lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Miss Bella Dei Laghi è la varesotta Giorgia Di Pucchio
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Miss Bella Dei Laghi è la varesotta Giorgia Di Pucchio. È Giorgia di Pucchio la nuova Miss Bella dei Laghi 2023. La finale regionale si è svolta venerdì 21 luglio, al Franciacorta Golf Club a Corte Franca, in provincia di Brescia. Il Golf Club ha ospitato un intero weekend dedicato alla bellezza coordinato e organizzato da Alessandra Riva, esclusivista del tour Miss Italia Lombardia insieme a Giovanni Locatelli di Luxury ADV. Lo spettacolo si è svolto con il susseguirsi di sfilate in abiti da sera, presentazione Miss con il classico body da concorso ed esibizioni fino ad arrivare al momento più atteso, quello dell’elezione di Miss Bella dei laghi. A salire sul gradino più alto del podio la 18enne di Somma Lombardo, alta 170, capelli biondi, occhi azzurri, varesotta. È una studentessa e frequenta il quarto anno del Liceo delle Scienze Umane e in futuro le piacerebbe diventare magistrato. Le sue passioni sono la moda e la danza, infatti ha praticato 12 anni di danza classica e 3 anni di danza contemporanea. Al secondo posto Gabriella Bonizzardi, 19 anni, di Prevalle (BS), alta 174 cm, capelli biondi e occhi marroni. Si è iscritta a digital marketing perché in un futuro vorrebbe lavorare per un brand di moda. Quest’anno ha preso parte all’associazione nazionale dei bersaglieri con la quale svolge volontariato. Si è esibita indossando la divisa ufficiale della scuola dei bersaglieri. Al terzo posto Elisabetta Delcarro, 22 anni, di Lurano (BG), alta 170 cm, capelli castani e occhi marroni, si è diplomata come perito tessile perché il suo sogno è di poter aprire la sua linea di abbigliamento.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
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lucy x sorano + otherworldly
"light like a brand new day, surreal and astounding, the site of mystery, but i'm here on the ground." - otherworldly | starset
horizons series: 1 | - | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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evilkitten3 · 5 years
Why do I never like the ultra popular wlw ships. Why is it only the rare pairs that draw me. Why am I like this
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dragonshost · 5 years
Lucy x Sorano: Forgiveness.
The brand of forgiveness practiced by most citizens of Fiore was an altogether foreign concept to Sorano. With Zentopia as the leading religion, most normal people attended services within its churches.
Thanks to the Neo Oracion Seis's brief collusion with the religious order, Sorano had gotten a front view seat to services and the practices of the congregations. All that was required to attain forgiveness was to confess sins to an old man in a silly hat, say however many hail-whatevers (honestly Sorano had started to tune out at this portion), and then all was wiped clean.
It seemed very... disingenuous to her.
Then again, that could be due to having been a slave to a Zeref worshipping death cult.
Still, if all it took to gain forgiveness was to find an old man in a silly hat, there was no need to seek out a church. Old men could be found anywhere and most had questionable fashion tastes.
Jellal didn't seem to have a clue, either. When Jellal spoke of seeking forgiveness for their wrongs, it rang hollow, but in a different sort of way than Zentopia's teachings. His definition was too... broad. And self-flagellation was hardly compelling to watch. There was no end to the suffering in Jellal's method.
So what then? Was she supposed to make it up to every individual she had ever wronged? That was an impossible feat. Very few had ever survived an encounter with Angel of the Oracion Seis.
...Then again, Sorano supposed, there was... one. One whom might be open and even amenable to such a plea, even coming from Sorano.
If she asked, then Lucy probably would forgive her. Love seemed to comprise a majority of the blonde's DNA.
But something inside of Sorano rebelled against the notion. Not out of pride. Not out of spite.
Sorano was afraid. Afraid that she would get the forgiveness she sought after. That if she tried now, it would be dishonest in some way. Like she hadn't put in the work for it.
Perhaps, before she turned to a near stranger for help, she would work on forgiving herself, first.
And then... And then she'd find Lucy.
Hopefully it wouldn't feel disingenuous then.
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primiziedeliziesg · 3 years
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Nuova promozione 3x2 sui muesli ai frutti tropicali della Graziosi. #graziosi #laboratoriograziosi #iorestoacasa #insiemecelafaremo #spirano #pognano #lurano #ciserano #arcene #ghisalba #verdello #martinengo #colognoalserio #treviglio #brignano #bergamo #milkcakeschar #fornovo #pontirolo #basella #bariano #calcinate #caravaggio #pagazzano #morengo #romanodilombardia (presso Spirano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYp1oCh4Vj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jd-the-anime-fan · 7 years
So, I have comprised a list of all the ships I have, I leave it to my followers to decide if I am worthy of the title of multi-shipper. In no order btw.
Fairy Tail
-Bickslow x Laki (Bickski?)
-Natsu x Cana
-Gray x Cana
-Loke x Gray
-Loke x Cana
-Lolu (Slowly growing on me)
Boku no Hero Academia
-Mina x Tsuyu
-Mina x Ochako
-Tsuyu x Izuku
-Izuku x Ochako
-Bakushima (Like Lolu, it's slowly growing on me)
-Kakashi x Yamato
-Kakashi x Shizune
-Iruka x Anko
-Kakashi x Anko
-Choji x Karui
Steven Universe
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cobrakiin · 7 years
Saw a post bringing up the Gemini!Lucy showing Lucy’s boobs to everyone. And tossing out all the grossness from that OP, something struck me....
Angel was the summoner of Gemini at the time. Gemini did that because of Angel, the spirit was enacting on the desires of their summoner.
Gemini showed off Lucy’s boobs because Angel wanted to see Lucy’s boobs.
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my-secret-hideout · 3 years
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Ship: Terano South x Lucy (me // s/i)
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A song: Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling
A scent: Spices 
A taste:  Picadinho
A flower: Ipê-amarelo
A color: Dandelion - #ffd966
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What is it about?
Was the big South Terano as bad as everyone said? She knows for sure he wasn’t, not when he could play piano the way he did.
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ducavalentinos · 4 years
Hello ! Could you tell me facts about the life of Cesare Borgia? Thaanks.
So, I really wanted to make this a short list with basic facts, but somehow it ended up becoming a longer, detailed list with my favorites facts alongside facts that aren’t very well known or mentioned, here it goes: - Cesare received an outstanding, carefully planned education. He was brought up at Rome by private tutors until the age of twelve, in 1489 he left Rome to attend La Sapienza of Perugia, where he studied the foundations of law and the humanities, being placed under the charge of the preceptor Giovanni Vera of Archilla, to whom btw, he remained warmly attached until Vera’s death in 1503. In 1491 he continued his studies in Civil and Canon law at the University of Pisa, attending the lectures of Filippo Decio, one of most rated lecturer on canon law of his day. There he also became more acquainted with the Medici family, through Lorenzo de’ Medici sons: Giovanni de’ Medici and his brother Piero. - Paolo Pompilio, a Spanish scholar, dedicated his treatise on verse-writing, the Syllabica, to Cesare, where he praised him as ‘Borgiae familiae spes et decus’  (the hope and ornament of the House of Borgia).     - His father, as Cardinal and Vice-Chancellor, invested a long list of benefices upon him, to name only a few: when he was seven years old, pope Sixtus IV conferred upon him a prebend of the cathedral’s chapter of Valencia. In 1483 he received the title of rector of Gandia and archdeacon of Játiva. Later on, with pope Innocent VIII he was granted the position of treasurer of Mallorca’s cathedral, following that of canon of Lérida, Archdeacon of Tarragona and then treasurer of Cartagena’s cathedral. By 1491, Innocent at last granted him the bishopric of Pamplona. - He learned the art of bullfighting from the Spanish members of his father’s court and it became one of his life passions. Whether in Rome or in the Romagna, at any celebration, there was almost always a bullfight and he was almost always participating himself. - He also loved hunting, so he was always looking for good hunting dogs and falcons. On May 28th, 1497 he even sent one of his men, Enrico, to Germany to request from the Archbishop of Mainz some “well-trained and sagacious hunting dogs; their quality to be more important than their number.” - He was the first person in the history of the Church to resign the cardinalate, eventually becoming commander of the Papal armies. - He was briefly hostage of the Colonna during the conflicts of the French Invasion in 1494, and later on hostage of the king of France, Charles VIII. Although that time, he escaped their camp at Velletri, with the help of a man named Francesco del Sacco, officer of the Podestà of Velletri, who was waiting for him with a horse. Cesare sped back to Rome going to the house of one Antonio Flores, where he stayed for a night and informed his father of his presence. The next day, he withdrew to the city of Spoleto, and remained there until matters cooled off. - In 1497, a sword was forged for Cesare, known as “the queen of swords”, for his visit to Naples as papal legate, to crown the new king, Frederick of Naples. Its design was attributed to many artists including Michaelangelo, but it is more likely that the artist was Pinturicchio. And the blacksmith/sword engraver was Salomone da Sesso (c. 1465- c.1504–21) who after his conversion to Christianity assumed the name of Ercole dei Fedeli. (more details about the sword here x) - Cesare appeared wearing a horned mask in the guise of a unicorn during a theatrical performance, in one of the many festivities held in honor of his sister Lucrezia’s second wedding. Unicorn are known symbols of female chastity, possibly a reference to Lucrezia and her wedding night, but it also shows off Cesare’s own sense of humour, since it was well known to all present that he was anything but a chaste man lol. And the unicorn horn, according to a Greek physician had the ability of protecting people from sickness and neutralizing poison, which could have been another humourous remark from Cesare in reference to his family’s reputation of using poison to dispose of their enemies. - His best known mistress was Fiammetta Michaelis, she was a cultured courtesan from Florence, but who lived in Rome since 1473 most likely. Her relationship with Cesare was such that even after his death in 1507, she continued to sign herself as Fiammetta Ducis Valentini (of the duke Valentino). And her will in the city archives was headed ‘The Testament of La Fiammetta of Il Valentino.” - On May 10, 1499, he married Charlotte d’Albret, and before his departure from France he appointed her governor and administrator of all his lands and lorships in France and Dauphiny. He also made her heiress to all his moveable possessions in the event of his death (a little more about that here x). On December 1501, he personally selected precious gifts to be sent to her acquired from Venice. It included moulded wax, white sweetmeats, fine sugars, syrups, nine barrels of Malvoisie, oriental spices, oranges and lemons and all kinds of cloths. - Under his patronage, the first printing press of any importance was established in Italy. It was set up at Fano by Girolamo Sancino in 1501. One of the earliest works was the printing of the Statutes of Fano for the first time in January 1502. - About his administration staff, also in the year of 1501, we know he had a beautiful young woman from Bologna named Jovanna, working for him in his chancery. She’s described as a “degnissma scriptora”, she wrote letters and maybe did other secretarial duties as well for 14 ducats. - Whether it was treachery or a legit, reasonable move against Guidobaldo's own plans of treachery against him, the fact is that Cesare acquired Urbino without bloodshed in any of the towns, in a brilliant coup that amazed the whole of Italy (and terrified the nobility lol). While leaving a military contingent at Camerino, Cesare road north through the Apennines, between Nocera and Urbino he covered more or less sixty miles in forty-eight hours with a mixed force of 2.000 men. Before anyone else knew, he had already took Cagli, inside the Duchy of Urbino. Simultaneously, two other points were taken too, Montevecchio and San Lorenzo. Di Naldo, one of Cesare’s captains came from the east. These three armies converged towards the capital of Urbino then, where they met with the castilian and the garrison was rendered by him. A few hours later Cesare himself entered the city without any resistence. - The famous Sleeping Cupid by Michelangelo that Cesare gifted it to Isabella d’Este when he took Urbino in 1502 had a history together. He had previously been the owner of this piece. Cardinal Riario Sforza bought in 1496, but apparently when he found out that the piece was a modern piece and not an antique, he didn’t wanted it anymore, so it was displayed across the street of Cesare’s palace and he bought before the end of the year and later on send it as a gift to Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. -  A popular canzona of the time, Donna contra la mia Voglia by Filippo de Lurano  (c.1470-c.1520) was Cesare’s favorite song. (There is an excellent version of it too by conductor and composer Jordi Savall). - As another step to secure the unity of the Romagna, Cesare did a reform in legal administration of great importance, he established a supreme Court of Appeal, named the Rota, influenced by the famous Court of the Vatican with the same name. He appointed as The First President, a newly created office, to Antonio di Monte Sansovino, a distinguished jurist with high integrity, and who was universally beloved. This Appeal Court sat in the seven main cities of the Romagna: Fano, Pesaro, Rimini, Cesena, Faenza, Forlì and Imola. If it was necessary, this Court would sit for as much as two months. All expenses were met by a payment from each of these judicial circuits of 200 ducats per annum. - In October 1500 Pinturicchio wrote to Cesare asking for the grant of a well to be put in one of the lands pope Alexander VI had bestow on him and his descendents at Chiusi, a city in the province of Siena, but near Perugia. Pinturicchio went himself to see Cesare at Diruta to request for all the necessary permission. Cesare issued a letter to Alfano Alfani, vice-treasurer of Perugia, making the request and saying that: “he had again taken to his service Bernardino Pinturicchio of Perosa, whom he always loved because his talent and gifts; and he desires that in all things he should be considered as ‘one of ours.” This initial request wasn’t honored so Cesare wrote again to this Alfani reinforcing his wish to be granted within that year. In 1501, Pinturicchio was given an annual payment as Cesare’s personal painter as well. - Cesare hired Leonardo da Vinci as a military architect and engineer in the spring of 1501, he entrusted him with all sorts of projects, in Cesena for example he asked that Da Vinci planned a new quarter of the city with wilder streets, sidewalks, parks, and a functioning sewage system and many other improvements. He also issued papers from the city’s headquarters for the construction in Cesena of a new university building, a palace to house the Rota. - Cesare also commissioned Da Vinci to work on an alterpiece, that is now lost unfortunately, at the Santuario della Beata Vergine del Piratello, outside of Imola. Some scholars agree that Da Vinci at the very least begun this painting, but it was not finished by him. There are some sketches he made that are called: Three views of a bearded man and it’s generally accepted to be Cesare, in what might have become a portrait of him in this alterpiece. - Right after he conquered a city, it was Cesare’s policy to issue a stem proclamation against plunder, guaranteed the property of the citizens. At Forlì he took measures to safeguard the convents, listening to all complaints of ill-treatment or robbery at the hands of the soldiery. On December 7, 1500, he hanged from the windows of his headquarters, two of his own men, a Piedmontese and a Gascon soldier, who had disobeyed his orders against plunder in the town. On the 13th of the same month, other offenders followed the same fate as the first two, which showed his zeal and the level of his commitment for the interests of his Forlivesi subjects. - At Cesena, as in other places in the Romagna, that same policy was applied, the usual disorder was put to an end, and civic automony was fully restored, along with the suppresion of aristocratic feuds, which resulted on econonical security and internal peace. - During the conquest of Faenza, the only city where Cesare met a true resistance, he retired to Cesena through the winter months while the siege kept going there. One night, he was walking around the city when he found a baby girl abandoned in the street, he commanded the baby to be nursed, and settled an ample dowry on the baby’s mother until she was of marriageable age. Afterwards, when the father refused to acknowledge the girl as his own, Cesare himself acknowledged the girl and she was baptized that day. - On March 29, 1501, when he was informed of Beatrice of Naples arrival at Cesenatico, twice Queen of Hungary and of Bohemia, and sister of Frederick of Naples, he send off his staff to greet her and to present her with a 'royal gift'. He ordered his lieutenants to honor her in every city in the Romagna and the Marche region, where she made her way back to Naples. - On 1502, Cesare and his father, Rodrigo went on a boat trip to Piombino and the island of Elba so that Rodrigo could officially take possession of these territories Cesare had recently conquered. Everything went smoothly, and they were on their way back when a violent storm began, hitting them hard. During 5 days they wandered aimlessly. Everyone, but Rodrigo, were quite anxious and scared. At the second day, the crew saw an English ship, and Cesare proposed to go to this boat to request for help, but Rodrigo refused, not wanting to request help from strangers. Eventually they made it back ashore, but it was a close call there for them for awhile.     - After the masterstroke at Senigallia, where he successfully arrested his conspiring condottiere, the city was in total confusion, and a part of Cesare’s infantry were starting to sack the city, so Cesare in full armour and on horseback gave orders for his men to stop the sacking immediately, he then gathered some of his captains and went about the city streets putting a stop to the abuses that were starting to happen, some soldiers however, refused to obey his orders, and they were promptly executed there for their disobedience. - On 25 October, 1506 he managed to escape the Castle of La Mota, in Spain, a fortress that at that time worked as State prison, of maximum security, and where he was imprisoned. With the collaboration of his chaplain, and a servant of the governor's, named Garcia, along with the outside help from Count of Benavente, a powerful lord from the neighbourhood, who visited him regularly, he managed to climb down the 40 meter high tower with a rope, and if memory doesn't fail me, he was the only prisoner to have ever managed to escape this prison lool.
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matteo-copia · 6 years
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Mattinata dai miei giovani amici de #ilvillaggiosolidalefa di #Lurano. Paolo, guida d’eccezione, mi ha mostrato i laboratori di questa splendida struttura! Ora serve solo dimostrare che il loro #lavoro #vale! Ordiniamo #panettoni e #bomboniere solidali su www.consorziofa.it (presso Lurano) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhOHfNHRMGorG6i5MunlRKUTk9NJa2TzsDD-k0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vtw2vlrevi1s
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evilkitten3 · 6 years
me back when i first started planning out my fairy tail rewrite: i don’t wanna cause conflict lol i won’t think about ships too much
me now: anyway if lucy and angel aren’t a couple by the time it’s all over i’m suing myself
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dragonshost · 6 years
Lucy x Sorano
Sorano would be damned before she would admit to a single soul (outside of Erik, whom she couldn’t prevent from overhearing it anyway), that she spent a lot more time in her cell thinking about the idiot blonde that had defeated her than was probably healthy.  She kept going over it, again and again and again in her mind.  How had she possibly lost to that dimwitted girl?  She couldn’t even summon two spirits at once, nor she have any understanding of celestial spirit relationships!
And yet Gemini and Caelum had refused to hurt her at the end.
It was hard to admit, but Sorano found herself jealous.  To be loved to the point that even your enemies wouldn’t hurt you?  Would that she had been so lucky growing up.
In the end, Sorano didn’t think she could pick up another celestial key after that.  Even if they would agree to form a contract with her, the image of their betrayal would stay with her forever.
Besides which, she preferred tools.  The Oracion Seis were all the friends she needed in life.
But the kernel of jealousy just wouldn’t completely vanish, no matter how many time she repeated it.
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primiziedeliziesg · 3 years
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REGALO PANE DELLA MASSIMO ZERO si hai capito bene. Per ogni 3 pacchi di pasta in regalo 1 pane in REGALO Fino a esaurimento #iorestoacasa #insiemecelafaremo #senzaglutine #senzalattosio #glutenfree #foodporn #spirano #pognano #lurano #urgnano #colognoalserio #comunnuovo #basella #ghisalba #verdello #martinengo #treviglio #brignano #bergamo #caravaggio #pagazzano #romanodilombardia (presso Spirano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPYd-n0BjLQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fashionluxuryinfo · 3 years
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Vi presentiamo DV Luxury Wedding. Un team di persone che realizzano sogni. Cercando di rispettare il Pianeta. Green e Luxury sono due parole che insieme stridono ma noi cercheremo sempre di trasformare ogni evento in una Favola Moderna. Desdemona, Patron indiscussa di questo team, ha scelto tra le innumerevoli location che abbiamo a disposizione il Castello di Lurano … un luogo incantevole https://www.fashionluxury.info/it/
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cobrakiin · 7 years
lurano! for the song thingie~
Ooh! Probably “Where We Belong” by Jasmine Thompson
Send me a ship name and I'll reply with a song that reminds me of them!
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my-secret-hideout · 3 years
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 🌸. Shincy,💐.Saccy, 🌻. Lumo, ☘.Osacy, 🍀.Yacy
Honorable flowers: Shiracy, Luma, Luchi, Levy
Wilted flowers:  Bokucy,  Icy,  Lushi, Lumi
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🌻.Inucy, 🥀.Shucy, 🌷.Luomi, 💐.Luto
Honorable flowers: Rincy, Ludame, Lucho, Lurano
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🌹.Ludon, 🍂.Kokucy, 🍃.Obaluri, 🍒.Chigicy
Honorable flowers: Luva, Ency, Luge
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To bloom: Rin, Noritoshi, Satan, Nobara, Haruta, Fuegoleon, Solid, William/Patry
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