#lullaby sent to the devil
edogawa-division · 3 months
There was a knock on the door to the Wicked Requiem residence, upon opening the door, the birthday girl, Kanra Akemi, was greeted by the sight of her friend, Sumire Shinomiya, holding a few boxes of presents.
"Hey there!" The anarchist greeted happily, "Happy Birthday, Kanra!" She cheered.
After letting Sumire in and making some small talk, mostly about how the other's been doing and all that, they eventually got around to opening the presents. Naturally, Kanra picked the biggest one to open first and inside revealed to be...
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A large strawberry themed cat house, it was the perfect size for her cat, Haku.
Turning her attention to the next gift, it was revealed to be...
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A red hoodie with spider and spider web patterns on it.
After thanking Sumire for her gifts, the black and purple haired girl turned serious for a moment. "Actually, there is one more gift, and it's not from me. She knew I was heading your way and wanted me to give this to you, I'm sure you understand why she can't show up herself but just know that she...cares...or is trying to, anyways."
She shook her head and digged into one of her pouches on her belt. "I don't know the specifics but I think it would make her content to know that you have this, 'for the more darker days' as she put it."
With that, Sumire handed Kanra a small and neatly wrapped gift, before stating that she needed to leave. With a fist bump and another happy birthday wish, Kanra lead Sumire out the door before turning her attention to the present that was still in her hand. After hesitating for a second, Kanra opened it to reveal...
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A red devil heart necklace, however, something seemed a little off. Tracing her thumb over the gem, Kanra was surprised to find that it was actually a button and pressed down on it, immediately, a sweet melody began to play.
Happy Birthday Kanra! ❤
Kanra held the devil necklace in her hands, a tear falling down from her face as she heard the lullaby play from the necklace. She understood why Sumire was the one to deliver this gift, and a part of her was glad Mama Ritsuko had sent her a gift even with everything left unsaid between them. God, there was so much unsaid between Kanra and the woman who many contestants in the D.R.B. hated and called a heartless monster. Even Yuriko and Kaoru had some choice words to say about her. 
Kanra, however, could not say the same. She could never truly hate Ritsuko Okada. How could she? That was her Mama. Even now, anytime Kanra saw the scientist, she was filled with something she could only describe as a mixture of anger and love. Hell, even on her worst days the days where she missed her Mama the most Kanra wanted to reach out and hug the woman. Something that confused her. 
Kanra knew one day she would have to confront Ritsuko about everything. That day terrified her for several reasons, but most of all, she was scared of the truth. However, Kanra refused to let her fear consume her. She would face that day head on. 
Suddenly, a strange phrase entered her mind. How odd, but it was one that resonated with what she was feeling at the moment. 
“Whatever happens, happens.”
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wurm-food · 2 years
-pulls a chair over and plunks down on it- TOP 3 FILM RED MOMENTS, GO (or anything else you want to say!! I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT WITH EVERYONE I KNOW BC I LOVED IT SO MUCH) (also i'm about to go through your whole blog from the past two days sorry)
OH MY GOD I’ve been dying to talk to you about this!!!
I’m going to put a little read more thingy so I can hide spoilers (my blog is Uta brainrot right now, please enjoy my unhinged mess lol)
(omg sorry I’m just brain dumping, I hope my jumbled thoughts make sense it’s like 20 things…)
The whole thing?? Can the whole thing be my favorite?? I thought I was ready for this movie and I was NOT AT ALL. I laughed, I cried, my heart completely broke over and over again (I’m going to believe she isn’t dead because I can’t handle anything else).
Also wtf her devil fruit is TERRIFYINGLY strong
The music hits soooooo much harder now with context. New Genesis? The manifesto of of this poor girl. I’m invincible?? The battle cry oh my god. Backlight??? God damn this went so hard she is so full of rage.
I need a fucking minute to reprocess Fleeting Lullaby. I knew this one was going to go crazy but OH MY GOD this was legendary.
The Worlds Continuation and Where the wind blows…. I was in tears. I cried so much during this movie. Everything with Shanks and Beckman (OUR DAUGHTER?? instant waterworks). Shanks crying sent me over the edge.
Tot Musica. Enough said.
One more comment and just Uta…. Im in love with her. She’s so viscerally complex and raw and real in ways I can’t fully put into words. I want to write this girl the reality she deserves, she’s been through so much and I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful of a character she is.
Ok now for moments that aren’t Uta!!
The fits went OFF for everyone. Sanji is rotting my brain (per usual), Zoro… omg. The cutest Nami fit of all time!!! Robin my queen. Brook and Franky looked so BAD ASS.
I am Bepo, Bepo is me, my partner was Law escorting my Uta obsessed ass to the theater. I was in TEARS everytime his silly little outfit went off. I cannot.
Sunny-kun :) I need a plushie of him. “What kind of mods are these?” The cute ones, Franky!!
Ok the Sanji/Brulee moment was really cute ngl
Tot musica itself gave me big Madoka Magica witch vibes which I’m obsessed with
I laughed at the franky fart joke, he’s allowed to have fart jokes
Honestly the comedy in the movie was really freaking good
HOLY BUDGET TOEI put to so much good use. It was insane.
a morsel of joy boy :) I love
Ummmmm that might be all of my rational thoughts at the moment. This movie was SO GOOD.
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lostneedcoopcake · 2 years
Letter To Lincoln
This is an entry for a horror challenge where the prompt was “mimic”. Enjoy!
12th of March, 1988
Dear Lincoln,
 Some weeks ago, you sent me a letter, asking me about my family and the situation overseas. Well, my response to your letter is quite simple; I wish I knew. I really wish I knew. All I know is that there are some people among us that are not human. But, they are very good with taking the form of one. Indistinguishable from some of our folk, actually. I wish I knew what they want with us or, more importantly, with our children. Allow me to explain, dear Lincoln.
A week after you sent me the letter, Mrs. Abigail came to me, shouting. As I opened my house’s door at six in the morning, she fell down and grabbed me by my knees, pulling them. I tried to stay calm and asked her what was wrong. She told me her husband had been acting weird as of lately and, on top of that, there are times she loses her child, a cheerful daughter. Now, her husband was a good man, but they had divorced because of some issues with her family. But he was clean, not causing any trouble at all. No matter the case, I asked her if she was suspecting her husband was behind it and she simply disagreed. Mr. Abigail would never take their daughter out without her permission. So, without thinking of it as much, I called my cousin, who is a cop, and went to investigate.
Mr. Abigail was standing at the living room, holding their sleeping daughter in his hands. He was hypnotically moving left and right, singing a lullaby I had never heard of before. He looked at us, but with his eyes always on their daughter. Hie eyes looked like the Devil had taken them and got replaced with mere buttons, made only to look at the child. I looked at my cousin and tipped my hat to Mr. Abigail. I greeted him and asked him how was his day with my usual, cheerful voice. His wife was almost hiding behind us as my cousin tipped his hat too. Mr. Abigail smiled and answered us in a monotonous, yet cheerful voice. I felt chills on my spine then, Mr. Lincoln. Their daughter was still asleep, although she wakes up quite easily. I remember a bird passing through their house, croaking, and the little lady woke up and started shouting at it in the night. So it was a wonder she was asleep with two strangers visiting.
 We sat down and discussed a bunch of stuff about life and such while Mrs. Abigail served us tea. Mr. Abigail, although he had that weird tone in his voice at all times, seemed to have his memories intact, talking to us like it was any other day. But, when Mrs. Abigail sat next to him, I could see her cowering in her seat, her legs inching closer and closer to each other as every moment passed. It was not long until she told me she wanted to ask me something personally, not before asking her husband. He agreed and we went a bit further in the house, inside the kitchen. Mrs. Abigail pointed at a box of pills on the counter. I picked them up. Pills for hypertension, completely untouched. I am aware Mrs. Abigail is a very healthy woman, so why would she need them, I asked myself. But the answer soon came from herself; Mr. Abigail has issues with his heart. Without taking a pill every day, he would die. So, she traveled to the city to buy him some. But, since he came, he touched them not. So, it could not be him. Perhaps a ghost? But we could all touch him and he could be with us. A demon, perhaps? No matter what it was, it was not Mr. Abigail and, if he still existed somewhere out there, he would be dead by now. It had been five days since the occurrence. What Mrs. Abigail cared about most was her daughter. I deeply took her concerns into my heart, Lincoln. I have a child too, I understood that lady.
When we came back, my cousin started making jokes about me and Mrs. Abigail being together – although we all know I am in a loving relationship with my wife and I wouldn’t change her for the world – and, as I sat, he whispered to me that Mrs. Abigail was surely insane and still angry over her husband leaving her, hence why she called us to arrest him. He told me not to trust a single word that was coming out of that woman’s mouth. But her expression spoke more than her words; as the demon’s eyes were constantly on her daughter, she was also looking at her too, ready to snatch her from the devil’s arms. She often looked at me too, waiting for me. She sighed of relief when I told Mr. Abigail to go somewhere he liked together. But her worries rose up again when he wouldn’t leave her child, no matter my or the mother’s pleas. He argued that little Sophie would like some fresh air, and, asleep as she still was, couldn’t say no. With a heavy heart, I agreed. Before closing the door behind me, I saw my cousin groaning and leaning on the couch and, before closing the door, I swear I heard him flirting with her. What a disgrace!
 The weather looked like it was about to start raining as we two, Mr. Abigail holding little Sophie tightly, started walking towards the forest. I could feel the humidity going up my neck, further making me feel an unsettling cold going through my entire body. But the demon looked like it was completely unbothered. I held my gun, which was still in my pouch, but I did not pull it up. But I had to be prepared for anything. Not wasting any time, I asked him where was Mr. Abigail. He started talking to me about how Mrs. Abigail did not truly care for him and what happened to him was for the best. I stopped there, just when the rain started pouring down. The demon wanted to pull me inside the forest, in whatever hideout it had. The demon kept looking at me and, after so much time, it smiled at me. I pulled my gun out in an instant and pointed it at the demon. Little Sophie would be scared and traumatized, seeing her father dead, no matter how much it was not her father. I asked it what did it want from the family.
“The child needs to be safe. Isn’t this what you want? It will all be better.”
 More like the demon started coming out the woods, Lincoln, and I swear to God I have not been more shocked in my life than when I saw the faces of my fellow townspeople coming towards me, circling me. I should had listened to Mrs. Ferrn about her son’s disappearance. She told me her husband had gone to find him, so I dismissed it. And Mr. Ferrn was behind me. Mr. Instburg had told me his wife had not returned home with their two children, the police completely dismissed it. And there she was, standing next to me. I started thinking whether the officers were into this too. The demons slowly closed the circle I was in and I dropped my gun out of shock. It splashed on the wet mud, I and it being the only tings affected by the rain. They threatened me, Lincoln. They told me they would take care of my child, too. I pleaded them to let me keep my child. I fell down to my knees as they were in breathing distance. They grabbed me by my shirt and ripped it out before Mrs. Instburg took out a knife and ran it through my spine. I screamed and yelled in tears, Lincoln. The pain was insufferable. They took my blood and applied it on their skins while keeping some. They told me they would let me keep my child, as long as I told no one. I agreed, barely being able to hear my own voice.
 I woke up in a hospital. I thought I died there, Lincoln. But, the nurses told me that a hunter, who was coming home after a successful hunt, found me lying outside the forest and took care of me until help came. I asked them how was my child, they did not know. He’s fine, if you’re wondering. After healing, I went back home. Some of the demons had returned home, greeted by the families, although sad that they could not have their children back. They often pass outside my home and wave at me. I wave back. Always. But I couldn’t not tell anyone. Please, Lincoln, hold this letter tight to your heart. Because these things are not demons, but demons is the best way I can describe them.
With Consideration,
George Wills
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brinwtpen · 2 years
I won’t you
The devil slide in my dms this morning
She was 5’7 cocoa skin ebony golden eyes
87 locs held her head while her smile was sunshine
Fresh nails fresh retwists fresh tone flirting with me
The devil sent me nudes this morning and
Damn I’m horny
The devil said she adores me
She said she’d be a whore for me
So of course I agreed
The devil and I did yoga this morning
She looked good af wrapped in her drawers Still occasionally yawning
Mesmerized by the look in her eyes while she looked in mine
The devil sang me a lullaby
Made of moans screams and quick breathes
Her silky skin started to melt as the wick in my fingertips caressed
I let this pretty little demon cast a hex
And in no way I was worried about the curse to come next ~
The devil whispered fuck yo bitch come stay with me
So of course I agreed
Now surprisingly,
The devil don’t eat no meat so, the next morning she
Woke me up with grits and tea and toast and some head
Then the bitch read to me in bed
Restoring my biggest jagged edge
The devil put me back back to sleep
Then sent me back to the streets
She still mad mad at me
Cause I be asking where the hoes every week
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sillykittyco · 2 years
HI!!!!!!!! HERE YA GO!!🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
I know you sent this to me originally, but your probably my fave person on here! So here you go!
The Rockrose and the Thistle- The Amazing Devil
Fair- The Amazing Devil
Letters from the Atlantic- The Arcadian Wild
Wanderers Lullaby- Adriana Figueroa
Something Wild- Lindsey Stirling
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UPDATED: 12/4/2022
In alphabetical order{Fandom wise} & Pinterest links!
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Name: Lisa O’Connor
Title: Paint it Black
Fandom: Thir13en Ghosts
Faceclaim: Kate Siegel
Love interest: Dennis Rafkin
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Lilith Addams
Title: All in the Family
Fandom: Addams Family
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
Love interest: TBD
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: When Lilith was only five years old her parents passed away suddenly, so she was taken in with open arms and raised by her Uncle Gomez and Aunt Morticia Addams.Her mother, Annabel, was an Addams, Gomez and Fester's baby sister in fact. While her father, Harold, was a ‘normie’, who fell in love with Annabel’s uniqueness.When Wednesday got in trouble at their school after the 'incident' ' where Lilith herself may or may not have provided Wednesdays the piranhas from her fish tank.because of this, Lilith had also been sent to Nevermore Academy.Where she soon gets sucked into the murder and mysteries involving their new school and Lilith tries to keep up with her cousin Wednesdays to stop her from putting herself in an early grave. And not the sleepover kind.
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Name: Carrie Brooke
Title: Spellbound
Fandom: American Horror Story
Faceclaim:  Rachel Weisz
Love interest: Cordelia Goode
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Daniel Woods
Title: Devil Town
Fandom: Fear Street
Faceclaim: Alex Wolff
Love interest: Simon Kalivoda
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Phoebe Darling
Title: Maneater
Fandom: Hannibal Television Series
Faceclaim: Kate Siegel
Love interest: Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Alice Landon
Title: Alice in Moonland
Fandom: Stephen King’s “Lisey's Story”
Faceclaim: Sadie Sink
Love interest: None
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Willlow Collie
Title: Take me to Church
Fandom: Midnight Mass
Faceclaim:  Salma Hayek  
Love interest: Sarah Gunning
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Charlie Freeman
Title: The Sins of my Family
Fandom: Scream(2022)
Faceclaim:  Fred Hechinger
Love interest: Susie Sandoval
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Linda Sandoval (Lindy)
Title: A Little Wicked
Fandom: Scream
Faceclaim:  Alexandra Daddario
Love interest: Stu Macher
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Susie Sandoval
Title: The Sins of my Family
Fandom: Scream(2022)
Faceclaim:  India Eisley
Love interest: Samantha Carpenter
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Jennifer Renee
Title: Silent Fears
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Millicent Simmonds(Young) Emily Blunt(Adult)
Love interest: Mike Hanlon
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Jennifer is hard of hearing, near deaf, since she was born, she had a cochlear implant surgery when she was just two years old. Her older brother Jonathan was her only friend until one day she found his dead body hanging in his bedroom after returning from school. Jonathan had committed suicide because he was found out to be gay in their town and he couldn’t take the abuse from the townspeople or their parents anymore. Then she was forced to move to Derry, Maine where she becomes neighbors with the Bowers family, making Jennifer’s life even more miserable than it had been. She knows a little bit of sign language because Jennifer checked out books and reads through them over and over. Her worst fear is seeing her brother Jonathan’s dead body and blaming her for not helping him. As an adult, Jennifer was on her way to becoming a successful baker until she got a call one day that she needed to come back to Derry and take care of her mother. So she dropped everything and returned to her old town five years before Pennywise came back. She works at the Falcon Bar and is helping Mike with his research on how to destroy him once and for all.
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Name: Melissa Tozier
Title: Lullaby of Woe
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Abby Ryder Fortson (Young) Rose Byrne(Adult)
Love interest: To Be Determined{TBD}
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Melissa was the only daughter of Maggie and Wentworth Tozier and was the little sister of the infamous Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier. When she was little Melissa was best friends with little Georgie Denbrough since their older brothers were good friends up. But then when Georgie died nothing was ever the same because the clown that gotten Georgie was now after her, She sees him under her bed...outside her window...at her school and playground. Others brushed it off as stress after dealing with a sudden loss. Melissa was to scared to be alone so she always stuck by her older brothers and his friends side so the ‘boogeyman’ wouldn’t get her. Then her brother and his friends start seeing the same thing and later on they ended up saving her from IT. But 27 years later, now a world famous photographer, Melissa was being called upon by something wanting her to return to Derry and it wasn’t Mike Hanlon.
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Name: Misty Charleys
Title: Show and Tell
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim: Dafne Keen (Young) Karla Souza (Adult)
Love interest: Bill Denbrough
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added...
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Name: Theodore Warren
Title: Lay me down to Sleep
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Ty Simpkins (Young) Patrick Wilson(Adult)
Love interest: Richie Tozier
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Thomas Rain
Title: Deadly Secrets
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Noah Schnapp(Young) & Matthew Gray Gubler(Adult)
Love interest: Stan Uris
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Thomas Rain grew up being an awkward and shy kid with a lot going on with his life. He was a kid dealing with the death of his mother, a kid struggling with his sexuality. He watched his mother slowly die of cancer, her body becoming sick and skeleton-like, so he became afraid of her. So he avoided time with her and spent it with friends but then she had died from cancer and Thomas attended the funeral, which was an open casket. Her body and the guilt haunted the young boy, graves and dead bodies made him instantly clamp up in fear. Thomas Hates being alone in his house when he was younger. Especially going into the room at the end of the hallway in his home. Because in that room, his mother Carol Ann, spent the last few remaining months of her life in that room and died. With his dad being gone all the time he invites his friends over for movie nights so he doesn’t have to stay alone. Pennywise definitely uses the fear of his mother’s dying body against him since Thomas was too afraid of how she looked when she died and didn’t spend time with her. As an adult Thomas’s occupation is a crime scene investigator.
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Name: William Denbrough
Title: Left Behind
Fandom: Stephen King’s IT
Faceclaim:  Noah Jupe (Young) Luke Evans(Adult)
Love interest: Eddie Kaspbrak
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Elijah Mills
Title: Chaos Walking
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Brenton Thwaites
Love interest: Sam Winchester
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Elizabeth Winchester
Title: A Sister’s Love{Series}{Vol 1: Back in Black}Coming soon}
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Crystal Reed
Love interest: Gabriel
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: A sister’s love can be described as a fierce and never-ending type of love. That is exactly what type of love Elizabeth Winchester holds for both her brothers. When Liz was only two years old her mother had killed by the demon Azazel and spurred the events of being raised with her brothers to become hunters of the supernatural. Elizabeth, prefers to be called Liz for short. If you are not Dean or Sam and call her Lizzy, you will most likely get punched in the nose for it because only her brothers are allowed to call her that. Being the middle child can have some struggles involved in life, but being a Winchester it could become more difficult. Liz feels like sometimes she’s forgotten and always put in the middle of situations she hates, especially when it involves arguments between her siblings. However, Liz is entirely protective of them and they are the only reason why Liz stays in this life style so she can protect them. Mary and John Winchester didn’t just have two boys, they also had a daughter they named Elizabeth, who would become a force to be reckon with if the lives of her brothers were threatened.
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Name: Evelyn Singer
Title: The Sins of the Wicked
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Dakota Johnson
Love interest: Castiel
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Harper Harvelle
Title: Devil’s Tomb
Faceclaim:  Kristen Bell
Love interest: Dean Winchester
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added...
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Name: Oliver Harvelle
Title: Tears in their Beers
Fandom: Supernatural
Faceclaim:  Chris Hemsworth
Love interest: Dean Winchester
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More to be added...
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Name: Sandie
Title: Man’s Best Friend
Fandom: Supernatural
Breed: A German Shepard
Owners: Sam and Dean Winchester
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: A loyal canine named Sandie who was adopted by Sam Winchester. She dedicates her life to protecting the Winchester brothers, saving people and hunting things.
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Name: Nancy Crain
Title: The Sins of our Past
Fandom: The Haunting of Hill House
Faceclaim:  Annabelle Wallis
Love interest: TBD
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: The oldest child of the Crain siblings, Nancy Crain always was determined to be the one there for her siblings no matter what. She always knew what they were feeling, including her parents. Her mom once explained to her that she was an empath, she could feel others' emotions, so Nancy was the one to first realize that something wasn’t right stepping into their summer home of Hill House and something was starting to change her mother. When she was younger Nancy could see Nellie’s bent neck lady, so she would always climb into her sister's bed to shield her away from the awful sight.
However, it isn’t until years later walking into Hill House and seeing her sister's body did she realize the truth. When Nancy is older she hates the constant fights and arguments that go on between her siblings so she always tried to play the peacemaker. She had a husband, but after her miscarriage, her marriage fractured and he cheated on her, getting that woman pregnant and left her alone to start the family he always wanted.
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Name: Ivy Pearce
Title: Unholy
Fandom: Apple Tv’s Servant
Faceclaim: Jessica Chastain
Love interest: TBD
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: More To Be Added...
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Name: Everleigh Horvath
Title: Nowhere to Run
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love interest: Daryl Dixon
Pinterest Board: Link
Summary: Everleigh, or Eve for short, was raised by her Great Uncle Dale and Great Aunt Irma after her parents were unable to take care of her when she was a child. She's close to both her Aunt and Uncle, seeing them as parental figures, and ended up going to college to become a nurse. But, then her aunt Irma ended up with cancer before dying from it and her Uncle was sent into depression. In fear of losing her Uncle, Eve quit school to help her Uncle and convinced him to take the road trip in the RV with her like he was planning to do with her Aunt before she died. Things were going good until the world went to complete shit.It was now all about surviving. From flesh-eating monsters, they are called Walkers, and even people who've gone insane and decided to take advantage of the society they live in now.But what Eve didn't see coming during all of this was falling in love with that asshole Daryl Dixon. 
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Cass McCombs — Heartmind (Anti-)
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Photo by Giovanni Duca
With each album, Cass McCombs mischievously sidesteps expectations of where his music might head next. Heartmind, his tenth, adds another facet to this cracked songwriting diamond. At times frivolous, at others earnest, the album is persistently difficult to parse, despite its redoubtable qualities. As the title suggests, Heartmind attempts to bring together two poles that notoriously repel each other. With it, McCombs continues to fascinate and frustrate in equal measure, seemingly more interested in asking questions than answering them.
While McCombs sent Wit’s End into an early coma with the music-box lullaby “The Lonely Doll,” and knocked Mangy Love off its axis with the turgid rocker “Rancid Girl,” Heartmind upends expectations straight out of the gate. “Music is Blue” comes off like Jim O’Rourke’s Insignificance, the lyrics delivered in a playful, off-the-cuff fashion as McCombs spins a tale about the devil-at-the-crossroads pact of devoting a life to music. There’s a teenage all-or-nothing intensity to this character, which mellows on side 2’s “A Blue, Blue Band,” where the ups and downs of a life on the road are tempered by the easy-going bonhomie among the players. 
“Karaoke” speaks the language of the eternal songbook, making reference to multiple classic songs, but ponders whether singing songs without the underlying emotions renders them meaningless (“Is it just karaoke?”). The irony here is that a song which casts doubt on the authenticity of singing someone else’s tune is probably one of McCombs’ more catchy and accessible tracks to date — prime cover material. On the breezy “New Earth,” McCombs inexplicably name-checks Elon Musk, “stewing in his bouillon like a phony chef,” over a feather-light groove. Side 1 is closed out by the magnificent “Unproud Warrior,” its reflective lyrics unfolding patiently atop a languid, two-drummer shuffle.  
McCombs throws another curveball at the start of side 2. “Krakatau” has an authentic Latin shimmy, dense with hand percussion, the confidence of the musical execution contrasting markedly with the laundry list of personal shortcomings he wants to toss into the titular volcano. The closing title track barely hangs together, saxophone and fuzz guitar meandering over a tumble of drums, the key lyric, “Heart starts and stops giving itself away,” perhaps alluding to McCombs’ modus operandi. As ever, he refuses to offer any easy answers, leaving the listener beguiled.
 Tim Clarke
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the-silent-voices · 1 month
One Story
In a city, whose name I deliberately won't reveal, a story unfolded. Every city has many stories, but this one is exceptional mainly because everyone loves to tell it, even though no one remembers it precisely. In that city lived, or perhaps still lives, a girl. This girl has always been, or still is, very cheerful, that much everyone agrees on. But where opinions diverge is whether she fell in love happily or unhappily. Be that as it may, everyone knows that betrayal occurred in this love. One girl claims he cheated on her constantly, while someone else contradicts her, saying it happened only once and unintentionally. But regardless of the reasons, true or not, because of what happened or didn't happen, the smile vanished from the girl's face.
Reportedly, for almost a week, she wandered as if soulless. Her mother says she heard her daughter crying herself to sleep every night. Many say they saw her wandering the sleeping town at night. One night guard, who works at the parking lot, says she walked aimlessly here and there, often crossing roads. One woman, who earns her living at night, adamantly claimed she saw her walking to the cemetery, where she worshiped the devil. She also swore that the girl once looked at her and she saw her eyes glow red. Maybe it's true, maybe not. No one knows for sure because there are many people in the town, and everyone tells their truth.
But one day, maybe on a Saturday, maybe on a Sunday, she left home early in the morning. People can't even agree whether it happened in spring or fall, but it's known that it rained that night, and in the morning, it was damp, misty, and filled with pleasant scents. Those who met the girl that morning agree on one thing – something had changed. An elderly woman says her face was empty, eyes lifeless. Her husband adds that tears streamed down her cheeks. One boy, who delivers newspapers, claims she smiled with such a strange smile that it sent shivers down his spine. Another says there was still pain in her eyes, but her face was serene like the surface of water in a glass. But there was one more agreement - she was singing. No one exactly knew the melody, although the old lady says it resembled a lullaby from her grandmother, and the boy insists it was something modern he heard on the radio. Whoever is right, they all agreed on one thing – the melody was beautiful, sad, and etched into everyone's memory forever.
No one ask her, if she was alright and if she need a help or company. With a broken heart, the girl undoubtedly headed to the outskirts of the city – to where the old bridge stands. This bridge is said to be as old as the city itself. Once, carts pulled by strong horses used to cross it, carrying timber. Allegedly, the first buildings in the town were constructed from that timber. But today, only people walk on the bridge, mostly couples in love watching the romantic sunset. But on that autumn or spring morning, the sun didn't shine.
With her sad song, the girl walked along the bridge, trying to connect raindrops on the wet railing with fingers. When she reached the middle of the bridge, she allegedly gazed thoughtfully at the river flowing beneath. The river was deep and swift. It had stolen many human lives. But again, the story diverges; someone told me she ran into the forest crying, where she disappeared and was never found again, while another said she simply jumped from the bridge and drowned. A little girl, who lives with her parents in the green house near the bridge, with all the seriousness of a child, swore she saw the girl transform into a white dove, which allegedly still flies above the city. A loving couple who walked on the bridge early that morning said her boy ran after her, sensing something was amiss. Allegedly, he begged for forgiveness, promised redemption and love until death. They allegedly fled together to an unknown destination.
An elderly man, who was on his morning walk with his dog, claims the boy indeed came, but the girl was already on the other side of the railing. The boy leaned over the railing towards her and pulled her back. This man said the boy sinned unchristianly as he pulled the girl towards him, she slipped on the wet surface and fell into the water. And since the boy himself leaned too much over the railing, he fell into the water after her. Both allegedly lost consciousness under the water and never resurfaced.
I say, whatever it may be, both the boy and the girl, whose heart he broke, seemed to vanish into the ground. The police never closed the case because each witness testimony was different, and there was nothing to rely on. Perhaps you'll remember this story and tell it as you like. But it's entirely possible that the story never happened, and people just needed to spice up their dull days in the little town. But maybe it did happen, and they truly escaped, or maybe the little girl was right, and she truly transformed into a white dove that flies over the city and sadly coos. But whatever it is, there will always be someone who tells you different story...
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Calavera Springs, a sun-baked ulcer on the backside of nowhere, sucked dry by dust and desperation. El Diablo Fuerte, a luchador sculpted from shadows and rage, ruled this wasteland. His obsidian mask hid eyes burning with the crimson Kool-Aid, a forbidden elixir said to cheat death itself. But it ain't sunshine and sugar skulls, amigos. This stuff rots your veins from the inside out, turns you into a twitchy mess with a libido hotter than the Devil's armpit.
Across the cracked plaza, a vision in crimson velvet slunk like smoke – Calavera Catrina. Her mask, a skull grinning a dare, hid eyes colder than tequila on ice. El Diablo hadn't just stolen her heart; he'd snatched her brother's life, leaving a hollow ache that only vengeance could fill. Her blades flashed like moonlight catching broken glass, singing a lullaby of payback in every slash.
Then there was El Payaso Triste, a clown whose manic grin couldn't hide the shadows in his eyes. His carnival, the Grand Guignol del Muerto, sprawled like a twisted funhouse on the fringes of town. Inside, freaks writhed in cages, each one a broken toy in his demented play. He craved a grand finale, a blood-soaked spectacle to drown out the echoes of his own twisted past. And he knew the secret of the Kool-Aid, knew the price of its crimson promise.
These three twisted souls tangoed on the sun-baked stage, their shadows stretching like warped marionettes against the dying light. Calavera Catrina's blades whispered sweet nothings of steel against flesh, leaving trails of glistening crimson and guttural moans. El Payaso unleashed his menagerie of nightmares – a knife-juggling octopus with eyes like emeralds gone bad, a Chihuahua with a fire-breathing maw and a taste for stiletto heels, a contortionist who could break every bone in your body like a wishbone. The air thick with the scent of sweat, blood, and popcorn-laced with something altogether fouler.
El Diablo Fuerte roared, a wounded bull trapped in a barbed-wire ring. His piledrivers sent luchadores flying like ragdolls, but his movements were jerky, his veins throbbing with the Kool-Aid's putrescence. His mask, a cracked mirror reflecting the rot within.
The climax was a slow-motion nightmare, a burlesque of blood and shattered bone. Eyes popped like overripe grapes, limbs detached and danced a macabre ballet, guts spilled like spilled wine, painting the ground in shades of crimson and regret. Heroes became monsters, victims became executioners, and the line between sanity and slaughterhouse blurred faster than a tequila shot.
In the end, they all got a taste of what they craved. Calavera Catrina escaped, her vengeance leaving a hollow emptiness where her heart used to be. El Payaso watched from the shadows, his laughter a rusty rasp, the Kool-Aid's whispers a constant reminder of his own decay. El Diablo Fuerte lay broken, his mask a shattered doll, his eyes reflecting the endless abyss of death's embrace.
The Crimson Kool-Aid, pulsating in its rusty barrel, stood as a silent testament to the price of forever. In Calavera Springs, the lines between life and death were sketched in lipstick and blood, and the only escape was through the crimson curtains of oblivion. The sun rose, painting the dust with a promise of another day, another round in the grotesque waltz of Calavera Springs. For in this sun-baked purgatory, the thirst for life couldn't compete with the hunger for vengeance, and sometimes, the sweetest kiss was the taste of your own sweet revenge, lips stained with blood and mascara, in the shadow of a broken luchador mask.
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aurorahellstormm · 6 months
My Insanity
T'was a stormy cold day, I was now sitting with a wonderful white coat on. How did I get here? Why had my family been so mean? Where to begin? It was only the angel talking to me telling me that they were after me and I made sure that they could not harm me. Shall we say that they will never bother any one again. I sat in there hearing them talk to me, what could they do now? They told me about it all, and I wrote it down the book grew and the talking became louder. They told me to do things that it would make me safe. I did as I was told. The blood had a beautiful color and once I wrote the chant on the wall it glowed as they told me. I begin the chant and watch the blood dip down the wall, I began to hear a lullaby they sang to me. I fell asleep there on the floor knowing all well that I was finally safe. The dreams came dark and sinister showing me the truth. I was waken by a man with the white coat. My mother telling them I hear things and she said, "just look at her room. The walls covered in blood and bones all on the floor. This is not a sound mind." She then ran out of the room crying, I smiled knowing all well they could not hurt me they told me so. I was then taken to hospital. White walls, cold floors, its to bright here I want my room the safe dark room were they are. Some followed me but not all I miss them, do you think they will come look for me? I miss them greatly and want them back. The man in white walks in and ask me, "Why did you do that to your room?" a cold smile crossed my face and I said, "They told me," tilted my head my smile now dripped a small drop of blood. "Do you know what you have done young lady?" he asked. I laughed and told him, "What the art work on my wall? They said to do it and it would make me safe. It did, did you see it glow? Did you feel the warmth for it?" I closed my eyes to remember, remember the glow, the happiness and them. As I did this a smile etched a cross my face and I began to chant once more, the man got up and began to walk out of the room not letting me out of his sight. "I will get those who will harm me and have their blood to drink," I opened my eyes and stared at him, "know me, fell me, fear me." I began to laugh it sounded like if the devil was within me. By this time he ran out of the room, then I heard a lot of talking from behind the door, "…..she is not fit…." "…..she would….." "....we must send her…."
The doctor walks out of the room white as if he had seen a ghost. "The child has something wrong with her," he stated to the nurse. She states, "Is she not fix of mind doctor?" He looks at the nurse and says, "I do not know Martha, we must help her out of this or send her to the asylum." "NO! doctor she is to young for that. Her mind will never return then." the nurse has a look of shock. The doctor turns to the man coming up the hall, "Good evening, Brother Jerald. I am sorry to call you in so late from the monastery, but we need your help." Brother Jerald nodded, "The evening prayers will hold for now. What troubles you my son?" "You must speak to this young girl. I would like to know what you think Brother." Brother Jerald understood and walked to the door, he saw a shadow through the door and nodded. Opening the door he saw a sight that sent a chill down to his very core. There sat a young girl her arms covered in blood and she was using it to write on the wall. He walked in and sat on a chair not to far from her. He spoke, "Good day young one."
I turned to see who was talking to me, I hoped it was one of them that have finally found me but to no avail it was a man with a brown dress on. "Good day sir," I turned back to my writing and listen to them tell me what to do. He spoke once more, "Young lady do you know who I am?" "I do not nor do I care. Please I am in the middle of something and I can not talk." I stuck my finger once more into the wound and once covered in blood I place the next line of the chant on the wall. The man now looked around the room, nothing there so how did she have those cuts, "Young Miss how did you cut yourself," in a harsh tone he spoke to me. I turned and I spoke to him once more, my voice deep and evil I said, "It's none of your business what I do and they will take your soul and eat it up if you continue to bother me," the sound echoed through out the room as if a hundred voice had spoken at once. He fell back into the chair, his face now showed fear. He got up and walked quickly out of the room. I smiled once more alone with those who kept me safe. Once more the voice came from behind the door "….there is no hope…" "…..she can not be saved…" "….we must do the Exorcist tonight.."
Brother Jerald walked out shaking his head, "Poor child she has been possessed by a demon and if nothing is done there is no hope for her." "Brother can she not be saved," Martha asked. "Yes dear but we must do and exorcism this very night or the demon will gain a stronger hold on her." The doctor nodded and went to prepare the room.
It was quite outside the room making it easy for me to hear them, I continued to write and chant. Their voice once more grew making me happy, my friends protect me. The lullaby now began and I laid on the floor my blood not began to drip on the floor not much now since I have not opened it up once more, the they sang to me. I began to let sleep take me to be once more in the dreams with them and the truths they would show me. They broke through the door and grabbed me, I yelled as they dragged me to a room full of candles and crosses. It so dark and hard to breath I start to cough the smoke was thick in the room. They began to chant and I began to cry.
The doctor and nurse walked in the room, she was sleeping. "This must not be messed up we should now get her into the room. We know not how she will act or if the demon will try to harm us." Bother Jerald stated. The doctor and nurse walked slowly and quite as not to wake her. The doctor took her legs and the nurse her hands. She awoke and began to yell and scream. They took her to a room which was for the exorcism, it was filled with religious artifacts, candles and incense. They tried her down and began to chat the religious rights. She began to cry. "Holy Lord, Almighty Father Everlasting God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who sent your only begotten son into the world To crush that lion Strike terror Lord, into the Beast Let your mighty hand cast him out of your servant Sarah Lafayette So he may no longer hold captive this prisoner
I cast you out unclean spirit In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ It is he who commands you, It is God himself who commands you, it is God The Holy Ghost who commands you By this sign of Holy Cross Give way to Christ The power of Christ compels you The power of Christ compels you The power.....the power..…" Brother Jerald chanted. The doctor and nurse watch but all she did was cry. Brother Jerald chanted all night but nothing she stopped crying and just whimpered. Bother Jerald now tried sat down and wiped the sweat from his brow. The sun began to come up and he started, "She does not have a demon with in her. She has just lost her mind. Its sad but she must be sent to asylum. They might be able to bring her back from where she is." The nurse now began to cry, "Poor child she might never return from there. She is lost." The doctor nodded and went to write up the papers. She was untied and walked to the first room, left there until the coach came to pick her up.
They are now gone there spell did not affect me, a smile crossed my face once I was alone with in the walls of that first room. They came back the voice talking to me saying, "So close soon you shall be with us," the lullaby began once more, I laid down to rest. The humans place me in a white jacket that tide my arms behind me and lead me to a coach. I sat within it and watched the country side pass through the bars on the windows. We reach a dark and sinister place, but I start to feel safe and happy, I hear them now clearly and can now see them. Red eyes with in the shadow, I'm HOME.
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goronska · 1 year
My Vermillion OCs character songs
Sitting late at night, chatting on Discord with some Tumblr creators yesterday, I was struck with the idea to compile a list of songs that for one reason or another would be character songs if I ever went with the Vermillion act further than the RP and some fanart/story spinoffs.
Without further ado:
Adam - "Two Men In Love" The Irrepressibles - that might be a problem later on.
Agat - "Devil's Worst Nightmare" FJØRA - "Just 'cause I look like a good girl // Don't mean I won't do things that hurt"; beware of the High Priestess, heathens.
Bashir Levi - "She's So High" Tal Bachman - when you are a slave, but you are sent a literal angel
Eodum - "Closer" Nine Inch Nails - Young Demi-gods are weird like this sometimes… Sorry, Eodum that you always fall for people that let themselves be hurt by you.
Larat - "Tranquilize" The Killers ft. Lou Reed - She doesn't "need a political process" and deep inside she goes insane, because she's afraid that "patiently, correction leaves us all alone"
Merah - "2 cm" Rie Fu - I wanted to pick a song about running from home and fighting for yourself, but… Her home is with Sydney. And she's so full of love to her.
Merahtua & Garura - "Rabbit Heart" Florence + The Machine - she made her "final sacrifice" to Ubisi while the King "held her so tight"
Opal - "Rain Down" The Fighting Temptations cast - She has that groovy gospel energy, but of course, it's hard to say whether she sings it for the demigod or the Red Goddess
Setia - "Oh no!" Marina and The Diamonds - He knows when you're good, he knows when you're asleep.
Shiroi - "Venus in Furs" The Velvet Underground - self-explanatory, I guess.
Ubisi - "Blood // Water" grandson - Ubisi famously sings this as a "lullaby" to Queen Merahtua...
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Out of control on videotape
I never could learn to drink that blood
You’re the one that’s got the key
I know it all was a big joke
Later he’ll be shot for resisting arrest
My fantasy has turned to madness
And all my goodness has turned to badness
My need to possess you has consumed my soul
I will find a way, and I will have you
I will collect you and capture you
You are an obsession
Who do you want me to be to make you sleep with me
Are you devils new or are you a spy
I think of you as a target
Here, I've touched the sensitive point
Wait, I will linger on it
It is time to pass to serious things my pretty doll
The more you scream, the deeper I will go into your quicksands
Can you believe that? Sick.
So I died in the back of the cab but I'll be back to haunt them
This thing does not end here
My spirit walks the streets of Brooklyn singing:
Fat children took my life
Fat children took my life
Fat children took my life
I say, Let's go, let's go, let's go to this magic wonder show
And I'm walking and crawling and so tired I'm insane and I have a baby boy
she's thinking "I can see So I can sing him a lullaby'
Time and time again I started wars in the heads of men
I'm sent to heal, angels are real
In a world of steel
"Tell me about your
"Cause they seem like very bad men
Well, we want to keep away from
And it's the worst thing they'veseen
As they're all standing around that tree
And I'm so sorry, and I can't stop crying
“I saw you get knocked down and I ran out. I bet your head was spinning with that bright pain…you're stunned. “
All those feelings and fears and all the difficult shit in all those tender years
Your schedule's pretty crazy, doing interviews
I don't think either of us yearns to share the stage
I wish I had covered all my tracks completely 'cause I'm so afraid 
I come to ride high on that seasick rolling wave and you know that I am just trying to get out
But you can’t get it down without crying
When I’m dressed in white, send roses to me
Through the mysteries of sight, you can’t get out
 Something inside of me talkin'to my fucking brain
I don't know but l.. i think I'm possessed
I've got blood on my hands
I just wanna say that I love you
You have the name of someone I love
Pay the man
Can't see me but I warned you
But I fear it's all just comin' back to
And I fear that it's all just comin' back to me
it ends in darkness
Here is like a soldier home from war with nothing to remember but the shutter of bombs. Will I ever feel like I belong anywhere? There’s only so much you can take. I might never be normal again.
She would meet you there in winter
He’s telling me it’s time to let you go
I don’t have to think I only have to do it the results are always perfect and that’s old news
I cannot see the end of me
Everybody grieves different.
Once in Columbus Ohio someone was harassing me(some guy) so I changed my work name to Jane(for quite a while, tbh)
God be my witness I never shall yield till we come face-to-face
Safe behind bars—this has a story attached
 every day was another fish tank and your head swims around
I guess I’d like to move back to the middle again
our head is a Cage and a parrot, it won’t shut up
With this love
Come together
Problems do have solutions, you know*
Too many lovers in one lifetime ain't good for you
You treat me like a vision in the night
1 ain't no vision, I'm the girl who loves you inside and out with my heart hangin' out
Just don’t tell them that you know me
What made it special made it dangerous, so I bury itself
Daddy I won’t forget —-my dyslexia keeps confusing me with yesterday’s numbers, but this Kate bush video with Donald sutherland is just great.

“I always thought this was about a Vietnam vet who suffered from PTSD and eventually succumbed to madness.” Admittedly I was watching all these seagulls fly in circles while Johnny jewel played, it looks so much better than the human condition. Also in our family, my grandfather was Big Johnny and my brother was Little Johnny, so there’s that.
I step down into sand
Water carries us from here
It’s the year, oh oh, extra super very (this comes from the twist after the lyric “I need human heat”)
Tbh, couldn’t figure maddening cloud out
Every perversion is justified
This is no ordinary love
I knew I'd curse you for the longest time
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
And that shit is gonna end up being true
Beware of the Diamond Dogs
This go out to C.
I won't stop til we get justice
It's eatin' at my spirit, speakin' for the spirits
Cause you know what you’re doing, when you’re coming back
Can't live another minute bleedin' from my back cause I don't have another one for you to stab
And I don't wanna have another heart attack
I’m sorry, I’m sorry
And I can love the same man in the same bed in the same city
King Solomon's Mines, Exit 75
I'm still alive, I'm still alive
You were wild, where are you now?
You've got a way to keep me on your side
(Y'all can't fuck with T, baby) (i honestly don’t know I was busy and now I’m tired, goodnight)
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
sobbing crying wailing about how joey batey’s voice breaks in fair
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castlevaniamusic · 7 years
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
“I’m here for business, not pleasure” + “ don’t speak. just kiss me” with Matty please 😏
The Devil's Lullaby
Pairling: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: It's a case of an ex.
Genre: angst with implied smut. Happy ending, I guess.
Word count: 1.1K
A/N: Who let me write this?! I really thought smut is needed for this, but you know, I enjoyed just writing about feelings and drowning in it as much. If you like this and don't hate me, reblog and comment are greatly appreciated. Honestly even if you hate me for writing this, let me know because we gotta suffer together, right?
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Your eyes fluttered at the way the morning sun pierces through your window. A groan escaped from your lips at the obvious stiffness of your muscles as you stretch out. Frowning, you realized you were naked. Turning to the side, you sucked in a breath at the sight of your ex-boyfriend laying there next to you. Heat flooded your face as memories from the previous night slowly played out in your head.
You knew you shouldn’t have come over when you could just ask him the question through the phone. But a part of you wanted to see how he was doing. After all, you haven’t spoken to each other since Columbia.
He was also pretty sly himself when he asked you to stay for dinner. One glass of wine after the other, you found yourself reminiscing about the past. Everything seemed to be civil up until the part where he admitted to thinking about the life you could have had with him. The confession of course shocked you that you couldn’t speak for a moment. He took your silence as a rejection.
Up until you opened your mouth again.
You couldn’t lie to him as much as you wanted to. You knew admitting the fact that you’ve remained single for all these years would wound your pride. Yet, you told him everything.
You didn’t know whether you were rambling or crying, perhaps a mixture of both, but you found yourself in a predicament. Matt has backed you till your back hit against the cold wall, trapping you with both of his arms on either side of you. You inhaled sharply, taking in the subtle smell of his cologne–The one that you introduced him to.
“Lie to me,” he finally said. “Tell me that you found someone else.” He sounded almost too sad. He wanted to distance himself from you, respecting that boundary that you both agreed on. Yet, like light to fly, he wanted to be close to you. To feel you and breathe you just like the old time.
“Matty, I’m here for business, not pleasure.” You told him. You realized your voice felt weak and soft, almost too small as if you were timid. “Who I am with, shouldn’t matter to you.”
Matt could clearly hear the sound of your heartbeat frantically against your chest, almost like a war drum. He knew it well enough that you felt the same. The fact that you didn’t even bother to lie like he had asked, spoke volumes.
Your breath shallowed at the way your gaze fell on his lips. It was hard to ignore them when you once knew what it felt like to kiss them, to feel them move against yours. It was even worst to know the kind of sounds that came out of them.
You shook your head, trying to clear out the drifting thoughts as heat flooded your face. You clenched your thighs together, trying to sate the ache between your legs. Matt leaned in till his lips were merely inches away from your ears. You inhaled once more, drowning all of your senses in nothing but his scent. He smelled of comfort and warmth. And your body ached to be embraced by him again.
“Push me away,” he said softly against your ears, but you remained silent. Matt laid out his palm flatly against your chest, feeling the way your heartbeat wildly against your chest. “Tell me you hate me.”
You felt like you were about to burst at the touch. His deep voice reverberated through your body that shot straight to your aching core. His voice was lulling you into a trance like the Devil’s lullaby. His touch sent your nerves into a frenzy. If this continued, you were damn sure that you would burst.
“Matty…” you murmured, eyes fluttered as the growing need became stronger. Matt was now inches away from your lips. You could almost taste him on your tongue the more he lingered there.
“I’m here,” he replied softly. His warm, sweet breath fanned across your face, igniting flame inside of you.
You were the first to reach out to him first, you realized as you traced your fingers on his lips, allowing yourself to feel the warmth of his skin. Matt exhaled shakily as if all of his control began to crumble then and there.
He muttered your name out loud for the first time, and it took all of you to not just captured his lips then and there as the growing tension between the two of you was more than obvious.
“D-don’t speak anymore. Just kiss me. Please,” was all you managed to get out before he devoured you hungrily, swallowing whatever words you have left. His arms wrapped around your body, pulling you till you were flushed against his hard one. A muffled moan rumbled deep in his chest, sending the familiar tremor through you as he deepened the kiss.
You found yourself grabbing him, pulling him as well. Fingers raked through his soft brown hair, nails slightly grazed at his scalp, which elicited a moan out of him. For this moment it felt like time had stopped. The world outside felt like nothing more than white noise. Whatever anger and resentment you felt for him seemed to melt, and the familiarity of the love you once had for him seemed to bloom once again deep inside your aching heart.
Matt lifted your leg as he pressed himself against you, making you gasp out as you pulled away momentarily from his intoxicating kiss. Matt said your name again, and this was all it took for you to give in.
He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, where he spent the rest of the night ravishing you, showing you how much he had missed and longed for you, which lead to this moment now laying there watching him sleeping soundly. You reached out again to trace his lips. Perhaps this may be the last time you could do that because hell, you shouldn’t keep doing this sort of thing to each other just because you both were lonely.
His brows pulled together before he snapped his eyes open. His rough, calloused hand covered yours before he brought it up to his lips, kissing it so sweetly. The way he smiled at you made your heart flutter, and you really didn’t know if walking away now would solve anything.
He replied with your name on his lips, followed by the sweetest smile that man could muster. Before you knew it, he reached out and pulled you in again for another kiss, and you found yourself once more being enamored by his touch.
Forever be enchanted by the Devil’s lullaby.
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yourdreamingjennn · 3 years
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Even a demon's body is induced by their sensual desires.
And they say opium brings you fantasy.
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𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚣𝚊.𝙳𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊//𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 (𝙽𝙵𝚂𝚆)
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It was only meant to be a game. A game among us demons trapped in boredom. But who would have thought things would get far too – heated.
"Open your lips, Lovely." His husky voice lingered in her ears, demanding seductively.
The lady succumbed to his wishes, seeing him far engrossed over her tied-up frame; a face daubed in pure insanity of wanton; blushing like a mad man as he cupped her chin towards him. After all, Douma would rather fawn over women, give in to their petty smiles – a price to give before all of them are dissolved into his paradise.
But she's an exemption, (Y/n) is a demon – at most, the loveliest of the lowliest kind. She was nothing but a random demon, and yet she managed to charm their sight. A favourite.
Now she has to fulfil their feisty, raging desires. All but a pinnacle to this silly dare.
A smile emerged from her lips in such a way the man could feel all heat rushing to his veins. (Y/n) parted her lips open with a gust of steamed gasp, and strings of saliva from her lips. Slowly but surely to anticipate his throbbing sense.
The dirty-blonde man smirked wide, accumulating the flush over his lips; licking them ever so sensual; closing the dainty distance of their lips before filling her cavern with his devil's tongue. Whilst he roamed his vicious hand around her flesh-like cream, tugging his fingertips from her waist to the back of her head — sending what she had felt, heat all over her body by his touches.
And no matter how tempting it is for her to touch him the same way, her wrists were tied up from the rope that magically appeared above them; having her stature completely bare into the upper moon two's touches.
A moan escaped her lips in between the heedless kiss, feeling the pulsating bulge of the blonde male protruding beneath his pants —nudging just below her waist as he pressed his body further. "Heh, " Douma called, pulling away from the sloppy session he had accumulated with her, licking his lips in satisfaction.
"Ah~ Your mewls are the lullaby's I ought for." There was dust of crimson blush across his face as his eyebrows creased together and a sly grin on his lips. His thumb grazed her wet lips; caressing them before his grip over her chin compressed that made her whimpered at the jarring pain. "Why don't you moan for me more, hmm?"
His breath trickled down from her lips the second he brought her face closer to his own, and the sensual leer in his eyes looked so clear within her reach. She whimpered through the tightness of his muscles taking a hold of her face; almost too painful for the rim of his nails chafed her skin that healed all too quickly as the throbbing sensation within her chest arises with every breath she takes.
"Do you like this?" Douma took a swift stride behind her, kissing the verge of her shoulder with a hand still cupping her face and the other slithering upward her waist and then slipping his heated fingers through the thin fabric of her yukata. Fondling her flesh cream with the heat of fervent within his fingertips.
She nodded with lidded eyes and a sigh passed her quivering lips. The linen of the fabric went loose downwards her shoulder as the knot tying her wrists up freed her, slightly leaning against his broad chest.
The warm sensuous pecks and kisses from his lips sent every spot a dwelling heat and the careless touches of his hands beneath the cloth molested her in vim and vigour as he chuckled at the rear of her ears.
Seconds later her shoulders were fully uncovered, the fabric flowing smoothly down her chest, and he cupped them all too hastily, as he leisurely licked her exposed neck up to her lips. She shivered at the chilling effect of his tongue and hummed in pleasure at both his kisses and his dreadful touches.
All the while a certain man watched and scrutinized in silence at the corner of the room.
Douma gave a playful smirk the moment he stopped kissing her, averting his eyes swiftly to the figure lurking in the shadows; watching intensely at the second upper moon feasting her desirable body.
"Why don't you join us," The blonde firmly held her chin once more, tilting the woman's head to kiss her protruding collarbones as he skidded his other hand to grab hers. "Akaza-dono?"
(Y/n) gradually lidded her desperate eyes at the figure of the other man, biting her lips playfully as a gesture of desire to indulge. She seek for a spark within Akaza's flaring eyes, a temptation. And for that he answered swiftly as he appeared right in front of her molested body.
"It was nice truth or dare game." The pink-haired male raspily muttered, stepping closer to her body that was held up from behind, leaning down at her trembling lips with fervour in his breaths that was kissing her flesh. "Might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
The second she blinked her glorious eyes, she found herself trapped in between the heat of two men's body; closing in firmly that kept her frame intact; snaking kisses to kisses and caresses to far more caresses that made her body shuddered in pleasure.
A breathless moan escaped her tinted lips with a mind almost insane from the dwindling pleasure coating her body. Douma took dibs on the portion of her shoulders, ghosting kisses as he slowly, and completely took every fabric that was hanging onto her body.
(Y/n) arched her head at the cold chilly air kissing her body, resting her palm at the broad chest of the man in front of her, slithering her touches that took Akaza out of his dress to all but a denuded top. And he smirked playfully before taking possession of her lips.
"Aaah you are one of a sexy kind, ya know?" The second upper moon said before retreating his heated stunts, leaving Akaza smouldering her body and kissing her roughly. Douma stepped away from the two to gradually undress in a manner slower than time, peering into the scene with twitching eyes and smirking lips.
On the other hand, Akaza had full control over the movements of her body; hastily tugging his fingertips through her hair, pulling in a deeper and stopper kiss as he proved his other hand over her bareback and downwards that freed a mewl out of her.
It was addicting.
They were nothing more but vile, elegant demons under the command of one flaw stronger, and yet, the unwavering desire of satisfaction remain as though they were humans. And perhaps the thought alone would make one hurled over, after all, how can they be so different and similar to that of a human being?
The scorching heat flowing down her chest arises for every second she stood in contact with the man. "Mmm-" A soft hum responding to his kisses, digging her nails to the man's hair and pushed in a more sensuous stunt.
Akaza pulled away, so much to her dismay, laughing hastily and chuckling friskily before twirling her around and roughly pulled her silky hair. He breathed against her skin, sniffing the rear of her neck, and licking the rear of her ears.
             "As much as I want to have you for myself, I'm gonna need to share." He whispered, glaring at the last word that escaped his lips, and took a few steps towards the spacious, ample, and flaccid bed that is daubed in patterned blankets. "After all, breaking a dare is hurtful for my pride."
The two figures stood still for a second and gaze at the man settled at the mattress as though an Emperor's posture - completely bold and naked in both physical and emotional aspect. "Heh, that's correct, now come on sweetheart — I'm impatient." Douma let out a deep and amorous chuckle, certainly gesturing at the protruding rod that stood between his legs craving to be touched.
It almost took a drool out of the corner of her lips as she stared at it in wanton. Before she whimpered in surprise at the sudden push and grasp of the back of her head that almost felt like all her strands are being pulled; stumbling over the bedstead as Akaza positioned himself at the all-four position she was in.
"Now, let's ram the hell out of you." A smirk smeared over the peach-haired man's face, taking a stronghold of the back of her head and pushed her down just as closer to Douma's throbbing shaft that almost kissed her drooling lips. Akaza smoothly skidded his palm from the back of her neck to her bare skin and her lower back that protruded every hair on her skin in frigid touch
There was dust of deep crimson shade that daubed her cheeks, lips apart with all the flush rushing to her delicate veneer, and eyes softly widening at the sight of his twitching rod that stood so clear right before her eyes. Gulping in both nervousness and anticipation, (Y/n) met the blonde's lethal gazes that melted her on the inside.
Douma's smile widened at the expression plastered over her visage; smoothly gliding his fingertips upon her face, and slowly lifting her head with a finger resting beneath her chin.
The look on her face states one thing — furiously desperate.
(Y/n) looked at him with eyes hooded in all but chastity, breathing heavily, and eyebrow's creasing at the anticipation. "P-please..." she begged.
           "Go on my dear, have your feast." The blonde let out a loud satisfied groan the second her lips took him whole into her cavern.
(Y/n) couldn't wait for a second to breathe, nor did she had any chances of doing so; the firm hold of his hand pushed her down completely that her throat met his twitching head; whimpering and mewling at the tremendous size that is filling her mouth, up and slowly — down.
Douma felt as though he was trapped in heaven at the smooth gliding of her lips around his precious vigour. Arching his back ever so swiftly and groaning huskily as the coarse of her palm partnered with the stroking she was pulling. It felt as though she had full control over his pleasure as she gagged upon - not until she was intruded from behind.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock, "Mhhm-!!" whining in the pleasure able pain that was induced from behind her. Akaza did not wait any time watching the two sly demons have fun while he stood on his knee with a palpitating rod.
The man thrust himself into her drenched slit that smoothly went through from the easy lubrication, "Hahaha! Y-you're already this dirty, huh? -- ngh..." ramming like a madman and reaching the depth of her aching cavern. Akaza released a deep grunt with a face scrunching at the pleasure of her tightness.
She muffled a moan as her mouth was compressed with the veiny shaft of the blonde, ceasing her movements as her eyes closed firmly. The tremendous thrusts behind her wrecked her being that took her mind out of sanity. It was an emotion that felt like induced by morphine.
         A drug that gave her a vast array of pleasure and fantasy. Addicting.
"Who told you to stop?" (Y/n)'s body shuddered in fear and overwhelming sensation flowing in fathom as she hears the blonde's cold tone, gripping her coloured locks firmly and impelled her until he reached the back of her throat. Douma heaved heavily as sweats began to dwindle from his head and glistened at his chest, gasping dust of steamed air from his luscious lips.
She gave him an apologetic glimpse, whimpering at the discomfort on her scalps but moaning at the blissful thrusts inducing havoc within her tight walls. Akaza's firmly gripped her waist as he thrusts, gliding his feverish palms to the rear of her back and gave in one forceful intrusion that stifled her in surprise.
The tension of the room engulfing their agitated bodies grew higher as their voices mewled and groaned in overwhelming pleasure that gave rise to their haste movements. An outcry was freed from the girl at the continuous ramming filling her inside, kissing her spot for every second he comes in. It was exhilarating.
Her eyes glinted in emerging flame hue, illustrated to what was left in the light-induced by the shogi lamp, striking dimmed rays to her supple skin and coated her sweat in lustre. She looked up, eyebrows creasing to the centre of her forehead and met the cold icy hue of the demon's eyes. Staring in pure lust.
A chuckle escaped Douma's throat, exhaling a quivering breath. "Hah... Your mouth feels nourishing! Ngh-!" He exclaimed in delight, digging his slender fingers through his blonde hair hastily and out of compulsive passion, gritting his teeth with heat flowing down his veins that were protruding from his head and neck, and to his hand that held her head in place.
(Y/n) felt as though she collided with a pair of meteor from her head to her back that ensued her depravity of impurity. Was all this an epitome of indecency enough to question their sanity? Yes, after all — there was no hint of senses left in their corrupted mind. They were just demons.
The series of lecherous sounds escaping her throat muffled in a bag brimming gusto, and the havoc playing within her insides only rose to no extent. A sudden whimper, a tighter grasp of her scalps, and a deeper trespass from her behind and in her mouth — had her sweet eyes lurching upward and mouth drooling ever so vastly.
"You're taking me in so g-good, " A sensuous bitter chuckle escaped Akaza's lips as he huffed and gasped in extensive pleasurable contentment of her tightening walls and his pulsating member getting sucked in her.
His eyes lidded into a soft glare, clenching his jaw to prevent himself from releasing more of the lustful sounds that may scratch his pride of a warrior. "Fuck—“But his hold unto her supple waist grew tighter every second he comes in disordering her insides and reaching her spot easily than any men could never. And his speed only grew in pace.
Everything is a drug, coating their minds in fathom with wanton smouldering their sensitive hearts. The two men used her body for filling of satisfaction alone if one could see, but the devastating desire of her remains like a keepsake.
And the two males could never have enough of her.
"Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck--!!" A deeper smear ld swear came out of Douma's lips, groaning in anticipation, reaching his limit anytime soon. His cold rainbow eyes neared shut and his lips had a quivering grin curving.
She too was no exception, the unbearable pleasure swarming inside her body heated her chest to tighten, and tying an ardent knot in her stomach that she shuddered at the pervasive sensitivity of her womanhood. She was very close. "MMHH-!!" And before she could even close her lidded eyes completely, a sudden strike of the last thrust hit her womb and painted her insides white, widening her eyes before they slowly drooped a second after she came.
All three reached their pinnacle, gasping breathlessly and huffing air that steamed their bodies to sweat. And a trio of pulsating heartbeats they once thought they had no possession of.
A heart, but the one they had was enraptured with all but pure affection.
(Y/n) glides up from the veiny shaft that filled her mouth and throat with a great amount of white libido; dripping by the corner of her lips, and looking up to the blonde's view as he weaved his fingers through her, and then grazing his thumb on her wet lips.
She breathed quite heavily with arms barely supporting her position, and eyes sagging in drowsiness after indulging in the depths of wanton. Before whimpering slightly at the stinging pain on her bum.
She looked behind her to what was left on her energy. "I had a fun time, Heh." Akaza gave a wry smirk as he stared at her gaze as he pulled himself out, and then flipping her body over, scooping her frame into his arms and lay her down beside the other man. "I shall take my leave. We should do this again."
He gallantly stood his way and clad himself in his pants, her eyes followed each of his movements with a sly smile on her lips, gripping the rim of the blanket.
Before blushing deeply to his last words. "But next time, it's only you and me." That was his last set of words before stepping in the darkness of the shogi door, leaving her with a painting of dark red on her cheeks.
(Y/n) felt undeniably sore from both throat and her intruded core, but it was no denying how utterly blissful was the experience. And slowly as the cold ran past her bare shoulders, she was under the futon in no time with eyes gradually closing. The stunts pulled tonight was a breathless fantasy, after all, it was two men with an extensively amazing form that had a taste of her.
A solemn breath left her tainted lips before her eyes slowly opened at the sudden contact of another skin. "Douma-sama, " she softly questioned, glancing to her side, squeaking in surprise when she had met his bare chest and his muscular arm snaked around her waist.
A chuckle met her response and a husky breath kissed her ears from behind that made all the hair on her nape stood. He sounded pleasing.
Douma licked the rear of her ear that made her body shuddered, and he let out another deep chuckle that sounded more of a demon. Her eyes grew wide, and her chest felt like hurling over from the heat.
          "Let's go for another round, " He seductively muttered beside her ear with a smirk playing on his lips. Leaning down at her, and gently pecked her bare skin that took her mind out of its sense.
    "Shall we?"  the last clear words of the night before the room was clouded in lewd noises once again.
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I made this last month and updated it on wattpad but it seems a lot of you guys loves nsfw much so imma post it here too!! ive been having writer’s block so help me with any plot you have in mind!!🍰
—Jen, Mrs.Shinazugawa
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