#luke hughes fanfiction
hd-junglebook · 14 hours
The Lucky Bachelor
Part 1 - Luke Hughes X Reader
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a:n When you guys' finish let me know if you want a part 2. I'm a little conflicted because I feel like I can't write as good for Luke as I do Jack. Idk why when I'm literally gonna marry this man but whatever. Enjoy!!
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Summary: This is their second chance at love, it had been three years since that night in Michigan, three years since they officially split for the better. With some unwanted help Luke knows he will find a way to make her love him again.
Word Count 6401
Y/n’s POV
Y/N inhaled deeply, the distinct aroma of stale coffee and the acrid scent of cleaning products assaulting her senses as she stepped into the bustling airport terminal.
The rhythmic whirring of the wheels on her carry-on luggage provided a muffled counterpoint to the cacophony of voices echoing off the high ceilings and the distant hum of aircraft engines.
As she pushed through the throng of hurried travelers, her eyes darted from sign to screen, searching for the gate information for her flight. Suddenly, the overhead intercom crackled to life, a tinny, robotic voice cutting through the din.
"Good afternoon, passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time." The announcement was punctuated by a sharp, piercing ding that drew the attention of those waiting nearby.
Amidst the sea of harried bodies, a familiar figure suddenly caught Y/N's eye. Clarke, the bride-to-be and her best friend since childhood, stood near the crowded check-in counter.
Her blonde hair cascaded down her back in soft waves, the airport's harsh lighting lending an almost ethereal glow to the strands. Clarke was practically bouncing on her toes, her smile radiant with pure joy as she waved enthusiastically, beckoning Y/N over.
"Over here!" Clarke squealed, her voice carrying above the din of the busy airport. She cupped her hands around her mouth, ensuring that her words reached Y/N's ears.
For a moment, the nervousness that had been coiling in Y/N's stomach dissipated, replaced by a warm sense of affection. The nerves that had been twisting in her stomach moments ago melted away, replaced by a comforting warmth that spread through her chest.
She quickened her pace, dodging luggage and weaving through the crowd with newfound energy until she reached the circle of familiar faces.
"Sorry, excuse me," Y/N muttered apologetically as she squeezed past a family of tourists, their curious glances following her as she made her way towards her friends.
The moment Y/N stepped into the group, Clarke's eyes lit up, her face splitting into an ecstatic grin. "Y/N! You made it!" she squealed, her voice rising an octave in excitement. Without hesitation, Clarke flung her arms around Y/N, enveloping her in a tight hug that smelled earthy and green.
Y/N laughed, the sound bubbling up from her chest as she returned the embrace, squeezing Clarke tightly. The two friends held each other for a moment, the chaos of the airport fading into the background as they savored the reunion.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Y/N declared, her voice filled with sincerity as she pulled back to look her best friend in the eye. "You and Damien deserve the best celebration."
At the mention of her fiancé's name, Clarke's cheeks flushed with a delicate hue, a blend of happiness and bashfulness coloring her features. "Thank you, Y/N," she said softly, her eyes glistening with gratitude. "It means the world to me that you're here."
Clarke took a deep breath, composing herself before turning to the rest of the group with a radiant smile. "Come say hi to everyone else," she urged, tugging Y/N's hand and leading her towards the other bridesmaids.
As Y/N greeted each of the girls with warm, enthusiastic hugs, the chatter among the group grew louder. But as her gaze swept across the familiar faces, it landed on a newcomer, a girl she had never seen before.
The stranger stood slightly apart from the rest, her fiery red hair cascading down her back in vivid, rebellious curls.
Her piercing green eyes seemed to hold a glint of something mysterious, an undercurrent of intensity that made Y/N pause for a moment, her heart skipping a beat.
Brushing off the strange, unsettling feeling that crept up her spine, Y/N approached the girl with a friendly smile etched onto her features. "Hi there," she said, extending her hand in greeting. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Y/N, Clarke's childhood friend."
The redhead's lips curved into a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, a guarded expression that immediately put Y/N on edge. "Anastasia," she replied, her voice smooth and measured as she grasped Y/N's outstretched hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
Despite the polite exchange, Y/N couldn't shake the odd, prickling sensation that settled in the pit of her stomach. There was something about Anastasia, something indescribable, that felt off - a subtle tension that hung in the air between them, thick and suffocating.
But before Y/N could dwell on it further, Clarke appeared by their side, her face lit up with excitement, effectively shattering the moment.
"Y/N, I see you've met Anastasia," Clarke beamed, placing a hand on each of their shoulders, forming a bridge between the two women. "She's a close work friend from my new job. I've been dying for you two to meet!"
Y/N forced a smile, the muscles in her face straining with the effort as she tried to push down the unease that threatened to surface. "That's great," she replied, her voice sounding a bit too chipper even to her own ears. "I'm always happy to meet Clarke's friends. As you can tell we're all thick as thieves now."
Anastasia's piercing gaze flickered between Y/N and Clarke, a flash of something indecipherable crossing her features before it was quickly replaced by a warm, almost saccharine smile.
"Clarke has told me so much about you, Y/N," she said, her tone honey-sweet and dripping with false sincerity. "I feel like I already know you."
Y/N let out a strained laugh, the sound grating against her own ears. "All good things, I hope," she joked, trying in vain to lighten the suddenly palpable tension.
Clarke giggled, her hand giving Y/N's shoulder a brief, reassuring squeeze, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrent of unease swirling between the two women.
All too quickly, the girls began navigating through the bustling airport, checking in their luggage and making their way through the winding security checkpoints, Y/N found herself easily falling back into step with their giddy chatter.
Taylor, one of Clarke's college friends, let out a giggle as she recounted her latest romantic escapade.
"Me and Travis aren't together anymore. He was too clingy," she said with a dramatic sigh, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Maybe I'll steal up one of the best men, huh, Clarke?"
Clarke rolled her eyes playfully, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. Taylor was always like this, falling in love too quickly and falling out of it just as fast. Her romantic aspirations were as fleeting as the summer breeze, but her infectious laughter and carefree spirit made her an essential part of their tight-knit group.
The conversation shifted to the upcoming bachelorette party as they made their way to the boarding gate. Clarke's eyes sparkled as she described the home they'd be staying at, her hands gesturing animatedly as she painted a vivid picture of pristine white sand and crystal-clear waters.
"I found it a couple of months ago," she explained, her voice brimming with excitement. "It's a little expensive, but I feel like this week will be worth it."
Y/N listened intently, absorbing every word as Clarke waxed poetic about the luxurious amenities and breathtaking views. She could almost feel the warm sand beneath her feet, the salty breeze caressing her skin, and the laughter of her friends echoing through the night.
The intercom crackled to life, a pleasant voice filling the air. "Attention passengers, this is the final boarding call for Flight 227 to Bali. Please make your way to Gate 12. Thank you."
The announcement sent a ripple of excitement through the group, signaling for them to gather their belongings.
The girls fell into a single file line, stepping onto the plane and entering the luxurious first-class cabin that welcomed them with plush seats and gleaming surfaces.
Just as Y/N was settling into her seat, a familiar name caught her attention, causing her heart to skip a beat. "I can't wait to see Luke," one of the girls gushed, her voice taking on a dreamy quality.
It was Anastasia.
"He's such a dreamboat, Emilia, don't you think? Have you seen his arms?" she giggled.
Y/N felt a chill run down her spine, her grip tightening on the handle of her carry-on. She glanced up, only to find Clarke’s eyes already fixed on her, a mixture of guilt and concern etched across her face before she forced a toothy smile. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, a silent conversation passing between them.
Y/N swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry. She'd known this moment would come, the day she’d see Luke again. But hearing his name spoken so casually, as if he were just another guest and not the boy who had once held her heart in his hands, made it all too real.
It was Clarke who broke the eye contact first, her smile faltering. She cleared her throat, breaking the tension. "We should probably find our seats," she suggested, her voice strained.
Y/N nodded, grateful for the escape. She followed the group onto the plane, her mind reeling with thoughts of Luke and the memories they'd shared.
Once they settled into their seats, Clarke turned to Y/N, her face contorted with guilt. "I was gonna tell you," she screeched, her hands clasped together as if in prayer. "Please don't be mad, Damien and Luke have gotten so close it would be rude not to invite him."
Y/N sighed, leaning back against the headrest. She couldn't blame Clarke for inviting Luke. After all, he was part of their shared history, a friend to both the bride and groom.
But the knowledge that he would be there, that she'd have to face him after all this time, sent a wave of anxiety crashing over her.
"I'm not mad, I promise," she said, the tightness in her jaw betraying her calm tone as she forced a smile. "It's just... complicated. I haven't seen him in a long time, so maybe this can be a good thing."
Clarke reached over, tentatively squeezing Y/N's hand. "I know," she murmured, her brow furrowed with concern.
"You guys are older now and have most of life figured out. Maybe you guys can be friends again? Get some closure."
Y/N nodded stiffly, her gaze trained straight ahead. The past had a way of clinging to her, of resurfacing when she least expected it. And with Luke, there was so much left unsaid, so many questions left unanswered that made her chest tighten.
Anastasia plopped down into the open seat next to her, a twist of fate that made Y/N's heart skip a beat. The redhead offered her a sidelong glance, a smirk playing at the corners of her mouth.
"Looks like we'll be getting to know each other quite well on this trip," Anastasia remarked, her voice low and conspiratorial.
Y/N swallowed hard, the muscles in her neck tensing as she nodded in agreement. Little did she know, Anastasia's words held a weight that would soon become all too clear.
Luke’s POV
Luke stepped off the plane, the warm island breeze caressing his face and tousling his chestnut hair. The salty scent of the ocean filled his nostrils, mingling with the faint aroma of sunscreen and tropical flowers.
He paused for a moment, taking it all in, the exotic smells washing over him and easing the tension in his shoulders.
Adjusting the strap of his backpack, Luke scanned the crowded airport, his eyes searching for familiar faces amidst the sea of tourists and locals.
A flash of recognition caught his attention, and he spotted his friends gathered near the baggage claim, their laughter and animated conversations rising above the din of the busy terminal.
A grin spread across his face as he made his way towards them, a mixture of excitement and a touch of nerves fluttering in his chest. "Hey, guys!" he called out, his voice carrying a hint of his trademark dorky charm.
Luke was excited to see his old friends again. His friends turned to greet him, their faces lit up with genuine smiles and enthusiastic handshakes.
They fell into an easy banter, discussing the itinerary for the joint bachelor party and good-naturedly teasing the groom-to-be about his upcoming nuptials.
Luke joined in the lively conversation, laughing and joking along with the others. But even as he participated, he couldn't quite shake the twinge of apprehension that gnawed at the back of his mind.
Y/N would be here, on this very island, and the thought of seeing her again after all this time sent a shiver down his spine.
"Hey, Luke, you planning on sweeping any of the local ladies off their feet this weekend?" one of his friends, Jared, elbowed him playfully.
Luke chuckled, trying to mask the underlying tension. "Nah, man, I'm here to support the groom, not to cause any trouble."
Another friend, Ethan, piped up. "Yeah, right. Like we don't all remember how you used to be the ultimate ladies' man back in the day."
"That was a lifetime ago," Luke shrugged, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. In truth, his mind was elsewhere, still consumed by the thought of reuniting with Y/N.
He could still vividly remember the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the softness of her skin under his fingertips, and the soothing way her voice could calm his worries.
Their fairy tale romance had been cut short by the demands of his burgeoning NHL career, the distance and the pressure ultimately proving too much for their relationship to withstand.
The breakup had been painful, a raw wound that had never fully healed. In the aftermath, they had lost touch, each of them focusing on their own lives and careers, trying to move forward without the other.
Now, as Luke prepared to see Y/N again, he found himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.
Would she still be the same girl he had fallen for all those years ago? Would the connection between them still be there, simmering beneath the surface? The uncertainty only served to heighten the nervous anxiety bubbling in his chest.
After three hours of painful silence on the plane, they finally made It back to the ground. y/n felt like she could finally breathe again as the fresh air hit her face. She was almost too grateful to be more than a few feet away from Anastasia.
Clarke led the way to the car rental counter, all seemed well until Anastasia suddenly let out an exasperated sigh. "Ugh, it looks like there's been some kind of mix-up with our reservation," she groaned, her brow furrowed in frustration.
Clarke's eyes went wide. "What do you mean? I double-checked everything before we left!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with worry.
Anastasia shot Y/N a pointed look. "Well, maybe if someone hadn't been so distracted, we wouldn't be in this mess," she huffed, her tone dripping with condescension.
Y/N felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment and confusion. "What are you talking about? I haven't done anything," she protested, her hands raised in a placating gesture.
The redhead rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh, please. Don't play innocent with me. I saw the way you were eyeing the baggage carousel, completely oblivious to everything else around you."
"Woah relax!" Y/N exclaimed, her voice rising in pitch. "I was just looking around, making sure I didn't miss our luggage. There's no need to make this into a big deal, I mean what exactly is this mess-up you’re talking about."
Anastasia scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, it is a big deal when your carelessness jeopardizes our entire trip. Now we're going to have to waste time sorting this out instead of enjoying ourselves."
Clarke stepped in, placing a hand on Anastasia's shoulder in an attempt to defuse the situation. "Let's all just take a deep breath, okay? I'm sure we can figure this out," she said in a soothing tone, casting an apologetic glance in Y/N's direction.
Y/N felt her heart racing, she wanted nothing more than to escape the confrontation, to retreat to a quiet corner and gather her thoughts. But Anastasia's accusatory gaze kept her rooted to the spot, her pride and sense of fairness refusing to back down.
"I'm not the one who caused this problem, Anastasia," Y/N insisted, her voice laced with a hint of steel. "If you'd just calm down and let the rental agent handle it, I'm sure we can get this sorted out."
The redhead's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Y/N could have sworn she saw a spark of genuine malice in their depths. "Oh, I'm perfectly calm," Anastasia purred, her lips curling into a sardonic smile. "I'm just not going to let anyone ruin this trip for me. Especially not you."
After several tense minutes of negotiating with the rental agent, Clarke finally emerged with a set of keys, a strained smile on her face.
"Okay, everyone," she called out, waving the group over. "We got it all sorted out. Let's head to the car and get this show on the road!"
The girls filed towards the waiting vehicle, each one casting wary glances at Anastasia, who seemed to be in an especially foul mood. As Y/N reached for the handle of the front passenger door, the redhead suddenly pulled it open and slid into the seat, an triumphant smirk on her face.
Y/N froze, unsure if Anastasia was being serious. For a moment, she considered putting up a fight, asserting her rightful place in the front. But the odds already felt stacked against her, and she didn't want to risk escalating the situation further.
Letting out a resigned sigh, Y/N settled into the backseat, squeezing in next to Taylor. The brunette shot her an apologetic look, mouthing a silent "I don’t know what her deal is" as she placed a comforting hand on Y/N's arm.
The car pulled up to the beachfront property, and Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat. The house was stunning, a perfect blend of modern architecture and tropical charm, nestled on a secluded stretch of pristine white sand.
The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled her ears, a soothing melody that did little to calm the butterflies fluttering restlessly in her stomach.
Y/N hung back, taking a moment to gather her composure while the girls tumbled out of the car. She watched as her friends eagerly grabbed their bags from the trunk, their faces aglow with the glow of the setting sun.
The last time she had been in this paradise-like setting, she had been with Luke, their young love blossoming amidst the sun-drenched days and moonlit nights. Now, the prospect of seeing him again after all these years sent a shiver of both trepidation and longing through her.
Emilia turned and noticed Y/N lingering behind. "Y/N! Are you coming inside?" she called out, her voice brimming with excitement.
Y/N mustered a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of the turmoil she felt. "I just... need a moment."
Emilia returned the smile and nodded in understanding before disappearing through the doorway, leaving Y/N to collect her thoughts. Steeling herself, Y/N reached for her suitcase and followed the group inside.
Exhaling a shaky breath, Y/N pushed open the car door and stepped out, embracing the warm, salty breeze that swept across the secluded beachfront property.
She was the last one to leave the vehicle, her luggage trailing behind her as she crossed the threshold, the car door clicking shut softly behind her - a subtle finality that seemed to seal her fate.
The walk to the kitchen felt like an eternity, each step a battle against the nerves that she couldn’t seem to shake off. Her heart pounded in her ears, a deafening rhythm that drowned out the chatter and laughter of her friends. She forced a smile onto her face, waving to Damien and his groomsmen as she entered the room, her eyes scanning the space almost involuntarily.
And then, as if by some magnetic force, her gaze landed on Luke.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as their eyes met, their gazes locking in a moment that was both thrilling and terrifying. This was it, the moment she had both anticipated and dreaded, the chance to confront the past she had spent years trying to outrun.
He was leaning against the kitchen island, his tall frame exuding an air of effortless confidence. The years had been kind to him, sculpting his features into a breathtaking work of art. His chestnut hair was tousled, as if he had just run his fingers through it, and his eyes, those deep pools of brown that had once held her captive, sparkled with mirth as he laughed at something one of the guys had said.
He looked like he had just stepped out of a magazine shoot, a perfect specimen of masculine beauty. Y/N felt her breath hitch, her heart skipping a beat as she drank in the sight of him. It was as if no time had passed at all, as if they were still those love-struck teenagers, stealing glances at each other across a crowded classroom.
Luke's expression shifted from surprise to a tentative smile, and Y/N felt her heart flutter, the familiar pull of their connection tugging at her very soul. She took a step forward, compelled by an invisible thread that bound them together, but the sound of Anastasia's voice piercing the charged silence shattered the moment, yanking Y/N back to reality.
"Y/N! There you are," the redhead chirped, her tone sugary sweet as she sidled up to Y/N, a possessive hand resting on her arm. "We were just about to start mixing cocktails. Care to join us?" Y/N tore her gaze away.
"Uh, yeah, sure. I'd love to help," Y/N managed, her voice betraying a hint of her nerves. She moved to the counter, her fingers fumbling as she tried to focus on the task at hand.
She could feel Luke's presence, even without looking at him, a palpable energy that crackled and sizzled in the space between them. It was going to be a long week, a test of her resolve and her ability to keep her heart in check.
With one last glance in Luke's direction, Y/N turned away.
Y/N plastered on a smile, pushing down the turmoil raging within as she joined the girls in the kitchen, their lively chatter and laughter a sharp contrast to the palpable tension coursing through her veins.
"Ah, there's our girl!" Anastasia crooned, draping a possessive arm around Y/N's shoulders and guiding her to the makeshift bar. "We were just about to start mixing some cocktails."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering towards the living room, where the groomsmen - including Luke - had gathered. She could feel his eyes on her, a pull so powerful it was as if he were a planet and she, a helpless moon in his gravitational field.
"Hey, Luke, looks like your old flame is getting her flirt on," Jared teased, elbowing the other man playfully.
Luke felt a flash of something akin to jealousy surge through him, but he quickly tamped it down, offering a casual shrug. "It's been a long time. I'm sure she's just being friendly."
Ethan chuckled, a devious grin spreading across his face. "Friendly, huh? Well, in that case, maybe one of us should go over there and help her out. You know, show her a real good time."
The group erupted in a chorus of laughter, their eyes trained on the girls as they moved around the kitchen, their movements graceful and flirtatious. She could feel the weight of their gazes, and she fought the urge to squirm under the scrutiny.
Anastasia, on the other hand, seemed to thrive on the attention, her hips swaying in a way that Y/N couldn't help but find a bit over-the-top.
Y/N felt a subtle unease creep up her spine as Anastasia's flirtatious behavior escalated, the redhead's touches and innuendos growing increasingly blatant. Trying to divert Anastasia's attention, Y/N turned to the other girls, forcing a smile onto her face.
"So ladies, how are you two planning to spend tonight?" she asked, silently pleading for backup.
Taylor grinned and leaned in conspiratorially. “I plan to spend it drunk, maybe some skinny dipping on the beach.” she winked.
Clarke, ever the diplomatic peacekeeper, stepped in, placing a hand on Anastasia's arm. "Alright, ladies, let's not hog all the fun. I'm sure the boys are getting thirsty over there." She flashed them a playful wink, her gaze shifting to Y/N, a silent message of reassurance passing between them.
"Oh, don't worry, Clarke. I'm sure the boys can entertain themselves for a while." She cast a pointed glance towards the living room, her lips curving into a coy smile. "After all, we girls need to have a little fun of our own, don't we, Y/N?" Anastasia's smooth, saccharine voice cut through the chatter.
Y/N felt her stomach twist with discomfort, the charged undercurrent in Anastasia's words raising all sorts of warning bells in her mind. Mustering a tight-lipped smile, she nodded, her eyes silently pleading with the other girls to steer the conversation in a different direction.
The initial excitement of the group's arrival had settled down, and the friends naturally split off into smaller clusters, catching up and exploring the luxurious beach house.
Luke stayed in the kitchen fighting with himself on what he should do. ‘Do I go to her?’ He thought to himself. ‘Can I mend three years of silence in a week?’
Caught up in the moment, Luke found himself gravitating towards the living room without another thought, muttering a 'fuck it' as his feet moved of their own accord.
It was as if he were being drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. He paused just a few feet away, clearing his throat tentatively. She was so lost in thought, her gaze fixed on the hypnotic rhythm of the ocean, that she didn't hear his approaching footsteps until his voice broke through her reverie.
"It's good to see you again," he said, his voice low and warm.
Y/N turned, her heart leaping into her throat as she came face to face with Luke. Up close, he was even more striking, his features sharper and more defined than she remembered.
"Luke," she breathed, his name feeling both foreign and familiar on her tongue. "Yeah, it is good to see you. It's been a while."
He smiled, a lopsided grin that sent a flutter of excitement through her chest. "Two years, give or take," he said softly, his gaze never leaving hers. "You look... amazing by the way."
Y/N felt a blush creep up her neck, a warmth that had nothing to do with the tropical climate. "Thanks," she managed to choke out. "You look better, happier..."
There was a beat of silence as they drank in each other's presence, the weight of the years that had passed palpable between them.
Y/N's mind raced, desperately searching for the right words, the perfect way to bridge the gap that had grown. There was so much she wanted to say, so many questions she longed to ask, but the words seemed to catch in her throat, trapped behind the turbulent surge of emotions.
Luke, too, seemed to be grappling with his own thoughts, his brow furrowed slightly as he studied her face, as if trying to commit every detail to memory.
"I saw you play the other week, I'm happy things are working out for you," Y/N began, looking between his face and their friends running on the beach.
"You saw the game?" Luke questioned, his expression shifting to one of shock.
"I was there in person," she admitted, a faint smile playing on her lips.
"Wait, what...How come you didn't say hi?" he pressed, a hint of vulnerability creeping into his voice.
Y/N felt a flush of embarrassment creep up her neck. "I saw you with some girls, didn't want to interrupt," she confessed, her gaze dropping for a moment before meeting his eyes again.
Luke let out a soft chuckle, a teasing grin spreading across his face. "So you were stalking me, huh?" he teased.
The familiar banter brought a smile to Y/N's face, the tension easing ever so slightly. "I was just watching, sugar," she murmured, the endearment slipping out before she could stop herself.
The moment the words left her lips, Y/N felt a wave of mortification wash over her. She hadn't used that name in three years, and one casual encounter with Luke had her mind instantly reverting to the intimacy of their past. Biting her lip, she averted her gaze, silently willing the ground to open up and swallow her.
Luke, however, seemed to revel in the familiar moniker, his expression softening as a hint of nostalgia flickered across his features.
"It's good to hear you say that again," he admitted quietly, his hand reaching out to gently brush against hers, a spark of electricity crackling between them at the fleeting touch.
The spell was broken by the arrival of Damien, the groom-to-be, who drunkenly stumbled onto Luke, clapping him on the back and pulled him into a boisterous conversation with the group outside.
Fat raindrops pelted against the windows as a rumbling clap of thunder rolled overhead. Y/N stood under the covered porch, watching in amusement as the rest of the group made a mad dash from the beach toward the houses front door.
Taylor was bringing up the rear, squealing as the downpour quickly soaked through her thin t-shirt. She reached the porch last, bangs plastered to her forehead and mascara smudged under her eyes. Shivering, she flung open the door and stumbled inside, leaving a trail of wet footprints behind her.
Y/N chuckled and followed Taylor into the cozy entryway. The others were already shaking out their damp hair and peeling off soaked outer layers.
Taylor pouted as a few stray droplets rolled down her neck, then broke into a impish grin. She extended her arms out to her sides, approaching Y/N.
"Don't you dare!" Y/N warned with a laugh, backing away. Her heel caught on a throw rug and she pitched backward, eyes squeezing shut in anticipation of the hard floor.
Instead, a pair of strong arms encircled her waist, catching her against a firm chest. Y/N's eyes fluttered open to find Luke's concerned gaze inches from her own.
His rain-drenched curls were flattened against his forehead and rivulets of water trailed down his chiseled jawline. His chest heaved as he caught his breath from running inside to escape the downpour.
"Whoa there, you okay?" His warm breath fanned across her cheeks. Up close, Y/N caught the scent of his cologne mingling with the fresh, earthy smells of the rainstorm.
Taylor failed to smother a giggle, shaking out her wet hair like a dog. "I think someone could use a towel."
Luke kept his arm looped protectively around Y/N's waist as he shot Taylor a playful glare. "Yeah, if someone hadn't tried drenching her with a bear hug."
Y/N felt her cheeks growing warm as Luke kept his arm looped around her waist, holding her body flush against his. His taut abdomen pressed into her back, and she was hyper-aware of his warm breath fanning across her neck. Y/N forced a laugh. "Exactly, it's all your fault."
"What's with all the racket?" Damien emerged from one of the doorways, tousling his wild, disheveled hair. He smirked at the intimate way Luke was embracing Y/N. "Oh brother, would you two just screw already and get it over with!"
Y/N's eyes went wide at Damien's crude joke, but Luke just chuckled lowly. His thumb stroked an absent-minded circle into her hipbone, sending a shiver down her spine.
"You staying up for a bit?" Luke asked in a low rumble, realizing he still had Y/N enveloped in his arms. "Not tired, Lukey?" She teased back, relaxing against his solid frame.
Luke's chocolate eyes danced with amusement. "I was tired until I saw you again. I think we have some catching up to do." He flashed her a bright, lopsided smile that made her knees go weak.
Taking her hand, Luke led Y/N away from the others down a hallway, throwing a roguish wink over his shoulder at Damien before disappearing around the corner. She held her breath while Luke led her into the sunroom.
It was the epitome of cozy comfort - golden lamps bathed the space in a warm glow, and the large spare bed was piled high with plush blankets and pillows.
Luke started moving towards the inviting bed, but Y/N quickly arched one leg out to block his path. "Ah ah, your shirt is still drenched. You can't get on the bed like that."
He flashed her a roguish grin before grasping the hem of his t-shirt and tugging it smoothly up and over his head in one fluid motion.
Y/N's eyes widened as his toned torso and chiseled abs were revealed. He tossed the soaked shirt aside carelessly and settled onto the bed, leaving a respectable distance between them.
Y/N instantly regretted speaking up. She couldn't believe the casual, unhesitating way he had stripped off his shirt right in front of her, as if they were still intimately involved.
A flush crept up her neck as memories flooded back of when they were dating - she had been an awestruck teenager, hungrily drinking in every newly exposed inch of his body as they learned each other.
Now she was the flustered one, feeling like that bashful girl again as she took in the sight of his muscular build, the breadth of his shoulders tapering down to those abs she used to love tracing with her fingertips...
Y/N swallowed hard as Luke reclined back on the plush bed, muscles rippling underneath tanned skin. He propped himself up on one elbow, giving her an unobstructed view of his chiseled torso and abs.
"See something you like?" Luke's voice was a deep rumble, vibrating straight through Y/N. He arched one brow cockily, the corner of his lips curling into that trademark.
Heat bloomed across Y/N's cheeks as memories of their past intimacies flooded her mind. She averted her gaze, trying to regain her composure. "Don't flatter yourself."
Luke tsked, shaking his head slowly. "Now, now. No need to be shy, gorgeous." He patted the space next to him invitingly. "Why don't you come join me? We have years of catching up to do."
Y/N's pulse fluttered wildly as she wavered, torn between the warmth pooling in her belly and her lingering hurt over how things had ended with Luke. Throwing caution to the wind, she settled gingerly on the edge of the bed, back ramrod straight.
"Relax." Luke's fingertips ghosted along her arm, raising goosebumps. "You're so tense. Come here. Let me help you with that..."
His hands found her shoulders, kneading the tight muscles there with strong strokes. Y/N stifled a moan, hating how easily he could still unravel her with his touch alone. She felt him shift closer until his bare chest was a hair's breadth away, the heat radiating off him in waves.
"There, that's better," Luke purred in her ear, his mouth so close she could feel the whisper of his lips against her skin. "Now, why don't you tell me everything I've missed?"
Y/N shivered at the feel of Luke's breath fanning warmly against her neck. She forced herself to remain still, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how flustered he made her.
"So," she began, proud that her voice came out stronger than she felt. "Where should we start?”
Y/N stifled a moan as Luke's strong hands kneaded the tense muscles of her shoulders and upper back. She cursed the traitorous shiver that rippled through her at the feeling of his bare chest brushing against her arm.
She had to gather her wits, made difficult by the intoxicating combination of his heated touch and masculine musk surrounding her. "Well, I finally moved out of that cramped apartment into an actual house back in Michigan."
"A home all to yourself?" Luke's hands stilled momentarily, drawing her gaze to the admiring look smoldering in his eyes. "I'm impressed”
His fingertips trailed scorching paths down her arms as he resettled behind her, the solid wall of his chest pressing against her back once more. Y/N bit her lip against the fresh wave of arousal cresting through her.
She pressed on, “anyway the job has been great. Challenging but great. Though I did have a boyfriend for a while in the midst of everything..."
The words had an immediate effect on Luke. His jaw tightened perceptibly and his eyes flashed dangerously, like a wolf catching the scent of a threat. "A boyfriend, huh?" His voice was low and controlled, but Y/N could hear the undercurrent of primal possessiveness.
She nodded, holding his intense gaze. "Yeah, we dated for several months after you...left."
Luke seemed to wrestle with reining in his reaction. When he spoke again, his tone was carefully measured. "I see. And what became of this...boyfriend?"
Y/N shrugged one shoulder casually, though her pulse was thundering in her ears. "It didn't work out. The passion wasn't really there, at least not on my end."
Luke tsked again, making that infuriatingly sexy sound. At that, some of the tension drained from Luke's frame and a faint smirk played across his lips. "No passion, huh? Can't relate."
His fingers trailed up the side of her neck, sending sparks ricocheting across her sensitized skin. In one smooth motion, he reached out and cupped her jawline, thumb brushing her parted lips. His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he murmured, "I missed you every single day, you know."
"I want you back. However, I can have you." His calloused thumb stroked her lower lip as he inched closer, arousal darkening his eyes to a deep black. "Let me make up for lost time..."
Lmk what you think please! Part 2?
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wineauntie · 2 months
THOSE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS – Luke Hughes x fem!reader (smut)
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summary: those nights where you can’t sleep are the worst, but luckily Luke has the perfect remedy.
note: oh good lord, I low-key really like this, I can’t lie 🫣 there’s something about sleepy smut I love :)
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, MDNI 18+, fem!reader, smut, fingering, f receiving, p in v, no protection, cockwarming, praise, little tidbit of aftercare. Use of nicknames: pretty girl, sweet girl and baby. Also Luke has a dirty mouth fr.
word count: 1.5k+
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You couldn't sleep.
You had gone to bed hours ago, wrapped in Luke's reassuring embrace, ready to be completely enveloped by the tranquil embrace of the night, yet as your boyfriend slowly drifted off, all sleep seemed to evade you.
The soft hum of the ceiling fan filled the room, its gentle breeze stirring the curtains and casting shifting shadows across the walls. The moon bathed the room in a silvery glow, as your eyes traversed the bedroom in discontent.
Despite the serenity of your surroundings, sleep remained a distant dream. Tossing and turning, you sighed, your mind a whirlwind of thoughts and worries. The events of the day replayed in your mind like a broken record, each moment dissected and analyzed until they lost all meaning.
You got like this sometimes.
The days when your brain refused to shut off and cooperate, instead choosing to torment you and test your patience.
You let out a frustrated and defeated whine as you again turned away from Luke, trying desperately to find any comfort and relaxation. Beside you, your boyfriend shifted closer to you, his arm snaking under your waist, pulling you back into the warmth of his embrace. You flinched from his sudden movement before you burrowed closer into him, seeking solace in his touch.
"Can't sleep?" Luke's sleepy voice was a soft murmur, his breath warm against your ear. You weren't even sure if he had opened his eyes. You let out a small hum as you nodded, your fingers tracing idle patterns on his arm as he held you closer.
"Yeah, my mind won't quiet down," you confessed, your voice croaked barely above a whisper. Luke pressed a gentle kiss to the skin of your ear, his other arm moving from behind his head to around your lower stomach. "I'm sorry for waking you."
Luke hummed, his fingers lingering along the hem of your panties, which were barely concealed by one of his t-shirts that had ridden up as you'd struggled to fall asleep.
"I can try to help?" He murmured against your skin, pressing more languid kisses to your neck, his fingers stretching over the top half of your panties. You leaned into his touch with a small whine, as he let out a low chuckle, holding you closer to his chest, pressing your ass against his thickening cock.
You mewled as his fingers dipped beneath the fabric, brushing against your folds, and spreading your growing wetness. You pushed further against him, his cock firm against your barely clothed behind. Luke let out a deep breathy laugh as eased two fingers into you, his mouth fixated on the skin behind your ear, stuttered gasps escaped your lips as he moved his fingers in and out. The length of his fingers brushed against your soft walls whilst your body melted against his strong hold.
Your body shook in his hold, your head thrown back in exhausted pleasure. You had found yourself lost to the intoxicating pull of lust that lured you deeper into a desire that knew no bounds. Luke suckled at the skin of your neck, leaving behind purpling bruises in his wake.
"This was all you needed, huh?" Luke murmured, his warm breath fanning across your cheeks. "Needed your little pussy tired out." You moaned in protest as he pulled his fingers out, circling your clit. "You always take my fingers so well." He praised, his eyes focused on your blissed face. Your hips bucked towards his fingers with a shameless moan, as you tried to feel as much of him as he was letting you. You whined in desperation as Luke lifted his fingers and raised them to his lips, groaning as he tasted your juices.
"Taste so good, sweet girl," he mumbled whilst you turned your head to face Luke, who adorned half-lidded eyes dusted with the deepest carnality. He leaned forward and captured your lips as you ground backwards against his cock, fidgeting in need as Luke plunged his tongue into your mouth, his hand reaching to cup your face.
You panted into the kiss, writhing with need as you turned around, your hands reaching downward to pull at Luke's boxers. His grip tightened on you, as he shifted to allow you to move the fabric down. He pulled away from your lips briefly, his hand guiding yours back up, leaving them to link around his neck.
You allowed your fingers to sift through the curls at the base of his neck as he pushed your panties aside. You whimpered against Luke's parted lips causing him to let out a quiet hum as his nose brushed against yours.
"You gonna take me, sweet girl?" He murmured against your lips as your fingers locked behind his neck. You felt his cock brush against where you needed him most, his hand opening up your thighs, lifting on to rest atop his hip.
"Please, Luke," you begged, the lustful heat swirling around the room and engulfing your body as you bucked towards him. He pressed a chaste kiss to your lips as he slowly positioned himself at your entrance, one hand gripping your thigh and the other guiding his cock.
"Atta girl," he soothed, watching you carefully as he slowly stretched you out, your face scrunched in pleasure.
"Luke, please," you rasped, clinging to your boyfriend. You gripped his curls as he emitted a low groan, thrusting into you as you arched toward him.
"My greedy girl," he hummed, his hand digging into your thigh to hold your leg tighter as he thrust into you in shallow thrusts. Your head dropped backwards, letting out a string of lewd moans as you felt him throb within you. "Just needed a good fuck, hm?" You careened at his words, your sweat-beaded forehead pressing against his.
"Luke," you gasped, as he continued to pump inside of you, his tiredness lost amongst the vigour. You could feel the bubble of pressure in your core growing by the second, your need to be closer to Luke being satisfied as he dragged your chest forward so that you were tighter in his hold.
"I know, baby," he groaned as you grasped at his shoulders for some form of stability. "I can feel you coming all undone for me."
You're breathing stuttered as you clung to Luke, his sharp movements hitting all the areas you needed to feel him the most. The pressure in your stomach had grown significantly as he plunged in and out of you in a rhythm you had come to learn. A rhythm that you knew would bring you toppling over the edge of satisfaction.
"N-Need to come," you stammered, every single nerve ending in your body had been lit alight, ready to explode into a raging inferno. Luke's eyes darkened upon your words as he began to thrust deep into you, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
You felt his hips slap against yours as he relentlessly pushed into you, filling you up with ease. You couldn’t even bring yourself to emit any more words while his wildfire touch, ignited your skin with a fervent passion that consumed your senses. With every breath, you could feel the electric pulse of desire coursing through your veins, drawing you irresistibly closer to him. Entwined beneath the moonlit canopy of your shared desire, your bodies moved in a symphony of longing and release with each movement sending cascades of spine-numbing pleasure through you as jolted with each plunge.
"Come," Luke spoke, his voice instantaneously releasing the pressure that had grown in your core as you came hard around his cock. Your body writhed in pleasure as waves of aftershocks wracked your being. Luke, who had been teetering along the edge of his own release, spilt into you, keeping his thrusts shallow as he filled you to the brim.
Your body felt boneless whilst you sunk into Luke's weight and the bed beneath you. He held you to his chest as the sound of both of your heavy breathing filled the room. You could feel Luke shift your positioning slightly so that you were completely lying atop his chest, his cock still buried inside of you. His hand gently stroked over your mussed hair, brushing it back out of the way as he pressed soft kisses along your hairline.
"Did so good, sweet girl," he muttered, his voice breaking with a yawn. You couldn't bring yourself to respond, opting to sink deeper into his warm embrace. He raised his hand, cradling your jaw as he looked down at you. His eyes were decorated with grey bags beneath them, but the affection in them wiped away any semblance of guilt you felt about keeping him awake. "C'mon, we gotta clean you up."
"No," your voice was broken with tiredness as exhaustion began to claim you as its own. You nestled your head into his chest, your nose brushing against his damp skin. "Can we please just...stay like this?"
There was a slight pause as Luke's hand faltered in its movements before he resumed his comforting motion. He pressed another light kiss to your face, before settling back into his pillow, one hand continuing its soothing stroking whilst the other curled around your waist.
"We can stay as long as you want, sweet girl," he mumbled. You let out a small breath and nodded against his torso, your exhaustion dragging you into a serene lull between sleep and reality. "Try to get some sleep, love you."
"Love you, Luke," you sighed happily, snuggling deep into your boyfriend, as his cock softened inside of you, grounding you to him as sleep finally graced you with its presence and allowed you to slip further and further until all you could feel and hear was Luke and his sweet nothings before the world faded completely.
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heartsandhischier · 19 days
definitely the annoying little brother
luke hughes x female!reader, jack hughes x platonic!reader
summary - 5.2k words. living in an apartment with your best friend is great, but living in an apartment with your best friend and his brother... not so great
author's note - so... got a little carried away with this one, might write a part 2 idk yet but I love cocky Luke
warnings - mentions of alcohol, swearing, smut (first time writing so hopefully it isn't total shit)
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When you moved to New Jersey you felt absolutely lost. Don't take it the wrong way, it was great – a prestigious college, a change of surroundings, and a fresh start. Your journey took an unexpected turn when you accidentally bumped into someone, quite literally bumping into him, drenching him in your freshly bought coffee. That someone was Jack, who had also just moved to New Jersey after being drafted to the New Jersey Devils. Like you, he was lost, navigating the unfamiliar terrain of a new beginning. Quickly you became best friends, helping each other with everything. You were there to cheer him on in the stands, and cheer him up during his rough rookie year, and he helped you out with your schoolwork, making sure you never felt alone in the stress of college life. You both shared a lot of laughs, late-night chats, and supported each other through thick and thin. And when you struggled to find a new apartment, he offered to let you stay in the guest room without hesitation. When weeks turned into months, you realized that living together clicked for both of you, turning what was meant to be a temporary arrangement into a lasting living situation. 
When Luke was drafted, you were on the edge of the seat in the apartment, eyes glued to the screen in anticipation as the New Jersey Devils were about to announce their pick. The moment Luke’s name was called, you leapt up, a surge of joy overwhelming you. You were thrilled, not just for Luke, but because you knew how much this meant for Jack – having the chance to play alongside his brother, to improve and grow together on the ice. You watched the screen as Jack sprung from the couch, shaking with excitement. Jack had told you that if Luke was drafted to the Devils, he would move into the apartment. However, from the friendship you had with Jack, you could only be excited for the fun ahead with two goofy brothers.
But here you were, angrily banging on the shared bathroom door, “LUKE! Are you fucking kidding me, I’m gonna be late.” The reality of living with Luke was far from pleasant and fun. Luke was definitely the annoying brother of the three. Unlike Jack, who was always kind and considerate, Luke seemed to barely tolerate your presence, often making snide, witty comments, as if he wanted to fire you up.
The apartment had become a warzone, filled with incessant arguing, shouting, and tension thick enough to cut with a knife. In Jack’s absence, there was no one acting as the peacemaker, no one stopping the two of you. Luke was leaving the bathroom messy, his toiletries scattered, leaving dirty dishes in the sink, not even bothering to put them in the dishwasher, and taking your clothes out of the dryer leaving them in a pile on the floor so he could use the machine, he even went as far as to have a party the night before your midterm. You couldn’t help but feel like he was doing it on purpose, you knew he was raised well, with proper manners and common decency – cause you knew what Jack was like. You knew, you knew he was doing it on purpose, to get under your skin. And what bothered you most, was that it was working.
Luke finally unlocked the bathroom door, and as he swung it open, a cloud of steam escaped into the hallway. His hair was damp, a towel wrapped around his lower body, showcasing his muscles. “You don’t have to spend that long in the bathroom, especially when you end up looking like that,” you remarked sharply, your arms crossed.
“Like what? Incredibly handsome?” Luke retorted, a smug smirk playing on his lips.
“No, like shit,” you fired back without missing a beat.
“Well, you look pretty shit yourself. So you don’t really need to go to the bathroom before school anyways,” he chuckled, clearly pleased with his response. Frustrated, you rolled your eyes and pushed past him to move on with your day.
“Come on Y/N,” Jack whined, his voice dragging, practically on his knees as he begged. His team was heading out to celebrate their victory from the night before, and with your schedule finally clear after non-stop stress, Jack insisted on you joining them, arguing you deserved a break. But, his team included a certain someone – Luke. The idea of enduring hours into the night, subjected to Luke’s endless barbs and comments, now potentially amplified by alcohol, spelled nothing but trouble in your mind.
“I’ll put you on my tab, if you come,” he offered, hoping to entice you with the promise of a free night out. You couldn’t help but laugh at his desperation for you to join, “Come on, I know you guys rotate who keeps the tab,” you retorted, narrowing your eyes playfully at him, “And you were the one paying last time.”
“Please I’ll clean the bathroom the next three weeks,” he proposed.
“Four weeks.”
“Okay next four weeks. And I'll make you lunch for those weeks too,” he said, extending his hand in a peace offering.
“Deal. But I’ll skip on the lunch since you barely know how to cook broccoli.”
“Aren’t we going to wait for Luke?” you questioned, slipping into your boots, a hint of curiosity in your voice. Jack couldn’t help but chuckle at your question, giving himself a once-over in the mirror. “Suddenly become best friends with your ‘enemy’?” he teased. “Absolutely not,” you replied with a snort, “Just needed to know if I had to fight for us to sit in the back.”
The Uber drove into the bustling city of New York, skyscrapers rushing by in a blur. Luke had headed out early with Holtz and Mercer, leaving you to revel in the peaceful drive to the club, free from any of the usual bickering. The car was filled with laughter and lighthearted banter, both you and Jack bubbling with anticipation for the evening ahead.
A chime sounded as the elevator announced your arrival to the club’s level, and as the doors slid open, you were greeted by a stunning panoramic view of New York City. the vibrant lights and endless skyline stretched out before you, leaving you in awe. “Pretty sick, right?” Jack nudged you, his smirk infectious, clearly proud of the evening’s choice. The club’s interior buzzed with energy, packed with people moving rhythmically under the glow of shimmering lights. The music enveloped the space, so loud and deep that the bass seemed to vibrate through the very floor. Jack, with a reassuring grip, took your hand and guided you through the crowd, weaving towards the table where his teammates were gathered.
They all excitedly greeted the two of you, ushering for you both to join them at the table. You loved Jack’s teammates – they were just as kind and welcoming as him, making everyone feel included and part of the fun. They made you feel like a part of the team. And then there was Luke, he didn't even glance in your direction when you approached the table, too invested in a conversation with Timo to care – yeah sure.
As soon as you sat down, drinks were served – Jack with his usual beer, and for you, a Tom Collins, your all-time favorite. You couldn’t help but chuckle, Jack even went as far as to make sure you got your favorite drink. 
After a few more drinks and hearty laughs, Jack pulled you out of your seat and onto the dance floor. The music took over as soon as you started moving, and you found yourself really enjoying the moment. Dancing there with Jack, you felt genuinely happy that you’d agreed to go out. And you forgot all about his annoying little brother.
Dancing, lost in the rhythm and the music, you realized your glass was empty. Sliding through the crowd, you made your way to the bar, navigating the sea of people all moving to the same beat. The bartenders moved with swift precision, a blur of activity as they tried to keep up with the endless stream of orders shouted by the eager club-goers. 
Waiting to be served, you suddenly felt a hand wrap around your waist. Startled, you turned around, meeting the drunken gaze of a stranger. “What you getting beautiful?” He was undoubtedly handsome, but the whole ordeal made you somewhat uncomfortable. You tried to respond, but only managed to stumble out an incoherent answer. 
He leaned in, his breath brushed your ear, the words “Why don’t I buy you a drink, and then we can continue the party at my place?” lingering in the air between you. The proposal sent an uncomfortable shiver down your spine, and not the good kind. You were caught off guard, unsure of how to escape the situation, all you managed in response was a sheepish smile, your mind racing for a way out. In a sudden move, he leaned in. You were frozen, unable to move away, you just tightly shut your eyes, bracing for impact. However, the kiss never landed. With your eyes still closed, the sounds of a scuffle broke through the music.
Then he leaned in closer, his breath fanning over your ear, “Why don’t I buy you a drink, and then we can continue the party at my place.” it sent a shiver down your spine, and not the good kind, you could only offer a sheepish smile. Then in the whiff of a moment he leaned in trying to give you a kiss. You were frozen, you couldn’t move away and just closed your eyes, bracing for impact. But the kiss never came, eyes still closed, you heard commotion. 
“Back off. She’s not going anywhere with you.”
Opening your eyes, you found Luke standing between you and the stranger. He had pushed him, shielding you from his advances.
“You okay?” Luke asked as he lightly brushed your arm, his towering presence offering a sense of security. You looked up at him, slowly giving him a small nod. What the fuck just happened.
Without missing a beat, Luke turned to signal the bartender, “Two Tom Collins’, please.” The bartender acknowledged with a nod and swiftly got to work on the drinks. 
As he handed you one of the glasses, Luke’s hand found its way to the small of your back, guiding you with a surprising gentleness toward the dance floor. The music, once again, wrapped around you, quickly making you forget all about the uncomfortable encounter at the bar.
You found yourself dancing close to Luke, you had never been this close to him before, ever. However, you found it somewhat comforting. He seemed to sense this shift too, his hand gently placed at your hips, his voice teasing, “Considering how much you complain about me hogging the bathroom, you seem pretty okay standing this close to me.”
The comment took you by surprise, a rush of warmth flooding to your cheeks. You were quick to retort, attempting to mask your fluster, “Blame that on the club being crowded. If our apartment was this packed, I’d have moved out by now.”
You felt weirdly comfortable in Luke’s presence now, and it seemed he noticed. “Considering how much you complain about me hogging the bathroom, you seem pretty okay standing this close to me.” it caught you off guard and you felt a warmth rush to your cheeks. You quickly shook it off, “Blame that the club is crowded. If our apartment was this packed, I'd have moved out by now.”
Luke smirked, leaning in closer than before, his breath tickling your ear as he whispered, “Or maybe you’ve just realized how much you actually enjoy my company. All these complaints might just be your way of asking for more attention.”
Caught in the unexpected closeness, you tried to maintain your composure. “Dream on, Luke. If I wanted more of your attention, I’d just lock myself in the bathroom with you,” you shot back.
“Yeah, wouldn’t you like that.” that damn smirk, you wish you could just wipe it off his face.
What. Was. Happening?
Confused and a bit flustered, you mustered up an excuse, before navigating through the lively crowd, towards Jack at the table. 
“Enjoying yourself?” Jack’s voice pulled you back to reality, his tone playful as he nudged you gently. 
“Fine,” you responded, rolling your eyes at the boy. “I’m having fun. But you didn’t have to make them order my favorite drink,” you laughed, giving in to his bright smile.
Jack joined in the laughter, but something in his response made it seem he was laughing at you, not with you. He tilted his head looking at you, genuinely puzzled. “I didn’t tell anyone to order your favorite drink.”
“Well, who’s in charge of the tab tonight?”
The next few weeks, you tried your hardest to avoid Luke. The whole situation in the club… it was confusing, it was so unexpected but for some reason you didn’t mind the closeness that happened that night. But you couldn't face him. You even got up hours earlier than necessary to avoid the usual bathroom argument, waiting a few extra hours before class or work. It was tearing your sleep schedule apart, but it was for the best.
Your eyes were glued to the bright screen of your phone – 3AM. You let out a frustrated sigh, you couldn’t sleep. The room felt like an oven, the early arrival of summer in New Jersey wrapping your space in an unbearable warmth. Stress of upcoming exams layed heavy on your subconscious. And the thought of having to get up in two hours just to avoid Luke, didn’t help much either.
Defeated, you pushed yourself out of bed, sliding into your fluffy slippers. Glancing at your reflection in the mirror, you sighed, you looked a mess. Hair tied up in a messy bun, and Jack’s New Jersey Devils t-shirt hanging loosely around you. Whatever. At this ungodly hour, no one would see you anyways, and the boys probably have early morning practice.
Carefully, you pushed the door open, trying to minimize the telltale creak. With light steps, you tiptoed down the hallway, aiming for the kitchen. The gentle illumination from the counter lights greeted you, casting a soft, inviting glow over the room – Jack must’ve left it on. However, the comfort quickly turned to your dismay when you spotted the very person you’d tried so hard to avoid for weeks on end – Luke. His back was turned, curls messy, and a pair of pajama pants loosely hanging around his waist. His back muscles, his shoulders, all on display.
The sight of him triggered an immediate response – you knew you needed to get out of there before he noticed you. You turned your heel, your slippers betraying you with a sharp squeak against the floor.
“Going somewhere?” 
You cleared your throat, gathering the courage to face him as you slowly turned around. There he was, casually leaning against the kitchen counter, a bowl of cereal cradled in his hands – his midnight snack. “Just needed some water. Didn’t realize I had company,” you managed to say, trying to sound nonchalant.
He let out a soft chuckle, the spoon in his bowl making lazy circles. “Can’t sleep either, huh? The kitchen’s open for all, y’know.” I mean he wasn’t wrong. Despite your efforts to maintain a distance, you did live together, and spaces like the kitchen were neutral ground, even at 3AM.
“Yeah, I… I guess I’ll just grab that water then.” navigating the awkward silence towering the room, you reached for a glass, making your way to the sink – coincidentally right beside where Luke was enjoying his cereal. His presence was towering over you as you filled the glass with water. 
“You know, for two people who claim to dislike each other, we do end up in the same place a lot.” Luke observed with a smirk that you felt rather than saw.
You scoffed, attempting to maintain a facade of indifference. “We live in the same apartment Luke, and your brother is my best friend. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
“Well, you’re wearing my t-shirt, so don't blame me,” he countered.
You huffed, caught off guard. “This is Jack’s.”
He chuckled lightly, “I’ve been looking for it for weeks, thought I lost it. But now I know you just wanted to feel like you were sleeping next to me.”
You let out a scoff, annoyed, “In your dreams, asshole.”
He stepped closer, reducing the distance between you to mere inches. “Y’know, you could’ve just asked. I’d gladly let you sleep in bed with me,” he said, the smirk evident in his voice as he towered over you.
Your heart was racing, your voice caught in your throat at the sudden proximity. In a moment of panic, you retreated, mumbling an incoherent “I have to go,” as you hastily made your escape.
The usual calm and comfortable space of your apartment, was tonight transformed into a space buzzing with energy, laughter, and booze. It was Jack’s birthday, and as his best friend you were determined to throw him the best celebration possible – a surprise party. You pulled out all the stops, inviting friends, his teammates, and with the off-season granting a rare break, Trevor, Cole, and Alex were able to join the festivities. As you navigate the cluster of people, a glass nestled gently in your grasp, your gaze inadvertently landed on Luke. There he was, nestled in a corner of the room, deeply engrossed in conversation. By his side stood a girl whose laughter harmonized so seamlessly with his, it almost seemed choreographed. 
A strange unease began to coil within you at the sight. There was Luke, entirely absorbed in dialogue with whoever this girl was, and something about it unsettled you deeply.
“Seems like Luke’s really hit it off huh,?” Trevor’s voice cut through the hum of the party, his tone playful yet pointed as he caught your fixed gaze and gave a teasing nudge.
“Yeah, looks like it,” you found yourself responding, striving for indifference even as you couldn’t tear your eyes away. You weren’t sure why, but the observation felt like it lodged itself in your chest.
Jack’s laughter soon joined in, bright and unaware of the subtle tension you felt. He slapped your shoulder genially, “Luke’s always been a charmer. Who’s the lucky lady this time?”
You attempted a noncommittal shrug, trying to shake off the knot forming inside. “No idea.”
“This is nice isn’t it,” Jack's voice cut through the comfortable hum of the city. The sun was shining, pouring its warmth over Jersey City, a gentle breeze complemented the heat perfectly.
The sun was shining, it was warm outside accompanied with a gentle comfortable breeze. It was a great day in Jersey city. 
As you wandered through the city with Jack, it felt like old times, just the two of you. His excitement was contagious, sparking a lightness that you had been missing for too long.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. And we live together,” he joked playfully nudging you, but you could sense the underlying truth in his words – he genuinely missed these moments together. 
And he was right; it had been a while. The efforts you’d put into avoiding Luke eventually affected Jack as well, as the two of them shared basically the same schedule. You didn’t want to tell him the truth, that you were avoiding luke and then possibly having to explain why. 
“Yeah, I’ve missed this, it’s just that I've been drowning in school work lately.” It was a bad excuse, but it was the best and most realistic you could come up with.
Deciding to take advantage of the beautiful weather, you suggested heading to one of your favorite cafes. The idea of soaking up some sun while catching up seemed perfect. Once you found a spot in the outdoor seating area, you offered to go in and order for the two of you. By the time you returned with two coffees, the dynamic at your table had unexpectedly changed. Two additional figures were now seated beside Jack, their curls a dead giveaway – you recognised those curls anywhere. A sigh escaped your lips as Jack, beaming with enthusiasm, gestured towards them. “Hey, Y/N! Look who I found!” The two ‘curlyheads’ turned to face you, John and Luke greeting you with smiles, with Luke’s carrying his signature, teasing smirk.
Reluctantly, you settled into the chair next to Jack, putting up your best efforts to remain composed, polite, and NOT awkward. The conversation flowed effortlessly, but you, you remained quiet. Occasionally offering a nod and a brief reply. Your eyes shifted between John and Jack, effectively avoiding Luke, as if by ignoring Luke, you could somehow make the situation less complicated.
Eventually, John and Luke made their casual exit. You managed a tight smile and a polite wave, holding on to the facade of composure until they were out of sight. The moment they were gone, Jack’s attention snapped back to you, his brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity. “Why were you acting so weird?” 
Suddenly, the cafe’s cozy outdoor setting felt more like an interrogation room, and you were in the spotlight.
“Wha-what do you mean,” your voice wavered despite the smile you plastered on. “I wasn’t being weird.” you countered, hoping the denial sounded more convincing to his ears than it did to yours.
Jack’s eyes widened in shock, as if he had just cracked the code. The revelation seemed to knock him off balance, almost sending him tumbling from his chair. “Oh my god,” he whispered, a mix of genuine shock and amusement in his voice, as a chuckle broke free. “You’re sleeping with John, aren’t you?” 
A wave of relief washed over you at his misinterpretation. I mean it's better than to tell him about Luke, right? In the end Jack is still his older brother, and you couldn’t risk jeopardizing your friendship with Jack, even if whatever was going on with Luke meant something.
Caught between the fear of losing your closest friend and the chaos of the moment, you found yourself nodding along before the word “yes” tumbled out. And now, you possibly just made your situation even worse.
Once again, you found yourself at a bar with Jack and his teammates. The night a farewell toast before everyone dispersed for the off-season. The bar buzzed with a contagious mix of laughter and the clinking of glasses, everyone enjoying each other's company before leaving. Throughout the evening, you’d successfully avoided both Luke and John, navigating the minefield of awkward encounters. You also may have indulged in a few too many drinks to steady your nerves. 
Finding yourself back at the bar for yet another round of liquid courage, you sensed someone approaching. Turning, it wasn’t Luke’s familiar curls, but John’s. You managed a somewhat forced smile as he settled down beside him. “Hey Y/N having fun?” he asked, his smile was radiating, infectious. 
You nervously accepted your drink as it arrived, taking a sip that was perhaps a bit too eager. “Yeah, it’s great hanging out with you guys!” 
An awkward silence fell upon you, filled by only the sounds of your silent sipping your respective drinks. John’s laughter cut through the silence, laughing at the obvious awkward situation, breaking the ice with ease. “Y’know Jack’s been chirping me relentlessly tonight. Mentioning something… interesting, about us.” you groaned, mentally facepalming yourself. 
With a playful gesture, he pointed a finger between the two of you, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. “Did… did we sleep together one night and I forgot?”
“No no no.” you rushed to clarify, flailing your hands around desperate to clear up the situation. John is, of course, handsome, and after a few too many drinks on a night out, it may have happened under other circumstances. You both burst out in laughter at the situation, dissolving any lingering awkwardness.
John dramatically placed a hand over his heart in relief. “Phew, good. Don’t want Luke getting all jealous on me.” your laughter echoed his, agreeing wholeheartedly until his words fully registered – you never mentioned Luke. “What did you say?”
John merely winked and offered a pat on your shoulder before making his exit, leaving you at the bar, more puzzled than ever.
As the evening unfolded, the flow of drinks seemed never-ending, each one blurring into the next until the vibrant energy of the bar felt like a distant hum. Suddenly, you found yourself seated in the passenger side of a car, the light of New Jersey streaking past in a dizzying display. Barely able to keep your eyes open in your drunken state you looked over to the driver's seat – Luke. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be driving,” you slurred. 
“I was sober tonight Y/N. And you… you were way too drunk, we’re going home,” Luke responded. His tone lacked its usual lightness, replaced by a firm blunt response. The drive was engulfed in silence, a tension hanging in the air that even your drunken haze couldn’t miss.
“So, cozying up with John,” Luke remarked, a hint of something indefinable in his tone.
Luke had seen you at the bar. His voice carried a weight, similar to the unease you felt when you saw him with that girl at Jack’s birthday. 
Words failed you as you tried to respons, a string of incoherent mumbles and half-words coming out of your mouth. You felt like you were burning up, put on the spot, panicking. “Trying to make me jealous?” You blinked in shock at his question. There was no hint of anger in Luke’s voice; instead, he sounded amused. You could almost feel his smirk.
As you finally mustered up the courage to face him, there it was – that infuriating, captivating smirk. Part of you wanted to punch it off his face, yet another part was inexplicably drawn to it. “I… I wasn’t…” you stuttered, struggling to articulate your thoughts. Luke let out a soft chuckle, his hand leaving the steering wheel, landing comfortably on your thigh. 
“I’ll admit, I got a bit jealous. But i know John wouldn’t do that to me,” he said, giving you a gentle squeeze. You were totally lost. Luke was jealous? Why? You weren’t trying to make him jealous. Your intentions had been the polar opposite – you were trying to avoid him. And here you were, alone, in the car, with Luke. 
“And I know you wouldn’t do that either. You’re too charmed by me, aren’t you.” The car came to a stop, you were outside the apartment. Luke finally turned to meet your gaze. His question hung in the air, you didn’t know what to say. You weren’t interested in Luke, at all. You were just confused, right?
 “Is that the reason why you’ve been avoiding me?” His words struck a nerve, he knew. He knew, that you’d been in fact avoiding him. You found yourself locked in his gaze, unable to pry your eyes away from his. Luke didn’t look away either, it was as if he was uncovering every secret, exploring every inch of you with his eyes.
In a swift, almost breathless moment, he leaned over, his lips finding yours. The kiss caught you by surprise, yet the thought of pulling away never crossed your mind. Instead, you found yourself surrendering – melting into the warmth of his lips. Your hand instinctively found its way to his curls, fingers weaving through them, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss.
You were moving in perfect sync.
His hand reached out, unlatching your seatbelt, freeing your from its restraint. With an ease of urgency, you climbed over the midconsole, never losing the precious contact between the two of you. 
His hands found their way to your hips, finger pressing into the soft fabric of your clothes, pulling you even closer. Arching your back at the contact, your clothed core merely inches away from him, only your clothes separating you. Intoxication swept over you, but it wasn’t the alcohol swirling through your veins that left you dizzy – it was Luke. it was the touch of his hands roaming around your body, the feeling of his lips on yours, it was him. And you needed more. Your hands seemed to take on a life of their own, grasping at his shoulders, tugging at his curls, wrapping around his neck – anything to be closer to Luke. 
Lost in the moment, straddling Luke in the drivers seat as you deepened the kiss. His hands on your hips, pulling you closer as you grind against him, feeling him harden beneath you. The friction was maddening, and you could feel yourself growing wetter by the second.
You simply couldn’t help yourself. 
With a groan, Luke pulls away, leaving you both gasping for air. But the respite is short-lived as you felt Luke’s fingers grazing your inner thigh, sending shivers up your spine. He hooked his fingers under the edge of your panties, pulling them to the side. You bit down on your lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape as he slips inside, his fingers finding your clit with ease. 
But you can’t, you’d been wanting this, needing this, needing him. Needing Luke.
You let out a soft moan, giving yourself over to the feeling of his fingers exploring your most sensitive area. At first, Luke’s fingers moved in small, teasing circles, bareuly brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, just watching you fall apart on top of him. 
In the haze of pleasure, you found yourself drawn to Luke’s eyes. They were dark, intense, however, there was a hint of care, and maybe even love, taking in every moment of your reaction to his touch. 
You couldn’t look away if you tried. Trapped in his gaze, the car filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing and whimpers – you didn’t want to escape.
Luke’s eyes never left yours, watching with rapt attention as your breath hitched in your throat. Your face flushed, eyes closed tight, feeling the pressure building inside you. Luke’s fingers sped up, pressing harder against your clit. 
Suddenly, your vision faded, the orgasm tearing through you like a wildfire, your body shaking with the force of your release.
Collapsing on top of him, your breath coming in short, sharp, gasp as you tried to catch your breath. Luke pushed away the mess of your hair, gently caressing your chin, tilting your face so you could meet his gaze. He was smiling, not the usual shit eating smirk, but smiling with genuine care and affection.
What just happened?
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sunkissed-zegras · 3 months
shower sex with luke hughes help
✮ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, lh⁴³
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♡ ─ word count | 1k
♡ ─ warnings | NSFW under the cut! unedited (no one is surprised) unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it kids), p in v action, pretty vanilla lol, jack being a cockblock HA
♡ ─ taglist | @dancerbailey3 @valluvsu @daisysnhl @dasiysthings @iminlovewithtz11 @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvleyzoe @bowen-power @ru-kru @jackhughesily @hearts-for-luke
♡ ─ ev's notes | i haven't written a full blown smut in a while i hope i'm still good at it LMAO, hope y'all will enjoy!!! also requests are open so PLEASE SEND THEM IN! ya girl is trying to get out of a really bad writing rut rn :((
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The warm water was rolling down the curves of your body as you relaxed, feeling all the stress from the week running down the drain with the water. Your fingers worked themselves into your scalp as you washed your hair with your coconut scented shampoo, washing it thoroughly.
You were too engrossed with washing your hair, you didn't hear the bathroom door open and close swiftly. You heard the glass bathroom door open and quickly turned around to face your boyfriend, who had invited himself into the shower.
"Hey," Luke spoke casually as his racked down your body, not even trying to hide his smirk. His eyes took in every curve of your body, feeling his face warm up in the process. "How was your day?"
You laughed at how casual he was acting, despite being in the shower. But you didn't really care, you had missed him. "Busy. How was yours?"
You nodded, sighing.
"Maybe I can help with that?" He answered smoothly, the smirk evident in his expression as you laughed. He looked down at you, his eyes focusing on you and your body. Despite your bashful expression, you couldn't help but feel your stomach twist in desire as you gazed up at your boyfriend.
It had been a while since you two had sex with your busy schedules, the only downside to being adults. And you weren't busy, Jack was always around being a cockblock, which both of you hated.
"I'd love that," you answered, breathlessly as he smirked down at you. He instantly leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, taking your face in his hand. The kiss was gentle but very needy but it escalated into a sloppy make-out session as the water dripped down both your bodies.
Luke's hands wandered further down, clasping your neck in an attempt to bring you closer. You let out a moan into the kiss as he pushed you against the tile, taking control of the kiss.
"Been thinking about you all day, Y/N." Luke's lips traveled down to your chin and then to your neck, planting harsh kisses everywhere. Your eyes shut in pleasure, as you let him touch you. "Couldn't focus because of you, princess. All 'cus of you."
Your mind had turned into mush the moment he started sucking on your sensitive spot on your neck, a nasty moan coming out of your mouth. All you could think of was Luke, Luke, Luke.
His hands then grabbed your hips, pushing them closer to his. Your arms naturally crossed around his shoulders as he came up to give you a rough kiss, his hands bruising on your hips.
The water was still running as he pulled your legs up, crossing at his hips. "I missed you so much, baby."
"Missed you too." You responded breathlessly as he pulled you into another kiss. One of his hands travelled down to your soaking cunt, his fingers teasing.
Your back arched against the tile as he kept touching your cunt, but careful not to enter. He was teasing and both of you knew it, you hated it. "Fuck Luke, come on."
"What? I wanna take my time with you baby, is that such a crime?" He spoke and you could feel his smirk against your neck as he kept playing with cunt.
You whined as he kept leaving teasing touches on your cunt before he finally entered one long, slim finger in you. Your whole body jolted at that, clenching around his finger. He kept it there for a few seconds before he began thrusting it in and out, slowly.
"Luke, please." You whined, his pace was slow and excruciating, you hated it.
"Please what?"
You hated when he did this, but you knew it made the O better. "Just fuck me, Luke."
He let out a laugh before he stopped completely, taking his finger out of your sticky core. Before you could complain, you felt him push in his tip inside your cunt slowly. Your back arched in response, your head falling back on tile from the pleasure. He was only a quarter in and you felt so full, he was so big.
He stretched you out so well, you felt like your head was in the clouds. As he bottomed you out, you felt like your whole body was on fire. You loved how well he filled you up, it was like he was made for you.
Your arms hung off Luke's shoulders as his hands were still holding on to your hips as he began thrusting in and out of you, slowly at first. But you knew that pace wouldn't last. Before you knew it, Luke was fucking you into the wall as you held onto to his shoulders for dear life.
"Luke!" you cried out as he kept his pace brutal and quick, just like you liked. His head fell on your forehead as he kept pounding into you, your whole body shaking with each thrust.
You felt the familiar burning sensation in your lower stomach as he kept his pace and you knew you were close. Your walls clenched around Luke's cock, he moaned at that. You were so tight and so warm, he loved how you felt.
He moved one hand from your hip and went down to your clit, rubbing the nub as he kept fucking into you. Both sensations made you cry out in utter pleasure, your whole body began twitching. The knot was getting tighter and tighter and finally, it snapped. Your moan echoed throughout the bathroom, your vision blurring momentarily as Luke chased his own high. His hips snapped against yours roughly, fucking you through your orgasm.
And before you knew it, he was spilling his seed into you. You both breathed heavily, trying to regain your composure after that. But before neither of you could say anything, you heard some knocking on the door.
"Could you guys fuck quieter please, I'm trying to take a nap." Jack's voice was muffled on the other side of the door as he spoke. Luke immediately let out an agitated sigh.
"Jesus Christ." Luke mumbled before he continued, "Whatever dude, go back to sleep."
"Are you guys using protection or am I gonna be an uncle soon?" Jack teased before you and Luke let out annoyed groans.
"Go back to bed!" You both shouted in union.
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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sweetestdesire · 11 days
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WARNINGS: absolutely none. Just some pure, sweet content.
PAIRING(S): Luke Hughes x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: in which Fem!Reader wakes up Luke Hughes to confess her love.
“Hey.” Y/N poked Luke’s chest, hearing a low groan rumble underneath her cheek. “Luke?” She shoved his chest, making him groan as his arms tightened around her. His upper body was bare, and the warm skin against hers felt like home, but it was simply not enough to have her go to sleep. “Luke, wake up. C’mon.” She insisted, and he huffed, cracking an eye open and glaring at her through a squinted and sleep-hazed gaze.
“What?” Oh, he sounded a little tired. Maybe she should’ve let him sleep.
“You awake?” Y/N asked him, anyway.
“I am now.” He mumbled. Well, he was already awake, so she might as well indulge in it now. “Need something, baby?”
“Just missed you is all.” Y/N pouted. Hearing that made him grin despite the way he yawned, all wide and smooth even as he fought the sleep in his eyes. She felt just a bit guilty, reaching to cup his cheek and running a thumb over his eyelid carefully.
“Yeah?” Luke chuckled quietly. “I’m right here. You still miss me?”
“Yeah.” Y/N whispered. “I always miss you, even when you’re right here.”
Luke was grinning into her cheek as he leaned down and pressed a wet kiss to the skin. He couldn’t possibly be mad that she’d waken him up so late. He couldn’t be mad when it was her, and it was him, and it was each other. Sleep could wait, there was always time for that later. But there was never a moment where he wanted to risk counting on later when it came to her.
“What’d you miss about me?” Luke hummed, nibbling on her earlobe as his head buried into her neck.
Y/N shifted, letting his body tuck against hers as her arms wrapped around him. He felt safe like this, somehow. Infinity didn’t make him feel nearly as secure as the way her arms did, tight and warm and made just for holding him. “I don’t know.” She murmured. “Everything.”
“Love me that much?” He asked cheekily. “Me sleeping right beside you just isn’t enough?”
“No.” Y/N huffed. “You can’t pay attention to me in your sleep.”
Smiling softly, he pressed delicate kisses to her cheeks before connecting her lips, humming into the kiss as his hand rubbed up her spine. “My needy baby.” Luke snickered, rubbing circles into the small of her back with his large palm.
Luke was warm against her, she could feel the rhythm of his heart as it beat against her body. He was pressed so close to her, that not even air could slip through the cracks. Truthfully, she didn’t know why she woke Luke. She didn’t know why she couldn’t sleep, she just knew that she needed him more and more and even more.
“Luke?” Y/N asked quietly, making him hum as his eyes drooped back shut slowly. He must really be tired.
Y/N stared at him fondly, stroking his curls as he sighed happily at the feeling, and then she pressed a kiss to his forehead, to his cheek, to the corner of his eyes where they crinkle when he smiles, and to those lips of his that always found hers no matter how long it took. He always came back to her. Always. He never wouldn’t, that much she trusted.
“Got something on your mind, baby?” Luke asked slowly, voice thick with sleep. She giggled, scratching at his scalp as he smiled lightly. He was dozing off and she was watching him, hopelessly endeared.
“I love you.” Y/N whispered. “I need you to know that. I love you so, so much.”
Luke cracked an eye open, staring at her like she was the reason his heart ever started beating, like she was the only one that could ever command it to stop. Every inch of his face was laced with love so gentle, she could see the way it made his skin glow. She loved him. She was sure he loved her. That was all she needed to know it’ll be fine. Everything else was an afterthought, just as long as she had Luke.
“Woke me just to confess your love for me?” Luke gasped. “You’re down bad. Real, real bad. I must be a super handsome, totally awesome boyfriend. I do try, you know.” He said cheekily.
Y/N giggled, rolling her eyes as she pinched his cheek. “Be humble, you jerk.” She said exasperatedly. It sounded more like she was in love, too much fondness slipping into her voice that it might make her teeth hurt from how sweet. Luke’s always had a sweet tooth, though. He accepted her love graciously, like it was never too much. In fact, it might just not be enough. He needed more.
“Can’t.” Luke said slowly, yawning again. “You waking me up just to love me is a bit ego boosting.”
“This was a mistake.” Y/N scoffed. It was playful, and it was fond. It sounded like deeply falling headfirst.
“Awe, c’mon.” Luke pouted, and then he was brushing his lips against her neck a he clung closer to her, curling into her body with his six-foot-something stature as she pulled the blanket tighter around him. “I love you, too. What was it you said again? Oh, right. So, so much.”
“Good.” Y/N hummed, nodding in satisfaction. “You better.”
“I do.” He chuckled. “Can I sleep now? Or are we gonna start talking about all the things we love about each other? Because I can stay up to listen to that, of course.”
“Go to sleep, you idiot.” Y/N scoffed. He grinned, and she pressed one last kiss to his forehead as she counted the soft breaths he took while he fell back asleep. She loved him, and it was all she ever wanted to do.
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eyesthatroll · 7 months
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pairing luke hughes x fem!reader
summary a late night at home with luke
warning(s) fluff, allusion/mention of smut (barely detailed), not sure what else
word count 1.1k
authors note this piece of writing for luke is probably my favorite i’ve ever written. i truly hope you all enjoy it as much as i do, and as always, any reblogs or constructive criticism is always appreciated <3 — mari
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Your fingers navigated the intricate landscape of Luke's curls, a delicate dance that involved caressing the wild tangles, and occasionally tugging at the ends, your nails gently tracing across his scalp. Each pass of your fingertips sent shivers down his spine, evoking soft, contented sighs from him that whispered against your skin. He rested atop you, almost as if he'd melded with your form, his lean legs sprawled languidly over yours, the weight of his body a comforting anchor. His strong arms encircled your waist, offering both a sense of security and profound connection, radiating a warmth that permeated through your skin and enveloped your core. His head had found its sanctuary on your chest, rising and falling in perfect synchrony with your exhaled breaths and rhythm of your heartbeat.
As he drifted deeper into slumber, light snores occasionally escaped his parted lips, an endearing reminder of his peaceful surrender to rest. The muted tones of Sportscenter played softly in the background, an unobtrusive soundtrack to your shared moment, its distant glow casting a soft, blueish hue across your cozy space. You watch the screen with detached interest, not particularly invested in the broadcast, but unwilling to disrupt the stillness of the moment by searching for the remote, which had become an inconsequential trinket in this oasis of tranquility, where the world outside now ceased to matter.
Luke had made an impromptu visit to your apartment a few hours ago, his face illuminated by the glow of victory after his team's hard-fought win against the Rangers. The game had been a grueling, high-stakes battle that culminated in a rousing 6-5 overtime victory. You had been engrossed in the game on your laptop, the backdrop to your frantic efforts to complete some last-minute schoolwork.
As you watched, your heart had soared with pride for the boys on the ice, but it was Luke who had truly captured your admiration. He had been a standout player, netting a crucial goal and tallying four points in total. The achievement had warmed your heart to its core, but what had touched you even more was his choice to celebrate this victory with you. Rather than joining his teammates for a night out at the bar, he had chosen the intimacy of your company, a gesture that spoke volumes about the way he truly felt about you.
Together, you began the lovely task of preparing his favorite meal, fettuccine alfredo. As the savory aroma of the sauce filled the kitchen, the two of you effortlessly slipped into your own enchanting world. Lost in each other's gaze, you began a spontaneous slow dance to the soulful notes of 'Dijon's "Skin," which played softly through your speaker. You melted into his comforting touch, finding solace in the circle of his arms as you both moved gracefully, an intimate dance within the confines of your small kitchen. His chin rested tenderly atop your head, and in that fleeting moment, you yearned for time to stand still, allowing you to exist forever within this embrace. In this singular instance, worries and work faded away, leaving only the idyllic essence of your love, encapsulated in the gentle sway of your bodies to the sweet strains of a love ballad.
The soft glow of the living room provided a warm ambience, while Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift played quietly on the television. As the two of you indulged in your meals, Luke explained some of the inner workings of tonights game during the commercials, giving you an added appreciation for how arduous the win truly was. You couldn't help but appreciate the way his eyes lit up as he spoke of his teammates' accomplishments, his humility shining through as he downplayed his own success from the night.
It didn't take long before the chemistry between you two grew palpable, and the desire became irresistible. You eventually abandoned the living room for the intimacy of your bedroom, eager to express your deep affection for each other in the tender embrace of the tangled sheets beneath your duvet.
Tonight was a celebration of him, and the man he was. You desired to cater to him, to convey your adoration not through mere words but through actions. To show how proud you were of him and and how deeply your love for him ran.
The sex was lazy and passionate, you doing most of the work as his energy was waning. He planted soft, wet kisses on your neck as you rode him through his orgasm, his soft whimpering of your name prompting your own release. You fell on top of him with a quiet moan, and his hands reached against your back, massaging the sweat stricken skin as he murmured praises into your ear.
The two of you shared a quick shower, washing away the temporary evidence of the heartfelt night you'd shared. You pampered him with your skincare routine, caring for his skin as well as your own. And after brushing your teeth side by side, you both retreated back to the comfort of your bed.
Luke now stirs on top of you, his eyes slowly fluttering open, only to squint in response to the sudden intrusion of light emanating from the television, which now displayed a random informercial.
"I can't believe you're still awake," Luke rasps, his voice a husky mumble from the brink of slumber. His gaze remains fixed on your intertwined bodies, not lifting to meet your eyes. Slipping his hand under your shirt, his fingers trace aimless patterns on your stomach, a gentle and affectionate touch in the quiet intimacy of the night.
A soft smile graces your lips. "I like to watch you sleep."
He snorts, and you feel the rumble of his laughter resonate through his chest against your body. "Such a creep," he teases, his voice filled with fondness.
An involuntary yawn escapes your lips, and as you turn to glance at the alarm clock on your bedside table, your eyes widen at the time displayed – two am. Had you really been laying here, running your hands through Luke's hair for an hour and a half?
He rises from his sprawled position on top of you, unfolding his frame with a contented stretch. His bare feet meet the cool, unforgiving embrace of the hardwood floor with a soft thud as he ambles towards the bathroom. In the dim light, you seize the moment to search beneath the tangled sheets for the TV remote, waiting until Luke returns, before extinguishing the screen.
Another yawn escapes from your lips, marking the shift in positions as Luke draws you close against his chest. Nestling into his side, you're serenaded by the gentle metre of his heartbeat, its soothing echo resonating in your ear.
"Go to sleep, baby, I know you're tired."
You hum in response, finally content with allowing your eyes to close.
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diorsluv · 15 days
infrunami (lh⁴³)
❝ in which you’ve always been in love with your childhood best friend, but he would always be the right person at the wrong time ❞
wc: 5.8k
warnings: god there’s so much angst, reader is kinda inconsistent, mentions of blood/injury, mutual pining, idiots in love, running away from “rejection”, reader is touchy with jack and besties with quinn, no use of y/n, if i missed any lmk!!
notes ) when i tell you this took me WEEKS and WEEKS just to compile a simple 5k fic.. i think it’s kinda obvious where i stopped and started back up but i tried to blend it in as best i could!! this will be a two parter simply because i was draining myself trying to drag it on, so stay tuned (might take a while)! AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST thank you to my wonderful, amazing, supportive wife @dior-roses for beta reading this (i was terrified)
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As a kid, you always moved wherever the Hughes moved—it was something about the bond between your fathers that couldn’t keep your families apart for more than a week. Regardless of how many times you moved, you never felt alone. You and Luke were in the same grade, and Quinn and Jack were always looking out for you two, so isolation was never a concern for you.
Although you were inseparable with Luke, Quinn had always been your best friend. The four-year age difference between the two of you was almost invisible, and throughout your youth, you would always find yourself in his room, staring at the ceiling as you talked about everything. 
You would tell him about your silly school girl crushes, and he would ramble to you about hockey and all the petty drama that happened around him. In fact, he was the reason you learned hockey in the first place. Your father could never keep your attention on the sport for over five minutes, but the way Quinn talked about it so lovingly was what motivated you to step on the ice. 
Your love for hockey spurred your relationship with not only Quinn, but also Luke and Jack, to grow closer than ever. Every day in school, you and Luke would gush about the games you had watched the night prior, and every day after school, all four of you would head off to practice for your respective club teams. If you weren’t already inseparable from the way your families were bound together by an invisible rope, then you were forever connected through hockey. 
You quit after a few years to pursue more academic routes, but the sport never left your spirit. There were many occasions where the boys would refuse to play if you weren’t there, simply because your presence was the only thing to motivate them to get on the ice, especially if they were having a bad week.
Somehow, though, along the way, you caught feelings. Feelings that were far too heavy to have just surfaced from the depths of your heart. No, what you felt for Luke seemed to have always been creeping just between the line of what was certain and what was unknown. There was no other explanation as to why you couldn’t handle being in the same room as him without being on the verge of exploding. There was no other reason as to why you could spend months on end with either of his brothers but couldn’t last one minute sitting beside him. 
As soon as you came to that revelation, you were done for. It was over. You would rather die than acknowledge the feelings you caught for the boy that had been by your side since you were born. Because of that, you spent all your time with your best friend and his younger brother, and both your families sensed the shift as soon as it happened.
Especially Luke.
Oh, the poor boy, his heart dropped into his stomach when he realized you were avoiding him. You held your breath every time he stepped into the same room as you, let alone when he tried to stand remotely close to you. You diverted your attention away from him as much as you could, and the boy you once knew as your other half now seemed to be universes away. 
It was your doing, but in a way, it was his. How dare he make you fall for him? It wasn’t fair. Not to you, and definitely not to him. It wasn’t fair how he could make you fold in seconds with the way he looked at you from the other side of the room but simultaneously have a girl wrapped around his arm trying to take all his attention away from you. He was the only boy on your mind, but he always managed to push you to the darkest parts of his brain, putting you on hold when the more important girls were right in front of him. 
If only you knew. 
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Quinn bounded down the stairs of your lake house, which was conveniently right next to the Hughes’, with an old framed photo in his hand. “Hah! I was right!” His exclamations took your attention away from the pasta you were cooking as you now turned to his self-righteous figure. “You would never let go of that stupid plushie.”
The two of you were arguing over what (and who) you were and were not inseparable with just prior to his search for the picture, and he claimed there were multiple photos of you hugging your favorite Elmo plushie. There was a mutual agreement that Luke was one of the things—or rather, people—you couldn’t fathom to be away from, but neither you nor Quinn had to verbally confirm it. There was no need. 
And, to be completely honest, Quinn had barely spoken about his youngest brother throughout the time you’d been spending at the lake houses. A few years back, you had reluctantly told him how you felt about Luke, and ever since then, he’d made it his mission to make you feel the most comfortable you could possibly be whilst sharing a connected lake house with the boy you’ve loved since you were children. The eldest saw the way you tensed up when you recognized his brother’s footsteps creaking down the stairs when it came time to eat breakfast, and he sure as hell saw the way your eyes blew wide whenever you accidentally made contact with him. 
It scared you how much Quinn seemed to notice about you, especially since he and his brothers were all busy with their demanding careers that left little to no time to be tending to some childhood friend who was stuck with a crush on the most recently debuted boy. Yes, he was still your best friend (that much hadn’t changed since your childhood), but all you could do was FaceTime each other, and even then, it was difficult to find time. It was the same with Jack; sometimes, they would be too tired for practice; other times, they would be exhausted from a home game and possibly frustrated had they lost; and most of the time, they weren’t even home, so the time difference, albeit miniscule, was still difficult to navigate considering you were a busy person too. 
That meant that you met up as much as you could and you stuck by each other’s side until you were forced apart by the demands of being a professional hockey player. All that time together when you were younger meant you struggled to be without each other as you got older—maybe your parents should’ve realized that, but then again, it was probably their intention. 
“Okay, I did let go of it. Multiple times, actually,” you refuted with a small frown, the expression on your face practically meaningless as your best friend laughed. It only egged him on further, evoking a complaint from your lips. “Quinn! It’s not funny!” 
“I mean, it kinda is.” He struggled to stifle his laughter as he rounded the kitchen island to stand beside you. Your hand mindlessly dragged the wooden spoon through the soft noodles floating around in the boiling hot water, and he wondered how your skin wasn’t burning. Gently removing your hand from the utensil and replacing it with his own, the eldest Hughes boy continued his teasing once he looked at your still-upset face. “You’re such a kid sometimes, you know that?”
Your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head in annoyance. Quinn always said that to you. Always. He never failed to address you as ‘kid,’ and no matter what you did, he always managed to bring it back to how you ‘were such a kid.’ You huffed, “You’re so fucking annoying, Quinny. I’m gonna go piss off Jack. Keep cooking, and if you burn the house down, you’re paying for all of it.” 
“You’re forgetting I’m a millionaire.” His laughter filled your ears once again, and your only response was the finger you lifted at him over your shoulder.
After walking out of the kitchen of your own lake house, you took a few strides over to the sliding doors that led to the connected portion of your two homes. Your father and Jim had built it together, way back when all four of you were far too young to understand what normal lake houses were supposed to look like. It was essentially a screened-in sunroom overlooking the absolute beauty of a lake out front. They managed to hook up a large, flat-screen television on the wall, throwing a couple bean bag chairs and a rug into the room. The rest of the furnishing was left completely up to you and the Hughes brothers, so the furniture would change up every few visits. 
Oftentimes, you would find Luke there, just sitting against the one wall that had a bit of a bump-out. He liked the way it felt against his back, like it actually supported him compared to the fluffy chairs that laid in the middle of the room. Whether he be on his phone, playing video games, or reading a book that was required for summer class, he would always be in the sunroom. The floor directly before the bump-out was much more worn compared to the rest of the room, the discolored wood showing just how often the youngest Hughes would find himself in the confines of the area.
There were many times when Luke would flee to the sunroom in his times of need, wanting to be alone with his thoughts. If anyone were to try to enter the room and speak to him, he wouldn’t respond. He would only ever talk to you. You were the one and only person to talk him out of his thoughts, the only one who could convince him to leave the room. Those nights were comprised of him refusing to leave your bed and whining if you got up in the middle of the night. 
You missed it. 
But you weren’t kids anymore. And, again, it was your fault you weren’t close anymore. You deliberately distanced yourself from him. 
After pulling yourself away from your own thoughts, you tugged the Hughes’ sliding door open, the smell of freshly grilled shrimp welcoming you into the cozy house.
“Hey, sweetie,” Ellen’s soothing voice called out to you, smiling at you from her place at the kitchen sink. “How’s the pasta going?” The sound of the running water could barely be heard over the hockey game playing on the television, your father entertaining Jim and his youngest son with light chirps towards the losing team. 
You could feel Luke’s eyes set on you. Shrugging, you replied, “I told Quinny to take over and not burn the house down.” 
This was a regular occurrence whenever you came back to the lake for the break. You, your mother and Ellen would split up the food duties so that there was a lot of food but didn’t take too much time to cook everything. Quinn and Jack would help out a bit, but they would only ever take on the physical tasks. Luke used to help out when you were children, but ever since the distance you wedged between the two of you, he stopped helping out as much. 
You looked around for Jack, trying your hardest to avoid Luke’s gaze in your search for his older brother. Ellen had now returned to her cooking, and the fathers were too invested in their conversation for you to intervene. Your eyes were darting everywhere but at your ex-best friend, and as soon as you made eye contact, you couldn’t look away.
It was too difficult.
It was so stupid.
It wasn’t fair. 
His hazel eyes were too pretty. The way he looked at you made it hard to deny him the satisfaction of giving him attention. He looked at you like you hung the stars and the moon, but you couldn’t see that. You were blinded by your abundance of self-deprecating thoughts to notice. 
“Hey,” he mumbled, voice being drowned out due to the other activities occurring throughout the house. You mouthed the same word back, fighting the urge to walk over to him and apologize for avoiding him, apologize for distancing yourself from the one person you know you could never live without. If you allowed yourself to break, you would never forgive yourself. He doesn’t like you back, you told yourself. You can’t embarrass yourself.
So, instead of going with your heart, you went with your brain and made your way upstairs. If Jack wasn’t downstairs, then he had to have been upstairs doing God knows what. 
“Jack?” You called out, running your hand along the railing of the staircase once you neared the top. 
“In here!” His muffled voice came through the door to his bedroom, and you’ve seen him in enough compromising positions to the point where you couldn’t even be bothered to pretend to be cautious. Once you opened the door, you were met with four gazes planted straight on you. You suddenly felt exposed despite your thick pajamas and only felt some sort of reassurance when you found Jack’s eyes. “Look who finally came up here!”
All four boys sat on Jack’s bed with controllers in their hands, the game on the TV now paused as their attention focused solely on you. You knew Trevor, Alex, and Cole, but you hadn’t seen them in so long that it felt awkward. “Oh, uh, hey. Quinn’s probably gonna burn my house down and I didn’t wanna be down there with Lukey, so,” you trailed off, pursing your lips. 
“You’re still on that?” Alex questioned with furrowed eyebrows, placing the controller in his lap. You cocked your head to the side, not quite understanding what the boy was talking about. He continued, “I thought you got over him, like, months ago.”
Right. You had forgotten all about your accidental drunk confession the last time Jack’s friends were over. Last summer, your revelation was fresh on your mind, and you and Luke were still as inseparable as ever. His friends had also visited the lake house at the same time everyone else was staying over, so it made for a ton of chaos and little to no privacy. 
Luke and his friends had left the house to go out, and for the first time, you stayed behind. Trevor and Cole were sitting at the fire pit outside, beers in their hands as they discussed the upcoming camps they were to attend. You were on your fifth drink, and although Jack was keeping an eye on you, he hadn’t noticed how you had accidentally walked into the bathroom while Alex was in the process of throwing up. 
In the midst of your tipsy daze and the fact that it just so happened to be Luke’s bathroom, you called out for him. “Luke? Is that you? You know I’m always telling you not to drink that much, stupid.” You used your foot to shut the door behind you as you placed your drink onto the counter. 
Alex, confused but sobering up, looked up at you with puffy eyes. Only then did he notice how you were much more than tipsy. 
Your gaze was blurry and your words were beginning to slur, “If I didn’t like you so much, maybe I would be more mad at you. I don’t know why I like you, anyway. You’re always being so stupid, ‘cause you can’t see that all those girls are only ever using you for your brother or your body. They’re so mean. And I’m your best friend, not them! You always ditch me when you find another girl, and then they say shit about me behind my back. I don’t like them. What do you even see in them? God, what do I even see in you?
“My stomach hurts. I think I’m thinking about this too much. Or maybe I’m thinking about you too much. I hate you so much, Lukey, but I can’t ever hate you. You’re too pretty. This is so unfair and my head is pounding. Oh, God, I’m gonna throw up. Move over.” After your little monologue, which was definitely not directed towards the person on the receiving end, you were quick to fall to the ground beside the toilet and dip your head past the ceramic seat. 
Alex brought his right hand up to flush the toilet so you didn’t accidentally stuff your face in a load of his vomit, using his other hand to rub soothing circles on your back. “‘m not Luke, but you’re safe with me.” He continued his motions throughout the five-minute duration of your illness, bringing his hand up to massage your head once you were sure you were done.
Your head was pounding and your ears began to ring, but you were visibly more sober compared to how you were a few minutes ago. Barely able to lift your head, you thanked your friend with a weak smile.
He only returned your expression and brought you up to your feet, leading you out of the restroom and towards Jack’s room. It obviously wasn’t the best option to bring you to Luke’s room, albeit being the default room after a long night, so his older brother’s bedroom would have to do. 
Alex laid you down onto the mattress and tucked you in, lightly patting your cheek as you thanked him once more. He only chuckled and squeezed your hand reassuringly, “Anytime.”
And then you were left alone in the confines of Jack’s room.
You chuckled awkwardly at the memory, shaking your head in response. “Nope. Still on it.” Your hands brought themselves up to your thighs, rubbing your palms against your thick pants in an attempt to wipe away the tension in the room.
Trevor and Cole were aware of your feelings as well; you were sure everyone in the house knew. They only shot you sympathetic smiles, their priorities set on finishing the NHL 23 game plastered all over the screen. 
“I’m sure you’ll get over it.”
“We believe in you.”
Their words, no offense, meant nothing to you. They were great people to hang around, but they weren’t the best guys to turn to when you were in a time of need, especially since you weren’t very close to them. They had their own issues that didn’t concern you, and your issues were ever so far from their minds.
After a few beats of silence, the mood of the room began to slowly eat away at you. If you were to open your mouth and bite down, you might as well have taken a chunk out of the thick tension lingering in the room. It was even more awkward knowing that Luke was much closer to them compared to you, and you knew they would let things slip eventually. 
Not that he didn’t already know, though.
The four boys exchanged glances with one another, shrugging in unison before resuming their gameplay. You took it as your cue to stay, seeing as they didn’t seem bothered by your presence, and you were much more comfortable in Jack’s room than you were downstairs. 
Allowing yourself to flop onto the boy’s soft mattress, you fished your phone out from the pocket of your pajama pants, finding solace in the way the friends laughed with each other. You remained like that for about twenty minutes before Jack beckoned you over to the edge of his bed, where he was sitting, to ask you for your opinion on something.
After dishing him your thoughts—which barely seemed to help him—you stayed snug at the foot of the bed, extending your legs out so that they lay atop his. It was one of your more typical positions when spending time with Jack whilst he was playing video games. Whether it be with his friends or with his brothers, you always found yourself comfortably overlapping your limbs with him, and today was no exception. 
You both shuffled around a bit until you found a comfortable position. You sat with your legs resting on his thighs and your head laying on his shoulder; he sat with his forearms resting on your left leg. The others paid no mind to your odd positioning, their minds too preoccupied with the competitiveness flooding through the screen. 
So you stayed like that for a while. For a long while, actually. You only lifted your head when the sound of light knocking echoed against Jack’s door once more, and soon after, you found his youngest brother cracking the door open and peeking through. 
His eyes had yet to land on your figure. “Hey, Mom’s looking for—”
Before he could utter your name, he looked you dead in the eye. 
“Oh.” He went silent for a few seconds, his eyes flickering between you and his brother. Him, of all people, should be the least surprised to see you cuddled up with Jack. “You.”
There was a certain poison in his tone that struck you right where it hurt the most. It was the way he spat through gritted teeth and looked at you with so much indifference. (It was really a façade, but you were too entranced under his gaze to realize that he could never bring himself to hate you.) The whole room seemed to shift uncomfortably with the way the tension flowed between you and Luke. 
No matter how hard you tried to mask your pain and your desperation for him to notice you, you would never be able to hide how you really felt. Not with him. 
“You can tell her I’ll be right down,” you murmured, slowly moving your legs from Jack’s lap, but before you could even finish your sentence, Luke disappeared as quickly as he came. When you looked back in the door frame, all you were met with was a blank wall and the faint image of where the boy stood before.
You could feel Jack lightly pat your thigh, trying his hardest to support you with the little attention he was diverting toward you. With a small sigh, you pushed yourself off the mattress and wiped your palms against the fabric of your pants, reluctantly leaving the room. Alex wished you good luck, but his fleeting words flew straight through one ear and out the other. 
Downstairs, the fathers were still loud as ever, and the sizzling in the kitchen now turned into the delicious aroma of freshly cooked lunch. Quinn’s voice echoed up the staircase, and you could hear how he attempted to entertain his mom as she waited for you to come back down. 
As soon as your feet hit the bottom floor, you could already sense Quinn’s eyes on you. He looked like he was being held hostage, and you could argue that he was begging you for help. He wasn’t the only Hughes boy with his gaze locked on you, but he was the only one you would give attention to.
“Oh, look! Just who you were looking for, Mom,” the eldest boy managed to divert the attention away from him and towards you. You scowled at him just before Ellen turned around, plastering on a smile as you walked towards them.
You gently placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder, “I was just up in Jack’s room. Luke said you were looking for me?”
“Oh, that’s right! Could you grab that fancy set of plates from the cabinet in your house, sweetie? It’s too high to reach for any of us parents, and you know Lukey and Quinn don’t help out with anything anymore,” Ellen spoke, evoking an argument from her oldest son. It only took one glare from her to shut him up, and you couldn’t help but giggle at his complacence. 
You nodded your head with a grin, still fighting more giggles as you swerved past Quinn. He lunged at you, bringing his hands up to your waist as if he was going to tickle you, but you managed to jump just out of his reach before continuing on your journey to grab the plates Ellen wanted. 
Once you made it back into your house, you dragged a chair up to the counter and climbed onto the cushioned seat, opening the cabinet and setting your gaze on the fake fine china. You only grabbed a few at a time, not wanting to break anything in fear of your mother getting mad at you. Eventually, you had gotten down to the last few plates, and once you had them in your hands, you closed the cabinet and stepped down from the chair.
Perhaps you should’ve been more aware of how high you were, because somehow, the bottom plate smashed against the countertop and shattered in your hands, causing you to let out a small scream. The porcelain had broken into small pieces, cutting into your palms, but you managed to place the reset of the plates down before beginning to worry about the amount of cuts you had on your hands. 
“Shit.” You mumbled under your breath, looking at the floor to see how many shards were scattered around the floor. Your only form of protection on the soles of your feet were the fluffy socks you were wearing, and the distance between the pieces was far enough to where you could step past them. 
As soon as you deemed it safe to walk normally, you swiveled on your heel to analyze the messy situation you found yourself in. You definitely should have been more careful, and now you had to clean up all the small plate shards with cuts in your hands. Fuck, your hands were still bleeding, and it hadn’t even occurred to you that it was now dripping down your arms. 
All you could do was stand in place, shock still coursing in your veins. The sink on the island was in the middle of the plate murder, and you didn’t want to risk accidentally stepping on something sharp. Before you could even begin to make your way to the half-bath near the kitchen, you heard footsteps bounding through the sunroom. The glass door slid open far too aggressively—so much so that you thought it would shatter, too—and you assumed it was Quinn coming to check on you.
The plate breaking was loud enough to be heard from the other house, especially with the connected room, but you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal for him. You were usually trustworthy enough to not accidentally hurt yourself, but this was a prime example of how you really weren’t.
You didn’t want any questions to be asked, and because it was Quinn, you knew you would get made fun of before being helped. “Don’t worry—”
“Holy shit, are you okay?” The voice that spoke up was not Quinn. 
Immediately snapping your head around to look at the boy standing there, frozen, your frown contorted into a grimace. “Luke—shit—hey,” you trailed off, unsure of what to say to him. “Uh, yeah, I’m fine, I was just being stupid and—”
“What the fuck happened? You’re gonna bleed out if you don’t wash your hands and wrap them up.” His heavy footsteps inched closer and closer until he was standing right in front of you, taking your forearms into his calloused hands and inspecting how bad your injuries were. “C’mon, we gotta wash this off.” 
Luke led you to the bathroom as if it was his own house, running the tap and allowing the water to get most of the red liquid off your hands before taking a clean towel and gently tapping the rest off. 
He was unbearably gentle with you. You felt ashamed to think of how fast your heart was beating at such a simple gesture; as if him caring about you meant anything except the fact that growing up together meant you both cared for each other when someone was hurt. Sighing to hide your true feelings, you slowly took your hands away from his touch, “Luke, I’m fine. Really. You don’t have to do this.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean? Of course I’m going to clean you up if you hurt yourself.” He immediately took your hands back into his and resumed his actions, quickly grabbing ointment from the cabinet above the toilet. Squeezing out a dollop of the cream, he soothingly rubbed it against your wounds with a focused frown adorning his features.
You took the chance to admire him candidly. He was so worried about you, and it was so cute. He wouldn’t even let you take care of yourself because he wanted to do it for you, and he was so serious about it. You had always thought his focused face was adorable, even when you were kids, but as you grew up, it only got cuter and cuter. Fuck, you were so gone for him.
You hadn’t even realized you were staring until he looked up at you and immediately looked back down at your hands. He cleared his throat awkwardly and questioned, “Does it hurt?” 
“Hm?” You snapped yourself out of your trance, your face heating up with the unexpected eye contact. “Oh, uh, no. It doesn’t hurt.” The pain you were feeling came more from your heart than it did from your body. It hurt to be in such close proximity to the boy you longed so deeply for. The awkward silence floating between the two of you pained you even more. 
Luke nodded and rummaged through the drawers until he found gauze, taking great care to wrap it around your hands without causing you too much discomfort. When he finished, all he did was usher you out of the bathroom with a hand on your lower back, turning off the lights without so much as a word. 
Only when you entered the kitchen did a small mumble leave the boy’s lips. “Try to be more careful next time, okay? Can’t have you going around injuring yourself and shit, or you’re gonna make me—us worry too much.” He cleared his throat after his slip-up, hoping you didn’t hear what he said. You did. “Oh, and Jack told me to let you know the guys are throwing a party tonight. He said to invite you so you could buy cups and shit, but you’re kinda . . . banged up right now.”
“It’s fine. I’ll go grab stuff from the store later—”
“No!” Luke exclaimed, his eyes blowing wide once he realized how loud he protested your suggestion. “I mean, no, it’s okay. I’ll go get the stuff. You shouldn’t drive with your hands all cut up like that. They don't care who buys what.”
You blinked at him. He was acting so weird; it was almost like he cared about you. But it didn’t matter. The others were throwing a party, which meant there were going to be tons of girls all over him, and it wouldn’t be right for you to get mad if you were the one who caused the rift between you two.
With a shrug, you silently agreed to his proposal and turned to grab the remaining set of plates still sitting on the counter. You couldn’t even take two steps before Luke was already sliding ahead of you and taking the ceramic platters into his arms. “Luke, you really don’t have to do all of this. I’m fine, look,” you showed him your hands, front and back, to try and convince him to let you do something. 
“No, you’re hurt. And I wouldn’t be a good best friend if I made you injure yourself more.”
Best friend.
Two very opposing emotions coursed through your veins. On one hand, the term ‘best friend’ still sent a pang through your chest, knowing you would never be more to him than just a best friend. But on the other hand, it relieved you to know that he still considered you close enough to be his best friend. 
God, you were such a mess. You were running away from him in fear of rejection, but then you couldn’t seem to stop thinking about him. What the hell was wrong with you?
Eventually, the two of you made it back into his house, the boy announcing your arrival and placing the plates down onto the dining table. He immediately found his spot back on the couch in between the fathers like before, and you instantly got hounded by both the mothers’ questions being launched at you all at once.
“I’m fine, Mom,” you grimaced. You attempted to pull your hands away from her inspecting gaze, but she brought them right back to her face. “Mom, it doesn’t even hurt anymore! Lukey already put medicine on it and wrapped them up, anyway!” You were growing impatient, and your complaints slowly turned into whines. 
Thankfully, as soon as she heard Luke’s nickname leave your mouth, she dropped your hands back to your sides and grinned widely at you.
“Well, then! I’m sure you’re just fine, aren’t you?”
You sighed begrudgingly. “Yes, Mom.” You were just happy she stopped nagging you.
What you didn’t know was that she and Ellen were in pain watching their two children stay so far away from each other for such a long time. The parents always thought you two would have confessed by the time you graduated high school, but you were in college and Luke was having an amazing rookie season. It clearly didn’t work out the way they thought it would have.
You also didn’t know that Luke’s heart practically exploded out of his chest when he heard you use his nickname so nonchalantly. He always overheard you addressing him as Lukey to his brothers, but you never did it when you knew he was listening. It was almost as if saying it made your mouth run dry. 
And it did.
It finally came time to eat lunch, and your stomach was threatening to growl before you all sat down at the table. Trevor, Alex, and Cole decided to eat at a restaurant instead, encouraging Jack to eat with your families rather than hanging out with them. So he stayed.
There was a specific order in which you sat. There were five members of the Hughes family and three members of your family, meaning there were eight seats total; the rectangular table fit the usual number of people perfectly. The fathers would sit on either end of the table, and the mothers would sit to their right. You and Jack sat next to your mothers, while Luke sat beside you and Quinn beside Jack. 
It was a routine. It never changed. Ever.
Not when Jack kissed you on New Years. He still had to sit opposite to you at the table. Not when you and Luke had the biggest verbal fight in your life, leaving you both with scars on your knees. And especially not when you finally recognized the feelings you had for your best friend.
And as you sat in your spot, with Luke’s thigh pressed against yours, you realized that maybe loving him wasn’t all that bad.
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— diorsluv 2024
175 notes · View notes
luke hughes x actress!reader
note: love them and this request 🩷
warnings: eating, food, calling kraft dinner bad even though i eat it like once a week
word count: 840
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Y/n was so excited to see Luke, they haven’t been together in person for around a month because Y/n was busy in LA filming the next season of the Evelyn Hugo series. And now that that was done filming she quickly got on the next plane to New Jersey to see the boy. She purposely told him she would be there a day later than she actually was because she wanted to surprise him.
Just now she was in the elevator of the building, Jack had told her the code to get into the apartment building so as to not alert Luke of the surprise, when she got a call from the very boy she was going to see. Fishing the phone out of her pocket and glancing at the caller ID brought a soft smile to her face, “Hey, baby.” “Hey” 
She heard the sound of pots and pans crashing together in the background of the call, “What’re you doing, hun?” “I’m cooking!” “You know how to do that?” She said in a teasing voice as the elevator door opened to the boy's floor, she continued the conversation as she walked towards his door. 
“Yes! I do..” His voice slightly unsure, “Sounds like you’re having trouble.” She mumbles, now at his door trying to be quiet and waiting to knock, “Well the directions are unclear.” “Well, I’ll help you.” “How-” He was cut off by the sound of knuckles knocking against his door. He mumbled a small ‘one sec’ before making his way to answer the door which made the girl laugh.
The door opened revealing the smiling girl, and the very happily shocked boy. Almost without thinking Luke brings Y/n into a big hug, lifting her off the ground with his hand under her thighs. His forehead rested against her collarbone, as if he didn’t believe she was there, like she would slip away at any moment. After a few more moments, whispering their greetings small ‘hello’s and soft ‘i love you’s coming from both.
Luke finally let the girl slip down, her feet once again finding the floor. And as Luke goes to grab his girl’s suitcase, said girl did a once over of the apartment only to see water boiling over the pot and all over the stove, “Luke!” She rushed over to the stove a took the pot of the element and turned the heat down, “Who let you cook unsupervised?” “Jack usually does it.” 
He walked past her, giving her a kiss on the top of her head and walked down the hallway to his room where he set the girl’s bags down and came back to the kitchen to now find that Y/n had taken over the entire operation of making dinner.
“You’re not having boxed mac & cheese for dinner.” She muttered, shaking her head and placing the box back in the cupboard. Collecting a few things she sees in the cupboards and fridge to make him a good dinner. She found an onion, which she was very surprised by. It must have been the influence of Jack’s girlfriend. 
Y/n was already cutting up the onions when Luke came back into the kitchen, and ofcourse Luke came up from behind, his hands wrapped around her waist and his chin rested on her shoulder to watch her actions. He eventually asked to help so she gave him little jobs. Then they sat on the couch, Y/n between Lukes legs as they ate dinner and ended up watching ‘10 things I hate about you’ per Y/n’s request, really it was just because she loved Luke’s reaction when she wouldn’t shut up about how hot Heath Ledger is in it.
“-and he is just, like, beyond what should be humanly capable, y’know?” Grabbing his drink from the side table, Luke says, “He’s good as the joker.” This caused the girl to let out a small laugh.
After the movie the two turned on a show, and just cuddled and talked until they would hopefully fall asleep together.
“Why do all NHL players like golf?” “I don’t know.. It’s a sport to play in summer? And I guess you don’t have to think too hard, and we can just hang out and talk?” 
They were now laying across the couch, Y/n’s head on his chest, Luke’s hands running up and down the girl’s back under her shirt as ‘Bob’s burgers’ played in the background. She drew small doodles on his bicep, as they both lolled each other to sleep as they talked. 
“That makes more sense than what I thought.” “What did you think?” “I thought it was because it’s the same action.. Or close.” 
She didn’t expand thinking Luke understood, she assumed that was self-explanatory, but then Luke asked, “What?” “Y’know, like, shooting a puck and hitting a golf ball is the same action in the hips.” “Okay.” Luke said, softly chuckling as he brought one hand to the girl’s hair, giving her head scratches and twirling the strands between his fingers. 
@bunbunbl0gs @daisysthings
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lukeywritesstuff · 4 months
Holiday Shopping
Dad!Luke x Mom!Reader
Description: Luke, your 4 year old son and you go holiday shopping together. And yes they did name their kid after Sidney Crosby because I feel like at least one Hughes brother would do that.
Warnings: fluff, lots of it, children and a pregnancy mention.
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“Luke did you text Quinn to ask him if we’re getting Jack a new basketball net for the lake house?” I asked my husband as we walk around Dick’s Sporting Goods.
“Yeah he said we’re gonna buy it since we have a bigger car and he’s gonna pay me half of it back.” He said. “Uhm I’ll pick out the net and you can go to the shoes with Sid to let him pick new ones for school, and can you grab a pair of air forces for Duker? I’ll text you his size.”
“Yeah. Can you also grab another stick for Sid for street hockey? Your brother and him were playing yesterday and he broke his other stick.” I said and Luke nodded before we went our separate ways.
After we pay there we put all the stuff in the trunk of Luke’s truck before we went into the actual mall.
We decided to start off my going into some stores to buy things for our mums, we picked up makeup and skincare from Sephora, some comfy leggings from some pop up leggings store, and some Ugg boots from the Ugg store.
Then we went into Spencer’s and bought Quinn some T-shirt with some lame quote about looking grumpy because Luke thought it was the funniest thing ever, and we went to GameStop and got him a new controller because Luke said he complains about drift while playing chel.
We picked up Mario Kart for Sid’s switch at the GameStop as well, Luke and Sid went off on their own after to find something for me, so I decided to grab some things for them, which was, like: some actor Luke likes biography, some Nike sweatpants, Lululemon hoodies and a headband (his hair is always in his face but he doesn’t wanna cut it), a new Stanley because he lost his at the rink, and a baby onesie to tell him about the baby I’m pregnant with. And I got Sid: some Lego sets he told me he wanted, a Nike sweatsuit, a new target set for his net, new roller blades, Mario Kart as said earlier, and a new iPad since he dropped his down the stairs.
We met back up after and Sid was sleeping in Luke’s arm as he was carrying bags in another.
“Let’s just buy my dad something online, someone’s a little sleepy.” He said and I smiled at my two beautiful boys.
“That sounds good. He’s not hard to shop for anyways. Let’s go.” I said and we drove home.
I hid the presents I bought for the guys in the laundry room knowing neither of them go in there anyways. Then I go upstairs and see Luke and Sid lying in mine and Luke’s bed so I lay with them and just stare at my sleepy boys.
I love my family, and I can’t wait for the new addition to come in 5 months.
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cherryflavoredgloss · 2 months
13 going on 43
Luke Hughes X Fashion Editor! OC
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In which Luke Hughes meets Satine Li, Vogue’s youngest fashion editor, and the whirlwind that is their life afterwards.
Background: Meet Satine Li
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
I'd Marry You Tomorrow
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Pairing: Luke Hughes x Reader
Summary: As a precautionary measure, you follow through with the doctor suggestion to collect eggs. It wasn't as an easy process as you thought.
Word Count: 2115
Warnings: Ultrasounds, surgery, hospitals, doctors, fertility.
A/N: This is Part 3 of my mini series. Part 1: Don't Want To Lose You + Part 2: Will You Be There When I Wake Up?
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Fertility. Something you hadn’t thought about much up until this whole situation came up. Or discussed kids with Luke. You’re only 19. But with the likelihood of the tumour coming back, doctors referred you to a fertility specialist. Now you have to go through the process of collecting eggs. And freezing them. For if or when you have to have your other ovary removed in the future. As a backup plan.
The first appointment after your post-op check-up was a consultation with the fertility specialist, Dr. Hartman. The best fertility specialist in New Jersey. He explained the situation in more detail and discussed the whole process, what medications you’d be taking and the retrieval procedure. 
Before the next appointment with your specialist, you had to get a few blood tests and some ultrasounds done. Including internal ultrasounds. Just some tests to make sure you were all healthy and had no undiagnosed STDs. When the results came back, your specialist went over them with you. Once it was declared you were healthy enough to go through with the procedure the date was booked. Well rough date since it depended on your period. 
You woke up one morning to Luke gently shaking you. “Bub, you got your period.”
“Nooo,” You groan. Sure it wasn’t the first time you’ve woken up to having your period, but it was still embarrassing when Luke would be home for this exact scenario. You got up from bed carefully and glanced back to the bed with another groan. It looked like a murder scene. “I’ll clean that up after my shower.”
“Don’t worry bub, I’ll clean it up,” Luke mutters. 
He pressed a kiss to your temple and gently pushed you in the direction of the bathroom. You stripped your clothes and dumped them in the washing basket. Why couldn’t you have gotten it during the day? The shower was warm as you climbed under the stream of water. Hot water soothes your body, waking you up from your morning sleep daze. You go through your morning shower routine. 
Luke peeks into the bathroom, watching you as you dry yourself. “Do you need to call the clinic?” 
“Yeah, I do.”
Once you had finished getting dressed, you grabbed your phone and called the clinic. You informed them you had started your period. They made sure to remind you about the blood test you had to take before going to buy all your hormone injections and medications. Luke had changed the sheets like the angel he is. He had a morning skate though. Luckily the arena was right by a clinic so you tagged along. 
While Luke was training, you got the blood test done and brought the 5 different drugs you needed for the process. Of course that didn’t take that long so you put the medications in a fridge at the arena before finding a seat to watch the boys. Luke spotted you reasonably quick, winking at you as he skated by. After that some of the other players waved hi. Jack got excited and started teasing Luke like the big brother he was.
Later that day while you and Luke were getting ready for the game that night, your phone rang. It was the clinic telling you the amount of hormones to inject daily. 112.5. 
“I start the injections tomorrow,” You tell Luke as you hold out his beanie. You often helped Luke with his suits. “I have to choose a time and do it at the same time every day.”
Luke frowned, grabbing your face and pulling you in for a kiss. “We’ll get through this.”
“I want it over and done with. I’m sick of medical appointments.”
“Last one,” Luke assures. 
You shrug, “We don’t know that. My ovary is a ticking time bomb basically.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’d marry you tomorrow.”
That last sentence had become a regular thing said recently between you and Luke. Something he’d say to reassure you through this whole crazy journey. No matter how many times he had said it, you still get the warm fuzzies when you hear those words. And you weren’t alone, when you replied, copying his words, Luke would grin and blush. 
The next day was the first day of your injections. You had chosen a time that wouldn’t interfere with your schedule and the majority of Lukes. Sure it didn’t matter but Luke wanted to be home when you took your medication. It was a little peace of mind. Your alarm went off and you went to grab the box from the fridge. You set your amount on the roller and cap it with one of the needles. Luke stood beside you watching what you do carefully. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, eyeing the needle.
You took a moment to try to build up the courage. “I think so.”
“Do you want me to do it?” Luke asks.
“No, it’s okay. I can do it.”
You disinfect the sight on your stomach before grabbing at it. After taking a moment to calm yourself, you push the needle into the flesh. You push down the button and hold it there for 3 seconds before pulling it out. It didn’t hurt as much as you assumed it would. 
Luke pressed a kiss to your cheek as he held out your needle container, “So brave.”
The same thing repeated day in and day out. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday you went to get blood tests first thing in the morning. In the middle of your second week into treatment you had to start getting an internal ultrasound to check the size of the follicles. 
You came home from one of your ultrasounds to the lounge room set up for a movie date. Snacks covering the coffee table, the couch drowned in your favourite blankets and pillows and your favourite movie pulled up on the TV. In a vase on the coffee table too was a bouquet of your favourite flowers. 
He came out from the kitchen in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. In his arms though was a homemade pizza. Just like when you and the family would have pizza nights during the off season. It seemed to be your favourite too, pepperoni.
“Welcome home bub,” Luke grins. 
You blush, walking into his arms after he put down the pizza. “Thank you for this.”
“You’ve had a rough week. I think you deserve a relaxing day.”
After you change from your outfit into some comfy clothes, including one of Luke’s UMich hoodies, you both set yourself up on the couch. The movie played while the pair of you gorged on food and snacks. The horror Luke’s dietitian would have if he saw the scene right now. Cuddling really was the best medicine. 
You hadn’t realised your mental health had gone down hill over the last week. But Luke could see how withdrawn you had gotten. He knew that it could be one of the side effects of all the hormones being pumped into your body. He was there at all your appointments, he had listened intently.
“I love you Lu,” You mumble as you snuggle into Luke’s side. 
Luke wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into your side. “I love you more.”
Later that week, after one of your internal ultrasounds, you got the call to take the trigger injection. One last needle. It was a relief taking that last injection knowing you wouldn’t have to deal with any needles yourself for a good while.
The day finally came in which you would be having your surgery to collect your eggs. Luke was away on a road trip, having left the day before. You two had argued about him missing the road trip. He wanted to stay. To be by your side as you went into surgery and to be there when you wake up.  You said that you’d be okay, it wasn’t your first surgery. Luke relented. Agreeing to go but only if Ellen could make it to be with you.
Ellen arrived the night before and was going to take you to the hospital in which you’d be having the surgery at. You had a small back packed with a pair of clothes and a charger, just in case you went in later than was said. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait here?” Ellen asked as you filled out the 10 pages of paperwork.
“It’s fine Ellen. I’ll call you when I’m ready to be released.”
After a little back and forth, Ellen relented and pressed a kiss to the top of your head before watching you head back to your room. You placed all your things in the lockable cupboard and changed into the hospital gown. As you waited for your time slot, you just read a book. The sound of your ringtone interrupted you.
“Hey,” You greet as you answer Luke’s facetime.
Luke smiled, “Hey bub, how are you feeling?”
“I’m good. Tired but ready to get this over with.”
“I’ll be back later tonight,” Luke sighed. 
“Okay Lu.”
After getting to talk for a bit, and Jack popping in to say hi, you promised each other you’d speak after surgery once you're home. You had roughly an hour until your estimated surgery time. At least your book was interesting. You read until a nurse knocked at your door.
“Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” you answer, putting all your belongings into the cupboard. 
You were wheeled into pre-surgery soon after. It was weird, most of the women you saw around getting the same procedure done were older than you. Isolating. That's how it felt. As you laid waiting to go in, you thought of Luke. He hadn’t left. You weren’t actually alone.
When you woke up after surgery, you were greeted by a nurse standing in the room taking your vitals.
“Hi,” you mumble as you shuffle around in the bed.
The woman smiled, “How do you feel?”
“Fine, I don’t feel any cramping.”
“You’ve still got the drugs in your system. But make sure to get the painkillers on your way home.”
Ellen was called and you were discharged from the hospital by lunch time. On the way home you stopped by the pharmacy to pick up the meds and then brought some lunch. You got back to your apartment where Ellen set you up on the couch with your food and a huge bottle of water. You got a reply from Luke before a Facetime call popped up.
“Heya Lu.”
“Hey bub, how you feel?”
You hum, “I’ve got strong drugs so not the worst.”
“And the surgery?”
“Went smoothly,” You answered. “Looking forward to the game?” 
Luke nodded, “Yeah, got a good feeling about tonight.”
“You’ll win Lu,” You reassure. 
“And when you wake up tomorrow, I’ll be right there beside you.”
“I love you Luke.”
Luke blushed, “I love you too. I’d marry you tomorrow.”
With that you both ended the call knowing Luke would have to get ready for the game. Ellen had overheard your conversation. She was glad you and Luke had such a strong relationship. Everyone knew you both would date, it was only a matter of time. Despite you two not being married, yet, you were the daughter she never got. 
The pair of you talked about anything and everything over the course of the afternoon and evening. Discussing the off season was the biggest conversation, talking about heading to the lake house. You had a nap in the afternoon before the Devils game. You and Ellen perched yourself on the couch, cheering on the youngest Hughes brothers. The Devils had won, signalling bed time for you. After all the meds, you were surprised you were still awake by the time the three stars were announced.
Rustles of a bag and clothes pulled you from your sleep. You rolled over and peeked your eyes open to see Luke creeping around your room. Trying to keep quiet. Not wanting to wake you. Before changing, he walked over to the bed. You snapped your eyes shut. Pretending to be asleep. Luke pressed a kiss to your forehead, lightly pushing back your hair. He went to change into his pyjamas. You rolled over as he got into bed. 
“Good game,” You mumble tiredly as you snuggle against Luke’s body.
His arms wrapped around you. Both of you are getting comfortable. “Thanks. How do you feel?”
“Tired,” You chuckle.
“Go back to sleep.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Luke pulled you closer. It was like he wanted you to merge into one person. “I’m so proud of you. I’d marry you tomorrow.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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hd-junglebook · 5 days
The Pregnancy Series
With all three of my favorite boys!
I've never really been into the pregnancy tropes because I don't like the way it just happens so suddenly and changes the original plot, but I feel like they'd be such cute dads (I have a thing for dilf's)
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Summary: Y/n had always been the independent, only child of two successful business owners. The last thing she wanted to do was follow in their footsteps but when she told them her dreams, they cut her off, leaving her to fend for herself out in the real world.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
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Summary: Y/n had been trying to have a baby for the past two years finally when she thinks all is well, her husband divorces her leaving her with a fresh pregnancy and empty home. She feels like all hope is lost, until she meets jack who can't seem to get enough of her and her bump.
Prologue , Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
* currently rewriting part 1 and changing it completely! *
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The young dad over here
Summary: Y/n and Luke had been on and off for a year, no title, no commitment, no "what are we", until y/n finds out some news that she's sure will have Luke running for the hills.
coming soon
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wineauntie · 15 days
( luke hughes x fem!reader ) masterlist
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note: this was written in 20 minutes and I love it <33
warnings: none, just Luke being soft!
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BOYFRIEND!LUKE loves to make you tea in the morning when he comes home from morning skate. He knows you’re not an early riser when you don’t have work to go to, so he also knows that when he’s back from morning skate, you’ll still be curled up in bed asleep.
He will sit on the edge of the bed, gently caressing your mussed hair out of your face, as he tries to coax you awake. He keeps his voice low and steady, watching as you stir awake. He loves to watch you slowly blink and smile upon seeing Luke sitting, waiting with a cup of tea in hand for you. He’ll watch as you sit up and take the cup from him with a sleepy grin.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who will insist on kissing you despite your protests of morning breath. He will lean forward and peck your lips, with his own teasing smile across his face as he does so. He will then sit and talk to you, telling you all about his morning skate, allowing you to sip your tea and listen.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who fills up your favourite water bottle for you whenever he sees it close to being finished. You’ll be lying side by side with him on the couch, both of you relaxing when he notices its emptiness and scoops it out of your hands. He’ll practically run to the kitchen to fill it up before returning it to your hands and returning to the warmth of your side.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who sits on the bathroom counter and watches you doing your makeup. He’ll just be mesmerised by whatever you’re doing, his mouth slightly agape as he listens to you talking or singing along to whatever songs you’re listening to. Every now and again, he’ll ask you a question about what you’re doing and you’ll explain as he just stares as if you’ve hung the stars in the sky.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who will sit through your favourite reality TV shows despite “having a hatred towards them”. He will sit beside you, leaning back into the couch, his arm draped across the back, his fingers brushing your neck as he watches. Luke will say he’s not invested but give him one episode and he’s hooked on the drama.
“So, sunglasses girl hates Hawaiian shirt man because he cheated on her with the pink-haired girl?”
You’d laugh at his passion, knowing damn well that he lowkey likes the show.
“Yes! And the girl with the sunglasses knows and has known for a while so she slept with Hawaiian shirt's Dad!”
Luke would try to be subtle with his liking for the show, so much so that he’d groan and moan at the prospect of having to watch another episode.
“Another one? Oh baby, please not another one…fine, I guess I’ll suffer through another.”
BOYFRIEND!LUKE who loves to go on nighttime drives with you. He’d play some soft country music as the two of you bask in the quiet of the night. He’d drive with one hand on your thigh, his thumb caressing the skin there, as he’d quietly hum the lyrics to the song.
Luke loves his early nights but he is more than willing to sacrifice them for that time with you in his car. The two of you will idly talk back and forth, or simply coexist in a comfortable silence. Sometimes Luke will park up and he’ll pull you into his lap so that the two of you can talk and cuddle in the peace.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who insists that every time he goes for a pre-game nap, you join him. Claiming that you help him sleep better.
When Luke sleeps, he holds you practically on top of him, with your head nestled between his neck and shoulder. His arms completely engulf you, holding you as tight as possible. If you ever wake up before him and try to move away, Luke will simply not let go, pulling you closer to his body with a tired whine.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who indulges your monthly obsessions. You find yourself loving diy? Luke will drive you to every craft/hardware store nearby for you to stock up. You go through a phase of flying through books? Every day, Luke comes home with books he saw on your to-be-read list. You find yourself enraptured by a musician’s work? Luke is scouring the internet for vinyls, concert tickets and merchandise to surprise you with.
He just wants you to be happy and he loves to spoil you, it’s a win-win situation.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who buys you a memento from every city he goes to on a roadie. The memento is usually pretty ugly or ridiculous and ends up being a gag gift for you. You adore them, treasuring them all with your favourites being a “good girls go to heaven, bad girls go to Vegas” shot glass and a bright, pink T-shirt that stated “Texas SUV” with a cartoon longhorn cow.
No matter what, you and Luke always end up giggling over the crap presents and there’s a box in your wardrobe where you store them all for the memories.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who wears your initial on a chain around his neck. He doesn’t take it off, even tucking it deep beneath his jersey for games. Sometimes when the camera lingers on him, it’ll capture Luke fiddling with the chain, grasping it. He likes to have a piece of you wherever he goes, and he doesn’t care how many chirps he gets for it.
He couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot when you’d bought a necklace with his initials, wearing it every day, for him.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who has, on one or more occasions, introduced you as Mrs. Hughes or “the wife”. You’d turn up to a restaurant for a reservation for “Mr and Mrs Hughes”, that Luke made for your date night, or when Luke is out with friends, he’ll catch sight of you on his lock screen and get the urge to go home.
“Hey, I’m calling it a night…the wife is at home waiting.”
It got so bad that all of his teammates, call you Mrs little Hughes. Even Jack teasingly calls you his sister-in-law and has often referenced you and Luke’s future.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who will never leave your side if you’re out in public with him. His hand is always around your waist, or holding your hand. If you’re walking through the city, he walks on the outside of the footpath, with you pressed to his side, his eyes vigilantly scanning anything that could even potentially pose any harm to you.
If you’re at a charity event with Luke, his eyes will never leave you for longer than five seconds. He likes having you close and knowing you’re okay and you act disgruntled but you secretly love how much he cares for you.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who loves you so much that he can’t fathom a life without you. Luke, who adores you and trusts you with his life, knowing that you make his life worth living.
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heartsandhischier · 26 days
Rink Bonds
luke hughes x female!reader
summary - 1.1k words. Figure skating reader and Michigan wolverine Luke = loveeeee
author's note - i can really see luke being like this, and i love it
warnings - none
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You pushed open the heavy doors of Yost Arena, the familiar chill of the ice rink greeting you as you stepped inside. With a gap in your class schedule, you decided to make the most of it by hitting the ice for some practice. Another USFS intercollegiate competition approaching, you were determined to come out on top.
You headed to the locker room changing into your figure skating gear – black tights, a black jacket, and leg warmers – before lacing up your skates. After stowing your belongings in a locker, you grabbed your water bottle and headed to the rink. As you approached, the familiar sound of skates scraping against the ice and the clinking of hockey sticks filled your ears, indicating that you wouldn’t have the ice to yourself as you’d hoped.
Your annoyance faded, however, when you spotted the stowaway on the ice – Luke Hughes.  Swiftly moving around the ice, navigating the puck as he let it fly into the net. The youngest of the famous Hughes brothers and a New Jersey Devils prospect, Luke was a familias name around the Michigan University campus, of course you knew who he was.
You had crossed paths with him a handful of times at various parties, and during your late-night practices at the rink, you’d often find him lingering after his hockey practice. Despite these encounters, you’d never engaged in more than a few awkward hellos and goodbyes. Each time he exited the rink, you’d enter, and vice versa, exchanging fleeting glances and polite nods as you passed by each other.
As you watched Luke’s graceful movements on the ice, it was as if he belonged there, the rink his natural habitat. Removing your skate guards and placing your water bottle on the bench, you elegantly glided onto the ice. The sound of skates slicing through the ice echoed in the rink as Luke paused his movements, turning his attention towards you. His warm smile greeted you as you approached. “Practice?” he offered, leaning casually on his stick.
A smile played on your lips as you nodded in agreement. “Yeah, change in my class schedule. So figured I’d put the newfound free time to good use,” you replied. “Same,” Luke chuckled. With a nod, you both resumed your routines, the sound of skates carving the ice filling the air. 
For the next hour, you and Luke practiced on opposite sides of the rink, occasionally exchanging glances and playful banter. “You’re pretty good, Hughes,” you remarked, admiring his skill as he effortlessly sent the puck into the net.
“Likewise,” he laughed, skating around with ease.
As the weeks passed, you found yourself meeting again and again at the empty rink. It almost became an unspoken agreement between you and Luke, meeting at the same time between classes or during those late evenings when the campus was quiet.
With each meeting, your bond grew stronger, fueled by shared practices and playful banter. As you glided across the ice, Luke would often join you, his skates slicing through the surface so effortlessly. Despite the differences in your respective sports, you found common ground in your shared love for the rink.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Luke patiently tried to explain the nuances of hockey to you, his passion evident in every gesture. In return, you attempted to teach him the graceful movements of figure skating, guiding him through simple maneuvers with a patient hand. 
“Okay, so imagine you’re gliding on air,” you explain, demonstrating a graceful spin on your skates. “Now, give it a try.”
Luke nodded eagerly, his determination shining through as he attempted to mimic your movements. Though his first attempts were a bit clumsy, you couldn’t help but admire his determination.
“Almost there,” you encouraged, stifling a laugh as he stumbled and fell onto the ice, landing on his butt with a thud. 
As you focused on perfecting your flip jump, you felt a presence approaching on the ice. Turning around, you saw Luke skating towards you flashing you a charming smile. “Hey there,” he greeted, his voice carrying over the sound of skates slicing through the ice. “I was wondering if you’d like to come to my hockey game this weekend. It’s going to be a good one.”
You paused your practice, meeting his gaze with a playful smirk. “Hmm, tempting offer,” you replied, tilting your head to the side. “But only if you promise to come to my competition next week.”
Luke chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Deal,” he agreed without hesitation, extending his hand in a mock handshake.
With a wink, Luke skated backward, resuming his practice. “Can’t wait to see you there,” he called out before speeding off across the ice. 
On the day of the hockey game, you found yourself seated in the stands, eagerly watching as the Michigan Wolverines took to the ice. During warmups, Luke skated to where you were seated in the stands, approaching with a smirk.
“I have a bet,” he declared, you smirked at him letting out a soft chuckle before urging him to go on. “If I score, you have to go on a date with me,” he continued, his confidence evident in his tone. Chuckling at his boldness, you accepted, “What if you don’t?” you asked. “We both know that won’t happen,” he winked before resuming his warm up.
As the game progressed, you watched in amazement as Luke displayed his skill on the ice, scoring goal after goal with precision and finesse. The puck went flying into the net, sending the crowd into a frenzy of cheers and applause. The arena echoed with the sound of the buzzer, a hat trick – this idiot scored a hat trick.
After the final buzzer sounded and the Michigan Wolverines secured a clear victory, Luke skated over to you with a triumphant grin on his face. “Well, what did you think?” he asked eagerly.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm, nodding in approval. “Impressive,” you admitted. “I mean, a hat trick? Way to show off,” you playfully remarked.
Luke let out a chuckle, his confidence soaring. “Thanks,” he replied, running a hand through his dark curls. “But I couldn’t have done it without a little motivation.” You raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on your lips. "Oh, so it was all about our little bet, huh?" you teased. Luke chuckled, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "Partly," he admitted, his tone turning more sincere. "But mostly because I wanted to impress you." The admission caught you off guard, a warmth spreading through your chest. "Well, consider me impressed," you said, unable to hide the smile that tugged at your lips. As the crowd began to disperse, Luke turned to you with a hopeful expression. "So, about that date..." he trailed off, leaving the invitation hanging in the air. You pretended to mull it over for a moment, though the answer was already clear in your mind. 
"I suppose I owe you one.”
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sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
🍯Luke Hughes
Maybe number soft morning sex but they have to be quiet as to not wake up Jack?? Like oc is nervous about being to loud and Luke convinces her they can be quiet enough and Jack is a deep sleeper. (Consensual convincing of course)
Prompt list two:
39. “You take me so well”
42. “Feels good,doesn’t it?”
𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐲 | lh⁴³
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♡ ─ word count | 822
♡ ─ warnings | NSFW under the cut!! good ol' lazy spooning morning sex, p in v, nothing else?
♡ ─ ev's notes | again, LUKE HUGHES DEF WHIMPERS
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Your eyes fluttered open, a yawn escaping your mouth as you stretched out your arms. Glancing at the bedside clock, you saw that it was 9:49 am. Waking up this early on a Sunday felt like a crime, but the distant sound of the TV in Jack's room suggested he was already up.
Sensing movement beside you, you realized that Luke had also woken up. A lazy smile adorned your face as Luke turned towards you, his eyes adjusting to the morning light. A gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips as his messy hair fell across his forehead making your stomach do a little flip. He always looked so cute in the morning.
"Morning," Luke murmured, his voice still husky with sleep, as he reached out to brush a stray strand of hair from your face. His touch was warm against your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. "Why is Jack up this early?"
You shook your head as you sighed. "Not sure but I don't think I can go back to bed with all the noise."
"Yeah, me neither." Luke's lips curved into a smirk as he watched you, his hands moving downward to settle on your waist. "Maybe we should do something else, then?"
A soft laugh escaped your mouth as Luke spoke, shaking your head at disbelief. His hands moved down to your hips and squeezed roughly, the smirk still evident on his face.
"Luke..." You sighed, "Don't you think Jack will hear something?"
"Only if you're not quiet," Luke shot back, his fingers drawing circles on your hips as he watched you. "Please, baby?"
You rolled your eyes in annoyance but you couldn't say you didn't want to, either. This past week, you and Luke hadn't done anything because Jack was somehow always in the way. You would be lying if you didn't miss how Luke made you feel, how full he always made you feel.
"Fine." You huffed, making Luke let out a relieved sigh. You turned your body so that Luke would be spooning you and he immediately pushed his hard-on against you, a shiver going down your spine; he was not joking, he was rock hard.
Luke's hands were settled on your hips before one of his hands went down to your underwear, teasing you through your underwear. You let out a frustrated sigh, "Luke, please."
If this was any other time, Luke would've teased you endlessly. But right now, he wanted to fuck just as (if not more) than you. "Okay, okay baby." He pulled down your pajama shorts effortlessly, rubbing his clothed cock against your ass. You heard his breathing quicken behind you, making your whole body warm up.
Luke pulled out his cock and pushed your underwear to the side quickly, lining up his tip to your entrance. He pushed in and the both of you let out relieved sighs, relishing in the feeling of each other. "Fuck, I missed this. You take me so well, baby."
You let out a whimper in response as Luke bottomed you completely, holding your hips against his. You felt so full and so good, you loved how he made you feel -- it was like you two were made for each other. Luke let you adjust before he began slowly thrusting in and out you, creating sounds that echoed throughout the room.
"Feels good, huh, baby?" Luke grunted in between thrusts as you nodded, your mouth hanging out. "Gotta be quiet, princess."
He knew you couldn't no matter how hard you tried, which made his ego skyrocket. One of his hands clasped against your mouth, effectively quieting you down. "Take me so good, baby."
Luke's other hand went up to lift your leg so he could fuck you deeper, making you let out a muffled moan. Luke let out a few more groans of his own and he hoped that Jack was too engulfed in whatever show he was watching to hear. His hips snapped against your ass quicker, both of you chasing after your highs.
"Shit, so close baby." Luke felt your cunt clench around him, making his whole body twitch. "So close, baby." He moved his face to the crook of your neck as he felt himself edge closer to release.
He felt you tighten around him before cumming around him, causing him to let out a grunt. A few more deep thrusts and he was cumming inside you, both of you sweaty and sticky messes. Luke let go of your leg but he didn't pull out, he instead pulled you closer against his chest.
After you both catched your breaths, Luke let out a chuckle. "I really hope Jack didn't hear anything."
"Oh yeah, and who's the one who 'should be quieter'" You teased as he shook his head playfully.
"It's not my fault you have a million dollar pussy." Luke shrugged, earning a playful glare from you.
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thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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sweetestdesire · 18 days
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WARNINGS: hair pulling, extreme domination, degrading speech, mentions of filming penetration, etc. 18+ readers only
PAIRING(S): Luke Hughes x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: in which Luke Hughes needs something to keep him satisfied when he’s away on roadies.
“Have you ever filmed yourself doing anything? Sexual, I mean.” Luke turned to face Y/N in bed, propped up on one elbow, hand supporting his head. She placed her phone on her stomach, letting out a quiet scoff.
“You mean like, a sex tape?” Luke nodded, and she shook her head. “You know that you’re the only one I’ve ever been with. Never made anything like that for you, have I?”
At this, he shrugged. “Not everything you do has to be for me. Could’ve been feeling sexy one night and filmed yourself fooling around when I was gone, who knows?” Luke teased, collapsing on his side and pulling her close to him.
“You know that I’d never. I’m too afraid of my iCloud getting hacked or something.” Y/N answered, picking her phone back up to continue her nightly scroll through TikTok. “Kinda random, though. Why are you asking? Planning something I don’t know about?”
“I’ve just been thinking that it would be so fucking hot to watch when I go on the road and feeling a little frustrated.” He whispered before placing a hand onto her cheek, his thumb stroking it gently. She kissed his lips gently, him smiling into the kiss before she pulled away.
“I don’t know, Luke.” Y/N told him hesitantly.
“Nothing we film will ever see the light of day. It will just be for us, baby, I promise.” Luke reassured her, moving to set the his phone down on the nightstand. “Don’t think you have to give me a yes or no answer right now. I figured it can be our next rainy day activity or something.”
Y/N laughed at Luke calling the activity of them possibly partaking in the filming of a sex tape with him a “rainy day activity.” “Okay, yeah, I’ll have to think about it.”
“Rain’s really coming down out there.” Luke commented one morning, looking out the window while taking a noisy sip out of his tea. Y/N hummed in acknowledgment, pouring herself a cup as well. He turned to face her, leaning back against the counter. “What should we do today?”
“Could always get some cleaning done. My allergies have been going crazy, think it wouldn’t kill us to do some dusting and vacuuming.” Y/N replied, pouring milk into her tea.
“What’s in it for me?” Luke asked, a mischievous tone present in his voice. She turned around to face him, hands tightly gripping her warm mug.
“What do you mean what’s in it for you? This is your apartment.” Y/N jokingly scolded.
“I’m kidding, Y/N.” He retorted, setting his mug down and walking over to envelop her in a hug. Her tea sloshed from the sudden movement and spilled onto the ground, causing her to let out a whine of Luke’s name.
“Luke.” Y/N groaned, setting her now dripping cup onto the counter. “See, looks like we do need to clean. We can start here.” She grabbed a handful of paper towels and handed them to him to clean up the small mess he made.
“Well, what’re we gonna do after? It’s not gonna take all day.” Luke remarked, bending down to wipe the floor. “I think I know what we can do.” He quickly stood back up, an excited look on his face.
“What’s that?” Y/N asked, already starting to move things from the counter to the dining room table so she could begin wiping it down.
“Remember a couple weeks ago what I told you we could save for a rainy day?” Luke gestured towards the window, where she could see the rain coming down so hard that it was difficult to even see outside. “How about we make a little film?”
“What’re you talking about?” Y/N replied, walking over to the sink and wetting the sponge. “What film?”
“You know.” Luke rocked back and forth on his heels. “The sex tape? You said you would think about it.”
Y/N faced him, propping her hand on her hip. “You’re still on that? Seriously, Luke?” She asked in disbelief, shaking her head at her absurdly horny boyfriend.
“Of course I’m still on it.” Luke flashed a cheeky smile. “I think that’d be the hottest thing we could do, what do you think?”
“Honestly haven’t given it much thought. I don’t think I’m totally against the idea, though.” Y/N set the sponge down now, growing more interested in the conversation with him. “I think it’ll be a lot of fun. Oh, and very hot.” She added, giggling at how Luke’s face was starting to turn red.
“I think we should get to it then, yeah?” Luke wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close so that her chest was pressed against his body.
“Go upstairs and get your camera ready.” Y/N whispered.
His face lit up and then dropped just as quick. “Don’t do this for me, baby, do it for you.” Luke whispered and she nodded.
“For me, for when you’re gone and I wish that I could have you. Go, hurry.” Y/N whispered seductively and at that, he quickly scampered up the stairs.
“My pretty girl, looking so ready for me.” Luke was standing near their shared bed, muscular thighs hidden behind a pair of sweatpants. “Gonna let me make a pretty little film with you?” His eyes had that typical glint to them, glistening in the soft light, clearly excited to fuck her with one hand wrapped around his phone. Y/N’s hands were fisting the covers, having to stop herself from touching her aching pussy.
Y/N nodded, but realized Luke didn’t see her, so she timidly answered him with a simple, “yes.” A chuckle rumbled through his chest, hand letting go of her body, shuffling out of his pants without taking the camera off her frame. Every desperate glance, every groan and whimper got perpetuated, making sure not to miss a thing.
“Need you to taste you, Luke.” Y/N replied shakily, looking down at his now hardening cock.
“Let’s get these clothes off you then.” Luke moved to stand between her slightly parted legs. “Arms up, c’mon.” She lifted her arms above her head, and she swiftly removed her shirt. She quickly unclasped her bra and tossed it behind her shoulder, now bare from the waist up.
“You have to take off your shirt, so I’m not alone.” Y/N told him, patting the space next to her at the end of the bed.
Luke nodded and sat beside her, clumsily removing his shirt as well. The sexual tension in the air was thick, and she felt a kind of vulnerability she’d never felt before.
“Feel like I’m about to have sex with you for this first time.” He told her quietly. ���Think we should just go at it like we usually do?”
Y/N licked her lips, sliding off the bed and onto her knees in front of him. “I think that’s a great idea.” Without warning, she wrapped a hand around his length, giving him a couple sloppy pumps. He threw his head back, a blissed-out smile on his face.
Luke’s cock was rock hard, painfully hard as he’d call it, ready to be sheathed by her heat. Her nimble fingers reached for his cock, giving him the opportunity to film her pumping his aching cock, catching every second on tape. Silently, he prayed that he wouldn’t lose his focus, knowing that she would be able to sidetrack his thoughts, letting his phone tumble to the ground for him to grab her with both hands.
“Lay down, need to be inside of you.” Y/N gave into his calling, squealing as he grasped one ankle, forcing her legs off the mattress, placing them on his shoulders. A groan rumbled through Luke as he spit onto her pussy, the tip of his cock brushing through her folds to mix his saliva with her arousal. Effortlessly he pushed into her, filling her to the brim with one thrust.
The hand that kept holding the phone began to tremble, Luke had to force himself to keep on breathing, the sensation was all too much, too intense for him to thumb through his thoughts. So, he gave into the feeling, eyes fluttering close as he pulled out of her, only to snap his hips against hers over and over again.
“Fuck, right there, Luke.” His empty hand moved down her thigh, finding her pulsing clit as he tired to hit that spot again. Y/N arched her back as he began to circle her clit, watching in awe as her body gave into his touch, entranced by the man she called hers. The camera stayed focused on her pussy, recording his arousal covered cock, disappearing inside her with every thrust.
Y/N’s lips parted to moan as she clawed at the smooth skin of Luke’s chest while he pinned her beneath him, one of his hands squeezing at the dip of her waist while the other tried to steady the shaky hold he had on his phone.
“Fuck, just look at you, baby. Can barely keep those pretty eyes open.” Luke drawled as he felt pleasure rock through his body with the next wet connection of his hips against hers, and she was silently hoping his neighbors weren’t home with how loudly the bedframe seemed to be knocking against the wall with every one of her boyfriend’s thrusts.
Y/N let out a hiccuped moan of Luke’s name, a whispery, needy sound that had him smirking from behind the screen before he was looming closer, deliberately angling the blunt head of his cock to graze along the swollen spot inside of her just as he pointed the flash from his camera at her blissful expression.
Luke felt too good, but it was instinctive the way her palm came up to try and hide her face from the camera before she heard her him click his tongue, his free hand moving along her body to snatch gently at her wrist before he pinned it to the pillow beside her and started a pace that was a little faster than the last.
Y/N watched Luke bite his lip as his grin kept the same teasing curl as always, swallowing another low groan before the flash was finding her once more, and her eyes fluttered closed for a moment when she felt an all too familiar warmth twist in her abdomen as he pressed his cock into her.
“Oh? Didn’t think you were camera shy, baby. You gonna let me see those pretty faces you make on my cock?” Luke grunted again, letting the camera fall lower between their bodies until it was focusing on the mess of fluids that was smeared along her thighs and his, it only growing messier with every languid thrust.
Luke’s jaw clenched when he got a particularly good shot of his thick cock disappearing into her plush pussy, hissing a curse from between his teeth as the wet, squelching noises only grew louder while his balls smacked against her ass with each thrust, the sound so fucking loud Y/N was convinced he was trying to bury it into the walls instead of just his speaker.
Y/N blinked up at him when she felt like her eyes had adjusted to the usual dim lighting once more, finally meeting Luke’s gaze before another, dangerous sort of smirk was curling at the edges of his lips and she felt his fingers release her wrist in favor of tracing along her skin.
She felt him trail the teasing, featherlight touches lower before he was pressing his hand behind her thigh and pulling it up to let it hook around his shoulder. The new position only let him thrust his cock deeper into her already trembling walls, and Y/N felt something warm bursting along her thighs while her moans began to grow higher in pitch.
“Feels a bit selfish keeping you all for myself, you know. Maybe I’ll have to show the team how much of a fucking whore you are for my cock. All fucking mine, aren’t you?” Luke grunted, but it sounded needier this time as his lungs trembled on his next inhale, his hold on his phone wavering with the next squeeze of her walls along his cock. But he didn’t predict that he might be about to record himself losing his fucking mind in the intoxicating push and pull of her pussy.
Y/N was already mindless beneath him, but when the next place his fingers fell was between her thighs, it only took a few messy circles of her clit with two of his digits and a couple of languid, deep thrusts before she was stiffening, tight walls squeezing down eagerly around him.
“Why’d you stop?” Y/N asked heatedly, turning to look up at him.
“Don’t want you looking down. Want your pretty little face looking at this camera the whole time, think you can do that for me?” He asked, one of his hands squishing her cheeks together.
Y/N turned to face the camera again, so lost in how good Luke was making her feel that she’d completely forgotten that he was filming her. She nodded wordlessly as his grip on her cheeks loosened. Her pussy felt like it was trying to fucking milk him, it only pulling tighter every time he drew his hips back, trying to lure back in every inch she lost before he was burying it back inside of her.
“Eyes on me, baby.” Luke groaned, low and rugged and she knew he was desperately trying to keep a hold on the last string of his sanity, but her pussy felt so fucking good around him that he was considering getting this video put permanently on a loop in his mind.
Luke hissed through his teeth before he was focusing the camera on her face once more, his palm mercilessly pinning her hips to the bed before he was ruthlessly fucking her through her orgasm, every thrust unrelenting and he was only spurred on by the way she cried for him.
“Feels so good, my perfect girl. So tight for me.” Luke’s voice left her shuddering, eyes meeting his piercing ones. She already was too far gone, thoughts messy, forcing her to rely on him, to guide her through her arising high.
Y/N’s moans fell freely from her lips, making Luke smirk in delight, already excited about watching the video when he was far from home. His cock twitched as he gave into his thoughts, forcing himself to switch his focus back onto his moaning, trembling girl.
“Getting close.” Y/N said, struggling to even out your ragged breathing.
Luke’s wet his thumb in his mouth and brought it down in between their bodies, not slowing his thrusts as he rubbed at her clit. “Means I’m doing something right, wouldn’t you say?” He asked sarcastically, giving her a cheeky smile. She nodded, not trusting her shaky voice to answer him out loud. “Why don’t you cum for me, then? Let’s finish off this film.”
Y/N’s thighs twitched when she felt his thumb reach down to tease her puffy clit once more, every swipe shooting tiny aftershocks through her system as she thrashed below him, still so sensitive from her orgasm. Luke spread her thighs even wider before his thrusts were becoming sloppier, losing pace as he rocked into her, and she watched his head fall back to moan when she squeezed and trembled around the sensitive head of his cock.
“Cum with me, baby.” The thickness of his voice wrapped itself around her like smoke of a cigarette, trapping her in his embrace as her body followed him down the edge. Her orgasm rocked through her, buzzing in every vein, making itself comfortable in her system while he kept fucking into her.
Luke’s eyes were half lidded and dark when he blinked back down at her, peaks of his curls messier than usual as they fell along the light sheen of sweat along his forehead, framing the blush along his features before his lips parted to grind out another groan. Then it was hidden once more when the bright light from the flash clouded her vision and she felt his cock throb at the doe-eyed expression on her face.
“Let me see you make that pretty face for me again, baby.”
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