#luiza gives advice?
aphrogeneias · 10 months
🫶 any advice is sooo amazing! i don't think ill do anything about it bc of the religion stuff but also I'd rather keep him as a good friend than date him for a limited time and loose him as both
that's a smart thing to do! also, and that is painfully cliché but, there's plenty of other fish in the sea. fish that won't give you that kind of trouble lmao i'm sure your friendship will remain strong and you'll find someone new to love 🤍
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Oooooh dang.
Okay, I feel like I owe you my own personal story since you opened up about yours. Also, maybe it’s time for me to come clean about a certain fact that happened...
First off: you absolutely should tell her about your feelings! We have a saying about this kind of stuff here, which is “so long as you don’t ask, you already have the ‘no’; the only way you might get a ‘yes’ is if you actually try asking the question”!
On the “it’s lockdown and you can’t start a relationship thru texting”: okay, so, if you’ve been following me for a while you probably know that my first and only relationship was with this garbage piece of crap boy that was controlling, abusive and all around shitty, and the only reason I don’t entirely regret dating him is that thanks to him I’m very wary of how I’m treated and will never let anyone treat me like that again. However, because of that dumpster fire of a relationship, I kinda... didn’t ever wanna date again.
Then I made a friend here on tumblr last year, and they said they found me very pretty and they had a crush on me, haha, and we liked the same stuff, we had lots of fun and we laugh a lot together, we made a LOT of kinky jokes at each other, they actually flew here from very far for a week and we went sightseeing - long story short I started falling for them as well. They asked me to be their gf but I wasn’t entirely sure bc long distance + my own relationship issues and fear of commitment.
Fast forward to june, this year, and I just said to myself that I had enough time to heal, and not every relationship needs to be burdened with huge expectations of being the One Right Relationship - and I was ready to enter one with a light heart, ready to enjoy the ride for however long it lasted. So instead, I was the one to ask them to be my partner.
Like. They live in a whole other country, very fucking far from here. We speak in english because we do not speak each other’s native language. I cannot just out of the blue decide to visit them due to distance, money and other issues, neither can them. We have ZERO idea where this is going, but we are just... enjoying the ride, y’know. We are making it work as we can. We chat often, we text on whatsapp through the day, we... have some fun on video streams *wink wink*. We plan for the next time we meet after this chaos. And we act like two lovestruck dorks bc that’s what we are, haha
Look, it’s some damn weird times we’re living. People are working from their homes, students are learning online. You starting a relationship online is what is possible to do, for now. I don’t think you should hold out on something that could make you really happy for later just because the conditions aren’t ideal - they never are anyway.
Life is messy. Just go for it, ask her to meet you on a video chat and tell her all that’s in your heart!!! (I personally find it much less overwhelming than doing it in person, which is rly good if you suffer from anxiety)
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
I'm Forever Yours
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
WC: 1.5k
Summary: Eddie thought it would be easier to break things off when you went to college. You deserved better than some loser who can't even graduate from high school. But now you're back for the summer, and if there's one thing you've learned this year, it's how much you need him.
A/n: This is my contribution for the lovely aphrogeneias 's Power Ballads Writing Challenge! I literally have not been able to stop thinking about this since seeing the prompt from Journey's Faithfully. We got a good ole exes to lovers with a lil bit of DnD thrown in because me lol. Be sure to go to Luiza's page to check out the other participants of the challenge!!
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"two strangers learn to fall in love again"
Eddie’s knees were restless under the table.
His fingers tapped menacingly against the wood surface, eyes mindlessly scanning over the notes on the DM screen.
“Uh…you okay, Eddie?” Mike asked, his face contorted in confusion.
Eddie nodded, responding without even looking at him. “Yep. Yeah. Totally fine. Why?”
“You look like you’re about to shit your pants, dude,” Dustin said, pulling out his dice.
“That’s because his soulmate is joining us tonight,” Gareth mused, bumping elbows with Jeff as they shared a knowing smile.
The Dungeon Master of the Hellfire Club froze, eyes darting to his friends with a glare so deadly their smiles immediately dropped.
“Watch it, or disadvantage on all rolls tonight.” They muttered a sorry and Eddie grabbed his favorite d20 - the one you gave him two years ago - and fiddled with it in his hand. “She might not even show,” he said sadly.
“Bro, she’s gonna come,” Gareth replied. “She knows what night it is.”
“Unless being at college has made her too smart to remember a dumb nerd game,” Jeff murmured, and this time Gareth punched his arm. “OW!”
“Can someone please explain to us who this mystery girl is?” Dustin asked, arms crossed in front of him. 
“She’s just an old member,” Eddie said, running his fingers through his hair.
“Dude,” Gareth complained, then turned to Dustin and Mike. “Her name is Y/n. She’s the coolest girl there is, and when I say she’s Munson’s soulmate, you have no idea. Those two have been inseparable for years.”
“Used to be inseparable,” Eddie corrected, an ache forming in his chest.
“Right, well, she graduated last year and went to some fancy school in Canada. Hasn’t been back since, and now she’s home for the summer.”
“Are you two still together? I bet I can give you great advice on long distance relationships,” Dustin suggested with a smug expression.
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed in discomfort before shaking his head. “We tried to make it work, but things got too crazy and I guess we just kind of lost touch.”
That was a lie. Eddie stopped answering your calls until you eventually got the hint and stopped trying to get in touch. He thought it would be easier for you to move on and realize that there was a much better life for you when you weren’t tied down by the loser of Hawkins High, whose legacy would only be the Hellfire Club and Corroded Coffin.
He hoped it would hurt less to cut the cord before having to look in your perfect eyes and see the realization of how much better you could do than him.
“That sucks man,” Mike said, giving him a sympathetic side smile.
Eddie nodded. “Happens.” He checked his watch one last time with a sigh. “Alright, you adventurers ready to get started? Quick recap from last session. The party had just returned a group of kids  to their families after being stolen by a Beholder, where-”
“Where they ran into a fierce cleric, Lyvia,” Eddie’s heart stilled at the familiar voice as you emerged from behind the curtain. “Daughter of the High Priestess of Lathander.”
He sat there, staring at your smiling face, wondering for a moment if he was dreaming.
But there you were, donned in your favorite denim jacket covered in pins, a Journey t-shirt, ripped jeans, and the black converse you bought with him last summer. His eyes flickered down, chest swelling at the sight of the heart shaped pendant around your neck.
Your eyes met his, and suddenly everything else in the room disappeared, as if there were a spotlight shining just on you.
Though no amount of time could make him forget how beautiful you were, seeing you in the flesh was almost too much for him. 
You were perfect. Radiant. Just as he remembered.
He wanted to run up and wrap you in his arms. To cradle your face in his hands and kiss you a million and one times. To tell you he was a bigger idiot than he could have imagined and he was sure this was the biggest mistake he’d ever made in his life.
He stayed sitting though, glued to his chair as Jeff and Gareth shouted your name and ran to tackle you into a hug.
You giggled as they collided into you, hugging them back.
Finally, Eddie managed to stand, his hands interlacing together behind his back.
His body bent forward into a bow. “M’lady Lyvia. ‘Tis good to see you have done well during your travels across the continent.”
You grinned, chin bowing down. “I have learned many things and have had many fun adventures, but I gotta say, DM, nothing feels as good as being with your party.”
Eddie took a sharp intake of breath, eyes widening slightly and your smile grew.
“Besides,” you continued, “something tells me this party is in desperate need of a lady to make sure y’all don’t fuck everything up.”
His brows rose in amusement, and the guys laughed as they escorted you to the table, shuffling their seats around to make room for you.
“Hey guys,” you said to Dustin and Mike with a wave. “I’m-”
“Y/n,” they said in unison and Eddie nearly decided to kill their characters in the first fight. “We know,” Mike finished with a smile. 
You nodded slowly. “Right. Okay…” You looked to Eddie.
He clapped his hands together, ready to be in any other situation than this.
Still, when you smiled at him again, he felt butterflies in his stomach. “Right. Let’s continue. You encounter the luminous, stunning, beefy dwarf cleric Lyvia…”
“Y/n, you are a fucking legend,” Dustin praised as you all packed up your things. “I can’t believe you took out three direwolves in one hit!”
You shrugged. “Listen, Sacred Weapon is no joke. I’ve taken out larger packs than this with that baby many, many times.”
Eddie smiled to himself, slowly folding the DM screen.
“Hell yeah,” Henderson continued. “Are you going to play with us through the summer?”
You looked over at Eddie, a questioning look on your face. “That depends on what our mighty Dungeon Master says.”
Eddie beamed, giving you a grand nod and waving a hand in the air. “You know Lyvia will always have a home at our table.”
A smile spread across your face as the two of you held eye contact and Dustin grinned. “I guess I’ll catch you guys later,” he murmured as he followed the rest of the guys down the dark hallway.
More staring.
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Hi, Eddie.”
He stood up, hands snaking inside his pockets. “Hey, Y/n.”
Your smile slowly fell. “You stopped answering my calls.” Your voice cracked at the last word, along with Eddie’s heart.
“I thought…I thought it would make things easier.”
Your head flinched back, face contorting. “Easier how? By not having my favorite person there for me?”
“I didn’t want you to feel tied down.”
You shook your head, taking a few steps forward. “Tied down by what? You?” His silence was answer enough and you scoffed. “Eds, you’re the one who has spent years teaching me how to live. How to laugh, how to fuck up and learn from my mistakes, how to never stop pursuing your dreams. I never would have gotten where I am today if I didn’t have you there.”
Tears welled in his eyes. “But what if you find out that there’s someone better for you? Someone who managed to fucking graduate from high school and isn’t trapped in Hawkins.”
His eyes went to the floor, and suddenly he saw your shoes inches from his. 
Your hands gently moved to his face, slowly lifting his gaze until they were on your perfect, mesmerizing, tear-filled eyes once more.
“Eds.” Your thumb stroked along the apple of his cheek and his eyes closed from the intoxicating feel of it. When he opened his eyes, you were smiling again. “I did my year, I met new people, did new things, left Hawkins, and you know what I learned?”
He swallowed, eyes flickering down to your lips as your face drew nearer. His hand reached up to hold the heart-shaped pendant between his fingers. “What?” he whispered.
“None of it matters if I don’t have you in my life. You make it all better. All I could ever really need is you.”
Eddie breathed out a small whimper, smile threatening to split his face in two and he inched closer.
“I’m forever yours, baby.” His lips ghosted over yours. “Faithfully.”
You groaned, pulling back and rolling your eyes with a smile. “Really? You’re gonna quote the fuckin’ Journey ballad?”
He scoffed. “Are you serious? You’re the one wearing the damn shirt!”
You looked down. “Oh shit, you’re right.”
Just as you started giggling, Eddie tucked his ring-adorned finger under your chin, pulling you closer until his lips found their way home to you, rediscovering your kiss with newfound joy and gratitude. 
Even if the world fell apart and completely turned on its axis, he knew he would never let you go again.
He was yours.
And you were his.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Okayy so i made a part 2 for the Male!Guard! S/O bc i love it so much but warning it’s unedited bc i didn’t want to :))) i’ll clean it up later, for now enjoy! part 1 is here so read that first!
Karl Heisenberg x Male!Guard! S/O
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“Good evening Sir, are you running low on shotgun ammo this evening? Or perhaps Luiza has you picking up the village supplies once more?”
You always enjoyed visiting the Duke, a fresh face away from the village which can feel suffocating more often than not. He’d basically watched you grow up, having always been of service to the village and he always knew the right things to say. Some days he even comforted you.
“Hey Duke, I’m on supply run again… Luiza has asked for some more medical supplies. I believe she wanted bandages in particular and for myself I’ll have a Ciorba de Porc.”
You throw the bag of lei on the wooden bench of his stall and lean against it while he preps everything for you.
“Lord Heisenberg praised your shooting skills the other day, might I recommend some sniper ammo on your next refill. I also have all the customisable parts for such a weapon.”
Your jaw drops slightly. He talks about you? It was a shock, it never even occurred to you that Karl might buy from the Duke as well.
“Why would he do that? I mean I’ve only seen him at the festivals the village hosts for the lords… I’ve only spoken to him a few times. Besides I don’t even own a sniper!”
The Duke catches your lie easily, if it wasn’t for the fact that Karl himself had spent hours rambling to him and asking for advice, getting all nervous and worked up before he finally purchased something then it was definitely your voice crack and mild blush didn’t give away yours and Karl’s midnight secret.
“Lord Heisenberg is very fond of you sir, he holds you in the highest regard…”
He sounds almost sentimental in his words, having been a close companion to not you and Karl. A smile breaks onto his lips knowing you two are more than friends, even you neither of you know it yet.
After a delicious meal that warmed your stomach pleasantly, you begin to make your way back to the village. You turn around when you hear the Duke call for you one final time and a packet of sniper ammo is thrown into your hands.
“For the road, Sir.”
After running errands for Luiza all afternoon you finally managed to squeeze your way out of guard duty so you could jump the gates late at night and visit Karl’s factory like you’d both wanted.
Shotgun in hand, anticipation builds in your stomach as you enter the front gates. A slight sweat builds on your neck but the doors lower immediately and Karl is standing there to meet you.
He’s got a huge smile on his face, like a child that’s just opened a Christmas present or made a new friend. His own nerves are dulled by his excitement and he pulls you in for a bone crushing hug.
Karl must be touch starved in some way because the minute you wrap an arm around him he just melts right into you. It’s the closest you’ve ever been to him, always keeping the contact to a minimum when you’re at the gates of the village.
But here… here you two don’t have to always watch over your shoulder, so you both indulge and take full advantage of the moment.
Karl’s nose is tucked into the crook of your neck and you notice you’re slightly taller than him. He seems reluctant to let go but he takes you by the hand and leads you into the factory.
“Common, I gotta show you Sturm!”
The factory was huge. Even with a personal tour with the man that knew the place inside out, it still took you a considerable amount of time.
None of it was boring however as he showed you his blue print room, the welding factory, the junkyards and the warehouses where he builds his army.
Meeting Sturm was interesting and not at all what you expected but looking past the gruesome nature of the half man thing, Karl was genuinely proud to show you his work, his home. At one point he even got a little nervous when Sturm wouldn’t quieten down and he apologised constantly for the next half hour.
It wasn’t until you got to see all of the factory did you realise just how truly lonely Karl must feel. It made perfect sense why he came to visit you, there wasn’t one other person here. Even his army was practically a pile of dead bodies, no matter what he did to bring them back.
Karl brings you to a little red door that sticks out to the rest of the industrial factory. Inside the door is a much quieter living room with a run down couch that connected to a small kitchen. It was grungy and lived in but you didn’t need a brain to know that this was his personal quarters.
Over on the desk which is littered with blueprints as well as his hat and glasses sits a large, brand new sniper rifle. It’s got a beautiful metallic shine to it as well as contrasting white detailing along the nose of it.
“It’s for you… with an eye like that you need something better than that old shotgun. Its custom made so it should fit and feel comfortable but if you don’t like it I can redo it.”
Karl’s eyes are directed at the floor, not being able to face you out of fear. You had some strange effect on him where all the defensive walls that usually exist come crumbling down. Around you, he can’t keep up that overly confident demeanour who doesn’t have a care in the world because deep down he does care, for you and he’s desperate for your attention.
“Karl I- My Lord I can’t accept this, a gift like this is too much for just another villager like me.”
The look Karl gives you is one of utter heartbreak and rejection, his chest seizes up in pain as he feels like you coldly let him down like all the rest. He spend so many nights trying and retrying to make you the perfect gift and for you to address him so formally broke his heart.
Seeing his change in demeanour, you lean forward and take his face into your hands, gently stroking along the stubble and scars on his face.
“Hey, hey now please don’t be upset My Lo-Fuck it. Karl it’s a very beautiful weapon and perfectly crafted, I love that you made it for me and I’m very lucky but forgive me that I’m not very good at saying it.”
He melts into your words and you find that you’re back into a similar embrace to last time only this time your arms are more securely wrapped around him.
“You’re not just some villager, you’re so much more than that, to me anyway. Take it, its yours. You’re the only one that deserves it and could really use it for good use.”
He pull away to look at you, your faces inches apart. Eventually your lips brush ever so slightly, just ghosting over each other as you whisper against him.
“Thank you, Karl.”
Finally you press your lips to his in a frantic and desperate kiss. Both of you let out a strangled sound at how bad you’ve wanted this and for so long. Your hand tangles in his hair to hold his face, slowing him into a gentler kiss and pinning him between the desk and yourself while he claws at your jacket.
“Easy now, we can slow down okay? We’ve got all night.”
Your nose bumps his playfully and he lets out a nervous laugh against your skin, his hands now stopped to cling to the half pulled off fabric of your outer jacket.
“You’re really going to stay?”
You nod, letting out that quiet chuckle that sends his heart over the edge and lean in to kiss him once more, the sniper completely forgotten about for now.
“I’m not going anywhere, personal guard remember?”
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basketcasemp3 · 4 years
You seem to be the expert at remembering Christopher being a dick could you please do a list? Seriously i missed so many things. Ive hated that dick since he went to sleep with lorelai (taking advantage of her being low because of his parents) instead of comforting Rory and I’m sick of some people still defending him
aw man ive been trying to think of something to say abt this all day and ive been trying to type it out but its always just so long cos ive got lots of opinions so actually im gonna point you to some other posts that you can definitely like/reblog/whatever if you want to lol
this gifset i made about him being an absent father
this gifset charlie made of other terrible moments
this post luiza made about how confusing it is for emily & richard to want lorelai & chris together
another post about how he treats rory
its also how hes never seen rory and lorelai on a holiday (s6 they say theyve never seen each other on thanksgiving & s7 they say theyve never celebrated christmas together. also he didn’t go to rory’s graduation), and how he publicly yelled @ lorelai in it shouldve been lorelai, and how he expects us to be sympathetic that he can’t handle being a single dad when lorelai was a single mom, and how he took advantage of lorelai being upset abt her breakup w/luke and slept with her (im assuming you meant the s1 scene, so he’s done this to her at least twice) and how he got mad @ lorelai when she tried to give her advice re: gigi and how he never really seemed to think about how a spontaneous marriage & move would affect gigi, a literal child at the time, and how neither rory nor gigi were at the wedding and he didnt care, and in ayitl when he blamed lorelai for him being an absent father, and how when richard had a heart attack in s7 he just disappeared?? and when he finally showed up he got mad cos luke was there. but personally i have 2 favorite chris scenes and theyre both from season 7. you know when luke beat his ass...twice. ❤
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unusual-ly · 4 years
Is there any BGZ's who've you not spoken about as much as others? If so who are they and what you got on them xD (Sorry I only know what I've seen from you lol)
Hi! ^^/ Yea, there’s a few who haven’t properly appeared in any fics yet who at most have gotten the occasional tag-your-OC
Cruz Aso - I did write a little bit of backstory for them in Something He Said but that story was focused on Alonzo and his group so Cruz didn’t really get any attention on them specifically, I just needed some discussion of divorce for plot purposes and I’d recently decided they were Mitzi’s step-sibling so I mentioned them. Their parents got divorced when they were somewhere around 6-8 years old, then their mum, Luiza, got into a relationship with Mitzi’s dad, Kazuya, after Mitzi’s mother died. Cruz is pretty quiet and keeps to themself but they get along with Mitzi really well and they’ve got a good sibling relationship going, you’d think they were actually blood relatives with how easily they’ve connected
Ozzy De Kay - he’s one of the ones I want to work on the most tbh. He’s very creative with his words and he’s known to be a really good rapper at the zombie mash. He’s got a 9 year old brother called Zion who’s friends with Blaze, Zeke Blakeley’s little brother. That’s as far as I’ve gotten with Ozzy
Zavier Nexon - Ozzy’s best friend, I guess you could kind of consider him Ozzy’s hype man?? I have barely anything on him :(
Ezra (no last name yet) - I called him a “motivational speaker” in his bio but I don’t think I’ve ever expanded on that in any way. He’s not very attached to any other people in particular, he doesn’t exactly have anyone he considers his friends, but that’s not to say he doesn’t get along with anyone. The others do like him and go to him for advice, and he’s very encouraging and a good problem solver, but he’s just kind of distant. He doesn’t like to let anything personal get in the way. He gives the outside perspective on things I guess??
Azim (no last name yet) - the other one I really want to work on. He’s just really positive and friendly and he enjoys being a zombie and all the cool stuff that comes with it, like flexibility and removable limbs *^*
And of the ones who have come up in fics before, I want to do more with Azure, Inez, Topaz, Lazlo, Zora and Suzanne. Especially Suzanne, I think. She’s a complex character
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nyfacurrent · 6 years
NYFA Source | Hurricane Florence Resources Round-Up
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Help is available for artists in the Carolinas, Virginia, and other areas affected by Hurricane Florence. 
Finding the right recovery resources in times of need can be difficult and stressful. As the East Coast begins its rebuilding effort, we rounded-up organizations that can offer you the assistance you need to begin this challenging process. Along with general emergency relief, here are a few resources that address the specific needs of artists in such situations. 
Find Help Through NYFA Source 
Additional information on Current Disaster Resources, Emergency Grants, Legal Resources, Public Assistance, and more can be found on NYFA Source, an online arts database with over 12,000 resources and opportunities for artists in all disciplines. Artists can also call the NYFA Source Hotline at (800) 232-2789, from Monday - Friday, 3:00 - 5:00 PM EST or email [email protected].
Power of Social Media
Keeping an eye on your social media feeds is also a good way of gaining access to information. For those in South Carolina, Richland Library listed several Twitter accounts to follow for live updates. They include local news outlets, and local and state government entities. For other regions, see FEMA’s round-up of social media channels to monitor.
Government Assistance
Natural disasters like hurricanes can lead to loss of income from your practice or business, and/or loss of property. Individuals in North Carolina affected by Hurricane Florence might be eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA). Information about other impacted states hasn’t been disclosed yet. To apply for Disaster Assistance, scroll down through FEMA’s Hurricane Florence Portal.
Loans and other assistance from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) are available for affected areas in the East Coast. If you need help in these application processes, read CERF+’s Tips for Working with FEMA + SBA. 
Additionally, check the IRS for potential tax relief for those affected by the hurricane. For other information, including what to do when returning home, avoiding charity fraud and false rumors, and more, check USA.gov. 
Arts and Culture-Specific Resources
Check this post in the coming weeks for updates and added resources as the recovery process continues. *Updated October 12, 2018
Actors Fund of America Emergency Assistance: For all performing artists and those working in entertainment. Eligible individuals can apply online for assistance, and individuals affected by Hurricane Florence can also contact the New York City office, at (212) 221-7300, ext. 119 or [email protected].
Alliance of Artists Communities Emergency Funds for Individual Artists: The fund disburses mini-grants of up to $1,000 to artists who have already been accepted and scheduled for a residency, but who would not otherwise be able to participate due to a sudden change in circumstances. The Alliance also serves artists affected by natural disasters by mobilizing its network of residency programs to offer residencies to eligible artists. This process is activated as-needed, and will be announced by the Alliance online, through CERF+, and throughout its network.
American Society of Journalists and Authors: Offers The Writers Emergency Assistance Fund, which helps established freelance writers who, because of illness, disability, a natural disaster, or an extraordinary professional crisis are unable to work.
Artists’ Charitable Fund: Artists who need financial assistance because of medical, fire, or other disaster should email Fund Coordinator Judy Archibald at [email protected] or call her at (970) 577-0509.
Artists’ Fellowship, Inc. Financial Assistance: Provides emergency aid to professional fine artists and their families in times of sickness, natural disaster, bereavement, or unexpected extreme hardship.
Authors League Fund: Provides assistance to professional writers and dramatists who find themselves in financial need because of medical or health-related problems, temporary loss of income, or other misfortune.
Book Industry Charitable Foundation Immediate and Post Disaster Assistance: Assists with specific unforeseen emergency financial needs of a bookstore employee and their immediate family members living in the same household.
Broadcasters Foundation of America: To be considered for the program, applicants must work in radio and/or television broadcasting and be in acute financial need due to hardships faced by a recent hurricane, flood or other natural disaster. 
Carnegie Fund for Authors: Awards grants to published authors who are in need of emergency financial assistance.
CERF+ Emergency Financial Relief: Provides financial assistance for eligible artists who work in craft disciplines, and tips for safety and studio protection for artists of all disciplines. Application guidelines are available in Spanish. CERF+ has also compiled a comprehensive guide to recovery from Hurricane Florence.
Dramatists Guild Fund Kesselring Emergency Grant: Awards one-time emergency grants to individual playwrights, lyricists, and composers in need of temporary financial assistance due to unexpected illness or extreme hardship.
Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (FAIC): The free Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel Mobile App is designed for anyone in need of practical advice for saving collections or items in the first 48 hours after a disaster. Additionally, the National Heritage Responders Hotline can be reached 24/7 at (202) 661-8068 for conservation advice and referrals.
Hero Initiative Grants: Provides assistance for eligible comic book writers, pencilers, inkers, colorists, or letterers on a work-for-hire basis.
Jazz Foundation of America Jazz Musicians Housing and Emergency Assistance Program: Provides a wide range of social services for jazz musicians.
Joan Mitchell Foundation Emergency Grant: Emergency support to artists working in the mediums of painting, sculpture, and/or drawing after natural or manmade disasters.
Motion Picture and Television Fund: Provides temporary emergency financial assistance to qualified industry members experiencing financial hardship due to illness, disability, unemployment, or other reasons.
MusiCares® Emergency Financial Assistance: This program is available to music people who have experienced an unavoidable emergency. Eligibility consists of documented employment in the music industry for at least five years or credited contribution to six commercially released recordings or videos. Contact the MusiCares South Region Office at 1-877-626-2748.
Musicians Foundation Support: Provides aid for musicians of any genre in a time of acute need, due to personal, medical, dental, or family crisis, natural disaster, or other emergency situation.
North Carolina Arts Council: The North Carolina Arts Council has gathered national and statewide resources for artists and arts organizations; find those resources here.
PEN Writers’ Emergency Fund: Provides emergency funding for professional—published or produced—writers in acute, emergency financial crisis.
Pioneers Assistance Fund (PAF): Serves members of the motion picture entertainment industry (exhibition, distribution, and trade services) who are encountering an illness, injury, or life-changing event. All assistance is intended to provide support during a recovery or adjustment period and lay the foundation for a lifetime of ongoing success.
Rhythm & Blues Foundation Financial Assistance: Provides financial and medical assistance to Rhythm & Blues artists of the 1940s through the 1970´s, as well as a support system to help identify other sources of assistance.
SAG-AFTRA Disaster Relief for Members Affected by Hurricane Florence: The SAG-AFTRA Foundation and the SAG-AFTRA Motion Picture Players Welfare Fund have created a special Disaster Relief Fund to provide urgent financial support to members affected by the recent hurricane and flooding. They are partnering with The Actors Fund to administer the relief efforts on the ground, ensuring all SAG-AFTRA members receive the help they need.
South Carolina Arts Commission: The South Carolina Arts Commission has gathered recovery and preparedness resources for artists and arts organizations.
The Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Foundation Emergency Grant: Provides interim financial assistance to qualified artists whose needs are the result of an unforeseen, catastrophic incident, and who lack the resources to meet that situation.
The Haven Foundation: Gives financial assistance to provide temporary support needed to safeguard and sustain the careers of established freelance artists, writers, and other members of the arts and art production communities who have suffered disabilities or experienced a career-threatening illness, accident, natural disaster or personal catastrophe. Your application and supporting documentation for the current round of grants must be received by November 10, 2018.
How You Can Help
As eager as we are to help those in need when a disaster happens, be mindful of what you donate and to whom you donate. Before lending a helping hand, make sure to read these Guidelines for Giving from the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI). Pages like Charity Navigator’s Relief for Hurricane Florence are a good place to research reputable charities, from food banks to animal care. To learn how to help local artists, please revisit this post at a later time. We’ll come back with additional information as soon as we learn more. 
To find more resources and opportunities, use NYFA Source, a free searchable database of 12,000+ awards, residencies, and services.
- Luiza Teixeira-Vesey, Designer and Marketing Associate
Image: Gabe Brown (Fellow in Painting ‘18), Red Hot, 2016, oil on linen over wood panel (detail)
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dumpsterfirebooks · 7 years
Hello! Sorry for the random question but how do you make friends on Tumblr? I'm new and I noticed you seem to have quite a few friends on here so do you have any advice?
Hi! So fun fact I’ve literally had a tumblr account for maybe a month and I started off with 1 friend who I know irl @at0miccupcak3 because we both came to the ACOTAR party 2 years late. I am believe it or not a super self conscious introverted person in my daily life and I started off on here just liking posts. One day I saw Bianca’s @catastrophicallyinlovewithbooks Elain Archeron ACOSAP post which was like holy moly nsfw but amazing. For whatever reason I messaged her to say I thought it was really cool what she was doing and that I was excited for her next one. I had 0 faith in her responding because that’s the type of person I am. She did because she’s a crazy nice person and that was that. She was my first real tumblr friend I guess. From her came headcanons and the lovely Luiza @holdup-holdon offering to write fanfic. Becca @paperbacktrash who has the funniest tags and is an insanely good writer and Iris @dr-woodsprite who is so so nice and supportive of everyone’s stuff and comes up with great ideas. And there’s a ton of others just like them.So my advice is to just message people you want to talk to that you think are cool. Most people on here are super nice. If you aren’t comfortable with that send anon messages until you feel comfortable. It only takes 1 person on here to be nice and be friends before you start getting feedback from other people. Reblogging things you like and adding comments are always great too. It’s an easy way to show people you like their stuff and gives you a baseline for conversation.
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aphrogeneias · 10 months
Luiza im in an awful terrible situation (not really im just dramatic) and would love your advice if you have any to give
basically one of my best friends is super Mormon and has recently come back from a 2 year service mission. and in the 2 years he's been gone ive discovered i have major feelings for him (and he has given me vibes that he reciprocates) but im very much not religious and i know that if we were to date it wouldn't ever go anywhere serious because he wants to be with someone who is mormon and i dont want to date him just to have us breakup because im not. so idk what to do 😭😭
you want me to be totally honest with you? don't date him
i know, i know, i'm being kind of harsh, and i respect your feelings. i know what it's like to have feelings for someone and have all of these things that get in the way of allowing you to be with them. but this isn't gonna end well, especially not for you
he's not gonna abandon his beliefs for you, and if you're not willing to embrace that lifestyle and make it yours too, then you should forget about it. and it's gonna hurt, you're gonna go through all of that grief, but for all it's worth, it's better to let go of it now then to go through this breakup due to this incompatibility in the future
i'm sorry, this is probably what you don't want to hear but this is an advice i'd give a friend :( and you're entitled to doing whatever you want! but this is what i would do, or at least, again, what i'd advise a beloved friend
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Is it possible to lose weight after 50?
While 50 may be the new 30, there are some physiological truths that can still make you look and feel like 50—especially when it comes to losing weight.
It’s impossible to deny that your body chemistry has changed over the last couple of decades. “No matter what your metabolism is like in your 20s, you have probably been told that it’s all just downhill once you hit 30,” says Luiza Petre, MD, a New York City-based weight loss and management specialist and assistant clinical professor of cardiology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
We also lose muscle mass as we age at an average of 3 to 5% every 10 years past 35, according to Dr. Petre, which also impacts the way our bodies burn fat. “Your body goes into its aging stage as it leaves the growing one,” Dr. Petre explains. “When this happens, your body doesn’t need as much energy as it used to.”
What's more, those years of playing sports, sitting, walking up and down stairs, and moving in general take their toll on joints and muscles; you may notice they're a little stiffer and sorer than they were a few decades ago. Then there's the issue of our ever-slowing metabolisms. According to the American Council on Exercise, your resting metabolic rate (the ability to burn calories while doing nothing) decreases by about 1 to 2% percent per decade, thanks to a decrease in the amount of muscle you carry around (muscle burns calories) and increased fat mass (which is metabolically inactive). To add insult to pudge-boosting injury, our diets often don't change enough to account for this metabolic slow-down, meaning weight can creep up slowly but surely with every birthday.
"There are a number of roadblocks people in their 50s will face when trying to lose weight," says Brian Durbin, a NSCA-certified strength and conditioning specialist and personal trainer. "But once you know what they are—and how to work around them—it's easy to be successful at dropping pounds."
While it’s not impossible to lose weight after 50, the methods you used in your 30s or 40s are not going to work the same way. These eight tips, courtesy of some of the world’s best weight loss experts, nutritionists, and physical trainers, can help you drop those extra pounds—and keep them off for good.
how to increase energy after 50 http://www.weightlossforover50.com/how-to-increase-energy-after-50/
First, talk to your doctor
It’s never a good idea to create a weight loss plan for yourself without speaking to your physician first — especially if you have any preexisting health conditions. “Before you get started, it helps to fully understand your current state of health before beginning any diet or exercise plan,” advises Dr. Petre.
Be clear with your doctor what you hope to achieve, and ask for suggestions regarding diet and exercise. Your doc may even be able to recommend a physical therapist or personal trainer for you. Get your hormones checked
As we age, progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones decline, which sets the body up for storing instead of losing weight, says Jennifer Burns, NMD, a naturopathic physician in Phoenix. "Simply getting your thyroid, adrenal glands, and other hormone levels checked—and then taking the appropriate steps to bring them back into balance—can go a long way toward helping people in their 50s lose weight," says Burns. Tami Meraglia, MD, author of The Hormone Secret: Discover Effortless Weight Loss and Renewed Energy in Just 30 Days, agrees, adding that she believes the hormone to focus on is testosterone—especially for women over 50 who are trying to get fit. "There is ample discussion in the medical community about the effects of estrogen loss, but few people are aware of the importance of sufficient testosterone levels, which can help a woman slim down," says Dr. Meraglia. In fact, research shows that balanced testosterone levels reduce blood glucose levels, which may help promote weight loss and shrink stubborn belly fat.
Set realistic goals
Declaring that you’re going to lose 20 pounds in 1 month is unrealistic (not to mention unhealthy). “Be honest with yourself. How do you feel? How healthy are you? Making life changes takes courage and mental fortitude,” says Dr. Petre. Be realistic—and break up big goals into smaller, more achievable ones. If your ultimate goal is to shed 20 pounds, strive to drop around 1 pound a week. “Triumphs make your courage grow,” she adds. “Small achievements amount to large goals achieved.”
Follow a structured plan
If you want to succeed in losing weight, following a structured plan can help, says Dr. Petre. “Instead of trying and failing at yet another yo-yo diet this year, its time to get serious about your health by following a trusted program,” she suggests. She explains that medically supervised programs have over 75 percent success rate in helping you keep your weight off. “It has been proven that individual support programs can encourage a significant change in behavior and reinforce long-term success,” she adds. Diet programs that include weekly visits can also provide accountability and continued support to keep the momentum going.
Exercise for Flabby Arms for Seniors http://www.weightlossforover50.com/exercise-for-flabby-arms-for-seniors-getting-fit-at-50-and-beyond/
Embrace weight training
If you find it tough to make it to the gym at all, let alone brave a weight room filled with buff 20-somethings, here's a little motivation: Once you hit 50, you've got about 20% less muscle mass than you did when you were 20. And because muscle is so metabolically active, muscle loss equals a slower metabolism. That makes you much more likely to put on (and hold on to) extra pounds, says Durbin. "The good news is you can turn all of this around with a well-structured weight-training routine," he says. "That can increase your muscle mass and help you regain the ability to lose weight like you were able to 20 years ago," he says. Choose activities that are easy on the joints
Janna Lowell, a Los Angeles–based personal trainer, says she gets the best results among her 50-somethings when she has them do some cross-training in the pool. Tired joints can keep this population from getting a great workout, she says, and aches and pains can turn some people off exercise completely. "Water exercise is easy on the joints and can boost range of motion as well," says Lowell. "Even better, caloric expenditure is about 30% greater in the water than on land due to the resistance water creates." No pool? No problem. Walking is another great, low-impact cardiovascular exercise, as are cycling, kayaking, yoga, and dancing.
But don't slack at the gym
Just because your joints are a little achier than they used to be doesn't give you an excuse to phone in your workouts. Alex Allred, a former national and professional athlete turned personal trainer says this is one of her biggest pet peeves among 50-year-olds. "Far too many people think that just because they showed up, they're working out," says Allred. "But really, you need to be focused on what you're doing and pushing yourself hard enough to break a sweat or at least complete the full range of motion of a certain exercise." Not sure if you're doing a move properly? Ask! "I wish more people would flag down a trainer and ask, 'Am I doing this correctly?' " says Allred. It can make the difference between making the most of your exercise time to lose weight and wasting your time.
See a physical therapist
The advice to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen is great, and Samira Shuruk, an ACE-certified personal trainer, suggests taking this advice a step further: Make an appointment with a physical therapist—particularly if an aching back, knee, or other body part has kept you from working out on a regular basis. "After 50, many people have sustained injuries and don't know what their activity options are," says Shuruk. "This makes it tough to exercise in ways we used to, and getting advice from a professional can truly help." Physical therapy can help you rehabilitate an old injury or ease joint and muscle pain, setting you up for pain-free workouts.
Overhaul your diet
Remember that metabolic slow-down? It can mean that you're burning about 250 fewer calories each day. If you continue to eat like you're in your 30s—and don't increase your exercise—you'll gain weight, plain and simple, says Katie Ferraro, RD, a dietitian and assistant clinical professor of nutrition at the University of California–San Francisco School of Nursing. "To lose weight when you get older, you have to eat fewer calories," says Ferraro. Crowding out the junk food in your diet with loads of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can make cutting calories painless.
Change how and when you eat
It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat that matters in your 50s, claims Anthony Dissen, MA, RDN, Vice President of Nutrition at WellStart Health. He suggests focusing on fullness, not portion control, when you are planning your meals. “If our stomachs aren’t full, we don’t feel full, and we’ll stay hungry,” he points out. “When it comes to healthy weight loss and management, we want to strike that important balance between eating until we feel full and satisfied while still decreasing our overall calorie intake.”
Also, stay away from fad diets. “No crazy fasts, cleanses, cutting out fats, or complex carbohydrates or proteins,” adds Jillian Michaels, health and wellness expert and author of The 6 Keys: Unlock Your Genetic Potential for Ageless Strength, Health and Beauty.
How To Release Toxins From Fat Cells http://www.weightlossforover50.com/how-to-release-toxins-from-fat-cells-for-weight-loss-at-50-and-beyond/
Get your stress in check
This decade can be prime time for stress, says Durbin. "The average 50-year-old has many more responsibilities than their younger peers. They're often in their prime income-generating years, which means extra responsibilities at work. They may also have kids who are going to college—a financial burden—or have aging parents who they're helping to care for." The result? Emotional eating and a schedule that seems too jam-packed for regular exercise sessions. The solution: schedule your workouts like they're doctor's appointments, says Durbin. Sticking to a consistent routine can not only help ease stress but also help people stay on track with their diets. After all, who wants to ruin the benefits of a tough sweat session by eating a donut?
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illbetheresomehow · 7 years
Good evening Luiza, I know that your heart must still feel heavy, but I hope you're slowly healing in your own way. I'm happy to be a distraction for you in this difficult time ♥ Today is all about the other members! Why is Jinyoung your Bias wrecker? What is your favorite thing about the others? What about them do you think led them to success? If you could make any sub-unit, what would it be? Feel free to gush! I love to hear all you have to say & I sincerely hope you're doing better -SA 🐤
Hello sweetie. Now, i am better than I was this morning. So it is a progress. I even ate and took a shower. But one step at a time, it still gonna be hard.
Well, i always loved and love all seven of them, don’t get me wrong, but there was this point when i started to look at him. Back then when they were releasing that tons and tons of LieV, and i got really existed that he was the one in got7 to do it. And when i watched i started to admire him, not only because he is good in music, but the way thinks and gives advices and he really wants to make you feel better. The way he prepared everything, and the songs, when he talked to each fan and called by name, i just really fell in love. AND THEN, this year JJP project killed me. It is incredible how his songs turned up to be my favorites. (With the only exception of Let me).
Wow i talked too much. I will try to make it brief now.
My favorite thing about the others… i think is the way they handle themselves, their interactions. Remember in mnet hard carry when they did groups to do different activities, they do not have favoritism, they are one. Can you understand? Sorry if it is confusing.Sub units for songs i reallllly like mark and jaebum. I also love jackson and jinyoung. It would be a very beautiful combination of voices. Youngjae and mark. Young and rich too. Haha And of course amerithaikong. Hahaha
I said it make it brief. Haha anyway. I love them very very very much. I could talk more about mark too, but i already said too much.Thank you!!
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lodelcar · 7 years
A vision from local and regional perspective
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Second Western Balkans Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development
On December 1st and 2nd took place the Second Western Balkans Forum on Regional and Local Economic Development in the Albanian city of Vlorë, at the Adriatic coast, unfortunately under torrential floods’ circumstances. The forum gathered more than twenty speakers out of 10 countries, among which academics and practitioners from Albania, the UK, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Romania, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and France in the rectorate’s venue of the Ismail Qemali University of Vlorë. The forum was honoured by the presence of the Albanian vice-minister of Energy and by the former president of the European Economic and Social Committee and honorary member of EAR-AER, Mr. Henri Malosse. The forum was organized by the Centre for European Policy Studies for Regional and Local Development in cooperation with the European Academy of Regions, the Ismail Qemali University  of Vlorë, the Regional Council of Vlorë Region, Vlorë Municipality, Regional Youth Centre of Vlorë and took place under the auspices, support and strategic cooperation of many international, European and Western Balkan Organizations as such  as OECD, Ersa, Western Balkans Network etc. The 2017 edition is supported by the Government of Flanders and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania, under the auspices of the Minister Mr. Damian Gjiknuri.  It is the merit of Mrs. Luiza Hoxhaj, president of the Centre for European Policy Studies for Regional and Local Development to have gathered this strong set of speakers and to have convinced the above mentioned sponsors and academic committee as well as to have developed the content of these fruitful two days.
It is my pleasure to give my personal report and thoughts about the ideas and outcome of this forum and the conclusions and actions it should carry out in the coming year.
National preoccupations and goals
We should start first on the national level. Dr. Elena Miteva, Senior Advisor to the OECD South East Europe Division[1] gave an overview of what the OCDE considers as the preoccupations of the governments in all developing economies. The policy areas cover a myriad of subjects such as: economics, advice and global standards, Competition, Technology, agriculture, energy, entrepreneurship,  social issues, science, education, financial affairs, taxes, health, environment, work-life balance, development, anti-corruption, trade and Employment. The OCDE as well as the G-20 insist in their advice to combine these preoccupations with their goals for sustainable development which are: inclusive growth, gender, climate & growth, skills, innovation & digital economy, agriculture, development, trade & investment, financing for investment, employment for social policy, framework from strong sustainable and balanced growth, energy, environment and green growth, taxation, financial sector reform, anti-corruption. In this context several speakers such as Henri Malosse pleaded for a collaboration between all the small countries around the Adriatic and Ionian sea. Several initiatives are put on place. The OCDE pointed out at the GREEN Action Programme in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and the EU has renewed its strategic plan in EUSAIR, the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region. This strategy[2] was presented in the European parliament on November 8th . Unfortunately, Kosovo and Macedonia are not included in this new strategic plan. It is sad that nationalistic motives of other countries on the Balkan are able to blackmail even the European Union. On the other hand, this should not prevent regions to collaborate cross-border. We will treat the content of this action plan further on.
Local and regional involvement
Most speakers pleaded for a national governmental commitment, with financial implications, to provide the necessary manoeuver space to regional and local authorities, not considering them as a threat but as a level of authority with specific goals and tasks. Albania is under the effect of a reorganisation towards less municipalities with more power and into less regions, with less power and more defined tasks. This reorganisation of the country in fewer local authorities and regions is to be applauded, because it tends to a more efficient use of budgets and aspires to a more efficient organisation of the tasks to be executed. But it is important that the responsibilities attributed to the regional and local level are to be taken seriously.  The Macedonian examples presented by the Macedonian ambassador in Tirana Dr. Marjan Nikolov, showed clearly that central governments are afraid of delegating responsibilities to a lower level and forget to provide them with the necessary funds foreseen by the law.  Moreover, during the transitional period in Albania, things should not stop because of the reorganisation of public administrations. On a regional and local level, the essence lies in the collaboration of the various social and economic actors in the field through a quadruple helix construction. In her speech, dr. Blerina Brami, of the University of Padua, pleaded very deeply for a dialogue between authorities, universities and business world. But also pointed out that this dialogue in Italy was not easy to establish.[3] Dr. Luigi A. Dell'Aquila, Scientific Director of the Foundation Calabria Roma Europa, Italy insisted also on the collaboration between the academic and the business world and provided with examples of social development projects from the Calabria region in Italy. [4] The opinion and involvement of local actors are paramount in the development of less advantaged regions. Dr. Irena Đokić of the Zagreb University presented the Local Action Groups (LAG) for the development of rural areas in Croatia, having as aim an integral implementation of economic and social cohesion. [5]  
In his presentation about circular economy[6], drs. Louis Delcart of the Free University of Brussels and board member of EAR-AER, insisted upon a quicker involvement of the young generation in the Balkan countries, because they think  in new terms. They are less interested in the issues of a traditional economy and agriculture but choose resolutely  for the digital economy, because they are much more acquainted with it and aware also that they can play in an equal level playing field with the rest of the world. Disciplines like internet of things, 3D-printing, app development, circular economy, local energy development, sharing economy, elderly care at home e.a.  are well known domains for them, whereas strategy makers in the political parties are less aware of it. Moreover, many of these disciplines require limited investments and are therefore accessible to new start-ups. [7] Youth has an important role to play because they are less biased by the former communist top-down mentality. Moreover, according to speaker, the enormous youth unemployment rate should be tackled by self-employment and by local development initiatives. The reason why he proposed the subject of circular economy was because of the opportunities the discipline presents for start-ups and the benefit it can give to the entire community.
In a particularly noticed speech Mrs. Madi Sharma, President of the EU- Macedonia consultative Committee of the EESC, pleaded for involvement of women in highly qualified jobs and in politics because of loyalty, reliability and creativity on an equality basis as well in treatment as in numbers.[8]
Regional priorities
In her presentation, Dr. Irena Đokić from the University of Zagreb, insisted upon the role of regional authorities as monitors and promotors of the life preferences of the population.[9] These could be resumed in three categories: residential preferences, mobility and accessibility and public service provision. This last subject observed an expansion of urban areas into the rural ones, a better transport connectivity with services in the region and a better access to important sources of knowledge, enabling households to satisfy their consumer preferences. She also indicated that  in most of the European countries, as well in Western, Central as Eastern Europe there are fundamentally different priorities between cities and rural areas and that ask therefore for different priorities and a different approach. A regional and local approach is therefore paramount when it comes to stimulating liveability in Europe.
Civil society
One of the pillars of a successful development in both developed as developing countries is the presence of a well-functioning civil society. The cause of resilience of regions with less potential, has been the presence in the region of a dynamic civil society. By civil society, we understand in Western Europe in the first place: [10] chambers of commerce, labour organisations, employers organisations, cultural organisations, health care organisations, universities and technical university colleges and the press. Dr. Marjan Nikolov, president of the Centre for economic analyses, thaught us that the reality in Eastern Europe is different. Civil society organisations in Eastern Europe are based upon the legal statute of the organisation, which has to be a non-profit organisations. All above mentioned organisations, who constitute the pillar of Western European “Fourth power”, are public organisations and therefore not included in the list. The American consultants, who set up the system, have been counting heads, not content, when they have determined the power and impact of civil society in post-communist European countries. Which makes that most “not-for-profit” organisations have been set up by political parties in order to influence the public opinion. And are therefore also not intending to collaborate, on the contrary.
This does not mean that no initiatives are taken:
·         Mrs. Mirela Koci, Executive Director at AULEDA in Albania, described small initiatives[11], enabling start-up companies and organisations to create sustainable employment. The approach was bottom-up, looking for opportunities and for a market. The result was some 100 new employments.
·         Vuk Velebit, a Serbian journalist, described the impact of an electronic newspaper “European Western Balkans”[12] treating on European integration and other EU-related topics in the Western Balkans. European Western Balkans is a web portal that focuses on the Western Balkans countries and reports on the development of the EU’s enlargement policy. The portal was launched in 2014 by the Centre for Contemporary Politics. Being independent, the portal was able to tackle subjects without the intervention of nationalist sources and had a real impact on the public opinion.  
·         Dr. Reinhard Eichweber, member of EAR-AER, with a speciality in psychiatry, and an important experience in Romania, made an intervention on the integration of patients with psychiatric disorder, and the infrastructure that guarantees to handle the guidelines, in emergency problems as myocardial infarct- infarct in brain- in which no time should be lost. He tackled thereby the differences of health service in the towns and countryside and pleaded for a strategic approach without duplication with that regard.
Advocacy for local and regional leadership
The regional approach with its regional and local authorities, creates on the other hand a need for local and regional leadership. Mayors and governors do not have to be ideologists. They have to be practical and hands-on intellectuals. They have to have the ability to co-design and co-ordinate actors and have to know how to mobilize local resources from the bottom. This requires a new professionalism. On the other hand it requires from local institutional actors the ability to cooperate in the initiation and conduct of shared  development paths that mobilize local resources and expertise. [13]  The European cohesion program insists upon the creation of a basic and an intermediate authorities’ level, considering the benefits of the regional approach. [14] But the reality shows that many mayors and governors stick to simple remedies when it comes to tackling regional and local problems such as unemployment or management of migrants. Innovation and creativity comes often from other sources than politicians, and the latter are not ready to experiment with new methodologies.
Themes requiring a regional involvement
Several topics are in evolution and require more attention from local and regional authorities.
Spatial planning is one.[15] Albania has a strategic plan since one year. It lacks being underpinned with data, is more based upon a SWOT analysis but has the merit to exist. But it needs to be filled in on a regional level and needs to be rebalanced. It is the regional strategy of Vlorë for example to modify the aim of its port from transport of goods to transport of persons. But the national strategic plan wants to make of Albania the logistic hub of the region. The regional plan of the Vlorë region bans large fishing boats from its fishing grounds, but will see many cruise ships in the harbour crossing the fragile fishing grounds due to the option of person transport and the promotion of tourism. In terms of spatial planning, Albania’s previous policy created an inextricable problem: houses everywhere without any building permit, with no sewages and no electricity supply. This situation has an impact on the touristic future of the coast line, but also on the resilience of the country facing the climate change in general.[16] There is a strong urge for spatial planning on macro- and micro-level and to restrict and monitor building permits. Land should be protected, constructions should be densified in specific locations, businesses should be collocated in industrial zones, close to population areas, in order to minimise the impact of car transportation.
Economy in general and green economy in particular is as second topic to promote in a professional way.
The EUSAIR action plan, assembling initiatives in most Western Balkan countries, focuses on Blue growth, Environmental quality, Sustainable tourism and Connecting the Region. [17] Regions and cities are invited to come up with ideas and to participate to this venture to which the EU is contributing financially. The Blue growth focuses on fisheries and aquaculture and on maritime and marine governance and services. Topics that are already present in the Albanian regional scope.[18]  The “connecting the region” aspect tackles maritime transport but also intermodal transports to the hinterland. We note already several developments of motorways and motorway connections from sea to hinterland planned by o.a. the Albanian government, waiting for PPP-financing tools. The Energy network TAP is also considered in this framework. We also observe a number of initiatives for sustainable tourism, with a diversified offer and a responsible management.
However, the problem of these initiatives is a scattered series of good intensions if they are not co-ordinated by a regional authority. This leads then to nice restorations of historic buildings and other patrimony without building the infrastructure to reach it, or without signalisation enabling the tourist to find its way. And certainly not, offering him on his smart phone, through an app, the information he needs to enjoy his visit. Regional authorities have definitely a role as co-ordinator to play in this regard. Not only in monitoring the conditions for the attribution of quality awards and stars to hotels on a regular basis, but also in order to maintain the infrastructure towards touristic locations in a decent condition.
Dr. Stanislav Shmelev, director of "Environment Europe", Oxford, UK and guest lecturer at Edinburgh University [19] made an appreciated presentation on the impact of green economy in all European countries. His point of view was that green economy requires a focus of scientific research so that policy makers can build upon relevant figures. Figures should be multidimensional identifying as well  environmental priorities, social priorities, smart economic priorities. Drs. Louis Delcart, board member of EAR-AER, continued with a practical presentation of applications in circular economy and the impact it could have on employment. His feeling is that the implementation of the theory  of green economy and circular economy requires a mind-set and that this mind-set is already present among the young generation, but that there is a generation gap. Howeverthe start of the momentum is certainly present. Circular economy is therefore one of the directions that could be taken in order to solve the unemployment problem but asks for the involvement of regional authorities as well as the traditional civil society and the press as steering and encouraging entity promoting the opportunities inside the business world. [20]
In the same economic framework, Dipl.Ing. Nelu Neacsu, president of EAR-AER gave an overview of the main apps such as Uber, Skype, WhatsApp, AirBNB, Amazon  that are used worldwide and insisted upon the increased use of it in Albania. This worldwide development provoked also a creation of apps in Albania, such as Ghirafa.com, 100 oferta, Manoolia or Autobox. He indicated also the key sectors in Albania where apps could be useful, such as governement, tax and public services, healthcare, tourism, banking and the sharing economy.
Finally, an important sector that is expected to be subject to an important shift in approach is the energy sector. Although Albania disposes of a lot of possibilities for building hydro-energy power plants and reaching a carbon-neutral status, every politician should be aware of the developments of the other renewable energy circuits, such as wind- and solar energy, that will enable households and small companies to become stand-alone energy consumers, especially when the batteries become powerful enough to stock overproduction for a later period of the day or the week. Dr. Stephan Ressl, member of the EAR-AER board and energy specialist, treated the subject during the conference. [21] It is clear that regional authorities have to be involvement in this new approach of energy distribution, even if national authorities consider it as a threat for tax income sources and are afraid of power interruptions due to unorganized distribution of energy.
Time for discussion
The main objective of the Forum was to promote a European approach on regional and local development by the promotion of an exchange of ideas, of reflections and prospects and by the encouragement of academics to collect more comprehensive information on “real world” issues. It intended in this way to influence policy makers to use what emerges from the academic debate and encourages citizens and civil society to play an active role in social, political, economic and scientific life providing them with tools for a better - shared- future in the Western Balkans countries.
The Forum was expected to contribute to a better understanding of regional and local economic development perspectives in designing, monitoring and implementing related policies and to produce a set of recommendations to improve territorial capacities. In the coming month a publication grouping all speeches and PowerPoint presentations should be published enabling scholars but also policy makers and civil society volunteers to reflect on the data and observations and to draw conclusions for an improved action plan.
I allow myself to introduce my ideas in the debate as a conclusion:
1.       Enable political decision making to be decentralised up to a certain level , define it and provide it with the necessary budget.
2.       Reorganise the civil society component in the entire Balkan promoting traditional civil society components. If the traditional components such as chambers of commerce unions, schools and universities etc… are public: give them the autonomy to speak freely and allow them to be part of civil society. Depoliticize civil society.
3.       Promote and stimulate collaboration between public authorities, universities and technical schools, enterprises and civil society, especially on a regional level.
4.       Stimulate entrepreneurship (on a regional level) especially in the new disciplines like internet of things, 3D-printing, app development, circular economy, local energy development, sharing economy, elderly care at home e.a. , as well with coaching as with financial support such as loan guarantees.
5.       Involve women and the young generation as well in the planning process as in your economic development efforts. And certainly in political organisations and authorities. Start to give responsibility to young people in early stage organising youth movements & summer camps headed by young trained animators. Have women organise themselves  in the same way by organising activities supervised  by a professional staff of voluntaries.
6.       Make strategic plans based upon data not on guts feeling. If necessary organise a national institute for statistic gathering and opinion research. One of the national strategic plans should be a national spatial plan, indicating zones for agriculture, nature, industry and business, shops and retail, public utility, common and residential dwellings.  Give authority to regional and local level to implement spatial planning and to make local spatial plans and give them the legal tools to enforce these decisions.
7.       Focus on green energy and green economy. Implement it systematically, but take the international evolutions into account.
Louis Delcart, member of the board European Academy of the Regions www.ear-aer.eu
[1] Elena Miteva, Working hand in hand with the Western Balkans, PowerPoint presentation
[2] http://www.adriatic-ionian.eu/component/edocman/34-action-plan-eusair-pdf
 [3] Dr. Blerina Brami, KNOWLEDGE VALORISATION:  FROM UNIVERSITY TO TERRITORY, powerpoint presentation December 2nd 2017 in Vlorë, Albania.
[4] Luigi A. Dell'Aquila, Knowledge Management & Intellectual Capital, powerpoint presentation December 1st 2017 in Vlorë, Albania
[5] Dr. Irena Đokić, National regional Policy, A Framework for Development of Urban and Rural Areas, powerpoint presentation December 1st 2017 in Vlorë, Albania
[6] Drs. Louis Delcart, Towards a circular economy, powerpoint presentation, December 2nd 2017 in Vlorë, Albania
[8] Madi Sharma, Engagement of women and youth as economic drivers for growth, stage presentation on December 1st 2017, in Vlorë.
[9] Dr. Irena Đokić, National regional Policy, A Framework for Development of Urban and Rural Areas, PowerPoint presentation December 1st 2017 in Vlorë, Albania quoting Nordregio, 2012: Managing Quality of Life in the Context of Urban-Rural Interaction
[10] Louis Delcart: The role of civil society as engine for regional development https://lodelcar.tumblr.com/post/150068173340/the-role-of-civil-society-as-engine-for-regional
[11] Mirela Koci (AULEDA), Local Economic Development Agencies: Effective means for regional and local economic development, PowerPoint presentation, December 1st 2017 in Vlorë.
[12] https://europeanwesternbalkans.com/about/
[13] Dr. Blerina Brami, KNOWLEDGE VALORISATION:  FROM UNIVERSITY TO TERRITORY, PowerPoint presentation December 2nd 2017 in Vlorë, Albania
[14] https://lodelcar.tumblr.com/post/139603577600/developing-economy-and-employment-through-a
[15] Arch.Dean Fushekati: What chances are there for a city or a region within the national urbanistic plans issued by the Albanian government ?, powerpoint presentation on December 1st in Vlorë.
[16] From November 30th till December 2nd 2017, the entire coast line between Durres and Vlorë suffered from tempests and flooding. The Albanian army had to evacuate water from the coastal motorway and from behind dams in order to relieve the pressure.
[17] http://www.adriatic-ionian.eu/component/edocman/34-action-plan-eusair-pdf
[18] Prof. Asoc. Rigers Bakiu: Sustainable Integration of Mariculture and Craft Fishing near the Marine Protected Area Karaburun-Sazani, PowerPoint presentation on December 1st, Vlorë
[19] Stanislav Shmelev, Multidimensional Sustainability Analysis, PowerPoint presentation, December 1st 2017, Vlorë
[20] Louis Delcart, Towards a circular economy, PowerPoint presentation, December 2nd, Vlorë
[21] Stephan Ressl, Development of smart grids for renewable energy with a regional approach: best practices and perspectives, oral presentation, December 1st 2017, Vlorë
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aphrogeneias · 3 years
hi luiza!! it’s probably an odd question but you seem very open to talk and give advices so here it goes.
i’ve been on tumblr for a while and i somehow feel like interacting in here and making friends made me realize that i might be bisexual? i mean in a way of… i get along with people around here regardless of who they are or how they look like in real life and i guess i’m just confused. i never thought i might like woman romantically speaking but i just don’t know anymore. how did you figure out you were attracted to both man and woman? thank you!!!
hi, love! that's not an odd question at all <3
my path with figuring out and accepting my bisexuality was a little long but not very confused. i kind of always knew i was attracted to both men and women, but i kept my thoughts to myself because i was still young and figuring things out, it was only after i left home and was able to experiment and meet new people that i felt more comfortable and open to label myself as a bisexual woman
it's different for everyone but i remember being a teen and having very obvious crushes on friends of mine but i would repress those feelings because of trying to fall into the normativity, and then when i had those same feeling for women later in life i realized i had been feeling that way for a long time
i think it's very a personal and individual experience, figuring out our identities, and in your case, it's totally valid that you're feeling this way! maybe you are attracted to people regardless of gender, and you're more inclined to be attracted towards their personality and your connection to them, that's completely fine and when we're talking about interactions in which physical appearance isn't a part of them, it's even easier to tell if you're into someone by how they make you feel and the connection that is there
an advice i'd give you is that you don't have to label yourself just yet, you can feel what you feel and let yourself experience those things without worrying too much about a label - some people make it seem like being queer is all about labels but it's really not, it's a lot more than that - humans are complicated, feelings are messy, just go with the flow! 💓
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nyfacurrent · 6 years
Conversations | Luiza Teixeira-Vesey, Designer & Marketing Associate at NYFA
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“Being an immigrant makes you see things from a different perspective, and that’s something employers, jurors in open calls, or gallerists may value.”
Luiza Teixeira-Vesey was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is a Designer and Marketing Associate at The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and works directly on the design of the Immigrant Artist Program Newsletter. Teixeira-Vesey is also an Art Historian focused on the influence of Afro-Brazilian religions in feminism, art, and popular culture in Brazil. Read on to learn more about her role in IAP and her experiences as an immigrant arts professional in New York. 
NYFA: Can you tell us a little bit about your projects as a designer/illustrator? Are you currently working on any projects?
Luiza Teixeira-Vesey: My life in design is a product of my passion for books. My first full-time job was as an art director for a small publishing house in Rio. It’s a funny story because I didn’t apply to be a designer; I was actually trying to be an illustrator for children’s books! Later I’d illustrate two published books for kids, but I consider myself very lucky that Laura van Boekel, the editor in chief, invited me to be a designer instead. That job was the foundation of my career; I learned so much, not only about book design but literature, writing, work ethic… Laura was a wonderful mentor!
I rarely work with printed publications nowadays and my career as an illustrator has been on pause for a few years. I like digital a lot but seeing my work on paper gives me an extra joy. I was beside myself when the art catalog NYFA made for Artists as Innovators exhibition came back from the printers.  
NYFA: Can you tell us about your work at NYFA? What is your role regarding the IAP Newsletter?
LTV: As you know, NYFA is a small organization with people that are very driven and passionate about what they do, so we all end up wearing lots of hats. I do most of the design work for NYFA, and also assist with the monitoring of Classifieds and their design services for advertisers, along with other marketing efforts for all of our programs. This is where the IAP Newsletter comes in. My job is to help the Learning team make the newsletter as reader-friendly and relevant as possible, using email marketing data and statistics to make informed decisions. Some of this data analysis led to its redesign last year.
NYFA: What was your first impression when you first came to New York?
LTV: I remember thinking there were way too many people everywhere and that was very disorienting. I come from Rio de Janeiro, I’m used to big cities, but nothing can prepare you for the speed at which things happen in New York. I was also amazed that suddenly I had live access to all these works of art that I had only previously seen in books. I’ll never forget the first time I entered a public library: I couldn’t believe Americans had access to so much culture for free!
NYFA: Did you face any challenges when first arriving in the city? How did you overcome them?
LTV: Plenty! But I am very fortunate because I didn’t come here alone. My husband is from New York and his family took me in as one of their own. That helped a lot while I was adapting to a whole new life. Professionally, though, I had to figure things out myself. When you move to a new country, your whole previous professional life almost vanishes, so I basically had to start from zero. It was very difficult and it takes a huge emotional toll on you.
Going back to school, for an M.A., helped me regain a sense of belonging. Finding activities related to Brazil and the Portuguese language was also very helpful. I became a volunteer at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and that opened several doors for me in the art world. I was in the visitor services department and my job was to provide information about The Met (and, a lot of times, other museums as well) to Portuguese-speaking patrons. So it was basically 3 hours a week that I had dedicated to talking about art and meeting wonderful people in one of my favorite places in New York! Plus, it was one of my fellow volunteers that told me about an opening at The Morgan Library–my first art-related job in the US.
NYFA: Any advice for emerging immigrant artists?
LTV: Don’t try to tackle this city by yourself. Find your peers. And by peers, I don’t mean people that come from the same place as you (though that also helps), but people that have the same drive as you. Also, be proud of your roots. Being an immigrant makes you see things from a different perspective, and that’s something employers, jurors in open calls, or gallerists may value. Last but not least: apply for the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program!
NYFA: As a Brazilian arts professional, what do you think about Brazilian art (art made in Brazil as well as art made by Brazilian artists) in particular, and Latinx art in general, in New York?
LTV: When it comes to major retrospectives, I cannot complain at all. Since I’ve moved here, we had Lygia Clark and Tarsila do Amaral at The MoMA, Helio Oiticica at The Whitney, and Lygia Pape at The Met Breuer. There’s also plenty going on in terms of music. Brasil Summerfest brings in wonderful musicians every year, for example. The same goes for Latinx art in general. New York even has a whole museum dedicated to it, El Museo del Barrio! It’s great to see that the diaspora is looking after their own in the art world.
NYFA: Are there any challenges particular to Brazilian/Latinx artists in New York?
LTV: There are challenges that artists from all peripheric countries deal with when approaching the mainstream art world: how do you break through the stereotype? There’s this sense that we must always be addressing the struggles of our home country or the struggles of ourselves as immigrants. But maybe we want to make abstract art or experimental theater or classical music, and when that happens, there’s always someone to say you’re not being Latinx enough. But we’re slowly making progress and showing that Latinx art can be any kind of art.
- Interview Conducted by Alicia Ehni, Program Officer at NYFA Learning
About Luiza Teixeira-Vesey Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Luiza Teixeira-Vesey (née Luiza Costa Teixeira) is a Designer and Marketing Associate at The New York Foundation for the Arts and an Art Historian focused on the influence of Afro-Brazilian religions in feminism, art, and popular culture in Brazil. She holds a master’s degree in Art History and Criticism from Stony Brook University; a B.A. in Advertising from Universidade Federal Fluminense in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; a specialization in Art and Culture from Universidade Cândido Mendes, also in Rio de Janeiro; and communication design training from the Fine Arts School of the University of Lisbon, in Lisbon, Portugal. Luiza has published two children’s books as an illustrator, A escola que eu quero pra mim (Ao Livro Técnico, 2011) and Amor de Mãe d’Água (Escrita Fina Edições, 2011).
This interview is part of the ConEdison Immigrant Artist Program Newsletter #111. Subscribe to this free monthly e-mail for artist’s features, opportunities, and events.
Image: Photo by Doris Tamai
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aphrogeneias · 2 years
hi luiza, i'm in need of some of your advice.
i had an online mutual on here that i talked to regularly, but recently our contact watered down a bit. now, i noticed that when i started giving them less attention they hopped over to another person? and is acting the same way as they did with me. they have a history of switching from one friend to another & i thought i would be different for me, yet now i see I'm just another notch on their bedpost. I'm not sure what to do, but somtimes i just want to block them because i feel used? how would you handle this situation? sorry if this is weird or not something you want to answer, you can ignore it,.
hi, love!
honestly? if i were you, i'd consider blocking them too. i'd hate feeling used for attention and that my friendship didn't mean as much to the other person as it did to me, and i'm sorry that happened to you
but also, maybe, the most "mature" decision would be confronting them, asking them what happened, just to give this situation some closure. then, again, if even coming across that person's interactions makes you feel uncomfortable, you should do what's best for you and block, or unfollow them, we always talk about curating our experiences online and you deserve to feel comfortable in your space and not constantly being made feel bad by someone else's presence, because that really sucks (and believe me, i know how you feel)
i'm sending you lots of love and hoping you'll find a way out of this - and that you find better friends who won't let you down <3
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nyfacurrent · 5 years
Monday Motivation | Find a Mentor and Be a Mentor
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Kick off your week with Monday Motivation!
Tip of the week
Mariela McIlwraith, President at Meeting Change, says the best career advice she’s received is to “find a mentor and to be a mentor.” Both experiences will help you grow your skillset and can be valuable networking opportunities.
This week’s highlighted jobs:
Assistant or Associate Professor of Ceramic Art Alfred University Alfred, NY
Individual Giving Manager Americans for the Arts Washington, DC
Serial Productions Managing Editor Serial Productions New York, NY
Central Regional Director/Assistant Executive Director Actor’s Equity Association Chicago, IL
Experienced Part-Time Bookkeeper Paula Cooper Gallery New York, NY
This week��s highlighted opportunities:
Seeking Artists: Chinese American Arts Council/Gallery 456 scheduling exhibitions for 2020 Gallery 456/Chinese American Arts Council New York, NY
Call for 2020 Designers-in-Residence at NYSCI New York Hall of Science Corona, NY
Space & Time Artist Residency Summer & Fall 2020 Programs Guttenberg Arts Guttenberg, NJ
BEYOND AFFECT Petcoke Gallery Detroit, MI
Find more jobs and opportunities on NYFA Classifieds.
This post is part of a regular blog series, NYFA Creative Careers. Let us know what careers you’d like to learn more about by visiting us on Twitter: @nyfacurrent and using the hashtag #NYFAClassifieds.
- Luiza Teixeira-Vesey, Designer/Marketing Associate
Image: Jiatong Lu (Fellow in Photography ’19)
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