#ludwig snyder
callisteios · 2 years
Drop the names of all the gay art from Greek god qiz plsssss
ok anon youve kind of sent me on a spiral bc i have a lot of art saved on my pc with titles like gay and gayy and gay2 so im having to a lot of image reverse searching AND i don't actually know which greek god quiz you're talking about since they both have a lot of gay art but here goes!
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Jean Puy’s Girls sewing on the terrace
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Frida Khalo’s Two Nudes in the Forest (The Earth Itself)
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Franz Ludwig Catel; Maenad with a Goat
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This is an illustration by George Barbier in an early edition of the Songs of Billitis (sidenote the songs of billitis is one of the craziest pieces of classics inspired media and i love it so much (side to aside if anyone knows where to buy a copy of this edition i will love you forever if you send it to me)
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Eugene Delacroix Horse Frightened by Lightning
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Gustave Klimt’s the Kiss
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Herbert James Draper’s Ulysses and the Sirens
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pablo picasso the Bull
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Frans Snyders - Group of Birds Perched on Branches
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two friends by francis picabia
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il romanzo nel convento by Gioacchino Toma
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This is a piece by Suzuki Harunobu but unfortunately I can’t find its name!!
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Nicu Enea i think called the bathers?
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the union of painting and sclupture by Louis-Jean-Francois Lagrenee
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Friedrich von Amerling’s The Armed Maiden
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Warren B. Davis possibly entitled Iele (or depicting them, im not really sure)
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Eduardo Kingma The Evening
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Gazbia Sirry, Women Talking
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Erich Heckel The Dead Woman 1912
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Paul Delvaux Entombment 1953
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August Macke Little Walter’s Toys 1912
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Pierre Antoine Demachy Two Fanciful Architectural Studies with Figures Date unknown
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Joseph Mallord William Turner ?Boats at sea c.1830–45
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Mary Anne Yerkes Early in Day in Desert Quiet 1965
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Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt Autoportrait c.1910
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Leo Putz Hinter def Kulissen (behind the scenes) 1905
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Nasr Abdel Aziz Eleyan Date/title unknown.
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Edward Okuń The Four Strings of a Violin 1914
There you go! Extremely long post, sorry about that. Let me know if i got anything wrong, there are definitely a couple I’m not 100% about!
45 notes · View notes
totallyhussein-blog · 21 days
Out of the ashes. Defeating wars legacy and chasing the Paralympic dream
There are less than 100 days until the start of the Paris Paralympics, an event that showcases some of the toughest sportsmen and women in the world.
But it was only after WW2 that it was widely introduced. The purpose of it at that time was to assist veterans who had been injured during the war.
On 29/7/1948, the day of the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympic Games, Dr. Ludwig Guttmann held the first Stoke Mandeville Games - a milestone in Paralympic history.
Overcoming adversity is second nature to every Paralympian. But for one Palestinian cyclist, the race even to get to the start line has meant escaping a war zone and leaving his young family behind in Gaza.
Alaa al-Dali was an Olympic hopeful until he lost his leg in 2019. Now Alaa is determined to get a wild card to Paris to show that losing a limb doesn’t mean losing your hopes and dreams too.
In 2007, Iraqi footballers Ahmed Naser and his teammate Ihab Kareem went shopping in Baghdad for new soccer boots before the Iraqi Premier League season began. By the end of the day, Kareem was dead and Naser had no legs.
Brad Snyder’s grandparents served in the U.S. Navy and he was determined to continue that tradition. After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, Snyder served tours of Iraq and Afghanistan where he diffused bombs.
Paralympian Brad Snyder, a blind Navy veteran, defied the odds by competing for Team USA at three Paralympic Games after losing his vision in combat. Now, Brad embarks on a new adventure as he embraces the role of a devoted father to his new baby girl.
0 notes
phantom-le6 · 7 months
Ramble of the month December 2023: Phase 4 of the Batman Begins-Led DCEU
We now come to the last ramble of 2023, and to keep me from feeling more stress than I need to around the occasion I often call Stress-Mas, I’m sticking with my comfort zone of superhero film universes that could have been.  In this case, it’s back to imagining the DCEU that could have been if Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins had launched DC’s live-action film continuity instead of Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.  So, let’s get right into it by quickly re-capping phases 1-3.
Phase 1:
2005: Batman Begins
2006: Man of Steel
2007: Wonder Woman
2008: The Dark Knight, Green Lantern
2009: The Flash, Man of Steel 2
2010: Aquaman, Justice League
Phase 2:
2011: Wonder Woman 2, Green Lantern 2, Green Arrow
2012: Hawkman, Batman/Superman, Aquaman 2
2013: John Constantine, The Flash 2, Suicide Squad
2014: Justice League 2, Green Arrow 2, Batman: The Long Crusade
Phase 3:
2015: Shazam, Man of Steel 3, The Atom
2016: Wonder Woman 3, Batgirl, Teen Titans
2017: Green Lantern/Green Arrow, Shazam vs Black Adam, Suicide Squad 2
2018: Justice League: Darkseid Rising, Aquaman 3, Doom Patrol
So, phase 1 is basically there to establish the DC universe in a film format and get the Justice League together.  Phase 2 builds on that foundation, but it also takes a big whack at it by having Batman’s caution over his colleagues going rogue cause issues within the league.  With Green Arrow 2, the caution proves apt and brings about a lot of change, which is followed up in phase 3.  Now with the third Justice League film focusing on a prelude to an attack by Darkseid, one may assume phase 4 will take a similar tack to phase 3 of the real-life MCU and play into similar plot threads to Infinity War and Endgame.  However, when we look into phase 4, things aren’t totally what you’d expect.
Phase 4:
2019: Superman: Doomsday, New Gods, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
2020: Suicide Squad: Arkham, Knightfall, Green Arrow 3
2021: Reign of the Supermen, Green Lantern: Twilight, Knightsend
2022: Justice League: Armageddon, Teen Titans 3, Justice Society
Looking at this, the more knowledgeable DC fans out there can probably see what I mean when I talk about phase 4 maybe not going where you’d think.  We’re channelling some major shake-up story arcs from the 1990’s in this phase, so expect the unexpected is definitely a must.  However, for those who may be less knowledgeable and for those who want to get into the blow-by-blow details, let’s check these hypothetical DCEU phase 4 films.
Superman: Doomsday (2019) Directed by JJ Abrams
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent = Brandon Routh
Lois Lane = Kate Bosworth
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl = Dakota Fanning
Doomsday = Terry Notary
Lex Luthor = Kelsey Grammer
Mercy Graves = Scarlett Johannsen
John Henry Irons = Aldis Hodge
Hank Henshaw = John Kraskinski
Terri Henshaw = Kate Mara
Martha Kent = Diane Lane
Jonathan Kent = Kevin Costner
Jor-El = Russell Crowe
Dr Emil Hamilton = Richard Schiff
Perry White = Sam Neill
Jimmy Olsen = Rider Strong
Cat Grant = January Jones
Steve Lombard = Josh Brolin
Capt. Maggie Sawyer = Jeri Ryan
Insp. Turpin = Colin Farrell
Bibbo Bibbowski = Luke Hemsworth
Mongul = Ioan Gruffudd
Guy Gardner = Damian Lewis
Dinah Lance/Black Canary = Malin Akerman
J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter = Chiwetel Ejiofor
Barry Allen/The Flash = Matt Damon
Booster Gold/Michael Jon Carter = Alexander Ludwig
Fire/Beatriz Bonilla da Costa = Selena Gomez
Ice/Tora Olafsdotter = Kristine Froseth
Mari McCabe/Vixen = Lupita Nyong'o
To date, the Death of Superman story arc of the 1990’s has had three adaptations in film.  The first was an animated home-release film called Superman: Doomsday, which heavily shortened the death arc and went a long way off the original source material story regarding Superman’s absence and eventual return.  Next came Zack Snyder’s Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, which essentially shoe-horned a version of the story into its ending, then mangled the resurrection arc between Snyder and Joss Whedon in the 2017 Justice League film.  Third were the DCAMU film adaptations from 2018 and 2019, with the first being a fairly accurate adaptation of the Death arc, while the second film was similarly good quality on part 2.
For this alternate DCEU, I’d want to borrow the title of the first attempt, ignore anything Snyder-based and try for a longer and slightly different variation on what the DCAMU gave us.  As a result, we still get a good quality adaptation without being a carbon copy.  The plot is roughly the same, in that Superman would have to go up against an alien monster called Doomsday, and has to lay down his life to end the threat.  However, changes include the Justice League line-up aiding him, Lex Luthor isn’t trying to pass himself off as his illegitimate Australian son (don’t know what the comics were thinking on that one), and of course it’s the more modern Supergirl on hand instead of the 90’s version.
The cast is mostly retained from prior films, though a few are new in this film, specifically Doomsday, the Henshaws, Bibbowski, Mongul and JL members Fire, Ice and Booster Gold.  In addition, there’s a change of direction; up to now, each Superman film has had different directors, going from Roland Emmerich to Ron Howard to Guillermo del Toro, with Rob Marshall directing the Batman/Superman film in phase 2.  This time, it’s JJ Abrams taking up the reigns, having previously been my selection for the two Flash solo films of this alternate DCEU.
New Gods (2019) Directed by Ridley Scott
Scott Free/Mister Miracle = Charlie Cox
Barda Free/Big Barda = Lindsay Kay Hayward
Darkseid = Bernard Hill
Izaya the Inheritor/Highfather = Brian Cox
Orion = Tom Hardy
Solis/Lightray = Charlie Hunnam
Bekka = Danielle Fishel
Metron = Jonny Lee Miller
Forager = Steven Yeun
DeSaad = David Wenham
Mantis = Winston Duke
Virman Vundabar = August Diehl
Granny Goodness = Stockard Channing
Bernadeth = Rachel Weisz
Bloody Mary = Jennifer Stone
Lashina = Kristin Kreuk
Mad Harriett = Hannah John-Kamen
Stompa = Ronda Rousey
Steppenwolf = Ciarán Hinds
Kalibak = Liev Schreiber
For this film, we’re following up on events from the previous Justice League film as well as our Death of Superman adaptation.  With Superman down, the heroes Mister Miracle and Big Barda return to their home-world of New Genesis in an attempt to bring their kin to Earth’s defence against an almost-certain assault by Darkseid.  However, their leader Highfather is unwilling to violate a non-aggression pact between their world and Darkseid’s planet Apokolips.  However, Darkseid is less scrupulous and facing potential usurpation by Virman Vundabar, so it’s actually New Genesis that comes under attack.
This film is very much about getting a better look at Darkseid and his supporting cast, while at the same time getting to explore the New Gods and paying cinematic homage to one of the more notable Jack Kirby creations from his DC Comics work.  Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Darkseid, DeSaad, Steppenwolf and Kalibak are brought back from the last Justice League film, while everyone else is introduced for the first time.  The castings of Danielle Fishel and Jennifer Stone attest to the attention I’ve paid at times to Disney Channel sit-coms (in this case, Boy Meets World/Girl Meets World and Wizards of Waverley Place, respectively), while most others are from a smattering of various mainstream films and shows.
As we’re dealing with alien worlds, I picked Aliens director Ridley Scott to helm this one.  This is a first-time pick for this alternate DCEU.
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2019) Directed by Matthew Vaughan
Richard Grayson/Robin/Nightwing = Patrick Schwarzenegger
Koriand'r/Starfire = Elle Fanning
Donna Troy/Wonder Girl = Ciara Bravo
Wallace "Wally" West/Kid Flash = Calum Worthy
Raven = Maisie Williams
Victor Stone/Cyborg = Ashton Sanders
Garfield "Gar" Logan/Beast Boy = Dylan Sprayberry
Tara Markov/Terra = Emma Bading
Joseph Wilson/Jericho = Brenock O'Connor
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke = Daniel Day-Lewis
Sebastian Blood/Brother Blood = Tyler Hoechlin
Mother Mayhem = Jennifer Connelly
Adeline Kane = Kristin Davis
Wintergreen = Martin Shaw
The Judas Contract is a 1980’s story arc for the young heroes that’s seen a couple of adaptations, first in the team’s animated series of the early 2000’s and then as a film within the DCAMU.  It’s a good tragic story, as well as a coming-of-age story about being careful who you trust.  This film version would try to adapt it a bit closer to the comics, including the incorporation of Deathstroke’s mute son Jericho, his estranged wife Adeline and his best friend Wintergreen.  The film would also showcase Dick Grayson’s shift from Robin to Nightwing, and since Terra is of Eastern/Mid-European descent like her brother in the Outsiders, the casting takes this into account.
While the main Titans and Deathstroke return from past films, Terra and the other characters are new.  Emma Bading is a German actress with a decent filmography who would be of comparable age to the other Titans, hence her selection.  Direction-wise, I’m looking to Matthew Vaughan, having previously picked him in this alternate DCEU for the solo Green Lantern films, based primarily on the work he did on X-Men: First Class.
Suicide Squad: Arkham (2020) Directed by Guillermo del Toro
Amanda Waller = Viola Davis
Rick Flag Jr. = Joel Kinnaman
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot = Christian Slater
Captain Boomerang/Digger Harkness = Hugh Jackman
Dr Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn = Margot Robbie
Ben Turner/Bronze Tiger = Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Cheshire/Jade Nguyen = Rila Fukushima
Nanaue/King Shark = Sylvester Stalone
Claire Selton/Volcana = Kirsten Stewart
Killer Croc/Waylon Jones = Tyler Mane
Cluemaster/Arthur Brown = Martin McDonagh
Cavalier/Mortimer Drake = Kit Harington
Sonar/Bito Wladon = Silvio Simac
Baffler/Titus Czonka = Michael Chicklis
Bane = Rodrigo Santoro
Angel Vallelunga/Bird = Diego Luna
Zombie = Stephen Merchant
Trogg = Luis Guzmán
Dr Jeremiah Arkham = Dan Stevens
Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin = Sean Astin
Det. Crispus Allen = Djimon Honsou
Det. Peter Foley = Matt Le Blanc
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl = Bella Thorne
Having used Guillermo del Toro of Blade 2 fame to helm a third solo Superman film and the second Suicide Squad film of this alternate DC film universe, I’ve brought him back for a film that leads directly into the Knightfall/Knightsend duology.  In this case, Amanda Waller has heard rumours of a new player in Gotham City planning to make some kind of move on Arkham Asylum.  To that end, she recruits two Suicide Squads; one made up mostly of lesser Gotham villains who are to find out who the new player is and stop them, the other as back-up in case the first team fails or turns traitor.  As to why team 1 lacks the usual explosive fail-safes, this is so Waller can avoid being found out, as Batman is wise to such things.  However, as the film progresses, it’s more Batgirl and Detectives Allen and Foley of the GCPD who periodically disrupt the operation.
As the plot develops, the threat of Bane is ultimately revealed, at great cost to the Squad.  In fact, this is where the first real shock probably comes in, because this film will see Harley Quinn killed by Bane.  This is done largely to show that no one is safe from Bane and increase the stakes for the upcoming Batman films, but it also sets up for a Joker-related film plot in the next phase of this alternate DCEU.  I won’t go into unpicking all the new versus old casting on this one; if you look through my Ramble articles past on this alternate DCEU, you’ll be able to see for yourselves.
Knightfall (2020) Directed by Matt Reeves
Bruce Wayne/Batman = Christian Bale
Alfred Pennyworth = Michael Caine
Tim Drake/Robin II = David Mazouz
Lucius Fox = Morgan Freeman
James "Jim" Gordon = Gary Oldman
Bane = Rodrigo Santoro
Angel Vallelunga/Bird = Diego Luna
Zombie = Stephen Merchant
Trogg = Luis Guzmán
Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael/Batman II = Connor Jessup
Nomoz = Michael Klebba
Det. Harvey Bullock = Donal Logue
Det. Renee Montoya = Penelope Cruz
The Joker = Willem Dafoe
Dr Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy = April Bowlby
Edward Nygma/Riddler = John Barrowman
Arnold Wesker/Ventriloquist = Giovanni Ribisi
Burt Weston/Film Freak = Luke Mitchell
Jervis Tetch/Mad Hatter = Matthew Jaeger
Aaron Helzinger/Amygdala = David Denman
Victor Zsasz = Elijah Wood
Maxie Zeus = Goran Višnjić
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow = Cillian Murphy
Carleton LeHah = Lambert Wilson
Jack Drake = Tobey Maguire
Mrs. McIlvaine = Sinéad Cusack
Dr Shondra Kinsolving = Aisha Tyler
Mayor Armand Krol = Eli Roth
Dr Jeremiah Arkham = Dan Stevens
Dr Simpson Flanders = Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Knightfall is an epic-length film that covers much of the comic story arc of the same name from Batman comics on the 1990’s.  In the original arc, Bane breaks out all the villains of Arkham Asylum, forcing an already weary Batman to exhaust himself chasing down the escapees prior to a showdown with Bane.  In that showdown, Bane broke Batman’s back, forcing Bruce Wayne to hand the cape-and-cowl over to apprentice superhero Jean-Paul Valley, who was trying to overcome brainwashing he’d undergone to be an assassin of sorts called Azrael.  After an opening act to introduce Azrael a few months prior, the film then jumps in at the moment the preceding Suicide Squad film ends; with Bane firing a rocket at Arkham to bust the villains out.
With a montage here and there to expedite matters, Batman wears himself down as before, only to be broken by Bane as in the comics, and as before, Jean-Paul is handed the mantle of the Batman.  However, it soon becomes clear this may have been a mistake, and when Jean-Paul confronts Bane, it’s uncertain whether the new Batman will triumph over his mental trauma or not.  The film contains a huge ensemble cast and covers a wide range of Batman characters both good and evil.  To direct, I’ve picked Matt Reeves, who did the Planet of the Apes reboots and in this alternate DCEU has already helmed the third solo Batman film.
Green Arrow 3 (2020) Directed by Rian Johnson
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow = Ethan Hawke
Dinah Lance/Black Canary = Malin Akerman
Connor Hawke/Green Arrow II = Levon Hawke
Eddie Fyers = Seth Green
Roy Harper/Speedy/Arsenal = Cameron Monaghan
Veronica Dale/Hyrax = Anna Kendrick
Leopard/Leonard/Ed Pinkwater = Ian Somerhalder
Camorouge = Émilie Dequenne
Callendar = Jon Cryer
Dreyfus = Method Man
Nathan = Sam Worthington
Paine = Michael B Jordan
Monroe = Jon Bernthal
Belle = Sara Paxton
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan = Ben Affleck
As 90’s DC fans might guess, this film is all about adapting Oliver Queen’s death from 90’s comics into film, though I swap Superman out for Green Lantern on three counts.  First, slating this film for in-between Superman’s death and return prohibits his involvement.  Two, Hal and Ollie have long had a major bromance to add greater importance to the climax.  Three, it makes the built-up to our solo GL film a bit better, as we will see.  Aside from Hal Jordan, only Oliver Queen, Dinah and Roy are returning rolls, while the rest of the characters are all new and largely exclusive to this film and its storyline.
What is the story line, beyond killing the original Green Arrow?  Well, like the comics, Ollie goes undercover with a group of eco-terrorists to uncover their plans, but he starts to fall for a member of the group, and at the same time, Ollie’s illegitimate son shows up looking to connect with his dad.  For film direction, I’ve gone with Rian Johnson, a new selection for our alternate DCEU based on his work with the Star Wars film The Last Jedi.
Reign of the Supermen (2021) Directed by JJ Abrams
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent = Brandon Routh
Lois Lane = Kate Bosworth
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl = Dakota Fanning
Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman = Brandon Routh
The Eradicator = Brandon Routh
Conner Kent/Con-El/Superboy = Asher Angel
Mongul = Ioan Gruffudd
Lex Luthor = Kelsey Grammer
Mercy Graves = Scarlett Johannsen
John Henry Irons/Steel = Aldis Hodge
Jaina Hudson/White Rabbit = Hayley Kiyoko
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan = Ben Affleck
Martha Kent = Diane Lane
Jonathan Kent = Kevin Costner
Jor-El = Russell Crowe
Dr Emil Hamilton = Richard Schiff
Perry White = Sam Neill
Jimmy Olsen = Rider Strong
Cat Grant = January Jones
Steve Lombard = Josh Brolin
Capt. Maggie Sawyer = Jeri Ryan
Insp. Turpin = Colin Farrell
Bibbo Bibbowski = Luke Hemsworth
Obviously, this film covers the return of Superman arc in much the same way as the comics do in the broadest sense; four Supermen turn up, Lois tries to work out who the real one is, one turns out to be a villain in league with the alien tyrant Mongul, whose role is expanded in this film.  Their plans destroy Hal Jordan’s home town of Coast City, but Metropolis is saved by the returning real Superman.  The film borrows a bit from its DCAMU counterpart by simplifying the Eradicator’s history, and indeed over this film and the previous Superman one we’ve done the same with Hank Henshaw.  This is because the characters had prior history with Superman in the comics, but our film continuity wouldn’t cover that, so a bit of a tweak is in order.
Now because both the Eradicator and Henshaw were meant to resemble Superman outwardly to some extent, the casting of them is now a matter of putting Brandon Routh into those roles as well as playing his original Superman role in the third act.  We also get another step on Hal Jordan’s descent into darkness, something that hasn’t had a proper adaptation in any media.  The closest we’ve come is the last Green Lantern solo film in DC’s Tomorrow-verse continuity, which frankly isn’t that good, but more on this under the next film.  JJ Abrams remains the director here to keep things consistent within this duology.
Green Lantern: Twilight (2021) Directed by Sam Raimi
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan/Parallax = Ben Affleck
Carol Ferris = Liv Tyler
Tom Kalmaku = Taika Waititi
Thaal Sinestro = Mark Strong
Kilowog = Tyrese Gibson
Kyle Rayner/Green Lantern II = Taylor Lautner
Alex DeWitt = Hunter King
Clifford Zmeck/Major Force = Luke Evans
Mongul = Ioan Gruffudd
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent = Brandon Routh
Boodikka = Gina Carano
Ke'Haan = Kevin Durand
Laira = Emma Stone
Kreon = Ryan Philippe
Ganthet = Patrick Stewart
Sayd = Glenn Close
Appa Ali Apsa = Hugo Weaving
Tomar Tu = Tom Hiddleston
Jack T. Chance = Colton Haynes
Hannu = Lee Pace
Graf Toren = Hiroyuki Sanada
As you might imagine, this film would be filmed in close proximity to the two before it to facilitate the various cross-over aspects of it.  This time, we’re doing the Emerald Twilight/New Dawn story arc, in which Hal Jordan suffers a mental breakdown after his home town is destroyed during the events of Superman’s return.  In a fit of anger, he rampages across the stars to Oa, home planet of the Green Lantern Corps, defeating fellow lanterns and swiping their power rings.  After a final showdown with his friend Kilowog and enemy Sinestro, Hal takes all the power of the central Lantern battery, becoming a villain known as Parallax who plans to remake the universe to prevent the destruction of Coast City.  However, a last member of the Guardians travels to Earth and bestows a last Lantern ring on freelance artist Kyle Rayner, and thus a new Green Lantern is found, but one who must master the ring with no GL corps or Guardians to guide him.
Again, not going to unpick who is new and who is long-standing for this film as it would be a bit long-winded to explain.  However, as we don’t really include Golden Age superheroes like original GL Alan Scott, exposition regarding Hal’s actions to Kyle ends up coming from Superman’s appearances in the film, as well as human GLs Guy Gardner and John Stewart.  Due to the way Hal acts in this story arc, not to mention this film adapting the infamous murder of Kyle Rayner’s girlfriend, I picked Sam Raimi to direct this film based on his horror film background.  Raimi was also my pick to direct a John Constantine one-off film in phase 2 of this alternate DCEU.
Knightsend (2021) Directed by Matt Reeves
Bruce Wayne/Batman = Christian Bale
Alfred Pennyworth = Michael Caine
Tim Drake/Robin II = David Mazouz
Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael/Batman II = Connor Jessup
Lucius Fox = Morgan Freeman
James "Jim" Gordon = Gary Oldman
Bane = Rodrigo Santoro
Richard Grayson/Nightwing = Patrick Schwarzenegger
Jack Drake = Tobey Maguire
Mrs. McIlvaine = Sinéad Cusack
Dr Shondra Kinsolving = Aisha Tyler
Mayor Armand Krol = Eli Roth
Det. Harvey Bullock = Donal Logue
Det. Renee Montoya = Penelope Cruz
The Joker = Willem Dafoe
Tallyman = Bill Skarsgard
Lady Shiva = Ming-Na Wen
Tony Bressi = Milo Ventimiglia
Arnold Etchison/Abattoir = Robert Kazinsky
Benedict Asp = Jason Isaacs
Colonel Vega = David Nykl
Yuri = John Morrison
Graham Etchison = Bill Hader
Penn Selkirk = Jason Sudeikis
Carter = Liam Cunningham
Barbara Gordon/Batgirl = Bella Thorne
When Bruce’s doctor Shondra Kinsolving is abducted, the crippled Bruce Wayne begins a search that leads to the healing of his back at great cost, while Jean-Paul Valley grows increasingly unstable.  Now heavily armoured and armed, this Batman is more brutal, and when a man dies from Jean-Paul’s behaviour, the recovered Bruce Wayne must begin a crash-course in the fighting arts in order to confront his errant replacement and reclaim the mantle of the bat.  Again keeping Matt Reeves in the directorial position for duology consistency, this film focuses on the follow-up to Knightfall as the defeated Bane is moved aside and the battle comes out as original Batman versus would-be replacement.
Justice League: Armageddon (2022) Directed by The Russo Brothers
Superman/Kal-El/Clark Kent = Brandon Routh
Diana/Wonder Woman = Kate Beckinsale
J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter = Chiwetel Ejiofor
Barry Allen/The Flash = Matt Damon
Kyle Rayner/Green Lantern II = Taylor Lautner
Fire/Beatriz Bonilla da Costa = Selena Gomez
Ice/Tora Olafsdotter = Kristine Froseth
Arthur Curry/Aquaman = Chris Pine
Dinah Lance/Black Canary = Malin Akerman
Amanda Waller = Viola Davis
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot = Christian Slater
Ben Turner/Bronze Tiger = Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Killer Croc/Waylon Jones = Tyler Mane
Jaina Hudson/White Rabbit = Hayley Kiyoko
Weather Wizard/Mark Mardon = Michael Fassbender
Shimmer = Anna Faris
Eve Eden/Nightshade = Debby Ryan
Dr Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy = April Bowlby
Scott Free/Mister Miracle = Charlie Cox
Barda Free/Big Barda = Lindsay Kay Hayward
Darkseid = Bernard Hill
Orion = Tom Hardy
Metron = Jonny Lee Miller
Granny Goodness = Stockard Channing
Bernadeth = Rachel Weisz
Bloody Mary = Jennifer Stone
Lashina = Kristin Kreuk
Mad Harriett = Hannah John-Kamen
Stompa = Ronda Rousey
Steppenwolf = Ciarán Hinds
Kalibak = Liev Schreiber
Dr Niles Caulder/The Chief = Pierce Brosnan
Clifford Steele/Robot Man = Johnny Whitworth
Larry Trainor/Negative Man = Alessandro Nivola
Rita Farr/Elasti-Girl = Alyssa Milano
Mento/Steve Dayton = Nathan Fillion
Bumblebee/Karen Beecher = Kyla Pratt
Vox/Malcom Duncan = Donald Glover
Hal Jordan/Parallax = Ben Affleck
John Stewart = Derek Luke
Guy Gardner = Damian Lewis
Wallace "Wally" West/Kid Flash = Calum Worthy
Our latest Justice League film brings a few different plot threads in from past films.  Following the events of Justice League: Darkseid Rising, the death and return of Superman and the New Gods film, Darkseid finally dares to try and assault Earth.  Forewarned by survivors sent from New Genesis, the Justice League gathers what heroes it can, and also reaches out to the Suicide Squad.  The Doom Patrol also appears, but at the climax of the film, as Darkseid takes to the field of battle, there are two major shocks; the death of the Flash, and the arrival of Parallax, who decides to wipe out the forces of Apokalips.  Suddenly it's not an alien tyrant who threatens the armageddon of the film’s title, but one of their very own turned to darkness by grief and fear.
The film has a huge ensemble cast, largely reprising roles from past films.  Debby Ryan as Suicide Squad member Nightshade is the sole piece of new casting in this film, and as for direction, I decided that the work done by the Russo Brothers in the MCU, especially Infinity War and Endgame, earns them the chance to direct this film and one or two subsequent instalments in this film universe.
Teen Titans 3 (2022) Directed by Matthew Vaughan
Richard Grayson/Nightwing = Patrick Schwarzenegger
Koriand'r/Starfire = Elle Fanning
Donna Troy/Wonder Girl/Troia = Ciara Bravo
Raven = Maisie Williams
Victor Stone/Cyborg = Ashton Sanders
Garfield "Gar" Logan/Beast Boy = Dylan Sprayberry
Trigon = Viggo Mortensen
Dr Arthur Light = James McAvoy
Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl II = Amiah Miller
M'Gann M'orzz/Miss Martian = Marsai Martin
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle = Iñaki Godoy
Tim Drake/Robin II = David Mazouz
Conner Kent/Con-El/Superboy = Asher Angel
Roy Harper/Speedy/Arsenal = Cameron Monaghan
Tempest/Garth = Luke Benward
For this film, we retain Matthew Vaughan from our last Teen Titans film for directing and explain the absence of the Teen Titans from Justice League: Apocalypse a little.  Following an arc over all three Teen Titans films, Raven is struggling to contain her father’s presence, but after a major fight with the villainous Doctor Light, Trigon manages to possess Raven and attacks the Titans through her.  With the main team decimated, a group of new, younger teen heroes rise to aid their predecessors.  By the end, what Titans remain would not be in much shape to fight, win or lose.  Much of the cast is retained from past films, with the characters of Doctor Light, Wonder Girl II, Miss Martian and Blue Beetle being the newcomers for this instalment.
Justice Society (2022) Directed by James Gunn
Jay Garrick/Flash = Miles Teller
Alan Scott/Green Lantern = Lucas Till
Ted Grant/Wildcat = Robbie Amell
Rex Tyler/Hourman = Adam DeVine
Carter Hall/Hawkman = Sullivan Stapleton
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl = Jessica Alba
Billy Batson/Shazam = Zachary Gordon/Zachary Levi
Isaac Brown/Fiddler = Stephen Dorff
Cameron Mahkent/Icicle = Sendhil Ramamurthy
Richard Swift/Shade = Anthony Carrigan
Paula Brooks/Huntress = Gemma Chan
Neal Emerson/Doctor Polaris = Nicholas Hoult
Henry King Jr./Brain Wave = Ray Stevenson
Hal Jordan/Parallax = Ben Affleck
Black Adam/Teth-Adam = Dwayne Johnson
Metron = Jonny Lee Miller
Closing out phase 4 of my alternate DCEU is a take on the Justice Society that borrows from a Justice League animated series story line and Marvel’s Wandavision series.  In this film, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and Shazam wake up in a world where they’re part of the Justice Society, a superhero team operating in a 1950’s-style American mid-west town.  Though they initially suspect nothing wrong, Hawkman’s past life memories and Shazam’s wisdom of Soloman begin to disrupt a strange mental hold, and as they do, the infamous Injustice Guild becomes much deadlier.  In reality, Parallax is doing a test-run of his proposed plans to the time stream, but as the test is disrupted from within, the New God Metron convinces anti-hero Black Adam to interfere from without.
For direction, I went with James Gunn out of curiosity to see what he could do with this, given that in real life he’s become the DC film-verse’s equivalent to Marvel’s Kevin Feige.  In terms of casting, the individual characters mentioned in the paragraph above are all returning actors, while everyone else is new and exclusive to this film.  As for why I think this would be a good approach on the Justice Society, that’s down to a desire to pay homage to the early comics in a way that’s nostalgic while also advancing the Parallax story arc.
So, that’s it for phase 4 of this alternate DCEU.  More to come on this and my alternate MCU in the new year, but not right away as I’m hoping to get more variation on the go in the new year.  So, until next month, Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating that occasion, Happy Holidays for those celebrating something else, have a prosperous new year when we get to the end of this year, and otherwise ta-ta for now.
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Events 9.1
1145 – The main altar of Lund Cathedral, at the time the seat of the archiepiscopal see of all the Nordic countries, is consecrated. 1173 – The widow Stamira sacrifices herself in order to raise the siege of Ancona by the forces of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. 1355 – King Tvrtko I of Bosnia writes In castro nostro Vizoka vocatum from the Old town of Visoki. 1449 – Tumu Crisis: The Mongols capture the Emperor of China. 1529 – The Spanish fort of Sancti Spiritu, the first one built in modern Argentina, is destroyed by indigenous people. 1532 – Lady Anne Boleyn is made Marquess of Pembroke by her fiancé, King Henry VIII of England. 1604 – Adi Granth, now known as Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture of Sikhs, is first installed at Harmandir Sahib. 1610 – Claudio Monteverdi's musical work Vespro della Beata Vergine (Vespers for the Blessed Virgin) is first published, printed in Venice and dedicated to Pope Paul V. 1644 – Battle of Tippermuir: James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose defeats the Earl of Wemyss's Covenanters, reviving the Royalist cause. 1645 – English Civil War. Scottish Covenanter forces abandon their month-long Siege of Hereford, a Cavalier stronghold, on news of Royalist victories in Scotland. 1715 – At the age of five, Louis XV becomes king of France in succession to his great-grandfather, King Louis XIV. 1763 – Catherine II of Russia endorses Ivan Betskoy's plans for a Foundling Home in Moscow. 1772 – The Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa is founded in San Luis Obispo, California. 1774 – Massachusetts Bay colonists rise up in the bloodless Powder Alarm. 1804 – 3 Juno, one of the largest asteroids in the Main Belt, is discovered by the German astronomer Karl Ludwig Harding. 1831 – The Order of St. Gregory the Great is established by Pope Gregory XVI of the Vatican State to recognize high support for the Vatican or for the Pope, by a man or a woman, and not necessarily a Roman Catholic. 1836 – Narcissa Whitman, one of the first English-speaking white women to settle west of the Rocky Mountains, arrives at Walla Walla, Washington. 1838 – Saint Andrew's Scots School, the oldest school of British origin in South America, is established. 1862 – American Civil War: Battle of Chantilly: Confederate Army troops defeat a group of retreating Union Army troops in Chantilly, Virginia. 1864 – American Civil War: The Confederate Army General John Bell Hood orders the evacuation of Atlanta, ending a four-month siege by General William Tecumseh Sherman. 1870 – Franco-Prussian War: The Battle of Sedan is fought, resulting in a decisive Prussian victory. 1873 – Cetshwayo ascends to the throne as king of the Zulu nation following the death of his father Mpande. 1878 – Emma Nutt becomes the world's first female telephone operator when she is recruited by Alexander Graham Bell to the Boston Telephone Dispatch Company. 1880 – The army of Mohammad Ayub Khan is routed by the British at the Battle of Kandahar, ending the Second Anglo-Afghan War. 1894 – Over 400 people die in the Great Hinckley Fire, a forest fire in Hinckley, Minnesota. 1897 – The Tremont Street Subway in Boston opens, becoming the first underground rapid transit system in North America.
1923 – The Great Kantō earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama, killing about 105,000 people. 1939 – World War II: Germany and Slovakia invade Poland, beginning the European phase of World War II. 1939 – J. Robert Oppenheimer and his student Hartland Snyder publish the Oppenheimer–Snyder model, proving for the first time in contemporary physics how black holes could develop. 1961 – TWA Flight 529 crashed shortly after takeoff from Midway Airport in Chicago, killing all 78 people on board. At the time, it was the deadliest single plane disaster in U.S. history. 1967 – Six-Day War: The Khartoum Resolution is issued at the Arab Summit, and eight countries adopt the "three 'no's against Israel". 1969 – A coup in Libya brings Muammar Gaddafi to power. 1973 – A 76-hour multinational rescue effort in the Celtic Sea resulted in the Rescue of Roger Mallinson and Roger Chapman. 1974 – The SR-71 Blackbird sets (and holds) the record for flying from New York to London in the time of one hour, 54 minutes and 56.4 seconds at a speed of 1,435.587 miles per hour (2,310.353 km/h). 1981 – Central African President David Dacko is ousted from power in a bloodless military coup led by General André Kolingba. 1982 – The United States Air Force Space Command is founded. 1983 – Cold War: Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet Union jet fighter when the commercial aircraft enters Soviet airspace, killing all 269 on board, including Congressman Lawrence McDonald. 2004 – The Beslan school siege begins when armed terrorists take schoolchildren and school staff hostage in North Ossetia, Russia; by the end of the siege, three days later, more than 385 people are dead (including hostages, other civilians, security personnel and terrorists). 2008 – Iraq War: The United States Armed Forces transfers control of Anbar Province to the Iraqi Armed Forces.
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knoansw · 1 year
12 Best Quotes About Misjudge
12 Best Quotes About Misjudge
Are you looking for some misjudge quotes? Stay motivated with the help of the below inspiring quotes about misjudge. Best Quotes About Misjudge 1. “Don’t judge what you don’t know.” ― Maria V. Snyder 2. “Never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.” ― Ludwig van Beethoven 3. “Accepting trial and error means accepting error. It means taking problems in our stride when a decision…
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trustoutdoor · 2 years
Day of the dead blonde girl art
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#Day of the dead blonde girl art full
#Day of the dead blonde girl art series
Dieter sacrifices himself to get Vanderohe into the vault safely. Vanderohe attempts to fight Zeus but is easily overpowered. When he steps outside, he discovers Lilly stole the Queen's head, and the tiger mauls him to death. Martin traps the team in the basement, explaining that Bly cares only about the zombie head, which can create a zombie army for the government and is worth more than the money in the vault. As Ward and Cruz are about to search for her, the Alphas appear and kill Cruz. As Dieter opens the vault, Ward discovers Kate had left to look for Geeta. A news report reveals the government has brought forward the nuclear strike, giving the team approximately 90 minutes. Enraged, Zeus directs the Alphas to the casino. Zeus discovers her body and returns her to the Olympus casino, revealing that the Queen was pregnant with a zombie fetus. Martin and Lilly stay outside under the pretense of keeping watch but instead lure the Queen into the open. After she is surrounded and bitten, Guzman shoots the gasoline canister on her back, killing her and the surrounding zombie horde.Īrriving at Bly's casino, Ward and Kate turn on the power, Peters prepares a helicopter on the roof, and Dieter works on the vault. When Chambers accuses Martin of ulterior motives, he diverts her off the path, and she wakes the zombies. Ward creates a path through the zombies with glow sticks.
#Day of the dead blonde girl art full
Lilly leads the team to a building full of hibernating, normal zombies. An Alpha female known as the Queen takes Cummings away to the Olympus casino, where the Alpha leader Zeus infects him. When Kate learns Lilly escorted her friend Geeta into Las Vegas, Kate insists on joining the team over Ward's objections.Īfter an encounter with a zombified tiger upon entering Las Vegas, Lilly wounds Cummings and explains that a group of intelligent zombies known as "Alphas" will allow safe passage in exchange for a sacrifice. Ward's estranged daughter Kate, who works at a quarantine camp, directs them to Lilly, a smuggler familiar with the city, who also recruits Burt Cummings, an abusive camp security guard. Martin joins the team to give them access to the casino. Ward agrees and recruits his former teammates Maria Cruz and Vanderohe, along with helicopter pilot Marianne Peters, German safecracker Ludwig Dieter, and Chicano sharpshooter Mikey Guzman, who brings along his associate Chambers. Six years later, casino owner Bly Tanaka and his associate Martin approach mercenary and former Las Vegas resident Scott Ward about a job to recover $200 million from his casino vault in Las Vegas before the military deploys a tactical nuclear strike on the city. After a military intervention fails, the government quarantines the city. There, the original and subsequent zombies infect most of the city's population. The convoy's cargo, a zombie, escapes, killing and infecting several soldiers before heading into the city.
#Day of the dead blonde girl art series
The film also spawned a franchise consisting of the spin-off prequel Army of Thieves an upcoming anime-style series subtitled Lost Vegas and a direct sequel titled Planet of the Dead which is in development.Ī United States military convoy traveling from Area 51 collides with a car on the highway outside Las Vegas. At the 94th Academy Awards, it won the " Oscars Fan Favorite" contest. Critics praised the film for its humor and found it would appeal to fans of "both Snyder and ensemble action flicks", but criticized its plot and runtime. The film underwent reshoots in September 2020 after several sexual misconduct allegations were made against cast member Chris D'Elia he was replaced by Notaro using green screens and CGI.Īrmy of the Dead was released in select theaters in the United States on May 14, 2021, and was digitally released on Netflix on May 21. With a US$70–90 million production budget and Snyder also serving as cinematographer, principal photography took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Atlantic City, New Jersey, in mid-2019. However, the film spent several years in development hell before Netflix acquired distribution rights in 2019. Pictures, the project was announced in 2007 with Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. Snyder conceived the idea for Army of the Dead as a spiritual successor to his 2004 debut film Dawn of the Dead. It follows a group of mercenaries who plan a Las Vegas casino heist amid a zombie apocalypse. The film features an ensemble cast consisting of Dave Bautista, Ella Purnell, Omari Hardwick, Ana de la Reguera, Theo Rossi, Matthias Schweighöfer, Nora Arnezeder, Hiroyuki Sanada, Tig Notaro, Raúl Castillo, Huma Qureshi, and Garret Dillahunt. Army of the Dead is a 2021 American zombie heist film directed by Zack Snyder from a screenplay he co-wrote with Shay Hatten and Joby Harold, based on a story he also created.
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princess-josie-riki · 2 years
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Year of the Alice Day 229
This is my first (and hopefully only) one-year project (which will be only 365 days) and this one is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-themed.
In this pic, Alice from Alice of Wonderland in Paris meets Madeline herself.
Made with Microsoft Paint.
Enjoy! ♠️♥️♣️♦️
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (c) Lewis Carroll
Alice of Wonderland in Paris (c) Gene Deitch and William L. Snyder
Madeline (c) Ludwig Bemelmans
Cartoon adaptation of Madeline (c) Stan Phillips and DIC Entertainment
Idea and artwork (c) me
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theechudar · 2 years
Underwhelming heist film that doesn't steal the deal- Cinema express
Underwhelming heist film that doesn’t steal the deal- Cinema express
  Zack Snyder’s zombie film Army of the Dead, a spiritual sequel to his Dawn of the Dead, had a lot of good things to boast, one of which was the intriguing character of a safecracker named Ludwig Dieter. A standalone film that follows his story is the recently released Army of Thieves.  Though it is a prequel to the zombie film, this heist-thriller is set after the zombie outbreak in Las Vegas,…
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harrisonwellse2 · 3 years
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Gwendoline + Sebastian / Vanderohe + Dieter
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mekaremadness · 3 years
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Can't wait to watch Army of Thieves
So early fanart
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mndvx · 3 years
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ARMY OF THIEVES (2021) dir. Matthias Schweighöfer ››› Matthias Schweighöfer as Sebastian Schlencht-Wöhnert / Ludwig Dieter
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cock-off-the-rock · 2 years
There is a headcannon deep in my heart that Dieter plays piano. With all the classical music he listens to I’d be mad if he didn’t. And maybe violin.
Zach Snyder let Dieter play Rush E right now or I swear to god I will turn you inside out /lh
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lily-s-world · 3 years
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Zack Snyder casting Army of the Dead:
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rigormorton32 · 3 years
Do they have a ship name yet? Vandieter? Dieterohe? What's the consensus?
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granolabird · 3 years
The soundtrack of this movie is absolutely fantastic
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fandom-official · 3 years
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‘There’s a chance Dieter survives’ 👀
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