#lydia hart
bobbie-robron · 1 year
On this day… 28th of September
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starbug · 2 years
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soggedupfrog · 2 months
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My Edward and Lydia designs :3 I enjoyed the clown themes they had in the graphic novel so I added some of that into my designs, Edward has spades/clubs patterns and Lydia has Hearts/Diamonds patterns ^_^
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simmingnate · 8 days
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Introducing contestant number one…
by @bunbeeplays
Keen baker Lena has lived most of her life in the shadow of her famous cousin, but now she's ready to forge her own path, and fully explore her own Zest for life!
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Introducing contestant number two…
by @itsOBiGem
Aging out of the modelling world, Ebele has decided it's time to find true love! Going against her parents' wishes, she's looking for a guy who can make her laugh, rather than make her rich.
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Introducing contestant number three…
by @ginovasims
Farm-girl Penelope has a fulfilling teaching career, but all those kids have made her want a family of her own. Pen admits she's never been in love before - could Johnny break the spell?
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Introducing contestant number four…
by @MogSimmer
Romance-obsessed Haven has been researching this role for a long time, watching almost every dating show in existence! She also writes romance novels - but will Johnny be her happy ending?
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Introducing contestant number five…
by @edawghizzle
Aubrey is serious about her activism work, SO serious in fact, that her friends had to force her to apply for the competition! Will Johnny remind her of the importance of love?
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Introducing contestant number six…
by @tedsies
Bottle-blonde Kitty has a lifelong fascination with the Landgraab matriarch, and leapt at the chance to potentially join the famous family. Hopefully Johnny won't mind her Nancy-esque look!
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Introducing contestant number seven…
by @nek0rina
They don't come much more wholesome than this! A green-thumbed nature lover whose whole life has been spent on her family farm, Lydia's now hoping to sow the seeds of love in Johnny's field.
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Introducing contestant number eight…
by @surely-sims
Wannabe-vet Riley lost her glasses on the way to the auditions, and suddenly became much prettier and also partially blind… but this gullible girl-next-door is still looking for love!
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Introducing contestant number nine…
by @iloooon_sims
Foodie Margo knows how to whip up a good meal, and how to whip her hair in the club! She's a 50/50 mix of family and fun, plus some clumsiness… will she trip and fall for Johnny?
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Introducing contestant number ten…
by @tiptoesims
Erratic toaster-lover Meghan may have more than 99 issues, and not having a man is one of them! Hence she's here to win Johnny's heart with her vast collection of hats and enigmatic charm!
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Introducing contestant number eleven…
by @SimmerBrooklyn
Dahlia is used to getting what she wants, when she wants - and that includes Johnny! This anti-girl's-girl is sure to ruffle some feathers… but will Johnny and her be lovebirds?
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Introducing contestant number twelve…
by @SimGirl_T
Aliyah hopes this will be a fun experience before she starts her law career, but perhaps she's more serious about Johnny than she lets on… after all, she's brought along a denim bra!
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Introducing contestant number thirteen…
by @loonaserena
Mía's not sure what to do since graduating from university, but this easygoing gal is open to exploring all sorts of paths - will Johnny want to join her on her next big adventure?
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Introducing contestant fourteen…
by @ice-creamforbreakfast
After refusing to take part in a 100-baby challenge, genius Tits decided to take control and find a guy to fulfil her many needs. Is Johnny the man to keep her love tank full?
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Introducing contestant fifteen…
by @whimsyalien
Prince Charming was taking too long to find romance novel fan Liz, so she decided to take her fairytale fate into her own hands and find him herself! Will her happily ever after be with Johnny?
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bl4nchetts-lvr · 29 days
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lydia tar:
teacher's pet p1 (pre-smut)
teacher's pet pt2
lydia NSFW headcanons
lydia smut fic
lou miller:
moments like these
general headcanons
carol aird:
new year's kiss (fluff/hint of angst)
lady tremaine:
pre-relationship/relationship headcanons
jealous!tremaine headcanons (angst-ish)
to be added
sheba hart:
to be added
kate wheeler:
to be added
english is not my first language,and i am not a professional writer! i do this for fun activity when i'm bored ^^
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whitedahlia13 · 1 year
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Our love story was what legends are made from a pure friendship a real romance the best of both worlds laughter and kisses the fervor of passion with bite marks and bruised lips holding hands and fingertips pressed against flesh the thrill of being alive our souls stained with eternity and sweet poetry. A love like nothing you've ever experienced before or ever will again… except with me.
-N.R. Hart Legends
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bookishbethanyerin · 1 year
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• book recommendations •
It’s time for an exhilirating round of book recs based on shows and other books you’ve likely loved! They may not all be 🎃spooky👻, but there’s something about them all that feels apt for spooky season.
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ennysimmer · 5 months
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Eventually, Lydia was done mourning and started dating Jack Hart. He'd also recently lost his wife Julia and they found comfort in each other. He even ended up proposing to Lydia...
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..twice, and she turned him down both times.
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It was shortly after Jack's second proposal that she met and fell in love with Martin Norbert, and I've already told their story so let's move on to what happened after their break up.
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gothicbarbie · 3 months
rules: choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one suits your vibe.
no one tagged me but i want to do it anyway lol... anyone else, feel free to join!
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dont-trust-list · 1 year
Don't Trust List (Ship Edition)
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darklypse · 5 months
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the supplies comes in waves. summer has been kind to them. must be the sun talking— the heat its rays provide being just enough to warm her insides where she's still frostbitten from winter— but she's counting the numbers, counting the days and by the end of fall.. they might just be back to square one. when winter comes they'll have the clothes on their back and the bordered up windows of their homes but what the hell is that going to do for rumbling bellies? ❝   a whole lot of nothing.   ❞ she mumbles into the campfire as it sparks away in front of her.
colette crumples the dried to bone paper in her hands. maybe she'll finally have to cave. they have more medicine than they've needed over the last three years let alone to survive another winter. she can bargain with the other half of flagstaff. beg and plead until she's red in the face. her heart beats heavy in her ears. flushes her face against the flames and the scorch of summer. is it okay to show weakness if it keeps the people who depend on her alive? she's all too willing to take the risk. she has to be, for them. it isn't their burden to bare. it's her burden.
❝   don't worry, the fire's still got a keeper.   ❞ can feel the presence of another behind her. even when she thinks the town's fast asleep in their beds after a summer night of camaraderie, unaware of the misery in seasons to come, she is reminded she's never truly alone. makes her remember why she's hung on this long. she turns her neck to crane a look at who joins her. ❝   shouldn't be surprised it's you.   ❞ a smile tugs northbound. ❝   myra and benji enjoy themselves tonight?   ❞
¹ @svnbleach / ² starter call .. from colette for lydia hart.
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Cliques -
A team that was made of 3 newbies and a veteran player divided into 4 cliques (Athletes, Brains, Off-Beats & Populars). However, in typical BB fashion only one veteran was allowed to enter the game, this being Jessie Godderz for the Athletes Clique. The Veteran for the Brains Clique would of been Brian Hart from BB10. The Veteran for the Off-Beats Clique would of been Michael (Cowboy) Ellis. The Veteran for the Populars Clique would of been Jessica Hughbanks Brokaw*. The Athletes Clique Newbies were Natalie Martinez Majeran**, Jeff Schroeder and Russell Kairouz. The Brains Clique Newbies were Michele Noonan Ross***, Ronnie Talbott and Chima Simone. The Off-Beats Clique Newbies were Casey Turner, Lydia Tavera & Kevin Campbell. The Populars Clique Newbies were Braden Bacha, Laura Crosby Stein**** & Jordan Lloyd.
*Jessica went by Jessica Hughbanks at the time
**Natalie went by Natalie Martinez at the time
***Michele went by Michele Noonan at the time
****Laura went by Laura Crosby at the time
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jiubilant · 6 months
AND. if I may be so bold. 46 for Ayo <3
46. shimmer
"You are an exception to our order's every stricture, Dragonborn," says Arngeir in farewell, handing her his own stout walking-stick. "Your power, your Voice, is a gift from the gods. So long as you use it in service to their purposes, you cannot stray from the Way."
His pupil of two months shoulders her traveling-pack. She's young, Arngeir thinks, watching her straighten beneath its weight: not so young as his last student, who had come to him in childhood with three wolfskins on his back, but new. Untried. She looks at him with a strange, belligerent eagerness, her face a sun half-eclipsed.
"How should I know," she says, her smile like the shimmer on the snow, "how the gods wish me to use my Voice?"
"For tutelage in the Way, you climbed this mountain." Arngeir does not smile back. "For the answer to that question, you must climb down again."
The Dragonborn, accustomed to such answers, makes a rueful face. She kneels to him in the way of her far folk, her knees crunching in the snow—then springs up to kiss his cheek, heedless of her burdens, in a way that is only her own.
"I'll return with Jurgen's horn," she promises, then grins. "And more parsnips for Borri's stew."
Breath and focus, Arngeir reminds himself, and does not grimace. "No more parsnips."
"Ripe cloudberries!"
"They'll be more than ripe," says Arngeir, "by the time you bring them back—"
"Honey, sadonvum," says the Dragonborn, walking backwards, "for your tea!"
Her housecarl, dressed for travel and waiting with dogged patience at path's edge, catches her before she can fall down the Seven Thousand Steps. At the sound of the Dragonborn's laugh, the wind that knifes through High Hrothgar stills, then swirls up the snow of the forecourt in a delighted dance.
Not even then does Arngeir smile. He watches his pupil of two months, not long enough to learn a single tenet of the Way, start down the mountain—a tempest of his tutelage, like the one who had shattered Markarth with his thu'um.
Behind him, the door of his monastery scrapes. Someone tugs his sleeve: Borri, who has always, since they were boys, walked through snow with a hart's silent tread.
I do not think that one, he signs with ancient hands, will Shout High Kings apart.
"No," Arngeir agrees, his troubled eyes lingering on the Steps. "No. But what will she do?"
* * *
The Dragonborn does a cartwheel in the first open field she meets, or tries to; her pack overbalances her, and she flops into the heather with a whoop.
"The sun!" she says in greeting, and basks in the warm grass. A vole dashes across her hand. She beams at it, half-drunk on freedom and the sweet lowland air, and hails it in the tongue of voles and dragons: "Lok vah, malfahdon!"
Lydia prods her with a foot. "My Thane, we have leagues to travel today—"
The Dragonborn grins and yanks her legs out from under her. The wrestling-match that ensues is brief and unheroic: they crash through the heather, startling a family of grouse, and then Lydia is sitting on the Dragonborn's chest.
"Don't be cross," she laughs, seeing the look on her housecarl's face. "Aren't you glad to be gone from that mountain?"
"Yes, my Thane," says Lydia with utmost patience, breathing hard, "but—"
"No more parsnips!"
Lydia's stubborn scowl wobbles.
"No more parsnips," she concedes, and ducks her head to hide a smile.
Her hair tickles the Dragonborn's nose. Something tugs in her chest, as though a lock of it has snarled around her heart.
"Look," she says, smiling. "Everything listens, down here. Not like those lazy mountain stones." She stretches her arm across the sunlit grass, cupping her hand in invitation. "Malfahdon!"
The heather rustles. The grass parts. The vole, quivering with terror or joy, crawls obligingly into her palm.
[send me a number, and i'll write a microfic using the word or phrase!]
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simmingnate · 8 days
Thanks for watching the first episode of #JohnnyWantsAWife!
Aliyah, Haven and Lydia will be missed - but there are still plenty more fascinating ladies for Johnny to choose from! Until next time… 💘
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skyesdaisys · 11 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, ally mayfair-richards, kai anderson, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson, montana duke)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why), nate archibald (gossip girl)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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whitedahlia13 · 1 year
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When he kissed me I knew my whole world changed in an instant; he was both darkness and light as his heat settled in my soul. He was fire and I was burning alive.
-N.R. Hart *
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