#lucifer speaks to God
loserifer · 5 months
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the best thing to come out of this comic by far. absolute trashfire of a man.
still smash, but damn. this is our king?😂
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God, Archangels , what do you think of Adam? (Have this been asked already?)
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
Obey Me! Scenario
The boys and Thirteen react to MC singing/quoting a part of the song Angel Eyes by New Year's Day featuring Chris Motionless (from Motionless in White)
MC : ♪♪ "I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you. This is a force that not even God can stop. You're fucking mine!" ♪♪
Lucifer :*smirks* I'm pleased to hear that we're on the same page. Because you're also mine and only mine, MC.
Mammon : *blushing* Ya can't just go sayin' stuff like that out loud, MC! But just so ya know, you belong to the Great Mammon too.
Leviathan : Waahhhh?!?! M-MC! Do you really mean it? I-I mean!! Uh... Y-you... You'll always be my Henry a-and my Player 2! *intense blushing*
Satan : *chuckles* I highly doubt God could stop me either, MC. And I have no intention on ever letting you forget that.
Asmodeus : Aww, MC!~ I knew you've always felt that way about me! After all, I'm just too irresistible~ ♡
Beelzebub : *smiles* I love you too, MC.
Belphegor : Heh... You better keep that promise, MC. Because you're stuck with me, whether you like it or not.
Diavolo : Hahaha! Well, that was quite unexpected. Though the feeling is mutual, MC.
Barbatos : *chuckles* I strongly advise against opposing a being who many consider to be omnipotent. However, I will cherish the sentiment, MC.
Solomon : Haha~ I don't plan on challenging God any time soon. But if it's for you, MC, I'll stand against anyone who thinks they could take you from me.
Simeon : MC... While I am deeply flattered, I can't exactly say that I approve...
Mephistopheles : *face heats up instantly* I-I don't belong to anyone, least of all a human!
Thirteen : *giggles* You definitely are one very fascinating human, MC~
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mazziegoldobm · 29 days
I love when miscommunication is like “oh they’re actually a little bit weirder than I thought. Do they need help? Kinda cute tho.” And not “They hate me I can never speak to them again” (because I can’t handle angst)
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Or alternatively (in case the devildom has no cigars, which I think is plausible)
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Idk why I’m orange I was supposed to be slightly more orange-tinted not tangerine coloured help me
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muzzleroars · 9 months
hmmhmfsgh I love all your work so much, your concepts for the lore of Ultrakill are so interesting, and I wanna eat your art style it's so good
I have a question regarding Lucifer: after everything has calmed down with all the archangels, would it be possible for him to be freed? If they realized he was put away unjustly, could Michael unbind him? Are the chains unbreakable, or would Michael be too afraid/stubborn to go back on the decision?
aaaa thank you!! and i'm so glad i get the chance to talk about this...because i think this is ultimately how michael's redemption arc would have to end and how he could be released from the guilt he's carried all this time. it would come when michael has recalled his mercy, when he is at ease with gabriel's position in hell and has more or less taken up his role as prince of heaven to help what remains of his citizens rather than continue attempting to condemn hell and its sinners (including a very important apology to the ferryman). gabriel would know the time is right to show him to that testament, to reveal to him god's own shame at casting lucifer out and all the lies they must have been told since - he shows it to all the archangels, but it is michael's decision which matters the most. and i think, in feeling that ugly remorse he's carried for eons finally fall on his head, he would make the determination that lucifer's imprisonment is unjust. he must be released...the decision, however, is met with immediate opposition.
gabriel is the least opposed, though he believes in taking this much more methodically and being sure he and v1 aren't left with what might be a bigger problem than they can handle. raphael is outright against it, stating that lucifer is surely far too much now warped by hell to be trustworthy, even if he agrees the original binding was wrong. uriel supports his points, going further to put forth the idea that lucifer may not even be himself by now, instead more an avatar of hell instead given how it's connected to him so thoroughly. michael is staunch in his stance, however, impressing upon them the utter depravity of any decision other than freeing him as soon as possible - he was innocent, and he's endured unending torture trapped in a pit devoid of god's light. regardless of his state, keeping him chained now would be the most hideous act of cruelty heaven could carry out. unfortunately, they can reach no conclusion with raphael and uriel unswayed and gabriel not entirely agreeing with michael's admittedly emotional plan. so they end the discussion at odds, but that hardly matters to michael. he will go with or without their help.
v2 knows this almost immediately, when he comes to see it afterward. didn't go his way, it can tell. but v2 lets him know that hardly matters as it knows what he's thinking now too, and it will join him whenever he's ready. michael of course tries to insist it's unnecessary, but v2 counters that it's not all about him - lucifer is serving out a sentence that should never have been passed, and v2's nature can't abide by that. they will do what's right, even if it's so late, and v2 is proud of him. michael, in return, is greatly humbled and infinitely grateful toward v2 once more, like he has been several times now when it's saved him, yet v2 tells him he'll have to save any praise until they're done. they're both well aware of what they're about to do in the silent pause that follows, but michael leads them on when the moment has passed and he prepares to undertake his final penance. the one he's always been waiting on.
freeing lucifer proves to be just as brutal as he always thought it would have to be. satan in its suffering form, bound up into a dragon that wears his halo skewed and nailed to its face, bodies of angels twisted up into a hard carapace covered in scales of a thousand faces crying out to him. its belly cut open, pouring forth the flayed and decayed corpses of those that were lucky enough not to survive their fall, while michael's own spear pins lucifer to its chest. and hell itself growing onto and into them all, burrowing under shattered wings and into its grotesque frame, with lucifer now seemingly unable to hear michael. whatever it is fights autonomously against them, instinct ruled by agony and lashing out against anything that dare come near it. with each chain michael severs, it grows more wild, encased in ice that begins to crack with deep, resounding shockwaves that carry through all of hell. it alerts gabriel and v1, who move together without a word straight to treachery (gabriel knew this would be the outcome, so they're relatively prepared) and do what they can to support michael and v2. as more chains fall, raphael and uriel appear to plead with michael to stop, yet they too protect him in what ways they can even though he refuses to heed them. he hears nothing but the pain of the monstrosity before him, his own dead body numb to all the damage it does, yet able to feel it in white hot phantoms. he could be torn apart and he would never cease, he is already a corpse anyway. and when he has done away with all the chains, those that could only be unbound by his will, he finally pulls the central spear from its heart...and the beast collapses in a great flood of blood and cinder.
from without, a great sigh of relief rushes over them all, so many of the angels that had been held in that form dying instantly upon its release, and they are glad of it (there is the briefest, faintest sound of a hymn of many voices long since forgotten) stronger angels scatter almost as quickly, unused to a free form and so taken by it immediately to follow the howling winds of hell. only lucifer remains, hands buried in the ash around him and so very aware of every life lost, a name for each voice that only he now knows. only michael goes to him with weapons tossed aside, calling out to him finally once more by his own name that he has long forgotten. yet still, michael, he knows. michael has come and the world must have ended. this is his time, this is their revelation, and lucifer stands on the ashes of all the angels he led to death. he asks to be struck down just as michael reaches him. no more. no eternity of torment. no lake of fire. free him as he has all these other souls, and free the ones that escaped - they know not how they run, they mean no offense. they will surrender to michael as he does now, so long as he destroys them entirely. please. they have sinned and done wrong, now let it end and have your kingdom of peace. let the world be free of suffering within and without. let it be perfect.
it is unthinkable, unknowable, when michael finally speaks after being stricken so still and silent, when he tells lucifer there is no battle, that he came only to free him. not for a thousand years to reign on earth, but for whatever they have left. he is sorry he couldn't save all of them, he is sorry he has come so late, he is sorry his spear ever pierced into lucifer's side and drew the first blood of god's creation. he is sorry he comes to him like this, michael already dead and lucifer a burned out husk in the blood of all those that should still be in paradise. lucifer doesn't seem to take in what he says, or, more likely, he can't, and so only continues to repeat his request, asking michael to at least kill the rest of them. even if lucifer must be left to suffer forever, let it be in solitude. michael only reaches him once he admits god's death, that everything done now is his own will and he releases lucifer from this place...a ringing silence, the whole of hell letting out a long groan. lucifer is what remains of him now, god's own fire still lifting to the dead air in sparks from his charred body. and he screams terribly, millennia of grief, of anger, of deepest hatred, tearing through the halls of hell as his fire lights briefly once more to illuminate a brutally dark, brutally cold cavern to see god's light for the first time. it can't last long, he can't bear it anymore, and he has much more to do if that hatred can no longer find a place. let lucifer bury his dead, let him divide out these ashes into all the angels he once knew even if it takes him one thousand years to make every grave. let him find those that ran, even if they have reached the four corners of the world by now, to offer his apologies for what he did to them. let him seek out the few left of the damned so they know how he regrets bringing sin into the world. let him be sure this can exist as a place where the love of god will never be known, let his own name be forgotten in every soul that managed to survive his tyranny.
THIS IS VERY LONG....but essentially, at least starting out, lucifer needs to actually largely be left alone. he is relatively unresponsive to outsiders, gabriel the only one of the group that can engage him at all in the beginning, and he is more often heard singing in hymns none of them can understand. he travels through all of hell, though he seems increasingly uneasy the higher he climbs and often returns to his place in treachery by his own accord. far from being the ultimate presence of evil they came to believe he was, lucifer is clearly a being broken, a being that's forgotten all his joy, all his memories of heaven, instead locked into mourning. raphael and uriel in particular feel great guilt over disputing his freedom, seeing how he buries each angel he lost, how he preserves their names and relates, to no one, their whole lives in heaven before they came here. he tells of the work they did, of the happiness they made, he eulogizes each of them in words that must have run through his head countless times, words he never thought he'd get the chance to speak. he needs a true grieving period before any significant progress can be made with him, yet there are always sparks of the old lucifer. something is lighter in him seeing the damned minos cares for, actually able to see the city they built here. he rejoices, in quiet, muted ways with each fallen angel he retrieves, and he wishes to make hell a place they can all share in with him. even hell itself. it has suffered too, after all.
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arklayraven · 2 years
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Obey Me! Nightbringer first released illustration, but now in better quality.
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the-metatron · 11 months
Ready for our date, Lucifer?
Late night, I'll come and pick you up, no head lights. (Because my ride is an antique velocipede, as @theangel-aziraphale calls them. Hope you don't mind.)
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We'll have a night out on the town.
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Then we'll go back to your nightclub and I'll play some romantic piano for you, to set the mood.
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We'll talk all night--just talk, it is only the first date, after all. Laughing, sharing hopes and dreams and secrets, until the wee hours of the morning.
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How'd we end up on the floor, anyway? You say (Your roommate's cheap ass screw top rosé, that's how)
Then we'll take a romantic walk along the beach, watch the sunrise. It'll feel like a new beginning. And, in a way, it is. The beginning of us.
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We'll have our first kiss just after dawn, in the early morning daylight, soft as your lips on mine. (First date I didn't kiss him and I should have.)
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The tide rushing over our bare feet, washing away the footprints we left in the sand, as we if we were never there at all.
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But we were.
Even if only for a moment.
We were there.
I was there.
I remember it.
All too well...
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And when I got home, before I said amen, asking the devil can we do this again? What say you, @morningbloodystar?
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scrunkly-scribe · 7 months
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My fucking rot girl icon is here.
Lobotomy posting is here to stay ig.
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im-diseased-but-cool · 6 months
Gimme be honest fellas I can't stop thinking about the parallel of Lucifer loving God so much and God cast him away and fuccijf Sam and Dean like it drives me crazy. I hate these bitches so much they've ruined my life I have never thought about Cain and Abel but guess what folks! I AM THINKING ABOUT THOSE BROTHERS BEVAUSE OF THESE STUPID FUCKING TWINK ASS FAGS!!!!! Sam and Dean die maybe but don't god im in shambles
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jennrypan · 8 months
Oh boy!
I HATE Lucifers design!
I wanna kick that little twink into the damn sun and his voice is..a choice ig.
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angelfelled · 2 months
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my second ic post being lucifer telling alastor to shut up.... poetic.
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Hello Archivist.
I would make a statement regarding the disappearance of my friend Miss Melody…
But I have not found her yet.
-Sketches 3Daily
(OOC: I’m only on like episode 53 of TMA lmao)
Oh, she doesn't have to be found for us to know your story. There's certainly nothing holding you back here except yourself. If you had nothing to say, other than this, you could have just, you know, not come at all. But, we most certainly can wait for you. At least, I can. As you can see, I have plenty of unnecessary mess to deal with already. And, as for your friend... good luck finding her. You'll need it. Trust me. Or don't. You probably shouldn't.
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morningbloodystar · 11 months
Hello! I was just wondering what your opinions on the lyric 'if you aim for the devil make sure you dont miss' from Dear Reader by Taylor Swift are?
The thing is, darling, unless you're one of my children or Chloe Decker, aiming for me and not missing wouldn't really mean much.
I'm invulnerable, you know?
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muzzleroars · 10 months
It is interesting that the Angel hierarchy has the most human-looking ones like Gabe and the council at the top but also establishes that human souls can only be lesser ranked abstract/animal-looking if manifested as an angel yet if the soul manifests as a husk in hell it stays humanoid (Minos and Sisyphus pre-priming) or at least you can tell it used to be a human (hell's doing?), which is strange since humans were meant to be the creations closest to god's own image. A possible forshadowing of god's own flaws that the creatures closest to his nature are unable to climb to the highest rungs of virtue?
Also I like to think one of the human-born ranks of angels look like sphinxes with masks instead of real faces, I just think it would be neat. :)
ouuuughhh yes i love the angelic structure and the husk system presented in ultrakill - there is an idea about traditional angelology that the higher the angel, the less human they are, and that's true to an extent. the three highest choirs are 2/3 on this: thrones are the default "biblically accurate angel", being wheels covered in eyes, cherubim are animal-like with four faces, but seraphim, the highest choir, are distinctly human in shape. additionally, the archangels and several other unranked angels in the bible are described as men made of gemstone and bronze. but ultrakill presents a strict dual system, with true angels resembling god (angels are supposed to appear as the "sons of god" after all) and the human angels stripped of their "godly" image (and so, be extension, placed below true angels) i think there is some sense to this, as the resurrection is meant to reunite human souls with their revived earthly bodies...but this promise never materialized in this world. the husks, meanwhile, are likely a mockery of "god's image" as heaven sees it, the divine mirror given way to the rot of corpses - if this is an invention of hell, i think you're probably right!! it could be meant as a jab at the rotten core of god's nature, that his image isn't nearly as holy as his perfectly formed angels are. they are what gets left behind, and how much they are "allowed" to resemble god is based on their "value" in life, which is pretty interesting in itself (with the prime souls going even further down the rabbit hole of who's responsible for the form of hell's citizens, given their power). so his image remains far more now in hell than it does in heaven, to the extent where those truly like him are the rulers of their layers...makes me wonder if that's just another reason he wanted to so badly turn away from hell, and perhaps a small part of why the kings were dealt with so severely by the angels.
(and i LOVE the sphinx idea....they're one of my favorite legendary creatures, and i think they absolutely suit angels well :])
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cherry-bomb1985 · 9 months
I wonder if the escalation of The Great War is what finally prompted The Father to fuck off, not just for the shame of all his mistakes, but also because it just made Hell all the more powerful. An entire outpouring of souls, angry and tired of war, flooding the river Styx. Violence overflowing with soldiers following orders, and eventually populated with the monstrous machines that both saved their lives and inevitably destroyed them. Watching as your Grand Plan to finally scare your mortal experiment, who cannot help BUT develop free will, into obeying you blindly turning into... this.
I would become deathly afraid of what I'd made too.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 months
Please I want asks for my au where Charlie is sired from Alpha Adam and not by Lilith since Omega Lucifer ended up being shared by the 3 humans in Eden before the apple incident
Like Lilith did think Charlie was hers till her blond hair changed to dirty blonde or brunette like Adam's but thinks we're brushed aside.
I'm bored please
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