#luka positivity
quietlyqueering · 2 months
Loveless people are so cool! If you're loveless you're cool! I hope you know that.
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six-demon-bag · 2 months
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𝚐𝚊𝚢.𝚎𝚡𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐
GEORGE REXSTREW as Edwin PayneLUKAS GAGE as The Cat King (01.02) The Case of the Dandelion Shrine DEAD BOY DETECTIVES (2024)
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zephyrins · 6 months
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they are killing me no you don't understand they killed me and buried my heart
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just look at their "I'm going to die for you" and "what the actual fuck" expressions
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aeonfvx · 3 months
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Ashley Graham / Vogue Czechoslovakia / Photo Luka Booth
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delimacanda · 2 months
Luka Batin
Terluka itu tidak apa-apa. Kita manusia. Lemah. Jadi sangat wajar jika terluka. Hanya saja, ada luka (fisik) yang terlihat nyata. Ada juga yang tak terlihat, tak kasat mata, tapi nyata (luka batin). Sama-sama sakit. Tapi yang kedua, tak semua orang paham. Yang pasti, siapapun dengan luka apapun, berhak sembuh :)
Dear, siapapun kamu yang barangkali sedang merasakan apa yang ada dituliskan ini. 
Jika posisimu saat ini sedang dalam kondisi yang kedua tadi, jangan putus asa ya. Barangkali, bagimu dunia sedang memporak porandakan hidupmu. It's Okey, I know it's not easy at all. I feel you, dear. But, i know you are stronger than you think you are. You'll deserve better. :)
Pelan-pelan, kamu boleh kok melepaskan emosi-emosi yang kamu rasakan. Lepaskan dengan penuh kesadaran. Dengan cara yang baik, yang paling membuatmu nyaman. Mintalah bantuan kepada Allah ya, jangan lupa.
Karena, memendam semuanya sendiri tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Kasihan dirimu. Kasihan hatimu. Kata buku yang pernah aku baca, menyerahkan segala permasalahan kepada waktu, dengan dalih nanti waktu yang akan menyembuhkan atau biarkan waktu yang menghapus jejak/luka, ternyata bukan solusi. Sama sekali. Itu hanya kalimat utopis.
Luka atau emosi yang terpendam, nantinya justru akan menjadi bom untuk dirimu sendiri. Bisa meledak sewaktu-waktu. Hatimu akan lelah dengan tumpukan-tumpukan emosi yang terus kamu telan sendiri. Maka, jika ada bagian yang sakit, yuk segera diidentifikasi. Meskipun barangkali sakit itu tak ada yang tahu kecuali dirimu sendiri, meski mungkin tak ada bekas luka sayatan atau lebam yang membiru di sana sini.
Dear, Ingat kan? Bahwa yang namanya luka harus disembuhkan. Bukan ditimbun dan dipendam. Kasihan dirimu, kasihan hatimu. Mungkin sekarang sepertinya biasa saja, tidak terjadi apa-apa. Kamu masih bisa survive. - Baik, ku doakan semoga memang karena dirimu mulai berdamai dengan semua luka itu bukan karena masih denial-. Tapi dear, kita harus tetap aware yah, karena belum tentu nanti  akan tetap baik-baik saja.
Jika belum menikah, coba berkaca sebentar, lihat dirimu sampai di bagian paling inti dalam hatimu. Dan segera sadari, adakah luka batin yang belum selesai? Jika ada, tidak apa-apa. Itu bagian dari diri kita, terima saja :). Lalu, berusahalah untuk segera selesaikan, dan berdamai. Jika tak bisa dilakukan sendiri, mintalah bantuan orang lain. Dan yang paling harus dan utama adalah, mintalah bantuan Allaah. Dia-lah yang Maha menyembuhkan segala luka.
Karena jika tidak, kasihan keluargamu nanti jika tiba-tiba tumpukan emosimu akhirnya meledak akibat semakin banyaknya amanah dalam rumah tangga. Kasihan suamimu, istrimu, anak-anakmu. Dan dirimu sendiri.
Jika sudah menikah, tetap aware agar bisa menyadari, segera berdamai dan berusaha menyembuhkan. Karena untuk menyembuhkan memang butuh upaya. Bukan membiarkan saja dan menyerahkan kepada waktu. Lalu, jika sudah menikah dan ternyata kamu atau pasanganmu atau keduanya memiliki luka yang belum selesai. Maka saatnya bersatu untuk saling support. Saling menguatkan dan saling berjanji agar tidak menurunkan luka itu kepada generasi.
Dear, Luka batin bukan aib. Bukan tak normal. Kita semua manusia. Jadi, wajar jika memiliki luka. Sekalipun luka itu tak kasat mata.
Semangat yaa 🤍
Tulisan ini mengambil insight dari buku "Membasuh Luka Pengasuhan"
Yogyakarta || Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2024
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laseratingfist · 4 months
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nonsense au just to dress them up pretty and practice shadows
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magpod-confessions · 6 months
It's me, the anon who wants to see more positivity in confessions blogs in general, im back :)
MAG159 The Last is a really good episode! The soundscaping of Peter's Lonely is beautiful and such a powerful icon and symbol of what the Forsaken is all about. Peter's compelled statement gives so much depth to his character and in general fleshes out the social world of avatars that we don't really get to see in statements. For me, The Last was also the first time I found myself really rooting for Jon to hurt someone, which feels so cathartic in the moment but then comes back to haunt you later. I kept coming back to the emotional power of that scene during s5 when Jon would smite someone and it felt icky... but didn't I like it when it was Peter? Can I really condemn Jon when I wanted him to do this twenty episodes ago?
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Girl help I’m analysing the Lukas family using the B.I.T.E model….
I was kind of worried when I started there wouldn’t be enough examples, but uh, quite the opposite really.
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froggychair05 · 1 month
Putting this under a cut because major spoilers for the most recent chapter of Sugarcoated!!!
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Ch. 7 vs Ch. 9
“And if you ever find yourself alone
Come ‘round, there’s always room for one more
When the wind is blowing cold, you know
All you gotta do’s knock on my door”
- Home by Josef Salvat
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loverboyos · 2 years
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now would you look at this?!🥹
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Stilled gutted that Eyewitness didn’t get a second season
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everyone-with-a-para · 6 months
I hope everyone with a para that is in some way connected to the fae/fairies/etc has a great day
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onewhale · 7 months
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Put the heart in yours sights then zoom in it
I must say, you really know how to catch sb heart lukita
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juxies · 1 year
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Did they just take a picture off Wikipedia and put Luka on it?
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seas-of-silver · 1 year
The young rabbit hero quickly motioned to the surprised teenager to get into her portal before desperately shouting out, "Luka—Viperion, I need your help!"
The young rabbit hero quickly motioned to the surprised teenager to get into her portal before desperately shouting out, 'Luka—Viperion, I need your help!'
Luka tsked. 'Civilian and hero identity? Bunnyx, you're slipping.'
Bunnyx growled. Luka put his hands up as he chuckled in mock surrender.
'Be glad you found me when I was home alone, Alix,' he said as he entered the Burrow.
'Who's breaking rules now, snake boy?' Alix grouched, snapping the portal shut and stomping across the Burrow, grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him along with a ferocity that made him immediately switch into focus.
Luka knew how playful Alix was; cheeky by nature, a jovial competitor, and while she was a realist, she would be able to find levity in heavier moments. Normally, if he pulled her up on a slip, she'd roll her eyes, cock her hip and sass right back at him with an anecdote of when he himself had stuffed up, just to make it an even playing field. Normally, there'd be a little more banter. This, however, wasn't normal, and it put him on edge. As he observed her, she was pale, sweating, tired, jittery... scared.
'What happened?' he asked.
'No spoilers,' she shot back curtly as she pulled him in front of another portal.
'Hey.' He pulled his wrist out of her grasp. 'If you're going to send me out of my time into something that obviously has you rattled, I'm going to need to know what I'm walking into - which includes what led up to whatever this is.'
Bunnyx sniffled, and that's when he saw it. It wasn't just sweat trailing down her face. Luka wrapped her up in a hug.
'What are you doing, man?' came her muffled voice from against his chest. 'You-'
'I can spare a moment to make sure you're okay,' he told her. She returned the hug, and he felt his shirt dampen with tears. He wasn't sure how long they stood there, but eventually she pulled away.
'Th-the villain, the new holder of the Butterfly,' she began as she wiped her eyes and attempted to refocus herself, 'she's... so much worse that we could have ever imagined. Hawk Moth, Shadowmoth, Monarch - he had at least some boundaries, some morals, some rules about what he did, some lines he wouldn't cross... but her? She's just... there's nothing she wouldn't do, and it's horrifying.'
Bunnyx shivered, her pale facade tinging green.
'Should... should I ask why you couldn't get the Luka of that time?' he asked cautiously. Bunnyx just shrunk in on herself, and his heart sunk at the mortifying, unthinkable reasons she wouldn't, or perhaps couldn't-
'Spoilers,' she whispered with a glimmer of a smile, and he relaxed. So perhaps it wasn't as bad as he wasn't imagining, right?
'We're down a few members of our usual team, and the ones who are fighting are being pushed to their limits,' Bunnyx continued. 'This akuma is complicated, relentless and devastating. When we get on site, I'll inform the team that you're here, and after that, observe, report back to the team, and for goodness sakes - don't let the akuma see you. It'll be game over if you do.'
'What, like Medusa or something?' Luka joked, but at Bunnyx's nod, he grew solemn.
'And that's just one of the akuma's abilities.'
Luka heaved a heavy sigh. 'Anything else I need to know?'
'Don't touch the goo.'
Luka raised an eyebrow.
'Seriously, don't touch the goo,' Bunnyx warned him.
Luka nodded slowly as he called on his transformation. 'Goo is a no-go. Got it.' He looked back at her. 'See you soon, yeah?'
'Yeah,' she agreed softly. 'Be careful.'
He smiled before stepping through the portal. He was halfway through when he felt a hand pull him backwards.
'Wrong portal, dummy!' Bunnyx scolded, shaking her head as she lined him up with the portal to the left of the one he just walked through. 'What would you even do without me?'
'I'd probably be really bored,' he countered as she shoved him unceremoniously through the portal and onto a secluded rooftop.
'I got the young Viperion for you, team' Bunnyx announced into her comms. 'Don't lose him - he can't stay up past his bedtime.'
'Copy that,' he heard the chorus of voices through his earpiece as he put it in.
'See you later, Vipey,' Bunnyx said to him as she slapped his shoulder in farewell.
'Later, Energiser,' he replied, chuckling as she flipped him off before hopping back into the Burrow, the bright portal swirling shut behind her.
Ask game: Give me the first sentence and I'll write a short piece for it!
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