#lunar eclipse today on november 19
spade-riddles · 2 years
If the “love blackout” began on Election Day 2016 (November 8, 2016), today (November 7, 2022) is 2,190 days later. Glitch makes me think there’s a POSSIBILITY the blackout expires today. Alright so first, the numbers. 2190 days is 312 weeks and 6 days. 2191 days is exactly 313 weeks. Also, 2+1+9+1 = 13. So is tomorrow, November 8, a fresh start for them? Because come on, 313 weeks. You know how 13s are lucky for taylor.
This one could be a reach, but: November 8th is 11/8/22. On midnights, track 11 is karma. Track 8 is vigilante shit. So two tracks about revenge. One about how kar(lie)ma loves her and the other about how Taylor helps another woman get revenge… and the track abbreviates to VS. Victoria’s Secret.
Glitch is track 18, so even that kind of works. 11/8? Orrrr, 2190 days -> 11/7/22 and 11+7 = 18. Back to glitch: “Blood moonlit.” Well. How interesting that in the early hours on November 8, there’s a total lunar eclipse and this one is known as a blood moon. This isn’t something that happens THAT frequently, so I’m less inclined to think the timing is a coincidence. “5 seconds later I’m fastening myself to you with a stitch.” November 8 is also the day of very important midterm elections in the US (please vote blue I’m begging), so I don’t expect them to break the internet or whatever tomorrow. Instead of 5 seconds, how about 5 days? 5 days after November 8 is November 13, 2022— the 9th anniversary of their formal introduction at the VS show.
Another reach here: track 9 on midnights is bejeweled. You know, with the music video that with alllll the visual similarities to the show where they were dancing in a snow globe? And the pocket watch that says, “exile expires”? And the ending where Taylor ditches her evil stepmother and step sisters, ditches the guy, and happily burns down the castle? Just saying.
Karlie also posted something a year ago today about the nyc marathon and how she’d be there “next year.” It’s next year! Did she finish the metaphorical marathon?
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And then there was that spade message from a long time ago, about when we’ll get the first kaylor candid picture. “Late November.”
♠️ When do you think we will receive the first Taylor Swift & Karlie Kloss friendship candid? `I recall late November, holdin’ my breath | Slowly I said, “You don’t need to save me | But would you run away with me?”` - 10/19/2018
Anyway, I think things are happening this month. Not necessarily on the 8th, although it might be an official end date to a contract or something. Maybe there will be a social media interaction this week (the 13th perhaps) and a “friendship candid” later this month? Spade sent a lot of interesting riddles at the end of 2019. December 4, for example, is the anniversary of kiss gate. On that date in 2019, they ended their riddle with, “this glass castle will shatter tonight.”
♠️ You and I became us and we. There we stood, no frets to be. My hand in yours, our hearts intwined. The sound it came, in slow pitched waves. Higher and higher, deep fears it raised. Reaching an amplitude, a crack it made. Hold me close, hold me tight. This glass castle will shatter tonight. - 12/04/2019
Didn’t flag anon also make us think December 4th is important?
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Buckle up, this is just the beginning. 43+27 days until the end of the year. - October 22
I dunno. I’m always hesitant to make predictions anymore, but there are A LOT of reasons to think the love blackout is ending, and they’re going to move quickly to reestablish their public friendship.
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tezlivenews · 3 years
Lunar Eclipse 2021: 580 साल में सबसे लंबी अवधि का चंद्रग्रहण खत्म, दुनियाभर से आईं अजब-गजब तस्वीरें
Lunar Eclipse 2021: 580 साल में सबसे लंबी अवधि का चंद्रग्रहण खत्म, दुनियाभर से आईं अजब-गजब तस्वीरें
साल 2021 का आखिरी चंद्र ग्रहण खत्म हो चुका है। इसे दुनिया में 580 सालों में सबसे लंबे समय तक लगने वाला आंशिक चंद्र ग्रहण बताया गया है। भारत में इस आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण की शुरुआत शुक्रवार को दोपहर 12 बजकर 48 मिनट पर हुई थी जो शाम को 4 बजकर 17 मिनट पर खत्म हुआ। हालांकि यह आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण भारत के कुछ ही हिस्सों में दिखाई दिया। 3 घंटे 28 मिनट और 24 सेकंड तक से इस आंशिक चंद्रग्रहण की कई खूबसूरत तस्वीरें…
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Friday, November 12, 2021
Caution: we’re in “the shadow of the eclipse” until December 6.
If you have had any difficulty getting your monthly intention(s) off the ground while the Moon was in Aquarius (and picking up on all the tension and antagonism between the Scorpio planets and the Aquarius planets) - the Moon in Pisces may help you finally get things underway. She's going to trine (flowing aspect) all that Scorpio energy, which helps us "feel" that the timing is better. We're aware that we can't get 100% of our own way about any of it - but getting mostly our own way, is enough of a victory. The more we call upon our intuition today, the more possibilities we'll see - of course, the trouble with that is (as always) trying to balance what could happen, with what is practicable! If we get too far into the ether, Uranus/Taurus has a way of jolting us back to earth.
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: First Quarter Moon (take action, build new structures)
Moon enters Pisces, 12:54 am MST
Sun/Scorpio trine Neptune Rx/Pisces, 9:24 am MST
Mars/Scorpio inconjunct Chiron Rx/Aries, 4:19 pm MST
Mars/Scorpio trine Pallas Athene/Pisces, 9:40 pm MST
Looking ahead to Saturday: creative imagination
Please note that MST is seven hours behind UT. All data cleaned from Llewellyn’s 2021 Daily Planetary Guide, and the October/November issue of “The Mountain Astrologer.”
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bitesize-astrology · 3 years
Friday - November 19, 2021
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I've seen a lot of eclipses in my lifetime, and heard a lot of stories about how they impact people. There are eclipses that land on you like the brush of a feather, and others that slam you with the cosmic 2x4. Both are equally effective in their degree of power and ability to help you transform. Only you know how this morning's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 27° Taurus impacted you, or what impact is still heading your way. Whatever it is, and no matter how it feels, it's time to move forward. This is the message courtesy of today's trine between Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus at 12°. This is a serious - but loving - trine. Venus in Capricorn eliminates bullsh*t so you can seize opportunities, while Uranus in Taurus shifts around your physical world in order to make room for those opportunities. Neither planet/sign combination will suffer any fools. And coming off this significant Lunar Eclipse, neither should you. The Sun at 27° Scorpio invites you to take that battle-scarred and war-torn Self of yours and get moving. And the first stop is to move toward like-minded souls. You will know them, because they have the same battle scars and war wounds you do. They've come thru the fire like you. And they are badass ... just like you. Find them. Team up with them. Support them. Love them. And change the world with them. Today ... forward!
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houseofbrat · 3 years
“Buckingham Palace has announced "the Queen has reluctantly accepted medical advice to rest for the next few days" and will miss her visit to Northern Ireland”
If im not wrong, u mention keeping eyes open end of oct and now this? Palace cancel Northen Ireland visit seriously worry me. Bcause i think that is bad.
Yup. Mars moves into (sidereal) Libra tomorrow evening in the UK. Mars will transit through Libra until 05 December. The reason this is relevant is because there are two malefic planets--Saturn & Mars--aspecting the 4th house for three of HM The Queen’s children, specifically Charles, Andrew, and Anne. The aspects to Edward’s chart are a little bit different, but he has some of the same things going on when you consider his 4th house from his natal Moon (chandra lagna). 
Additionally, we have official crazy times starting in November because eclipse season, which always brings some level of craziness, starts on 05 November, which is two weeks before the lunar eclipse on 19 November. Eclipse season will last until 18 December, which is two weeks after the solar eclipse on 04 December. Right after eclipse season, we have Venus going retrograde on 19 December. When Venus goes retrograde, it always ends up bringing a series of celebrity divorce and separation announcements. 
I think the whole period of Mars being in Libra is suspect for The Queen’s passing, but particularly the period between now and Charles’ birthday. Mars has been aspected by Jupiter for most of the past two months, which is beneficial and brings down the emotional temperature to Mars. But when Mars moves into Libra tomorrow, Mars will no longer receive such a beneficial aspect to it, which means that the emotional temperature is going to rise for everyone over the next few weeks. Part of that is due to Mars being combust until the end of November. Mars has been combust for several weeks already; however, the current Mars combustion hasn’t been as bad due to Jupiter aspecting it, but, as I just mentioned, that is going to change. 
This is why I said we’re entering the “dumpster fire” part of the year a few days ago. 
Consider the announcement made today that The Queen is not able to do things that she might have done just two years ago. That is just not an announcement that The Queen is not able to do things as she normally would like, but it’s also a public announcement to keep the British public informed in case anything happens to her suddenly. 
An announcement such as that should make someone like Harry and Meghan reconsider any attention-getting stunts they may have planned. But as Plant always used to say about Megs, “She does not care.” Meghan isn’t known for restraint or holding back. Meghan has been awfully quiet the last few weeks. Suspiciously so to me. Are we going to see a sudden resurgence when The Queen is at her most vulnerable, even when that vulnerability has been announced publicly? Probably. 
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elminx · 4 years
Energy Update May 2020
We are in for the second major energy shift of 2020.  It’s Tuesday, May 5th, and the lunar nodes have just shifted signs from Cancer-Capricorn into Gemini-Sagittarius.  There’s an intense Scorpio full moon at the end of this week and we are in the shadow of THREE planetary retrogrades in as many days. In a lot of years, this much change in such a short period of time would have had astrologers talking about May 2020 for months beforehand - but 2020 is not a lot of years.  We’re still living in the reality of a major outer planetary stellium in Capricorn from early this year...but I digress.
Let me break it down a bit, first with the nodal switch, then the full moon, and finally the multiple retrogrades.
Lunar nodes can be a hard thing to understand but they aren’t represented by a planet in the sky - they are a fixed point where the Sun and Moon come into alignment with one another.  They are best understood as the point in the sky where solar and lunar eclipses are created every year.  Since November of 2018 the nodes had been in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn but as of today, they have switched to Gemini and Sagittarius.  
This means two things.  One, we are about to enter eclipse season in June with a solar eclipse in Gemini.  Two, the collective energy of karma has shifted to reflect Gemini themes.   Gemini is the sign of deep mental exploration - the first step towards “truth” found on the astrological path.   I see this already reflected in the fight for “truth” we seeing going on in the news over COVID-19. In its lower form, Gemini can be a bit of a Snake Oil Salesmen - selling information regardless of its value and its integrity.   As a human collective, we need to reach higher - to keep looking - until we find the Truth. With this newly minted energy, we arrive by the end of the week at a Scorpio Full Moon which seems oddly appropriate.  If there is any sign willing to dig deep to find the truth, it is the sign of Scorpio.   Again, there is a reflection in the sky of truth vs lies as the Sun conjuncts Mercury and creates a sextile to Neptune in Pisces.   Neptune in Pisces can have a bit of a “lie to me, baby” vibe - Pisces energy can float so far into fiction that truth isn’t even carried on the wind any longer.   But with the north node so recently ingressed into Gemini, the Scorpio full moon is not going to have a lot of patience for Piscean tall tales...
Watch out if you’re keeping secrets - especially within your close relationships that are always highlighted by the opposition of the full Moon to the Sun.   If you’ve ever wanted to make an intention to give up lying, this full moon would be the correct timing.
Then, on May 11th, Saturn retrogrades at 01 degrees Aquarius.  It will take a hot minute for Saturn to retreat back into Capricorn energy but this retrograde will almost immediately start to highlight the energy from our January stellium. We haven’t escaped the Capricorn vibes, yet.   Expect to have to review and revise how you work - perhaps even whether if your “work” works for you anymore, now, today.
On May 13th, Venus joins the retrograde parade by retrograding at 21 degrees Gemini.  Your relationships will be on review, too.  Remember the above paragraph about Gemini truth seeking and lies...this retrograde directly squares that above mentioned Neptune in Pisces.   You might find yourself unable to keep your lies straight anymore.
As if that wasn’t enough, Jupiter retrogrades the next day on the 14th in 27 degrees Capricorn adding additional pressure to that nasty Capricorn stellium from January 2020.   It’s going to creep backwards and conjunct Pluto by exactitude a second time before finally moving forward to conjunct it a third - except shifting around themes of changes to finances and how money in general works over the next few months.
Yeah, that’s a lot.  In about a week’s time.   To reiterate: with the nodes changing signs, the upcoming Scorpio full moon, and Venus about to go retrograde - watch out for lying/snake oil salesmen.  Especially in regards to close relationships - romantic in particular.  If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.  Speak your truth and seek your truth.  The only way forwards is through. Do you like my work?  Please consider supporting me by Buying me a Ko-fi.
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
August Forecast for Virgo
Feeling foggy? It’s not you, Virgo—it’s the stars. The Sun is drifting through Leo and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing until August 23. While your subconscious is working overtime (hello, vivid dreams), your usually spot-on linear-thinking abilities aren’t as sharp as usual. The solution: Work WITH it instead of swimming upstream. This is your annual time to rejuvenate before Virgo season (and your birthday time!) starts later this month. Tie up loose ends, escape off the grid and move at a more languid pace whenever possible.
Your ruling planet, Mercury, the celestial guardian of communication, technology and travel, also happens to be retrograde in Leo this same befuddling zone from July 26 to August 19, making it even harder to piece together a thought or complex sentence. But with a Leo solar (new moon) eclipse arriving on August 11, you COULD have a major intuitive hit or spiritual awakening—especially if you tame that overactive mind of yours.
Solar and lunar eclipses sweep in four to six times a year and redefine “business as usual.” This is the last one of 2018—and the second-to-last in a two-year series that’s fallen on the Leo/Aquarius axis beginning February 10, 2017. This group of eclipses has been revolutionizing your health and healing sectors, helping you figure out when to lean in and when to let go. The line between control and surrender has been reconfigured for you, Virgo, and you’ll have one last round of that on January 21, 2019, when a final Leo lunar eclipse brings events sparked today—and over the past couple years—together with a dramatic flourish.
Another reason to pace yourself? On August 7, changemaker Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde, prompting you to scale back some supersized risks between now and January 6. We’re not telling you to shrink from sight or dim your light, but take note of whether you may have leapt a little TOO far beyond your comfort zone—and now need to tweak your plans. For this, you can thank innovator Uranus, which shifted into Taurus and your expansive ninth house on May 15, kicking off a journey of growth and discovery that will last until April 2026. In November, Uranus will make one last visit to Aries and your investigative eighth house. Take time to research, strategize and read the fine print before Uranus settles in for a longer trek in March 2019. If you’ve got big dreams that involve travel, study or starting your own business, do some behind-the-scenes plotting and aim to launch your plans next spring.
As Uranus in your future-forward zone slows down, you can get back to living in the present—and loving it—especially once the Sun moves into Virgo for a month on August 23. Don’t you have a birthday party to plan? With jovial Jupiter in your social third house until November 8, this could be THE year to throw an epic bash, perhaps one where you introduce all your fabulous friends from disparate parts of your life to one another.
There may be no better day to do that—birthday or not—than August 25, when the Virgo Sun forms a potent grand trine to trailblazing Uranus in your global ninth house and structured Saturn in your fifth house of passion and creativity. This “golden triangle” could be the perfect day for a romantic bucket-list trip or to share your talents with the world. The spotlight will happily seek you out, and with Mercury retrograde in the rearview as of August 19, you’re safe to raise the curtain on something original that you’ve been dreaming up. You might make your mark as a thought leader or have an incredible breakthrough in your love life. With ambitious Mars ending a two-month retrograde on August 27, you’ve got the all-clear to go full-speed ahead and start living out loud again.
And there’s no need to go it alone, Virgo. On August 26, the year’s only full moon in Pisces spotlights your seventh house of partnership. Where could you bring more balance to your bonds? A budding commitment could turn official, or, since full moons can bring transitions, you may decide to part ways from someone who’s no longer a fitting match. Should you choose the latter option, trust that that vacant spot will soon be occupied by a kindred spirit. In both romance and business, dynamic duos get a lunar lift as the month closes out. Choose your collaborators wisely, then start combining your superpowers!
Love & Romance
Ready for romance with a routine? On August 6, love planet Venus grooves into Libra and your stabilizing second house of money, security and values for first of two trips this year. This could spell a period of enhanced self-esteem—and a slew of sultry summer dates that involve dressing up for al fresco romance. You’ll be craving more upscale encounters, and “casual hookups” probably won’t cut it with your security zone activated. Single? Don’t be afraid to “pre-screen” dates to find out whether they’re looking for something lasting. Couples might take a big step regarding commitment or future plans. How sweet to be on the same page! But take note: Venus will go retrograde from October 31 to November 16, a time when you could have second thoughts or experience a romantic setback. Don’t rush into anything TOO regimented now if you’re not fully ready for it.
On August 7, Venus syncs up with passionate Mars in your sixth house of systems, service and self-care. It’s a good day to discuss the practicalities of love, relationships and all the little things that keep the wheels greased. It’s fair game to bring up your emotional needs, the division of expenses and whether you (both) feel supported and appreciated. But don’t just talk about it. SHOW how much you care by doing something out of the blue. Dating? Go green! Take a hike or yoga class instead of meeting for happy hour, or dine veg instead of on greasy burgers and heavy bar snacks.
Of course, with Mars retrograde until August 27, all might not be peaceful in paradise. Old arguments about petty stuff could flare as you try to make your date or mate “perfect.” Then, on August 12, the red planet backpedals into Capricorn and your fifth house of passion and romance for the duration of the retrograde. Romance could retreat into the shadows: A new affair might hit the skids, or couples may find themselves fending off jealousy and high drama. Retrogrades are disruptive by nature, so an ex could burst back onto the scene, or someone might be flirting up a storm with your S.O. Keep those fiery reactions in check.
Perhaps the most exciting astro event of the month is the August 26, Pisces full moon in your seventh house of committed unions. You might finally decide to make it official, possibly with a public announcement. Single? The two weeks following this full moon are powerful for finding someone with keeper potential. If you’ve been “slacking” a bit in your dating efforts, now’s the time to rev your engines!
Key Dates
August 9: Venus-Saturn Square Tough love isn’t easy, but sometimes it’s the best medicine. Today, constraining Saturn squares off with dreamy Venus. Even if your heart is saying yes, your head may veto that vote. If your timing is off or the object of your affection isn’t a worthy candidate, don’t waste any more time pursuing it. There’s no reason to settle for anything less than a stable and mutually fulfilling relationship.
Money & Career
Feeling scattered? Since June 26, ambitious Mars has been retrograde in Aquarius and your sixth house of organization, dulling the edges of your Virgo efficiency. Stress levels may have gone through the roof, and you could be second-guessing your decisions on just about everything. Easy now! You haven’t lost your keen judgment, Virgo, but you may have misplaced a little confidence. Slow down and pace yourself. You don’t have to figure everything out in a day. In fact, allowing things to develop through their own organic process can prevent you from making hasty mistakes. If it’s not coming together easily, don’t force it!
Mars stays retrograde until August 27, and on August 12, it will back into Capricorn and your reactive fifth house. Tempers and egos are running high, so dodge the divas and their demands—and be careful not to stir up any drama yourself. You may require additional reality checks from your levelheaded friends now.
This goes double because your ruler, communication planet Mercury, is retrograde in your twelfth house of illusions and hidden agendas until August 19, making you a bit paranoid. It will be hard to discern who’s really got your back, but an eye-opening Leo solar eclipse on August 11 could usher a new “guardian angel” type onto Team Virgo or spark an epiphany about who deserves a berth on your squad. If you’re not sure, you’ll get a glimpse soon after the August 26 Pisces full moon, which illuminates your partnership house and could bring an exciting contract or offer to join forces with someone whose skills complement yours to a tee.
Key Dates
August 19: Jupiter-Neptune Trine During this third in a trio of rare trines (the first was December 2017; the second was May 25), you may rediscover an affinity for someone you worked with in the past—in another capacity. But before you assume you can make magic again, test it out with a small-scale initiative, letting them show their true colors. Trust your gut under this alignment of these intuitive planets, which aren’t usually wrong about such things.
Love Days: 22, 26 Money Days: 6, 15 Luck Days: 4, 12 Off Days: 1, 11, 24
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/planetary-energy-february-2019-manifest-joy/
Planetary Energy February 2019 ~ Manifest Joy
Planetary Energy February 2019 ~ Manifest Joy
Today is February 4, 2019, the new moon occurred at 1:04 PM PST. We had snow last night here in Seattle and it is beautiful. The temperature is 25 degrees, so I think the snow will stay for a while. It is like a holiday here. Tomorrow is the beginning of the Chinese New Year of the Pig. Happy Chinese New Year to all. The Pig is supposed to bring a fairly good energy to the Earth during this upcoming year although the planets will be very intense until the full moon of February 19, 2019.
The sun and moon are on 15 degrees Aquarius on this new moon day. This degree means “A big business man at his desk. This man has the ability to organize the many aspects of an enterprise involving a large group of people.” Maybe we will hear something in Trump’s speech tomorrow night that will affect many people. In the past lunar eclipse on January 20, Saturn was affecting the degree of Washington D. C. The energy from that lunar eclipse will last at least until the February full moon. Saturn was in a square aspect to Mars at that eclipse and this is when the challenge between Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump occurred. This new moon will bring a continuation of that past eclipse energy.
Today, Mars in on 23 degrees Aries conjunct Eris on the same degree. Eris is the Goddess of chaos and both Mars and Eris are in opposition to Lilith the dark moon. This energy is affecting us here in Seattle with all of the accidents that are occurring because of the snow and I am sure it is also affecting other parts of the world. Eris is on the degree of “Openness to the influx of spiritual energies. The wind blows through this open mind – window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. The mind opens to an influx of spiritual and creative energy.” The wind really blew here at my house last night and this morning. There are storms all up and down the West Coast. California has been hit pretty hard and this weather will continue for a few more days.
The above aspect was also square Pluto, which is on 21 degrees Capricorn. This degree means: “By accepting defeat gracefully, a General reveals nobility of character”. The fact that this energy is over Washington D.C. is very interesting. I wonder how this energy will work out.
Chiron, the healer is on 29 degrees Pisces. It has been in that sign for the past nine years. Pisces is a very emotional sensitive sign and is sometimes called the poor-me sign. It is the last sign of the zodiac and the people born in that sign sometimes choose to have many challenges in this life-time. Chiron was going through the sign Pisces between 2010 to 2019. This is when many of us went through a process of releasing all of our old stuff. On February 18 Chiron will move into Aries where it will stay for 9 years. This will be the beginning of a new cycle of healing methods, or new inventions will come forward that will heal people instantly. This will be a very exciting time period.
Mars will move from Aries into Taurus on Valentine’s Day February 14. What a present! Mars will no longer interact with Eris and on March 6 Uranus moves into Taurus. This is when the energy for peace will finally start manifesting. I’m not saying peace will start on that day. I am saying we go into a new 7 year cycle of Uranus in Taurus which is ruled by Venus, the planet of peace and love. The Spring Equinox will bring a new beginning.
The Energies of the Full Moon The full moon will be on February 19, 2019 at 7:54 AM PST. The full moon always brings a culmination of what started at the new moon. This full moon will be on 0 degrees Virgo. This means we will have the desire for perfection and will want to see our ideals incarnated into material form. In other words, it is time to focus on our thoughts and create what we choose to experience.
Regulus, the Royal Star of the Lion is on the degree of this Virgo full moon. Regulus ushered in a 2,000 year cycle of Virgo, the Goddess, on July 11, 1991. This is when we entered the sixth sun in the Mayan system. The sixth sign is Virgo. The year 1991 started the age of the Goddess. Woman started feeling this energy and said to themselves “let’s start changing the world”.
At the last election in November of 2018 women won many seats in Congress in the USA. This started activating women power big time and it is now time for this women power to become very active. It is time for Goddess energy to become dominant. Goddess energy represents the love we carry in our hearts and this includes both men and women.
The sun will be on 0 degrees Pisces on this upcoming full moon. This degree means it is the beginning of the end. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and this will give us another month to release anything else that we might still be holding onto that needs to be released. The new beginning comes at the time of the Spring Equinox on March 20.
Saturn will be on 16 degrees Capricorn on this full moon. This is the degree of The Tower Struck with Lightning in the Tarot. Saturn rules governments and control. We will see how this works out, although it does not look good for the ones who have been controlling us for so long. This process will probably last until the Spring Equinox.
Jupiter is on 20 degrees Sagittarius at this full moon and in the Tarot this card rules judgment. Sagittarius rules courts of law, lawyers, truth and justice. Jupiter is the symbol of the father in Greek Mythology and at this time Jupiter will want justice for all. This could mean that the full moon of February will start the process of actually judging the people who have controlled us for so long.
The last paragraph in Revelation Chapter 20 talks all about judging everything. We are now in that energy. Once we stop judging we will manifest a higher frequency and be able to see the New Heaven and the New Earth. Here are a couple of links I thought you might enjoy. The Event – The Fifth Dimension is Here! And Mass Pineal Gland Awakening. [click on white area of post after following second link.]
Walk softly in the energy of love. Be kind to people. You never know what people are experiencing and a smile might just make their day. Enjoy life. Laugh at your troubles, are they really that bad? It’s all an illusion anyway. Dance and listen to happy music. Go for a walk and enjoy nature. Do whatever makes you happy. A smile a day keeps the doctor away. Live, love and manifest joy.
So Be It!
***** Mahala Gayle *****
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wyldwon · 3 years
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…”…. Friday November 19 2021
Seeing through a glass darkly……….
Today, over lit by the high Taurean frequency, the world behind the world is briefly unveiled during the Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse at Pluto’s Scorpio esoteric Solar Festival.
This cosmic wild card plugged into Jupiter and Pluto is disrupting natural resources and weather patterns and charging up the continuous life/death cycle of existence. It’s time to eliminate and let go of anything no longer true for you.
Something hidden is being revealed; something familiar is falling away. Things and beings that existed in form and matter are occulted, fading into the ethers because their purpose is done and their time is gone. This allows a whole new reality to come forth in your life.
Notice who or what has left or is in the process of leaving and release them with gratitude for their gifts while they shared your incarnation. The outworkings of this darkening of the Lights will ripple down your time-line for the next 6 months.
The Taurus Mantra is:” I see and when the Eye is opened, all is Light”-the Buddha’s sign of earthy Taurus is the World 3rd Eye and the pineal gland, the ancestral master cell of untapped DNA. Algol, the Eye of Medusa, is a binary flashing Star, occulted every two and a half days, so this is a double eclipse of the relics of the recent past.
Taurus is plugged in to the enormous light of the seven hotly burning blue-white stars of the Pleiades - the Great Central Sun - acting as a channel or gateway to the source of this tremendous spiritual Centre. It illuminates by showing you the nature of Light.
The Chandra Symbol Lunar Eclipse TAURUS 28: Making candles out of beeswax.
“The sweetness is in the returning to those sacred places always known, stripping away false layers and finding someone underneath who is poignantly familiar and resonantly true. The search, the quest, the process. For everything depends giving yourself over to the master-craftsman-hands of the Creator Beings. You are simply a seed blown by the wind, and to become this completely is blissful fruition inwardly smiled into being”. Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale
New! In December ,day after day, wave after wave of off -the- scales astrology will accelerate the Great Unveiling that begins today November 19th at the Taurus eclipse escalating at the Sagittarian Solar Eclipse. Frame it as a necessary re-attunement ahead of the incoming Neptunian Tsunami of Dissolution that will define 2022.
If you are a sensitive, healer, solopreneur, transformation leader, change-catalyst or a creative nonconformist, don’t miss out- sign up to my DECEMBER 5D Report:” Everything Counts…Everything Matters”: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
New! For all of you who have been asking, my “Survive and Thrive Guide to 2022” will be available from November 26th -the link will be at the end of the 5D Report for subscribers…”…
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newspro24x7 · 3 years
Chandra Grahan 2021: Know the right time to see the lunar eclipse in India, after 580 years such a sight was seen
Chandra Grahan 2021: Know the right time to see the lunar eclipse in India, after 580 years such a sight was seen
New Delhi : The last lunar eclipse of the year 2021 (Lunar Eclipse 2021) is going to take place today on November 19 in Taurus, owned by Venus. People of Northeast India will be able to see the last phases of this lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan 2021). Actually this is the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon,…
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harpianews · 3 years
Lunar eclipse today on November 19: Timing, is it visible in India, and everything to know
Lunar eclipse today on November 19: Timing, is it visible in India, and everything to know
There will be an ‘almost total’ lunar eclipse today, November 19, when the Moon will slip into Earth’s shadow. It will take on a reddish color. It is also the last lunar eclipse of the year and the longest lunar eclipse in nearly 600 years. The lunar eclipse begins on November 19 at 1.02 am or around 11.32 am Indian Standard Time and lasts till 7.04 am or 5:34 pm. According to NASA, “This is the…
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Caution: we’re in “the shadow of the eclipse” until December 6.
Difficult, no doubt about it. There is a lot of tension between Scorpio and Aquarius, today and tomorrow. It’s a prime setup for “my way or the highway” situations. We are so convinced that only we are correct - only we see clearly, and only we have the solution. When we (have to) do battle, we’re in the mood to “take no prisoners.” And that is going to get us into so much trouble. We need to remember our sense of humor, and not take ourselves so seriously. It would also be good to cultivate a mood of forgiveness. And remember to love as hard as you can.
What’s happening when:
Lunar Phase: Crescent Moon (gather and mobilize resources)
Mercury/Scorpio conjunct Mars/Scorpio, 5:57 am MST
Mercury/Scorpio square Saturn/Aquarius, 10:04 am MST
Mars/Scorpio square Saturn/Aquarius, 4:14 pm MST
Lunar Phase: First Quarter Moon (take action, build new structures), 19:21 Aquarius, 5:48 am MST (Thursday)
Looking ahead to Thursday: imaginative creativity
Please note that MST is seven hours behind UT. All data cleaned from Llewellyn’s 2021 Daily Planetary Guide, and the October/November issue of “The Mountain Astrologer.”
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doonitedin · 3 years
Lunar Eclipse 2021: Longest Chandra Grahan on Kartik purnima today, check India timings and where to watch
Lunar Eclipse 2021: Longest Chandra Grahan on Kartik purnima today, check India timings and where to watch
New Delhi: The world is about to witness the longest Lunar Eclipse or Chandra Grahan today (November 19). The last lunar eclipse of 2021 is said to be the longest one in 580 years. This is going to be a partial lunar eclipse and the longest one since the 15th century.  The partial lunar eclipse will be visible from North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe and Asia.  Much of Europe,…
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tarotbycecelia · 3 years
Card of the Day - 9 of Wands (Energy) - Friday, November 19, 2021
Card of the Day – 9 of Wands (Energy) – Friday, November 19, 2021
Full Moon blessings! Today is the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse 27° Taurus, and it is the latest slam from the Universe this month, as the heavy energies keep hitting. However, it is not all bad, considering the Moon is exalted in Taurus, and Venus is trine Uranus today, which suggests a change of pace may be to your benefit. No doubt you are feeling as though you have attended the School of…
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fortheking16 · 3 years
Don't miss the longest partial lunar eclipse of the century next week - LiveScience November 10, 2021
Don’t miss the longest partial lunar eclipse of the century next week – LiveScience November 10, 2021
I saw this recently on LiveScience – Don’t miss the longest partial lunar eclipse of the century next week: https://www.livescience.com/longest-partial-lunar-eclipse-november. Longer article as I didn’t see this last week, I thought it was important to announce it today. By Ben Turner November 10, 2021 The partial eclipse takes place next week on the morning of Nov. 19. The longest partial…
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
August Forecast for Capricorn
Stay centered, Capricorn. Your energy could come in waves this month, spiking to a high-pitched intensity one day and dropping into the depths the next. The Sun is taking its annual plunge in Leo and your eighth house of intimacy, merging and transformation, a time when you’ll crave more privacy and one-on-one encounters. Skip the huge crowds that make you feel overwhelmed. You’re an emotional sponge and could soak up everyone’s feelings; or you might just have your mind on one specific matter during this tunnel-vision transit, and it will be hard to engage in lighthearted small talk. With the Sun heating up your erotic eighth house, this could also be one steamy season—hello, sizzling summer escapades!
But be careful where you aim that concentrated Capricorn power, especially when the emotional thunderclouds gather. Communication planet Mercury is retrograde in Leo and this potent zone from July 26 to August 19, which notoriously mucks up communication, technology and travel plans. With Mercury awry in Leo, a problematic ex may resurface, along with some old trust issues or unhealed wounds from a past betrayal. You might be unsure of someone’s true motives and whether they’re being above-board with you.
The eighth house rules joint ventures and shared finances, so money matters could be lit up with both opportunities and complicated entanglements in August. While Mercury is retrograde, go easy on the spending, especially with your credit cards (lock them up—or cut ’em up—if you can!). Guard against identity theft by strengthening passwords and deleting anything in a social media feed or in your email that could potentially be compromising. Better safe than sorry. Watch where you send those racy texts and DMs—during Mercury retrograde, they could end up in the wrong person’s feed. Oops!
The fiercest day of the month arrives August 11, when a Leo solar (new moon) eclipse beams into your alchemical eighth house, bringing a supercharged fresh start to your most intimate ties and financial endeavors. You might receive a windfall through a loan, grant, commission or inheritance or have a chance to buy or sell property or renovate your home. An exciting opportunity to merge your powers for mutual gain may come out of the blue. The eclipse could also bring a soulmate encounter (with steamy benefits!) or unexpected news of a proposal or pregnancy (yours or someone close to you).
In astrology, solar and lunar eclipses are harbingers of change. They push us off the fence if we’ve been procrastinating or wishy-washy, and force events to culminate quickly. While that pace can be jarring, once the dust settles, everything starts to make sense. This is the second-to-last eclipse in a series that’s been touching down on the Leo/Aquarius axis since February 2017, bringing waves of change to your self-confidence, work, money management, living situation and daily habits. One final eclipse will arrive here in January 2019. Anything you invest in at today’s eclipse could start to show returns—or at least let you know whether it will ever pay off—by early next year.
You’ll be glad to let the drama (hopefully) simmer down starting August 7, when combustible Uranus starts a five-month retrograde. Since May 15, Uranus has been in Taurus, causing sweeping change in your fifth house of passion, self-expression and theatrics. This is Uranus’ first visit here since 1942, a once-in-a-lifetime transit for many Capricorns that will last until April 2026. If your love life has suddenly become spicy—or wildly unpredictable—that’s the side-spinning planet playing the role of a quirky Cupid.
The first four months of Uranus’ retrograde could slow down some of the curveballs—or possibly bring the return of an ex, since retrogrades rule the past. You might also decide to get a little experimental in the boudoir or to date someone who’s a dramatically different “type” than the usual. Uranus in your spotlight-stealing fifth house may have brought fame or increased attention. Has it gone to your head a little bit? If you’ve been playing the diva role, Uranus retrograde will remind you to keep it humble. On the other hand, if you haven’t been speaking up for yourself and your ideas, you could work through old confidence issues, perhaps with some mentorship or training. Steady Capricorn, have you become a little fickle? Rambunctious Uranus can make you run hot and cold, so be mindful not to lead people on.
You’ll get another chance to self-assess starting August 12, when energizing Mars plows into Capricorn for its second visit this year (its first trip was from March 17 to May 16). While this would normally give you a jolt of inspiration and sexy magnetism, Mars will be retrograde until August 27, which could cause you to come on way too strong or hit a sour note with people. The silver lining: From August 27 to September 10, you’ll have Mars moving full steam ahead through your sign. Your confidence and charisma should rocket off the charts—and others will surely take note!
This will only accelerate starting August 23, when the Sun starts a month-long visit to Virgo and your expansive ninth house. Adventure, travel and endless possibilities spread out in front of you as you emerge from that emo cocoon. And when the Sun snaps into a rare and harmonious grand trine with radical Uranus in your passion sector and your ruling planet, structured Saturn, in Capricorn, some of those starry-eyed visions could turn into tangible reality. The caveat? You’ll need to ditch some (not all!) of your trademark caution to seize this moment. An opportunity for love, fame or a chance to spread a powerful message could arise. Make sure you’re at your glamorous and charismatic best! (Every Cap we know has secret “stage presence,” even if you only pull it out for select occasions.) You could multiply your fanbase and following…or follow your heart with a love affair, whether that’s a romantic adventure with your one-and-only or a far-flung fling with someone wildly different than your usual type.
The next day, August 26, the year’s only Pisces full moon spotlights your communication house, bringing exciting news or long-overdue dialogue. At last, you’ll get the answer you’ve been waiting for, and you can proceed accordingly instead of staying stuck in limbo. Local events could turn up kindred spirits and great conversations that lead to more. Hit the street fair or late summer festival or host a gathering at your favorite hotspot where you can play superconnector and introduce your savviest friends. Don’t be afraid to “go there” in your conversations—move beyond small talk and voice your opinions and ideas. When sizzling Mars ends its two-month retrograde on August 27 and speeds forward in Capricorn, there will be no holding you back!
Love & Romance
Time to set some love #goals, Capricorn? On August 6, Venus pings into Libra and your tenth house of career and long-range planning for the first of two trips this year. You may get suddenly serious about the future, both in terms of your profession and your relationship. If you’re in one, you might find yourself initiating conversations that begin with, “So, I’ve been thinking about our holiday plans,” or “Next summer, I’d really like to…” Single? Stay open to people you meet at work or industry events. As long as you’re not breaking company policy, consider them fair game.
Keep in mind: Venus will be retrograde for its second trek through Libra, which is from October 31 to November 16. New relationships may hit a speed bump, or issues that you’re working on might take a sideways turn. Here’s where that famous Capricorn patience will come in very handy! An office romance could sour when Venus makes its U-turn later this year, so be very sure you’re both mature adults who will handle things with civility if things don’t work out.
With Mercury retrograde in Leo and your erotic eighth house until August 19, you might be tempted to hook up with an ex or go down a clandestine rabbit hole that’s a clear dead end. What do you really want out of this? Be sure you can answer that before you get entangled emotionally or sexually. For couples, this could be a powerful time to work through a thorny issue, perhaps with a therapist or healer to mediate. Money matters could be a source of tension, but the hidden blessing is that you’ll actually start talking about them—and all the embedded feelings of pain, shame or old baggage that might be underlying those power struggles. If you’re splitting up, you might need to have a painful conversation about how to divide up the shared property.
An especially potent day for building security and having a serious talk about the long term comes on August 7, when cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars form a rare, harmonious trine (120-degree angle). Attached? Do something luxe and upscale to celebrate your couplehood. Singles should raise your standards and keep the bar high. Skip the local dive bar and go somewhere you have to dress up. That alone could help you meet a successful someone who’s got their life together.
But careful where you cast your charms. Mars is retrograde from June 26 to August 27. It’s been back-pedaling through Aquarius and your zone of career and money, which may have ramped up work stress that cut into your relationship or given you a few waves of anxious insecurity. On August 12, it will back into Capricorn for the duration of the retrograde, which could leave you feeling intensely self-conscious. During this signal-scrambling transit, your message might be lost in translation. Rather than assume everyone knows what you’re saying, make a point of being simple and precise. As a backup, get assurances that people heard you loud and clear.
Key Dates
August 9: Venus-Saturn Square Second thoughts? Cautious Saturn slams the brakes on dreamy Venus, who might be getting a little carried away with romantic pipe dreams or plans for the future. Make sure you both want the same things for the long haul before you start picking baby names or china patterns.
Money & Career
Balance those books, Capricorn. This is one of your annual “money months,” as the Sun visits Leo and your eighth house of property, long-term wealth and shared assets. With an August 11 Leo solar eclipse shaking up business as usual, you might start looking at your personal financial model through a new lens over the next six months. An exciting opportunity to multiply your moolah could arrive unexpectedly—and you’ll need to adapt fast! Keep a keen eye on every transaction while Mercury is retrograde in Leo from July 26 to August 19, which can cause technological glitches, erroneous charges (read those monthly bank statements) and risks to sensitive data.
Another reason not to rush into anything? Hasty Mars is spinning backward for nearly the whole month, which could cause you to miscalculate. Mars has been retrograde in Aquarius and your money house since June 26, which may have heaped on some financial stress. While Mars won’t straighten out until August 27, it WILL leave your money sector on August 12, which could lift some of the tension around work, bills and budgets. Stressful assignments, unexpected expenses and demanding clients may have left you hustling through the summer, and at the same time, colleagues’ tempers could have been short.
You’ll be happy to see Mars go, but unfortunately it will back into YOUR sign for the duration of its retrograde, from August 12 to 27, joining structured Saturn and power-tripping Pluto, which are both retrograde in Capricorn. Whew! If you have any vacation days, take them now. Otherwise, keep a very low profile and work behind the scenes. This is an excellent time to finish a project you started a while back. But hold off on any splashy launches until next month if you can—when Saturn straightens out on September 6, your ideas will have velocity AND staying power.
Key Dates
August 10: Mercury-Jupiter Square When supersizer Jupiter flashes its high beams at a retrograde Mercury, you or someone you work closely with may present an outsized dream but not have any idea how to pull it off. Nip it in the bud before you waste precious time, money or other resources trying to develop this. If anything, this is a good day to revisit an idea and see how much you can scale it BACK.
Love Days: 4, 9 Money Days: 15, 24 Luck Days: 12, 22 Off Days: 6, 11, 19
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