#lyons horse ranch
bearphase · 1 year
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Outdoorsy stuff.
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violettssims · 1 year
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just us two
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all-the-things-2020 · 11 months
No Better Place - Masterlist
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“There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse.” - Missy Lyons
Summary: Javier Pena has returned to his father’s Texas ranch after suddenly quitting the DEA. Will a chance encounter with a new neighbor help him figure out how to move on with his life?
Rating: 18+ only! This is Javi P. we’re talking about so there is SMUT. Minors do not enter! Smut begins with chapter 9.
Disclaimer: I have never watched Narcos, I’ve never been to Texas, and I know nothing about law enforcement. I do know a little about horses, though. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter
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tdciago · 8 months
Fargo: C and Ch
(Originally posted to Reddit on 1/20/24)
I want to point out a couple of significant things that Noah Hawley did with alphabet letters in the finale. You can reject my interpretation of their meaning, but we should at least acknowledge that they were done.
The first is the absence of the letter C, but its repeated use as a sound in a spoken phrase.
The episode title, Bisquik, leaves the letter c out of the brand name, even though we've seen the correct spelling on the box several times during season 5, and the product has been mentioned many times.
Lorraine, in her description of Roy's punishment, mentions that she's helping prisoners in cell blocks D, B, and A, but not C. Once again, the C is missing.
During the scene in Dot's house, the phrase "across the sea" is spoken three times. If we think of sea as c, this phrase becomes part of the motif that highlights the letter c in this episode. We've also had references to "seeing" throughout this season, including eye patches and complete blindness, or lack of seeing/c-ing.
One of the meanings of C is cancer, as in the big C. Roy has said, "Cancer can't survive outside of the body," and Jordan Seymore repeatedly emphasized that he had cancer, and that, "I need this cancer out of me!"
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Cigarette smoking is a major cause of cancer, and Lorraine gives Roy a pack of cigarettes with the fictional brand name Original, as in "original sin."
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This "gift" can be seen as paying off the Trojan horse idea that was depicted in the shot through the windmill blades, showing two buildings on the ranch configured like a Trojan horse. The blades of the windmill itself look like matches with red tips, and the windmill is a gravesite. We can associate this with the cancer-causing cigarettes accepted by Roy. They are presented as a gift (because he can theoretically use them to bargain away abuse), but they are actually something harmful, just like a Trojan horse.
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Munch also mentions being approached by a man with a "wealthy horse" to be given food and two coins. This was also a Trojan horse, because the food was actually sin.
Munch's sins are like a cancer that he can't get out of him.
Now for the second unusual thing with letters in the finale.
In the space of a few minutes, we hear the words chili, cheddar, chopsticks, chocolate, chimpanzees, and choice. That's an odd assortment of words, particularly the decision to include chopsticks and chimpanzees. What's going on with all those ch words?
The letter combination ch is a digraph: "two letters used to represent one sound," from Greek di- "twice" (from PIE root *dwo- "two") + -graph "something written," from Greek graphe "writing," from graphein "to write, express by written characters," earlier "to draw, represent by lines drawn" (see -graphy)."
I've theorized that season 5 is a story being written by Gaear Grimsrud, the kidnapper and killer of Jean Lundegaard in the Fargo movie, and that he was representing himself in the narrative as two characters: Ole Munch and Roy Tillman.
Munch is the pancake lover who just wants some peace and quiet. Roy is the domineering Marlboro Man side of Gaear, who commits ruthless murders.
In the movie, another character says of Gaear, "You know, he looked like the Marlboro Man." She proposes that this may be a subconscious thing, "'cause he smoked a lot of Marlboros." And Noah Hawley described Roy's look as the Marlboro Man.
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The purpose of writing this story would be to pay a debt to Jean in the only way possible now, and to gain her forgiveness and hopefully some measure of redemption.
Just as Dot (who represents Jean) gives Munch the biscuit and speaks of forgiveness, the movie theme music kicks in. The victim has forgiven the perpetrator. In the previous episode, the perpetrator literally pulled the victim from the grave, resurrecting her in the form of this fictional character, Dorothy Lyon.
The only thing left now is redemption. So Munch eats the biscuit and is apparently freed from the curse of sin. At the same time, Roy (his other half) is damned to eternal hell for the crimes he has committed.
So there is both acknowledgement of Gaear's crimes, and recognition that they deserve punishment, but also some measure of salvation in the fact that his victim forgives him.
This is my interpretation of the finale. I also believe these events are taking place, within the story, as a bardo in the afterlife, a liminal transition space in which earthly trauma and sins can be worked out before reincarnation, much like Camp Utopia was for the abused women in Linda. As Munch says, "This is the other side."
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We've had various discussions before about reincarnation and cycles, and if we look back, there are a lot of hints along the way that could point to smoking and cancer. I think this is what the author is dying from.
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However you interpret the finale, we should recognize that Noah Hawley was trying to convey something with his emphasis on C and Ch.
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isobel-thorm · 5 years
Meet the Uncles
@amistrio was showing me up with Gatthew content so I finally made something for our boys aside from the one that’s taking ages.
It’s finally “Meet the Parents” time for Deputies Matthew Rook and Grant Lyons. But the latter’s family has one major difference than Matthew’s usual experience at that milestone, and he’s never been so grateful in his life.
So far, this had been the easiest “Meet the Parents” event Matthew Rook had ever gone through. 
He had been the ‘very good friend’ at a handful, and thr ones where he was allowed to actually be the doting boyfriend, he had to deal with some level of homophobia from his beau’s family or his own.
It was his understanding that Grant’s parents would most likely end up somewhere on the latter list, but his uncles were another story entirely - mostly because they had been in the same boat.
Russell and Charles Lyons were, well, everything Matt hoped he could be with somebody, whether it was Grant, or if things went catastrophically wrong, whoever came after him.
Considering they were also gay and clearly had no issues with the couple logistics he and Grant had, Matthew had to wonder if this was as close to a heterosexual “meet the parents” as he’d get. It was all personal questions, stereotype free.
There weren’t any awkward questions about who wore the pants, Matt’s favorite ‘how are you protecting yourselves’, ‘what’s your stance on your kind being able to get married, isn’t calling each other partners enough?’. It was just asking for elaboration on stuff Grant had clearly told them before: ‘how do you like bring a cop?’ ‘how did you two meet on the force?’ ‘first impression?’. There had been the classic ‘how did you two find out?’ with the unspoken ‘about mutually batting for the other team’, but the ‘been there, done that’ look on Russell’s face as he asked and Charles’ own knowing smile derailed what had started as animosity in Matthew’s gut. He figured it wasn’t a scandal or a minefield for them. It was just another take on ‘how did you meet’- ‘when did you find out you could completely be yourselves around each other’. They asked because they had that same milestone.
Grant rubbed the back of his head idly. “Unfortunately entirely timed well, Nic kinda sorta outed me-“
Charles dropped his fork so quickly and loudly Matthew jumped, and even Russell looked devastated briefly. “Nic? Our Nic?” he asked, the same time Charles firmly declared, “Shame on her, I expected better.”
Matthew had heard how the two men had clearly cared about Grant’s best friend, and he had always been around when Nic asked Grant about how they were doing. The three of them had bonded over their love for Grant- as had he and Nic. He opened his mouth to protest, but Grant was faster.
“No, no! Nothing like that. Like I said, timing. She was asking me about a potential date and had said ‘he’ several times and had no idea Matt was right behind us-“
“Honest mistake,” Matthew agreed. “Came up to check about a warrant. The conversation was almost done by the time I got to the main lobby.”
Grant nodded, then looked at Charles. “See? No harm done. She was latched onto me the whole rest of the day, begging for forgiveness. She’s good, we’re good, she can still wipe the floor with you on Words With Friends.”
“I’m beating her now, thank you very much,” Charles objected.
Russell swatted his knee playfully, then looked at Matthew. “How’d that particular reveal go for you, considering you two more or less share that same secret? Did you tell him right then?”
Matthew shrugged. “Told him Jake Stone was a selfish piece of work that wasn’t worth his time,” he explained, then grinned wash the other three smiled. “Nic’s whole face lit up. I thought it was relief that she didn’t out this one to anybody dangerous. Turns out she was just plotting that ‘blind date.’”
“And the rest is history,” Grant concluded. He looked at Matthew, and when the other man smiled at him, he leaned forward and kissed him.
Matt returned it happily, but out of habit he glanced at Russell and Charles, still expecting disgust, but no, that was different too, as it should’ve been. No disgust, no discomfort, just soft smiles- and then slight discomfort, but more so in the ‘let’s give them as much privacy as a dinner table could allow for’ sense.
If he was a worse man, he might’ve been jealous. This is what family should’ve been, this is what he had longed for. At least this was technically his now, if only by extension.
The conversation went on. Grant had made a playful comment about them being under the microscope so much that it was their turn. And so their round of questions had began.
 Russell and Charles had met in the 80s- ‘a different time mind you, it took us years to realize we had a lot more in common than we thought- no Grindr or Facebook or anything’ that had Matt laughing into his drink. They had gotten together, and then Grant’s parents had started to wonder about his sexuality in the late 90s and sent him off to spend time with them ‘because they’d better understand him’ - a practice that Matt could see probably meant well but it was entirely filled with holes and questionable at best. And Grant had felt more at home with them than he ever had, had fallen in love with the ranch, Wyoming, the horses- and had tried to stay put until his parents absolutely needed him home - ‘for photo ops and such, we could imagine’- which had Grant grimacing into his own drink. Matthew had given his hand a subtle squeeze and Grant had squeezed back. Things had quieted down in Russell and Charles’ lives after that, and then when they had heard about the gay marriage ban being lifted, and the pair had simultaneously looked away from the news, straight at the other and proposed simultaneously- ‘and the rest was history’ Charles had echoed. 
“But now look at this, a native man and the most decent white man around, and then the white man’s nephew ending up with a native man. A little on the nose, don’t you think?” he had concluded. In perfect harmony, Russell and Grant had both choked on their mouthful of food and made identical noises of protest as Matt had laughed, reassured by the conspiratorial look Charles had sent his way, until he cracked and laughed. “I’m joking! I’m joking! I’m sorry! There’s nothing to it, it’s chance, I know. Grant’s not like that, we made sure he isn’t.”
Grant crumbled up his napkin and thrown it at Charles’ head and the older man had ducked it and tossed his hands up in additional apology.
Embarrassment aside, Matthew had never seen Grant do something so lax he was almost grateful for the joke. He leaned against Grant’s side and tucked the side of his head into Grant’s neck for good measure. The angle was weird and uncomfortable with how they were sitting, but he figured it was necessary.
Grant had leaned into him nearly immediately. He went to take a drink, then paused and lifted his head to look at him. “For the record, I don’t have a Native American kink, I have a you kink.” he objected and looked Charles dead in the eye.
Russell had let out a surprised bark of a laugh at that and looked at Charles, who merely put his hands up again.
The rest of the dinner went along without issue. The four of them had continued their discussion, comparing notes as a couple, comparing their life experiences in changing times, sharing plans. It was… nice.
They had cleaned up and done dishes quickly, with Russell and Charles washing and Matt and Grant drying. Charles and Matthew had been finishing the last couple of dishes up when Russell and Grant had borrowed Grant for ‘a last round on the stable’ and the pair had left the house.
Charles and Matthew had left for the stables after that to check-in. And for some reason, it wasn’t until they were a few yards away that the lightbulb went off in Matthew’s head that stables meant horses and his pace slowed to nearly half what he had been walking at. Shit.
Sure enough, Russell and Grant came into view a few seconds later, tidying one of the stables where three of those gigantic, child-hating asshats were. Grant was brushing the brown one off to the side, talking to it quietly. Matt shoved his hands in his pockets and bit his lip to distract himself from pointing out that that thing was gonna eat Grant. After a few seconds he was certain that he had bitten his cheek enough that it would be sore for days.
Still, Matthew couldn’t help but notice how relaxed Grant looked once they got close enough to see details.
He knew Grant had come a long way since they met, since they started this relationship. A lot of people had commented that some of Grant’s progress was due to him, but Matthew wasn’t exactly fond of that analysis. Grant had pulled himself out of that darkness for the most part. But he still had lots of work to put in. Matthew knew that some of that darkness was just part of Grant and would be forever, he could see it in his eyes. But with that horse, a lot of whatever pain he could still see was notably absent as he looked at the horse and spoke to it with such fondness that Matthew ached- but it was a good ache. He looked at Charles briefly, and judging by the relieved smile he was giving Grant, he realized he was probably in good company with those thoughts.
Charles caught him looking and smiled softly before looking back at Grant. “You know, this is the first time I’ve seen him smile that big in months.” When Matthew looked at him, his lips twitched up again, then he sighed. “Between us, Russ and I… when Grant came home from overseas after… everything, we weren’t sure how much of our nephew was left to come home. We were terrified for him, and… well, we had a lot of right to be. If you knew him before… … he was a shell for a while. He tried, he didn’t want to be… like that. Had the nerve to call himself a burden once. Nic helped. She got the ball rolling for him, but you… whatever you did, however you helped… you got our nephew back. So thank you for that.”
So it was the exact same thought. “Can’t take all the credit. Like you said, he’s been trying a lot himself.”
Charles clapped him on the back at that, and the sheer paternal energy nearly made Matthew get choked up on the spot.
Charles nodded towards the pasture. “Come on. You wanna meet them?”
He meant the horses. Fuck. Moment ruined. “I uh… I’m good here. I’ve got a… thing with horses.”
Charles arched an eyebrow, but said nothing and walked to join Russell.
Matthew turned his attention back to Grant, only to see the same horse Grant had been petting before walking towards him. He panicked for a moment when the horse reared its head towards Grant and he figured this was it, his point was about to be proven because the horse was going to bite Grant’s face off-
But instead, the horse merely nudged the juncture of Grant’s neck and shoulder.
Grant laughed and gave the horse a pat on the neck.
The horse moved again and Matt panicked a second time when the horse practically moved face to face with him, and this was it, he was about to see some shit-
And once more, the horse just snorted and moved so it could press closer to Grant.
The other man finally seemed to notice he and Russell had an audience and looked up. He grinned. “Looks like Sundance takes after you.”
“Sundance can get in line,” Matthew countered.
Grant scoffed, then leaned forward out of the stable.
Matthew scoffed back, then knowing full well what Grant was getting at, kissed him soundly. And then immediately heard the same snorting noise that Sundance had made, suddenly directly next to his ear. He let out an extremely undignified yelp and darted away.
Grant, at least, had the nerve to look apologetic as he tried to push Sundance further away, but the horse seemed intent on cuddling with him.
Matt huffed, then stepped back - right into something exceptionally sturdy with what felt like bristles all over and - he knew what was coming before he turned around, but seeing another horse’s face right next to him was still horrifying. “Oh God!” he jumped back again, then when he realized he would end up right next to Sundance again, he pressed himself up against the fence and yanked one of Grant’s arms around him so they were flush up against each other - and an equal distance away from the horses.
Sundance tossed its head a few times at the development, but the other one started moseying closer.
“Cajun, no,” Grant told it. Still, the horse seemed intent on investigating Matthew further. “Well, I guess he likes you. He wants to be friends.”
“Yeah, luring me into a false friendship so I can have a sense of security and then eat me,” Mathew clarified.
Cajun let out a huff of his own at that, and Grant laughed. “Yeah! That wasn’t nice, apologize to Cajun!”
“But I-”
“They can sense fear, you know.”
“Fine! Fine!” Matthew snapped. He ducked, then reached over carefully, inch by inch. His fingertips finally made contact with Cajun’s neck, then his fingers, and before long he had his whole hand on him, and he gave the horse a couple of experimental pets. He drew back with his hand thankfully intact. He looked up at Grant, then Russell a few feet away, then Charles.
The latter two were giving him a fond but uncertain look. “‘I was a kid, a horse bit me’,long story short.”
“Ah,” Russell nodded. “That rules out a night ride then.”
“A what?”
Russell motioned at the horses. “We take these guys on a quick turn around the property. We aren’t gonna pressure you or anything, contrary to the whole ‘country bumpkin’ belief you’ve probably got,” he added with a smile.
“That’s not-I’m not-“ Matthew blurted, then sighed. He looked at Grant again. “Why are your uncles so mean?” he hissed.
“They like you, they’re trying to make you one of us quicker. It’s fine, I can stay at the house with you,” Grant assured him.
Matthew untangled himself from Grant and stepped away from him.
Charles, who had brought another horse over to get it saddled, gave Matthew another reassuring pat on the back that nearly had Matt crying again, then offered a wink. “If we don’t see you, goodnight.”
“Night,” Grant echoed. He reached over to give Sundance a parting pat.
Matthew watched him, then couldn’t help the guilty little pit in his stomach that started up. He watched Grant start to lead Sundance away, then watched Russell and Charles getting the tack or whatever the world's most useless equipment was called on two of the other horses, then sighed. He had just found a decent, accepting family, was he really going to be the odd man out, nor did he want to disappoint them, nor did he want to take Grant away from them in any capacity.
“Wait!” he blurted.
Grant, who had already started to climb the fence out, stopped short. “What?”
“Oh, get on the horse, you asshole!” Matthew objected.
Double shit. He was gonna do this. “Hey uh, Charles? How do you…?” he motioned at the tack, then at Cajun, who had started to drift back over like he knew exactly what he was getting at.
Charles caught on after a few seconds and nodded. “Coming right up.”
Grant did, too. “Come on. You don’t have to do this. You never push me if I don’t want-“
“Yeah, well your stuff is… heavy. Mine’s… relatively light.” He moves when Cajun went to sniff his face. “Still, if this guy eats my face, I’m haunting you.”
“Noted. Are you sure…?”
“Yes.” Shitballs.
By the time Charles had finished getting Cajun ready for a ride, Matthew was a ball of nervous energy, and convinced Cajun was just nudging him to see how gamey he was.
Charles signaled that it was okay for him to get on.
Fucking shitballs.
He tried to remember the basics and what he had seen on shows. Grab handle on saddle, left foot stirrup, right foot up, swing -
He landed a little too lopsided, but he didn’t face plant, so he couldn’t complain. Well, he could, but not when the three others were looking at him so proudly.
It almost made up for how childish he felt when the three of them started coaching him through how to get the horse to go and how to sit and hold the reins properly.
Baby steps, he reminded himself. Everything started with baby steps, and this might as well have been a giant leap.
Still, he hopefully got bonus points for trying.
A few minutes later, once things had calmed down and he was riding decently for a beginner and his face and finger were intact and decidedly not Cajun’s late night snack, he slowed Cajun down so he was shoulder to shoulder with Grant and Sundance. “You owe me Tim’s on the drive home.”
“... And sex when we get home.”
“For that… you have to beat me back to the stable,” Grant replied, and then did something with his knees that had Sundance speeding up- not by much, but enough to make a bit of a difference.
“Oh, you bastard.” Matthew tried to do the same thing Grant had, but in turn, Cajun slowed down. He tried again, and Cajun took off at a gallop, and nearly sent him flying. He tried a third time and Cajun slowed again, though just ahead of Sundance, and the latter would pass them in seconds.
Well, at least he got coffee out of the deal. Little steps, little victories. And then with a glance over his shoulder at Grant, who had in fact just passed him, and Russell and Charles a few yards back laughing and giving them that sand proud familial look he had missed out from others , ‘big, more than welcome changes’ came to mind, too.
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teamhawkeye · 5 years
🍓 for each of your lovely ladies!
ahhhh, thank you, Macy! ;^;
Anna: As a child, Anna spent summers on local ranches, both for camps and volunteering/helping her neighbors. She can ride a horse (even though it’s been a great number of years since she’s been in the saddle) and she’s fairly good at using a lasso and often utilizes those skills as a party trick to amuse others, especially whenever she was in the city away from quiet, country life
Reese: She has an unwavering religious faith, instilled in her by her mother before her passing of cancer when Reese was still fairly young. Even after the Collapse and all the horrors she’s witness and endured in her time as a soldier, Reese’s faith has never been shaken, even as many others - her brothers included - turned away from religion in the face of their new reality post-Collapse. She bears a silver cross necklace around her neck that once belonged to her mother and it’s one of the few possessions she prizes.
Kate: Beyond Dogmeat, the most important bond she has is with Arthur Maxson. They were both under the care and guidance of Elder Lyons after she arrives at the Citadel and after she becomes a BoS Knight after the battle at the Purifier; she and Arthur grow close and goof off together as children should. After Elder Lyons’ death and Sarah Lyons’ subsequent demise, Kate tries to keep true to her vow to Sarah to protect and care for Arthur in her stead, and keep him away from the hands of the BoS purists how wish to return to the old ways. She is unsuccessful, however, after the Deathclaw fight that leaves both her and Arthur with facial scars and the newest Elder sees a chance to send her off into “exile”: giving a mission with no end off in the wastes.  Kate is only allowed to return after Arthur becomes Elder several years later...and by then, the damage is done. He’s no longer the shy, artistic boy she left and she feels devastated in failing both he and Sarah. However, glimpses of Elder Lyon’s teachings remain in Arthur and he and Kate often reflect on those golden days of years past together, so she has hope that he can still change and be the man the Lyons’ wanted him to be. Even when they butt heads and she defies orders, his safety takes priority over just about anything else and she will move heaven and earth to ensure his survival.
Jem: Despite having no memories from before the night Benny shot her in Goodsprings, Jem has occasional feelings and inklings about the person she might have been prior to.....and none of them are ever good. She has a distinct understanding that she was a bad person - a very bad person - before the Platinum Chip job and feels slightly uncomfortable with that knowledge. Still, she tries her best not to dwell on a past she can’t - and probably won’t - ever fully remember and is content with not knowing the full details of a selfish, cruel woman when she’s living in the present by trying to be the best version of herself that she can
Deckard: She is instantly attracted to Paladin Danse: she clearly has a thing for military men and knows it. Even if her flirting is just playful to start, she likes seeing Danse get flustered and fumble over his responses. Still, her grief over Nate’s death and his position as her commanding officer has her not making moves on him, even as respect, admiration, and trust builds between them and she realizes she’s starting to develop genuine feelings for him.
It’s only at the time of Blind Betrayal when she’s tasked by Maxson to recover and eliminate Danse that she realizes she’s fully in love with him and races to reach him first and keep him safe. Danse sticks by her side following his exile from the BoS and is right beside her raiding the Institute under the banner of the Minutemen. It takes longer for him to accept and allow himself to love and be loved in return but he is fiercely devoted to Deckard...even with Deacon in the mix, lol
thank you for asking! <3 <3 <3 
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dawnloding · 4 years
Beautiful Custom home by Whitestone builders! 8155 FM 1101, Seguin, TX 78155
$865,000 3 BEDS 3.1 BATHS 3296 SQ FT 30.45 ACRES
Wide open living spaces, high ceilings, floors: wood, marble tile, carpet in master bed, granite counter tops, large kitchen island with sink, electric stovetop, large stainless vent. Covered front porch & xtra large rear patio, (ready for a deck to be added) fireplace in the great room. This ranch paradise comes with fencing installed in 2017 on entire perimeter 30+- acres, 2 cross fenced pastures (wire, wrought iron), the west property line is York Creek and is fenced, cattle/horse corrals. Metal building on slab, 2-14' roll up doors, and inside climate-controlled storage area, lean-to barn with 3 horse stalls, tack room, and upstairs loft. Heavily wooded, with clear paths easy to drive on, Ag exempt, bring your high school project. Located in the sweet spot, Navarro School District, short drive to, San Marcos, Seguin, New Braunfels. The house and land are on 2 different CAD's. Call Dawn Loding NOW at 830/481-7580 for your private showing!
Listed By: Chip & Michelle Lyons The Lyons Group eXp Realty
For more info: https://8155FM1101.TheBestListing.com
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manualstogo · 5 years
For just $3.99 Released on November 15, 1934: Kentucky tangles with a city girl, and gets framed for murder and almost loses his horse 'Tarzan'. Genre: Action Duration: 1h 4min Director: David Howard Actors: Ken Maynard (Kentucky 'Ken'), Gene Autry (the singing voice of Ken), Evalyn Knapp (Lila Miller), H.B. Warner (Charlie Miller, Lila's dad), Kenneth Thomson (Matt Korber, alias Mr. Chandler), George 'Gabby' Hayes (Cactus), Wheeler Oakman (Tracy), George Burton (henchman Red), George Chesebro (henchman Nick), Silver Tip Baker (party guest), Alice Belcher (spinster dude ranch guest), Stanley Blystone (outlaw Hank), Dick Botiller (party guest), Charles Brinley (wounded stage driver), Smiley Burnette (accordionist singer), Horace B. Carpenter (guest), Jim Corey (scrawny deputy), Gordon De Main (outlaw Tracy), Art Dillard (cowhand), Frank Ellis (burly deputy), Herman Hack (man at dance), Edward Hearn (outlaw), Jack Jones (musician), Jack Kirk (cowhand), Tracy Layne (deputy Ed), Cliff-Lyons (cowhand), Frankie Marvin (band musician), William McCall (doctor), Frank O'Connor (party guest), Jack Rockwell (Sheriff), Wes Warner (ranch hand), Wally West (cowhand at party). *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent by 1st class post for quick delivery. Should you not receive your item within 12 working days of making payment, please contact me so we can solve this or any other questions. Note: All my products are either my own work, licensed to me directly or supplied to me under a GPL/GNU License. No Trademarks, copyrights or rules have been violated by this item. This product complies with rules on compilations, international media, and downloadable media. All items are supplied on CD or DVD.
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bearphase · 1 year
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As soon as all the snow melted...
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There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse. ~Missy Lyons Real Ranch. Real Values. Real Change. https://ift.tt/2mKS7nG
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cprokansascity · 5 years
Photos: 1,463-acre ranch in North Texas headed for auction
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The River Bluff Ranch Headquarters near Weatherford is hitting the auction block.
Previously marketed for more than $17 million, the 1,463 acres in Parker County just southwest of Weatherford is being offered as a whole, in four tracts, or in combinations thereof. Click through the slideshow above for a photo tour of the ranch.
“It has tremendous views and recreational opportunities, as well as cattle or horses,” Monte Lyons, who is marketing the property for Hall and Hall land brokerage and…
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0 notes
jalopyrecords · 6 years
Going Down to ‘Leven Point by the Ozark Highballers - On Sale April 5th!
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Jalopy Records is proud to announce “Going Down to ‘Leven Point,” the first studio album from The Ozark Highballers, coming out on April 5th, 2019.  The album’s release is scheduled to coincide with their headlining performance at the Brooklyn Folk Festival.
The Ozark Highballers is a string band from the Ozark Mountains of Western Arkansas, composed of Roy Pilgrim (fiddle), Aviva Steigmeyer (guitar), Clarke Buehling (banjo) and Seth Shumate (harmonica).
The album features 22 all new recordings by the band, along with extensive liner notes and historic photographs documenting the origins of the music.
Pre-Order Here! http://ozarkhighballers.bandcamp.com/album/going-down-to-leven-point Since 2014 the Ozark Highballers have brought their music to square dances, farmers markets, festivals as well as plain old street corners and front porches. Their music reflects the age old spirit and drive of the rural Ozark string bands of Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.
Recorded in Arkansas and mixed at an old farmhouse in Virginia, these recordings bridge the gap between studio recordings and field recordings.  The record captures this energizing music in a way that is pure and urgent like a home field recording, and beautifully engineered like a studio album. The songs, stories and instrumentals on this record draw the listener in:  They are poignant and transformative, challenging listeners to allow this old and “outsider” music into their present day life, alongside the music on the radio, TV and front pages of the internet.
The Ozark Highballers subvert the norms of the music world in many ways.  They come out of a deep history, playing music that exists outside of cities, and without regard to entertainment industry standards, or publicity requirements.  Most bands are in a single age group, but The Ozark Highballers is a multi-generational band that has learned their music from family members, elder musicians in their community and field recordings buried in archival collections.  
Roy is “the best young fiddler and singer to come out of Arkansas in many many years” says folklorist and producer Eli Smith, while singer/guitarist Aviva is not only a wonderful musician and print maker, but also one the only young female guitar builders in the United States.  Roy began playing music with neighbors at the age of eight. He is also a carpenter and operates a small logging and sawmill operation with his brother. Roy and Aviva live outside of West Fork, AR on a small homestead where they raise a couple of pigs, a big garden, and a sorghum patch. 
The band is multi-generational, featuring Clarke Buehling, a nationally recognized, contest winning 5-string banjo master, who has been playing intricate, arcane and wonderful banjo music since the 1960’s.  Seth Shumate is one of the best harmonica players in the United States.  He plays in the old time style to complement, often note for note, the melody of the fiddle. Seth’s grandfather and great-grandmother both played harmonica in the Arkansas Ozarks of Stone County.  Seth currently resides in Dubai, UAE but comes home to play in the band.
The Ozark Highballers have performed at the Brooklyn Folk Festival, Ozark Folk Center, Stephen Foster Old-time Week, Bluff Country Gathering, St. Louis Folk & Roots Festival, Rocky Mountain Old-time Music Festival, and more, and have recently received the Artist 360 grant from the Mid-America Arts Alliance. Their name comes from an old railroading term. A “highball” freight train is the kind of train that used to speed across the vast open areas of the United States.  A highball a signal, from the days of steam locomotives, when a station operator would hoist a large wooden ball up a standard, signaling that the train was clear to make good time.
The music on Going Down to ‘Leven Point has a fascinating provenance, and conveys American history in a visceral manner. As an example, here is information about the very first track:
Their version of Hell Amongst the Yearlings is from Oklahoma fiddler Dick Hutchison (1897-1986). Hutchison was born in far southwestern Missouri. When he was a boy his family moved to northeastern Oklahoma in a covered wagon where he spent the rest of his life. Like the adjacent rolling hills of Arkansas and Missouri, this part of Oklahoma shares a deep wealth of traditional Ozark fiddling. As a young man, Uncle Dick Hutchison worked as a cowboy around Osage County where he was a popular ranch hand because of his fine fiddling at dances held on the ranch. He made multiple recordings and was renowned at fiddle contests and dances. His fiddling was considered by many to be the archetype of Oklahoma Ozark fiddle music.  
The title of the album comes from the 11th track, “Going Down to Leven Point to Get a Load of Corn”.  The Eleven Point is a beautiful spring-fed river running from southern Missouri to northern Arkansas. Roy learned this tune from the playing of Joseph Mulkey Kent (1874-1959) of Evening Shade, Sharp County, Ark. Mulkey Kent was a well-known contest fiddler, winning 31 first prizes including the 1927 Arkansas State Fiddle Championship held in Fayetteville, Ark.  He was recorded by John Quincy Wolf, Jr, PhD, four months before his death. His recordings are held at the John Quincy Wolf Folklore Collection at Lyons College, Batesville, Ark. In 2017 Roy was awarded the Mulkey Kent award for “Outstanding Ozark Fiddling.”
From the liner notes, written by the band:
Old-time is the music of square dances and school houses, church picnics and farm potlucks. It is the music heard on front porches while your hands are busy threshing beans or shelling corn. It is the music of the country, before country music was commercial, and each region of the United States has its own particular sound, from the hornpipes of the Midwest to the Cajun dance music of Louisiana to the driving mountain-breakdowns of Appalachia and the Ozarks. We are passionate about playing an Ozark music repertoire not just because it’s a local tradition that deserves to be carried on, but also because it’s a vibrant part of an ever-growing community in the Ozarks. Our rich tradition of music goes far beyond the “hillbilly” stereotypes and cultural tourism that often mask our region.  Ozark music is a vital part of the many colored quilt that is our American musical heritage.
We have spent the last few years researching and learning our local music through various sources such as commercial 78 rpm recordings from the 1920s, old-timers in our community, and field recordings from several University archive libraries. The result is a repertoire that we feel accurately represents the myriad facets of Ozark music tradition at its best. We hope this album will be enjoyable to listen to, while it also documents a tradition and serves as a resource for all those in the old-time music community.
Track list:
1.     Hell Among the Yearlings
2.     Woody’s Hornpipe
3.     Get Along Home, Miss Cindy
4.     Horses on the Bridge
5.     Kenny Wagner’s Surrender
6.     Doc Brown’s Dream (McCraw Ford)
7.     Last Night While I Lie Sleeping
8.     Waltz of the Violets
9.     Scott No. 1
10.  Floyd Eddings
11. Going Down to 'Leven Point to Get a Load of Corn
12. Ridin’ Old Paint/Hell Amongst the Yearlings
13. Going Back to Where I Come
14. Fever River
15. Mason March
16. Lazy Farmer
17. Sally Went A-Hunting
18. Everybody Schottische
19. Babes in the Woods
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coloradoweedshops · 6 years
From horse to hemp: Colorado rancher eyes second calling
Known far and wide as "America's Most Trusted Horseman," last year Lyons turned his Colorado ranch into a hemp and CBD (Cannabidiol) oil facility.
The post From horse to hemp: Colorado rancher eyes second calling appeared first on The Cannabist.
from The Cannabist https://ift.tt/2pR8XiW via Colorado Weed shops
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torontotravelblog · 5 years
25+ Things to do in Toronto for March Break 2020
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Draw up your week with the kids utilizing our March Break guide. There are lots of fun tasks to maintain the entire family members hectic while college's out this year!
March Break at the AGO
Drop in for 9 days of family fun at the AGO. Visit the exhibit Illusions: The Art of Magic and also obtain influenced by posters from the Golden era of Magic prior to heading to the March Break Magic stage to show off your finest methods. Head to Walker Court for an immersive art making adventure, and also try your hand whatsoever type of fun and imaginative activities!
Location: Art Gallery of Ontario, 317 Dundas St. W., Toronto Dates: Mar. 14-- 22.
ROM's Big Blue March Break.
This March Break take the children to the ROM and also experience the enchanting world of a cherished bear and his friends from the Hundred Acre Timber. If your kids are a older, the ROM-original exhibition Bloodsuckers let's you check out over 30,000 species that feed upon blood. And lastly, delight in a few of the globe's most sensational wildlife photography.
Place: Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- 22.
Ontario Scientific Research Centre.
Ontario Science Centre is hosting an array of fun, interactive March Damage experiences for youngsters. Discover the links between magic and the mind, explore what makes you tick, experiment with sodium bicarbonate, have a hair-raising experience, learn more about celestial objects or take place a journey without leaving your OMNIMAX ® seat.
Place: Ontario Scientific Research Centre, 770 Don Mills Rd., Toronto. Dates: Mar. 14-- 22.
Shoe'La' Palooza at the Bata Shoe Museum.
The Bata Shoe Gallery will certainly be brimming with games, crafts, and other spellbinding tasks. Spruce up as your favorite wonderful character, play enchanting bean bag toss and string video games, make some really great magical crafts, discover enchanting shoes in the galleries, placed on a puppet show in the enchanting theatre and also leave your wonderful impact for all to see!
Area: Bata Footwear Gallery, 327 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- 22.
March Break at the Aga Khan Museum.
If you've never taken the family members to the Aga Khan Museum, this March Break is the excellent time! Discover the art of carpets as well as textiles inspired by the event Shelter. Then head over to the hands-on Art Cart to make your won art piece to take home with you.
Location: Aga Khan Museum, 77 Wynford Dr., Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- 22.
March Break Enigma Enjoyable.
Black Creek Pioneer Village open up to family members for a Sherlock Holmes secret adventure. Kids hunt for hints and make disguises to track the burglars as well as address a criminal offense. Activities in every structure on website; and also horse-drawn carriage rides hold. Youngsters 14 as well as under are complimentary with adult admission.
Location: Black Creek Leader Town, 1000 Murray Ross Pkwy., Toronto. Days: Mar. 16-- 22.
City of Toronto Historic Sites.
March Break at Ft York.
Looking for a March Break experience? Bring your family to Fort York National Historic Website. Children can try soldiers' drill classes, dress up in costumes, as well as example treats from the historic kitchen.
Location: Ft York, 250 Ft York Blvd., Toronto. Days: Mar. 15-- 22.
March Break at Spadina Museum.
Find out the significance of colours, plants and animals, and then try your hand at developing your very own distinctive family members crest. Other enjoyable tasks for children of all ages consist of the distinction difficulty that gets you to detect as several differences as you can discover in between 1915 photos of Spadina mansion areas and their look today. And also, try your hand at some 1920s video games.
Place: Spadina Residence Gallery, 285 Spadina Rd., Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- 22.
March Break at Todmorden Mills.
Experience tasty deals with while you appreciate a led trip of the historic structures. Prior to or after the excursion, check out the Brewery Structure to make a special take-home craft as well as try out old-fashioned toys and also games popular with previous generations. If the weather behaves, take a while to discover the Wildflower Preserve location as well as try to find signs of spring with a round of outdoor "Nature Bingo.".
Location: 67 Pottery Rd., Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- 22.
March Break at Mackenzie Home.
Drop in and discover the rotten background of Toronto's waste and also find out about the roots of modern-day recycling in the Victorian-era! Participate in a scavenger hunt, design your own picture block for the 1845 printing press, and take pleasure in a cookie and also apple cider warmed on the 1850's oven. If you stop by on Monday March 16th, celebrate William Lyon Mackenzie's 225th birthday celebration by making him a birthday celebration card.
Location: 82 Bond St., Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- 22.
Toronto Town Library Events.
Free March Damage programs and events are arranged at Toronto Public Library branches around the city. Activities include movie testings, video gaming, Lego, and crafts, in addition to magic programs, puppet shows, reptile shows, scientific research shows, art workshops, photography workshops, and more. Some programs require bookings and they do fill out, so be sure to call in advance.
Place: Discover your local branch for events. Dates: Mar. 14-- 22.
Fairs & Festivals.
Wizard World Enjoyable Park.
Circus trips, trendy reptiles, games, magic programs, daily live programs, and also deals with are all waiting for you at this interior household enjoyable park! Children will absolutely be astonished as well as captivated by Doo the Clown, Team T&J, and also the Reptilia Reptile Zoo.
Place: Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Dates: Mar. 14-- 22.
March Break at Dream Fair.
Ontario's largest indoor theme park has special occasions all week for March Break, consisting of totally free children' crafts, a magic show, and also DooDoo the International Clown.
Place: Woodbine Shopping Center & Dream Fair, 500 Rexdale Blvd., Etobicoke. Dates: Mar. 14-- 22.
Live Shows.
Jungle Publication.
A wild flight awaits in this innovative as well as prompt take on the cherished timeless! An immersive multi-media adaptation, Jungle Book will certainly transfer you from the city forest to Mowgli's childhood years in the forests of India. F0r ages 5 as well as up.
Location: Youngster's Theater, 165 Front St. E., Toronto. Dates: Feb. 13-- Mar. 21.
In the Game.
With lots of target market communication as well as improvised fun, this family-friendly comedy plays with the concern, "What if we were essentially caught in our displays?" For ages 10 and up.
Location: The Secondly City, 51 Mercer St., Toronto. Days: Mar. 14-- Jul. 23.
National Ballet of Canada's Romeo and Juliet.
The ballet that opened the National Dancing of Canada's 60th wedding anniversary period is back. Romeo and Juliet is jam packed with dance-- rapid maneuvering, meaningful pas de deux as well as lovely set items mixing classic as well as folkdance components.
Area: 4 Seasons Centre, 145 Queen St. W., Toronto. Dates: Mar. 11-- 22.
Sugar Shacks and Syrup Festivals.
Beginning in March, the maple syrup begins moving! Sugar shacks welcome visitors for weekend break pancake breakfasts, wagon trips, and also trials in syrup tapping and maple taffy making. See 15 maple syrup ranches and celebrations near Toronto.
Lots of destinations have actually prolonged hours or are enjoyable for drop-in any time.
Zoos and also Aquariums: The Toronto Zoo has expanded hours during March Break, plus some personality meet-and-greets (Bob the Building Contractor as well as Paw Patrol dogs, to state a couple). Ripley's Aquarium of Canada is always a hit-- get tickets online to miss the line.
Indoor Playgrounds: Head to an interior play area in the West End, an indoor play ground in the East End, or browse our online directory site for even more indoor play grounds in the GTA.
Trampoline Gyms: Play trampoline dodge sphere or basketball or simply jump, dive, dive at a trampoline fitness center-- they have programs for kids of any ages, as well as grown-ups, also!
Climbing Up Fitness centers: Get upright at Toronto-area climbing up health clubs with climbing up walls and/or bouldering. Many have equipment leasings for kids, so drop-in is very easy.
Enjoyment Centres: Laser tag, video gaming, bowling, and a lot more-- find all sort of indoor diversions at interior enjoyment centres.
Camps: Some Toronto/GTA day camps have final bookings. Sometimes, you can also reserve for 1 or 2 days of March Break.
Farms: March Break notes the first opening to the general public for many GTA farms for youngsters. Venture out to the countryside, or look into Riverdale Ranch, appropriate downtown.
Nature Centres and Conservation Areas: Some sanctuary have actually prolonged hrs during March Break, and numerous, like the Kortright Centre in Maple are totally free or low-cost for children. The Riverwood Conservancy in Mississauga is supplying complimentary directed nature walkings; pre-registration called for. Looking for more? Locate what's on whatsoever the Toronto as well as Region Conservation parks.
Ski Resorts: This year isn't precisely impressive for skiing, yet snowmaking machines remain in full blast, whether Nature complies or not. A number of resorts are advertising March Break specials. Discover a list of southerly Ontario ski resorts in our on the internet directory site.
The article “ 25+ Things to do in Toronto for March Break 2020 “ was appeared first on help! we’ve got kids by Shannon Kelly
Toronto Naturopathic Doctor - Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND
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albinohare · 5 years
At Their Peak | Six Homes for Sophisticated Mountain Living
For secluded relaxation amid fresh clean air and uninterrupted views, the mountains can’t be beat. These six homes—from a rustically elegant getaway in Southern California to a unique Asian-inspired home in the foothills of Santa Fe—these retreats in the peaks are nearly as alluring as their surroundings.
Wine Country Oasis
Sonoma, California | Donald Van de Mark & Rene Richardson, Sotheby’s International Realty – Wine Country – East Napa Street Brokerage
With its stalwart oak trees, glorious terraced gardens, vineyard, lily and koi pond, orchard, and outdoor living and dining spaces, this estate is an utterly idyllic setting for a contemporary one-bedroom cottage, a workshop with a versatile auxiliary room, and a three-car garage. Perched 1,000 feet above the San Francisco Bay in Sonoma, the three contiguous parcels total approximately 10 acres and have a gentle, rolling topography that affords wonderful flexibility for addition and expansion.
La Ladera
Montecito, California | Tina Stern, Wish Sotheby’s International Realty 
On 2.72 acres enveloped by the mountains of Montecito, this 1912 Spanish Revival estate—whose name means “hillside”—is a peaceful sanctuary featuring an 8,306-square-foot residence with four bedroom suites, a private two-bedroom guest apartment, elegant living and dining spaces, a spacious Viking-equipped kitchen, a gym, and a sauna. A terrace overlooks the impressive grounds, which boast colorful manicured landscaping, a swimming pool and spa, a koi pond, a meditation garden, and a well—all with serene views of the Santa Barbara coastline.
Woodstock Ranch
Santa Ynez, California | Patty Murphy, Sotheby’s International Realty – Santa Ynez Valley Brokerage
Epitomizing the rustic charm of a mountain retreat, this delightful four-bedroom home is at the heart of 17.61 acres. It is a self-sufficient oasis with a country kitchen, a living room with a river-rock fireplace, a wine room, a den, a library loft, an exercise room opening to a lap pool, a sauna, and decks. Walls of windows and glass doors reveal views of mountains and wilderness. The acreage offers other attractions, including a tennis court and equestrian facilities with easy access to riding trails.
Sangre de Cristo Foothills Compound
Santa Fe, New Mexico | Neil Lyon, Sotheby’s International Realty – Santa Fe – 326 Grant Avenue Brokerage
In one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Santa Fe, this exceptional hilltop compound enjoys 360-degree views of mountains, sunsets, and city lights. The gated 14-acre estate consists of a nearly seven-acre building site, a distinctively designed five-bedroom 8,000-square-foot residence on approximately three acres, and two additional lots. The property offers a unique degree of privacy and acres of protected space, yet downtown Santa Fe, hiking, skiing, and bike trails are only minutes away.
Malibu Mountain Estate
Malibu, California | Shen Schulz, Wailani O’Herlihy & Cormac O’Herlihy, Sotheby’s International Realty – Malibu – Point Dume Brokerage
On five private acres nestled in the hills of Malibu, this estate displays its Spanish inspiration in its barrel-tiled roofline, handcrafted ceramic tiles, and custom cabinetry. The approximately five-acre grounds boast mature landscaping, an orchard, gardens, a generous swimming pool and patio, and a three-car garage. Horses are welcome at this truly serene sanctuary, which has majestic mountain, canyon, and ocean views yet is only moments from the Pacific Coast Highway.
Casa Sagrada in Santa Fe
Santa Fe, New Mexico | Alan Vorenberg, Sotheby’s International Realty – Santa Fe – 326 Grant Avenue Brokerage
This unique Asian-inspired home—built of nontoxic, green, and sustainable materials—is a haven on 19.89 acres in the foothills outside Santa Fe. It features a circular living room, a superior kitchen and dining room, three bedrooms, a portal with a fireplace, a study, a koi pond, windows designed after the Summer Palace in Beijing, a lavish master bath, and a roof deck with stunning views. The property also includes a geodesic dome greenhouse, a wine and root cellar, organic gardens, and fruit trees.
From the Swiss Alps to Chilean Patagonia, discover incredible mountain homes from around the world
The post At Their Peak | Six Homes for Sophisticated Mountain Living appeared first on Sotheby's International Realty | Blog.
Source Crocodile Bag Authentic Crocodile Skin Bag
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horseweb-blog1 · 6 years
Fun with Horse Riding Along the Wisconsin Trails
Wisconsin features some of the best parks and forests that boast the incredible trails. These trails are perfect for equestrian fun, and so, are best covered by the horse riders. All you need is to make a choice of your horse show before you experience the horse-riding excitement for the first time. So, how do you take that much-awaited ride and take lessons in Wisconsin. For those who would love to go for a horse ride, but do not own a horse, here’s what they can do: ➢ You can take a horse ride on the saddle horses, along the river trails of Elmer’s Fun Park in St. Germain.
➢ Prior to making your way to the dense Northern Highland State Forest, you can start with a warm-up and lesson at the Grassy Creek Ranch Trail Rides in Boulder Junction 
➢ Alternatively, you can bring your own horse. You can also prefer to rent a ranch horse for a guided ride and a lesson. Besides, you can stay over at the camp or in the ranch house.
➢ For that one-hour trail ride, you can take the Canyon Creek Stables in Lake Delton. It includes a tunnel (200 feet), a waterfall, and a ghost town that portrays the Wild West-style. For those having a horse of their own, you can take some of the below Wisconsin trails. It’s immense fun especially if you take the ride in groups.
The Village of Caledonia
It features a unique network of horse-riding trails through different landscapes that includes forests and meadows. These trails are maintained by dedicated riders who formed the Caledonia Conservancy.
Tranquil Minooka Park
This one’s in Waukesha county where bridle trails are the among the major attractions. Make sure that you note the vehicle fees while you are driving there: $3 on a weekday, and $5 on a weekend or holidays. 
White River State Trail
It offers a beautiful ride that covers a two-mile radius. These are open to horses between the locations, Springfield and Lyons.
Wild Rock Horse Trails
This trail takes a turn through Clark County Forest, and offers options of easy or difficult routes. It features an area that can be used in the day, and 25 campsites for those overnight stays. 
Taylor County Horse Camp
This camp stretches along 12 miles of marked trails that have been opened, recently within Taylor County Forest terrains.
Kettle Moraine State Forest
Both the Northern and Southern Units of this forest are covered with miles of trails with splendid glacier-carved landscapes.There are also campgrounds where both you and your horse can get some sleep after a long day full of adventure.
More importantly, you would need a State Trail Pass to visit the State Trails. For those who get their horse by trailer, would need a vehicle admission sticker. Keep these handy from beforehand. Also, make sure that you do not miss the horse shows.
Horseweb is an experience freelance writer for HorseWeb Horses for Sale, classifieds of horses for sale in Wisconsin.
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