ofwindydays · 1 month
Open for @exitiumstarters
"No I mean I have a lot to learn-" And the slug took over right then and there. There was a cough before she looked up at the sneering surgical student. "But I know more than you do."
Nova cracked her knuckles.
"I don't know why I placate to you and every asshole at this school. You guys think you're better than me because I'm a nurse. You should know there are nurses far smarter than you'll ever be." There was a slight glow of her eyes.
"You don't know me. I just wear that filial mask of mine so maybe one day he won't regret having me. My dad isn't here right now so I won't." Nova smirked back as she eyed his drink. She raised her hand and
"Time to say bye-" Nova raised her hand and muttered the spell. "Boom." The drink exploded making the student fret
Nova turned around and saw a figure. She crossed her arms.
"I was standing up for myself. He got what was coming to him"
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novalizinpeace · 5 months
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A (not) so happy dog
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pocketgalaxies · 3 months
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C1E60 || C3E88
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arithmonym · 5 days
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DYING to know what ortus was about to say in this exchange with harrow nova. @chapter 40 of harrow the ninth, reveal your secrets…
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hate4buzi · 2 months
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This….fits them……. Original by… the amaazzzingggg @melissa-titanium … follow it or I’ll bite your arm off
NOVA IS NOT MINEE she belongs tooo zim okay goodbye I’m tired
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morexfuntomiss · 2 months
starter for @scinglives
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"You don't have to say anything. This was just my regular clumsy self." Nova assured the other, knowing her face didn't look so great. She had made the mistake of wearing new high heels and when the heel had snapped, her face and bared the brunt of it. "Unfortunately though, there's no video for us to laugh at."
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fisheito · 3 months
I know I've made my stance on the issue qUITE apparent. But just to reiterate
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gidle · 5 months
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if I have to lose my mind so do all of you
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ofwindydays · 2 months
Open for @exitiumstarters
Nova was sweeping the shinto shrine. It was pratically downtrodden but the shrine maiden was feeling the need to clean it. It was hard to explain the temple and her connection. The miko sighed looking at the marble floor. It was better than she started. She hoped she can make as great as her grandmother one day.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a commotion by the arch of the temple. Nova felt her expression harden seeing the fight. She couldn't see their faces, as she went between them.
"This is neutral territory." Nova said repeating her grandmother's words. "You will not invoke violence in a place of reverance." Nova turned to one the strangers. "Please take this somewhere else."
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novalizinpeace · 5 months
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Cartoon Hc #1: My Cartoon Catnap can't speak, 'cause Play.Co decided to take advance to his sleep&quiet theme and made him a full mute character that communicate with ASL or charades, something that was really innovative by the time of the cartoon (1970-1980) and that the audience see like a good teaching moment for the children, making Catnap a loved character between no-verbal children at the time. While Play.co got praised for that, there was also other reasons for this, since they needed to manipulated all the children they got in the orphaned, they make a character that could empathized with everyone, making sure that they could keep the control in the children with the toys (Huggy Wuggy? Good for clingy children. Mommy? Good for children with mommy issues. and so on), so Catnap was created to be a open with this kind of children.
But Play.Co made a mistake, and the child that they used to created catnap (Theo) was a really stubborn one, to the point that he would made his hands into hooves to prevent himself from learn ASL, only following the character in the mute part by force (this going to be explain in his VHS) so Theo was only useful in putting children to sleep.
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pocketgalaxies · 5 months
the tlou2 director's commentary is Phenomenal but also they are wild for thinking i will literally re-buy the same game just for that and some other random shit. this should be DLC you absolute bullies
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lonestarflight · 10 months
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Concept Art of the Aerojet M-1 rocket motor, the largest designed and partially tested.
"The M-1 traces its history to US Air Force studies from the late 1950s for its launch needs in the 1960s. By 1961 these had evolved into the Space Launcher System design. The SLS consisted of a series of four rocket designs, all built around a series of solid-fuel boosters and liquid-hydrogen-powered upper stages.
The smallest model, intended to launch the Dyna-Soar, used two 100-inch (2,500 mm) solids and an "A" liquid core. To power the "A" booster, Aerojet was contracted to convert an LR-87, used in the Titan II missile, to run on liquid hydrogen. A prototype was successfully tested between 1958 and 1960. Initial studies of the 100-inch (2,500 mm) solid were also handed to Aerojet, starting in 1959.
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The SLS also envisioned a number of much larger designs intended to launch the Air Force's Lunex Project crewed lunar landing. Lunex was a direct landing mission, in which a single very large spacecraft would fly to the Moon, land, and return. In order to launch such a design to low Earth orbit (LEO), a very large booster with a 125,000 lb (57,000 kg) payload would be required. These larger SLS designs followed the same basic outline as the smaller Dynasoar booster, but used much more powerful 180-inch (4,600 mm) solids and the "B" and "C" liquid stages. To provide the required power, the liquid stages mounted a cluster of twelve J-2s. To reduce this complexity, the Air Force also had Aerojet start studies of a much larger hydrogen-fueled design that would replace the twelve J-2s with only two engines. These initial studies would eventually emerge as the M-1, with a thrust of 1.2 million pounds force.
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When NASA formed in 1958, they also started planning for a lunar landing. Like the Air Force, their Project Apollo initially favoured a direct ascent profile, requiring a large booster to launch the spacecraft into LEO. Prior to NASA taking over Wernher von Braun's Saturn work for the US Army, they had no large rocket designs of their own, and started a study program known as Nova to study a range of options. Initially, the payload requirements were fairly limited, and the favoured Nova designs used a first stage with four F-1 engines and a payload of about 50,000 lb (23,000 kg). These designs were presented to President Dwight D. Eisenhower on January 27, 1959.
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However, the Apollo spacecraft requirements quickly grew, settling on a 10,000 lb (4,500 kg) spacecraft (the CSM) with a three-person crew. To launch such a craft to the Moon required a massive 125,000 lb (57,000 kg) payload to LEO. Nova designs of this capability were quickly presented with up to eight F-1 engines, along with much more powerful upper stages that demanded the M-1 engine. Thus, for a brief period, the M-1 was used on the baseline designs for both NASA's and the Air Force's lunar programs.
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In 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced the goal of landing a person on the Moon before the decade was out. After a brief argument, NASA won the mission over the Air Force. However, Nova would require massive manufacturing capability that did not currently exist, and it was not clear that booster construction could be started in time for a landing before 1970. By 1962 they had decided to use von Braun's Saturn V design, which went through a process of re-design to produce a usable booster that could be built in the existing facilities at Michoud, Louisiana.
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Uprating thrust, then cancellation
With the selection of Saturn for the lunar missions, work on Nova turned to the post-Apollo era. The designs were re-targeted for crewed planetary expeditions, namely a crewed landing on Mars. Even utilizing a lightweight mission profile like that selected for Apollo, a Mars mission required a truly massive payload of about one million pounds to low Earth orbit. This led to a second series of design studies, also known as Nova, although they were essentially unrelated to the earlier designs.
Many of the new designs used the M-1 as their second-stage engine, although demanding much higher payloads. In order to meet these goals, the M-1 project was uprated from 1.2 million pounds force to a nominal 1.5 million pounds force, and the designers deliberately added more turbopump capability to allow it to expand to at least 1.8 million and potentially up to 2.0 million pounds force. Additionally, the M-1 was even considered for a number of first-stage designs, in place of the F-1 or the 180-inch (4,600 mm) solids. For this role the specific impulse was dramatically reduced, and it appears that some consideration was given to various expanding nozzle designs to address this.
M-1 development continued through this period, although as the Apollo program expanded, NASA started cutting funding to the M-1 project in order to complete Saturn-related developments first. In 1965, another NASA project studied advanced versions of the Saturn, replacing the cluster of five J-2s on the S-II second stage with one M-1, five J-2Ts (an improved version of the J-2 with an aerospike nozzle), or a high-pressure engine known as the HG-3, which would later become the direct predecessor of the Space Shuttle's SSME.
By 1966 it was clear that present funding levels for NASA would not be maintained in the post-Apollo era. The Nova design studies ended that year, and the M-1 along with it. The last M-1 contract expired on August 24, 1965, although testing continued on existing funds until August 1966. Studies on the J-2T ended at the same time. Although the HG-3 was never built, its design formed the basis for the Space Shuttle Main Engine.
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The final report (1966) found:
The feasibility of all major M-1 Engine components, except for the cooled chamber and the gas-cooled skirt, was demonstrated.
Performance data were obtained and the mechanical integrity was established for the injector, the fuel turbopump, the oxidizer turbopump, and the gas generator assembly. Also, it was established that these components are satisfactory for use in a demonstration engine.
Over the three-year lifetime of the project, a total of eight combustion chambers were built (two of them uncooled test units), eleven gas generators, four oxygen pumps, as well as four hydrogen pumps that were in the process of being completed.
Scaled down models of the pumps were used during design/development to 1963."
-Information from Wikipedia: link
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bastardtrait · 3 days
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as usual, prom is glitching its stupid goddamn head off, so all dressed up with nowhere to go, peepee hit the karaoke room downtown.
Peebee: (inhales) (screams) 誰もが目を奪われていく 君は完璧で究極のアイドル
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hate4buzi · 2 months
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IM SQUEALINGGGGG GUYSSS (Nova not mine >.< Zimmmm)
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morexfuntomiss · 30 days
{open to anyone}
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“Where are you? Are you safe?” Nova hadn’t hesitated to answer the phone when she had seen their name pop up, but she quickly realised the call wasn’t going to be the nice chat that she had expected. Sensing something was the matter, she quickly closed her book and pushed it aside before she stood, already looking for her keys. “Do you need me to come get you?”
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outfit + tiny woman + hot sauce + cookies and coffee on a park bench with m 🤍
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