#ma'am i am one of 2 students in the library right now there is no way i just got lost in the crowd
if I had a nickel for every time someone walked within 4 feet of me sitting incredibly obviously in plain view and did not notice me there until I made them aware of my presence at which point they were hugely startled I would have almost a dollar now which is pretty fucken weird guys what is going on
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yellowhippo · 3 years
𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂 2 : 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐
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I move amongst the crowd, lost but entranced by the buzzing people and the honking of cars.
It's been a week since I last saw Jade walk away towards her school and here I am, still in the same busy city hoping for one last look from her before leaving. Every morning and late afternoons, I'd take a sit outside of a small library by the station. Maybe, just maybe, I'd get to see her get down or see her off before she leaves for home. No luck though. It's my bas anyway for not asking her time off from classes. Guess luck's just not on my side. One train ride was all I had.
One train ride was enough to wake my passion up and gear myself up for a fight.
"Here's the book you wanted to have extended." The granny who runs the library puts the book on the table with a homey smile.
I smile back and bow as I stood, ready to take my leave with the book securely hugged between my arms and chest. It was one of the many books you recommended me while we were on the train.
"Perhaps you would like that book to yourself, young man?" I look down to the granny as she pats my shoulder. "You don't have to return that here. But feel free to read here on your spot if you'd like. I barely have any customers except for that one young lady who frequents this shop. I haven't seen her for a week though. She loved that book as well. Kept borrowing it even though she's finished reading it. Gave her a copy as well as an early graduation present."
"Lady?" I ask as I remember Jade saying how she loved visiting a certain library with homey vibes and the kindest librarian too.
"Yes. She's actually from the school over there-" She looks over at Jade's school, sparking a fire in my heart. "-a double major, I believe. But you must forgive this granny. My mind is a fog and I don't remember much details. But I do know she's got green eyes that sets her apart from anyone else. Must not be from around here."
"Thank you, ma'am! I really am." Without control over my own body for some reason, I hugged the elderly as I stepped down the patio of the library.
"I'll visit again! Thank you!" I raised the book and waved it in the air as I ran backwards and waving at the elderly lady with a smile.
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But I have been stuck in my dorm this whole week. With finals coming up and papers due in no time, I could not even leave for some fresh air. Let alone find a street for my dream home.
A heavy sigh leaves my lips as I stare back down at my laptop, only a page full, 19 more to go. Wanting to distract myself for a few minutes, I look around my room and spot a book by the window. I stood up and reached for it. A sad smile forms on my face as I caress the cover of the old copy of "The Little Prince" from the local library shop just down the street of this school. I miss the granny that owns the little library. The library rarely gets many customers, what with the books in her shop mostly classics and are outdated. Only a student or some tourist trying to find some gems come and go. 
'I wonder how she's doing' I look out the window having the perfect view of the little library from down the road. Maybe I should visit? Work on my paper there. I'm pretty sure granny could use some company like I do. And I missed her muffins that she personally bakes in her room upstairs the shop.
Grabbing my bag, I pack my laptop and the stack of papers full of my drafts and notes. I also bring my copy of "The Little Prince" as I run out of my dorm and down the busy streets, the little homey library just a few puffs of breath away. My legs ache from unuse, but the awaiting warmth from granny and her place is worth the ache.
"Granny!" I greet as I see you sitting on the chair at your patio.
"Ah my little miss. I was just thinking about you." A crinkled smile meets me as I run to hug her.
"Yes you dear one. A young man has been frequenting my shop for a week and sits here with a certain book in hand as well." She stares at my arms hugging my copy of "The Little Prince" that she personally gave me after having borrowed it a number of times.
"Young man? Is he a student at my school too?"
"I don't think he is. Seems like he's not from around here either. Like you."
A name comes to mind. 'Ace?'
"Gonna get some work done?" Granny points to my bag and I nod with sigh.
"Let me get those muffins in the oven then." A pat on my head and she's off to her little home above the library.
As I was left to sit on the patio, I look around hoping to see that brunette mop of hair under a beret of tall and lean guy. My eyes drift towards the road leading to the train station but I see no trace of who I was looking for.
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It's all that ever pushes me up my bed.
But it's also all that keeps me pushing my family away.
I want this dream to include my family. They may not see the future that I want to work on as they already have everything planned and laid out for me after I comeback from this 'vacation'. They think that this could help freshen me up and see that they are right. I do love my family as they love me, but we're not always seeing the same picture and it drives me insane knowing that we never will be on the same page.
"How's the vacation going, kiddo?"
"When are you coming back? I need to set the date for the company's turn over soon and you obviously need to be there, son."
"Hyung! Don't forget to bring a present  home for me!"
Voice message after voice message greeted me back in my hotel room after I came from the library. I look at the book on my bed and open to the last page where the previous borrowers' names were, and the two most current ones were from a month ago.
'Jade Myers' A chuckle makes its way out as I read the name and remembered how Jade talked about this book. It's not a big favorite of hers, but she keeps finding herself grabbing it and reading again until the end.
"I keep wondering if the prince got back home and what he's doing." The old lady who sat beside you has left and as I sat back down beside you, you open a book to the final page.
"What's that about?" I jut my chin towards the book. "-a children's book?"
"You don't know 'The Little Prince'?" You stare up at me in surprise, closing the book and faced the cover up as she points at the blonde boy on the cover.
"Never heard of him. Must be an obnoxious one?" I shrug as you gasp into your palm before hitting me lightly on the shoulder.
"What? No. See, it's about how the prince traveled." You whip your hands excitedly as you tell me the story, your eyes shining with every new adventure the boy has and with every new creature he meets.
[end flashback]
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Like the Little Prince, you dreamed of the unknown.
Like the Little Prince, you've gone on your adventure.
After about an hour of working on my papers, granny came back out with a basket of her muffins. She sat in front of me with a smile and a caress to my cheek, her gentle eyes meeting mine.
"Did the man say anything?” I dropped my pen and closed my laptop, grabbing one of the steaming muffins and burning my fingers in the process.
“Just that he would be visiting again.” A knowing smile mixed with a curious look, granny offers me a napkin.
“Visit again? Soon?”
“Is this young man your lover, little miss? Your curiosity is leading me to think that you young ones are-“
I cut granny off with a wave of my hands and a shake of my head, a raisin choking me in the process as I hurriedly chewed wanting to deny the impression granny has.
“We’re not, granny. I just happened to meet him and he piqued my interest, that’s all.”
“Well, you might meet him again if you decide to comeback as well. I have a feeling he’s going to be another frequent customer while he’s here in town.”
I stared out on the streets, people to engrossed in their own lives that they don’t even have time for such trivial things like a visit at their local library shop and grab some rare finds. I can’t blame them. They have their own world to rotate about, pretty much like the Little Prince does. But at least he was able to travel and see other places that he thought never existed.  At least before going home, he had no regrets.
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It’s lightly raining outside. I was planning on coming back to the library and read the book there. Maybe even enjoy the company of the elderly librarian. She had this warm aura surrounding her that makes you want her company to be a constant. Even the library oozes the same aura as her. Homey. Warm. Home.
I grab the book by the window as I sit and read a few pages while waiting for my breakfast. Umbrellas scurrying as they open and close - the only view I have from my window and only the pitter patter of the rain on the window sill for my background noise. I smile sadly down as I see a picture of a lone rose. It had no one. Or maybe it did? I don’t really know. Every time I open a page to read, my mind travels towards that one Sunday train ride with Jade and I remember her stories. But her eyes screaming defeat. As if she has accepted a fate not her own. A fate that leaves her all alone in the end. Pretty much like this lone flower now.  
But she has dreams. And I want to meet her again and tell her to go for it. Only she can create her fate. Only she can define the future she wants. She can still make a path for herself. She has so much more she can fight for. She doesn’t have to fight alone. She doesn’t have to end up like this rose. Is it perhaps the reason she keeps reading this book? She feels alone like this rose? I was right then. The prince was obnoxious enough to leave the rose all on its own. Well I’m not him. I’ve been fighting, and just when I was about to take my last fight before curling in on what people expect of me, Jade made me want to keep fighting. I want to return the favor in any way. Be her pillar. Be a different prince who’s brave enough to stand by her until she wins her fight.
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Another lazy morning for me as my classes doesn’t start until the afternoon. It’s raining out just when I was about to leave campus and have breakfast at the library with granny. Hoping to maybe meet a certain gentleman who might become a frequent customer while he’s in the city. I wonder though. Ace, as far as I remember hearing his stories, he’s not one to stay in a place for too long. It’s been almost a month now since that day we met on the train. How long does he stay in one place? A week? A month? Somewhere in between? I hope I at least get to meet him before he leaves this town. A thanks, no matter how petty it might be, is still something I wish to give him. He made me realize that I should keep running for my dreams. There will be sacrifices and regrets along the way, but in the long run? It’s all for my happiness and contentment.
I just want to get out of this box already. I want to set myself free. I want to experience and realize on my own just like the Little Prince. I want to see what life can feed my dreams. I want to really live.
The rain is not stopping; instead it got stronger after a few minutes. Why rain today? Is he there? Probably keeping dry inside. Maybe he’s getting a taste of granny’s muffins as well and some tea. Should I run over there? It’s just down the street. I can always dry myself at granny’s. I can bring some dry clothes with me to change with before I leave for class. Granny’s going to be alone too. More people would be staying inside their own homes, hunched over a book, rather than a library no matter how cozy the library may be.
I decided to go for a visit. Ace or no Ace, I have granny and hopefully some of her hot chocolate and cookies. I dress lightly and put on my hoodie, my schoolbag on my shoulder and a change of dry clothes in a paper bag. I ran from building to building only stopping for a few seconds to shake myself dry. I laugh to myself as I should’ve brought my umbrella and spared myself from running like a wet chic under the rain. Well, this is what laziness does. Or just simply dumbness? I guess both? I mean, who wouldn’t bring an umbrella in this down pour? Obviously an airhead like me. Not wanting to climb the stairs back up my dorm, I continue running from building  to building, shed to shed, keeping myself as dry as this downpour could offer. I’m reaching the library, just a few more roofs away.
“A-ace?” My words stumble out as I ran towards another roof, seeing granny’s patio just a few more strides away. Not noticing that I have walked out from under the roof to get a clearer view of Ace, he pulls me over the patio of the library, his hands on my head trying to keep me dry, though we both know it’s going to be a failed attempt. He opens the door and pushes me in as he soon follows.
“Hey!” I giggle as I cover my face from how he’s shaking his head dry splattering me with water as well.
“Hey to you too, Jade. So much for keeping yourself dry, huh?” He pulls my hood down as he points at my wet hair.
“Where’s your umbrella?” We gasped as we asked at the same time. We shared a chuckle and some shy stares that led us looking down the floor instead.
A shuffle from upstairs made us look up and saw granny with towels and some old clothes in her hands.
“Look at you two! Come quickly and dry yourselves upstairs. These kids-“ Granny pushes us upstairs as she drops a towel and clothes in each of mine and Ace’s hand.
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“Oh come sit while you wait for her.”
“Thank you ma’am.”
“Please. Call me granny. The neighborhood kids all do. Would you like some coffee? Tea?”
“Some tea would be perfect. Thank you granny.” I sit as she waddles her way to her kitchen. The rain has dwindled down to softer pitter patter with occasional thunder from afar. As I look out the window, I chuckle to myself. Fate did its wonders.
“Where did granny go?” Jade appears from the stairs, the towel resting on her head as she dries her hair.
We both turn our heads as the smell of something sweet wafts from the kitchen.
“That enough answer your question?” I smile towards Jade with knuckles on my chin as she sat at the other side of the table.
“Oh?” She points at the book under my towel on the table with glittering eyes. “Did you borrow it from here?”
“No. I gave him his own copy.” Granny’s soft voice made our heads turn towards the kitchen. I stood in haste as I helped her with the tray, 2 cups of steaming drinks and a bowl of cookies with muffins on a plate.
“Gave? You have a new favorite customer now?” Jade pouts up at her as she places the hot chocolate in front of her the tea beside my book.
“Little miss, I don’t have favorites. But I do have those regulars. Now away with that sadness and make yourself warm and full.”
The two of them was a sight. The way granny pats her head and the way she automatically knows that Jade prefers hot chocolate over any warm drink. Jade in return seems relaxed. She looks free. I stare at the lovely scene unfold before me with a content smile as I sip my tea.
A comfortable silence envelops the room. Jade has her nose buried in her books. Granny was on the kitchen preparing lunch. As for me? I’ve been nibbling on a muffin as I read ‘The Little Prince’.  Now I see what Jade sees. Turns out this kid, the little prince, was an adventurer of some sort. Probably Jade sees herself in him? In the rose left alone?
I look towards the seat in front of me and see my own rose I’d wish to keep by my side. But like the little prince, I have to leave. I’ve realized what it means to go back. It’s not entirely giving up but more of acceptance and finally growing up. My smile is serene when my eyes meet Jade’s as she lifts her head up from her book.
“What are you looking at, huh, little prince?” She snapped her fingers just inches from my eyes, a total contrast of her own that hides the adventurer within herself. A soul waiting for the door to open and to be let out and fly away. I can see that she’s held down by something which leaves her trapped in her spot.
“Just thinking how childish you are for liking children’s books at your age.” A chuckle and my tongue out, I shake my book in front of her and use it to block out her attack - throwing a broken piece of cookie at me.
“See? Mature.” I was able to catch the cookie and pop it in my mouth as I opened the book and hid my face from her, not before lolling my tongue out again to spite her further.
“Yeah and lolling your tongue out is mature?” A comfortable silence with the pitter patter of the rain and granny’s distant humming as the background noise.
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‘Where will you go, little prince?’ I think to myself as Ace and I settle back down with the comfortable silence. His eyes differently shine from before. It’s not dimmer, just a different kind of shine. A shine that lost something but gained something new.
“Where to next?” I say out loud.
“Home.” He smiled as he closed The Little Prince and put his chin on his palm as he finished his cup of coffee.
“Home?” My face tilted in question as I closed my own book.
“Yes. Home.” He chuckled as he grabbed a piece of cookie.
My thoughts went haywire for a moment.
“You can’t give up!” Unknowingly, I stood up, both my palms slamming on the table.
“I mean – sorry.” I sat back down slowly as I fanned my face with my hands and hid my heating up face back on my book.
“Thank you.” Ace said gently as a hand pulls my book down, exposing myself to the unknown which is Ace.
“This isn’t me giving up. This is me fighting in a way that I don’t need to keep running. I’m fighting and ready to accept whatever may come.” He leans towards me, both his arms on the table as I stare back, mouth agape and face feeling hotter than before. “So. Thank you.”
“Thank you? For what?” I ask still breathless from my sudden burst out moments ago. I get a shrug as he leans away and continues reading ‘The Little Prince’, avoiding my question, with that serene smile of his I remember from when we parted just outside my school. I relax my tense shoulders as I smile down at my book. ‘This isn’t me giving up.’ His words play over and over my head like a mantra pushing me forward.
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Jade and I left the library sometime after lunch, promising granny another visit on the weekend. I promised granny to be an early bird for her and help setting up the library for the day and in return, she promised to cook something I like. I earned a glare from Jade as she heard the exchange of promises with granny pinching her cheeks assuring her that she was still the favorite along with me. She stomped her way back to her school as granny and I watched laughing from the door of the library.
“And as for this little prince of ours.” Granny turned towards me with her warmest smile. She handed me an umbrella while I shook my head, refusing gently, as the rain was only a drizzle as compared to this morning. She huffed and grabbed my hand shoving the umbrella towards me, a finality in her look.
“Thank you, granny.” I awkwardly hugged and looked at her, my eyes meeting teary ones. She hurriedly wiped her eyes with her shawl while chuckling.
“It’s nothing. I guess this old lady will just miss you when you leave.”
A lump was stuck in my throat. In just a matter of weeks in this town, I felt like I finally found a niche, a home.
“Oh granny.” I wiped her cheek as a stray tear rolled down. “I’ll come visit once everything is settled back at home.” I cringed at the last word. Home? This was home already. A home which made me understand and see myself. “Besides we still have this weekend. I’ll be here even before your feet touches the floor when you wake up.” She hits my arm gently and shoos me off.
“Get back to your hotel now before the rain picks up again.” She wipes at her eyes and I hug her once again as I waved my hands and thanked her for letting me borrow the umbrella.
“You stay dry now, little prince.” She waved her hands, staying on her spot as she watched me with her warm smile, her eyes never leaving me while I turned the street.
As I bought a sandwich for dinner back in the hotel, I remembered what Jade had asked me as we were eating lunch with granny.
“Would you be okay going back home?” she asked as she chewed on her first bite. Granny then held my hand, her face contorts with worry. I place my other hand on top of hers and pats gently as I nod towards Jade.
“Yes, more than fine.” I think I finally found my purpose, thanks to my last stop.
“We’ll be here for you, alright?” Granny squeezes my hand in hers and I smile back at her. Not only did I find my purpose but I found a home that filled the void in my heart.
I’m complete. I’m alive.
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“I’ve packed my bags.” Ace said as the three of them sat at the library’s patio, each nibbling on a muffin and their hot drinks keeping them warm.
“You’re going back home.” It wasn’t a question though Jade wanted it to be so badly and get a ‘no’ from Ace. His presence helped her after all to take brave steps ahead for her dreams.
“My family needs me and I think my I’ve traveled enough. I’ve found what I lost.” Ace sips his tea as he turns his head towards granny. “Granny, you have to tell me your secret recipe. No one would be baking these for me back home.”
Granny chuckles and nods towards Ace as she held his hand in hers firmly. The rest of the morning was spent with Jade showing Ace her favorite books and she would earn a chuckle from Ace.
“Just how many times have you actually borrowed these?” Ace finds himself endeared at the thought of Jade’s name almost occupying all the dates from the library card with her name from top to bottom of the list.
“I love reading.” She huffs as she grabs the current book, The Wizard of Oz, in Ace’s hand.
“You love reading children’s books?”
“I love reading because I feel like I’ve travelled and met all the people in these books.”
Ace smiles as Jade looks down at the books’ cover.
“You’ll travel too.”
Jade looks up at him and smiles.
“I think I’ve met one of them.”
“Met who?”
“The cowardly lion. Well a cowardly prince who’s now found his courage.”
When Ace gave Jade a questioning look, she pulled him towards one of the bean bags and sat facing each other. She proceeded to tell him the story of how Dorothy landed in Oz and met all these characters who think they lack certain things and finds themselves accompanying Dorothy to meet the wizard and hear how they don’t really lack on things. Their journey itself served its purpose with the help of Dorothy was they able to realize that they’ve always been complete.
Ace was smiling all throughout the storytelling as he reminisce the train ride they met and how passionate Jade was explaining how The Little Prince was no usual children’s book. Now he is seeing the Jade on the train, her hands busy flailing between them as she now explains how Dorothy and her new friends helped each other all throughout the quest to find the wizard.
The fire in her eyes never left. It was already there even before they met. All it needed was a rekindling to keep it aflame and alive.
Jade takes a deep breath after telling the story and snapped her fingers in front of Ace.
“Earth to Ace. Did you even listen?”
“Of course. It was the most wonderful journey I’ve heard.” Ace smiles serenely at her. “I beg to differ though. I am no lion. Cowardly, yes. But you on the other hand.” He points at a flower by the window as it absorbs the early sunrays. “You’re a hybrid of the flower from The Little Prince and Dorothy.”
She looks at him and tilting her head as she tries to understand what he just told her. He stands up and ruffles her hair fondly and walks towards a book shelf as he found the book Jade was talking about and started to read as he sat back down. The silence stretched until late afternoon with only a few people coming in to borrow or inquire about a book. Granny left them in their own bubble as she buzzed around quietly, smiling endearingly at the two.
                                                        * * *
It was early evening when the two joined granny in the lobby and helps her close the library for the night.
“Thank you for the help, you two.” She looks at Jade and Ace as she caressed both of their cheeks.
“You know I love helping you out.” Jade said as she held granny’s hand.
“Thank you.” Ace whispered as he leaned closer to granny’s warm touch, his eyes flicking from granny to Jade. “I need to get going if I want to hop on the last train tonight.”  Leaning away, he sighs.
“Come visit again when you can.” Granny smiled up at him meeting his sad eyes. Jade sniffs quietly beside him.
“I meet you crying and I’ll leave with you still crying?” Ace chuckles as he awkwardly reaches his hand out to wipe Jade’s tears. She shakes her head as she brings out a handkerchief in her pocket and wipes her own tears. Ace instead ruffles her hair with a smile.
“When I come back, I want my subject to ne happy.”
“I am happy?” Jade says. “I’m glad you’ve found what you were looking for.”
“Yeah my last stop brought me to her.”
Jade hid a blush as she looks out the window, stars already lighting up the sky.
Ace grabs for his coat as Jade and granny walked him out.
“Accompany him to the station.” Granny whispered as Jade stood with her watching Ace walk further.
“Hey, Ace!” She ran towards him and stood beside him. “Granny told me to accompany you to the station. It’s getting late. She doesn’t want you to get lost on your way.
“Of course she did.” He laughed as he looked back at granny and with a final wave, he turned and walked back to his hotel with Jade beside him. They ate a light dinner and checked out, his bag in hand.
With the moon lighting the road ahead, they walked to the station.
                                                       * * *
“Our last stop.” Jade said after Ace bought his ticket. He nods with a heavy sigh as he tries to meet her avoiding eyes.
“Just a pit stop. Our race will continue. Remember our bet?” He catches her eyes as she laughs at that.
“I remember.” She says quietly as her eyes move up to finally meet his.
It’s as if time stopped as they stood facing each other. They were once again inside their own bubble, like how they always end up when together. The announcement for Ace’s train leaving soon pops their bubble and Jade’s heart stopped for a second.
“Goodnight, Jade.” His voice was soft but he knew she heard him clearly. She squeezed on his handkerchief in her hand as he started to walk backwards towards the train doors, their eyes never leaving each other.
Tears threaten to fall on her eyes but she held back as she walked forward the train doors. The gap between the train and the platform separating them. A whistle startled them both with a guard telling Jade to move a little away as the doors would close soon. The two laughed as she took a step back.
“Goodnight, Ace. Goodnight.” The doors close slowly as the train engines roar to life. The train chugs away under the moonlight.
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guildwars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The following morning was cool and breezy. Kaleb slept off the effects of the alcohol and was - for the most part - sober. A couple of his buddies helped him get home without any issue and he managed to sneak back inside without his parents even being aware. He was also well aware that if his parents found out he had come home drunk, he would never have heard the end of it.
Kaleb made his way to downtown Claypool hoping to find the library. To his fortune he found that the building lay adjacent to the town college. He approached closer and could see throngs of students bustling in and out of the revolving doors, clumsily bumping into each other as they tried to squeeze into the all-too-narrow passageway.
On more than one occasion, his knees almost slammed into the faces of a couple of Asuran exchange students. As expected, they uttered a slew of perfunctory insults that were aimed at his large size.
Just what the hell is a 'booka' anyway? He pondered as he made his way past the librarian and towards the cataloging directory.
His eyes carefully scanned the various topics. There were certain ones he was specifically looking for, but was a bit too embarrassed to ask.
Non-fiction section - aisles 10 through 20;
    Reproduction - aisle 15.   
    Romance - aisle 17.
He discreetly made his way towards aisle fifteen hoping to find some information. Scanning the titles, looked to see if anything matched what he was looking for.
Human reproduction, The Human Reproductive Cycle, Stress on the Human Reproductive System.
No, no, and nothing. He thought as he perused more titles.
Mating habits of Asuran.
Close but not quite. Let's see... cee, cee, cee. Ca, ce, ch. Change... Charge... Charr. That's it!
Charr: their Ecology, Physiology and Reproductive Cycle.
Mating Rituals of the Charr. Vol. XI.
He began to quickly flip the pages until he saw the topic he had been looking for. Interleaved amongst the Krytan text were several poorly drawn illustrations of what appeared to be two oversized cats in a mating position. As he began to read some of the text, he suddenly heard being called by an all-too familiar voice.
"Kal! Just what are you doing in a library of all places?"
Quickly snapping the oversized book shut, Kaleb turned around to face the individual in question.
"Oh. Uh. Hi Rachel. Aren't you supposed to be in school?"
"Hello, I'm between classes, moron! What are you doing here anyway? Mom sending you here to check on me?" His sister said sarcastically.
As he started to back away hoping she wouldn't see the incriminating book, he heard another sharp voice coming from below.
"Watch it! Clumsy bookah!"
The irate asuran darted right by him, its floppy ears brushing up against his hip.
"Sorry," he said as he tried to hide the book from yet another set of potentially prying eyes.
"Hey Glempt. Did ya find that book Ella was talking about?"
The small male elevated his oversized head then crossed his arms in a haughty gesture. "Hmph! I have come to the inescapable conclusion that dear miss Ella has been endeavoring every attempt to set me up for ruin. That girl will stop at nothing to be at the top of the class."
"Eh. No worries. You beat her out on the last exam. She can go suck on her pride."
"Okay. I gotta scat," Kaleb said as he made every effort to hide the book from his sister and the snooty Asuran. "Nice to meet you, Glempt."
"We never did..." the asuran replied arrogantly.
"Kal. What's the book in your hand anyway? Lemme see it!" She pleaded.
"It's nothing really. Just checking out a couple of books on culinary cuisines, that's all. Really boring stuff."
Kaleb knew his back was against a proverbial wall.
"Cuisines in the reproduction aisle? Um. You're just weird!"
Glempt turned around to look at the oversized human. "Charr: their Ecology, Physiology and Reproductive Cycle. Volume Eight is decidedly missing from the repository. I happened to observe the gap between the other titles. And. Ohh. The Mating Rituals of the Charr. Vol. XI. appears to have absconded as well. Very interesting!"
Nosey little big-eared twit! Kaleb thought to himself as he felt the walls closing in around him.
"Reproductive cycles of charr? Charr mating rituals? Ewww! That's just gross!"
"Shut your pie-hole, sis!" Kaleb snapped.
"Well. It is quite easy for me to deduce that your elder sibling is a bona fide pervert. I'm leaving!"
"Watch it bud! Otherwise I'll knock those shark teeth out of that fat head of yours!"
Moments later, the librarian came rushing over as she pointed her finger at the bickering trio.
"All of you... hush right this instant! Don't you people know where you are? I could practically hear you all the way down the hall. The next time any of you says anything above a whisper, I'm going to ask you to leave. Am I clear?"
Kaleb nodded. "Yes ma'am."
Rachel and the asuran nodded as well.
By the time the bickering was over, Kaleb had checked out some additional books, mostly on subjects involving cuisines and wagon making. He didn't want to give those who saw what he was checking out the wrong impression. As he got to the checkout desk, he noticed his sister standing behind him with her own set books. She made numerous ugly faces whenever he looked her way.
"Your card, sir." The librarian asked in a shrill, monotone voice.
Kaleb frisked his pockets then quickly realized that he didn't even have a card.
"I can't seem to locate it. Anyway, I can register for one?"
"Didn’t you mean to say, may I? But yes… a card will take three days to process. Do you have a valid ID?" The librarian was quick to correct Kaleb’s grammatical faux pas. 
"No." He huffed.
"I'm sorry, sir. Without a proper ID, you cannot check out any of these books."
"Oh. Come on, ma'am. Yer talking to a local war hero here! Practically everyone in town knows who I am. Surely you know who I am, right?"
"You are holding up the line, sir. I will say this once more: you will need..."
Kaleb abruptly finished her sentence for her. "I know, I know. ...a proper ID, yadda, yadda, yadda."
"Rawarrr!" Rachel giggled while making a catcalling noise.
"Just stop it Rae!"
"Okay. Never mind, then. Sorry for wasting your time, ma'am."
As Kaleb was about to leave, his younger sister suddenly grabbed his stack of books then presented the librarian her ID card. She then looked up at him with a devilish grin.
"He's my brother. Here you go ma'am. I'll check them out for him," she said as she set her own books on top of the ones he wanted to check out.
Her older brother looked at her skeptically wondering what kind of angle she was trying to play.
"You're being generous all of the sudden. What's your game, sis?"
She just smiled and grinned. "Nothing."
As the Grimwald siblings left the library, Rachel shoved the books he wanted to check out straight into his midsection. "Here! You can have these nasty books. Pervert!"
"Rawarrrrrr! Rarrrwww!"
"By the wrath of Balthazar, that's annoying! You weren't being generous back there, were you? What's your angle?"
Rachel walked coyly beside her big brother and grimaced. "You muck out the stalls and clean out the troughs from now on."
"Or what? Tell mom?"
"That you've been checking out kitty porn? Try me!"
"You wouldn't dare."
"Maybe I should convince my new girlfriend to eat you. At least I won't have to put up with anymore of this nonsense," Kaleb said with a chuckle.
"So you admitted it. She is your girlfriend!"
"Not in the way you are thinking, sis. Our relationship is purely platonic. Do you even know what that big word even means?"
"Duh! Of course I do. So why the dirty books?"
"They aren't dirty. They're educational."
"Sure they are. Uh, huh. Whatever you say, brother." His sister gave a snarky laugh.
Kaleb grabbed her by her shoulder then pulled her in for a hug. "Y'know... in spite of being a royal pain in the backside, I still love ya, sis. Don't you forget it."
Giving him a slight hug in return, Rachel pressed up against his chest as she pointed towards a refreshment shop down the road. "Have you tried their beverages? They are out of this world!"
"Come to think of it, I could go for a little snack myself."
When they arrived home, Kaleb opened the front door for his sister. As she walked in, he leaned close to her ear and said in a hushed tone. "You promise not to tell our folks about those books."
"Promise to do my chores, then."
"Okay. Deal."
Rachel turned to her brother as she picked some flax seeds out of her teeth. "Yanno. I kinda felt self-conscious about eating that salad that I had ordered from that sylvari clerk. It felt like I was eating her cousin."
Kaleb couldn't help but laugh at his sister's comment as he commented. "I will never look at a salad the same way again."
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The Fae | 3. Lessons
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POV: Emma
“I’m not going to date him because he’s too tall and I care about my neck too much to bother,” I stated, discussing my father’s picks for my future husband with the only one of my friends who I trusted and knew would understand my dilemma. While she just looked at me with bulging eyes like I was insane while she leant forward, her blonde hair sprawling behind her as she sipped on her milkshake listening to me complaining.
“Not the only reason I can see but a reason nonetheless,” She blatantly stated staring at me with an intensity that could only be matched by two people. Neither of which I wanted to see at this point.
“What else is there?” I asked my brain hurting too much after what we had just done swirling with important things I'd forgotten to think about what she could possibly be talking about.
“The fact he tried to kill us last week doesn't ring any bells. Any at all?” She queried raising a singular eyebrow me completely unfazed by what had just gone on only hours before.
“Oh, yeah, that did happen. Anyway, what's going on with you and King Hunk,” I asked cheekily jabbing at the crush she’d develop on one of the boys and a secret Sky had told me after the battle.
She'd found find out soon enough.
“I can and will stab you with my straw,” She said though, I had no doubt she would and could do that in a multitude of ways based on what I knew of her godparents.
That story though has a much larger plot than that so I'll take you back to the first interesting event in it. Moving Day.
After dropping off Maya’s two friends at Faragonda's office. We try to find our dorm rooms and checked in with Grizelda.
“Well, girls, Emma and Maya have their own rooms this Estelle, Marketa you're sharing. Your name is on the door second floor east wing,” She had stated as we started dragging our bags up the stairs towards the dorms we were allocated to.
“So Emma, why'd you got your own room?” Marketa asked highly annoyed at me for reasons I couldn't control.
“It’s most likely a request for my grandparents though, I doubt it'll last long with our two new additions. Also, Marqueta can you please pass me the box in the corridor?”
“Lazy, bitch,” She muttered passing me the Box before going back across the whole to her room she shared with Estelle.
And started unpacking her own bags and boxes. I assume what she was actually doing was helping Estelle unpack her 20 suitcases and attempt to fit all of it in their magic wardrobe. I shook my head laughing before closing my dorm door heading towards the bedroom to unpack. That was before I heard a knock on my door and decided to open it.
“Ah, Miss Lokidöttir, just who I wanted to see. This is your new roommate, Tegan. She'll be staying here after tomorrow. But until then enjoy having the room to yourself,” Miss Grizelda, the teacher in charge of sucking all of the joy from the students, stated before turning to Tegan, “Emma will be your roommate and you are expected to keep her in line at all times. Understood?
“Yes, ma'am,” We stated in union as she stepped into the room.
After I talked to Tegan about herself and her life on Earth I felt the need to defend her to Estelle and Marketa whenever they started being rude about her at our movie night that followed. We talked as she helped me unpack, I promised to do the same when she came back with her stuff the following day. We talked about how we both hated our fathers, about how we both felt out of place in the place we were meant to call home, about what we had in common, which as it turns out is more than either of us expected. She was so sweet and I could tell that there was a lot more underneath the surface than she let on. I'd asked her about them and she claimed it was fine but I could tell it hurt her and for that, I am so sorry for her. She just needs to get to know them and they need to get to know her and they'll get on.
I tried to explain to her in that time some of the traditions we have on Magix like the annual gift ball to welcome the freshmen which I think confused her more. I tried to explain princess balls and everything I could think of to make her transition to Alfea easier than what I imagined it could be like especially if Estelle and Marketa continued to be such bitches to her and her friend. They're good people deep down inside, I'd told her she only responded with a chuckle and 'I know a lot of people like them, and I'm sure they are but for now I think it's best that they stay the ice princesses they are while I get settled it'll make it feel more homely if the popular kids don't like me'. I felt sorry for her she was coming to a new place and yet still they instead on being so rude to her and not giving her a chance even though she would give them a chance if roles were reversed. I just wish they could see things from an outsiders perspective, life here was and is hard when you weren't born into a fairy family, or raised by one they have no clue what it can be like to be on the outside looking in, but I do so I'm going to make sure she doesn't have to put up with that anymore.
The movie my friends had decided to watch was actually a documentary about earth as Maya decided they should know more about where they were mocking before they decided to continue with their torment of these two girls. Hopefully, they would see that life can be hard especially depending on where and how they were brought up because unlike Magix their world is falling to pieces due to... well everything that's happened in recent years, and people are killing their planet. The chances of my friends changing their opinions and minds is slimmer than the chance a pig could grow wings and fly but it can be done I just know it can because they have good hearts and good intentions they just don't know how to express that to new people who are used to completely different cultures and ways of life but I know that they will do what's right, even if it takes them a while.
After our all night long movie festivities we had to stagger down the stairs towards the dining room making sure not to allow Grizelda to notice how sleep deprived we looked. Once we entered the Grand Dining Hall I could instantly see how it got its name. The ceilings had to be at least 20ft high and there was a beautiful mural painted on it of the defeat of the ancestral witches one of Estelle's cousins proudest feats before her demise, though I doubted anyone would find it useful of me to point it out given that no one else remembers the Winx Club, only us and perhaps a few of the boys but you couldn't say for sure because it's hard to bring up because what do you say "Hey do you remember that group of 6 fairies that single-handedly took down some of the greatest threats to our world ever? No me either I must have just dreamt it" you can't just say that to a person you'd get put in a nut house or worse detention. At least I know my friends know too and that means I'm not the only one who wants to find out what happened to them. The dining hall was truly magnificent though, the only thing in my opinion that beat it at Alfea was the food, their food had certainly improved from what Stella's diary had described it as and trust me that is a great thing.
We’d read Stella’s diary to help us figure out what happened to her and everyone else in the Winx Club but it’d come up with nothing which doesn’t surprise me given that you know they vanished and nothing but a hand full of relics of them still existed but it did lead to us being able to know the ins and outs of Alfea before even stepping foot on the campus, including and not excluding: How to sneak into the restricted area of the library, where all of the tunnels under the school lead to, and how to handle Miss Grizelda without any hassle. It had been a very effective weekend for all of us.
Today was day 2 of our 2 moving days, meaning there were tours, chances to speak to teachers and of course the mandatory course selection which is a fancy way of saying, "tell Grizelda what your powers are so she can check you're enrolled in the right classes" and the only other mandatory thing. Shopping. Going shopping on the second move-in day was a custom for freshman because of the annual gift ball being held at the end of the first week and of course this lead to us explaining how buses here work to our two new group members after we helped them move in and get all checked in, correctly by Grizelda.
"So, what are you guys looking for for the ball next week?" Estelle asked as Maya gave Tegan a worried look that to me said if you say anything but a dress I will kill you in your sleep tonight.
"What ball?" Simone asked cutting off anything else that was going on for Estelle to start well being Estelle...
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calwrights · 5 years
Origin Stories
A birthday gift for my soulmate.
June 26th 2017
Legit went meta towards the end
Fate often times tore people apart,
sometimes fate brought people together,
But only if,
they were meant to be together,
in this life.
Age 7-8
Two kids were lost in a supermarket.
In the same supermarket?
On the same day?
In the same time?
In some lives,
they were not.
But at least once in their lives they were indeed lost in a supermarket on a hot summer day.
Supposed to cling to their mothers skirts and stay close like they were asked to, while their mothers shopped.
there’s only so much a child can listen to.
Which is why child number 1 found herself lost in a throng of people.
And child number 2 found herself hiding behind one of those new freezers the frozen food was stored in.
Child number 1 didn’t mean to get lost.
An old lady had dropped something from her cart and her mother always told her to respect her elders.
So as an obedient child she help get the old lady’s piece of paper back to her.
Child number 2 did get lost on purpose.
Because in her mind-
It’s what her mother dared her to do.
Child number 1 started panicking.
The nice old lady gave her the pizza coupon as a reward for getting her coupons back to her.
But when child 1 turned around she was lost.
Her mother nowhere in her sights.
Just strangers milled around in an unfamiliar place.
As one would suspect, it’s overwhelming for a kid.
Tears started welling up in child number 1’s eyes as anxiety settled into her bones.
Child number 2 was starting to think that actually taking her mother’s words to heart was a bad idea.
She also started to think that sitting behind a dusty, old, cold freezer eating frozen food straight out of the bag without asking was a bad idea.
What her mother actually said was:
“If you get lost I’m going to leave you and you’ll live here forever.”
Living at the supermarket didn’t seem all that bad to child number 2.
But the loneliness felt terrible.
Child number 1 started to run.
With no aim in mind.
Well, she actually hoped that at least one of the people that she literally ran into would scold her and she would cling to her skirts like she was supposed to and never let go.
But well, fate didn’t end up going so well for child number 1.
Fate just created a misunderstanding.
She ran past the same old lady who gave her the coupon.
And in her haze child number 1 didn’t realize the old lady calling after her.
She also didn’t realize the old lazy still calling out for her and that she started to follow child number 1 through the crowd.
She also failed to see the security guard taking notice of the commotion and coming to the wrong conclusion.
With two people yelling after her the girl ran faster before slipping in front of a CAUTION WET sign.
Child number 1 yelped as oily, crumbly, cold hands dragged her behind a freezer.
Child number 2 had witnessed the small disturbance and decided to take action.
However she didn’t think said action will get her punched straight in the face.
“I saved you! Geez...” child number 2 muttered harshly while holding her aching nose.
Thankfully it wasn’t bleeding.
Child number one responded with a sharp: “I never asked for your help!”
“Well, if you want to go back outside-”, child number 2 accented her words by trying to shove child number 1 through the small opening that was used to get behind the freezer.
“No! No, fine ok! I’ll stay- Stop pushing me!” child number 1 whispered.
Child number 2 stopped and propped herself back up against the freezer.
Child number 1 sat against the wall,
the old woman and the security guard having long since ran past the freezer.
“You should apologize.”
“Why do I need to apologize?”
“You punched me in the face.”
“You dragged me behind a freezer.”
“Do you want to go back outside?”
“Fine, I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok. Besides I think I scared you, haha!”
“I wasn’t scared by some weird… freezer dwelling...chicken nugget eater?- Why are you eating-”
“I’m not eating chicken nuggets!”
“I saw them. Hiding them under the freezer won’t help.”
“You can go back out-,”
“You’re supposed to pay for things before buying them!”
Child number 1 looked at child number 2 distrustfully.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Child number 2 said sniffing.
“You’re crying-,”
“You’re the one who was crying while running into people.”
“I was looking for my mom, ok!”
“You lost your mom too? I mean- I didn’t lose lose my mom I just…”
“So, we’re both lost?”
“I’m not lost.”
“Yeah, right...Nugget.”
“Yeah, well...Pizza coupon?”
“I’d take just the Pizza part.”
They eventually came out from behind the freezer and explained to the security guard the misunderstanding.
Then they went off to search for their mothers.
Child number found her mother immediately, and ran straight into the folds of her skirt.
Child number one was so wrapped up in her mother scolding her she totally forgot about child number- Nugget.
And when Pizza turned back around she couldn't find her friend.
Nugget was also searching for her friend from her post on the side of a grocery cart.
Finding her mother was easy with her parent yelling for her.
The cart rattled through the parking lot.
The texture of the asphalt making it quite a bumpy ride.
Pizza helped her mother put groceries into the car.
Nugget took the keys and started the car to get the AC running like she was asked to.
And while their mothers drove out of the parking lot.
Two girls met eyes from two different cars.
One car going left.
The other turning right.
Neither knowing how important, or how painful the other will be in their lives.
And by painful...
It’s painful by how they never quite meet.
No matter how close fate brings the two individuals together.
Age 14-15?
School field trip sounded cool until Nugget got lost.
She wandered off looking at the flock of sheep on the farm.
The class was supposed to be learning about farm animals, but Nugget had already read about them from the books in the library.
Eventually she came to a rusted chain link fence.
And that was the second time she met Pizza.
Pale skin, glasses, and white clothes.
Pizza was coming back from the bathroom when she heard rattling from a fence and a voice shouting nonsense.
She turned around and almost didn’t recognize the kid- no teen now.
Messy curly hair, tan skin, and scars.
Pizza was about to open her mouth and respond when-
“Where have you been?” a loud voice bellowed. Nugget flinched at the loud voice, the rusty fence mimicking her.
One of Pizza’s chaperones came stomping over. Kicking up dry dust and dirt as she went about.
“Ms. W-!”
“We don’t have time! The buses are waiting on us, let’s go!”
The chaperone totally ignored Nugget as she grabbed ahold of Pizzas hand.
Pizza was being dragged back to the buses.
“Wait! What’s your name?”
Pizza was cut off by the buses started up, having caught sight of the last lost student.
Nugget was trapped behind the fence. She almost had the idea to climb over.
As Pizza was driven off in a mass of screaming kids, their eyes met once again.
But Pizza was the only one who was behind glass.
And Nugget was only left with imprinted rusted hands,
from grasping the fence too hard.
Wishing there were no barriers to get to know her mysterious friend more.
Age 17-18?
Senior trip usually sucked.
Which is why Pizza opted to go to a medical program.
While her peers were probably getting drunk and making bad life decisions, she was furthering her career.  
She was performing an analysis on a deep shock dummy patient.
Her and other top students were put into the window lab.
Where visiting schools can see what it will be like for their students that join the program.
And as fate would have it,
Nuggets school was visiting.
Pizza didn’t notice the smooshed up face against the glass staring intensely at her, until most of her colleagues were distracted by it.
Time froze for both girls.
Until, staff in white lab coats were ushering Nugget to get back with the main group.
Nugget didn’t want to leave and was causing a ruckus until Pizza make a motion for her to just go.
Pizza’s heart broke at the rejected expression Nuggets face wore.
Nugget reluctantly followed the staff.
She looked over her shoulder through the glass again.
And Pizza had half a mind to leave her simulated patient and find Nugget.
Nugget was already gone.
And the exit only led to the other side of the building.
It was useless.
This time, not only separated by glass.
But by duty, and law.
Age 25-26?
There were so many instances where they just were about to meet.
But something was always between them.
Tearing them apart.
Fate was getting frustrated.
Which is why fate made Pizza miss her alarm at 6:30 am, and that forced her to get coffee from a shop closer to her internship job.
Unbeknownst to Pizza or Nugget.
Nugget was working the shift there during 7-10 am.
Pizza literally fell into the shop, her papers falling all around her.
The sound of the bell literally being killed and a girl falling into the coffee shop at 8:10 am startled Nugget, which caused her to fall off her stool behind the counter.
Thankfully it was just them in the shop at that time.
Pizza called up from the floor while gathering her papers:
“Hey! I know you guys are a coffee shop, but do you have any tea? Coffee really doesn’t affect me and I just need something this morning. I woke up late, green tea would be best, no honey or sugar thank you-!”
“Coffee doesn’t affect me either!- I mean- You got it ma'am!”
Nugget turned her back and started brewing hot water and setting out the leaves required.
Pizza finally captured all her escaped papers and walked up to the counter, placing down money to hurry and get out of there.
“Sorry, the tea is going to take just a minute to brew-”
Nugget froze.
Pizza looked up when the barista stopped in the middle of her sentence.
Their eyes met,
Time froze.
The timer for the tea went off and out of habit Nugget turned around sharply and started pouring the tea into a cup.
They couldn’t think of anything to talk about, yet.
Nugget ringed up the cup of tea, and Pizza blew on the steaming surface of the cup.
“So, are you late or something?”
“I am, actually.”
“You should go then, you’re in a very worthwhile profession.”
“Kicking me out already...Nugget?”
“Ha! Funny because the last time we met I got the feeling you were the one kicking me out, Pizza.”
“Oh, how the roles have reversed.”
They chuckled into an awkward silence.
“...We never got each others names-”
Pizza’s sentence was cut short by the jingling of the shop door and a crowd of loud businessmen walked through.
“Go, you’ll be late.- Yes! What can I get you sir?”
Frowning as Pizza realized Nuggets words were true she found her feet walking towards the door.
She walked outside,
just to rush back in and-
“I’ll come back! I live near here! I will learn your name!”
All she received from Nugget was a small smile.
And now, thinking back.
Pizza should’ve realized that her smile was forced.
Sad, tense.
Pizza should’ve known.
No matter how much fate can dabble its hands into time and space.
Sometimes, it’s not enough to save someone.
Pizza’s internship was hell that afternoon.
There was a shootout between a gang and a couple of policemen working undercover in a few shops.
Many people were dead or requiring surgery to survive.
Throughout the entire afternoon all Pizza was assisting in surgery were doctors with civilians.
No policemen.
Not until Nugget.
Goddamn it, Nugget.
Pizza’s hands shook as she read the report in the operating theater.
       There was just no way they should save her, looking back.
She didn’t have a bulletproof vest on, like the others.
The report didn’t say where it went, but later it was found on a dead kid.
The sacrifice,
went to waste.
Pizza glanced back at the body through the glass.
And in a bitter twist of fate, they were once again separated by glass,
duty, and law.
Pizza read Nuggets information.
  So, Chayanne was your name.
Age 26.
Born June 4th.
Daughter to two Marines.
I watched you go up, kinda.
And you, me.
Mine is Nahil.
I should’ve just told you my name.
Just yelled it.
I’m sorry.
Sometimes brings two people together.
Sometimes it doesn't.
And sometimes it brings them together.
Just to rip them apart.
But in another life.
Nugget survived.
Pizza wasn’t late, but decided to try out a new coffee shop.
Nugget was in the medical program with Pizza.
There was no rusty chain linked fence.
Or even the roles were reversed and Pizza was the one on the table.
And in some other life.
This is all a story
Maybe even written by one of them.
In a universe where they know each other's names.
And in that life.
Fate finally succeeded.
Happy birthday moon.
“You will never be completely at home again,
Because part your heart will always be elsewhere.
That’s the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”
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jobethdalloway · 7 years
Would love a Rizzoli & Isles style Hogwarts, just can’t decide which I’d like more. Maybe one/both/together. 1) you are already dating someone else, and during our love potion unit, you get asked to explain what you smell, and of course you’re gonna be smelling things that describe your partner right? uhm, but then why are you explicitly describing me…? 2)we stumble into the mirror of erised together. we look into it. neither of us know it’s anything special. we just see our reflections. Thanks!
I love that first one, I’ll have to do it - this is a revised version of the second prompt :)
Usually Maura Isles had no problem concentrating on her studying. In fact, studying was one of her favorite things to do.
But that was before Jane Rizzoli had come along.
Maura remained ever serious about her studies, but she found her thoughts drifting much more than usual: she was either reliving pleasant memories (making out with Jane in the Quidditch bleachers long after a match had ended) or fantasizing about what might happen the next time they were alone (they were in different houses, so bedrooms were not an option. Where might they find an accommodating place?).
At the moment Maura was in the library, blushing as she thought of the possibilities. She was trying to pay attention to a study group for her Ancient Runes NEWT class, but her eyes kept going back to Jane, who was sitting at a table across the way. Every time Maura caught her gaze, Jane would do something like wink or blow her a kiss.
“Miss Rizzoli!”Jane snapped to attention at once, startled by the abrupt presence of the rather intense librarian Madam Pince.
“What? I mean, yes ma'am?”
“If you don’t mind, the library is a place for studying,” sniffed Madam Pince. “Not flirting!”
“Flirting? Who’s - look, I’ve got my books here, I’m …I’m totally studying! Watch.” She pretended to scan the open Transfiguration book in front of her, then practiced a nonverbal spell to transform an abandoned quill into a rose. “See?”
Madam Pince flicked her eyes over to Maura’s study group, still looking suspicious. “I am very impressed,” she said dryly. To Jane’s disappointment, she took the rose with her as she walked back to her desk.
Jane looked around for something inconspicuous to transfigure. She settled for the cap of an empty inkwell, which she was able to silently transfigure into a tiny blue rose. She waited until Madam Pince was distracted by some other troublemaking students (seriously, what was that pint-sized Harry Potter doing by the restricted section?) and levitated the tiny rose over to Maura’s table. When it landed on her notebook, Maura’s face broke into a wide grin and Jane gave herself a mental high-five.
The moment her study group finally ended, Maura sprinted over to Jane’s table to give her a kiss - thus ensuring they were kicked out of the library by the PDA-hating Madam Pince.
“It’s sweet of you to want to be with me all the time, but it might be better for us both if you stayed away during my study sessions,” Maura said, using a charm to elongate the stem of her tiny rose so she could stick it through one of her coat’s buttonholes.
“Yeah, that’s fair,” Jane chuckled. “While we’re on the subject, you should probably stop coming to my Quidditch practices. If I miss another pass because I’m smiling at you, Wood is gonna yell at me again, and it’s so demoralizing getting yelled at by a fifth year… who is also my captain.”
“I still think you should’ve been captain. You’re the senior member on the team, after all!”
“Eh, Wood wanted it more. Besides, after practice tonight he’ll be up for hours devising new strategies and I’ll get to be with you.”
“You want to sneak out after hours?” Maura whispered. “I might have a panic attack if I do that again!”
“C'mon babe, I’ll make it worth your while,” Jane said, giving her hand a squeeze. “Half the fun is in the risk that you might get caught!”
“You know, when I heard Gryffindors were brave, I didn’t think it meant because they weren’t scared of getting caught having sex. I mean, making out!” she hurried to add when Jane stopped in her tracks. “S-sorry, slip of the tongue.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Jane asked. She was flushed, but looked excited. “That’s kinda been on my mind, too.”
“Uh, yeah! I mean we’ve been going out for a while. I kinda figured the only reason we hadn’t…” She cleared her throat when they turned the corner towards the Great Hall, a passageway thick with students. “I just thought we hadn’t done that because there’s not really a good um, place for it. A romantic place, I mean. But yeah I’ve been thinking about it because I… I love you, Maura.”
Jane’s only regret about saying this was that it was actually the first time she’d said it, and it didn’t seem like the romantic moment it should’ve been as a second year pushed his way through them to reach The Great Hall and Peeves smacked Maura with someone else’s bookbag in passing.
However, it seemed Maura hadn’t noticed; her eyes were fixed on Jane.“You do?”
“Um…yeah,” Jane said shyly, pulling Maura closer before another impatient student could push between them. “I guess I’ve felt that way for a while - I should’ve mentioned it before now, but…” She laughed. “I guess not all Gryffindors are brave when it comes to matters of the heart.”
Jane waited for Maura to reciprocate or at least say something, but all she did was stare at her, looking dazed. Jane cleared her throat. “Um… d-do you?”
“Hm? Do I what?”
Jane thought this must’ve been a deflection, and starting to feel anxious, she took Maura’s hand and headed into the Great Hall. “Do you… want to get dinner?”
“Oh, Jane! I love you, too.”
Jane’s face broke into a wide grin. “Really? You do?”
Maura’s response was a long kiss, followed by “Absolutely.”
They ate dinner together at the Ravenclaw table, sitting obnoxiously close together in the kind of way that severely annoyed their single classmates and/or made said classmates all the more anxious to not be single. Jane had Quidditch practice after dinner, but managed to convince Maura to meet her in the library afterwards. She kissed Maura goodbye but was stopped at the door by a familiar halting voice.
“Miss……..Rizzoli. Off….so quickly?”
She turned around, trying not to glare at Snape. “Something the matter, teach?”
His eyes narrowed; he hated being addressed as anything other than “professor” or “sir,” and she knew it. “I just wanted to ensure that you were aware that the use of love potions on a fellow student is strictly forbidden at Hogwarts.”
“What are you talking about?” Jane asked. Snape’s gaze flicked to the Ravenclaw table and Jane’s followed. “If you’ve got a problem with the PDA between me and my girlfriend, I hope you’re just as concerned about it happening between my straight classmates.”
“Public displays of affection are discourteous and disgusting regardless of the genders of those involved,” Snape said, his lips barely moving. “I merely find it hard to believe that an academically gifted pureblood as intellectual as Miss Isles would find anything so attractive about a scrappy, subpar student such as yourself.”
“You are damn lucky your job doesn’t depend on student evaluations,” Jane growled.
“And you are damn lucky that I’m the only teacher in this school who can recognize the effects of a love potion. My suspicions have been aroused, and-”
The Weasley twins swept by just then, each grabbing Jane by one of her arms and pulling her towards the door, away from Snape. “Sorry, Professor!” George called over his shoulder. “Quidditch calls!”
“We heard him say the word ‘aroused’ and figured we ought to bring you out with us,” Fred explained. “Everything all right?”
Jane pulled herself out of the twins’ grip, looking sour. “That guy really needs to get laid.”
Snape remained where he’d been, smirking at the seed of doubt he’d seen planted in Jane’s usually-cocky expression. He turned to see McGonagall glowering at him.
“Severus, I hope you aren’t trying to interfere with the outcome of the pool?”
“An unfounded accusation? Typical. The romantic entanglements of Miss Rizzoli are of no interest to me.”
“You’ve got five galleons against them! Why is it you always bet against young love? What woman hurt you, Severus?”
Snape did nothing but angstily turn away.
While Jane busied herself at practice, Maura got some more studying done in the Ravenclaw common room. She was sitting at a small table with Penelope Clearwater, a girl whose studiousness and seriousness Maura appreciated. They rarely spoke to each other except to ask about magical theory and spent no time together outside the common room. Maura considered her one of her best friends.
“Are you…humming?”
“I suppose I am,” Maura chuckled, shutting The Standard Book of Spells, Volume 6. “I can’t help feeling a little giddy. My girlfriend told me she loves me. And I said it back! I’ve never had someone say that to me before!”
Penelope’s smile looked a little strained, but Maura assumed that was because she wasn’t used their conversations veering away from academics. “That’s Jane Rizzoli, then?”
“Yes! Don’t tell anyone, but I’m actually meeting her in the library after her Quidditch practice,” Maura whispered. “I know it’s after hours, but it’s so hard for us to get any privacy…”
Penelope’s eyebrows went up. “Privacy? Do you think you’ll…” She frowned when Maura nodded with excitement. “Are you sure about this, Maura?”
“What do you mean? Yes. We’re attracted to each other, we love each other. What is it?” she asked, now concerned by Penelope’s dubious expression.
“Well…one of my best friends, Percy, he’s a Gryffindor and well, you just hear things about her. Last year, she had was in on a bet with all the boys on the Quidditch team about who could snog the most girls, and I hear she doubled the number of the person in second place.”
“So?” Maura asked, though she looked a little uncomfortable. “She wasn’t in a relationship with someone at the time, was she?”
“I don’t think so, but it was a bet that lasted the entire year. She let some girls on for quite a while.”
“Well that’s - it’s different,” Maura said. “She’s matured, and there’s not something like that going on now.”
“How do you know that? Maybe it’s just a different kind of bet. It’s probably just a rumor, but I’ve heard even the teachers have had pools about how long her relationships will last.”
“Are you saying Jane’s only dating me as some kind of bet? That’s a horrid thing for a friend to imply!”
Penelope held up her hands in a sign of surrender. “I just don’t want you to get your heart broken, Maura. Not by someone who was caught by several prefects and at least one teacher trying to pass off the sounds of her trysts as Moaning Myrtyle haunting other areas of the castle.”
Maura pursed her lips, collected her things, and went upstairs to finish her homework on her bed. She read the same incantation over and over, not because she was trying to memorize it but because she was distracted. The concerns that had dogged her when Jane had first started really paying attention to her were coming back to nip at her.
She’s so pretty, she’s so popular, she’s so outgoing, she’s got so many friends, so many girls like her, She could have anyone she wanted, why would she pick someone like you? Unless… unless someone had said to find the shyest, quietest girl in her year and bed her. Who would be a better candidate than the girl so isolated and old-fashioned, only the ghosts kept her company? Who better to brag about scoring than the so-called Queen of the Dead?
These were illogical thoughts, they had to be. She was startled when her suitemates come up for bed; she hadn’t realized the time, and hadn’t yet worked out what to say if she were caught on her way to the library. Did she still even want to go?
Yes, she told herself firmly. This is silly. Penelope doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
That said, she couldn’t help feeling nervous when Jane was late to meet her. Five minutes was no big deal. Ten minutes…nothing to worry about. Maybe she ran into someone and has to wait for the passage to clear. Fifteen minutes… maybe Filch was patrolling the corridors and found her and she’s getting chewed out… Twenty minutes… it must be Filch; she wouldn’t have set me up like this to get in trouble…
But then she heard something inside the library and her heart hammered; maybe Jane had set her up?
“Man, babe, I am so sorry I’m late. Wood is insane, I swear, he had us going SO late! I finally had to tell him I had a Potions exam tomorrow to study for so we could get outta there, and then Peeves of course was hanging out around the corner from Gryffindor tower, and … anyway, let’s get inside, yeah?”
They had rushed over to their favorite nook, but Jane found herself pausing instead of diving right in for a kiss. She’d spent years rolling her eyes at weak poetry and lyrics that went on about a girl’s beauty in the pale moonlight, but here she was seeing it now and she understood it. Her stomach felt twisted into pleasured knots at the sight of Maura in this soft blue light, waiting for her, wanting her…
But wait, said a small voice. Is this right, are you in her league? What’s she doing with a ragtag half-blood like you? Okay, she doesn’t care about blood status, but still. Is she the kind of person who’d be too polite not to say it back if you said you loved her? Oh, you’re being stupid! Don’t let Snape get in your head! Oh Merlin, don’t let him get in your head when you’re trying to be sexy, ugh, that’s got to be the un-sexiest thing ever.
“Jane…? Are you all right?” Maura asked, noting her pained expression.
“Hm? Yeah, sorry, I was um, I got distracted for a sec. You look really beautiful tonight, though.”
Jane pushed her concerns aside, figuring the best way to gauge Maura’s feelings was to see her reactions. She slid Maura’s hair behind her shoulder and kissed her neck. Unfortunately Maura pushed her back, admittedly not a great sign.
“What’s up?” Jane murmured.
“I was just wondering… is it true that last year you won a bet against the boys on your Quidditch team about who could kiss the most girls?”
Jane’s eyebrows shot up but her answer wasn’t what Maura had expected: “Did you not know about that till now? Dang, I thought it’d gotten around to most circles.”
“Well, I’m not part of many circles as you damn well know,” Maura sniffed.
“Who told - never mind. Yes, I won the bet in a landslide but only because i was upfront about it with girls. The boys were too proud to ask outright, and they mostly stuck to Gryffindors. I did not discriminate house-wise; hell, I even had a couple of Slytherins offer to help me out. Sisters before misters, y'know?” she chuckled and Maura had to fight a grin. “What’s got you worried about it?”
“Well, it’s just one of my friends was sort of making you out to be some sort of … lothario or something.”
“Yeah, I can see how someone might’ve thought that. But it’s not like I went around promising lifelong commitments to girls, making out with them and then dumping them immediately. I dated a couple but for the most part, my line was ‘hi, the boys on the Quidditch team think they’re hot stuff and I’m trying to prove a point by kissing more girls than the lot of them this year, wanna help?’ If I wasn’t turned down flat, I usually got a peck and a signature from Madam Hooch’s wife to make it official.”
“Her wife?”
“Yeah, she thought it was hilarious. Also, we needed an outsider we could trust to be honest and objective when it came to tallying things up.” There was silence for a few moments, and Jane asked, “Are you wondering why I didn’t ask you?” She tried not to laugh when Maura nodded. “I really wanted to, but you kind of intimidated me.”
“Oh, no…”
“I mean in a cool way! Your best friends in the school were the ghosts, how badass is that?”
“They’re an excellent and underused primary source for wizarding history! I should’ve known people would find that off-putting.”
“Guess you’re not a fan of the whole 'Queen of the Dead’ thing, huh? I admit that had me a little wary. But also you were wicked smart and crazy cute, and I kinda had a crush on you. I was worried about making an ass of myself; I thought you were way out of my league.”
Maura put her arms around Jane’s neck and pulled her in for a kiss, feeling much more secure. “There are no leagues, Jane. At least, not any we aren’t in together. The only thing we’re in right now is the library.” Her heartbeat raced as she kissed down Jane’s neck, her hand moving purposefully to the button of Jane’s pants. “And the only other thing I want you in right now is my skirt.”
Just a few murmured words in her ear, and Jane had never been turned on so quickly in her life. “Damn,” she muttered. “Uh… you don’t think any of your ghost friends would be lurking around here, do you?”
“No,” Maura whispered, shifting one leg firmly between Jane’s.
Right at the moment that Jane reciprocated by getting a grip on Maura’s ass, an ear-splitting scream erupted on the other side of the library. Yelling a couple of choice expletives in alarm, Jane leapt away from Maura with her arms up in surrender. Maura grabbed one of her hands and ducked out of a nearby, little-used exit.
“What the hell was that?” Jane whispered in a panicked voice. “Does a banshee live in the library at night?!”
“Somebody was in there, trying to read a book in the restricted section after hours,” Maura said back. “Not that I know that makes books scream from personal experience or anything…”
“By Tara’s robe, I swear, I’m dating such a nerd…”
“But you love it. Don’t you?” Maura asked, concern creeping back into her voice.
“Yes - ah, hang on!”
Professor Quirrell had appeared at the end of the hallway. Jane grabbed Maura and ducked into the nearest classroom, praying it wasn’t where he was headed. It was a relief to hear his footsteps continue without pause until he was out of earshot; still, Jane stayed by the door a couple minutes to ensure nobody else was coming near.
Maura’s attention had been grabbed by an ornate mirror on the other end of the room. Attracted by its lovely frame, she walked closer and was stunned to realize it didn’t hold her reflection. Instead she saw herself and Jane walking up the stairs of the Three Broomsticks to one of the tavern rooms. Jane’s reflection picked up Maura’s and carried her over to the bed, kissing her, and–
Maura’s eyes went wide; she stepped away and glanced at Jane to make sure she was still looking at the door. Safe. What was this mirror? Maura squinted and saw some letters at the top, but it didn’t seem to be English - was it Latin? Oh, no, the words were just spelled backwards:
I show not your face but your heart’s desire
Maura jumped when Jane appeared by her side. “Huh, nice mirror.”
She sounded quite calm, leading Maura to assume the mirror’s reflection wasn’t showing her anything smutty. “What do you see?”
Jane raised an eyebrow at her. “I see myself? And now us,” she said when Maura walked back in front of the mirror.
Maybe it was because she was calm now, but Maura was just seeing their reflection, too. When she took Jane’s hand, the mirror reflected it.
Jane peered closer. “Is it just me, or do our reflections seem to be aging…?”
Maura smiled widely. This was a confirmation more affirming and beautiful than any she’d have ever known to ask for. “I see that, too.”
Jane shook her head in amused bewilderment. Magic never ceased to surprise and/or confuse her. “C'mon,” she murmured, leading Maura back to the door. “Let’s try and make it back to our dorms.”
“On an unrelated note, I’ve got an idea for our next Hogsmeade visit…”
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arsmith03 · 4 years
Navy & Floral
Ship: Peter Parker x Wade Wilson
slight blood warning
-Present day-
You know the worst feeling in the world? When the guy you hate turns out to be the guy you like. That's happening right now. I'm laying in a pool of my own blood. My mask torn is multiple spots. It's getting hard to breathe. I can hear my name being yelled. "Spider-Man! No!" I try to sit up but there is too much pain. I felt a heavy hand on my arms and my chest.  I'm my blurry field of vision, I can make out the red and black suit of Deadpool. "'Pool?" Was all I can mutter. I felt one of his hands move to my neck. He's removing my mask. I let it happen, I was too weak to do anything. As he slipped the fabric over my nose it became more easy to breathe. But once it was all the way off, I could sense he stopped everything. "Peter?" I let a shy smirk slip up. "The one" I took a jagged breath. "And only." "Damnit, Peter. This wasn't suppose to happen. Not to you. Not to us." "Us?"  I seen him take his mask off. I reached my hand up to his face. He has the same nose and cheekbones as Wade Wilson. "Wade??" I let a breath slip out of my lungs. "I'm right here, baby boy. Helps on the way. No one can hurt you anymore." I felt him pick my up and pull me into his lap. It was colder then earlier. "It's cold,wade." "I know. Just hold on. Just hold on." A few seconds later, I felt a hot drop of water hit my face, I bring my hand to it. Tears. "Wade, stop." I said. I placed my hand on his face and he held my hand. My eyes began to feel heavy. "No, no, no. Keep those eyes open, Peter. Come on, keep them open." "I just want to rest a bit, wade. Let me re-" I didn't finish what I was saying, my mind slipped unconscious, but I could still hear him. He's rough sobbing and screaming. "No, Peter, you have to stay awake, think of your aunt. What will she do if she loses you too? Think of me, Peter. I love you, Peter, and I'm so fucking stupid to realize this now. Come on. Wake up. We need you." There was a long pause. "I need you." I fell into complete unconsciousness after hearing wade say he loved me and need me.
-2 years ago-
"Peter, let's go, you'll be late."
"I'm coming, aunt May. Have you seen my text book?"
"On the kitchen table. Now, hurry up."
"OK, bye, aunt May." I yelled as I ran out the door. I heard her yell 'bye peter."
I ran to the bus stop down the street. Its only my third week here at Midtown High. I don't have many friends yet. I mostly sit to myself. Every where. Lunch, classes, at the library.  I stood with the other kids waiting in the cooling September air.  The bus had arrived likes it always does, just 3 minutes late.  I was the last one on the bus and I took a middle row seat.  
I stared out the window the whole ride to the school.  It feels likes a long ride, but its only like 10 minutes. School is always a drag. Then again, its only been three weeks. Me and aunt May moved here shortly after uncle Ben died, and that was shortly after I found out I was Spider-man.  Oh, yeah, I'm Spider-man. You know, shoots webs from my wrist, swings from said webs. Yeah that Spider-man.
As I weaved in between students to get to my locker, I heard my name.
"Parker!" It was the famous bully of Midtown High, Flash. I choose to ignore him.
"Hey, Parker, I'm talking to you!" I felt his hand on my shoulder as he forced me to look at him.
"What do you want, Flash?" I asked, shaking him from me.
"to do this." He knocked the books out of my hand and onto the floor.
"Have fun picking those up, Penis Parker." and he walked away. Id like to hit him, just once.
I knelt down and began picking up my papers and books. I was mumbling to myself when i was handled something. I looked up and it was my papers and so i followed the hand to the body that belong to it.
"Want my to beat him up for you?" I took the papers from him and began picking up the rest.
The guy that offered to hit Flash for me, bent down and began to help me with my stuff.
"Wade Wilson." The guy said.
"Peter Parker." I said back to him.
"Yeah, I always know that names of all of Flash's weekly victims."
"Oh, so, by next week, he should be moved onto someone else? Cause hes been going at this for the three weeks I've been here"
"Well, I wouldn't say that.  He just goes from one kid to the next, i say he has a domination fetish." he said while looking around the hall way. It was empty by now.
"Well I better be getting to class now. I don't want to be late."  I stood up. Wade handed me the last of the papers.
"Ill see you around, Peter." Wade said, waving, before putting his hands in hoodie and walked away.  I chuckled and walked to my class. Today went by like the past few weeks have, slowly.
By the time lunch came around, I realized, ill be eating by myself again. I grabbed my lunch and found an empty row of tables towards the back of the room. People where scattered all across the room, people mostly hung around the middle of the room, cause that's where the popular people and flash sat. I started eating my pizza when Wade came and sat in front of me.
"Parker. You going to eat those?" He pointed at the bowl of fruit on my plate.
"I mean, i was. Why?" When I finished my sentence he reached over and grabbed my food and my fork.
"Don't you have money to get your own lunch?" I said taking a bite out of my pizza.
"Nope." He finished the fruits.
"You know, you're going to be hungry soon?" I said. I put my hand in my pocket and fished out 3 dollars.
"Go get something." I put the money on the table in front of Wade.
"Penis Parker has a boyfriend!" I seen flash standing by his table with his hands around his mouth. I just stayed quite. The truth is, yes I'm gay. No one in this school knows. I began to get up, Wade was looking at me with a strange face.
"Flash has a baby penis." Wade said standing up. Every one looked at Flash and laughed.
"It's not that little."
"Flash, its the size of a baby carrot." One of the girls next to flash said while laughing. I waked out of the lunch room. I know wade was trying to help, but it didn't feel like that.
"Parker! Peter." I just kept walking. I pulled out my phone and dialed my aunt. I walked faster as i brought my phone to my ear.
"Peter, baby, whats wrong?" My aunt said after picking up on the third ring.
"Can you come get me, please?" I let out a small sob and a sniffle.
"Yeah, Peter, ill be there to get you. Is every thing alright?"
"Ill explain when you get me." I walked to my locker and got my bag.
"OK, peter, ill be there soon."
"Thanks, aunt May." I hung up and packed my bag.
"Peter Parker." I stiffened when i heard my name, I just packed faster. The squeak of tennis shoes hitting the ground got louder as they approached me. the next thing I know, my locker is being slammed shut.
"Peter, why did you walk out?"
"Because...um.. Look wade, i appreciate the help back there, but I could have defended myself."
"It didn't look like it."
"I don't need a guy helping me, Wade." I almost yelled at him, i finally looked up at him.
"Peter.." His voice was fully a sadness when i said that.
"I'm a big kid, OK I can look out for myself. i appreciate the friendship of you trying to help, but don't, you;ll just make things worse." I turned back to my locker an reopened it only to have it slammed shut again.
"Wade, stop, I've had enough, I don't need your help." I turned around to face him again and he was closer then needed. Yeah Wade is cute, I just don't need a boyfriend right now.
I heard the faint noise of heels clicking against the tile floor.
"I got to go, Wade, I'll see you around."  I started walking to the office to wait for my aunt. I could feel Wade still looking at me as I walked away. When I turned the corner, I heard a loud bang as if wade hit a locker really hard.  I sat in the office as my aunt walked through the door.
"I'm picking up Peter Parker." she told the lady.
As we walked out the office doors, i seen wade walking toward us.
"So, Peter, whats wrong?"
"You know that secret i told you a while ago about boys?"
"Yes? What about it? Did you meet a nice boy?"
"No, there's a kid who keeps picking on me, its been happening since i came here, and well he picked on me about being gay." I kinda whispered the last word.
My aunt stop.
"Did you tell anyone?" I didn't even look at my aunt i just shock my head. After a few seconds I heard my aunts heels on the ground, then when I turned around she was walking back to the office.
"Aunt May, what are you doing? Aunt May!" She walked through the doors before I could stop her. She walked up to the lady in front and she look like she was yelling.  I sat outside the office in one of the chairs wait. I seen wade walking out of the nurses office and back to me.
"Wade, are you OK?" i asked him when he neared me.
"Yeah ill be fine, why are you still here?"
"I think my aunt is yelling at the principle."
"Ah. about what? If i may ask."
"Wade, flash was right."
"About him not having a baby penis?"
"No. He called me out for having a boyfriend, though I don't have one, I am gay. Wade"
"I knew it. MJ owes me ten dollars."
"You made a bet to see if i was gay? And you being all nice to me was just so you could find out? Unbelievable." I got up.
"No, Peter. I want to be friends with you because you dont have many here, and i figured at least one would help you start making friends. And it was more of a harmless bet, i wasn't actually going to take the money."
"That's not the point wade. You don't make bets like that." I look in the office and see my aunt and the principle walking out of her office.
"Peter, I'm sorry."
"I'm not listening, Wade." I began to walk way from him to the main doors. I heard my aunt following me.
"Mr. Wilson, why aren't you in class?"
"I was at the nurse."
"Well get to class."
"Yes, ma'am."
-2 hours later-
"Aunt May, I'm going out." I walked into the living room.
"Be back by 9. OK, Peter."
"No, promises."
"I'm kidding. 9 PM. OK, bye love you." I ran out the door.
"Time for spidey patrol." I ducked into an ally way and changed into my Spider-man suit. Once in I climbed the wall to the roof top. I did my usual patrol, helping old ladies across the street, helping non-english fork find something. As I swang through the skyline i heard a scream. I stopped and found the scream.
"Whats wrong?" The lady with her kid pointed in the ally way. There in the dark was a tall figure in a red and black costume. I seen a shiny object in his hand.
"Dude, what did you do?"
"It's our friendly neighborhood Spidey-man." The figure said. I seen him take his shiny objects a whip it and i heard splatter. Blood?! He took the object an put it in a holder on his back.
"Did you kill someone?" I ran over to another figure laying on the ground.
"Spidey-babe, he deserved it."
"Firstly, don't call me babe. Secondly, what did he do to deserve this?" I ran my hand down my masked face.
"You cant do this. This is illegal." I flailed my arms about.
"Yes, I know this, but, man does it feel good."
"You know I'm going to have to turn you into the police right?"
"Sorry, baby-boy. like you i have missions to do to." He began walking out of the ally.
"HEY!! You cant go anywhere! Dude!" I shot a web at him to get him back in the ally.
"Hey! get you web off of me." The guy started flapping around trying to get the web off of him.
"You cant shake me that easily." I shot another web at him pulling him against the brick walls. Once there i shot more at him, pinning him to the wall.
"Hey, dude, whats the big deal? I have a job to do, too, spidey. You cant keep me here." He struggled to get free.
"So what are you anyways?"
"I'm Deadpool. Local mercenary. Merc with the mouth. Never heard of me."
"If I knew you I wouldn't be asking you."  
"Ah, so the famous Spider-man doesn't know me. For all you know I could be your teacher, or one of your babysitters?"
"I don't have babysitters. I never needed babysitters."
"Yeah right." I began to walk out of the ally way.
"Hey, where are you going?"
"To get the police. Bye, Mr. Criminal."
"Spider-man. you get back here and undo this." I left the ally and he was still yelling. I shot my web to a near by building and swang to a root top. It felt like I was on patrol for hours before i felt the pressence of another person on the roof top i was on.
"Man, cant i shake up? I thought i left you strung up to a wall." I pulled out my sandwich and pulled up my mask to just below my nose.
"You cant shake me, baby-boy."
"Yeah I see this." I took bite out of the sandwich.
Deadpool came and sat by me on the ledge.
"So, how did you get out of my webs?"
"I have knives, kid."
"I'm not a kid, i could the same age as you."
"Are you?"
"I'm only 17."
"Me, too."
"You don't have the body of a 17 years old."
"I'd say the same for you. Have you hit puberty yet?"
"Yes, I've hit puberty." I took another bite of my sandwich. There was another rustling next to me. I looked over and I seen Deadpool pull out a bag of his own. Inside that bag, he pulled out a thing that looked like  a burrito.
"Mexican food?"
"Hey, me and senior burrito have a happy life together. Not that it is to any of your concern."
"I'm not taking care of you after you eat that."
"I didn't ask you to."
"OK." I took the last bite of my sandwich and pulled down my mask.
"Well, one way or another you'll end up in prison. And ill be OK with that."
I shot a web to the building next to us and began to swing through the city again.  I was on patrol for a few more hours before I decided to go home.  I made sure I was far way from Deadpool before I entered and ally way and changed back into Peter Parker. I leisurely  walked out of the ally and I mixed with the crowd, making my way back home.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
TRIGGER WARNING; graphic violence, murder.
rodion: .... *sitting in class, mindlessly drawing* teacher 1: *in the hall* I-I'm telling you, that kid is weird! rodion: ....*glances to the door* Teacher #2: "Oh, come now--that's mean. Maybe he's, you know, not like other students?" teacher 1: well do other students crucify dead birds with thumb tacks?! Teacher #2: "...At least they were dead when he found them...I hope." teacher 1: k-kids his age shouldn't be doing that kind of sh-...I-it's not normal, alright? Teacher #2: "...Have you met with his parents?" teacher 1: just his mother. never saw any dad, think the kid might be out of wedlock or something. Teacher #2: "Maybe he's acting out?" teacher 1: maybe....but when I found him, he looked right at me....there was no emotion on his face. he just...stared at me with dead eyes. Teacher #2: "...Maybe he's on the spectrum?" rodion: ..... Teacher #2: "How about I talk with him?" teacher 1: maybe. Teacher #2: "Let me try..." *opens the door* -some of the other kids look up at him. rodion doesn't even flinch- Teacher #2: *approaches Rodion* "Rodion? May I speak with you?" rodion:...*glances up at him* ....no one's stopping you, are they? Teacher #2: *small laugh* "I suppose that's true. How are you?" rodion:......busy. *he's drawing himself and his classmates....all the other children have the heads of pigs* Teacher #2: "...Can I watch you drawing?" rodion: ....*no reply* Teacher #2: *looking* ("Wonder why he put pig heads on everyone...") rodion:.....did you want something? Teacher #2: "Just thinking how creative your drawing is." rodion:....it's the others. I'm not fond of them. Teacher #2: "Why is that?" rodion:...they just irritate me. noisy. Teacher #2: "Does it make it hard to focus?" rodion: .... Teacher #2: "I get that way, too. I like going to the library when that happens. Do you like the library, Rodion?" rodion:.....sometimes. Teacher #2: "You can do some studying there?" rodion:....sure. Teacher #2: *smiles* "Okay. Well, if you ever need anything, feel free to ask." rodion: ........ Teacher #2: owo;;; teacher 1: how did it go? Teacher #2: "He's really quiet." rodion: ..... Teacher #2: "Maybe he likes studying?" -- *screams can be heard from one of the classrooms* teacher: what the hell?! Classmate: "Oh my God!" -one of the kids is screaming...her arm having been cut open....and rodion just stares at her, expressionless....holding a bloody pair of scissors...- Classmate: "Teacher, stop him!" teacher: *calling campus security* Security: "Campus security." rodion:....*puts the scissors down and sits at his desk* teacher: a student has just been stabbed by another student! Security: "!!! Room number?!" teacher: class 205! Security: "We're on our way!" Student #2: *crying* rodion: ..........*glances at his classmates, emotionless* ......I was only proving a point. Student #3: "You shouldn't have done that, Rodeo!" *Security enters* rodion:....am I being sent to prison? Security: "...Come with me, son. We're going to call your parents to pick you up." rodion:....my mother. Security: "...Okay, your mom." rodion:........ Security: "...This way, son." rodion:........I was proving that girl a point.....she claimed to be a blue blood.....there's no such thing......so I proved it to her.... Security: ._.; "...It-it's just an expression, kid..." rodion:......oh...well, she sure knows it now....she'll likely need stitches... Security: .____.;;; "...Yes." rodion:....too messy.....I guess I cut too deep.....I could see the bone.... Security: "Okay, stop." rodion:....am I nauseating you? Security: "It's...not appropriate to talk like that." rodion:........ Security: "Have seat here. I'll call your mom." rodion: ..... Security: "Hello? Ma'am?" Zoey: yes? Security: "Hello, ma'am. This is your son's school. I'm afraid you'll have to pick him up after a meeting with the principal--" zoey:....i'll be there shortly.... Security: "Thank you, ma'am." zoey:....*faint smile as she puts two dissolving cyanide tablets in her purse* -and so- zoey:....oh, seems the principal isn't in yet... rodion:.... zoey:.....*looking in drawers until she finds a bottle of jack daniels....she opens it and puts in the tablets, then closes it and leaves everything as it was* Security: *opens the door* Principal: *follows inside* zoey: *nods* rodion:.... Principal: "Thank you for coming on such short notice." *sits, as Security just stands* Security: "..." ("Oh, I get it--I'm not good enough for a seat. Well screw you too...") zoey: did something happen? *holding rodion close to her* Principal: "Your son got into an argument with a classmate, culminating with him stabbing a pair of scissors into her arm." zoey:....I see. how did she antagonize him? Principal: "...I don't think you understand. From all accounts, it sounds like it was your son who escalated--" zoey: my son....is a very well-behaved child.... Principal: "...I'm not sure you understand. He. Stabbed. A pair of scissors. Into. A classmate's. Arm." zoey:..........we'll just be going now. -she and rodion exit- Principal: "Ma'am, I--" *sighs* "Damn it...What a crazy bitch..." *opens drawer* "Drink?" Security: "...No." -_-; -.....- zoey: *driving away* ...sweetie...we'll have to move now....to keep you safe.... rodion:...those children were idiots, anyway.... zoey:....*smiles* you're becoming so much like your father... <3 Principal: *coughs* Security: "??? That stuff kinda burns, doesn't it--" Principal: *slides off the chair* "?!!!" secretary: sir? sir?! Principal: *foaming at the mouth, shaking on the floor* secretary: oh-oh my god! oh my god! *calling 911* Security: "Sir!" *looking at his mouth* "It's...poison?!" zoey:...*pets rodion's head* they couldn't begin to understand you....my brilliant child of god... Principal: *stops shaking* X_____X
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dynamo4 · 7 years
La Mia Vacanza
So far so good. I’m on a mini vacation and in my home state of NJ. A few things struck me as funny or cool yesterday as I drove here. After entering NJ from the Delaware Memorial Bridge, the first billboard I saw was an ad for the Wawa app. Wawa has truly taken over the state! I got to experience crazy drivers. This part of NJ has “jughandle” left turns. And even those with NJ license plates on their cars like to cut off other drivers trying to turn left by turning right, at the last second. I went to one of the nearby malls (there are 3 near where I am staying). I was struck by how fast everyone walks! Back in VA, the only mall in my area, everyone is just strolling along. The kids, the adults, the elderly. Not here. Everyone walks like they drive, fast and looking for the quickest “lane”. So I kept up with the crowd. And all the teens, and teens thinking they’re in their 20s, talking and texting and having fun with their friends, and the boys pretending to enjoy it to be with the groups of girls. And the groups of teen boys trying to appear cool. It was really interesting and fun to watch. I’m happy I’m not a teen anymore! I went to a local diner for what turned out to be like a late brunch. I had my favorite omelette, homefries, and toast. With coffee. It was delicious! I was alone, so while I played on my phone I listened to those around me. The accents were cool! Odd though, because I used to not be able to tell accents in my hometown area. But I’ve lived outside my state for 20 years now, so I hear the accent. The couple sitting in front of me must’ve been regulars. Older than me. At one point the husband saw someone he knew and called out “hey, come over and meet my wife Doris.” He called out loud enough the whole place could hear. Not that they were talking much louder than before, since I overheard much of their conversation. To my left was a large party, complete with grandparents and kids. I think about 8 to 10 people. And the typical things, like explaining the menu, telling the waitress who had what drink, the waitress calling out a few times to ask who had… and the small kids entertained and scolded by the mom. And my waiter called me Miss. Not Ms. Not Ma'am. It made me feel not so old! And I looked on the menu - no sweet tea anywhere! I’m home! I spent the next 4 hours driving around my hometown, taking pictures on my phone. I went to my elementary school, my junior highs (I had 2, the school zoning changed crazily while I was a student), my high school. I went to both homes I lived in as a kid. My friend M’s house near the cemetery where the Dacula family is buried (from the road, driving by it, it always looks like the tombstone says Dracula). The library, a park I like, my first church, and the mall there. I spent time at the mall. It wasn’t crowded on this rainy Saturday afternoon. This is a different one from last night. But I smiled as I saw all these places from my childhood. Now I’m waiting to meet someone who’s more than special to me. I hope tonight and then tomorrow go well.
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