#ma non ok
mossmx · 8 months
ho talmente blue-screenato ad ama in gonnella da cheerleader che cazzo???
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wintertundra-art · 24 days
Kinda tempted to draw an Italian Miku to join the trend. Specifically southern Italian Miku. Specifically lucania Miku. Because every single Italian person I've ever met is either from the north or sicily and never from any other lesser known Italian region
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ross-nekochan · 6 months
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Quello che ha visto la gente su Instragram.
La verità?
Mi sono svegliata, ho fatto colazione, ho pulito la mia stanza, ho fatto la lavatrice, mi sono fatta un culo quadrato al quadrato per preparare queste lasagne solo perché IO le volevo fare, perché in qualche modo volevo festeggiare la Pasqua pure se qui non si sente niente un cazzo e non c'è niente che lo potrebbe far ricordare (tutto diverso dal Natale) e dopo, mica ho finito, nono, ho dovuto cucinare pure per la prossima settimana.
Una giornata in cui sono veramente ESAUSTA e vorrei solo un altro giorno per riprendermi... ma, guess what? Domani di nuovo sveglia alle 6:40 (e ora è quasi mezzanotte) 👍👍👍
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gelatinatremolante · 11 months
Ho deciso di provare a preparare una torta con le carote e le noci molto autunnale e adesso mi sento un po' come Carlotta Cucina Botanica, con la sola dfferenza che io non ho un cane bellissimo, non sono ricco di famiglia e preparare torte non contribuirà a rendermi ogni volta ancora più ricco.
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elipsi · 16 days
secondo giorno di lezioni e sono un po' allibita dalla qualità delle lezioni
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vvvounds · 2 years
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want a break from the ads?
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labalenottera · 9 months
penso di essere diretta alla massima velocità verso una batosta amorosa incredibile
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itsrobinsparkles · 10 months
sbaglio io a trovare un senso perché ormai niente ce l’ha in questa serie, ma sto cercando di capire se son seri o meno con questa storia tra Manuel e Nina perché o Damiano ha odiato sta storyline e questo spiega le sue facce perennemente scazzate ogni volta che si parlano o è intenzionale, ma gli autori mi sa che non son così intelligenti. Inizialmente pensavo fosse costruita male apposta, ma sto iniziando a dubitare. Forse loro ci credono sul serio eppure questa coppia è nata dal nulla e sta andando avanti con il nulla perché almeno Mimmo e Simone si parlano, si confidano e l’affetto e l’interesse lo vedo più genuino ma qui…? * balle di fieno che rotolano *
Parlano poco e quando parlano si limita il discorso alla figlia di lei. Se entro fine s2 dovessero cacciare fuori un ti amo da parte sua sarebbe surreale. CHI CI CREDE. Lasciamo stare i Simuel un attimo ma c’è una differenza MICIDIALE anche rispetto a come si poneva con Alice. Lui ne era davvero preso glielo leggevi in faccia e nei modi di porsi. Qui sembra starci per noia e per dovere con la bambina. E continuo a dire che secondo me è così perché non vedo come possa essere altrimenti…? Boh non so più che pensare.
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wintertundra-art · 3 months
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quando non hai reference di mani adatte e devi usare le tue:
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
English translation of Questo mondo non mi renderà cattivo/This world can't tear me down's opening song:
Seafarers who go
Wherever they want, but not here¹
To steal my job in this jungle
And crushing my dream, which was to
open a bangla²
A bangla
It's fine if you remain here
But come on, stop talking to me about dignity
We bury waste where flowers grow³
(You're paid) €1.50 an hour and then you die⁴
But (do it) outside
Go die out there, 'cause here you're
You're in a wonderful country
This is a wonderful country
Seafarers who go
Wherever they want, but not here
To steal my job in this jungle
And crushing my dream of opening a bangla
A bangla
It's fine if you remain here
If you're running from a war, sure, but it must be a truly major one⁵
Nobody gives a damn about your shitty degree
It's just that your skin tone's a little too dark⁶
Dark for this place, for you're
You're in a wonderful country
This is a wonderful country
Bridges collapse⁷, ships sink⁸
But come on, it's all wonderful, as long as it doesn't happen to you
Students die, ministers speak⁹
This flavour of evil, can't you taste it too?¹⁰
This flavour of evil, can't you taste it too?
Factories explode¹¹, houses collapse¹²
But come on, it's all wonderful, as long as it doesn't happen to you
Rights die, ministers applaud¹³
This flavour of evil, can't you taste it too?
This flavour of evil, can't you taste it too?
Can't you taste it too?
1: Reference to Umberto Tozzi and Raf's 1987 song Gente di Mare ("Seafarers"). Most "illegal" immigrants reach Italy by sea through boats or rafts
2: Slang term for a mini-market owned by south asian immigrants. Also, "they steal our jobs", opposition to immigration 101 all across the board
3: Illegal waste burial is a really common practice in Italy
4: Exploitation of immigrants and their labour
5: Although anti-refugees sentiment is still strong, undeniably ukrainian refugees are more easily "accepted" than others due to both racism and to how close the russo-ukranian war is to Italy itself
6: Although this happened too recently for it to have been the inspiration for this line (which nevertheless expresses a commonly held belief), it should be known that just last May three ghanaian collaborators of Lesley Lokko who were supposed to be with her for the Venice Biennale cultural exhibition were denied entry into Itay. While details weren't made public, Lokko was allegedly accused of trying to bring "non-essential young men" into the country
7: Reference to the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in 2018. 43 people lost their lives
8: Reference to the Costa Concordia disaster of 2012. 33 people lost their lives
9: Suicides are becoming ever more common for a number of reasons, especially among university students. Giuseppe Valditara, the current Minister of Education, maintains that humiliation is a "factor for growth"
10: Likely a reference to Gino Paoli's 1956 song Sapore di sale ("Flavour of salt / Salty flavour")
11: Possibly a reference to the explosion of the Thyssenkrupp steel mill in Turin, 2007. It may be a broader allusion to workplace accidents and death. 2022 alone saw 1090 victims
12: Illegal construction is extremely common. Just last November 12 people died in Ischia due to a landslide. Hydrogeological instability is overall high in all of Italy
13: Amongst its objectives, the draft bill Ddl Zan aimed to criminalise hate crimes specifically motivated by homotransphobia, misogyny, and ableism. The Senate "killed" it on 27/10/2021, with the cheering and clapping of its detractors
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buscandoelparaiso · 3 months
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omarfor-orchestra · 5 months
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lapastaasciutta · 1 year
Ma ieri sera sono andati a mangiare tutti il sushi ma che carini 🥹
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eleanoroliphant · 11 months
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Le legge è una parola che non ha un significato. La giustizia non è uguale per tutti, è una cazzata. Chi c'ha i soldi e c'ha le conoscenze vincerà sempre.
Per Elisa - Il caso Claps 1x03-04
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the-nonchalance-blogs · 8 months
Scusate ho capito “mimimmi”
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sayitaliano · 9 months
As every year tonight on Italian TV you can watch big concerts/tv shows among movies and animations. The main two ones are the one on RAIUNO (you need an Italian vpn to watch) hosted by Amadeus live from Crotone and the one on Canale 5 (you may need Italian vpn + free log in also via facebook) hosted by Federica Panicucci live from Genova. Both will start after the Annual Message of our Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella (broadcasted from 8:30PM GMT+1 on all the TVs).
On Raiuno at 9:00 PM GMT+1* you'll see Annalisa, Paola e Chiara, i Ricchi e Poveri, Il Volo, Sangiovanni, Nino Frassica (comedian), The Kolors, Cristiano Malgioglio, Dargen D’Amico, gli Autogol (hosts/comedians), Maninni but also many others that are not spoiled yet by Amadeus.
On Canale 5 at 9:00 PM GMT+1* you'll see Albano, Orietta Berti, Articolo 31, Rocco Hunt, Iva Zanicchi, Fausto Leali, Michele Bravi, Mietta, Luigi Strangis, Matteo Romano, Gemelli Diversi, Ivana Spagna, Gaia, Sophie and The Giants, Enrico Nigiotti, Big Boy, Paolo Meneguzzi, Leo Gassman, Berna, Federica, Wax, the whole Amici's school. There will be also exhibitions live from Bari where Ermal Meta, Coez and Frah Quintale will sing tonight.
*Beware our Presidente may not take all the 30 mins so concerts may start earlier.
Have a lovely night!
(Reminder that on RAIDUE you'll be able to watch the old Disney animation "One Hundred and One Dalmatians" from 9:20 PM GMT +1 js if u feel like ;) )
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