#m lily evans
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE ALCHEMIST get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → severus snape pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → viveik kalra blood status → half-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → potioneer at mr mulpepper’s apothecary in knockturn alley future information → traitor to the death eaters, eventual member of the order of the phoenix
— he is best described as ;
DARK and GLOOMY like that of a closed off lab. The SOLITUDE one finds when alone in their room, a LONER who prefers to get lost in HISTORY than the present day. He’s a SHARP TONGUE poised in defense, ready to FIGHT the threats that come his way. An OUTSIDER who shaped himself to fit in with the crowd. With a COLD HEART, he TURNS his BACK on those who once offered him a hand.
— his story starts with ;
Severus Snape always believed himself to be the smartest person in the room. He was the only born child to a Muggle, Tobias Snape, and a witch, Eileen Prince, who lived in Spinner’s End. From a young age Severus had been a curious boy, preferring the company of books and journals to the children that lived near him. Unusual for someone so young, Severus enjoyed the peace and quiet that came from being alone. No siblings to follow him around, no friends to continuously pull him away from his books, his room became a sanctuary of silence and Severus thrived in it. Despite his mother’s worries that he should start making friends, he stayed put with his abnormally large nose buried deep in his books. Finally realizing her words were falling on deaf ears, Eileen left him to his room, especially as time went by and Tobias grew colder. A man that never saw fatherhood in his future, Tobias spent most of his time in Spinner’s End wasting away with a glass of whiskey in hand. The only acknowledgement he’d give to his family was a scolding for the littlest of things. Severus grew to hate his father and his Muggle side, though he was never brave enough to admit that to Tobias, and instead let the feelings fester year after year.
With his father being the result of his disdain for all things Muggle, Severus leaned heavily into his wizarding side of the family. His thoughts were if Muggles could be this cold and cruel to their own blood, what were they like towards strangers? He enjoyed his sheltered life, not even realizing what else the world had to offer to him. Locked in the four walls of his room, Severus tried to drink in as much information as he could. To Severus, knowledge was power and if yielded correctly, he could do anything. His lonely world changed though the day he met LILY EVANS [former friend/object of affection]. Passing her by chance on the street one day, he extended a rare hand of friendship. A Muggle-born witch, Lily had no knowledge of abilities she possessed, let alone anything of the Wizarding world and Severus was more than happy to fill her in. Normally one to stick to his own devices, the wizard enjoyed the complete awe on Lily’s face as he spoke of magical creatures, wizarding shops, and most importantly Hogwarts. They became inseparable, spending many afternoons sitting by the lake near Lily’s home exchanging stories. Soon enough when September 1st rolled around, they were both boarding the scarlet train to school.
Quickly being sorted into Slytherin, he had to watch from his table as Lily anxiously made her way to Gryffindor, her new house and his rival. The jealousy that flowed through him as he watched her make new friends, unbeknownst to either of them those new friends would become his biggest enemies. The idea of spending their Hogwarts years together came crashing down but Severus distracted himself by befriending his roommates, JASPER AVERY [close friend] and LARKIN MULCIBER [close friend]. They formed a close knit trio, targeting those they deemed less worthy of magic with pranks. Having a rather silent childhood, Severus enjoyed his roommates' company in small doses, often finding his nose back in a book when they weren’t around. His loner attitude is what drew a target on his back to JAMES POTTER [adversary], SIRIUS BLACK [adversary], REMUS LUPIN [adversary], and PETER PETTIGREW [adversary]. Known as the Marauders, they were famous amongst all the students. And Severus could only sit back and watch as even Lily wasn’t completely immune to their charms. Severus could feel his position in her life fading away the closer she got to the Gryffindor boys.
What had started as a curious eye following the boys whenever they approached Lily at the Gryffindor table, it quickly grew to an obsession. James, the Marauders ringleader, was the first one to show signs of dislike towards Severus and his little gang of brothers quickly followed. Words would be exchanged and more often than not spells would follow. Severus truly despised James; he was arrogant and egocentric and Severus had no idea how someone like that could capture Lily’s affections so quickly. Years had put a heavy strain on his friendship with Lily, although they both tried to keep it alive but the differences in friend groups grew too strong. In his spare time, the Slytherin found himself trailing the boys, determined to prove they were hiding something. Never in his wildest of dreams did Severus ever think he’d owe a life debt to Potter. A horrible prank orchestrated by Black to invite Severus along turned into the Slytherin coming face to face with Lupin during his werewolf transformation, a stag being the creature to rescue him from his classmate during the full moon. It wasn’t until meeting with PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster] that he discovered the stag had been Potter in his animagus form.
The result of the disastrous prank had the wizard keeping his distance from all the Gryffindors, pushing himself into his classwork, excelling in DADA and Potions specifically. Though spell invention was something that came as a surprise to him. The Levicorpus spell had quickly become popular, and not knowing Severus was the creator of the charm, James used it to humiliate him in front of Lily and his friends. That was the day the last thread of their friendship fell apart, not taking into consideration the crowd that had gathered the Slytherin had uttered the horrid word ‘mudblood’ as Lily attempted to defend and help him. Things happened too quickly and the only thing he could remember was watching Lily turn her back on him forever. After that Severus fell further into the crowd of Slytherins, welcoming the invitation from Larkin’s older brother to meet with a wizard known by the name, THE DARK LORD [leader] after graduation. Fueled by how things ended in his last years of Hogwarts with the Marauders and Lily, the Half-Blood wizard signed himself up for the cause. 
Having secured a job at Mr. Mulpepper’s Apothecary in Knockturn Alley, Severus had found himself unsure of the cause until he was thrust into the spotlight. His first significant mission had him teaming up with his fellow Death Eaters LUCIUS MALFOY [acquaintance] and REGULUS BLACK [acquaintance] at the Yule Ball of 1983 that had ended in a disaster after they failed to kill the proper target. He was then sent to retrieve a prophecy that had previously failed to get in the Dark Lord’s grasp, from the Fountain of Fair Fortune with Regulus and ALEXANDRA ROSIER [acquaintance]. Thankfully that mission had turned around in their favor and he had been branded with the Dark Mark as a reward. Having been instructed by the Dark Lord to lay low after the Summer Solstice ball, Severus has been busying himself with his work. The potion making is tedious but it has kept his mind occupied to think on the decisions that have led him to 1986. He felt he had been making the right decision in joining these dark crusades at the time but now things have mellowed, Severus was giving more time to think about things and what having this tattoo etched into his arm will mean for his future.
— he is a LEVEL 7 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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juniperpyre · 2 months
the end of fifth year is james' rock bottom. somewhere in 6th year is lily's. like, the end of fifth year is the death cough of her old life, and 6th year is her dragging around the corpse. it takes her a while to reckon with her broken friendship, broken family, and the way she betrayed her morals, her friends, and herself in her friendship with snape.
then, at the start of 7th year, when lily and james have both grown and changed (they could've done it without the other, but they helped each other along the way) they are finally read to be together
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bimoonphases · 20 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 4 - prompt 4: Muggle [word count 727]
Remus had known it was a bad idea from the start. But it had been the last day of the summer holidays and he knew that in less than twenty-four hours he would be bound for another school year of pining after one Sirius Black with no chances at all, so when Jason had winked at him over the hedge of his parents’ garden he had left aside the book he had been reading and had followed him to the empty building of the village school, where they had as usual climbed up to the abandoned attic. Still, the sheer stupidity of that idea had become evident some minutes before, when he had been rearranging his tie in their crowded train compartment and Marlene had leaned over, her eyes sparkling.
“Is that a hickey, Remus?” she had said, way too loud.
And of course, everyone had turned to look at him. He had felt his cheeks heat up and had passed a hand on his neck, cursing internally the fact he had been too caught up in the moment to tell Jason to not leave visible marks.
“Are you dating someone?” Lily lowered her book and turned to him, beaming.
“No, no, I’m not,” he said quickly. “It was just a summer thing, it’s over.”
He risked a glance at Sirius, who was staring at him with a blank look on his face, his head in Mary’s lap while she was braiding his hair.
“Pity,” Mary smiled. “You’re quite a catch, any girl would be lucky to have you.”
“Or boy,” Lily pointed out.
“Same difference,” Mary shrugged. “Anyone would be lucky to have our Remus.”
“Yeah, we all know that,” Sirius said from her lap.
“So anyway, who was it?” Peter asked over his chess manual.
“Yes Moony, tell us more,” James tossed aside his Quidditch magazine. “Did you break the heart of a witch or wizard who happened to pass by your village?”
Remus sighed, seeing there was no escaping his friends.
“It was just a boy from my parents’ neighbourhood and I told you there were no hearts involved,” he heard Sirius snort at that. “And he’s a Muggle.”
“Of course he is,” Lily nodded, looking back at her book.
“What do you mean ‘of course’, Evans?” Sirius sat up.
“Face it Black, we Muggles are way better than all of you lot in the snogging department,” Lily smirked.
“Damn right we are,” Marlene nodded, high-fiving Mary over Sirius’s head.
“You wound me, Evans,” James dramatically placed a hand over his heart.
“Then my job here is done,” Lily smiled. “Besides, me and Remus have Prefects rounds to do,” she added, getting up.
“Come on, it can’t be true,” Sirius said. “Surely it depends on the single person?”
“I can confirm Muggle girls kiss way better than witches,” Peter piped up.
Remus rolled his eyes and adjusted his Prefect badge on his robes, following Lily outside. But as soon as they had started down the corridor, their compartment door opened again.
“Moony! Moony, wait!” Sirius’s voice said.
“I’ll wait for you in the next carriage, Remus,” Lily rolled her eyes.
Remus sighed and turned around to face Sirius, trying his very best not to let his eyes linger on his lips.
“Is it really true?” Sirius asked. “That Muggles are better at kissing than wizards?”
“I wouldn’t know,” Remus gritted his teeth. “I’ve never kissed a wizard.”
“You really haven’t?” Sirius liked his lips.
Come to think of it, the one of the day before wasn’t the dumbest idea Remus had had lately. No, the gold medal would have to go to the fact that without even thinking he reached out for Sirius’s shirt and pulled him closer, for once staring into those silver eyes without blushing.
“Do you want to help changing that?” he whispered.
And as Sirius nodded, he closed the gap between them, finally planting his lips over the other boys’, who made a strangled sound and pulled him even closer.
“You were right,” Remus said, when they came up for air. “It does depend on the single person.”
“I don’t really care,” Sirius panted. “Kiss me again.”
Lily would be angry at him for missing his prefect duties, but Remus didn’t care at the moment. Maybe it wouldn’t be another year of pining after Sirius Black again after all.
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have you drawn masc lily to match the fem marauders…
yes i have but ages ago, so i here you go!
(mary and marlene pull this type of shit every year)
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Marls *giving the best performance of his life*: hundreds of gingers are brutally murdered every christmas-“
L: “it’s april?”
Marls: “-sign our petition to help put a stop to this madness”
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close up of the petition bc you know the marauders were up for it
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lily0evans0gf · 4 months
sirius: from now on we’ll be using code names. you can address me as “eagle 1” sirius: mary, code name, “been there done that” sirius: remus, is “currently doing that” sirius: james, “it happened once in a dream” sirius: marlene, “if i had to pick a girl”
sirius: and lily, “eagle 2”
lily: oh thank god
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imonthatgayshit · 15 days
maybe its just on twitter but snapedom is just so hostile to any controversial takes or conversation about snily as people/friends/lovers. like, i thought our whole thing was unpopular opinions and embracing them?? i can appreciate both severus and lily's characters and how crucial they were to each other while also believing they mightve been shitty friends. or liking them as just platonic. anything really.
the main thing about this community that still lets me actively participate in discourse is our ability to not have a hive mind (kinda like the marauders fandom). let people interpret things differently without taking it as an attack against your beliefs!!
that being said i do love snily a lot in all its shapes and forms, but i need to see more talk about them without it just being "soulmates and perfect for each other if it hadnt been for lames potter!?;/!"
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houseofprongs · 1 month
i've been thinking about pandalily for weeks... i need more content... lest i starve
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foursaints · 3 months
saints its breaking my heart cuz i cant picture lilyrosekiller olympics au just because i CANNOT picture evan attracted to woman. same goes with jegulily i just cant those are my two little fairy boys.
i generally agree (and i am so strict about sticking to canon-based visions of the characters!) but to me the appeal of this AU is in how different barty & evan would be from usual…
like evan would not fucking play hockey and barty would not figure skate! it makes more sense the other way around!! so i’m compelled by the question of what versions of themselves they would have to be in order for those small changes to be a possibility, and what traits they would still retain.
it’s a character study. not “he would not fucking do that” but “what external circumstances WOULD lead him to do that, and what would that look like?”
typically i don’t see evan(s) happening but like… an evan rosier that is still mostly himself, but who grew up on a sports team & thus slightly repaired his malfunctioning brain with exercise endorphins & carries himself differently as a result? it’s 100% a new possibility in my eyes. i talk about the same flavor of rosekiller a lot so it’s interesting to “swap” their circumstances and play around with the resulting changes!! barty that’s a little more fastidious. evan that’s a little more outgoing. PLAY IN THE SANDBOX WITH MEEE
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llinstarr · 6 months
Listen I’m a jily girlie trough and trough but I’ve just watched something jegulus and for a moment just one moment I got y’all.
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corwnvus · 1 year
Here's a old marylily sketch I decided to colour!!!
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE STAR get what she deserves?” She is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & CLOSED to finding out. 
— she walks through the world as;
name → marlene mckinnon pronouns → she/her identification → cis female  year of birth → september 1959 - september 1960 face claim → brittany o'grady blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → bisexual occupation → chaser and captain of pride of portree in the britsh and irish quidditch league future information → n/a
— she is best described as ;
An enimag of DRAGON BREATH and STARLIGHT, while she burns with PASSION and CONFIDENCE, her past LOVE AFFAIRS leave her TARNISHED. TRUTH spills from RED WAR PAINTED LIPS in often BRASH tone. Armoured in LEATHER and HEELS, THORNS fail to protect a MISGUIDED HEART from MISERY that seeps into her veins like POISON. As BEAUTIFUL and as FLEETING as a DYING STAR pleading for someone, anyone, to cast them a glance. 
— her story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on the coasts of Isle of Skye, Scotland; the young witch was never without the wind in her hair and fire in her heart. Youngest of three elder brothers, DOUGAL MCKINNON [brother], COINNEACH MCKINNON [brother] and NATHAIR MCKINNON [twin brother/unknown adversary]. Ansel and Iona were thrilled to finally welcome her after longing for a daughter. The favouritism they held towards Marlene was unparalleled. The ‘golden child’ who could do no wrong, Marlene learned that with a bat of her eye lashes she could get away with murder. Spoiled, Marlene has an air of entitlement; finding herself too often caught in her own world to consider the effect she has on others. While her mother made her superficial, her brothers made her bold. Daring to fly higher, ambition and determination rooted deep as she strove to gain their approval. Speeding through the valleys on broomsticks to challenging each other to eat handfuls of vomit flavoured Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans; there was never a dull moment with the four together. While frowned upon by their mother, she begrudgingly had to accept that while she’d longed for a daughter to wrap in beautiful bows and soft mannerisms, Marlene grew to be unashamedly herself; striding through the world as if ready to conquer it. 
Coming to Hogwarts it was no surprise that Marlene was sorted into Gryffindor. Marlene knew Hogwarts would come with countless tales of adventures and trouble; what she’d never expected was to find her three best friends among the hallowed halls;  LILY EVANS [best friend], MARY MACDONALD [best friend] and DORCAS MEADOWES [best friend]. Dragging them across the castle to explore rooms under instruction of Coinneach, they hid in secret passageways, exchanged secrets and quickly became each other's support network. While all different, they held the same virtues. Growing up privileged with pure-blood status, Marlene had never been exposed to the prejudices that encapsulated so much of the wizarding community. Snide comments and glares towards her friends infuriated her, unable to understand how anyone could see less of them due to something as trivial as blood. But she bit her tongue only for the sake of Lily and Mary. However after the torment LARKIN MULCIBER [adversary] inflicted on Mary, Marlene had to be held back from throwing a swing every time he passes in the halls.
A formidable quidditch player, she could file her nails while simultaneously scoring a goal. Her confidence and skill quickly caught the attention of JAMES POTTER [friend/ex-boyfriend] and it wasn’t long before the pair started dating. Finding his confidence and charm compelling, a part of her delighted at the prospect of dating Gryffindor’s ‘golden boy’. While Lily held distaste for James, even to a blind man it was evident how captivated by Lily James really was. The jealous type, Marlene couldn’t help but feel irked he was so blind sighted by her best friend. Considering the notion that their relationship had merely been a ploy by James to get closer to Lily, the pair eventually split. Since, Marlene holds her heart closer to her chest. Still, the best thing to come from her relationship with James was REMUS LUPIN [friend], PETER PETTIGREW [friend], but most notable SIRIUS BLACK [best friend/potential love interest]. Hitching a ride on the back of Sirius’ motorcycle, they were reckless, young and brave. What worries her is the way Sirius’ smile can make her heart ache. Seeing how careless he can be with women, the last thing Marlene wants is to be another discard with the fantasy of something better around the corner. Stolen glances turned to missed opportunities as life after Hogwarts quickly took hold leaving behind blissfully ignorant moments and a strand of what ifs.
Scouted by the HolyHead Harpies, Marlene was on track to become their next Chaser. Unfortunately flying with the Harpies would always stay a dream. With her last match at Hogwarts ending in a one way ticket to the infirmary due to ‘suspicious circumstances’, by the time she was able to return to the sport, it was too late. Still keen for her skill, instead they offered her the opportunity to become an assistant coach which she gladly accepted. Seeing it as an opportunity to learn from some of the greats and fine tune her skills in the meantime. While flying all day and drinking with her friends all night was a charmed life, as unrest among the community grew; so did Marlene’s advocacy. Her defiant and outspoken devotion for her friends was quickly picked up by ALBUS DUMBLEDORE [former headmaster] who spoke of a darkness forming and their need to combat it. The Order of the Phoenix, a group of individuals who believed in equality for all felt fitting for a witch with fire in her heart and dueling skills beyond many in her year. Eager to take her place and make a difference, it was a fight that Marlene joined without question. 
Though fate had other plans. 1982 held turbulence, fleeting hope and abandoned misery. What had started as charming flirting with an old friend at Halloween, led to choking on water rimmed with blood as the very person she was hoping to go home with fell fifty feet before her eyes and lay dead in the Ministry fountain. BOOKER BAGNOLD [friend] was the catalyst. Resistance brewed and attacks continued as The Order were left trying to unravel chaos in its wake. Yet as her mentor BENJY FENWICK [friend/mentor] was attacked, a hopeless fury started to ignite her. Frustrated at the absence of control, there was only so much defense training she could grasp before feeling compelled to believe the rumors that haunted her. The cursed woman, the kiss of death, while the prophet took light of her misfortune, Marlene’s faked smiles hid the uncertainty that left her chest concaving and heart breaking. As shadows haunted London, 1983 solstice left the community finally sensing the hell that was before them. Unvalled, The Dark Lord held everything that they’d been fearing. Battles broke and AMELIA BONES [acquaintance] fell, the devastation that cursed the night left all uncertain of what the future held.
Arrested for the use of an unforgivable curse, while she was inevitably proved innocent under the imperius curse; but for the Harpies they couldn’t afford the bad press after decades of fighting for respect. Losing her job as coach, while her dream became a fleeting memory; her talents were quickly scouted by CATRIONA MCCORMACK [coach] for her home team The Pride of Portree. Knowing her character, Cat stood boldly by her side under scrutiny from the league,. While proactive; it has proven that the rift in the community is rotted blacker than a nightmare. A narrative that has seeped into their own family. Nathair’s outspoken objection towards ANNABETH PEBWORTH [future sister in law] joining the family, has torn the fabric of the once united Mckinnon’s to shreds. While she hopes his callous words are merely rooted in fear, Malene dreads the outcome. A hurricane of chaos feels inevitable to tear through the very fabric of the Wizarding Community as they know it. Unspoken panic from the Ministry and the worry edged deep into Dumbledore’s face is evidence enough. The war to come isn’t a question of if; it’s when. Marlene just hopes that when the lightning hits and turns into flames, she’ll be able to safeguard the people she holds most dear without them falling victim to the crossfire
— she is a LEVEL 6 WITCH & readied for war ;
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juniperpyre · 8 months
i think my key issue with the sanitization of death eater characters is that it feels like people do not see their stories as tragic or empathize with the characters until we have a hc that's like "actually they were morally good the whole time!"
regulus black and severus snape are tragic characters and child soldiers no matter what side they were "really" on. even barty crouch jr, who may not have been groomed into being a death eater, is tragic when you spend a second to consider his relationship with his father. there are plenty of death eaters who we know are taking after their fathers in joining the cult. lucius malfoy, who was a prefect when the marauders enter hogwarts, most likely spread the death eater ideology, since the ideology is just a more extreme version/logical endpoint of what already existed in the wizarding world.
to me, these ideas are not headcanons, because they are heavily implied by the text. when jkr mentions malfoy in the deathly hallows that is not for no reason.
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mallfoy's acceptance of snape and position of power are both highlighted in this sentence. we can infer that snape felt a sense of community for the first time in Slytherin. with malfoy as a prefect we can infer that the culture of Slytherin house lifted up bigots and those with an important family name.
this is a culture that breeds more bigotry. we know that Dumbledore did not step in to stop this cultural development in the 90s, after already seeing what it could do!!! so we can infer that he did not in the 70s. so a bunch of children were left alone in an echo chamber of hate. of course some of them became fanatics!!!
this doesn't mean they shouldn't be held accountable. but we cannot expect children to overcome cultural and political hegemony all alone. like.... that's just not how the world works. and it's tragic that children are fodder for fascist's wars, especially when the fact that the children were abused or neglected makes them more vulnerable to be fodder.
regulus and severus weren't treated as people, their humanity was denied by the fascist they served, bc that's how fascism works. exploring their characters as they are in canon, with full humanity, without needing to change their stories to see that humanity, is much more interesting to me. it is much more in the spirit of redemption and restoration.
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kay-elle-cee · 1 year
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Things That Haven't Happened Yet || Read on Ao3 1.2k Words || Chapter 1/4 || Rated E
It's a @jilymicro-oops! I'm expanding Friday's "Hazy" micro and have four whole chapters planned out!
A slight error in Legilimency lessons leaves Lily a bit more exposed than expected, and James in shock.
You won't believe half the things I see inside my head/Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet.
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lulublack90 · 6 months
New chapter. The girls are back and Sirius makes a plan.
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annabtg · 1 year
Do Better
Using June @jilymicrofics prompt #14: reputation. Takes place right after the end of my story, Do It Right.
It's Lily Evans who finally takes initiative and kisses James Potter - but James knows he can do better than a simple kiss.
Dedicated to the wonderful @athenasparrow!
It was happening. She was surrendered in his arms, the soft skin of her neck under his lips, her gasps in his ear. James had spent the better part of his interactions with Lily Evans during the past few months wishing that she would just shut up, but now all he wanted was for her to keep making those sounds, the resounding proof of her pleasure overwhelming his senses, driving him wild, leading his hands into a reckless exploration of her body...
Read the rest on AO3! Completed, 2k words, rated M.
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marlbles · 27 days
an expert from the new wolfstar fanfic i’m writing inspired by if we were villains by m.l. rio and the secret history by donna tartt:
Remus sat face-to-face with Rita Skeeter. The astounding world-famous journalist, who decided she needed to interview Remus. Remus Lupin, the convicted criminal who brutally ended the 5 lives of some of his closest peers. The monster, the living devil he was.
And Rita wanted the full story, truth or not.
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