rainsparadiso · 2 months
Back with the music of the week guys; this week it’s dance anthems and I couldn’t pick 4 so here’s 5!!!! (I couldn’t trim them down to 4, you’ll see why if you give them a listen). Although my raving days are over I still like a lil improv dance to dnb, house, etc, or just a good beat to accompany my day. Anyways: here we go…
First is a British collaboration from a pop/d’n’b, the DJ newbie - Venbee and seasoned mixer - goddard, with this anti-drug anthem.
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Next we have my current favourite, purely, because it just kicks ass and drives me to have that swag in my walk which everyone loves. A tingly build up and an immense drop…LISTEN!
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Okay I know I said the last track was my favourite out of this weeks list but this comes close with it’s pure raging emotion and attachment to my heart. Sure to be your new jam, (could listen on repeat for months).
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I first heard this driving round the city in the passenger seat of my dads minivan, I always think of him when I listen to it and if you get a chance to watch the music video, it’s great, it is definitely worth the watch.
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I couldn’t leave this song out because I’m not sure when I’m going to be covering the dance genre again but this is the first dance track that I was happy to play over and over again, loved it, cheer up and dance people!
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21stcenturydigitalboy · 9 months
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goosefeathered · 1 year
I know , I KNOW, it's like an edm classic or whatever but something about "don't you wanna know me? Be a friend of mine?" Just gets to me idk
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mcdolann · 3 months
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wormsalesmanmike · 1 year
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rostii · 1 year
obviously all culture is eating itself these days but the particular strain of australian music at the moment that is just interpolating/dnbifying a 'classic' is absolutely bleeding the well dry. barely a stone left unturned.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball GT 14
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✨GT Stands for Grandpa’s Timing✨
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Luud is at full power, which makes him bright red. Stupidly, Goku and Trunks continue to fight him in base form, despite the fact that they only really made any headway when they briefly turned Super Saiyans and attacked him together.  Now, Luud is stronger, but the good guys are holding back for no obvious reason.  Also, Trunks gets sidelined, so Goku ends up fighting alone for much of this episode.  At least, Goku’s alone on the outside.
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Because on the inside, all of the victims Luud absorbed are beginning to wake up, starting with Pan.  I don’t entirely get it. At first she seems to be some sort of sleeping ghost, then a ghostly Doltaki tries to kiss her and when she slaps him he becomes solid.  Then while she smacks the shit out of him everyone else wakes up to see what’s going on. 
Practically everyone in here blames Doltaki for their predicament, so naturally they all want a piece of him, but he claims that he knows how to escape, even though he refuses to talk, since he seems to be more afraid of Mu than of being trapped inside Luud. 
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Hey, did you miss the Para Brothers?  No?  Well too bad, because they’re inside Luud and they’re all over this episode.  Pan asks them to use their dance magic to force Doltaki to tell them how to defeat Luud, and it works.
✨ “Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed.✨
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By this point, GT has introduced enough characters in one place that we’re now just sort of having them mingle together, which only compounds their individual shittyness.  So now we have the Para Brothers using their spell on Doltaki, inside Luud, in order to rescue the Luud cultists and thwart the evil scheme of Dr. Mu.  If any of these characters had been enjoyable, this might have turned out to be somewhat fun, but the Para Brothers are like one of those awful SNL sketches that uses repetition instead of humor, and Doltaki’s a sex offender, and Luud looks like a pile of tomatoes with half the charisma.  Oh, and Dr. Mu looks like a shitty knockoff of Dr. Gero.  I’ll have more to say about Mu down the line, but for now, you can rest assured that he sucks just as much as the rest of this clown show.
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Doltaki points out a “cell” in Luud’s body.  When Mu created Luud, he began with that cell, which I guess is the thing he mutated to make Luud a “mutant”.  The term “machine mutant” gets used a lot in this series.  Dr. Mu, Luud, and I’m pretty sure Mutchy all called Machine Mutants, and I don’t think I’ve ever understood just what that is.  Anyway, if you take out that one cell, the rest of Luud will collapse, and everyone trapped inside will be freed. 
The catch is that you can’t just shoot it from the inside.  Pan can hit it easily enough, but that only dazes Luud for a moment.  You need someone to attack it on the outside as well, and those attacks have to happen simultaneously in order to make this work.  I’m just going to point out that this weakness never came up for any of the other Machine Mutant characters we’ll be seeing as the show progresses.
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So Pan has to contact Goku on the outside and tell him what to do.  Fortunately, the Para Brothers have telepathic abilities.  Unfortunately, the Para Brothers have telepathic abilities, which means they have to set up another repetitive, unfunny gag where their power only works through song.  Then they stop singing their messages, and Pan calls them out on it, which would be satisfying except this wastes even more time.
But they do relay the message to Goku.  Luud’s weak spot is almost invisible from the outside, but Goku can sense Pan’s ki when she attacks it, so he knows where to shoot.  They tell him to look for a red thing on his body, which is maybe the most unhelpful thing ever. 
So Pan and Goku can both shoot the weak spot, but the problem is that they can’t hit it at the exact same time.  Goku apparently has difficulty with this sort of timed coordination, which is bullshit because he learned and mastered the Fusion Dance without having a partner to practice the steps.
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So what’s Luud doing while all of this is going on?  Jack shit, that’s what.  This dumb monster was supposed to be the primary threat of this whole arc.  They devoted six episodes of this show to Luud and his cult, and now he’s finally at full power, but all he does is sort of stand around, occasionally flailing his arms and saying his name while he waits for Goku and Pan to kill him. 
Here’s a stupid question. Why doesn’t Goku just go Super Saiyan 2 and kill Luud by himself?  He was doing pretty well before, and he’s not fighting anywhere close to his full power.  You could argue that Luud can only be killed by attacking his weak spot, but if that were true then Mu wouldn’t have been worried about getting him up to full strength.  You could also argue that Goku might kill Pan and the others if he goes full ham on Luud, but they seem to be trapped inside Luud’s tummy, so I think that means Goku could blow Luud’s head off without hurting anyone. 
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Another stupid question.  Dr. Mu waited twenty years for this?   Luud was supposed to be a doomsday weapon, but he can’t even kill one Saiyan.  Mutchy gave Goku a harder time than this, and he could actually talk and stuff. 
While “the god of destruction” swats at Goku and misses him with eye lasers, Goku talks to the Para Brothers and suggests using a chant to get their timing down, as opposed to a count of three.  It works, though I don’t see what the difference is.  Maybe this is just a “Goku likes food” joke.   Well, it works, so I can’t complain.
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Man, that Machine Mutant is toast.  
Yeah, more like... burnt toast.
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Once Luud falls apart, all of the people trapped inside are teleported back out, including Doltaki, who somehow slips away and takes off in a crappy little spaceship.  You know, that kind of looks like the time machines in the Xenoverse games, but not quite.
Anyway, Doltaki kind of doesn’t matter, since his sole purpose was to run the Luud cult, which is now completely destroyed.  I guess he could still be a menace if he hung onto that fleshlight that turns people into dolls, but I’m pretty sure we never see anyone use that power again from here on out. 
✨Is This Episode Worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨
It’s got the Para Brothers and Dolltaki, so yes.  Yes, it is much worse.
✨Positivity Page✨
So, I don’t have a lot of good things to say about this episode.  I guess one bright spot is that it mostly managed to stay focused on a singular objective: defeating Luud.  Prior episodes kept getting distracted with nonsense like Giru eating the Dragon Radar, or Pan cosplaying as a bee, or Doltaki just ditching the main plot to hide in his playroom.  The final battle with Luud sucked, but at least we didn’t have to keep switching scenes to check in on some other horseshit happening someplace else.
More importantly, I think we’ve finally passed through the absolute worst of Dragon Ball GT.  I seem to remember Episode 15 being not entirely terrible, and The pre-Baby stuff is bad, but at least it’s not Zoonama-flirting-with-Trunks bad.  The Baby Saga is pretty weak, but I think most fans agree it was the high water mark for GT, so when you watch this series, you start to really look forward to Baby showing up, because the first 14 episodes are such a trash dump. 
On the other hand, it never actually gets good, and that’s sort of the trick GT plays on you.  Every time I’ve watched it, including now, I keep thinking that the episode I’m on right now is terrible, but at least the next one will be a little better.  And I keep watching and keep watching, and then I’m finally on the last episode and I realize that no, it just sort of sucked the whole way through.  That’s one reason I keep comparing each episode to “The Roaming Lake”, because I don’t have the patience to rank GT episodes from best to worst, but I still want to establish which episodes are good enough to stand alongside the original DB and DBZ. 
  ✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Search Four Planets
To find just two Dragon Balls?
Sheesh.  Who booked this crap?
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lyrics365 · 7 days
TMO (Turn Me On)
Oh yeah Yeah, yes Style up from Luude, ‘longside Kevin Lyttle and Bru-C You know how we roll, we go For the longest, while we’re jammin’ in the party And you’re winin’ on me Pushing everything Right back on top of me, yeah But if you think you’re gonna get away from me You better change your mind You’re goin’ home You’re goin’ home with me tonight Let me hold you Girl, caress my body You got me…
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ithisatanytime · 4 months
(LUUDE 2.0)
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infestedslime · 1 year
I got to the ivory king in dark souls 2 :(
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luuletus-ee · 1 year
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- Tarmo Selter
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nonichemusic · 2 years
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allherbs · 2 years
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Lưu Đê Ly là một cái tên không còn mấy xa lạ, tên tuổi của cô nàng gắn liền với hàng loạt các Scandal, thậm chí cách ứng xử của cô cũng khiến cho dư luận càng ngán ngẫm.
Link bài viết: https://allherbs.vn/luu-de-ly
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thelooongestwave · 1 year
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🤠Summer vibes🤠
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
i got tagged by @inloif and @rainknow to share 10 songs I've been enjoying lately 💕
okay cliche but i actually think this is a banger remix
been back on a Billie jaunt and its Lee Knows fault ^^
this one needs the video attached and it's almost certainly not on spotify lol
chrissy amphlett was so hot
underrated ^^
he :]
i'll tag @edgymcgoth @telomirage @sunshineleefelix :)
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rostii · 2 years
watching the charts really feels like we’re running out of new music
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