babyangelsky · 5 months
Color Moments in Two Worlds Episode 8
*takes a brief moment to scream*
This week the love triangle was love triangling and boy howdy do I wish that's all we'd gotten thrown at us but I'll get to that soon. Phupha is having dreams about his alternate self and Kram being in love and has been for a while. As he talks to Kram about it and finally learns the truth, he is in blue and my boy is in his warm yellow.
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But of course, Tai is also in his usual cool blue. His is more of a grayish blue but it's still blue. Also take note this shirt because we ain't done with it.
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Tai takes Kram to their cave and here is where the colors really start coloring. Tai asks Kram to paint a portrait of him since he did the same for Phupha back in his world.
Before we get there, however, we check in with Wayu and Jao. Jao has learned that Tai proposed to Kram and he's very in his feelings about it and well...
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At the cave, Kram tells Tai that the portrait he did of alternate Phupha was a nude and so of course this one has to be a nude as well. And not only that, as this portrait is being worked on, WE GET TO SEE TAI WITH KRAM'S YELLOW ON THAT INCREDIBLE BODY OF HIS!
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Also do please enjoy the moment Kram's gaze shifts from artist to lover.
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We get another absolutely beautiful intimate love scene that ends with a lovely afterglow color exchange.
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But because this show won't let us have a love scene without the looming spectre of danger, Kram then begins coughing up blood and his nose starts bleeding and he passes out.
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We learn that Kram somehow contracted a fUCKING VIRUS THAT EATS UP HIS INTERNAL ORGANS AND CANNOT BE FULLY CURED CALLED LUMANA AND I MUST ASK IF THIS WAS NECESSARY. I could sense the forced separation coming with every fiber of my being but this was NOT how I imagined it being set up!
The prognosis is grim and although I'd like to believe you, mystical auntie, I cannot ignore that you're wearing black as you try to reassure Kram.
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The straits may be dire (again) but the colors are still coloring. Just as we got to see Tai with Kram's yellow on his body, we get to see Kram with Tai's blue on his body. And not just any blue! He's wearing the same shirt I made a note of earlier.
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And that matters a lot, because after Tai goes to run some errands, Phupha rocks up wearing blue to bring Kram some food.
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Yes it's blue, yes the shade is very similar, and yes, on the surface they seem to match but it's not that simple. Kram isn't just wearing blue, he's wearing Tai's blue. Tai's shirt. The love triangle may be triangling but it's only in one direction because Kram's choice has already been made.
What Kram wears continues being very significant the next day when Phupha returns to see him. Despite his efforts, Phupha was unable to get it up for his fiancee because he kept thinking about his alternate self kissing all over Kram and he shows up wearing Kram's yellow.
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And although it appears that Kram isn't matching Tai, this is how he is framed when he and Phupha are in the art gallery.
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Not only is he in Tai's blue, the orange in the painting matches his shirt. Phupha may be framed in Kram's warm yellow but Kram is framed in his warmth and Tai's coolness.
This framing persists throughout this whole scene with Phupha always in the yellow and Kram always in the blue. The only time Phupha is in the blue is when he asks Kram to stay, presenting him with a choice.
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But let's get back to my clown son and Wayu. Jao is still drunk and in his feelings and Wayu's just about had it up to here with him when said drunken clown son falls into the river. Please enjoy this action shot.
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Wayu jumps in to save him because he is a good man and brings Jao home, and it is at this point that nature begins to heal because they start matching again! The lil yellow bananas on Jao's panties match Wayu's yellow towel!
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Jao is being a prickly little cactus and after Wayu asks just why the hell he has such a huge torch burning for Tai, Jao tells him about how he and Tai met. Five years ago Tai saved him a guy that was about to stab him and Jao fell in love with him immediately.
And that's all well and good, but you know who's saved you most recently, Jao? WAYU! Make like Elsa, let it Tai go, and MAKE. OUT. WITH. WAYU!
If you need ANOTHER reason to do so, how about the fact that as Wayu leaves he puts on his blue shirt which matches the blue in the plaid you were wearing when he gave your drunk ass CPR!?
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At this rate, they'll be making out in the last ten minutes of the finale. -_-
Thank god these two are here to save me with ANOTHER COLOR EXCHANGE! WITH LIGHT AND WITH CLOTHING! Just look at Tai standing in the warm light in Kram's yellow while he faces Kram wearing his blue backed by all that cool blue light!
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Kram tells Tai all about his conversation with Phupha and that Phupha asked him to stay. Tai looks uncertain for a moment but the colors already told us what Kram's choice is.
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Kram gives Tai the completed portrait and there in the corner is his answer to Tai's proposal. His choice is Tai and only Tai.
They get to have their ash exchange ceremony, Kram's mom gets to see him get married, Wayu and Jao are still matching, everything is lovely.
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They look beautiful.
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Absolutely nothing goes wrong whatsoever. 🙂
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Everything is fine. 🙂🙂
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Not a single hitch or hiccup to be found anywhere. 🙂🙂🙂
*rocks back and forth in the corner* Color coded boys in love get happy endings color coded boys in love get happy endings color coded boys in love get happy endings color coded boys in love...
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heretherebedork · 5 months
Oh no, the coughing up blood disease! He obviously has to go back to his own universe or he'll die because he remembered the life of the Kram of this universe. That's the most obvious plot device of all time.
Does this mean I might be able to get Kram and his universe's Tai together?
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So... tinnitus?
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I should not laugh but I did. I am a bad person for laughing at this but, like, of course the plot line has to be that everyone is gonna die no matter what they do in one universe or another and also everyone is falling in love with Kram. What else do people do in their lives?
Also, seriously.
I just cannot. But also if the show gives me deeply!fucked up!original universe!Tai with Kram finding a way to teach him to love in two episodes I will die, apparently from Lumana.
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lexosaurus · 2 years
Lexx pray tell what is Phantom Phight Club?
I'm so glad you came to me. Let me take you on a little story of our Phandom History.
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So the tl;dr is that it's a Danny Phantom shitposting tournament. There are 64 entrants who go head to head over 6 rounds. It's a stereotypical tournament style, so head to head rounds until there is just one final Phight Club Champion.
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The history of this epic tournament is that in 2018, @ectopusses and @raycr0ak (formally rayhoosier) challenged me to an epic phight behind the Denny's. We trash talked for a while before @dannyphandump (aka Tali) started a Betting Booth on me vs ectopusses, which was then coined as an official phight.
After the idea gained popularity, Tali made a post to see if people wanted to set up a genuine, Hunger Games style shitpost tournament. @catalystofthesoul then set up how the tournament would work, and Tali and Vic (@babypop-phantom) then worked to bring it all together for January 2019.
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2019 came with the FIRST Phight Club. @reallydumbdannyphantomaus won, @heyheyitsstillgay came in second, and I came in third.
Here are some amazing examples of the hilarity to come out of this event.
An incredible Danny outfit change by @heyheyitsstillgay
A Conlang Ghost Speak I made in one day
Danny reveals himself via snapchat by @punkhalfghosts
Danny cooks an egg by @reallydumbdannyphantomaus
2020 came next, and it was another slam dunk year. @ecto-american won, @auroraphantasma came in second, and @grimgrinningghoul came in third.
2020 also had some fantastic content:
A Clockwork Animation by @auroraphantasma
This Fenton Washer/Dryer Infomercial by @half-dead-half-wit
The time Danny convinced everyone he was being kinned by @grimgrinningghoul
When Vlad revealed himself by becoming Butch Hartman by @lumanae
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So then 2021 came, and unfortunately both Tali and Vic needed a break. The events were always massive and involved essentially two full months of festivities, including art making, ghostsonas, oneshots showcasing epic battles, fake jobs and fake workdays, and more. Then 2022 came and went with no phight club even mentioned.
At this point, many of us just assumed that Phight Club was a thing of the past. A fun little thing we participated in for a few years that had stayed in that era of the phandom along with the famous Apocalypses and other meme-y events.
Well that was, until Last Night where Vic mysteriously posted this ominous flickering Denny's sign, the first peep this blog has had in the past few years.
Then shortly after, they changed their header to say this.
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So is a Phight Club 2023 in the works?
Are we going to get an epic reunion?
Well, let's find out.
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miss0atae · 5 months
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"Not The Illness That Killed Them" trope! I can't believe they are playing this card. 😫
We don't need this "Lumana" virus to play into the story. I feel like it'll be a way for the screenwriters to send Kram back to World 1, even though he started his life again in World 2.
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 1 month
*Raises hand* Tai, I know you are focused on Kram and saving him right now, but... you should probably ask a doctor if Lumana can be transmitted orally because your mouth was all up in Kram's *hours* before the first hemorrhage. And he bit while he was riding you- IS TWO WORLDS A PREQUEL TO ZOMVIVOR????
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prapaiwife · 4 months
Oh 1st world tai mom died from lumana too
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recordmcqueen · 6 years
Eyes, Eyeliner, and Eyelashes
i know it’s Alix week and I hope I can do something for her but until then have some lumana/lumarcnath uwu
*also wow i wrote two things in a single weekend ;O;*
Also on AO3
“So, Nath, what color are your eyes?”
“Huh?” Nathaniel looked up from his hands currently resting on Luka’s leg. He gave Marc a questioning look.
“What color are your eyes?” Marc repeated, looking at him closesly. More specifically, looking at his eyes closely.
Nathaniel swallowed. “Uh, green, why do you ask?”
“Your eyes are green?” Luka asked, surprised. He put down the nail polish brush for a moment to look at Nath, too. “Huh.”
“I mean, I figured they were a seafoam sort of color but I wasn’t really sure,” Marc said. “I can see that, but there’s definitely some blue in there that probably threw me off.”
“That’d be my contacts,” Nathaniel explained. “My eyes look greener when I take them out.”
Luka tilted his head to the side. “I kinda thought they were blue, too, but I never really looked closely.”
“Neither did I,” Marc said. “I never really noticed till today.” He stared into Nath’s eyes a moment longer before breaking his gaze away. He looked down, blushing.
“Well I guess it’s also cause the blue stands out more when Marc is there, too,” Luka noted. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more vivid green than yours.”
Marc’s blush intensified and he reached over to fidget with a bottle of nail polish. Luka went back to carefully painting Nath’s nails. The redhead watched him warily.
The guitarist raised an eyebrow. “If you’re not comfortable with this, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
Nathaniel shook his head. “It’s fine, I’m just not used to them being so...”
“Bright? Obvious? Sharply contrasting?” Marc offered.
“Yeah, that.” Nathaniel bit his lip. “It kind of blares out, don’t you think?”
Marc and Luka gave him identical deadpan looks.
The artist looked back down. “Ah, yes, I’m talking to the two guys who literally can’t go out in public without black nail polish.”
“Yeah, well you go out with full-on eyeliner,” Marc pointed out. “We all fail at subtlety.”
“That reminds me,” Nath said, distracted, “why doesn’t Luka wear eyeliner?”
“I do!” Luka gave him an incredulous look. “Have you not seen me?” Nathaniel raised an eyebrow and he sighed. “It probably blends in with my eyelashes.”
Marc gave a small cough that sounded suspiciously like “what eyelashes?” and covered his mouth with his hand.
“Well, for an aspiring edgy idol, you’re lacking considerably in the raccoon eyes department,” Nathaniel decided. “Marc, where’s your makeup bag?”
Luka paled. “Oh, no, we are not doing full-face makeovers. I have an interview in three hours and, no offence Marc, I don’t think the hospital reception is looking for amateur divas.”
“None taken,” Marc laughed. “But just imagine all those distressed faces going alight with joy at the sight of such a beautiful face behind the welcoming desk.”
“Yes, I’m sure they’d be thrilled to see a member of the Black Parade pointing them to their sick loved one’s room. Or better, one of those clowns at the wedding in I Write Sins Not Tragedies.”
Nathaniel glared. “Hypocrite,” he pointed accusingly.
Luka put his hands up in mock surrender. “I speak from an ignorantly objective perspective!” he insisted, “I would kill to join the Black Parade or go to that wedding any day!”
“Killing to join the Black Parade is kind of ironic, don’t you think?” Marc said in a stage whisper.
This time, Nathaniel and Luka both turned to stare at him.
“Wow, Marc, I had no idea you had a sarcastic side!” the redhead said, eyes wide. “Where is this coming from?”
Marc grinned in spite of himself. “Too much time on Tumblr, I guess,” he shrugged.
Luka shook his head. “I remember those days you’d be coming to me lamenting about how you could barely maintain a full conversation with Nathaniel, and now look at you!”
“Luka!” Marc groaned, at the same time Nathaniel said “Huh?”
The guitarist smiled at both of them slyly. “Yeah, Marc was a total gay disaster back when you both were just starting out. You were so cute, though, I couldn’t help teasing you about it. And now look, I got both of you!”
“Congratulations!” Marc said, half-sarcastic, and laughed, playfully slapping Luka’s wrist. “Besides, you were too busy trying to charm Marinette while having your eyes glued to Adrien Agreste.”
“Both fine and rightfully attractive human beings,” Luka nodded. “But you two are adorable gay nerds and I wouldn’t trade you for the hottest model on the planet.”
“Nah, you’d trade us for Gerard Way in a heartbeat. I bet you’d let him cover you in eyeliner,” Nathaniel said, and Marc snickered softly.
“Well, yeah, I would, but then so would you,” Luka defended. “And Brendon Urie is a no-brainer. I’d give up you two and my guitar for the chance to talk to him.”
Nathaniel sighed. “Valid.”
Marc nodded. “Very fair.”
“But in all other cases, you two are singularly irreplaceable,” Luka assured them.
The writer grinned. “That’s nice to know.”
Nath cleared his throat. “I’d also probably ditch you for Chris Hemsworth and maybe a couple of other actors from superhero movies, but apart than those, you can rest assured you have my loyalty.”
“What, are we setting down conditions for our fidelity, now?” Marc joked.
“Theoretically, yes-”
“Love is unconditional,” Luka cut the redhead off. “The odds of any of those theoretical scenarios ever actually happening are like negative 42. We’re together through thick and thin.”
“Through thick eyeliner and thin streaks that get hidden in your nonexistent eyelashes,” Nathaniel added.
“And again with the eyelashes- why won’t either of you tell me what is up with the ‘nonexistent eyelashes’?” Luka asked, growing annoyed.
“Nothing of your concern,” Nath and Marc singsonged in unison.
The guitarist raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Cause you two both bring it up an awful lo-”
“Stop before one of us ends up breaking the fourth wall,” Mar cut in, then winced. “Shit.”
Nathaniel eyed him curiously. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear before, either.”
“Well there’s a first time for everything,” Luka snapped, “now can one of you tell me what’s going on with the eyelashe-”
“Nothing! Now, about-”
“Don’t you try and change the subject on me, now!” Luka threatened.
As if on cue, both Marc and Nath’s phones started ringing. Marc looked incredibly relieved,
He leaned over and picked his up, standing up. “Well, would ya look at that, it’s getting really late and I really have to be getting home, now. Seeya, and good luck with the interview!” He didn’t spare another moment in leaving the room.
Luka turned to Nathaniel, who swallowed nervously, reaching for his phone. The taller one swept it out of his reach.
“Your nails aren’t dry,” he informed the artist in a dangerously lighthearted voice. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me-”
Nathaniel had reached his final threads of desperation and broke forward, lifting up and crashing right into Luka’s face.
A few moments later, the redhead hastily exited the room, leaving behind a considerably flustered musician and an open bottle of nail polish threatening to spill. Not that said musician paid any notice to the stain just waiting to happen on his jeans.
Nathaniel now had two prospects looming over his head. Luka was probably going to hound him down until he gave him an answer, but Nath could probably avoid him for some time, at least. Unless he decided to come pick up Juleka from school, but that was less likely and so less concerning.
He was going to have to figure out a similarly foolproof way to evade Marc, though, because when the writer found out that Nathaniel had kissed Luka without him, there wouldn’t be much of an artist on the Nath! Comics team left.
But he’d deal with that when it came. Tonight was for distracting his mind from the anxiety of the future by celebrating his first ever kiss.
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mardigrasqueen · 7 years
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This is one of a thousand lovely monster hunter/ RWBY crossover ocs I’ve made. Lumana or Lumina (can’t decide yet) is one of the loveliest jellyfish Faunus of the monster hunter world. Her girlfriend agrees. She is a jellyfish if that was t obvious who loves the sun but enjoys going down deep to see all the beauty of the dark. Weapon of choice? Triton harpoon with Lagiacrus crystals for the points which are hollow and can allow for dust to be placed into them
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artistfingers · 3 years
do you read paranatural? your sense of humor reminds me of it a lot (IN A VERY VERY GOOD WAY, I LOVE PNAT), and i figured i'd reccomend it if you hadn't. adore all your work; hope you're having a lovely day :)
YESS YES YES YES I ADORE PARANATURAL i am totally honored by this comparison
allow me to get on my little soap box for a moment and talk about the comics that directly inspire mine because this is something i honestly think about a lot
Paranatural by Zack Morrison
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the humor!! the timing, the punchlines. the COLORS. it doesn't get higher quality than this. it really really doesn't (source)
Sakana by Mad Rupert
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I seriously adore Sakana in a major way Holy Shit. i own all 3 volumes and a ton of pins and stickers, if that conveys how much. but in particular for making comics, I often think about Mad's How To Sakana tips (x and x in particular) - panel variation and dynamic speech bubbles are two big takeaways for me here. also, making one-color backgrounds so dynamic??!! wizardry (source)
anything ever made ever by pseudonymjones (IG | twitter)
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pseu's comics make me wanna go apeshit in the best way. the composition!!! such expressive characters!!! good god i could quite honestly stare at her comics for a year straight (source)
Welcome to Hell by Erica Wester | welcometohellfilm
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finally, this isn't a comic, but but an animated short! its little punchlines throughout and the movement of the characters are things i look at, as i try to emulate character movement in a more static medium.
it's impossible for me to not at least mention W2H, since it was insanely huge for me back in the day. i feel like you only have to look at my art style to see that now haHAH. but, yeah, it was a big jumpstart for me drawing comics and i feel like my current comics are a still-evolving version of those 2013 pages.
allrrirghty well there's a lot more media i could go on and on about (and maybe I will one of these days?) but i'll call it here for now because i think i've spent more than one real-world hour compiling this post already, oops
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forecast0ctopus · 2 years
omg... i might be going crazy but... is your new handle a paranatural reference...
i assumed fooligan wasn't a paranatural reference but but forecast octopus is REALLY specific. i swear to god if it is i am going to combust. you specifically will have an unfathomable amount of overlap with my own interests. skilled artist who knows about "wii sports is a good game. it's 5 good games" will actually kill me dead (in the best way possible)
IT TOTALLY IS!! you have no idea how psyched i am that someone recognized it !!! paranatural has been my favorite comic since like 2012 haha :D ive been using forecastoctopus (among other pnat handles as well) on other socials throughout the years but its never been available on tumblr 😔 and fooligancity is a pnat reference as well!! the “city” part was just me tho lmao
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i used to do a ton of pnat art back in 2014 when i was in highschool and ive been meaning to get back into it…so maybe someday ill return with some cool pnat art 👀 heres some of my stuff from back then though its so crusty dhfkg
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rogueofrageedits · 2 years
can you do panel 7 of paranatural chapter 7 page 4, specifically Ed :}
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[ID: a transparent image of baby Ed from Paranatural. End ID]
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babyangelsky · 5 months
Color Moments in Two Worlds Episode 9
We out here experiencing the highest of highs and the lowest of lows this week. Almost everything was in dire straits this week including the colors. Sometimes the Thai BL gods really do give you everything you want and sometimes they give you everything you don't want but unfortunately saw coming.
My boy Kram may be on the brink of death from sex consumption (@slayerkitty I do love you for that one) but that doesn't mean the colors are gonna stop coloring. The green strap of his oxygen mask matches Tai's green shirt because his yellow + Tai's blue makes the green of love.
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As a matter of fact, Tai spends the majority of this episode in some shade of green in his desperation to maintain his connection to Kram, who was given a very grim prognosis. This one is a more yellow green because Kram is the only thing on his mind.
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My beloved clown son Jao may still be working through his feelings, but the little bit of yellow in his plaid matches the warm yellow wall in Kram's room, so we know he is here for Kram by making Tai eat and take care of himself.
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Kram's mom goes to visit him and through the tears that someone put in my eyes, I noticed the tiny bit of green in the pattern of her blouse matches Kram's mask.
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Tai is a good husband and he refuses to sit idly by while Kram wastes away, so he enlists Phupha to help him find literally any sort of information on Kram's illness so they can maybe cure him. They match because they're on the same side and working toward the same goal.
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They learn that there's a special fruit that grows under very specific conditions in the jungle that can stop the spread of Lumana, so Tai sets off to find it with Jao in tow.
As they're getting ready to leave, Wayu makes sure Jao has everything he needs for this expedition, including an emergency firework. We returned to form last week so Wayu's blue shirt does match the blue in Jao's plaid...
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...but the green in the plaid also matches Tai's green shirt.
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And if I didn't recognize this particular plaid shirt with mounting excitement I would be so annoyed about that but PATIENCE!
As Tai and Jao make camp for the night, Tai looks at a photo of him and Kram on his phone. We get a little flashback to the day it was taken and the show offers us some comfort by giving us Kram dressed in his warm yellow and Tai's cool blue.
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Tai can't sleep and neither can Jao, so Jao finally asks what I'm sure he's been wondering for weeks: why Kram? And as if I needed any more confirmation that Kram is Tai's warmth and his light, my boy says:
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In addition to being unbearably sweet and validating, hearing this serves as the final nail in the coffin of Jao's feelings for Tai.
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Don't look so sad, mi cielo, glorious things await you.
Tai and Jao find the fruit and as they're making their way back, my clown son falls into a tiger trap and hurts his leg. He sets off the emergency firework he claimed he didn't need and Wayu comes to save him for the second time in as many episodes.
And when he does, this happens.
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We're almost there.
Tai gives Kram the fruit and Kram finally wakes up, although I will be forever haunted by the cold empty grayish white of that hospital room and Tai matching it. It's such a contrast to the vibrant colorful scenes in the jungle.
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This show never lets us forget things so even though Kram has woken up, his paleness is a stark reminder that he isn't cured.
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And the fact that even Phupha matches this horrible goddamn room means we are not in the clear. I hate it here.
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Jao asks Wayu if he gave him CPR when he fell into the river because Jao felt like someone had kissed him. Wayu admits that he did and shares that he's been in his feelings about it because Jao was the first person to ever make him cry.
We then learn that not only did Wayu and Jao know each other as tiny children, they've had feelings for each other since then, too. They were separated when Wayu's family had to move and parted on bad terms, and Wayu has been carrying a torch for Jao ever since.
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What follows is another absolutely phenomenal, beautiful intimate love scene, no portion of which I can show you because Tumblr will immediately throw me in horny jail. BUT IT WAS SO WORTH THE WAIT!
Unfortunately we have to go back to the horrible hospital room, but it's made slightly less horrible by the fact that Kram's mom reveals that she knows who he is. She does match the room as she does so, but rather than matching the walls she matches the warmth illuminating the curtain.
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We get devastating scenes of Kram's dad in World 1, wearing his son's warm yellow and setting out a plate for him, waiting.
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Kram has decided to go back to his world and even though he agrees to Tai's proposal that they go back together, we know that's not going to happen. Kram, in that infernal cold white, has already made up his mind to go alone, which is why he doesn't match Tai's green or the green shining through the curtain behind him.
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Earlier, mystical auntie Lhu called to tell Kram what time the water would be turning blue and he lied to Tai and said it would be at midnight when it was actually 11 o'clock. 11 was supposed to be the time Tai was going to come pick him up but by that point, it would already be too late.
Tai catches on and catches up to Kram but it doesn't matter. The preview already told us what happens.
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noodelak · 4 years
A10 FMAB ling???
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<3 <3 <3
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maryluis · 4 years
Is there any chance you'll ever put the 2020 calendar pdf up for sale? (・o・) I love all the pictures so much but my copy is a bit wrinkled, unfortunately, and personally I'd be more than willing to buy a digital version! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Hi lumanae! I’m not going to sell the pdf but I put many drawings of my calendar on redbubble! :) if you want to give it a look~ 💘💘💘 ---> maryluis.redbubble.com
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ladylynse · 4 years
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Thanks, you two! I appreciate the input. I might just warn people before I start to move most of them so they can unsubscribe. (I remembering seeing sapphireswimming’s apology on here when they were moving over a bunch of work from elsewhere, here and FFN, which incidentally is another thing I need to do. Oops.) I’ve backdated stuff, but like you said, I think it just pushes it back in the archive, not necessarily doesn’t send out an alert for it.
I am vehemently against the giant wall of fandoms from the multi-fandom drabble collection--my reaction is entirely scroll faster because I haven’t tried out that userscript to hide them yet--but I hadn’t noticed the ones where each drabble is posted as a separate story within a collection. I could see that being terribly difficult to sort through if you’re looking for a specific one you liked and have no idea where to start. 
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kikaiz · 4 years
Hey man! Hope things are going alright for you. I know you were goin through a hell of a lot of stuff a bit ago and i do sincerely hope things have gotten a bit better. Admittedly i do forget the details but i do remember being legitimately horrified at the amount and tier of things you were dealing with. You deserve times that are pleasant and I do hope you're a bit closer to that nowadays, Current Events be damned. All the best!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡
things are ok.. on my end. manageable. my friend is going thru a very rough year so it’s not without tears and im very very worried about her. 
its also kinda hard to remember what life was like before 2016. i miss talking a lot online and i miss drawing stuff for myself. i don’t remember how to i think. 
oh and i twisted both my ankles back in september. left’s ok now but my right still hurts a lot, i think its the achilles tendon so that sucks but at least i can walk. 
im in a bad spot atm typing this, but most times are alrighty and im fine. lots of tidying or gaming. finally got a 5 star island in animal crossing after 975 hours lol. its not there yet but i put a lot of work in im happy with.
thanks for checking in. it means a lot. even the lil emoticon made me really happy and the night a lil better. ♡
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