#luke skywalker come back home baby i miss you
apricusapollo · 1 year
me: *sends yana a video of luke dying in the last jedi for shits and giggles*
yana: din is probably shaking crying throwing up. grogu also probably felt that he died. rip dada or whatever he called him in the fic you were reading. lu? yeah rip lu. i like to think din felt his death too idc. the universe was ripped apart. his universe :(
me: ???
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januaryembrs · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on 1k once again!! Can I request handholding and forehead kisses with Din Djarin? Love, love, love your writing!! <3
TOUCH THE SCARS | Din Djarin x reader
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description: you and din console one another after you make the difficult decision to hand Grogu to Luke Word count: 1.1k trigger warnings: parentless reader, reader has a scar on her face, destroyed home? main masterlist
authors note: this was a response to my prompt sent by the lovely @lexloon who always brightens up my days with their comments on my din djarin series, Ad Astra, but this can also be read as a sequel to a previous imagine I did kiss the scars
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Skin on skin contact was not something that came naturally to you. A whole life spent hidden under your beskar armour meant you had been isolated from the feeling of another being touching your hidden skin for the majority of your life. You had never felt the warmth human skin could bring, the only semblance of such feeling being the memory of your mother cradling you when you were just a young one. 
That was before the Empire ripped your family away from you, your blood family at least. The Mandalorians had found you cowering in the remains of your childhood home, sneezing and crying at the dust the rubble had produced, confused as to where your parents had disappeared to. You remembered looking up at the sound of masked talking, worried it would be those storm troopers returning to take you away too. But no, you looked up at where the night sky beamed in through the gaping hole in the wall that certainly was not there before.
There stood two huge figures, both dressed head to toe in the thickest metal armour you ever saw. 
They were a man and a woman, the two who had found you. The man immediately began scanning the perimeter, as he had announced, while the woman knelt down to you, her face hidden by a red painted helmet though her voice was soothing, scooping you into her arms protectively. 
You sometimes wondered if that was what the child had seen when he had looked out of his pod on that first mission when you and Din had found him. Had you ever known how much the young boy would come to mean to you, you perhaps would have been as gentle and kind as the woman who found you had been.
And now he was gone, once again the Empire had stolen him from you. The only place he would ever be safe anymore was with one of his own, that was what the Armourer had said. And so you’d travelled to the ends of the galaxy and back to contact any other of his sorcerer kind you could find. And one had shown up, just as planned. 
A young man named Luke Skywalker had arrived in time to save you all from the dark troopers, and take the child to a place he will never be harmed again. You knew it would hurt, but you didn’t realise how empty everything would feel without him. 
You and Din had gotten one last chance to remove your helmets in front of your boy, let him caress your faces in shock and give him one final kiss on his forehead to say your goodbyes. He had felt so wrinkly considering he was a baby you remembered thinking, and it would have made you laugh if you hadn’t just lost what felt like your own child. Your own son. 
You and Din had made it to Nevarro with Cara as she found you a place for the night, not that you had been listening. Everything seemed foggy with your helmet back on. He was gone. He didn’t need you chasing after him anymore; he had one of his own real family to take care of him now. 
“I miss him,” Din broke the silence behind you. He too had been quiet the entire journey back, the two of you sitting in the ship's corner with your cold armour masking the weight the hurt carried on your faces. It wasn’t until you’d made it to your room for the night, to a place you could be alone together, he took off his helmet and the heartache was clear on his face. 
“I know,” Your voice felt drugged with disuse. The last you’d spoken was to say goodbye to Grogu, your son Grogu. Your son. Behind your eyes stung the second you had thought it. “We did the right thing, didn’t we?” 
“Hey, don’t do that,” Din chided softly, and you heard him stand from his place on the bed to walk closer to you. His bare fingers interlocked with yours to turn you to face him, and you figured he must have removed his gloves the same time he removed his helmet. It was nice, feeling his warm skin in your palm. He had hairy arms, you couldn’t help but notice, soft but hairy. And his fingertips seemed ironed of any wrinkles you’d expect in this job though you supposed it was for the fact he always wore his thick, leathered gloves. “He needed to be with his own people. There was nothing else we could have done,”
He was gentle though. Caressing you softly as if you were a wounded animal. He brought his hand up to softly stroke the side of your face. “I’m sorry,” You whispered, “I know you’re hurting too,”
The man smiled small, and it was still all new to you to see his facial expressions after going off his voice alone for so many years. You had only revealed your faces to one another just days ago at the imp base, you still had so much mapping out of one another to do.
Din looked down at you, his deep sepia eyes scanning over your furrowed brow and sad lips, his line of vision trailing up the scar that lay across your nose. “I am,” He said solemnly, as if admitting it to himself first, “But we can hurt together, I guess,” 
He leaned in, his one hand still locked in between your own as the other slipped behind your head to lace into your hair faintly. You drew in a breath, thinking he was going to kiss you. You wouldn’t have minded, the sensation was still just so new to you, the closeness of his skin on yours. But his path diverted at the last moment and he pecked your nose softly instead. His lips followed the trail at which your scar marred your face, over the bridge of your nose and through your eyebrow, until he landed on your temple where his lips stayed until you lifted your hand up to weave around his wrist, needing to use every chance you could get to touch him you’d seemed to realise.
The hunter pulled away. Two armorless Mandalorians missing their son staring back at one another, every morsel of the other's skin being a signature of home to both of you.
“Together,” You echoed into his neck, so quietly as if you wished to keep it a secret from the rest of the world.
Din just smiled down at you. That was how it was now, the two of you alone but together nonetheless.
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this was written as part of my 1k follower celebration. please feel free to send in 1000 word drabble prompts of your own!
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aydann-runs · 10 months
“Okay Emms, I think that's the last of it, yeah?” Michael asks, surveying the room. There are a few boxes that still need to be unpacked, but all the heavy lifting is done. He's running out of reasons to linger, and at this point, anything else he’d do would just be delaying the inevitable.
Emma pokes her head out of the closet, scaled down and compact like everything else in the dorm room, and looks around. “Wow, Dad. That was fast,” she says with a knowing smirk.
“Four years of moving your brother in and out of rooms just like this one was pretty good practice,” Michael responds with a shrug.
“Yeah, that and…” Emma scrunches her face in mock concentration and wiggles the fingers of her outstretched hand.
“Hey!” Michael exclaims, indignant. “That was one time, and it was mostly for show. I'm not some lame Jedi that has to rely on hand gestures to get the job done. The face though, I'll give you that.”
“Oooh, Daddy, are you just gonna let Dad insult Luke Skywalker like that?” Emma asks, turning to Alex who’d walked back into the room just in time to hear Michael's dig.
“Nope, you're not dragging me into the middle of whatever you've got going on by evoking Star Wars,” Alex laughs, setting down the bag of forgotten essentials he'd run out to buy while Michael and Emma unpacked. “You got a lot done while I was gone. I don't know that there's much more for us to help you with.”
“I think the rest of it is just odds and ends that will take me a while to find homes for,” Emma agrees. “So…”
Alex wraps his arms around Michael from behind and hooks his chin over Michael’s shoulder. “I think that’s our cue, sweetheart,” Alex murmurs in his ear.
“Okay, kiddo. We’re gonna take off,” Michael forces out around the lump in his throat. “But if you need us, we’re only a few hours away.”
“Dad, I’m gonna be fine. You didn’t worry this much when Lucas went to college. It’s not that big of a deal,” Emma protests.
“It is a big deal, and your Dad worried at least this much when we dropped Lucas off for his first year at school,” Alex says. “We’re your parents, it’s kind of our job to worry about our kids, no matter how old they are.”
Emma rolls her eyes, and it’s just so Alex that Michael can’t help but smile. “I’m not going to miss that attitude,” he teases. “Now c’mere, and then we’ll go and let you start figuring out college life.”
He pulls Emma in for a hug, and Alex takes a half-step back to give him a moment alone with their daughter. Reluctantly, Michael kisses Emma’s forehead and lets her go for Alex to take his turn.
“I’m really proud of you, baby,” he hears Alex say quietly, and while a lot of Emma’s personality comes from Alex, Michael knows that the way she blushes and hides her face in Alex’s neck is all him.
“Don’t forget that Aunt Isobel and Uncle Kyle are taking you out for dinner on Wednesday,” Alex says as he pulls away.
“Yup. It’s cool they moved to Albuquerque. I’ll have Auntie Iz around to spoil me whenever I want.”
“Make sure you take full advantage,” Michael advises. “And don’t let Valenti force any of his wheatgrass smoothies on you. It’s not health food, no matter what he says.”
Alex laughs and pulls both Emma and Michael in together for one last hug. “We love you, Emms. Call us if you need anything.”
“I love you both, too.”
Alex squeezes his hand and Michael follows him through the door, sparing one final glance over his shoulder at their daughter as they go. He and Alex walk out of the dorm building in silence, and once they reach the car, Michael wraps his arms around Alex, holding him tight.
“I thought I’d be more excited about having both kids out of the house,” he mumbles into Alex’s neck.
“No you didn’t,” Alex replies fondly. He pulls back far enough that he can kiss Michael, sweet and slow. “But, there are advantages to having an empty house…”
“Mmm, there are,” Michael agrees as he leans in for another kiss. He keeps it shorter than he might usually–they have a three hour drive ahead of them, and he’s too old to be making out in a college parking lot–but they’re both a little breathless when he pulls away.
“Let’s go home?” Alex asks.
And, even though both their kids have now officially moved out and it’s the third house they’ve lived in since they got married, anywhere Alex is, that’s his home.
And so he doesn’t hesitate to agree. “Let’s go home.”
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starboundanon · 2 years
was discussing some skywalker family dynamics with @thewriterowl​ @inky-starlight​ and @brassknuckled​, and this little drabble manifested as a result. Enjoy.
“How long are you going to be gone?”
Smiling, Anakin wraps an arm around Padmé’s shoulders, pulling her into a hug. “Not long,” he promises, kissing the top of her head. “I’m sorry. I would have told the Council no, but Obi-Wan needs my help.”
“I know,” she says with a sigh. “You’re right. We’ll just miss you so much.”
He kisses her forehead, the touch lingering. “I’ll be home soon,” he says, giving her one last squeeze, before letting her go. “I swear it.”
Turning toward the twins, he pulls Leia into his arms first, bending down considerably to press a kiss into the crown of her head. It’s rare to even have her at home, these days, with how busy her work in the Senate keeps her. So he relishes in the joy of holding her as long as he can, savoring the warmth of her in his arms, his only daughter. His little girl.
She pushes herself up onto the very tips of her toes to press a kiss to his cheek, and he grins, kissing her forehead in return. “I will see you when I return,” he vows, tucking a brunette curl behind her ear. “Try not to miss me too much, starlight.”
“I think we’ll manage,” Leia says, but her smile is fond. Force, he loves her. “Don’t let Obi-Wan get himself killed.”
Anakin laughs, hugs her tighter. “I’ll do my best.”
Letting her go, he turns at last to Luke, waiting his turn with that patient, beatific smile on his face.
A rush of warmth overcomes him, as it always does when he sees his son’s perfect face. He scoops the boy into his arms, holding him tight around the waist, twirling him in small circles on the pourstone floor to bask in the melodic sound of his laughter.
Luke wraps his arms around his neck, clinging, shrieking out a slightly scandalized, “Dad, come on,” when it becomes apparent that his father has no intention of putting him down.
Reluctantly, Anakin does just that, lowering his son to his own feet. Stars, his incredible, remarkable little boy. The tallest member of his family besides himself, yet still so small, a head and a half shorter than his father, even in those heeled boots he’s so fond of.
It’s Padmé’s face staring up at him as he cups those soft cheeks in his hands. Luke inherited certain features from him — the hair and the eye color, most notably — but the similarities between him and his mother are uncanny. When Anakin looks at Leia, it’s his own face he sees staring back at him, the cut of their jaws, the shape of their heads almost identical, the same eyes, same noses, same mouths.
Luke is his mother’s son in every way Anakin so covetously loves. Her patience, her kindness, the way her face fits perfectly in his hands, the freckles painting her skin like stars. 
Anakin loves him so much, sometimes, the depth of it scares him.
Holding the boy’s head still, he leans down and peppers his face with kisses, starting at the forehead, kissing a line down to his cheek. Luke laughs and wriggles in his arms, always so ticklish, ever since he was a baby, and it pulls another burst of affection from his father, who kisses the bridge of his nose, his eyelids, the corner of his mouth.
“You sure you won’t be too lonely without me?” he asks, holding the boy flush against him.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Luke quips, grin widening. “You’re only going to be gone for a few cycles, Dad. It’s not like you’re leaving forever.”
“I won’t ever leave you, sunshine,” he vows, cupping the back of his son’s head, fingers threading through his hair. “Never. I’ll be gone a few days at most, and then I’ll be home to you, you hear me?”
Smiling, Luke reaches up, the way Leia had, and kisses his other cheek. “I understand,” he says. “I’ll miss you too.”
“Be good while I’m gone.” Smiling, he kisses his forehead again, pulling away reluctantly, but not letting him go, not quite.
Through the Force, he takes the boy’s hand and holds it, weaving their fingers together, intertwining their presences in his mind.
It’s as close to releasing him as Anakin could ever get.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
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I posted 425 times in 2022
That's 124 more posts than 2021!
281 posts created (66%)
144 posts reblogged (34%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 390 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
#the inane ramblings of a madman - 122 posts
#star wars - 111 posts
#luke skywalker - 75 posts
#tim drake - 55 posts
#anakin skywalker - 55 posts
#dc - 53 posts
#batman - 49 posts
#robin - 45 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 43 posts
#star wars prequels - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#everyone else: he hid in rafters for ten hours until starfire showed up bc she was the only person he knew
My Top Posts in 2022:
A New Hope is a lot funnier when you realize that Darth Vader tells everyone he thinks Obi-Wan is there and everyone is probably thinking “I thought you got over this”
2,036 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Tim Drake as a character is really funny because on the outside, he gives off this aura of always knowing what to do and what’s coming next and being able to predict his enemies next ten moves, but on the inside he has no idea what’s going on and is riding by the seat of his pants the whole time.
Like, he has the best poker face of any character ever. People look at him and think “Lucky I’m with Robin who knows what he’s doing :)” and Tim’s brain is playing staticky elevator music.
3,130 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
One of my fave things about Wei Ying is that when he fantasized about living with Lan Zhan, he imagined Lan Zhan staying home and mending clothes and cooking and cleaning and just generally waiting for Wei Ying to get back. Because Wei Ying imagined that he would go out and hunt or fish or farm. Wei Ying’s dirty fantasy was that Lan Zhan would live a domestic life with him where he provided food (at least ingredients).
It will never stop being funny that, in the WangXian dynamic, the man who is rumoured to have had sex with so many women as well as had virgins (for their blood? For the sex? For fun? Who knows? Have a virgin!) just hanging around, he fantasized about having a domestic life and farming and fishing. And the “Light Bearing Lord” who came from a respected family and is known as cold and standoffish and feared as much as he’s respected, he fantasized about sex eight times a day with his husband.
It’s hilarious! But, it is also terribly sad!
Wei Ying just wants a home. A place he can go where someone is waiting for him. A place that he can go to and the someone waiting for him is happy that he’s there. A place where he can relax and have fun and his idea of fun is fishing, hunting, and farming. A place where he’s allowed to just be himself, no pretending necessary, he can just exist and have someone exist by his side in harmony.
And then, while I’m thinking about this, I remember that my actual favourite thing from the book is when Wei Ying sits on Little Apple and has Lan Wangji pull the reins because he remembers his mom sitting while his dad pulled the reins. And he thinks about how great it would be if they had a kid so that the kid could sit on Lan Zhan’s shoulders like he sat on his dad’s shoulders. And he recreates this scene, this innocuous scene and it makes him so happy and Lan Zhan doesn’t even question for a milisecond why Wei Ying wants him to do this after he realizes that it makes Wei Ying happy.
They just… am love each other… so much… for so long… and they… they… they are they and that is wonderful…
3,159 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Din Djarin and Luke Skywalker are both two men who get progressively scarier the more you watch them.
Like, Luke in A New Hope was baby af. He was a child. Even in the Empire Strikes Back, what a little guy. A tiny fellow.
Then boom, Return of the Jedi, and Luke is smiling and like “Tell these Ewoks that you are their God and that if they do not release us, you will be Angered…” He is in all black, he is missing a hand, he has gone off the rails conpletely. He’s like “How will I tell Leia that we’re siblings? …Oh! I know! Riddles!” Luke Skywalker gets struck by Force Lightning like nine times and still gets up and drags his dad’s lifeless body out. There were moments one might look at him and think, “no, ur wrong, he still babie” but you are the wrong one! He goes into Jabba’s Palace and straight up stands there smiling and threatening him the whole time. He’s standing on a plank over the Sarlacc and he’s still like “So this is how you’d like to play :)” Luke straight up snapped, he got spooky by the end of the og trilogy.
Din Djarin, straight off the back, is kind of intimidating. He is a man in full armour who hunts people and freezes them in carbonite and appears behind their shoulders when they least expect it. But, after Grogu shows up, you probably think “this man is weak to this baby, he will become soft” but no! The opposite happens!
I’m talking about episode 6. The Prisoner. I have wanted desperately to talk about this for days, but have only just found the words to do so. Let me explain.
Din Djarin is filmed and edited like a horror movie villain. Like a supernatural force of evil who stalks his prey. Straight up like a slasher villain out of the eighties. There’s hints of this beforehand, what with Din appearing behind a guy in the very first episode, and the fact that he has been shot point blank (many times) but no matter how many times he falls, he always gets back up. Okay, that’s all fine and good.
But episode 6 goes beyond that. He stalks a bunch if assholes through flickering red lights. He splits them up, he takes them out one by one, and the last person standing manages to get out, thinks they’ve escaped, only to die (technically) at Din’s hand anyway. He is straight up a horror movie villain I don’t know how else to explain it, he is a horror movie villain.
Don’t take this the wrong way. Being spooky and intimidating isn’t a bad thing, especially not in Star Wars! Luke Skywalker and his ability to say terrible things while smiling, Din Djarin and his predilection for appearing right behind someone, these ar egood things. I like these things a lot. I love these. I love that Luke is the cutest little scary fella in the galaxy. I love that Din is the most awkward little scary fella in the galaxy. I think it’s great.
Why do I bring this up?
Well, for one, I have been trying to word my view on Din Djarin for days now. I love this man, I have to mock him or I’ll feel incomplete. And I think it’s a disservice to pretend that Luke isn’t a person who most people in the Star Wars universe think about and shiver. Don’t get me wrong, I love sunshine boy Luke, but he isn’t really like that, at least not by this point in the series. He just strikes me as the type of person to say incredibly dark, deranged things with a blank face, then smile at cute kittens. Luke is messed up, and we should talk about it more because it’s very interesting to explore the various ways he’s messed up.
But for another, I am a big fan of Din and Luke being buddies who go absolutely anywhere and scare the shit out of people. A Mandalorian next to a Jedi Knight? Two people who eat Storm Troopers for breakfast?? Can you imagine how much the fragments of the Empire that are still left are quaking??? Those two would go absolutelu anywhere and the anyone on planet who ever sided with the Empire would give themselves up or run, immediately.
Like, Din singlehandedly took out that whole troop on Nevarro. All by himself, he shot out all of the Storm Troopers and everyone inside and I like to think there are whispered stories about him similar to the ones about the Boogeyman.
Now, I know Luke didn’t actually kill the Emperor and Darth Vader, but does anyone in universe know that? Or does everyone think that Luke not only blew up the Death Star, but he also murdered the two head honchos and came out completely unscathed? Luke is definitely a boogeyman.
I don’t know. Something about two terrifying men walking into a bar full of Imperials only to walk out five minutes later of a bar full of dead Imperials just really fills me with joy. Something about the mental image I have of Storm Troopers fearfully sharing increasingly terrifying stories about these two makes me happy. I like bad people being scared shitless, all right? Sue me.
3,422 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think Tim is the cryptid of the superhero community. Hear me out:
In Young Justice, it’s explicitly stated multiple times that Tim Drake’s Robin has never been caught on film. There are no pictures or videos. Even earlier on, in World’s Finest Three, Tim gets Superboy to take all of the credit for taking down Metallo and Poison Ivy (something even the reporters find hard to believe) because Tim can’t let anyone know it was Robin.
Furthermore in Young Justice, the ongoing conflict between Robin and his team is that they find it hard to trust him because he can’t reveal his identity to them. But more than that, he can’t reveal his identity to anyone, he isn’t supposed to let anyone know that Robin even exists. There are fake “files” on all of the characters and even the government doesn’t know who the f Robin is, and the file questions whether or not he actually exists.
Then, there’s the part of the comics where Tim is forced to give up Robin, and Steph replaces him for a bit, and literally nobody outside of Gotham knows. He didn’t tell his friends, Bruce didn’t tell anyone, nobody knows that Tim isn’t Robin anymore. And then, he comes back. Just as out of the blue.
In the Red Robin run, it’s canon that nobody knows where Tim is aside from Ra’s al Ghul (who stalked him from the start and so shouldn’t count). Oracle doesn’t know where he is, none of his friends know (two of them are “dead,” so it’d be hard for them to know), everyone who runs into him is like “??? who tf???” Even Dick only has a vague idea. The whole point of Tam’s side plot is that it is nigh impossible to find Tim unless he decides to collapse onto your hotel room’s bed while bleeding out next to an assassin. As one does.
What does this mean?
It means that some superheroes definitely don’t believe that Tim exists, probably the younger ones. Superman or someone is like “Man, I miss the Robin that didn’t threaten me with swords,” and they’re like “Dick?” “No.” “Jason?” “No.” “??? The girl one?” “No.”
Like, some people have definitely never seen/heard of this weird third Robin, and they definitely think it’s something the older heroes are making up to mess with them. On conspiracy boards in Gotham, some people tell tale of the third Robin, the one that came before the Stabby Robin, and other people are like “You’re making this up! This guy doesn’t exist!”
I bet Duke is occasionally like “Hey, I haven’t seen Tim in like three weeks, is he still alive?” And someone else (Dick or Bruce) is just like “What are you talking about? Tim’s been sitting over in that corner.” And Duke just sees Tim unmoving in a corner, and is like “…that doesn’t answer the question, is he still alive?”
Tim is canonically, in the comics, the best at remaining unseen. He’s a cryptid. Kon and Bart tell horror stories about him and have blurry photos (taken blurrily on purpose in the same vein as Big Foot) that they show younger heroes. Jason occasionally regales his goons with stories of a creepy stalker child who fights crime. Dick tells his coworkers about his brothers but they don’t believe Tim exists because everytime they ask for a photo of him, Dick just shrugs and says he’s a bit camera shy. Damian complains about his brothers and all of his classmates are kind of worried he made up Tim, because he’s never come (it’s funny to imagine Jason and Dick and Bruce all coming to pick up Damian from school. It’s funnier to imagine that even Cass has picked him up). Several workers at Wayne Enterprises think that “Tim Drake-Wayne” is just a made up entity to keep the company out of enemy hands.
Tim is a cryptid, thanks for coming to my TED Talk
3,978 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sweetrevxnge · 2 years
Like Phantoms, Forever
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Chapter Twelve | Never Meant
Pairing: Ben Solo x Reader
Summary: Your destiny had never been clear to you, only becoming so when it led you to leaving behind the life you knew to train with the galaxy's sole Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker. His Jedi Academy became your new home, bringing with it the promise of someday becoming a Jedi Knight. While navigating the ways of the Force, an inexplicable connection forms between you and a fellow student—the heir to the legendary Skywalker bloodline, Ben Solo. Together, the two of you must face your destinies and forge the path to your true selves.
What to expect: fluff, violence, sexual content, general angst, mentions/descriptions of injury and death
Additional info: this story is set in 28 ABY, six years prior to the events of TFA
*concurrently being published on AO3 and Wattpad as well!
Spotify Playlist
Word count: 5.9k
Chapter-specific CW: NSFW content, unprotected sex, inappropriate use of the Force
A/N: I accidentally hurt my own feelings while writing this chapter, but hey! That's showbiz baby!!!
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“Both pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation,” the medical droid stated plainly as it lowered the penlight from your eyes and clicked it off.
You blinked rapidly, trying to wipe away the lingering light from your sight, but a trail still streaked through your vision.
“Considering that the cranial nerve assessment showed no deviation from the expectation and that the patient is not currently exhibiting symptoms associated with a traumatic brain injury, it is my professional opinion that she is safe to resume training activities and…”
As intriguing as 4-3B’s analysis of your condition was, you couldn’t help but tune it out—especially since the findings were identical to Ben’s. 
“A little Force pushing isn’t enough to damage our thick skulls,” you said to Ben through your invisible connection, earning a stifled laugh from him seated across the examination room.
You lazily swung your legs back and forth from the examination table—which was really more like a bed—as you watched 4-3B’s assessment data automatically fill the blank spots in your chart. The system was fascinating to watch, instantly transferring information from its memory core to the blue-tinted data screen beside you as it verbally explained your report.
“If you begin to experience symptoms, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or visual disturbances, please come b–”
“Back to the infirmary immediately, I know,” you said impatiently, trying to hurry this visit along so you could escape the uneasy tension hanging between you, Ben, and Master Skywalker. 
Given the comment he had made as you snuck into the temple, as well as his apprehension to send you two off in a private ship together, there was no doubt in your mind that he knew about you two, at least in some capacity. And to make matters worse, he knew that you knew that he knew. “Uncomfortable” didn’t do the situation justice.
“If you do not have any other questions, miss, you are cleared to leave.” 4-3B’s tone could only be described as irritated, at least by medical droid standards.
With that, you hopped off the table and started towards the door, avoiding your Master’s gaze. 
“Well then, I think I’m going to turn in early for the night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Master,” you said quickly, already pulling the door open. You didn’t bother addressing Ben—trying to create as much distance between you and him in the sterile room.
“Not so fast.” Master Skywalker stopped the door with the Force, freezing it just shy of being wide enough for you to escape. “Since I have the two of you here, there’s something I’d like to discuss.”
Your pulse thrummed in your ears and throat, deafening you. You nodded and released the door handle, watching as it slowly latched shut. 
Trepidation rolled through your stomach as you turned on your heels to face your Master, catching a glimpse of Ben seated in the corner as you did. He looked equally as displeased with the situation, his arms crossed over his chest and jaw tense as he sat slouched in the chair.
In the time that had passed as Master Skywalker articulated himself, the multitude of possible outcomes of this conversation ran through your mind—calculating every unique way he could chastise and dismiss you and Ben from the Academy. Would he be forthright and tell you that your illicit affair was against the Jedi Code? Or was he going to tip-toe around the subject before completely derailing your lives?
“Look, you two. I’m hesitant to send you off on a journey alone,” he said plainly, his arms crossed over his chest and eyes boring into your soul.
Your heart hammered in your chest with enough force to break your ribs and leap out onto the eerily clean floor. You swallowed thickly, conjuring up any possible excuse that could throw him off your scent.
Before you could speak, he continued. “I’m worried about what could happen out there if the two of you go without me…” He pulled his beard between his fingers, stroking it anxiously.
The three of you sat steeped in uncomfortable silence as you each processed your thoughts. You resisted the urge to glance at Ben as panic rose in your chest, followed closely by crushing disappointment. The last thing you wanted was for your Master to impose himself on your only chance at true alone time with Ben, your only opportunity to exist without the burden of the Jedi Order weighing on your conscience.
The previously mended cracks in your heart ruptured into deep, cavernous abysses at the realization. You could never truly be with Ben—not even in the capacity that you had expected to be for this one trip. The harsh reality was that these two things would always be mutually exclusive, and you weren’t sure which one you would rather live without.
“Master, I–” you started to say before Master Skywalker interrupted you.
“I know that I’m probably just being paranoid, but I can’t jeopardize your safety like this.”
“I’m going with her, aren’t I?” Ben’s voice cutting in reeled you back from your spiraling thoughts. He tilted his head as he stared at his uncle. “Do you doubt my ability to keep us safe, Master?”
The question hung in the air uncomfortably long as Master Skywalker glared back at him, his gray eyes slightly narrowed.
“It’s not that I doubt your abilities, Ben—I wouldn’t have entrusted you with this task if I didn’t. What I’m trying to say is that…” He paused, seemingly forcing the next words out of his mouth. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you out there.”
Ben scoffed as he stood from his seat. “But you’re fine with leaving the rest of your students behind?”
Your eyes widened a bit at his response. After all, it was a valid point.
“The Academy is safer than the expanse of the galaxy,” Master Skywalker said sharply.
“It may be, but that doesn’t mean you have to coddle us like we’re children.” Ben stepped closer towards him, towering over him. “We’ll be fine, Master. Besides, if we do run into any issues, we’ll have our comlinks and the Grimtaash’s communications to call for help.”
Master Skywalker brought his hand up to his mouth in thought. In the silence, you swore that your racing heart could be heard.
After what felt like an eternity had passed, he relented. “Fine. But I expect you to spend the rest of the afternoon checking the connections of those coms and reporting back to me when they’re cleared.”
Ben nodded in agreement and turned to face you, only taking a few long strides before reaching the door. You moved back to allow him room, still conscious of the pair of eyes that were following the both of you.
Ben yanked the door back and leaned back against it, propping it open and silently ushering you and Master Skywalker out of the infirmary. You ducked out first, wasting no time in returning to the students’ quarters.
A few moments later, you heard the sound of the two men bidding each other farewell, followed by heavy footsteps landing behind you. Unsurprisingly, Ben was catching up to you as his uncle walked away in the opposite direction.
“Hey,” he said, grabbing you by your shoulder and stopping you. 
“Hey…?” you replied, trying to slough his hand from your body, conscious of possible prying eyes.
He stared down at you, bewildered by your reaction. “Don’t you think we should talk about what happened out there?”
In the chaos of the last thirty minutes, you had almost forgotten about what had landed you in the infirmary in the first place.
“Oh…yeah.” You resumed your pace at a slower rate as Ben walked beside you, your reply dying in the air as you continued towards the huts.
“You’re not nearly as freaked out as I had expected you to be,” he said with a light laugh. “That was insane!”
You looked up from the ground beneath you to meet his gaze. “What was that, Ben?” Your voice was low as you spoke, revealing your true concern. “I’ve never felt anything like it before. I’m not freaked out—I’m terrified.”
The silence that followed was haunting, an acknowledgment that what had happened was beyond a simple scrimmage or Force abilities. It was more powerful than that, something larger than the both of you.
“I’ve never felt anything like it before, either. All I know is that it must somehow be connected to us,” he said.
You rolled your eyes. “Stellar insight, Ben.”
“Let me finish,” he said, his voice was somewhere between stern and lighthearted. “What I mean is that it must be related to the connection we share. People don’t just communicate telepathically through the Force.”
“Yes, I’m well aware of that,” you scoffed. 
What was he trying to say?
“So… What if this is a sign?” He stopped walking beside you, cuing you to do the same.
“A sign about what? I don’t think this is something that you can make sense of—you just have to accept it at face value.” You stepped closer to him, lowering your volume. “We share something unique, and it’s all because of the Force, or some other, unexplainable entity. Or maybe it’s just an enigma we must accept that we’ll never understand.” There was a hint of defeat in your tone.
“It certainly is unique…” Ben trailed, his eyes tracing over your features as he spoke. His gaze was as intense as ever, his brown eyes clouded with an indiscernible emotion as they flitted down to your lips. He pulled you closer by your waist, leaving little room between your bodies.
Your eyes darted around the area as you pulled away from him. “Ben, no,” you hissed, prying his fingers off your body. “What the hell are you doing?”
He grinned down at you as he turned on his heels and dropped his hands from your waist. “Follow me.” 
His voice was quiet and gravelly, and unfortunately for you, irresistible. Before you could think critically, your legs were already carrying you behind him, tied to him like a shadow.
“Where are we going?” you asked as you worked to keep up with him.
He glanced over his shoulder, cocking an eyebrow at you. “To show you around the ship.”
After a shorter walk than you expected, you found yourself in front of a field of grounded starships, each ranging in size, model, and color. There were smaller models scattered around, such as X-Wings and A-Wings, as well as a few freighters—the names of which you couldn’t conjure even if you tried. There must have been at least a dozen ships in the clearing, as if each one belonged to an individual student.
You stared at the ships with a childish wonder, amazed by each and every one of them. Of course, you had seen ships before—even traveled in one once before—but it was nothing compared to the fleet in front of you.
Every faded exterior and cosmetic damage on the surface of the metal panels told a story, each one of these crafts living a life of its own as a fighter against the Empire, a smuggler of stolen goods, or a transport full of refugees from the formerly occupied systems of the galaxy. Master Skywalker was breathing new life into each one of them here at his Academy.
Ben approached one charcoal gray freighter in particular, tapping his fingers quickly on the screen beside its massive door and lowering the ramp.
“Why have I never seen these before?” you asked, moving closer towards the lowering walkway of the ship.
“Is this not where T-2LC dropped you off when you arrived? I would’ve thought you would have seen the shipyard by now.”
“T-2…” you mumbled, racking your brain to recall the details of that day.
“The protocol droid that navigated the ship here. Elsie picked you up on Dantooine, right?”
The memory of the shiny silver droid came rushing back, remembering how it greeted you and introduced itself as you boarded the transport, just moments after you had taken one last look at your mother standing at the base of the ship. You cleared your throat and pushed the memory aside, ignoring the sting in your chest at the thought of your home.
“Oh, yeah…I remember now,” you said quietly.
Ben was standing at the base of the ramp, evidently waiting for you to stop rummaging through the memory of your interaction with the droid to come join him. As you came to a stop beside him, he slipped his hand into yours, causing you to instinctively pull back.
“It’s okay. No one’s going to see us out here,” he whispered.
You inhaled a deep breath and relaxed into his touch, giving his big hand a squeeze as he guided you up the ship’s ramp.
The interior was almost as dark as the exterior, just slightly warmer in hue. Lined with seats, control panels, and collectables from all over the galaxy, the belly of the ship was welcoming, luring you in to explore every detail.
You did, breaking free from Ben’s grasp and rushing forward, investigating the contents behind every sliding door and admiring each encased souvenir perched on the embedded shelving. Where are these from? What epic adventure is responsible for each collection piece? Your thoughts were moving faster than the speed of light as you ran your index finger through the thin layer of dust on one shelf.
Ben watched from the entryway with amusement as you pulled apart his ship, before entering the cockpit and powering the machinery on. 
The engines didn’t rumble as he flipped switches on the control panel, leading you to believe he was only turning on the electricity in the ship. Your theory was confirmed when soft yellow lights flickered on around you, embedded in both the ceiling and floorboards.
“I hope you know I’m never leaving this place,” you called out as you toyed with the checkered table in front of a curved row of seats. You hadn’t played holochess since grade school, but you knew a Dejarik table when you saw one. 
After a moment of fumbling with the switches, you finally managed to start a new game. A hologram of the classic chess pieces appeared from the center of the table. You let out an excited squeal as you flipped through the options before stopping on your favorite piece, seeing it for the first time again in over a decade.
“You play holochess?” Ben asked, leaning against the cockpit doorway. From the look on his face, you could tell that he was in his element here, ready to pilot the ship at a moment’s notice. His sharp features were softened by the ambient glow that flooded the space. 
For a brief moment, you allowed yourself to imagine that this was just another conversation in a day of the life you shared with him, one where perhaps the two of you were freighters—or even more dangerous—smugglers, hauling cargo across the galaxy every day for a sweet profit.
Movement from the holochess pieces in front of you pulled you from your daydream, violently throwing you back into reality.
“I dabble. If you’d like, I’d gladly kick your ass in a quick round,” you said, forcing a smile—one that felt just a tad too wide to be sincere.
“Like you kicked my ass during training?”
“Exactly like training.”
“I might take you up on that after I finish checking these comms. After all, I need to even the score…” he said slowly, pushing himself off of the doorframe and moving closer towards you. 
You rolled your eyes before staring off into the translucent image of the Kintan strider waiting idly above the round tabletop, your smile beginning to fade as heartache crept in. 
"Hey, what's wrong?" He took the seat next to you and wrapped an arm around your back and another under your legs, pulling you across his lap. "Are you worried that I might actually kick your ass?"
A weak chuckle escaped from your throat as you wrapped your arms behind his neck, shaking your head in disagreement. The lingering thoughts of a domestic life with him were shoved out of the window in your mind as you rested your head on his chest.
The two of you stayed there for a moment, holding each other in peaceful silence as you counted each steady thump of his heartbeat and twirled your fingers around his dark locks. This was it. This was the closest thing to domesticity you could have with him.
"So..." you finally said, "is this ship yours? Or is it, like, shared with other students?"
“It’s mine,” he answered, his voice vibrating through you as you sat pressed against his ribs. “Just mine.”
You nodded slightly. “Does everyone else have their own, too?”
“No, just a few students. Not many people want to subject themselves to the required flying lessons with Master Skywalker.” The statement transformed into a soft laugh as he pictured what you could only assume was his own lessons with Master Skywalker.
“I can’t even imagine what it’s like,” you said, picturing yourself frantically trying to pilot a ship as Master Skywalker corrected your technique, holding onto the seat harness for dear life.
“It was pretty rough. The only saving grace for me was I already knew a bit from what my dad and his buddy had taught me,” he said softly. “Otherwise, I think I would’ve quit after the first lesson.”
His expression was warmer than it had been the last time he spoke about his father. You saw the opportunity in front of you and seized it, continuing your questions about his family. 
“Your dad taught you how to fly?” You slid your fingers down his neck and over his shoulders as you waited for his response.
“Just the basics. He never actually let me practice flying, though.” His tone was becoming apathetic as he spoke, raising the alarm in your head that this was not a subject you should probe further.
“Ah, I see…” you mumbled, leaving behind a long pause as you scrambled to change the subject. “Well, uh, I really like your ship.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” he replied with a quiet chuckle, seemingly relieved to be off the subject as well. “Although, there’s still one more room you need to see.”
As much as you would have liked to have stayed wrapped in his arms all day, you shifted off his lap and climbed out of the lounge, raising an eyebrow at him as you waited for him to show you the way.
The ship was certainly larger than the transport that carried you here, but considering the size of the main hold, you couldn’t imagine there was much space to spare.
Ben led the way through a tight corridor to the mystery room, your anticipation building with each step. Maybe it’s some sort of a glass, star observatory room, you thought. But, wait—isn’t that what the cockpit is?
After a short walk through the curved hallway of the ship, Ben stopped in front of another sliding door and entered the passcode into the touchpad, revealing what appeared to be the captain’s quarters.
The room was larger than you had expected it to be, making you wonder where this space was kept from an outside view of the ship. The walls were lined with white, cushioned tiles and detailed with pale blue and violet accents. A small kitchenette was tucked in the corner, separated from the rest of the room by a bar table with two stools anchored beneath it. Across from the kitchen was a spacious bed built into the wall, allowing for more floor space in the suite. 
You stepped inside and walked over to the kitchenette, inspecting the high-tech appliances on the counter and peeking into the cabinets. When you turned around, you saw Ben crouched in front of the bed, taking inventory of the drawers’ contents beneath it.
The same heartache from earlier returned as you watched him, your reckless imagination fueled by the sight in front you. This could be your life—coming back to your shared room after a long day, changing into your sleepwear and crawling under the deep purple duvet before snuggling into each other’s embrace. You two would make trivial conversation and maybe even share a kiss or two—or three—before falling asleep and doing it all again the next day.
“So…” The sound of Ben’s voice yanked you from your thoughts. He was now seated on the edge of the bed, leaning back on his elbows.
“What do you think of it?” He motioned at the space around you, gauging your reaction. “I already stocked it with snacks and extra sets of clothes for you.”
You stood in front of him and pressed your palm into the mattress, testing its quality. It was soft and spongy, remembering the shape of your hand after you had lifted it. Certainly an upgrade from the Academy’s furnishings.
“Sets? Like, plural?” you asked, viciously picking at the skin around your nails. “How long are we going to be gone?”
He sighed. “That depends on how long it takes you to find your crystal.”
You blinked at him, your pulse rising in your throat. "Does it usually take a long time to find one?"
“Not necessarily. I can’t really say though, it’s different for everyone,” he said as he laid back on the mattress, his hair strewn around him like a dark halo.
A blend of excitement and anxiety consumed you. Excitement to be truly alone with Ben for the first time ever, but fearful to possibly fail at achieving this milestone. What if you couldn’t find a crystal at all? What if you weren’t meant to become a Jedi and you were just wasting Master Skywalker’s resources and time?
Noticing your concern, Ben grabbed your wrist gently and guided you to sit next to him. “It’s going to be okay. If it ends up taking you a little longer to find one, we’ll just make a trip to an outpost for extra food and supplies.”
You nodded and laid down beside him, your feet still planted on the floor. His confidence was almost contagious, nearly successful in convincing you that you were going to be fine. But deep down, you knew that you wouldn’t be relieved until you had your kyber crystal in your hands.
A beat passed before either of you said anything else. His hand found yours again and rubbed soothing circles over the back of it.
“As nerve-wracking as it is, I am really excited for this,” you said quietly, focusing on the pattern of his thumb on your skin.
Ben smiled in return—his authentic, beautiful smile that you loved so much. "I am, too." His honey eyes traced over your face, memorizing you.
“And this bed,” you said, rolling onto your side to face him as you poked a finger into the mattress. “It’s like laying on a cloud.”
He chuckled. “It’s certainly an upgrade from our cots.”
“I think I could stay here forever…” you sighed and paused, hesitant to complete the thought. “Stay here with you.”
He searched your eyes for a beat before his wide pupils darted down to your lips. A moment later, his lips were on yours, kissing you fiercely as he ran a hand along your waist. You moaned into the kiss as his grip tightened on your hip, pushing you onto your back and pinning you against the mattress.
A small gasp escaped your lips as he abruptly pulled away, slowly lowering his elbows on either side of your head.
He silenced you with another kiss. "I've been waiting all day for this," he said, his voice low. "Watching you out there was driving me fucking insane."
You couldn’t help the smirk that spread across your face. Was that why he was being so broody today?
Now wasn't the time to be asking these questions, not when you were pinned beneath him in his ship’s private bedroom.
“You mean it?” you purred, egging on his compliments.
He snatched your wrists in his big hand and brought them up above your head, leaning down until his face was only inches from yours. “Yes, I mean it.”
His body above yours and his dark tone caused your head to spin as desire stirred between your legs.
“Seeing my girl out there, kicking everyone’s ass just like I knew she would.”
Warmth rushed to your cheeks, either from his comment or from the heat radiating off of his body. My girl. Somehow, the endearment felt more intimate than his usual “princess.”
“I couldn’t have done it without your help,” you said, stretching your neck up to capture his lips.
He parted your legs with his knee and pressed you further into the mattress with his chest, kissing you roughly as he did. He released your wrists, but the pressure of his hands remained, an invisible restraint still holding them in place.
Pleased with himself, he leaned back and smiled at you, dark curls falling into his face as he watched you struggle against the Force.
"You son of a—" you started to say before a long finger pressing against your lips stopped you. You squirmed beneath him, trying to pull your hands free.
“If you keep moving, I’ll just tighten it.”
As different as this was, you actually didn’t mind it. In fact, there was something liberating about allowing him to have total control.
He pulled your robes apart and easily tugged them over your head before sliding his hands under the waistband of your pants. In an effort to make less work for him, you kicked off your boots, each one landing with a thud on the vinyl floor.
“Always so eager,” Ben said as he dipped closer to your ear, his warm breath sending a chill throughout your body.
"You're one to talk," you said breathlessly, your senses captivated by his hand slowly moving under your waistband.
He chuckled, the vibration rattling your brain as he dragged his lips down your jaw and neck. 
Gooseflesh erupted over your skin as his fingers slipped under the thin material of your underwear, rubbing languid circles over your sensitive clit. Another gasp left your lips, followed by a soft whimper as he added light pressure, immersing you in pure bliss.
“Listen to you, princess,” he growled as he lowered his lips to yours, silencing the ensuing moan. “Go ahead, be as loud as you’d like in here.”
The statement felt more like a command than an invitation, but you didn’t need much incentive to comply. You relaxed into the mattress, letting your pleasure dictate the curses and moans leaving your mouth.
Ben kept his thumb on your clit as he lowered two fingers down to your entrance, instantly meeting the warmth gathering there. His eyes darkened and a tiny smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet,” he whispered, slowly pushing his fingers inside of you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but all that came out was a stuttered breath. He stretched you quickly, working his fingers deeper inside of you as his thumb rubbed tight circles over your clit.
It wasn’t long before you had adjusted to him, the initial pain subsiding into pleasure. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to be submerged in the waves of bliss that washed over your body.
Fire licked at your skin as the blended sensation of his dexterous fingers effortlessly carried you towards your peak. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna co–”
“No,” he snapped, pulling his hand out from under your pants. “Not yet, you aren’t.”
“What?” you panted, ripping your eyes open and shooting him a puzzled look. You groaned at the loss of contact as your ecstasy fizzled out, turning into a smoldering ember.
He didn’t respond, only stepping back and silently stripping the heavy robes off of his body. 
The invisible grip holding your arms disappeared, and without him even saying a word, you knew why he had released you. You wiggled out of your pants and underwear before tugging your bra over your head and tossing it aside.
Just as you had adjusted yourself to lay properly on the bed, Ben replaced the invisible restraint around your wrists, pinning them against the silk pillow behind you.
You scoffed as you tried again to free yourself. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” he said as he crawled over you, lowering his body until it was almost touching yours. “If you want to come, I suggest you stop fighting it.”
You could tell he was enjoying this—having the power in the situation. And truthfully, it was incredibly hot.
"Okay..." you said, drawing the word out as you looked up at him with doe eyes.
He propped himself up on one elbow, his free hand tracing down your neck until he reached the skin between your breasts. Your heart slammed against your ribs with each beat, undoubtedly pulsating through his fingertips as they rested over your sternum. He lingered there for a moment before cupping one of your breasts with his hand, gently rolling your nipple between the rough pads of his fingers.
You melted into his touch, letting out a relieved moan as you relaxed into the pillows behind you.
“That’s better,” he said as he lowered his lips to yours, kissing you sweetly. 
His fingers grazed over your stomach as he reached for your aching clit, passing over it with just a quick circle before stopping at your entrance. You rolled your hips against his hand, silently pleading for more.
His touch was featherlight as he spread your desire around your cunt before replacing his fingers with the head of his cock, dragging it over your clit. You watched in awe as he did, trying to memorize how his hair fell haphazardly into his face and his plush lips parted in concentration. The sight alone was enough to reignite the ember in your belly.
Sparks buzzed in your stomach as he aligned himself with you, his dark eyes meeting yours one last time, drinking in the image of your body sprawled out beneath him.
Slowly, he sank into you, releasing a deep groan from his chest as he did. You fought the urge to reach up for him, to wrap your hands around his shoulders for support as he moved inside of you.
You quickly adjusted to his size this time, having already had his fingers warming you up. Even still, he had to stop and pull back every so often to fully fit inside of you.
“You feel so fucking good,” he sighed into your neck, peppering wet kisses onto the skin. His fingers brushed over your chest and arm before interlocking with yours when he reached the invisible bind. “You’re so tight, baby.”
Between the sensation of him fucking you and his sweet adorations, your orgasm was steadily building again, your senses heightening with each thrust.
“Fuck—please—don’t stop,” you breathed between moans, wrapping your legs tighter around him to bring him closer to you.
He flexed his jaw as he pulled his hand free from yours, moving to hold your hips firmly as his fingers dug into your flesh. His movements were becoming uneven, evidence of his own desire.
“You did so well today, my good fucking girl…” he grunted, pushing into you harder. “And you’re being so good for me right now, too.”
Your addled brain was swimming at his words, and before you could say anything in response, a familiar sensation began buzzing around your clit.
“Oh, fuck! Just like that—right there,” you cried, practically babbling as the Force propelled you towards your peak.
“I want you to come when I tell you to,” Ben said as he propped himself up and unlatched your ankles from his waist, gripping them tightly as he pulled them over his shoulders.
You only nodded in response, unable to push coherent words out between breaths. 
In this new position, he was able to fuck you deeper, his cock rubbing against sensitive spots you didn’t even know existed. It was becoming increasingly difficult to stave off your impending orgasm.
“Ben, I can’t,” you said between breaths. “I’m gonna–”
“Yes, you can. Just a little bit longer, baby.” His own pleasure was bleeding into his tone, the muscles in his shoulders and back becoming tense beneath your legs.
It felt nearly impossible to hold off any longer, but just as you were about to give in, the pressure around your wrists disappeared. Without hesitation, you wove your fingers in his hair, pulling him down as close to you as you possibly could.
The muscles in your legs burned as he continued to fuck you, leaning down and hovering above your lips, his ragged breath warm as he spoke. “Come for me.”
Euphoria ripped through you, staining your vision with blinding, white light as your orgasm washed over you, cries of pleasure ripping free from your chest. Your cunt pulsed around Ben’s cock as you came down from your high, causing his movements to become rushed and erratic.
Still rolling through the aftershocks of your climax, your eyes fluttered open, seeing Ben above you, mouth open and eyes screwed shut as he chased his own peak. It wasn’t long before his hips stilled inside you, his fingers bruising your skin as he gripped your thighs, filling you with his cum.
The world was spinning around you as he slowly pulled out of you, causing warmth to drip down your skin as he did. He collapsed on his forearms and kissed you gently, moving his lips lazily against yours as you both relished the endorphins coursing through your veins.
When he finally broke the kiss, you cleared your throat and nodded down at the mess between your legs. “Um, Ben? Can you…?” 
He was already on his feet and pulling his pants over his hips, his gaze intense as he watched you lying helplessly on the bed.
“Don’t worry about the sheets, but as for that,” he said with a light laugh as he secured his pants, towering over you with one knee pressed into the mattress. “Let me take care of that.”
He carefully traced his fingers along your sensitive skin, gathering the warm cum that was spilling out of your cunt.
“What the fuck are yo—oh!” you gasped as he pushed his coated fingers inside your entrance again. While it was not at all what you were expecting, the grin on his face as admired his good work made your heart beat violently in your chest.
“Better?” he asked, slipping his fingers out of you and wiping the remnants off on the sheets.
“Yeah, better,” you whispered as he handed you the pile of your discarded clothes.
“That’s my girl.”
You pulled your underwear back on, instantly feeling his cum beginning to leak out of you as you sat up. Lovely.
Despite your mild irritation, you couldn’t deny how oddly exhilarating it was to have his cum soaking your underwear. 
You stood from the bed and finished dressing, smoothing out the creases in your robes as a final touch. 
Ben placed a hand on the small of your back as he steered you towards the door. “Now, we really should get back to checking the coms.”
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tonysiron · 4 years
You got any dinluke fanfiction recs?
BRO, SO MANY!! You have come to the right place since I've literally read every single fic up to when we hit about 90 of them in the tag 😎 Here are all the fics (in no particular order) that are completed and that I have finished reading that I have recced on my ao3!
Separate Ways || 80.9K Words || Explicit
With Moff Gideon defeated and the Darksaber reclaimed, the rumours of newly named Mand'alor Din Djarin spread through the galaxy... along with the stories of the Child he carries with him. Determined to meet him, Luke Skywalker arrives on Mandalore -- but before he can get any closer, he has to prove himself worthy of Mandalorian standards.
This fic is a classic! Its literally The Dinluke fic to read. It's a great starting point, and it was written Pre S2!
Together || 1.49K Words || General Audiences
“You can come with us” the man said.
Din looked up, not quite registering the words yet. In his arms he was holding the child. Grogu. He still hadn’t gotten used to the name.
“This doesn’t have to be goodbye for you and the youngling” the Jedi repeated.
you are a clan of three || 1.49K Words || General Audiences
Din stands quite still, polite-like, with his hands crossed at his waist. So does Luke. After a moment, the baby crosses his hands too.
At last Din appears to relax completely and Luke turns away. ‘I’ll be back for him,’ he tells Din, his voice warm, ‘but first I must attend to my other Padawans.’
‘Oh,’ Din says respectfully. ‘Is that… a Force thing?’
Crystal Tears || 2.95K Words || Not Rated
“This is going to be awkward,” Luke sighs down at the baby in his arms. R2 beeps besides him and Luke nods in agreement. “Nothing to do but go back.”
His X-Wing is almost completely dismantled, sparking where wires hang limply. There is no way he’s getting off of this cruiser until it’s repaired. There aren't even any escape pods on board all of the docking bays empty. He hadn’t anticipated this, and now he was going to have to walk back to the bridge with the baby and explain himself to a heartbroken Mandalorian.
This fic is great, but so its the series its apart of! I really love Din and Luke's dynamic, so if you read this fic I definitely reccomend reading the 3 following ones as well! Altogether its 19.8K Words!
the art of missing Din Djarin || 1.15K Words || Teen
Somehow, Luke had a distinct feeling that the bounty hunter was an easy man to miss.
Or, 4 times Grogu wants to know if Luke misses Din.
I remember reading this and absolutely loving it. Its short and sweet (most of these fics are) but they made me giggle stupidly, so I reccomend it!
Yoda's Academy for Li'l Padawans || 17.6K Words || Teen
Being a new student is hard.
Being a new student whilst your socially awkward father avoids the school at all costs and your new teacher pines uselessly over a man he’s never met before is even worse.
But by god, Grogu is gonna get through this.
Legitimately I think this might be my favorite fic so far and it barely has any actual dinluke in it. Luke's dynamic with all of Din's friends, plus him complaining to Han and Leia the entire time is just so fun to read that the whole fic flies by so fast. Also Din just desperately avoiding Luke bc the idea of having to talk to 1 (one) pretty boy has completely crippled him.
More Than His Armor || 12.6K Words || Teen
Din visits Grogu at Luke’s academy more than any other parent. Luke isn’t complaining.
His Beacon, His Harbor || 21.4K Words || Mature
The first thing Din noticed was the fire in the hearth. Near the hearth was a small, handmade crib, and from the crib came an excited cry. It spread through Din's chest like a bloodstain, perhaps it had in fact pierced his heart. He knew that little voice.
“Hey, you,” said Din softly. He dropped to his knees as the Kid scrambled out of the crib and scampered to him, crawling into his lap and burbling happily.
“That’s the most excited I’ve seen him in months,” said Skywalker. Din hadn’t even noticed him sitting across the room at a rough-hewn wooden table, nursing a cup of something. He wore the same carefully neutral expression he'd had on Gideon's ship, but his clothes were now desert-colored and hung loose around Skywalker's wiry frame. His hair was in disarray and it made him look much younger than he'd seemed on the ship; there, he'd seemed world-weary and ancient. Now, Din felt an insane need to protect.
Skywalker raised his cup at Din in greeting, a lopsided smile on his face. “He’s missed you," he said.
“Feeling’s mutual,” said Din gruffly.
The Mandalorian becomes Din Djarin.
Din Djarin becomes.
(Luke helps.)
Oh man, I read this fic last night and it's literally pure art. Its so fucking sweet, I love it so much. Force sensitive Din is definitely something more people need to write, and I genuinely adore this whole thing from start to finish. Leia is in it very briefly too, and that's always lovely. 💖
They Know This || 1.2K Words || General Audiences
“This is Luke, Gregory. He is going to be having dinner with us. Remember that I told you we’d be having dinner with someone significant?” Dad asks so gently, and his rough hands run through Grogu’s hair. It’s like being scratched.
Grogu nods once more and Dad breaks into an even bigger smile, though by a lot of standards that’s not very large. Dad’s smiles are always like when comets fly past the moon, so sudden and shocking and a reminder of how truly small Grogu feels in this bigger universe he calls home, this feeling that’s so overwhelming.
He loves Dad. A lot.
So hehe this is actually my fic! It's just a fic in grogu's pov about meeting Luke for the first time, and he and Din are on a date :)
Alright, I hope these are good enough for you! I don't really rec fics on here, so I hope I did okay this first time around 😎
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evanthefunky · 3 years
Last Jedi Alive
Summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi is delivering Luke Skywalker to his family on Tatooine, and hoping for the best.
Warnings: none, really, just lots of grief. So its angst no comfort. <3
WC: 716~
Everything was too much, too jarring. Obi-Wan recorded the message to warn the other jedi who might survive.
He can feel the weight of the scales tipping, he can feel the loss of dozens- hundreds. Across the galaxy, his siblings-in-the-Force are dying.
The little boy in his arms is a comfort, but the child couldn't possibly know or understand whats happening, even if Obi-Wan tried to explain it to him. Finally he was sleeping in his arms, with a peace that Obi-Wan could only wish lasted forever for the child.
Child. Child of his padawan, apprentice, brother, best friend. His brother. Anakin was long gone. Thats what broke his heart the most. Seeing someone you love choose whats the worst for them, not understanding.
Not understanding. Gods, how could anyone understand.
The baby moved in his sleep, and Obi-Wan shifted. He begged silently that this would be easy- that Owen and Beru Lars would understand. He was more worried about Owen... Would he understand? Would he let him train the boy? Would he be able to show him the way? Would he be able to keep the child from turning to the wrong way?
And what of his sister? Would she ever know her place in this story? Would she understand it? Would she know?
The ship settled, finally, in the port on Tatooine. Gods, Obi-Wan wished he could take the boy anywhere else. Would it be safe here, on Anakin- no... Lord Vader now, was it? Would it be safe on Lord Vader's home planet?
Obi-Wan pulled up his cloak's hood. Grief. Grief that he couldn't dare explain to anyone here. The grief and pain, deepest sorrow.
How does one-
No, one thing at a time.
Obi-Wan brought the child safely to the Lars doorstep and rang. Beru- blessed Beru- opened the door.
"Hello, I was a friend of Anakin's. He... had a son. This is the safest place for him."
"Anakin? What about with him?"
Obi-Wan hadn't said the words out loud. There hadn't been a need to. No one had yet asked him to explain.
"Anakin is gone. The jedi... have been wiped out. The boy needs to be safe, hidden. He needs to be trained in our ways, otherwise he may... fall to the dark."
Beru trembled before him, having to process all that the cloaked Jedi had said. "Owen?" She called back into the house. "Owen!"
"What?" He responded, then sounds of footsteps approached. The light was turned on. "Kenobi?"
"I'm- I apologize for the late hour," Obi-Wan said.
"What do you have there?"
"Anakin's son, Owen," Beru said, then reached to take the baby out of the Jedi's arms.
"Anakin? Where is he?"
"Weren't you his- what, Master?"
"He became a Master himself but yes I- I was."
"So what happened? Where did he go?"
"Owen... he's gone. Dead. All the jedi, apparently."
Obi-Wan shivered beneath his cloak. His brother, dead. He looked down.
"And what do you want to do with this baby, huh?" Owen asked. Obi-Wan didnt miss the anger rising in his tone. He was becoming defensive.
"Its what's right, and safest. I can train him, it-"
"You will not! You are not family, and you sure as hells aren't going to ruin another Skywalker." Owen shouted. Beru took the child away, and Obi-Wan's eyes followed for the moment, until she disappeared.
"Owen, Luke must know the right ways! The light! He has to be safe!" Obi-Wan pleaded.
"He'll be safer without you around. You probably got his father killed. No- no, I don't care. Leave. You won't be seeing him again."
"Please, you have to understand, he's like Anakin-"
"Even more reason why you shouldn't train him! Look where you failed! You won't fail the Skywalkers again if I have any say! Leave this house, and don't come back, Kenobi!"
There was no point in arguing. Kenobi nodded once. He turned away and walked back to the eopie he had ridden here on.
The door closed, slamming Kenobi's hopes to the soft sand and shattering them like a fragile vase.
He rode back to town, trying not to let his shoulders shake.
Grief. Grief that was lasting and stinging, every waking moment, which plagued his dreams. Fear, that something terrible would happen, and Kenobi wouldn't be there to have protected the boy ahead of time.
Last Jedi alive, as far as he knew. And even more alone.
AN: I was listening to "Visions" by Maroon 5 and the way I interpret that song is having lost a love permanently... and I was also thinking about Kenobi so. Here's this. I'm sorry. Only Rach (@mandoalorian ) read this before I posted it and I did some little proofreading before I'm posting, so if its rough, apologies. I'm fine 🙃
IB: song above, trailer, that comic page where Kenobi says he wishes there was more to do but there's literally nothing to do on Tatooine except keep an eye on Luke. Also that page where Owen kicks Kenobi off their farm.
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superhusbands4ever · 4 years
DinLuke (Skydalorian) Fic Rec List
Hello all! Like many of us, I have fallen into Dinluke hell since the season 2 finale of The Mandalorian, so I have compiled a list of Dinluke fics that I love for you all to read. I’ve sorted them by series, and long fics, and one-shots. Incomplete/in-progress fics are marked with **. If you are like me and you absolutely LOVE force-sensitive Din Djarin, those fics will be bolded. If you want a rec list of just force-sensitive Din fics, let me know!
**Seperate Ways by PepperPrints - Explicit - iconic, exquisite, 1000/10, peak art, would recommend
With Moff Gideon defeated and the Darksaber reclaimed, the rumours of newly named Mand'alor Din Djarin spread through the galaxy... along with the stories of the Child he carries with him. Determined to meet him, Luke Skywalker arrives on Mandalore -- but before he can get any closer, he has to prove himself worthy of Mandalorian standards. 
**Skydalorian by Celestial_Alignment - Explicit
What if Din and Luke met pre-episode 4 and continued to run into each other through the years.
The Mandalorian ends up at Tosche Station and meets a desert youth who is apparently named "Wormie."
**The Vanishing Breed Series by @dosmit-raeh - Mature
The first thing Din noticed was the fire in the hearth. Near the hearth was a small, handmade crib, and from the crib came an excited cry. It spread through Din's chest like a bloodstain, perhaps it had in fact pierced his heart. He knew that little voice.
“Hey, you,” said Din softly. He dropped to his knees as the Kid scrambled out of the crib and scampered to him, crawling into his lap and burbling happily.
“That’s the most excited I’ve seen him in months,” said Skywalker. Din hadn’t even noticed him sitting across the room at a rough-hewn wooden table, nursing a cup of something. He wore the same carefully neutral expression he'd had on Gideon's ship, but his clothes were now desert-colored and hung loose around Skywalker's wiry frame. His hair was in disarray and it made him look much younger than he'd seemed on the ship; there, he'd seemed world-weary and ancient. Now, Din felt an insane need to protect.
Skywalker raised his cup at Din in greeting, a lopsided smile on his face. “He’s missed you," he said.
“Feeling’s mutual,” said Din gruffly.
The Mandalorian becomes Din Djarin. Din Djarin becomes.
(Luke helps.)
**Beskar and Kyber by Insomniac_with_dreams - Not Rated
“This is going to be awkward,” Luke sighs down at the baby in his arms. R2 beeps besides him and Luke nods in agreement. “Nothing to do but go back.”
His X-Wing is almost completely dismantled, sparking where wires hang limply. There is no way he’s getting off of this cruiser until it’s repaired. There aren't even any escape pods on board all of the docking bays empty. He hadn’t anticipated this, and now he was going to have to walk back to the bridge with the baby and explain himself to a heartbroken Mandalorian.
**you and i have memories by itBlackLeader - General
“What are you doing ?” A quiet voice asks behind his back.
Luke only responds with hums of contentment and a gentle tap on the grassy ground next to him.
(Luke and Din enjoy a quiet evening.)
Long Fic (Multi-chapter & 10K+)
Smoke Signals by Thestorans - Explicit - 23.5K
"Din Djarin"
He hears his name and it scares him enough to throw up his blaster, finger hovering over the trigger that is pointed right at Luke Skywalker's heart.
(or the one where a Jedi meets a Mandalorian and things get complicated.)
More Than His Armor by twoseas - Teen - 12.6K
Din visits Grogu at Luke’s academy more than any other parent. Luke isn’t complaining.
**Fates of the Force by starkjoy - Explicit
Six months after Grogu's rescue, an unexpected encounter launches Din on a quest throughout the galaxy alongside Jedi Master Luke Skywalker—a journey that may alter their fates forever.
the warmest bed i’ve ever known by ceedawkes - Explicit - 11.5K
pre-original series, din djarin is injured on a remote planet and found by an incessantly chatty farm boy named luke skywalker || i won't ask you to wait, if you don't ask me to stay || aka "making out with hot farm boys doesn't count as breaking the creed if he's blindfolded during it". edit 12/29: now with a post-series chapter 2.
**Worlds Apart by PepperPrints - Teen - honestly an absolute favorite, it only has 3 chapters so far but I’ve already re-read each one a million times
Having safely delivered the Child, Mand'alor Din Djarin inherits the Darksaber, a ruined planet, and the burden of Moff Gideon's fate. That burden brings Din to the New Republic on Coruscant, where he's thrown into a shimmering world of galactic politics even less familiar to him than the planet meant to be his home.
Din isn't the only one on Coruscant with his hands full of a once forgotten order - the Jedi is here too, and as their paths cross, Din will be forced to navigate both what's expected of him, and what he wants.
**we could be enough by @snap-dragon-pop - Teen
Din Djarin fights a war he never wanted to be a part of, and Luke Skywalker slowly makes a place for himself in a family he never knew he needed.
**he feels like home by bilgegungorenoo - Teen
Luke is in love.
And Leia doesn’t even need her strong Force bond with her twin to know that.
Or, 5 times people try to convince Luke to ask Din out, and 1 time Din takes it upon himself to do it.
**Family is a Funny Thing by SkylaDoragono - Mature
He promised the child he would see him again; he just didn't realize how hard it would be for him to stay away, even with the responsibility that came with the Darksaber breathing down his neck.
**Kir’manir by @iamonewithyouandyouarewithme - Teen - this one is one of my top 5 favorites already and it only has 2 chapters so far lol
He lets go of everything.
He reunites with his son, sees with his own eyes that he is safe, and just as quickly loses him again.
He gives the child to the Jedi, watches them prepare to leave. He sins, removes his helmet; feels the faintest touch of his son's tiny hand against his tired skin.
And then Bo-Katan shoots the Jedi in the back.
**For All The Things My Eyes Have Seen by Strawbebbi_Daiuiri - Teen
“He missed you.” The Jedi laughed. For a moment, Din didn’t respond, too wrapped up in the moment. Not that he probably would’ve responded anyways, but his focus was on the child in his arms. The feel of the other man’s stare, however, brought him back to where he was. ---- Or, the one where Luke and Din don't realize they're in love with each other for way too long and raise children together.
**no path runs smooth series by @andillwriteyouatragedy - General
"I don't know what game you're playing, here, but you know you have to go with the Jedi. This is your destiny."
"Luke." Din looks up to the Jedi, scanning him through his visor. As if he can see his face — and Din hopes even the most powerful Jedis can't see through beskar — the Jedi smiles at him again. He clarifies, "The Jedi? Has a name. I'm Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin."
One Shots
HOT SINGLE DAD IN YOUR AREA NEEDS YOUR HELP by coldishcase - Teen - crackfest but honestly relatable and funny as hell
A bright red box appears in Luke's vision, declaring in big, bold basic lettering: "HOT SINGLE DAD IN YOUR AREA NEEDS YOUR HELP." He's seen several just like it by this point, each more insistent than the last.
Someone needs his help, apparently. They sure have an interesting way of asking him for it, though.
How (Not) to Meet Your Son’s Boyfriend by fifteenminutesoffame - Not Rated
“You’re blocking the sunlight,” Obi-Wan chides, cast in shadow from Anakin’s hovering, his eyes still closed.
“Will you pay attention?” Anakin snaps. “Luke has made me a grandfather.”
i think i’m gonna marry you by snapdragonpop007 - General
It is an ancient tradition on Mandalore, that before you can ask for someone’s hand in marriage, you first have to defeat them in battle to prove your abilities to care for and provide for the family you’ll have. If you are not a capable warrior, you are not a capable spouse.
Luke didn't realize he had already skipped that step.
Got Me Hypnotized (So Mesmerized) by wasted_wallflower - Teen
“Thanks. For what you’re doing, I mean.” The words come out stilted and slow, and not for the first time, Din curses his inability to talk to people like a normal person. Luke Skywalker smiles at him, ducking his head with an undoubtedly bashful expression on his face, while the kid (Grogu, he reminds himself) chatters between them. “You’re welcome.” He says, that smile still on his face, and oh.
Oh no.
Din Djarin does not have a crush, despite what everyone else thinks. Enter Luke Skywalker.
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ptergwen · 4 years
hi could you do a fluffy blurb where the (stark)reader and peter have to babysit morgan so they go to the park and have a picnic while she plays? could you also make it a little angsty with mentions of Tony’s death? thank you <3
i went a little hard on the angst in the beginning idk what came over me but i hope you like 😭
when the news was broken that tony stark took his last breath, the whole world went into mourning. he was loved by so many, looked up to and raved about worldwide.
they say his death was an act of selflessness, that saved everyone except himself. you don’t see it that way. it’s simply a tragedy in your eyes. that a hero’s destiny is to sacrifice their life for the greater good, it’s just complete bullshit. what about the greater good of you? your mom? morgan? a father and husband are missing from your lives now.
the father who taught you how to use the extraordinary mind you were blessed with, and encouraged you to do whatever you want with it. he turned the simplest of mishaps into silly life lessons, like when he spilled a pot of coffee down the front of his louis vuitton and went on about the importance of knowing a good walk-in dry cleaner.
you’re obviously aware that people around the whole world are grieving your dad, but his absence is a heavier hole to fill for you and everyone who was in his life. this has fundamentally changed who you are, and only a couple of things can help you cope.
one of them is peter.
he’s experienced more loss and pain than most people ever will, tony’s fate only adding to it, so he understands completely what you’re going through. he comforts you while also dealing with his own grief. you not only need, but deserve the support, and only peter can give it to you in the ways you’re looking for. even his presence by your side throughout the day makes your heavy heart feel a little lighter.
what also helps is your family, mostly morgan.
she doesn’t quite get what happened to tony because you all agreed not to tell her yet. she’s smart and strong and extremely capable for a five year old. still, it’s a lot for anyone to handle, especially when you’re as impressionable as morgan. she knows that tony is gone and won’t be coming back, that’s it.
since she doesn’t have to carry the weight of her dad’s passing, she’s living in blissful ignorance. she’s the same ray of sunshine and hope, of everything good, and being around her is refreshing. she makes each day feel normal again.
pepper isn’t home because she’s on a work trip, so you and peter have the job of watching morgan. she’s thrown herself into her ceo responsibilities more than ever as a distraction. to lift your spirits a bit, peter suggested the three of you go to the park. morgan insisted that you also have a picnic, which leads you to now, halfheartedly packing a cooler in the kitchen.
“we need the juice pops!” morgan beams, going to grab the box from the freezer. “you love those things,” peter chuckles and takes them from her outstretched hands. she’s quick. tony got her into them not too long ago, and it’s an obsession now. you crack a small smile as you lean against the counter. you’re only watching them pack.
“ok, what’s next?” peter asks himself, rubbing his hands together. “sandwiches because that’s all i can make. cool.” that earns a playful scoff from you. “sounds promising.” “hey, i do a great peanut butter and jelly,” he defends and leans over to peck your cheek. you hum in content of his soft lips on your skin. “we’ll see about that. don’t forget drinks.”
after morgan demands that you two stop being gross and you finish packing the cooler, you head out for the park. it’s one you’ve been to a few times. unlike the parks in the city, this one has less going on, more isolated and peaceful.
“why not the movies or something? why this?” you ask peter as the three of you step onto the grass, morgan trailing along in between you. you’re holding one of her hands, and peter is holding the other. “because it’s nice out,” he hums in response. there’s a warm breeze and blue sky above you. “and, some fresh air might make you feel better,” he adds more seriously.
you haven’t left the house much recently, so he’s probably right. leaving it at that, you settle on a spot with a lot of open space surrounding you. peter lays out the blanket while morgan digs into the cooler. she goes right for a juice pop, an orange one that she takes a big bite out of.
“aw, man. doesn’t that hurt?” you giggle at your sister, whose answer is to happily continue chomping on the freezing cold thing. “she’s a wild one. we better hide the rest,” peter jokes, then places the cooler down in the center of the blanket. morgan gasps and rushes over. “stay away!” she gestures to peter with her stick. “or i’ll blast you.” “and how’s that gonna work?” he tests her with a small smile.
your heart speeds up and falls into the pit of your stomach. “um... dad gave her one of his old blasters a while ago,” you explain, avoiding peter’s eyes as you take a seat on the blanket. morgan finishes off the rest of her juice pop and goes in for another. “well, she technically found it. she got to keep it, though,” you continue and pull the cooler away before she ruins her appetite. she sticks her tongue out at you.
“that’s nice,” peter murmurs, sitting down next to you, putting a hand on your back. you were in a pretty good mood until the reminder that tony isn’t here to join you hits. he can see that. “hey, morg? why don’t you go play while we set everything up,” he tells her sweetly and hand her one of the many toys she insisted on bringing. it’s her luke skywalker action figure. you blame peter for that one.
“ok, bye!” morgan is gone without a care in the world, on a pretend space invasion. once she’s out of hearing range, peter checks in on you.
“you okay? i didn’t mean to bring that up,” he says quietly and fully wraps his arm around you. clenching your teeth into each other, you let your shoulders drop. “it’s okay. i just...” you feel your throat getting tight. “i can’t believe he’s gone, peter. it’s not fucking fair.” tears cloud your vision, peter pulling you into his chest. he presses his lips to your hair.
“i know, baby. it isn’t,” he coos, a muffled whimper escaping you. you grab onto one of his biceps and let out a breath. “i wish i could move on, be more like morgan. i hate having this at the back of my mind.” peter nods as you speak while cradling you in his arms. “you get there when you get there,” he encourages and kisses your forehead for good measure. you wind your arms around his torso.
he’s so good at telling you exactly what you need to hear.
“you’ll have me through all of it.”
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sushiburritonoms · 3 years
Hello There
I’m a bipoc fan with anxiety that mainly identifies as old and tired. I write really long things sometimes. I'm also slow as fuck. Sorry about that.
Ask Box Status: Open!
Escape the Night/Game Theory
Matthew Patrick's Home for Imaginary Friends and Biblical Abominations (gen, comedy)
Stephanie Patrick has made a lot of adjustments and sacrifices ever since her husband came back from Everlock. After losing her good friend Rosanna and almost losing him, she vowed to ‘yes, and’ her husband in all his projects–including the supernatural ones. But six years later, Matthew and Nikita achieve the impossible and bring Joey Graceffa back from Pandora’s Box. However, Matt also accidentally inherits ALL the evil in the box....including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Basically a fusion of Game Theory lore and ETN, featuring Stephanie, Jason, Tom, Lee, Santi, Amy, Mirror Matt, Ash, and a ton of other Theorist cameos and easter eggs. Its the new channel hosts as the Four Horsemen; this will NOT make sense if you don't follow the Theorist channels.
Status: Complete
Escape the Night
Don't Let Me Down (explicit for sexual violence, attempted non con, Matt/Manny, Matt/Joey, Matt/Manny/Joey and Matt/Lucy (non con))
AU of Season 3, episode 9. What if Matt was the one put into the Collar of Control instead of Nikita? What if Lucy turned all her sexual frustration on her male captive instead of Mortimer? How would Manny and Joey, who are attracted to the poor Detective, react?
And finally, what if there was a way for all four of the final survivors to survive?
Status: Complete!
STAR WARS (OT, Mandalorian)
The Father the Son and the Exile (Mature for violence only, slow burn Din/Luke, canon Han/Leia)
It is my reimagining of the some of the themes and plots from the Sequel trilogy as if they happened to a young post ROTJ Luke Skywalker.  The premise is what if Luke received Force visions of Ben turning to the Dark Side when he was just a baby and what if the First Order/Empire was just a little more competent and forced Luke to isolate himself several decades sooner than in canon. 
Status: Complete! 
Last to Know, First to Judge (Gen, Din/Luke, Han/Leia)
A comedy fic about Han’s reaction to being the last to find out about his brother-in-law’s relationship with a damn Mandalorian.  Totally not canon to anything else I write.
Status: Complete!
Sacred Texts (Modern AU, Mature, Din/Luke, minor Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan)
Luke Skywalker is the beloved Children’s Librarian at Jedha Public. He is overworked, underpaid, underestimated, and utterly adrift in the post military life he’s created in Arizona. The work is important and the children he works with are well meaning chaotic demons, but at night the stars and the empty desert landscape remind him of the former life he misses and the parts of himself he’s still waiting to discover.
But maybe that will change now that there’s a new family in town.
Status: WIP/ probably dead sorry
A Thousand Prayers for the Dead (Explicit for threesome sex, Boba/Din/Luke)
It is Boba and Din’s first Night of the Three Winds, a Tatooine festival meant for honoring one’s dead ancestors, and it’s another day of Luke avoiding Boba and the strange magnetism that exists between them. When Din is around, the three of them are able to exist in some sort of equilibrium, but the moment he’s gone Boba and Luke find themselves caught in a powerful push and pull of desire and abstinence. But maybe on the night when the spirits are said to visit the living, they can come to some sort of agreement.
Status: Complete
Short Tumblr Fics and Drabbles
Are typically posted under #SBFiclets
Responses to an AU Fic List
28. Knocking on the wrong door (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan)
38.cop/person getting a speeding ticket au (Din/Luke)
30: tourist/knowledgeable local au (Din/Luke)
19. parents meeting when they take their kids to class au (Din/Luke)
15: meeting in the E.R/A&E au (Din/Luke/Boba)
40: Soul destroying exes meeting again after not speaking for years au (Din/Luke)
25: Library/Avid Reader AU Part I (Din/Luke)
Library AU part II (Din/Luke, Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon)
Permission to Illustrate, Translate or Podfic Works?: YES! Please let me know if you do and I'll promote you!
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amiedala · 3 years
Tumblr media
CHAPTER 2: We Have a Problem
RATING: Explicit (18+ ONLY!!!)
WARNINGS: sexual content
SUMMARY: Nova swallows. “Din—”
“This,” he starts, resting one gloved hand against her cheek, “is what Mandalorians are made for. We’ve got this.” When Nova tries to interrupt, he gives her a swift shake of his head. “Go. Be a Jedi.”
If you're a newcomer, my fic "Something More" is the first installment of this story! <3
AUTHOR’S NOTE: hello my loves and happy Something Deeper Saturday!! i hope you love this chapter (and that you'll forgive that it's only about 9,000 words, i've had a hectic week)! this chapter was such a joy to write, and i hope you enjoy reading it just as much. more notes, as always, at the end!
When Nova wakes up, the bed is empty.
She rubs sleep from the edges of her eyes, digging her thumb lightly on the ridge between her eyebrows, trying to chase the groggy feeling away. Din’s not here, and his armor is gone, and Grogu’s crib is missing, too. Slowly, she makes her way into the fresher, pulling on the silver knob until water starts running down from the shower, filling the room with steam.
It’s so much more lavish than the one back on the Crest, and certainly years better than the old, stubborn one on Kicker, but the amount of space in here feels like almost too much. “Soap,” Nova mutters to herself, not even aware that she’s speaking until the word slips out of her mouth. At least the kind the two of them use, the bar that smells like crisp air and starlight, is sitting on the dish right to her left. She takes her time lathering up her hands, dragging suds in circles down her aching body, trying not to notice how roomy and empty it is in here without Din.
This whole placeis so empty without Din. The palace is huge, a Mandalorian fortress, and even though it’s outfitted with the absolute best technology and beskar that exists in the galaxy, there’s something eerie about it. Like most of it is standing empty, ornate and gilded for a reason no one can speak aloud. Nova knows the palace has more functionality than it seems, that the tunnels that run into the training stadium and the holding cells have purpose, but the fortress is over-fortified for a planet that barely has anyone left. She felt the same way when she went back to the base on Yavin, she reasons with herself as she wrestles the stubborn nozzle back into place, stepping into the fluffy towel hanging just outside, but at least the emptiness of the building made sense. The Alliance had accomplished almost everything they needed to, and a giant, communal space wasn’t practical after the fall of the Empire. It stood both as a testament to what the Rebels had accomplished and as a reassurance that anyone could come back and fight the good fight. Castles and temples and bases across the galaxy had all fallen into a state of disuse, Nova bargains, looking at her reflection in the foggy mirror. This wasn’t abnormal.
Except it was. Mandalore was a ghost town. Din was the ruler of a world that had long since fallen, and she was royalty in a place that barely had anyone left. And the way that this place operated was just as eerie and strange—she always had fresh towels, clothes were laid out in her closet, they both had feasts made to feed dozens more people than the two of them—but Nova had no idea where they all came from. She’s only seen Bo-Katan at intervals—usually in the late night, when her voice carries all the way up the stairs after she and Din have argued in the war room—and the two other Mandalorians that seemed to be attached at her hip are even scarcer than Bo-Katan is. There’s not many Mandalorians left, Nova knows this, but the way this entire place could fit thousands more people than just a handful makes everything seem heavier, somehow, or sadder.
Nova looks at herself in the mirror. Most of the reflection is still fogged up, and she drags a hand through it to reveal her face. She studies herself, focusing primarily on her pink, chewed-on bottom lip. There’s something wild in her eyes, something deeper than her everyday fears and worries. She knows that every day that slips by the closer the First Order—whoever the hell they are—gets to wounding Mandalore and the surviving Alliance. But with her heart in one place and her body in another, everything in Nova’s body feels like wire snapped taut, like if she moves the wrong way she’ll fracture off into pieces. Slowly, she blinks away the intensity of her gaze, brushing her long fingers over the spot where she knows her scar is reflected. The skin always looks raised after she showers, an angry rash of a still-festering wound. It’s easy to forget when Nova’s thinking about anything else, but any time her mind drifts away from whatever she’s focusing on, she feels the impact of it. It wasn’t just a flesh wound, after all, the lightsaber that Jacterr dragged through her stomach was meant to kill. And it’s still somewhat of a miracle that she survived it.
The very tips of her fingers ghost over the old wound, and Nova tries her best not to wince at the touch, the burning way it still sears when she touches it wrong or she’s wearing something that brushes uncomfortably against it. If Din were standing behind her in the mirror, he wouldn’t even have to touch it—or her—to take Nova’s pain away. But Din’s not here, he’s downstairs in the war room trying to lead a planet he never even wanted, and Nova scrunches her face up sourly in the mirror, attempting to chase away the inner, selfish longing for being back out alone together in the crush of space.
But even if it were just the three of them—Novalise, Din, and Grogu—there were always threats just a half-step behind them. Space was cold, foreboding, and no matter how warm the light and company was on the Razor Crest or on Kicker, the very real threat of being behind enemy lines they couldn’t ever seem to find was constant. It was eternal. But there’s something nostalgic about missing the consistent chase of it all, something that kicked Nova’s fight-or-flight response into high gear, something that neither of them feel here on Mandalore. No matter how rich and long the history is here, it’s also suspiciously empty, and Nova knows that everyone here, regardless of how skilled they are as warriors, is a conspicuous target.
The bedsheets are still all tangled as Nova exists the fresher, piling her wet hair on the top of her head as she wrestles the towel around herself, shivering a little in the vastness of their suite. In the wardrobe are hundreds of outfits—gorgeous dresses, ornate jewels, top-of-the-line everyday wear—but all of them have a distance to them. Nothing in these drawers feel like hers. Nova rustles through the shirts and trousers, all in varying neutrals or that strange shade of pale Mandalorian blue, looking for something functional, comfortable, and most importantly, inconspicuous. It was going to be a harrowing trek back to Ahch-To to return her baby and borrowed lightsaber to Luke Skywalker, and Nova didn’t want her reputation of Novalise Djarin, wife to the reigning Mand’alor, to be announced and heralded across the journey from the Outer Rim to the Unknown Regions. She just wanted to be Nova—human, mother, and Jedi.
Maybe. Maybea Jedi.
That part was still a lingering question mark, one that hung over her head more than it excited her. For years, growing up, Nova excused her Force sensitivity away as just something more that she was tapped into, something deeper, something divine. It was hers and hers alone, because the Jedi were mostly legends and myths, with only the current story of the famous Luke Skywalker told in whispers from people in the Alliance. Now, though, she knows it’s real, her ability to use the Force. She knows since she met Luke Skywalker, went head-to-head with the incredible Ahsoka Tano, and became a mother to Grogu. It’s beyond just what’s in her blood—beyond lineage and beyond chemistry—it’s something ancient and pulsing. Something that’s hers.
Nova sighs, picking the most functional clothes in her wardrobe—deep tan trousers with a pocket deep enough to hold the lightsaber, a long-sleeved black shirt that hugged her curves but didn’t irritate her scar, and a shawl in that shimmering Mandalorian blue. She pressed a thumb to her necklace, the one that Din offered to her alongside his heart, biting down on her lip. It was long past sunrise, because the hazy blue atmosphere was full of color, and as she opened up one of the gigantic windows, a gentle breeze wafted into the suite from the outside. Mandalore smelled like dust and loneliness, she decided, which wasn’t entirely fair, but it holds her at arm’s length. Nova looks back at the rumpled bedsheets, eyes glazing over the clothes hanging in her open wardrobe, trying to find a sign that she belongs here, that she’s more than just a figurehead, that this role that she married into has significance deeper than looking pretty on an unyielding throne.
It doesn’t come. She exhales, tears starting to well up at the edges of her eyes, and she sits on the edge of the bed. It smells like Din—cleanness, metal, woodsmoke, cinnamon—and even though it’s far more comfortable than any of the makeshift ones they crafted on the starships they used to call home, it feels empty in the same way that this room does, that this planet does.
“You’re being selfish,” Nova chastises herself quietly, her whisper coming out much louder than intended, filling up the hollow air of their gigantic bedroom. This was what she wanted. This was what she wheedled both of them into, this small little slice of a life beyond killing and running. But so much of this planet felt empty, like everything holy here had long since left. There were only dozens of people that still inhabited Mandalore, and it was a ghost of itself in a cruel, unfair way.
Ironically, Nova muses, walking back over to the open window, letting the breeze tousle and dry the long, thick waves of her hair, Mandalore, the home to a legion of warriors, was the least confrontational place that she’d been in years. And the kicker is, after over a decade of running, all she’s itching to do is get back out there in the stars. She looks upward, wistfully, trying to catch any of them through the hazy, foggy, blue sky, but she can’t. So she turns back towards the mirror, grabbing fistfuls of thick hair, pinning just the top layer away from her face. She adjusts the shawl in the mirror, marveling at the shimmering strands that catch delicately in the light, and right before she’s ready to walk out the door, the lightsaber starts burning a hole in the door.
She gasps, wrenching it off its hook. The blade isn’t even ignited, and when she grabs it, it pulses in her hands, once, twice, and then the air is pierced with a vibrant green light. Nova stares at it, inspecting it from every angle. It was just a vision—a realistic one, at that—but now that she’s holding the weapon in her hand, the fear that raced through her just a second ago has evaporated. The fact that she’s holding a lightsaber is sacred enough, but the knowledge that it’s Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber feels like it’s beyond something holy. It holds her there until Nova lets the blade slide back into the sheath, dropping it into her pocket. It still feels like it burns, even though that’s not possible, and she ignores it as she makes her way out of the ornate door and down the marble steps to the war room to her husband and their baby.
It's still jarring to see Din without his helmet on in a public space. Like Nova’s walking into a trap of some kind, or that she’s breaking a divine rule. It was different when she was the only person allowed to see his face, to map across his features as a vow, but now that the rules have changed, she doesn’t quite know how to act when she looks at him. He’s alone in the war room when she pushes open the door, a heat rising in her cheeks when she catches light of the beskar throne, vivid memories at how indescribably soiled it was from their desecrating tryst the night before. The holotable is lit up, glittering out in that deep, vivid blue, maps of the galaxy intercut with Alliance bases and safe houses, Din staring up at it like he’s looking for a sign of the Maker. His gaze is intense, electric.
“Hi,” Nova chances, softly, and she hears the baby babbling from the corner as she strides across the luminous room, sidling up to Din as he continues staring, his armored body cold to the touch. Quickly, he kisses her temple, and Nova’s tummy flips over as he holds her there, even though he’s done this a thousand times, even though this is far from new.
“Hi,” Din echoes, leaning forward against the rim of the holotable, squinting intently at something that Nova can’t quite sort out. “How did you sleep?”
She bites her lip, trying to decide if it’s worth lying, but before she can come up with a suitable one, the kind that can cover up all of the crushing loneliness she feels in a bedroom that doesn’t seem to belong to them, Din’s gaze is on her face, thumb hooking her chin upwards so that Nova doesn’t have a choice but to meet his eyes.
“Don’t lie to me,” he says, and even though his voice is gentle, she knows the intent of his command.
“Not great,” Nova whispers, the sound getting caught on the way out of the hollow of her mouth. “I missed you. I—I hate waking up without you.”
Din cocks his head to the side, eyebrows knitted together, as if he’s trying to pick out the exact right thing to say. Nova watches the expression of frustration reflect across his face, and has to hide an endearing smile as she revels in getting to see Din’s mind working in real time. “Novalise,” he says, finally, and heart does a little flip. It sounds like he’s chastising her, but that’s not Din’s typical modus operandi, and she blinks up at him, waiting for the rest of what he has to say. “Why did we come here?” he asks, finally, and his voice is so quiet, so filled with a plea she hasn’t heard in weeks, that it makes her wince.
“What?” she manages, reaching out one hand to Din’s reflective hip, trying to anchor his armored body against her own. “What do you mean?”
Din sighs, long and heavy. He’s pondering. It isn’t a noise of annoyance, or a noise of frustration, just his typical exhale when he’s trying to puzzle something out in his head. “Why did you want me to rule Mandalore?”
Nova presses her lips together, trying to come up with an answer adequate enough to placate the both of them. “Because,” she whispers, finally, “you’re the type of leader that makes people want to follow you everywhere. Because we were tired of running, and we wanted to fight back. And also,” she tacks on, trying to get Din to echo her smile, “because Bo-Katan wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
Din’s expression is complicated, worried. Nova watches as his gaze drifts back up to what’s being reflected on the holotable, and she can track the places where attacks from the Order have cropped up in the time that’s lapsed since they’ve lived here. The galaxy is still largely intact, most planets benefitting from the defeat of the Empire, but Nova can see the clusters of danger, the places where the First Order found a weak point and applied enough pressure to fracture them entirely. Coupled with the jailbreak in one of the Mid Rim sectors, out of Cara’s jurisdiction, there’s at least ten attacks in the last three weeks. Nova is a staunch believer that everything happens for a reason, that there’s no such thing as coincidences, but a handful of malicious acts could be classified as one. More than three signified something else. Over seven is a definite indication of a pattern.
“You want to be back out there,” Nova breathes, searching for a confirmation on Din’s face. “You want to fight. Hand-to-hand, not from behind a holotable in this room.”
Din looks over at her, his expression clouded, and when he catches sight of the reflected fire in Nova’s eyes, he grabs at the curve of her cheek again, locking his eyes on hers. “You want to be back out there.”
Nova presses her lips together in a thin line, trying her absolute hardest not to give it away.
“You’re a horrible liar, Novalise Djarin,” Din says, shaking his head. “Awful. Worse than I am. Worse than the kid is, and that’s saying a lot.”
Nova sighs, leaning into his touch. “I know. You’re right. It’s driving me up the wall to be here, trying to rule a planet that barely has anything left, when I know that war is coming.”
“Why do you think I’m always in here?” Din asks, pointing up at the virtual starry sky splayed across the room from the holotable. “I don’t sit in the throne. I don’t try to rule. I stand in front of this table for hours, plotting for the inevitable battle that’s going to come, fighting back every single urge to just get back in the stars, chase the enemy down, and start blasting.”
Nova smiles slyly up at him, and when Din’s gaze drifts back over to hers, he does a double take.
“I’ve made a Rebel out of you, Din Djarin,” she grins, gently flapping her palm against his cheek. He rolls his eyes, huffing out of his nose, and she just smiles, knowing that his proverbial feathers aren’t really ruffled, but basking in the idea of it anyway.
“Nova,” he continues, voice low and urgent, “so why aren’t we out there?”
The smile fades off her face. There’s something desperate in his eyes, something deeper than the level way he asks the question. She stares, trying to come up with an answer that will keep both of them here, committed and driven, but as she searches Din’s expression, she knows that she’s going to fall short.
Before Nova can come up with anything, though, there’s a sharp rapping at the door, and both of them break apart, Din swiftly pulling his helmet back over his head. He’s already shown his face to Mandalore, and the Creed that he followed for nearly his entire life has fallen to pieces, but Nova knows the security it provides, and she smiles gently at him, watching his gorgeous features disappear underneath the beskar.
“We have a problem,” Bo-Katan announces, her voice cutting straight through the luminosity of the holotable.
“Don’t we always,” Nova murmurs, but the expression on Bo-Katan’s face wipes every inch of humor off of her own. “What’s wrong?”
Bo-Katan sighs, running a hand uncharacteristically through her short red hair. “We are under attack,” she deadpans, looking upward through the clear dome, pointing as ships come out of the fog.
Alarms starting blaring from somewhere, and Nova darts over to Grogu, clinging him tight against her chest. “Who—”
“Nova,” Din says, evenly, tossing her shawl through the open air, “you need to take the kid and get back to Luke.”
She stares at him in disbelief as Bo-Katan pulls her helmet back over her head. “No,” Nova starts, “we need to stay and fight, you might need our help—”
“We don’t,” Bo-Katan interrupts, but there’s no fire in her voice. She’s busted open the small armory in the corner, hurling weapons at Din without giving him a second glance. “It’s not the Order. Or Empire leftovers. There’s no TIE fighters. Whoever they are, they’re not after you or the kid.” She turns around, finally, striding over to Nova. “Besides,” she says, rather sourly, “I already called for backup.”
Nova lifts one eyebrow. Before she can say anything, though, she’s interrupted by the infamous shape of Slave I entering the atmosphere, and she winks at Bo-Katan, who’s still hidden behind her mask, but Nova would bet every credit she’d ever owned that Bo-Katan is emphatically rolling her eyes.
Din presses his forehead against the baby’s, and Nova only gets a flash of his expression before his helmet’s back on. He’s tense, trying his hardest to let Grogu disappear from his watchful eye for the second time. “Go out through the amphitheater,” he whispers to Nova, his voice gruff. Under the beskar, he’s electric, like he was praying for a conflict to let the lightning out. “Don’t take off until we get out there and preoccupy them so that no one follows you back to Ahch-To.”
Nova swallows. “Din—”
“This,” he starts, resting one gloved hand against her cheek, “is what Mandalorians are made for. We’ve got this.” When Nova tries to interrupt, he gives her a swift shake of his head. “Go. Be a Jedi.”
She links her hand in his, squeezing once, and then she’s holding the crib open for Grogu, knitting the shawl around her head, a makeshift hood obscuring her telltale dark hair. She nods, just once, and when Din’s hand leaves her grip, she runs with the baby, heart pounding in her chest, heading back into the stars.
Space is cold and quiet. It always is when Novalise is out here alone, but this time, it seems like the silence and the chill penetrates even the warm hull of Kicker. The baby is sleeping in the copilot’s chair, and Nova coasts through the stars, popping in and out of warp periodically to check that they’re not being followed.
Her hand goes to her necklace, fingertips tracing over the outline of the Rebel symbol and the perfect star notched in the back of the beskar. She doesn’t even realize that she’s doing it until she pulls her thumb away and it’s embossed with the image of it. Kicker is being uncharacteristically obedient, coasting through the Outer Rim with determination, and Nova almost misses the distraction that the constant wailing and failing that Kicker used to give her, because with Grogu asleep and Din back on Mandalore, she’s bored out of her mind.
Nova sighs, stretching her legs out as far as they’ll go, the toes of her boots scraping quietly against the dashboard. They’re old and worn, with so many scuffs that she’s long forgotten what they were supposed to look like, and the sole of one is threatening to pop off any day now, but she’s had these boots since she was in the Alliance as a teenager. Before her parents died. Before she was subject to Jacterr’s awful hand. Before Din walked into her life and made her believe in something more, something deeper.
As quietly as she can, she eases out of the pilot’s seat, leaning over the navigational system to ensure that she’s following the right coordinates. Wedge had given her the location of the general area that Luke was located in the Unknown Regions, but Luke had given her explicit—albeit confusing—directions when he promised he’d see her again soon. Nova settles against the floor of Kicker, where the one window outside of the cockpit that’s directed towards the sky is located, and lays down in the nest of blankets and pillows she used to call her bed.
Being out here feels colder, somehow. More distant. Nova watches as the sky moves through warp, billions of tiny stars shooting and reaching across the galaxy as she and the baby make their way to Luke Skywalker. She pulls the lightsaber off her belt, squinting at it in the low light. She doesn’t try to ignite it, doesn’t call forth the green blade, she just studies it. Across the handle are grooves for grip, and the alloy of the metal is so different than the beskar she’s surrounded her life with. Nova tries to hold onto it like Luke does, effortlessly and easily, and even though it feels like she’s been made for this her whole life, there’s something in the way. A distance between the pulsing and beckoning, maybe.
Before she can ruminate any longer on the disconnect, though, her comm blinks, and Nova shoots upward, pressing her wrist to her mouth. “Hello?” she calls out, wincing as her voice echoes around Kicker, but the baby doesn’t even interrupt in his snoring.
“It’s me,” Din breathes, and all the coldness and distance between Nova and the stars evaporate. “We’re safe. The second Fett showed up, the ships retreated.”
Nova exhales slowly, fluttering her eyelashes closed. “Who was it?”
“Pirates,” Din says, immediately, and she furrows her eyebrows.
“Pirates,” Nova repeats skeptically. “On Mandalore?”
“We ran into some…unsavory groups of people back on Morak. Before the refinery explosion. Apparently, they tracked us down and wanted to ransack Mandalore for what it has left. They didn’t get very far,” Din continues, sighing. “Boba and Fennec fought them off, and Bo-Katan has been itching to fight someone since I won the Darksaber out from under her nose. We’re fine. Mandalore is fine.”
Nova looks up at the stars again, watching how they shoot by out the front of Kicker, trying to put her finger on the off feeling of Din’s face. “They weren’t part of the First Order?” she asks, her voice low. “Or working for them?”
Din exhales, long and slow. “No,” he answers, finally. “They’ve been quiet, Nova. Almost—”
“Too quiet,” she interrupts softly, eyes landing on the baby. Grogu is already the cutest thing in the galaxy, but when he’s asleep, and tiny little snores come out of his mouth, he makes anything else evaporate. Now, though, with the silent looming threat of the Order that was so eager to kill every Rebel and capture Nova and her power for their own, she’s just trying to memorize his features, one at a time, permanently etching them into the back of her mind. There’s a weight in her chest that Nova has been ignoring for a week, ever since Grogu was allowed to accompany them to Mandalore—her time with him is limited. Even if Luke allows visits—which she thinks he will—it will be far too dangerous to keep following the same path from the Outer Rim to the Unknown Regions, especially considering Nova’s telltale Alliance ship, regardless of the new paint job and the beskar additions, and with the attack today, Mandalore is far from safe.
“Where are you?”
Nova sighs, leaning over the nav system. It’s blinking with the bright assurance that Kicker has crossed, quite unceremoniously, over into the Unknown Regions. She relays that to Din, eyes roaming the seemingly empty sky.
“That was fast.”
“Yeah,” Nova agrees, chewing on her bottom lip. “The new thrusters Bo-Katan put into Kicker are no joke.”
Din offers up a noise somewhere between a sigh and a laugh. “What are you wearing?” he asks, finally, and his voice is back somewhere low and dangerous like it was the night before.
“You saw me leave,” Nova answers, giggling, sinking down the wall until she’s hugging her knees against her chest on the floor. “Are you meaning to tell me you didn’t take stock in what I was wearing when you were staring at me? I’m offended.”
“Watch it,” Din volleys back, but this time, she can hear the smile in his voice. “I was just wondering if the ship has gotten you out of any of those clothes.”
“Ah,” Nova allows, her own tone dipping conspiratorially, “I see. However, it is quite difficult to get out of my clothes without you itching to take them off.”
“You’re good at getting out of things.”
“I’m good at getting into them,” Din whispers, and Nova laughs, leaning her bead back against the hull.
“I am certainly not arguing with that,” Nova allows. “You know—”
But then, in Kicker’s typical fashion, the ship starts screaming. Nova’s sigh is low and frustrated, a small echo of the ones that Din’s let forth in the past.
“Go,” Din says, amusedly. “Take care of the kid.”
“You know I will,” Nova promises, and the light on the comm blinks off. She sighs, hauling herself to her feet, her head already aching from the indomitable screeching sound that pours out of Kicker the second something goes haywire. It’s startled the baby, and she strokes a single finger over the top of his fuzzy, wrinkled head before she sits down in the pilot’s seat, flipping switches and moving toggles back and forth. “What is it, Kick?” she murmurs, long waves of hair falling in the way as she leans down, squinting at the motherboard hidden underneath the metal sheath.
It turns out, that Kicker was actually screaming for a veryb good reason, this time around—after a very shoddy, embarrassing crash landing on Ahch-To, Nova discovers a fuel leak on hidden underneath the ship.
“Dank ferrik,” she seethes, and Grogu babbles. She turns on him, pointing a finger. “Not a word to your daddy about all the swearing. You promise?”
Grogu just tilts his head to the side and smiles gleefully. Nova squints at him, matching his quirked expression, pointing a long brown finger through the air like a threat.
“You are,” she continues, softening as Grogu toddles across the green, mossy earth of Ahch-To towards her, “a little war criminal. I hope you know that. Just because you typically use your powers for good doesn’t mean that I don’t notice that you don’t fight fair.”
Grogu babbles. Nova laughs. When she hoists him off the ground and notches him safely against her hip, she turns again to inspect the fuel gauge underneath Kicker’s patchwork underbelly, she nearly crashes into Luke Skywalker.
“Maker above,” she gasps, hand immediately slapping over her mouth. “You scared me. I’m used to stealthy, but you didn’t even make a sound.”
Luke Skywalker smiles serenely at her, like it’s nothing. “Hello, Nova.”
“Hi,” she echoes, faintly, and Grogu reaches out for Luke. Belatedly, Nova hands her baby over to him, hands shooting to the lightsaber hanging from her belt. “I have your lightsaber,” she adds, rather dazed, handing the thing out to him. He looks down at it, and there’s something complicated that flashes behind his expression.
“Have you used it?” he asks, and Nova slowly shakes her head. Luke starts moving, up the impossibly tall stone steps that look like they’re as ancient as this mountain is, like they were built into the bluffs of the sea. He’s much more agile than she is, and easily more used to this walk, but Nova tries to keep herself in pace without heaving air into her lungs. “I would have thought you might have used it on one of your missions from the Alliance.”
Nova stops for a half-step to catch her breath, and Luke stops without even looking back at her. “Well,” she starts, running her tongue over her teeth, “I haven’t really…had any missions.”
There’s a strange smile on Luke’s face when her gaze finds his eyes again. “Rebel activities and royalty still don’t exactly go hand in hand, I assume.”
She squints, nodding. “I don’t like being a diplomat,” she allows, even though she’s well aware that to Luke Skywalker, she probably sounds like a whiny brat, but he laughs. He opens his mouth and laughs out loud, in this gorgeous sea air, sounding as gleeful as Wedge always talked about him.
“You sound like my sister.”
Nova’s heart does a tiny backflip, and she sits up straighter. “Your sister?”
“General Leia Organa,” Luke grins, before turning back into the steps and moving nimbly up them. “She was a princess, too, for a while. She preferred action to negotiating. Still does. That’s why she’s holding rank up in the Alliance, even now. Well,” Luke stops, moving his sandy hair back and forth like he’s trying to measure something, “she’s taken to calling it the Rebellion.”
Nova smiles, trying her best to keep up with Luke’s pace. “The Rebellion. I like that—”
“Don’t,” Luke says, jabbing a long finger in her face so quickly that Nova nearly misses the next step and takes a tumble all the way back down the mountain. “Don’t let her title win, Wedge and I will never hear the end of it. Besides, I like the sound of ‘The Rebel Alliance’. It makes it feel like we’re all in this together.”
Nova laughs. He does, too. For a second, just a second, they’re giggling like the kids they never really got to be, like the galaxy isn’t facing impending danger, like they aren’t two of the known four surviving members of the Jedi left. It’s cold on Ahch-To, foggy and biting, but the landscape here is so lavish and so green, that she can pretend, just for a moment, that they’re back on Yavin. The Alliance hasn’t gone anywhere, there’s no First Order, and her parents are still alive, just around the corner. “I like being in it together,” she manages, finally, hoping that Luke won’t notice the tears under her voice. His expression is kind, gentle, and when he returns to the winding hike to the top of the hill, Nova follows him. Eventually, the ground levels out a bit more, and she stands on the top of the flattest rock, looking around at the entirety of the island. There’s something magical about this place, something that holds as much holiness as the throne room on Mandalore does.
“What made you come here?” she asks, and her voice is so quiet that the howling wind could have easily whisked it away. Luke seems to genuinely parse over Nova’s question, and he gently hands Grogu back to be swaddled up in her arms. The shawl that she draped over her head for the getaway off Mandalore is barely still knotted around her neck, and Nova wraps it closer to herself, pulling Grogu and his gentle warmth as close to her chest as she can. “Why leave the Outer Rim after the war was won?”
Luke has a strange expression on his face, and Nova’s gaze drops, suddenly worried she’d said something to offend him. “We did win the war,” he answers, finally, his voice far away. “But I also lost my father to it. I lost my old mentor. I lost my aunt and uncle. Leia—and Han, really—were the only family that I had left, but being around them was difficult because they had each other, and soon after, they had Ben. My nephew.”
Nova nods, chewing on her tongue. “It was hard to stay?” she asks, genuinely wondering. She knew that feeling. It’s what left her without the Alliance for the first time after her parents died, moorless and heartbroken.
“Exactly,” Luke offers, beckoning her closer to get out of the whipping wind. They’re half shrouded by the giant outcropping of boulders that rest atop the mountain, and she leans against the support of it for strength, trying to catch her breath. “It was hard to stay. Not because I didn’t love them, not because I didn’t love the Alliance, but because it felt like…everyone found peace except for me. It was a lot of loss, and it was incredibly…complicated. I knew someone who looks a lot like your son,” he continues, the ghost of a sad smile on his lips, “and he was the only other Jedi I ever knew up close. I had Ben—Obi-Wan—but until the last few days of his life, he wasn’t a Jedi. He was just a sad man who lived out in the desert, trying to make life better for me than his ever was.” Luke pauses, staring at the lightsaber in his hands. “I came here, to the Unknown Regions, to Ahch-To, to try to put the history of the Jedi together, and to recruit every new one that I’ve found.”
“That’s a great goal,” Nova answers, stroking her finger against Grogu’s fuzzy green head as he babbles in agreement.
“Would you like to see what I’ve gathered so far?” Luke asks.
Without even a second of hesitation, Nova nods. “Yes,” she echoes, and he points toward the biggest stone at the top of the mountain, where a tall, dark room has been hollowed out.
“Novalise,” Luke says conspiratorially, “welcome to my life’s work. Oh, yeah, and my humble abode.”
It’s not what she’s expecting. Any of it. There’s years’ worth of research here, old texts, folders, things that aren’t in languages she even recognizes. She’s speechless, turning around, eyes jumping, trying to take it all in.
“Wow,” Nova manages, finally, after she’s sure she’s turned all the way around a few times. “This is…”
“I know,” Luke adds, softly, and he looks down at the lightsaber in his hands. “There aren’t many Jedi left, Nova. You should come here and train. Your skills are…of the old world. You’re strong. You have a good heart. I would be honored to teach you.”
Nova looks back at Luke, holding on tighter to Grogu, who looks up at her and smiles. She knows, instantly, what he’s thinking—he wants his mom here, learning how to be Jedi side by side—and she has to keep her own feelings guarded because she doesn’t want to reveal to him how badly she wants the same thing. Again, she chews on her lower lip, thumbnail hovering beneath teeth and tongue. She promised herself she’d stop chewing on her nails what feels like a million miles ago, but right now, all she wants is to stay here, to learn. Din could be happy here, too, she thinks wistfully. He might be bored, but it’s only a small island on this whole planet. She and Grogu could train together, become Jedi together. It was perfect, she muses, blinking back the tears threatening at the corners of her eyes.
Except it wasn’t. Ahch-To is a safe haven, but Nova’s job is to keep it that way. She’s seen how ruthless and intense the First Order are, and there’s not a single doubt in her mind that they would follow her here and desecrate this place, leave such a holy site in ruins. She swallows again, trying to conjure up the strength to say no, but from the look on Luke Skywalker’s face, he already knows.
“I’ll be here,” he offers, quietly, and Grogu touches his tiny palm to the small crescent of Nova’s exposed skin underneath the warmth of her blue shawl. “If you decide the galaxy would be better protected if you had training.”
“I want to,” she interjects, her voice low and pleading, like she’s the one begging for it. “Maker, you have no idea how badly I want to. I could be happy here. I—I want you to teach me how to become a Jedi, but—”
Luke’s gaze shifts to the ring on her left hand. The stone sparkles in the low light, the tiny crystal sunk into the beskar. It’s so tiny, but it’s there, and there’s something both sad and fond behind his smile. “You have bigger things to handle first.”
Nova swallows, nodding gently. “But—if I were to become a Jedi—”
Luke holds out his hands, one gloved, one bare. Grogu hops eagerly into his arms. “Like I said, I’ll be here. Grogu will be safe with me. My nephew will be joining us soon. And my sister,” he adds on, his voice suddenly a bit more electric, “my sister is Force sensitive, too. I have a feeling that you might run into her at some point, considering—”
“The Alliance,” Nova grins, nodding. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell her we aren’t changing the name.”
Luke chuckles. The sound is so jarring, so much closer to the boy Wedge always talks about knowing, and Nova’s heart aches. He’s only a handful of years older than she is, and for a moment, she lets herself imagine what it would have been like growing up alongside Luke and Leia on the base at Yavin. If she’d be in Jedi training. If anything about her life would be there same. “If anyone could,” he agrees. “I have something for you. You can have him back for a second.”
Instead of picking Grogu back up, Nova sinks down onto the cold earth inside Luke’s makeshift home, trying to fold her body tiny enough so that she’s face-to-face with her kid. His eyes are huge, reflected and starry and sad, but she can see the hint of joy of being here, of training alongside someone who cares, someone who will protect him until Grogu is old enough to fully protect himself.
“Hi bug,” she whispers, sticking out her palm for his tiny fist to hold onto. “This isn’t goodbye, you know. I’ll be back for you. Your dad and I will come visit any chance we get. You go and be good for Master Luke, okay? No eating his frogs. No hide and seek. I’ll be checking.”
Grogu babbles, the mischievous light in his eyes sparking up just for a second, and then he moves closer, falling into Nova’s warm hug.
“I love you,” she whispers, and he presses his fuzzy forehead into hers. They stay like that for a second, swaying, an unspoken promise. She can hear his little voice in her head—no words, nothing concrete—but a reminder through the power of the Force that he loves her, too.
Luke steps back into the narrow slice of light Novalise and Grogu are standing in, holding something out in his bare hand. “This is for you.”
Nova stands, squinting at the thing Luke’s holding out. It takes a second for her to recognize it in the darkness, but when she does, she inhales a sucking gasp. “I can’t take this,” she protests halfheartedly as he presses it into her open palm. “I’m not a Jedi yet, I—”
“Ben Kenobi gave this to me before I was a Jedi,” Luke interrupts, his voice gentle but urgent. “You will be a powerful Jedi too one day, Novalise Djarin. I know it. He knows it.” Luke’s gaze shifts over to Grogu. “And you know it,” he continues, tapping a long finger against her heart. “Just take care of this, okay?”
“Take it,” he enunciates. “Go home to your husband and the people that need you. I know Wedge loves having you around.”
Nova tilts her head at him, quietly hooking the gifted lightsaber onto her belt loop. “I know why you’re out here,” she says, carefully, “but there are people who need you, too. And people who love having you around.”
Luke doesn’t say anything, but there’s a ghost of something that looks an awful lot like hope behind his conflicted eyes. “I’ll see you soon.”
With that, Nova presses a quick kiss to the most prominent wrinkle in Grogu’s forehead, pressing her thumb into both her old Rebel necklace and the signet that matches Din’s. She reaches her hand out to shake Luke’s, but he grins at her and pulls her into a quick, strong embrace. He smells like the ocean, and still, somehow, of Tatooine. Luke and Grogu watch as Nova slowly descends the stone steps jutting out of the cliffside, so much easier to get down than heave up. When she’s back at Kicker, she checks the makeshift patch on the underbelly of the ship, which seems to be holding up okay enough to get back to Mandalore relatively unscathed.
“May the Force be with you,” she calls up to Luke and Grogu, waving her hand frantically.
“May the Force be with you,” Luke echoes. For a second, there’s nothing but the sound of the ocean hurling itself onto the gorgeous, green mainland, and as she climbs the gangplank, she hears Luke call out again. “Novalise.”
She sticks her head back out, shawl flapping in the wind. “Yes?”
Even from all the way down here, she can see the smile on Luke’s face. “That’s the Skywalker family lightsaber. Don’t lose it.”
She nods, feeling the weight of it on her hip as Kicker groans to life. She’s crying by the time she lifts off the surface of Ahch-To, her heart both heavy and light, sunken and buoyed. Space is dark, and she hops immediately into warp, heading back to Mandalore, back to the place she’s slowly learning to call home.
Mandalore, as usual, is quiet. It’s dusk, the foggy azure of the sky descending and swallowing up most of the planet, and when she lands in the designated parking bay, she checks the patch holding steadfast on Kicker’s underbelly, knowing that her beloved trash heap of a ship will need to go back into the more capable hands of the local mechanic. When she looks straight up, even through the dark, she can still see the faintest smattering of stars.
She whirls around, hand on her belt. Din’s standing there, fully armored, just out of reach. “You scared me,” she chastises, closing the distance between the two of them. His beskar is cold, but his hands immediately encircle around her waist. “Has the threat passed?”
Din sighs, long and heavy. Her heart pounds as she listens to the timbre of it through the modulator, remembering all the time that she spent trying to dissect his breathing before he took the helmet for her and let Nova make him moan instead.
“There’s always another one,” he says, darkly, and she nods, tilting her head to the side. “I missed you, cyar’ika. Mandalore is cold and quiet without you.”
She wants to come up with a snappy retort, but the honesty and exhaustion in his voice pulls Nova down to his same level. She steps in closer, just letting Din hold her there, satisfied in the small comfort that she’s still his anchor. “Space is cold and quiet without you,” she offers, cheek pressed up against the beskar.
Din looks up. She can tell it even without looking at him, the way that his muscles shift underneath the beskar she’s still pressed up against. “I’d give anything to be back out there,” he whispers, finally, his voice low and complicated.
Nova’s heart flutters once, twice, and then she has an idea. “Din,”
“No,” he answers, immediate, helmet tipping down again to focus on her face. “We can’t, it’s too dangerous—”
“We can,” she enunciates, squinting her eyes at him, trying to put on the best Sabacc face she has, which isn’t much, because as Din is always reminding her, Nova is a terrible liar. “Twenty minutes. Nothing is happening. The palace is quiet. Boba Fett sent the pirates packing, remember? We won’t even leave Mandalore’s gravitational pull. We’ll only be just outside the atmosphere. We—”
“Stop it,” Din says, but there’s no fire in his voice.
“Come on,” Nova wheedles, well aware that she’s being reckless, a terrible influence. “Come on, come out with me into the stars. I’ll make it worth your while, you know,” she teases, raising one dark eyebrow playfully. When she hears Din sigh again under the mask, she knows she’s convinced him.
“Bo-Katan will not be happy that we left,” Din protests, but now he’s dragging Nova up the gangplank. She hides her smile in the shoulder of her shawl.
“Well,” Nova counters, spinning out and around while still holding Din’s gloved hand, spiraling down into the familiar comfort of the pilot’s seat, “it’s a good thing you’re Mand’alor, not her.”
Getting back into the stars with Din feels completely different than it did when Nova traversed the Outer Rim alone earlier. The silence isn’t crushing. It’s comfortable and easy, and when they’re finally safely out of Mandalore’s atmosphere, Nova pulls Kicker into a slow coast, heart still galloping in her chest. No matter how many times they’ve fucked, the little anticipatory period that comes before anything still feels like the first time. Quietly, Nova spins around in the pilot’s chair, expecting Din to still be seated behind her so she can climb over and straddle his lap.
But he’s not. Somehow, he’s the second person whose stealth has completely surprised her today, and Din’s no longer in the copilot’s chair. He’s standing over her, in full beskar regalis, visor of the helmet tilted downwards. All she can see reflected in the surface is the slow dance of the stars out of Kicker’s front window, and she swallows. Din steps forward, close enough to shift Nova’s legs apart, hands gently reaching forward to grab either side of her face. For a second, he doesn’t move. Nova’s breath hitches in her throat, desire sparking up a low flame in her pelvis. It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since Din fucked her on the throne, promising that Mandalore was theirs to desecrate, but it feels like a lifetime ago. Everything in her body is on fire, electric.
“I missed the stars,” Din murmurs, his gloved finger ghosting over her plump bottom lip, lingering enough to reveal her teeth. Nova shivers.
“Me too,” she whispers, not daring to take her eyes off of the helmet. She can see the bulge growing in his pants peripherally, but she’s determined to stay here, frozen in this position, until Din begs for her mouth, her touch, her warmth.
“More than anything,” he continues, voice rumbling low and deep, his hand traveling down the marks he left on her neck—the pulse points, the light imprints of hickeys in between—and Nova swallows, the air going starry and unhabitable, “I missed making you scream my name out here with no one to hear you.”
“Oh,” Nova gasps as Din slowly kneels down, parting her legs like an ocean. Faintly, somewhere in the distance of her logical mind, something is telling her to make sure Din doesn’t tear these trousers off her body, because they’re light and comfortable and didn’t keep the dampness of Ahch-To trapped against her skin, but as he hooks his fingers around the waistband, any protest fly out the window into the starry darkness. “What—fuck, what happened to fucking me in front of an audience?”
“I don’t want that tonight,” Din whispers, immediately. He lifts the helmet just enough to reveal his mouth, and as his hands are pulling Nova’s pants down to her ankles, his tongue writes a symphony on the soft, smooth skin of her inner thighs. “I want to be the only one to worship you.”
Nova gasps again, heart fluttering in her throat, barely even registering that Din’s pulling down her panties until the heat from his hands travels up, notching perfectly between her thighs. She slumps in the chair, everything in her electric and alive. It feels like years since Din’s spent longer than a few seconds down here, the warmth and wetness of his mouth lapping up her every orgasm. She pulls the helmet clean off by accident, but she doesn’t burn in embarrassment when it makes a loud, clattering noise against the metal hull of Kicker’s floor. She just tangles her hands in Din’s hair, knotting her long fingers in his curls, pulling him in closer and closer, teetering on the edge from just his touch.
“Are you going to cum for me, Queen of Mandalore?” Din rumbles against her flesh, tongue immediately sliding back in between her folds after the last word comes out of his mouth.
“No,” Nova manages, yanking gently at Din’s hair. Immediately, his mouth comes off of her, even though she didn’t say a word. She stares into his brown eyes, gorgeous and full of lust and darkness. “I’m not the Queen of Mandalore out here.”
“Then what are you?” Din asks, pressing his wet lips against her inner thigh. He adjusts his grip on her thigh, and she exhales, a staccato beat, complicated with how badly she wants his touch.
“Your wife,” she manages, “so devour me like I belong to you, Din Djarin.”
There’s something deeper in his eyes, a flash of something guttural and animalistic. His mouth is back on her pussy so fast that it knocks the wind straight out of Nova’s mouth, and she gasps, her moans loud and unencumbered. When he adds the pumping of two fingers, entering her like it’s nothing, like he owns every single inch of his body, Nova’s on the edge again. And then, without warning, he’s pushing her over it, again and again and again. Everything in her is both electrified and exhausted. The stars outside the window are spinning, she’s panting like she’s in Tatooine’s heat, and blood is rushing so powerfully in her ears that she can’t hear anything else. Nothing in the galaxy exists except for her and Din.
It takes a moment for her to realize, dazed and satisfied, that Din’s mouth has left her. “Hey,” she manages, her voice sounding disconnected and warbled, nothing like it’s coming out of her whole mouth, “where’d you go, it’s your turn—”
“Nova,” Din interrupts, his hands coming out of nowhere and bracing against both of her cheeks, instantly anchoring her in the moment, “your comm is blinking.”
“My—comm,” she repeats, head still feeling underwater with the aftershocks of her orgasm, and she blinks the stars out of her eyes long enough to look at the thing on her wrist, her vision slowly returning back into focus. Her eyebrows furrow down the middle, and Din tilts her head, still standing on his knees like she’s about to knight him. She swallows, pressing the button. “Hello?”
“Your shields aren’t up,” an annoyed voice relays through the comm, slightly muffled. “You’re Order bait out there.”
Nova rolls her eyes. “Bo-Katan, we just went for—”
“Alone time,” Bo-Katan interrupts iciliy, but the current in her voice immediately makes Nova realize she’s not annoyed with them for sneaking away, she’s panicked for something else. “We have a problem.”
“You’re repeating yourself, Bo-Katan,” Din interjects, gathering the panties tangled at Nova’s waist and gesturing her to lift her hips up so he can slide them back over her thighs. “What pirates entered Mandalore now?”
“Not pirates,” she snaps. “Not Mandalore, either.”
Nova rolls her eyes at Din, exhausted. As she sits up, pulling her trousers back over her thick thighs, the mountains of her hipbones, she cracks her neck to the left. The wetness of Ahch-To’s atmosphere sunk into her bones, and now that the warmth of Din’s mouth has evaporated, she’s suddenly freezing again. She nimbly picks up her discarded azure shawl, wrapping it around her shoulders, her neck, dipping the pooled fabric up over her head. Her hair is wild, hanging in her face, running out of the shawl like water. “Bo-Katan,” Nova chances, trying her best to not sound sour because of the very unwelcome interruption, “can you please tell us what exactly is wrong?”
“Rebel girl,” a voice filters through, and Nova sits straight up, startled. The shock of Wedge’s voice is one thing, but hearing it through the same frequency—and, most likely, location—as Bo-Katan’s makes her heart start hammering for a very different reason. Din and Nova exchange glances—his skeptical, hers frightened—and Nova waits with bated breath for Wedge to continue speaking. His voice is low, full of foreboding, when it crackles across the comm again. “We have,” Wedge says, sighing heavily, punctuating the silence with his voice, full and intentional, “a problem.”
TAGLIST: @myheartisaconstellation | @fuuckyeahdad | @pedrodaddypascal | @misslexilouwho | @theoddcafe | @roxypeanut | @lousyventriloquist | @ilikethoseodds | @strawberryflavourss | @fanomando | @cosmicsierra | @misssilencewritewell | @rainbowfantasyxo |  @thatonedindjarinfan | @theflightytemptressadventure | @tiny-angry-redhead | @cjtopete86 | @chikachika-nahnah | @corvueros | @venusandromedadjarin | @jandra5075 | @berkeleybo | @solonapoleonsolo | @wild-mads | @charmedthoughts | @dindjarinswh0re | @altarsw |  @weirdowithnobeardo | @cosmicsierra | @geannad | @th3gl1tt3rgam3roff1c1al | @burrshottfirstt | @va-guardianhathaway | @starspangledwidow | @casssiopeia | @niiight-dreamerrrr | @ubri812 | @persie33 | @happyxdayxbitch | @sofithewitch | @hxnnsvxns |  @thisshipwillsail316 | @spideysimpossiblegirl | @dobbyjen | @tanzthompson | @tuskens-mando | @pedrosmustache | @goldielocks2004 | @fireghost-x @the-mandalorian-066
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I HOPE YOU LOVED IT!!! we're about to dive headfirst back into where SM left off with the Order, ruling Mandalore, and the Rebels, and biiiiiiiig things are coming ;) hope this one tides you over until next week!
as always, i'll be here, on tumblr (amiedala), and on tiktok (padmeamydala) for even more Dinova/SD content, so come hang out! <3
xoxo, amelie
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tobealostwanderer · 4 years
Grogu and Din introduce Luke to a friend
Again, I wrote this late at night and I haven't proofread. I am not a great writer but I thought that this was adorable so I wanted to write it down. Slight DinLuke mentions. This story can also be found on Wattpad. Enjoy!
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It was a peaceful day at the temple. The padawans had the day of so in turn, Luke had some time to relax. Grogu's adoptive father, a Mandalorian called Din Djarin, would come and pick Grogu up in a few hours to have a father-son day.
Luke knew that the Jedi of old didn't agree to attachments with other people, including parents. But something stirred in him when he first picked up Grogu all those months ago. The Mandalorian and Child had a deep connection that wasn't easily broken. Grogu was practically unmanagable when he joined the newly established Jedi temple, and it wasn't until he got his metal ball, a replacement from what he used to play with on his father's ship, and the promise that his dad would visit him soon that he cooperated in the lessons.
Din visited once every two months and Luke got to know the man behind the helmet a bit. After all, the Mandalorian gave his name to him, which he knew was not commonly done. A tiny smile krept on the Master's face as he remembered that day..
Shaking out of the memory, Luke got up from his desk chair and made his way to the sleeping chambers of his pupils. It was about time he got Grogu ready. There weren't many pupils in Luke's temple. His own nephew wouldn't join until he was old enough to show the signs of the Force, but he was certain that he would grow up to be a powerful Jedi.
Knocking on a wooden door at the end of the hallway, a happy coo was heard. Luke opened the door to see Grogu play with his metal ball. The metal was starting to look less polished because of the creature's clawed, green hands. This obviously didn't bother the little alien as he couldn't be parted with it. Through the Force, Luke could feel Grogu's happiness. He knew what today meant.
As if on cue, the loud rumbling of a spaceship could be heard. Grogu squealed and hobbled to his tiny window as fast as he could. The familiar form of the Razor Crest landed closeby. Luke picked up the green baby and smiled down at him.
"Let's go greet your father, little one" he said with a tiny smile. His robes whooshed as he turned around, his leather boots clicking on the tiles as he powerwalked to the entrance. He too was happy to see the Mandalorian again. He was like a friend to him, although not in the way Han is a friend to him. It felt like... more. Luke had to surpress it though. Some people still remembered the Jedi of old, and remembered their customs. Even though most had forgotten, he still needed to be an example to the galaxy.
As the black-clad man and baby stepped outside, the hull door of the spaceship lowered to the ground. A cloud of dust sprang up as the metal hit the ground. The beskar clad man was quick to make his way to the two people in the yard. Happy to see Grogu for a bit. Grogu, in turn, cooed loudly upon seeing Mando.
"He has been behaving very well. He is slowly picking up his lessons. Every day his connection with the Force grows stronger" the sandy haired man said as he stopped in front of the metal clad bounty hunter. "I'm happy to hear that" the bounty hunter said, stroking the baby's green ears affectionately.
Luke handed Grogu over to Din. "I hope to have him back by dinner-" "Actually," Mando interrupted the Jedi Master. "I was wondering if you would like to join us.. Just for today. I think Grogu would like it" to which the Child indeed cooed loudly, raising a clawed hand towards Luke. "I understand if you are busy but he- we would very much like it"
It wasn't often that he saw the beskar clad man in a nervous state. In fact, he can't remember if he ever got nervous before. But Din was moving his weight from one leg to the other and looking around anywhere but at Luke. It was kind of cute...
Luke stowed away his thoughts for now and just grinned at the tall man in front of him. "I would very much like to. I don't go on many adventures anymore. Let me inform my second in command and I shall join you" he said, staying professional even though there wasn't really any reason to be this professional to the man.
Din nodded and turned to his ship, carrying Grogu to it as Luke made his way to his second in command. He quickly relied the message that he would be gone for the afternoon but would hopefully return before midnight. As he finished instructing the Twi'lek female, he made haste to join the father and son on the ship.
It didn't take long for Luke to be settled in and Mando to start the ship. The planet on which he build the new Jedi temple becoming smaller until he felt the familiar lurch of lightspeed. It took a few seconds before Luke was comfortable enough to talk to the Mandalorian.
"Where are we going?" He first asked. He knew he could look into the Mando's head for answers, but he had too much respect to infiltrate the man's mind. "A planet called Corvus. It isn't the most comfortable planet, but we want you to meet someone." Din responded. Grogu gurgled happily and Luke could vagually make out what he was saying: "Very nice, she is. Helped us, she did".
"Who is 'she'?" Luke asked, more to himself than to the two other beings in the cockpit. But nonetheless Mando responded: "You will see, no need to ruin the surprise".
It took exactly two hours when they started to lower into the atmosphere of Corvus. Luke looked at the fires that spread through it. Like it was never meant to be a forest planet, but trees grew anyway just to burn down because of the drought. As they landed close by a walled village, the white mist was almost omenous as ashes hung in the air.
Luke sensed her. She was somewhere inside the village. She almost seemed familliar even though Luke was certain that he never felt such a Force signature before. Whoever she was, was powerful, and most likely has trained like a Jedi. He wondered if she was interested in joining the Jedi again.
Before he realised it, the trio was decending from the Crest and started to walk into the village. Luke followed Din like an uncertain puppy. Because even though he was strong, he felt very out of place on this planet.
It seemed like the crackling of far away forest fires were always heard. Other than that, and the trio's footsteps, the village was quiet. Not many people were out and about and those that were slunk into the background. Luke had no idea why but he had a feeling that Din has scared these people a little.
It wasn't a big village and soon they were met with double doors. They were already opened, seemingly jammed and melted into place by a familiar weapon. Luke's fingers subconsciously stroked his own Lightsaber as they passed through the beautiful garden and to the last and biggest home in the village.
Before Din could knock, the doors flew open and a Togruta woman stood in front of them. Luke could make out a few wrinkles in her face. Her eyes shone wisdom and loss and on her belt she had two 'saber hilts. Even though he had felt her presence before, he was surprised to see the two powerful weapons hanging from her belt.
"Mando, Grogu. It is very nice to see you again. I see you have found a Jedi to train him? Please, do come in" the woman's smooth voice said. The trio stepped into the home and followed their host to the living room. As they all sat down, Grogu playing with a piece of fabric on the floor, Din introduced the two.
"Luke, this is Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka, Luke Skywalker." As the words left the Mandalorian's lips, the two people looked at eachother with wide eyes. "That's why you are familiar.. It is a pleasure, Luke, to finally meet you. I knew your parents..." She drifted off, thinking back to her Padawan time, thinking of 'her' Skyguy.
Mando had quietly taken Grogu with him outside to let the two Jedi talk. The moment Ahsoka had spoken, he felt like the two needed to speak in private, and havinf a babbling kid around wouldn't help them get to talking. This was a private moment, he knew.
Back with the two Jedi, Luke carefully placed his hand on Ahsoka's. "I have never met them.. truly met them. But I know they cared for you, miss Tano. Ben told me about you" he said, trying to comfort the Togruta woman. "Please," Ahsoka said "call me Ahsoka. And.. who is Ben, if you don't mind me asking? I don't think I've met one" her mind fluttered through memories, trying to remember a 'Ben'.
"My aunt, uncle and I knew him as Ben Kenobi, but his true name was Obi-Wan Kenobi." Luke said calmly. He could see one hundered emotions go through Ahsoka's eyes. Her Force signature seemed to pulse with the same emotions. Happiness, sadness, admiration, respect, hope, love and grief. "Master Kenobi... I... I felt him join the Force a while ago.." Ahsoka swallowed thickly. "He was a nice man. A very good General. Caring, but he never truly understood Anakin" Ahsoka smiled at a few memories that fluttered through her mind. So strong, that they were projected in Luke's mind. Visions of the start of the Clone Wars projected in his mind. A young Ahsoka standing next to a tall, dark haired man he assumed to be his father, Anakin, and a slightly shorter man with an auburn beard that looked very much like a young Ben Kenobi.
"Sorry" Ahsoka said, as the memories stopped playing. "I don't think back a lot to.. that time. I wish you could've met your father... I still cannot believe he changed to the Dark Side" Ahsoka sighed. She was about to stand up as Luke responded to her: "That is the thing, I have met him. In the end, I got to see him. The real him. Anakin. And though our moment was brief, his love was real, and I am glad to have met him" his words shocked Ahsoka. Tears pricked in her eyes as she looked around the room. "I want to believe you-" she whispered, the tears now streaming down her face.
"He is telling the truth" a voice behind them said. Turning around, the two were met with the blue Force Ghost of Anakin Skywalker. "My son is telling the truth, Snips" a smile formed on Anakin's face as he looked at his old Padawan with fondness.
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gemmaswriting · 4 years
Anidala Fanfiction Recommendations!!
I’ve been asked for a long time for my fanfiction recommendations, so I’ve finally taken the time to compile them. If there are any you love that I missed out (this includes Vaderdala!) leave them as a reply so we can all have a good time reading together. 
Writer: Shelivesfree (fanfiction profile) This wonderful girl has some of the most amazing Anidala stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Unfortunately, a lot of them have been hiatus for a while but her Boy Next Door trilogy has two amazing parts completed. 
The stories I recommend: 
“The Boy Next Door”: “When Padme Naberrie returns to her home after 10 years, the last thing she expects to find is her childhood friend, Anakin Skywalker; the boy next door. But 10 years is a long time, and he has changed more than she is prepared for. How will she react when little Ani is now a grown man, impulsive, handsome and completely infatuated with her? Modern AU.”
“The Girl from Harvard”: “Sequel to ‘The Boy Next Door’ Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes it grow more paranoid. Padme is in her last year of Harvard. Anakin has just started at the University of Chicago. Though they won't admit it, their long-distance relationship is taking it's heavy toll. Will their love prevail or will the distance prove too much for both of them? Sequel to The Boy Next Door. Modern AU.”
“look into my eyes, that's where my demons hide”:  ”Each time he comes back to her, a little piece of him is missing... left out there, in the field, with his brothers. She can see it in the way he smiles and it doesn't reach his eyes. In the way he cries to himself when he thinks she's not awake. And all she can do is hold him. Modern AU.”
“I Know Your Type”  “Am I dead?" It slips out, accidentally. She turns her head towards me, a confused look on her face and tips her head. "Excuse me?" Flashing her an impish grin, I lean casually against the wall. "I must have died and gone to heaven, because you look like an angel." The look she gives me is far from impressed. "Do you use that with all the girls, or am I just lucky?"
“we both know what we want, so why don't we fall in love?” “Rhythmic Gymnast Padme Naberrie has dreamed of being an Olympian since she was five years old. Now, after years and years of training and preparations, she's finally made it to Rio, and nothing is going to stand in the way between her and a gold medal. Except a certain Canadian beach volleyball player, perhaps.”
“Infinite” “ My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.”
“for a moment” “And, just for a moment, all the worries and concerns that troubled the young couple cease to exist. Fade away to just this. Husband and wife. Asleep. Dreaming of the sweet little life they will soon bring into the world and into their hearts. Set somewhere in ROTS.”
“Procrastination” “Padmé is busy with a new bill she must bring before the next Senate meeting. Her husband has other ideas, it would seem.”
“There’s a million reasons I should give you up”  “Padmé struggles to deal with Anakin's frequent departures for weeks, even months, at a time during the Clone Wars. It's in these moments she contemplates the practicality of their marriage. Grief-stricken with loneliness, she stumbles across something she wrote a long time ago... a list of sorts. The find brings about a whole host of emotions she'd rather not deal with.”
“all I need is you” “It was her fault. His pain, his jealousy, his insecurity. It was all her fault. Padme looked up at the beautiful man in front of her, her husband, her Ani, and decided she needed to make him remember. Remind him of how much she loved him. Because no one, no man in the entire galaxy, could take the place of Anakin Skywalker.” 
“Her” “A glimpse into the Cosmic Force after Darth Vader's redemption and return to the Light Side. Anakin Skywalker is consumed by guilt and Obi-wan and Yoda are there to appease him. But it's been twenty-four years and all he wants is to see her.” 
  Writer: SphinxScribe (Fanfiction profile/ Tumblr account @sphinxscribe ) This fantastic writer has many, many alternate takes on the plot of Revenge of the Sith - often allowing our favourite couple to have a happy ending. Their writing captures the world of Star Wars perfectly. 
The stories I recommend: 
“Where Catalysts Stand Down” “Palpatine issues Order 66, and Anakin and Padmé flee Coruscant. ROTS AU. Anakin/Padmé, Anidala.”
“Viability’s Edge” “Anakin tells Obi-Wan the truth. ROTS AU. Anakin/Padmé, Anidala.”
Writer: Disco Shop Girl (Fanfiction profile) This writer’s take on Anidala is so well written within every story of theirs I have read. They truly capture their dynamic and relationship perfectly. 
The stories I recommend:
“Your helmet cracked” “He'd been restrained, forced to watch while her helmet cracked and the Mon Calamari sea water threatened to drown her before his eyes. Now they're free. And alone. Set at the end of the Clone Wars season 4 Water War arc.” 
“Order 66-S” “The order was to exterminate all Jedi: Past, Present and Future. Captain Rex has a different plan. Order 66-S: to save General Skywalker.”
Writer: Rogue Darth Skywalker (Fanfiction profile/ Tumblr - @roguedarthskywalker) This wonderful person has been one of the biggest supporters of my own writing for a long time and I value them immensely! They have many delicious Anidala/Vaderdala stories for you to obsess over for hours and hours. I highly recommend following both profiles linked above.
The stories I recommend:
“Pin up Problems” “He hated the nose art. He hated seeing others degrade her other exceptional qualities by depicting her as some pin up girl. He hated thinking about how many other beings across the stars fantasized about her in such a way. At the same time, he can't deny that the art makes her look… hot. He can't deny that the sight turns him on.”
“Letting Go” “It was their custom. Every year on that fateful day, Anakin would make his way to the cemetery with his children and seek out the mausoleum where she rested."
“Far from Perfect” “Darth Vader is dead. Anakin is redeemed and lives on Naboo with Padme and their children. But not all happy endings are perfect.”
“Far from Easy” “Sequel to Far From Perfect. Redeemed Anakin Skywalker tries to make things right with his wife and kids.
“Perfect” “Happy Family style AU post ROTS. Padme wakes up in the middle of the night and ponders the most recent events in her life.”
“A Dangerous Fantasy” “Pure Smut. Padme helps Anakin fulfil a fantasy he has had since they were married- one that involves the Jedi Council Chambers.”
“Untitled” “Anakin and Padme deal with having to tell their young twins they are having another baby.”
“Strictly Professional” “There are times she hates that she has to resort to this- that rather than being in a long term relationship with someone, she chose to instead pay someone for sex. Modern AU.”  
“Out of his Depth” “I fought in a war. I commanded legions of soldiers against battle droids. I think I can handle my own four-year-old twins."
“Love and Jealousy” “Anakin gave the binders an experimental tug, testing his chances of escaping. There was none. A light chuckle left his lips after a few moments, letting his head fall back to rest on the chair. What a compromising position for a Jedi Knight to be in. Handcuffed in a respected senator's bedchambers practically naked… oh, how the holonews would rave should the story get out!” 
“Against all Odds” “He shouldn't be here. The election was only a few weeks away and the final debate was due in the next few days. There were so many other things he should be doing. He shouldn't be here, in enemy territory wrapped in the arms of the woman his boss despised. Modern AU. Smut.” 
“What we Hope is Never Found” “The impending existence of a recording of them together held dangers that went a little deeper than if they were found naked and tangled together in her office or on his cruiser. The physical proof of their relationship would cause an uproar if it were discovered. But she trusted Anakin. Smut.”
“It was Found” “Sequel to What We Hope is Never Found.”
“Things that go bump in the night” “Luke and Leia think there is a ghost in their home. Their parents know better.”
“Preparations” “She couldn't wait to meet their little ones. It hadn't been too long since they learned she was having twins, and as stressful as that idea was at first, she was quickly growing accustomed to the idea of having two perfect little babies. Her husband, however, seemed to be taking it a little worse than her.” 
Writer: Skywalkersamidala (Archive of our Own profile/ Tumblr @markantonys) I absolutely adore the Anidala stories created by this author whether they’re aus or canon! They nail the couple’s dynamic throughout their many wonderful stories. 
The stories I recommend:
“Snow Place like Home” “For genre-typical convoluted reasons involving ill-timed blizzards, Padmé is forced to spend the holidays at Anakin's house. Anakin isn't as upset about his boss staying with him for Christmas as he probably should be.“
“Soulmates R Us” “Anakin works at a toy store, and single-mother-of-twins Padmé is becoming one of the store's best customers.”
“Heirs of Light and Darkness” “After escaping the Jedi purge two years ago made him the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker has at last been captured by the Empire. He expects to be killed, but Lady Padmé Amidala, the imperial heir, has other ideas.”
“Friendly Competition” “Playing Quidditch is awfully difficult when you’re in love with the rival Seeker. Snapshots of Anakin and Padmé’s 7 years at Hogwarts.“
“Perfect” “The war is over, Luke and Leia are five years old, and Anakin and Padmé finally have the peaceful life and big family they've always dreamed of. But their life is about to get a little less peaceful and their family a little bigger.“
“Nos Cedamus Amori“ “Anakin is a gladiator and a slave. Padmé is the wife of the Roman emperor's heir. Circumstances should never even allow them to meet, let alone fall in love.“
“I Do Take Two” “Thirty years after their clandestine wedding on Naboo, Anakin and Padmé decide to finally do the proper wedding ceremony they never got to have, with all their friends and family present.“
“Flat Tire” “Who knew something as simple as getting a flat tire could change the entire course of your life?“
“Strays” “Anakin had always had a penchant for taking in strays.”
“Five weddings and a funeral” “Padmé's feeling gloomy about her perpetual singleness, but everything changes when she meets an attractive stranger at her sister's wedding.“
“Pipe Dream” “Padmé's new plumber is the most attractive human being she's ever laid eyes on, so naturally, she keeps faking plumbing emergencies so she can keep seeing him.“
“Birthdays and Birth days” “Anakin gets a birthday surprise — two of them, in fact.“
“Spouses with Benefits” “Anakin and Padmé wake up after a wild night in Vegas and discover they accidentally got married—and that Ahsoka posted about it all over social media, so now every single person they know is texting and calling them to offer congratulations. They decide to save face by pretending the marriage was totally 100% intentional and not a drunk mistake at all, keeping up the charade for six months, and then quietly getting divorced. But a lot can change in six months…“
“Two Halves Make a Whole” “Anakin is the single dad of Luke. Padme is the single mom of Leia. Luke and Leia meet in kindergarten and become best friends. The rest is history.“
“Home” “In which "Darth Vader" is no more than Anakin's playtime alter ego (happy Skywalker family AU)“
“Someday” “At age fourteen, Padme receives a marriage proposal from the nine-year-old boy next door and tells him to ask her again when she's thirty. Surely he'll have forgotten all about it by then.“
“Across the Centuries” “They meet each other in every century, but something always goes wrong before they can make it to happily-ever-after.”
“Madam President” “Between late nights and headaches and mountains of paperwork and fierce opposition from her political opponents, President Padmé Amidala already had enough on her plate. And then she just had to go and fall for one of her bodyguards, a relationship which would ruin her reputation and his career if anyone were to find out about it. Also, someone's trying to kill her.“
“Scars” “How do Anakin and Padmé go from "I love you" to "I do"? Missing scene from Attack of the Clones.”
“The Bet” “Anakin's had a crush on Padmé since fourth grade, and after putting up with his pining for seven years, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are finally stepping in and making a bet that he can't ask her to junior prom in the spring. Meanwhile, Padmé is realizing that Anakin isn't as annoying as she'd always thought. In fact, her feelings towards him are starting to go in quite the opposite direction...”
“Three” “His and Padmé’s first wedding anniversary isn’t going nearly as well as Anakin had hoped it would. Until, suddenly, it’s so much better than he could have ever imagined.“
“The Anakin Disaster” “Padmé is mortified upon waking up beside her strictly platonic childhood best friend Anakin Skywalker the morning after a drunken one-night stand. A couple weeks later, she discovers that's the least of their problems.“
“Will You Fake Marry Me?” “Anakin's boss may or may not have accidentally given her family the impression that she's engaged to him. Anakin may or may not be pleased about the situation”
“Aggressive Negotiations” “Empress Amidala invites Lord Vader to her private rooms to persuade him to form an alliance with the Empire. Her methods are very effective.”
“Troubling Implications” “Perhaps he hated himself for it—Padmé thought he probably did—but he came that night (several times, in fact). And the night after that, and the next one, and the next, until it became a habit that neither of them seemed especially inclined to break. (Sequel to "Aggressive Negotiations")
“Imperial Obligations” “Padmé's advisors suggest that she get rid of Vader and make a politically advantageous marriage. The Empress is less than pleased. (Sequel to "Aggressive Negotiations" and "Troubling Implications")”
“Welcome Home” “Anakin Skywalker closes his eyes on the face of his son. When he opens them again, he is in Naboo, and someone is waiting for him.“
Writer: Shawn30 (Fanfiction profile) The one, the only, the deservedly famous! I think every Anidala fan is aware of this f a n t a s t i c writer’s work. Deliciously smutty. Unbelievably well written. Unfortunately, many of their works have been left uncompleted for years but the stories are still worth reading!
 “Whisper” “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but can also whither your soul and breed doubt in your heart. AP angsty erotica.”
“The Ties that Bind” “Given a brief period of time off during the Clone Wars, Padmé and Anakin visit her family at the Lake Country estate on Naboo. A family that still doesn't know they are married, although they are about to find out. Complete.” 
“The Light and the Dark” “Chapter 1 in the Hearts and Souls series. An unexpected Separatist attack 'accidentally' reunites two star-crossed lovers, giving them a brief moment of peace at a time of war. Complete.”
“Shadows of Winter” “Chapter 2 in the Hearts and Souls series. With six days to spend together celebrating their two year anniversary, Anakin and Padme travel separately to a remote planet in the Hoth system. Romance, passion, and danger await them. Complete.” 
 “Beloved” “Chapter 3 in the "Hearts and Souls" series. When faced with the most horrific news imaginable, Padme's utter desperation forces her to turn to Obi-Wan and even Chancellor Palpatine for help. Her greatest personal challenge awaits... Complete” 
 “Paradise” “The sequel to "Beloved." Following Padme's daring rescue of her husband, the Skywalker's return to Naboo for eight days to heal, unwind, spend time with family, and deal with their connection to the Dark Side of the Force.” 
 “Salvation” “After facing his moment of truth, Anakin and Padmé must finally deal with the consequences. Obi-Wan reveals a startling discovery. Complete” 
“Scandalous” “The sequel to Salvation. On the eve of Padmé Skywalker's official ascension to the role of Vice Chair of the Republic, Anakin steals her away for a wild vacation to Cloud City. Complete.”
“Sacred” “Chapter 2. Ahsoka and Jo'Seth grow closer. Padme's trip to the Jedi Temple on Republic business turns a bit more adventurous. Anakin and Obi-Wan have a heart to heart talk about moving forward.”
“Belonging” “A private afternoon lunch to catch up with an old friend during the Clone Wars reveals a great deal to ObiWan Kenobi. AP”
“Before the Seasons Change” “With the Darth Sidious finally defeated and the Clone Wars ended, Anakin and Padme consider what comes next in their lives. Anakin/Padme”
“Amor Vincit Omnia” “AU. After a three and a half year separation Vice Chair Amidala and Jedi Master Skywalker have some unfinished business as the Clone Wars have finally ended and Palpatine is dead.”
If there’s any stories I missed, let me know!
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damn-stark · 4 years
My Pilot boyfriend~ Poe Dameron imagine
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Poe Dameron x Skywalker!reader
Requested by @rachelcarroll1819​ 19 “Hi can you do a imagine where the reader is the daughter of Luke skywalker and she's in a relationship with poe (her bff are poe and rey of course ans she does have the force) please and thank you”
Warning- slight angst, swearing, FLUFF.
It felt refreshing being back in a place you knew, somewhere green, with real air and real trees, not in a place where it was infested by the planet's own pollution or run over by the galaxy's most artificial, spiteful, irritating and trashy people.
It just felt good being home. Or temporal home.
“Hey, skywalker!” Finn greeted.
You grinned and wrapped him in a tight embrace. “Hey, traitor. Long time no see.”
“I could say the same.” Finn pulled away with a smirk. “Where have you been?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, your eyes looking for the only person that was strangely missing from the scene. “Oh you know Jedi business.”
Finn chuckled, “sounds like avoiding the war to me.”
“Pssh,” You shook your head but contained your grin, “I’m sorry I’m not the war hero my father was.”
“Don’t we all wish you were.” He joked.
You place your hands on your hips and shrug, your eyes wandering the area for your favorite pilot. “Where’s Poe?”
Finn frowned, “somewhere down there.”
“Oh.” Your gaze immediately lands on Finn and your face falls at his statement. Did he really not want to come greet you? He always did, regardless of what he was doing at that moment. “I-I thought he would be here. He always is.”
Finn's shoulders dropped and a smile crept onto his lips, “I’m joking, again. You know you’ve got that man hooked.” Finn wrapped his arm around your shoulders and guided you out of your hanger, “he’s off base, last minute mission. He should return soon.”
You playfully push him away and laugh, “you’re an ass.”
“What happened there?” Rey points to the new metal hand that replaced the flesh, one that was now nothing but a memory.
“Oh, this.” You lift your metal hand and wave your fingers, examining it like if it were the first time you’ve truly seen it. “Someone lowlife scum caught me by surprise and jumped me.”
Finn quirks his eyebrow and parts his lips to add some snarky remark.
“Don’t.” You cut him off, “Poe is going to give me shit about it later, I’d rather only be scolded once. Thank you very much.”
Finn raises his hands, feigning innocence, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Well I think it suits you.” Rey smiles.
“You’ll be the only one to ever think that.” You glance at the time on the wall and sigh, it’s been eight hours since you’ve arrived and eight hours since Poe’s still been gone. It was past midnight with no communication, or the smallest sign that he's alright. It was beginning to worry you.
Actually lies.
It worried you the first hour after you had gotten back to base. Of course you had the force to assure you that he was still actually alive but that was all, it didn’t give you the slightest hint if he was in a cell or in trouble. For all you know he could be injured.
Let’s hope not though.
“Rey, can you try again, please.”
Rey looks away from her Jedi texts and glances at the communications screen beside her, no hesitation to do what you’ve all been trying for hours. “Black Leader, come in Black Leader, its ground base trying to get a status on your whereabouts.” Rey lets go of the button on the side of the headset and waits for another dreadful, anxious minute. Her eyes shifting to see you lean in closer to the screen, your bottom lip in between your teeth, until….
A sigh leaves your lips and you fall back on your chair, your face and shoulders dropping at the disappointing result, yet again.
Finn finally having enough of you moping stands up from his chair and pulls you up from your own.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“We’re going to build a nice fire, get a few drinks in us and wait for Poe with high hopes.” Finn explained as he pulled Rey up from her chair too.
You groan, “what if Poe finally reports in, huh? What if he’s injured and I’m getting drunk? I have to wait.”
Finn shakes his head, “Poe is the best pilot I know. He’s the best pilot in the galaxy, he’s fine.”
Rey scoffs, “yet he still crashes.”
“Don’t let him hear that.” You interject with a quick smile.
“Come on, no more long faces.”
Again you deny his attempts, “sorry I’ll wait.”
Finn sighs and drops your hand, letting a minute of silence pass before he adds something, “fine, don’t come, but I don’t want you waiting here, go to your room. Take a nap, take a nice warm shower or just simply relax.”
He lifts his finger to stop you, “I’m not done. You haven’t relaxed since you’ve gotten here, go. If I hear anything, you’ll be the first person I tell.”
Your eyebrows furrow and you stare at him with a narrowed look, completely unsure of his suggestion and getting ready to decline and just fall back into your chair before he began to push you towards the hall that led to your quarters.
“Nope, I’m not taking a no, for an answer.”
You look back to Rey for help, but all she does is shrug.
So much for an apprentice.
Once Finn and you reach the front of your door, he presses the button and the door slides open, not a second passing by before he literally almost throws you inside.
“I’ll come get you later, okay?”
Before you can give your response, he lets the door close and he just leaves, the sound of his footsteps retreating, getting quieter and quieter until you know he’s out of the hall.
Wow these rooms are literally paper thin. Why have you now realized that?
Sorry to the people next door.
Shrugging that aside for the time being, you switch on the lights, your nose instantly getting welcomed by the familiar natural scent of Poe; nothing but the sweet smell of woods, slight hint of x-wing fuel and the strong yet perfect scented cologne he loved to wear.
All of it just making you miss him that much more.
The picture of him and you placed on the end table is definitely no solace to your feelings.
The deeper you get into your room, the more you have the urge to just sit in bed and wait for him. But you also knew Finn was right to at least try and relax. That and well a nice shower would pass by time.
It didn’t work.
Time was a taunting bitch when it was needed to pass by quickly.
You hoped that in the middle of your super long shower, Poe would go in and join, but here you were, hair wet, dry body and with his baggy shirt on, just waiting with no such luck. That only made your stomach churn more. Was he really okay?
What if he got taken hostage?
Or got badly injured?
No. You needed to go look for—
Everything suddenly went dark, your whole body jumping at the feeling of someone’s chest pressed on your back and hands covering your eyes. “Guess, who?”
You grab onto your chest and let out a relieved deep breath. Not only because you knew who it was the moment he spoke, but because it wasn’t some drunk fighter that had stumbled into your room by accident.
Because that has happened. Once. It was terrifying.
“Oh, I don’t know.” You play along, taking in a long sniff, “smells like sweat and ship fuel, maybe my pilot boyfriend from Naboo?” You smirk and feel his hands leave your eyes, a scoff leaving his lips after your joke.
“You’re funny.”
You spin around and see the familiar, big browned eyed, perfectly tan faced, cleaned shaved, cocky man you had been waiting for all kriffing day. A twisted look on his features and a new cut on his cheek—That was not going to be left unspoken—For now though, for now all you did was grin and throw your arms around him.
“Oh, you’re happy to see me? I thought you were happy to see your Naboo boyfriend.” He remarked.
You pull your head away from his shoulder and shoot him a narrowed look, “it was a joke.” The smile returns regardless and you press a sweet short kiss on his lips, “I only love you.”
Poe stays quiet for a moment before his own relief to your well being breaks through and he pulls you in for a tight hug, his hands balling the material of your shirt as he rests his head in the crook of your neck, a gentle kiss later felt on your shoulder.
“I’ve been waiting to see you all day.” He muttered into your skin.
You smile and run your fingers through his dark curls, “I was worried. I almost went out to look for you myself.”
The gesture of Poe’s smile was felt widening on your skin, the feeling of his lips pressed on your skin sending shivers down your spine.
When he pulled away, that’s all you saw: a smile and a softened look, his eyes studying your face to check for any wounds and simply just taking in every soft feature like if it were the first time he’s seen you. He caressed your cheek and pulled you in for a long awaited kiss, one that was deep and passionate, his excitement felt in more ways than one.
And the only reason why he pulled away was so he let you leave a trail of kisses from the corner of his lips to the sweet spot on his neck.
“I thought you said I smelt like sweat.” He reminded you.
You smirked, “You do, but for you I make exceptions.”
Poe pressed you tighter to him, his hand reaching for yours to press a kiss on it, but stopping once he noticed what was wrong.
“What’s this little number?”
You pull away and watch as he examines your metal hand. “Someone was fighting dirty. Got a jump on me and cut my hand thinking that I couldn’t wield my saber with both. Her mistake.”
Poe frowned, his eyes filled with worry, “baby, you need to be more careful. You—”
“Poe,” you interrupt, “I’m okay. Okay? We can talk about it after I've had at least twenty four hours with you.” You smile and carefully wipe the curls that had been stuck to his forehead because of the sweat gleaming on his skin. “Long day?”
He rests your forehead on yours and sighs, “yeah. You don’t mind if we just sleep tonight, do you?”
“Only if I get to cuddle with you.”
He chuckles and presses a kiss on your nose, “You got it.”
The sudden knock on your door pulls you both away, both of you sharing a look until you rush to the door to see Finn, a huge grin on his face and drinks in his hands. “Fires started and drinks are here. Let’s go.”
You look over your shoulder to see Poe with an exhausted look clearly decorating his features, looking like he was going to pass out any second now.
“Uhh, next time.” You smile.
“What? Come on.”
You shake your head and show him a smug smile, “You wanted me in my room, I’m staying. Next time, promise.” Before he can come up with another excuse, you slowly close the door and leave him out there, turning back to Poe with a sweet smile.
“You can go if you want.” He adds. “I’ll stay and get some sleep before we have to get up again.”
“Nah,” you shrug, “I’d rather sleep in with my ONLY pilot boyfriend.”
Poe grins, “cute.”
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disneydreamlights · 4 years
Anidala Fic Recs
I got asked for fic recs for these. NSFW will be in a private post (that I’ll make later GOING THROUGH YOUR AO3 HISTORY IS TEDIOUS) for easy DMing purposes. All recs under a read more.
So first for authors:
Just about anything by SkywalkersAmidala and Gemma’s Writing (@gemmaswriting​)
Everything I’ve read by them is absolutely fantastic, and believe me, I’ve read pretty much everything from them. Multiple times in some cases. They’re just very good. SkywalkersAmidala in most cases writes more silly lighthearted AUs and Gemma’s Writing does a bit of everything, all of which are good.
Padme Lives/Anakin Doesn’t Fall:
(Anything on my Vaderdala fic recs list, you need Padme alive for Vaderdala)
Precipice by Shadowsong26
An AU in which Anakin Skywalker does not follow Mace Windu and the others to Palpatine’s office after they leave to arrest the Chancellor. As a result, he doesn’t get that final push over the edge, and doesn’t Fall.
(Padme returns to the Senate with Luke, Anakin to lead the Rebels with Leia. Things get better is the absolute best way to summary this one.)
To These Memories by KatieRoseFun
After Darth Sidious is defeated, everything changes. Some for the better, others not so much. Mostly better though. (Or: Anakin becomes a dad. Rex rehabilitates clone troopers who no longer want to be a part of the army. Ahsoka gets a call from an old friend. And maybe Obi-Wan finds out it’s not just his enemies who don’t stay dead. Basically, everyone gets the happy ending they deserve.)
Pocket Full of Sand Verse by Philthestone
Anakin goes missing, Padme is captured, and this causes Leia Skywalker and Luke Amidala to meet.
Clash of Fates by AliceBDS (In Progress) 
Sometimes, the course of life is changed with one decision.
When Ahsoka Tano requests the help of her former master in liberating Mandalore, a twist of destiny sends them to Coruscant to rescue Chancellor Palpatine instead, altering the course of galactic history forever.
When Dead Men Walk by Ellapromachos
Anakin hesitates just a few minutes longer, and the entire galaxy is better for it.
or; Anakin is at the Temple for Order 66, but not as Darth Vader. And when Palpatine comes for him, he plays his cards just a little bit better. He digs his heels in, and prepares for the long con.
My Loyalties Lie by Stranestelle (In Progress)
When Anakin initially rejects Palpatine's offer to 'help' him, the Sith Lord, in a rare moment of hastiness, ships him off to Kamino to have a control chip implanted.
Nobody Needs to Know by Elizaham8957
The twins are born in the middle of the Clone Wars, and Anakin and Padmé try to continue hiding the fact that they're married and now have two children.
Nobody buys it. Like, seriously, nobody.
Hunter by Zinoviev
Leia is offered a chance to escape Bespin when Boba Fett enlists her help to prevent Luke from falling into Vader's clutches. She has plenty of questions, however. Who is this mysterious bounty hunter, and what does he want with her friend?
The Bantha in the Room by Estrangedlestrange
concept: anakin sitting in the council room bouncing baby luke on his knees as he adamantly denies having children or attachments
Time Travel:
Stand the Hazard of the Die by KeelieThompson1
Baby Luke is sent back in time by Obi-Wan to the prequel era. Needless to say, things change.
Just One Wish by LadyVader23
On a trip to Dathomir, Anakin Skywalker finds a spell that will grant him one wish. Anxious to return home, he wishes for a way to end the war. As a result, he ends up accidentally kidnapping his future children...moments after they've escaped Bespin. Luke is quite done dealing with his mess of a father, and Leia is convinced telling the future Darth Vader about the future will only make it worse. Desperate, Anakin calls in the only person they might listen to: Padme Amidala. Too bad Padme has a surprise of her own...
Temper With the Stars by Pipionem
After being pulled through the World between Worlds, Ahsoka finds herself in the final days of the Clone Wars, on a Separatist ship holding the recently kidnapped Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Saving the galaxy from the horrors to come is a lot to get done in a week, but Ahsoka has lost everything before - this time, she won't let that happen. Of course, that doesn't mean it's going to be easy.
Skywalker Family Fics:
Skywalker Family Values by Ariel_Sojourner
Camp Chippewa is proud to be the Empire’s foremost camp resort for privileged young adults. Located on the picturesque forest moon of Endor, your child will have the opportunity to participate in wholesome outdoor activities and socialize appropriately with their peers. We invite your offspring to join us for the experience of a lifetime and a bright future in service of the greater glory of the Empire.
On opposite sides of the galaxy, on opposite sides of a civil war, Darth Vader and Padme Amidala unwittingly send Luke and Leia to the same camp during school break. Chaos naturally ensues.
Mild AU:
Desideratum by Sithanakin (In Progress)
As a young Initiate in the midst of a childish crush, Padmé had always dreamt of Anakin Skywalker becoming her Master. But she was to turn thirteen too early for that to be possible.
Then, at sixteen, she loses her Master in the battle of Geonosis. In the confusion of all her grief, she does not expect newly-knighted Anakin Skywalker to offer to take her on as his Padawan.
The Wise Thing by Stranestelle
Warning: Very dark, not happy ending.
Padmé Amidala may not be all she seems. Anakin Skywalker wears his heart on his sleeve. People have crushes every day, it’s not the end of the world. Is it?
or, if you will, a sith!Padmé AU
Bonded by Betts
(Okay I’ll out myself slightly with smut but just one on my mostly SFW recs.)
Padmé had always been better at the mental half of the Jedi code—coercion, manipulation, meditation. Anakin had always been better at the physical half—beating shit up with his lightsaber.
Heirs to the Empire by Aldojlc
Alternate Universe. En route to Endor, Luke, Leia, and Han during the events of ROTJ find themselves transported into a different universe and a different Empire, with a different Vader.
Heavy AUs:
(it’s not so bad) being dead like me by Estrangedlestrange
Recently deceased Anakin Skywalker (killed in an taco truck explosion) finds himself not in the after life but recruited as the newest member of the undead, he’s become a grim reaper. He’s told that it’s his destiny but really he thinks it’s just rotten luck. Rotten except for the fact that one of his fellow reapers is Padmé Amidala, the most beautiful woman Anakin’s has seen, dead or alive. As he struggles to come to grips with his death and his new role in the universe, Anakin finds that taking souls isn’t the easiest job out there, he also finds himself falling in love.
Skyborn by Silverdaye
Senator Padmé Amidala enjoys spending her time in a bookstore, one made of real flimsi books where each one costs a small fortune. It is there she meets a strange man, Anakin Skywalker, who is searching for long forgotten planet, Kesh. 4,500 years ago a ship crashed on Kesh. The survivors told the natives they were their gods, the Skyborn. Anakin is one of them.
For Even the Very Wise Cannot See All Ends by UncorrectGrammar
When people think of Anakin Skywalker, they think of the Chosen One, the Hero With No Fear. They think of an accomplished duelist, of the best flyer in Hogwarts, of the prophesized savior of the wizarding world.
They don’t think of gardens diligently kept or dirt under fingernails.
Or: Anakin Skywalker and his legacy. Hogwarts AU.
General Prequel Era (Non Anidala Centric, but still contain Anidala)
Like Fire In Our Bones by AcuteNeurosis
With all of the most important things in the galaxy literally exploding around her, Leia is given the chance to go back and help keep a promise she never personally made.
But then, for Skywalkers, saving the galaxy was always a family matter.
Well It Goes Like This by Corde_and_Dorme
At the end of it all, the thing is: Palpatine breaks his heart.
(or the one where Anakin makes the hard choice, the right choice, the other choice. Then he keeps making it.)
Vode An by Epsiloneridani
There are millions of lives on the line, clone and Jedi alike. Every second brings them one step closer to the chip's activation - one step closer to the endgame. The truth is shrouded in secrecy and clouded by doubt. The clock's ticking down.
It's a race against time.
Fives is gone. Echo finds the courage to ask why.
Bonus: ObiAnidala
For We Are A Woven Thread; Find the Strand by Shadowsong26
The night before Obi-Wan was to leave for Utapau, he and Anakin and Padme agreed that, regardless of the Council's orders, Anakin should go as well. They split up over the course of the battle--and when Order 66 is given, they cannot find one another in the chaos; Padme, on Coruscant, is left with the knowledge that neither of them is coming back.
This story covers the next four years in their lives; how they survived and coped with the loss; how they began to fight back--and how they found their way home.
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