#m larkin mulciber
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE QUEEN OF WANDS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → lily evans pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → ellie bamber blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → researcher in the spells and curses research wing at the ministry of magic future information → wife of james potter, mother of harry potter
— she is best described as ;
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised in Cokeworth to a muggle librarian and a muggle school teacher, her upbringing was relatively simple. Her home was dreamed up and doodled on the back of pieces of notepaper when her parents were young, with ivy growing up the walls and beautiful flowers adorning their cottage garden. Lily and her older sister PETUNIA EVANS [sibling/adversary] were named after those flowers, securing a special bond Lily thought they’d share forever. Her sister was her best friend, until the day it became clear that Lily Evans was different. When she was seven years old, playing in the garden with her sister Lily noticed as she and Petunia danced and twirled the flowers in their garden danced too, singing a merry tune as she had once seen in a film. Lily realised she could do extraordinary things, she blew a dandelion into butterflies and could make a bud bloom in her hands. Lily considered herself special, her sister did not. Petunia became jealous of her, saying cruel and spiteful things about Lily’s abilities until tears rolled down her cheeks. A freak was what she called her and her best friend became her adversary. A young boy in Spinner's End became a place of safety for Lily, SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary/former best friend]. 
A quiet boy, who sometimes appeared awkward in his own skin, Lily brought out some confidence in him, a look of awe in his eyes as she made nature transform into something even more beautiful. Severus told her the magic of the world behind the curtain from her own. Apparently she was a witch, like Severus’ mother and one day she would arrive home from school to a letter from PROFESSOR ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former professor/leader] telling her she had been selected to attend a magical school for people just like them. Sure enough her letter arrived and Petunia was delighted to hear Lily would be moving away to boarding school, comparing it to a prison rather than a place of education. Lily did not want to leave on bad terms with her sister, but as she boarded the train for school just aged eleven she knew their relationship was well and truly over. Sorted into Gryffindor, Lily quickly befriended a few fellow lions she was fortunate enough to be sharing a dorm with that year. MARLENE MCKINNON [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend], and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend] were unique characters who made the transition to her new life easier. 
Mary was her rock during the process, also a Muggle-Born, they were bubbly, friendly and seemingly unphased by the hustle and bustle of their new world. Lily attempted to follow suit and the beginning of classes signalled a new found confidence for Lily as it quickly became established amongst her peers that she was an incredibly talented witch. A firm favourite of her professors, particularly Professors Slughorn and Fltwick, Lily’s talents began to attract her both positive and negative attention at school, as people flocked to be her friend and ask for her help with their studies. JASPER AVERY [adversary] was particularly jealous of Lily’s talents and frequently made it known he believed her to be lesser, due to her blood status. Lily however, would never be deterred and garnered a bit of a reputation for late night duels by The Black Lake to take down those who dared to challenge her and put their abilities where their mouth was. Lily had thick skin and a sharp mind, which meant cleverly orchestrated insults often followed the sting of her spells. It was this fire that attracted the unwanted attention of JAMES POTTER [close friend/potential love interest/former adversary], a fellow Gryffindor, who Lily found terribly arrogant.
To Lily, James, SIRIUS BLACK [close friend/former adversary] and PETER PETTIGREW [close friend/former adversary] were self-entitled bullies who had found entertainment in making fun of others, namely Severus- though these dynamics quickly shifted. In her fourth year after a stern talking to from McGonagall about her fighting, Lily accepted a position as a prefect with REMUS LUPIN [close friend] and began to see things differently without blood red rage. Her once good friend had sought the company of Avery and LARKIN MULICBER [adversary] another boy Lily despised due to his disgusting treatment of Mary which had left her beaten and bruised. Lily couldn’t understand why he would associate with such people and when she caught him calling her a mudblood with his ‘friends’ and heard James Potter of all people defending her, Lily had little time for his antics. She was still not convinced of James and his friends, but her mind was made up on Severus. From then onwards, Lily was ice cold towards him, not even bothering to insult him but rather looking through him with as much disdain as she could muster. 
After graduating both a prefect, head of her class and Head Girl- Lily was anxious to get her life started. As much as she loved her parents, she had no desire to spend any time with her sister and quickly moved into a house-share with American witch PRUDENCE OWENS [housemate] and JONATHAN REEVES [housemate] whom Lily vaguely remembered from school. It was jarring living with people she’d never met after spending so much time with her friends, but strangely Lily liked the separation and enjoyed the oddities of her two flatmates who couldn’t be any different from her. Prue and Jon mostly kept to themselves, which worked for Lily who enjoyed staying in her room after a long day at work. Lily accepted a position working for The Ministry of Magic in their Spells and Curses research department, studying spells and trying to push the limits of magic as they knew it. The job suited Lily perfectly, with a curious disposition and a joy of learning she hoped would never fully be quenched in her role. She saw her job as somewhat academic and didn’t realise how important it would become until people began disappearing. It was because of her skillset that Lily was asked to join The Order of The Phoenix, a secret underground group, it seemed most of her friends had been drafted into by their former headmaster. 
When BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] died on Halloween in 1983 everyone suspected a werewolf attack but PANDORA FORTESCUE [friend/colleague] thought differently, though no one quite paid any attention. A whimsical witch, though she was talented, people often overlooked her- but Lily was in awe of Pandora and paid attention to her research, though admittedly long after the Booker case was closed by the Ministry. It had irritated Lily that no one had listened to Pandora and privately Lily began working with her on the case, conducting research into what they thought might have caused the wounds on Booker and looked for any similarities. Annoyingly when ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest] went missing there was no body for her and Pandora to look over and BENJY FENWICK’s [person of interest] vampire attack seemed to be just that. Lily parked her research for some time, irritated that hers and Pandora’s theory didn’t quite seem to fit. Booker hadn’t been attacked by a werewolf, that much she was sure of- even if Benji had and Rosalie had just gone missing. With bated breath Lily waits for the next person to fall, as ghoulish and gruesome as it sounds. Lily knows the Ministry or perhaps their feared rival organisation are framing creatures. All she needs is proof and motive, so maybe her quiet and secretive housemate Jonathan, might be a good place to start.
— she is a LEVEL 7 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ALCHEMIST get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → severus snape pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → viveik kalra blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → potioneer at mr mulpepper’s apothecary in knockturn alley future information → traitor to the death eaters, eventual member of the order of the phoenix
— he is best described as ;
DARK and GLOOMY like that of a closed off lab. The SOLITUDE one finds when alone in their room, a LONER who prefers to get lost in HISTORY than the present day. He’s a SHARP TONGUE poised in defense, ready to FIGHT the threats that come his way. An OUTSIDER who shaped himself to fit in with the crowd. With a COLD HEART, he TURNS his BACK on those who once offered him a hand.
— his story starts with ;
Severus Snape always believed himself to be the smartest person in the room. He was the only born child to a Muggle, Tobias Snape, and a witch, Eileen Prince, who lived in Spinner’s End. From a young age Severus had been a curious boy, preferring the company of books and journals to the children that lived near him. Unusual for someone so young, Severus enjoyed the peace and quiet that came from being alone. No siblings to follow him around, no friends to continuously pull him away from his books, his room became a sanctuary of silence and Severus thrived in it. Despite his mother’s worries that he should start making friends, he stayed put with his abnormally large nose buried deep in his books. Finally realizing her words were falling on deaf ears, Eileen left him to his room, especially as time went by and Tobias grew colder. A man that never saw fatherhood in his future, Tobias spent most of his time in Spinner’s End wasting away with a glass of whiskey in hand. The only acknowledgement he’d give to his family was a scolding for the littlest of things. Severus grew to hate his father and his Muggle side, though he was never brave enough to admit that to Tobias, and instead let the feelings fester year after year.
With his father being the result of his disdain for all things Muggle, Severus leaned heavily into his wizarding side of the family. His thoughts were if Muggles could be this cold and cruel to their own blood, what were they like towards strangers? He enjoyed his sheltered life, not even realizing what else the world had to offer to him. Locked in the four walls of his room, Severus tried to drink in as much information as he could. To Severus, knowledge was power and if yielded correctly, he could do anything. His lonely world changed though the day he met LILY EVANS [former friend/object of affection]. Passing her by chance on the street one day, he extended a rare hand of friendship. A Muggle-born witch, Lily had no knowledge of abilities she possessed, let alone anything of the Wizarding world and Severus was more than happy to fill her in. Normally one to stick to his own devices, the wizard enjoyed the complete awe on Lily’s face as he spoke of magical creatures, wizarding shops, and most importantly Hogwarts. They became inseparable, spending many afternoons sitting by the lake near Lily’s home exchanging stories. Soon enough when September 1st rolled around, they were both boarding the scarlet train to school.
Quickly being sorted into Slytherin, he had to watch from his table as Lily anxiously made her way to Gryffindor, her new house and his rival. The jealousy that flowed through him as he watched her make new friends, unbeknownst to either of them those new friends would become his biggest enemies. The idea of spending their Hogwarts years together came crashing down but Severus distracted himself by befriending his roommates, JASPER AVERY [close friend] and LARKIN MULCIBER [close friend]. They formed a close knit trio, targeting those they deemed less worthy of magic with pranks. Having a rather silent childhood, Severus enjoyed his roommates' company in small doses, often finding his nose back in a book when they weren’t around. His loner attitude is what drew a target on his back to JAMES POTTER [adversary], SIRIUS BLACK [adversary], REMUS LUPIN [adversary], and PETER PETTIGREW [adversary]. Known as the Marauders, they were famous amongst all the students. And Severus could only sit back and watch as even Lily wasn’t completely immune to their charms. Severus could feel his position in her life fading away the closer she got to the Gryffindor boys.
What had started as a curious eye following the boys whenever they approached Lily at the Gryffindor table, it quickly grew to an obsession. James, the Marauders ringleader, was the first one to show signs of dislike towards Severus and his little gang of brothers quickly followed. Words would be exchanged and more often than not spells would follow. Severus truly despised James; he was arrogant and egocentric and Severus had no idea how someone like that could capture Lily’s affections so quickly. Years had put a heavy strain on his friendship with Lily, although they both tried to keep it alive but the differences in friend groups grew too strong. In his spare time, the Slytherin found himself trailing the boys, determined to prove they were hiding something. Never in his wildest of dreams did Severus ever think he’d owe a life debt to Potter. A horrible prank orchestrated by Black to invite Severus along turned into the Slytherin coming face to face with Lupin during his werewolf transformation, a stag being the creature to rescue him from his classmate during the full moon. It wasn’t until meeting with PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster] that he discovered the stag had been Potter in his animagus form.
The result of the disastrous prank had the wizard keeping his distance from all the Gryffindors, pushing himself into his classwork, excelling in DADA and Potions specifically. Though spell invention was something that came as a surprise to him. The Levicorpus spell had quickly become popular, and not knowing Severus was the creator of the charm, James used it to humiliate him in front of Lily and his friends. That was the day the last thread of their friendship fell apart, not taking into consideration the crowd that had gathered the Slytherin had uttered the horrid word ‘mudblood’ as Lily attempted to defend and help him. Things happened too quickly and the only thing he could remember was watching Lily turn her back on him forever. After that Severus fell further into the crowd of Slytherins, welcoming the invitation from Larkin’s older brother to meet with a wizard known by the name, THE DARK LORD [leader] after graduation. Fueled by how things ended in his last years of Hogwarts with the Marauders and Lily, the Half-Blood wizard signed himself up for the cause. 
Having secured a job at Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary in Knockturn Alley, Severus had found himself unsure of the cause until he was thrust into the spotlight. His first significant mission had him teaming up with his fellow Death Eaters LUCIUS MALFOY [acquaintance] and REGULUS BLACK [acquaintance] at the Yule Ball of 1983 that had ended in a disaster after they failed to kill the proper target. He was then sent to retrieve a prophecy that had previously failed to get in the Dark Lord’s grasp, from the Fountain of Fair Fortune with Regulus and ALEXANDRA ROSIER [acquaintance]. Thankfully that mission had turned around in their favor and he had been branded with the Dark Mark as a reward. Having been instructed by the Dark Lord to lay low after the Summer Solstice ball, Severus has been busying himself with his work. The potion making is tedious but it has kept his mind occupied to think on the decisions that have led him to 1986. He felt he had been making the right decision in joining these dark crusades at the time but now things have mellowed, Severus was giving more time to think about things and what having this tattoo etched into his arm will mean for his future.
— he is a LEVEL 7 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE REBEL get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → sirius black pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → conan gray blood status → pure-blood  sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → bartender at the leaky cauldron in diagon alley future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
Everything about him screams REBELLION. He is the familiar scent of CIGARETTE SMOKE and MOTORCYCLE OIL on a vintage LEATHER JACKET that your mother told you to be wary of. He is the INFECTIOUS GRIN of a PRIVATE JOKE shared between FRIENDS, the person who makes you LAUGH till your ribs are sore and a FAMILIAR FRIEND who is with you to till the END even when you’ve been left in the COLD. 
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Fearless is how they describe him. Destined to become the Black family’s greatest achievement or their greatest disappointment. Sirius often questioned the nature of his reality. Why his family lived in an enchanted house off a busy muggle street, but despised the very people they had chosen to live amongst. Sirius prided himself on his practicality, his parents had a certain distaste for it. ORION BLACK [father] and his wife WALBURGA BLACK [mother] were traditionalists and outwardly expressed their preference to keep to their own kind. As such, Sirius and his younger brother REGULUS BLACK [sibling] were raised in stuffy ballrooms and the children’s tables of family dinner parties alongside their cousins BELLATRIX BLACK [cousin], ANDROMEDA BLACK [cousin] and NARCISSA BLACK [cousin] whose ability to perfectly fit into the picture the Black family had created made him feel even more like the black sheep than he did at 12 Grimmauld Place. The only members of his family he had truly ever gotten along with was his brother and Andromeda, but he found his relationships with them strained the older they grew. 
The “rot”, as his mother so eloquently described it, set it in early with Sirius. He had experimented talking with muggle children and once was insolent enough to bring home a comic book one of them had given him to read, which had promptly been thrown in the fire by Walburga. Age eleven, he was already quite unruly, refusing to adhere to his parents wishes and outwardly teasing those in society his mother tried best to integrate him in with. Hogwarts was Sirius’ first real chance to live beyond the shackles of society, to make friends of his own, although it was still under the watchful eyes of his family. A playful sense of humour and a boyish grin plastered across his face, Sirius made friends quickly and became inseparable from JAMES POTTER [best friend/housemate] and PETER PETTIGREW [best friend/housemate] from the moment the trio had bonded over their newly united hatred in LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary]. Sirius enjoyed like minded, loud people who weren’t afraid to stand up to a ridiculous system based on money and how far back you could trace your family tree. James understood that better than anyone and although he made many friends at school James was more like family to him than even his own brother was.  
Sirius Black achieved legend status quite quickly at Hogwarts. Part of the most notorious group of boys, which included him, James, Peter and their later addition REMUS LUPIN [best friend/housemate], he was notorious. Star beater of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, rebel with a cause and popular with the girls in his year, Sirius’ life at school was a stark contrast to the one he led back home. Proudly he plastered the walls of his bedroom with pictures of his friends and posters of scantily clad muggle models and motorcycles he ensured would stay put with a very powerful sticking charm. It was only a matter of time before things would come to a head. Then suddenly, in the middle of dinner after yet another heated argument, his mother marched over to their family tree and blasted his face from the wall. He was sixteen. Something he had always suspected would happen, but that felt strange when it finally had. The Potter family took him in, but even their love couldn’t make up for the anger balled inside him. 
Sirius took to partying more heavily, cutting classes to flirt and smoke by The Black Lake with MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend/potential love interest], much to the dismay of his girlfriend at the time MAREN ROSMERTA [former girlfriend/close friend], and acting out in dangerous ways. Having discovered Remus’ was a werewolf earlier into their time at school, Sirius thought it might be clever to give their long term rival SEVERUS SNAPE [rival] a fright by tricking him down to The Shrieking Shack on a full moon where Remus usually shifted his form. The prank alongst Severus killed, had it not been for a quick intervention from James. Remus was bitterly hurt by the whole experience and Sirius tried to buckle down shortly afterwards, ashamed of his own behaviour. Upon leaving school Sirius had no money to his name and no real desire to contribute to a society he was vehemently against. Instead he decided to lead his life in a way that would make him the happiest, whilst also making his parents livid. Sirius moved in with his three best friends in an enchanted flat near Farringdon and got two part-time jobs, one at a motorcycle shop in muggle London and another as a bartender at The Leaky Cauldron alongside Peter. 
For the first time in his life Sirius felt at ease and happy, playing pranks with his best friends in their flat, doing shots with Marlene on a Saturday night and making bets with Peter behind the bar at work as they laughed long into their shifts. It hadn’t been the life he had envisioned for himself as a young boy, it was better. The day the first body was found at The Ministry of Magic, Sirius tried to remain optimistic. The Minister’s son was found dead in the fountain, a suspected werewolf attack the papers later reported. But things like that could happen, powerful people often sadly ended up the targets of horrible acts. He tried to get on with his life as though nothing had happened, something that became more difficult the more James and Remus, who worked for The Department of Magical Law Enforcement, got deeper into the case. But it was not until their former professor ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] turned up at their doorstep with ALICE YEN [friend], ALASTOR MOODY [friend/mentor] and FRANK LONGBOTTOM [friend] from his friend’s work. Apparently they had been closely watching the boys and had decided that their connections and their outward demeanour qualified them for a secret institution. 
By this point more people had been going missing. Some turned up dead, others were never to be seen again. His worst fear was that the deaths were connected, what he couldn’t have imagined was how dangerous the connection was. THE DARK LORD [adversary] was what he called himself. He moved through the night, collecting followers from all walks of life who were rumoured to have joined his ranks. Sirius’ own family being one of them. Sirius didn’t take much convincing to join up with The Order of The Phoenix and quickly set himself the task of investigating into his own family. Given The Dark Lord’s attitude to muggles and muggleborns, it wasn’t too shocking a prospect that the Black family would be interested in a regime that put people like them on top. Around work, Sirius is diligent in his research, covertly asking questions about his family's movements and occasionally targeting them in brief conversation when he thinks they might be amenable. Regulus and Andromeda have become his main targets, the less bloodthirsty members of the Black family if anyone were to give him information out of pity or love it was likely to be them and Sirius will stop at nothing to find out what they are up to, before they are too far gone for him to be able to save from themselves. 
— he is a LEVEL 5 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE STAR get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as;
name → marlene mckinnon pronouns → she/her identification → cis female  year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → brittany o'grady blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → chaser and captain of pride of portree in the britsh and irish quidditch league future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
An enimag of DRAGON BREATH and STARLIGHT, while she burns with PASSION and CONFIDENCE, her past LOVE AFFAIRS leave her TARNISHED. TRUTH spills from RED WAR PAINTED LIPS in often BRASH tone. Armoured in LEATHER and HEELS, THORNS fail to protect a MISGUIDED HEART from MISERY that seeps into her veins like POISON. As BEAUTIFUL and as FLEETING as a DYING STAR pleading for someone, anyone, to cast them a glance. 
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on the coasts of Isle of Skye, Scotland; the young witch was never without the wind in her hair and fire in her heart. Youngest of three elder brothers, DOUGAL MCKINNON [brother], COINNEACH MCKINNON [brother] and NATHAIR MCKINNON [twin brother/unknown adversary]. Ansel and Iona were thrilled to finally welcome her after longing for a daughter. The favouritism they held towards Marlene was unparalleled. The ‘golden child’ who could do no wrong, Marlene learned that with a bat of her eye lashes she could get away with murder. Spoiled, Marlene has an air of entitlement; finding herself too often caught in her own world to consider the effect she has on others. While her mother made her superficial, her brothers made her bold. Daring to fly higher, ambition and determination rooted deep as she strove to gain their approval. Speeding through the valleys on broomsticks to challenging each other to eat handfuls of vomit flavoured Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans; there was never a dull moment with the four together. While frowned upon by their mother, she begrudgingly had to accept that while she’d longed for a daughter to wrap in beautiful bows and soft mannerisms, Marlene grew to be unashamedly herself; striding through the world as if ready to conquer it. 
Coming to Hogwarts it was no surprise that Marlene was sorted into Gryffindor. Marlene knew Hogwarts would come with countless tales of adventures and trouble; what she’d never expected was to find her three best friends among the hallowed halls;  LILY EVANS [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend] and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend]. Dragging them across the castle to explore rooms under instruction of Coinneach, they hid in secret passageways, exchanged secrets and quickly became each other's support network. While all different, they held the same virtues. Growing up privileged with pure-blood status, Marlene had never been exposed to the prejudices that encapsulated so much of the wizarding community. Snide comments and glares towards her friends infuriated her, unable to understand how anyone could see less of them due to something as trivial as blood. But she bit her tongue only for the sake of Lily and Mary. However after the torment LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] inflicted on Mary, Marlene had to be held back from throwing a swing every time he passes in the halls.
A formidable quidditch player, she could file her nails while simultaneously scoring a goal. Her confidence and skill quickly caught the attention of JAMES POTTER [friend/ex-boyfriend] and it wasn’t long before the pair started dating. Finding his confidence and charm compelling, a part of her delighted at the prospect of dating Gryffindor’s ‘golden boy’. While Lily held distaste for James, even to a blind man it was evident how captivated by Lily James really was. The jealous type, Marlene couldn’t help but feel irked he was so blind sighted by her best friend. Considering the notion that their relationship had merely been a ploy by James to get closer to Lily, the pair eventually split. Since, Marlene holds her heart closer to her chest. Still, the best thing to come from her relationship with James was REMUS LUPIN [friend], PETER PETTIGREW [friend], but most notable SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/potential love interest]. Hitching a ride on the back of Sirius’ motorcycle, they were reckless, young and brave. What worries her is the way Sirius’ smile can make her heart ache. Seeing how careless he can be with women, the last thing Marlene wants is to be another discard with the fantasy of something better around the corner. Stolen glances turned to missed opportunities as life after Hogwarts quickly took hold leaving behind blissfully ignorant moments and a strand of what ifs.
Scouted by the HolyHead Harpies, Marlene was on track to become their next Chaser. Unfortunately flying with the Harpies would always stay a dream. With her last match at Hogwarts ending in a one way ticket to the infirmary due to ‘suspicious circumstances’, by the time she was able to return to the sport, it was too late. Still keen for her skill, instead they offered her the opportunity to become an assistant coach which she gladly accepted. Seeing it as an opportunity to learn from some of the greats and fine tune her skills in the meantime. While flying all day and drinking with her friends all night was a charmed life, as unrest among the community grew; so did Marlene’s advocacy. Her defiant and outspoken devotion for her friends was quickly picked up by ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster] who spoke of a darkness forming and their need to combat it. The Order of the Phoenix, a group of individuals who believed in equality for all felt fitting for a witch with fire in her heart and dueling skills beyond many in her year. Eager to take her place and make a difference, it was a fight that Marlene joined without question. 
Though fate had other plans. 1982 held turbulence, fleeting hope and abandoned misery. What had started as charming flirting with an old friend at Halloween, led to choking on water rimmed with blood as the very person she was hoping to go home with fell fifty feet before her eyes and lay dead in the Ministry fountain. BOOKER BAGNOLD [friend] was the catalyst. Resistance brewed and attacks continued as The Order were left trying to unravel chaos in its wake. Yet as her mentor BENJY FENWICK [friend/mentor] was attacked, a hopeless fury started to ignite her. Frustrated at the absence of control, there was only so much defense training she could grasp before feeling compelled to believe the rumors that haunted her. The cursed woman, the kiss of death, while the prophet took light of her misfortune, Marlene’s faked smiles hid the uncertainty that left her chest concaving and heart breaking. As shadows haunted London, 1983 solstice left the community finally sensing the hell that was before them. Unvalled, The Dark Lord held everything that they’d been fearing. Battles broke and AMELIA BONES [acquaintance] fell, the devastation that cursed the night left all uncertain of what the future held.
Arrested for the use of an unforgivable curse, while she was inevitably proved innocent under the imperius curse; but for the Harpies they couldn’t afford the bad press after decades of fighting for respect. Losing her job as coach, while her dream became a fleeting memory; her talents were quickly scouted by CATRIONA MCCORMACK [coach] for her home team The Pride of Portree. Knowing her character, Cat stood boldly by her side under scrutiny from the league,. While proactive; it has proven that the rift in the community is rotted blacker than a nightmare. A narrative that has seeped into their own family. Nathair’s outspoken objection towards ANNABETH PEBWORTH [future sister in law] joining the family, has torn the fabric of the once united Mckinnon’s to shreds. While she hopes his callous words are merely rooted in fear, Malene dreads the outcome. A hurricane of chaos feels inevitable to tear through the very fabric of the Wizarding Community as they know it. Unspoken panic from the Ministry and the worry edged deep into Dumbledore’s face is evidence enough. The war to come isn’t a question of if; it’s when. Marlene just hopes that when the lightning hits and turns into flames, she’ll be able to safeguard the people she holds most dear without them falling victim to the crossfire
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE WHITE KNIGHT get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
name → james potter pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → darren barnet blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → auror for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → husband of lily evans, father of harry potter
— he is best described as ;
UNWAVERING LOYALTY. He is a FIRM HANDSHAKE after a game of or a PAT ON THE BACK in a time of SUPPORT. He is a BOYISH SMILE when no one is looking and the comforting scent of the EARTH after it RAINS or the taste of a BEER by the FIREPLACE on an AUTUMN evening with friends. He’s the first boy you write LOVE LETTERS to yourself about, wishing you knew more.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death, tw: blood
A legendary man; James Potter’s name rings around Wizarding London as loud as the toll of Big Ben. To most he is a beloved former school boy who grew into a respected auror, whilst others would speak of him in a less favourable light. Born to Fleamint and Euphima Potter, James was an only child and raised in a large and beautiful home. The Potters were an old family in the city and highly respected amongst high society, both for their name and their contribution to modern day wizarding cosmetics. Childhood was glittering parties and rubbing shoulders with Ministry Officials, models and designers that clutched bubbling drinks. Like any loving parents, the Potters filled their son’s head with dreams and each night he slept soundly knowing the world was his oyster, he only needed to go out and grasp it.  Hogwarts presented an opportunity for James to fan his feathers in front of a larger audience and he wasted no time in doing so before the sorting hat touched his dark curls. 
James spotted SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/housemate] upon entering the train and immediately became intrigued. He had seen Sirius in his parents circles, though he was aware the Black family preferred to cart out their nieces to public parties rather than their eldest son. They told the same jokes and both immediately rushed to the windows of their carriage when they saw a fight unfolding in the aisles. As soon as James saw PETER PETTIGREW [best friend/housemate] put away his wand and give LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] a right hook to the jaw, James knew he had to be his friend. Sorted into Gryffindor, he was excited to be with like-minded people and was overjoyed to be seated with Peter and Sirius at the table. But there was someone else sitting there that would come to be just as prominent in his life. It didn’t take long for James to learn that wrapping Gryffindor around his little finger was incredibly easy, but others were not so easily persuaded. LILY EVANS [close friend/potential love interest] was one of them. 
No matter how many outlandish displays of affection he threw her way, asking her to be his valentine by spelling her name into fireworks in The Great Hall, defending her honour when people dared to insult her, she was adamant she wanted nothing to do with him. Although his antics did not capture Lily’s attention they did capture those of the faculty, but James had cunning a plan to get around that. REMUS LUPIN [best friend/housemate] was a fellow Gryffindor who had the favour of a number of the teachers including ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [leader/former headmaster] and had future prefect written on his forehead. James made it his mission early on to befriend him, finding the task more difficult than he’d anticipated due to how aloof he was, despite being friendly and easy to speak to. Then in second year, with help from Peter and Sirius, they learned his closely guarded secret. Remus was a boy in need of love and acceptance. From that point onward they were inseparable. Peter was his joy, Sirius was his right hand and Remus was his conscience, which he often needed to spot the holes in his hairbrained schemes. 
Remus had been the one to tell him that mercilessly bullying Lily’s gatekeeper SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary] was a bad idea. Or that dating her best friend MARLENE MCKINNON [close friend/former partner] to get her attention, would not get him the attention he was after. James didn’t really know how to win with her and was surprised when suddenly she began being kind to him, but by the time she had, he had more on his mind than winning her over. Just before final year, James had opened his front door to find Sirius sobbing in the street holding his bags. His family had finally severed all ties with him and their friendship meant more to Sirius now than it ever had before. Seventh year saw James a decorated Quidditch Captain and Head Boy, but when he looks back on that time he remembers how he tried to be there for his friends. Soothing their worries and providing a laugh when needed; and how all of the childishness that came before, of flirting with girls and bullying other boys felt meaningless in comparison. 
Upon graduating, James moved to London with Remus, Sirius and James. Unlike his friends he had a clear vision of what he wanted to do and was eagerly accepted onto the Auror training programme where he excelled in his position. He was happy in his job, keeping the streets of the city safe at night and partying with his friends in the evening. It was all he’d ever wanted. But James remembered the day it all suddenly changed. Just past midnight he ran to Marlene, her dress soaked in blood, a look of horror on her face like she’d never seen before. BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], was dead and one of his close friends had been uncomfortably close to the event. James threw everything he had into the case, working hard to find the person who had done it and fighting the twists and turns that came their way. He couldn’t have foreseen however, how connected it all was, until the day that Dumbledore extended an invitation to join The Order of The Phoenix. James had noticed the amount of missing person’s cases piling up on his desk and the deaths that went unsolved. 
It was the musings, he thought of a tired auror that something larger was at play and then suddenly they had an answer. THE DARK LORD [adversary]. A mysterious figure who Dumbledore was adamant was the hand of death behind it all. To take his mind off things, James has been privately working the cold case of missing socialte ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest], who disappeared three years ago. Many disappearence and attacks including the death of Booker, were attributed to werewolves, prompting the Ministry to look more closely at the members of Wizarding London who may be hiding in plain sight. James has been doing his best to investigate crimes he believes might be related to werewolves, with the help of his mentor HESTIA JONES [close friend/mentor] at The Order’s HQ to ensure Remus’s job remains in tact and he stays out of the crosshairs of some diffiuclt cases which could be pinned on his best friend in panic. Something feels wrong to James about Rosaline’s disappearance and although to many she’s just a pure-blood socialte, he is certain a little research she could fit into a bigger picture no one has seen.
— he is a LEVEL 7 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE EXECUTIONER get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → jae mulciber pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1950 - september 1951 face claim → kim woo bin blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → defence barrister at the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
CALCULATED and BRASH, he is the taste of HUNDRED GALLEONS worth of CHAMPAGNE, luxurious and belonging to those with WEALTH. A catalyst of DESTRUCTION, he is the COLD edge of an EXECUTIONER’S BLADE; DECISIVE and CALLOUS determining the fate of victims with one fateful BLOW. Yet the HAUNTED GUILT of victims shadows that linger in the dead of night, UNNERVING in its actions of fate driven MADNESS.
— his story starts with ;
tw: abuse, tw: death
The second born to Kyung Mulciber and Yeong Yang, Jae glowed in his parents’ affection as they primped him to raise the Mulciber name into defying glory. Hidden in the secluded mountains of The Lake District, enchanted barriers hid the family from unwelcome prying eyes. Gothic and grand, the manor was envied amongst Pure-Blood elite for its grandeur. Gargoyles kept a luring gaze on the perimeter, while towering family portraits adorned embossed walls cast in crystal chandeliers. Resilient and powerful with exuberant wealth enough for generations to come; Mulciber was a feared household name for its powerful ties to darkness. Souls matching demons, they snarled at Half-Bloods and Mudblood’s alike, batting them into anguish with a superior god complex. Molded into assassins of torment; purist rhetoric was laced in their lives from dusk till dawn. Breeding internal misery, Jae and ERIS MULCIBER [sister] were taught not what beauty magic held but rather what power. Snarled voices echoed like piercing sirens around the garden’s grounds, poisoning any innocence the children held into pure vile vulgarity. A villainous snarl to accompany his bite, Kyung’s teachings were relentless and treacherous;  enough to make even the Thestrals kept on their ground quiver. 
Concealing their illegal devastation with unregistered Gregorovitch wands, they harnessed darkness while slipping through the grasps of the law. The first born, Eris, struck strife with the Cruciatus curse. Jae however took akin to the killing curse. Harsh, blunt, direct, it grew like a disease in his hand; graving it’s power. The troublesome duo relentlessly tormented house elves for their own self-satisfaction. Reveling in screams, elves who disobeyed fell victim. Only once Eris had her fun did Jae put them out of their misery with one swish flick. Dancing in the praise their parents bestowned, they beamed with pride at the monsters they’d created. Though as years passed, connections faded. Once throwing hexes at one another with childish glee, glowering glances turned their relationship sour as Eris grew green with envy watching Jae became his father’s right hand. Though pleasantries dulled as heartbreak shattered the family. LARKIN MULCIBER [brother], caused their mother’s last breath with his first. Lace as black as night hid silent tears, while the stench of alcohol on their father’s breath bit as he hushed Larkin’s wails of tears with bitter hatred. While Eris grew spiteful, Jae grew dependable and divisive; possessing an anger so vile it could burn cities to the ground.
Leaving the Mulciber name growing in the pits of hell, Durmstrang was Jae’s doing. Persistent in his acts of cruelty, his wit and suave became his hallmark.  His charm lured in the unsuspecting; leaving them at his disposal. Dominating the school with a devilish grin, slicked back hair and an arrogant charisma that left even the strongest of witches falling at his feet. Proud, he rose like a phoenix from his mother’s ashes. Enthralled by his father’s guiding words to gather strong connections to benefit them when THE DARK LORD’s [leader] world came to fruition, Jae entrusted only those equally despicable to his side. NYX FALKOV [close friend] was a witch with powerful wandless magic rivaling even his own as she poisoned minds and played fiddle to no man, while OSIRIS SNYDE [best friend] held a somber disposition but whose combat skills could leave any quivering at his feet. Rioting the night they reigned, encouraged by classmates and tutors alike for their sickafance and talent for the dark arts. Graduating with shining medals of honour to his name, Jae’s intellect and ambition for glory reigned. Hungry for power, he strode in his father’s footsteps; knowing his position could claim him leverage and a dominating hand in any room. 
Filled with aristocratic politicians who aimed to benefit themselves, while he held little interest in the justice of Wizengamot, he saw value in its disgrace. Months he watched the meek plead their innocence despite their guilt. Their insolence was intolerable; but presented the perfect opportunity. Cunning as the devil and twice as pretty, Jae turned his hand to law and became a defense barrister with hopes to become of use to The Dark Lord. Safeguarding those with less than savory natures, Jae was untouchable as he pleaded cases for those with horror’s hidden in their eyes. Slick defenses, he unshackled the guilty with owls piled high on his desk from villainous figures pleading for their freedom. One witch that found his behavior despicable was NAMARI NGUYEN [ex-wife], an Auror with bold gumption; if Jae was the executioner, Namari was the liberator. Taking entertainment in her displeasure, as their heated rivalry grew, Jae found himself only wanting to toy with her more. Love, they say, toys a fine parallel line to hatred. Passionate disagreements turned to scandalous moments hidden behind locked doors. While their values classed; their blood and families aligned. The hand of one of the most trusted Auror’s was a wealthy commodity and perfect mask; for who would suspect the husband of a senior officer?
Sipping a fire whiskey on rocks with his father and mistress Meihui, they laughed at the state of the Ministry under the hands of MILLICENT BAGNOLD [acquaintance]. Though when Kyung went to check on his girlfriend, alarmed shouts disrupted the silence. Joining his father, his gaze befell a large serpent luring in the shadows. Swift action, a twisted hand and a hissed ‘Avada Kedavra’ left the creature cold. Only, to their horror, as the scaly beast morphed into a petite woman did they realize it wasn’t a beast at all, but Meihui; a Maledictus unknown to them. But before Kyung and Jae could utter a word, a scream of horror erupted from Namari who’d just returned home. Horrified, her gaze once loving darked before his eyes. With panicked words of informing the Ministry, she fled for her wand. Barely a whisper of a hair from her grasp, before ‘Avada Kedavra’ cut through the air like a guillotine, leaving her too cold as stone on the marble floor. Jae looked upon his wife’s corpse with; death having left his lips from selfish fear of his own fate before he’d even gabbled the consequences. Masquerading murders, Sectumsempra replicated the attack of the late BOOKER BAGNOLD [acquaintance], leading blame to ‘infamous killer’ SILAS CRUMP [person of interest]. And if betrayed, they’d all go burning to hell and drag RABASTAN LESTRANGE [rival] down with them. 
The Solstice of Summer 1983 was as filled with depraved darkness as they’d hoped. Proving his worth by plucking the doomed hair off CLAUDETTE TREMBLAY’s [victim] shoulder; he used polyjuice potion to transfigure into her and set the fatal spell. Claudette took the blame for AMELIA BONES’s [victim] death, setting the death eaters free in the knowledge their secrets died with Bones. Rewarded with the Dark Mark, he basked with pride at being entrusted amongst The Dark Lords inner circle. But with the passing year he’s grown tormented by shadows. Strange events keep happening without explanation, leaving him feeling haunted in guilt as he catches a reflection of a face he swears is his late wife. An unnerving sight that isn’t helped with Namari’s once partner in crime DOUGAL MCKINNON [person of interest] sniffing around. Storm raging in his chest, for a man once assertive, he’s become unstable in his own judgement. Clearing the name of EDRICK SELWYN [associate], in exchange for his early release from Azkaban, he has tasked him to deter Dougal by any means necessary. Swearing to Morgana the Mulciber name will burn glorious as he arises as the air. But what good is a legacy, if you’re unable to bask in all of its power come dawn?
— he is a LEVEL 8 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE BENEVOLENT get what they deserve?” They are in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— they walk through the world as ;
name → mary macdonald pronouns → they/he identification → nonbinary year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → quintessa swindell blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → bartender at the hopping pot in carkitt market future information → married to reginald cattermole, parent of maisie, ellie and alfred cattermole
— they are best described as ;
A SOCIAL BUTTERFLY among caterpillars, they are pockets of love heart sweets with the promise of ROMANCE lingering in sweet admirations. VANILLA PERFUME laced with GIGGLE WATER, they are the spring day dreams of floral patterns yet fresh blooms PLUCKED BARE from callous lovers. While broken loneliness masked by KINDHEARTED BRAVERY concealed ANXIOUS FEAR, harrowing torment lurks in the waters depths of their eyes haunting their troubled dreams.
— their story starts with ;
tw: blood
Born an only child to a young single mother, the pair lived comfortably in their home in Nottingham with only each other to hold. A summer romance had led to Mary, with news of a child their father left as quickly as Autumn came; slipping into the thick of night without a word of goodbye. Harboring questions of why, their curiosity was merely avoided accompanied with their mother’s face of displeasure. Adamant not to recall a man that had left her broken hearted. While Mary’s father had been absent, their mother had been anything but. Lifting them up and showing them the love held in the world if only they had the bravery to seek it. It was the determination to stand tall again after being hurt that counted the most. Trying despite the odds and having the courage of heart to get back up if you fall. They learnt that asking for help held its own bravery and was never something to be ashamed of and above all, to always offer your own hand to anyone who may need it. Their mother’s compassion was mirrored in Mary, finding that people would always be the best part of any given day.
With their mother working for a high end fashion company, Mary longed for the buzz of the city and thrived in the vibrancy. Capturing diversity through their vintage camera, they craved the feeling of belonging. Colourful folk from all walks of life filled their film reels, delighting in the fact that in London, anyone could be anything. Predominantly, their times in the city revolved around glamour. Accompanying their mother to offices, events and photoshoots, Mary was exposed to the complexities of the fashion industry and subsequently the lifestyle from a young age. Seeing slim models fixate on appearances, subconsciously Mary started mimicking behaviors. For an insecure youth, being surrounded by subjectively beautiful people made them over analytical of their own appearance. Combined with their mother’s need for high presentation at social affairs, it instilled deep rooted self scrutiny in an attempt to fit into a box of idealized beauty. Mary tried to be the personification of perfection. Behaving how they thought others wanted them to rather than being their own person. Vanity rooted from insecurity, painted nails and the perfect accessory acted as their shield to mask the uncertainty and loneliness behind.
Thankfully normality dashed when they started to receive their letters to Hogwarts. Overwhelmed with a sense of relief in knowing their differences didn’t make them odd. It made them unique, literal magic. In the wizarding world, Mary came to life. Sorted into Gryffindor, they found kinship in LILY EVANS [best friend], MARLENE MCKINNON [best friend] and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend], friendships that would last a lifetime. Unlike their friends, Mary wasn’t the most outstanding student. Often in trouble gossiping to ORLAITH MACMILLAN [close friend/roommate] or from dozing off on a text book after dancing and drinking the night away at one of the Marauders famous parties.They were often passed off without a second thought by their peers, appearing unthreatening as they hummed muggle pop music in the corridors and doodling hearts on the corners of parchments with whichever boy had accidentally brushed their hand in the hallway that week. Captivated by romances, Mary dreamed in soft pinks, whispered moments and a summer breeze. While some considered them naive, for others Mary became a confidant entrusted with secrets; namely in Doe’s affection for Marlene. Offering kindness a soft hand squeeze in moments of dismay, a shoulder and hand full of love heart sweets to distract from heart ache.
Hopelessly romantic, they fell hard and often for people who never fully appreciated them. Taken advantage of more than once, tears stained their cheeks as they cried into their dormmate’s arms. Offers of hot chocolates from Lily, help finding someone new from Marlene and the threat to teach them a lesson from Doe, they would all mourn together. While Dorcas warned maybe finding themselves was a better solution, Mary passed off the comments deeming it in ridicule. Knowing the value of connections, there was never a scenario where Mary would miss a party; unwilling to squander their chance of meeting someone over a beverage. Though, there was one connection they wished they could rewind and cut; infamous Slytherin LARKIN MULCIBER [former partner/adversary]. Things didn’t start out as sinister as many like to believe. None of them had expected for Mary to fall as hard for Mulciber as they did. Cautious words came from all their best friends' lips the moment they’d alluded to their romance. Concern that a purist had bothered giving them the time of day when there were plenty of purebloods lined up to take their place. Still Mary fell hard. Convincing themselves they could fix whatever was broken in his heart, they saw him as a lost soul rather than Lucifer himself.
Swept by stolen moments, his insistence to keep their relationship a secret was prevalent so they obeyed. Besides Lily, Doe and Marlene, no one knew of their love affair. At least that’s what they had thought. One moment they were encapsulated in his arms, taken by that smirk until it had turned devilish. Lips trailed to their ear the only thing they remember is an uttered ‘Imperio’ before everything went dark. The next? Found screaming in the Black Lake with blood stained hands. Lily’s attempts to sooth them fell short. Spending the following weeks in the infirmary, too shaken and betrayed to deal with the twisted actions Mulicber has inflicted; fragments only coming back in nightmares. They’d been a fool. Shame followed them like a shadow as they caught the pity lingering in everyone’s eyes. Graduating, they longed for a fresh start and people that weren’t so familiar with their past. Still dealing with the trauma that was forced upon them, the idea of that torment becoming widespread was sickening. When ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster/leader] came into the tavern to inform them about The Order Of The Phoenix and others involvement, Mary was extremely hesitant. Having seen first hand the horrors of the Unforgivable curses, the fear of being subjected to more torture was terrifying. But worse was standing ideally while others faced the same fate.
Entrusted to find a prophecy that would aid them in the war, together with SIRIUS BLACK [close friend] and PETER PETTIGREW [close friend] they fought in arm to fend off KERVENS BORGIN [rival] and CAIUS BURKE [rival] who too were in search of the prophecy. Victorious in the duel, it exhilarated Mary to make a feasible difference in a world crumbling. That was until the Summer Solstice of 1983. What had started as a wholesome event turned to riots as The Death Eaters announced their claim on the wizarding world leaving them petrified with Unforgivables tormenting citizens. While still wary and worried for their friends, Mary is trying to come to terms with having to face Larkin again in due course. Knowing he is a valued member among the Death Eaters, they want to bring karma as justifications of the pain he caused them. While they fear the repercussions it could hold, facing their past is inevitable and something they hope could stop Mulciber inflicting the same nightmares on others for good. All they need is one thing, proof. Assisted by double agent GORKEN POLAT [friend], Mary wants to trick the king of the underworld at his own games. If only they don’t get caught in the process.
— they are a LEVEL 5 SORCERER & readied for war ;
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE DEVIL get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → larkin mulciber pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → woo do hwan blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
The King of SHADOWS and GOLD, he is the OMINOUS DREAD held in unwelcome prying eyes looming in the never ending cold and the CHILLED SHIVER running down the back of necks on a pitch BLACK NIGHT. A TORMENTED SOUL, the bruised boy of woe is MANIPULATIVE yet harbors REGRETS. The PUPPETEER toying with unwilling victims strings; like a SPIDER drawing blood after it drives its prey to pure INSANITY.  
— his story starts with ;
tw: abuse, tw: death, tw: blood
Born to Kyung Mulciber, a man as hateful as he was cunning, Kyung single handedly raised Larkin in disgrace. Bred a tormented soul, he was branded the Grim Reaper. Yeong, the light of Kyung’s life, took her last breath at Larkin’s first, casting bitterness into the family’s hearts. Without a single word of kindness, Larkin was resented by those supposed to grace him with care. Interactions were met with hostility and volatile anger; even from the likes of the house elves who once idealised their mistress. Growing in the fall of his mother’s glory, hidden in the secluded mountains of the Lake District enchanted barriers kept the Mulciber manor secluded from unwelcome guests. Isolated and with a severe lack of love, Larkin’s youth was spent whispering secrets to spiders dangling off chandeliers. With his father absent and cold, Larkin tried earnestly to grasp onto pieces of a parent. Hours spent by candle light in the family library, from archives detailed in gold and towering family portraits, he formed a fragmented image. A woman once powerful, resilient and beautiful, illuminated in piercing emeralds that matched her eyes; his late mother. Someone he thought could have loved him, if only Morgana had been kind.
With wealth and a line as Pure-Blooded as The Sacred-Twenty Eight, the family reveled in entitlement. Renowned for possessing an aptitude for the dark arts, purist rhetoric was laced in their lives from dusk till dawn. Breeding chaos, while Kyung praised ERIS MULCIBER [sister] and JAE MULCIBER [brother] in glory, Larkin was cursed into strife. Like his siblings, he was taught not what beauty magic held, but what power. Growling voices with a tone as sharp as poison scorned him, disapproving glares reflected in the shattered mirrored walls of the Mulciber ballroom turned training arena, distorted and manic as his father’s teachings turned cruel. Harnessing darkness, unregistered Gregorovitch wands concealed their illegal activities from the Ministry of Magic, enabling them to continue their legacy of turmoil all while slipping through the grasps of the law. The eldest Eris, channeled anger into the Cruciatus curse. Second born, Jae’s handsome features acted as the perfect deception for the master of death; with Avada Kavarda being his speciality. Leaving Larkin to master the complexity of the mind and the Imperius curse. Divine and divisive, the family were notorious for playing Merlin himself as they manipulated powers beyond their control. Together, the trio made a master of sin and torment. 
Desperate for gratification, Larkin’s sensibility grew cruel in a plight to prove his worth. Cursing the house elves with a flick of his finger, he left them dangling on the ceiling with a twisted grin all for a glimmer of respect to flicker in his fathers eyes. The more souls he puppertered, the more praise he received. Forging himself into a sinner to gain what he could only dream of; acceptance from his father. While his siblings attended Durmstrang, Kyung claimed his talent would be better suited to that of Hogwarts. Speaking of a wizard whom he once schooled with, THE DARK LORD [leader] dreamed of a world where those inferior would finally know their place. Entrusted, Larkin vowed to find those as equally wicked. Cunning as the devil, the sorting hat barely graced his head before announcing his rightful place in Slytherin. Gaining respect for his damming schemes; Larkin was renowned as the king of chaos. JASPER AVERY [best friend], though entitled and held little promise in Larkin’s eyes of matching his wits, made a reputable ally. Second in their ranks was SEVERUS SNAPE [best friend], despite his Half-Blood status, his intellect was more akin to his own. The trio became notoriously known for their vile pranks on those they deemed unworthy to study magic. 
Consumed with desire to appease his family, Larkin fell into a kingdom of darkness. Until he met them. MARY MACDONALD [former partner] was everything he wasn’t. Kind hearted with a warm disposition, if Larkin was the king of the underworld, Mary was the beautiful wix dancing above. A Muggle-Born and friend of annoyances JAMES POTTER [adversary], SIRIUS BLACK  [adversary], REMUS LUPIN [adversary] and PETER PETTIGREW [adversary] , Jaspar dared him to bring the sweet creature to ruin. What had started as a ploy to break the wix’s heart, turned into a secret relationship hidden in the shadows of the clocktower. Despite himself, he fell in love with Mary. Intoxicated by their light and the only person to ever bring warmth to his cold heart, Larkin grew desperate in his attempts to keep their love a secret. Despite efforts, PERSEPHONE WILKES [friend/rival] caught a stolen glimpse between the pair. Outraged that he’d betrayed the sanctity of magic, she deemed him a blood-traitor for his adoration for a filthy mudblood. Threatening to expose them with her wand pointed to his throat, despite Mary’s obstinate belief that love conquered all; Larkin knew that even a rumor would open them to cruelty. With Persephone’s threats lingering over his head, logically he knew the only way to guarantee their safety was to make an example of them. 
Plotting in an aid to set them free; Larkin encapsulated them in his arms and stole one last kiss before uttering ‘Imperio’. Instantly Mary’s love faded to a vacant expression; leaving them completely at his disposal. Encouraged by Jasper’s twisted grin, they killed Flinch’s cat, Mary’s hands covered in blood, and set off to their final destination; The Black Lake. Floating like Ophelia, Larkin was moments from sinking Mary into the water’s when LILY EVANS [adversary] found them. Concentration broken, Mary’s piercing screams of terror echoed around the grounds cutting Larkin’s heart like a knife. Expelled, he left Hogwarts donned a hero by purists. But for once, he didn’t feel pride in his actions. Finishing his final years of education at Durmstrang, Larkin dove into his studies with cruel intent. Named a lone wolf by peers, while the school harbored those residing in darkness; none held Larkin’s power. Wandless magic for unforgivable curses was rare and known by few, including the Muclibers who left many pleading for mercy with a mere curl of their hand. Stalking dark alleys in his black jacket embossed with scales, Larkin sunk his teeth into the pits of hell daring it to fight back. Gone were the flowers Mary had once laid, left only an empty chasm of a man; unhinged and dangerous with little left to lose. 
While his others prided their superiority through status, Larkin’s talents made him a vital recruit into The Dark Lord’s army; becoming an esteemed member in the fight for the new world. Settling on the outer banks of London with a heart rotted black, darkness swarms like a whirlpool in his chest. Under the orders of BELLATRIX BLACK [mentor], Larkin is gathering information on those who could cause complications to The Dark Lord’s plans. Sniffing out Blood-Traitors, Larkin is playing the unsuspected in a plight to move up in the ranks. GILFRED ABBOTT [victim] was the perfect victim for his scheme. Suspecting little when questions from Larkin’s lips instead left the young Gryffindor’s; his sweet demeanor acts as the perfect mask to torment. Though as charmed as his antics are, he has his sights set on bigger fish; DOUGAL MCKINNON [rival], COINNEACH MCKINNON [rival], NATHAIR MCKINNON [rival] and MARLENE MCKINNON [rival], a family seeking to devalue pure-blood legacy by allowing a muggle-born into their ranks was the perfect target to finally bring him to glory. While the other McKinnon siblings shout for equality, Larkin has his eyes set on the brother that prefers the shadows than the light. Calculating his plans, he knows Nathair will be the undoing of the family, if only he pulls on the right set of strings.
— he is a LEVEL 7 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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