#m mary macdonald
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE QUEEN OF WANDS get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as ;
name → lily evans pronouns → she/her identification → cis female year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → ellie bamber blood status → muggle-born sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → researcher in the spells and curses research wing at the ministry of magic future information → wife of james potter, mother of harry potter
— she is best described as ;
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised in Cokeworth to a muggle librarian and a muggle school teacher, her upbringing was relatively simple. Her home was dreamed up and doodled on the back of pieces of notepaper when her parents were young, with ivy growing up the walls and beautiful flowers adorning their cottage garden. Lily and her older sister PETUNIA EVANS [sibling/adversary] were named after those flowers, securing a special bond Lily thought they’d share forever. Her sister was her best friend, until the day it became clear that Lily Evans was different. When she was seven years old, playing in the garden with her sister Lily noticed as she and Petunia danced and twirled the flowers in their garden danced too, singing a merry tune as she had once seen in a film. Lily realised she could do extraordinary things, she blew a dandelion into butterflies and could make a bud bloom in her hands. Lily considered herself special, her sister did not. Petunia became jealous of her, saying cruel and spiteful things about Lily’s abilities until tears rolled down her cheeks. A freak was what she called her and her best friend became her adversary. A young boy in Spinner's End became a place of safety for Lily, SEVERUS SNAPE [adversary/former best friend]. 
A quiet boy, who sometimes appeared awkward in his own skin, Lily brought out some confidence in him, a look of awe in his eyes as she made nature transform into something even more beautiful. Severus told her the magic of the world behind the curtain from her own. Apparently she was a witch, like Severus’ mother and one day she would arrive home from school to a letter from PROFESSOR ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former professor/leader] telling her she had been selected to attend a magical school for people just like them. Sure enough her letter arrived and Petunia was delighted to hear Lily would be moving away to boarding school, comparing it to a prison rather than a place of education. Lily did not want to leave on bad terms with her sister, but as she boarded the train for school just aged eleven she knew their relationship was well and truly over. Sorted into Gryffindor, Lily quickly befriended a few fellow lions she was fortunate enough to be sharing a dorm with that year. MARLENE MCKINNON [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend], and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend] were unique characters who made the transition to her new life easier. 
Mary was her rock during the process, also a Muggle-Born, they were bubbly, friendly and seemingly unphased by the hustle and bustle of their new world. Lily attempted to follow suit and the beginning of classes signalled a new found confidence for Lily as it quickly became established amongst her peers that she was an incredibly talented witch. A firm favourite of her professors, particularly Professors Slughorn and Fltwick, Lily’s talents began to attract her both positive and negative attention at school, as people flocked to be her friend and ask for her help with their studies. JASPER AVERY [adversary] was particularly jealous of Lily’s talents and frequently made it known he believed her to be lesser, due to her blood status. Lily however, would never be deterred and garnered a bit of a reputation for late night duels by The Black Lake to take down those who dared to challenge her and put their abilities where their mouth was. Lily had thick skin and a sharp mind, which meant cleverly orchestrated insults often followed the sting of her spells. It was this fire that attracted the unwanted attention of JAMES POTTER [close friend/potential love interest/former adversary], a fellow Gryffindor, who Lily found terribly arrogant.
To Lily, James, SIRIUS BLACK [close friend/former adversary] and PETER PETTIGREW [close friend/former adversary] were self-entitled bullies who had found entertainment in making fun of others, namely Severus- though these dynamics quickly shifted. In her fourth year after a stern talking to from McGonagall about her fighting, Lily accepted a position as a prefect with REMUS LUPIN [close friend] and began to see things differently without blood red rage. Her once good friend had sought the company of Avery and LARKIN MULICBER [adversary] another boy Lily despised due to his disgusting treatment of Mary which had left her beaten and bruised. Lily couldn’t understand why he would associate with such people and when she caught him calling her a mudblood with his ‘friends’ and heard James Potter of all people defending her, Lily had little time for his antics. She was still not convinced of James and his friends, but her mind was made up on Severus. From then onwards, Lily was ice cold towards him, not even bothering to insult him but rather looking through him with as much disdain as she could muster. 
After graduating both a prefect, head of her class and Head Girl- Lily was anxious to get her life started. As much as she loved her parents, she had no desire to spend any time with her sister and quickly moved into a house-share with American witch PRUDENCE OWENS [housemate] and JONATHAN REEVES [housemate] whom Lily vaguely remembered from school. It was jarring living with people she’d never met after spending so much time with her friends, but strangely Lily liked the separation and enjoyed the oddities of her two flatmates who couldn’t be any different from her. Prue and Jon mostly kept to themselves, which worked for Lily who enjoyed staying in her room after a long day at work. Lily accepted a position working for The Ministry of Magic in their Spells and Curses research department, studying spells and trying to push the limits of magic as they knew it. The job suited Lily perfectly, with a curious disposition and a joy of learning she hoped would never fully be quenched in her role. She saw her job as somewhat academic and didn’t realise how important it would become until people began disappearing. It was because of her skillset that Lily was asked to join The Order of The Phoenix, a secret underground group, it seemed most of her friends had been drafted into by their former headmaster. 
When BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] died on Halloween in 1983 everyone suspected a werewolf attack but PANDORA FORTESCUE [friend/colleague] thought differently, though no one quite paid any attention. A whimsical witch, though she was talented, people often overlooked her- but Lily was in awe of Pandora and paid attention to her research, though admittedly long after the Booker case was closed by the Ministry. It had irritated Lily that no one had listened to Pandora and privately Lily began working with her on the case, conducting research into what they thought might have caused the wounds on Booker and looked for any similarities. Annoyingly when ROSALIE FLINT [person of interest] went missing there was no body for her and Pandora to look over and BENJY FENWICK’s [person of interest] vampire attack seemed to be just that. Lily parked her research for some time, irritated that hers and Pandora’s theory didn’t quite seem to fit. Booker hadn’t been attacked by a werewolf, that much she was sure of- even if Benji had and Rosalie had just gone missing. With bated breath Lily waits for the next person to fall, as ghoulish and gruesome as it sounds. Lily knows the Ministry or perhaps their feared rival organisation are framing creatures. All she needs is proof and motive, so maybe her quiet and secretive housemate Jonathan, might be a good place to start.
— she is a LEVEL 7 WITCH & readied for war ;
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bimoonphases · 20 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 4 - prompt 4: Muggle [word count 727]
Remus had known it was a bad idea from the start. But it had been the last day of the summer holidays and he knew that in less than twenty-four hours he would be bound for another school year of pining after one Sirius Black with no chances at all, so when Jason had winked at him over the hedge of his parents’ garden he had left aside the book he had been reading and had followed him to the empty building of the village school, where they had as usual climbed up to the abandoned attic. Still, the sheer stupidity of that idea had become evident some minutes before, when he had been rearranging his tie in their crowded train compartment and Marlene had leaned over, her eyes sparkling.
“Is that a hickey, Remus?” she had said, way too loud.
And of course, everyone had turned to look at him. He had felt his cheeks heat up and had passed a hand on his neck, cursing internally the fact he had been too caught up in the moment to tell Jason to not leave visible marks.
“Are you dating someone?” Lily lowered her book and turned to him, beaming.
“No, no, I’m not,” he said quickly. “It was just a summer thing, it’s over.”
He risked a glance at Sirius, who was staring at him with a blank look on his face, his head in Mary’s lap while she was braiding his hair.
“Pity,” Mary smiled. “You’re quite a catch, any girl would be lucky to have you.”
“Or boy,” Lily pointed out.
“Same difference,” Mary shrugged. “Anyone would be lucky to have our Remus.”
“Yeah, we all know that,” Sirius said from her lap.
“So anyway, who was it?” Peter asked over his chess manual.
“Yes Moony, tell us more,” James tossed aside his Quidditch magazine. “Did you break the heart of a witch or wizard who happened to pass by your village?”
Remus sighed, seeing there was no escaping his friends.
“It was just a boy from my parents’ neighbourhood and I told you there were no hearts involved,” he heard Sirius snort at that. “And he’s a Muggle.”
“Of course he is,” Lily nodded, looking back at her book.
“What do you mean ‘of course’, Evans?” Sirius sat up.
“Face it Black, we Muggles are way better than all of you lot in the snogging department,” Lily smirked.
“Damn right we are,” Marlene nodded, high-fiving Mary over Sirius’s head.
“You wound me, Evans,” James dramatically placed a hand over his heart.
“Then my job here is done,” Lily smiled. “Besides, me and Remus have Prefects rounds to do,” she added, getting up.
“Come on, it can’t be true,” Sirius said. “Surely it depends on the single person?”
“I can confirm Muggle girls kiss way better than witches,” Peter piped up.
Remus rolled his eyes and adjusted his Prefect badge on his robes, following Lily outside. But as soon as they had started down the corridor, their compartment door opened again.
“Moony! Moony, wait!” Sirius’s voice said.
“I’ll wait for you in the next carriage, Remus,” Lily rolled her eyes.
Remus sighed and turned around to face Sirius, trying his very best not to let his eyes linger on his lips.
“Is it really true?” Sirius asked. “That Muggles are better at kissing than wizards?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Remus gritted his teeth. “I’ve never kissed a wizard.”
“You really haven’t?” Sirius liked his lips.
Come to think of it, the one of the day before wasn’t the dumbest idea Remus had had lately. No, the gold medal would have to go to the fact that without even thinking he reached out for Sirius’s shirt and pulled him closer, for once staring into those silver eyes without blushing.
“Do you want to help changing that?” he whispered.
And as Sirius nodded, he closed the gap between them, finally planting his lips over the other boys’, who made a strangled sound and pulled him even closer.
“You were right,” Remus said, when they came up for air. “It does depend on the single person.”
“I don’t really care,” Sirius panted. “Kiss me again.”
Lily would be angry at him for missing his prefect duties, but Remus didn’t care at the moment. Maybe it wouldn’t be another year of pining after Sirius Black again after all.
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have you drawn masc lily to match the fem marauders…
yes i have but ages ago, so i here you go!
(mary and marlene pull this type of shit every year)
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Marls *giving the best performance of his life*: hundreds of gingers are brutally murdered every christmas-“
L: “it’s april?”
Marls: “-sign our petition to help put a stop to this madness”
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close up of the petition bc you know the marauders were up for it
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lily0evans0gf · 4 months
sirius: from now on we’ll be using code names. you can address me as “eagle 1” sirius: mary, code name, “been there done that” sirius: remus, is “currently doing that” sirius: james, “it happened once in a dream” sirius: marlene, “if i had to pick a girl”
sirius: and lily, “eagle 2”
lily: oh thank god
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vomits0cutely · 5 months
Marlene: gaslighting doesn’t work on me
Mary: ..oh?
Marlene: because I already don’t trust my, terrible, memory and I don’t care what really happened
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lulublack90 · 6 months
New chapter. The girls are back and Sirius makes a plan.
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marlbles · 27 days
an expert from the new wolfstar fanfic i’m writing inspired by if we were villains by m.l. rio and the secret history by donna tartt:
Remus sat face-to-face with Rita Skeeter. The astounding world-famous journalist, who decided she needed to interview Remus. Remus Lupin, the convicted criminal who brutally ended the 5 lives of some of his closest peers. The monster, the living devil he was.
And Rita wanted the full story, truth or not.
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juniperpyre · 8 months
marauders & co. coffee orders
lily: black coffee with honey and cinnamon or a honey latte with 2%. she's easy
james: he tries every new drink. if there's nothing new he'll ask for a surprise and tip $10, or get a Real masala chai since he actually prefers tea
sirius: rose and cardamom latte with whole milk. seasonal drinks in the winter but he pretends they are not seasonal drinks
remus: earl grey with milk and one sugar. when they're mad at someone they drink it black
peter: he switches it up, just not as much as james. a vanilla latte with skim is ol' reliable
mary: she likes matcha and green tea lemonades. barring those options she gets a mocha
marlene: refuses to go anywhere but her own hand selected local coffee shops. has been a barista. asks for a real macchiato, if they don't have that she asks for the barista's favorite. this is obnoxious when anyone else does it but marlene pulls it off
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE STAR get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as;
name → marlene mckinnon pronouns → she/her identification → cis female  year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → brittany o'grady blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → chaser and captain of pride of portree in the britsh and irish quidditch league future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
An enimag of DRAGON BREATH and STARLIGHT, while she burns with PASSION and CONFIDENCE, her past LOVE AFFAIRS leave her TARNISHED. TRUTH spills from RED WAR PAINTED LIPS in often BRASH tone. Armoured in LEATHER and HEELS, THORNS fail to protect a MISGUIDED HEART from MISERY that seeps into her veins like POISON. As BEAUTIFUL and as FLEETING as a DYING STAR pleading for someone, anyone, to cast them a glance. 
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on the coasts of Isle of Skye, Scotland; the young witch was never without the wind in her hair and fire in her heart. Youngest of three elder brothers, DOUGAL MCKINNON [brother], COINNEACH MCKINNON [brother] and NATHAIR MCKINNON [twin brother/unknown adversary]. Ansel and Iona were thrilled to finally welcome her after longing for a daughter. The favouritism they held towards Marlene was unparalleled. The ‘golden child’ who could do no wrong, Marlene learned that with a bat of her eye lashes she could get away with murder. Spoiled, Marlene has an air of entitlement; finding herself too often caught in her own world to consider the effect she has on others. While her mother made her superficial, her brothers made her bold. Daring to fly higher, ambition and determination rooted deep as she strove to gain their approval. Speeding through the valleys on broomsticks to challenging each other to eat handfuls of vomit flavoured Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans; there was never a dull moment with the four together. While frowned upon by their mother, she begrudgingly had to accept that while she’d longed for a daughter to wrap in beautiful bows and soft mannerisms, Marlene grew to be unashamedly herself; striding through the world as if ready to conquer it. 
Coming to Hogwarts it was no surprise that Marlene was sorted into Gryffindor. Marlene knew Hogwarts would come with countless tales of adventures and trouble; what she’d never expected was to find her three best friends among the hallowed halls;  LILY EVANS [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend] and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend]. Dragging them across the castle to explore rooms under instruction of Coinneach, they hid in secret passageways, exchanged secrets and quickly became each other's support network. While all different, they held the same virtues. Growing up privileged with pure-blood status, Marlene had never been exposed to the prejudices that encapsulated so much of the wizarding community. Snide comments and glares towards her friends infuriated her, unable to understand how anyone could see less of them due to something as trivial as blood. But she bit her tongue only for the sake of Lily and Mary. However after the torment LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] inflicted on Mary, Marlene had to be held back from throwing a swing every time he passes in the halls.
A formidable quidditch player, she could file her nails while simultaneously scoring a goal. Her confidence and skill quickly caught the attention of JAMES POTTER [friend/ex-boyfriend] and it wasn’t long before the pair started dating. Finding his confidence and charm compelling, a part of her delighted at the prospect of dating Gryffindor’s ‘golden boy’. While Lily held distaste for James, even to a blind man it was evident how captivated by Lily James really was. The jealous type, Marlene couldn’t help but feel irked he was so blind sighted by her best friend. Considering the notion that their relationship had merely been a ploy by James to get closer to Lily, the pair eventually split. Since, Marlene holds her heart closer to her chest. Still, the best thing to come from her relationship with James was REMUS LUPIN [friend], PETER PETTIGREW [friend], but most notable SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/potential love interest]. Hitching a ride on the back of Sirius’ motorcycle, they were reckless, young and brave. What worries her is the way Sirius’ smile can make her heart ache. Seeing how careless he can be with women, the last thing Marlene wants is to be another discard with the fantasy of something better around the corner. Stolen glances turned to missed opportunities as life after Hogwarts quickly took hold leaving behind blissfully ignorant moments and a strand of what ifs.
Scouted by the HolyHead Harpies, Marlene was on track to become their next Chaser. Unfortunately flying with the Harpies would always stay a dream. With her last match at Hogwarts ending in a one way ticket to the infirmary due to ‘suspicious circumstances’, by the time she was able to return to the sport, it was too late. Still keen for her skill, instead they offered her the opportunity to become an assistant coach which she gladly accepted. Seeing it as an opportunity to learn from some of the greats and fine tune her skills in the meantime. While flying all day and drinking with her friends all night was a charmed life, as unrest among the community grew; so did Marlene’s advocacy. Her defiant and outspoken devotion for her friends was quickly picked up by ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster] who spoke of a darkness forming and their need to combat it. The Order of the Phoenix, a group of individuals who believed in equality for all felt fitting for a witch with fire in her heart and dueling skills beyond many in her year. Eager to take her place and make a difference, it was a fight that Marlene joined without question. 
Though fate had other plans. 1982 held turbulence, fleeting hope and abandoned misery. What had started as charming flirting with an old friend at Halloween, led to choking on water rimmed with blood as the very person she was hoping to go home with fell fifty feet before her eyes and lay dead in the Ministry fountain. BOOKER BAGNOLD [friend] was the catalyst. Resistance brewed and attacks continued as The Order were left trying to unravel chaos in its wake. Yet as her mentor BENJY FENWICK [friend/mentor] was attacked, a hopeless fury started to ignite her. Frustrated at the absence of control, there was only so much defense training she could grasp before feeling compelled to believe the rumors that haunted her. The cursed woman, the kiss of death, while the prophet took light of her misfortune, Marlene’s faked smiles hid the uncertainty that left her chest concaving and heart breaking. As shadows haunted London, 1983 solstice left the community finally sensing the hell that was before them. Unvalled, The Dark Lord held everything that they’d been fearing. Battles broke and AMELIA BONES [acquaintance] fell, the devastation that cursed the night left all uncertain of what the future held.
Arrested for the use of an unforgivable curse, while she was inevitably proved innocent under the imperius curse; but for the Harpies they couldn’t afford the bad press after decades of fighting for respect. Losing her job as coach, while her dream became a fleeting memory; her talents were quickly scouted by CATRIONA MCCORMACK [coach] for her home team The Pride of Portree. Knowing her character, Cat stood boldly by her side under scrutiny from the league,. While proactive; it has proven that the rift in the community is rotted blacker than a nightmare. A narrative that has seeped into their own family. Nathair’s outspoken objection towards ANNABETH PEBWORTH [future sister in law] joining the family, has torn the fabric of the once united Mckinnon’s to shreds. While she hopes his callous words are merely rooted in fear, Malene dreads the outcome. A hurricane of chaos feels inevitable to tear through the very fabric of the Wizarding Community as they know it. Unspoken panic from the Ministry and the worry edged deep into Dumbledore’s face is evidence enough. The war to come isn’t a question of if; it’s when. Marlene just hopes that when the lightning hits and turns into flames, she’ll be able to safeguard the people she holds most dear without them falling victim to the crossfire
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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bruised-muses · 1 year
"your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get a chance to swing-"
"i fucking wish"
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
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adhonoremrpbios · 2 years
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Name: Mary Macdonald Faceclaim: Benedetta Porcaroli Age: 22 Blood Status: Muggleborn Affiliation: Neutral Former School & House: Hogwarts, Gryffindor Occupation: Secretary for Callan Prince
Mary was born to a pretty poor family in Manchester, grew up thankful for food and second hand clothes, and had big dreams that she wrote down in a Lisa Frank style notebook that she carried around with her everywhere.
She was actually extremely skilled in her science lessons in primary school, especially picking up on things like biology, though she never had the chance to let that thrive in secondary education.
Her parents were both extremely shocked to learn that she was a witch, and going off to some boarding school, so much so that she had to beg them to let her go in the first place, promising to write them every single day and to come home for every single holiday and summer break.
Her first few years of schooling were fine. She was sorted into Gryffindor (a choice that to this day she disagrees with), she made friends, she had a little family bubble, but she wasn’t exactly the most skilled with actual magic. She could do a few things with her wand pretty well, but it almost never felt like the wand fit into her hand quite right, that she was moving it around quite right. She never wanted anyone to know quite the extent of her failures, though, so overplayed her achievements in class and simply kept her head down as much as possible.
The Mulciber incident was pretty well known about, that fifth year incident where Mary was so shaken that she missed nearly two weeks worth of classes and refused to leave the Hospital Wing or take a single visitor. She never revealed the full extent of her injuries, not even to her closest friends, nor did she mention that Madame Pomfrey had been the one to give her that extra strength pain potion. She didn’t believe for the longest time that she could have something as serious as PTSD, despite the nightmares, despite the way she moved more quickly through the hallways and never allowed herself to go anywhere alone.
The extra strength pain potions were a hell of a kick, and she found another student who would make them for her, for a small cost, of course. He was one of those who took his work way too seriously, but he kept them coming, and the entirety of her sixth and seventh year were a total blur, but she was well aware of the fact that she had some of the lowest NEWT scores in the entire school, and she was pretty sure everyone else did, too.
It was harder after school to get those potions, especially with how hard it was to also find work with her tanked school career, but Mary found other drugs, muggle drugs that hit the same way. She spiraled for an entire year before her parents put their foot down, told her that she needed help. She felt betrayed at first, thought they were being dramatic and that she was fine.
She has just recently gotten out of rehab and started to reacclimate to life outside, reconnecting with friends and family, learning about the world in its dreadful state, and she isn’t quite sure how she’s meant to survive it, nor does she want to be involved in it all.
-- TRAITS --
Negative - Absentminded - Destructive Positive + Good-natured + Self-sufficient
Mary Macdonald is taken by Sierra.
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siriussslut · 5 months
casual: mary macdonald
“knee deep in the passenger seat, and you’re eating me out, is it casual now?”
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warnings: explicit smut, oral sex, semi-public sex, and worst of all- a situationship
okay guys let me know if you want me to make this a multiple part thing cuz there are quite a few lyrics about sex in this song + it could end with them getting together. hope u enjoy! 💞
“hey,” mary slides into the driver’s seat beside you. she’s in a short, pink, floral dress with an empire waist, accentuating her breasts. not that they need to be accentuated. your gaze drops to her exposed cleavage.
“so i was thinking we could go see the movie and then stop at…” she trails off when she sees where you’re staring. she smirks. “or we could just stay here.”
you’d rather it honestly. it’s much harder being “casual” on a literal date. and casual’s what mary wants, isn’t it?
“or we could just stay here.” you repeat. you’re in her car, parked in an open garage.
“we can’t go inside, my family’s home.” she’s staring at you like she wants to eat you. like she’d unhinge her jaw just to swallow you whole.
“well we have- room.” you gesture to the car. you don’t really. it’s a small, old beetle, but you two have made do in tighter spaces.
she grins, climbing onto you. she straddles you, pressing your lips together in a kiss.
“you’re so hot,” she mumbles in between kisses. her dress is short enough that it doesn’t cover beneath where she sits, and mary’s almost always wearing a thong, so her bare ass is pressed up against your thighs.
“you’re so hot,” you say back, squeezing her ass. she reaches for the chair levers as you kiss. her tongue slips inside your mouth just as she pulls, pushing the chair as far back as it goes.
she breaks away, sliding down before the seat. you spread your legs, knees sticking up, one poking out the car. you help her unzip your shorts, tossing them aside. she pulls your underwear to the side, lips slick and red, plump from kissing. “fuck, you’re so wet.”
she removes your underwear, tossing it along with your shorts.
“what if someone sees us?” the garage door is about three-quarters up, the setting sun bathing the two of you in shades of pink, red, and orange.
“then you better come quick.”
you moan the moment her lips connect with your pussy. she licks between your folds, collecting your desire on her warm tongue. “you’re so delicious.” her nose bumps into your clit as she talks into your lips.
you press your hand against your lips, stifling a whine so loud her family would definitely hear.
she licks her way up to your clit, engorged and waiting. her lips wrap around it as she uses to fingers to spread open your hole.
“fuck, you’re so tight,” she says around your pulsing bud, slipping two fingers inside your cunt.
your fingers tangle in her curls, pushing her face deeper into your sopping pussy.
she kisses your clit, before sucking on it like candy. her fingers thrust in and out of you, filling the garage with pornographic squishes.
she’s devouring you like you’re her last meal, all while fucking you at a brutal pace. through dancing spots, you see an older man turn the corner of the street.
“m-mary,” you mumble in a fucked-out daze. “someone’s getting close.”
she loosens her oral grip on your clit to talk into your pussy, soft and silky. “then come. come into my mouth, baby.”
she presses kisses on your clit, nibbling gently with her teeth. as the man nears, something inside you snaps. you moan into your hands, barely succeeding in muffling the whimpers of mary’s name.
you close your legs as he gets close enough to see, still riding the high of your orgasm.
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thetorturedpoetsfest · 3 months
Welcome to Day 2 of The Tortured Poets Fest!
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Click the links listed below to check out all of the content our lovely Tortured Poets have created for all of us today! (and go to our bio to access the rest of the AO3 Collection)
✍️ Barty or Lily or Benji or Fabian by @katie-blackcat
Ship: Regulus Black/James Potter
Rating: M
Regulus and James broke up 5 years ago. This is the story of where they have been and where they are now.
Does he ever think of him? Of the nights they spent curled up in each other’s arms? Does he wonder? Will I always wonder…?
🕯 So Hogwarts by bookish_clf
Ship: Daphne Greengrass/Ron Weasley
Rating: E
Daphne Greengrass, Senior Correspondent for Foreign Wizarding Affairs at the Daily Prophet, is forced to cover the Conference Championship Quidditch game when the entire sports department falls ill with Spattergroit.
At the game, she’s surprised to find the star Keeper of the Wimbourne Wasps, Ron Weasley, has grown up from the scrawny Gryffindor she knew at Hogwarts into someone quite…sturdy. When she snags an interview with him post-game, things spiral from there as she’s thrust into a whirlwind romance with Wizarding Europe’s most valuable player.
🗝 They Tried to Warn You About Me by @midnightstargazer
Ships: Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks, Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks, Alice Longbottom & Ted Tonks
Rating: T
They say you’ll know your soulmate by the way the world bursts into color when you meet them. Andromeda has always been warned to avoid hers at all costs - and when Ted’s friends learn who his is, they tell him she’ll never choose him. But over the years, the two are drawn together. Is a life filled with love and vibrant colors really something to fear?
📜 who's afraid of little old me? (you should be) by Sagiko_AKA_RegulusBlackKinnieBITFW @themoonthesunandthestarsbetween Ships: Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew/Severus Snape; [Background/future] Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Regulus Black/James Potter, Mary Macdonald/Lily Evans Potter Rating: M Summary: “I don’t have to tell you a damn thing, Peter.” Lily shook her head as she walked up, choosing to stand beside Dorcas. “I know what you two have been up to- I know you’ve been opening your useless legs for an utterly useless man. Now, leave.” “I’m not afraid of you.” Peter sneered.
“You should be.” Lily smiled politely.
🖌 you don't have to be alone (when you're the place i wanna go) by @quiethauntings
Ship: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Rating: E
"You’ve claimed the shit bed,” Sirius says from the doorway.
Remus looks up, suddenly aware that for the first time in years, it's just the two of them.
“You don’t like sleeping next to the door.” It comes out before he can think of something different. A fact he’d learned when they were twelve, the first summer they all stayed with the Potters’.
He should be embarrassed, remembering something like that, but Sirius tilts his head. Bright-eyed and soft. He smiles, and it’s worth it.
Or, an unexpected invitation reunites Remus with his friends at a cottage in the Scottish Highlands. **************
Be sure to check our page for Day 3’s reveals! Until then, Tortured Poets <3
🩶 Your mods,
@wolfpadx @multiimoments @heartsoncover @lemonlans @mercurial-witch @steveahoi damagecontrol & shewritesmaybe
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juniperpyre · 8 months
marlene "you know I hate how everyone expects me to bounce back, just like that" mckinnon
lily "they see right through me, they see right through me, I see right through me, I see right through me" evans
mary "always an angel, never a god" macdonald
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midnightpink · 3 months
5 times James Potter was a simping mess, and one time Regulus was just as bad
read it here on ao3
James is a simp for Regulus Black. His friends find it both hilarious and annoying. Here's five times James is pathetic for Regulus, and one time where Regulus is just as pathetic for him. They're happy and in love.
by: Katie_BlackCat
Words: 3,754, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Collections: MWPProject 2024 Fandom Initiative
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr., Dorcas Meadowes, Evan Rosier, Pandora Lovegood, Minor Characters
Relationship: Regulus Black/James Potter
Additional Tags: MWPProject 2024 Fandom Initiative, James Potter is a simp for Regulus Black, Established Regulus Black/James Potter, Background Relationships, 5+1 Things, James Potter is a weak man, So is Regulus Black, Fluff, No Angst, Hogwarts, Marauders Friendship (Harry Potter), Supportive Sirius Black, James friends have had enough, Romance, Regulus Black is a distraction
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