greatistheworld · 11 months
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You know who had good graphic design? Mesoamerica had excellent graphic design. We don’t talk about ancient graphic design enough. Good colors, man.
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19xiaoyuin96 · 1 year
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Kung fu panda the dragon knight 
se puso buena la serie :)
spoiler sin sentido
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 2 years
Personally I find it kinda strange that the Antarctopelta in Prehistoric Planet don't have the macuahuitl club that got inferred from Stegouros. An oversight or would juveniles not have had them?
For those who don't know, Stegouros elengassen is a new species of ankylosaur from Chile, named in 2021! It is closely related to the Antarctopelta featured in Prehistoric Planet, and has a completely unique tail weapon made of many sharp plates that's been nicknamed a "macahuitl tail" after its resemblance to the Aztec weapon.
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(Art by @alphynix)
To answer your question, Stegouros was literally published exactly six months ago today! Prehistoric Planet was well into production at that point, it's just a case of new research coming out probably after the designs were already finalised! Science Marches On even before the show was out.
Also, given the diversity of ankylosaur tail weaponry it's not necessarily a given that Antarctopelta also had a macahuitl tail. It's a possibility, but it's not certain, especially given there's also no evidence of a macahuitl tail in their other close relative Kunbarrasaurus.
So yeah not so much a mistake or oversight as "this probably wasn't published in time to influence the Antarctopelta design"
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pupuseriazag · 3 months
A friend told me about the Murata leak for Natlán and if its real I am going to be so fucking disapppointed but sadly not surprised.
I've been expecting them to AT FUCKING LEAST do some fucking research on mesoamerican fashion and not just do stereotypical eagle warriors (or worse, doing whatever the fuck is going on with that Murata leak). And listen if thats supposed to be the archon I m going to fucking explode
So many good designs could come just by taking the Mexica pantheon as reference. Since shes supposed to be the god of war she could take some symbolism from Huitzilopochtli! Since, you know, HE IS THE GOD OF WAR IN THE MEXICA PANTHEON
Thats of course assuming we were right about Natlán being based in Mesoamerica (which by the name makes sense since the suffix -tlán is often used in Nahuatl meaning "place of ---" (examples from my country: Suchitlan, Cuzcatlan, Usulutan, Amatitlan.) -tan being the Nawat variant.)
I just hope they dont go that fucking route or keep it a level where the most we can get is the traditional garments acquired AFTER the spanish conquest, ponganle un poco de empeño por la gran puta, que hay un REVERGASAL de donde sacar si se ponen a investigar por lo menos una pinche media hora leyendo codices y libros sobre mesoamerica.
And thats assuming they would only use the mexica culture as main inspiration tho, if they are planning to take ALL mesoamerican cultures (or at least, the ones we have more archives and info about) its going to be more difficult considering the differences in clothing/myths/makeup/weapons.
I am killing myself if they dont add weapons made from obsydian tho. A macahuitl at fucking least or a long tecpatl as sword
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 7 months
Just a review of your latest parts pack: definitely a nice addition to the custom parts on studio! The macahuitl is a weapon that sadly doesn't get much love in general, but this definitely helps to give it some serious presence! The katana and the arming sword also work especially well, with a more grounded appearance that keeps them from looking to crazy. And the large fantasy sword feels like it should have been part of Mata Nui's 2009 release set!
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readyplayerziggy · 8 months
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Kukulkan busts into the door of the Rider's room, skidding very abruptly to a stop as the curvaceous, muscular goddess bows her head.
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"H-Hola! Me amo Kukulkan! I...I....!"
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"I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!~ Please sign my jeans!~"
The Rider was cleaning up the space of her new room, lifting her bed to move it to a different wall, looking through the catalogue for furniture and placing the few weapons she'd brought with her upon summoning in tasteful places in what was to be her quarters. At the moment she was singing a song that Da Vinci had been listening to on the radio.
"Infrahumano, espectro del infirno, maldita sabandija~
¡Cuanto dano me has hech-
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Throwing her macahuitl at the doorway, embedding it over half a foot deep in the wall paneling next to it instead in her panic. The other woman should consider herself veeery lucky Quetz's aim was off.
"Mierda, don't startle me like that! I could have lopped your head off!"
'Why is she saying she loves herself?' says inner Quetzalcoatl.
Not a great first impression on Kukulkan's part.
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"Eh, really~? Well how can I say no to a fan?
Ohp, nevermind. It seems she found the Rider's weakness to praise.
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orcabouttown · 1 year
Unorthodox Weapon of the Week:
The Mighty Macuahuitl (Mah-Kwa-Hwittle)
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Say what you will for the Aztecs, they kept shit simple but effective.
Take the cuisine for instance, which largely consisted of maize, beans, squash, as well as harvesting Acocils, a species of crayfish creatures.
Shellfish, corn and beans? Simple, effective, timeless, just like the Macahuitl
But what is the Macahuitl, Orc? If you have to ask, you would make an inferior scout and be dominated in battle
Big Ass Club + Obsidian Shards = 3 feet of pure, unbridled Go Fuck Yourself
Imagine you’re a Spanish conquistador, fresh off the boat with a flintlock and a bad attitude - you’ve got it in your head that you’re about to be the hottest thing to happen to rape and murder since Columbus, and then BAM!
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You’ve got one of these bad boys in your head instead, and it’s thirsty for colonisers.
Less work than a sword, more work than a club, the Macahuitl to weaponry is the Baby Bear’s Bed
Juuuuuust right
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foxpunk · 1 year
we need to kill el dorado likers with macahuitls
carving as we speak
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christianstepmoms · 1 month
Shawn Michaels vs The Young Bucks Hell in a Cell handicap match except HBK gets to use a macahuitl.
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rookiemxwritergeek · 3 months
Capítulo 6: Danza de Sombras y Espadas 
Amaité y yo salimos de la fortaleza de Cazamos en plena luz del día, conscientes de que no sería capaz de perseguirnos debido a que era el dios de las sombras y la oscuridad. El sol brillaba radiante en el cielo, pero mi corazón estaba lleno de un sentimiento abrumador de soledad, similar al que experimenté cuando murieron mi abuelo y mi madre. Aquellos acontecimientos trágicos habían dejado una profunda huella en mi ser.
Mientras vagábamos sin rumbo, nuestras almas errantes se encontraron con la familia de gigantes del norte, a quienes había ayudado en el pasado. Agradecidos por mi intervención anterior, nos acogieron cálidamente en su hogar, que emanaba una sensación reconfortante de amor y protección.
La mujer, cuyos ojos destellaban curiosidad, se acercó a mí con una mezcla de intriga y respeto. Su voz resonó en el aire tranquilo cuando me preguntó por qué huía de Camazotz, si todos sabían que era su hija. Miré fijamente sus ojos y, con determinación en mi voz, le expliqué que, aunque era cierto que tenía un vínculo de sangre con aquel ser, mi espíritu rechazaba su forma de "restablecer" el equilibrio de la vida. Sentía en lo más profundo de mi ser que había un camino mejor, una forma más justa y compasiva de lidiar con los desafíos que la existencia presentaba.
"Tenemos que hacer algo", susurró la mujer, como si nuestras palabras se entrelazaran en el aire y encontraran un eco mutuo en nuestros corazones.
Aquella afirmación resonó en mi ser y desató una avalancha de preguntas dentro de mí. ¿Pero qué podríamos hacer? ¿Cómo podríamos restablecer el equilibrio de una manera distinta a la suya? En medio de la incertidumbre, una chispa de esperanza se encendió en mi interior, y supe que no estábamos solos en esta búsqueda.
En un acto de sabiduría ancestral, decidí convocar a Canek, el antiguo sabio de nuestra tierra. Me habían dicho que él poseía la sabiduría necesaria para mostrarnos el camino hacia la redención. Su figura imponente y su mirada penetrante encarnaban el espíritu indomable de aquellos que se atrevían a desafiar el destino impuesto.
Canek me habló en susurros cargados de significado. Me explicó que la clave para derrocar a Camazotz residía en unir a todas las almas que anhelaban un cambio, que buscaban una esperanza, una luz en medio de las sombras opresoras. La fuerza residía en la unidad, en tejer un manto de solidaridad y resistencia contra la oscuridad reinante. Aquellos gigantes del norte, con su espíritu generoso y corazones rebosantes de valentía, se comprometieron a acompañarme en esta causa sagrada: la construcción de un mundo mejor.
Así fue como la leyenda de Nikte-ha, la mujer jaguar, cobró vida en este mundo convulso. La fortaleza y la determinación se entrelazaron en mis venas, y mi espíritu se alzó como un faro de sabiduría y humildad para guiar a mi pueblo hacia un futuro más luminoso.
Sin embargo, en medio de la preparación y el creciente sentido de propósito, una noche oscura y estrellada, Rose, la madre gigante, me llamó a su presencia. Sus ojos brillaban con una mezcla de amor maternal y preocupación.
"Sé que se acerca el día en que nuestras vidas cambiarán por completo. Lo sé, lo siento en lo más profundo de mi ser. Por eso, en esta morada de amor y protección, hemos decidido otorgarte un presente", dijo, mientras sus manos envolvían un tesoro en un halo de misterio.
Cuando desplegó su regalo, ante mis ojos se reveló una maravilla de jade, un traje que parecía fusionarse con la esencia de la naturaleza misma. Un par de botas café, hechas de ámbar, brillaban como pequeños soles en mis manos. Pero lo más intrigante de todo era un arma antigua y poderosa: un macahuitl. Cada detalle estaba cuidadosamente labrado, imbuido de la historia y la fuerza de aquellos guerreros que habían desafiado la adversidad en tiempos remotos. Me quedé maravillada ante la belleza y el simbolismo de aquellos obsequios.
A medida que los días pasaban, una inquietud creciente se apoderaba de mi conciencia. No había recibido noticias de Camazotz, ni señales de venganza o advertencias. Sin embargo, sabía en lo más profundo de mi ser que alguien tan despreciado y orgulloso nunca permanecería en calma por mucho tiempo. Algo siniestro estaba gestándose en el reino de las sombras.
Con el corazón lleno de determinación y una mezcla de ansiedad, busqué respuestas y me preparé para el enfrentamiento inevitable. Rose y su hija Miranda me brindaron su apoyo y decidimos formar un pequeño grupo de valientes dispuestos a explorar el territorio durante el día, con la esperanza de evitar enfrentamientos directos y heridas innecesarias. Sin embargo, estábamos lejos de anticipar la terrible sorpresa que Camazotz nos tenía reservada.
Mientras avanzábamos por el bosque, el aire se volvió más denso y opresivo, como si una sombra oscura hubiera caído sobre nosotros. Los pájaros dejaron de cantar y el rumor del viento se convirtió en un susurro inquietante. Los instintos de supervivencia se agudizaron, pero no podíamos ver ninguna amenaza inmediata.
Fue entonces cuando un grito desgarrador rompió el silencio, seguido de un estruendo ensordecedor. Nos giramos hacia el origen del sonido, solo para encontrarnos con una horda de criaturas monstruosas emergiendo de las sombras. Eran seguidores de Camazotz, criaturas grotescas y despiadadas, sedientas de sangre y ansiosas por el combate.
La emboscada había sido meticulosamente planeada, y la estrategia retorcida del dios de las sombras se reveló ante nosotros. El suelo temblaba bajo la avalancha de criaturas que se abalanzaban hacia nosotros, y los gritos de guerra resonaban en el aire. El grupo de valientes se preparó para el enfrentamiento, pero la magnitud de la emboscada era abrumadora.
Con cada acometida de nuestras armas, con cada grito y rugido, una danza mortal se desataba en medio del caos. La sangre brotaba y teñía la tierra de rojo mientras luchábamos por nuestras vidas. Cada movimiento era un acto de supervivencia, cada golpe una lucha desesperada por mantenernos en pie.
Los monstruos no mostraban piedad, y tampoco lo hacíamos nosotros. La adrenalina y el miedo se entrelazaban en nuestros corazones, pero no había tiempo para dudar. Estábamos decididos a luchar hasta el final, a no ceder ante las fuerzas de la oscuridad que amenazaban con consumirnos.
El sonido de la batalla se mezclaba con los alaridos de agonía, y el aire se llenaba con el olor metálico de la sangre derramada. Cada baja que sufríamos era una pérdida sentida en lo más profundo de nuestro ser, pero no podíamos permitir que la desesperanza nos dominara.
En medio del caos y la carnicería, me enfrenté directamente a uno de los seguidores de Camazotz, cuyos ojos brillaban con malicia y sed de poder. Con un grito desgarrador, me lancé hacia él, mi arma en alto, y el mundo se redujo a un enfrentamiento mortal entre la luz y las sombras.
La emboscada sangrienta estaba en su punto álgido, y solo el destino podía decidir el desenlace de esta batalla épica entre el bien y el mal. Aunque el miedo nos envolvía, sabíamos que debíamos luchar con todas nuestras fuerzas, porque el futuro de nuestro mundo dependía de ello. Y así, con corazones valientes y una determinación inquebrantable, nos sumergimos en la vorágine de la emboscada, enfrentando al dios mas temido y a su ejército de criaturas oscuras.
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
In the distant past, magic was as common as anything. Gods walked the earth and stood alongside humanity, aiding their peoples in driving back the darker forces of this world. But their enemies were many and their allies could not fight forever. Slowly… very slowly… they were pushed back. The gods began to lose their battle against those who would prey on the mortal peoples of Earth.
Countless centuries ago, an event occurred that the secret histories refer to as The Void Rain. Meteorites made of a strange metal that came to be known as ‘Void Iron’ rained down across the world.
This metal was deadly to the supernatural, it consumed magic in its entirety. Mortal magic users would find themselves helpless, stripped of their spells, and supernatural beings would be eaten whole by this baleful metal.
Mortal men however realized that they had naught to fear from it and could even use it. The meteorites were full of much dross leaving only a small quantity of workable material, but this gave rise to a new weapon against humanity’s foes. Weapons that could utterly destroy the supernatural: The Mundane Blades.
In South America, a macahuitl known as the Path to the Underworld cut back the minions of Mictlan.
In India, the Kris of Mahakala forced back the rakshasa and their naga allies.
Japan was home to a katana known as Oni no Nayami, the Oni’s Bane, and it lived up to its name well.
And in Ireland, Claiomh Dorcadas, the Sword of Darkness, became the shadowy mirror to the gift of the Tuatha De Dannan, Claiomh Solias, the Sword of Light.
With these weapons did humanity ensure their survival… but some began to realize they no longer needed the protection of their former allies and drove magical beings out of the world entirely, forcing them into a mirror realm known only as the Supernatural World.
Their foes defeated, humanity spread across the Earth, multiplying and giving rise to new religions and new sciences, and slowly the Mundane Blades were, one by one, lost and forgotten.
Until recently.
Ireland, several decades ago, a castle in the wilderness of the country.
Eliza Fullmoon knew she was dying. Nobody came back from a gut wound like that.
The elderly woman glared up at her son, spitting weakly into his face. “Where did ye find th’ bloody thing boy?!” she demanded. She was such a small thing now... her spells shattered, her wings gone, and a great hole through her middle.
“As if I would tell you, mother.” he sneered. Across from her was Franklin Fullmoon, and she knew with a sick feeling in what was left of her gut that he was to succeed her. The first Patriarch of Clan Fullmoon. The clan had always been led by women before now, passed from mother to daughter, but Franklin had broken this tradition. He was still a young-ish man, his hair only streaked with grey, wearing naught by a mail jacket over a teeshirt and jeans for their duel.
She gasped slowly, her body growing cold even as it fought to stay alive, but she knew it wouldn’t be long now. As she lay there she heard their patron’s voice once more in her mind.
She smirked, “Morrigan has a message fer ya boyo, a gift ta start yer career.” she chuckled, and then she blinked, and her eyes were full of stars, and she spoke in a voice not her own… and she told him his future.
When a daughter of Clan Fullmoon rejoins her cousins in the East, there will come a reckoning.
Its gluttony shall be your undoing. The legacy of Franklin Fullmoon will be no more, burnt to ash and scattered on the wind.
Franklin scowled, and in a blur he sliced her head clean of her shoulders.
“I damn well doubt that…” he glared, turning and stalking out of the room.
From that day, everything changed for Clan Fullmoon. Magic of any sort was outlawed under pain of death and their mission changed dramatically. No more would the clan merely protect people from the predations of supernatural beings. Franklin’s goal was nothing short of genocide. Slaughter them all, down to the last.
He ruled the clan with an iron fist for years… but he never forgot his mother’s words. He always watched and waited for the day that her prediction would come to pass. And several decades later… it did.
Next Story
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bloodakoos · 1 year
really thinking about that crude macahuitl post. i cant get it out of my get i need to share it to someone but theres no one that possibly understands
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jamocreferences · 1 year
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1) Morrighur. She’s a minotaur, a mighty warrior, and a practicioner of the occult. She worships dark gods, conducts dark rituals. Not... *necessarily* that evil. 
2) Zario. The scion of a society of gangster-royalty. (In space) - a cross between a royal prince and a mob boss’s son. Very confident, very ruthless. Very snobby!
3) Utzi S’atzl - a quite stoic warrior who loyally serves a dragon. Uses a weird macahuitl type thing. Has feathery wings and a big plume of feathers like hair. Quite powerful, quite serious. Not one for chatter.
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wraith-of-thiodolf · 1 year
ive seen a lot of macahuitl tests and stuff but its noteworthy they never use the right kind of blade therefore rendering these tests pointless
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pilgrimageofages1 · 4 years
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Clothing from different pre-columbian & mesoamerican warriors 🏹🗡️🛡️🦚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyJ9YjBI7Z/?igshid=lxgatosaynrp
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fallout nv has such bad worldbuilding like you’re telling me not one singular person has made a basket in 200 years? nobody cooking in a clay pot? everybody is still wearing two hundred year old rags? no new construction. nobody disassembling old things to use their parts for new things. anyways stan Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, it takes place “5 minutes after the end of the world” and you can make a macahuitl out of broken glass you can make an amphora out of clay and you can eat cullen skink
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