner of the garden, and all you can do is whimper and take it like a good girl. Like he told you to.
You’re not sure anyone will hear you anyway, his violent act is concealed by the loud music of the party.
“Prancing around…tits almost out…swaying your sexy ass…been asking for it all night, little slut,”he’s growling in your ear as he slightly lifts your body against the wall, plunging his cock even deeper inside your channel. You cry out and start moaning clutching his silky shirt as his fat tip abuses your cervix with sharp strokes.
“Made me so hard…Fuck, you’re tight, baby.”
“Stop…,” you mewl helplessly but even you don’t believe yourself. Your mind has shut down some time ago, making you concentrate on the pleasure coursing through your body and relieving your psyche from the horror of his lewd act. At least for now.
Lucien laughs at your plea, the hoarse sound interrupted by his breathy moan as his cock finally erupts and he shoots his cum deep inside your burning core.
He pumps you full of his warm seed still rolling his hips as your pussy squelches around his pulsating length.
Finally he stills, pulls his cock out and lowers you down. Your shaky legs give up and you would surely fall if not for his strong arms catching you and holding you up.
He chuckles through the heavy panting,
“Fucked you good, huh?”
You try to stumble away from him but he pushes you back against the wall, pinning you to the cold hard surface yet again.
“Did you come? Don’t think so,” he says lifting up your skirt for the second time this night and you start sobbing.
“Shh, don’t cry…my girls always come.”
In a second his fingers are rubbing your hardened clit using his cum dripping out of your hole as lube and soon you unravel under his touch, shaking, moaning, hating him and your body for succumbing to his ministrations so easily.
Finally satisfied he slides his big hands up your sides and wraps them around your neck, thumbs gently rubbing your jaw. Cold blown eyes locked with yours, he gives your throat a light squeeze and makes your heart freeze with terror when he growls,
“One word about this and I’ll tell your dad his little girl seduced his best friend. I still have your nudes as proof.”
He gently kisses you, taste of champagne and cigarettes on his lips, and then whispers against the corner of your mouth before leaving,
“Happy Birthday, baby.”
Thank you for reading💖
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated🌸
General tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @missannwinchester @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre
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morallyinept · 3 months
Azalea - A Lucien Flores One Shot
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Summary: A man from your past shows up at a party and leaves you on the cusp of making a life changing choice. Do you stay, or do you leave with him?
Pairing: Lucien Flores x F!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub. However Reader has hair long enough to be brushed over their shoulder and wears a dress.)
Word Count: 4.8k
Scoville Smut Rating:🌶️🌶️🌶 “You tell me I’m doing well, and then, you try to kill me”
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/Triggers: Unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/fingering/oral F recieving/mild ass play/kissing/infidelity/mentions of past issues with alcolholism and addiction/toxic relationship traits/unrequited love and longing/Lucien's chains come with their own warning
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ.☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
I write for me, and I share with you. If this story isn't to your taste, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: I get the sense (from the little clips we've seen of Lucien so far) that he's in love, and probably loves hard, and is messy and complicated with a turbulent past, and isn't a bad guy at all. So here he is, my version. I hope you like him. 😘 (I've used some of his lines from the clips we've seen too.)
Enjoy! 🖤
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As guests mingle and laughter fills the air in the grand house, you can’t shake off the heavy feeling of discontent grinding sharply around your teeth.
As you stand invisible amongst the cluster of your braying friends, you can't help but cast a wistful gaze back towards the brown eyes staring at you from across the room, loitering casually with a hand in his pocket and lips wrapped around a cigarette.
It makes your skin itch and pickle that he's here.
How is it that he’s fucking here?
He’s like a ghost haunting the hollows of your bones. A constant white noise that only you can hear.
He looks good, well. Better.
He has colour in the capillaries of his cheeks again, and the way he stands is different, he seems taller somehow, a little more grey and wispy, but still handsome. He’s put on a little weight, a small paunch evidence of that. He appears more foreboding with those squared-off shoulders in their thick broadness.
He smirks at you, he never smiles. Just smirks, crookedly and you look away immediately. Those itches and prickles melting into warm heat that floods down your spine.
Fuck, why is he here?
You turn your attention to Mitch, basking in the spotlight of adulation. His animated gestures and booming laughter echo out through the open windows, mingling with the soft strains of music drifting from within the dining room.
Guests cluster around him, hanging onto his every word; their faces alight with admiration and respect. And it makes you fucking sick.
You slip away unnoticed, carrying a bottle of open and warm champagne, seeking solace amidst the blood red azaleas in the expansive garden.
You’re drinking from the bottle of flattening fizz bitterly, leaving your partner toasting his fortune and parry, and there’s tension swirling around your gut that hasn’t died down since the vicious verbal spat you endured the previous night with him.
Your jaw still aches from clenching it all night.
As the celebration in the house continues, the siren call of the garden seems to provide a contrasting haven for you amidst the vibrant azalea bushes that grow plush and full.
An immediate sense of relief washes over your clammy skin, being away from the pomp and grandeur of the party inside, where Mitch holds court with his characteristic charisma. Mitch is a man of stature, exuding an air of confidence that borders on total arrogance.
Tonight's gathering is, after all, in honour of the recent success of his book - a testament to his hard ambition and callous drive. You have no idea what it’s about. You’ve not read it, tiring of your opinions and input being constantly quashed.
Mitch moves through the crowd with ease, regaling guests with anecdotes of his success and achievements, which doesn’t care to highlight the months of patience and suffering you’ve endured whilst he wrote it; his crackling laughter mingling with the clinking of glasses and the hum of vibrant conversation.
Despite the outward display of celebration, you can't shake off the underlying tautness swirling in your gut, lingering from the fight that still hovers between you both. Mitch's ego often overshadows the relationship, and controls it, leaving your own feelings and desires overlooked and unappreciated.
And as you find welcome loneliness in the garden, a fucking moment to just breathe, you can't help but wonder if Mitch has even noticed your absence amidst the ass-kissing bestowed upon him.
Well, it's all about having the right mindset, you see. I've always been driven by success, and I refuse to settle for anything less than the best...
You roll your eyes at Mitch's self-congratulatory tone that follows out the windows and berates you further. It’s moments like these that remind you of the growing chasm between you, feeling a pang of disconnection, a sense of longing for something more profound than the superficial trappings of hollow success.
You find yourself retreating deeper into the shadows of the garden, seeking pause amidst the fragrant blooms with the champagne bottle as your only companion.
And then, startled by a familiar voice, one that grates on you for completely different reasons, you find yourself vis-a-vis with your ex-boyfriend, Lucien Flores, who’s unabashedly shown up uninvited.
Somehow inserting himself back into your life in blocks of time to taunt you further no doubt. The tension between you is palpable as you exchange awkward looks amidst the blossoming flowers under the moonlit sky.
His molten brown eyes are soft and deep as he smirks in your direction as you cast an aloof glace over your shoulder at him that is anything but. You swig on the bottle like his presence hasn’t jangled your nerves tenfold, but you both know that it has.
You can feel his eyes wandering and burning holes across your body framed in a cascade of vibrant crimson fabric; its rich hue contrasting beautifully against the wild backdrop of the garden. With every step, the hem of the dress brushes against the dew-kissed grass as you turn from him and head further into the darker recesses of the plush oasis.
Lucien follows, checking behind him to make sure you’re both still alone.
Lush greenery envelopes the space, with vibrant bursts of blood colour provided by the clusters of azalea bushes in full bloom, their delicate petals casting a gentle fragrance into the air. He watches as your fingers brush through their leaves and velvety heads as you pass.
Stone pathways wind their way through the verdant landscape, leading to secluded alcoves, where you find yourself now with Lucien’s presence engulfing the small space.
“This isn't really a good time for your bullshit, Lucien." You say, as you drink from the bottle again, feeling a trickle of its nectar within roll down your chin.
“I wanted to see you, amante," (lover) he says, nonchalantly.
You wince at the endearing nickname he used to shower you with, whispers of it keening from a set of explorative lips as they inked the affectionate moniker under your skin.
“Really.” You snort rather ungraciously. “Why are you even here?”
He drags on the last of his cigarette, smoke billowing from pink lips, before flicking it away, its embers dying in the night. “Can we talk?”
You shake your head adamantly. “We never just talk. You know I'm with someone else now."
“Yeah. Mitch.” He nods over to the house, the party still in full swing. “Quite the catch.” He slurs with a strained hiss, then smirks.
“He wants kids,” you scoff.
And Lucien’s face softens. “You’d be a great mom.”
“I don’t want to be a mom.” You confirm and he nods.
“I know. That's why I got the snip.” His eyebrow flexes in sympathy. “Remember that summer in Tuscany?”
You shake your head again. “We never went to Tuscany.”
He thinks for a second through the haze and frowns. “No, that’s right. That was Annabelle.” He corrects with a dip in his cheeks. He simply clicks his tongue at his mistake.
“Right. Annabelle.” You bristle. “How is she these days?” Although you don’t really care.
“We should go.”
“To Tuscany?” You baulk.
“Yeah, let's go. Right now. Slip away.” He suggests with a warm seriousness.
“Kiss me.” He steps in gently and you place a palm on his chest; the silk of his shirt like fluid under your touch.
Your eyes trail over the shiny watercolour of it, the way it hangs flimsy and baggy at the hem before you brave yourself to trail upwards over the familiar shape of his chest and exposed collarbone, shiny with sweat in the hollow. A duo of gold chains knotted around one another twinkle at you before your eyes find his own.
“You are so unfair.” You shake your head despondently.
“You’ve wanted to kiss me since you saw me tonight.” Lucien states, casually. You feel him take the bottle from your fingers and he drinks a mouthful of it for himself.
“I thought you were sober.” You frown.
“I am, but I still drink.”
You roll your eyes as he clears his throat and puts the bottle down.
“I don’t even know why you’re here tonight. Who invited you?” You question with a knitted brow. You’re pretty certain he doesn't know anyone here. Except you.
You he knows really well. Too well.
He looks at you for a moment, head dipped and cocked to one side as if taking you all in.
“You’re not happy.” Lucien says, brushing your hair over your shoulder and it lingers there, his fingers in your roots gently massaging.
You turn, your nose brushing the inside of his wrist and inhale the scents there. The sun, the natural salt musk of his skin, cigarettes. You close your eyes just basking in the innocent feel of him. He was always so generous with his touch.
“No, I'm not.” You turn your face up to meet his. You can't lie to him, not when he sees you - really sees you. “But I wasn’t happy with you either.”
“I am sober.” He reassures, dropping his hand. “Eight months. I have control of my life now.”
“Right.” You fold in on yourself. You can’t go there. You refuse to go there.
“I came here to apologise to you.” Lucien says, stepping back and casting his glance down the pathway back at the house and its design.
“Is that what your sponsor suggested you do?” You remark.
“Is it Venetian?” He asks.
From the outside, the house exudes an air of opulence, with its intricate facade adorned with ornate columns and graceful archways reminiscent of palazzos.
You shrug, watching him carefully as he frowns.
“I never knew Mitch had such exquisite taste." Lucien smirks with a sneer.
“He doesn’t. It’s his parent’s second home. We’re renting it for the summer. His stupid book tour.” You mutter.
"Pshoo. Fancy." He shakes his head. “No, my sponsor didn’t tell me to come here to apologise to you.”
He turns back to you, his features soft and moulding into concern at your watery eyes looking back at him.
“You seem... melancholy." You feel his thumbs stroke either side of your face and this time you don’t stop him. Just helplessly letting those rough, calloused pads swipe over the skin under your eyes.
“You’re all glittery and sad,” Lucien says, looking at the metallic shadow brushed delicately over your eyelids.
“Why are you doing this?” You query, deflating. Surrendering.
“Doing what?”
“Torturing me.”
“You think this is torture?” Lucien asks, stroking your cheeks delicately. “It got dark. I wanted to see the sun again.”
Your breath catches in your throat as he presses a long, lingering kiss to your forehead.
A phantom sensation dances across your skin - a gentle caress, feather-light and tender in its hesitation. In that brief, ethereal moment, you feel transported back to a time when what you and Lucien had was untarnished by the shadows of addiction and betrayal - a time when his touch had been a balm to your weary heart.
And you missed the sun too.
He walks with you, guiding you backwards to the craggy, stone wall encased in the curve of the dark. You can still see his eyes as they drop to your lips and you remember the taste of him, choking on the smoke of him as he draws nearer to your face.
A hushed conversation stirs your attention from the other side of the wall. A faint, muffled voice drifts through the thick stone wall, and your heart clenches as you recognize Mitch's unmistakable tone.
Lucien covers your mouth gently with an engulfing, warm hand as he ghosts his nose gently over the skin of your neck.
It's hard to focus as you inhale a faint remant of his heady cologne, but on the other side of the wall you can hear your partner Mitch on the phone; his voice dripping with honeyed affection that he hasn’t used with you for a long time.
Lucien pulls back as you push against his chest, standing straight, his palm flat against the wall above your head as he listens out curiously with you.
I can’t stop thinking about you either, darling…
Lucien’s eyes drop to yours, his smirk dipping. “He’s fucking someone else?” He mouths.
You nod. You’ve suspected it for a while now and are only more confounded as to why you haven’t left him yet.
"Pendejo." (Asshole/idiot) Lucien bites in a growl.
As he’s speaking beyond the wall to his clandestine lover, Lucien pulls back, standing upright and shaking his head.
Your hands clench into fists at your sides, your nails digging into your palms as Mitch waves his infidelity around the garden so casually.
His voice eventually fades out and Lucien takes one of your fists, unkinks your fingers, and brings your palm up to his mouth where he kisses it gently, eyes lancing at you, deep and entracing.
“Fuck him. Come with me to Tuscany.” Lucien drawls.
You wrinkle your nose. “What about Annabelle?”
He shrugs. “It didn’t work out.”
“Why am I not surprised?” You snort.
“Wasn’t the drinking.” He says, shaking his head and cupping your hand in between both of his ginormous ones. “Sober, remember?”
“You just drank from the champagne, I'm not an idiot.”
“Proof.” He says. “Proof that I can control it now.”
“You’ll never be able to control it.”
He nods. “Yeah, not without help. And I have help.”
You sigh and he looks at you earnestly pressing your hands to his chest. You can feel the ribbing of his heartbeat underneath them.
“I ended things with Annabelle ages ago.”
“Why? She was good for you.”
He breaks off with a garbled sigh amd swallows. You watch as he stares intonthe distance, and then he smirks.
“Do you remember when you threw my keys over the fence?”
“Don’t change the subject. Why did you leave her?” You say, fearing the answer.
“She’s not… you.” Lucien kisses your palm again and you can only watch him. Watch, rooted to the spot, heart thudding as he kisses slowly up your wrist and arm.
"I can't be with someone I don't love." He says simply.
You know it’s empty promises and hollow words as he paints this fantasy of a forever with him on your skin with his hot tongue. And it’s an illusion you’ll happily let yourself fall into for a while because it seems almost better than your current reality.
So you kiss him back. Pulling him by the lapels of his thin shirt until his lips are felt against yours, desperately.
He kisses you like the first time, when he was unsure and flighty. Before he became the man who broke your heart and left you walking barefoot on the shards of it.
His hands roam your face, cupping your cheek, thumbs stroking again as you feel his body crush against yours. Hips winding into your belly as he gasps around the taste of your lips.
You both part, panting and wanting, his deep eyes searching you out. He knows you’re in there somewhere, knows you’re better than this life, and also the one he tried - and failed - to give you.
Amidst the confusing turmoil, you can't ignore the unspoken longing lingering between you both, a palpable undercurrent of tension and desire on both parts.
He’s crushed tightly against you, bleeding into the shadows of the stone wall propped up behind you and your skin alike. You can almost feel the thrum of his heartbeat against yours, aquiline nose brushing up the side of your jaw inhaling the sweet scents of you that make his mouth water and his cock stiffen into your gut.
His hand pulls at the silk of your belt and your dress falls open, cascades of rich velvet and silk opening for his hands to roam gently over your naked skin.
You feel a rush of warmth flood your body despite the cool breeze puckering your nipples - warmth at the way Lucien looks at you, marvelling at you.
At the way he touches you, reigniting the sparks that you ensured you snuffed out a long time ago. You shudder at Lucien’s tender touch, the way his fingertips barely glide across your exposed skin, your weak heart fluttering in response to the raw vulnerability you see reflected back in his eyes.
You find yourself leaning into Lucien’s touch, finding solace and comfort in the unspoken connection that has always lingered between you both, despite everything. In that moment, amidst the fragrant blooms and the moonlit shadows, that small nagging thought mutates, that perhaps the love you’d always been searching for had been right here, in his stacked arms all along.
You shake your head, quickly gathering your wits and wrapping the dress around your body.
“We can’t do this.” You croak, trying to convince yourself of it despite all the blood in your veins rushing towards your centre and throbbing like a jungle drum.
“Yes we can.” Lucien assures. “I’ve fucking missed you, amante.”
It stops you in your tracks.
The words hang in the air, sharp and raw, teetering on the edge of a dreamy possibility that you’ve only allowed yourself to relive in the dark corners of your mind in quiet moments of a self-loathing masochism you allow yourself to harbour.
You feel his thick fingers on the tips of yours, a delicate yet invading touch that spreads its poison quickly and renders your resolve to crumble at your feet.
Any thoughts of regret are pushed aside as you wrap your arms around him and kiss him again.
Lucien worships your body as he trails his mouth over your naked breasts, sucking nipples into his mouth as he pushes you back against the wall. You gasp, already squirming and clenching as his lips leave more devastation.
He makes out with your stomach, dipping his tongue lavishly into your belly button as he sinks to his knees. Your fingers knot in his hair, tugging gently as you wind fluffed, messy curls around them.
Lucien turns you with ease in his large hands, gathering your dress to the side, and kisses across your butt, biting the pert cheeks of them softly into his mouth as his hands pry them apart and his tongue makes lewd discoveries that make you gasp into the wall.
He crushes you to him, wrapping his arms around your thighs and forcing his face further in between your cheeks as you reach behind and rake desperately through his hair.
Running his tongue around the tight knot of your skin, and your mind can't help to revisit all the times when he claimed it with his fingers and cock too.
He kisses over the dimples of your thighs, all around them, under them, the backs of your knees - just everywhere and anywhere he can run his scuffed lips against.
Turning you again, he stares at your cunt inches from his nose, that’s soaking through the flimsy, black lace panties you’re wearing.
“He doesn’t fucking deserve you.” Lucien growls, looking up at you. “I don’t fucking deserve you.”
“No, you don’t.” You breathe resolutely. But you pull your panties aside and he gasps as you yank him forward by the back of his head.
He groans out in sweet relief as soon as his tongue makes contact, swiping into your soaked folds.
His hands run up the back of your thighs as he squeezes your ass, pushing your sopping cunt further onto his mouth.
“Yes, Lucien, get in there… get right in there,” you pant as your eyes roll back.
You struggle to stay upright, your body like jelly as you feel yourself slipping against the ragged stone wall against your skin.
He pries you open with his thumbs, licking over the shiny, wet bead of your clit and your thighs shakes uncontrollably. He brutally sucks it, flicking his tongue over and over in his determination to make you unravel.
He won’t stop until you come, you know this. He always was a generous lover in carefree abundance. Far from what you’re used to now - Mitch hasn't touched you in months, and the thought of it makes your skin crawl.
Lucien’s tongue works you up quickly, lapping and gliding expertly as he mouths on you exquisitely. You hear him grunt in hunger and want as he pulls you onto him further; his blunt fingertips pressing bruises into your ass cheeks as he grips tighter onto you, your hips winding into his face.
“Lucien…” you whine as you bubble and brew.
His eyes look up at you, mouth and nose buried into your core as you come; the silvery moon bathing your face in sweet, adoring kisses through its crescent smile as your body heats and your bones shake.
He lets you taste it as he rises up and kisses you, slipping his honey coated tongue back between your lips as you groan.
"Taste so fucking good." He groans.
His fingers attack your pussy, sliding in and pumping fast as you gasp. Clutching onto his shoulders, the silk bunches up around them in knotted waterfalls spilling over your knuckles as you claw and squeeze.
“Come for me again, baby.” Lucien encourages in a low, deep tone. Eyes watching you as the shadows of the alcove play over his ragged face like Rorschach inkblots.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here, amante,” he grunts as you squeeze and contract around his fingers brushing over your spot. “And then I’m gonna take you away from here, away from that piece of shit, and fuck you again. And again.”
“Lucien, please…” you whimper.
“We belong together, baby. I fucking love you.” He mumbles into your lips. “I never stopped. Not once. And I know you didn’t either. And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, baby... come for me, that's it, let go... come... Fuck, you're so beautiful.”
You cry out as your orgasm floods your body and his fingers. Your body shakes beyond your control, eyes glazed over and lost in a tumble of his sweet ramblings and bewitching ministrations.
“Come here.” Lucien reaches to his fly as he kisses your neck. His heady grunts sound like gravel in your ears, breath warming you with the acrid scent of smoke seeping into your pores.
He hoists your leg up over his thick arm, his hand coming to rest on your face again as you feel him run his cock through your folds. He dips his hips low as he breaks on through inside you.
“You feel that, you feel that all the way?” He asks, as he slides all the way in and out again.
“Lucien!” You gasp, your lips nipping onto his as you feel him pack you out. You never forgot the feel of him, so hard and thick.
"That's it, baby. Back where I belong."
His pants are desperate; puffy little breaths that soon grow into laboured whines of lusty need. Drunk off of you completely, sobriety smashed in an instant.
He vowed to stay away, to let you heal and move on, but he’s selfish. He knows he is. He can’t abstain, can’t ever quit you. It’s why he’s here, fucking another man’s woman because he’s selfish. Sabotaging every relationship he’s had since you, trapped in that cycle.
Basking in the addictive feel of your cunt squeezing around him as you come, watching as your eyes soar into the sky, howling his name into his mouth as he tastes your tongue and sucks on it greedily.
"Fuck, you feel so good." He grunts.
He comes inside you, filing you full, but he still keeps pumping, still keeps himself buried inside of you, fucking deep and slow. Unable to pull himself out of you, unable to be parted from you now that he has you back inside his hands.
You clutch on tighter to him, not wanting this to end; wanting to indulge in this secret shame in the back of the garden you've allowed yourself to wallow freely in.
He feels so good, so warm and thick. He peppers your face with kisses, the silk scruff of his jawline smooth against your cheeks. Your fingers coil in the curls behind his ears and the back of his bronzed neck, damp with sweat.
They tangle in the chains, one that you're pretty certain in your cock-addled haze that was a gift from you that he still wears - you pull him closer to you still.
“Come inside me again, Lucien,” you whisper as he pecks over your face gently.
“I wanna spend forever coming inside of you,” he whispers back, voice breaking.
And you know he means it. He always means what he says, it's just the follow through is often lost in translation. He’s not a bad man, you know this in your heart.
You spent days convincing your reflection in the mirror that he's not a bad man; he was just weak when you needed him to be strong - an unravelling mess. But he was your mess for time.
And now that he’s inside you again like this, so uncouthly unperturbed that anyone could venture down here and see him claiming you, you know a part of you still loves him too.
You believed it when he said he loved you and you suspect he probably hasn’t loved anyone else like he loved you.
It was raw, unfiltered. Intense. You know it because you felt it too. It hurt, viscerally. Consumed you both and spit you out.
A gaping wound that you’ve not been able to stitch up and every day you’re bleeding out. You wanna tell him how much it fucking hurt to watch him willingly drown, inadvertently pulling you under with him.
You want to lash out and scratch at his beautiful face, slap him and bite and bruise him like he bruised you.
But instead you kiss him, you hear him falter and become weak inside your ear and he groans and whimpers your name as he comes once more.
You let him flood you again, feel it dripping down your thighs, thick and warm as he stains your skin with him all over again.
In the afterglow of your post-coital bliss, your hand traces the contours of his weathered face, running lightly through the wiry greys along his jaw.
Lucien nestles into your palm, lips finding the skin to press in a kiss.
You want to believe it, you want to believe he’s changed and grown and learnt. That he's spent time reflecting, healing.
But you're still marred with the splinters of hurt that’ve lacerated your heart.
Looking into the rich, warm browns of melted chocolate, flecked with golden hues that dance like sunlight on water, you allow yourself to remember the days when Lucien was your everything.
When his gruff, nicotine soaked laughter was the sound that filled your days, and his touch chased away any fears you could harbour.
The ways he would fuck you for hours into the night; his sweat soaking into your skin, as you gnawed on his shoulder, like perfume you’d wear for days without showering him away.
You remember the first time you noticed the signs - the subtle scent of hard liquor on his breath, the empty bottles hidden away in the depths of your home in the most unusual of places. At first, you’d dismissed it as stress or a passing phase, but as the weeks turned into months, the truth became impossible to ignore.
You’d watched helplessly as Lucien spiralled further into the grip of his addiction, his once-charming demeanour giving way to bouts of anger and despair that would paint your bathroom in plumes of his vomit. You remember the sleepless nights spent drowning in tears, the ache in your chest that refused to relent, the biting emptiness that hollowed out your soul into a pair of unblinking eyes and a heart cemented over.
You wonder if that’s why you’re with Mitch now. Wonder if perhaps that this is all you deserve; that you’ll never be happy, so what's the point in trying to fight for it?
The nights had become endless cycles of fear and uncertainty, each day a desperate struggle to hold your crumbling world together. You’d become withdrawn, adept at hiding the truth from your friends and family, plastering on a smile to conceal the pain.
But amidst the chaos and despair, there had been moments of hope - fleeting glimpses of the man you had once loved, the man buried beneath the weight of his addiction and trying to swim out of it.
And though you had often questioned your decision to stay as long as you did, you can't deny the flicker of love that still burns within you for him, the belief that perhaps, just perhaps, there’s still a chance for redemption.
And you hate yourself for allowing your mind to go there.
Lucien reaches to the bush and plucks an azalea off the stem and combs it behind your ear.
“Beautiful.” He says with a smile. Not a smirk, a smile.
“I can’t go back to that place, Lucien.” You say, shaking your head.
You stare out at the house and the sounds of music and chatter still tinkle down the pathway towards you both.
“I know,” he says, running a hand through his hair listlessly.
You untangle the flower from your hair and look at it resting in your palm, the velvety petals smoothed out under your thumb as you stroke.
“But you can’t stay here, either.” His voice pulls you from your swampy thoughts.
"No," you agree. You turn to glance back at the house.
“Come with me,” Lucien pleads softly, deep eyes searching yours out. "What's stopping you, baby?"
Fingertips on your chin tilt you towards him. You tuck the flower inside his breast pocket and he looks forlorn as you do, eyes sinking and any trace of a smile vanishing.
You wrap your dress around your waist and he watches you belt it up into a messy bow on your hip. You can still feel him pooling between your legs.
You take in a deep breath, a steadying one that seeks clarity through the confusion, and inhale the familiar, swarming fragrance of the azaleas one last time.
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My first time writing for Lucien and I'd love to know your thoughts. I'd appreciate a re-blog too so others can read and enjoy. Thankies! 🖤
Tagging @secretelephanttattoo @rhoorl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @undercoverpena @linzels-blog @avastrasposts @trulybetty
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iamasaddie · 3 months
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moaning, panting
paring: Lucien Flores x f!reader rating: explicit warnings: explicit sexual content, fisting, dirty talk, not edited/beta-ed word count: 1,6 a/n: the thought came to my mind and then @covetyou cemented it with her interest <3 this is a surprise to me but now I kinda have a fisting fic masterlist
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“Fuck, no, Lucien, are you kidding me?” Your jaw dropped when the man that had just been eating you out for the last thirty minutes ascended from between your legs and asked you a truly terrifying question while still licking your cum off his lips. 
“Why not, bonita?” His face reflected a genuine surprise, thick eyebrows raising above the dark chocolate eyes.  
You propped yourself up on your elbows, meeting Lucien's gaze. He didn't break eye contact, forcing you to squeeze the words stuck in your throat out of yourself.
“It won’t… fit.” Heat rose from your quivering belly to your rising and falling chest, dragging the waves of embarrassment to your neck and cheeks.
“This thing?” Lucien chuckled, raising his right hand, three of his thick fingers were still glistening with your wetness and he sucked them all in his mouth. When he slowly released the digits now shiny with his spit, he let out an exaggerated moan. “You said the same thing about my dick and now there isn’t a hole in your body I didn’t fuck.” He kept a moment of silence and then corrected himself, “out of the classic ones, of course.”
Your thighs tensed through their relaxed state, the feeling barely there because of how good he made you feel moments ago. Hypothetically, you knew what your body was capable of, but in practice you were still terrified. Unfortunately, the curiosity already left the indents of its teeth on your brain. As scared as you were, the idea how far you could go thrilled you, and doing it with Lucien… well at least you knew you were in experienced hands, even if those same hands were the most frightening part.
“What if… it hurts?”
The succumbing notes in your voice painted a smile on Lucien’s face. His hands dropped on your thighs, kneading the soft meat in a calming gesture. 
“I will stop, immediately. No question.”
You hummed, and closed your eyes. Your lungs burned with the amount of air you tried to fill them with. In your head you were already fighting the shock of how easy it was to give in when his voice was so soothing, when his hands were so sure and knowing, when his tongue already drew circles around your tight nipples.
“Okay.” Your whisper was barely audible, lost in your exhale. 
“Good girl.”
His lips distracted you from his right hand that moved from your sternum to the curve of your belly, lower, where your pussy was molten lava. 
“If it makes you feel better,” Lucien murmured in your skin, “you’ve easily taken three before, and where’s three there’s four.”
He left a wet kiss on your collarbone and you felt his teeth sink into the tender skin at the same moment as three of his fingers entered you. Just like he said, without any problem. Your relaxed pussy welcomed him with lewd wet sounds and you wanted to hide your face but stopped yourself when you heard Lucien’s moan. He was never shy in bed. Never hid his pleasure. It made you addicted to him.
“Fuck, baby, your little sloppy pussy is more than ready to stretch wide for me,” his words stumbled upon each other in a hurry to get out in a filthy stream. “You’re so wet, amorcito, leaking all over my hand. At this rate we won’t even have to use lube.”
“I’m kidding,” Lucien kissed your shoulder and pulled his fingers out. “Face down ass up, baby, let’s stretch that pussy.”
His hand left a wet stain on your left thigh as he slapped it while you were getting in the position obediently. It wasn’t a new one, so you made sure you were laying comfortably as Lucien rummaged the bedside table for lube, almost singing a happy “a-haa” as he clutched the pink bottle in his hand. 
You could almost feel his eyes on your fluttering hole, the wet folds heating up in anticipation. A gentle finger traced a single line between your lips, gathering cum mixed with arousal and patting your clit.
“You have the prettiest pussy in the world, baby. Looking at her is like looking at stars, or fire, I can never get tired of it.”
“Stop with your—“
Three fingers parting your silky malleable walls interrupted whatever you tried to say. It was a lot, it was always a lot with the size of every part of the man’s body, but it was also never bad. It was just right so you wondered if more would be too much. 
As if reading your thoughts, Lucien probed the edge of your stretched hole with his pinky. “So pretty,” his whisper was wet and trembling just like your core. A drop of sweat traveled from your temple down. You held your breath waiting for the sting that never came. There was just… tension. The same familiar stretch but more intense.
You lifted your head from the mattress and you looked between your legs getting an upside down view of Lucien’s thighs and hard cock.
“Yeah,” you panted, “good.”
His fingers moved inside you, flexing them together into a cone shape. The closer he got to the knuckles the more intense the stretch got. He patiently fucked you with the digits, placing his left hand on your clit to help you relax further. He was more than familiar with your body to press just the right buttons. Lucien’s knowing fingers danced tight circles around your pulsing clit while his other hand worked on stretching you more and more. Your thighs trembled, teeth sinking in your lower lip until the copper taste filled your mouth. This was more than any toy you’d ever put inside you, thicker than even Lucien’s cock. When the push and pull became easier, he bent down to place a kiss on your asscheek.
“You’re doing so good, baby, if you could only see how fucking pretty your pussy looks stretched like that.”
His thumb was last, the thickest of his fingers, it caught your attention a lot with the shiny sparkle of a gold ring Lucien often wore.  
When the tip of it touched the skin of your already stuffed pussy, you slapped your palm on the mattress.
“Wait, wait.”
Lucien stopped immediately, concern in his voice. “Pain?”
“No,” you squeezed your eyes, admitting, “I’m scared.”
The fingers that played with your clit resumed the motion while others stayed still, filling you up. “It’s okay, baby. We can stop, or I can help you relax some more.” The tension in your pussy made your orgasm come quicker, the ringing sound in your ears almost drowned Lucien’s voice. “You call the shots.”
His heavy breathing interlacing with your loud moans for more told him exactly what you wanted. He was still four buckles deep inside you, his left hand furiously working over your clit to bring you closer and closer to the edge. 
“That’s it, good girl, squeezing my hand so hard, baby.” Praise spilled out of him in a generous stream, “fuck, your pussy is gonna break my fingers, amorcito. Feel so good.”
“Move,” you croaked the words out, “move your fuckin' hand, Lucien.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, as soon as both his hands started to move in a despicable tandem you felt the tightness that was once only in your pussy spread all over your body, tying it up in a knot. Your teeth sank in the bedsheet as orgasm crashed on your body in violent waves. 
You tried catching your breath as scream after scream oxygen left your body. Not giving you a chance to recover Lucien used the perfect moment of post-orgasmic trance to push his thumb along his other fingers inside your throbbing pussy. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” your brain was incapable of forming any other word as you felt another wave of pressure. It wasn’t painful or scary, it was almost teasing. Your exhausted thighs pushed back on their own accord, accepting more of his hand inside. 
“Last push, baby,” you just hummed, feeling your body being boneless, stretchy like a chewed up gum, sticky like toffee; ready to be fresh mold for him.
It was like time stopped and then sped up ten times. Stretch, pressure and then it all erupted. Lucien touched the parts of you that were hidden from anyone, even yourself, and he did it magically. 
“I’ve never seen anything prettier, baby.” You wish you could hear the words Lucien was saying, the compliments he was peppering on you, but the blood pumping in your ears made it impossible and you lost yourself in the rapid beats of your pulse and the dragging out feeling of pleasure.
Or was like orgasm after orgasm was flowing out of you, transferring the feelings of peace and content through your veins. 
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“Squirted all over me and passed out, huh?”
A gentle finger traced a line on your cheek, bringing you back to reality. You were laying on your back, naked, but under a warm blanket with Lucien’s body close.
Flashes of the night gave you some clarity, reminding you where you were. “Sorry, you didn’t cum.” You still felt breathless, your eyelids too heavy to open.
“Nah I totally jerked off on your stretched out pussy, sorry.”
“You’re insane.” You giggled quietly, thankful that he had enough strength to clean you up after.
“Insanely depraved, and lucky to have you,” he murmured, spooning you and placing a tender kiss on your neck.
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musings-of-a-rose · 3 months
Not Without You
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Pairing: Lucien Flores x f!reader (nickname: Poppy)
Word Count: 2800+ 
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Listen. I saw that clip of him making out in The Uninvited. That's it. That's the explanation. This is not betad. This one is for the sluts.
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Main Masterlist
Lucien Masterlist
I get out of my car, staring up at the ridiculous mansion in front of me. The sound of the ocean, just out of sight behind the giant home, is soft and gentle in my ears, calming me. Giving me a little mental boost before I sigh, smoothing down my dress. I make my way to the front door, weaving between a few cars that were parked out front. Expensive cars.
It's not that I'm jealous of my childhood friend. Emilia deserves to be happy and she's happy that she married money. Some fancy producer out here in LA that fell for her big eyes and bright smile the second he saw her.
But that doesn't mean I wanted to come to one of her dinner parties, having to schmooze and pretend to be interested in what everyone has to say. I've been here before, met the people, fucked the party boy actor that eventually broke me, and yet here I am, unable to say no to Emilia.
I raise my hand to knock, dreading what the evening will bring but the door flies open before my knuckles touch anything. Emilia stands before me, a few rollers still in her hair, stress all over her body.
"Poppy, you're early! Thank GOD!" She pulls me inside and hugs me, the door closing heavy behind me.
"I always come early because you need me," I smile as she chuckles, lightly punching my arm. "What can I do to help?"
"You're angel, I swear! Can you make sure the table settings are right? There's extra silverware in the-"
"I know, Emilia. Everything like normal?" I'd been to so many of her parties, I know exactly what the set up is.
She nods, her smile growing wider. "Keep it simple and classy. You know me!"
I nod. "So what kind of party is this one? Another schmooze for Mr.?"
She waves her hand. "Yeah something like that. He's meeting with a bunch of actors for some upcoming project. He's hand selected them."
Emilia thanks me again before running off to finish getting ready. I pause for a moment, looking around trying to remember where the dining room is. I head down the hall and into what I think is the dining room. It turns out I remembered correctly, my eyes roaming over the table and making small adjustments to the settings already there. I end up pulling out more silverware, fixing them to Emilia's standards. I hate that I know this stuff, but I've saved her ass more times than I can count at these things so it helps to know what to expect.
As I work, my mind goes back to all the parties past. The ones she brought me to when she first started dating the producer several years ago. She had been so nervous, as if the producer wasn't already head over heels for her. That's where I met-
No. Not going down that road again. I can't do that to myself.
I shake my head and finish the settings, adding some minor touches to the decorations and finally lighting the candles. A knock at the door brings me out of my head and I walk over to answer it. An older gentleman stands there, putting out a cigarette with his shoe. He introduces himself as the director. What an ego.
Several people arrive after him, a mix of actors and a screenwriter. They all mingle in the sitting room for a few minutes before Emilia and the producer make their way in, everyone doing introductions.
The producer claps his hands together, looking around. "We're still missing one, but I doubt he'd mind us getting started. Who's hungry?"
Everyone gives their approval but as they move towards the dining room, a knock raps on the front door.
"That should be him. Guess I tried to start too soon!" Polite laughter at the producer as Emilia moves to answer the door, a quick glance in my direction before she disappears down the hall. The producer is telling some little story about a prior movie he was involved in, one I've heard a zillion times. But his story is short and he motions behind me.
"Just in time! We were about to eat. Welcome, Lucien."
My back stiffens. The room starts to spin my chest heaving. He didn't say Lucien. Did he? Maybe it was another Lucien. It couldn't be my Lucien? No. He's not my Lucien. He made that very clear when he wanted to continue partying and I wanted to settle down.
"Perfect! I'm starving."
Fuck. There was no mistaking that voice, the one that sets my skin ablaze, makes warmth pool between my thighs, the one that told me he needed to focus on his career and couldn't be with me. Not in the way I wanted him.
A small hand on my elbow squeezes me and I know it's Emilia, gently guiding me towards the dining room.
"I'm sorry, Poppy. He invited him and I didn't make the connection until the last minute."
"You couldn't have given me a heads up?" I yank my arm from her grip and swallow hard. I can't let him see how he makes me feel. He doesn't deserve that. I turn, letting the others file past me until he stops in front of me.
"Poppy. I..I didn't know you'd be here."
I'm determined to show him how much better off I am, that he means nothing to me now. I look up into his eyes and all of my resolve goes completely out the window. Were his eyes always that big? That round? So soft? I want to yank him to me by the thin chain around his neck, press my lips to his and never let go.
Way to show him, Poppy.
"I didn't know you'd be here either."
A silence stretches between us, a heavy, loaded silence. His eyes soften the longer he looks at me and is that regret I see? No. I'm projecting. But then he offers me his arm, taking me completely by surprise.
"We can be adults. Shall we?"
Don't do it. Don't take his arm, Poppy. Don't do it, don't do it, don't-
My fingers close on his offered up arm. "I'm sure this is a great opportunity for you."
Fuck, he's still warm. His skin smooth where my fingers touch him. Way to go, Poppy.
He escorts me into the dining room and I feel Emilia's eyes glued to us. He pulls out my chair and I sit, him scooting the chair in behind me before walking around the table, looking for his name card. Which was conveniently placed directly across from mine.
The producer clears his throat after everyone sits and starts making some speech about the project, about handpicking everyone here, blah blah blah. I zone out, trying to use my peripheral to steal glances at him. It's been several years since that night we split, the yelling match that had devolved into quite possibly the hottest sex I'd ever had. No, don't think about that. I need a better look so I turn my head to take a drink and chance a glance at him, only to find him already looking at me, still with the soft eyes. I nearly choke on my drink, managing to swallow it and clear my throat.
He finishes his speech and everyone claps politely, starting to eat and talk amongst themselves. I sit, deciding to choose silence while eating but then Lucien looks directly at me.
"So, what do you think?"
"Uh what?"
Fuck him with those big, stupid eyes.
He gestures towards the producer with his fork. "The project."
"Oh. Well I'm not involved so," I shrug. "I'm just here for Emilia."
He chuckles. "How many rollers were in her hair this time?"
I laugh, my body betraying me. "Four."
"But seriously. A good project?"
"I think..I think it's an honor he hand picked you. I'm not sure what the project itself is, but I'm sure it would be great for your career."
His eyes study my face as I take a bite of my food. "It's not always about the career though."
Anger surges up through me. "Isn't it?"
"How are we doing over here?" Emilia had walked up, cutting off whatever Lucien was about to say to defend himself.
"Great, Em. I'm just going to get something from the kitchen." I set my napkin on the table and push my chair back, Emilia giving me the smallest squeeze to my arm before I turn and head into the kitchen, the door closing behind me and effectively cutting off the sounds of the dinner party.
I lean over the kitchen island, my hands splayed out over the cool marble, trying to calm myself down. I hear the door open, the chatter from the party momentarily loud again before the door swings shut and it's quiet again.
"Em, I'm fine. Really. He just...caught me by surprise. I can hold it in."
"What if I don't want you to hold it in?"
My head snaps up, meeting his gaze, embarrassment making my skin heat up. "Oh. I thought you were Emilia."
Lucien takes a few steps towards me, the light glinting off the thing chain around his neck. "You didn't answer my question."
I stand up straight, crossing my arms. "We've done this dance before, Lucien. It didn't end well."
He smirks and I want to slap him. "I think it ended just fine. In the doorway, on the floor, in the front yard. I had to move my neighbors were too jealous."
My body betrays me with a small smile at the memory but then I reign it in. "I'm still not paying for that end table."
He's closer now. When did he move closer? Almost close enough to touch. His voice is low and raspy. "I'd destroy every end table on this planet if it meant having you under me again."
Fuck. Me.
I turn away from him, not giving him the pleasure of seeing what he does to me. "Flattering. But you made it very clear I was not number one in your life."
"I was stupid. I guess I needed to prove to you, to myself, that I could actually do this acting thing."
Finally composing myself, I turn to face him. "And how'd that work out for you?"
His eyebrows furrow together. "Have you not seen any of my films?"
I had. I had seen them all. I know I shouldn't have, that it wasn't helping me get over him. But Lucien has this pull, this hold on me I've never been able to fully shake.
"Some. But I'm asking your opinion. Off camera."
His jaw ticks a moment before he takes a swig from the glass I only just realized he was holding. "It brought me here."
I scoff. "Yeah, the producer hand picking you is actually a very high honor. I'd be-"
"No, you misunderstand." He shakes his head and sets his glass down on the counter. "I lied earlier."
It was my turn to furrow my eyebrows. "When? You've lied to me a lot."
"Earlier, when I said I didn't know you'd be here. I knew, well...more like hoped you'd be here. Knew it was a long shot but the only way you'd talk to me again."
My heart was racing, nearly bouncing out of my chest as he takes another few steps right into my personal bubble, my lower back against the counter. "I already told you I'm not replacing that end table."
He's right in front of me, the warmth from his body radiating onto mine. "I was a fool, Poppy. I..I love you."
I've waited years to hear him say those words to me again, to hear him actually mean them. To hear them not sandwiched between things like "but I have to focus on my career".
His lips are so close to mine, his breath fanning over my face.
"You broke my heart, Lucien."
"I know. I'm sorry. Let me put it back together."
"Lucien, I-" but he cuts me off with the softest touch of his lips I've ever felt, a whole slew of emotions flooding my body, including the one pooling between my legs.
"I can't do this without you, Poppy."
"Do this?"
"Life. I don't want to do it without you."
I grip that chain around his neck and pull him to me, our lips crashing together, his body pressing into mine. But then the counter scrapes across my spine and I jolt, breaking the kiss to gasp in pain. Lucien steps back, offering me his hand.
"Let's go somewhere where we won't break the furniture."
I shouldn't take his hand. I can still back out. But a small voice in the back of my head believes that he means it. That he wants a life with me, wants what I wanted all those years ago. And right now, I'm letting that voice win. I take his hand and he smiles, that smile that makes me feel like I'm the only person in the world. He guides me out the back door, past the pool, past the changing tents between the pool and the beach, and down the walkway alongside the neighbors cement wall that leads down to the beach.
He spins me and I laugh, tasting the salty ocean air on my tongue. I back up towards the wall and he follows me, lowering himself to my level. His large hands wrap around my hips, gliding down to cup my ass, and I moan into his kiss, my hand gripping his shirt to pull him closer to me. He kisses me, his tongue sliding into my mouth like it had so many times before. One hand still firmly on my ass, the other slides up my side, cupping my face so tenderly, full of love. He pulls back slightly and looks at me, like he's shocked I'm really here. That he's really kissing me.
"I love you, Poppy. I never should have let you go."
"Then don't let me go. I've always been yours."
He kisses me again, his hips pressing into mine and I can feel him hard, my cunt desperately throbbing, begging to feel him inside me again. Somewhere in my haze of desire, I hear myself begging, whispering pleas in his ear to take me, that I need him inside me before I die. His hands slide my dress up my thighs, reaching under and ripping my underwear in two, tucking them into his pocket. He had ruined so many good pairs of my underwear that way, but I honestly couldn't care less. My fingers fumble with his zipper, but I manage to get it down, reaching in to grip him, a sharp intake of breath when my fingers close around him, pumping him a few times. His hands slide under my ass, lifting me up as he presses me against the wall. He slides into me and the world stops moving, colors are brighter, and I finally feel right, like I'm actually here on this planet. Every thrust of his hips brings him deeper into me, holding me here, holding me to him. His breath comes out in short pants, desperate pleas of love and apologies between our moans as he fucks me against the wall.
And then the light blooming inside me breaks, my head pushing back, my nails digging into his skin, my entire body tingling as pleasure radiates out from where we connect. Lucien follows suit, moaning my name as he spills himself inside of me, pushing as deep as he can. We stay like that for a moment, trying to catch our breaths.
"I want to stay inside of you but my legs are fucking shaking."
I laugh and he yelps, quickly trying to pull out of me as my laughter contracts my body around him. He sets me on the ground and zips his pants as I smoothe out my dress, my laughter slowly fading. I look at him and he looks back at me, his eyes still soft and gentle. He tucks some hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek again.
"I wasn't kidding, Poppy. I was fucking stupied before. I need you next to me. When we're together, I feel...right. like I belong here. I don't think I can face this life without you."
I know it's a possibility this will end the same way it did before, but something in his eyes is different this time. He's had time to think, time to experience life without someone with him. Without me. He's grown, matured - well, matured some at least. But do I want to open my heart back up to him? Knowing that he could shatter it again at any moment?
"I'm still not replacing that end table."
He smiles and it lights up my entire world. "That's ok. I have plenty more furniture we can ruin with our love."
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @booksarekindaneat @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings  
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kedsandtubesocks · 3 months
this high of you & me
Lucien Flores x F!Reader
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summary: Lucien Flores is your weed dealer and you think that’s about it
warnings/tags: 18+ MDNI. dealer!Lucien AU, drug use and discussion, shotgunning, sweet giggly moments, mentions of unspecified age gap (reader’s age is not mentioned but Lucien is older) reader and Lucien under the influence but he’s still a consent king, one use of ‘good girl,’ light making out
word count: 1.4k
a/n: I wrote this in a possessed fever after that clip & I know this might not reflect his personality once the movie comes out but I just had to I’m sorry, thank you to @lowlights & @tightjeansjavi for letting me scream about this and if you decide to read this - know I’m thanking you a million times
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His house is an eclectic mess.
There’s a framed photo of Gustav Klmit’s ‘The Kiss’ beside a black light poster of a tiger. His awful leather black couch screams of a bachelor refusing to grow up.
“All I have to drink is bad tap water, ginger ale, or a mini grey goose sample.” Lucien yells from his kitchen.
“Uh, the ginger ale is fine.” You answer back.
This is the first time you’ve ever been alone with him.
Normally you’ve only experienced him with your best friend and his boyfriend. They’re the ones, through a friend of a friend, who introduced you to Lucien.
That’s how he became your dealer.
Now as you try to seem busy, you scan the book shelves in his living room.
There are many things that catch your eye -
The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo, a very abstract but suggestively sexual mini sculpture of two beings entangled in a type of wave like motion, a clear quartz crystal and a cute elephant figurine.
The man known as Lucien Flores is no short close to a chaotic puff of smoke you think you’re never meant to catch.
Behind you, you hear him rearranging things on his coffee table.
“You gonna joint me, or not?”
His pun makes you snort.
On the glass coffee table sits your drink among a cluttered collection of things.
“You asked for the usual right?” He mutters preparing everything like someone out a check out counter.
“Yeah, but I can go after you give me the- ”
“No, no it’s all good.” He reassures quickly, cutting you off. “I got nothing planned and company is always nice.”
He packages up the weed in the typical baggies he uses. This time they're holographic blue, almost matching his charming but strange vibes in a strange way.
“What happened to the dragon ball z themed bags you had?” You ask jokingly.
“Ran out.” He pouts and you grin.
After separating and packing up everything, he moves to start grinding the weed. Then with a click on his remote his stereo flows to life.
Frank Ocean’s ‘Pink + White’ begins playing and illuminates the room.
Small talk comes. Lucien asks about how work is going, any new shows you’ve gotten into.
He’s charming, like a bizzare off highway tourist attraction you can’t seem to leave.
“No need to sit on the floor. Come on. Spots open right here.” Lucien grins patting the couch beside him.
“Your couch is a pain, hate how it sticks to me.” You reply with a scrunch up face.
“Maybe I want you to keep sticking to it?” He offers light and you roll your eyes.
Being a notorious flirt, you try not to fall under his sweet words spell.
You’re about to make a quip back until you see him yank out a fuzzy blanket and spread it across the couch.
“What a gentleman.” You dryly smirk and Lucien shrugs.
But you rise up to sit besides him, close but not comfortably so.
“How much extra is this gonna cost me hm?” You muse watching him pack the bowl.
“Don’t you know the old saying, pretty babes don’t pay?” Lucien remarks so effortlessly.
Your throat gets a bit dry and you’re thankful for the ginger ale wetting your lips.
The lovely glass pipe, swirled with so many unique colors like the silk button up shirts Lucien wears, is handed to you.
“You first.” Lucien grins.
He even lights it for you, a modern day chivalrous knight in his own fucked up unique way.
The first inhale is always a favorite of yours. The smoke fills you, tickles your senses. But you can’t help but cough a bit.
“That’s the good stuff, huh baby?”
The phrasing and how smug his voice purrs out is dangerous.
“It’s one of the new strands I’ve been wanting to try. S’called ‘girl scout cookie.’ Pretty sweet name huh? But kinda makes me wish I could eat some right about now, ya know.” Lucien rambles as you hand the pipe back to him.
You at least appreciate how talkative and alluring he is. Between passing the pipe back and forth to him, you’re pulled into discussions about aliens, music and then, YouTube videos.
“No,” you giggle. “You gotta see this one.”
“If it’s another sad cat video I’m gonna cry and kick you out.” He pouts and you’re overcome with the urge to lean forward and kiss the furrow in between his brows.
You can’t deny how handsome he is. Like, ridiculously so. You know he’s older but there’s a youthfulness to him that’s reassuring. Like his spirit will always stay free. But you know that also seems dangerous after hearing about the list of exes he had from your best friend’s friend.
So very cautiously you tread into this new territory, whatever it is.
You lean closer, hold your phone up and show him your favorite go to funny video.
You can’t even stop the giggles. You wanna blame the weed, but it’s so hard not to laugh even without it. You’re overcome with glee and lean against Lucien’s shoulder. His shoulders shake and you hear the most adorable twinkling giggle.
He’s laughing.
“See!” You urge. “Told you it’s funny!”
“It’s not that! It’s you! You’re making me laugh.” He wheezes out and your heart flutters.
“Then I’ll stop laughing so you can stop laughing and watch!” You reply back determined.
So pressing your lips together, you rewind the video. You and him stay silent. Or you try to. Your lips twitch so terrible wanting to break.
Then Lucien’s shoulders shake again. In seconds you’re both busting out laughing. Your poor phone is forgotten.
This time he howls with an infectious joy and you feel it in your gut, in your bones.
“You weren’t supposed to laugh!” You chide him through the giggles.
“You weren’t either!” He cackles.
You realize you’re practically draped against him, and Lucien even fully leans back into you.
The smoke, the drug, coats everything in a smokey soft haze and with the high creeping its way into your mind, a molteness seeps into you
Lucien smells so good too, clean, cozy, but also like a cologne you wish you could pinpoint.
“Thanks, it’s dolce and gabbana.” Lucien replies.
Your face ignites in flames realizing you must have spoken your thoughts out loud.
You’re about to scramble out from this mess when you peer up and find Lucien staring. His earth soil eyes, softly dusted with a rosy color, hazily watch you.
“Y’smell good too.” He mumbles back.
“Thanks, it’s my fabric softener.” You tell him.
Lucien busts out laughing, a bright firework of a thing and you once again get caught up in how wildly warm he is.
Shaking his head he shifts to grab the pipe.
But his hand slides to rest against your thigh, like it’s a small way of saying don’t move, don’t leave.
And you don’t.
“You wanna try something fun?” He offers.
“Sure.” You don’t know what you might have just agreed too.
Lucien maneuvers, slides his large warm hand to your face and your heart stops. He tilts your head towards him and his thumb softly rubs against you.
“You trust me?”
The soft lull of Frank Ocean continues playing in the background softening this world around you.
You don’t even know if this man has a middle name or not, but you know him enough, or mainly, find yourself wanting to melt more into him.
So you nod quietly.
“Good girl, just keep your mouth open.”
That line takes your breath away.
You have an idea of what’s coming, but even with that, you crumble.
Lucien inhales from the pipe, filling his mouth with smoke. In a blur he moves. It’s like you blink and he’s all around you.
His hand on your face, his body pressed up flush against you and then, his face slowly moving towards you.
With his lips open, he breathes the smoke into your waiting mouth and your eyes shut in bliss. His lips graze against yours, a tease.
You inhale on instinct. Yet your hands move on their own, possessed, to run against his warm broad chest.
Once the smoke is in your mouth and you hold it in, allowing this mixture of the smoke and him to consume you. You also don’t miss the way Lucien himself breathes out.
Then before you can close your mouth, he lets his tongue gently swipe at your top lip, a kitten-like lick.
But it’s divine.
When a soft whine escapes you, Lucien effortlessly dives in to kiss you, cradling your face and steals your breath away again.
Making out with your dealer could probably be one of the dumbest decisions ever. But he’s a unique high of his own, one making you so dizzy, but you think you don't want it to end just yet.
So you melt into this smoke and into him.
And it’s otherworldly bliss.
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suzdin · 2 months
The Apartment
(Lucien Flores x F!reader)
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Summary: Porn with very little plot. Lucien is your sleazy pot dealing neighbor.
Warnings/Content: Drug use (weed and blow), nicotine use, alcohol use, groping/sexual harassment (not from Lucien), some mild jealousy, age gap between Lucien and another chick (20s), fingering, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v, pull out method, spitting of bodily fluids (idk the proper term for it).
Word Count: 4,900+
Dedicated to: @ohheypedrito who held a gun to my head until I wrote this (lol jk, or am I? 😰)
Other Tags: @kateispunk @survivingandenduring @kellybelly1978 @awilderi @oberynslady @daddy-dins-girl @heavennumber2 @natdeandar @chronically-ghosted @morallyinept idk who else to tag.
You hear the party long before you even make it to your apartment block, droning 90s alt rock cascading down the sides of the building.
The residence itself is aging and quaint, not exactly located in the nicest area of downtown, but also not the worst. At least, you’d like to think so.
You had inherited the apartment from your grandmother when she passed several years ago. Roughly four dozen or so residents, including yourself, shared the building with you.
Amongst said residents was Lucien Flores, who had also inherited his apartment, from his mamá Claudia, who now lived in the suburbs, last you cared to hear. You didn’t speak to Lucien often, or the other inhabitants for that matter, other than in passing in common areas.
It’s roughly 11PM when you arrive home from work that night, your legs weary and straining as you make your way up the creaky old stairs to the third floor.
Lucien lives at the opposite end of the hall on the same floor as you, but that doesn’t seem to make the music any quieter, or the cloying stink of weed any less prominent. As you navigate your way through thick plumes of smoke and fog, you’re sure you’re getting a contact high just walking to your apartment.
You sigh. It’s going to be another long night.
The hallway is crowded and you push your way through a myriad of faces you’ll likely never see again after all is said and done.
As you make your way through the gauntlet of tight and twisting bodies, you feel unknown hands belonging to a faceless entity groping and pawing at you as you pass; you snarl and slap them away. Your palms sting from the contact, incorpereal laughter bellowing in your wake.
You spot Lucien just as you’re reaching your apartment, propped up on his shoulder against the wall, ankles crossed casually, watching you. Silk watercolor shirt practically dripping down a broad torso, hair mussed and gnarled, a gold chain nestled in the hollow just beneath his throat where his shirt is undone to the third button, exposing smooth, olive skin.
He wasn’t the man who groped you, no, you’re sure of that. He was too far away for that to be possible.
A filterless cigarette is perched between two of his fingers, cherry glowing brighter as he takes a long drag, tendrils of smoke curling into the air and consolidating with the rest as his dark eyes study you.
You stare back, unblinking. And then he moves without warning, graceful and fluid as a lithe cat, pushing his way through the crowd and seeking out the man who had touched you only moments before. Unlike yourself, he could pinpoint the man’s face without hesitation.
Without so much as discarding his cigarette, Lucien’s free hand twists around the man’s collar, pulling his face close to his own. Teeth gnashing, face contorted in a sneer, Lucien spews what you can only imagine is pure venom from two plush, pink lips. You wish you were close enough to decipher the words, but the last thing you want to do is fight and claw your way through the crowd again. So you perch against your door and watch, doing your best to garner context clues as the man’s face goes pale and his eyes widen.
Their gazes suddenly dart to you in tandem, making you flinch. And then, seemingly cowing to Lucien, the man lifts his hands in defeat, drifting down the stairs and out of sight without so much as another word.
Lucien’s dark visage finds yours again, his head cocked forward, as he brings the cigarette to his lips a second time, cherry visible through the fog.
You dip your head in acknowledgment and gratitude before disappearing to the welcoming confines of your home.
Just after 2AM and the music is still raging, hard as ever.
You aren’t surprised. Lucien, your building’s resident pot dealer, seemed to know everyone. And everyone, him.
His parties were commonplace enough to be a regular hindrance to your sleep cycle. Not to mention the other residents. But the cops were rarely called… people in your neighborhood didn’t particularly care for law enforcement. Cops weren’t too fond of the neighborhood, either.
You lie in bed, wide awake as the bass thrums on without an end in sight, clad in only a pair of panties and a t-shirt. Your head hurts, and you have work tomorrow. You crossed the border of pissed long ago. Now you are fucking livid.
Lucien couldn’t keep getting away with this. You had to say something.
You slide out of bed, throwing on your house robe and slippers as you make your way back out to the corridor.
Most of the party had drifted inwards, into his apartment, but a few stragglers lingered here and there. Some were drinking, some smoking. Some were doing a little of both.
You could see into his home just slightly, getting a glimpse of the pink walls his mother had painted years ago, the ugly palm frond wallpaper lining the kitchen.
Your eyes zero in on Lucien right away. His shoulders, rounded and bunched around a thick and corded neck, colorful silk shirt swimming along his waistline.
His back is to you, a young woman — who you think can’t be older than 24 or 25 — is pinned between himself and the wall, one of his hands positioned next to her head, the other folded as he lifts a pile of white powder to her nose. She brings one of her hands up to pinch the other nostril closed as she snorts the substance into her body; Lucien’s lips curve into a wry smirk.
Your gaze shifts lower when you register movement, finding her opposite arm extended between the two of them, palm cupping and stroking his cock over his pants. Lucien doesn’t appear to be reciprocating her touch, which seems to have her more than a bit… frustrated, judging by the look on her face.
Cinching your robe tight, you approach the couple, clearing your throat loud enough to catch them both off guard.
The woman, whomever she is, draws her hand back instantly, eyeing you with disdain at the unwelcome interruption.
Lucien’s eyes flit to yours. Then, slowly, blatantly, the same dark irises travel down your form, methodical in how he checks you out. He isn’t even attempting to hide it in front of her.
You glance away, your skin heating.
With a scoff, the woman dips under Lucien’s arm, whispering something to him before she joins the rest of the party inside. He nods to her, disinterested, before turning back to you.
She’s beautiful and young. Lucien is twice her age and roguishly handsome, a truth you didn’t care to indulge often. You aren’t the least bit surprised by what you walked in on, as he always seemed to have a revolving door of women hanging around.
“Hey, baby. Want a bump?” he asks you.
“Fuck, no. I actually want to sleep tonight,” you tut, crossing your arms in indignation. “I have work tomorrow and I’m already exhausted. Do you think you could lower the music? Shut your door, maybe?”
His face falls and his lips pinch into a frown at your utter and outright rejection, although he understands your reasons and chooses not to argue, checking you out a second time. You feel your skin growing warm beneath the robe at the attention.
“For you. Anything,” he murmurs.
You roll your eyes but dip your chin in gratitude anyway. “Thanks.”
He turns to shut his door behind him, drowning out a better chunk of the noise than you expected. As you turn to walk back to your apartment, you feel a warm, broad hand circling your elbow.
You stall, contorting your body to look back at him. “Lucien, what—“
“Hey. Are you okay?” he questions.
“No, I said I’m fucking tired and I have work tomorrow…” you reiterate, looking down at where his hand currently connects to your body.
His grip loosens and he lets his hand fall away from your elbow.
“No, I mean, from earlier. The man… who was pawing at you like some horny dog,” he explains, recounting the events that you would care to forget. “Are you okay?” he repeats, gaze softening, fluffy curls framing his face.
Your heart races at the sight of him, and you swallow down the rising lump in your throat.
No. No, you are not going to get involved with your drug dealing neighbor. Stop it.
“Oh,” you say quietly. “I’m, uh, fine. Thanks… thank you.” You offer a faint smile, suddenly flustered.
He nods, plush lips parted in thought, brow furrowed as he studies you. Those eyes of his are goddamn entrancing.
“Here,” he says, placing his palm against the small of your back as he gingerly directs you back to your apartment, halting in front of your door.
He fishes a freshly rolled joint and lighter from the breast pocket of his shirt, holding both items up so you can see. The light overhead catches the chain around his neck, reflecting it, making it shimmer.
“Girl Scout Cookies,” he explains, his voice low and hypnotic as he gives the joint a heady whiff, “So you can sleep.”
“Or… you could just turn off the music and ask everyone to leave instead,” you suggest, plucking the joint and lighter from his fingers anyway.
“They’ll drift out little by little the rest of the evening,” he counters, watching you ignite the joint and take a hit, holding the smoke in your lungs. “Most of them have left already.”
You roll your eyes and shake your head, snorting. Take a second hit. Pass it back to Lucien, whose callused fingers brush yours as he takes it.
“Your girlfriend didn’t seem too keen on leaving,” you point out.
“She isn’t my girlfriend.”
“Okay, girl you want to fuck,” you correct.
He takes a long, slow draw of the joint, exhaling the plume through rounded lips as he watches you. “Isn’t that, either.”
“Oh, so she was grabbing your dick for no reason, then?” you retort, arching a brow.
Lucien takes another hit, forming his lips into an ‘O’ as he blows the smoke gently in your direction. He scrunches his lips up in thought.
“Precisely. Wasn’t even that hard,” he explains.
You choke out a small laugh, leaning against the wall. “Jesus, Lucien.” You open your door to go back into your apartment, alone. “Thanks for the weed.”
“You brought her up, not me.” He grins.
“Goodnight…” you say firmly, trying not to let your vision linger on his lips. Or his puppy dog eyes. Or that goddamn gold chain. Fuck.
“Wait,” he murmurs, reaching for your arm again. Warm, thick fingers brushing your skin.
He takes another pull from the joint, trapping the smoke in his lungs as he moves languidly into your space. Free hand cupping your cheek, a smirk tugging at the edges of his lips, he hovers over you, mouth nearly touching yours.
Your lips part instinctively, causing his smirk to widen even more as he exhales the cloud directly into your mouth, your lips briefly making contact. You take in a deep, heady breath, tasting the smoke, tasting the essence of him.
The small point of contact is enough ignition for both of you to act. It was the catalyst needed to convince yourself yes, yes you ARE going to let yourself get involved with him, reputation be damned.
His hand travels from your cheek to your hip, squeezing, smirk transforming into a grin as he guides you backwards through the mouth of your apartment.
And you let him. You’ve been nursing this unhealthy crush on your neighbor for long enough, you realize.
Your own hands find the collar of his shirt, and then his chain, wrapping the metal heated by his skin around your knuckles, dragging him into you. He smells like weed and clove cigarettes, like cheap red wine and musky cologne.
You aren’t sure who closes the door, but somehow, it closes with a bang behind you, and he spins your body, wedging you between himself and the hard surface, his hand unmoving from your hip as he bends to thrust his pelvis flush against yours, grinding his hard length against your center. Even through the robe, it’s unmistakable.
“Thought you said you weren’t very hard,” you tease.
“Wasn’t…” he replies with a wry smile, grinding into you, hand moving back up to your neck as his lips crash into yours.
He deposits the still smoldering joint in the small metal bowl by your door where you keep change for laundry, hands bracketing either side of your face, pressing himself firmly against you as his tongue slips into the hot cavern of your mouth, eliciting a small mewl of longing and desire from your lungs.
He tugs at the binds of your robe, the material falling open like the wings of a butterfly for him, revealing your bare legs, your soft cotton panties with the little cherries.
“Well, well…” he groans, palms locking onto your hips, thumbs moving in semicircles along your silken flesh as his fingers flirt with the elastic band of your underwear, snapping it against your hip bones.
He dips to grind his erection against you again, and this time, without the barrier of your robe dampening his motions, you feel his hard cock dragging over the sensitive nub of your clit, your hips bucking back with equal fervor.
He kisses along your jawbone, down to the sensitive apex of your jaw and column of your neck, mustache and beard gently scrubbing at your skin, his lips grazing over the shell of your ear.
“Only reason I was hard at all is because I was thinking about you,” he whispers, before taking your earlobe between his teeth and giving it a slight tug.
“Bullshit,” you scoff, breathless, and although you can’t see it, he grins, giving the elastic another harsh snap before his thumbs hook around the material, sliding them down your legs, cool air licking at your exposed folds.
“I don’t bullshit,” he grates, lowering to his knees in front of you, kneading your upper thighs in his hands as he takes in the vision that is you.
Slick dribbles down your inner thigh as he spreads you open and admires you, everything about you.
“Look at you, opening up like a pretty little flower for me,” he groans, leaning forward to swipe his angular nose through your soaked folds, inhaling the intoxicating scent of your arousal.
A small chirp escapes the back of your throat, fingers sinking into his dark curls for balance as his tongue flicks out to taste and tease you, lifting one of your legs to toss over his shoulder.
His tongue breaches your entrance, penetrating you deeply, your body juddering with every broad stroke of his tongue inside your walls.
“Fuck, Lucien…” you purr. He hums in approval, hands sliding up your backside to cup and massage your ass as he drinks of you.
You find yourself gyrating against him, your body chasing the sensation of his mouth, and not only does he let you, he furthers it along, fingers digging into the meat of your ass as he pulls you into him repeatedly, groaning.
Your fingers tangle in his hair, protesting the loss of his mouth on you as he pulls away for a beat, the feeling only short lived when his lips circle and tenderly suction around your engorged clit, two of his fingers sinking into your fluttering hole.
The resulting squelch as he fucks into you with his fingers is lascivious and loud, your spine forming a perfect arc against the door.
His fingers curl inside of your tunnel, making contact with the soft, spongy flesh at the mouth of your womb, each thrust getting you closer and closer to seeing stars.
“God, oh my fucking god…” you moan.
Your walls begin to tighten, your hips shaking, fingers twisting against his scalp as you feel your pleasure mounting. And you swear you see his lips hook into a grin as he gets you there, the sight of it with his nose and curls, the way the silk and gold chain catch the light, only spurring your pleasure on. It’s all so much. So much and not enough.
“I, fuck, I’m gonna cum…” you sob as the sensations reach a head and the feeling consumes every fiber of your being, your vision going white as your head lolls against the door with a faint thud, hips rutting forward to chase his mouth.
He rides you through it, growling into your core almost as though he’s enjoying it as much as you are, the reverberations making you crave more.
He pulls away from you when your body calms down, mouth coated in a sheen of your slick, hair stamped down with sweat from where your palms had gripped onto him.
Catching his breath as he stands, his lips and tongue tangle with yours once more, letting you taste the evidence of your release before dragging you toward the bedroom.
You can feel the cannabis coursing through your system now, relaxing you, making you feel lighter than air. You smile to yourself, knowing your orgasm is going to be sweet and lingering.
“You would look beautiful by my side at every party,” he says, brown eyes twinkling back at you, head tilted.
“You have plenty of other women for that…” you reply, letting him guide you to the bed as he slips your shirt over your head, revealing your naked breasts to his hungry gaze.
“And none of them are you,” he tuts, “None of them are as beautiful as you… as this.”
He doesn’t give you time to respond as he pushes you down into the mattress and crawls over you, teeth dragging along your shoulder, your collarbone, upper body propped on an elbow while the opposite hand kneads one of your breasts. He plucks the nipple to a sharp peak between his fingers, making you arch and moan.
He sheds his shirt and pants nearly in tandem, your vision settling on him as he slithers out of his underwear, a girthy, uncut cock between his legs, twitching at the sight of you.
“Fuck…” you gasp, his eyes shining in amusement as he manipulates you onto your back, pushing your legs apart and taking up residence between your thighs.
“I bet you feel as good as you taste,” he groans and kisses you again, sucking your bottom lip between his teeth.
Fisting himself at the base of his cock, he teases it along your folds, gathering your slick, nudging your still swollen clit. Your breath is ragged and unsteady in your chest, every motion of his body leaving you wanton and desirous.
“Lucien, please,” you plead and he chuckles, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles.
“Need it that bad?” he asks, bemused, dragging the head of his cock over your clit again, making you cant your hips, chasing the sensation.
“That must be a yes,” he purrs, his voice low and velvet.
He lines himself up at your entrance, giving a few short, preliminary thrusts with just the head, teasing and testing how ready you are to take him, before pushing himself further in, inch by inch.
After a few more precursory thrusts, he bottoms out with a long exhale and faint moan, lower lip taut and jutting outward, holding himself within your walls for several seconds, before pulling almost all the way out to slide back in again, slowly. Oh so slowly.
You grunt and arch your spine, your hips lifting to meet his, needing him to move faster…harder.
“Come onnnn,” you groan.
A smirk forms on his lips as he cages your head in with his upper arms, lips finding your throat, whispering against your pebbled skin.
“Always knew you’d be cock hungry, baby.”
He doesn’t allow you a chance to recant, pulling himself partially out and then slamming himself in again as hard as he can, teeth grazing your tender skin, gold chain smacking you in the face with the momentum of it.
He doesn’t seem to notice or care. Not that you mind much, either.
You whimper and paw at his shoulders, clinging to him, still needing, desiring more.
“Yeah? You liked that, didn’t you?” he whispers again, slamming into you hard a few more times for emphasis, making you keen, your bed smacking the wall harder each time.
“Need you to go faster, please,” you whine.
“Alright, baby. Since you’re asking so nicely…”
He leans back now, settling his weight against his calves as he lifts your legs to rest against his vast shoulders, tan skin shiny with perspiration. His dark curls are skewed and clinging to his face, dark brown eyes glistening with lust.
He looks so goddamn hot like that.
He doesn’t waste anymore time, fingertips digging into the meat of your calf muscles as he begins railing you with everything he has to give, the sounds of skin smacking skin filling the room, shaking the bed with impact.
He’s more than focused now, teeth exposed, brow furrowed, droplets of sweat pooling in the little divot of his collarbone. You wish he was closer so you could lave at the sweat collected there.
It isn’t long before you start to feel the familiar, telltale tightening in your lower abdomen again, your breath hitching in your chest, droplets of perspiration forming at your hairline.
“Yes! Yes! Don’t slow down! Don’tslowdooooown!” you cry, your hands reaching for his, where they grip your legs, fingers curling like talons around his digits.
Everything about you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, feels as if you’re floating.
A few more rough slams of his hips against yours and you’re seeing stars, head falling back against the pillow with a cry as your walls flutter around him, strangling his cock, sucking him deeper. He growls, his breath hissing through clenched teeth, and you know he’s almost there as well.
“Fuck, I’m gonna… fffuuuu—“ Lucien grunts, sucking in lungfuls of air as he pulls out of you at the last possible second, perched on his knees, pumping himself in his fist with your slick.
The squelchy wet noises of Lucien beating himself off fills your ears, and he emits a loud, guttural groan as he reaches completion, tendrils of seed spurting thick and hot across your stomach, some of it collecting in your navel.
“Open up,” he instructs, and you hardly have time to gather your thoughts and bearings before you feel his tongue gliding across your stomach, scooping himself onto his tongue.
His mouth hovers over yours as your lips part, Lucien spitting the cocktail of saliva and cum onto your waiting tongue, his own tongue meeting yours as he kisses you deeply, moans getting lost in your throats.
“Fuuuck,” you sigh when your lips eventually pull apart.
You both settle on your backs, shoulder to shoulder, still catching your breaths. You stare up at the ceiling, your head still light as air and swimmy.
The party continues on down the hall sans Lucien, but it’s quieter now, more subdued.
“I’m definitely going to sleep really well after that, but I may call in to work tomorrow anyway,” you giggle.
“Good, because I’m not done with you yet,” he says, eyes shining with mischief as his hand trails down your body, fingers swirling through the remnants left on your stomach.
“But all those strangers in your apartment. Are you not worried?” you ask.
“I have someone watching it for me. It’s okay.”
His lips tease along your neck. “You’re like a goddamn drug, baby.”
You don’t even question it further, smirking as his fingers lift to your lips, painting them like gloss, laughing inwardly to yourself when you realize that the girl in the hallway doesn’t get to have him like this, like you do, as he dips his head to kiss you again.
fin. xx.
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bluemusickid · 3 months
The Heiress
Pairing: Lucien Flores x Heiress Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, smut, oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v (don't be silly wrap your willy), slight dub-con (if you squint), slight dom-sub dynamics, just in general smuttiness, read at your own risk.
A/N: The collective brainrot those clips have brought us as a fandom (thanks for that, Tony ;3), is INSANE. This is just a smalllll effort in keeping that alive till we get the full movie. I have to confess: this is just shameless PWP at this point lmaoooo (don't judge me, i'm just a girl after all). enjoy and please reblog if you liked it thankssss <3 <3
Note: By clicking read more, you consent to my terms and have heed all warning mentioned above.
(Photos/Gifs of P, credz: @a7estrellas, the dividers are by the lovely @saradika-graphics)
That's what these parties were to you always. Dull. Throw in a bunch of old men in stiff suits holding onto champagne flutes like their lives depended on it. Even worse, they tried to sell themselves to you, as if their sad marketing convinced you. You still entertained them, owing to a lack of anything fun happening around those parts.
That is till you met him.
Lucien, he had introduced himself. A cigarette hanging loosely from his lips, a champagne flute in his hand as he was engaged in a conversation with Hermann Astor, owner of the art gallery that was hosting one of the many boring do's you simply HAD to attend.
Truth be told, you weren't really listening to him. The whole "I'm-a-man-of-culture-so-of-course-I-know-art" spiel was boring. So many men trying to dazzle you with their "expertise", but you couldn't care less. To your surprise though, Lucien didn't mansplain or explain the intricacies of art missed by many. He let Hermann drone on, only piping in when something piqued his interest. He only met your eyes a few times, his dark brown hues holding his secrets.
But you knew what he was thinking. It was quite obvious, isn't that what most men wanted in this room? A chance to talk to you, an heiress to a hefty inheritance, maybe a chance to woo you, wine and dine you and then pop a ring on your finger. Maybe get you pregnant. Secure the bag.
Atleast that's what you assumed he wanted, but he didn't seem like the type to talk you up. He was mostly interested in having a chat about your life, why you hung out at these places especially since you gave no fucks about fine arts, and so on. It was surprising, true, but maybe men changed up their tactics ever so often. So you played along, as you always did. Answering with as much truth as you could.
You found yourself on the balcony standing next to him, staring at the vast grounds with its fine cut grass and neatly trimmed hedges, the moon casting its glow upon it. Turning to him, you decided to cut to the chase. You were bored, and only a quick fuck could break the tedium. Running your hand along his arm, you pulled him to one of the bedrooms, pushing him against the door. Leaning towards him, you brought your lips close to his, waiting for his permission to continue. He leaned forward, as you latched your lips to his, guiding his arms to wrap around you, deepening the kiss as you pushed yourself further into him. That's odd, you thought. This actually felt nice.
His lips, while hesitant at first, tangled with yours, the heat warming your bones. He ever so slightly placed his hands on you, running them down your body down to your hips, squeezing gently as he rested them there; pulling you towards him and his growing erection.
Itching to taste him, you knelt down, licking his growing manhood over the fabric of his tight dress pants. With a growl, he pulled you up, gripping your shoulders as he turned you around and walked you over to the bed behind you. Pushing you down, he bent you over so your ass was up in the air as your face was smushed into the soft bedding eagerly waiting in anticipation.
You felt his hot breath as his lips trailed along your thighs, his tongue running over the divots and the stretch marks that adorned your skin. You squirmed, wishing he would turn his attention to the place you needed him the most. He seemed to have heard your unspoken wish, because the very next moment, his lips moved over your core, his tongue lightly ghosting over your wet folds, your swollen core. You panted, your hands grabbing the duvet with a force that you weren't even sure was possible.
Lucien started off slow, and then dove in, his tongue swirling over your swollen nub, as he gathered your wetness on his finger and pushed a digit inside; his tongue and his finger working in tandem. You groaned loudly, pushing your hips onto his tongue, not realising that they were moving of their own accord, ever-so-slightly undulating and moving in rhythm to his licks and thrusts. Through the haze of pure lust, you realised that you were meant to be in control of this entire situation. Reaching behind, you tangled your fingers into his soft brown curls, pulling him even closer to your nub as you fucked yourself on his tongue, moaning loudly as he groaned at your act of dominance; the vibrations shooting through your core, making their way through your body. He added another finger, doubling his efforts as he felt your legs shake, and your core tightening as you neared your peak.
You screamed into the duvet, muffling your cries as your orgasm took over. You would've collapsed into the mattress had Lucien not been holding on to you, resting his head on your back as he caught his breath as well. The both of you lay there, him spooning you, till your breathing returned to normal. Straightening your clothes, you both exited the room, not meeting each others' eyes, no words spoken to one another.
The rest of the evening went very well, your secret rendezvous leaving you satiated, yet hungry for more.
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The second time you met him was at the Charity Ball held by your "good friend" Fiona Mayhew, who got on your nerves most of the time, but did a lot of good for underprivileged children/teens and their education; so you stuck around. At first, you didn't really wish to go to her stuffy ball; but RSVP'd yes, with the smallest hope that Lucien would be there.
He was, of course. Dressed in a well tailored, crisp tux, his messy brown curls slicked back and gelled down. You hated to admit it, but he looked downright edible. You pretended not to notice him at first, making small talk with the members of the small group he was entertaining. You mingled, the both of you catching each others gaze as you talked to the other guests, your eyes conveying what you couldn't bring yourself to say. You barely managed to pull your gaze away from him each time, silently berating yourself for giving him that much importance. It was all a game, all a ploy.
It was working, though. Because the next time he caught your gaze, his deep brown eyes darkened as he walked out of the gigantic ball room, making his way to the large area where the cars were parked. Making his way through the maze of luxury, vintage cars, he walked over to a cambrian grey Bentley, leaning against it as an invitation to join him. He smirked, watching your hips sway as you sashayed towards him, ready to beat him at his own game. He held the door open, his hand moving from the small of your back to rest on your behind, giving you a small smack as you made your way in. Tsking, you gave him a wolfish grin, as you slid the dropped sleeves of your gown from your shoulders, his eyes bulging at the sight of your gorgeous breasts being freed from their confines.
The car shook, almost too violently, as you bounced on his cock, a moan escaping your mouth as you felt him hit your front wall, over and over. You'd always thought of sex as a chore, something to get over with. But it felt different, with him; it felt as if your body and mind split, and was only concentrated on him and how he felt inside. Your core squeezed around him, as you pulled him deeper inside; fingernails digging into his meaty shoulder. Leaning forward, he rested his forehead in the crook of your neck as he thrust up into you, pulling you towards him to meet his sharp and pointed thrusts. Your breath caught in your throat, lips ghosting over his as your breaths mingled, all thoughts of speech banished. He kissed his way down your neck to your gorgeous globes, running the tip of his tongue around your swollen nipples. This action made you groan, running your fingers through his hair, completely mussing them up and ruining his do. You couldn't care less; with the way he was making you feel, you had half a mind to pull him to the ballroom and fuck him in front of everyone to show the reason for his and your disheveled states.
His thrusts began to speed up as he held you in place, your legs trembling and burning as you tried to hold yourself up, absorbing every bit of his amorous assault on you. Undoing the buttons of his crisp white shirt, you yanked the shirt off his shoulder, biting down hard at the exposed skin. He growled loudly, thrusting up once, then twice as he emptied himself into you, painting your walls as you squeezed every drop from him, reaching your explosive end as well. The euphoria melted into your veins, swiftly coursing through the length of your body. But yet again, as he helped you straighten yourself up, no words were spoken.
Both of you made your way back to the ballroom, your clothes and hair slightly askew, and a bright red mark on Lucien's neck, that he didn't bother hiding for the rest of the night. You wouldn't be surprised if people found out that the two of had been together, let alone what the two of you were upto
You couldn't bring yourself to care, though.
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And now here you were, months later. You hadn't seen Lucien for quite some time, but you didn't really care all that much. It wasn't like you were pining after him. On the contrary, you'd found quite a few men to keep yourself entertained.
You walked into Fiona's beach soiree, thanking divine providence that it wasn't a black tie affair. The fact that it was at her luxurious beach house, which was facing the vast ocean, just happened to be a silver lining. You made your way around the party, chatting with Fiona about her latest venture, the NGO she had established, the soiree a means to raise funds.
As the night progressed, you found yourself pleasantly buzzed as you sat at the bar, waiting for the bartender to serve you. A familiar voice directed at you made you turn, only to see Lucien standing there, a flute of champagne in his hands, his signature smirk on his face. You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, shifting your focus to the drink placed in front of you. He looked amazing, his messy curls softly styled, his beautiful neck adorned with gold chains and a thick ring on his finger. You had never seen him this casual, the Hawaiian shirt he had donned sitting loosely on him, leaving little to imagination.
Raising your glass at him in a silent toast, you smiled, taking a swig of the bubbly liquid. Delicious.
"You alone?" He drawled.
You gestured around, "Do you see anyone else here?"
"Touché." He took a swig of his drink, eyebrows raising as he savoured it. There was a small lull in the conversation but you didn't mind. It's not like the both of you talked when you were together.
"So. Long time no see."
"Yeah, kinda hard to see someone if they don't really show their face at events." you mused dryly.
He chuckled, nodding at the accusation. Taking your flute from your hand, he put the glasses on the counter, beckoning to the garden at the back of the house, "up for a smoke?"
"I don't smoke.", you said smugly, downing the glass in front of you.
He leaned towards you, bending down to whisper in your ear, "Who said anything about smoking?"
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You should've known. It never ended in just talking, in fact, you don't think you've ever had a proper conversation with Lucien, barring that one time on the balcony, the night you met him. It was as if the bond between you was solely driven by the sheer lust and attraction you had for one another. Just the way you preferred it, and wanted it, truth be told.
As you both made your way outside, Lucien pinned you to the stone wall, locking his fingers with yours as he held your arms by your head, his lips brushing over yours. You wanted to ask him many things, probably talk about the both of you and your arrangement, but you couldn't bring yourself to talk. Atleast, not now.
You felt your insides flutter in anticipation, as he left kisses all over you: your neck, your breasts, your stomach. Pushing your dress up, he left open-mouthed kisses along your thighs, biting and sucking till he left marks, you were sure of it. Pulling your lace panties to the side, he began to eat you out with a ferocity that aroused you and scared you in equal parts. All you could do was hold on as he held your wet folds apart, his tongue running over your swollen nub. Briefly, he pulled back to look at your core; swearing under his breath as he saw how wet you were for him. He dove back in, pulling your lips apart with his fingers as he fucked you with his tongue for all he was worth.
You had died and gone to heaven, you were sure of it. Stars exploded behind your eyelids as each swipe of Lucien's tongue made you forget all about your surroundings. Your leg was on his shoulder, your dress was basically falling off your body and you had nearly bitten off a finger trying to hold your screams in. If he weren't so good with his tongue and his fingers, you would have laughed at the way your body turned to putty near this man.
You were rudely pulled out of your thoughts by the feel of him pushing inside you, hitching your leg on his hip as he bottommed inside you. You gasped as he stayed there, letting you feel all of him as he feasted on your breasts, his thumbs and tongue working their magic. He began to move, his hand holding both your arms above your head, restricting your movements. Rutting into you with abandon, he snarled as he felt your pussy clench around him as he tightened his hold on your arms. Using them as leverage, he quickened his motion, anchoring your waist as he fucked into you wildly, using your body for his own pleasure.
"Fuck...take it. take it all." he grunted through gritted teeth, letting go of your arms as he held you steadily, his fingers making their way to your core, circling your swollen clit.
You heard yourself shriek as you came apart, throwing your arms around his shoulders as he reached his end as well, his warm spend coating your walls. Your core pulsed, nearly strangling his cock as the aftershocks died down. Suddenly feeling exhausted, you slid down the wall as he held you, gently rocking you till you came back to normal.
As you recovered from your explosive high, there was only one thought in your mind: you were truly and honestly screwed.
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GAHHHH IDK HOW THIS TURNED OUT BUT OMFG i had suchhhh fun writing it!! Hope y'all enjoy! I don't do taglists anymore, just turn on blog notifs for @lexiscyberlibrary to be notified about any new fics!
Love ya!
-xoxo Lexi <3
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ladamedusoif · 2 months
Coup de Foudre
Lucien Flores x F!Reader
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Pairing: Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Summary: Storms come down unexpectedly in the heat of the Parisian summer. The only thing you and Lucien can do is make a run for it.
Warnings: Explicit, MDNI - smut central; established relationship; unprotected but safe PiV sex; fingering; no physical description of reader other than her gingham summer dress; alcohol; a soaking wet Lucien Flores is his own warning
A/N: I loved the prompts and inspiration for @undercoverpena’s “April Showers” event and this is the result. Thank you for organising this, Jo! ‘Coup de foudre’ literally means a thunderbolt/lightning strike in French, but has entered idiomatic language (including in English) as a term for an unexpected event - particularly associated with love at first sight.
With thanks to @paulmescal-s for beta-ing ❤️
Word Count: 1192
Follow my writing blog, @ladameecrit and turn on notifications to keep up with my work!
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Sheet lightning illuminates the nocturnal city, thunder rumbling almost immediately as the rain intensifies and comes down hard and heavy on your warm skin. In ordinary circumstances, anywhere else, you’d hate being caught in a storm like this. But here, in the hot, humid summer night, Lucien’s big hand gripping yours as you race along glistening streets in the direction of the hotel? There’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
Lucien leaps over a puddle, his infectious laughter echoing through the narrow streets as he guides you home. His silk summer shirt is soaked through, the brightly-coloured fabric clinging sinfully to his body in a reminder of the temptation underneath. Your favourite gingham summer dress, meanwhile, has been rendered translucent in the downpour.
Everything will need to come off as soon as you get inside.
The water drips from your soaking clothes onto the hotel bedroom carpet as Lucien swiftly retrieves the fluffy, white bathrobes from the closet and hands one to you. His thumb catches a droplet wending its way from your hairline down your cheek, and you lean pleasurably into the caress of his hand against your face before shivering abruptly.
”Out of these wet things, gorgeous, before you catch cold.”
You kiss the greying hair on his handsome jaw and head to the bathroom to change, not wanting to create a puddle on the plush carpet. The gingham pools in a sopping pile on the tiled floor, the thin satin slip you wore underneath now stuck to your skin. You peel it off, exposed in just your bra and panties. The impact of the soaking makes itself felt again as you start to shiver and sneeze.
With a knock on the door, Lucien pops his head into the bathroom. “You okay? Sounded like you were -”
The sight of you stops him in his tracks. Your bra and panties are as soaked as the rest of your clothes, underwear almost see-through, and your bra clinging to your breasts and showing off the firm, pebbled nipples underneath.
“Oh, I… I just got a bit cold. Looks like you’re soaked through as well, Lucien.”
You nod towards the light-coloured summer pants that are now two shades darker and clinging to the strong muscles of his legs. He’s already stripped to the waist, his silk shirt and white undershirt in one hand, the golden chains glistening on his damp chest and his unruly dark hair now slicked back in shiny, damp curls. It is impossible to avoid noticing how the wet fabric of his pants draws attention to his half-hard cock. Clearly, Lucien Flores likes what he sees. And so do you.
You guide him into the bathroom, arms around his neck, and nod your head in the direction of the shower unit in the corner of the room, large enough for two. “You know, I think a nice, hot shower is the perfect way to make sure we don’t catch cold. Don’t you agree?”
Lucien licks his lips as he moves closer to you, nodding in agreement as his eyes rove up and down your damp body. “Everything will need to come off, of course,” he says quietly. With a hum of approval you reach for the waistband of his pants, pulling him tight to you as you unbutton and unzip them. His dark eyes meet yours and he reaches both of his hands up to your face, pulling you in for a deep, warm kiss that halts you in your tracks. “Don’t stop,” he murmurs into your mouth.
The soaking fabric gathers at his ankles and he steps out of them, still not breaking the kiss. Long, thick fingers explore your body, reaching around you to remove your bra and expose the damp, soft flesh of your tits. Your hand teases at his boxer briefs as he moans into your mouth.
”These are soaked, too,” you purr, as Lucien tugs at the fabric of your panties.
“So are these, baby.” He presses a finger to the cotton covering your most intimate parts and chuckles. “And I don’t think it’s just the rain that has them wet.”
With a smirk you break away, reaching into the shower to get the water running. Leaning in to adjust the temperature, you feel Lucien’s presence behind you. Two broad hands on your hips, gently but purposefully caressing the damp flesh. He works the last bit of wet fabric off you and leaves you bare.
“Look at me, gorgeous girl.” He pulls you tight to him, strong arms holding you in place, as you quickly pull down his boxers and grin at the sight of his hard cock springing free. It throbs against your body, a delicious vibration and foretaste of what’s ahead. You run your hand over his cock as you guide him into the warm steam of the shower, taking great pleasure in the needy groans you coax from him. But Lucien can, as you’d learned from the start, give as good as he gets. With one hand on your wet breast he slips his fingers between your legs, dragging them along your dripping folds as you cry out under the shower.
“I don’t want to help you dry off here,” he murmurs into the crook of your neck as his middle finger teases your pussy. One - then two - and then three thick digits slide inside your cunt, stretching you for him even though he knows you can take it without much preparation.
You’re ready. He can tell. But he wants to hear you ask for it.
“Words, darling.”
“Please, Lucien,” you gasp, stretched out on the fingers he’s fucking in and out of you. “Need you to fuck me now. Need you inside me now.”
He withdraws his fingers and trails them over your lips, watching with wanton but affectionate pleasure as you taste yourself. Another kiss, the droplets of the rainfall shower pouring over your faces as you slip your tongue into his mouth.
“Okay. Turn round,” he instructs. He positions your body carefully: facing one tiled wall as he shifts your hips into position.
It takes almost no effort whatsoever for him to bury himself inside you. Even Lucien seems taken by surprise, exhaling sharply as he bottoms out. His right hand covers yours, fingers splayed together on the tiled wall, his other hand holding your left hip firmly as he fucks you. The little gold medallion that dangles from his chain beats a steady rhythm against your body as he takes you, hard and deep. The water rolls down his gorgeous body and drips onto yours, bringing you ever closer to your first orgasm. His magic hands already have you near the edge, two fingers rubbing firm circles over your swollen clit. The groans and exclamations he makes suggest that Lucien is not far behind you.
It’s the pretty little noises you make when he fucks you that tip him over. His rhythm changes, and the sound of your voices blends with that of the storm still hammering the windows as you come, hard, together.
Sated, dried off, and wrapped in warm fluffy bathrobes, Lucien orders two whiskies to the room and joins you on the bed. He kisses your damp hair, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he clinks his cut-glass tumbler to yours.
“What are we drinking to?”
He hums happily and reclines on the stack of plump hotel pillows, closing his eyes as he listens to the rain still falling, more gently now.
“To stormy weather.”
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trulybetty · 3 months
two-pack habit & a motel tan
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pairing: lucien flores x f!reader word count: 1,712 warnings: M | spoilers? cigarettes, alcohol, angsty in parts, aside from being noted as having breasts no other descriptions of reader estimated reading time: 7 minutes summary: no matter how hard you try, you find yourself coming back every time ao3: linked
A/N: Honestly, not sure what I'm doing as I know nothing about this movie and character other than those tiny clips from yesterday. I tagged it spoilers, but really this is a stab in the dark, because while writing this, this could have easily been Dieter, so who knows? Hopefully you enjoy this!
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two-pack habit & a motel tan.
The room was dark, the only light that came was from the street lights outside. The cheap gaudy curtains disturbed by the forced air from the air conditioner unit swung lazily casting shadows across the green shag carpet. On the small round table beneath the window sat two empty bottles of beer and an overflowing ashtray, a cigarette hung on its lip, its embers still glowing despite being disregarded. The television flickered on a muted late-night talk show, its dull illumination serving only to highlight the lingering haze of smoke in the air. 
Lucien was sprawled out on the creaky bed, barefoot with his shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest. His dark brown curls were tousled, his dark eyes staring into nothingness as he took another drag from his cigarette. 
The click of the bathroom door opening drew his attention as you walked out, damp hair and wearing an oversized t-shirt that had seen better days, one that you had stuffed in your bag earlier that afternoon on your way out. Lucien’s eyes followed the trail of water droplets that traced your collarbone and disappeared beneath the threadbare and distressed collar of the shirt.
He sat up, patting the space next to him, inviting you to join him on the bed. You hesitated for a moment before relenting, moving across the room and climbing onto the bed knee first.
“Feel better?” He inhaled deeply before turning his head to exhale the smoke from his cigarette, all the while his gaze had followed the line of your bare legs.
You nodded, settling in next to him. He took one more drag of his cigarette before he stubbed it out. Turning back to you, his hand, warm and calloused settled on your thigh just below the hem of your shirt. 
“Don’t know why you bothered to get dressed doll,” his smokey voice intoned as he moved his hand an inch higher, this thumb tracing patterns on your skin as his other hand played with the chain around his neck, running the St. Anthony charm between his fingers out of habit. 
His dark eyes met yours, a playful challenge in their depths. You looked away, your heart pounding in your ears, trying to remember the reasons why you’d said this wasn’t going to originally happen in the first place.
“Luce,” you started, but he cut you off with a laugh that was laced with a tinge of bitterness.
“You’re going to tell me this is a bad idea again, right?” he said cynically as his fingers continued to draw meaningless shapes on your skin. 
He leaned back against the worn headboard, pulling you with him and over to straddle his waist.
“You know it is,” you murmured but made no move to escape his grip, your hands instinctively settling on his chest. His heart beating rapidly beneath your touch, echoing the beat of your own. 
He raised his eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips, “Yeah, but we’re not exactly known for making good decisions now are we?” His fingers slipped beneath the hem of the oversized shirt, making your breath hitch in your chest. His fingers not finding the material of your panties at your hips he gave you an almost smug impressed look, “Well, this is certainly a surprise.”
You couldn’t help the smirk on your lips as you leant down, yours meeting his. The lack of underwear had been a conscious one despite your reservations about even being in that motel room, to begin with. He let out a low groan into your mouth, as his fingers traced a path up your side. His thumb brushed the underside of your breast, causing you to gasp. He laughed, a deep warm sound that vibrated against your lips.
You tanged your fingers in his already tousled curls as his traced their way back down your sides, his hands cupping your bare hips. The feel of the denim of his jeans licked at your core and you couldn’t ignore the surge of desire that pooled in your belly. The scent of his cigarettes on the air, intertwined with the taste on his lips, unspoken promises hung heavy between the two of you, your hips buckled in an all too familiar motion seeking release.
His lips moved from yours, tracing a fiery path over your jaw and down your neck. You tilted your head back, allowing him better access as he trailed hot open-mouthed kisses over your skin.
“Jesus, you are so—” he sucked in a breath as your fingers with reluctance left his hair and slid underneath the barely buttoned-up silk shirt, your nails dragging up his torso to his chest, “maddening,” he murmured when he found his voice.
“I could say the same about you,” you retorted as you pulled his shirt up and over his head.
When you got his text that afternoon you knew where it would lead, it was an all too familiar path you couldn’t help but revisit again and again. For all his flaws, Lucien was a magnet that drew you in, each time harder than before.
His chest bared, the dim light from the nightstand lamp cast a soft glow between the two of you. Your fingers traced the fine outline of the chains around his neck until they reached the pendant that lay below the hollow of his throat. As you looked at St. Anthony, the irony was not lost on you. He was the patron saint of those who were lost, and here he was standing between you and the man who you continuously found yourself drawn back to, despite your many attempts to distance yourself from him altogether.
His lips found yours again, his teeth nipped at your bottom lip, teasing as you tried to go in for another kiss. His hand snaked up your back, coming to rest at your neck, his thumb massaging your nape. His thumb pressed in just the right spot that managed to undo you and have you mewing in response. He grinned with the knowledge that he knew your body better than anyone else ever could, better perhaps even than you knew yourself.
“Tell me,” he whispered, his voice husky as he toyed with the hem of the shirt you were wearing. “Tell me you want this,” he lifted your shirt, pushing it up to your chest before you took over and pulled it over your head. His brown eyes appeared even darker with his pupils blown wide with anticipation.
“I want this,” you said meeting his gaze, your voice barely above a whisper before in one swift movement he rolled you onto your back. 
His hands roamed your body freely now, tracing all too familiar patterns they knew so well; the curve of your breasts, the dip of your waist, the softness of your thighs.
As his lips met yours once more, your fingers traced the waistband of his jeans making short work of the button and fly. He groaned when you freed him from the confines of the denim, taking your time to run your hand appreciatively up and down his length, a low, throaty sound that made your heart skip a beat.
You knew that this should be the last time, but you weren’t trying to fool yourself. You knew there’d be another. It was a constant push and pull between the two of you that was years in at this point. There’d be no way the two of you could make a relationship out of what fractured pieces this already was, but you knew the minute he’d call, you’d come running. You knew it and he knew it, and as his warmth enveloped you, you couldn’t find it in your heart to care.
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katsheadinclouds · 3 months
Summer nights, you and I
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Lucien Flores x f!plus-size!reader
summary: You explore your feelings for your high school sweetheart, who comes to your birthday party.
warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, bad communication, mention of drinking, no mention of pronouns for reader but body parts are mentioned, reader wears a dress and has hair, smut, car sex in a public place, unprotected PiV sex (wrap it up folks!). No use of y/n. Not beta read. If I forgot something, let me know!
word count: 3.7k
notes: Happy birthday weekend to me! Yesterday, when I saw the new pictures and videos of one mr. Lucien Flores, my brain got fried, and inspiration hit me. I ended up writing this thing in the middle of the night and thought I’d share it now to celebrate me turning 30!  
dividers by saradika-graphics
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He watches you mingle in the crowd, eyes following your every move. People talk with him, to him, but the words slip out of his head as soon as he hears them. He watches as you laugh at a joke someone tells you. He watches you listen to someone. He watches the arch of your lips when you answer someone’s question, how your tongue drags over the softness as you wet them before sipping on your drink.
He knows you’re aware of him. He sees it in the way you turn around if you get too close to him. He sees your head twist away after you’ve locked your eyes on him when you think he hasn’t noticed. It’s in the way you pretend to not see him even when you’re facing him, trying to force yourself to stay present in the conversation you’re engaged in.
But every few seconds your eyes drift to watch him past the guest’s face. Your shoulders tense up, you breathe a little deeper, and you try so hard to not let his presence deter you from the deep desire to keep your head straight. You told him that you two can’t keep seeing each other. You told him that repeatedly; every time you came knocking on his door at odd hours of the night, every time you called him to ask if he was free the next weekend, every time you sighed out his name when his mouth was buried between the roundness of your thighs. It was a reflex. A chanting wish to keep yourself from him.
Yet every time you came back, saying the same thing, “we can’t keep seeing each other like this.”
He had looked at you under his brow, ready to indulge you in the orange gloom of the streetlights glowing in through the window. “How do you want to see me then?” He mocked.
He didn’t expect to be pushed on his back, your fingers gently around his throat, your hot palm against his feverish skin, your lips against his ear, “I don’t,” you whispered. Almost like it was an emphasis on your resoluteness, you rose to your knees and guided him into you. Your arousal pooled instantly at the base of his cock when you heard him moaning.  He dug his fingers against your ass and helped you ride him until your thighs were burning. Here you were, trying to meet all your guests in the dusky garden you had rented for your birthday party. “I don’t want you there,” you had said when you gave him the invite.
“Then I won’t come there,” he answered.  You gave him a long look, your fingers pressed against his before you turned on your heels and left his place before the sun rose.
Here you were, avoiding him at your own party, trying to act nonchalant about the man who you wanted in every way but never wanted to admit it even to yourself. You knew how people saw him. How they’d see you if they knew about you two.
You were always the good one, ready to help, never backing out even in the bleakest situations. People trusted you, and you gave all of them a reason to do that. Lucien on the other hand, he is nothing like you.
He has always been the quiet rebel, the one with the free spirit who sometimes disappears without a word to chase his dreams and wants. Untrustworthy, ready to jump when everyone else expected him to stand still. You can’t accept that he has changed, even when he tries to prove it to you.
You knew you couldn’t get attached like you had when you two were teenagers, with heated cheeks and coy smiles. Back then you were shy and your hands always shook when you wanted to touch him. Even if it was just to hold his hand or to push his unruly curls off his eyes.
The kisses back then were timid, full of nerves, when either of you weren’t used to having someone so close yet. The teenage romance ended before it even had a chance to properly start. He left and you stayed. Your tears were never ending, they dried out your soul. The hope for feeling like you had someone you could trust to stand with you, to have someone in your corner, withered away. It was by accident when he saw you again. At a coffee shop on a busy Tuesday morning. He could recognize your voice from a mile away and the smile in your eyes when you thanked the barista for your coffee. And the curve of your lips that you licked with the tip of your tongue before you took a sip.
He didn’t know if he should call out for you or let you go. He did neither. He was on his feet before he had the chance to decide, and stood in your way as you were heading outside with your takeout cup, smiling at something on your phone. You almost crashed into him, barely catching yourself before you spilled your coffee on his chest.
“Excuse me,” the annoyance was palpable, but when you looked up and saw his face, the realization hit you like a train.
“Lucien,” you half whispered with wide eyes in the full coffee shop. He was so close he could smell the mint in your breath from your toothpaste.
“Long time no see,” his mouth found a crooked smile and you gasped out a laugh, not believing that he was standing in front of you, not knowing what to do next. It wasn’t forbidden. The love he feels for you, or the love you feel for him. You’re protecting yourself, he knows that. You don’t want to feel like you’ve lost something when he decides to leave again. You don’t want to find yourself alone again. You don’t want to feel like you’ve been abandoned again.
You were inseparable for a while. He was a lifeline for you when you felt most lonely, without friends and belonging in any group that had formed at school. He was a friend, first and foremost, then your first love.
By the end of it he was nothing when he followed his dad to another state one summer. So, you keep telling him that you can’t meet anymore. That it’s not wise to see each other anymore. That this is the last time, before you come back again and tell him the same things again and again. “Happy birthday,” he finally finds you alone by the drinks table, catching your breath after all the socializing and meaningless conversations with people you’ve collected throughout the years to make yourself a safety net that has holes in it. You had said it yourself, “I don’t belong with these people, I don’t know why I think they’re my friends.”
“Thank you,” your quiet voice trembles when you face him and look at him deep in his eyes.
“I have something —,” he begins, but is cut off by the other people who burst into explosive laughter. The sound is a mix of joyful and horrifying at the same time, too loud yet held back.
“Come,” he takes your hand and pulls you away towards the gates of the garden, getting further from the party and the droning chatter with every step. You hold onto his hand with your fingers twined with his and let him take you anywhere he wants.  
He opens the doors of his car but pulls you to his chest before pushing your back against the side of the ride. Your hands reflexively reach for his shoulders and drag him in. Your hungry mouth is about to repeat your script but gets distracted by his lips and the wet glide of his tongue against yours. “What were you about to say out there?” You groan when he sucks at the soft flesh right under your jaw.
“That I have something for you,” the low murmur of his voice makes shivers run down your spine. Your hands don’t shake anymore when you reach for his kisses, when you reach for his belt and pant against his mouth when the now familiar feeling of his tongue fills your mouth. Smoothly he reaches behind your back and pulls the door open, leading you to the backseat. The pleasant mildness of the night feels scorching in the closed car. The windows are fogged up and your hand is slipping against the glass when he buries himself snuggly into you. Your breath catches in your throat every time he reaches that place deep inside you. He makes you discover the fine line between pleasure and pain with every stroke.
He’s careful with it, making sure you never cross that line to painful but teeter on the brink of it. Who would’ve guessed you’d be getting fucked in Lucien’s car by the end of the night, sweat pouring out of your pores, feeling spread open and the intense pleasure with every stroke of his cock in the tightness of your pussy, electrifying your spine and travelling in waves up and down your back. He licks at the side of your neck, a long stripe from your collarbone up to your jaw. He plants soft kisses along it until he reaches your lips. Slowly he lifts himself up to look at you, hovering over you.
His arms are like a cage on either side of you, your leg trapped against his arm. If you were to straighten it, your toes would tickle the dark lining on the roof of the car. The chains around his neck sway with every thrust, all ending up tickling the centre of your chest. You reach for them and wrap them once around your finger.
“I want you to be rough,” you tell him. He looks at you, the seriousness in your eyes. He’d like to wipe away your fears, your need to push him away while simultaneously pulling him in. He considers it, giving you what you ask for. But it’s only part of the script you’ve written in your head to feel better if he were to leave again.
“No,” he says and leans down, touching his lips feather light against yours. He rocks down and watches you take a deep breath. He feels you pulse around his cock, adjusting to the slow invasion. “I’ll give you rough when you believe when I say I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.” He sees your resolve crumble immediately. You’ve been caught, you both know it. You’ve kept yourself from feeling anything for Lucien while feeling so much for him at the same time, so much so that it has turned overwhelming. Your protection has turned into self-sabotage when he’s the one reaching out while he watches you build even higher walls around yourself.
He moves slow, almost pulling out completely, before pushing back in with a slow roll of his hips, until his pelvis is flush against yours and another breath is drawn out of your lungs. You wrap your hand around the back of his neck, your fingers winding around the curls at the base of it, forcing him to hold his forehead against yours. The chains slip from your hand and hang loose once again. They tap against your chin with every little move he makes.
“I want to hear it,” his voice rumbles and buzzes in your ears. You squeeze your eyes shut tight, while he demands your attention with the push of his hips. The arm that was supporting your leg at the bend of his elbow suddenly secures the sole of your foot against the passenger seat while your ankle presses against the center console.
You open your eyes just as you feel his fingers slip between your legs, his thumb finding your slicked clit without much trouble like he has mapped out how you like to be touched. He gathers even more of your wetness from around his cock and circles the sensitive nerve endings in sweet circles, making your eyes roll back into your head and your back arch off the leather seats.
“Tell me,” he demands softly, bringing you back from losing yourself to the pleasure. He doesn’t stop touching you, only slows down the circles, just like he slows down his thrusts to be a continuous movement, in and out, keeping your pleasure on high alert and your orgasm ever present, but not letting it take you away from him, not just yet.
“What?” You gasp out when he once again reaches deep, tilting his hips up.
“Tell me you believe I’m not going, and I’ll give you rough.” You moan out at the feel of his thumb suddenly losing pressure for it to only move up and down against your clit.
The words are on your tongue, catching the humidity of his breath. You’d want to believe him, you’d love to believe him. But you can’t.
You know this isn’t the first time he’s back in the city. He has come and gone many times, and you’ve only heard about it afterwards, when he’s long gone already. And every time, even when you hadn’t seen him, it had reminded you of how he left when you were still a couple of kids, trying to navigate the world that seemed too big and too small at the same time.
You’d want to tell him you believe him. You’d want to have enough faith in yourself to not break apart when he will eventually leave. You’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months now, but the fear is still there, only growing stronger. You wait for the moment, when he’s just gone.  
You force yourself to look at him in the eye, to see the dark pleading in them. To believe him. He sees the same in yours. To not hurt you. He shoves himself in you and holds the tears in your eyes with heartbreak in his.
He gets it. There’s nothing he can do, or say, to make you change your mind about him. He pushes himself up and runs his large hand down your soft side, his thumb tracing the line of your bra under your breast.
You brace yourself for what he’s about to do when your request from earlier hangs heavily in the humid air between the two of you. His eyes rake down your clothed front, sees the budding bruises of his mouth right by the edges of your bra. Your dress, which he hiked up to your waist, has gathered the few drops of sweat that have dripped down from his face.
Last, his eyes fixate on the gleam of your lips around his length, how he still hasn’t stopped the push and pull of his hips, drawing out more and more of your slick. He thumbs at where you’re joined, earning a groan from you that invites him closer to cumming. It’s your final warning for what’s to come.
The air smells of sex, heady and thick. He grinds his teeth together and breathes deep. His thighs are on fire from kneeling between your legs for so long. Some of the seams on the seats chafe against his legs.
“Just do it,” you cry out. Your voice isn’t only asking for him to take you however he pleases. You’re pleading for him to do what you expect from him. To take what he wants, and to leave.
Without waiting any longer, he digs his fingers into your hip, squeezes the supple roundness of your bottom and slams himself into you, starting a ruthless rhythm. You scream out before you manage to cover your mouth with your hands. You breathe harshly between your fingers while he takes and takes, forcing you to gasp out your moans.
It's too much, his hold, his thumb on your clit, the thickness of him between your legs, in you, his grunts and heavy breaths that intoxicate you. You love to hear his voice when he’s close. It’s the most erotic sound you could ever think of. You record it in your mind, only to repeat to yourself when you know thinking about these moments together won’t cause too much pain.
He does this thing where he reaches deep inside you, presses his whole length against the squishy, most sensitive parts of your flesh, and uses it with abandon. You can’t hold in your moans behind your hands anymore; the sound only turns into whimpering screams.
He doesn’t stop. He’s giving you what you wished. Your birthday wish. He abuses the softness of your pussy repeatedly. He forces your palms off your mouth and wraps his hand around them to push them against the door so you can scream your pleasure into his mouth.
Your blissful climax topples you off your awareness. There’s only Lucien, guiding you through your orgasm with slowing thrusts when you squeeze around him. He gasps into your mouth and licks into it, against your tongue, and lets you ride it out, but he doesn’t stop.
He listens to your whines and makes them the sound that encourage him to cum. With weak arms you fight his hand off yours, and wrap them around him, the other under his silky shirt, the other in his thick, damp curls.
You kiss him with newfound fervor, barely hanging on to your rationality while he makes you forget yourself in the intense pleasure. Pins and needles run up and down your skin, it’s almost painful.
“Let go for me, Lucien, cum for me,” you manage to mumble against his lips. He gives out a ragged moan when the grind of his hips stutters. His whole body trembles. Sweat pours down his temples, down his neck, and his chest glistens in the half light of the hidden parking lot with a blush that has crept up to his cheeks.
He catches his breath against your neck with shuddering exhales, his moans heating your skin. You massage the back of his neck and allow yourself to close your eyes. You imagine what it would be like to let him love you, to let yourself relax without any uncertainty.  You’re still split open by him, and if you could, you wouldn’t mind staying like this for longer.
Lucien opens the door and lets the cooling night air slip into the car. You push yourself up and with shaky fingers try to close the buttons that will hide the hickeys he left on your breasts.
He leans his head back against the headrest. He pushes his hand through his drying curls, leaving them tousled. You try your best to make your hands stop shaking, but they don’t. It almost seems like it’s getting worse.
“Let me,” he whispers, and you’re met with his quietness as he reaches towards you and steadily fastens the small buttons, covering your skin.
“Lean back,” he tells you and you do as he wishes. He gets something off the floor, which you recognize as the lace of your panties. He maneuvers them on you, and up your legs until you have to push your hips up and you replace his hands with yours. He sees the mess between your legs, his cum that is slicking the insides of your thighs.
“Was this what you wanted to give me?” You ask, almost hopeful that he’ll say yes. He looks up as he lifts his own hips to pull his trousers back up the rest of the way, closing the button right under the softness of his belly.
He shakes his head once and accompanies it with a chuckle. His eyes stay the same, rich and admiring, serious and playful at the same time. He buttons up his shirt while you put space between the two of you.
Suddenly, even after all the times you’ve fucked, you’re nervous. You don’t like to feel vulnerable around him, when it only means that you’re putting yourself at risk.
“No,” he finally says and reaches for the center console between the two front seats. Inside is a small box that he hands to you.
“Happy birthday.” It comes out so much deeper than it did before, full of the remains of his lust for you. You take the box and manage to get it open.
“It reminded me of you,” he says when you see a small, dark green gemstone pendant on a thin chain. You swallow against the dryness of your throat and touch it with the tips of your fingers.
“Let me,” he tells you softly and takes the box from you. You turn your back to him and close your eyes to fight the tears that are threatening to spill onto your cheeks.
The chain feels cool at first, but then burning hot when he closes the lock behind your neck and traces the metal against your skin. You turn back towards him and look at the gem between your fingers. Even in this faint light you can discover vivid red flakes on the surface.
“Thank you,” you reach for him and close him inside your arms. He buries his face against your neck and kisses it, the chain pressing between his lips and your skin.
“Want to go back?” He asks and with a trembling sigh you separate from him. You let him pull you out of the car and to your feet.
He straightens your clothes. The dress you chose to wear just because you knew he’d like it on you and which you hoped he’d take off you. He brushes his thumbs under your eyes and over your forehead and combs his fingers through your hair to make you look at least somewhat like you weren’t just fucked in someone’s car. The fresh air clears your head. It cools the deep burning in your chest and the dripping cum in your panties. It lets you close your heart from him again.
“Yes,” you say and lead him back towards the party, while you’d want to turn around, get back into his car and ask him to drive you away from here. He could take you anywhere, and you wouldn’t say no.
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umadosedepascal · 16 days
C O R O N A, MEXICO | Pedro Pascal X f!reader | One Shot
Written by Santa Trindade
Banner by @missyorkswhore
Made in Brazil
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: You got invited by Corona to be an extra on the new “La vida mas fina” campaign at the beach.
Even if was only one single scene, maybe just 10 seconds of screen you would be more than happy because the main reason was him…Pedro.
wc: 2.6k
rating/warnings: [pure smut no plot][unprotected PIV][oral sex m/f] [alcohol comsuption] [Curse words][pet names]
a/n: C’MON GUYS. Do I need to explain myself after these ads? NO. FUCKING HELL NO. wtf Pedro is so fucking hot WTF. 😭
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You got invited by Corona to be an extra on the new “La vida mas fina” campaign at the beach.
Even if was only one single scene, maybe just 10 seconds of screen you would be more than happy because the main reason was him…Pedro.
After the shooting you are allowed to walk around the set. Maybe do a small talk perhaps. That’s all you want just to make your day.
The director wraps up the bar scene and move to another set. You sit on the bench at the bar they just did the scene.
_why he has to be so hot?_
You order a beer and just watch the movement, people coming and going…
Pedro sits next to you saying “what a day huh? Hey, you were at the beach right?”
You say.. ”Me? Yeah” you get your eyes locked on him… drinking on him… your eyes run across his entire body… you take every single detail…
He moves closer, holding the beer out to you… giving you a smile as he get close…and say “So gorgeous” leaving you in a whisper… your body stands there, staring at him…
You say… “sorry, Did you just said the “gorgeous” to me?” Your face blushing and try not to look at him in the eye. You take a sip of beer and wait on what he is going to say.
“Yes…” he nods softly, moving closer to you, leaning against the bar next to you, close, so close he can smell your perfume. His head leans over, his mouth near your ear, his breath tickling your ear as he speaks, “I said you’re gorgeous…” winking at you.
You drop your mouth and still don’t believe he called you gorgeous. You try to hold on yourself and thank him for the compliment and also say that was fun to act with him at the beach early that morning and if he is looking forward for more…
He gives you a wide smile as he speaks.
“That was fun… and it’ll only keep being fun…” his arm moves out, sliding along the counter, moving a bit behind you, resting there as he brings the beer to his mouth, another chuckle leaving him at the thought of the wink…
“Your winks are something else…” he tells you, taking another sip as his arm stays right behind you….
His head leaning closer again, his mouth brushing gently against your ear as he speaks again, his voice low, his teeth pulling on your earlobe playfully
“Oh it was fun… getting to… watch you on the beach… the water dripping down your body… I hope you’re ready… for even more…”
His tongue flicks out, licking over his bottom lip, a small smile on his face.
Oh… I love that wink… the way it makes him feel inside… he’d smile back at you, a hand lifting, gently tracing along your jaw with his fingers, his head tilting “I’d love to see more…” his fingers tracing a pattern on your neck… “So… where are you staying?”
_you are very shy but still taking his compliments so well._
With sad eyes you say that you already checked out from your hotel because you taking a plane back home tonite but still 4pm and the shooting is over for both of you.
His smile softens, thinking, his fingers tracing along your cheeks, your jaw as he watches you…
“Oh… my sweetheart… that won’t do… I’m not letting you leave just yet…” he says softly.
“How about…” his eyes look at you, “how about I take you to my hotel? My beach condo…?” He offers, wanting you to stay for just a little longer…
You open a wide smile and nod for him..
“Well, in that case I will accept your offer, Pedro. You are so kind….”
You reach out to the buttons of his shirt and close them only saying.. “first I close them, later I open.”
He chuckles saying “Oh… mi amor… I’d give you everything…Let’s go, shall we?” with one arm gently wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer against him…
On the way to the hotel you ask him laughing “why did you say…donde come 4, come 6!?”
_Because that sentence got stuck on your head._
He smiles at you, laughing at that, saying “Because I like to eat, gorgeous…” a chuckle leaving his arm tugging you closer, his body pressing against you, “and you seem like you can take it.”
You arrive at the hotel, he opens the room door, his lips gently leaving a kiss on yours as you enter… “what should we do now, beautiful?” he says…
Not loosing time you let him kiss you as you enter the room closing the door behind him. The exciment is so in fire that accidentally you rip off his shirt instead of unbuttoning …
He grins as you kiss him, his body shimmying off the shirt before you can tear it, his mouth moving away from yours to laugh, another low chuckle leaving him as he watches you.
“Easy, love…” he laughs, a smile on his face, his head tilting, his arms gently wrapping around your waist, “let’s not destroy my clothes… I have to wear that on my next scenes…”
You both laugh, your body gently pulling him closer against you, his hand moving in, pulling off your shirt, tossing it behind him, his lips moving across your neck, his mouth gently kissing over it, his teeth gently nipping, leaving love bites there.
“How are you going to make it up to me, cariño… I need a new shirt now…”
You say playfully.. “they might have more of the same for you to shoot tomorrow my dear” while reaching down to his inner tigh feeling his hard cock over his jeans.
“Maybe…” he laughs, another moan leaving him as he feels your hand brushing against his growing bulge.
His mouth pulls away from your neck to look at you, a mischievous look is on his face, his hands gently gripping your hips. His tongue licks over his lip, his head tilting as his hips gently grind against you, “or…” he pauses, smirking, “I could make you pay for it…”
You grab him by the chin, tickling his salt and pepper beard asking “how can I pay you Mr Pascal?” Giving him soft kisses on the corner of his mouth.
“Well…” he whispers, “pay me… with your mouth…”
You push him towards the king size bed, he let it go easily falling on his back on the mattress. “With… my mouth?” Rubbing his bulge through his pants. “You know what do you want?”
He laughs again, a groan leaving him, his body gently falling onto the bed, watching as you follow, his hands moving to unbutton his jeans, his body lifting a bit to pull them down, kicking them off as his head nods slowly…
“Oh…” he nods, “yes, my cariño… show me what you can do…”
You rub him over the boxers, looking at him with desire. One hand over his growing bulge while another alternating on his strong legs and tights.
“Darling…” he whispers, “I want to feel your… mouth…” bites his lower lip, looking down between the two of you, watching as your hand moves over him, watching as his body involuntarily tilts towards you, another groan leaving him as he feels you press against him, his head tilting back, a moan leaving him as the sounds leaves his mouth…
You slide your fingers around the waistband of his boxers lowering down…it’s thick, veiny oozing precum from his light pink head.
With a long lick from base to tip you wrap your mouth on his cock and with motion movements reach out your hands to pinch his nipples…
His head nodding, his fingers gently running through your hair as you slowly lift up, a groan leaving him, his eyes hooded, watching you, “God…” his mouth murmurs, his head falling back onto the bed, his body shivering as you gently lift up from him, “just like that…” he moans, his breathing heavy, his eyes closing
You’re glad he likes it, “but it’s not over.”
“I still have a couple hours with you. at your command now so I can pay for my crime” you chuckle…
He is watching you, thinking for a moment, a smile spreading over his face… “on your back…” he whispers, his hand gently pulling your arm, pulling you up onto the bed with him, “I wanna taste you…”
Another soft laugh leaving him as he gently rolls onto the bed, pulling you onto it with him, his eyes looking up at you, his hands gently tracing along your skin, running over your waist, pulling you close, his mouth moving over your waist, his tongue flicking over your skin, his eyes looking up at you as he put your undies to the side and presses a kiss on your core, his voice low, a possessive growl in
“Sweet… like candy…”
You run your fingers through his hair while he tastes you.
His mouth moves slowly, his tongue flicks out, tracing a pattern over your clit, his breath labored as he inserts his index finger into you with a thumb over clit overstimulating you with a thick spit he gives over your pussy.
A low moan leaves him, his eyes closing as he breathes you in, his breath heavy against you “God… you feel so good… I can’t get enough…”
He takes you to the edge letting you release with a loud moan.
Hardly you try to ask him to climb up on you so he doesn’t need to rub himself against the sheets…
Another groan leaving him, his tongue flicking out, trailing along your skin as you say that, his body shifting, lifting, his mouth trailing kiss over your skin as his hips gently slide up your body, one hand moving, gently wrapping around your ankle… bringing your leg up over his shoulder…
“You want me somewhere, mi corazón?”
“yeah, inside me, babe… go slow I’m still sensitive…”
His mouth gently pulling away from your skin to look at you, his eyes looking into yours… “of course, mi amor…” he whispers softly as his body moves, inching forward, his hands gently gripping your hips as his hips gently grind forward inside you slowly..
You let a little moan..
The way he is breathing heavy against your mouth letting out some low moans “you so tigh, babe. I don’t want to hurt you…”
You start to scratch his sweat broad back while his pounding you. The sensation is so good your nails scraping against his back as you scratching and clawing at it…the sound of skin to skin echoes through the hotel room along with loud moans…
“You like it rough, cariño?”
“Yes, I do, Pedro. Now punish me…” you say out of breath..
His body loving the feeling of your nails on his skin… his hand moving, landing a sharp slap against you, “you’ve been bad…” he whispers softly, his hips gyrating against yours, “can you take your punishment?”
His body moving, his hands gently pressing you into the mattress as he moves, lifting himself over you, his mouth moving up to leave a kiss behind your ear and on your neck
“Beg for mercy…”
His hands tracing over your body, his mouth kissing over you as he moves, gently lifting your other leg, putting them both over his shoulders.
He groans as you beg, his mouth moving on your neck, gently kissing there, his hands pressing around your wrists, pinning them above your head, his mouth leaving a rough bite, his tongue flicking out to soothe the skin
“What will you give me if I give you mercy…”
You say laughing…”another new brand shirt?”
He groans at your words, his teeth gently nipping at your neck, “that’s it?” his aquiline nose gently bumping at yours as he looks down at you, “are you sure that’s all I can have, mi cariño?
I’m sure I can find something else I want…”
“What else, hottie?” You say playfully.
His body grinding against yours, his legs moving around you, wrapping around you, pulling you close. His mouth moves down to kiss over your skin, “I want…” he whispers softly, “for you to do me favor…”
“what kind…of..favor?” You whisper with eyes closed.
He hears your question, his mouth moving on your skin, his hand moving up to gently cup your face, tilting it to look up at him, a devious smile on his face as his eyes look into yours…
“I want… to leave you feeling sore…”
“Yeah..leave me sore, Pedro” out of breath…
He smirks at you question with his mouth gently planting a kiss on your lips, “in the best ways… I want to go you feeling sore…” his mouth pulling away as he looks at you, “and I want you saying my name… like a prayer…”
“So make me sore…Pedro…”
His mouth moving as he whispers against your skin, his body gently shifting to press closer, “so… very sore…” he pauses, he looks at you, “are we in agreement…?” smirking a bit as his eyes look into yours, he’d gently grip your hip, rolling, flipping, pulling you to straddle him… his hands on your thighs…”
“And then…” you say.
He looks up at you, his hands moving, gently tracing up over your thighs, feeling the silken skin, his mouth tugging at your lower lip, his hands shifting to your bottom, his hands giving a little squeeze there as his eyes look up at you, “sit on me…” he whispers softly, “sit in my lap…"
“Pedro I just have little time now with you before I head home…” sitting on his lap..
His body shifting as you sit, his eyes closing as his arms wrap around you, pressing you close, lifting, gently pulling your head down as his arms wrap around you, holding you close and tight
“I know…” he whispers softly, “so… I want to make the most of it… for our last hour…” his arms pulling you down a bit, his mouth leaving kisses across your skin…
“Cum inside me, babe… let’s do it quick..hmmm?” You say with a little bit of sadness on your voice.
His hands moving on your body, his mouth trailing kisses down your neck, “you want me to give you my juice…” he whispers, his mouth moving, “right now?”
“Yes Pedro, fill me up..”
His hands moving to your thighs, feeling the silken skin against his fingertips, his mouth pulling away a bit as he looks at you, “how bad do you want it…” he whispers, “beg like you mean it…”
He looks at you pouting, “since you asked so nicely…” he whispers, his mouth pulling away from yours, his breath shaky and excited as he looks at you, his hands gripping your thighs, shifting you for a moment, “just tell me to stop if it ever hurts, sit back, cariño…” he whispers, his hands moving around, settling on your hips, guiding you until you’re comfortably back against him, his mouth biting your neck, his hands on your hips pulling you in, his body gently pulling you close… “just like this…” he whispers…
“Yes just like this…” you say while he fills you up with his hot delightful cum..
He rolls onto his back as he watches you get ready to leave, his body stretching out on the bed, watching you get ready to go, smiling as you take his shirt, sitting back, his arm behind his head, watching you, a small chuckle leaving him.
“And how will I get in contact with you again, mi vida?”
You will never know…
He laughs, shaking his head as he looks at you, his hand lifting, waving you off playfully, his eyes looking at you as laughs, “oh, so mysterious…” he shakes his head as he smiles, a low hum leaving him as another laugh leaves him.
“Such a tease…”
Thanks for being here and read our delusional fics, likes are appreciate, comments even more. If you want to ask anything, blast it!
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iamasaddie · 2 months
I want to be lucien flores cum rag
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"Dear God, baby, you look absolutely wrecked," the voice above you was low and out of breath. You were the reason for that as much as he was the reason for your state. You felt the way your cooling sweaty skin was sticking to the floor, and you would do something about it if you could move a muscle. Your skin felt tighter in the places covered by the load of cum that was so big you would think it was at least two. Pearly white substance sprayed on your mound, tits, a couple of drops on your cheek. It's like Lucien tried his best to cover all of you in him as he stood high above you, jerking his cock above your spent naked body with violent posessiveness in his eyes just moments ago.
"You'll have to carry me to the bathroom, Lu. I can't feel my legs." Your voice was barely audible, interrupted by shaky breathing.
"Nuh-uh, amor, not yet." You opened your eyes to the sound of him walking closer to where your head was laying on the floor. You were met with his strong, tan ankles on the both sides of your head, his cock and balls swaying between his legs right above your face. He saw you staring, and cupped his balls gently. "I've got some more in me, and I hate that I missed your lips," he pouted his lips theatrically, slowly starting to jerk his half-hard cock again.
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aghostwrites · 8 months
Look at your high lord
*WARNINGS* Unprotected sex, NSFW, fingering, oral (male receiving), featuring semi-nice Tamlin, lewd Lucien, overstimulation, threesome, orgasm (male and female) OC character, she/her pronouns, mention of female genitals and male genitals.
paring: Tamlin x f!reader x Lucien
word count: 2k
Calanmai is fast approaching and the entire female staff of the Spring court is buzzing with excitement. Well, almost all. Alis has been monitoring the food preparations for the upcoming festivity, her temper is beginning to run high. Tamlin refuses to tell me what Calanmai means or what happens during the event but Lucien has been making more lewd comments towards Tamlin. Lucien seems to want me to attend this event whereas Tamlin is adamant about me staying in the house. Lucien and I are taking our usual ride in the forest, pretending to be hunting. 
“Bunny, have you thought of what you’ll be wearing to Calanmai?” a grin spreads across Lucien’s face.
“Tamlin told me to stay out of the festivities” I tried to copy Tamlin’s tone of voice when he told me, “It isn’t the place for a human female.”
Lucien laughs at my attempt to mock the high lord. “That's because he knows what he will do if he catches your scent. I know what I would do to you if it were me performing Calanmai.”
Lucien and his cauldron damned remarks. Bastard. 
He does make me wonder if maybe I should disobey Tamlin’s command. The females cannot stop their gossip about how exciting last year was. 
I must admit, I’m interested. 
I’ve picked up the habit of eavesdropping on the household staff and I’ve become pretty skilled. Their fae hearing seems to miss my careful footsteps these past couple of days. That or they don’t seem to care. I’ve learned my place among the high and lesser fae. As a human, they don’t care about things I could overhear. Odelia is my favorite staff member to eavesdrop on, she never quite knows when to keep her mouth closed and she is the most nosey as well, always wanting to know and share information.
“Who do you think Tamlin will choose this year for Calanmai? I must admit, I never knew what kind of lover he was until I saw him ravish Genesta last year. She was giggling like a youngling and wouldn’t shut up about it for ages”. The other ladies giggle.
What does she mean lover?
Divva gives Odelia a light smack on the shoulder, “You know Tamlin would never fuck you, stupid”.
Fuck her?
Odelia gives an obnoxious smile to Divva, “It doesn’t mean I can’t fantasize about it. Seeing him inhale that smoke” she purrs, “watching the animal that lies beneath his skin come to life, it's thrilling”.   
I start to feel a little uncomfortable listening to these two. It seems too intimate to think about Tamlin this way. Of course, he is handsome, especially with that mask. I shouldn’t think of him as anyone else besides my captor, I shouldn’t. However, in my dreams I do. I dream of having his hands in my hair,  his lips on my skin, body against mine. The worst part is, that I dream of what he would look like as I’m displayed underneath him.
“Are you alright? You smell… enticing”
I jump back a bit from my spying. “Lucien” I stammer “ what happens during Calanmai?”
“ Bunny” He chuckles. “I was wondering when you were going to ask me that.” He puts his arm around my waist, leading me away from my eavesdropping. My breath quickens as I feel the heat of his body against mine.  “Calanmai or Fire Night is a magical celebration, the crops depend upon the magic in the Great Rite on Fire Night. Each High Lord must perform the Great Rite, which consists of allowing powerful magic to enter their bodies and seize control of them. Causing the High Lord to attempt to find the Maiden and claim her for the night to release magic that will spread through the lands and allow crops to grow until the next Calanmai. In this case, the high lord is Tamlin.” He smirks. 
“Claims?” I ask.
“They have sex,” Lucien says flatly, my cheek burning red. “Maybe, my little bunny you should attend. After all, the spring court is your home and you should know of its traditions. I’ll take you as my guest” He finishes.
I can’t help but notice the way his eyes linger on my face. As his eyes make their way to my body, he licks his lips and smirks. I feel my insides turn and I don’t know if it's fear or excitement. 
Calanmai has finally come, the palace grounds are bursting with high fae both male and female. I’ve never seen such beautifully dressed people, rich fabrics of all different colors flowing. Back home, these clothes would have been able to buy a mansion or two. Lucien told Alis that I was to attend Calanmai as his guest and that I must be dressed accordingly. I’m dressed in a velvet green skirt that has a slit on the side and a sheer white shirt that hugs my curves and accentuates my chest. Flowers are placed in my hair and it's a wonder how they don’t fall out as I walk. Lucien is standing outside my room waiting. He is dressed similarly to me, velvet green pants. 
Oh cauldron, he’s not wearing a shirt
I forget how to breathe.
He is beautiful to look at, his red hair, his body perfectly toned and full of muscle. A warrior.
He doesn’t speak to me, only grabs my hand and gives me a smirk. The trip to the spring court grounds is overwhelming. Bonfires are lit, thick smoke hangs in the air, music, and dancing. High fae are laughing, kissing, and touching. I grab Lucien’s hand a little tighter as I notice four high fae pleasuring each other, three males and one female. I look away in embarrassment.
“Come on Bunny? Aren't you tempted to watch?” Lucien asks, he has an animalistic smile across his face like he is hungry. Like he is hunting.
I can’t form a coherent response.
Fuck, I might be. 
I’m about to face the group of high fae when I see him.
“Tamlin?” I gasp, my voice so quiet only Lucien can hear. 
Cauldron, he is beautiful. Completely bare for the mother above to see, a god. I can't help the heat that rises to my face as I try to look away. Lucien's hand grabs my face, making me turn my head, another hand holds me close to his body as he whispers. “Look, look at your high lord of the Spring court”.
Heat begins to rise elsewhere. I feel Lucien’s breath on the shell of my ear and it draws my attention back to the high fae before me.
Tamlin draws in a deep breath and lets out a loud sign. “I can smell her, bring her to me.”
Can he smell me?
Lucien begins to move in Tamlin’s direction, walking me forward, his hand on my waist. I would have turned around and gone back to the palace if it wasn’t for the way Tamlin is looking at me. The way Lucien is looking at me. Hungry. Lucien places me in front of Tamlin, his hands on my shoulders, holding me in place.
I have nowhere to go, nowhere to turn, everyone is watching.
The music seems to stop, the high fae now all have their eyes on Tamlin.
On me.
“Your high lord has chosen his maiden, it is time for the celebration to begin.”
At once the high fae begin to cheer, some kiss, and some of the female high fae give me glares of pure jealousy. Their attention finally begins to dwindle away, absorbed in their own lust once again.
Tamlin comes closer to me, his lips brushing my neck. I can’t help the small squeak that I make. “How would you like us? Rumor has it that human females like it rough, that they like to limp home, that they want to cry with pleasure.” He growls.
Lucien starts to caress my backside as he whispers “Or would you like us to be gentle?”
The two of them?
I want to back away and tell Tamlin to pick another. Lucien seems to sense my thoughts as he turns me around to face him.
“Little bunny, you’re not going anywhere”
He kisses me. Slow and deep, full of desire. His tongue teases my bottom lip. I can’t help but open my mouth to let his tongue in. My body betrays me, no matter how much I want to walk away, I can’t. Not with two perfect males before me. Their excitement showing.
Lucien is the distraction.
I nearly forget about Tamlin before I feel his hands cup the back of my thighs, he lets out a low groan. 
“How does she taste?”
Lucien never leaves my lips, only lets out a low sigh of pleasure that makes Tamlin laugh, and my cheeks flush. Tamlin continues on my thighs, rubbing little circles, closer and closer to my pussy. Heat begins to spread through my body as he finds my clit. I arch my back and let out a small whimper. Low enough that no human could hear, but these are fae males and they hear everything.
“Fuck, she’s eager”
“And who do you think for, My Lord? You or me?”
“ Who do you want, Bunny?” Growels Tamlin.
Both, please let me have both.
I can only give a small nod that makes both the males smile. Their work begins.
Tamlin lets a claw slide from underneath his knuckles and shreds my clothes while Lucien begins to take his pants off. I can't look away from either of them. Both of their cocks are hard, dripping with anticipation.
Dripping for me.
Lucien moves first, his hands on my breasts, kissing my neck lower and lower until he puts my nipple in his mouth and sucks hard. I’ve never felt this pleasure before, I grip his hair and let out a small moan that makes Lucien smile against my chest.
Tamlin moves next, his fingers rubbing my clit before he slips them inside me. “Oh, fuck” Tamlin groans, “She’s tight.” He presses his fingers against a bundle of nerves, moving at a speed that I could never achieve, nor any mortal man. Tamlin places his lips on my neck, making my back arch more into him. Biting my neck, showing that I have been claimed for the night. He pulls his fingers out and I feel my walls close around the emptiness. Before I can tell Tamlin to keep going, that I want it, that I like it, he slips his cock in. 
Fuck he’s big.
The feeling is surreal, Tamlin is able to reach everything, and he begins thrusting into me at a slow pace. It makes my head dizzy, I need him to move faster, to go harder. I must have done something to let Tamlin know what I want. Maybe it's the way I wiggle my body to try and get him to speed up. 
“Bunny, are you impatient? I heard human females have needy cunts.” Lucien murmurs, still giving my breasts the attention they crave. Tamlin seems to understand Lucian's hidden message. He grips my hips pushing my chest forward. I need stability now that I’m bent over completely for Tamlin. I grasp around for anything before my hands land on Lucien. Tamlin quickens his pace until I see stars. I rock my hips to the rhythm. Cauldron he’s big, I’m completely stretched for him as he hits a spot deep inside, over and over relentlessly. 
“Bunny?’ purrs Lucien “I want to see your pretty lips around my cock”
How can I say no?
Between the movements of Tamlin, I grip Lucien’s cock, wrapping my mouth around him, running my tongue up and down the length before drawing my mouth up and bringing it back down. “Oh cauldron” he moans as he begins thrusting his hips to meet my mouth.
I don’t know how much longer the three of us can last. Tamlin pounding into me mercilessly, Lucien’s hand in my hair, guiding my head up and down. It's just a matter of time before one of us breaks first…..
I felt the pressure begin to build which causes my legs to shake. 
I have to take my mouth away from Lucien to catch a breath. “Tamlin I-I’m close, please don’t stop.”
“Never Bunny.” Tamlin purrs as I wrap my lips back around Lucien. Tamlin starts playing with my clit again, rubbing hard and fast circles that cause my muscles to tense. Then I break. My climax pulsing through my body as Tamlin continues to fuck me through the high. 
I feel Lucien twitch in my mouth. “I think I’m going to,” he doesn’t finish his sentence before he releases himself into my mouth. 
That leaves Tamlin left to break, his strokes start to get sloppy, and he lets out an animalistic groan. I feel claws gently rake my back. Finally, he lets go. Not letting any drop of his release be spilled as he thrusts his cock all the way deep into me a final time.
All of us drip with sweat, and both of the males give a chuckle. 
“You did well, Bunny,” says Lucien as Tamlin kisses the back of my neck.
“Next year,” Tamlin says, “I’ll make sure everyone has their eyes on you while we claim you over and over again.” He nips my neck gently before saying. “Next Calanmai, you’ll be begging for us.”
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musings-of-a-rose · 5 months
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Pairing: Lucien Flores x f!reader
Word Count: 5700+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: I know. We have 2 pictures and a one-sentence movie description. And yet, here I am, being a slut for this man’s characters. @rhoorl, this is for you!
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Main Masterlist
Lucien Flores Masterlist
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Great. Another dinner party. I swear my roommate is trying to kill me. 
“Come on. It'll be fun, Decaf!”
“You know I hate that nickname, right?”
Claudia chuckles, reaching out to squeeze my arm. “Then stop being so-” she gestures with her free hand “-blah.”
Claudia sighs. “You know what I mean. Ever since Dan you just haven’t been..the same.”
I stiffen at the mention of my ex’s name. “He put me through hell, Claudia.”
She nods, placing her hand back on my arm in a placating gesture. “No, of course! He was an asshole! But you shouldn’t stop living your life because of him.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose, exhaling loudly. “I know that. But I just…need some time. And having a dinner party every other weekend is not helping.”
She blows a raspberry with her tongue. “You know you love my parties. Besides, they help you loosen up.”
They don’t. I pretend to drink while my friends get drunk, eventually leaving when the party gets too much to handle. It’s not that they’re mean or anything. I just don’t enjoy being the only sober person in a room full of inebriated people. 
“And besides, Marcos specifically requested your famous tiramisu for dessert!” She gives me a pointed look, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. 
“I don’t-”
“We can go shopping tonight! Maybe Marcos can come over to uh, help.” She winks at me, and that smirk finally pops up.
“I’ll make the dessert but I’m not going. I mean it this time, Claudia.”
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I sigh, looking at my reflection in the mirror as I smooth down my simple black dress. I say no and somehow I always end up going. How does she do that?
The doorbell rings and I hear the faint excited tone of Claudia welcoming someone in. I do one last quick hair check and force a smile on my face, taking a moment to look in the mirror to make sure it doesn’t look too forced before I head downstairs, closing my door behind me. 
“Decaf! There you are! Marcos is in the kitchen. Why don’t you help him with the wine he brought?” Claudia turns to put Marcos’s coat and umbrella on the coat stand, Marcos anticipating the rain that’s forecasted to come at some point.
“Wine isn’t really my-”
“There she is!” Marcos pops his head out of the kitchen, flashing me a brilliant smile. “Could you get the wine opener for me?”
Fake smile affixed, I nod. “Sure.” I follow him into the kitchen, turning to glare at Claudia over my shoulder who smiles and gestures towards Marcos before turning back to answer the next knock at the door. 
I grab the automatic wine opener from the drawer, Marcos smiling at me as I hold it up. “Thanks so much, D!” Well, at least it was better than Decaf. Even though I knew he knew where the opener was. 
“Of course. Do you remember how to work this thing?”
“I think so.” He takes the wine opener from me, gently brushing his fingers against mine in a not so subtle hint of flirting. He affixes the opener on the bottle and presses the button, watching as the electric opener does its thing.
It’s not that I don’t like Marcos. He’s attractive, nice, deep hazel eyes, and obviously likes me. He’s smart too, starting up his own bio med tech company with just an idea and a promise. I could be content with him, I guess. If it wasn’t for this odd feeling at the back of my brain about him, something I could never pinpoint exactly. Even so, I’m just not attracted to him no matter how hard I tried. And I promised myself after Dan that I wouldn’t settle just so I didn’t feel lonely anymore. 
“You look beautiful tonight, D. That dress fits you perfectly.”
I smile, knowing it doesn’t quite reach my eyes. “Thanks, Marcos. How’s work? The prototype coming along?”
He smiles and launches into a long winded explanation of what exactly was going on as he follows me around the kitchen, helping me set the food on the table while Claudia pours wine and passes out hors d'oeuvres for the other guests - there are about 12 of us total. He’s cute when he talks so passionately, but again I don’t feel any connection. And the feeling at the back of my brain scratches at me again, but I push it down, putting another smile on my face. 
Dinner starts, an appetizer of vegetable soup ladeled into bowls. Claudia is every bit the chef her mother is and more, making even the simplest dishes delectable. When the roast comes, a recipe passed down several generations in her family, another knock raps at the door. Claudia looks around at everyone, mentally counting before looking at me, her eyebrows raised in a are you expecting someone? Question. I shake my head, Claudia starting to push her chair back but I stand, placing my napkin on the side of my plate.
“I got it, Claud.”
Conversations resume behind me as I leave the room, walking down the hall to the front door. A quick glance out of the peephole shows me a man, silky button up shirt with a print of random brushes strokes stretching across his broad shoulders as he puts a cigarette out on the front steps, pushing his shoe into it. I slide the lock back and crack the door open, his eyes snapping up to my face and the air rushes from my lungs when I meet his gaze. Dark brown eyes bore into mine and he cocks his head slightly to the side, smiling slightly. Oh shit is he wearing two chains?
“Good evening, miss.”
Oh shit I hadn’t said a word.
“Oh. Uh, hi. Can I help you?”
He smiles a little wider, tossing his thumb over his shoulder. “My car stalled and my phone is dead. Could I come in and call someone?”
I don’t entirely believe his story, but something in his eyes makes my brain go fuzzy and a warmth I haven’t felt in a long time start between my legs. 
“S-sure. Come on in.” I open the door wider and he smiles at me, nodding as he walks past. 
“Thanks. I wasn’t sure anyone would be home. Seems a lot of people are away for the weekend.”
“Oh not really. People around here don’t actually live here. It’s their second homes.” In fact, ours was Claudia’s parent’s second home. Which is the only way I could afford a place this nice. 
“Ah. That makes sense.” We stand in the entryway, his eyes scanning my face with that little smile still playing at his lips. It’s several long moments before I realize I’m the one who should be talking. 
“Oh! Uh, can I take your coat….” It’s then I realize he doesn’t have one, not even carrying one. 
He chuckles. “I think I’m good. But thank you for the offer.” The lights hit the chains around his neck and I swallow hard, wondering what it would be like to feel those chains smack me in the face over and over and-
Laughter erupts from the dining hall and..oh shit I never asked his name. 
I tell him my name. “But you can call me D.”
“What’s that short for?”
“I…don’t want to say.”
“That bad, huh? I’ve had some bad nicknames in my time.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. But my name is Lucien.” He extends his hand and I shake it, melting internally as I feel how large his hand his, how warm, and my brain wanders away on the thot train of exactly what I want those hands to do. Another round of laughter from the dining room breaks my trance and I give my head a little shake, dropping his hand. 
“Dinner party,” I gesture down the hall towards the dining room. 
“Ah. I thought you just dressed beautifully for fun.”
I can feel the heat in my cheeks and I glance away, tucking hair behind my ear before looking back at him. “I uh…you said your phone is dead?”
“Oh. Yeah.” He pulls it from his pocket, turning it to show me the blank screen.
“I have a charger. Come, I’ll let you use it and then you can come have some food if you’d like?”
“Oh I don’t want to impose.”
“It’s no bother. Really.” I let my hand rest on his arm, giving it a small squeeze. Who even am I right now?
His eyes flick between mine before he nods. “Lead the way.”
I yell to Claudia that I’m getting my charger and she doesn’t question it, diving right back into whatever story she’s telling as I lead Lucien up the stairs. To my bedroom. What am I doing right now? Before I can think further, I’m at my door, opening the handle and crossing to my night stand, pulling the end out of my own phone and extending my hand. “Here. Let me charge it for you.”
He hesitates a moment before placing his phone in my hand. “I appreciate it, D.”
I plug in his phone and open mine. “Do you have a preferred mechanic?”
“For what?”
“Y-your car?”
“Oh! Right! Uh sure. Can I just?” He makes to grab my phone and I let him, hiding a smirk when I notice that the tips of his ears are red. He taps away at my phone and holds it up to his ear, ordering a mechanic to his car.
“Hey, what neighborhood is this?”
“Destiny Falls.”
“Destiny Falls….great…thanks.” He taps the screen and hands me back my phone. “Thanks.”
I take the phone from him, feeling his fingers touch mine, a chill running down my arm and straight between my legs. “N-no worries.”
He stares at me for a long moment, his eyes moving down my body and back up. “You mentioned dinner?”
“Shit! Sorry! Yeah, uh this way.”
He follows me back out and down the stairs. I can feel his eyes on my ass and so I put an extra emphasis on my walk, an extra sway in my hips and I swear I hear a small groan coming from him. 
“Hhhm?” I ask.
“What? Oh, I uh, I’m hungry.”
I open the door to the dining room, Lucien following me in. Everyone turns their heads to look, Claudia’s eyes moving furiously between us both before she stands. “Who’s this, Decaf?”
I widen my eyes at her, willing her to never use that nickname again. “This is Lucien. His car broke down a couple blocks away and no one else is home. His phone died so he couldn’t call anyone. He’s going to wait here for the mechanic.”
Lucien holds up his hand. “Hi. Thank you for allowing me into your home.”
Claudia smiles, waving him up. “Of course! Are you hungry? Let me get you a plate.”
“Oh I don’t want to impose.”
“Nonsense! Decaf, could you get him a plate and a chair? Marcos, scootch down a bit and we can put Lucien’s chair at the end.”
I look over at Marcos, who’s eyes are narrowed at Lucien, a hard look in them. 
I roll my eyes and turn towards the kitchen, motioning for Lucien to follow me. “Come on. I need those hands.” It’s not until we’re in the kitchen when I realize what I said.
“So. You need my hands, doll?”
“I meant for the chair, but we’ll see if I can find another use for them.” What the fuck did I just say?
He chuckles, his eyes darkening. “I’m sure you’ll find me more than willing to help with whatever you want me for.”
Fuck, he’s looking at me and he has to know what he said. Lucien takes a few steps towards me, stepping inside the comfortable distance between strangers. Does he know that the heat between my thighs is almost unbearable at this point? I’m tempted to get him seated and go take care of myself before I get into trouble. 
“Hey, D. Need any help?” Marcos had come through the door. I jump back, startled. Why do I feel guilty? I don’t owe Marcos anything. 
“Hey Marcos. No, I think we got it.”
“Here, Lucien. Let me show you where the spare chairs are.”
Lucien looks down at me and winks before following Marcos. “After you.” 
I make Lucien a plate of food and bring it out to the table, the conversation still moving forward. I set the plate down and go back to the kitchen to get him a drink when I hear raised voices from the back storage closet where the chairs are. I can’t make it out but they’re definitely arguing. 
Ugh, men. 
Then the storage room door pops open and Lucien exits, carrying a chair. The look on his face is hard, anger etching into his face, but then he sees me and it disappears immediately, giving me a smile. “Got the chair.”
He walks towards me as Marcos takes a moment to close the door. “Everything ok, guys?”
“We’re great, D.”
“Because it sounded like you were fighting.”
“Nope. All good.” Marcos’s voice was flat, not his normal charismatic, charming tone he uses to win everyone over. I don’t believe him but it’s not the time to press him. 
Lucien sits at the table and everyone starts asking him questions, his face animatedly answering all of them. The conversation pauses, everyone stopping to drink or eat or talk between themselves. Lucien shifts in his chair beside me, his leg brushing against mine and I gasp, trying to hide it as a small cough. But the twinkle in his eye tells me he heard me and knew exactly what I did. Not even the glare from Marcos at Lucien could ruin the mood for me. Lucien presses his leg into mine further, taking a sip of wine as he cracks a joke and everyone laughs, the ring on his pointer finger sparkling in the light from the chandelier. I can’t take it any more, the throbbing between my thighs is so intense I swear everyone can hear it. I need to get out of the room. 
“Excuse me. I’ll uh…I’ll go check on your phone.” I hastily stand, pushing my chair back. 
“Do you want help, D?” Marcos asks, halfway to standing himself.
“No! Uh, no. I can check a phone myself, thanks.” 
I walk calmly from the room, waiting until the door closes behind me before I take the stairs 2 at a time, closing my bedroom door behind me and pressing my back against it, feeling the coolness of the wood seep through my thin dress, but it does nothing to dull the ache between my legs. I sit on my bed next to my night stand, legs on the floor and put my hands over my face. Get it together. A quiet knock makes me jerk and snap my head up, moving my hands just enough to speak.
“Who is it?”
“What can I do for you?”
“I uh, just need to check on my phone?”
Oh right.
“Come on in.”
As Lucien opens the door, I lean back slightly, placing my arms behind me and lean on them. Lucien gently closes the door and crosses the room, his pant leg brushing against my bare knee as he reaches for his phone and presses the power button, light shining in his face. I press my thighs together in what I hope is an inconspicuous manner.
“Only 15%. This phone takes forever to charge. Do you mind if I charge it a little more?”
“Not at all.”
“Thanks.” He sets the phone down and turns his head to look at me, his eyes flicking to my thighs that are currently jammed together so tight even water couldn’t get through them.
“Let me help you with your problem.”
I swallow hard. “P-problem?”
“Yes. Your problem.”
“I..I don’t have…” I lose all track of what I was going to say as his eyes darken, slowly raking over my body before landing on my own darkened gaze, smirking at me. 
“I’m an excellent…helper.”
“I..I d-don’t have a p-problem.”
I shake my head, not even convincing myself. But then my voice catches in my throat as he gets on his knees in front of me, his fingers gently swirling a random pattern across my knees and lower thighs. My skin sears where he touches me, and I can feel how soaked I’m getting. He gently wraps his hands around my knees and slowly pushes them open, the cool air not doing much to cool me down. My chest heaves as his eyes move up my legs, his gaze disappearing under my shortened dress, honing in on where I need him. 
“I think I found your problem.”
He slowly slides his hand up my thigh, my breath coming out in little spurts the higher he gets. His hand disappears under my dress and then I feel him, his finger sliding up the middle of me still over my underwear and my hips jolt, immediately betraying all sense of logic in my brain, the side of me that’s screaming this is a stranger!
“Good news. I can help fix your problem.”
“Y-you can?”
“Do you want me to?”
I’m still propped up on my elbows, gazing down at this man who is kneeling between my legs, hand up my dress, rubbing tiny circles into my inner thigh with the tip of his finger, his eyes nearly black with lust, my logic side screaming at me to tell him no, to tell him to stop, to play it safe.
But I’m tired of being called Decaf.
He smirks, sliding his hands up further, fingers pinching the fabric of my panties before he slides them down and off, tossing them behind him without looking. He gently places my legs over his shoulders, pushing my thighs open wider with his broad shoulders. 
“Show me,” he says it calmly, but it’s also commanding and I shiver.
I grip the bottom of my dress and pull it up over my hips, exposing myself to him. His eyes move to stare at my cunt, darkening the rest of the way. He moves his fingers to spread me and I gasp at his touch as he takes me all in. 
“Fuck!” I yell out as he quickly dips his head and licks up the center of me, his tongue curling around the bundle of nerves. My thighs try to jam against his head but he is so damn broad that all they do is weakly twitch against his shoulders as he works me open with his mouth, moaning into my cunt.
“Oh shit, oh fuck, I-” words tumble from me in an incoherent jumble. I feel one of his thick fingers swirling around my entrance before he pushes it all the way in, the cool metal of his ring brushing against my skin. My mouth is open in a silent scream, but then he pulls his finger out, adding another, his head lifted to watch as he fucks me with his fingers, the lewd squelches filling the quiet room.
He moves his head back down, gently sucking on my clit and my fingers fly to his head, twisting into his beautiful curls and gripping it as I moan his name, his fingers curling inside of me, slowly stroking at that spot. I can feel myself tightening, pulsing around his fingers as he pushes me closer to the edge. But then he pulls his hand out, his mouth leaving me and I huff.
“What the fu-”
He stands, undoing the buttons on his shirt before taking it off, tossing it on the floor. He’s not 6 pack fit but he’s trim, a small tummy poking out by his pant line that I desperately want to bite. His large hands work open his pants and before I know it, he springs free, heavy and ready.
“Take off your dress.”
It takes me a moment to tear my eyes away from him, nearly ripping my dress in half in my haste to rid myself of it. I unlatch my bra too, tossing it wherever it lands. Lucien pushes my legs open, settling himself between my thighs, pressing his chest against mine. I think he’s going to say something but then all words leave my brain as he pushes inside of me, splitting me open, hand clasped over my mouth as I scream into it, hands flailing around simply because I don’t know what to do with them. He burns me slightly from the stretch but I don’t even care. He bottoms out and just sits there a few moments, his own chest heaving with self-restraint. 
Without pulling out, he thrusts further in, pressing at a spot inside of me I didn’t even know existed. A whiny yelp escapes me before his hand clamps over my mouth again, his eyes finding mine as he continues this slow assault. He tentatively removes his hand, my mouth hanging open as jolt of pleasure radiates out from my cunt with every thrust of his hips. 
“Do you want me to fuck you into this bed, doll?”
I nod frantically, my hands gripping his ass in an attempt to move him faster.
“Tell me.”
“Please. Please Lucien, fuck me into my bed I-” he clamps his hand over my mouth again, his hips picking up to a rapid pace as he fucks into me, lifting my leg over his hip to change the angle. Then he somehow gathers my flailing hands in one of his large ones, pinning them into the bed above my head as he continues to snap his hips into mine, each thrust driving me rapidly towards the edge he had already brought me to earlier. The thin chains he wore brush against my face with every thrust, and I moan into his hand. 
And then I fling myself over the edge, each thrust of his hips carrying me further and further into this bliss. I’ve never experienced this, not in this way, not this intense, rolling waves of pleasure pulsing over my entire body. I feel his hand loosen their grip, no longer over my mouth and they squeeze my hips, flipping me over so quickly my head spins slightly. I bury my face in my blankets and moan as he thrusts into me, his fingers digging into my hips as he sets a rapid pace, pushing my back down to curve my ass up further. To my surprise, I feel one of his hands snake around me, finding my clit and applying the perfect touch, perfect amount of pressure as he drives me towards the edge again at a rapid pace. He pulls me up, my back flush against his chest, his arm wrapping around me to continue touching me while the other holds my hair tightly and I come, his name gasping from my lips as I feel his hips sputter against me, a mix of hard and soft grunts in my ear before he loosens his fingers, letting me drop back to my hands. 
He pulls out with a grunt and I immediately feel light, empty, and a little sore but in a good way. He looks at me and I point to my en suite bathroom, still trying to catch my breath. He disappears for several moments before coming back out, a wet washcloth in hand. He looks at me, still in the same position he left me in and moves behind me, pressing the cloth to my sensitive skin. I twitch and hear a low chuckle as he continues to clean me up. He helps me lay on my back, his finger tracing circles around my nippple before giving it a little pinch. 
“We better get back to your party.”
“My what?” I’d completely forgotten there even was a dinner party happening. He laughs, his hand resting on my stomach.
“Your dinner party. Surely your friends will wonder where you are.”
“Maybe. Or we could just stay here, naked, and see what happens?”
His eyes darken again and he leans forward, pulling a boob into his mouth and sucking on it. I gasp but then he drops it, sitting back up.
“As much as I’d love that, we should probably get back downstairs.”
I’m hurt, but he’s right. Soon enough my friends would send a search party. And I don’t want any of them to see this complete stranger, balls deep inside of me. Although if you asked me when he was actually balls deep, I wouldn’t have cared at all. 
Lucien dresses first and heads back downstairs, winking at me before he closes the door. I quickly rinse off, careful not to wet my hair before trying to fix it to what it was before. I smooth down my dress and hope no one notices the difference. I decide to check the power on his phone before I head down, just to give him an update, expecting it to not be any higher than maybe 20%. But when I light the screen up, my eyebrows furrow together. It was fully charged. Why did he lie? Was it just to fuck me? I wouldn’t have cared if his phone was fully charged. 
I take it from the charger and head back downstairs, sounds of laughter echoing up the stairwell. I sneak in through the back door, grabbing another bottle of wine on my way in as an excuse for taking so long. I realize I have no idea how much time I’d spent upstairs, but people were just finishing eating, so it couldn’t have been too long. 
I feel eyes on me, but none more than Marcos. His eyes bore into me, hardening the longer he looks at me. He glances between Lucien and me as I hand him his phone, a look of realization settling into his features. Before I can say anything he abruptly stands up, mumbling something about a cigarette break before heading out on the back porch. A moment passes and Lucien pats his pockets, asking Claudia if she thinks Marcos will let him bum a cigarette off of him. She smiles and tells him he definitely will. Lucien gets up and excuses himself, heading out the back door to find Marcos. 
Claudia keeps looking at me, her eyes narrowing but a smile forming, like she’s starting to piece together what happened. Before she can ask, I excuse myself, heading towards the backyard to find Lucien and Marcos. But when I open the door I hear raised voices coming from further in the backyard. 
“You need to fucking leave, Lucien.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you give me what’s mine, Marcos.”
“It’s not yours anymore, I told you that!”
“That’s because you fucking stole it from me, asshole!”
What the hell are they talking about?
“You say stole, I say borrowed-”
“It took me forever to find you and now you don’t even have the balls to admit you stole from me?”
“Fuck you!”
“No, fuck you!”
I hear the sound of fists landing and I close the last several steps, their fighting bodies moving into my view.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
They both stop, pushing back from each other and looking at me. Marcos tries to put on his normal charming smile, but that nagging feeling about him roars inside of me. “Hey, D.”
“Don’t hey me, Marcos. What’s going on?”
“Oh uh Lucien and I were just messing around, right?” He looks at Lucien who glares back at him.
“No. We were not. You stole from me.”
Marcos narrows his eyes. “And how could I have stolen anything from you?”
“You were my intern! You worked on my project and then you stole it to start your little start up!”
“Wait, what?” I look between them, confused. 
“D, he’s crazy. He’s just some guy off the street. You don’t even know him-”
“Oh she knows me plenty.” 
My jaw drops as Marcos looks between us. 
“Wait…did…did you sleep with her when you went to get your phone?”
I can feel my cheeks heating up but Lucien speaks before I do. “Yeah. I did. I fucked her good. Had her screaming my name. Begging me to fuck her.”
Marcos’s mouth opens and closes, anger flashing in his eyes and I can feel tears pooling in mine, a mixture of anger and embarrassment as Lucien continues to speak.
“Doesn’t feel good, does it Marcos? To have something you want so badly taken away from you? I knew the moment I saw you look at her that you wanted her. So I fucked her first. You take something from me, I take something from you.”
Marcos stands there fuming, looking furious at Lucien, but no longer even looking my way. “You can’t just come in here-”
“I can. And I came in her too.”
My hand stings with the force of contact but I swallow any cry of pain. Lucien brings his hand to his cheek, turning to finally look at me, an odd expression on his face.
“D, listen. Marcos isn’t who you think he is. He-” 
Marcos’s fist collides with Lucien’s face and he stumbles backwards. He rallies quickly, swinging for Marcos. I yell for them to stop but I may as well have been talking to the wall. The men fight, throwing themselves at each other, yelling insults that I can only halfway make out. But then Lucien pins Marcos to the ground, pounding on his face. I run up to him and grab his arm. 
Lucien looks at my hand on his arm and then at me before glancing down at Marcos who had just passed out. He looks back at me, his face softening as he lowers his fist, slowly standing up with a series of tiny grunts.
“D, I’m sorry, I-”
“Did you just fuck me to get back at him?”
He’s quiet for longer than I’d like, and I hate the tears that start to fall. I’m not delusional. I know nothing would come of it. I didn’t even know the guy. But a part of me had held onto some idea that maybe it was something more, could be something more. 
“Not…not at the end.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
He gestures to a couple of chairs. “Can I explain?”
I sit, I probably shouldn’t have but good decisions went out the window a long time ago. Lucien sits in the chair across from me, shifting his weight forward to be closer to me. 
“Years ago, I hired Marcos as my intern. His name then was Juan. He helped me with my research. I had a bio tech lab and was working on some ground breaking tech. But then one day, I come in and everything is gone. He’d stolen everything, all of my years of research just gone. And then I see his face being put up as the new man to watch in all of the science and tech magazines and I see it, my tech being claimed by this imposter.” Lucien spits on Marcos’s body. 
That explains the weird vibe I’d always gotten from him. He was a lying cheat. 
“So what about tonight?”
“Ah. Well it had taken me years but I finally tracked him down. And every time I tried to get close, to get him to confess he would somehow weasel out of it. But then I saw him connected to a social media post about a dinner party. I hired a PI to figure out where and I..well I knocked on the door.”
“So your car?”
“Isn’t really broken down, no.”
“Your phone was fully charged.”
“It was already at 87% when I first plugged it in.”
I sit with this information for a few moments. “So what about…me?”
Lucien’s face softens as he looks at me. “Then there was you. I didn’t expect to see anyone here I actually was intrigued by, but there you were. I pushed it aside to get to Marcos but then I saw how he acted around you, the way he looked at you, the pure desire in every inch of him. So I flirted and got close. You were hot and I figured I could fuck you to make him get super pissed. But then you took your dress off so easily and I could tell you weren’t really that kind of person and I just… lost myself a bit when I was inside you. By the end, I was hating myself for using you. I…I’m sorry.”
Well. There you have it. I was right about Marcos being too charming for a reason, a reason he had now confessed to, recorded on Lucien’s phone no doubt. I’m mad, I want to hit him but I also get it. And damn was he the best fuck I’ve ever had. 
I lean forward, curling my finger around the chains on his neck as I pull him closer. 
“Wanna go for round 2?”
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General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21@gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @morallyinept
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morallyinept · 4 months
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A list of all my favourite LUCIEN FLORES Fic Recs, with the writers tagged. Includes fics I am currently reading/want to read.
Please show some love to the writers by re-blogging and commenting on their work. 🖤
⚠️ Please ensure you check the triggers/warnings etc... on the stories themselves as some of them may not be suitable to your own particular tastes.
Exposed Masterlist - @boliv-jenta Featuring Dieter Bravo
Lucien Drabble - @julesonrecord
Kill The Lights - @nervoushottee
Blessing In Disguise - @pedgito
The Dinner Guest & Not Without You - @musings-of-a-rose
Filthy Hooligans & One Pass For The Both Of Us Featuring Benny Miller - @nerdieforpedro
Azalea - @morallyinept
The High Of You & Me - @kedsandtubesocks
Precious - @jksprincess10
The Party - @aurorawritestoescape DDNE
Moaning, Panting, A Regular Slut & Peachy - @iamasaddie
Two-Pack Habit & A Motel Tan - @trulybetty
I Was Fixed On Your Hand Of Gold - @freelancearsonist AFAB!Reader
Red Light Glow & Hungry Eyes - @missredherring PlusSize!Reader
Watercolor - @magpiepills
Like A Moth To A Flame & Lucien Ask Drabble - @ozarkthedog
The Invited - @katiexpunk
Summer Nights You & I - @katsheadinclouds PlusSize!Reader
On The Verges Of A Usual Mistake & The Blossoms We Wear - @gasolinerainbowpuddles Featuring Dieter Bravo
What I Want From You - @nerdieforpedro
Untouched - @lunitawrites
The Heiress - @bluemusickid Heiress!Reader
Chained - @5oh5
Mutual - @luxurychristmaspudding
Five Minutes - @notjustjavierpena
Nicotine Kiss - @maggiemayhemnj
The Apartment - @suzdin
Coup De Foudre - @ladamedusoif
What Do I Tell You? - @nerdieforpedro
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