#regional approach
earaercircular · 1 year
Three ways to turn weak regions into prosperous regions once again
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The differences in prosperity and well-being are increasing in the Netherlands. How do you get weak strokes back on top?
No less than three advisory councils unequivocally concluded on Monday: people who live in one region of the Netherlands are far less fortunate than in other areas of the country. And those differences are growing. The trick now is to revive weak regions. This can be done in various ways, say economist Rogier Aalders and professor by special appointment of Public Administration Martijn van de Steen.
Put broad prosperity at the top
The most important thing is that the inhabitants of the country are not only doing well economically, but preferably in as many areas as possible, emphasizes Rogier Aalders, regional economist at RaboResearch[1] Netherlands. “We have seen regions grow apart for decades. This increasingly raises the question of whether everything must necessarily be economically viable.” Rather look at how the Dutch are doing 'in width'. That does not stop with a decent income. There should also be a butcher and a bus stop. Doing well in a region, that's the whole picture. Aalders: “Living, job security, social contacts, traffic and transport, safety, health; we are becoming increasingly better at measuring the state of that broad prosperity. That view of the total picture is only now starting to get through to political The Hague. If all goes well, the concept will not be included in the Dutch Government’s Budget Memorandum until next time.”
Set accents: choose for each region what you find important
One region is not the other, says professor by special appointment of Public Administration Martijn van der Steen. “A lot is happening in those regions. There are connections between education and social institutions, between citizens and municipalities, and so on.” As a member of the Council for Public Health and Society[2], Van der Steen co-compiled the advisory report on regional differences that was published today. To revitalise weaker areas, he also advocates focusing on the whole package of things that make life pleasant. And don't just put the economic side first: "Don't build brain and mainports everywhere, but also provide a strong social and societal offer."
Aalders: “Then make the right choices in terms of implementation. If you build a road, it usually has a positive effect on the economy in a region, but a negative effect on nature.” Such considerations are difficult, Aalders acknowledges. “Sometimes politicians have to intervene. For example, by making an investment, even if it is not profitable in the short term.” And let go the assumption that the differences between regions are a matter of urban versus rural areas, emphasizes Aalders: “We don't call it broad prosperity for nothing. In the city, the environment is often dirtier and house prices are higher. Young people leave Groningen[3] because there are few training courses there. If you are talking about lagging areas, they are just as likely to occur in parts of cities. Differences do not always run alongside traditional lines.”
Involve citizens, don't let the government dominate but participate
The government has a role in repairing the region, but the national government should not be dominant, says Van der Steen. “As a government you can help people very well without playing the boss. But it must be a regional process in which many players participate and that takes shape from the bottom up. The national government is therefore fully participating in the development of regions, but as one of the participants. However, administrators must make contact with the population themselves.” Like Aalders, Van der Steen sees a lot in gathering knowledge and then building on it: “You can measure a lot by the broad prosperity in a certain region. What happens to a region when a nursing home closes? Make broad prosperity the norm.”
Joost van Velzen, Drie manieren om van zwakke regio’s weer welvarende regio’s te maken, in: Trouw, 27 maart 2023; https://www.trouw.nl/economie/drie-manieren-om-van-zwakke-regio-s-weer-welvarende-regio-s-te-maken~b3e364e1/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.be%2F
[1] With over 140 analysts around the globe, RaboResearch covers topics related to (Dutch) Economics, Global Financial Markets as well Food & Agribusiness. This knowledge enables our wholesale clients and farmers to develop and deepen their business insights and to make well-informed strategic decisions. https://www.rabobank.com/en/research/index.html
[2] The Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Samenleving (Council for Public Health and Society) is an independent advisory body for government and parliament, established by the Council for Public Health and Society Act and started on January 1, 2015. The bill was adopted as a hammer piece in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. This new advisory council is a merger of the Council for Social Development (RMO) and the Council for Public Health and Care (RVZ). The main reason for setting up a new advisory council was social developments: the revisions of the various (care) systems and the blurring of the boundaries between prevention, care and welfare. The political desire to reduce the number of government advisory bodies also played a role in the merger. The council advises on policy in the field of public health and society. This involves all aspects that influence public health and the functioning of citizens and society. Special attention is paid to the role of decentralized authorities and the changes in the provision of care and welfare.
[3] Groningen is the capital city and main municipality of Groningen province in the Netherlands. The capital of the north, Groningen is the largest place as well as the economic and cultural centre of the northern part of the country; as of December 2021, it had 235,287 inhabitants, making it the sixth largest city/municipality of the Netherlands and the second largest outside the Randstad.
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xero013 · 10 months
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Summer Time 🌴⛱️☀️
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floralcrematorium · 9 months
i think alfred can very much be a pizza snob considering the regional battle for pizza superiority (new jersey/new york style pizza cough), but i think he ruins it by dousing it in ranch dressing
lovino looks on in horror
questioning everything he thought he knew and loved about this man when alfred breaks out the hidden valley ranch
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pcktknife · 7 months
I'm ngl I completely forgot splatfest was happening lmao
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pine-arten · 5 months
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i saw someone make rain world styled sprites and i wanted to make some too!!! sized up for visibility
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Hi! An answer for your accent post from an english-second-language Terror fan:
I don’t “naturally/instinctively” recognize the different accents and what they mean in terms of region or class, but the show is pretty good at indicating it in other ways- mostly with Crozier, where you can’t miss it or the Implications that comes with it.
But recently i’ve endured the French version and it’s WILD how much flatter it makes the character and what details we’re missing! I’m back to barely recognizing them, and the person i’m watching it (unilingue franco) is missing 95% of the prejudice. It’s interesting!
Thank you for this lovely and thoughtful answer! :)
I agree that the show generally does a good job of indicating region and class in a variety of ways outside of speech and language alone, and am glad to hear that you largely feel the same way as someone with English as their second language.
That's a super interesting point about the show being dubbed in languages other than English too!
I've heard tell of extra implication and nuance being added in cases where the language has gendered nouns or very specific formal vs. informal versions of words etc that English lacks. But in all honesty, I hadn't yet considered the way that accent and class might (or might not!) translate in another language.
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sprucestairs · 2 months
oooooh pokemon company want to put all their energy into z-a sooooo bad. You will not release a half assed johto or unova game you want soooo badly to make a good game that everyone enjoys.
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marchworm · 2 years
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when people draw ingo like this >>>>
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j-ustkeepgliding · 2 months
people on the dash talking about running into their favourite athletes during their normal day
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ardentperfidy · 5 months
i think one of the reasons politics seems to really break people's brains is because people see it as a series of (often moral) single issues instead of a chaotic and vast multi-level multi-player game where the stakes are real human suffering and lives
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zevrans · 8 months
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tittysmith · 2 years
I learned so much about Juno (the Roman goddess) from wiki after I sent that ask 😂 I'm honoured that you drew from it
Although nobody knows of her exact origin, Juno is one of the three original Roman gods — Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva.
Early representations of Juno vary, but Roman literature does pretty much regard her as the Queen of Heaven. She was worshipped in the East as the goddess of both love and war, and often closely identified with Astarte, the patron goddess of Carthage. In the West, we'd find two distinct characterizations of her in different places: the lawless war goddess Juno Moneta (Juno Sospita if you’re Lanuvian), deity of soldiers and spears, of warning, advising, instructing — and the Juno of the Capitol, patroness of women, of marriage, of love, and female life (some known surnames are Pronuba, Matrona, Juga, Lucina, Opigena).
Above reference: Hands, A. W. (1910). JUNO MONETA. The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, 10, 1–12. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42663622
Further explanation and name breakdown:
Juno was known by a number of epithets, each of which showcased a distinct persona of the goddess. For her role in succoring the needy and protecting the city of Rome during war, she was called Juno Sospita, or “Juno the Savior". Juno Curritis/Curitis/Quiritis, or "Juno of the Spearmen," was said to be the only deity worshipped by all thirty curiae (military and political divisions) established by the founder and first Roman king, Romulus. She was also called Juno Moneta, or “Juno the Warner,” for bringing news of danger and preparing the threatened. She was named Juno Regina or “Queen Juno [of gods and men],” for her role as a head of state and member of the Capitoline Triad (with Jupiter and Minerva), but was also called Juno Opigena, or “Juno the Midwife,” for overseeing childbirth. Finally, she was known as Juno Lucina, or “Juno Who Brings Light,” for bringing light, life, and enlightenment to those who worshipped her.
Above reference:
Apel, T. (2020, August 16). Juno. Mythopedia; Mythopedia. https://mythopedia.com/topics/juno
Juno: Protective Roman Goddess. (2022). Vroma.org. http://vroma.org/vromans/bmcmanus/juno_info.html
Why history is difficult to know for sure:
After the arrival of Greek culture, the mythology of Roman religion and the identities of its deities became muddled. Stories about the gods, whether Roman or Greek, become intermixed. Juno, despite being closely associated with the Greek deity Hera, was, in her own right, an important god. She was the queen of heaven, the protector of women, the wife (and sister) of the all-powerful Jupiter. She was the mother of the war god Mars. Gradually, however, the entire mythology surrounding the gods — Jupiter, Juno, Neptune and all the rest — disappeared with the emergence of Christianity.
Above reference:
Wasson, D. L. (2015, April 8). Juno. World History Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/Juno/
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bay-views · 5 months
mossy tree triptych
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spearxwind · 1 year
Egg tumbling for merfolk doesn't seem that odd! If anything it's just like a very specialized incubator; big ol enclosure to keep them in a controlled environment that would keep them healthy until they're stable enough to care for themselves or be more readily cared for. Apparently keeping them healthy just involves tumbling them around a bit.
Though there was the funny image of something like a salmon/trout farm sort of facility. But, surprise! It's a nursery for a lot of merfolk babies in just a really densely populated area.
Yeah thats basically it!! Keep em in The Contraption until they can walk/swim on their own, then they are raised as normal for the most part!!
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
There’s this one woman I work with who I really like but she’s also 100% the person who would be like “Of course i buy non-GMO salt!! Don’t you know GMOs pump rat poison into your blood! I can’t believe the US doesn’t care about their people enough to regulate it…” and like! There are so many problems with the US and with US agriculture but literally none of that is true
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