#macros for dummies
miyrumiyru · 5 months
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They often hovering low altitude with loud buzzing but don't have to be afraid them since they don't have stinger.
I love it when small flowers can able to handle them =u=
(M) 어리호박벌 (Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans)
Autumnberry aka umbellata oleaster (Elaeagnus umbellata)
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positivelybeastly · 1 month
I'm just curious what the Beast and Abigail Brand relationship is like? (I haven't really read any of the x men comics until now.)
Ouaghhhhh . . . okay, so.
Full disclosure, I am a late comer to the truth of Wonderbeast, and, in fairness, I have an excuse! My trajectory for getting into Beast was reading him in X-Treme X-Men and New X-Men in the early 00s, then falling out of comics for a good long while until X-Men: First Class got me back in. When I got back home from watching the movie, the very first thing I did was go on Amazon, and type in 'X-Men comics.'
This was the very first result I got.
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That is my legit Amazon purchase history right there, by the way. December 2011, verified, right there for you.
I bought the first volume, consumed it voraciously, then bought the other three volumes rapid fire. I still have them.
And this is how the Beast/Brand pipeline begins.
When we meet Hank in Astonishing X-Men, he's at a very rough place in his life, still. His best friend, Jean Grey, has recently died, he's still struggling with his anxieties and insecurities over his secondary mutation, still reeling from the psychic attack by Cassandra Nova, and, as if to rub salt in the wound, he's presented with the simplest solution to at least most of his problems.
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A cure.
Because let's be real here - we can call it a mutant gift all we want, but some people have it worse than others. Beak, Glob Herman, Maggott, Dummy, Forget-Me-Not, Beast - these people have powers that suck exponentially more than Storm or Cyclops or Emma Frost. They just do. And I am well aware of the fact that this is a nuanced discussion, that Scott has to wear his glasses/visor, and that Ororo has to maintain control over her emotions so that she doesn't wreck the weather systems, I get that. I know that.
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It always hits me, the fact that Logan cannot respond to Hank's point specifically. He cannot argue that Hank's X-gene specifically makes him dangerous, because to do so would be fucking insulting - all he can do is blow it out to a macro level, and make it about Hank's status as an X-Man, about the fact that an X-Man admitting that some mutants just want to be cured and all that implies would be a massive blow to everything they represent.
And that is a point, one that has to be weighed up, but you can't act like this isn't literally dehumanising for Hank. Logan literally says he's not a human being, he's an X-Man - his duty outweighs his right to peace of mind and humanity.
Also, no, I don't care that Hank 'did this to himself.' Hank turned himself blue and furry, yes, and he made his peace with that.
But he did NOT choose to mutate into a feline monster with less fingers, new predatory instincts, less humanity. This is a nuance that is almost always lost in this conversation - Sage made this choice for him, and that will always colour this stage of Hank's life. It's very well likely that he might've chosen to go ahead with the mutation anyway, to save his life, but it doesn't matter because he never got the chance.
Treating Hank's different mutations as broadly the same, despite the fact that they are eminently different and they make him feel differently, is one of the many nuances that is often lost by both writers and the fandom at large, and it makes him a less complex character as a result. It is important that classic Hank would not have chosen to cure himself, but feline Hank would. That is important.
This probably seems like I'm getting off track, but I promise you I'm not. This is all vital context for this relationship.
So, the cure is destroyed, although Hank has one sample of it sitting in his lab by the end of the story.
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Now, by this point, Abigail Brand has entered the story. She is, to put it bluntly, an asshole - Nick Fury with less warmth.
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It's also vitally important that you know that Hank and Abigail's literal first interaction is him making fun of her. I'm not kidding.
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So, we fast forward a little bit, and Cassandra Nova comes back, and. Well.
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Hank's literal stated worse fear. Thanks for the second dose of trauma, Nova! Really love that!
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This is also very important to their relationship. Swear down. Hank is, unfortunately, an unwilling cannibal, and it's all continuing his increasing alienation and isolation and dehumanisation. For someone who is, I would say, best characterised as a humanist, to become, if you'll forgive the ghoulish joke, a humanitarian, is ego shattering.
Anyway, Hank and Abigail begin to interact more and more as S.W.O.R.D forcibly recruits the X-Men to help them with their problems.
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And thus, a. Tension, begins to develop.
Anyway, remember how I said cannibalism would be important?
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And things continue to roll along . . .
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Oh my . . .
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Ouuaughhhhh . . . I love heart on his sleeve Hank . . .
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So, what is this all building to? Well . . .
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And there it is.
Abigail Brand is a massive monsterfucker, confirmed. Love her for that.
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Now, this exchange kinda reads differently now, after all the mud that Hank's been dragged through since the mid-00s, especially with X-Force and everything, but at this point in continuity, Hank was still very much one of the most moral, ethical, well regarded heroes in the entire Marvel Universe. He would often be given maxed out stats for conscience and wisdom in expanded material, people would repeatedly state that he didn't have it in him to kill, that he could be trusted to do the right thing - he was a moral counterweight.
And the fact that Abigail wants him on her side because of that? To be her professional bullshit caller? To bring her up to snuff? That speaks a lot about her, honestly. She is not just a thug. She feels. She cares. She has a sense of right and wrong, it's just distorted sometimes by the wider scale of dealing with intergalactic politics and all the attendant bullshit that goes along with them - and Hank gives her perspective. He grounds her.
And to Hank, this is a fucking brand new epoch. He's just coming off a relationship with Trish Tilby where she explicitly rejected him because his form repulsed and scared and unsettled her - and now, this woman wants him because his form is familiar to her. Because it conforms to her sense of attractive. It gives him an all new perspective. He looks like her people. What must that feel like to Hank?
Suddenly, it isn't, I'm a monster to my fellow humans, it's, to the right people, I look beautiful.
(Well, Abigail would likely not use the word beautiful, but.)
That is immensely attractive! And let's be real here - this is all kinda mercenary, to begin with. Abigail wants to fuck Hank because he's hot, and she wants to work with him because she's trying to be a better person but can't trust herself to do it properly; Hank wants to fuck Abigail because he's lonely and isolated and wants to feel wanted, and he wants to work with her because it's a chance to be a contrarian full time!!! What more could he goddamn want?! Feelings have not yet begun to enter the equation.
But that's fine, because this is fun.
And we can let things cook . . .
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And it's clear that it takes a little bit. Feelings are entering the equation, but it's not impossible for things to take a backslide here and there. They don't quite completely trust each other yet. They're cute together! But they're still brittle at this stage.
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Things could still break apart - except, Abigail does have a heart.
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Look at that smug motherfucker.
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What really seals it for me is this, though, from a later arc of Astonishing X-Men.
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For someone like Abigail Brand, for whom work is everything, there is no clearer way to say 'I love you' than this. She wanted to protect Hank from the consequences of his actions. She wanted to protect him from the perversion of his work, done with good intentions but perverted for ill. She worked, for months, off the books, on things that weren't her jurisdiction, because of Hank.
There's so much that she's not saying here, but this is the EXACT SAME WOMAN who, if you scroll up, just panels ago, was saying there was NO-ONE she would not sacrifice, no enemy she would not sleep with, if it meant that Earth was safe.
The Earth . . . and Hank, apparently.
That is huge.
Also, they kinda have a kid together? Sort of?
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That's Broo, Hank's protege. He happens to be around because of a whole adventure where Hank pulled the X-Men into a Brood related nightmare that ended up producing a mutant Brood with compassion and emotions and empathy.
A Brood related nightmare where Abigail was in danger. And why was she in danger?
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Because she was being heroic, huh?
And then there's this . . .
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Now, this is from Siege (2015), part of Battleworld, so it isn't quite 616 canon, but it's the exact same writer as S.W.O.R.D, so I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that this is exactly how Abby feels about Hank in 616 as well.
"After McCoy, she will never let herself love anything."
Ouauuhhghhhhh . . . they complete each other, quite frankly. He's the moral counterweight to her pragmatic solutions. She's the realist that reminds the optimist that the world isn't sunshine and daisies all the time. He's the bright, colourful, bounding genius, she's the insanely deadly workaholic who hates you. Enemies to lovers.
This is crack to me, friends. This is crack cocaine.
Also, I reject the idea that they're on-again, off-again. These two were locked in from S.W.O.R.D onward, and I refuse to hear otherwise.
It's incredibly clear to me that the X-Men never understood this relationship, just like how they never really understood what makes Hank tick in general, and so they just make assumptions based on what they think they know, because we're literally never shown these two in the middle of one of their supposed arguments. Every time they're on panel together, they're flirting and backing each other up, consistently, every time. Even during X-Force, Abigail is pretty much the only person that Beast treats with respect, and love, and care. They hug, which is unheard of for that version of the character.
Well. There is one other character evil Beast treats with care.
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Man, X-Force #50 was all kinds of gay . . .
Anyway. If it weren't for Simon, Beast/Brand would absolutely be Hank's One True Pairing. As it is?
Hank has two paws. He can hold two hands.
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gynandromorph · 1 year
A running joke that's definitely implicitly canon at this point is that if Jessie had one weirdo instant hard-on kind of fetish it would be macro/micro but she doesn't know that exists so she just gets dummy horny for No Reason when she accidentally stumbles over a scenario. I can't imagine anything as exciting to her as picking on someone Not Her Own Size though, fits in seamlessly with her character
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cerberus-writes · 10 months
hi cer! i don't know if this is the right place to ask this, but i am an absolute dummy when it comes to coding and i'm currently using your sugarcube template, soooo my question is: how do i hide the entire ui bar? i'm trying to make a "main menu" or "loading screen" of some sort (like, the ones that tell u "tap anywhere to continue") and i'm SKRUGGLING. .. i tried following this: https://idrellegames.tumblr.com/post/661991857770872832/so-i-had-a-coding-question-that-ive-been-trying but i'm still lost. help please o kind sir :(
hey anon! i’m ngl i don’t remember how i set up the template specifically, but here’s how i normally do it.
create a new passage (or use ur existing starting passage, idk)
add the following directly to the passage to hide the ui bar. <style>#header { pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; }</style>
add a link to your next page or whatnot.
the code snippet there basically 1. disables clicks to the ui 2. makes it transparent to hide it - which helps to hide it without actually removing the element, so that other parts of the screen don’t move along with it. you could also use display:none; to remove it entirely if you prefer that though.
you can probably streamline it more - create a macro or a tag that calls that code snippet to hides the ui automatically - but it’s a little more complex. happy to walk you through it (you can message me off anon and i’ll dm you over discord or something) but tumblr’s ask box is not the greatest at handling code-related qns LOL
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
But of a meta question here, but do you think the reason dream has trouble getting along with and relating to humans is (aside from being emotionally constipated) because of his pride? His prickly pride is what ruined his relationship with Nada. And nearly his relationship with Hob. And humans are…fairly irreverent. Like I adore the shenanigans people post about dream and hob, I just think dream would really struggle in learning not to take offense
Well... yes and no. Dream is obviously a prickly emo edgelord who wears eyeliner and listens to My Chemical Romance somewhere in a suitably brooding corner of the Dreaming, and we (deservedly) love ragging on him for it. But also, he isn't human, he is a collective manifestation of the human unconsciousness/sleeping mind, he has to tend that and keep it stable, and he really does think that the only way he can achieve that is by never changing in any way himself. In comics canon, afaik, he's also had some fairly major mistakes in the past -- he failed to destroy the first dream vortex and had to remake the entire universe as a result, his spectacular blowup with Nada and the whole Calliope/Orpheus thing, etc. So yes, when he's flung himself off on a passionate love affair and forget everything else, it has had literally apocalyptic consequences. Hence he does come at it from a place of thinking "I can't let myself fuck it up again," and acting as if it is better not to get attached to individual humans at all.
Except, well... Morpheus then spends 100 years in the corner fishbowl thinking about what he did, and aside from learning a little humility and remembering the fact that (thanks to Death) he actually does like humans after all, he is finally able to show that a little more. He likes Rose and doesn't want to kill her, he's tickled when Jed calls himself the Sandman, he goes back to Hob at the New Inn and actually apologizes to him, and even when he's taking John Dee back to the asylum after Dee almost killed him, he's... oddly gentle with him? Puts him back in bed carefully and leaves him to sleep and doesn't try to do anything else. So like, Morpheus does care, and he does care for individual humans, but he's just stupendously bad at showing it for any number of reasons. At least how I'm writing him in AITWW, he doesn't actually WANT to be a dick (it just, uh, comes naturally), and in his mind, he has reasons for what he's doing. But because Morpheus is in some ways the epitome of a Lawful Good character -- only and solely acting for what he perceives to be the greater good for everyone, strictly according to the rules -- it makes him brusque and cold and impersonal on the individual level, because he's always looking at such a bigger picture that a tiny fleck of sand (so to speak) doesn't matter. Until, of course, it does.
Anyway, yes, that was a longwinded way of saying that his pride and prejudice (ba-dump-tssh) is obviously a huge part of who he is, but it's come from a place of genuinely attempting to do what is right for everyone at all times, and guilt over his past mistakes. But because that kind of huge macro-scale model does not work with single individual people, the challenge for Morpheus is how to rejigger basically his entire way of looking at and interacting with the world, in order to relate to the humans he cares about (and who care about him) in a way they actually understand. Which is why I adore Hob basically giving him the Human Relationships For Dummies step-by-step manual, complete with literal flashing giant red signs, but you know. In a loving way.
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cscclibrary · 1 year
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We've recently acquired dozens of STEM titles, with an emphasis on study guides and computer programming. Here's a sample of our latest additions!
Testimonios: Stories of Latinx and Hispanic Mathematicians
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Scientific Writing = Thinking in Words
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The Pattern on the Stone: The Simple Ideas That Make Computers Work
Introducing Microsoft Access Using Macro Programming Techniques: An Introduction to Desktop Database Development by Example
AutoCAD for Dummies
Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World
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You can use the "What's New" section of our catalog to browse all of our latest items! Current Columbus State students and employees can check out items using a photo ID.
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balmut · 11 months
Spent like 12~ hours yesterday going through my entire Goblin games code changing all the references to Building names and replacing them with number Macros so I can instead get any needed info from a database. This lets me change the names of the much easier and will even allow me to do translations whenever I get to that point. So I'm taking it easy today and added a small silly thing, a Cute Cactus Dummy. It's like the Training Dummy but Cactus shaped and it releases a Heart Emote when you hit it <3 <3
May or may not be inspired by one of my favourite vTubers...
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rockoblanco · 2 years
this Yom Kippur im not fasting bcs i need 2 stay on top of my macros bcs i truly believe god 👆🙏 wants me to be dummy thicc 🙏✡️
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35/53 Excel VBA Programming for Dummies: a review
You know, this was actually noticeably better than its twin, Excel Macros for Dummies. I’d asked for both books for my birthday, and while both books are useful… Well, Excel Macros is (almost) nothing but a collection of Macros you can use out of the box, while Excel VBA Programming actually does teach programming concepts! Now, none of this will change your life - despite what I might tell people, Excel isn’t a magical tool that will make you the most productive person in the office (...well, debatably. A chunk of what I think I bring as added value is my ease of use in Excel, afterall…) (although this ties into my earlier post about initiative…how much of what I see as normal is something most people don’t actually do?) (how many people, when faced with a problem, don’t even try to google a solution and give up?) But I digress. If I had any complaints with this book, it’s that it doesn’t go far enough. I somehow keep expecting too much from what, at the end, is a spreadsheet program. (but how many spreadsheet programs have their own inbuilt programming language you can use out of the box?) (although I AM the kind of person who thinks programming - or coding, at least - should be taught in middle school to everybody) (mostly to demystify the technology everyone uses everyday) (seriously, it’s unacceptable to me that a valid reaction to having tech troubles in our culture is to say “Oh well, I guess I’m just not good at those electrical thingamajigs, tee hee!” “no you idiot, you’re training yourself into accepting your own learned helplessness”) But here, have an AI rubber dragon which came out absolutely metal: Subscribe now via https://ift.tt/XeLm5n0
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this-week-in-rust · 10 months
This Week in Rust 521
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Faster compilation with the parallel front-end in nightly
November 2023 Leadership Council Update
Our Vision for the Rust Specification
The Rust Foundation to Develop Training and Certification Program
Project/Tooling Updates
Slint 1.3 Released with Revamped Native Styles and JavaScript API
rustc_codegen_gcc: Progress Report #27
rust-analyzer changelog #207
breadcrumbs 0.1.4
Why Rust in Production?
Building a Web App in Rust
Rust without crates.io
How I Improved My Rust Compile Times by 75%
Iterator as an Alias
What is a team?
Rust Walkthroughs
Building and Deploying A Static Site Generator
Tracking the current active process in Windows with Rust
Edge IoT with Rust on ESP: MQTT Subscriber
Building a Central Authentication Server with Rust, PostgreSQL, Kafka and gRPC
I Got a Milk-V Duo (and It’s Running Rust)
[video] An Introduction to Veilid, by Christien Rioux
[video] Code in Rust with RustRover, by Vitaly Bragilevsky
[video] Create a Dummy GitHub CLI in Rust!
[audio] RustShip: Corrode.dev and lychee with Matthias Endler
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is cargo-msrv, a cargo subcommand to find out the Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) of your crate.
llogiq is a bit worried about not having received suggestions for two weeks in a row, but still offers you his choice.
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
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Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
364 pull requests were merged in the last week
speed up x clean
llvm-wrapper: remove include of non-existant Vectorize.h
rustc_llvm: Link to libkstat on Solaris/SPARC
add -Zcross-crate-inline-threshold=yes
add std::hash::{DefaultHasher, RandomState} exports
add a new download-ci-llvm = if-unchanged option and enable it by default for profile = codegen
allow configuring the parent GitHub repository
build a better MIR body when errors are encountered
compute layout with spans for better cycle errors in coroutines
compute polonius loan scopes over the region graph
coverage: avoid creating malformed macro name spans
coverage: rename the run-coverage test mode to coverage-run
deny more ~const trait bounds
extend builtin/auto trait args with error when they have >1 argument
format macro const literals with pretty printer
generator layout: ignore fake borrows
give a better diagnostic for missing parens in Fn* bounds
handle the case when the change-id isn't found
improve diagnostic for const ctors in array repeat expressions
make FatalErrorMarker lower priority than other panics
on method chain expression failure, look for missing method in earlier segments of the chain
only instantiate binder during dyn's built-in trait candidate probe once
only use normalize_param_env when normalizing predicate in check_item_bounds
patterns: reject raw pointers that are not just integers
recover from incorrectly ordered/duplicated function keywords
reorder checks to make sure potential missing expect on Option/Result…
restore rustc shim error message
catch stray { in let-chains
suggest removing ; for ; within let-chains
thir unsafeck fixes
warn when using an unstable feature with -Ctarget-feature
when not finding assoc fn on type, look for builder fn
miri: data_race: link to docs for 'unusual' race conditions
miri: freebsd adding getentropy interception support
miri: implement round.ps and round.pd SSE4.1 intrinsics
miri: share getentropy shim across various unixes
miri: treat thread-local statics on main thread as static roots for leakage analysis
emit #[inline] on derive(Debug)
stabilize result_option_inspect
move BorrowedBuf and BorrowedCursor from std:io to core::io
closure-consuming helper functions for fmt::Debug helpers
don't panic in <BorrowedCursor as io::Write>::write
futures: provide a non-destructive mechanism to determine if a sink/stream are paired
codegen-cranelift: implement AArch64 intrinsics necessary for simd-json
codegen-cranelift: implement AES-NI and SHA256 crypto intrinsics using inline asm
codegen-cranelift: implement a lot of SIMD intrinsics
codegen_gcc: do not emit .eh_frame section if using -Cpanic=abort
cargo: query{_vec} use IndexSummary
cargo: add better error message when it can not find the search section
cargo: add cache garbage collection
cargo credential: include license files in all published crates
cargo: do not allow empty feature name
cargo: make browser links out of HTML file paths
cargo: filter cargo-credential-* dependencies by OS
cargo: fix --quiet being used with nested subcommands
cargo: fix non-deterministic behavior in last-use repopulation
cargo: do not panic when failed to parse rustc commit-hash
cargo: preserve jobserver file descriptors on rustc invocation in fix_exec_rustc
cargo: report more detailed semver errors
rustdoc: properly elide cross-crate host effect args
clippy: arc_with_non_send_sync Improve suggested resolution
clippy: map_identity: respect match ergonomics
clippy: mod_module_files Don't emit lint for mod.rs in tests
clippy: add type details to unnecessary_fallible_conversions note
clippy: destructure Conf in register_lints
clippy: disable vec_box when using different allocators
clippy: don't check for late-bound vars, check for escaping bound vars
clippy: fixes to manual_let_else's divergence check
clippy: lint needless_borrow and explicit_auto_deref on most union field accesses
clippy: move suspicious_doc_comments to doc pass
clippy: replace if_chain with let chains
rust-analyzer: add config for preferring / ignoring prelude modules when inserting imports
rust-analyzer: preview adt field when hover
rust-analyzer: find Self reference
rust-analyzer: ignore doc(hidden) attr if no body is present
rust-analyzer: truncate closure capture place for raw pointer
rust-analyzer: improve check for include macro
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A week dominated by one particular perf improvement that lead to huge performance gains - an avg of 5% improvement across 121 test cases! The perf improvement comes from adding an #[inline] hint to the output from #[derive(Debug)] which presumably allows the compiler to more easily do deadcode elimination reducing the binary size and the amount of code that actually needs to be code-gened.
Triage done by @rylev. Revision range: 7b97a5ca..173b6e68
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 0.4% [0.2%, 0.9%] 10 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 1.9% [0.2%, 3.6%] 12 Improvements ✅ (primary) -5.6% [-49.2%, -0.1%] 111 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -3.5% [-25.0%, -0.2%] 155 All ❌✅ (primary) -5.1% [-49.2%, 0.9%] 121
2 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 3 Mixed; 3 of them in rollups 55 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
[disposition: merge] RFC: Superseding public/private dependencies
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for mutex_unpoison
[disposition: merge] Tracking issue for dyn upcasting coercion
[disposition: merge] rustdoc-search: add support for traits and associated types
Language Reference
No Language Reference RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Unsafe Code Guidelines
No Unsafe Code Guidelines entered Final Comment Period this week.
New and Updated RFCs
[new] Add named path bases to cargo (v2)
[new] RFC: Associated const underscore
[new] Add forbidden function casts RFC
[new] Struct target features RFC
[new] Create 0000-cargo-dns.md
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
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Atomics & Locks Book Club Final Chapter! (Chapter 10)
2023-11-30 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2023-11-30 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
Automating expertise with cargo-semver-checks
2023-12-01 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK)| Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust & C++ Christmas Game Jam Kick-Off!
2023-12-02 | Virtual (Kampala, UG) | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2023-12-05 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror
2023-12-05 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-11-21 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
GPU processing in Rust
2023-11-23 | Biel/Bienne, CH | Rust Bern
Rust Talks Bern @ Biel: Embedded Edition
2023-12-07 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Rust and Talk at Danske Commodities
2023-11-30 | Brussels, BE | Lambda Brussels
Lambda Brussels
North America
2023-11-15 | Richmond, VA, US + Virtual | Linux Plumbers Conference
Rust Microconference in LPC 2023 (Nov 13-16)
2023-11-16 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2023-11-16 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Python loves Rust!
2023-11-16 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2023-11-21 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2023-11-22 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2023-11-28 | Pasadena, CA, US | Pasadena Thursday Go / Rust
Monthly Rust group
2023-12-12 | Seattle, WA, US | Cap Hill Rust Coding/Hacking/Learning
Rusty Coding/Hacking/Learning Night
2023-11-21 | Christchurch, NZ | Christchurch Rust Meetup Group
Christchurch Rust meetup meeting
2023-11-28 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Rust Canberra
November Meetup
2023-12-11 | Perth, WA, AU | Rust Perth Meetup Group
Rust End of Year Event
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
I decided to keep learning Rust because I liked the syntax. I liked the speed. I liked the community. I liked it all. It felt like a breath of fresh air: a syntax more intuitive than Python, JavaScript, or C, yet still faster.
– Goren Barak on their blog
Thanks to Goren Barak for the self-suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
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collegeafrica · 1 year
Mastering Excel for Mac: A Comprehensive Training Guide
Microsoft Excel is a powerhouse spreadsheet application that has become an indispensable tool in various professional and personal spheres. For Mac users, Excel offers a plethora of features to analyze data, create charts, manage budgets, and streamline tasks. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced user aiming to unlock the full potential of Excel on your Mac, this comprehensive training guide will help you navigate the world of Excel with ease.
Getting Started with Excel for Mac
1. Installation and Setup
Before you can begin your Excel journey, ensure that you have Microsoft Excel for Mac installed on your computer. You can download it from the official Microsoft website or through the Mac App Store. Once installed, open Excel and customize your settings to suit your preferences.
2. The Excel Interface
Excel for Mac features a user-friendly interface. Familiarize yourself with the Ribbon, which houses various tabs like Home, Insert, Formulas, Data, and more. You'll also find the Formula Bar, the Name Box, and the Cell Grid, where you'll do most of your work.
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Basic Excel Functions
3. Creating and Formatting Spreadsheets
Learn how to create, save, and open Excel workbooks. Explore basic formatting options for cells, rows, columns, and sheets. Discover how to apply cell styles and themes to make your spreadsheets visually appealing.
4. Data Entry and Manipulation
Master data entry techniques, including typing, copying, and pasting data. Explore features like AutoFill and Flash Fill to expedite data input. Practice sorting and filtering data to organize information effectively.
5. Formulas and Functions
Understand the fundamentals of Excel formulas and functions. Start with basic arithmetic operations and progress to more advanced functions like VLOOKUP, SUMIFS, and IFERROR. Learn to create custom formulas to perform specific calculations.
Advanced Excel Features
6. Data Analysis
Explore Excel's data analysis tools, including PivotTables and PivotCharts, to summarize and visualize data. Discover how to use Goal Seek and Solver for more complex what-if scenarios.
7. Charts and Graphs
Create informative charts and graphs to represent your data visually. Learn how to choose the right chart type, format axes, and add data labels and titles.
8. Data Validation and Protection
Set up data validation rules to ensure data accuracy. Protect your worksheets and workbooks with passwords, and utilize cell locking and sheet protection features.
9. Macros and Automation
Harness the power of Excel macros to automate repetitive tasks. Record and edit macros, assign them to buttons, and streamline your workflow.
Collaboration and Sharing
10. Collaboration Tools
Collaborate with others using Excel's sharing and co-authoring features. Learn how to track changes, add comments, and merge multiple versions of a workbook.
11. Cloud Integration
Sync your Excel files with OneDrive or SharePoint for seamless access across multiple devices. Explore collaboration options in Excel Online and Excel for iOS.
Troubleshooting and Tips
12. Common Issues and Solutions
Address common Excel for Mac issues, such as slow performance or file compatibility problems. Find solutions and tips to enhance your Excel experience.
Excel for Mac Resources
13. Online Courses and Tutorials
Take advantage of online resources, including video tutorials and courses, to further expand your Excel skills. Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, and Coursera offer comprehensive Excel courses.
14. Books and Documentation
Refer to books and official Microsoft documentation for in-depth knowledge of Excel for Mac. Titles like "Excel 2019 for Mac for Dummies" and "Microsoft Excel for Mac Step by Step" can be valuable resources.
15. Community and Support
Join Excel user communities and forums to seek assistance, share knowledge, and stay updated on Excel-related news. Microsoft's official support forums and platforms like Stack Overflow can be invaluable.
Excel for Mac is a versatile tool that can simplify complex tasks, enhance data analysis, and boost productivity. By following this training guide and continuously practicing your skills, you'll become proficient in Excel for Mac and unlock its potential to excel in your personal and professional endeavors. Remember, the key to mastering Excel is consistent practice and a willingness to explore its features and functionalities. Happy Excel-ing!
For More Info:-
Excel For Mac Training
Excel Dashboard Reporting Training
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pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year
Blake sighed heavily as they ducked into the dojo’s bathroom, preparing to get changed and head back to the gala. They moved rather hurriedly, wanting to leave as soon as possible before they accidentally caused anymore problems.
First, though, they moved over to the sink, cranking the faucet. They let some water pool in their in the palm of their hands, before leaning down to splash it in their face. A sigh of relief escaped them as the icy liquid helped cool off their uncomfortably warm skin.
They then reached for a towel off to the side, running it over their face a few times before setting it back on the counter. Then, they propped their arms on the edge of the sink, groaning tiredly as they ran a hand over their face.
The failure of a training session from a few hours earlier was still fresh in their mind. What was supposed to be a way for them to let out some pent up frustration turned into a disaster after they threw a sparring partner into the dojo wall. The guy was relatively unharmed, but the sight of Blake picking him up effortlessly and slamming him like a rag doll undoubtedly left everyone shaken.
And then afterwards, where Honey moved them to a private training area so they could blow off some steam without breaking anyone’s bones or anything- THAT only resulted in a training dummy getting ripped in half in a fit of sudden, unprompted rage.
“What the fuck is going on with me…?” They cursed under their breath, bringing their eyes up to look at their reflection in the mirror before them. Their skin glistened with sweat, their pink hair was slightly disheveled. There was the slightest hint of dark bags under their eyes. They just looked tired. Exhausted from everything the week had put them through.
Why did they feel so drained? They were back home in Galar, having fun at a party where the only expectation was for them to kick back, relax, and mingle with other League members.
The ordeal with Oleana definitely left them in a sour mood. But it was just a fake out in the end- nothing bad actually happened. And yet, Blake hadn’t been able to catch a wink of sleep since.
It was eating at them, haunting them from the inside- the looming dread of oncoming danger that wasn’t even there. With every distraction, it just fizzled in the back of their mind, constantly reminding Blake of its presence.
It had always been there. It just hadn’t been as noticeable lately. The trip to Paldea, all the time they’d gotten to spend with their friends- it had covered the dreadful feeling up with a blanket of security. False security. The Macro Cosmos scare just felt like the world giving them a harsh reminder that they were never truly safe.
And it drove Blake mad. Never knowing when or where chaos was going to stir up next. The looming fear that one moment everything would be fine, and then the next there’d be some maniac threatening to begin yet another doomsday that would kill everything they ever loved or held dear.
Just thinking about it right now drove Blake up the wall. Their grip on the counter tightened, their glare at their reflection narrowing. Why? Why them? Why couldn’t they just be allowed to fucking rest already?
The simmering anger made them want to break something. Someone. Whoever out there that planned on interrupting their desperate attempt at a peaceful life once again. They didn’t know who that person was going to be, or if it would even come to pass, but if there was someone like that out there in the world- even remotely threatening to disrupt their life in the smallest way, just the thought made Blake want to find them and get rid of them before they could pull any sort of shit.
But they couldn’t, there was no way of knowing when or if something was going to happen again.
It filled them with an insatiable rage.
Their knuckles were white against the counter now, and they grit their teeth, feeling that fury bubbling up inside them, getting ready to explode, one way or another. It burned and crackled like a growing wildfire spreading through their body.
They felt it building, and building, and building, searing underneath their skin-
Their eyes shot open, and they looked down.
Where they’d been gripping the counter, there were now large, visible cracks in the marble surface. Their hands were trembling violently, aching a little from how hard they’d been squeezing.
They pulled their hands away slowly, staring at the damage they’d caused.
Eventually, their gaze flicked back up to their reflection.
What they saw made them stumble back into the wall.
Traveling up the sides of their face were deep, burning vein-like patterns- radiating with a pulsing, supernatural blood-red glow. Their pupils were illuminated by the same color light.
A shaky, unsettled exhale escapes their lips as they reach a hand up to their cheek, tracing over the glowing red lines.
“No…” they whisper out, glowing red eyes starting to widen in horror. “No no no-!”
In a panicked motion, they frantically tugged the glove on their right hand off- revealing a pale, Y-shaped scar stretching across the palm of their hand.
Blake seemed to wait with baited breath for a moment, staring at the scar intensely, waiting for any kind of sensation to travel through it- a burning, a tingling-
-but there’s nothing. And a relieved exhale escapes them once they realize this.
Blake’s eyes trail back up to the mirror- back to their reflection. The ominous red glow on their face still lingers, giving them a haunting and threatening appearance.
“Why…?” they murmur, running their fingers over the red lines once more. “…How? Yveltal’s curse, it… it was broken… so how is this…”
All is silent as they stare on in pure bewilderment, completely at a loss of how to explain any of this.
Slowly, their gaze moves, fixating on a potted plant sitting in the corner of the room. Its thin, green stalk stands tall, and its giant leaves are a vibrant, deep green- showing how healthy and alive it is…
Something bubbles inside Blake. A curiosity. Slowly, they step towards the plant, carefully sliding their scarred hand underneath one of the large leaves. They’re quiet, anticipating something to happen, for the plant to react in some way.
Nothing happens.
Their brows furrow, and they feel something… stir inside them.
Something that feels like… a brand new sense unlocking.
They can feel the plant’s life force. No- they can almost see it- a green, wispy aura radiating around its form.
Seeing this, that strange sense deep inside them grows… hungry.
They gently grip the leaf with their thumb, brows knitting in concentration. The red lines on their face glow brighter, and begin to stretch further down Blake’s skin- down their neck, over their shoulder, crackling along their right arm, all the way down to their hand.
The scar begins to glow. Its shape fills with the same, eerie red energy.
That energy stretches to the tips of Blake’s fingers. The green, lively aura they see around the plant begins to flicker and waver- like it’s weakening. Blake can feel the life force slowly but surely draining from it, getting sapped into their own being.
The plant’s stem slowly morphs into a sickly yellow. Brown rot begins to crawl up each of its leaves. Before long, the plant starts to shrivel, tilting downwards.
The leaves finally start to crumble away, and soon, the once healthy houseplant is nothing but a withered, dead, dried up stalk.
Blake pulls their hand away, feeling… a renewed energy inside them. Like their exhaustion and fatigue from these last few days was drained away. They felt… refreshed. Energized. Like you would after waking up from a nice nap.
However, Blake’s expression tells a different story- it slowly twists into horror at what they’d just done.
Their gaze lingers on the dead plant for a long few seconds, before flicking back to their hand. Now satisfied, the red glow begins to retreat from their scar.
They hold their wrist in their other palm, thumb tracing lightly over the scar.
“This… hasn’t happened since the curse,” they think out loud, the gears beginning to turn rapidly in their head. “But… but this time I… felt in control of it…”
…Their whole body started to tremble. Their legs felt weak, as the implications of all this dawned on them.
Falling to their knees, their breath becomes heavy and ragged as they try- and fail- to stay calm.
They were feeling a million things all at once- the most prominent ones being confusion and terror.
It felt like a monster from their past had come back to haunt them.
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suegreene · 2 years
[PDF/ePub] Excel 2019 All-In-One for Dummies - Greg Harvey
Download Or Read PDF Excel 2019 All-In-One for Dummies - Greg Harvey Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Excel 2019 All-In-One for Dummies
[*] Read PDF Here => Excel 2019 All-In-One for Dummies
 Make Excel work for youExcel 2019 All-In-One For Dummies offers eight books in one!! It is completely updated to reflect the major changes Microsoft is making to Office with the 2019 release. From basic Excel functions, such as creating and editing worksheets, to sharing and reviewing worksheets, to editing macros with Visual Basic, it provides you with a broad scope of the most common Excel applications and functions--including formatting worksheets, setting up formulas, protecting worksheets, importing data, charting data, and performing statistical functions. The book covers importing data, building and editing worksheets, creating formulas, generating pivot tables, and performing financial functions, what-if scenarios, database functions, and Web queries. More advanced topics include worksheet sharing and auditing, performing error trapping, building and running macros, charting data, and using Excel in conjunction with Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) to analyze,
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ebouks · 2 years
Excel Macros For Dummies 3rd Edition
Excel Macros For Dummies 3rd Edition
Excel Macros For Dummies, 3rd Edition Richard Kusleika, Michael Alexander Save time and become an Excel wizard with the world’s leading Excel macro guide Do you love Excel and all the things you can do with it, but wish you could just work…faster? Excel macros—automated workflows that save you time and energy—might be just what you need. In Excel Macros For Dummies, you’ll learn over 70 of the…
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pinermob · 2 years
Toggle showhide
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#Toggle showhide mod#
#Toggle showhide mods#
#Toggle showhide code#
#Toggle showhide mods#
Helmets from other mods that don't include a circlet slot can now be toggled also MCM Menu will now display "Hide (Current Equipped Helmet)" When a helmet is equipped. Helmets properly refresh to there hidden or shown state when loading a save game. Thanks to myztikrice for help fixing the broken release of 2.02 Thanks to LLJKTechnogeek for help with fixing the extra equip sounds bug when equipping armor or weapons. Fixed corrupted edits Thanks to Matortheeternal
#Toggle showhide mod#
It is still possible to break the mod if you hotkey two helmet using the favorites menu and switch between them very quickly while a helmet is hidden. Added safe guard to stop the script from stacking helmet checks to avoid the mod breaking if switching helmets quickly. Removed all biped slots from hidden helmets Added few changes made by Rekol's updated scripts. (This includes changing weapons or scripts from other mods that equip items such as Dual Sheath Redux.) When Toggled a second time or unequipped/removed from inventory, the helmet will revert to it's original slots.īecause of how Skyrim works, this change will effect all helmets in the game that are the same type (for example all iron helmets), but as the helmet must be refreshed to see any changes, you will only see this change if a character wearing the same helmet as you equips an item or is loaded with the same helmet on. The helmet is then "refreshed" through equipping then removing a blank object. Using the MCM Toggle option or Toggle Hot key, will cause the equipped helmet to have it's head, hair and ear slots removed, leaving the circlet and any other slots in place. MCM Menu Toggle and or Hotkey Toggles any Helmet using the Circlet Slot (Code block edited for better readability.Hide and Show Helmet, Hats and Hoods in a Single Click Meanwhile I can get on with my mucky text editing which is about to crash into a deadline!
#Toggle showhide code#
I haven’t worried about the initializing args(0) as in your code so I’ll have to see how it behaves in a new LO session. If args1(0).Name = "HideTrackedChanges" then For what it’s worth, here’s my version: sub ShowHideChanges When I tried changing the Name field instead it worked fine. I had tried toggling the Value field, which is what your code does but for some reason didn’t work for me (probably a bit of VB.Net syntax which threw a less than informative error). Anyway, I just managed to get my own macro working and, feeling a little proud of myself, returned to the forum to post my solution. I assumed I would get notification of your reply so I hadn’t seen it yet. I removed the code based on my misunderstanding. REM Needed only to fill a syntactically mandatory parameter place:ĭim args1(0) as new .PropertyValueĭispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ShowTrackedChanges", "", 0, args1()) The mentioned uno command itself is toggling the state and thus should better be named ‘ToggleShowingTrackedChanges’.Ĭode to achieve the task is therefore very simple: sub ShowHideChangesĭocument = ĭispatcher = createUnoService(".DispatchHelper") The args parameter is treated by “.uno:ShowTrackedChanges” as a dummy without any evaluation. Playing with the solution the OQ posted in his self-answer I found that this is not the case. My previously published solution and the example were based on the assumption that the uno command ‘ShowTrackedChanges’ was named “unmisguiding” and actually evaluates the args parameter. (That the args variables used by uno commands neither do remember a previous setting nor do know anything about the document’s state remains true!) Using my global variable to set Args1(1), the uno command called by the dispatcher will also toggle the addressed property. As I do not know a path to the needed information, I have to create a global Boolean variable and to toggle its value every time the Sub made for toggling the state is called. To be able to toggle the state with respect to any property, you need either access to the property itself or a method accessing it. The args1 variable does not know any nothing about the document.
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Briana’s Meal Plan: Part I – Calculations
So I’m starting off by watching this video. I’m gonna do the calculations and build a custom meal plan for myself. 
The first step Christine mentions is knowing your BMR. She shows an equation to calculate it but Lord knows I ain’t finna do all that SO I’m heading right over to Muscle & Strength to find out mine.
And these are my results with a sedentary activity level:
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Now, to determine macros (macronutrients):
For sedentary folks such as myself, Christine recommends multiplying your weight in pounds by 50 to 70% (.5 to .7) to determine how many grams of protein you should get daily. I’m gonna go with 50% because I haven’t started any workout plan yet. That gives me 114.5g of protein. She suggests that 30 to 40% of your body weight is a good range for fat intake for someone who wants to lose fat at a decent rate. I’m going with 30% and that amounts to 68.7g of fat for me. To get the necessary carb intake, I’m going to convert the grams of protein and fat to calories and subtract them from my total recommended caloric intake. I found this chart which shows how many calories is in 1g of each:  Calculations are as follows:
114.5g of protein x 4 calories = 458 calories
68.7g of fat x 9 calories = 618.3 calories
2210 calories/day - 1076.3 (458+618.3) calories = 1133.7 calories from carbs
1133.7 / 4 = 283.4g of carbs.
Briana’s Daily Calories and Macros
So this is where I’d be if I chose to focus solely on my diet and not incorporate exercise into my routine. 
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But I’m choosing to do at least 20 minutes of exercise per day, 5 days per week, starting with today. So these are the calories and macros I’ll actually be using:
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In the next post, I’ll be coming up with a meal plan based on these macros. Today, I’ll just be basically trying to eat moderately cuz while I’m sitting here planning this stuff out, I’m sure I’ll get hungry. 
Pics of food will be posted after my last meal of the day.
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