Video Workout Journal— Day 4
I really didn’t feel up to it, but I wanted to get it done and I did.
My hair needed some moisture, that’s why it’s different. I spent more time than I meant to on my hair so I was late working out and therefore haven’t eaten yet. Can’t wait for this breakfast.
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Day 3 -- Rest Day
I got some footage from foam rolling and moving today but I wanna edit it before posting. I’ll try to do it tomorrow.
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Photo Meal Journal -- Day 3
It was all tasty but like um, it’s 9:52pm and I wanna eat a Butterfinger.
But that’s just a mental thing. My belly is full.
In My Salad:
various greens
cucumber (could’ve omitted that one didn’t mesh well with the other flavors)
pinto beans
sunflower seeds
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Photo Meal Journal -- Day 2
Really enjoyed everything I ate today. Um, that muffin -- I was like “Oooohhh!” and my son (4) went, “What’s wrong?” I told him, “It’s SOOOO good. Oh my gosh it’s so good.” And it really was.
I’m trying to do intermittent fasting and my goal is an 8-hour window. Yesterday, I broke my fast at 8am because I had a fun-size Snickers. I finished eating at about 6:30 yesterday. Today I broke my fast at 10am when I had a tiny piece of cantaloupe as I was cutting fruit and preparing my post-workout meal. I finished dinner at 6:45pm. So I’m getting close -- it’s just that my mom wanted to do a little shopping today so I had to wait to eat dinner. But um, I’m getting there.
About the macros, look I’m just gonna try to incorporate that stuff next week. I’m thinking I’ll do some prepping this weekend.
In My Salad:
various greens
pinto beans
smoked salmon
sunflower seeds
black pepper
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
In My Side Salad:
various greens
sunflower seeds
ranch dressing
I drank 64oz of water and will be drinking another 16oz bottle before bed which will bring me to 80oz. I tried pineapple core in my water today. I feel like infusions add very minimal flavor to water -- but they really make it more refreshing somehow. Like fr.
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Feels Check — Day 2
Just woke up from a 3-hour nap after eating my post-workout meal.
I’m feeling a bit sore, a bit hungry, but SO proud of myself. I look at my time lapses and it makes me believe this is easy for me.
I see why people document their progress this way. But yeah I’m in love with myself right now.
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Video Workout Journal — Day 2
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Day 2 — Off to a Real Nice Start
So I realized this kinda food is beyond delicious after a fasted workout. Thoroughly enjoying my post-workout yum-yums.
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Quote of the Week
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From lowcarbalpha
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Photo Meal Journal -- Day 1
In addition to what’s pictured here, I also ate a fun-size Snickers at 8am.
After the current bottle which I’m halfway through, I will have drank 80oz of water today.
What’s in my salad?
sauteed chicken
various greens
shredded cheese -- Mexican blend
Spanish olive slices
golden raisins
1/2 an avocado
pinto beans
lemon juice
garlic pepper
ranch dressing -- I do what I want.
It was delicious. All of it.
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Briana’s Meal Plan: Part II -- Foods
So I went ahead and calculated my macros and now it’s time to come up with a meal plan. 
I went ahead and ordered myself a food scale from amazon.com:
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And it’ll be here tomorrow by the end of the day.
I realized I can’t really start prepping meals without the scale because I won’t know what the portions should be. For now, I’ll just list foods that fall under the categories of proteins, fats, and carbs to show how I’ll get those in.
It should be noted that when you weigh your foods, you should weigh them raw. The weight can change after cooking.
Here’s a little chart I came up with:
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And here are some more charts that break down the macros of veggies and fruits (these are on Pinterest, but the links are broken for some reason so I don’t know who made these): 
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Again, I can’t be very accurate without the scale, so in the meantime, I’m just gonna try to eat moderately.
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Video Workout Journal -- Day 1
Did this 20-minute workout for overweight people by Joanna Soh on YouTube at around 5:15pm. It was a struggle. I modified her burpees by squatting, reaching diagonally for each toe, and then standing. 
I really wanted to start off working out for 45 minutes a day right out the gate but that is clearly not realistic for the state I’m in right now. I was actually thinking of jumping rope after this workout but realized it won’t work with my ceiling fan. I also decided it’s okay to start off slow. I'll start incorporating jump rope into my workouts when I’ve made some progress and can do it outside.
So for now, I’ll be following along with this workout 5 days a week until I build up some stamina.
This is just a super quick timelapse for proof but you can click the link above (in bold) to follow along.
The fitness belt I’m wearing is the JSculpt belt. It just helps me sweat more. As of February 18, 2020, 8:47pm, you can get 20% off by signing up for their emails. 
I will be working out again at about 9am since Christine (gaugegirltraining) says fasted workouts are best for endomorphs like myself.
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Briana’s Meal Plan: Part I – Calculations
So I’m starting off by watching this video. I’m gonna do the calculations and build a custom meal plan for myself. 
The first step Christine mentions is knowing your BMR. She shows an equation to calculate it but Lord knows I ain’t finna do all that SO I’m heading right over to Muscle & Strength to find out mine.
And these are my results with a sedentary activity level:
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Now, to determine macros (macronutrients):
For sedentary folks such as myself, Christine recommends multiplying your weight in pounds by 50 to 70% (.5 to .7) to determine how many grams of protein you should get daily. I’m gonna go with 50% because I haven’t started any workout plan yet. That gives me 114.5g of protein. She suggests that 30 to 40% of your body weight is a good range for fat intake for someone who wants to lose fat at a decent rate. I’m going with 30% and that amounts to 68.7g of fat for me. To get the necessary carb intake, I’m going to convert the grams of protein and fat to calories and subtract them from my total recommended caloric intake. I found this chart which shows how many calories is in 1g of each:  Calculations are as follows:
114.5g of protein x 4 calories = 458 calories
68.7g of fat x 9 calories = 618.3 calories
2210 calories/day - 1076.3 (458+618.3) calories = 1133.7 calories from carbs
1133.7 / 4 = 283.4g of carbs.
Briana’s Daily Calories and Macros
So this is where I’d be if I chose to focus solely on my diet and not incorporate exercise into my routine. 
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But I’m choosing to do at least 20 minutes of exercise per day, 5 days per week, starting with today. So these are the calories and macros I’ll actually be using:
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In the next post, I’ll be coming up with a meal plan based on these macros. Today, I’ll just be basically trying to eat moderately cuz while I’m sitting here planning this stuff out, I’m sure I’ll get hungry. 
Pics of food will be posted after my last meal of the day.
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This is my starting point. 
For your reference, I’m 5′8.5″ tall. As you can see, I’m pretty pear-shaped. I have the endomorph body type. I store most of my fat in the lower half of my body and I have a pretty low metabolism. It will probably take lots of cardio for me to lose some of this fat.
My starting weight is 229 lbs. You can see my measurements in the last photo. I’m half sorry for the butt cleavage, but hey, these are my only clean shorts today lmao. I’ll be a bit more conservative in the future.
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Hi, I’m Briana.
I’m a 28-year-old work from home mom about to embark on a fat loss journey. I started this blog to document exactly how I’ll go about it. It’s just gonna be real and raw. Don’t expect to see makeup and super cute fitness gear, I’m just gonna take it a day at a time and work with what I’ve got.
Soon, I’ll be posting my weight and measurements and some pictures, and explaining what my plan is. Please stick with me, and let’s encourage each other!
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