tagong-boy · 7 months
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Philodendron "Lupinum"
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caputgeratlupinum · 3 months
Why did no one tell me that the Patrick Bergman Robin Hood film is good (I think, I've just started it. I like it so far).
If we have to do the Earl of Huntingdon thing (which. So many films do) then at least we are not doing the ex-crusader thing.
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flagellant · 10 months
shit my bad. whats your new blog name in english if its in another language? it looks like latin. If its something you made up, what roots does it have/what does it mean?
ah! you spotted it well, caput vulpinum is latin that i made up based on caput lupinum aka wolfheaded. vulpinum would be foxheaded therefore. comes from the legal declaration caput gerat lupinum: "let him bear the wolf's head"
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ceescedasticity · 1 year
On stealing from Dark Lords:
I'm not sure you can, actually. It's not stealing.
That's facetious and oversimplifying, and any discussion of theft/property in Middle-earth (or any fantasy world) runs into the issue that both property and theft are at least in part social constructs dependent on culture. Also I'm not a lawyer and 95% of my law-related information comes from Wikipedia, but since the laws wouldn't precisely apply anyway who cares.
But: In my opinion, there are several arguments based on plausibly inferred laws that could be used by any Elf, Man, Dwarf, Hobbit, Ent, etc. to assert that taking something from Melkor or Sauron is not legally wrong — or morally, if you're in a culture which assigns moral value to running off with other people's stuff.
Argument 1: Laws restricting the taking of spoils of war are all pretty recent. I'm not sure any pre-modern culture would have considered taking stuff from your enemy to be theft.
(Even now prohibitions are focused on private and personal property, plus articles relating to religion, charity, education, and arts/sciences. I think you could make a pretty solid argument that none of those actually exist in Mordor or Melkor's realm. [Among humans under Sauron's control is probably a different question — modern law wouldn't allow sacking Umbar, I'm pretty sure — but we aren't talking about that.] Everything in their direct power is their property, and they are synonymous with the state — insofar as there is a state — so… that's not really private, is it?)
And the constant existence of a state of war between the Dark Lord and everyone else is pretty clear, so… basically anything could be a spoil of war.
The other two arguments are based on laws which do not apply now; one is canon and the other featured in medieval English common law and so is pretty plausible for Middle-earth.
Argument 2: Weregild. I believe Isildur out-and-out cites this as a justification for taking the Ring. I'm not sure there's anyone in Middle-earth who wouldn't have a solid claim on weregild from Melkor or Sauron.
Argument 3: The original legal concept of outlawry in English common law meant declaring someone outside the protection of the law: It is not illegal for anyone to persecute or kill them. The Wikipedia article doesn't say anything about seizing things from them, but I feel like if you can kill them that's probably implied? One of the early English terms for this was caput gerat lupinum, to 'bear a wolf's head' — they're equated with a wolf. Sauron seems to have signed up for that part himself.
This doesn't precisely apply, as I don't think Melkor or Sauron ever were subjects of any mortal law in any way — but there's no reason to think they should be within the protection of any mortal law, and they seem to have removed themselves from the jurisdiction of the Valar, so…
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mossy-vulpes · 1 year
Tagged by the lovely @musesmischief for 4 Pictures. My Lock Screen, last song I listened to, last picture of myself, last picture saved in photos.
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Lock screen is my bunny boy, I Wanna Get Better, me in a very toasty tub, and a great amazin review I found when looking for a pet piller for my roommate
I'll tag @hey-howl @laurellament @lupinum @littlemisfit
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wodeward · 7 months
A wolf is a wicked animal." He went on, the fingers of his free hand curled at his side. The edge of his thumb resting against the joint of his second finger, worrying the knuckle back and forth. "Hated by all decent people. So we call a man, who is outcaste from the law: caput lupinum. The head of a wolf. So, yea: she must have been holy, to cause one to feel remorse. To desire to repent its wickedness."
-on St Austrebertha
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loopy-lupi · 2 years
Hiya babes!
This blog currently only features as a safe-house in case tumblr nukes my OG lupinum blog, est 2013. But it's been lonngggg flagged and dysfucntional, so maybe I prefer it here? Let's see!
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etruatcaelum · 1 year
Stocky in life; unnaturally tall since his death, and being no wider than before, appears proportionally to be rail-thin. Flesh is dead-pale, embalmed, peeling away to expose livid muscle or white bone. Sharp yellowed teeth. Hair is really a pelage. Close inspection would reveal a pair of small ears hidden in the fur: those of a Solitan fox, one of them half missing. Shoulders and back bristle with long bone-like quills. Crimson venation is visible where his bone is exposed, in the same branching, feathered, lightning-struck pattern Salem has. Elongated limbs. But for his face, most of his body is scabrous grimm hide. Eyes: the left has an inky sclera and a brilliant silver iris, lacking a pupil. His right socket is filled with atrum and a bead of ever-burning flame.
Robes, usually with elaborate ornamentation. He likes beading and embroidery, favoring sharp geometric patterns and flowing lines that resemble grimm venation. Black, midnight blue, shades of indigo, maroon, jade. His emblem is a winged hound, depicted in profile, crouched upon a human skull.
Much like Cinder's arm, the Hound is fully under Elah's control. It grows in and out of his right eye. Elah has been dead, by the time the plot of RWBY begins, for seventy-eight years; what remains of his original body is very decayed, having been allowed to rot before he resorted to embalming. The Hound itself, Salem modeled after a rare morph of grimm called the bisclavert. Wild bisclaverts are parasites carried in the jaws of larger grimm, until they can enter the bloodstream of a suitable host through a bite. Bisclavert infections—uniquely among parasitic forms of grimm—are seldom fatal, as the grimm adapts itself to replace the internal structures of the host body one by one, until the host is physically dependent upon the grimm to survive. (Those infected by bisclaverts are, however, caput gerat lupinum under Valean law and can be killed with impunity; few survive past the point where they begin to develop obvious visible signs.) The Hound is morphologically similar, but was formed from the true pool of grimm—the wellspring in Salem's soul, not the unliving atrum that can be found on Remnant's surface—and infused with the living waters of the fountain of life before being bound to Elah's soul. The upshot is that it's a kind of eldritch life support with regenerative and shape-changing capabilities on par with Salem's. When Elah brings out the Hound, his body sort of... deflates. His head is better preserved than the rest of him, but inside the hound he's little more than bones wrapped in tattered, half-rotten skin. When he is in, for lack of a better phrase, person mode, the Hound is on the inside serving as muscles and organs and so on.
Silver. Like Salem, when he draws it out, it chars and disperses like smoke, and he can use it to mimic ancient magic the same way she does.
He calls it Giddy Flame. Elah can extend his aura in long ribbons and then ignite it, producing a pale, cold-burning, greenish light. These ribbons of light undulate and ripple like streams of fiery water, and unless he sends them elsewhere, they'll flow in his wake as he moves. He can also separate pieces and leave them burning in place as small baubles of ghostly fire. The light cast by Giddy Flame fascinates grimm, but they can't cross over or through it. Long before he met Salem, Elah used his semblance to go among grimm... and grew fascinated just as fascinated with them as they were with his flames. His semblance isn't suppressed by the Hound, although of course he no longer needs it to protect himself from grimm. He uses it to communicate, guide his allies, disorient foes and lead them astray, and provide illumination for himself in absolute darkness—even by fauni standards, his vision in the dark is so exceptional that he can see clearly by Giddy Flame alone.
Elah was born in Mantle half a century before the Great War and, in his youth, passed himself off as a human for long enough to study classic literature and history at the prestigious Ambergris College for two years. During his enrollment, he was noted by peers and professors alike as a brilliant young man, if... unusual. During his second year of study, he became keenly interested in a dangerous crackpot theory about religious connections between ancient demes—the nomadic fauni communities of the Taiyin Steppe—and grimm, which ultimately led to him being found out as a faunus and expelled. Following this incident, he disappeared into the disorderly ranks of conspiracy theorists, grifters, and dedicated mystics who comprised Mantle's thriving occult community. During that time that Elah began to develop an interest in silver. He did not have silver eyes in life—although his eyes were a striking steely color that did cause occasional excitement in the esoteric circles he traveled—but his aura was silver, and the flame of his semblance seemed to both repulse and fascinate the grimm in a manner not dissimilar to certain fantastical tales of argents. So he walked among them, studied them, learning them and—he would later come to understand—being learned by them. His earlier interest in ancient fauni worship of grimm returned with a vengeance and mingled with his philosophical ideas on the nature of silver, yielding a new theory on the metaphysical relationship between silver and grimm. After the passage of the Interdiction—Mantle's brutally repressive crackdown on free expression, which included unsanctioned occultism of the kind Elah practiced—he left the kingdom altogether, built himself a camp, and began to live full time in the Coldfire Waste, far to the north of Mantle. It was then that the horde he'd been studying, which had begun to think of him as its person and didn't know how best to insure his well-being, turned to Salem for help. Elah recognized her at once as a figure out of the obscure myths he'd spent his youth immersed in, and to his delight it swiftly became apparent that she was just as fascinated by his theories as he was. The pair of them spent most of the fractious decades preceding the Great War and a large portion of the war itself collaborating on what might be described, delicately, as outrageously dangerous alchemical research. (Among other things, Elah began to make a regular practice of consuming atrum for no real purpose other than to find out what would happen.) Just two years before the ratification of the Vytal Accords, Elah—by then nearly sixty and in quite poor health—died. Salem buried him in the heart of his horde's territory in accordance with his dying wish and returned to her home in Alukah.
Four years after that, he turned up on her doorstep again: still apparently in his late fifties and very ill, but certainly more alive than anyone who'd spent the last few years buried under permafrost had any right to be. Both he and she were confounded. Further experimentation led them to conclude that the cumulative effect of their research, together with the touch of the void in Elah's soul and its interaction with the sheer quantity of atrum he'd imbibed over the years, had left him... mortal in death, just as in life. Some disruption in the afterlife had enlivened him there and cast his soul and self back into his body. This made for an unpleasant existence, but there didn't seem to be anything to do except live (and die) with it. Each time he returned again, his eyes shaded closer to silver; besides this, his peculiar form of immortality effected no discernible physical change. His body aged while he lived and rotted while he died; thus his physical condition steadily deteriorated. By the present, his body was in such poor shape that he would die again within mere minutes of each revival, and Salem had resigned herself to keeping him in cold storage until the end of time.
Then Cinder inadvertently gave her reason to question their long-held belief that silver eyes could only harm grimm, and later to take a stab at drawing grimm from a human soul. The wheels started turning; she hit on the idea of providing Elah with a living body he might inhabit for more than a few painful minutes at a time. The Hound experiment was not a complete success, before he died again in Atlas, but its regenerative and metamorphic abilities allow him to regrow his body once he comes back to life—several weeks after the city falls—whereupon he fishes himself out of the sea no worse for where and rejoins Salem in Vale.
On Silver –> & Addendum: On Silver Bloodlines Myth: Creation of the Grimm –> & Addendum: Origin of Atrum On the Creatures of Grimm –> & Addendum: On Revenants
His canonical allusion is obscure, aside from the obvious but rather arbitrary Fox and the Hound reference; but come tin hat with me. I think he's based on the H.P. Lovecraft short story The Hound. If the ghoul stalking his victims in the guise of a monstrous bat-winged hound fits... Maiden-in-the-Tower Stories –> Petrosinella's hound. Obviously.
Salem's lineup of weird little freaks feels incomplete without the kind of Lovecraftian mad alchemist who would drink the grimm slime. You feel me? He is, of course, thoroughly off his rocker. Though successful in that it got him out of the sarcophagus, the original experiment was quite rudimentary; Elah could barely speak and was in a considerable amount of pain, despite improving by leaps and bounds once he was lively enough to offer even the most basic gestural feedback. After going through a few more iterations in Vale to resolve these problems, he becomes, shall we say, a lot more personable. Notwithstanding the decay and the unpleasantness of ping-ponging back and forth between alive and dead, he's fairly cheerful about the whole situation and well past any feelings of horror or existential dread. He reeks like a charnel house. Because he's dead. Sorry.
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outlawpreg · 1 year
the "caput lupinum" frame of outlawry has a certain resonance with the various incarnations of the pup thing just by virtue of the wolf-dog connection. but of course the semiotics of the wolf are very distinct - the dog is characterized by affection, devotion, and utility, and may be treated with any combination of condescension, kindness, and exploitation by its human master(s), whereas the wolf is characterized by its hostility and aggression, which justify the unrelenting hostility and aggression of humans towards it. there can exist no master/servant relationship between the human and the wolfshead, only violence.
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andpigandpanda · 2 years
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Cluttered background, I know. But look at the colours on the Philodendron lupinum.
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peppyflora · 3 years
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Rare philodendron lupinum potted plant. Free delivery all over India 🇮🇳 Get exiting discount on every purchase . For more information Visit - https://peppyflora.com/product/philodendron-lupinum/ #philodendron #philodendronlupinum #rareplants #aroidlover #foliageplants #aroidsofinstagram #aroid #plantcollector #plantlife #gogreen #lupinum #exoticplants #plantparent #plantsofinstagram #plantmakepeoplehappy #plantparentclub #airpurifyingplants #indoorplantsofinstagram #gift #plantaddict Free shipping📦 (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTutnDkvm_W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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caputgeratlupinum · 5 months
In which I (re) watch Robin of Sherwood
In the dim and distant past (of a few years ago) I started watching Robin of Sherwood. I dropped out after the end of season 2, when *events* happened (if you know, you know).
Anyway, this to say that I started watching it again, and I thought it would be fun to record my reactions to it. I remember it as being a good if slightly silly show, so... we'll see how it holds up.
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We are starting off strong with the Ominous Bad Guy theme that sent me back to the last time I watched this with the force of a hammer (this show has about five soundtracks and they all come up like once an episode).
Our introduction to adult Robin is him running to the top of a... something, I'm not sure if it's a hill or a ledge or what. Anyway he runs there, stops, and screams 'MUCH!'. Which must be wildly confusing if you're not familiar with Robin Hood.
ITVX doesn't let me take screenshots (tragically) but I need you all to know that Guy of Gisborne looks about twelve and speaks like he went to fancy boarding school.
Hi Will Scarlet I have fond memories of you from last time! And I think this might be the first time he's 'scarlet' as in 'bloody' rather than named for his hair or clothes. Also the second Will tells them his name another man steps out of the shadows to introduce himself like he's desperate to get in on the action.
ROBERT! ROBERT! BY CHRIST ROBERT I WILL NOT LOSE MY FISHPOND! 10/10 introduction no notes. Genius move to give the Sheriff an annoying brother in the form of Abbot (??) Hugo.
Sheriff duties: keep on top of the poachers in the forest, and meet with the evil sorcerer baron and his... possessed slave? I'm vague on what position Little John holds here.
Sorry, Sir Evil Baron (yes I know his name is Simon de Bellame. I'm ignoring that), but I don't believe for a second that your wife taking her own life was nothing to do with you.
Did I mention Marian and Tuck are here? They are! I love them both very much.
I can't believe they that they just leave Rat Man and Arthur behind. I demand a spin-off about what happened to them.
'You're like a May morning.' *climbs out the window without another word* I mean to be fair to Robin if I tried that line I'd probably also flee immediately afterwards.
I really wish I could do screenshots because Herne the Hunter's vision of various events with Evil Baron's face over it all, slowly getter bigger and bigger, is truly a sight to behold. Robin honestly took that pretty well.
The classic bridge fight is very enjoyable but I am haunted by the knowledge of the blooper reel where Michael Praed gets hit in the balls. And Robin's dramatic scream as he falls off the bridge is sending me.
Last time I wasn't really sure how to feel about the Herne the Hunter stuff, and right now I'm in the same place. uhh... stag-man. With vague prophecies. I dunno... 'when the horned one possesses me' ok but who are you when he's not possessing you? How does one become possessed by the horned one in the first place (I know none of this is the point. I just have questions!)
If I were one of the merry men, I would find it easier to agree with Robin's Heroic Inspiring SpeechTM if it hadn't started with him explaining how he's been 'awakened' by a deer-headed man.
I feel like Will saying, 'You should have killed him. You'll have to someday.' is setting up for a conflict down the line where Robin has to make a Choice about Gisborne some day, but I don't remember any such plot.
aaand that's it! I didn't mention every single thing that happened, there's a lot happening in this episode. Genuinely had a good time though! Despite my poking fun at stuff, I do actually like this show.
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flagellant · 6 months
Oh cool I can go anon you again. Is the username you changed to at least partially a cult sim reference? Exile dlc good. peace
More accurate to say it's referencing the same materials cult sim is referencing! Caput Gerat Lupinum is a Roman decree
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Errare Lupinum Est - To Err Is Wolfish by KaliopeShipsIt
Mature | 25k | 6/6
"Stiles - she was late!" “Yes buddy, late, a synonym for ‘not on time’, I got it, I have mastered the English language you know. I just don’t know for what?”
In the aftermath of Scott and Kira's pregnancy scare Stiles can't help but feel very relieved that he and Derek won't ever have to deal with something like that.
Derek, who kind of wanted to clue Stiles in on the fact that given their mate-compatibility they actually could that very same day, is heartbroken and makes stupid decisions about it (i.e, testing Stiles for mate-compatibility without his knowledge, running the Latin instructions for said testing-potion through Google Translate, and then completely throwing caution and safe-sex to the wind because the test said he can't get pregnant by Stiles after all, right? Wrong.)
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dragons-ire · 3 years
Wargfangs - Wolfs-Headed Outlaw
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Eorzea Collection
Cast out from the graces of both dragons and of men, the outlaw lives a wary and dangerous life instead - like a wolf prowling in the darkness
Bereft of the weapons of honor, such as a sword or lance, he fights instead with a pair of clawlike weapons to 'honor' his status instead.
The fourteenth-century English legal textbook The Mirror of Justices stated that anyone who was accused of a felony, who refused three times to attend county courts, would be declared Caput lupinum or "Wolfshead". The book added""Wolfshead!" shall be cried against him, for that a wolf is a beast hated of all folk; and from that time forward it is lawful for anyone to slay him like a wolf."
In Norse mythology a warg is a wolf, especially the wolf Fenrir and the wolves Sköll and Hati, that chase the sun and moon.
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mossy-vulpes · 3 years
96% Tag your top five followers.
I’m not sure what the metric here is, but sure
According to tumblr my "biggest fans" are
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