#lynn asks
zimmerdouche · 2 years
Out of all the members of SMH, who do you think you would win in a fight against?
disclaimer: i’m a scrappy one, and all of these are based on the assumption that the member would fistfight me considering i’m 4’11” and relatively feminine, modern attitudes be damned. this one’s been in my inbox for literal years, so (ryan bergara voice) let’s get into it.
b. shitty knight: if he still had his flow and had it pulled back, i could theoretically yank on the ponytail and get him prone and win by pure virtue of simply sitting on his chest. if he stays upright, he’d get me good.
jack zimmermann: i would not win, not only bc he’s a literal nhl player and can beat me simply by being in shape, but i WOULD get distracted by his eyes. i am only human.
adam birkholtz and justin oluransi: do you truly think either of them would get into a fight without the other? 2 vs 1, i’m absolutely fucked. even if it was just one, they are Big and i am Small.
larissa duan: lardo would absolutely obliterate me. i did not want to even consider getting into a fight with her, it is a terrifying idea.
eric bittle: we’re getting somewhere? i’m from the bible belt as well, i could wear him down with southern insults. once it got physical, it’d be a bit harder, esp if we’re considering this senior year bitty. i’d consider this an ugly but well balanced fight. bitty would ultimate prevail, however.
william poindexter: would eat me alive.
derek nurse: would ALSO eat me alive.
christopher chow: first, why would i want to? his goalie face would make me piss my pants and he’s got nearly a foot on me besides. i would not win.
connor whisk: would slice my throat with a side eye.
anthony tangredi: plays mind games. i am weak in that aspect.
denice ford: realistically, the one i may actually win, based on height differential, the fact that we were both stage managers, and that we handle rowdy college students. if i had to pick someone to fight, it would be foxtrot, but i don’t want to, because more than likely we’d be good friends.
river bullard: he’d destroy me, why would you think anything else. in theory i could use my ponytail technique but bully would be a lot harder to tip than shitty.
jonathan hopper: see chowder. plus, i’d have to face his mom after that, and if i’m fresh out of a fight she’d take me out on principle.
lukas landmann: a being of pure chaos. i am powerless against him.
in short: don’t bet on me, i ain’t shit.
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verymuchablog42 · 2 years
Thank you for asking for a song rec, spreading my music agenda is literally my favorite thing to do :D
i think everyone ever should listen to "Backwards Centaur" by Happy Belated, it's one of my favorites <3 (if u like this song, the whole ep is incredible)
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ebbing-terror · 3 months
(Open rp??👀👀👀 Multiple threads/ responders welcome!)
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Okay, obviously that's a trap. She's not that stupid.
But...If she's careful it won't set off...
Lynn was hungry and the pear looked so soft and succulent waiting under the box. Her mouth watered imagining the sweet juice of her favorite fruit and ot drove the girl to creep closer. easing down to her knees, Lynn looked around the surrounding bushes and trees. This was put here for an animal, right? Well that's no good.
Must've been a pretty big animal judging by the size of the box- (conveniently large enough for Lynn.)- Was this trap meant for tanukis? Baby bears? Resentful emotions churned inside Lynn. Poachers should be killed. She should get Mahito and wait around for the hunter to make his rounds, it would be an easy catch- ironic justice.
She leaned down further and further untill her thighs were against her tummy, honed in on the prize. Lynn inched closer and reached for the pear but the moment she touched it the fruit tumbled down a slope leading deeper into the box. Cursing under her breath as the pear fell into the shadows Lynn had no choice but to shimmy underneath...Just a little...
Then a little more....
How far back did it go?! Ugh.
More of Lynn's body ventured deeper under the box until she was in all the way, crawling on her belly and elbows as her hand patted around in search of the pear. Finally she grabbed hold of the troublesome fruit and brought it to her mouth- biting it to hold as she began to carefully shuffle backwards.
Lynn peered over her shoulder, watching the stick that propped the box up and making sure not to knock it out of place.
Lynn's eyes widened, ears perking at the sound. her elbow had landed on some switch hidden under leaves. In that second a metal tab flicked up from under the stick and the box slammed down, shutting lynn in darkness.
"Fuck!!!" She cussed with a mouth full of pear. Oh well, the box couldn't be too heavy, right?
But it was. It was heavier than Lynn could've ever imagined. She pushed with her back and arms before she tried laying down and using her legs. She groaned and kicked in frustration, huffing at the increasing heat building underneath the box. Damn it!!!
Slumping against the box Lynn fished her phone out, only to realize she had no signal out here in the woods. Fuck. FUCK!!!
The girl took a bite of the pear, crossing her legs as she seethed in her situation. At least she had a snack and a good place to nap until Junpei or Mahito eventually came looking for her...Lynn held her cheek in her hand, already able to hear Junpei fussing over this. She'd never hear the end of it.
Once the pear was all ate up Lynn chewed on the stem and started digging around, looking for her own way out. Unfortunately for her there was a sheet of metal beneath a shallow layer of soil and foliage, thwarting any means of escape.
It's fine...It's fine!! Don't panic...You haven't been here long...Someone would come soon. Don't freak out.
Don't freak out.
Lynn abruptly slammed herself against a side of the crate but it didn't budge and all she got out of it was a sore shoulder so she plopped back, rubbing and squeezing the aching muscles. Who put this trap out here?! Lynn wanted them dead more than ever!!
Well, she was stuck...All she could do was sit, wait, and think about her life choices...
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graegrape · 2 years
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turnipoddity · 4 months
I wanna see you put these gay little fellas in a batik I wanna see how they'd look like
oh you GOT me with this one. this is my all time favorite ask i love you anon AKSJAKKSKSK
anyway. hits your faves with indonesian beam
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lynnlovesthestars · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Harleep, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor with kind and patient gn s/o? This is quite self-indulgent of me because I have been told I'm too nice & so patient so I'm curious how they would react XD
first of all sorry for being so late, but my small brain has to process things multiple times to make sense, so i wrote this like... 5 times? So it takes me a while, but i hope that waiting was worth it.
Also i saw you sent a second ask to see if i recieved this one, so ill put dammon and rolan there cause this is starting to get a bit long:3<3 thank you so much for your patience!:3
Taglist: @sessils @spacebarbarianweird
Headcanon: BG3 men with kind and patient s/o. (pt. 1)
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Zevlor is emotionally a wreck already, he considers kindness a virtue and it definitely makes him swoon when he notices you put extra care in making sure he's treated with kindness. At the end of the day, he basically got bullied on all fronts when all he really wants is to prove himself worthy of the title he carried for so long.
Zevlor has a short temper too, and he appreciates so much your effort and patience in dealing with his outbursts, whether they are of rage- not towards you of course- or of sadness, you offer always a shoulder for him and he cherishes it so much.
He is lowkey jealous when he notices that your kindness is not mostly exclusive to him, he has learned that people can abuse one's patience and care, and 1. he doesn't want you to get hurt, 2. he wishes your kindness was maybe reserved to him. Call him selfish, but after being deprived of it for so long, he is hesitant to let go of it.
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Initially he would be very wary, in his experience being nice always lead to him getting hurt, so why would he trust someone who's default reply is kindness? At the end of the day the last time someone was '''''kind''''' to him, he was turned in a vampire spawn, so he takes it extra slow, he has just regained control over himself, he won't blindly accept kindness. He's lowkey afraid you are just part of a bigger scheme that will bite him in the ass and leave him shackled and caged again.
Once he gets accustomed to your kindness and finally accepts it, he revels in the kindness you offer and your patience, especially the smallest gestures like opening a door for him. He will literally melt for it, he's already smitten, your kindness leaves him like mush in your hands.
Nevetheless every good side, comes with a negative one. He is dead afraid your kindness will bring you to get hurt. He often reminds you to be weary and keep all your kindness for people you trust (HIM), rather than going around and helping every lost soul that asks for help. He will fight you on this a few times- especially if you do get hurt or it is obvious you are about to- he will not bite his tongue and keep it for himself, and that's one of the moments when he's glad you are patient.
You understand where it comes from and you try your best to find a solution that would make both happy. Your patience of course doesn't stop there, he knows he's an handful: he carries an heavy trauma baggage and he has a feisty personality, yet you always show him you don't mind, that you are there for him and that he can take all the time of the universe to sort his problems out.
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Wyll would find it so endearing, how you are ready to go to someone's aid, you stop on your tracks to support someone in need, and he would love seeing you being kind to everyone. It's probably one of the reasons why he falls in love with you. Unlike Astarion he encourages you to be kind to everyone, cause he considers it a virtue, he incourages you to be the best version of yourself, and he reminds you that if you do get hurt, he will be there to pick up the pieces.
As far as patience goes, he's grateful to the moon and back, he knows he is an handful, especially if he doesn't break his pact with Mizora and has to leave more times than ever. He makes sure once he's back though that he makes up for lost time, whether it is with gifts or by taking care of you.
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Harleep is so used to Raphael that honestly he's taken aback at first, living in the hells means that kindness is hard to come by and around Raphael? It's either a trick or a miracle, so he brushes it off, not repelled like Astarion would, but definitely not eager like Wyll either.. he would be probably the one that takes it as it is, just.. that. But when he gets used to it? He becomes unsufferable. So unsufferable that he goes around demanding Raphael to be treated with kindness and patience! He purrs whenever you are nice even the smallest, thanking you and praising you like a goddess. He even tries to be nice himself- to you only- and despite it has to be and effort, since he has never been exposed to much kindness, he does become a little more mindful, even asking before taking your form or just with small acts of services.
One time Rapahel makes sure to send a message to you through him. "Tav, Raphael asked you stop being nice to me, cause if i demand it from him as well, he's going to turn me into fertilizer", message delivered with a pout that begs exactly the opposite.
Harleep is another that is deeply afraid of your kindness. Let's be real, you can defend yourself as much as you want, but people tend to use people and your kindness is one of those characteristics evil people would pry on- he knows well since its literally part of what he does, and a facet of what Raphael does as well. He probably scolds you a lot for this reason, he does it in a sweet way- don't get me wrong- he sugarcoats the shit out of it, but he will let you know when you are about to get in peril or you are too careless with your kindness.
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Gale is touched by your kindness, already from the first days after meeting him.
You had helped him out of his blotched portal, you fed him artifacts, you didn't question his secrets or push him to reveal anything, and he doesn't give that for granted. Once he's closer to you, and he learns that you are unconditionally kind to everyone, he's scared.
He starts warning you to be a little less nice, to use your judgement before you blindly trust a stranger, but he doesn't push it past a warning. As much as he wants to protect you, he doesn't want to take away your chance to grow from your errors.
In matter of your patience he's so grateful, he spends days thanking you when he's still afflicted with the orb condition, he cooks as a form of apology or thanks depending what he did, he gets baths started for you, he's treating you as a queen/ king. He alread would do it, but with you? He's even more protective, he almost feels like he has to match your kindness and patience with as much attentions he can muster.
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Halsin is a fair man you think he wishes everyone was kind, but he actually wants you to be fair, he wants you to be mindful of who you give kindness to, he wants you to be a reasonable judge rather than unconditionally nice cause it is the way of the nature as well. Nature is not only nurturing and lush, it's also the poisonous vipers and herbs.
Does he appreciate when you are kind? Absolutely, he thinks it's the best gift Silvanus has ever bestowed him, but it doesn't take away the fact that he wants you to be treated kindly as well, so the moment someone crosses the line and starts abusing your kindness or becomes rude, he's definitely stepping in to s h a m e the other person. "You are lucky you have met Tav, cause they are kind, but nature wouldn't be so understanding and patient" He says it with a rage you rarely see in his eyes.
He will do his best to remind you to surely practice kindness but also to be mindful who you help and who you are kind to, cause there's always rotten that can harm you, and lowkey if you get hurt he will invite you to take back what you gave.
Despite this Halsin considers kindness the bare minimum a person should be, and what stops him from encouraging you to be kinder, its just the knowledge that you might get hurt.
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buglaur · 20 days
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i've been playing the game in my own time but i gotta share this lil angel cus she's the cutest toddler my sims have ever had
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dizzybizz · 5 months
al lsasints steret 🥺
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i lvoe alll saints stereettttrahghghhhh
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purrassicjet · 5 months
Sandra Lynn's little moment with Adaine at the party I'm going to CRY. She loves those kids so much. She thinks she failed Fig, but she keeps trying anyway. She immediately switches tone when she thinks Fig is overworking herself. She wants to talk about Mom stuff with Adaine. She's stressed at work but still makes time for the kids.
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ourdadai · 7 months
✿ jennie ꒰ blackpink ꒱ lockscreens !
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zimmerdouche · 1 year
thank you 🙏🏽 for noticing bad bob’s shorts and polo, I went for a basic white dad fit helping their kid on move in day lmao
my dad wore the exact same thing moving me into my dorm freshman year so
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slashthrashandcrash · 17 days
*slamming fists on table*
More. Toxic. Yuri
Give Amanda a girlfriend or something
You fool, she already has a toxic yuri girlfriend. Her name is Dr. Lynn and they are both alive and well.
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lakesparkles · 6 months
Can you draw Herb as a bear one more time? Im in love with that idea of yours and i can't stop thinking abt him
I'm happy you like this idea, thank you!!
Here's him :D
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krazieka2 · 10 months
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I did Huevember this year!! That's a lot of fire emblem.
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asterrisms · 1 year
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killing eve lynnmanda au ^.^
((commissions are open ♥))
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lynnlovesthestars · 10 months
Could you do a Astarion x Tiefling Reader were they are sitting alone underneath there tents canopy in and they are sewing to pass the time humming and doesn't notice Astarion walk up after he was looking for them . ( they could be making something for him maybe for his 'birthday' after learning that it was that day ) .
omg sorry i took so long but my creativity juices flow in funny ways ahah.. to make it a little easier for me, since my tiny brain has been having a hard time in putting words down, i thought it would have been nice to tie this up with a oneshot i wrote a few weeks ago.. i wish i followed better your prompt- though i hope you'll like it.
Ofc reading the part before this won't change the experience, but it was nice to tie them together cause it gave a little continuity and idk anyways i hope you'll like it though it's mostly introspective and a lil angsty when astarion shows up..
Part 1. (the one shot i tied this to)
My prompt list for requests.
Taglist: @sessils @spacebarbarianweird (i forgot to add it yesterday cause im an idiot, but better late than never ahah)
Pairing: astarion x GN!tiefling!reader
Summary: the huge tear in his shirt caught your eye again, and you decided to give him a reminder that someone cared about him.
Genre: angsty?, lots of thinking, self-doubt, avoidance✨
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You never noticed the tears carefully patched up on Astarion’s shirt until you were retrieving your dried clothes from the fire.
His button up sat up ripped on the stone like you left it on the night before, yet you still couldn’t help but focus on the smaller sewn tears already covering the fabric. It was such a precise job, that you wouldn’t have been able to tell that the fabric was ever broken until you looked closely and the places where the thread was tightly pulled became clearer.
You made a mental note of it as you walked back to your tent, holding up the bundle of yours and Astarion’s clothes.
The camp was lively that morning: yelling, singing, clattering of bottles and pans, along with rustling of the leaves had saturated the air, charging it with an electrifying energy.
In the middle of the chaos, your brain still stirred towards Astarion and the way you woke up curled up in his side, while he was meditating.
The tension that filled the tent the night before was gone. The only thing left from the night before was the ghost of his bite on your neck, and his body holding you to him.
When he broke his trance, he acted like nothing ever happened. Like you didn’t sleep twisted with him, or the way he drove you insane the night before.
You could still feel his lips on your neck as you collected your sewing kit from the tent, which still smelled like him, blood and bergamot.
As you spread the shirt on your lap, you could relive the events of the night before like a bard stuck on encore after encore.
You could feel the warmth of your bodies pressed to each other still spreading over your skin as you carefully prepared the essential to fix the tear.
You studied the tear that spread over the back, you knew it was going to be hard to make it seem flawless like the rest of them, but you wanted to attempt for him.
Worst case scenario, it was gonna stay broken anyways.
As you started to work on the tear, and you noticed how the uneven edges were not coming out nicely, an idea spurred in your mind.
At worst you were already planning on buying him a new one when you reached Baldur’s Gate. You had connections in the lower city, and you knew you could get a tailor to make the same button up if you brought a reference.
You worked on the shirt for what felt like hours, while everyone was enjoying their day, whether they took care of chores around camp or disappeared for walks, but as everyone came and left, the only one you had not seen was Astarion.
It was only when the sun was starting to set that you finally spotted him near his tent as he was looking for something in his bag.
You were just done with the shirt, and you couldn't help but hope he liked it.
You folded the shirt carefully along with the rest of his clothes, and as you were ready to head towards Astarion, he already stood in front of you.
His face was unreadable like he wanted to convey a specific emotion, but couldn't figure out how to. He was tense, his arms were frozen at his sides, so you decided to break the ice.
“I did this for you” You carefully showed him the pile of his neatly folded clothes, and his shirt on top.
“I wanted to fix your shirt, but the tear was too-” You started but before you could explain, Astarion had stopped you almost harshly.
“You didn't have to”He said briefly, it sounded mostly like an admonishment, yet you could have sworn there was some sort of softness to it. 
“I know, but I wanted to” 
“Why?” His furrowed brows were inquisitive, trying to gauge your intentions as he wetted his lips. 
“Cause I care about you, I literally told you yesterday” The words slipped out of your lips just as quickly as your tail was swishing nervously.
He scoffed, folding his arms and turning his eyes away from you. “No one does things for free” You could tell there was something odd from him, as if he was trying to bury something under this indifference he was trying to put up now.
“Count this as a gift then” You jutted your chin towards him and invited him to take the clothes still in your arms.
He was taken aback by the simplicity with which you said those words, almost carelessly, and most of all to the person that deserved them the least, especially how hard he was being with you.
He wanted to quip back but you resumed your explanation before he could even think of a response and he wanted to hate it so much. 
“As I was saying, I tried to fix the tear, but it didn't want to look nice, so I embroidered the shirt with a gold pattern” You explained as you pointed at the button up. Astarion was so focused on shielding himself that he didn’t even look at his clothes, she could have gave him one of her shirts for what he knew and he would have not realized it until he would be in his tent. 
His eyes finally fell on the piece of clothing his mouth fell slightly open. He traced the golden thread carefully, as if it was a creation of his sick mind. “I hope it’s not too much.”You trailed off, your words were warm, almost sticking to his skin like glue. He wanted to shake them off himself, he wanted to yell that he didn’t deserve such attentions, that you were an idiot to do all of this for someone that had planned to use you, but it was like something in his body stopped him from screaming and lashing out at you, the only thing he could manage to do was the simple task he gave himself in the morning.
“I came here to thank you for last night, and for your kindness” He started with a honeyed voice. “But I suppose I have one more thing to add to the list” He clutched the bundle of clothes to his chest, tipping his head forward in thank you.
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