ao3-oner · 18 days
Sad to hear that we wont be getting a full worlds fic but I’m happy that means canmaker is ending on a happy note with 8 seconds to base! I am curious to hear what would have been in store for them at worlds. I’m guessing heosu would find out that siwoo stole his polar bear for a night? ;-;
Hi, and thanks for the ask!
“Stealing his polar bear” is such a funny yet accurate way to put it shksjsgd, but yeah, you guessed it: part of my CanMaker plot was going to be Siwoo telling Su that he slept with Geonbu and Su being pissed that Geonbu didn’t tell him sooner/implied that he hadn’t. And then Geonbu gets annoyed with Siwoo for ruining his happiness just because Siwoo’s hurt and bitter - I envisioned a line something like “you’re not happy, so God forbid anyone else is”. It does feel bad to break apart CanMaker again for my fic, but that’s kind of in the series title ig - the ships just keep crumbling. I did plan to give them a happy ending eventually, one potentially involving Lucid locking them in a supply closet together (or something to thar effect lmao). I’m also now realizing that I never got to write Kellin’s letter!! That’s too bad, that was a plot point from MSI that was supposed to come back later. Oh well. Now that Moham’s the starter, I feel like it would hit a little less, anyway.
Thanks again for the ask, and have a good one!
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tartagilicious · 1 year
i love the fact that dottore just somehow was able to successfully treat collei's eleazar, and it's always just made me think 😭😭 who in his life had it to the point where he mastered caring for a disease with no cure? insane lore for a mad scientist archetype!! also hello (: this isn't the end of my hiatus, but i'm trying to play genshin more again now that i have the time so dottore brainrot is back!!!! c.w: blood
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all the ways to kill the one you love (1.6k)
When you fall to your knees in the dark hall, you can only pray that the person in front of you knows that it wasn’t of your own volition. The only thing to blame is your own negligence for getting you into this situation – perhaps you’d be in better shape if you had been more prepared for your Eleazar to break out. 
Because from the moment you set foot into the frigid country’s very own Zapolyarny Palace, it has been in your absolute best interest to stay under the radar. Coming from the Akademiya, you know well that you are not particularly popular with any of its inhabitants.
Though, that isn’t your concern. You’re here to determine if the Fatui have been able to locate the missing Dendro archon as a vessel of Irminsul; a child of Sumeru and vision holder in the Akademiya. Effectively, you don’t intend to make any lasting friends, so to say. You’re unsure of the Akademiya’s plans with the information you find, but whatever you glean from your time here will be insignificant once out of your hands.
It was easy to convince the Grand Sage that your place amongst the heretics in Snezhnaya would be with their soldiers, despite the fact that your student-life had been plagued by your condition. Because the simple truth is that they didn't care about the technicalities, as long as you’re able to relay the info they require, they could care less if you died with it. 
Your time in the Fatui itself has been anxiety-inducingly bleak, though, and certainly nothing like what you expected. Low ranking soldiers are treated as employees, almost, sent from place to place in order to protect property and officials. But nothing has ever made you rethink your decision to accept a mission as much as this. 
The hydro vision you keep tucked away in your uniform should be helping to push down the pain – it has always helped. But be it the cold weather or something else entirely, your incorrigible disease seems to be flaring up more than usual. Even if you were blessed with a portion of Celestia's magic, you have been reminded from a young age that power is dangerous; and it cannot fix everything. 
However, your vision has never failed you so noticeably until now. 
The awful warmth in the back of your throat is a stark contrast to the cool tile beneath your hands. Your bunkmate is somewhere behind you, you think – she had been the one to find you, after all, clinging to a wall with a hideous mixture of blood and mucus pooling at your chin. 
You call out to her, voice weak as you attempt to stand. No response. The unknown doctor you had been led to is still silent so far, possibly making no move simply to see what you will try to do in your state. You can feel his eyes on you as you croak, 
“Has she gone?”
Something in the quiet air sparks as your voice breaks the silence. You look up begrudgingly, curious to see who you’re at the feet of even as your skin tingles painfully. You’re disappointed to find that the man’s face is obstructed by a mask that is vaguely owl-like, leaving nothing but the very corners of his lips visible. 
You don’t recognise him in the slightest, and yet, he frowns. 
Then, in his expensive slacks and in a way that surely creases his boots, the doctor kneels down to your level. Your heartbeat quickens intermittently as your eyes track his slow movements. You can’t help but be shocked by the sudden display of attention when he had clearly been resigned to only watching you before.
It’s difficult to look right at him when there are no eyes to find, so you can only look at the ground as the doctor studies you. 
You want to speak badly, to ask him to help you, but the words catch regrettably in your throat. Brows tightening, you throw a shaky hand over your mouth as a cough forces its way up. And too quickly, the blood that had pooled at the back of your throat empties into your mouth without warning, the taste instinctually pulling a whimper from you. 
A brief chuckle sounds from above you.
All you can register from that point on is a gloved hand slipping under your chin, tipping your head upwards. You attempt to shake your head in protest. Yet, all the Doctor does is wipe the blood that pebbles from your lips with a careful thumb. 
“How pitiful” The Doctor finally speaks, his rough voice thoughtful. “I’d thought you better than this.”
Your brows wrinkle in confusion as his thumb lingers near your mouth. He provides no explanation to his mysterious remark, though, merely turning your chin from side to side in an effort to look at your face in its entirety. Your chest burns with each movement.
Too helpless to do anything but stare at him, an old image slowly begins unfolding before you – though his face is covered, canine teeth are visible as he teases you. You’re almost certain that if he took off his mask, you’d be staring into the crimson eyes of someone you’d never forget.
Without thinking, you grasp at his wrist. The painful buzz solidifies between you without the barrier of a glove, but you don’t back down. 
“Zandik?” You whisper, brows creasing in concern. “How…?”
The Zandik you know is dead. This much is clear, no matter the way you look at it. But until now, you’d thought the former was undisputable. 
“You disappeared. I thought you were gone, but now you're with them?” You whisper harshly, sadness leaching into your voice.
After a few quiet moments, he drops your chin with a deep hum and pulls himself away from you. 
You crumble in on yourself and cough excess blood into your hand almost instantly, though he does nothing to help you this time. When you’ve caught your breath, he says, 
“You’ve always been one for flattery. I have never been any better than them.”
That’s not true. It’s not. You want to yell it at him, to insist until this awful cold facade of his ceases and you’re able to see the same person you’d gone to the Akademiya with. The same person who, despite having been hardened by the people that had outcased him, still flinched when insulted. The only one who would touch your hands that were inured with violet scales, and who valued your ability to forgive those who have hurt you. 
He was a person whose interest in things stemmed from his want to improve. Who’s status as an outcast came from his inability to compromise when it came to his life’s work, his desire to evolve. You found solace not in his frigid company,  but in the way your condition garnered the most intimate of his attention.
With the very same material that was enough to consider him a danger to Sumeru, he had successfully fought off the more gruesome symptoms of your Eleazar. With you, he was understood; needed. But with him, you finally felt whole. Both were things neither of you were ready to give up.
“Flattery.” Your voice is broken as you stare at the ground, body propped up by nothing but your weak forearms. “It’s so like you to insist anything good about you is false.”
A small frown is visible around the corners of his pointed mask. 
“What brings you to Snezhnaya, ___?”
“...I’m dying, Zandik.” You say quietly. He’s the first person you’ve admitted it to, even before yourself. In your student years, you’d been hopeful, confident, that your hydro vision would be enough to sustain you through a normal life. The very archon it stands for vies for equality on all fronts, between good and evil as well as sickness and health. 
But now, you know it isn’t enough. You’re old enough to look past the thin veil that has been protecting your fragile mind all these years and see the truth – that you were never meant for a long life. 
“What a headache.” He sighs it out placidly. You can’t find it in yourself to meet his eye as he kneels before you once again, every ounce of love he had once felt for you gone, yet somehow seeping from the cracks of his resolve all the same.  
You fully prepare yourself for the inevitable result of being told to leave, to seek refuge with a real doctor and not test fate in his hands. But, he doesn’t. Instead, a gloved hand reaches for your shoulder, pushing you up your knees. Your muscles sting with over-exertion as the cloud of hair leaves your face.
“How long have you been aware?”
Your back aches as you wipe the blood from your lips.
“A couple weeks.” You answer quietly, your words like a ghost in the frigid winter air. 
Dottore doesn’t answer immediately, a frown etched into his face permanently. Your breath catches as he reaches into his pristine white jacket. Gingerly, he wipes the blood from your lips with the steady hands of a surgeon. The action is not necessarily cold, but it is not full of the same warmth you remember either.
His voice is guttural when he says, “You’re foolish for coming here.” for coming to me. 
You want to laugh, to half-heartedly agree with him. You aren’t sure that you would have let your bunkmate bring you here if you knew that this was the fate you were going to meet. Of all the people in the world, Dottore is the only person who would be able to call you on your bluffs – on all of the reasons you’re here, and every reason the Akademiya has to value you. 
You could become nothing very quickly, as soon as he wishes. 
But, there's something inside you that wrestles with the fear -- something soft and carefully hidden that refuses to leave this revelation, this reunion, behind.
And so, you force out a soft, “I know.”
You both know his harsh words don’t hold any real meaning. After all, the fearsome Harbinger is equal to you in this moment, on his knees just as you are. And if nothing else, it gives you hope that things are not as lost as they seem.
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tartagilicious 2023
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arcan3-reliquary · 5 months
Omg ive just had the hugest brain idea ever: Golden Ratio personality swap au.
Ratio is an eccentric celebrity scientist with a bit of a penchant for theatrics, who hides his rather selfless motives under 6 layers of “ha??? of course, its the most logical choice, why wouldnt I do that huehue” because god forbid the genius society or the inteligentsia guild think he cares and have rumours flying about. Mad Scientist and Philosopher, buries everything he says within metaphor and “I dunno, am I?” Dances the line of brilliant and audacious because nothing gives him more joy than to experience the adrenaline that has eluded him since the days of his youth, when his ideas were seen as novel and charming. The Elation was a path open to him at one time, but the nonsense of it all - for all the chaos he may create, he is anything but senseless. He sees the beauty in chemical explosions, in marble crushed beneath his chisel and hammer, in the destruction that is born of the pursuit of a greater restart and something for the betterment of all.
Aventurine, the last of the Sigonians and the star of the Strategic Investments Department. Quiet and observant, with a smile that never meets the eyes, hidden behind the darkest polarizing lenses. Makes no secret of any of the awful things hes had to do to claw his way from the mud to where he is now, and all the better for him as people step out of his way. An eye always on his watch, hand always pulling and adjusting his gloves. Time is money, and his time is precious. A wager is nothing more than statistics, and with eyes as keen and all seeing as his, no bad hand will ever befall him. The numbers and chips of a poker table were always better company than the incompetence of the IPC coworkers he corals on the daily. But he did not get here by simply letting life knock him over, no - he fought back tooth and nail for everything to work out, even if his luck never extended past his personal bubble. His hands do not shake when they clutch his last chip, for the game would have ended like this from the beginning. All it takes is one chip, one wrong number, one incorrect calculation- and he has secured the deal. By the will of the hunt, he is not going to let one incorrigible variable ruin everything or the lives of those around him. he will see that nothing destroys lives the way his was.
Idk im just yapping again. I just think Destruction! Ratio and Hunt! Aventurine is an interesting idea
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alex-a-fans · 1 year
Alex's opinion on Citizen Brown
This rant is not here to excuse Citizen Brown's actions, he still can be counted as a bad guy all you want, I am not sure how I see him, I am just fascinated with him and his behavior.. It's just my fascination with him and what lead to that.
It also might not make sense, I am writing as my ideas come.
The rant is just here to look and draw comparisons to other docs, how he is different, how is he similar. Also, Spoilers for the game, minor mention of the musical.
Well, Citizen Brown. One of three docs we see from 1986. The other two docs are from the game start, the one who left the message in the DeLorean, the one who was in jail in 1931. The second one we see at the end is the one that brings Marty back to 1986. One would argue the 2 docs are the same. But I will explain later why I think they are not the same, just very similar. For simplicity, I will call Citizen Brown, 'CB' and the 2 other docs just 'doc' since they are practically the same
And the first point of mine. The first difference (from the characteristics and upbringing):
Erhardt's respect.
Now, CB got his father's respect because he did what Erhardt approved of, kept Hill Valley in "order" or just was with Edna who "fixed him up" person, making him give up on his "childish dreams".
Now that is the only difference between the 2 other docs. The one from the beginning of the game did not have his father's respect as it was said in the Book. He did not like his father and he did not like Emmett. But Doc does not seem to care.
The doc from the end (after Marty interferes) has his father's respect, but because he was following his dream of becoming a scientist. But too, does not seem to care, at the end he just gave a passive comment.
Change of mind. I will continue with similarities and differences later. Let's talk about Edna. The best I can describe her is a manipulative Gasighter. For anyone, it is clear her and Emmett's relationship is very toxic, one could say it is so bad to the point of Emotional abuse. Ednas remarks, "He would not be able to do anything without me" and "needs guidance". Was the mastermind behind the brainwashing. To me at least, she did not seem to even care for Emmett, but will be there for him to lead him to the "right path". It is even sad to hear CB explaining what she did to him with "She did all that because she cared"
By Edna, Emmett is mad, a "miserable failure", easily distracted, and tries to find the best in people, by Erhardt Emmett is stubborn, single-minded, incorrigible, and obsessed.
Second similarity.
I mean, they are right, Doc is a mad scientist, is easily distracted (in games always cuts himself off when he sees something interesting), and failure? Uhh, I mean in movies he said none of his inventions worked. Single-Minded? Sure! If he wanted to become a scientist he did become one. Incorrigible? Edna easily encouraged Citizen Brown. Obsessed? We can say so, he IS obsessed with science. Trying to find the best in people? We mean when CB thought he could change Edna because she "not always" was that bad? Even knowing what Edna did, he still cares how her life turned out in the 'Right' timeline. Maybe he cares because he spent 50 years with her and believes she can change, and the relationship can be more healthy. I always enjoyed the games more than the comic version, because CB's explanation of the timeline where everybody wins is voiced over, and you can hear he believes what he's saying (that Edna can change, everything will be okay, Marty gets his normal family back), like he wants that, he is not lying to Marty as it seems in the Comics. In a sense, he is lying, we know Edna will not change.
Now, maybe it was Edna's brainwashing late effect (I believe it was not the first time he was brainwashed). that caused CB to change so suddenly or relapse and kidnap Emmett, trying to change Edna. I have nothing to say here.
Despite that, Citizen Brown becomes the first doc (not counting the musical), to die from something else other than getting shot, getting ran over with a car, and the second doc (after the first doc we see, twin pine Doc) who dies protecting Marty.
Citizen Brown is no different character, it is still Doc, the same one we know, just who was surrounded by the wrong people. Both Citizen Brown and Doc had the same childhood, same parents, and same genetics. They are the same person. This means our doc has that in him to become like Citizen Brown.
It is fascinating to me how the people we surround ourselves with shape us. Citizen Brown is an example of it.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Snapshots - Three
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Snapshots: A Bucky Barnes Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x  F!Reader
Word Count:  1897
Rating:  M
Square filled: @buckybarnesbingo, C3 Free Space
Warnings:  sex talk, smut on the series.
Synopsis:  Before Bucky Barnes became the Winter Soldier he had a life and plans for the future.  A lot of them involving you.
During an art lesson you, Bucky and Steve find out about the bombing of Pearl Harbor.  Bucky and Steve go to enlist in the army.
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Bucky had been making faces at you for half the art class.  It was distracting, to say the least.  The little quirks of his eyebrow as he whispered to the boys around him.  Occasionally he’d bite his bottom lip as he gazed in your direction and then start actually doing his work.  You were about to start up an actual paint war in the classroom so you could cover that smug look on his face.
Only just when you were about to snap, a boy came in.  “Japan just bombed Pearl Harbor!”  He announced loudly.
The room broke out in chaos, everyone talking at once.  Bucky and Steve huddled together whispering and when the teacher dismissed the class, they grabbed their stuff and rushed out.  Normally it was impossible to get Steve or Bucky out of art class.  Steve always had one more thing he wanted to add to whatever he was working on and Bucky would hang around flirting with any girls still around.  Today they couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
You packed your bag and headed out.  You expected to see them somewhere during your trip home but they were nowhere to be seen.
It wasn’t until the next day that you saw him again.  He showed up at your apartment a little after midday, knocking on the door like the place was on fire.
“Is your dad here?”  He asked when you opened the door to him.
“No.  He’s gone out for the day.”  You said.
“Can we talk?”
You nodded and led him down to the living room.  He sat down on the sofa chair, perched on the edge and tapping his hands impatiently on his thighs.  “What’s going on?”  You asked as you took a seat.
“I enlisted in the army yesterday.”  He said.
“You what?  Why?”  You said, shocked.  There was so little time before the end of school, and he was smart.  You’d gotten into Barnard and were starting the following year and he’d always had similar marks to you.
He sighed and collapsed back into the couch.  “I kinda thought I might anyway.  I got into college but… I can’t afford it.  If I served then it’s a job, I might even be able to study.”
“There are other ways.  Scholarships.”  You said.  “I have a scholarship.”
“I was looking into it.  It was a long shot.  I always knew that. That’s why I was boxin’.  I was putting my winnings aside.  But, darlin’,”  He rubbed his eyes with the balls of his hands.  “I can’t just sit here and do nothin’ while the world is falling apart.  Steve and I went to enlist after school.”
“Steve enlisted?”  You asked dumbfounded.
“Yeah.  I mean… he tried.  He was 4F.  He was obviously going to be 4F.”
He sat up again and looked at you as you stared at him, not even sure what to say.  You weren’t even sure exactly why he’d come to tell you.  You were friends, but not exactly the closest of friends.  You most just studied with him and Steve once a week and maybe you’d see them on weekends.
“I go on Monday.”  He said.  “They're sending me to Wisconsin.”
“James!”  You gasped.  “Why… why didn’t you wait until school ended?”
“It pretty much has.”  He said with a shrug.
“Oh, James.”  You sighed, patting your chest.  “I don’t… I don’t know why you’d just put yourself in harm's way like this.”
He sat forward and put his hand on your knee.  “Yes, you do.”  He said.
You nodded and frowned a little.  “I guess so.”
He moved beside you and took your hand, playing with your fingers, quietly while you leaned against him.  Neither of you wanted to say it, but you knew you were both thinking about the fact that there was a strong chance he might never come back if they sent him overseas to fight.  “I want you to do some things for me.”  He said, finally breaking the silence.
“What are they?”  You asked.
“Well, first, I don’t want you to let anyone stop you from doing something amazing with your life.  Get your degree and do something with it.  You were right not to ever say yes to me.  Don’t get fooled by smarter boys because they have degrees or fancy cars.”  He said.
You felt tears prick your eyes and you shook your head.  “Don’t talk like this is going to be the last time you see me.”
He chuckled.  “Don’t worry, darlin’.”  He said, putting your hand against his chest.  “I’ll be back.  It’s just training first anyway.  Besides, I told you I was gonna marry you.  You gotta be my rich scientist wife so I can be your pretty toyboy, right?”
You snorted and he wrapped his arm around you.  “In your dreams.”
“That’s right.”  He said.  “I will be dreaming about it.”
A tear escaped and he cupped your jaw and wiped it away with his thumb.  “What else did you want me to do?”
“Keep an eye on Stevie.  Since his ma died he only agreed to live with me and my folks ‘cause I begged him to.  I don’t think he’ll stick around when I’m gone.  He’s mad about being rejected by the army too.  I know what he’s like and he’s gonna start picking fights with everyone.  I know you’re going to be in Manhattan, but I don’t know.  Just check up on him from time to time.  Make sure he doesn’t do anything too dumb.  He doesn’t have anyone else.”  Bucky said.
You nodded.  “I can try.”
“Thanks, doll.”  He said.  “My folks are having a going-away dinner, thing, tomorrow.  Will you come?”
“Sure, Buck.”  You said.
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The following night you had dressed up.  Putting on the nicest dress you owned and spending that little bit longer perfecting your hair and makeup.
The event was a strange and surreal mix of somber and excited.  His dad was extremely proud of his boy and kept going on about how many of this or that person he was gonna end up killing while he ruffled Bucky’s hair and put him in a headlock.  It was a little morbid how he kept going on about it.
His mother, on the other hand, looked like she was attending a funeral.  She kept bursting into tears and needing to be reassured by Bucky that everything was going to be fine.
Despite the fact Bucky had been having dinner at your place every week for a year now, you’d actually never met his parents before.  It was weird doing it under these circumstances.  They both definitely seemed to be under the impression that you were dating or something.  His mother kept telling you, that the two of you would have to look after each other while he was gone and his father had very quickly thrown out that there was a chance you could organize the wedding before he was deployed.   You hadn’t wanted to argue with them.  Not under the circumstances at the very least.  Thankfully Bucky was at least smart enough to look embarrassed when it happened.
His siblings were mostly fine though his youngest sister, Rebecca wouldn’t let go of Bucky’s hand for anything and ended up falling asleep in his lap.  Steve kept to himself most of the night and was a little surly when engaged.
“I just want a chance to do what everyone else gets to.  People are out there risking their lives and I’m stuck here watching.”  Steve scowled as you sat beside him.  “Bucky taught me how to fight.  I know how to fight.”
“I know, Steve.  But it’s better this way.  You don’t actually want to be there.”  You said.
“Don’t tell me what I want!”  Steve shouted.
Everyone turned and looked at him.  He puffed out his chest and stood up storming off to the bedroom he shared with Bucky.  Bucky sighed and went after him.  You sat awkwardly with your drink.  He emerged a little later and smiled at you.  “That kinda put a damper on the whole thing.”  He said.  “It’s late, can I walk you home?”
You nodded and stood up.  “Thank you for having me.”  You said.
“Of course, dear.  It was lovely to finally meet you.”  His mother said getting up and coming over to hug you.
“Don’t smother her, ma.”  Bucky teased.
“You’ll visit while James is away?”  She asked.
“Of course, ma’am.”  You said.
“Good.  That’s good.”  She said.
She followed you both to the door and you waved when you got to the bottom of the steps.  When you were sure she was back inside you elbowed Bucky.  “What have you been telling your family?”
“Just the truth.”  He teased.  “About how you were my future wife.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and you elbowed him again.  “You are incorrigible.”
“Sorry about Steve.”  He said.
You shrugged.  “My fault.  He obviously has strong feelings about going.”
Bucky nodded.  “He doesn’t like bullies.”  He said.  “He’s gonna get in trouble.”
“Can’t be worse than the trouble you’ve gotten yourself into.”  You said.
“No.  You’re probably right about that.”  He said.  “I’ll be okay.”
You reached over and took his hand, linking your fingers with his.  He looked over at you and smiled.  “What’s this?  Pity handhold.”
You shook your head but you wouldn’t look at him.  The truth was, you had started to wonder why you had kept rejecting him.  You weren’t some notch on his belt he was waiting to carve.  You had been important to him.  Why could you only just see that now?
He stopped walking and turned you to face him.  “I will be okay.”
You nodded and his hand went to your chin, tilting your face up to look at him.  “I will.”
“Yeah, you will.”  You said.  More for him than yourself.
“I’ll be back soon enough.  We can explore whatever this is before I ship out if you like.”  He said.
You let out a soft breath.  “This is a momentary lapse of judgment.”
“Oh, I see,”  Bucky said.  “Well, I should take advantage while I can.”
He leaned into you, his lips slightly parted.  You bridged the distance, bringing your lips to his.  He kissed you slowly and tenderly.  There was nothing lewd about it.  He kept his hands on your arms, they didn’t roam or try to take any more from you.  He pulled back slowly and you chased his lips for a moment before opening your eyes, to see his blue ones twinkling down at you.
“We’ll definitely explore that more when I get back.”  He said.
You shook your head.  “I’ll be in my right mind by then.”
He chuckled and put his arm around your waist and continued the short walk to your door.  “Thanks for coming tonight, doll.  I’m glad you were there.”
“Of course, Buck.  Travel safe tomorrow.”   You said.
“It’s not the travel I’m worried about.”  He said and kissed your cheek.  “If you wanted to wait for me, I’d be okay with that.”
You smiled and rubbed his arm.  “Might have to if your ma is going to be planning our wedding.”
He chuckled and you headed inside, a tight feeling in your chest.  You knew he’d be back, but nothing about this felt good to you at all.
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday, chandak562
November 5-I love Victoria Hand/Isabelle Hartley, although I also have an odd fondness to adding Daisy to that pairing. I love hurt/comfort with happy endings and baby fic, for @chandak562
Written by @ozhawkauthor
“And this is why being so in love with knives as weapons is a bad idea.” Victoria placed her hands on her hips and shook her head at her wife. 
“You think now is a great time to lecture me about this?” Isabelle raised brows in return. “While I’m still in a hospital bed, wearing a gown with my ass hanging out?”
“Because you got yourself stabbed. Again.”
Isabelle smiled, leaned down on her left arm to push herself more upright, and immediately thought better of it as the stitches in her side pulled. Victoria’s reproving expression dissolved into concern and she hurried across to put an arm around Isabelle’s back, helping her sit up.
“It’s only a scratch,” Isabelle said, and it really was, though the doctors had to make three layers of stitches in her side, the cut hadn’t penetrated to any organs, only slicing through skin and muscle. “And it wasn’t in a knife fight. The fighting was all over; I was just putting cuffs on when the mad scientist dropped a scalpel out of his sleeve and went for me with it. Didn’t achieve anything other than to dramatically piss me off.”
“Yes.” Victoria gave her a droll look. “The surgeon just finished relocating his dislocated shoulder.”
“I had to make him drop the scalpel.” She could probably have done that without dislocating the joint, but the asshole had pissed her off. Honestly, she hadn’t realized the stab wound in her side was more than a scratch until she changed out of her tactical gear and discovered a river of blood coursing down her stomach. “Any chance of some proper clothes, Vic?”
Victoria sighed, but she also shrugged the large tote bag she’d had slung over her shoulder onto the bed. “Since I know even that charming ass hanging out from under your gown wouldn’t stop you checking yourself out, yes, I brought you something to wear. It’s my spare outfit, though, not one of yours. I didn’t have time to make a stop.”
Which meant it would be an elegant pantsuit with a silk blouse and high heels. Well, Isabelle had come into medical wearing her combat boots, which meant they were still around here somewhere. She could tuck the ankles of the pantsuit into them, even if it would make Victoria wince at her fashion choices.
“Give me a hand?” Isabelle asked hopefully.
“On one condition.” Victoria folded her arms and looked down her long, aristocratically slender nose. “You let me take you straight home and make a fuss of you for at least a week.”
“Two days,” Isabelle countered.
“You’re not that good at this negotiation thing. Can’t imagine why SHIELD lets you be in charge of all these sensitive projects.”
“Because I’m good at setting goals and laying down the law to get my people to hit them. I leave the negotiating to others. Seven days, and that’s my final offer.”
Isabelle didn’t see that she had a lot of choice. She was pretty sure getting dressed without help wasn’t going to be possible without popping a stitch or two, so she nodded. “Alright. Six days.”
“Here, let me get that.” Victoria reached to the back of her neck, pulled the tapes tying the gown shut. “I already placed an order for grocery delivery, and I’ve arranged for my work to be covered for the next few days. I’m going to take you home and wait on you hand and foot.”
“You know I’ll be going stir-crazy by the end of tomorrow, right?” Isabelle grunted as she slipped the blouse on, had to pause and sit still for Victoria to button her up.
“I know, but I’ll still love you anyway.” Victoria brushed a kiss over Isabelle’s dark hair before suddenly throwing her arms around her and hugging on tight - not too tight, mindful of the freshly-stitched wound. “I know I’ll never convince you to come in and take a desk job,” she mumbled into Isabelle’s shoulder, “but since that’s the case, you have to let me fuss when you inevitably get wounded yet again.”
Reaching an arm around her wife’s back, Isabelle nuzzled into the side of Victoria’s neck, breathing in the scent of her perfume. “I promise I don’t get wounded just so you have to fuss,” she murmured, “but truth is, I quite like it when you do.”
“Only because you love it when I can make time to bake!”
“Well, I wasn’t going to mention it, but since you did… can we stop at the grocery store on the way home and pick up the ingredients for lemon cheesecake bars?” Isabelle wheedled.
Victoria laughed a little shakily. “You’re incorrigible. Yes, we can. And we’ll get some wine, too. Lay on the couch and binge-watch Hallmark movies?”
“Sappy movies without unrealistic action scenes to critique, how relaxing that sounds.” Isabelle was genuinely looking forward to it. “Mind you, you had me at ‘wine and lay on the couch’.”
“Come on. Let’s get some shoes on you and get out of here.” Victoria held up the high heels, laughed at Isabelle’s expression and leaned down to pick up her boots from under the bed. “Here you go, darling. But you’re taking that suit to the dry cleaners afterwards!”
“As if I don’t always drop off and pick up your dry cleaning,” Isabelle pointed out, stamping her feet into her boots. Straightening up gingerly, she put a hand to her side, saw the worry on Victoria’s expression and made sure to smile. “Take me home, Vic. I’m done with scalpel-wielding maniacs for the day.”
“Did you mean the doctors, or the Hydra operative?”
Victoria laughed, as Isabelle had meant her to. “You know, if you didn’t get injured so much, you might not have to spend so much time in the medical center.”
“Bite your tongue! You know I’m only here because you refuse to let me sew myself up any more.”
“One round with septicaemia was quite enough, thank you.” Victoria’s tone was tart, but Isabelle had to concede she had a point, not that she would say so aloud. Instead, she reached out to take her wife’s hand, lacing their fingers together and squeezing lightly.
And though she’d really rather not have been stabbed, she really couldn’t bring herself to regret that it had happened. Not when she would get a week of Victoria’s undivided attention, a week to relax and laugh and rediscover their love for each other all over again.
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fardell24b · 3 years
Changes in Time and Space - Twelve and the Stargate - The Doctor vs. the Ori
Part III – The Doctor Vs. The Ori
“Unscheduled off world activation!” Sgt. Harriman called out as the gate activated. “Closing the Iris.” The Iris closed.
“Report,” General Landry said.
“Receiving IDC now, Sir,” Harriman said. “It’s SG1!”
“They’re early, open the Iris,” Landry said.
“Aye, Sir,” Harriman said.
The Iris was opened and Daniel and Lana rushed through the gate.
“Close the Iris!” Daniel called out.
“Close the Iris!” Landry said.
The Iris closed. Several thudding sounds could be heard as Ori foot soldiers met their ends, then the Stargate shut down.
“Dr. Jackson, where is the rest of SG1, and who is this with you?” Landry said.
“They have been captured by Adria!” Daniel said. “This is Lana Halaia, from Ao Plaailla,” he indicated Lana. “We barely managed to escape.”
The Doctor emerged from the TARDIS. “What happened, everyone got captured?” he asked.
“Yes, we all put up a fight, but they were all captured,” Daniel said.
“We were lucky to escape!” Lana said.
“Right, one rescue party coming up!” the Doctor said.
“Doctor, we can’t just charge into the situation without first debriefing Doctor Jackson,” Landry said.
“Good point, but in an hour I will be going to that planet and rescuing the rest of SG1 and my companions.”
“I’ll join you then,” Lana decided. What she had heard about the Doctor from his companions lead her to believe that he was very capable.
Five minutes later, Daniel, Lana, the Doctor and Landry met in the briefing room.
For the first twenty minutes Daniel told the latter two of their mission until they entered Enb, then Lana joined him in the description of the mission.
“And then you were surrounded by the Ori troops?” General Landry asked.
“How did you escape?” General Landry said.
“I’m not sure, it was fairly chaotic,” Dr. Jackson said. He looked at Lana. “Lana managed to grab me while the Priors were otherwise engaged.”
“The team put up a pretty good, fight, General, including that Kiara. She was using some kind of technology that I have never seen,” Lana said.
“I don’t think it was technology,” the Doctor said.
“Then what was it, Doctor?” Lana asked.
“An intrinsic power,” the Doctor said.
“That makes sense,” Daniel said, what with the powers that the Priors displayed he was willing to believe that what he observed Kiara doing was also intrinsic.
“Maybe,” Lana said; she was not sure that biology could explain what she saw Kiara doing, despite the observed capabilities of the Priors and her encounters with the Ancients.
“So, they got captured. Why couldn’t you free them?” Landry asked.
“They were almost immediately beamed to one of the motherships. They had a portable Ring Transporter with them,” Dr. Jackson said.
“As you saw, we were chased to the Gate, and I wasn’t about to lead the Ori forces to a town or village that hadn’t been abandoned,” Lana said.
“So you say,” Landry said, with a slight sarcastic tone.
Lana turned to the Doctor, “could you scare the Ori off from my world?”
“No. All I will be doing is rescuing the rest of SG1 and my companions.”
“Really?” Lana asked dubiously.
“Yes. I have never been to this universe before. Therefore my reputation doesn’t precede me,” the Doctor said. He didn’t want this universe to be too aware of his visit.
“And what sort of reputation do you have in your universe, Doctor?” Landry asked.
“You don’t want to know. I am seen as an incorrigible meddler in some places, and as a false trickster god in others. That is barely scratching the surface.”
Twenty minutes after the briefing ended, the Doctor, Lana, Daniel, General Landry and SG-6 meet in the Gate Room, next to the TARDIS.
“You’re sure you’re taking your ship, Doctor?” Landry asked.
“Yes, Even if it’s captured, neither the Priors nor Adria herself would be able to pilot it.”
“If you say so,” Landry said.
The Doctor opened the TARDIS door. “Let’s go,” he said.
Lana stopped as she entered the TARDIS. “Amazing, it’s actually bigger on the inside,” she said.
The Doctor snorted. “That’s hardly original,” he said.
“I thought it was,” Lana said.
“Actually, you may be the first to say ‘Amazing,’” the Doctor said.
“Good,” Lana said as SG-6 and Daniel Jackson followed her in.
“Here’s our plan, we will wait until the SGC dials P6Y-362, or as the natives call it, Tiloana. Then the TARDIS will follow the wormhole there,” the Doctor said.
“Not all the natives, just those on the main continent,” Lana said.
“Understood,” Colonel Francis Jameson, the commander of SG-6, said.
“Good to know,” Daniel said.
“Chevron Seven, Locked!” The Stargate opened with the usual kawoosh. The TARDIS then dematerialised.
The TARDIS in flight
The console room was shaking. “What’s wrong, Doctor?” Daniel asked.
“The Gate wormhole is interfering with the Vortex. But that can’t be possible!” the Doctor said.
“And yet it’s happening,” Captain Marcia Bates, SG-6’s scientist, said.
‘That’s impossible,’ the Doctor thought. “Right, unless you can use the gate to time travel...”
“Actually, it can,” Daniel said.
“Oh those arrogant Alterans!”
“Arrogant?” Daniel asked.
“That they would create a portal network that could go to any time period in it’s existence that could be used by anyone!” the Doctor said.
“But it’s not a normal function of the gate. It occurred as the result of the wormhole interacting with stellar flares,” Daniel said.
“Not that arrogant then, but their tech isn’t making it easy for Gallifreyian technology to track it. We’re still in the Solar System. At this rate we’ll reach Tiloana in just over three years.”
“Doctor, a Stargate wormhole can only stay open for a maximum time of 38 minutes!” Daniel said.
“That is a limitation. But we’d experience those 3 years within the 38 minutes that the wormhole would remain open. Remember that the TARDIS can travel in time, Doctor Jackson.”
“There has to be an alternative, Doctor! We can’t spend three years travelling in here. We’d go mad,” Jameson said.
“That’s where you’re wrong. There is more to the TARDIS than just this room. It’s so vast that it would take more than the 1100 days the journey would take to explore it all,” the Doctor said. He walked to Helena Lawson, SG-6’s archaeologist. “Imagine a library so vast it would take decades to read all the books. The TARDIS has it. However, it isn’t a given that it would take three years. I may figure out a way to clearly scan through the interference and make the journey go faster.”
He flicked a switch on the console. “There: I have established a spiralling Temporal Orbit around the wormhole, staying well within the 38 minute window.”
“What about food?” Marcia asked.
“The TARDIS can generate food indefinitely. There are gardens scattered throughout the ship,” the Doctor said.
“You heard him. We’ll start exploring the surrounds of the console room, now,” Jameson said.
“Yes, sir!” Marcia said.
As Jameson left the console room his team followed him. The Doctor got to work to try to scan through the interference given off by the Stargate.
“How does it work?” Lana asked. “That it is larger on the inside?”
The Doctor gave an exhasperated sigh. “It would be beyond your comprehension. You have to be a Time Lord to understand it all.”
“I doubt that,” Lana said.
“Much more advanced than the Ancients, Lana,” Daniel said.
“I can understand how the Stargate works, I should understand how the TARDIS works too.”
“Very logical,” the Doctor said. “But, the Stargate is a very simple system compared to the TARDIS!”
“You're not going to give the information at all, are you?” Lana asked in a disappointed tone.
Lana sighed. 'There has to be a manual to this TARDIS somewhere aboard it,' she thought, as she left the console room. 'Maybe that library the Doctor mentioned.' She walked down the corridor...
After Lana left, the Doctor focused on the problem at hand. Why was it that the Stargate wormhole was interfering with the TARDIS's ability to track it? 'It's not like ancient Time Lord explorers had encountered the Alterans'.
Lana quickly found the library. She wondered why the TARDIS was so large inside. She saw that Marcia had got there first.
“Oh, Lana,” she said.
“Marcia. Found anything yet?”
“Not yet. The Doctor has a huge collection. A lot of it may not be from his version of Earth.”
Lana thought for a moment. “I suppose so, but it may be organised by planet of origin.”
“How do you organise information in your records halls?”
“By subject, not by village, or world of origin. But then, no Records Hall is as large as this.”
“I don't think any library on Earth is as big as this is either,” Marcia said.
“So, where do we start?”
“No idea.”
Daniel had remained in the console room. He looked at the console screen and saw a representation of the Stargate wormhole, but he didn't recognised much else. What writing there was seemed to be composed of circles. “Interesting writing system,” he commented.
“Circular Gallifreyian. The writing system of the Time Lords,” the Doctor responded.
“An interesting way of showing information.”
“But difficult for others to learn.”
“But not impossible,” Daniel said.
“Of course not.”
“Then you can teach me?”
“I can, but I'll be spending my time trying to shorten our trip.”
Daniel was disappointed. “I see. But you wouldn't be doing that all the time?”
The Doctor thought for a moment. “That's true.” He paused then said. “But not right now.”
“Of course not right now,” Daniel said. “But sometime soon?”
Jamieson and his team entered one of the many lounges. “How big do you think this ship is?”
“I have no idea,” Helena said.
“It's certainly bigger than the Prometheus,” Captain Peter Jahns answered.
“That's true,” Helena said. “But we could ask the Doctor.”
“No,” Jamieson said.
“Why not?”
“We can find out ourselves.”
“Certainly, but it would be better to ask him,” Helena argued.
“Yes, sir,” Helena said reluctantly.
It was quite later when Daniel entered the TARDIS kitchen. 'Surly a vessel this size would have a larger kitchen,' he mused. He saw that Helena and the Doctor were there already. “Hey, Daniel,” Helena said.
“Hi,” Daniel said.
Day 42
Daniel entered the TARDIS library. “Helena?” he called out.
Helena emerged from a nearby aisle. “Daniel?”
“The Doctor wants everyone in the Console room. He says it’s important.”
“I hope it’s a way to get to Tiloana quicker. As much as the TARDIS and this library are amazing, I don’t want to spend nearly three years here.”
“Same here,” Daniel said. They left the library.
“Amazing that our Earth and the Earth in his universe are so similar...”
The Doctor was waiting in the console room when Daniel, Lana and SG-6 entered the console room.
“What is this about? You have found a quicker way?” Jameson asked.
“Yes. I have found a way to take the TARDIS through the Stargate,” the Doctor said.
“That’s good, but we would have to return to Earth first, right?” Marcia asked.
“That’s true. It will take a month, or a few days less, to get back there. I’m just about to reverse course,” the Doctor said.
“But wouldn’t we crash into our previous selves?” Helena asked.
“I have taken that into consideration,” the Doctor said as he manipulated the console. The TARDIS lurched, sending the humans to the floor. “There, we’re on our way back to Earth.
“Great!” Daniel said as he pushed Lana off him. She flinched and shoved his hands away.
“I can get up myself, Daniel!”
‘They seem to be getting closer…’ Marcia thought.
With the TARDIS course changed, the Doctor soon shooed most of his (for now) companions out of the console room. He then continued to review the mission reports that he had purloined from the SGC computer system.
Marcia then went back to the Library. The history of Earth in the Doctor's universe seemed to be identical to hers until 2006, when an alien ship had crashed into the Elizabeth Tower at Westminster. (Of course, it was also referred to as a hoax, but she didn't believe that it was for a second. She was sure that the Doctor was involved somehow.) She entered the library and stopped.
The library was much like the corridors of the TARDIS outside, the shelves often moved between visits. This was just such a time. “You're making it difficult, aren't you?” she asked the ship, not for the first time. Again, there was no answer. 'Of course not!'
Daniel re entered the console room. “Doctor?”
“What is it?”
“We need to talk.”
“What about?”
“We haven't really planned for when we arrive on Tiloana,” Daniel said.
The Doctor sighed. “I usually work it out once I get there.”
“Yes. I find it easier to plan once I know the situation on the ground. When I'm experiencing the situation for myself.”
“Understandable, but one thing I have learned over the years, since the beginning of the Stargate Program is that it's best to have an initial plan, even if it changes once we're off world.”
The Doctor nodded. “Then my plan is to see what the situation is before I react.”
Daniel sighed. “Even when I worked as an archaeologist, I had to plan ahead, in case there were difficulties with the local authorities.”
“Of course,” the Doctor considered. “Even so, I need to situation on the ground.”
Daniel thought for a moment. “But Lana and I already know the situation on the ground.”
“That may be true,” the Doctor considered.
“So, we can plan.”
“Yes, we can plan,” the Doctor conceded.
“Then I'll find Lana,” Daniel said. He then left the Console Room.
Lana was in the Library. She still couldn't make sense of how the Doctor had organised it. Or maybe it was the TARDIS itself, she wasn't sure. She looked at the shelf where books on Gallifrey were filed next to those from several other planets. “It would take too long to reorganise it,” she said, likely to the TARDIS. 'What are these about again?' She had another look, and saw that one of the books was about one of Gallifrey's cities “Arcadia, the Second City of Gallifrey.”
She looked at another one, but then she heard someone enter the library. It was Daniel! “Daniel?” she asked as she went towards him.
She listened as the Daniel told her about the conversation he had with the Doctor in the Console Room.
“Well, we can come back the way we came after we arrive.”
“That's obvious.”
The Doctor was still going over mission reports when Daniel and Lana returned to the Console Room. He sighed. “I don't suppose you have a map of the area on you?”
“I don't. But I know you copied files from the SGC computers,” Daniel answered.
“I suppose I can bring up the original report.”
A few moments later, the Doctor had brought up the report. “There we are.”
“Good,” Lana said.
They spent a while going over the maps.
Day 43
The Doctor looked over the maps again. The Priors could be anywhere. 'There would be guards at the 'Gate, but that would be a given,' he thought. Maybe Daniel would help again. He decided to go find Daniel.
Daniel was in the kitchen.
Day 65
The humans entered the Console Room as the TARDIS approached Earth.
“So what are we attempting again?” Jameson asked.
“We are going to materialise in the Gateroom and then go through the Stargate. We will then land somewhere safe on Tiloana,” the Doctor said.
“Sounds good,” Lana said.
“Everyone ready!” Jameson said. His team, Daniel and Lana each grabbed a hold of part of the console.
“Ready!” Lana said.
“Here we go,” the Doctor said. Everyone braced themselves.
32 minutes after the Stargate was activated the TARDIS rematerialised and then took off and approached the Stargate.
“What?” Landry asked.
“Redirecting Artron Energy to the outer shell... now!” The Doctor than directed the TARDIS into the Stargate. “It’s going to get really bumpy!”
The TARDIS entered the Stargate, pushing the event horizon inwards, and then causing a reverberation, when it had entered. Then massive sparking, and electrical discharges occurred.
“Massive amounts of power...” Harriman said.
“Keep it open!” Landry ordered.
“The power grid can’t handle this much longer, the breakers are about to trip!”
“Understood,” Landry said.
The TARDIS barrelled through the wormhole, keeping it wide enough to allow the police box shell through intact was a massive strain...
“This is taking a while!” Daniel said.
“How much longer?” Lana asked.
“A few more seconds!” the Doctor said, as he struggled with the console.
“Good,” Lana said.
The guards that the Priors had set to watch the Gate were confused. It had been open for over 30 minutes and yet nothing had come through. Suddenly the event horizon rippled in a weird manner and the TARDIS emerged from the Gate at great speed. They fired at the large blue projectile as the gate shut down, but their shots splashed harmlessly against the Extrapolator shield. The TARDIS continued on its way.
The TARDIS crash landed 10 kilometres from the gate.
The Doctor pulled Lana and Helena from the TARDIS which lay with the doors upwards. They then joined the others. “Right, you have any idea where Adria would have taken them?” the Doctor asked.
“They could be anywhere on this world, it’s been almost three hours, right?” Daniel asked.
“Yes,” the Doctor said.
“We better get moving. Can you get to where they were captured from here, Doctor Jackson?” Jameson asked.
“I think so,” Daniel said.
“Follow us,” Lana said.
After they helped the Doctor to set the TARDIS upright, they set off, despite the fact that the sun was setting.
* * *
Four hours later, they came to the site of the ambush. They could see no evidence of where the Priors may have taken the others.
“Well this has been a waste of time,” Daniel said.
“Not necessarily, they may be held back in N’b,” Lana said.
“That may be a wild goose chase,” Daniel said.
“Still worth a try!” Lana said.
“We can decide when the sun comes up. This is as good a spot to camp as any,” Jameson said.
“I agree,” the Doctor said.
12 Kalodar, 1027th year of Liberation (Ao Pliaalealan Calendar)
The Doctor and his group of temporary companions broke camp after a small breakfast.
“The village is less than an hour away,” Daniel said.
“Understood,” Jameson said.
The village was totally deserted. They had searched through and didn’t find any evidence that Adria or the Priors had been there.
They then headed in the direction of the TARDIS.
When they entered the TARDIS, the Doctor went to the console. “Ok, scanning for the Ori mothership.”
“Good,” Lana said.
“It took off six hours ago and headed into Hyperspace, towards the centre of the Galaxy,” the Doctor said.
“We’re too late then!” Jameson said.
“We’re never too late! I can still put the TARDIS aboard,” the Doctor said.
“Even whilst it’s travelling in Hyperspace?” Marcia asked.
“Oh, yes. Watch,” the Doctor said. He started to input coordinates into the console.
“This won’t take weeks too, will it?” Helena asked.
“No, ten minutes at most,” the Doctor said.
“That’s good,” Helena said.
“I agree,” Daniel said to Helena.
Ori Crusade Vessel Glorious Retribution
Adria knew something was amiss. “Scan the ship,” she said.
“Yes, Orici,” the Prior said. He repeated the order. One of his underlings then performed the scan.
The report soon came back. “There was a disturbance on deck 5. Getting a visual now.” An image of the TARDIS came up on the screen. The doors opened and Daniel Jackson lead a group of people out.
“Capture them!” She called out. “And that capsule that they have arrived in.”
“Yes, Orici.”
The Doctor locked the TARDIS and whipped out his sonic screwdriver. “I’m sure we have been detected. Security is on its way here,” he said.
“I know where the holding cells are, follow me,” Daniel said.
“Yes, Dr. Jackson,” Jameson said.
The team was halfway to the holding cells when they encountered resistance. They ducked into an adjoining corridor. “There has to be another way to get there,” the Doctor said. He used the sonic screwdriver to access a nearby computer panel.
“Orici, the intruders are accessing the computers. They’re bypassing the firewalls!” one of the bridge crew said.
“Deck 7, section 32.”
Adria stood up. “I’m going down there.”
“Yes, Orici.”
“Ok, there is an alternate route,” the Doctor said.
“Good,” Daniel said.
“Follow me,” the Doctor said. They quickly ran off as the security patrol arrived.
Before they reached the gangway the Doctor stopped. “Marcia, take Helena and Alyssa and go the alternative way. It is quite likely that Adria would focus on us,” he said.
Bates looked to Jameson. He nodded. She then signalled the other two members of the team and headed to the alternative route.
As they came down a gangway to Deck 8, Adria stepped into view. “Adria!” Daniel called out.
“I knew it was you, Doctor Jackson.”
“Let us go!” Lana called out. She stepped forwards, quarterstaff raised. Suddenly she rose up into the air.
“You impertinent child, your world will bow to Origin!”
“So, there are still forces of yours there. But we’re very resourceful!”
“Yes, I have seen. 10% of your nation’s settlements have been abandoned. However that strategy will not work forever. We’ll take your entire planet.”
“You won’t!”
“Yes, we will. We’ll also find your offworld colonies.”
“You will not! We’ll go from world to world...” Lana trailed off as Adria increased pressure around her neck.
“Let her go, Adria!” Daniel said.
“I will!” Adria said. Lana fell with the Doctor catching her.
“Out of our way!” Jameson said as he pointed his P-90 at Adria.
“That’s not going to work,” the Doctor said. Adria glared at Jameson ‘pushing’ him up the gangway with great force.
“That won’t work with me. Let us rescue SG-1, or face my wrath!” the Doctor said.
“Ah-yes, you’re the visitor from another universe. My soldiers are attempting to gain entry to your interesting vessel as we speak.”
“What do you know about it?” the Doctor asked.
“Let’s see. I know that the exterior is some kind of illusion. It’s also obvious that the interior is larger than the size of that exterior would suggest...”
‘She definitely knows too much,’ Daniel thought.
“You won’t gain access to it!” the Doctor said.
“Oh we will. I can guarantee it,” Adria said.
“Free SG1, or I’ll send this ship on a long journey back to your home galaxy,” the Doctor said.
“I’m sure that you could,” Adria said.
“Free SG1!” the Doctor deadpanned.
“No!” Adria said. She ‘pushed’ the Doctor as she did with Lana and Jameson. However, the Doctor didn’t move very far.
“Not a good idea, using telekinesis on a person such as myself!” the Doctor said.
“Yes, I see that you have similar powers,” Adria said.
“Yes,” the Doctor said.
Whilst the Doctor was confronting Adria, Bates, Lawson and Wells approached the holding cells. There were hardly any guards, they were distracted by the confrontation.
Wells rolled a Goa’uld stun grenade into the holding cell area. When the weapon had taken effect they went into the area. “About time,” Cameron said.
“Took a while for Doctor Jackson and Lana to get back to the SGC, and even longer for us to realize that you were aboard this ship,” Marcia said.
“I see, let us out of here!” Felicia said.
“Getting to it!” Lawson said. After a few seconds the forcefield went down.
“Adria probably already knows, let’s go,” Marcia said.
“Right behind you,” Carter said.
Adria became aware that SG1 and the companions were freed. “They have been freed. They won’t remain so for long!”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” the Doctor said.
“I don’t think so,” Adria said, she was struggling to hold the Doctor in place.
“Give up!”
SG-6, SG-1 and the companions approached the TARDIS. It was surrounded. “There goes that plan,” Vala said.
“No, we have more stun grenades,” Wells said. She rolled another of the stun grenades. It had same effect as the other one. They then walked up to the TARDIS. Lawson unlocked the TARDIS.
“What now?” Felicia asked as she locked the TARDIS door.
“We’ll wait for the Doctor,” Marcia said.
“That could take a while,” Kiara said.
“It could...”
“Orici,” a soldier said.
“What?” Adria asked, her eyes still on the Doctor.
“The guards around the strange box have been neutralized!”
“Send more guards,” she said.
The Doctor smiled and held up his sonic screwdriver. “Around me!” he said. Lana, Daniel and Francis crowded around him. He activated the sonic screwdriver. The sound of the TARDIS engines could then be heard. “No!” Adria called out. She dashed into the space next to the Doctor and the others...
The TARDIS engines started. “He’s calling the ship to him! That’s cool,” Cameron said.
“He does it a lot,” Tamsin said.
“OK,” Sam said.
Then the Doctor and the others, including Adria, started to appear next to the console…
“Uh-oh!” Cameron said.
The TARDIS then landed, bringing the Doctor, Lana, Daniel, Jameson and Adria fully into the console room.
Adria wasn’t shocked by the size of the console room. “You just made a mistake, Doctor. I’ll be able to figure out how this ship of yours works, and then I’ll spread Origin through time itself!”
“I don’t doubt that,” the Doctor began.
“Then you’ve lost!” Adria interrupted.
“To figure it out, you will have to stay in the TARDIS long enough to do so,” the Doctor said.
“You can’t force me to leave, Doctor!”
“I can,” the Doctor said. He clicked his fingers, and the doors opened. “Kiara.”
Kiara looked at Adria. Suddenly a gust came up in the console room and started blowing against Adria. “You have to do better than that!” Adria said.
“Chill,” Kiara said.
Adria started freezing, but with a sudden burst of heat, she overcame Kiara’s chill effect. “Nice try, but you have to do better!”
“Leave this TARDIS!” Cameron said.
“I will, once I know enough to build one for the Ori,” Adria said.
Cameron signalled and both SG teams rushed at Adria. Adria easily pushed them all to the side of the console room. “It’s not working,” Felicia said.
“Hold on!” the Doctor said. He pulled a series of levers on the console. The TARDIS took off in normal space, moving sideways through the corridor. Adria fell over towards the doors, but she stayed in the TARDIS.
“There has to be something in the TARDIS that can help against her,” Felicia said.
“Many things, but there may not be enough time to find any of the items in time,” the Doctor said.
“We could look for them,” Helena said.
“We investigated a lot of the ship during those weeks,” Daniel said.
“Go, quickly!” the Doctor said. As they left the console room, he spun the TARDIS around, and slammed it into a wall...
Adria fell towards the door, but she remained in the TARDIS. She stared at the Doctor. “I can keep this up all day, Doctor. Can you?”
Helena and Daniel quickly found the library. “That was quick,” Helena said.
“The TARDIS is probably helping us,” Daniel said.
They quickly found the Doctor’s (incomplete) inventory of artifacts. “This will take a while,” Daniel said as he got the rather large tome off the shelf.
“Let’s get started.”
Back in the console room, Adria was still stubbornly remaining in the TARDIS. Kiara had tried encasing her in ice, but that didn’t work.
The battle continued...
About ten minutes later, Daniel found something of use in the Doctor’s artefact inventory...
“Here it is. ‘A device to neutralise telekinetic activity: it plugs into the console for specific control,’” Daniel said.
“That would certainly be useful,” Helena said.
“Certainly,” Daniel said.
“Does it say where it is?” Helena asked.
“Rather cryptically; ‘Go to the far side of the library, then turn to the left. Go up three levels and solve the riddle. Go through and walk for a minute. Open the cupboard and climb up ten shelves on the right side half way in. It’s near the back.’”
“That is cryptic.”
“I’ll write it down.”
After Daniel had written the directions down, he and Helena headed deeper into the library…
Adria continued to try to pry the TARDIS’s secrets. However, the Doctor, and the TARDIS herself continued to rebuff her efforts.
‘Now, the scanner has to be connected to the main systems...
’It took six minutes for Daniel and Helena to cross the library. It took them another half a minute to find the stairs. Once at the third level they found a door with a jumbled up picture on it. “That’s the riddle? This is going to take forever!” Helena complained.
“We have to do it,” Daniel said.
“I know,” Helena said.
“I think we have to reconstruct the picture.”
“I concur.” They started their attempt to solve the riddle by sliding the pieces of the picture around.
Back in the console room the companions and SGC personnel were attempting to shove Adria out of the TARDIS doors, with the assistance of the Doctor and Kiara’s telekinetic powers. “This isn’t working! We need another plan,” Cameron said.
“Indeed,” Teal’c remarked. “But there isn’t much other choice.”
“We just need to give Daniel and Helena time to retrieve one of those devices,” the Doctor said.
“They won’t succeed! I have already gained some information,” Adria said.
“But not much,” the Doctor responded.
“I know the fate of your civilisation,” Adria taunted.
“Then be thankful that you won’t have to face anything like that!” the Doctor returned.
“The Ori have no reason to fear the Daleks!” Adria shot back.
“Not just the Daleks,” the Doctor said darkly. “But the things that the War brought forth,” the Doctor said. He thought of the Nightmare King with a shudder, Adria just stared at him.
Helena and Daniel solved the door riddle after six minutes. The door opened revealing a dark corridor. “Walk for a minute, that doesn’t make sense,” Helena said.
“I guess we have to walk along the corridor for a minute.”
“Only one way to find out.”
They started walking.
A minute after they started walking, the cupboard appeared right in front of them. “Climb up ten shelves on the right side halfway, it’s near the back,” Daniel read.
“Right, I’ll climb up,” Helena said. She then climbed up the ladder that was at the position.
Helena climbed down with a small device in her hand. “That’s it? It looks small,” Daniel stated.
“It was the only thing in the position described,” Helena said.
“Right,” Daniel said. They turned to go out of the cupboard and found that it now led back to the stairs rather than the corridor. “That’s convenient,” Daniel remarked.
Back at the console room, most of the people, except the Doctor and Teal’c were tiring. Adria was glaring at the Doctor over the console as Teal’c spared against her.
It took another five minutes for Daniel and Helena to recross the library, and three more for them to return to the console room. “Doctor!” Helena called.
The Doctor left the console where Teal’c and Kiara were sparing with Adria and ran to the door. “You have it?” he asked quickly.
“Yes,” Helena placed the device in the Doctor’s hand.
“Thanks,” the Doctor dashed back to the console whilst Adria was still distracted by the Jaffa and the Tyrian.
However, Adria knew something was up. “You can’t stop me with a device!” she said as the Doctor inserted it into a port in the console.
“Yes. I can,” he said. He started manipulating the console. When he finished, he stared at Adria in the eyes. “Leave. My. TARDIS!” He pressed a final button, and Adria flew out of the TARDIS. He then closed the doors with a click of his fingers.
“That was close!” Tamsin said.
“What now?” Cameron asked, panting.
“Now, we go back to Tiloana. And then through the Stargate,” the Doctor said as he laid in a course back to that planet.
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mindfulwrath · 7 years
The Door Ajar - Chapter 1: Introductions
I’ve never written any fic with OCs and I’ve been feeling like a damn coward because of it, so here it is, my very first OC and/or lodgersona fic.
The general conceit is that Frankenstein and the Creature never turned up during Hyde’s night out, so Moreau never turned up and the Society remained intact (for the moment).
Fandom: The Glass Scientists Words: 3,548 Warnings: None yet
Dr. Leslie Fletcher was a handsome, well-dressed man, with a boyish face and a lanky figure. His suit was tailored, and his hair, while longer than was fashionable, was glossy and neat. He wore no beard or mustache and carried a slender black cane, which he did not lean on when he walked. He had a firm handshake and made uncomfortable amounts of eye-contact.
"Dr. Jekyll," he said. He had a pleasant tenor voice. "Thank you again for agreeing to meet with me."
"Thank you for contacting me!" Jekyll returned. "I must say, your offer of sponsorship was, while unexpected, certainly not unwelcome."
"Yes, alas, science is a pauper's profession with a princely price tag," Dr. Fletcher said.
"Ah, how true," Jekyll lamented, shaking his head. "Please, have a seat."
"Thank you," Dr. Fletcher said, settling into the indicated chair.
"Could I get you a drink?"
"I'm afraid I shall have to decline," Dr. Fletcher said. "Anything stronger than Earl Gray plays havoc with my sleep."
"Even coffee? How unfortunate," said Jekyll. He sat himself down and glanced cursorily at Dr. Fletcher's letter, although he'd read it eight times through by then. "I find that so long as I keep the coffee to the morning and the wine to the evening, I manage."
Dr. Fletcher offered a polite laugh, which Jekyll echoed.
"I do envy you that," Dr. Fletcher sighed. "A cup of coffee in the morning will have me up 'til dawn and a glass of wine in the evening will keep me in bed past noon."
"I'm sincerely impressed with your ability to attain a doctorate without the use of coffee," Jekyll said. "I practically lived off the stuff my last year."
"Oh, as did I," Fletcher assured him. "I simply forewent sleep eight nights out of seven."
Jekyll laughed. "I wish I could say I don't miss those days, but at times I do."
"They had their benefits," said Fletcher. "Out of curiosity, where did you attend?"
"Cambridge," said Jekyll. "And yourself?"
"Ah, I was an Oxford boy," he said. "With a brief stint in Italy."
"What did you study? I was ostensibly in chemistry."
"I was a scholar of religion," Fletcher said, then added playfully, "perhaps the with same ostensibly as yourself."
"Religion? Fascinating," said Jekyll, raising his eyebrows. "You mentioned in your letter that you were interested in becoming a member, as well as a sponsor."
"So I am," said Fletcher.
He did not elaborate, and Jekyll's conversational footing slipped, like Fletcher had been building a staircase for him and suddenly omitted a step.
"And what is it, precisely, that you do?" Jekyll asked. He could have kicked himself. "Not to discount you, of course, I realize that came out a tad more condescending than I had intended."
"Not a worry," said Fletcher. "I was, admittedly, purposefully vague."
"I had wondered," Jekyll said, scrunching up one eye halfway to a wink.
"Mainly, I dabble," Fletcher said. "A dash of astronomy, a touch of botany, a pinch of chemistry. Religion carried me a certain distance in the beginning, but I found it . . . lacking, in some points."
Jekyll watched him for a moment, searching his face.
"Lacking in which points, precisely?" he asked.
"A person might get the sense that you're accusing me of something," said Fletcher, laughing. "I'm no mad galvanist, more's the pity. Have you seen the play next door?"
"I have," Jekyll said. He winced. "It was . . . interesting."
"In a word," said Fletcher, his eyes alight with amusement. "I could certainly think of a few other choice words to describe it."
"And how would you describe your profession?" Jekyll asked. "In a word."
Fletcher considered the ceiling. The light caught his eyes, turning them to topazes. He bit his lip and arched a brow.
"Extraplanar explorer," he said, turning his gaze back to Jekyll. His mouth pinched with amusement. "Although I recognize that's two words."
"And, again indulge me, but what does that have to do with religion?"
Fletcher sat forward, holding Jekyll's gaze.
"Dr. Jekyll," he said, his voice low and intense. "Are you a religious man?"
"I . . . would say so," said Jekyll, apprehensive.
The corner of Fletcher's mouth twitched, a smile instantly fought down.
"Do you believe in angels?" he asked.
"Yes," Jekyll said carefully, narrowing his eyes. He was too curious about where this was going to play hard-to-get.
"You must, then, believe in demons, as well," said Fletcher.
"The Good Book says that they exist, so yes."
"I don't," said Fletcher.
"You don't?" said Jekyll shocked.
"No," said Fletcher, "I don't. There are creatures that have been described as demons, and as angels, but they are all simply more monsters. God is a monster."
This blasphemy was proclaimed with such frank sincerity that, again, it threw Jekyll off.
"I cannot imagine why you might have difficulty in polite society," he said, before he could stop himself. Fletcher laughed.
"Yes, that one would certainly earn me a few thrown stones," he said. "I don't mean it in an . . . accusatory way. God is a monster, much as that little church-grim I passed on the way in is a monster. What I think, Dr. Jekyll, is that the monsters we see in our world are but . . . shadows. Mice and cockroaches that have wriggled in through the crack under the door."
"And angels, demons, and God are behind the door?"
"They're what we see when we peek through the keyhole," Fletcher allowed. "Ezekiel describes the ophanim as wheels with rims full of eyes round about, wreathed in flame. Does that not sound monstrous to you? God is so terrible to behold that to look upon Him is to die! There is, I believe, a world outside of ours, surrounding it on all sides but invisible and walled off. I am simply trying to find the door."
"Are you trying to open it?" Jekyll asked, excited despite himself. Dr. Fletcher could certainly paint a tempting picture.
Fletcher smiled. He had not blinked in quite some time, and did not do so now.
"I suppose I shall make that decision when I find it," he said.
Clearing his throat, Jekyll wrestled his enthusiasm under control.
"What I am asking," he said, "is if you intend to summon demonic forces into my Society."
"No no," said Fletcher. "Under it."
"Oh, under it, of course," Jekyll said, rubbing his eyebrow.
"The esteemed Mr. Mosley lodges here, does he not?" said Fletcher. "I'm certain I could make use of some of his shallower excavations."
Jekyll looked up at him sharply. "You seem to have done your research," he said.
"Of course," said Fletcher, smiling pleasantly. "A scientist never enters into anything without doing the proper research. I trust you've done your research on me, hahah."
"Some," Jekyll said. "Only . . . shallow excavations, shall we say. Admittedly, even the topsoil is saturated with unpleasantness."
"Only the topsoil," Fletcher said. "I understand your misgivings, I really do. It may please you to know, I've developed a stringent containment protocol that has yet to fail me."
"Safety is . . . a primary concern, yes," said Jekyll. "But why us? Why here? It doesn't seem like what you're doing is, if you'll forgive my bluntness, particularly scientific."
"Anything is science if you apply the proper methodology," said Fletcher. "As to the why's: what I intend to do is never going to be completely safe, and is on the verge of becoming extremely dangerous. There's no safe place for it. Your Society is, however, the safest place I can think of to do it."
Jekyll didn't answer right away, drumming his fingers on his desk.
"I'm also very rich," Fletcher added.
"So I've heard," Jekyll sighed. "Would you like a tour, or would you prefer to find your own way?"
Fletcher grinned, preening. "I think a tour would be lovely!" he said.
"I will warn you, the lodgers are incorrigible gossips," Jekyll said. "There's doubtless a contingent of them with their ears pressed to my door, even now."
"Ah!" said Fletcher. "That would explain the whispering."
For a moment, there was silence.
"What—what whispering?" Jekyll said, the back of his neck prickling.
"I have excellent hearing," Fletcher said with a wink. He got to his feet, and Jekyll, for politeness's sake, was forced to rise as well. "I should mention, I don't intend to lodge here. I have my own place in Whitechapel."
"I have no doubt it's infinitely more comfortable than anything we could provide you with," Jekyll demurred.
"Not at all," Fletcher said brightly. "It is, in a word, austere. Still, it's home, and I should hate to have to let the servants go."
"I see," said Jekyll. "Well, should you ever change your mind or simply require a nearer bed, there will always be room for you here."
"It's much appreciated."
Jekyll went to the door and opened it. He caught the tail end of Archer's coat vanishing round the banister at the bottom of the stairs, and could smell the distinctive gunpowder perfume of either Luckett or Sinnett. Miss Flowers, Miss Lavender, and Mrs. Cantilupe were all conspicuously nearby and all wore varying attempts at innocent faces.
"Perhaps some introductions, to start off with?" Jekyll said, raising his voice just slightly more than was necessary. Flowers, Lavender, and Cantilupe all looked up, cranking the intensity on their innocent-faces.
"Capital idea!" said Fletcher, following Jekyll down the stairs. His cane tapped on the marble, slightly out of sync with his footsteps.
Jekyll introduced him to the three women, and he kissed their hands with perfect grace and sincerity. Jekyll paid closer attention after the first one, memorizing the details of the motion—the half-bow, the softness of his hand, the nigh-flirtatious eye-contact after the fact, the slightest brush of lips against knuckles, as though he had intended to place the kiss on air and just missed it. The performance left Flowers blushing and smiling, Lavender rolling her eyes, and Mrs. Cantilupe properly charmed.
It left Jekyll burning with jealousy.
Is it that you know you'll never be that good, or just that you want your hand kissed? Hyde chortled. Jekyll clenched his teeth.
Fletcher's eyes flicked to him, just for a moment, and his ear wiggled. Jekyll nearly crawled out of his skin.
"Henry, I do believe this is the first gentleman you've managed to drag in," Cantilupe declared.
"I mainly dragged myself in," Fletcher said, turning his attention back to the ladies. "Much to poor Dr. Jekyll's consternation, hahah."
"Certainly not," said Jekyll, although his charm was sitting slightly askew. "I'm simply unused to being—solicited, is all."
"He pulled most of us in off the street," Lavender said. "Generally out of the path of screaming mobs."
"Good heavens," said Fletcher. "It seems to have been tremendously good fortune for everyone involved!"
"Oh, yes," said Flowers. "That's part of why we're all working so hard for the exhibition."
"I wouldn't say that," said Lavender, side-eyeing her.
"It's part of why I am!" said Flowers. "The fate of the Society hinges on it!"
"You're always so dramatic, Camilla," Lavender sighed. "The exhibition isn't make-or-break, it's simply an opportunity for improvement."
"That's what you think," Flowers said. "But you know how things go wrong. Next thing you know, all of London will be up in flames!"
"It will not!" Luckett shouted, from somewhere near the stairs.
"I imagine it would be difficult to get all of London up in flames," Fletcher said kindly. Flowers shrank into herself and dropped her gaze. "Though certainly not impossible!"
"Are you going to be presenting at the exhibition, Dr. Fletcher?" Cantilupe asked.
"Me? Goodness, no," Fletcher said, laughing. "I doubt that would go over well. No, my contributions to the exhibition will be purely fiscal, and I think that's for the best."
"Surely not," said Lavender. "We'd love to see some of your work, if you'd be willing to show it."
Luckett and Archer both materialized at either side of the conversation, a pincer-formation of gossips.
"Certainly would," said Archer. He stuck out a hand. "Flynn Archer, pleasure to meet you."
"Leslie Fletcher," said Fletcher, shaking his hand and grinning. "Fletcher and Archer, what a pair we make!"
Archer laughed. "What a pair, indeed!"
"And this is Mr. Luckett," Jekyll said, presenting him. Fletcher shook his hand, too. The elbow of Luckett's sleeve was currently smoldering.
"A pleasure," said Fletcher. "Perhaps I'll run into all of you again later on the tour, and you can demonstrate some of your work for me. I'd love to see it, up close and in person."
"Ah, not everything ought to be seen up close," said Luckett, making a face.
"At a reasonable distance, then," Fletcher said with a wink.
A few more politenesses were exchanged before Jekyll managed to extract Fletcher from the conversation, which he had to do as quickly as possible because more lodgers were converging on the knot. He took him around the back way of the Society, which was generally less populous in the daytime, and where the lodgers would have to spend a few minutes inventing a reason to turn up.
"Most of the interesting things are upstairs, of course," Jekyll said. "The downstairs is primarily for showing off, in the case of the atrium, and for mundanities, in the case of the kitchen."
He gestured to the large oak door as they came to it. Thankfully, it was closed, although the smell of baking bread filled the corridor.
"Do you employ a cooking staff?" Fletcher asked, strolling past the door with Jekyll.
"In a manner of speaking," said Jekyll. "The staff currently consists of—"
"One moment," Fletcher said, stopping on a dime and leaning back on one leg, swinging his cane jauntily for balance. "I distinctly heard the phrase murdered his whole family. Excuse me."
Before Jekyll could catch him, he had doubled back through the door to the kitchen, and Jekyll was forced to scurry after him.
"I'm certain it wasn't—" he began.
"Speak of the Devil and he shall appear," Fletcher said, leaning on his cane and crossing one ankle over the other. Rachel and Jasper nearly leapt out of their skins. Rachel knocked over a bowl of apples, and Jasper let out a loud squeak and tried to hide behind her. Fletcher grinned like a shark.
"Ah, Jasper, Rachel, this is Dr. Leslie Fletcher," Jekyll said, laying a careful hand between Fletcher's shoulders.
"Please don't touch me," Fletcher said amiably, his smile unmoved.
"Yes, sorry, terribly sorry," said Jekyll, removing his hand from Fletcher's back. "Dr. Fletcher, these are Mr. Jasper Kaylock and Miss Rachel Pidgley. Mr. Kaylock is a lodger, and Miss Pidgley is our cook and day manager."
"And evidently reader of gossip columns!" Fletcher said. His eyes were fixed on Rachel. He crossed to her and stuck out a hand. "A pleasure."
"Y-yes, of course," said Rachel, taking his hand gingerly.
Fletcher raised it to his lips and kissed it, holding her gaze the entire time. Rachel flushed, but not, Jekyll thought, from any sort of flattery. Fletcher let her go and turned to Jasper, sticking out his hand again.
"Er, good to meet you, sir," Jasper mumbled, shaking his hand.
"Very!" Fletcher said. "What is your field of study, Mr. Kaylock?"
"Um," said Jasper. Fletcher still hadn't let go of his hand. "Er, cryptobiology, sir."
"Sir, I'm not a professor," Fletcher said, laughing. "Please, call me Leslie. Everyone does. Except the newspapers, of course, but when have they ever called anyone what they wanted to be called."
He turned and looked very pointedly at Jekyll, who could only incline his head and smile.
"Rarely," he said. "Ah, while we're here, I suppose I might as well mention, the kitchen is open at all hours, although lodgers are encouraged not to attempt anything . . . shall we say ambitious after-hours."
"Of course," said Fletcher. He pivoted and pinned Rachel with his gaze. "And what is it a day manager does?"
"Um? Well," said Rachel. "It's—it's all a bit dull, really."
Fletcher leaned on his cane and crossed his ankles again.
"Really?" he said.
"Dr. Fletcher," Jekyll said, approaching sidelong. "I'm sure Miss Pidgley is very busy just at the moment. Perhaps you could catch up with her later, after our tour?"
"Capital idea," said Fletcher, finally turning his gaze back to Jekyll and locking eyes with him. "Where to next? I'd love to see some of the labs, if possible."
"Yes, of course," said Jekyll, trying not to let his relief show. He had a feeling he'd failed, partially because Fletcher was so intently watching his eyes. "They're mostly upstairs."
He'd almost, almost gotten Fletcher all the way out when the man turned back for a parting shot.
"By the way," he said to Rachel, "it wasn't the whole family. Just the sister."
"Um?" Rachel squeaked. Jekyll herded Fletcher out the door before he could make it any worse.
"Dr. Fletcher, I would sincerely appreciate it if you would refrain from menacing the other lodgers," Jekyll said, his voice taut.
"I wasn't menacing," Fletcher said, insulted. "It was a joke! As was the investigation. I was in Venice when it happened, for goodness' sake."
"Ahah, yes, well, these things do tend to get blown out of proportion in the rumor-mill," Jekyll said, fighting down an embarrassed flush.
"Have I just met the miller?"
"I regret to inform you, Dr. Fletcher, that they are all millers."
"Oh, excellent," said Fletcher, sounding genuinely amused. "I'm certain that helps when separating the wheat from the chaff."
Jekyll laughed politely.
I hate him already, Hyde drawled.
Again, Fletcher looked at him, and Jekyll was struck by the sudden and insane terror that he could hear Hyde.
"It, ah, it can prove, in some cases, beneficial," Jekyll said. He resisted the impulse to tug on his collar, although he couldn't stop himself from sweating. "To have such an informed . . . body of people."
"I'm sure," said Fletcher. He kept looking at Jekyll's eyes, like he was expecting to see something. "And speaking of bodies of people, I really haven't murdered anyone. In case you're harboring doubts."
"No! Me? Certainly not," said Jekyll. "As you said, the investigation was unwarranted."
"I never said it was unwarranted," Fletcher said, still watching him. "I just said it was a joke."
"Ahah," said Jekyll. "Quite. Shall we head upstairs? I believe Dr. Maijabi is in, you'll probably enjoy his work. . . ."
Fletcher finally turned his gaze back to the Society at large and allowed Jekyll to get on with his practiced, polished rambling. The rest of the tour went off without further incident, Fletcher playing the perfect gentleman and Jekyll playing the perfect host. They concluded in Mosley's underground launch bay, where Jekyll left Fletcher and Mosley to discuss the specifics of where Fletcher might set up. The sense of relief when he got back to his own office and shut the doors behind him was profound.
He definitely murdered his whole family, Hyde said, lounging in the cheval-glass. He's mad as a bat in a belfry.
"He is, admittedly, a touch unsettling," Jekyll said, moving to his desk. "But none of the lodgers are strictly speaking sane. I doubt he'll cause any trouble."
You're only after his money, Hyde scoffed. If he wasn't rich, you'd never have given him the time of day. What a pretty whore you are, so sweet and desperate.
"Must you do this every time?" Jekyll asked, exasperated.
Oh, I must, dear doctor, I must, said Hyde. And you had better be careful about talking back, now that Batty Fletcher's Incredible Ears are wandering the halls.
"I'd be less tempted if you didn't talk in the first place," Jekyll muttered.
Where would be the fun in that? Hyde said. You should let me meet him.
"Absolutely not."
I want his cane.
"Absolutely not."
He doesn't use it. It'd look much better on me. And think of what fun it would be, to burgle Batty Fletcher! I can see it now: Robbery in Whitechapel, Police Baffled!
"Neither you nor I is robbing any of my lodgers, and that is absolutely final."
We could pin it on somebody else. Think of the ~drama~!
"You really are in a mood today, aren't you."
Maybe whatever Fletcher's got is catching.
"I think he has some very sound and interesting ideas," Jekyll said stiffly.
Of course you do, said Hyde. You're just as crazy as he is.
"Neither one of us is crazy," said Jekyll.
You so are, said Hyde. I give it a week before he figures you out. Before he sees how cheap and hollow you are. I bet he can hear it.
"So long as he doesn't withdraw his funding, I don't much care," Jekyll said.
Bo-ring, Hyde said, yawning. Call me when the first demon turns up. We'll see if Batty Fletcher can't give you some more interesting fears.
"Good, go away," said Jekyll.
Just for that, I won't, Hyde said. He then launched into the longest drinking song he knew, raucous and off-key.
Jekyll sighed and put a hand over his eyes.
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nyotasaimiri · 8 years
An Undisclosed Location, part 1
May as well stick this little side-chapter up now. It takes place sometime in the week following the start of Searching for Glitch. Stuck in spoiler tags since it’s not really main story and also it’s a text wall...
“You’re not as nervous as I thought you’d be,” Aly murmured, her voice muffled by her mask and hood.
“I do this every time I go to work,” Tarvei replied, grinning under his scarf. “These people, at least, won’t drag me away and mutate me if I say the wrong thing.”
“True,” Aly said, and he could hear a hint of laughter in her voice as she listened to one of the others cheerfully but unsuccessfully sweet talk his comrade. “Arkadis might threaten to stick a knife in you, but that’s the worst of it.”
“Arkadis?” Tarvei knew that name. He’d seen it on wanted posters near his hometown. He surveyed the poorly-lit room, curious. Aly stood at his left, in front of him, but he could just make out three more people, all cloaked, hooded, and slightly travel-worn.
Aly started to reply, but the person on their right spoke first. “They’re late.”
Tarvei knew that voice. Mera? Geo’s wife is one of Blake’s inner circle?
“We still have a few minutes,” the unsuccessful sweet-talker replied, lowering his hood to reveal a wild mane of auburn hair and a patch over his left eye socket. His face was only slightly touched by age and his voice was bright and pleasant. “Ah, that’s better… those hoods are stuffy. Personally, I don’t mind if our head honcho runs behind. It gives me more time to work on this stiff.”
“Keep working and I will take your other eye,” the rebel beside him warned, a hint of a snarl in his voice.
The other fellow laughed. “Have it your way.” He walked over to Vei and Aly, giving Aly a charming smile. “At least this lovely lady appreciates my affections. …Ah, have you brought your young lover? I am eternally foiled,” he said. His tone would have been almost tragic if it weren’t for the wide grin on his face.
Aly echoed his laugh. “No, Tarvei is much too young for me. Vei, this is Rodim. He’s incorrigible. Rodim, this is my protégé. Blake took him with her to the Stronghold the other day.”
Rodim’s remaining eye widened and he froze for just a moment, almost too fast for Vei to catch it. “She is tying him in, then? Welcome, boy!” He offered Vei a handshake, his grin erasing the odd tension.
“It’s a pleasure, sir,” Vei said, accepting the handshake.
“And he has manners! Tell me, my boy,” Rodim said, rubbing his hands together in a parody of a mad scientist, “what do you contribute to our fine cause?”
Tarvei shrugged. “I do odd jobs. Stick up posters, run goods… ouch,” he said as Aly jabbed his ribs with a bony elbow.
“Stop selling yourself short, Vei.” She turned to Rodim, just a hint of pride creeping into her voice as she said, “Tarvei is one of the best spies we have. He has been feeding them counter-intelligence and tracking their supply lines for years.”
Tarvei hid his embarrassed pleasure behind a polite smile as he felt the attention of every person in the room focus on him.
“Supply lines?” the man Rodim had been hitting on walked over, curiosity glinting in his half-shadowed blue eyes. “Did you operate in Gamma Koric?”
“Three years ago?” Vei asked. “Yeah, that was my first ‘real’ job, Hylotl settlement on the third planet…. It wasn’t much.”
“Not bad,” the other Apex said, the barest hint of a smile reaching his eyes without ever touching his mouth. He held out a hand. “I am Arkadis.”
“Call me Vei. I’ve heard of you,” Tarvei replied, accepting the handshake. Arkadis’s hand was more slender than Rodim’s, but strong and scarred. Wonder if the other one’s really made of metal, like the rumors say…
“Not bad?” Mera repeated, shooting an incredulous look at Arkadis. “Didn’t you tell me the last-minute intel on that raid saved your life?”
“Yes. Not bad.” Arkadis stepped back with the slightest of bows, tucking his hand back under his cloak.
Aly looked around, counting heads. “Just the four of us, then? Where is Vaska?”
The door slid open. “She is running interference,” Lana Blake said, striding in. There was a book tucked under one arm, looking rather out of place against her standard rifle, grenades, and crimson scarf.
Mera shook her head. “Vaska and her raids,” she said, sounding amused. “She is as bad as you are, Blake. At least you’re here now. You had information for us?”
“Yes.” Blake walked over to the table in the middle of the room and set the book on it. “It is good that you brought Tarvei, Aly. He and I discovered something vital to—”
“Do not say our mission,” Rodim said, the sudden hostility in his voice startling Tarvei. He’d seen the older male’s stance shift when Blake walked in, but he hadn’t anticipated the anger so quickly. “You abandoned us.”
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kirain · 8 years
Fallout 4 - Unlikely Ships
Oswald and Amari: Okay, I know this one seems odd, but think about it.  They're both determined, clever, headstrong, stubborn as mules and set in their ways.  In an alternate future, however, Oswald may end up working with Amari to find a cure for ghouls.  While Amari conducts research and develops a serum, Oswald constantly butts in, demanding answers, arguing about a feral's mental capacity: "I spent more time around them!  I know what they're like!"  All the while they slowly grow on each other and actually fall in love. They go together like Kagome and Inuyasha, Ranma and Akane, Bulma and Vegeta.  Eventually they become completely dedicated to one another, and even find some success in reversing the FEV virus.  The clash between magic and science becomes their most beloved opposite.  They see something in each other that no one else does, and it's one of the many reasons they click. Oswald makes Amari laugh, and Amari makes Oswald realize that it's okay for him to love again.
Kent and Piper: What goes together better than a superhero-obsessed comic book nerd and a news reporter?  Lois Lane and ... well, not Superman.  More like Jimmy Olsen, really.  But the young, budding romance is there.  It's real.  It's tangible.  They're both kind, affectionate, and devoted to the truth.  They have the same sense of righteousness that's actually a rare commodity in Fallout.  They care about the Commonwealth, about people, and maybe it's just me but I can definitely see Kent being the perfect big brother to Nat.  They'd make an excellent team.  Piper could bring Kent the stories, and Kent could broadcast them all across the wasteland.  Each day they grow closer and closer until they both awkwardly declare that they love each other; and from there that love only blossoms into the purest example of the good that can still exist in the Commonwealth. Vadim and Glory: Different cities, same personality.  Although Glory is far more intense, both she and Vadim seem like they love a good time. When they get together, all hell breaks loose.  Glory loves to fight and party, and Vadim loves to drink and cause trouble.  While so many couples in the Commonwealth are complete opposites, Vadim and Glory are so alike it hurts.  They drink, they're loud, and they love to explore every hedonistic habit. What's more, they're completely dedicated to each other.  Every moment they spend together fills them with joy.  Glory definitely tries to toughen Vadim up, and Vadim tries to make Glory a bit more personable, but together they're practically unstoppable ... and incorrigible.
Cait and Haylen: Haylen doesn't seem nearly as uptight as the rest of the BOS, and Cait seems like the perfect crazy to match her calm.  Haylen admits that she joined the Brotherhood because she was scared and didn't know how to defend herself.  Imagine, then, that after Danse's secret is revealed, Haylen gets banished from the BOS for aiding and abetting him.  She ends up all alone in the wasteland, no weapons or friends.  One day, she's saved by Cait, who takes her in, gears her up, and teaches her how to fight without a pack of soldiers at her back. Over time, Haylen comes to admire Cait, and even love her.  The feelings are returned when Haylen helps the old addict face her past and forgive herself for the horrible atrocities she committed.  Haylen accepts Cait for who she is and everything she was, and Cait accepts Haylen for all of that and more.
Vault-Tec sales rep and Daisy: Since they hardly spoke in Goodneighbor, I can only assume this is because of some altercation.  I like to imagine that when Felix (that's what I call him) arrived, he wanted to open a shop or secure a major trade agreement. Little did he know, at the time, Daisy was the top brass in the city, and she didn't take kindly to the competition. To make matters worse, she somehow found out about his past and connection to Vault-Tec, and sort of unintentionally started a rumour about it.  After that, no one in the city would even look at him. Centuries later, they settle the dispute when the SS finds him and gives him a job.  Daisy apologizes profusely for ruining his life, and Felix admirably forgives her.  Seeing his worth, she agrees to become his business partner, and as they work together they find themselves falling in love.  Not long after they open a new shop, all of the pieces fall in place as they reminisce about the past.  It starts with a kiss, and then everything else that follows.
Edward Deegan and Magnolia: Okay, I know someone is gonna grill me for not pairing him with Jack, but this is unlikely ships. Plus, I never really got that vibe from them.  Jack seems to treat Deegan like a servant, and only a servant.  I mean, he leaves the poor guy open-wound bleeding to death on the ground without so much as a stimpack or bandage.  He even has the audacity to ask him if he can get up and help.  On top of that, even after four-hundred years Jack still makes him sleep in a tiny cellar on a bed that's several inches too small for him. They live in a mansion with eighteen rooms and they give Deegan a closet. -___-
Now that that's out of the way, I feel that Deegan and Magnolia would make a perfect couple. Imagine he sits in his room every night, listening to Goodneighbor radio while he cleans his guns.  He tunes in and listens to her sing, which reminds him of better, simpler days.  Magnolia is also a synth, so it's possible her personality and voice are a direct imprint from an actual performer who lived in Deegan's era.  They meet when Deegan goes hunting for recruits and ends up in the Third Rail.  He catches the singer's eye and she introduces herself, instantly charmed by his manly build and mysterious charisma.  He requests a song, and she sings it specially for him, giving it her all. When it's over, he buys her a drink and they end up dancing slowly to the music.  He has to return home, but finds excuses to visit as often as he can. Soon the distance becomes too much and he leaves Cabot House forever, both with Jack's blessing and displeasure. Together they build a life-- and a house-- and spend every moment living the life they once missed out on.
Jack Cabot and Sierra: Both of them are just the right amount of crazy.  After the death of Lorenzo, Jack is at a loss.  Most days he lounges about the house, driving himself mad over not being productive.  He decides it's time to get away, see the world and travel.  It goes horribly wrong.  He ends up in Nuka World, surrounded by hostile people he doesn't know how to deal with.  His only saving grace is his ability to refine energy weapons.  The factions keep him alive and enslave him, forcing him to improve their guns.  He hates himself for doing it, but it's the only leverage he has.  One day, a tourist comes along; an air-headed woman named Sierra.  Curious about his inventions, she inquires about who he is and why he's so clever.  They begin talking and he accidentally mentions the serum.  He covers his mouth, terrified for having told his deepest secret, but all Sierra cares about is the flavour.  He cocks his head as she presses him for what the serum tasted like, and he confusingly says it tasted kind of like sour fruit punch. She asks him if he can invent new flavours of Nuka, and he answers with a shrugged out "probably". The next day Sierra breaks him out and drags him back home, where she begs him for a new flavour as payment. Jack obliges, becoming enamoured with her odd personality.  When she thanks him and goes to leave, he quickly asks if she'd like to stay at his manor.  She agrees with a smile, and from there they spend the rest of their lives creating new Nuka Cola (healthy flavours that nourish the people), and even start a family of freaky little scientist juniors.
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ao3-oner · 22 days
Update/Announcement on the We Keep Falling Apart Series + My Intended Worlds Sequel to Mad Scientist Incorrigible
Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by.
As you may have heard, I have decided that I will no longer be writing a sequel for Mad Scientist Incorrigible during Worlds this year despite planning to do so for the past few months. I want to assure you that this decision did not come without series deliberation and perhaps an undue amount of anguish. With that said, if you're interested, I'll explain at least a handful of the reasons that I have decided not to write this fic:
I don't want the fic to feel contrived
For context, when I first started drafting this Worlds fic way back in May, I felt confident that JDG would make Worlds and I would be able to continue the series in the way that I wanted to. It wasn't until the LPL summer split started that I realized I shouldn't have taken as much for granted, and I started drafting my back-up fic just in case. No matter how you try to spin it, a sequel to MSI set in a universe where JDG doesn't make Worlds is a work-around, an exercize in "things didn't turn out how I wanted, but let's try to patch things up anyway". I feel like, with the narrative I set up, in this universe, I cannot properly address and resolve the conflicts that I set into motion in MSI while still paying proper respect to all the characters. This was the thing I was most worried about when drafting my back-up Worlds fic: that narrative elements would come across as forced or contrived and the characters would not seem genuine.
2. I am still mourning the loss of what the fic could have been
As implied, it was always the case that the fic I really *wanted* to write was the version in which JDG makes Worlds. If I were to write an alternate version of that fic, it would lack some of the moments that I've been brainrotting about for months, the scenes that I've been wanting to bring to you. It would just feel bad to be constantly reminded of what we're all missing out on, of what could have been. That was just one reason why it was absolutely soul-crushing for me to watch JDG get one game away from making it only to face defeat: that match was absolutely brutal, too, consisting of Ruler being head-and-shoulders above everyone else on both teams, but still losing only because his teammates (not Kanavi - we love you Kanavi and seeing him take on supporting champs rather than carries to help Ruler was inspirational) were playing insultingly poorly and he could only carry them so far. I wish I was exaggerating. I'm not. Ruler deserved to make Worlds - he deserved this fic. However, with things playing out how they did, I'm afraid I can't give it to him.
(Side note: one consideration I had was "If you like the fic idea where Ruler makes Worlds so much, then just write it anyway." I've considered this, but ultimately decided against it because it feels dishonest to what I've set up the WKFA series to be - fics that are grounded in what actually happened, also because of the next reason:)
3. Irl Ruler and Lehends have actually gotten their shit together???
This is the one reason on this list that is actually somewhat positive lmao - but yeah, if you haven't been following, ever since MSI, Ruler and Lehends have actually been pretty vocal about talking to each other. They both really wanted to meet at Worlds, Lehends said that he'd be interested in potentially playing with Ruler again in the future, and overall, they've just been very sweet. With all that going on, launching into an angsty narrative that starts out primarily vihends seems kind of silly to me. I'd feel overdramatic for writing something like that, and Idk, I've probably always been overdramatic, but I feel like it's much more apparent now. So, good for them! I hope they play together again soon <3
4. The fic would take a LOT of my time when I have other fics that I'm more excited to work on
It should come as a surprise to no one that writing longer multi-chapter fics is a significant time investment, and unfortunately, as I am a working person who also has other commitments and hobbies, I do not have an infinite amount of time to spend on writing LoLRPF. With that said, if I were to commit to writing a Worlds fic, that would consume nearly all of my LoLRPF time for the next two months. In that same amount of time, I could write a number of other fun fics, including more RuLehends - angsty, smutty, and/or otherwise - that I would actually enjoy writing. I was happy to delay all my other fics for the change to construct my grand narrative with JDG at Worlds, but now that we're stuck dealing with the knockoff, I feel like my time would be better and more pleasantly spent working on other projects.
5. I don't want to write the fic!
For all the reasons listed above and any number of less articulate ones, I have come to the conclusion as the writer that I do not feel like continuing this series. That, in and of itself, is justification enough not to, with no other explanation necessary.
I hope that clears up some of the questions/comments/thoughts you may have, but if you want to hear more, then please don't hesitate to DM me or shoot message to my inbox. I am also happy to share some of my thoughts about what the Worlds fic could have been, and I might even be convinced to share some snippets of scenes that I pre-wrote during my brainrot over the past few months.
With that established, I am officially marking 8 Seconds to Base as the last entry in the "We Keep Falling Apart" series and marking the series as completed.
I understand how disappointing it is to get excited for a fic or series only for it to get discontinued, so I apologize. Life happens. Unfortunately, my hype for this year's Worlds is almost entirely dead now. I'll take care of myself, though, and hope that you all do the same.
Thanks for reading, and have a great day <4
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ao3-oner · 4 months
Me: Man, I really wish I had a little poster for MSI!
Creator Brain: You know the law - you want it, you make it.
Me: Haha so true, I can draw well enough for this, right?
Kim Giin:
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ao3-oner · 4 months
hiiiiii ur msi fic is amazing sjkdfhksd everytime u upload a new chapter it leaves me gagged and wanting for more. the way u write everyone is amazing!! like the depth everyone has>>
also i adore your suhwan, please talk about him,,, like about anything, i just like reading u talk about the characters in ur fics sdkfkdjf
Hi hi! Thank you so much for the ask! I'm legit so happy for the opportunity to rant about my takes on characters, like omg I would LOVE to talk about Suhwan (especially now that chapter 8 is up :) Where to start with my beloved son... I guess one of the first things I ever learned about Peyz outside of his e-sports career, being a Royal Roader and all that, was that his parents hired him a private at-home tutor for League of Legends. He has both a dog and cat, and (to my knowledge) is an only child.
This led me to two central conclusions about his character: 1. This boy is spoiled/sheltered af and 2. He is probably so so lonely. Other observations include that Suhwan is a sweet boy, but seems very uncertain in social interaction. He also has a tendency take things quite literally (see: his 15 second blank stare during the Worlds interview that lives rent-free in my mind).
I've already shared some of my Suhwan head canons in fics and other posts - that he taught himself to play chess on both sides of the board, he got bored one day and snuck into his mom's closet to try on heels/jewelry - but it all centers around his lonliness and desperately trying to connect with other people. I think that's part of what draws him to League - it's a team game, so everyone needs to work together. As the ADC, he becomes a fundamental part of that team, so people rely on him. If thinks that as long as he understands how the game works, how to play, how to win, then people will like him, people praise him, people will protect him, so he decides he wants to play more in order to connect with people.
I think Suhwan very much found the connection he was looking for on 2023 GenG - Wangho is great with younger members, Hwanjoong was literally a BRO before joining, and everyone was just very supportive of him during his rookie year. That environment allowed him to thrive and, while ofc not a perfect replacement, he became a solid stand-in for the massive pair of shoes Ruler left for him to fill.
Then Hanwha Life opened up their check books and bought his found family away from him.
Suhwan understands, of course, that it's just business - I'm sure he still hangs out with Hwanjoong on weekends sometimes - but there's definitely a major shift in the entire vibe of the team for 2024. Yes, they still all have fun, and they grow close and love each other, but there are definitely more cracks in the picture frame than there were last year. Some of that comes from Siwoo, and his slight contempt for the rookie player who got the GenG legacy that RuLehends fought so hard for spoon-fed to him. Some of it is from Geonbu, who's adjusting to being on an entirely new team for the first time ever and is still navigating exactly what he can and can't take with him. Part of it is Giin being more stoic than Hyunjoon ever was. The result is that Suhwan loses that firm network of support he had before, and falls behind - needs more time to readjust, gets declared as the "weak link" of the team...
Suhwan is trying his best to make it work. He's confident that if he can figure out what the problem is, he can solve it. But people are so much more difficult than game states - it's hard to know exactly where you stand, what would help, what wouldn't. Still, Suhwan is the carry. Everyone is relying on him to be there when it matters, so however he needs to adapt, he'll make sure that he doesn't disappoint them.
He's dedicated to proving that he's someone worth protecting.
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ao3-oner · 20 days
Hello, a fellow JDG fan here also deeply mourning the loss against WBG...(it was so close too, damn. BTW i strongly believe that if the meta had been hyper-carry ADC JDG would have made worlds) and as much as i think it’s a shame that the WKFA series is getting discontinued, i’m just gonna say i think it’s good that you’re not forcing yourself to write things you’re not interested in! Plus i will eat up every fic you write anyway lol so keep up the good work
However i’m probably not the only one curious about what the fic might have been, so could you tell us a bit about your ideas/brainrot scenes(If you’re comfortable and willing to share of course)? I read the scene you posted on ao3 and i’m guessing the context is that siwoo hooked up with jaehyuk and then got kicked out and spent the night at jinhyuk’s room. I hadn't expected that siwoo would have had a... thing? with kanavi too but could you tell us a little more about that? And also I’m especially curious about what kind of ending RuLehends would have gotten at the end of the fic, happy/sad/ambiguous?
Wow this is a barrage of questions, so please feel free to ignore stuff(or this entire ask) if you don’t feel like answering. Have a good day!
Hi, and thanks for the ask!
Like I said in my longer update post, I am more than happy to talk about what some of my ideas for what the Worlds fic could have been, including further context for the scene that I did end up writing - in fact, after posting that one scene, I found myself thinking "I really could just write the scene right before that one... and maybe the one before that... and maybe-" until I realized at that rate I would just be writing the entire fic inside out lmao
But yeah, let's start with KanHends! My main foundation for their relationship is a quote from Kanavi where he said he considered himself to be good friends with both Chovy and Lehends from their (few) Griffin days together. As for Kanavi and Lehends's sexual history together, it wasn't so much of a 'thing' as a one night stand, which was actually was going to be a part of the vihends plotline:
My hc for this subplot was that when Viper and Lehends first started working together on Griffin, there were feelings there and so they started hooking up and Viper wanted them to be exclusive. Lehends... didn't really want that level of commitment, at least not yet, but rather than talking about his feelings like a normal, healthy person, he decided to resolve the issue by sleeping his way through the rest of the Griffin roster, leading us to this exchange:
Past! Jinhyuk: "We shouldn't. I mean, you're Dohyun's..."
Past! Siwoo: "Dohyun's... what?"
Past! Jinhyuk: "I dunno. You're Dohyun's something."
Past! Siwoo: "That's the thing, Jin: I'm not his anything. I'm not 'his' at all, and that means we can do whatever the fuck we want. So, are you in?"
Dohyun finds out, of course, and is absolutely heartbroken because he thought he and Siwoo had an understanding. Siwoo explains that he's happy to keep his situationship with Dohyun as long as it remains exactly that: no strings attached. Jinhyuk is honestly kind of pissed that Siwoo essentially used him as a means to set boundaries with Dohyun, but lets it slide because he did know what he was signing up for and he still generally likes Siwoo plus the sex was really good so
That whole past interaction was going to feed into Jinhyuk being honestly worried about Dohyun's well-being going into Worlds, because based on what he's heard from both Jaehyuk and Jihoon, it certainly doesn't sound like Siwoo's gotten his shit together. Even if Siwoo claims he's now ready for a committed relationship with Dohyun, Jin is pressing X to doubt. That, plus Jinhyuk still feeling slightly guilty for interfering with their relationship all those years ago, was going to incentivize Jinhyuk to talk to Dohyun at Worlds about his relationship with Siwoo, with his goal being to try to prevent his friend from getting his heart broken all over again. Oh, Kanavi plotline my beloved... Have I mentioned how much I love Jinhyuk? Because I really do.
On another note, Jaehyuk's quip about "the best night of [Jin's] life" in the scene that I wrote out was also a reference to this backstory: Jaehyuk didn't know about Jin and Siwoo's fling until Worlds where Jin mentions it in the context of a different discussion about Siwoo’s escapades, something along the lines of the exasperated declaration, "Yes, we've fucked! Best night of my fucking life! But that only shows how none of this means shit to Siwoo! That's just what he does. That's just who he is." Jaehyuk was honestly pretty shocked to hear that, but didn't get too snippy about it until he saw Siwoo walking out of Jinhyuk's hotel room and kissing him...
Speaking of, you've hit the context of the stand-alone scene squarely on the head, so I'm glad to hear that the key points came across okay. What happened the night before that scene consisted of some very messy sex between Jaehyuk and Siwoo, followed by Jaehyuk ordering Siwoo to get out of his room. I like that scene a lot - very hot, very angsty - so I won't share too many details until I'm more certain that I'm not gonna fully write it out. But yeah, it ends with Siwoo in tears outside of Jaehyuk's door, pounding on it until Jin comes out to see what all the noise is about, takes one look at Siwoo all fucked and bitten and sobbing, then says something along the lines of "For fuck's sake, you two..." and drags Siwoo into his room. They just sleep, of course. Siwoo just needed someone to hold him after that, and #Kanavi'sAGoodFriend.
As for your question about what ending RuLehends had in store for them... Since the full fic isn't going to be written, I honestly think it's better for you to decide that for yourself. What even constitutes a happy ending for them? Are they together? Apart? Does Siwoo end up with Dohyun instead? I think all my readers can decide what they think should happen, or what they want to happen, and mentally sub that in for 'canon'. At this point, I rescind my right to make a call about the ending either way. Maybe Singed from the hit game League of Legends shows up in the real world at the very end, flings Siwoo over his shoulder and sprints off into the distance? Idk. Have fun with it!
As always, don't worry about asking me things regardless of how long or short they are - I am happy to be yappy. You have a great day, too, wherever you are, and I hope to hear from you again!
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ao3-oner · 4 months
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Chovy-Lehends friendship ftw
Last chapter of MSI coming out in a number of hours! I'm gonna miss writing about them so much-
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ao3-oner · 4 months
hiiiiiiii lehends posted a new photo in insta
guma and ruler commented,,, i am giggling bro just kept on catching adcs 😭😭😭 its so funny to me skfjsjksa also bec of the msi fic guma and lehends interaction are now super funny to me akskskksks
Bless you for sharing this wonderful content with social media-less me - like I said in my previous post, I adore how friendly Lehends is with all the other players! He 100% is pulling all the ADCs and that's the whole reason I felt compelled to write something like M.S.I. for him - it suits him, both with how social he is and how much he loves talking about relationships on stream (the whole 'do you think kiin's ever kissed anyone' incident, asking suhwan if he's ever gone on a date, leaving a message for his future gf/wife, even Chovy sharing a story that I can only assume came straight from source about Lehends getting asked out by a classmate back when he was in middle-school) - he really was the perfect inspiration for a fic like M.S.I. Also he reads "embarrassing" webtoons so there's that-
I do also love Ruler supporting his former support. Ik I write them as very high-drama in my fics so seeing them irl being friends on good terms is very <3
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