#luckily I have a whole week free of school :D
yurki-posts · 3 months
Man I wanna show my "Au" or backstory of Pre-Void Rob I had in my head for a year so bad but I just can't freaking draw the idiot's hair. Maybe i'll try to first write it all down and make a fanfic, just gotta find the motivation to actually do it..
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dira333 · 11 months
Married life
Sasuke x reader, just a little bit of fluff
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Contrary to popular belief, being married to an Uchiha isn’t like the dreams of little school girls. 
He doesn’t bring home flowers every day or serenade you under the stars. He doesn’t buy you fancy jewelry or take you out to dinner every week. 
The reality was a lot less impressive.
Most of the Uchiha estate had been destroyed in Pain’s attack and restoring what was left gobbled up your savings faster than Naruto could scarf down a bowl of Ramen.
It had taken Sasuke a whole year to prove himself worthy of taking on something above a D-Rank Mission, his earnings barely paying the bread you put on the table.
And it took a toll on him, you could tell, that his contributions were so small. 
He had never been a romantic and living as a nomad for so long had stolen what had been left of his inclinations. Why should he buy you flowers if they would only wilt on the table? Why buy jewelry you would not be able to wear during work?
Luckily for the two of you, you’d never been one to compare.
“Thank you.” You tell him when he opens the door for you, leaning in to kiss him. “I’m so happy to see you.”
Sasuke smiles softly. He doesn’t remind you that you’ve only been gone for the day, he likes your little routine.
“I found something today.” He tells you as you unload the groceries you’ve got on the way. Without asking he picks up the fruit and places them in the bowl on the table where they are always in sight, a nice little remember to eat a bit more healthy.
“Yeah. You’ll like it. How was your mission?”
“Boring, but I guess that’s fine once in a while. I’m free tomorrow, do you want to sleep in?”
He throws you a smile from where he’s putting the meat in the fridge. 
“Always. Ready for your present?”
“Always.” You copy him and let him take you by the hand, guide you through the house onto the unfinished patio.
“Wait here. I’ll be back in a second.”
Despite his efforts, you hear the soft mewling before he even opens the door.
You turn with a smile to him awkwardly holding a calico kitten, the cat desperately trying to escape.
“I found her in the bushes.” He explains as he drops the kitten into your waiting hands. “Knew you would love it.”
“She’s so cute. Have you given her a name yet?”
“I’m not good with names.” He laughs softly when the kitten starts gnawing on your thumb, his own hand softly caressing the kitten’s tiny head. “You name her.”
“How about Yuki?”
“Like Snow?”
“No, like Happiness.”
“I like that.” He gifts you a smile that’s carefree and open and so rare on his face. It makes him look just as young as he still is, as innocent as he once was. 
“Thank you.” You lean up to kiss him. “You’re the best.”
It’s not the first pet Sasuke has brought home. 
Around and beneath your house live a lizard, a turtle, and a finch, all animals he’s found and brought home to nurse back to health. Maybe the cat will stay in the house, maybe it won't, but every time he brings home another stray and claims that it’s a present for you, it reminds you how much love he’s still left to give.
Being married to Sasuke is not a glamorous feat nor the carefree life some might have thought at age 12.
It’s a calm and gentle adventure, but an adventure nonetheless.
And one of these days you’ll ask him to add another soul to the potpourri of your life when the patio is finished and the kitten has learned that the bedroom is off-limits.
Or maybe, like those things often go, it will happen when it happens.
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strawberrybabydog · 4 months
for me, some level of trauma related to being the least-favourite child is directly related to playing videogames and boredom
growing up my younger sister got handed the SNES controller and i didnt. she played with my parents and by herself and i watched but didnt play. sometimes this was because i wasnt allowed and other times i thought it was a choice, even though, my choice was because i didnt know how to play and if i asked my mom would have said "really? you want me to start a whole new save file JUST for you?" and i would have quietly said nevermind, and remembered not to ask ever again
when we got a wii, for my sister's birthday she got 2 wii games. for my birthday i got decorations even though i was too young to understand what a decoration is and i just tried playing with them (emphasis on try). sometimes i would come home from school and my sister would have a random gift (something i never got) - another wii game! because it was on sale at blockbuster, and oh sorry Luna, we didnt get anything for you because they didnt have anything you would like.
by the end of our wii, i had 1 wii game that was mine - i chose whenever i wanted to play it, for how long, and if anyone else wanted to play it they had to ask. that was the rules, because it was mine. my younger sister has 11 wii games.
when i was in middle school, i was not allowed to get a better (real) console. it was too expensive. plus, we have the wii, it works perfectly fine, just play on that. m...my one game? that i've been playing since i was 9? that i've 100%'d 5 times? yes.
when i was in highschool i wasnt allowed to have money, especially not to spend online. "luckily" i met an internet friend who was a hacker and sold what he claimed to be abandoned steam accounts. he gave me one for free. i played stardew valley and oblivion religiously, because my laptop was built in 2010 and could barely handle the lowest graphics settings of a game several years older than it. it ended up getting double-hacked so after a year of using it, i once again had no more videogames
now im an adult and i just... cant play videogames. basically none of them. after abut 30 minutes of playing i get so anxious that i have to stop. i havent played stardew valley in about 2 years, my favourite game of all time that i used to stay up until 8am playing.
the game loads, and im anxious because i forget the controls. i walk up to an npc and get anxious because if i dont pick the perfect dialogue tree, im failing myself by not being perfect, so i'll pause the game and go on my phone for 10 minutes to find the answer (i HATE doing this.) i approach a puzzle and im anxious because what if im not smart enough to solve it and i fail again? i need to check if anyone's in the room with me now because if anyone is watching me play they'll know i'm a failure too so i should stop playing. but, videogames are communal (they must be,) i have only ever experienced playing them with someone else there (watching sibling/parents play, watching youtube letsplays) but if someone else sees me fail i'm the worst person ever. and i mean, realistically, how do you even play a videogame for more than 1 hour? how do focus on 1 thing for that long? sounds fake to me
but... i want to play videogames. i know they're experiences. and i want to have experiences. especially because as a disabled person my only other option is youtube. so if i'm not playing videogames, i'm bored out of my skull laying in bed, doing nothing, staring at my youtube screen watching the exact same video essay for the 6th or 7th time this week because the algorythm's only other choice is "perfect damascus steel knife blade DIY"
other than youtube, what am i supposed to do? i cant play videogames - i'm not perfect at them, i cant focus, and i just dont deserve them. there is nothing else.
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cinsnaiiil · 2 months
Useless Character Information:
Cinnol's outfit!
Head: Bandages (Got them from being chased by Miss circle Had to dodge a lot of Ms. Circle's attacks and lockers. It was worse when it happened but it healed It was like very critical when they found her she was absent for like i dunno 2 weeks? still she was hospitalized lol)
top: Red Korean cardigan with Collar sticking out (She got it from the dumpster) She ironed on Star elbow pads because the cardigan had holes on the elbow area. Also because Comfort :D
She buttons it up because she has lots of injuries (Old St*b wounds by Miss Circle's box cutter hand. She stabbed her lots of times SHE SOMEHOW SURVIVED?!?!?!)  💪😑
Pants: baggy cargo cream pants (Not folded up.) also has like 2 zipepr pockets on each leg :D she either keeps her lunch money, or random paper or just nothing in general. Oh yeah one time she stuffed it with Googly eyes to pull a prank on Oliver but she forgot. (that happened before she was chased half to death.)
Shoes: Black CYONVERSE!!!!1!1!1 (She has trouble tiying her shoes. she usually trips alot. lol)
Legs: Theres bandages on the ankle and Base of her feet because she ran was running too fast, like (stomping running) to get away she almost shattered her feet. Also on her kneecaps they were wrapped with bandages too since it could've easily dislocated because yknow she had to keep taking sharp turns around the corners risking her legs to Snap. (She's fragile :[)
Story of how she escaped:
She got chased by Miss Circle because yonow Failing grades. She ran around the whole school for like 3 hours her feet were very very painful. she's sure they're about to give up on her and she'll fall down and get pierced by Miss Circle's box cutter arm, thingy...
And thats exactly what happened. Miss Circle threw a locker at her direction (STABBING IT WITH HER HAND OBVIOUSLY) and she ran into the locker, (her legs were too tired to jump :<) landing on her kneecaps, scrapping and possibly spraining them, but also Tripping on the locker and faceplanting to the floor (yeowch) Miss Circle then repeatedly stabbed her torso but luckily she moved alot (she's a squirmy kid) So she avoided her vital organs.
She got the opportunity to kick Miss Cirlce off of her (not too hard because she loves the teaches she doesn't want anything bad to happen to them :[) She took a sharp turn into a vacant classroom running inside and immediately hiding behind the door, away from the window. Ms. Cirlce fell for it. And now She's free. And She swees to get good grades. she doesn't ant to be chased ever again. Ms. Cirlce is proud of her newly found focus (she's finally treating her studies seriously because she used to have like 18 missed works cuz she didn't wanna do it lolol)
(Pretty convincing amirite?)
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baeklooming-day · 3 years
Meet me at the game arcade | Baekhyun
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𓍢 Summary: There is this boy at the game arcade who is determined to win not only the plushie, but you together with it.
𓍢 Mini-playlist 💖 Moodboard by @kjikaila​
𓍢 Genre: 90s!AU, Fluff, Cheeky Baek is back (you know the thing!!)
𓍢 Word Count: 6.6k
𓍢 A/N: Big credit to my beloved Tokyo, because I used to hang out at game arcades after school and often cute boys could be found there. 😇
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Purple-ish, violet-ish, even blue-ish looking twinkling beams were soaking through the two lonely, candy floss bearing resemblance to fluffish clouds which appeared to cover the city beneath for a little while.
It wasn’t even summer anymore, but the sun seemed to be in a mood to let the light spill on everything beneath, letting little sparkles of vitamin D play on the walls of buildings, shining through the glass in windows, gleaming on all these colorful advertisements plastered around the district and making it seem as if the city was floating in the glinting sensation, warm light reflecting all possible kinds and shades of beautiful lilac color palettes.
Usually, you wouldn’t be the one to appreciate a similar weather very much, but given that the last two weeks had been nothing but wholly rainy and generally anything but pleasant in terms of weather outside, you found yourself being happy to be able to welcome the prickling sunlight on your skin.
You rested your chin on your knuckles, slowly closing your eyes and letting a lazy smile fall onto your scarlet tinted lips. You considered yourself lucky enough that you usually managed to arrive in class before all of your classmates, given that in that manner you could always pick the best seat without having to rush through the hallways to reach the classroom and dash to your desired desk.
And today, after all those gloomy days soaked in cold raindrops and weighing dust grey clouds, you found your seat to be even more than perfect.
The classroom wasn’t big, it was actually way smaller than you would like it to be, but as if to recompense that it had really large windows. And large windows meant a lot of sunlight to pour into the room through them, an obvious fact of which you couldn’t be more content about as you sat comfortably in the penultimate seat right beside one of those windows.
You had stopped paying attention to the lesson for what already felt like a whole thirty minutes ago, the dancing sunbeams only making you feel lazier and also kind of sleepy, completely switching off your usual concentration. You continued letting your face bathe in the pleasant sun rays which, now playfully peeking through the glass were gracing the monotonous classroom in cheerful gold shimmers. Your thoughts in the back of your mind started to slowly mix together with your teacher’s soft voice speaking about the last pages of your Japanese lecture in the background of which, right in that moment, you couldn’t really bring yourself to care about.
Your classmates were surprisingly quiet today, and in that current state you would probably soon drift away into your own personal dreamland even further, if not the little vibration coming from your phone placed under your hand on your desk.
For a split second you almost got a mini heart attack as the sudden text message made your pastel purple Nokia 3310 let out some rattling sounds as it moved ever so slightly on the wooden surface of your desk. You looked around a little bit startled, hoping that nobody noticed the brief faint noise.
Pulled back into reality, you quickly slid the device behind your equally purple colored pencil case, unblocking the screen with a click of one button and checking the received SMS. You felt a wide smile spreading on your lips as you read the text, it being from your friend announcing to you that her classes ended earlier today, and that she would be waiting for you to join her outside by the school entrance.
As you threw a quick glance at both the clocks on your screen and on the wall above the door, you found yourself seriously envying your friend, because it looked just as if she was always getting the cooler and chiller teachers who were actually able to understand that on the last lesson on Friday the kids weren’t the most likely to sit still and obediently follow the lesson anymore. Also given that today’s schedule, just like every other Friday which was simply laughable in your honest opinion, was absurdly long. Your lessons extended from eight in the morning until past three in the afternoon, which compared to the earlier weekdays you just refused to acknowledge.
You let out a deep sigh as another long minute had passed on the clock, mentally begging the time or whoever or whatever might be in charge of time management in the universe to quicken it up a bit.
Almost fifteen minutes left until the long awaited, two days freedom, also commonly known as the weekend. Just like everybody else, you were always impatiently waiting for the last lesson to be finally over and to let you hang out with some friends, and do other longed for fun activities for which you unfortunately didn’t have any time during the normal school week.
Until just now, you had always been included in the casual hangouts at the mall with your wide group of school friends, in going to the theater to check out the latest movie releases, or meeting up at your, by now beloved, cute small diner to eat some cherry cakes which quickly became popular around the area. But as of recently, the loud ringing sound on Fridays which announced the end of the lessons and beginning of the weekend, totally changed its meaning for you.
You weren’t as thrilled as you saw the large advertisement for the opening of a brand new game arcade for the first time on your way home one day, but as soon as you and your friend Miko decided to quickly see what it was all about and peeked inside on the big opening day, you already knew that you would visit and spend your coins at that place much more often than anyone could even imagine.
It was one of the branches belonging to SEGA group, it wasn’t any super large game arcade but at the same time it also wasn’t the smallest you had ever been in.
It was just ideal, and managed to balance perfectly the two things which you used to be crazy about the most when you were a little younger.
With that being said, the new game arcade was divided into more or less two sections, one being filled with all kinds of games starting with The Legend Of Zelda and ending on Pokémon, Super Mario, and many, many more in between. The second section was a little bit different, but not less interesting, perhaps only overlooking the fact that most of the time it tended to be a lot more nerve-wracking than you could ever expect from its harmless and pretty appearance.
The free space was filled with all kinds of plushie and toy automats, the whole room being so eye-catching and colorful that it was almost impossible to just pass by without giving it a proper look. It had literally everything you could ever dream of, soft and lovely teddy bears in every possible color, dolls, game characters, manga figures, even little charms which you could attach to your keys or your bag.
Truly a magical place flowing with milk and honey, if not the one unnerving fact that very often it was literally impossible to get the doll you wanted out of the automat at first try. Of course, it wasn’t such a big deal given that one turn costed exactly one hundred yen which wasn’t a handful of money after all. But if you calculated all your losses and all your future, probably failed as well, attempts together, you were very likely bound to leave at least around one thousand yen at the game arcade for literally nothing in return.
Sometimes you couldn’t hold yourself back from wondering that maybe that was the secret of the success of game arcades, and that the companies designed the automats like that on purpose to always drop the toy before it could even reach the hole and land safely in your hands.
There were times where you would loose even more than a thousand yen in an attempt to win the plushie you wanted, almost throwing your wallet against the glass as it became always much lighter and lighter with passing of each failed round.
There were times like this at the very beginning of that arcade fever, but after a while you found yourself becoming always better and better at fishing out all those dolls and bears. As the time flew by, you also found your bedroom nearly starting to drown in all those soft joys of every childhood.
But you didn’t really care.
And as soon as you got a notice that there was a new plushie automat to be about to be installed in the game arcade, you just knew that you needed to try it out immediately with the first better opportunity.
Which just came perfectly today.
You almost let out a squeak of joy as the bell finally rang, announcing the long awaited end of the last Friday’s lesson.
You quickly collected all your belongings from your desk and your seat, swinging your lilac bag over your shoulder and rushing out of the classroom in the direction of the stairs.
Luckily enough, you managed to dash through the corridor and down the stairs before the crowds of other students could block you.
As you reached the exit of the school building, you saw Miko standing right in front of it, her back turned at you. She was lightly swinging to the left and to the right, probably listening to some music on her brand new MP3 player she’d been talking about lately.
A little mischievous smile fell on your soft lips as a marvelous idea popped up in your head.
You took a few steps forward, careful to be quiet but, considering the fact that the music in her earphones was probably blasting, you didn’t exactly need to. You slowly pushed the glass door open, sneaking up on her and swiftly throwing your hands before her eyes to cover them.
„Holy freak!” Miko let out a startled scream, gaining a muffled laugh from you. „Who’s this? Y/N?” She started to turn her head to one side and to another, making you chuckle even more at the sight.
„It’s me. Mario.” You said, still covering her eyes and trying not to laugh out loud, seeing that you were visibly in a great mood today.
„And I’m Luigi. Can I get my vision back now, please?” She said, placing her hands on yours and pulling them away.
„Do you have enough ready money for the afternoon?” You asked, moving to stand in front of her.
„No duh, I’ve got exactly ten of one hundred yen coins just for the occasion.” She held up her blue wallet for you to see, the sound of loose coins bumping into each other audible as she gently shook it. „And I’m not going to spend a single yen more today, last weekend was fly but I became poorer of a whole six thousand.”
You sent her a scrutinizing look. „And you really think that it will be enough? You know, I’ve already told you before that they have a new automat and stuff.”
„Yes, you have, but still. If I don’t get the doll I want after two tries, I’m bouncing. And I will play Super Mario for the rest of the evening.”
„As if! I know you Miko, you will get just as addicted as every other time.” You let out a laugh, grabbing your friend’s hand and pulling her forward together with you.
„No, I’m telling you!”
The two of you continued to chatter along as you walked in the direction of the game arcade. It wasn’t that much of a long walk, knowing that it was located just a few streets away from your school.
The sun had yet quite an amount of time to start setting, but as you walked between the buildings decorated with bright and colorful advertisements of all possible kinds, it started to throw even more beams which reflected all those purple, blue, and yellow colors, surrounding you with a fairy like atmosphere in the afternoon hours.
„You know, last time as I was in the arcade I asked which dolls will the new automat have, and they told me that it would be supposed to have teddy bears, and-” You talked, being completely caught up in your own bubbling excitement about the new gain in the game arcade.
„Teddy bears?” Miko interrupted your flowing thoughts. „Y/N, you’ve already got like, a whole room of teddy bears. Not mentioning that last time you won not one, but TWO identical Totoro plushies and a Sailor Moon doll, too.” She rolled her eyes, giving you a questioning look. „You own a whole load of them. A whole storage! I’m actually asking myself if there is anything in the entire arcade what you haven’t got at home yet.”
„Well, I mean, that new automat is supposed to have a panda bear plushie and a plain white teddy bear, so, you know, I need to enrich my collection with these two.” You said, reaching your hand to your bag to pull out your phone.
You failed to notice the small group of boys, more or less around your age, walking past you and directing themselves straight into the game arcade building which finally came into your view.
You were just about to answer a text message from one of your other friends, when you were rapidly pulled back into reality with a not so gentle nudge to your side.
„What-” You turned your head to your left to look at Miko, question marks visible in your eyes as you were met with your friend’s amazed expression. „What? Why did you stop all of a sudden?”
„Y/N, I think you don’t see what I’m seeing. Look.” She pointed her finger at some point in the distance, a little blush coloring her cheeks.
You followed where she was pointing, finally noticing the group of boys from earlier which you failed to see.
There were four of them altogether, standing before the open arcade entrance and talking eagerly. Two of them were really tall, whilst the other two were rather short in their height, but all of them were wearing plain white tees. Your eye caught one of the shorter boys, who as the only one among them was wearing a blue bomber jacket with white prints. He had what you would call a baby face, his features were soft, or at least you could observe that much standing a few meters away from him. His hair was of a chocolate brown color, and as his voice reached your ears, you had to admit that it sounded truly so smooth like velvet.
You felt your own two cheeks warming up a little, a sensation which you didn’t like even a bit, as the boy locked eyes with you, his wide smile immediately disappearing from his lips only to be replaced by an expression of awe.
You stood there completely frozen in your spot, clenching your purple Nokia in your hand and feeling slightly flabbergasted by the whole sudden situation, not really knowing what was going on.
The last thing you saw before you were harshly pulled back into reality once again, was the other three boys looking questioningly at their friend who’s eyes were fixed on you, soon the entire group looking right at you.
And then you heard it, the loud ‘ooooooh’, ‘damn’, and ‘oh my god’ followed by the three of them lightly hitting the shoulders of their friend, starting to shake him and becoming even louder when he didn’t react, instead still looking at you.
When you finally snapped out of the weird trance, you quickly turned to your side to Miko who was now covering her mouth to prevent the invasive giggles from escaping.
„Oh snap.” You only said.
„Y/N, THIS, this is exactly what I’ve been talking about.” She said. „You are always so immersed in the games that you totally fail to notice all those cute boys being around!” She almost exclaimed the last words, stomping her both feet on the ground repeatedly, for some reason visibly excited.
„Well that was hella weird.” You said, still trying to process what had just happened. „Do you know them?”
„Um, well, I mean-” She started, now her being the one to grab your hand and pull you forward. „I keep my eyes always wide open, you know. And I just happened to see them at the game arcade the last time we were there. That hottie in a blue jacket seemed to have taken an instant liking to you back then already, but we bounced out too quickly for them to approach us.” She blabbered, instantly becoming a thousand times more cheerful than before.
The two of you were coming always nearer to the entrance of the arcade, and what followed always nearer to the group of boys who, now noticeably quieter, were still standing in their spot.
With your left hand still being held by Miko and your right hand still holding onto your phone, you tried your best to avoid the gaze of the said boy in a blue jacket as the two of you continued moving closer to the entrance.
What was his deal anyway?
„You know what Miko, did you take a good look at them when you said that you saw them before?” You asked your friend, feeling your cheeks heating up once again as you accidentally locked eyes with the boy one more time. „I mean, maybe from a close up they’ll be total monets.” You added, not even knowing what you were trying to convince yourself about, because as you came always closer you had to admit that the said group were even better looking from up close.
„Awe, Y/N, always the negatory. I’m sure they’re not some scrubs too, though. Besides, just look at them now.” She said, an ounce above a whisper. „They could totally be in a boy group with those looks.”
And unfortunately, you couldn’t deny, as with every following step you were getting a more detailed view, as well as you were feeling more and more being practically eaten by those two dazzling eyes which didn’t leave you even for a brief moment.
You just wanted to get inside the arcade and concentrate yourself on the new plushie automat, not on dealing with some random group of boys who apparently enjoyed staring at girls way too much for your liking.
That was right, as said it was too much for YOUR liking, but Miko didn’t seem to mind at all.
Even the whole opposite, she seemed to be having the time of her life, particularly when the other shorter boy with big cat-like eyes sent her a dazzling smile.
„Oh snap, oh snap, oh snap, did you see that, Y/N, I think I forgot how to breathe.” A scarlet blush spread on her cheeks, whilst she nervously squeezed your hand. „That guy is literally so handsome.”
„Girl, Miko-” You started gently, but as you looked at her frozen in her spot with literal hearts in her eyes, you knew she was already gone to make some lovey-dovey unthinkable scenarios in her head.
You talking wasn’t probably going to do much anyway, but you needed to snap her out of it.
You tried to gently pull her with you and finally enter the arcade. „Miko.”
Still nothing, and as you threw a quick glance at the boys, you saw that the one with big eyes was continuing to unceremoniously smile at your friend, meanwhile she was returning all those candy smiles.
What was it, a smiling contest?
No, you thought, that was completely stupid.
„Miko, I swear-” You snapped your whole arm into the direction of the entrance to bring her attention back to the arcade a little too harshly, forgetting that you were still holding your phone in that hand.
In the result, your phone was sent flying out of your hand all the way across the sidewalk which separated the two of you from the group of boys, before you could do anything to stop it.
You watched in terror as it ended its small flight right in front of the boy in blue jacket, landing with a loud thud on the ground by his feet.
„MY NOKIAAAA!!” You yelled, not caring at all about the other people around who were now giving you weird or startled looks.
„Y/N-” Miko seemed to finally notice what was going on when you let go of her hand, and started to take large steps closer to the boy to collect your phone.
You could clearly see it as his face immediately lit up and his eyes rapidly fell on your purple Nokia laying on the ground, apparently an idea coming to his mind.
„For the love of-” You mumbled through your teeth, as you watched him bend over to pick up your item. „... all the snaps given.”
You let out a low sigh as you ruffled your silky hair with your hand, starting to finally walk into the direction of the boy, being extra careful not to accidentally lock eyes with him once more.
You had always been that exact type of person who wanted to avoid any unnecessary interaction with other people, in particular if you had other, significantly more important plans ahead of you and didn’t want to lose your time.
That could be an issue right now, you thought to yourself as with every step closer to him his smile grew wider, not even trying to conceal it.
„Um-” You started, as you stood right in front of his frolic face. „That would be mine.” You said, raising your finger up to point at your phone.
Your eyes quickly fell on the purple surface and the screen, trying to thoroughly inspect if any possible damages had been done by the fall.
The boy seemed to notice the visible concern im your eyes, letting out a soft, melodic chuckle whilst handing your Nokia to you. „I wouldn’t worry too much about it.” He said. „This model is practically indestructible. Lasts longer than most relationships.”
His remark made you raise one eyebrow at him, squinting your eyes ever so slightly whilst you retrieved your phone. „What a nice comparison. And you’ll be speaking out of experience, I assume?”
You were absolutely sure that your unpleasant comeback would make him immediately not wanting to continue to talk to you, but to your surprise you couldn’t be more wrong. Instead of a sign of dislike, you could make out a sparkle of fondness shining even brighter in his brown eyes.
Weird, you thought.
“No, I’m not.” The boy replied, smiling contentedly. “I was actually quietly hoping that mine would outlive any model of Nokia 3310.” He added, giving you a smile sweeter than the previous one.
In response, you merely granted him a brief look before taking a step away, intending to finally enter the arcade. “Good luck with that.”
Trying to completely conceal the awareness of his glowing presence still behind you, you quickened your pace, basically dashing through the open doors to the inside of the colorful arcade and not even bothering to wait for Miko anymore.
As soon as you went inside you were met with a lot of frolicsome lights and sparkles, the small alleyways between all sorts of games being flooded with light coming from the screens of game automats, each one of them showing the start menu of a different popular game on the lambent display.
It didn’t take you too long to find the longed for, newest, totally polished and even more so inviting plushie automat which has been continuously on your mind this whole time, basically calling out your name to you as soon as you finally came to a view of it.
It was lovely, appearing even more so enthralling to you in real life than as it did on the mere advertisements plastered around the arcade.
Without losing a single minute, you took your wallet out of your bag and took a large step closer to the automat, your eyes stopping on every plushie trying to decide which one to go for.
Finally, they stopped on a cute small panda bear which instead of being just plainly black and white, was purple and white.
That was the one.
You opened your wallet, taking one shining coin of one hundred yen worth.
Just as you were about to throw it into the automat, you were startled by a sudden familiar voice coming from right behind you.
“Hey home skillet, why did you run off like that?” Miko materialized herself next to your ducked down figure, leaning on the glass of the plushie automat.
You looked up at your friend, feeling a little guilty for doing so. “My bad? But I really didn’t want to talk to that dude in a blue jacket.” You murmured, bringing your attention back to the purple panda.
Miko scrunched her nose, letting out a loud sigh. “Why are you always rejecting all the sweet boys? He even picked up your phone for you, come on.” She said, before startling you again with a sudden squeak. “BUUUUT! Y/N-” She started, covering her mouth to prevent the next invasion of uncontrollable giggles from escaping, jumping up and down in her spot and causing her black soft locks to slide on her forehead. “ That hottie with those big eyes. Oh my god Y/N. I actually talked to him just now, and guess what he told me.” She paused for a brief moment, only to let out another squeak. “His favorite game is also Super Mario! And he asked me if I wanted to play it with him today, oh my god, Y/N.” Miko was breathing so quickly, that as you looked up at her once again, you started to become honestly worried if soon she would start to hyperventilate.
“And I assume you said yes?” You asked, but you already knew the answer anyway.
“Of course! I mean, did you see him? A model!” She answered.
“So you plan on leaving me all alone here?” You asked. “Are his friends still here?” You added, carefully peeking from behind the plushie automat you were still ducked down by.
Your eyes widened in terror as you sneaked a look and spotted the group walking down the aisle.
“I won’t leave you! But just let me have this one? You know how much I would love to get a proper date!” She replied, throwing longing looks in the direction of the boys. “And Y/N, if that blue hottie comes to talk to you, please be nice.” She added quickly.
“Miko, do you perhaps know something that I don’t know?”
“What? Noooooo, not at all, what makes you think that?”
You let out a small sigh, rolling your eyes at your friend. “Whatever.”
You brought your attention back to the display with all the plushies inside, finally inserting the coin into the automat and starting to try to fish out the purple panda bear.
You were still sensing a presence next to you, so thinking it was just Miko who hasn’t left yet, unbothered and completely oblivious, you continued to give all your concentration to the little plush bear you already almost had clasped.
Just as the bear was nearing to fall into the designed hole and right into your hands, the metal claws let it go in a trice, in effect the bear bouncing back, away from the hole.
A soft snicker reached your ear, so without even caring to turn your head you just rolled your eyes again. “Very funny Miko, you know that it usually never works at the first try very well yourself.” You said, taking out another one hundred yen coin to insert and try again.
“Sometimes it does.” Said a velvet like voice.
You immediately snapped your head to the left, your eyes widening one more time as you realized that it wasn’t Miko standing next to you, but the boy in a blue jacket.
You involuntarily squinted your eyes at him, looking up. “You again.”
He seemed to be completely immune to you not being the nicest, instead jumping straight into any normal conversation you would usually have with a friend.
Out of all people, and out of all days, why you and why today?
Guess you would never know.
“Your name is Y/N, right?” The boy asked. “Your friend with the black hair told me when we were still outside.” He continued, his melodic voice filling the space between the two of you, for some unexplainable reason making you kind of distracted and causing you to drop the purple panda once again, failing at the second attempt to win it.
You sent the boy a heavy glare. “And your name is...?”
“I’m Baekhyun.” He replied with a sweet smile.
You decided to ignore him, taking the already third coin out of your wallet and inserting it again.
“What are you about to get?” Came yet another soft question.
“The purple panda.” You replied briefly.
Baekhyun’s eyes left your figure for a transient while, to fall on the plushies inside the automat. “Well, guess what I would be about to get?” He said.
“On my nerves.” You murmured quietly, but loudly enough for him to hear.
You weren’t looking at him anymore so you obviously couldn’t have noticed it, but even when he received nothing but snarky replies from you, the boy was all smiles with little dazzles dancing in his brown eyes. “I actually hoped that I would get on your calendar.” He said, giving you a winsome smile as soon as you graced him with your attention again. “On a weekend when you’d be free... Or after school...” The cheekiness audible in his soft voice just seconds ago wasn’t as strong as it was anymore as he said these words.
In the result to his question, you scrunched your nose, looking up at him. “You don’t even know me. You’ve literally seen me one single time.” You said.
The moment you said that, you observed as the cheeky look fell back on his soft features. “Dante wrote forty two chapters of a whole opera for Beatrice after he saw her one time on the street, so I think I would be reasonably justified to ask you out like that.” He smiled at you in the most candy smile anyone could probably ever master.
What in the world?
“You know Dante? Are you into literature?” You asked, a little flabbergasted and surprised, knowing that most of the boys your age weren’t particularly interested in the art of similar old literary works.
That was definitely new.
“I like art in general.” Baekhyun said.
“So, how do you feel about art?” You asked, genuinely curious.
Baekhyun’s eyes seemed to have a whole million of sparkles dancing in them as he replied. “Well, I think you are really cool to talk to.”
“What the freak man.” Was the only thing which you managed to say after you connected the dots of what he was really referring to.
This boy surely was having the time of his life right now.
You brought your attention back to the plushies, trying to suppress a muffled quiet scream which threatened to leave your lips because, even at the third try, the purple panda was dropped back into the soft pile of other plushies as if totally mocking you and your efforts to win it.
You aggressively grabbed the ziplock of your wallet, practically snatching a new one hundred yen coin and slamming it into the automat, determined to win it this time.
In that moment, it was a serious matter of life and death for you, and being completely focused on that one thing before you, you were also still completely oblivious to your surroundings.
If only you knew how your small act of chagrin to the automat and throwing the coin inside in a total state of fury made Baekhyun’s heart melt even more for you, thoughts of how cute you were flowing through his mind.
“How many more times are you going to try this?” He asked.
“You know, I’m actually really good at this. Today just doesn’t seem to be my best day.” You replied, without giving him one look.
The claws clasped around the purple panda once again, lifting it up and sliding slowly to the direction of the hole, through which you really hoped it would finally fall out this time.
“I already own a whole room of plushies and dolls I won in the arcade, so this should be no sweat.” You added.
“Well that’s phat.” Baekhyun said, his voice always sounding like a smooth velvet which, for some reason was becoming always more difficult to ignore for you.
“I know.” You said. “But I’m totally buggin’ right now.”
You watched the purple panda hanging just above the destined hole, being completely sure that you would finally win. You threw a content look at Baekhyun next to you, resting your elbows on the automat. “It’s already falling, you see? I’m da bomb. All that and a bag of chips-” You interrupted mid sentence, when to your downright disbelief the panda was let loose into the hole, only to somehow bounce out of it right back into the pile of other plushies, leaving you at the fourth failed attempt of winning. “You sick piece of-” You said through your clenched teeth, clutching your wallet in your hand and trying to stay calm.
You threw a murderous look at the automat, then glanced back at the wallet held in your hand before opening it again and taking out the fifth coin, throwing it into the automat without thinking twice.
You quickly guided the claws to grab the purple panda, but then again, as if to totally make fun of you, it was let dropped back into the pile. “Son of a SCONE.” You said, very lightly hitting your small fist on the glass.
You were brought back to reality by the same velvet voice which was distracting you just moments ago. “Y/N.”
“You haven’t given me an answer yet.” Baekhyun said softly. “Will you go on a date with me?”
“No.” You replied.
“You are being so mean today.”
“I’m mean everyday.” You added, standing up from the position you were in this whole time. “You have a really unusual way of approaching, you know?”
“Well, everyone has their own ways. And everyone has their own idea of perfection.” Baekhyun said, looking right into your eyes. “Mine just happens to be you.”
You shot him a tired look. “What the freak.” You said. “Listen, um-”
“Do you know what bees make?” He suddenly interrupted you with this random question.
Without even thinking too much, you simply replied. “Honey?”
You watched as his eyes lit up again. “Yes, dear?”
You were left there completely done with the world as it was and speechless, just standing before him and looking at his smiling, glowing face, visibly happy with his own lines.
Why wouldn’t he just give up?
You didn’t even know anymore what to say to him, seeing that apparently he had a comeback line ready for each and every of your attempts to shove him away.
“You are impossible.” You said.
You observed as Baekhyun’s eyes quickly wandered to the plushie automat and as he bit his lip, another idea visibly coming to his mind. “Will you please say yes if I win that purple panda for you?” He asked, his brown eyes full of glinting hope.
“I would like to see you try. If I couldn’t win this, you won’t be able to either.” You replied.
“If you’re so sure about it, then just agree?” He said, a little smile still visible on his lips.
You crossed your arms on your chest, him instantly mirroring your gesture. “Fine. And if you fail, you will stop asking me out.” You said. “Three attempts.” You held up three fingers.
“Fine.” He said, holding up a shining one hundred yen coin before putting it into the automat.
He ducked down in the spot in which you were previously, laying his left arm on the free surface and lazily resting his chin on it, his right hand managing the little controller on the automat, effortlessly.
In complete and utter terror, you watched as the purple panda bear successfully fell into the hole right away, soon swiftly falling out of the automat straight into Baekhyun’s hands.
You couldn’t help it but let out a gasp of shock.
“No.” You whispered shaking your head, not believing that he just got it at the first try, because how probable could it even be?
“Yes.” Baekhyun held up the purple panda, flashing you the brightest, happiest smile you have seen on him that day. “I told you, sometimes it does work at the first try.”
You just stood there, not able to say a word, still looking at him in a complete disbelief.
Again, how probable could it be?
“I, um-” You really tried to say a full normal sentence, but it seemed like even the language decided to sabotage you today.
Before Baekhyun said anything else, he gently placed the panda in your hands, in the result his fingers softly brushing yours, may it be on purpose or just accidentally. “Please just say yes?”
As much as you despised this whole thing, you were a girl of your word, and you made a deal.
Which you obviously lost, now that you were holding the purple panda bear in your hands.
Even so, looking at Baekhyun’s dazzling brown eyes, you still wanted to give him the benefit of doubt, even though you were perfectly aware that it was pointless at this stage.
You opened your mouth to say something, but he quickly interrupted you before you could say even one word. “You won’t regret it.” He added, a little faint plea visible in his eyes as they looked at you.
You felt one corner of your mouth slightly lifting in a half smile. “What if I will?” You asked, meeting his chocolate gaze.
“You won’t.” He quickly said. “Just give me a chance to win you over.”
He asked you for a chance, but deep down you started to feel that he already was winning you over with his impossible sweetness and persistence.
But that was something which he didn’t need to know right now, was it?
You held the panda plushie closer to yourself, burying your face in it for a brief moment to hide the bubblegum blush which was shamelessly spreading on your dewy cheeks totally against your own will.
“I like onigiri with umeboshi filling.” You said. “And dark mocha.”
A honey-dripping smile fell on Baekhyun’s lips as his chocolate eyes traveled across every feature on your face. “What an unusual pair.” He said, the smile never leaving his lips and eyes.
“If you want to date me, you need to be prepared for weird combos like that.” You said, facing away as you felt the blush becoming stronger, your entire cold barrier finally giving in into the charm of his smile.
“I’m thrilled to know more.” He grinned winsomely.
And who would think that when you left the game arcade, you would have gotten your plushie and a cute boy together with it?
Undisputedly not you.
But sometimes, sometimes the universe put things on your way, things which you would least expect to cherish the most.
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Author’s End Note: Thank you for reading! Remember to REBLOG if you liked it! Also, I tried to build in some classic ‘90s phrases into dialogues, so let me know if I did well or not!! 💖 Maybe it won’t be the end of the ‘90s AU. 💜
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Their Girl
Loosely based off of several cases that have, unfortunately, taken place in schools.
Mabel defends herself when a boy touches her, only to be the one to get in trouble. Not on her grunkles watch.
“In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the - Anyone? Anyone? - the Great Depression, passed a - Anyone? Anyone? - a tariff bill. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, which - Anyone? Raised or lowered? - raised tariffs, in an effort to collect more revenue for the Federal Government.”
Mabel leaned back in her desk chair to stretch. It was cold in the high school, but luckily her seat was right in the sunshine, warming her up like a lizard on a rock. Her baggy yellow sweater fell off her left shoulder and she let it without giving it much of a second thought, then watched some birds on a tree as the Economics teacher droned on.
“Did it work? Anyone? Anyone know the effects? It did not work, and the United States fell deeper into the Great Depression.”
Tenth grade was too young to learn about something so boring. This was for suckers who paid money for it, like college students. Mabel held her breath to keep herself from snorting over her own inner thoughts. Grunkle Stan would be proud of her, she thought, and her thoughts wandered to him and Grunkle Ford, until she was snapped back into reality. Literally.
“Today, we have a similar debate over this, anyone know what this is? Class? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone seen this before? The Laffer Curve.”
A boy behind her (his name slipped her mind at the proper moment) was playing with her exposed bra strap. It felt like he had grabbed it, barely pulled it back, and let go. At first, she thought maybe it was an accident. Unlike, but possible. But then it happened again, this time the boy pulled the bra strap far enough that when he let go it slapped against her skin a little. It didn’t hurt, and the teacher’s boring voice drowned out the noise, but still.
“Anyone know what this says? It says that at this point on the revenue curve you will get exactly the same amount of revenue as at this point.”
Mabel turned around sharply at once and gave him a deadly glare. “Stop it.” She whispered firmly.
The boy grinned menacingly, and sneered just as quietly, “Make me.”
Mabel whipped her head back, making sure her long ponytail hit him in the face, but though her actions stopped him for a moment, soon he was back to pulling on her bra strap, each time pulling back farther and farther.
“This is very controversial. Anyone know what President George H. W. Bush called this in 1980? Anyone? Something-D-O-O Economics. Voodoo Economics.”
A loud snap sound echoed, a yell of pain and aggravation, and then Mabel Pines stood so sharply her chair fell backwards, turned around, and punched the jerk in the face, left-hook boxing style.
“Ms. Pines!” The teacher scolded loudly.
The whole class was on the edge of their seats. All the kids had seen what happened; the ones sitting closest to the pair had been well aware of what was going on since the beginning. While they were hopeful the jerk would get what’s coming to him, they all knew that wasn’t likely. Not under the most sexist teacher’s nose.
“To Mr. William’s office. Now.” He growled.
“But he was touching my bra!” Mabel defended. “He was invading my personal bubble even though I told him to back off!”
“It’s a very small classroom, Ms. Pines. And maybe he wouldn’t have touched it if you didn’t have it out for the whole world to see.” The man said coldly and pointed to the door. “Now please leave my classroom.”
Mabel knew there was no point in defending herself. She did a quick glance around the room to see if anyone would defend her, but no one looked ready to jump into the line of fire. She understood why. This guy had a bad reputation. Mabel loudly stuffed her notebook filled with doodles into her backpack, took it and her small purse, and stomped out of the classroom.
She did manage to catch the blood coming out of the boy’s nose and grinned.
At Mr. William’s office, the sweet secretary with old-lady glasses offered her a mint and was very nice to her. But soon Mr. William entered the room and had Mabel enter his office. Apparently the teacher had called ahead so Mabel didn’t have to tell the principal what happened, leaving the girl to feel like she was walking into the Lion’s Den.
Dipper left his Robotics class to meet up with Mabel, who normally would be leaving Economics, so they could walk to their last class, Language Arts 10, together. Economics emptied pretty quickly thanks to the boredom, so Dipper was a bit confused when he didn’t see his twin sister out in the hall, and wondered if she was in the bathroom.
He saw a fellow student who shared Mabel’s Economics class, Rose, leave the ladies’ room, and so he asked, “Hey Rose, is Mabel in there?”
She shook her head. “Nah, didn’t you hear? She got sent to the office for punching Jeremy.”
Dipper grinned with pride, but it quickly went away; Mabel would only do that if Jeremy was doing something. “What’d he do?”
“Smacked her with her own bra strap.” Rose pulled down the neck of her t-shirt and demonstrated, “Like this.” And she pulled her bra strap and let go, making it snap.
“Are you kidding me?!” Dipper yelled and his eyes landed on the teacher to his right, standing with his arms crossed and looking out for rule-breakers.
The young man growled in his throat like an angry dog, ready to tell the jerk off, but he felt a buzz in his pocket and pulled out his phone while Rose walked away. Dipper calmed down a little, sighed, and walked to the lockers to lean against them as he responded to his newest text. He had no intention of going to Language Arts. He’d be on his way to the office soon enough in case his sister needed him.
Ford re-read the maps and plans for Spring Break with an exciting grin all over his face. Soon the kids would be out of school and take a bus to the pier where he and Stan had docked the Stan O’ War II, then they would sail alongside the California shore, fishing, sailing, and occasionally swimming, for a whole week. They had been planning this since the holidays, when they had all facetimed for five hours while the old sailors were on the shores of the Netherlands. The kids had practically begged to go on the boat with them, and so they agreed to sail alongside Russia and visit California, planning to then re-visit Alaska quickly before sailing down to Oregon for the summer.
Stan climbed up from the cabin below as he pulled on his white t-shirt. “How much longer until the kids are free from prison?”
Ford rolled his eyes and checked his watch. “Ninety minutes. And it’s a twenty minute drive, so it’ll be about another two hours, Stanley.”
The youngest of the pair by fifteen minutes groaned and collapsed on the couch. “I could always hotwire a car and we could see them now. We can pretend one of us died and so we need the kids now.”
“Stanley, no.”
“Stanley YES!”
Ford chuckled and rolled up the map. “Text them if you miss them so much.”
“Maybe I will.” Stan snorted and pulled out his phone to text in the group chat. “Surviving okay, kids?” Just a casual greeting, and he and Ford were pleasantly surprised to get a little buzz back not a minute longer.
“Not really.”
Stan raised an eyebrow while Ford had his back to him and was organizing his papers. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Little dots appeared and reappeared. Stan knew what that meant. Dipper was being careful how he answered. Stan decided to check, and sure enough Mabel hadn’t even seen the texts yet. When he got a small paragraph back, Stan nearly crushed his phone in his fist. “WHAAAAAT?!”
Ford jumped a foot in the air and held his chest. “Christ, Stan, what…”
“Check your phone, Genius! We’re going to Piedmont. NOW!” And Stan slapped on his beanie and stormed out of the cabin of the ship with a slam of the door.
Ford picked up his phone, which had been lying face-down on the table, and once he was caught up on messages, he matched his twin’s anger and made sure his ray gun was in his blue hoodie as he left.
Mabel sat in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest, letting Mr. Williams go on his tangent. According to the school nurse, she had broken Jeremy’s nose. Good. That’s what he gets for touching her. But apparently Mr. Williams disagreed, saying things like how her actions were unlawful and that she had no right to punch another student.
“Under no circumstances should you ever punch a fellow student, Ms. Mabel.” Mr. Williams said firmly.
“But he was touching me!” Mabel quickly injected, in some effort to defend herself. “He was pulling on my bra strap and smacking me with it! And I told him to stop, but he wouldn’t leave me alone.”
Mr. Williams snorted as he reached into his desk. “Well maybe next time you won’t wear such revealing clothes? How else are people supposed to pay attention to the lesson?”
Mabel felt her heart drop. She looked back down at her sweater, her purposely baggy yellow sweater that she had knitted herself a few months ago. This sweater - in fact, none of her sweaters - had ever been a problem before. Mabel plucked at her top and said in a quiet, timid voice, “But I made this.”
Mr. Williams glanced up from what he was writing for a second, before mumbling bitterly with his cold eyes on his paper, “Let the professionals make your clothes, okay? If you don’t want to find yourself in trouble then try wearing suitable clothing.”
Mabel felt her entire face turn red. She was so angry and so hurt and she saw no possible way out of this, so she decided to bite her lip and hide the lower-half of her face in her sweater, shrinking in her seat and lifting her yellow sweater up a bit.
“Now, I am giving you three weeks of detention.” Mr. Williams said. “Two for violence and invading a student’s personal bubble, and one for breaking dress…”
The door opened sharply. Mabel turned and her jaw was wide open to find her great-uncles at the foot of the office. At first she was jubilant to see them again, but then terrified to see them so angry. She had never seen them so mad. She knew they could be scary when they wanted to, but they had always seemed like soft old teddy bears to Mabel, what with their fluffy gray hair and warm hugs and squishy tummy-tums to snuggle against. Mabel was a little unhinged to find their faces darkened with anger. She could see a vein popping out of Stan’s forehead. Ford appeared to try to be collected, but his aura was as black as an imploding star, matching his brother’s quite well.
Mabel stood on shaking knees. Her uncles softened, ignoring the cold look Mr. Williams was giving them, and Stan was at her in an instant, with Ford right behind him, rubbing her shoulders and looking over her. “Mabel, sweetie, are you okay? Did he hurt you? I swear to Moses if that…”
“I’m okay, Grunkle Stan, I promise.” Mabel soothed, trying to smile, but she was still really nervous. “I… Wow, it’s great to see you guys, I missed you, but why are you here?”
“Dipper contacted us.” Ford said softly. “Said you were in trouble. What exactly happened?”
“She pu-...”
“I didn’t ask you.” Ford growled at Mr. Williams. Mabel actually shivered. She was so used to hearing a smooth, warm, comforting voice come from him, that hearing it growl like an animal like that startled her. “I am talking to my niece.” His eyes moved back on Mabel and he was instantly much warmer and not as scary. “What happened, pumpkin?”
“I was in Economics when this boy, Jeremy, was plucking at my bra strap.”
“Please show us exactly what he did.”
“Does it matter?!” Stan snapped. “He touched her!”
“Stanley, please,” Ford gave him a firm look, then returned his attention back to their girl. “Humor me.”
Mabel nodded in agreement. She had pulled her sweater down so it had covered both shoulders and sagged a bit on her chest. Now she moved it so her left shoulder was completely exposed, and she pinched at her strap. “It started like this,” She barely lifted it up, having little effect or sound. “But then after I told him to stop, he did this.” And Mabel pulled back far enough that when she let go it made a harsh slapping sound against her skin.
“Wait a minute,” Stan had caught a glimpse of it the moment she lowered her sweater. He gently turned her to look at the back of her shoulder, and he saw red. Literally. Her skin was reddening from the aggression. Not enough to swell or require ice, but enough to indicate just how invading and violent the action had been.
Stan was growling in his throat. He squeezed Mabel’s forearms reassuringly and said, “We’ll handle this, pumpkin.”
“Gentlemen,” Mr. Williams said firmly, still acting professional and snobbish. “Your niece here has violated several school rules and even went as far as to break a student’s nose.”
“You did?” Stan asked and patted her back. “That’s my girl!”
Mr. William’s nostrils flared. “Gentlemen, that is not what we should be teaching young…”
“While breaking cartilage is unfortunate, sir,” Ford said coldly, stepping forward, “It’s abundantly clear that she was only defending herself. Not only did the boy have no right to touch her, in any sense, in any manner, she was even gracious enough to give a verbal warning before she acted as she had to to get the boy to stop.”
Mr. Williams crossed his arms over his chest and snarled, “Well maybe if she hadn’t dressed in such a distracting way Mr…”
“Oh HELL NO!” Stan marched forward and slammed his fists down on the desk so hard he actually left cracks in the wood from the impact. “YOU’RE NOT PLAYING THAT GAME, ASSHOLE! NOT ON MY FUCKING WATCH!”
Ford made no attempt to silence his twin. In fact, he was smiling cunningly, like a policeman letting his dog go after the target. He gently walked Mabel to the door and ushered her outside. “Why don’t you wait outside, my dear? Dipper is waiting for you with a snack and some water to calm your nerves, you look a little shaken.” He said quietly.
Mabel dipped her head and smiled, unable to find the words, but Ford understood and closed the door after her.
Dipper was, in fact, there with a package of peanuts and bottled water in his hands for her. They sat in the cool office, listening to the conversation. While exact words were muffled by the walls and door, it sounded like Stan and Ford both were yelling and cursing at the principal. While Dipper and Mabel probably should have been more nervous, they weren’t; they were calm and they both knew that everything would be okay.
About half an hour later, just when the old men’s throats were getting a little sore, they left, leaving Mr. Williams to try to kill a small fire on his desk. Stan swiftly pocketed his lighter and smiled warmly at his kids. “Let’s ditch this hellhole.”
Mabel was sipping some hot chocolate with extra marshmallows while Dipper was in the shower and her uncles elsewhere on the boat. She rubbed her shoulder with her free hand, elbows on the table, as she thought about the day. While she was grateful to not be in trouble and that the whole situation was over, it didn’t feel over. At least, the feelings it gave her hadn’t gone away.
The door opened and she smiled to see her favorite uncles coming inside. “Hey there, pumpkin.” Stan greeted warmly, but grew a little concerned. “You okay?”
Mabel blinked and tried to make a more convincing smile. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“That principal rattled you pretty good.” Stan pulled out a chair and sat next to her, rubbing her back. “C’mon, what’s on your mind?”
Mabel looked down at her hot drink, sighed, unsure of how to properly express her emotions, but managed to settle with, “It wasn’t fair.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Ford said firmly and stood on her other side. She looked up at him and the old scientist said, “What happened to you was completely unfair and should never be tolerated.”
Mabel nodded in agreement. “It’s just that… not only should Jeremy not have touched me, but you’d think people would have my back for defending myself, but… they made it seem like it was my fault…”
“Mabel Pines,” Stan moved his hand to her shoulder and squeezed gently. “That was not your fault. You did nothing wrong. You dress how you want and punch any guy that touches you if you don’t wanna be touched, and don’t let anyone tell you you should act differently.”
Mabel smiled weakly and nodded. “Okay.”
Stan chuckled and ruffled her hair. “That’s my girl.”
“Now hold one minute, Stanley.” Ford teased and wrapped Mabel up in a one-armed hug, making her giggle and hug him around his waist. “You were always terrible at sharing. She’s my girl, too.”
Stan smeared playfully and tickled Mabel’s ribs to loosen her grasp on Ford, pulling her into a big bear hug as she laughed. “Nu, uh. My girl.”
Mabel rolled her eyes as the twins only kept up the charade for another minute, filled to the brim with appreciation and power.
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cappsikle · 4 years
It’ll be ok // fred weasley
Pairing: fred weasley x reader
Summary: the world just seems a little too heavy, but luckily, you have him by your side.
Warnings: it gets just a tad heavy mental health wise / not all of it is proofread so please forgive that
Word Count: 2.6k 
A/N: Hey guys!! Sooo this is my first ever fic on tumblr! I would just like to dedicate this piece to @ickle-ronniekins as it was her and a bunch of talented writers that inspired me to get back to writing, and I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for them!
Also if you like this fic please reblog! It would mean a lot if you did!
This fic is just a huge projection from my own feelings, quarintine has got me in my feels, and I’m sure everyone could do with some Freddie comfort. Enjoy!! <3
There you were, hunched over various textbooks and pieces of parchment that seemed to cover the whole table. Fred looked up at the clock on the wall above the fireplace and then back down to you. Something in his eyes changed as he walked over to the table, quickly bidding goodnight to George and Lee as they headed up to the dorms.  
Fred sat in the chair next to yours and he couldn’t help to just take a minute to admire you. But from glancing at you now, Fred knew that something wasn’t right. From your usually very well-kept hair that now looked as though you ran your fingers through it at least a hundred times throughout the night to your joyless and sunken eyes, eyes that used to hold all the joy and spark Fred loved most about you, but are now just dull and almost... lifeless.
For a while now, Fred had noticed small changes in the way you’ve been acting recently, and it wasn’t even just him, all your other friends had taken notice as well, but no one knew what to do. It wasn’t until this very moment as he watched you tire yourself out with work that he realised just how much had changed, and he felt a pang of guilt for not talking to you about it sooner. So, in the softest voice he could muster, Fred tried to coax you from your work whilst placing a gentle hand on your arm. “Hey, love. ‘S getting a bit late, reckon we should head up to bed?”  
Your head snapped up at Fred as he spoke, only now taking notice of his presence, but you then quickly looked back down to continue scribbling mercilessly on the parchment. You needed to get this essay done before tomorrow, otherwise, you’ll slowly but surely fall behind on everything else. You can’t let that happen,  
“I’m sorry Fred, I really can’t. I have to finish this stupid essay for potions”  
“For potions? Isn’t that due next week?” You looked back up at Fred, your eyes widening as you became more distressed.  
“I-I know but if I get this done now then I can use my time to focus on other assignments. I’ve fallen behind and I need to catch up.” Fred slowly nodded his head in understanding. It seemed like a good enough excuse, hell, he’s been in this exact position before, pulling his fair share of all-nighters for assignments due the next day, but when Fred looked deep into your eyes, there was something there that he couldn’t quite place. Desperation? He wasn’t sure. 
“Look, love, you’re wearing yourself thin. You need a break”  
You don’t know why, but suddenly you’re very irritated. It’s possibly due to how much sleep you’re getting, well, more like lack of sleep. You don’t know why, but suddenly you’re snapping at him “Fred, I don’t need a break so can you just please leave me alone?” 
You don’t want to look at him, for the fear of seeing a look of hurt or the resentment that’s bound to be there you’re not sure you can take that sort of thing, so you lower your head and quickly wriggle your arm free from under his hand.  
Fred tried not to feel offended, he really tried, but you removing your arm from his touch just nicked him in his chest. He knew you didn’t have a problem with him, he knew this was something that seemed too out of his control, but he just wished he knew what to do to make you feel better. Maybe giving you some space should help.   
“Okay... I’ll head to bed then. Try not to stay up too late, yeah? I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight” Fred placed a quick and gentle kiss to the crown of your head as he stood up and walked towards the stairs. Before ascending, he looked back towards you still slumped in your chair, and an unsettling feeling crawled its way into his stomach. With one final look, he walked up the stairs towards his room.  
Once Fred left, you chucked down your quill in frustration and rapidly ran your hands through your hair, pulling at the roots in distress. You hated this. You hated how you get annoyed at things that shouldn’t annoy you, you hated how it was impossible to get a good night’s rest, you hated how your mind just wouldn’t. Shut. Up. And what’s worst of all, you loathed how you keep pushing the one person who seems to give a crap about you. It’s not like there’s a lot of people who do.  
A sharp pain nestled in your chest, but you tried to ignore it, you always did. You weren’t even sure what it meant. Anxiety? Guilt? It was probably a mixture of both. You didn’t know how, or when, you allowed it to get so bad. With Umbridge slowly taking over the school alongside her vile punishments (you’ve had your fair share of them), the upcoming N.E.W.Ts that you needed to ace and the stress of keeping up with the DA meetings. But that doesn’t even seem like the half of it. Every little inconvenience had the power to ruin the rest of your day.  
You couldn’t deal with it anymore, with any of it. You just wished there was a way to make the world slow down to grab your bearings, to just actually breathe. You released a big sigh and grabbed your quill again, but the tip doesn’t even touch the paper. It’s stuck, just like you. Eventually, you fold your arms on the table and rest your head on them. You know you must finish but maybe... just five minutes won’t hurt. Just five minutes.   
Fred lay awake on his bed, staring up at the ceiling for merlin knows how long. That weird feeling in his stomach didn’t go away, something just felt extremely off. Fred checked the watch located on the table beside his bed. It was pretty late; he’d been awake for at least a couple hours. Knowing that he wasn’t going to be getting any sleep anytime soon, Fred threw the covers from his body and gently got out of bed, careful to not wake any of his sleeping roommates.  
By the time he made it down to the bottom of the stairs, he was already wishing to be back in bed, however, what he saw made him stop in his tracks. You were still there, this time unmoving with your head resting on your arms and your deep and even breathing. Why were you still here and not in bed? As carefully as he could, Fred walked over to your sleeping self and gently laid a hand on your shoulder squeezing just enough to rouse you.  
After a few more gentle squeezes you started to stir awake. Fred almost felt bad for waking you, but he knew that you would have a much better time sleeping in an actual bed than a desk. You lifted your head and Fred couldn’t help to admire the sheer adorableness of your sleepy form. Your hair was dishevelled and sticking up in a few places, your cheek was red from where it was resting and the tiny noises that came from you whilst you stretched. However, as much as he’d love to stare, he knew he had to take care of you, or at least get you to bed.  
Once you had done stretching, you looked around the table until your eyes landed on an arm, which trailed all the way to Fred’s face. You were taken aback at suddenly seeing his face next to yours, but you quickly calmed down upon looking into his soft eyes, the glow of the fire making his brown orbs look more alive and opening.  
“Hey,” Fred said, a small smirk appearing at the corner of his lips.  
“Hi,” you smile back. For a moment, when you looked into his eyes, you felt warm, like you were safe, you always did. You loved Fred, you loved him so much but often at times you caught yourself doubting whether or not you deserved to be with him, and each and every time Fred did his absolute best to prove your thoughts wrong. Looking into his eyes, you just get that feeling... the feeling of coming home to a warm bed after a cold day. Sometimes, you feel as if your heart might explode from the amount of love you have for him, you couldn’t even out into words. But that warm and safe feeling was quickly diminished and replaced with dread once you looked down to the mess that was sitting on the table. Darn this stupid assignment.
“Crap, I can’t believe I fell asleep!” you groan as you shuffled through some of the parchment, trying to find the one you needed.
“Hey, hey, hey, slow down there” Fred placed his hand on top of yours, trying to stop your erratic movements. “Don’t you think it’s time to take a bit of a break? It’s nearly two a.m.”
“Fred, I can’t just ‘take a break’, I’ve got too much to do,”
“And it’ll all still be here after you’ve had some sleep,”
You released a groan in frustration and turned to face him, your irritation getting the better of you. “Don’t you get it? That’s the problem!” your voice started to rise with each word, the stress and lack of sleep catching up to you. “If I stop now then I’ll fall behind and I just can’t let that happen, ok? So just back off.”
“Hey,” Fred grabbed your cheeks in both his hands and guided your face, so you were looking at him. Seeing your widened eyes and reddened cheeks concerned him, as this was just so unlike you. What happened to this happy-go-lucky and incredibly bubbly person go? The person who had the purest soul than anyone he knew? You just looked... tired. He knew he had to tread carefully here if we wanted to crack all your walls to understand what the hell is going on.
You moved your hands up to try and remove his from his face, but his grip tightened ever so slightly to make your attempts futile. “Look, I’m worried about you. All this,” he tilted his head to the side to gesture to everything on the table. “it isn’t like you. Please don’t hide away, because you know I’m here for you.”
You both stayed silent for a minute, his hands holding your cheeks and yours resting on his forearms. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, you just crumbled. Your face scrunched up and your breathing became erratic as you looked down to hide your face from Fred’s gaze. You leaned forward so your head was resting against his chest, letting out a few silent sobs as you just... broke. At the sight of your crying figure, Fred immediately jumped into action. He removed his hands from your face and wrapped his arms around your waist, carrying you over so you sat in his lap. One of his hands trailed up to stroke your head as his other maneuvered your legs so they wrapped around his torso, your head pushing further into his shoulder.
You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to get as close to him as possible. You just needed the warmth that constantly surrounded him. After a few minutes of tears and whisperings of sweet nothings into your ear along with Fred’s comforting touch, your breathing started to return to normal, and your sobs turned into the occasional hiccup. You weren’t really expecting to have a total breakdown, you honestly thought that you had things under control, but when you looked and Fred and he looked at you, you knew you couldn’t keep everything bottled up anymore.
Fred was the first to break the silence, “d’you wanna move to the couch? It'll be comfier”. The only response he got was a small nod of your head, you not really being able to trust your voice enough to speak. So, Fred stood up with you still wrapped in his arms as he carried you over to the couch in front of the fire, grabbing the spare blanket and wrapping it around you and himself. It was like a nice little cocoon of comfort and warmth.  
And for a while, you two stayed like that, basking in the silence and the warmth the fire provided. You knew you needed to say something, you just didn’t know what exactly you could say. Fred was in the same boat. Should he make a joke to try and make you feel better? That always did the trick. But... something about tonight just told him to leave it on the backburner for now. He slid his arm underneath the blanket and stroked up and down the expanse of your back, hoping to relax your tense muscles. Occasionally Fred would turn his head to place delicate kisses on your forehead, cheeks, nose... basically anywhere his lips could find.
God... what did you do to desrve someone like him? Someone so boisterous and loud, but also understanding and gentle when he needed to be. As the minutes ticked by, and Fred’s hands continuously moving across your body, you finally found the courage to speak up.
“Sometimes I just feel like...” you trailed off, trying to find the right words.  
“like nothing is going to be ok. Like no matter how hard I try, or pretend, I’m not going to be ok,” your voice caught in your throat as you buried your head into his shoulder, a weak attempt to shield yourself from the world threatening to beat you down. A silent tear trailed down the side of your face, but you hadn’t made any attempt to wipe it away.
Fred sighed through his nose, and he swore a piece of his heart cracked when your voice did. He knew you were struggling with something, but he was just never sure of what or how bad it was. He only wished he could just take all your pain away, even force it upon himself if it meant that you’d get the chance to be happy.  
“Oh love, I had no idea. I’m so sorry”  
“It’s okay...” you half-shrug your shoulder, removing one of your arms from around his neck to quickly wipe the corner of your eye “no one really knew, so it’s fine”  
There was a moment of silence as the both of you tried to catch up with your thoughts, until Fred finally spoke up, a strain in his voice, “no, it’s not fine. I hate that you’re feeling like this. Please, is there anything I can do to help you?”  
You shrug your shoulder again. To be completely honest, you weren’t even sure if there was anything he could do. You've barely even figured out what you can do for yourself. However, there was one thing you knew you needed, the one thing that could help you through anything. “Just be here, and hold me?”  
Fred placed his lips to your forehead, leaving them there for a bit as he gave a gentle kiss. He breathed deeply through his nose and spoke the words against your forehead. “for you, my love, anything.”  
With those final words and his fingers slowly tracing up and down your arm, you felt for the first time, that maybe, just maybe, things might turn out ok.  
whew and there we go!!! My first fic completed!! I honestly have no self control when it comes to word limits, my teachers hate me for that... oopsies! anyways I hope you all enjoyed that, if you guys liked my work feel free to send in any requests! 
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!!
- Mills
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years
The Last Dream of my Soul pt. 5 (R.L.)
Hello!!! The newest part has arrived and i hope you all enjoy it! Also. I am aware that hippogriffs are a third year lesson but pleaseeeee just pretend it makes sense...
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary:  The very bookish (Y/n) has spent most of her life alone, aside from her best friends Lily and her beloved books. But when the infamous Marauders get thrust into her life, how could she resist the beautiful and unattainable Remus.
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 2.2k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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The two weeks at home were rough. As excited as you were to return to the place that you grew up, you soon came to the realization that Hogwarts and the wizarding world were your true home. As much as you loved your parents and the creaky floor of your old bedroom, you couldn’t help but feel entirely out of place. And as much as your parents loved you, they could never understand you.
But still, you enjoyed Christmas dinner and watching your old favorite shows on the television. Despite this though, you were near tears every night when you thought of your friends and the old castle walls of your school. You missed them immensely.
You were at a great disadvantage as you did not own an owl. Luckily, your friends sent plenty of letters, and you held their birds hostage until you could scribble out a response.
You received the most letters from Lily. She related to your feelings of feeling out of place in the muggle world. It was made worse for her by her sister, Petunia. Petunia was jealous of Lily to a near disturbing extent. It made your best friend’s time at home miserable.
You received one letter from Peter on Christmas. It was a simple letter that mostly just wished you a happy holiday, but nevertheless, it made you smile.
From Sirius and James, you received joint letters as they were both staying at the Potter’s house for Christmas. The letters detailed all of the mischief they got up to and they never failed to make you laugh. You’d always send back a letter reprimanding them but also subtly egging them on.
Remus’s letters were your favorite. He wrote to you relatively often, describing his family and what he was reading. You did the same, raving about the book that he had gifted you. You loved the way he wrote his letters. It was almost like poetry. You weren’t surprised though. How could someone spend their whole life reading and not have a way with words?
But despite the comfort that the letters brought you, you couldn’t help but wish that the words could be spoken in person instead.
But soon enough the time came for you to return to your real home and greet your chosen family. In a flurry of brotherly hugs and high pitched squeals, you said hello to Lily and the marauders with a grin stretched ear to ear.
As excited as you were to return to Hogwarts, the return to lessons was less exciting. Soon, you were once again drowning in school work and waiting for a chance to breathe. Classes were beginning to pick up and become more challenging, and you were doing your best to scrape by.
“Hey (Y/n),” Sirius said, catching your attention as you walked to your care for magical creatures class.
“Yes, Sirius?” you inquired.
“Have you finished the transfiguration essay yet?” he asked. You smirked at him.
“Are you asking because you’re curious or because you want to copy it?” you asked teasingly. Sirius groaned.
“Oh sod off (Y/n),” he retorted, shoving your shoulder. You yelped as he d pushedyou a tad too hard and braced yourself, preparing to hit the ground. Instead, you felt strong hands grab your arm.
“You okay?” Remus asked as he helped you steady yourself.
“Yeah I’m fine,” you said breathlessly, your arm burning from his touch. You sent the concerned boy a quick smile before turning to face Sirius. You punched him quickly in the shoulder.
“Ow!” he exclaimed, rubbing his arm.
“That’s what you get for assaulting me,” you retorted and you heard Remus chuckle from your left.
“Yeah yeah I’m sorry,” Sirius said, waving his hands in the air. You smiled, satisfied, and skipped the rest of the way to class.
When you arrived at the forbidden forest Professor Kettleburn stopped the group at the edge of the woods.
“Now students, we have a very special lesson today,” he explained to your peers. You danced on your toes in excitement. You loved care for magical creatures, enough to take it in your N.E.W.T.S years, and you were excited at the prospect of an exciting lesson. Sirius shifted impatiently on his toes, having only taken the course for an easy E, while Remus smiled at your antics.
“Today we will be in the presence of one of our realms' most compelling creatures,” Professor Kettleburn continued mysteriously. A smile spread its way across your face as you waited for him to reveal the creature. Professor Kettleburn led his herd of students into the forest, pausing a few paces in. He pushed back a branch of a large, sweeping tree, to reveal a herd of creatures. You felt your mouth drop open in astonishment. You turned to Remus, a wide smile adorning our features.
“Hippogriffs,” you whispered excitedly. Remus smiled at you, nodding in affirmation.
Professor Kettleburn walked to stand before the class.
“The hippogriff is an incredibly unique creature. Its front half bears the resemblance of an eagle, while it’s back half is one of a horse. The hippogriff’s closest relative is the griff, a creature that is half lion and half horse. The Hippogriff is also an especially proud creature. Can anyone tell me the proper etiquette for greeting such an animal?” the professor asked. You did not hesitate to shoot your hand into the air.
“Yes, Miss (L/n),” he said, calling on you.
“When approaching a hippogriff, the proper thing to do is to bow and wait for the hippogriff to do the same. You wait for the creature to approach you, and you must maintain eye contact,” you explained, almost reciting the textbook exactly.
“Very good,” the professor replied with a smile. Professor Kettleburn rambled on for a few more minutes, describing the deity habits and the ideal habitats for hippogriffs. You excitedly listened to him, soaking up every bit of knowledge that you could. You could hear some boys in your year laughing, mocking your professor’s eccentric habits, and you turned to glare at them. The group’s ringleader, Rodolphus Lestrange, turned and glared back at you, sending you an unflattering gesture.
Eventually, Professor Kettleburn clapped his hands together and stopped talking.
“Now,” he began, “who would like to be the first to greet the hippogriff?” Your hand immediately went up, waving back and forth through the air. You heard Sirius and Remus laugh at your behavior from either side of you.
“Okay Miss (L/n), please step forward,” the professor said as he motioned you towards him. He gave you a quick rundown of how you were to approach the creature, before sending you off with a quick pat on the shoulder.
You approached the creature and admired its beauty. It's gorgeous storm grey coat glistened under the late afternoon sun and its eyes were a brilliant shade of orange. You stopped about six feet in front of the creature before bowing, maintaining strong eye contact the entire time. After a beat, the hippogriff bowed as well. You smiled widely as you stood, awestruck by the creature before you. You stepped forward with your hand outstretched.
“Hello, you beautiful creature,” you spoke softly. The hippogriff leaned towards your hand before nuzzling his beak into it. You caressed his beak and gently carded your hands through its feathers. After a few minutes, Professor Kettleburn ushered you back. You reluctantly bowed to the creature before scurrying back to your friends.
When you returned, Sirius patted you on the back.
“Good job (Y/n). I would’ve been scared the thing was going to rip me to shreds,” he said. You shook your head at him.
“Oh come on, it’s a gentle creature,” you said. Remus grimaced from beside you.
“Yeah but one wrong move and it tears you to shreds,” he said quietly. You roll your eyes.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit of an overreaction?” you asked. Remus opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the professor.
“Now who else would like to greet our friend?” he asked the class. Before anyone could respond, Rodolphus strutted up the front. The professor leaned over to go over the proper etiquette, but Rodolphus just waved him off. You frowned.
“This is not going to end well,” you mumbled to yourself. Rodolphus swaggered up to the hippogriff, giving him a shallow bow. The hippogriff hesitated but eventually bowed in return. Rodolphus walked up to the creature, his first mistake, and immediately reached in to touch it. The hippogriff flinched, which caused Roldophus to say something to him. You could not quite make out what he said, but it angered the hippogriff. He reared his head and lunged towards the boy. The students around you began to scream and run away. Professor Kettleburn lunged forward, trying to get the student out of the hippogriff’s path. Remus grabbed your arm, attempting to pull you away, but you broke free from his grasp and headed in the opposite direction. You heard him shout after you as you ran towards the creature but you ignored him. Professor Kettleburn was attempting to keep the creature at bay while Rodolphus tried to crawl away. You approached the creature and tried to get its attention.
“Don’t waste your energy on him,” you shouted at the animal. It paid you no mind.
“You’re a magnificent creature! You have no business having to deal with someone like him!” you shouted. “You’re too good for him!”
After hearing the compliment, the hippogriff turned towards you. His orange eyes still glinted with aggression and his body was tense. Rodolphus got up and sprinted away. You quickly bowed, trying to appease the creature. It huffed and shook off Professor Kettleburn’s hand. You stayed in the same position, maintaining eye contact with the creature. You silently pleaded with it to calm down. Eventually, the hippogriff lowered its head in return, the aggression leaving its eyes. You waited for him to approach you before tentatively touching his beak. The air was thick with anticipation as your peers watched you, all of them scared for your safety. After a beat, the creature nuzzled into your hand, causing you to let out a sigh of relief. Professor Kettleburn came up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder. He ushered you back towards the other students, before dismissing class for the day.
“Okay children, that’s enough excitement for today. Feel free to head back to your dorms,” he stated, shooing you all with his hands.
You pushed through the crowd towards your friends. You were immediately wrapped into a strong hug. Sirius released you after a moment, a wide smile across his face.
“Godric you scared me half to death!” he exclaimed. “But that was wicked!” You smiled at his words. You turned towards Remus, hoping to see him smiling as well. But when he came into view, he looked the opposite of happy. His face was hard and cold and his arms were crossed stiffly over his chest.
“Remus what’s wrong-”
“How could you be so stupid,” he asked angrily, cutting you off in the process. You blinked at him, confused.
“What are you talking about?” you asked softly.
“Do you not realize what you just did? You approached that- that monster! And you practically begged him to attack you!” he yelled. You flinched at his words.
“He’s not a monster,” you responded, your voice wavering. Remus frustratedly ran his hands through his hair.
“Yes he is! Yes he is (Y/n)! But just can’t see it,” he exclaimed. Confusion filled your features.
“Remus I-”
“No. You do not get to speak. You can’t just go around and expect things like that- monsters- to not hurt you,” he yelled. Your face hardened.
“Remus I am perfectly capable of handling myself!” you yell back, anger coursing through your veins.
“No, you’re not! You’re too naive,” he responded angrily.
“I am not naive and you do not get to talk to me like I’m a child,” you yelled back. Remus just shook his head.
“One day, you’re going to try and tame the wrong creature and you’re going to get hurt. You don’t understand these things,” he said, quieter than before. He takes one last look at you before turning on his heel and storming off towards the castle.
You watch him leave, tears forming in your eyes. Your anger had dissipated, leaving only sadness and confusion in its wake. Remus had never spoken to you like that before. He had always been soft and sweet, the opposite of the man who had just screamed at you. You turn towards Sirius, who’s shocked expression matched yours.
“What was that all about?” you asked Sirius, who was avoiding your eyes. He sighed.
“Remus is going through some things right now,” was his only response. You scoffed through your tears.
“And how does that give him the right to speak to me like that?” you countered. Sirius kicked a pebble on the ground.
“It doesn’t. But just give him time,” was his reply. You shook your head, begging the tears to stay at bay. You quickly turned and stalked back to the castle.
@goosegorl​​ @serenefreakgeek​​ @blueflame2778​​ @thegirlthatsfalling​​ @glimmering-darling-dolly​​ @calmspencer​​ @therustictea​ @florenceivy​ @peachyblue​ @blackpinkdolan​ @killerqueenishere​ @lotties-journey-abroad​
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pixiebuggiewrites · 3 years
Sorry Wrong Number!
Masterpost - Previous - Next - Ao3 link
Chapter 2:  Hawkmoth has really bad designs and perhaps even worse timing
Since it was her off night from patrol, Ladybug was the last one onto the scene. She landed down on a building next to Viperion, who was observing the akuma’s skillset as Kuro Neko played distraction down below them.
The villain of tonight's look was... interesting to put it nicely. They were a boy around the same age as the heroes that seemed to be wearing a slightly oversized purple and blue three piece suit with a not-so-subtle lightning pattern running up the arms. His hair was shock white and seemed to be defying gravity while his eyes were protected by bright blue goggles-possibly where the akuma was residing. More importantly, he seemed to be covered in electricity, which was gonna make it difficult to get any hits in. He also had a laptop with him- another contender for the akuma’s hiding place but most likely just a weapon.
Not Hawkmoth’s worst design, but it definitely wasn't his finest work either. Though to be fair she had run around in spotted spandex for two years before she found out she could change her costume, so those in glass houses she supposed.
Viperion, noticing the team leader's arrival began to fill her in on what they knew so far.
“They're calling themselves ‘Elect-Trick’, keeps sending out shockwaves to try and knock us back which is frustrating but our suits seem to take the brunt of it which helps but Neko’s staff is a no go at the moment since there's no way to know if it’ll conduct the electricity.”
It likely would, something they had found out the hard way during the last weather akuma they had to face. While magical it was still metallic in nature sadly, which meant she needed to also be careful with her yoyo. She still isn't really sure what it’s made of besides magic, but this was not the way she wanted to find out.
“Alright, in that case we’ll continue to keep him away from the Eiffel Tower, it’s likely the akuma’s going to try and use it as a large conductor. I’m gonna head down, stay up here and be ready to use your second chance at the signal.” She instructed
Viperion nodded and went back to watching the fight just as Ladybug swooped down to join in. She was just in time as the akuma had begun to corner Neko, who had no choice but to rely on playing defense while her staff was out of the mix. The two heroes nodded their heads in greeting as Ladybug yoyo-d her cat themed friend over putting the duo back on even ground with the villain, who seemed to be ranting about school elections of all things.
Which would be a probable explanation for the first half of his name.
The two continued to fight back against the akuma, neither side quite able to grab the upper hand. Ladybugs yoyo-as it turned out, did not conduct electricity afterall. And, seeing as it's practically indestructible she was able to land hits on the akuma without getting shocked. But the akuma had realized the issue with Neko’s staff and was using that to their advantage, aiming a decent chunk of their attacks at the cat hero which forced them to go back on the defense.
As the fight had been going for over an hour at this point, the spotted heroine decided to bring out the big guns. After doing a silent signal letting Viperion know to start his timer, she got in position to call on her lucky charm.
But she didn't get a chance to. Just as she went to throw her yoyo in the air, Viperion called out a warning that sent a feeling of dread through her.
“LB watch out, There's an amok headed straight for the computer!”  
Sure enough, there was an all too familiar purple feather floating through the air on track for the laptop that she quickly caught and purified it before it could land. Thank the Kwami for the power of second chance, nobody wanted to deal with a sentimonster on top of everything else tonight.
Keeping Kuro Neko on the lookout for anymore feathers, She finally activated her lucky charm. Throwing her yoyo up she manifests… a slingshot! She could work with that, just needed to find ammo. Looking around her eyes land firmly on the window of a small toyshop.
Having Viperion keeping an eye out in case he was needed temporarily as backup, she sneaks over and breaks the window with her yoyo. Typically, the heroine would feel bad about causing this much property damage but tonight she’s tired and wants to get this over with so she can make a plan of action for the whole ‘Mayura seems to be back’ thing with her team and maybe get at least a couple hours of sleep. Anyways her miraculous cure would fix the window and return the bouncy balls she was actively stealing so no harm done? After finishing committing what was technically a misdemeanor, she made her way over to the roof Viperion was on and handed off the slingshot supplies before making her way back down.
Luckily Neko had managed to keep Elect-Trick distracted enough for the team to catch him off guard. On Ladybugs call Viperion began to pelt the Akuma with rubber balls, drawing his sight away for long enough to tie him up and take his glasses. One cataclysm later, the teen had been successfully deakumatized and she was able to cast her cure, fixing the decent chunk of property damage caused that night. After making sure the teen was okay to get home safe and getting his address for the interview she would have to conduct later, she turned to her team.
“Good work today guys, let's meet back at base in 30.” Her eyes communicated the urgency of the meeting despite the neutral tone of voice she tried to maintain.
From there the teens all departed in separate directions to recharge their powers and head to the team's secret base.
Okay so secret base was a bit of an overstatement. It is a secret place that the team uses as a base of operations but it was less of a Batcave and more of a repurposed hotel room in Le Grand Paris.
Chloe had brought up the idea after one too many close calls with Marinette's parents while the girls were investigating Hawkmoth. They needed a place to discuss hero work safely without having to talk in code but the question was where. Obtaining an apartment would be difficult as all of them but Luka were still underage, not to mention the issue of trying to pay rent without any parental suspicion. Luckily for Chloe, it's surprisingly easy to just claim a hotel room without being questioned when your Father owns the hotel.
And while it was no Batcave, it wasn't anything to scoff at either. The four teens had been able to pool together enough money in the beginning for the basics, which meant that now any small snuck away chunks of commission money, music gig payments, competition winnings, and allowances were all able to go to improving things bit by bit.
The room was already quite nice, having a separate bedroom that they used as a gym and a kitchenette that was kept well stocked with kwami snacks. Then there was the  main area, which had been split down the middle. The first side was dedicated to the investigation and housing Marinette's Guardian materials, While the second half was a hangout zone where they could chat or decompress after any particularly rough fights.
The base was also secure, Marinette had put so many spells and protections on the room with the help of the kwami that it might as well be a pocket dimension of sorts. The magical security system of sorts was extremely complicated, being tied to the teams auras in a way so that the only way to even find it without being one of them was to be taken there by Ladybug herself. It had taken weeks to pull off but was well worth it to give her team a place that was safe from the outside world.
Ladybug was the first to arrive this time, having flopped down into a chair at their meeting table as her two friends entered the room and joined her. They all sat there for a moment, processing the fact of Mayura’s return. Of course this would happen when they were down a member, it wasn't a complete surprise that the peacock miraculous would come back into play at some point but it was really bad timing.
“So what exactly is the plan?” Viperion asked, finally breaking the silence.
Ladybug sighed, knowing that their workload was going to increase once again. At least it was close to summer vacation.
“First we need to increase patrols- especially around the typical hot spots, Neko do you think we’ll be able to finish those jars by this time next week?”
The cat hero nodded “They're almost done, we’ll need to test them somehow though.”
The two of them had recently been working on a variation of an object enchantment technique mentioned in the grimoire. The original object was dubious in nature, having been used as a cage of sorts that kwami wouldn't be able to phase through. Marinette was disgusted by the thought, further feeding into some suspicions she had about the old order. As she was ranting about it to Kagami about it, her fencer friend got an idea for a way to repurpose the spell to trap akuma when Ladybug couldn't easily get to a fight. It would also allow them a new way to prevent possessions when Ladybug wasn't actively on patrol.
“That's good. Lastly I need Bee’s new number, I was going to ask you for it tomorrow but I need to give her a heads up to start on a new case file. We also might want to move up our plans to contact the heroes there.”
Kuro Neko quickly jotted down the number on a nearby notecard and handed it to Ladybug. After hammering out a few last details about their new patrol schedules the heroes were all free to head home for the night.
The trip home was uneventful, and she arrived home to see that it was just past midnight. She also noticed that her bath bomb had been fixed! It was sometimes a gamble on if something like that would count as akuma damage so it was a nice victory after the day she’s had.
Marinette quickly put in Chloe's number, eager to get to bed. She sent her blonde friend a summary on what happened and let her know to be on the lookout for an email tomorrow with the information to assemble a case file. And with that, Marinette drifted off to sleep.
She had made a small mistake though. In her tired state the young designer’s finger slipped, putting a 5 where there was meant to be a 4.
Meaning Chloe Bourgeois was not the recipient of her intended message.
Good thing she wrote the message in code?
Across the ocean, Damian Wayne received a strange text message.
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Miss Independent
Genre: Crack, Humor, Drama, NSFW, Mild Angst
Warning: Mild Angst
Kenma x Osamu x Suna x Reader Poly
D & Y/N| K & S| O& Y| Suna & Yui
Suna & Yui
He met her, the summer before his first year at Inarizaki. Her name was Yui and she had just moved into the neighborhood. Rintaro’s mother offered for her son to show the new girl around, and that summer was the best summer of his life. He had never spent so much time laughing, or just existing. As the summer ended he knew,  that she was someone he wanted to get to know more. So get to know more he did.
Rintaro and Yui started their first year of high school as boyfriend and girlfriend. Things weren’t so hard in the beginning, because they managed to spend almost all their free time together, but then Rintaro’s friend Atsumu convinced him to join the VBC with his twin, and suddenly their unlimited amount of free time was squished down to hardly any free-time at all. 
But Yui didn’t mind. She loved watching Rintaro get excited about something, so a few weeks after he joined the club, she applied for the position of team manager. Rintaro didn’t show it, but he was pleased that his girlfriend was willing to do something like that for him. It meant a lot to know that she was interested in his interests as well.
The couple spent the rest of high school that way. Fighting was rare between the two because they knew each other so well. Yui knew when Rintaro needed space, almost always after a heavy loss. The same way Rintaro knew she needed comfort when she didn’t do well on one of her exams. They were considered the “ideal” couple through the whole of Inarizaki. They had been together for all of high school and the future looked promising. 
Suna had already given Yui a promise ring the year before. The loss to Kurasuno the year before was difficult for Inarizaki, but she had been there for him; and in that moment as she held him when he cried he knew...He knew that Yui was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so that summer he worked to save up and presented her with a promise ring; on the first day of their last year of high school. “I promise baby, when we finish school, and I make it pro I’m going to fucking marry you.” he had told her peppering her face full of kisses as she had giggle against them sliding the ring on her finger. 
Everything for Rintaro was perfect.
“Rinta! We did it!” Yui smiled squealing as she launched herself into the arms of her future. Suna pulled her close dipping his head down to pull her in for a soft kiss. “I am so proud of you baby.” he whispered, rubbing his nose against hers. “Honestly, I didn’t know if I could do it, but I’m glad I had you there to support me.” she whispered, fingers playing with the stray threads. “Oi, love birds! Kita is here and he wants a group picture of his “children” for his little group of mother hens or whatever!” Atsumu shouted arm coming around Suna and Yui’s shoulders. Standing next to his two best friends Suna smiled as he posed for the camera. Yui was behing Kita, smiling widely at him not a care in the world. 
This summer was supposed to be their last summer as kids, before the stresses of college life would begin. Suna, Atsumu, and Osamu had all applied to schools in Tokyo, and luckily enough they had gotten into the school Kita had gotten into. Yui was going to be going to college in Sendai. As much as she wanted to go to Tokyo, Sendai had a better program of study. A few weeks before graduation, Yui found out she got into Sendai, but that she needed to go on a trip for the summer related to her program study. That impromptu trip ruined all the plans the couple had for the summer, but Rintaro didn’t mind. Yui had been sacrificing things for him their entire relationship, so with his okay he had sent her off. 
Yui would be spending most of the summer traveling and working with relief programs, to help get a better understanding of the world outside of Japan. She wouldn’t have her phone and writing letters would be impossible considering she had no permanent address. So, Suna and Yui spent the summer doing their own things and preparing for their own futures. His was filled with packing up his life in Hyogo and making the move to Tokyo. Instead of staying in the dorms, he and the twins found an apartment with a fair rate; thanks to Kita’s photographer friend. He and Atsumu spent most the summer in training prepping for the college season and fulfilling the requirements needed to go pro. He thought about Yui often and he missed her like crazy, but he was sure she was doing fine without him, and he only needed to wait a few months for her to come home.
What was meant to take 2-3 months ended up taking an extra 5 months bringing it to a grand total of Yui being gone for 8 months. Around the 3 month mark, she had managed to get a letter to him, explaining that she would be staying on longer and that she loved everything she was learning; she couldn’t wait to show him everything she had seen. At the bottom of the letter, she wrote down the time and the place that she would meet him at the train station; and Rintaro counted down the days.
The day of their planned meeting Rintaro was nervous. He had opted to dress nice, and he had a ring box burning a hole in his pocket. The 8 months apart was hard for him, but it made him realize that he was sure that she was his future. He didn’t care where he was in life, so long as she was there with him. Sitting on a bench he waited knee bouncing nervously as he watched passengers coming and going through the train station. 
30 minutes after he sat down Rintaro heard the sounds of a laugh he knew all too well. Standing up he turned in the direction he heard it form, and made his way towards it only to stop in his tracks as he watched Yui, being carried off the train. He took in every new thing he noticed about her, she had changed; and yet she hadn’t changed hardly at all. Yui giggled at the man who carried her off the train and settle herself on her feet. Picking her head up, her eyes widened comically as they came face to face with Rintaro standing in front of her. “W-What are y-you doing here Rin?” she stuttered out, hands coming to mold around her small protruding belly. Suna’s eyes followed her movements and widened themselves as he noticed the swell in her midsection. “Peaches, who is this?” the man behind her asked softly, as he pulled their luggage with them. Yui waved her hand dismissively, “This is just an old friend darling, you go get the rest of our things while we catch up.” she murmured kissing his cheek softly. 
Turning towards him, Yui spoke, “What are you doing here Rin?” she murmered arms crossed over her chest, her stance steady. “I thought I was coming to meet my girlfriend after 8 months a part. I thought I was coming to see the love of my life as we agreed in the letter you sent...instead I come to the station to find you pregnant and with another man Yui...what the actual fuck is happening here?!”he seethed hand crushing the flowers he had bought for her. “It was hard being away from you, not being able to talk to you, and I did a lot of soul searching Rinta.” she mumbled eyes looking out into the sea of people ahead of them. “Going on that trip has changed my life.” she smiled softly. “Changed your life? What about our life Yui? What about the life we had planned and our promises?!” he snarled. She snorted softly rubbing her belly. “You didn’t really think you could make it pro did you? You’re good Rinta, but you’re not that good.” she murmured. “ Tachi-chan is a good man, and he gets me in a way that you never could Rinta...and we’re meant to be. We’re soulmates.” she sighed wistfully. “We eloped, and we’re expecting.” she giggled showing off the shoddy little band they had purchased from a street market. “ We’re on our way to his parents house to stay with them, until we can get a place of our own...we...Rinta...we were never meant to be forever, and I see that now.” she hummed rocking on the balls of her feet. Hearing her name being called, she smiled and waved. “I hope everything works out for you Rinta, but this is where our story ends.” and Suna Rintaro watched, as the love of his life walked away; into the arms of a man she had only met months ago. Heart shattered and trust completely broken.
-Rintaro ended up returning the ring, and locking himself away for a few days. His entire life had been shattered in a matter of moments and no one could pull him out of it. 
-When he finally made his way out of his room, his friends were there to help him work through it. Osamu was more help, as he’d been through a very difficult heartbreak as well so the two of them slept their way through college without a care in the world.
-Rintaro focused on his studies and on volleyball. He ended up proving Yui wrong when he was recruited by the EJP Raijin and later traded to play with his best friend for the MSBY Black Jackals; but at that point Yui, was just another blip on his radar.
@dabilove27 @amberisnotcrazy @elianetsantana @cloudyxlay @exosehun-94 @deaththekidwantsyou @sempiternal-amour
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hawkinsindiana · 4 years
we’re safe now
pairing: steve harrington x henderson!reader
word count: 3.3k
a/n: ahhh i’m sorry this is coming a week late! but i really appreciate everyone being patient while i sort out all the issue with my health. luckily, i’ll be able to post the next chapter next week so we’re back on schedule! again, i can’t thank you all enough for the support and overwhelming love i’ve received recently, so this is for you guys <3
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Almost two weeks have passed since that night. You’ve been counting the days like some twisted tally, unable to stop reminding yourself of the events that occurred. It bothers you to no end - why you can’t seem to get them out of your head.
The nightmare certainly isn’t helping you cope.
You can’t recall all of the details; you just remember how it felt when your body jolted, how your fingers rushed to grab the smooth grip of the pipe resting beneath your bed - until you realized it was only your subconscious mind playing tricks.
That shadow cast by your dresser wasn’t Billy Hargrove. 
It’s only been five days, but sleep has eluded you ever since.
It seems that everyone’s already moved on. Their lives haven’t stopped or slowed down by what happened. Even Will’s adjusted well, or as well as can be expected. Every little bit of progress is like ten steps in the right direction for the Byers’ boy.
“Hey-” The eraser on the end of Steve’s pencil jabs you in the arm, bringing your scrambled thoughts back to reality - back to him.
“What d’you think about ten? A or D?”
Your eyes drift from Steve, sitting in the chair beside yours, to the worksheet on the table. You’d completely forgotten about it - the pen in your hand had been drawing circles absently onto the paper.
“I, uh-” You clear your throat, gaze bouncing between the four questions you managed to answer, “I didn’t get there yet.”
Steve scoffs as he leans over to take a look; he doesn’t believe a word of it. You always get through these faster than him. But when he realizes that you haven’t flipped to the second page, a touch of worry settles in his stomach.
“Jesus, Henderson. Where’s your head at?”
Steve asks it like it’s a joke. You don’t know if you appreciate or despise the delivery.
On one hand, you’re happy that he feels lighter than you do. Your troubled mind is thankful for the levity it desperately needs. 
But then again, you don’t feel like you’re really here - you think you could just fall right through the floor, forever destined to drown in these emotions.
Dustin says that’s typical until the concussion wears off; but you’re not concerned about physical trauma.
You reply to Steve just as the bell rings, marking the end of the school day.
“Well, uh… the kids wanna get together tonight, but now that there’s so many of ‘em, Karen won’t let them hang at the Wheeler’s. Mike’s been on my ass to help find a spot.”
That’s not a lie - it has been on your mind. Mike has been bugging you about it, desperate to spend more time with El now that she’s returned. That’s cute and all, just as long as you’re not being dragged into it.
Steve’s brow creases before grabbing your bag from the back of your chair. He swings it over his shoulder, carrying his own books by his side; until your hand heals, you’re not going to have to lift a finger.
“Why can’t you just have it at your place?” 
“Not enough room for them all to stay over,” You respond, “Max and Mike refuse to sleep on the floor. We only have one couch.”
As soon as the pair of you step out into the crowded corridor, your eyes catch the snide glances in your direction.
It didn’t take long before people started to figure out what happened.
The injuries that litter your faces were quickly connected to Billy’s split knuckles - which he’s been showing off proudly. To no one’s surprise, it sparked a whole array of rumors. 
Don’t forget the shocking twist that Nancy Wheeler showed up to class with Jonathan Byers on her arm, prompting even more whispers and speculation. Needless to say, it’s been a rough couple of weeks at Hawkins High for you both.
But as soon as you’re free from the fluorescent lights and greeted with autumn’s crisp afternoon breeze, peace starts to settle in. 
“They could hang out at my place.”
Steve’s comment causes you to spin around and stop in your tracks. Your confused expression meets his plain one; he simply shrugs, not acknowledging your reaction, “You know, if they wanted to.” 
He continues on, brushing past you on his way towards the parking lot before you pick up the pace.
“Wait, seriously?” You question after coming to Steve’s side, baffled that he would offer such a thing, “You know that you don’t have to do that, right?”
Steve chuckles a bit, amused by your tone and the shock you radiate, “What, it’s not like anybody’s using it anyways. My parents won't get back until late Sunday night.”
“Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into, Harrington?” You add after approaching the passenger’s side of his car, “They’re even worse when the world’s not at stake.”
“I’m pretty sure I can handle it,” Steve replies, tossing your belongings into the back seat. He shuts the door before opening yours. A touch of concern floods his mind, “Wait, you’re coming too right?”
You fold your arms over your chest; a small smirk curls your mouth upwards, “I thought you could handle it.”
“Well, you know… there are six of ‘em-”
“Relax!” You laugh, shoving Steve lightly. The action makes you realize that you hadn’t noticed how close he’d gotten - it makes your heart skip a beat. He mirrors your bright smile as you finish, “Of course I’ll be there. I’m not that cruel.”
One word. That’s all it took to convince them. Dustin, on the other hand, was on board with the idea as soon as you mentioned it.
The door chime rings once, then seven more times before Steve finally swings open the front door. He’s met with Max’s smug grin, pointer finger pressed against the doorbell. 
Steve frowns when she doesn’t let up - the annoying sound still echoes through the house. Just as he’s about to tell her to quit it, Lucas slaps her hand away; the action earns him a prompt shove on the arm.
“I heard there was a pool,” Max says. 
Her overnight pack is slung over her shoulder, sunglasses perched on the bridge of her nose. The group is huddled onto the step, all carrying their belongings with them.
“Uh, yeah,” Steve steps back, pulling the door back with him, “Down the hall, take a left-”
“I’ll find it. Come on guys.”
The girl pushes forwards, with Lucas and Will pursuing closely behind her. Mike and El follow soon after - El’s hand is wrapped tightly around his elbow.
Steve starts to grow concerned when he doesn’t see you or your brother. Maybe you ditched him to go hang out with Hargrove. 
He hates that he thought that. Of course you wouldn’t. It still bothers him though, why you said yes.
But then Steve hears your bickering cut through the chilly November breeze, and he can’t help the warmth that spreads through his chest. 
“Here, take this-”
“No! I’m not carrying your shit!”
The corner of Steve’s mouth curls up at your tone. He hopes he gets used to your arguments - god knows he doesn’t want to lose either of you.
And then he thinks about what was admitted that night. That maybe things would be better if he realized how happy you make him.
That he’s happier when he’s with you than he was with Nancy.
That scares him. He doesn’t know why.
Max couldn’t get into the pool fast enough; she was still wearing one of her socks when she drove in. She quickly found out it wasn’t deep enough to do so.
“I still can’t believe you convinced Hop to let her come,” Steve mutters, approaching your side before passing you a can of Coke.
As much as you might wish it was something stronger, you’re not sure you’d like to be tipsy around any of the kids. Who knows what secrets could spill.
Steve gestures to El, who’s perfectly content just dipping her toes into the warm water; you taught her how to roll her jeans into tight, clean cuffs as to not get her clothes wet. She watches the others throw around a foam football, clapping anytime someone catches it successfully - which isn’t often.
You shrug a bit and gladly accept the drink, “As soon as he heard I would be there, he was fine with it. You know, I’m trustworthy.”
Steve’s standing a little too close - his arm brushes yours every few moments. Every touch has been amplified since you felt the undeniable electricity; any nudge or tap makes your heart rate pick up, no matter how small.
Steve doesn’t get to reply, Will’s pass just misses Mike’s hand; the ball bounces against the concrete before landing against the fence on the other side of the yard.
You sigh while sending a nasty glare to the boys, setting down your soda, “Wait, I’ve got it.”
Steve chuckles as you walk over, waving off their excuses and holding conversation; he can’t hear the banter over the radio that’s blasting the hits. And then something comes to mind, something you’d hate. 
He kneels down next to El - her curls bounce as she turns her head to him. Steve keeps his voice low, eyes bouncing between you and the young girl, “I’ve got an idea.”
“Mike, you missed a perfectly good shot!” You say, siding with Will in the argument. 
“Thank you!” He exclaims, “At least somebody notices talent around here.” He smiles when you send him a sly wink and a thumbs up.
Mike’s words stutter as he attempts to defend himself, “My-my hands are WET! We’re in a POOL! It’s not my fault!” He’s motioning wildly now, splashing water around as he speaks.
You start to approach the water’s edge, spinning the ball between your fingers as you answer, “Yeah, tell that to the other thirty times you miss-”
As soon as you come close enough to the pool, you’re pushed a few feet forward, limbs flailing rapidly in surprise. A wave cascades over the group as you land in the water, quickly drenching them and turning Dustin and Lucas into sputter messes; they can’t tell if they’re coughing or cackling.
Once your head comes up from the surface, Steve and El’s laughter grabs your attention. Steve offers his hand for a high-five, which she eagerly returns, “Nice job, kid - that was awesome!”
You brush your hair away from your face and begin blinking rapidly to rid it from your eyes, “You two are so gonna get it!”
“It was Steve’s idea,” El replies between giggles, to which the boy in question deflects the blame, “Wha- you’re the one who did it!” 
“What the hell was that?!”
“Oh come on, that was funny!” Steve answers your outburst, relishing the moment that came before, “You should’ve seen the look on your face, Henderson. Absolutely priceless.”
The frown you have cracks a bit at his joy. It’s hard to not let his infectious happiness influence you. The water’s deep enough to come up to your chest as you wade over to the pair of them, “But now my clothes are all wet! These are my good jeans!”
Steve exhales, feeling a bit of guilt wash over him at your whining, “Alright fine. I’ll help you up, come here.”
But as soon as Steve’s fingers wrap around your bicep, yours tighten on his wrist - Dustin would recognize your mischievous expression anywhere.
“Wait, Steve-”
Your brother’s comment comes too late, because you’ve already yanked Steve in too. Another splash covers the kids; Lucas wipes water from his cheeks, “Oh, come on!”
“There. Now we’re even,” You add as Steve combs his hair back. It sticks up in chunks in random places, making your mouth curl up in a smirk.
“I guess I deserved that,” Steve coughs as he pulls his soaked sweater from his skin, before turning to you when a laugh bubbles from your throat.
“You should’ve seen your face, Harrington.”
There’s a pause before Steve responds. He’s overwhelmed by your actions, how that glint in your eyes makes his heart flutter, makes him speechless for the first time in a long time.
Instead he lunges, an arm wrapping loosely around your waist to pull you closer, only to splash more water in your face. 
“You’re so dead!” You shout before pushing Steve back underneath the water, but his hold strengthens, pulling you down with him briefly before popping up again. 
There’s a moment that occurs right after breaking the surface. 
Your hand comes to rest on Steve’s shoulder, the fabric of his clothes twist in your fist as your gazes meet. Heat crawls up your neck when his palm slides over your back, and his focus is drawn to your lips. 
God, he could kiss you right now. 
But he’s still in love with Nancy. And nothing about this is fair to you.
Then the realization hits - the kids are still here. 
“I’ll uh-“ Steve clears his throat, moving himself away as you drop your hand. When his touch finally leaves you, the exhale you were holding releases into the sky, suddenly expelled from your lungs.
Steve nods once, a somber manner about him, “I’ll find you something dry to wear.”
You swallow harshly as the feelings start to settle; your stomach aches. Turns out that things between you and Steve weren’t going as well as you thought they were.
Maybe what he said didn’t mean anything. Maybe he’s just confused. Maybe he’s just using you as a way to get over his heartache.
You feel like you could throw up.
You’re barely able to look at the kids, who are all staring silently in your direction, puzzled by what they just witnessed.
“If you guys need anything, I’ll be inside,” You say softly before hoisting yourself up on the metal ladder.
Lucas is the first to speak once you’ve retreated inside.
“Alright, please tell me we all saw that?”
You can’t sleep. Not that you’re surprised, you weren’t expecting to.
You just hate how this feels - uncertainty and fear don’t mix well inside your brain.
Even if everything is shitty, at least your relationship with Steve seemed to be better. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking. 
But you can only lie here and listen to Max’s light snores for so long; you need some fresh air. Turns out, you’re not the only person with the same desire.
It’s your voice that draws Steve’s attention.
“You know, the last person out here alone got snatched up, Harrington.”
He can’t help the small smile that spreads over his face at the sight of you, standing there wrapped up in one of his mother’s expensive throws; the hood from his sweatshirt pops out a bit at the top, helping to keep you toasty. 
“Oh yeah? You got a death wish, Henderson?”
You go silent for a moment, hesitating with your response - your exhausted brain can’t seem to come up with a reply. The mixture of the cool November air and the heat that rises from the pool washes over you in waves. It makes your body desperately wish that it could relax.
“No, no I don’t,” You finally reply, moving to sit down next to the water’s edge, “Not yet, anyways.” 
Steve grows confused at your answer. It’s not at all what he expected you to say. He waits a few seconds, pondering his options before deciding to join you. 
His skin tears slightly at the contact with the rough concrete, his eyes are cast towards the ground. 
Your breathing begins to steady once Steve takes a seat by your side, leg pressed to yours. You feel better having him here - you don’t like being alone anymore.
“I can’t sleep either,” He says.
You don’t even have to mention it; he recognizes that look on your face, the desperation for a hint of rest. But he doesn’t know if that’s because he’s still reeling from the harrowing experiences, or if it’s because Nancy’s not there next to him anymore.
“Will went missing about half a block from here,” Steve continues, “It still freaks me out to think about that.”
“There’s a street light right outside my window,” You add, picking at a loose string on your pajama bottoms, “Nine times out of ten I think it’s that thing. And I know that there’s no way it could be...”
You sniffle after trailing off; Steve shifts his gaze to you, watching as you peer out over the calm and quiet landscape, “But that doesn’t stop my mind from imagining it.”
Steve doesn’t know what to say to that. He wishes that he had known about this sooner. Maybe he could’ve helped you move on.
He wants to keep you talking. He hopes that would help you, but he doesn’t want to cross any boundaries. 
That was never something he thought about before. But juggling with these new feelings about you has him reconsidering everything about your friendship. He doesn’t want to make anymore mistakes; you don’t deserve that.
“How are you holding up otherwise?” Steve asks.
Your brow furrows as you hold your hands in your lap, grimacing at the sight of your healing bones. There’s no wonder why you haven’t been able to adjust - a constant reminder is always in sight. 
Your chest heaves as a warm breath expels into the air, “I just… I can’t get rid of that feeling.”
“Which one?” Steve’s eyes are now on your face, studying you softly. The lights from beneath the pool’s surface gloss over your features - it’s absolutely mesmerizing. 
“I’m still so scared, Steve,” You gulp, gaze trained on the water ahead, “I’m so scared that something’s gonna happen again.”
“Eleven closed the gate,” He says, “We’re safe now.” 
You shake your head slightly, pulling the blanket closer to your chilled frame, “That’s not what scares me.”
You don’t need to continue for Steve to understand. He can’t imagine what’s been running through your mind, although your behavior from the past few weeks is starting to make more sense.
A light dusting of purple and blue still covers your jawline. God, how he wishes he could wipe it all away, forget that ever happened, forget that it’s his fault you’re burdened with the memory of that night. He didn’t do enough. 
Maybe if he had, you would have been spared.
“I’m terrified of what he did to you.”
Steve’s admission hangs in the air for a moment. He almost grows embarrassed of it, but being vulnerable doesn’t scare him as much as it did. 
He’ll never be able to get that image out of his head. You, bruised and bloodied at Billy’s mercy - he sees it when he closes his eyes at night.
You don’t know what to feel at his words, you just know that it makes your heart race. You don’t think you’ve ever had someone say anything like that to you before. 
Steve’s forehead creases when he feels your fingertips brush his knuckles, still tender from trying to beat Hargrove senseless.
He adjusts to intertwine your hands, feeling a sudden wave of relief come over him as your palms press together. Then, somehow you’re both inching even closer, head resting on his shoulder as it becomes painfully clear.
He knows why he was scared before. Because this, this feels real. 
“It took me a while to get over her too,” You say, voice just above a whisper, “She has a way with people, you know.”
Steve doesn’t understand how you can make something sound both emotionally heavy and soft at the same time. 
His lips are pressing a kiss to your temple soon after - reassurance that he’ll be here for you. You squeeze his hand tighter in response, closing your eyes as the anxiety dulls.
“Yeah, I know.”
taglist: @stevebabey​ / @mrs-skywalker​ / @hannarudick​ / @crazycookiecrumbles​ / @hellisateenageheather​ / @alewifex​ / @l0ve-0f-my-life​ / @naomiiiiiiiiiii04​ / @daddystevee​ / @thecaptainsgingersnap​ / @let-the-imaginationflow​ / @asianravenpuff​ / @im-a-stranger-thing​ / @mikariell95​ / @pilunb​ / @harringtherin​ / @royalestrellas​ / @ultrunning​ / @buggs177 / @poutfull​ / @yoheyyosup​ / @duchessdaisybat​ / @janieavalos / @sassisaluxury​ / @beththebubbly​ / @i-bitch-you-bitch​ / @captainstilinskis​ / @juliebean247​ / @im-nada / @whatabeautifulsurrender​ / @rexorangecouny​ / @pass-me-jeez-it​ / @ahoy-scoops-troop​ / @halefirewarrior​ / @jointhehunt67 / @wallacetdog​ / @ketchuplukehemmo​ / @m-a-r-i-n-t-p / @fangirl485 / @emmegirl827 / @lookalivesunshine-x​ / @elite4cekalyma / @marjoherbo / @just-my-fandom / @idumpyourgrass​ / @alafolieee​​ / @mochminnie​ / @phantomalchemist​ / @dustyblueboo​ / @alonewolfsblog​ / @ggclarissa​ / @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​ / @bippityboppitybabe​
if you wanna be added to the taglist, just lemme know!
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infernwetrust · 3 years
Dive [Duncan Shepherd x Jim Mason]
Summary: Duncan joins Jim and Medina on their yearly visit to Palos Verdes, where things get a little heated.
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, mentions of drug use, emotional, a little bit o’ violence
WC: 2.3k
A/N: I rewatched Tribes of Palos Verdes today and I am not okay :’). Had to quote Jim at the end because it fit so well and I almost cried again. Desperately wanted Jim to have a happy ending. Part of my little Duncan x Jim series that can be found on my master list, here. Thank you for reading! -Juno
GIF by kaetastic
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Music blasted through the RV that they had rented for their road trip. Duncan bobbed his head lightly to the music, hand tapping away at the steering wheel as he drove. In the passenger seat was Jim, hand placed on Duncan's thigh, thumb rubbing small circles with his thumb. Jim peaked his head around the headrest, checking on his sister and her boyfriend who were peacefully asleep, cuddled up together. They had both decided that they still wanted absolutely nothing to do with their parents, hence the renting of the RV. They didn't even know they were coming. Plus, with their love the beach and surfing, Duncan thought it would be good to just park the RV in one of those special RV Parks near the beach.
"So this is PV, huh?" Duncan asked, turning his head to look at Jim for a few moments as they passed the Welcome to Palos Verdes sign. His eyes quickly scanned his surroundings. They had made it just in time before the sun started setting. He knew how bad Jim would want to go the beach once they got there, so he made it a point to leave LA when they did.
"Mhmmm." Jim said, squeezing his thigh a little bit. "A place full of horrible memories." Jim sighed before removing his hand from Duncan's thigh, running it through his hair before looking out the window at the all too familiar place he once called home. It didn't even feel like home. This was the one time of year that he dreaded the most. Only once every year, before Duncan and Calvin came along, would Jim and Medina visit PV. Something about remembering their "roots" Medina would always bring up, but with all the pain, Jim could care less. There were beaches close to LA they could spend all day surfing at, but nonetheless, it didn't give some sense of warmth to visit the place that started it all.
"Which is why we're going to make a lot of good memories these next 2 weeks." Duncan said trying to bring him back up. He grabbed Jim's hand, giving his knuckles a kiss. "Right?"
"Right..." Jim mumbled.
"I know you hate doing this every year, ocean eyes and I'm glad that you brought me this year to be apart of it. I know you're hurting and this place is always going to hurt you, but I'm here with you now and I'm going to push all those bad memories away, okay?" Jim looked at Duncan for a moment, chewing down on his bottom lip before returning his attention to looking back outside of the window.
"It'll be just like our little meetups when we first met on one of my business trips, hmmm?" Duncan continued, raising his eyebrow. "Look at me, Jim." Duncan waited until he could feel Jim's eyes on him before he continued speaking.
"How so?" Jim questioned, a little agitated. "Don't try to compare this place to what we had before we started dating. Aside from the beach, this place is fucked up."
"Long walks and conversations on the beach." Duncan continued. "Little food dates at your favorite food shacks around here. I know you have some. All the alcohol we can drink. Tons and tons of wild and nasty beach sex. And if we get lucky, those two will be gone a little bit and I'll get to fuck you senseless in the back of this RV. And I know you think I don't understand Jim, about how you feel about this place, but I do. But I want you to show me, Jim."
"What is there to show you, Duncan, that you don't already know. I was addicted to drugs, is that what you're trying to see? Me on drugs again?"
"I knew you would take it there..." Duncan said underneath his breath.
"Say it with your chest, Dunc." Jim said sarcastically before snatching his hand away from Duncan, his jaw clenched.
"Why do you always get so defensive with me, babe? Of course I'm not trying to see you on drugs again, ocean eyes. What the fuck? Why would you even think of something like that? When I say show me, Jim, I meant show me the beach boy that's lived in Palos Verdes. The beach boy that loves to surf with his sister. The carefree beach boy who loves the feeling of the sand between his toes."
"The beach boy with nicest ass in or out of his wetsuit. The beach boy with the beautiful head of hair, a perfect set of lips, and beautiful eyes I get lost in. The beach boy who can't keep his hands off of me. The beach boy I fell in love with. Y'know? The one with the rocking personality?"
"I'm sorry..." Jim croaked out, regretting getting riled up towards his boyfriend.
"None of that. You have nothing to be sorry about. I just want you to relax this trip, okay? Can you do that for me? Or at least try to? Like I said, show me the Jim before the storm that made him even stronger than he was before."
"Yeah." Jim said, sitting a bit and wiping his face, nodding his head. "Yeah, yeah, okay."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
When they had arrived at their parking location, everyone wasted no time getting things ready for the beach. Thankfully, Duncan had invested in a cooler with wheels or else the walk would of sucked for whoever was going to have to carry it. They all took the time to change into their wetsuits, taking a group selfie in the process. They had just found a good spot to set all their stuff down, when a familiar voice yelled out for Jim.
"Aye, Jimmy!" the voice yelled again.
"Fuck..." Jim sighed. "They would fucking be here."
"Just keep walking." Medina said, throwing her arm around her brothers shoulder.
"Who is he?" Duncan asked.
"Trouble." Calvin huffed, a previous Bay Boy himself.
"Hey!" the voice yelled again as it got closer, way too fast. And before Jim knew it, he was being shoved forward, out of Medina's grip. "So you leave PV after high school and then show up maybe every once in a while and don't even shoot your old boys a what's up? Shit what are we now? Like 28? 10 whole years man! Don't think we haven't seen you around when you come to visit, Jimmy."
With anger from already being in a bad mood and without thinking, Jim spun around, hand clenched in the tightest fist he could make and punched the breath out of him, the feeling of fresh blood splattering across his knuckles. And when he fell to the floor, Jim took that as opportunity to continue, punches flying.
"Jim!" Duncan yelled, running over to attempt to pull Jim off of the guy. Wrapping both his arms around Jim, he pulled him off in one swift motion, holding onto him as tightly as possible, so that he couldn't break free. Medina joined Duncan's efforts to calm her brother down, whose face was beyond red.
"You just couldn't stay away?" Calvin asked, stepping between the guy and everyone else so that he was at least out of Jim's line of vision.
"Once a Bay Boy, always a Bay Boy." the guy said, standing up and wiping the blood away from his mouth, spitting after. "And he needs to realize that."
"Jim doesn't owe you or the Bay Boys, anything. And neither do I before you say anything else."
"No the problem is you fuckers think you can just leave PV and keep coming back like you still own these waters and then have the nerve to not even check in with us. We let it slide the first couple of times because we really really really like, Jimmy. Until we realized he was avoiding us."
"But you can see why, though. Putting your hands on him and for what?"
"Not my fault Jim's always been a little soft." And behind their conversation, all you could hear was yelling between the 3. Jim finally broke out of Duncan's grip, turning around to shove him in his chest, hard.
"Now you understand, huh?!" Jim yelled. "This is exactly why I hate fucking coming back here! I knew this would fucking happen one year or another!" He looked at Medina too. "Outcast sister and druggie brother return to hell once again, huh?!" Jim shoved Duncan in his chest again, before storming off back towards the RV. Medina called out for him, wanting to follow, but Duncan stopped her. Jim was always so unpredictable when he was angry and if anyone was going to get hurt, it wasn't going to be her. As Jim approached the RV, he looked behind him, seeing that Duncan wasn't trailing too far behind.
"Where are the keys?" he asked as Duncan got closer to him.
"Jim..." Duncan began to say.
"The keys." Jim said again through a clenched jaw, sizing Duncan up. And again with anger and without thinking, he just started grabbing at Duncan, forgetting he was in his wetsuit.
"Stop. Jim. St- STOP." Duncan growled, grabbing Jim by his arms and slamming him up against the side of the RV. Luckily they were out of eyeshot for no one to see.
"Give me the fucking keys." Jim said. "Don't make me hurt you.
"You wanna hurt me, Jim?!" Duncan asked, raising his voice. "Huh?! Will it make you feel better?!"
"I'd probably feel better if I was laid out on the beach d-,"
"Finish that sentence. I dare you." Duncan stepped up to Jim once again, getting in his face. Jim looked up at Duncan who in this moment, towered him. His lip quivered and the tears began falling. "I get it, Jim."
"No. You don't. Stop saying you do because you never will. You've never had to deal with this place, Duncan. Open your fucking eyes for once."
"My eyes have been open, Jim. I haven't lived through this hell, but I've lived through my own hell. You wanna know the difference about my hell and yours? You got the chance to escape, Jim. I spent my entire life, until I met you, in DC Jim. I was lied to, Jim. I've been hurt by people I thought cared about me too, Jim. And I'm not saying that my life was ANY worse than yours, but DON'T tell me that I don't fucking get it."
"And I want to understand you more, Jim, but you keep shutting me the fuck out." Duncan continued, his voice cracking. "You can't keep running away every time, Jim. Whether it be in situations like this or when we argue. I made a promise to you that I would always be here, no matter what and I've been here, Jim."
"I know..." Jim said, shaking his head. "Don't you think I know? But what's the point of continuing to visit when there is nothing out here for us anymore? This place ruined me, Duncan. My random depressive episodes, my anger outbursts, days where I just want to be left alone? I wasn't like that before everything. My teenage years were robbed from me and I'll never get those moments back. It's so easy to run and that's exactly what Medina and I did when we just left and moved to LA. We ran. We told nobody. Our parents couldn't do anything because we waited until we were of age."
Duncan sighed, resting his forehead against Jim's. He could feel the heat radiating off of Jim's body due to anger, but also from the comfort of having Duncan so close to him. Even when they had their arguments back home in LA and Jim would start throwing things or shoving Duncan away, when Duncan did manage to get close, Jim melted. Amongst all his rage, Duncan always made him feel like he was floating.
"Why does it have to be all bad?" Duncan questioned, his eyes closed, nose pressed against Jim's. "Yes, you will never get those moments back, ever. You're right. But what's stopping you from creating those moments now? We're still young right? Like you tell me all the time. We can still do all those things, Jim. You, Medina, me, and Calvin. We can turn this ugly place into something beautiful."
"You always know what to say to me, huh?"
"I'm being serious. The past is always going to be the past and you can't do anything to change it. You can only embrace it and accept that it's apart of you. But what you can do, is not let it drive you back into the ground. You did drugs, Jim. You drank like crazy, Jim. So what? You don't now. And you're glowing. Fucking glowed so bright when I first saw you. I won't let you slip away, Jim. I love you so much."
"Jim..." Medina called out, poking her head around the side of the RV. "Sorry, I know you didn't want me to follow, but I- I-, I don't even know what I'm trying to say. I'm sorry, Jim. I'm sorry I keep dragging you here. I'm sorry. I was just trying-,"
Jim stepped away from Duncan, walking over to his sister to wrap her in a warm hug as she burst into tears, the both of them stumbling to their knees as they continued to hold each other. He wasn't mad at her. He wasn't mad at Duncan either.
"I think about what you said a lot." Jim began. "About sticking with your tribe? We're our own tribe. It's what you said. We don't need anyone else. Right?"
"Right." she croaked, barely above a whisper as she held him tighter.
"And we're going to turn this ugly place into something beautiful." Jim spoke again, turning around to look at Duncan, his own tears falling. "It's what you said. Right?"
"Right." Duncan answered, giving Jim a small smile.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid @9layerdevilfoodcake  @xavierplympton @guiltyfiend @mikhalxngdon​ @theneverendinghunger​
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zlatanakermann · 4 years
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This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I simply love the hc in which the four boys are extremely protective with Yachi, so I HAD TO write about it.
The image is not mine, I found it on Pinterest and I have no idea where it comes from, but I love it!
I am sorry about any possible grammatical error, English isn’t my first language so it is a bit difficult for me to write such long things on my phone.
Warnings: mhhh not much, there is swearing and mention of sex, but this isn’t a smut fiction.
Story: Karasuno first years being good friends for Yachi when she struggles to deal with love.
Yachi Hitoka was the sweetest cinnamon roll of all Karasuno. She was shy, but extremely determined, she was hardworking and passionate, and she was incredibly cute. Not that anyone, besides the few people who actually spoke to her (mainly the volleyball team), had noticed.
This went for the first year of high school. But it changed as soon as her body started showing stronger hints that Yachi Hitoka wasn’t a baby anymore but she was, in fact, a woman, and a beautiful one.
Maybe it was because of the sudden interest of the whole school for the volleyball team after their admirable performance at the nationals the previous year, together with Kyoko’s absence; or maybe it was just because Yachi Hitoka didn’t develop only two sizes on her chest, but also more self-confidence. Anyway, in the second year of High School at Karasuno, Yachi became pretty popular and she found herself a boyfriend. A pretty good one! He wasn’t a volleyball player, “Thank God!” she always thought. She loved her friends and she loved volleyball: but she wasn’t sure that she would have liked to date one of her teammates. The “Karasuno First Years”, which were now second years, and now were her closest friends, didn’t particularly like or dislike this guy. He was totally insignificant, according to them.
Yachi wanted her boyfriend to meet the “volleyball guys” she was so attached to, mostly because he looked a little bit jealous and she was determined to show him that they were cool guys, and that they didn’t have any hidden intentions towards her. So she organized a group date with the boys in one of their free days.
“I mean, he’s not that bad...” Hinata said to his teammates at the end of the date, once Yachi had been far from them, holding that insignificant guy’s hand.
“Yeah, it’s just... I don’t know, I feel like he’s not that great either.” Yamaguchi added, with a frown on his face.
“Oi! Dumbasses.” Kageyama punched Hinata on his head, just because. “Yachi looked happy. This should be the most important thing, right? Didn’t you see how she was smiling?”
Tsukishima shrugged “As Our Majesty said, our friends’ happiness comes first: it’s not like WE have to date that guy. If she likes him, I guess he is ok.”
“But.” Kageyama intervened once more “Yachi is too sweet and naive sometimes.”
“That’s why she has us.” Hinata replied seriously. “We’ll watch her back.”
The fun thing was that none of them has ever had a relationship before, so they were basically observing Yachi’s one without really being aware of what was happening. Their only goal was to be sure that this boring normal guy made Yachi Hitoka happy. And he did! He did it for almost... three weeks. Yeah, after 18 days since they start dating, Yachi Hitoka skipped practice for the first time. And it was a pretty incredible event, since she has alway been serious about her responsibilities as a manager.
The “Four-first-years-which-were-actually-now-second-years” immediatly noticed her absence, reporting it to the third years and causing a great mess in the gym. Takeda Sensei and Coach Ukai spent a good 20 minutes trying to convinge Kageyama and Hinata that skipping one practice wasn’t such a big deal, that Yachi was fine and that surely had a good reason to skip practice that day. Capitain Ennoshita had to physically stop Tanaka and Nishinoya from “going to look for their adorable kohai in need of her amazing senpais”.
“Stop!” Ennoshita Chikara’s voice roamed through the gym to gain the attention of his teammates. “Chill guys, Yachi messaged me yesterday to ask if she could skip practice today. Apparently she has a date. So please, PLEASE, let’s just start the practice without any further drama.”
Yamaguchi decided to text her quickly: he would have properly talked to her after practice. It was ok to stop and rest sometimes, but she should have told them. Especially because she was ditching them because of a date! Yamaguchi was the closest to Hitoka, and he felt pretty cut out at the moment.
The following day, Yachi Hitoka looked a little bit distracted during lunch. She met the four volleyball players at their spot behind the gym, greeting them with her usual smile, but she didn’t partecipate to the conversation. The boys didn’t push her, and eventually she blurted out what clearly has been bothering her all day.
“Uhm guys...” she started with uncertainty in her voice. The boys reverted their attention to her. “We are friends, right?”
“Of course, Yachi-chan!” Was the immediate reply of the energetic orange head. Nods of agreement from the other three followed his statement.
“A-and you are boys.” Continued the blond manager, a light shade of pink coloring her cheeks.
“Yeah, I am pretty sure about that.” Tsukishima replied with a smirk.
“Uhm, yeah of course... so I was wondering, ehm f-for a boy, how much is sex important in a relationship?”
The question left the four boys totally flustered and embarrassed. Kageyama almost spit his milk, chocking on it. Hinata’s face became redder than Nekoma’s uniform, in contrast to Yamaguchi’s which was now paler than snow. Tsukishima maintained his usual unexpressive face, but his eyes widened for a second, before replying calmly to the girl.
“I mean, it sure would be a pretty important part of a relationship of course. Why are you asking?”
Yachi Hitoka wasn’t feeling very comfortable talking about her love life, especially with four teenage boys equally inexperienced as herself in the matter. But she needed an outsider opinion, and those guys were her closest friends at the moment, so she gained all her courage and kept going.
“Yesterday afternoon I skipped practice, because I had a study date with Yuki.”
“D-did you two...?” Started Yamaguchi. “I mean uhm...” the boy was sweating like crazy.
“Woah nice kill Yachi-kun!” Exclaimed Hinata, earning a punch from a very flustered Kageyama. “Shut the fuck up Dumbass.”
Yachi’s face almost exploded. “NONONONONO, you misunderstood!” She quickly corrected her friend.
“So what was the meaning of your question?” Tsukishima was revealing an outside calm that didn’t reflect at all the strong discomfort he was feeling inside.
“Well, we were at my house and... Yuki-kun kissed me. It wasn’t the first time we kissed of course, but he kind of pushed it a little bit.”
“Oh, you made out.” Commented Yamaguchi. “Did you felt uncomfortable?”
“No, no. It didn’t feel uncomfortable until he tried to... push for more.”
Everybody went deadly silent.
“Did he do something to you?” A very serious and angry Kageyama asked.
“No, I told him to stop, that I wasn’t ready for anything more than making out on my bed with our shirts off and... he kind of got angry and stormed away.” She concluded, avoiding every eye-contact.
“Maybe he just went to... hum you know... jerk off?” Hinata guessed embarrassed, making the group even more uncomfortable than before.
“Eww!” Disgust was Yachi Hitoka’s first reaction, which caused the tension within the group to fade in a collective laugh, before she could continue “Ehm sorry, I mean, I don’t know what was in his mind. I haven’t heard from him since yesterday. I tried to message him, and even call him. He is avoiding me.”
“It is pretty rude of him. Running away and ghost you just because of a boner doesn’t seem to me a normal behaviour.” Commented bluntly Kageyama.
“That’s why I am asking you!” Yachi Hitoka was clearly irritate.
“Every guy is different Yachi-chan.” Hinata smiled at her. “Just look at Bakayama: he so grumpy and scary all the time.” He said flattening his hair in a bad imitation of the setter.
“Boke!” Was the only imput from Kageyama.
“And the Beanpole?” Hinata was going on. “He is so damn annoying and bad at receives.”
“What the fuck do my receives have to do with this?” Tsukishima wasn’t particularly happy with Hinata’s examples.
“And don’t get me started with Yamaguchi!”
“Ok Hinata, I guess you proved your point. You’re all different.” Yachi stopped him before he could insult the next Capitain of Karasuno.
“I guess I’ll have to corner him at school and talk to him face to face: there must be a reason for his behaviour.” She concluded.
“Sounds like a plan. And feel free to share his reasons.” Stated Yamaguci with a deadly glint in his eyes.
“Yeah, for... reserch purpose.” Concluded Tsukishima with a dangerous smirk.
That day, Yachi Hitoka left from practice a little earlier than usual, in order to find her boyfriend and force him to talk with her. Yuki Tachibana was a member of the football team of Karasuno, whose club room was right next to the volleyball gym. Luckily his practice ended at the same time as the volleyball one.
“Yuki-kun!” She called him as soon as he set foot outside the club room, together with some of his teammates.
“Oh. Yachi-san.” He greeted her coldly with a monotone voice.
“I-I would like to talk with you, about yesterday.” She stuttered.
“Because you run away and didn’t talk to me since then.”
“And whose fault is that?” He stated angrily.
“What do you mean?” Yachi felt her own voice tremble.
“I mean that in almost 3 weeks you didn’t even show me your boobs. I can’t keep jerking off in the shower: what’s the point on having a girlfriend if I can’t even fuck her whenever I want to?” He was shouting now, and there were a very thin possibility that the whole football team together with the volleyball one hadn’t hear everything.
“Keep your voice down, people will hear our couple problems!” She started panicking.
“Don’t worry: we won’t be having any more couple problems. You’re really hot, but you’re not the only one in the school. I will find someone else to fuck.” And with that he turned around and walked away.
At least he tried to, because during his embarrassing talk, he didn’t notice the four shadows which were towering behind him. As soon as he turned around his face went straight against Kageyama’s chest.
Yachi Hitoka herself was kind of shocked when she found the bravery to lift her gaze and look at her four friends scarying the poor football player with their deathly glares. The ones which Capitain Ennoshita had instructed them to use only on the court. When Tsukishima opened his mouth, probably to spit some venomous words in Yuki Tachibana’s face, Yachi bursted into laughter.
“It’s ok, guys, seriously. I am fine. I am very happy that he dumped me, or I would have waste other precious time with him. I am not sorry, Tachibana-kun, that I am not your ideal girl, but I hope that you’ll find someone who will mean something for you outside the bed.” She kept smiling while she talked, despite the sting at the back of her eyes.
When finally Tachibana went away, Yachi Hitoka let herself cry for a little bit. Not because she was in love with the guy, they have been together for less than a month and she has known him for barely two months! She was crying because she felt overwhelmed. That boy was only interested in her body, and he basically dumped her because of the lack of sexual life in their relationship in front of a lot of people. That was indeed a shitty situation.
For the four boys, being in the precence of a crying Yachi Hitoka was extremely stressful and difficult, mostly because none of them had any idea of how to deal with a girl crying. Of course, Hinata has seen Natsu crying but se was still 7 years old! It was pretty sure that letting her hold her favourite pluche while watching Frozen wouldn’t have worked with Yachi. Last time that Kageyama saw his older sister cry was at his grandphader’s funeral, and this was definitely a different situation. Tsukishima was still working on dealing with his own emotional sphere and it was clearly too early to deal with someone else’s. Yamaguchi didn’t have a clue about what he could do for Yachi, so he thought ‘What would Sugawara-senpai do?’
Immediately, he rushed to the little sobbing girl, cleaning her face with a tissue and awkwardly patting her head with a smile. Catching up with Yamaguchi’s plan, all the boys thought about what their senpais would have done in that occasion.
‘What would Bokuto-san do?’ Thought Hinata, before engulfing Yachi in a bones-breaking hug.
‘What would Oikawa-senpai do?’ Thought Kageyama. Oikawa senpai would have worked harder and harder, but he didn’t think this could be useful in this situation. Oikawa-senpai would have also done something else actually. “If you want, I can beat him up, and hit him ‘till it breaks.” Declared the setter.
At this point Yachi Hitoka had alreay stopped crying and was actually struggling for not laughing in Kageyama’s face. “Thank you Kageyama-kun, but I don’t think this will be necessary.”
Tsukishima’s mind was completely blank. Who the fuck was someone he saw as a senpai? Akiteru-nii? Nah, they were far too different from each other and they weren’t that close anymore. When finally he understood who his most influential senpai was, he almost threw up. “Chibi-chan.” He started. Kuroo-senpai’s pet names usually angered him, but he thought that Yachi could have liked it. “Don’t worry too much about him, he was an asshole anyway. You have us, and we care about you, we always will. C’mon let’s get you a pork bun.” He stated wrapping her fragile figure up in his oversize black sweater.
“Wow Tsukki, since when have you been like this?” Yamaguchi asked him.
Tsukishima smirked, turned towards them and opened his arms before stating: “What do you mean? I’ve always been this kind! What’s wrong with being nice?”
Yachi Hitoka was the sweetest cinnamon roll of all Karasuno. She was shy, but extremely determined, she was hardworking and passionate, she was incredibly cute. Most importantly: her best friends were the most amazing weirdos of the world, and she loved them.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
Get To Know Me!
@foxofninetales tagged me in this ask game and since I LOVE HER i will now be doing it (i mean i’d do it anyway but now it will be filled with love for FOX i am not accepting CRITICISM ON THIS POINT)
Part I
name: Brigid! I’m named after the Irish goddess of like, poetry, healing, smithcraft, and protection, or the Irish saint (they’re both pretty similar it’s just whether or not you’re talking about Celtic religion or Catholicism). She’s very cool, and I think it’s a very fitting name for who I turned out to be!
pronouns: she/her
star sign: i’m an insufferable theatre kid of course I’m a Leo
height: 5'8″ babeeeyyy (172 cm). I’m not short like, at all, but all of my family members are over six foot, so I’m like. tiny in comparison. they all make fun of me all the time for it :(
time: 8:49pm! A delightful time of evening!!! 
birthday: July 31st, same day as Harry Potter lol.
nationality: american :P
fave bands/groups/solo artists: hnnnngggghhhh why would u ask me this I don’t KNOW jk i just have a lot uhhhhh all time faves would be Bastille and Mumford and Sons, but I’m SUPER into kpop right now, so my top groups are BTS, Stray Kids, and One OK Rock (who are technically jpop but I really like their stuff). I also am a Broadway BITCH (hello, theatre kid) so before this year all of my Spotify library was basically just show tunes. 
song stuck in your head: Get Away by VeriVery. I think they’re a pretty new group? idk i saw them on one of those tumblr promotional things and checked out the music video which is like??? really interesting conceptually? so I’ve just been listening to the song for a while lol. 
last movie you watched: Train to Busan! I’m gearing up to write a dmbj zombie apocalypse AU and so I was like “this is a popular zombie film! I’ll watch it for inspiration! :)” holy shit. holy shit i was so wrong. It’s one of the most viscerally affecting films I think I’ve ever seen, I was like. On the verge of an anxiety attack the entire time but in like the best possible way?? it’s a mastery of character introduction and action/horror and I cried for like the last ten minutes straight. SO affecting. I do NOT RECOMMEND IT if u are already made anxious by zombie apocalypse scenarios, blood, violence, and a Lot of Death. 
last show you binged: hmmm uh like I’m currently watching Mystic Nine but at like a normal pace, so the last show I probably binge watched was maybeeee The Uncanny Counter on Netflix? HIGHLY recommend that one, I made @cross-d-a watch it and I’m living for her liveblog reactions lmao. Idk most of my free time has been spent writing the past few months which. After months of only having the energy to watch shows is kind of really invigorating? the things u can do when u fix ur health I’ll tell you what
when you created your blog: in 2012 asldighalsdkfjladskjga i came on here to like burdge’s pjo fanart :)
the last thing you googled: "is it bad not to have an air cap on your tire” ALSDIGHALKDFJLADFJA FUCK ME (i learned that it’s not necessarily bad but it can get dirt and stuff built up in there so I went to the store after work today and replaced it)
other blogs: everything is here bc i am too lazy to create a sideblog! so sorry to everyone who does not follow me for cdrama content bc this is all I am now. 
why i chose my url: cause it’s my ao3 username and i wanted people to be able to find me more easily on tumblr! :) the long answer is because i love shakespeare and also i think that slut is a really funny word and concept for me especially because i am one of the most sexless people u will ever meet in ur life so slutspeare is like. an aggressively ace joke that only I think is funny. 
how many people are you following: 588
how many followers do you have: ah just over 200?!??!!? which is like. a lot for me. I think it was like 75 up until like last year omg 
average hours of sleep: my sleep app says I average around eight! which is very good for me! I do have to get enough sleep consistently or I will Have A Bad Time so my sleep schedule is pretty good and luckily I don’t have the Insomnia depression I have the Sleep Lots one which I am glad for bc idk what I’d do if I couldn’t Be Unconscious regularly. Die probably. 
lucky numbers: I don’t think I have lucky numbers?? my favorite number is 21 for no reason other than the vibes alone. 
instruments: i’ve played the piano for uhhhh.... eighteen years now? and I can play the ukulele and am surprisingly good with the recorder since I’ve had to play it in Multiple Theatre Performances. I was also an honor choir singer back in high school so I’ve done a lot of select ensemble stuff which was super fun! 
what i'm currently wearing: a Life Is Good long-sleeved t-shirt that says “Not All Who Wander Are Lost” that I got in a military surplus store like a million years ago and red Adidas athletic shorts that I found at the thrift store a couple weeks back
dream job: playwright! I just wanna be a playwright! playwriting is like drugs i literally go nuts for it
dream trip: I don’t know??? I don’t really like traveling tbh aslidhalkfdj umm I do want to see the grand canyon sometime before I die tho so maybe a road trip down there? I definitely like traveling solo so I’d probably just hang out with myself and drive and go to whatever places I want and see dumb tourist attractions and sing loudly in the car
fave food: CURRY i know i said eggs the last time it asked me this but I miss my local Indian restaurant I want to eat literal Platefuls of tikka masala at 12pm at the Indian buffet after my physics class again :(
top three fictional universe you'd like to live in: hmmm i don’t know, actually! probably one where I have Powers and could do Cool Hand Motions and make Lights Appear. If I were anywhere with like. An Actual World-Dooming problem tho I would not be helpful at all. I would just die. Besides, I already live in fictional universes half the time, I’m a writer! 
Part II
last song: Basquiat by Pentagon! The music video is like. Very whumpy. So if you’re into that... the song’s also a bop
last stream: i don't watch streams very often, I just watch clips from them, cause those usually just give the best parts lol 
currently reading: mmmmmbbbaaaaahhhhh literally nothing? I’m trying to get caught up on the backlog of dmbj fic I haven’t gotten around to so Binding by @vishcount is next on that list! oh I guess I’m also reading Johnny Tremain with my kids (one of them SPOILED THE END and I forgot how it ended and now I’m big sad). 
currently watching: Mystic Niiiiinnnneeeeee! love those gay history bitches. everyone in that show is so funny. I just finished the Fuba Side Plot tho and now we’re back to Politics so i’m like >:( someone give zhang baby rishan a hug (and then i write angst about him what is wrong with me)
what is antipoetry to you: antipoetry??? what the heck is antipoetry hold on... uhhhh that’s just poetry. who came up with this term. i guess like lyrical fiction would be the technical correct definition but idk I consider anything to be poetry! like that’s the whole point! poetry is poetry is poetry as long as it’s focused on intensity and emotions it’s poetry! a haiku? poetry. the random one-lined mess of words on my phone? poetry. a literal drawing of a cardinal with the word “bird” written next to it? poetry. idk I’ve been trying to teach my kids that there are no wrong ways to write creatively; if you’re expressing yourself and making emotions, then you’re writing! also like half of my work could be considered antipoetry lmao. I love emotionally supercharging the mundane.
currently craving: i have noooo ideaaaasssss i’m literally just vibing. uh. water? ok i took care of that one my water bottle was right next to me. 
uhhhh no pressure tags for @xia-xueyi, @nope4ever, @bookjoyworm, @elletromil, and @gaiahenshin, as well as anyone else who would like to give the full-rundown on themselves! :D
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
Nerd Charming
fluffy mutual pining mileven modern high school au!! el is the quiet but somewhat popular girl crushing on mike, who is a nerd. bc he’s mike lmao. also, is this title a rip off of geek charming? perhaps. no one tell d*sney lol
rating: teen and up (some cursing)
words: 1,569
read on ao3 or below!
El picked absently at her cookie as she gazed across the cafeteria. The general shouts of the room blended with whatever her friends were talking about, all of it white noise to her. She was completely in her own mind as she watched Mike Wheeler talk animatedly about something with his friends. She grinned subtly to herself as his face broke out in laughter. El loved how much of his face his smile took up. He had the brightest smile she had ever seen. She watched as he gestured to some garbage in front of his one friend, Will, and then took it, along with his own empty bag and napkins, to the garbage can in the middle of the aisle. God, he was so thoughtful. That was El’s favorite thing about Mike; he was just nice. And his hair looked soft. And he was tall. And smart. And she liked the sound of his voice.
“I can’t believe that’s who you choose to drool over.” Max’s voice pulled El from her reverie. She lightly elbowed her friend, her cheeks burning red; none of their other friend’s knew about El’s crush, and she intended to keep it that way. They were all nice, but El was a private person, and while they were nice, they could also be loud, and they all talked to a lot of people. They weren’t snotty popular girls, but they were all looped in on school gossip. Hell, it was what they were talking about right then. El didn’t want to be the subject of any conversation like that, and she especially didn’t want news of her crush on Mike getting around. Luckily, all of the rest of the girls at their table were deeply engaged in whatever they were talking about, so they hadn’t heard. Still, El shushed Max when she said, “You know, Lucas and I share math notes sometimes, I bet I could wingman for you.”
“Stop,” El murmured, embarrassed.
“El, come on! You’re like ten leagues out of his league. He’d be over the fucking moon if he knew how bad you have it for him.”
“I’m not out of his league,” El said pointedly. Mike and his friends… were not popular. Honestly, El only knew all of their names because, after a week of freaking out over whether or not she should, she finally friended Mike on Facebook and may have looked through his pictures. El had heard a couple remarks about Mike here and there, had seen the boys who sat in the back of the classroom mocking him when he answered questions in their English class, and she didn’t like it when people said mean things about him, even if she knew Max was kidding. Max threw up her hands in surrender. “And what if he likes someone else? Like, there’s no reason he would like me. We’ve barely talked.”
“That’s where the wingman comes in!”
“No! And keep your voice down!” El looked furtively at Mike to find him listening intently to something Dustin Henderson was saying. 
In a staged whisper, Max said, “I just want you to do something for you! Take a risk!” When El just rubbed at her neck, folded in on herself, Max added in a softer voice, “El, he seems like a super sweet guy. Even on the 0.02% chance he does turn you down, I bet he’d be super nice about it. He’d probably buy you a pizza.” El grinned at that.
After a moment of silent contemplation, she gave Max a small, “Maybe.” Then she stuffed her cookie in her mouth so she wouldn’t have to say anything else on the subject.
English had always been El’s favorite subject. She loved getting lost in stories, loved watching them unfold, loved falling in love with characters. She loved mining for hidden meanings and making her own. It was the only subject that felt more like a hobby than work. And this year English was even better, because Mike was in her class. Sure, maybe she should’ve been happier that she had two friends in her class, sweet girls she ate lunch with and talked to. But she loved hearing what Mike had to say, and she sat a bit behind and beside him so she was free to watch him throughout the lecture without worrying about him catching her. The only time he looked at her was when she was answering a question, giving her take on the chapter they were discussing. She never felt so seen, so heard. He looked at her with genuine interest, and his eyes were so kind; they didn’t make her question herself, they made her feel even more confident in what she was saying.
They were finishing up the book they’d been reading, having finished for homework the night before. They’d had a test after finishing the first book of the year, but apparently their teacher felt like switching things up, as this time she assigned them a project as soon as class started. El listened intently and took notes as the teacher explained the project. It seemed fun; there were a few options to choose from, all of them creative. El’s heart stopped, however, when her teacher said that this was a pairs’ project, and that they would be picking their partners. Immediately, her eyes flew to Mike, but she quickly snapped them back to her notebook in case he saw. 
She thought about what Max said. She also thought about her grade. She didn’t want to brag, but she knew that she and Mike were the best two students in the class, the two who cared the most. So really, it was in her GPA’s interest and her heart’s interest to pair up with him.
Unfortunately, she had all of class to stew and overthink, because the teacher told them they’d have two minutes at the end of class to find partners. They went over the ending for most of the period, she and Mike answering most of the questions, as per usual. At one point her friend slipped her a note reading, “wanna ask if we can be a group of 3?” El blushed as she scribbled back, “I think I’m gonna ask Mike to be my partner, thanks though!” She added a smiley face and a heart for good measure.
Then it was the end of the period, and people were chatting with their friends and the people around them. El popped out of her seat and took a deep breath before tapping Mike on the shoulder. She fiddled with her hands and smiled at him as he looked up at her. God, his eyes were brown, and they had shades of amber and red in them, like his hair. “Hi,” she said softly. 
“Hey,” he smiled, like he was astounded to see her.
“Would you wanna be partners for the project?” she asked. Her heart was racing.
It took a moment, but soon he blurted out, “Yeah, that, that would be great!” He stumbled over his words a little bit, and El noticed a red color rising to his cheeks that made her heart flutter. 
“Are you free this weekend?” God, her heart was racing, she could hear her blood rushing in her ears. But Mike was beaming that beautiful smile, the one that always knocked her off her feet and made her think Taylor Swift may have known what she was talking about when she wrote that one line about a smile lighting up a whole town.
El grinned and bit her lip. “Great.”
Mike seemed to shake himself out of something and asked, “Can I uh, can I get your number? I can send you my address, I’ve got a basement so my mom and sisters won’t bother us.”
El nodded and fumbled to get out her phone. She unlocked it and handed it to Mike, watching as he entered his number into her phone. She couldn’t help but notice how pretty and slim his fingers were, how big his hands were. She wanted so badly to know how small her hand would look in his, how it would feel to have their fingers interlaced. It was only made worse when he handed her phone back to her and their hands brushed, making El’s breath stop. And then he stood up to gather his books and pack up his bag, and oh wow, he was even taller up close. El was the perfect height to rest her head on his chest, right in the crook of his neck. “So, I’ll see you this weekend?” he asked, a sweet smile on his lips.
“Yeah!” El nodded. “I’ll text you. So you have my number.”
Mike nodded and grinned at her. El wanted to stay frozen in that moment, but there were other students rushing around them now, and she had to pack up her bag and get to her next class. “Well, see you around,” Mike said with the cutest little wave El had ever seen.
She was floating on air as she walked to her next class. If other students jostled her, she didn’t notice. She was too busy imagining what it would be like to be alone with Mike Wheeler. God, she was nervous, but she also felt so giddy. She couldn’t wait to tell Max. Even more, she couldn’t wait for the weekend.
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klaumiel · 4 years
You are all I’ve got, Austin//Chapter 6: Skylar
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‘Russo!’ I heard from the corridor.
I got up from my cell floor after doing push-ups, the workout was the only thing that kept me disconnected from all the noise in here that was getting into me day by day more.
I approached the bars while wiping the sweat from my brow.
‘Mail for you’ I saw Jason approaching. He was one of the worse wardens I’ve ever met, one of those assholes who overuse their power to bring everyone else down. I knew him from my early days in Perch, he never liked me and didn’t have any problem with showing it. He always wanted to challenge himself and trying to rub me the wrong way, but sadly for him, it only worked once. Ever since they moved me here, he was on me every chance he got, and today wasn’t any different.
‘Looks like our pretty princess got himself a girl… is that the chick that came the other day? Fine ass …’ he said sniffing the envelope with this stupid smile on his ugly face. I felt my blood starting to boil, my jaw clenched when he approached the bars. Keep fucking calm.
He passed me the envelope but didn’t want to let go, I looked in his eyes. He brought his face closer and whispered ‘Is a shame you didn’t fuck her on that table, that would’ve been quite a view.’
I pulled the envelope from his hand, got even closer to his face, looking down on him. He was a small fat prick with a bold head, playing strong but I beat the shit out of him a few years back. But he knew I won’t do it now, not being so close to freedom.
‘Unfortunately for you, it is a view you will never see.’ I walked off, I could sense his fury.
I sat on the bed looking at the envelope. Of course, it is from her. I recognized now the familiar sweet smell of her perfume. I opened the envelope inside were two photos of her and a pink note stuck on one of them.
‘’Surprise ’’
I smiled and looked at the pictures, there were different from the ones she sent me before. On the first one, she smiled, with her hair blown by the wind standing on the beach, golden sun glowing on her face, waves covering her naked legs, while she held her dress. On the second picture, she was holding a bouquet of white lilies. Her gorgeous eyes looking right at me. She is so beautiful.
On the back of the second photo, she wrote :
‘’ Life isn’t perfect, but every second with you is. I can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to miss you anymore. ‘’
I stared at both photos, remembering every second of our time together a few days ago and how I felt being around her, her smile so sincere and kind, those beautiful olive eyes so peaceful. Still, with this spark that instantly drove me crazy, she didn’t have to even try. Her perfect body, so delicate and hot at the same time, just perfect. That raven black hair, so soft like silk.
All those feelings I never felt before, where did they even come from? I knew I cared about her, she was special.  But that moment I saw her in the flesh, touched her, kissed. All those weird new feelings made me realise she was something else. There wasn’t just a physical attraction but this enormous emotional connection that we’ve built over the months. Just being there with her, talk, laugh, touch made me feel all sort of different ways. Ways that I never experienced.
I didn’t know if that’s how love felt like, I never been in love before. I only knew that I don’t want to stop feeling it. She became the most important person in my life, the only person I loved.
I missed her, and that somehow scared me, the feeling of losing her like I’ve lost my pop. That thought only confirmed that I have to protect her at all costs, even if that cost is my own life, after all, she saved mine.
I was here, days from my last court day thanks to her, and the only thought in my head was, how did I even get so lucky? I made a promise to myself that I would never come back to my old life. This was a chance for me to start again, and I was ready to do everything to use the most of it. Not only for myself but for her, I wanted her to know that everything she did for me was worth it. From the moment I saw her, she became my main goal. Making her smile every day, protect and feel special was the only thing I wanted to do.
I’ve been lost in my thoughts, staring at Maya’s pictures missing her more and more every second.
‘Girlfriend?’ I heard a voice snapping me from my thoughts.
It was Skylar, he was my new cellmate, he was put in here temporarily a week ago, he got accused of starting a fire in his school’s lab. He kept saying he is innocent but isn’t everyone here saying that? Somehow, I believed the kid. He did look like a troublemaker, but he didn’t strike me as someone who would risk people’s lives for a bit of fun. Whatever fun was for him.
I’ve made a small connection with this kid, he also had a girl on the outside. After leaving her behind, he tried to escape but got caught, she had no idea he was locked up, he promised to come back for her. Ironically enough, they also met on Lovelink.
‘Huh?’ I looked at him confused, he wasn’t in the cell before I sat down.
‘I asked if this is your girlfriend?’
Is she? What is she for me apart from the first girl I ever loved?
‘Kind of…’ I said still holding the photos
‘Jason is talking about her around. He is such an asshole, everyone knows now she came to visit you… but lucky you. You will be out soon. Is it true what they are saying? ’
‘What they are saying?’ I asked, already getting annoyed. I knew exactly what Jason was saying about Maya, he made sure I can hear it each time.  I swear if not for her I would finish him the first chance I have.
‘That she saved your ass from the death row’ He said a little bit unsure if he should
‘Well, they already saying it so is no point for me to lie, I will be out of here in few days anyway… Yes, she did, she proved my innocence and saved my ass. But she did a lot more than that. Unfortunately for you, this is only for me and her to know.’
‘That’s sick, mate! I won’t ask for more, that’s none of my business… only one …What’s her name?’ He asked, looking at the photos I’ve been holding.
‘Maya’ I said with a slight hesitation sliding the photos back into the envelope and putting it under my pillow. Connection or not I can’t trust him, he’s been here only a week.
‘You know I never thought that women can have such power over us men. It takes only one pretty little person to change our way of seeing things. I’ve never imagined myself wanting to pump the breaks after meeting her. Crazy huh? This whole situation showed me that it is ok to have some fun, but it is time to grow up’ He laughed laying in bed, looking at the ceiling.
‘Better late than never’ I whispered and approached the bars and waved to the warden. Luckily Jason was walking on the other side of the corridor, so I didn’t have to see his ugly face.
‘It’s my time’ I pointed at the clock. We had times scheduled when we can leave our cells, and my time was already running ‘ I need to use the phone.’
A young warden – clearly new, unlocked the cell and let me out. ‘I don’t know if you will manage to get to the phones today, but you can try.’
I looked around the hall when walking to the phones. Most of those guys were kids, barley eighteen, probably first time seeing jail. That reminded me of my early days in prison, I wasn’t much older than them. They have so much to learn if they want to survive here, but lucky for me all this soon will be in the past.
When I was getting closer to one of the free phones, one of the new ones got up and started to walk fast towards it. I looked at him, he was tall but skinny, clearly exhausted. He looked like he didn’t have a good start here, he knew I could beat the shit out of him without breaking a sweat, so he decided to back off. I got to the phone and looked at him again.
‘ I will wave you once I’m done, you can use it then’ I said, he nodded and sat down by the table.  I might look big and scary, but I’m not a monster.
I dialled Maya’s number, hoping she will answer. It was in the middle of the afternoon, she was probably working, but I had to talk to her, I missed her too much.
‘Hello handsome’ I heard her sweet voice
‘Hello, beautiful’ I smiled ‘ I hope I’m not disturbing, it’s a middle of your working day after all.’
‘ You are never disturbing me, it’s not a very busy day anyway. I will be getting ready to go to our office party soon.’
‘Office party? Sounds boring ‘ I laughed
‘ You are right. It’s not really a party. It’s five years of the company kind of party, boring speeches and mostly boring people’ She laughed ‘ But I have to go, Greg has some surprise for me. I have no idea what it is.’
‘Maybe a nice pay rise, I’m sure you are working really hard.’
‘Oh no, definitely not. I am already getting way more than an average accountant. I will find out when I get there I guess… And how are you? ‘
‘I’m good, a lot better after receiving your photos.’
‘ You like it? I picked the best I had.’
‘Very… you are so beautiful and just wanted to say that I also can’t wait for the day when I don’t have to miss you anymore.’
‘Cheesy!’ She laughed ‘ Soon… now is just downhill. Your lawyer said probably next week, so you better start packing your sexy ass, because I already made a space for you in the house.’ I could hear how happy she was, and somehow that made me even happier.
‘You didn’t have to, I only need space in your bed, I don’t think we are going to leave it for some time, so the rest can wait.’
‘Well honey, challenge accepted, my bed is very comfortable and has more than enough space for two naked bodies’ Her voice has soft and sexy
‘That’s all we need’ I said, but at this point, I couldn’t think about anything else, just me and her. But that wasn’t the typical feeling, it was only her I wanted, nobody else just her. I craved her like never craved any woman, I never saw her naked, never touched that way, but the feeling of having her drove me crazy. Just the thought of it made me lose control of myself. What the hell is she doing with me?!
‘Austin? Are you there? Are you OK?’ Shit, did I go quiet?
‘Yes, I’m here, baby. I just got lost in thoughts for a second. I just can’t wait to be close to you again.’
‘Soon… just remember to let me know when is your big day. I want to be there to take you home.’
‘I will definitely let you know. Listen, baby, I need to go. The phones are very busy today. And there is this kid here, I think he is having a hard time. I’m sure he would want to talk to someone familiar. I will be out soon, and he might be here for some time’ I said looking at the kid, some other guys were circling around him like
‘Look at you getting all soft’ she said
‘It’s all you, you showed me that helping others is important. You helped me why I can’t do the same for someone else? ‘
‘I love this part of you, you know?
‘And I love you.’
‘Love you too. Go, and start getting ready. You need to be in your top form when you get here’  Damit, again that sexy voice! ‘Bye, handsome’ She hangs up before I even got my thoughts together
I waved to the kid sitting by the table, he approached me.
‘Thank you, I’ve been waiting for two days to call my dad.’ He said
‘What’s your name, kid?
‘Taylor’ He said evidently scared
‘Listen, Taylor. I will be in the library. I can give you few tips how to make your time in here easier, you can come and find me there in about half an hour… and now go and call your dad’ I said patting him on the shoulder.
A few hours later, after talking to Taylor, I was sitting in my cell reading some boring book, that I managed to sneak from the library. Skylar was quiet, he looked worried.
‘What’s bothering you?’ I asked tossing the book aside
He shuffled in his bed but kept looking at the ceiling.
‘You know… my whole life I’ve been doing a lot of crazy shit. Adrenaline was my second name, running away from cops all the time, and never getting caught. I didn’t care at the time, but as soon as I wanted to chill, stop this and focus on something that might be more important, I  got caught  and put in here for something I actually didn’t do.’
‘When did you realise it? That you need to pump the breaks?’ I felt like he needed to get it off his chest.
‘After the date. I broke into the chief police officer’s house and invited her over, she had no idea. I wanted to impress her, plus a bit off adrenaline … but he came back home, we had to run, I thought she was behind me, but she wasn’t. I felt horrible for leaving her there, so I went back, but she wasn’t there anymore. She was fuming after that,  I thought that she won’t speak to me again, and that made me think, what if I am taking things a little bit too far? Is OK if I’m putting myself at risk, but someone else is an entirely different story. She kind of brought me back to earth. I really like her and …, and I hope she will wait for me.
‘No the best choice for a date, I  have to admit, but you’ve learned something from it, that’s the most important’ I said looking at Jason standing by our cell. What the fuck does he want now?
‘Quinn, you are out! Pack your ass and kiss the princess goodbye.’ Jason said, opening the cell.
He started to pick up his stuff, he turned to me.
‘That was quick, I just spoke with my lawyer a couple of hours ago.’
‘Well, you are free now, make sure you take that girl of yours on a proper date’ I laughed
‘I definitely will, we should keep in touch after you are out of here.’ He said, pointing at my pillow  ‘Take care, mate. Thanks for everything. And good luck with Maya.’ He held his hand towards me.
‘Take care of yourself, Skylar’ I shook his hand and patted him on the arm.
‘Ok, hurry up, kid!’ Jason called him, Skyler walked off. That’s was it, now it was just me left still waiting.
I reached under my pillow, where I left the envelope with Maya’s photos. Next to it was a note with his phone number and email address, I’ve put the message into the envelope hoping that there won’t be any inspections before I’m out.
I spent the next few days with Taylor, giving him some tips on how to survive in this place. At least nobody messed with him when I was around.
He was put in jail for five months for stealing money, his father was sick, and they didn’t have money for his treatment. Taylor was only eighteen and terrified, older inmates were taking advantage of his weakness, he wasn’t strong enough to fight back, which made him an easy target. And having Jason walking around and only looking for trouble didn’t make it any easier. He already picked Taylor as his next target.
I told him to hang around in the library, keep a low profile and stay away from other guys problems.
I asked myself many times, how this was possible?  For the last seven years, I never helped any of the other inmates. Always kept away from others and their problems. What changed now? First, Skylar, I would never open up to a new guy after a week. Then Taylor, what came into my mind to help this kid? Why I felt sorry for him? And why it feels so good doing this?
And the answer to all those questions was always one; Maya.
After the phone call with Austin, I started to get ready for the party. No matter how boring, I was happy to finally see all those faces again. I didn’t see my colleagues for weeks.
Shaun found a house and moved out a couple of days earlier. Things with Angel were going well for him, so he decided to find a place for himself, but I knew that he wanted to give me and Austin some space, he knew we will need it.
I checked myself in the mirror one last time, changed my shoes and walked to my taxi.
I walked into the office, full of familiar faces in full party mode.
‘Maya! Long time no see, girl ‘ I heard Sara coming towards me with the drink in her hand.’ Look at you, stunning as always’ She gives me a hug
‘ Hi Sara, long time indeed’ I smiled and hugged her back – she was the most two-faced and hateful person in the office. Her being nice meant serious business, I knew that I have to avoid her tonight at all cost. But I saw Greg coming to rescue me from the viper.
‘ Sorry, but I need to steal Maya for a few minutes’ He said, grabbed my hand and led towards his office ‘ I need to talk to you before everyone gets drunk here.’                    
We walked to  his office, he pointed me to sit down. He poured some of my favourite wine and passed me the glass.
‘I’m happy you came today, I know it is not easy for you because of Gemma’ he said, taking a seat on the other side of his desk.
‘ I’m okay with Gemma, we just don’t speak that’s all. She will come around eventually. I was actually thinking about coming back to the office in a few weeks’ I said, looking around. Something was different, I saw a familiar touch to it. Who else if not Gemma would put two diffusers right next to each other.
‘I brought you here because I have an offer for you. You know that our company is growing, we are opening new departments soon. We hired new people in the financial sector, but the team is growing. I need someone on my level, who will take over the Finance part of the business. You are my best accountant, you know our finances inside and out. I can’t see anyone else in that role. We are opening a position for you as Finance Director if you accept of course ‘ He said taking a sip of wine – he knew I wanted this more than anything. That was the most significant step in my career, ever. I worked my ass to get where I was then. He knew I won’t refuse it.
‘Oh my god, Greg … I don’t know what to say, thank you’  I smiled with excitement.
‘ I will take it as, yes.’
‘And who is going to take over my job? Is a lot work for a junior position’ I asked, but I kind of knew the answer already.
‘Gemma, she just finished a few main trainings, and she is capable of doing most of the main work. Plus she will have a junior assistant. I need you to focus on a bigger picture. If not you and your hard work we won’t be celebrating five years right now. You are the only person I can trust with this.’
‘Greg, this is really an honour I am speechless… and are you and Gemma still together?’ I said looking at the plant on his desk- he hated plants, he always called ‘a woman thing’.
‘Yes, she has grown on, I was wrong by judging her, she didn’t use me. It was all me, in my head. She always struck me as someone like that, but she proved me wrong, and I am glad. She deserves the promotion. I have fallen for her silliness and positivity, we will see where this will go. So far, it is going well.’ He said with a gentle smile on his face, he seemed happy, finally.  Gemma, smartass. Always gets what she wants.
‘ I am happy for you two.’
‘Now... I know we have a party, but that’s not all. I’ve spoken to Shaun about you, and I made a decision. Your job starts in the next three or four weeks, but I need Gemma to get up to speed before you start. So, in the next few days, I need you to pass all your work to her and take a break—at least three weeks. I need you to relax, focus on your man and yourself and come back to the office refreshed and happy. You need this Maya, and I won’t take a no as an answer.’
‘ Well, if you say so, I won’t object’ I laughed
‘Cheers to our new F.D’ he smiled and clicked my glass
I was so happy, this was the best day of my career. I worked so hard for it.
After Greg’s speech, I went to get myself another drink and some snacks, I approached the minibar and started digging in. But all those healthy snacks just put me off, suddenly I sentenced a familiar smell of cherry blossom and jasmine.
‘Hi Gemma’ I said without turning around just yet, I knew she was standing right behind me.
‘Maya, can we talk?’ I heard her sweet voice, and something in me snapped. Suddenly the feeling of missing her hit me again, I turned around and saw her standing in from of me. My girl, I missed her so much.
‘Yes’ I said and nodded her towards the empty offices, she grabbed herself a drink and walked with me. I closed the door and sat on the desk, crossing my legs.
‘I wanted to talk to you because I want to apologise. It was wrong for me to say all those things. I was wrong in doubting you, not the first time, but as always you showed me how wrong I was. I feel horrible, you needed me all this time, and I just walked off. Like a coward, I miss you, girl.’ She said, looking at the floor. Her eyes filled with tears.’ I know that it was you voting for me in the recognition, I know that you told Greg to give me a chance. Even after everything I said. I wouldn’t be here building my career without your help. I feel like I was so ungrateful all this time, for everything you did for me… I don’t deserve a friend like you’ She cried.
I jumped off the desk and hugged her.
‘Stop it you silly thing… You know I am not mad, I thought you needed time, that’s why I didn’t call you. Don’t ever say that you don’t deserve to be my friend. You are my friend, my sister, and no matter what, no matter how big the fight I will always look after you. I love you, boo.’
‘I will understand if we can’t come back to how was before, but if you could ever forgive me for all I’ve said…’
‘Gemma’ I cupped her face and looked in her eyes ‘ There is nothing to forgive, you had the right to be afraid, I could’ve very easily fallen into the same trap as with Luke. It was hard for you as well being there with me and supporting me. The whole situation with Austin was a big unknown, for me as well. I should’ve thought about your feelings as well, and I am sorry for that, I was blinded, and I didn’t know how this could look like from your perspective. I acted selfishly, not just with you but with everyone else. And I am truly sorry for that’  I wiped her smudged make-up with my sleave.
‘I love you, girl. I missed you so much.’
‘ Do you want to come to my place now? We can talk, without worrying about looking like a mess? Plus this party is fucking boring me to death. I need some good drink, and some normal snacks not this falafel shit.’ I laughed
‘Yeah, let’s have some proper party’ She giggled
Five minutes later we sneaked to the taxi and went back to my house. I was so happy to have my girl back. I knew that she needed time, we had issues like this before, and only time could fix it. I knew in a few days everything will come back to normality, the only thing we both needed was a drinking bonding time.
We changed to PJ’s sat on the sofa with a bottle of scotch, crisps, and party music and started to talk about everything that happened in the last six weeks. She asked about Austin, and  I told her everything.
‘ So he will be out soon?’ She asked
‘Yes, hopefully, next week. I can’t wait to see him again, you have no idea. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I want to be here for him, he deserves it.’
‘I am so happy, it worked for you, somewhere deep inside I knew this must have a happy ending but I was to too scared to admit it. Somehow I only saw everything that happened with Luke, and that terrified me. But again, you showed me how wrong I can be.’
‘Everything worked out well in the end.’ I smiled
‘ So is he as hot as on the photos?’ She asked with this mischievous look
‘Girl! Hot is an understatement, well I didn’t see everything, but if someone can make the orange pants look so sexy, must be the god himself under them. And woman! Those eyes! I never saw in my life, such as deep blue eyes. So mysterious, intriguing and dangerous, but with that softness and kindness deep inside. So fucking sexy.’
‘Wow, I can sense fanny flutters here. I need details… you know that. You have a week, and then I need a full report on my desk’ She laughed, taking a sip of the whiskey from the bottle.
‘Hang on a minute, I just realized … I am your boss now.’
‘Shut up! Not yet! In four weeks, so I still have the rights to make demands, before you get your fancy office… This calls for a toast, for our sexy boys and our promotions ’ She raised the bottle and passed it to me.
‘For our hot males! And the new offices! And getting back together! ’ I laughed
We’ve been giggling, crying, drinking and dancing all night, just like before. I was so happy to have my girl back. Maybe this whole fight was needed for both of us to understand how much we need each other? We weren’t just friend, after all, we were sisters.
We woke up on the floor with a massive hangover, but happy.
We spent a whole day together, recovering from the night before.
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