#maddie yells about music
verymuchablog42 · 28 days
one of us will end up hurt, but you can call me starfucker
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musicmusings42 · 2 years
I love seeing Alba credited on AJR songs, it's so interesting to see the way she's impacted the band
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notquiteaghost · 9 months
character playlist problem of every song needs to be if not straight-up Cannot Listen To This Without Lying Facedown On The Floor About It then at the very least tinged with melancholic grief. and i simply do not listen to that many sad songs. somehow.
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my little sister graduated today i am genuinely sobbing she should still be ten years old what is this
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hearts-hunger · 2 years
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leclercstarrs · 6 months
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best friends, cassie howard and maddy perez.
summary: in which things heat up when cassie and maddy approach you at a party.
warnings: switch!reader, threesome, face riding, oral!
notes: enjoy this draft while i work on new things! promise to post something good in a bit! p.s, this is not proof read, sorry babes!
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Cassie Howard and Maddy Perez have been close for a long time now. They are used to sharing things, like lots of friends do. From clothes to beds when Maddy sleeps over at Cassie’s place to escape the yelling in her house, and now, you.
When the two girls heard from BB that you were throwing a party, they immediately told you that they’d be attending, and then went home to pick what to wear, even if the party wasn’t for another week.
Now, it’s the night of the party and they enter your house, getting stared at by guys from school as they move through the crowd of drunk teenagers. It’s impossible not to notice the blonde and brunette duo, their matching outfits showing off their bodies. Cassie is, of course, wearing the pink set, while Maddy has on the same set in black.
“Do you see her?” Cassie attempts to ask her friend, her voice going unheard considering the loud music. She stops walking in the middle of the living room, Maddy following her lead.
“Hey, have you seen the host?” Maddy asks a random boy beside her.
“(Y/N)?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah.” Cassie nods. The boy points towards the kitchen and Cassie quickly grabs her friend’s hand, leading her towards the kitchen. “There.” The blonde grins.
“Damn.” Maddy mumbles, watching as you’re lying down on the kitchen island as Jules does body shots on your stomach, a group of people cheering her on. “I’d kill to be Jules right now.” Maddy jokes, earning a laugh from her friend.
“Jules, come on, you’ve had enough.” You prop yourself up and off the counter, taking the bottle of liquor out of her hand before she pours another drink. Jules has been doing this for a while now, to the point that her best friend, Rue, gave up and walked away. “Jules, go find Rue and get a glass of water.” You sigh as the girl tries to take the bottle back.
“God, the two of you are so boring.” She huffs, however, still following your advice and walking out of the kitchen, the crowd slowly exiting as well.
Getting off the counter and tugging at your dress, you pull the tight fabric down your legs a little. You then place the bottle on the counter after taking a quick swig.
“Hey.” Maddy and Cassie smile in unison when they approach you.
You try to hold yourself back from gasping at the girls, looking them up and down. “I see the two of you went for the matching look.” You laugh.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Maddy rolls her eyes, clicking her tongue.
“Oh, it definitely was. You both look hot.” You grab two red solo cups from the counter, then taking the same bottle from earlier and pouring the two girls drinks.
“Thank you.” They take the cups and are quick to down them.
“Hey, you wanna get out of here?” Cassie suggests, turning to look at Maddy, then back at you.
You bite your lip as the two girls stare at you in anticipation, copying your move from earlier and checking you out, admiring how your dress fits on you. “Let’s go, this party could use some fun.” You cave.
“For sure.” Maddy and Cassie are quick to lead you upstairs and towards your bedroom.
“Cute room.” Cassie sits down on the bed next to you and Maddy, looking around the room.
You start feeling increasingly anxious, unsure of what to do and say. However, you push through it and try to remain calm. “Thanks.” You smile.
“(Y/N), don’t be shy. Take off my shirt.” Cassie says, her soft voice encouraging you to comply. Your lips part as you carefully remove the thin pink fabric off of her body, revealing her breasts.
“You’re so beautiful.” You hum, leaning towards her and pressing gentle kisses on her neck, before stopping when Maddy interrupts.
“Awh, what about me?” The girl on the other side of your bed whines, her lips forming into a fake pout. Unlike Cassie, Maddy proves to be more dominant with her actions, grabbing your hands and guiding you to pull off her black top. She tosses her shirt on the floor, Cassie then doing the same. “Here.” Maddy quietly says, once again taking your hands and placing them on her breasts. Her nipples are hard, Maddy’s entire body begging for you to touch her. You carefully massage them, eager but quiet moans escaping from the girl.
Cassie then moves closer to you from behind, stopping you from continuing on with Maddy as the two girls work on taking your dress off, leaving you in nothing but your small thong.
Maddy gently moves you hair out of your face, “Lie down, baby.” She instructs you.
You do as she says, lying back on the bed, unsure of what the girls have planned. Cassie climbs towards you, leaning down and kissing you, before positioning yourself so her cunt is hovering about your mouth. Now, you understand what she wants. “Say please.” You change your tone, feeling more confident in yourself.
The blonde whines, “Please.”
“Good girl.” Maddy chimes in. She’s now starting to work on pleasuring you, kissing up your thighs, until she reaches your cunt. You can feel her breath, it’s as if she’s waiting for you to make the first move, so you do.
Cassie fully places her cunt on your mouth as you slowly lick one stripe up her folds. “Fuckkkk…” She moans, desperate for more and starting to grind against your tongue.
“Keep going.” Maddy tells you as she starts to do the same to you, instead thrusting her tongue into you, earning muffled moans from you as you move your tongue around Cassie’s folds, coaxing out juices as you make your way to her clit. More moans abrupt from you and Cassie. Maddy is teasing you, her tongue flicking slowly on your own clit, your legs slightly shaky. Your hands make their way up Cassie’s waist, sitting there for a moment and guiding her hips with the movement of your tongue on the swollen nub. Cassie has different plans, however, her mouth dropping in pleasure as she drags her hands to her tits, getting you to massage at her nipples, adding to the wave of pleasure going through her.
“Shit, (Y/N).” Cassie gasps, her eyes rolling back.
“Doing so good for Cass, hm?” Maddy muffles as she eats your pussy.
Like the two of you are in sync, you and Maddy thrust your tongues deeper, Cassie going silent, unable to even make a sound as she desperately cums on your face. Moments later, you do the same as Cassie, Maddy sending you over the edge. Your juices flow out of your cunt, Maddy pulling away and licking her lips. “You taste so good.” She smirks.
Cassie gets off of you, her chest rapidly moving up and down as she relaxes after her orgasm. “You’re so fucking good at that.” She praises you.
Meanwhile, Maddy slides your panties back onto you, then moving towards your face. “Mm, Let me clean you up.” She gently grabs your face with her hands and kisses you, the two of you exchanging Cassie’s juices. Next to the two of you on the bed, Cassie grins.
“We should seriously do this again.” Cassie catches your attention and you and Maddy stop kissing.
“Obviously.” Maddy laughs.
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whoopsyeahokay · 3 months
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October Sun
summary: when Maddie had mentioned to Wally her plan to follow Simon when he confronted you, Wally had supported her one hundred and ten percent. after all, he'd always been sure there was more to you than met the eye.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
love youuu 🙃
bon reading, frens
Wally had had his suspicions about you since your sophomore year.
Not that he'd admitted it to anyone, not after forty years of disappointment when looks that had seemed deliberate had just been coincidence.
He'd been entering the assembly hall, alone, no one ahead of or behind him, as you were leaving. The presence of the freshman and sophomore gym instructors suggested some kind of group activity had just taken place, corroborated by the ruddiness of your cheeks and the damp ends of your hair.
You'd been fingering through the pile of loose papers you'd held, a look of deep concentration on your face, and had just been about to walk into through Wally when—
"S'cuse me."
You'd sidestepped him on your way out without looking up. It'd taken him so off-guard that he'd failed to react. By the time he'd thought to go after you, it'd been too late. You'd caught up to your friends and had turned the corner just as Mr. Martin had called out to him, gesturing Wally over to join the others for that afternoon's session.
The following day, he'd tracked you down; hovered over you during first period, slid into the unoccupied space at your lunch table, and even sat with you when you'd stayed behind after school to work in the library. He'd done everything he could think of to garner a reaction from you, from monologuing through your Math quiz—he'd felt guilty about your C- for a week afterward—to jumping out from the shadows when you weren't looking and yelling in your ear.
Nothing. No missteps or wide eyes or held breaths, n o t h i n g. Not even a twitch.
He would've let the whole thing go and never thought about you again had it not been for the rare—albeit could be serendipitous—responses you sometimes let slip.
Like the time he'd scooted his chair right into your space, knee pressed against yours under the table in the library. Wally had draped an arm along the back of your seat, his fingers tapping a rhythm on the plastic (Frida's I Know There's Something Going On, sped up to match the tempo of Wally's restlessness). You'd been hunched over Slaughterhouse-Five, Wally reading over your shoulder, when he'd noticed your hand.
Specifically, an angry-looking scar that crawled along the bone beneath your pinky, from knuckle to wrist. Too pale to be recent, but too visible to have happened in the distant past. He'd acted without thinking, traced the fingers of his free hand down the length of the scar, and muttered, "What happened to you, pretty girl?"
When he'd glanced at your face, you'd been staring at your hand, expression tight as if reliving the moment you'd incurred the wound.
It didn't have to mean anything, Wally could've chalked it up to right question, right time, except that you'd suddenly shoved your chair back, the angry scrape of metal against linoleum drawing the librarian's attention, and had gathered your things in a hurry.
You'd been upset. And though Wally couldn't be sure, he'd felt that it'd been his fault. You'd pivoted toward him, stopped, changed your mind halfway through the motion, and repositioned yourself to slip around your chair the other way. An action Wally had been too apologetic to count as a victory.
He'd stumbled after you, watched you seek out your friend—Xavier, Wally recalled—in the music room and ask for a lift home.
"No questions asked." You'd told Xavier, like some sort of code that, given how the other people around him reacted, only Xavier could decipher.
"Wait, I'm sorry, I won't bring it up again!" Wally had been so close to...to something. Maybe not a full admission or a conversation or a just-for-him smile, but something. Something real. He'd just wanted to experience someone who hadn't been encouraged to write their own obituary, fuck, had he really screwed up that bad?
You'd climbed into Xavier's truck and leaned your head against the window. Eyes, watery and filled with sorrow, fixed purposefully above Wally's head in what Wally had interpreted as a final plea to be left alone.
So, wrought with guilt and confusion and a splintered sense of loss, that had been the last time Wally had sought you out in pursuit of uncovering whatever magic you might've possessed...
...Until yesterday. He'd intercepted Maddie when she'd been marching toward the cafeteria, clearly on a mission as she'd bobbed and weaved through the lunch rush of students to keep up with her guy friend.
"What's going on?" Wally had asked, following Maddie's gaze as she'd surveyed guy-friend leaning over to talk to someone. When guy-friend had moved aside to let that someone stand, Wally had been pleasantly surprised to see it'd been you.
"Simon's going to talk to her." Maddie had explained, "I...overheard him telling Nicole."
Wally hadn't known who Nicole was. Regardless, "Cool. You think it's about how you died?"
"Yeah.    Sure." Maddie had moved to trail you and Simon, spun around at the last second to face Wally, and said, "I don't know yet. It could be nothing." She'd started to walk backward, waved stiffly, "I'll. See you later."
It'd been a clear dismissal, a silent request for privacy, which Wally had been happy to oblige. Mostly. He'd stepped outside after counting to ten Mississippi and found a spot near the bike racks, curious about what you'd do when Maddie appeared in the bus shelter Simon had hustled you into.
Truthfully, Wally had expected that it wouldn't be much, given how you'd failed to react to him in the past, and he'd been right. You'd listened to Simon, appeared suitably confused, and then—
No way.
You'd looked directly at him. Had paused in skimming the area to look at him. There hadn't been anyone close enough to Wally for it to have been another fluke.
"She can see me." He'd gasped, shoving his hands in his pockets, and, fuck it, Maddie hadn't outright asked Wally not to get too close; a loophole Wally had been willing to exploit in favor of finally getting the truth out of you. He'd strode to the bus shelter, witnessed your demeanor visibly stiffen when he'd peered through the glass.
You could see him.
In his excitement, Wally had missed how Maddie had curled into herself on the bench like a wilted flower, and how Simon hadn't pressed any buttons on his phone to accept a call; Wally had been too preoccupied, practically floating after you as you'd returned to the school.
"Do what you want," He'd said, "but I'm not going anywhere until you admit it." It'd been a promise to himself that he'd voiced out loud. Belatedly, the words had hit his ears and he'd almost stuttered an apology at how threatening it'd sounded.
Almost. Because you'd been struggling with your lock, cheeks pinking, pillowy lower lip caught between your teeth; flustered and frustrated and oh so pretty. He hadn't been able to help himself, hand moving of its own volition, metal to a magnet, and he'd skimmed his fingers up the gentle curve of your spine, from your lower back to between your shoulder blades.
Your breath had hitched, perfect and sweet, and when had he leaned in? Your mouth closening as you'd slowly turned your head toward him. Wally had lifted his other hand to rest against your throat, thumb smoothing the soft underside of your jaw, heart pounding, warmth coiling low in his belly, twisting, needing—
Wally had jolted out of whatever trance he'd fallen into and stepped back, regarding your interaction with your curvy goth friend in a daze. That'd been weird. Well, the weirdest thing in a sea of weird things that Wally had encountered since his debut in the metaphysical world. It'd been hypnotic, his actions guided by invisible strings, brain taking a backseat while instinct took the wheel.
He'd never felt that kind of pull toward anyone, alive or dead.
What the hell?
Answers had had to wait, Wally unable to think up a good enough excuse to skip Group. Until he knew exactly what was going on, he didn't want to shine a stage light on you. So, he'd attended, participated as much as he'd thought would keep Mr. Martin and the others from suspecting anything, and had had to refrain from bolting like a bat out of hell as soon as Mr. Martin had released them.
He'd had to find you, figure this out, touch you, kiss you, taste you—but you'd been smart and, according to your curvy goth friend, you'd bailed on your last class, "To pick up shit for her mom. Seriously, she needs to reinforce her boundaries before I do it for her."
If that's how you wanted to play this, Alright, baby, we'll do this your way, Wally thought the next morning, stretching the sleep from his limbs. Whatever had happened when he'd touched you yesterday had affected you both, of that Wally was sure.
And if you'd felt even a third of what he had, he knew it wouldn't be long before you two were drawn together once again.
also available on AO3!
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exhuastedpigeon · 12 days
Picture this ...
It's Pride 2025 and Eddie Diaz spent the last year finally grieving not just Shannon's death, but the end of their relationship that happened before she died. His son came home after a summer with his grandparents and they're relationship isn't perfect, but they're talking. They're open with each other. They love each other more than ever.
Six months ago Eddie came out after months of therapy and talking to Hen and Karen and Josh but never Buck and sure, that makes Buck feel a little left out, but when he finds out later what those talks were about he understands. Plus, Buck is the first person Eddie comes out to officially (after Chris) and things are great between them.
Buck is dating a new guy he seems to really like, Eddie is considering testing the dating waters for the first time since everything happened with Kim and Marisol and Chris.
They're at a gay bar after the parade. Hen and Karen are on the dance floor. Maddie and Chim are sitting at a table with drinks for everyone when they need a dance break. Buck is with them alone because his boyfriend couldn't make it. Eddie is on the dance floor having the time of his life.
And Buck kind of loses it while talking to Maddie and Chim.
"I don't get it! I can't be homophobic, I'm bi! I'm dating a man! Why does Eddie dancing with all this guys make me so mad?"
And Maddie gives him a look and yells over the music, "Well if it isn't homophobia have you considered maybe it's jealousy?"
That's when it all clicks into place for Buck. He's sitting at a bar during this huge celebration of queer love and joy and he's in love with his best friend. His best friend who is currently grinding with a shirtless six foot four guy while making out with a different six foot something guy.
He finishes his drink and says, "Well, I think I have to break up with Paul."
Pride 2026 Buck isn't jealous because he's the six foot something guy that Eddie is making out with.
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tomssexdoll · 3 months
omg i just thought of this and I think you’ll be so great at writing down exactly what i’m imagining!! 🤍🤍okok the reader is a part of the band and they went to an award show and the readers “enemy/rival” is there and calls out the reader and they start arguing back and forth ( basically the play scene in euphoria with maddy and cassie ) and tom got HELLA turned on by it 😏😏 if ykyk 🙌
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2008 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST (not with tom) + SMUT SYPNOSIS: Y/N and her band Tokio Hotel go to an award show where they win an award, later on in the night when the rival band gets sent up for an award they start causing shit for no reason, calling out Tokio hotel, Y/N gets PISSED and storms to the stage, arguing with them and nearly getting into a fight. A/N: cumming to this photo WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), (none of these next ones are with tom) yelling, hair pulling, screaming, slurs
Me and my band Tokio Hotel were nominated for an award and invited to this beautiful stadium with TONES of other celebrities and musicians, I was nervous because I had never been in a room with this many people, can you even call it a room?
As we were in the limo hired for us I bobbed my leg up and down nervously, Tom noticing and placing his hand on my thigh to stop it. Tom is my boyfriend and we've been dating for a year.
"Liebe don't be nervous, you'll be ok" he leaned over and kissed the top of my head, easing my worries. I smiled and placed my head on his shoulder, doing deep breathing for the rest of the ride.
We finally arrived, I was wearing a caual dress since it wasn't really a formal event and the band wore what they usually wore. We stepped inside and found our seats, waiting for the show to start. The host came on stage and started a speech, thanking everyone for attending and announcing all the awards that were going to be given.
We were nominated for only one out of the 6 awards. Competing against our rival band who were nominated for 2 awards, one really crappy one and the one we were nominated for.
I rolled my eyes and turned to Bill, "look who is here, if we lose against them I'm literally gonna tear this whole place down, they basically copy our music" he chuckled and squeezed my hand "cross your fingers and toes!" I giggled and held his hand.
As our award came, I held tightly onto Bills hand.
"And the winner for best music video...is....TOKIO HOTEL!" the host screamed, I gasped and turned to Bill, he was smiling so brightly and I got up, trying my best not to run up to the stage. I smiled like an idiot, walking up to the stage and shaking the hosts hand like the rest of the band. Bill made a quick speech, thanking everyone for all the support, he handed the mic to me and I sighed nervously "hello everyone" I smiled "this is my first award show that has ever been THIS big, I want to thank everyone who has supported us, this means every single country in the world who has bought our albums, bought merch, came to our concerts and etc. I love you all and thankyou so much!" I squealed, holding the award up with Bill.
Tom smiled at my excitement, wrapping his arm around my waist as we left the stage. I saw the rival band and smirked, winking at them, they rolled their eyes and scoffed, mumbling to each other. "Someones mad they didn't win" I said a little too loudly for them to hear on purpose.
We sat back down and it was time for the other award the rival band was nominated for, it was basically useless, not as good as ANY of the other awards that had been announced and were going to be announced. The host called our their name and they went onto stage, accepting the award gracefully.
They started to make a speech when I heard my name, I looked up from my phone and listened as he started to talk shit about the band, especially me. I scoffed, not reacting to their shitty attemps to belittle us and especially me, calling me a slut. But it was when they mentioned Bill, "and Bill, the hedgehog looking guy who we all know is secretly a f*g, I mean look at him, makeup, nails and sissy clothes?" he laughed, no one else reciprocating. I stood up and yelled, "who the fuck do you think you're talking about?" they all looked at me and smirked, Tom pulling my arm to sit me down "y/n cmon..they are just trying to get a rise out of you" I pulled my arm away "shut up Tom, I'm not dealing with them talking about Bill like that."
I stormed onto stage and starting screaming at them, "you can belittle me ALL you want but what I will not stand for is you calling my best friend homophobic slurs and making fun of his style, you are a fucking coward" I got closer to the lead singer. "Shut up you stupid bitch, this is why you're with a man who sleeps with every girl he fucking sees, no self respect at all" he snapped at me, basically growling like a fucking dog.
"Oh you are PATHETIC, you have to say it to a whole audience, you can't even say it to his face? You're a pussy!" I spat in his face. Tom watched from afar, seeing you argue turned him on so much, a tent forming in his pants, lowering in his seat and watching you with a grin on his face.
"Why don't we call Bill onto stage and you can say it to his face? Huh?" I grabbed his collar, pulling him closer, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Exactly, see you can't even do it because you're a pussy!" I laughed, mocking him in front of everyone. Everyone starting chuckling, in the corner of my eye I saw security laugh too.
"You're such a whore! Wearing such a slutty dress for an event, can't even dress nice?" one of the members added, getting in my face. I laughed at her and pushed her away "don't get near my face you stinky bitch, brush your teeth before you try and insult me" she rolled her eyes.
"You are all pathetic, seriously, you basically copy our music and claim you're the better version. In what universe are you better? You have shit vocals, shit bass and shit drums, the only good thing is the guitar which again, is stolen from us" I crossed my arms "see I knew you guys were all losers with no self respect but I didn't know you were THAT low, hatecriming my best friend at an award show? You couldn't even do it online?" I scoffed.
"We're just real, we say it how it is anywhere we go" one of them shrugged, I laughed "real? honey everything about you is fake, your tits, your ass, your lips, even your personality, nothing about you is real" she went as red as a tomato and I kept on laughing, they all had such pathetic attempts to put me down and the band.
"Whatever, go back to your fag boy and womanizer boyfriend" the lead singer rolled his eyes, turning around, rage built up in me again and I grabbed him by the hair, pulling him down. That's when security got involved, grabbing me and escorting me back to my seat.
I sighed and sat back down, many people looking at me. Tom nudged me and motioned to his pants, the tent growing larger. I chuckled "you really got turned on by me arguing with them" he nodded and leaned in "when we get back to the hotel I'm gonna fuck you so hard" I smirked and held his hand.
As we returned to the hotel room Tom basically dragged me to his room, slamming the door and locking out poor Bill. He threw me onto the bed and smashed his lips into mine, roughly tugging at my clothes, growing impatient.
He finally got my dress off, pulling it off my body and admiring me. "Fuck you're gorgeous, you arguing with them like that made me so fucking hard.." he grabbed my hand, placing it over his clothed erection. I smirked and tugged at his pants, removing his belt and his pants instantly dropping (cause they r so damn baggy), he took his shirt off to reveal his sweaty, toned body. I bit my lip and the burning in my heat grew more apparent.
He caught my lips in a kiss again, pulling my panties down and his boxers shortly after. Revealing his hard, sensitive cock, throbbing and leaking precum. "Fuck I've been painfully waiting to get back to the hotel, need you so bad" he groaned against my lips, placing his tip at my entrance.
He slowly pushed in, his cock stretching me out so deliciously, I moaned and my hands flew to his arms. "So tight..fuck" he groaned, rolling his head back.
As he bottomed out he pulled out briefly before slamming his cock back into me, creating a pace. I moaned loudly, rolling my eyes back as his tip pounded into my sweet spot, pleasuring me so well.
I could honestly scream from how good it felt but nothing left my mouth except for moans.
He held my hips tightly, digging his nails into them "fuckkk.." he moaned, slamming his hips into mine. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, the air becoming thicker with the scent of sweat and sex.
"Holy shit!" I moaned, scratching at his back as he rammed into me repeatedly, making me scream out in pleasure as he started to thrust harder. I knew the rest of the band and probably the whole building was going to be able to hear us but I didn't care, all I needed was Tom.
Tom leaned down and left soft kisses on my neck and breasts, treating them with such care, like they were fragile.
He pulled back and slung my legs over his shoulder, thrusting back in harder, the newish angle making me cry out in pleasure, his cock continuing to abuse my hole.
"G'nna cum.." I moaned, a knot forming in my stomach and coiling down to my core. He moaned as my pussy clenched around his cock, signalling to him that my climax was close. I felt the tension in his cock, it was twitching and throbbing intensley.
"Fuck!" he cried out, shooting his load deep into me, coating my walls with his thick cum. He kept fucking me to ensure my orgasm, shortly after his orgasm I moaned loudly and came all over his cock.
He sighed and pulled out, both of our juices dripping out of me, he quickly grabbed some tissues and cleaned me up, careful not to overstimulate me. He climbed into the bed and pulled me close, covering us with the sheets.
He kissed my neck softly, whispering in my ear, "you are so hot when you're mad, especially when you're mad at me" he squeezed me, I giggled "well I guess you have to piss me off more then huh?" he chuckled and nuzzled his face into the back of my neck, falling asleep.
For the next few weeks all the media could talk about was my outburst at the awards show, so many people sided with me and gave us so much support, giving us a lot of new fans.
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keepingeahalive · 1 year
Lizzie Hearts Headcanons
Her full name is Princess Elizabeth Bicycle Hearts.
Her official title is Princess of Hearts, but she prefers to be “Queen and King, best of both hearts!”
Her favorite tea is cardamum. 
She likes to use nonce words in her speech.
Lizzie has her own Itsy shop where she sells her dresses.
She was mad at Daring for cheating on her with Duchess, but she realizes that they never made anything official. They didn’t communicate well about their dating situation other than keeping it a secret. After cooling down, she wanted to talk to him. But he ran away from her because he was afraid she was going to chop off his head. They’re on good terms now, and she still has some feelings for him, but they both agree that they’re better as friends and fellow Royals. 
She, like the rest of the Wonderland refugees, has a close relationship with the Mad Hatter. Having been her guardian for several years, he developed a fatherly relationship with her and Kitty. Lizzie plans to knight him when she becomes Queen. 
The Mad Hatter and Lizzie’s mother have a complicated relationship. She once planned to have him executed for “murdering the time”, but she has since pardoned him because he took Lizzie in. He is now set for execution again, this time for “murdering the space”. Lizzie plans to pardon him for this as well.
Do not mistake her for the Red Queen’s daughter. Then she really will cut off your head.
She loves botany and horticulture. She personally tended to the gardens outside her castle in Wonderland (to make sure all her roses were red) and the Wonderland Grove to stay closer to home. She also tends to the Garden of Live Flowers. 
She’s constantly losing her voice from yelling so much. She has Maddie or Kitty on speed dial for when she needs tea, because putting tea in a thermos would be blasphemy.
She hates Duchess’s trumpeter swan, Pirouette. She may be a morning person, but she doesn’t appreciate being woken up when everyone else is still asleep. She doesn’t say anything for Duchess’s sake, but she is this close to turning that swan into a croquet mallet.
Lizzie has a little brother named Timmy, and he would annoy her to no end. After fleeing Wonderland and leaving him behind, she found herself missing his annoyances, and chasing him around the castle. 
She once built an entire house of cards out of the Card Soldiers when she was nine. Unfortunately, a strong gust of wind blew them away. They were all found eventually.
She had a childhood crush on Alistair. 
Of the three who took refuge in Ever After with the Mad Hatter, Lizzie had the most trouble adapting to her new environment. She felt guilty for leaving her family and kingdom behind. She sometimes has nightmares about her home’s suffering and her loved ones blaming her for leaving them. 
She has a musical side to her that she never shows people. She can play the dulcimer, the calliope, the glass harmonica, and the hurdy-gurdy.
She takes competition very seriously, especially croquet. It is Wonderland’s official sport, and she will not see anything less that perfection and victory from her family’s sport. 
She and her mother are the owners of the vorpal sword. The original White Knight used it to defeat the Jabberwocky the first time and left it in the Queen of Hearts’s care. It is now only used for knighting ceremonies and slicing cakes.
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mattsobvimyfav · 14 days
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For Sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo) PT 19
A.n—Hey, y'all, this is gonna be a very, very slow burn. I already have some chapters written, so I will probably fire them quickly. It will be toxic, with angst, smut, and everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
y/n pov
Me and Matt have been basically avoiding each other for the last week. I ended up apologizing to Chris about the whole sleeping with him thing, I cant do that to his and Matt’s relationship. It was Friday night and I decided to skip another party because it was not worth my sleep.
I was laying in bed when I felt my phone buzzing.
Matt Sturniolo - Im coming over. We are talking. Just us.
I rolled my eyes and continued to lay in bed watching Matt’s location as he got closer to my house. I heard my downstairs door open and close with feet running up my stairs.
“Do you want this.” Matt said standing in my doorway “What?” I asked sitting up and looking at him, he had on grey sweats and a sweatshirt and he looked like he had ran the whole way here “Ill drop her for real this time, tell me if you want this and ill do it” I rolled my eyes at him “I dont trust you” Matt walked over sitting on the side of my bed “Ill do anything and everything to prove it to you. Your the only one I want” I starred into his eyes, I felt like he was telling the truth but I could not trust him at all. “Maybe you can try to earn back my trust but let's see how that works out.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. Matt jumped onto my bed laying next to me “We have to pick up Nick and Chris at 2.” I laid back into my bed rolling my eyes “Fine, you guys can just sleep here” Matt smiled looking at me “Lets watch TikTok”
After two hours I had to throw on a sweatshirt for us to go pick up the boys. “You have aux, as a gift” I smiled at Matt plugging my phone on and turning on ‘die for you’ by The Weeknd, it was so late it was time for just chill music. We got to the party after thirty minutes of driving, I called Nick letting him know we were there and all I could hear was a bunch of shouting and Nick screaming Chris was in a fight. Me and Matt looked at each other before getting out of the car super fast, When we walked in there was a bunch of people circled around and me and Matt pushed through them all.
Chris and this kid from our school Kaleb were just swinging haymakers at each other, I looked at Matt and he looked at me before jumping in and shoving Chris back into me. I grabbed his arm and once he saw it was me his face softened “Dude what the-” before I could finish my sentence Matt was turned around swinging on Kaleb and at the point he was sitting on Kaleb just pinching him in the face. “Matt! Baby! Stop!” I heard from next to me, I looked to the side seeing Maddy “Oh bitch shut the fuck up” I yelled and half the group turned looking at me. I realized in this moment as she walked towards me now was my time to shine and make Matt stop fighting. “What did you say you cun-” before she could finish I swung directly at her nose.
Maddy surprisingly hit me back right in my cheek. I pretend to not feel it and continued to just swing into her face, after about four hits to her Matt was pulling me back and I had blood flowing down my nose “WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU BITCH” I yelled as Matt dragged me out and Nick dragged Chris out.
they threw us into the backseat together. I looked over at Chris’s bloody face as he looked at mine and we started laughing hysterically and took a picture of each others faces to show each other, Matt turned around and started laughing with us seeing as he also had a bloody nose. “Nick you HAVE to take our picture” Chris said I scooted closer to Chris as Matt leaned towards the back and we all smiled with a thumbs up “Im glad you idiots had fun.” Nick said shaking his head at us.
I grabbed my phone back and studied all of our faces. Chris had a cut right below his eye and one on his lip, Matt has a bloody nose and a cut on his lip, and me I had a bloody nose and a nice cut across my cheek from Maddy’s ring. “Lets get McDonalds” I said “Lets get home and get you three cleaned up” said nick, I slumped back into my seat “no fun” Nick rolled his eyes at us as we drove home singing lil skies.
“Dad! Are you awake!” I yelled as we walked into the house “Hey honey where did- What the fuck happened” He said stopping right in the door way “Sit, well give you the run down” We all sat on the couch and started telling my dad everything that happened.
Chris explained how the Kaleb kid had started saying I was a slut swapping between Chris and Matt so Chris ended up just hitting him, which in retrospect is really sweet and worth all the troubles of tonight.
I got up stairs as Chris and Matt cleaned their faces in the downstairs bathroom and I showered again, I quickly cleaned the cut and cleaned the dried blood off my face. I got out of the shower and posted the picture of us three on my instagram story, I decided to tease Matt sending him picture of my body in the mirror and got dressed before walking back into my bedroom.
I walked in to see Chris and Matt with their jaws wide open looking at me, I realized Chris had been watching Matt's phone “Great so now you've both seen me naked.” Chris had a huge grin on his face and started nodding and Matt hit his shoulder “Get the fuck in bed” he said and I giggled jumping in next to Matt and closing my eyes. Matt wrapped his arms around. my waist pulling me closer to him as we all drifted off to sleep.
@maryx2xx @larnieboox88 @worldlxvlys @luvangelbreak
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verymuchablog42 · 1 year
totally random person here asking you why why is dream state... by lucy dacus is on your nancy wheeler playlist
heyyy totally random anon!! thanks for asking me to open this can of worms :)
so, overall, this song has this really deep, mournful vibe that I think is at its core very Nancy Wheeler coded. there's this sense of loss of kinship and innocence that's very losing barb-esque, if you know what I meannow, lyrically, some lines that jump out to me as Nancy Wheeler core are;
a) "You catch me when I'm falling / Sometimes, I wish you wouldn't / I can't tell if I'm learning" because we see Nancy become somewhat isolated after the loss of Barb and feeling like she can't really rely on or let others in, especially in s4 when her relationship with Jonathan is strained. Nancy has not only oldest daughter syndrome but is also the final girl, so she's got a lot of complex struggles about feeling like she is the only one in a situation who can do things but also she is constantly doing then wrong
b) "If you hadn't come over / I would be so much colder / I would be much less confused" both comphet Nancy realizing her feelings for Robin but also this line has jancy vibes of like all this shared trauma being the foundation of their messy relationship that's not really strongly built on anything else (not to shit on jancy or anything, that's just my take on where they are right now)
c) "Without you, I am surely the last of our kind / Without you, I am surely the last of my kind" this to me screams out in mourning for the parts of Nancy that died when Barb was dragged into the Upside Down, the girlhood she lost and the guilt and blame she carries on her shoulders for something horrific that happened to her that was totally not her fault
... yeah, a LOT of thought goes into my character playlists and Nancy is SO interesting to me, i hope any of this made sense
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musicmusings42 · 2 years
i'm listening to Dance Fever by Florence + The Machine right now and y'all are going to get an album reflection of this record very soon because it is gorgeous
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
this might not make sense but I absolutely love your billy and Stu playlist. Could you maybe write a couple headcannons on which songs they like and why? You could include the reader or not it's up to you thanks Maddy!❤️‍🔥
I think I get what you're asking. I hope you like it!💕
Billy's playlist
Stu's playlist
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1.) 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins
This is Billy's favorite song I don't make the rules. Smashing Pumpkins is one of his favorite bands. The song reminds him of a time he was happy. He listens to music like it'd play in a movie about his life. This would play while a montage of him and Stu flickered on the silver screen.
2.) The Killing Moon by Echo & the Bunny Men
This song always finds its way onto his mixtapes. It makes him think of how love can happen to anyone even if they pray it doesn't. He equates love with death just because you have no control over when and where it happens.
3.) A Day In The Life by The Beatles
A Beatles song amidst alternative rock is definitely a little jarring. Billy actually enjoys the Beatles. It was his mother's favorite band. He grew up listening to the Sgt Peppers album on repeat. She'd sing song after song to him trying to get him to sleep. This song reminds him of simpler times.
4.) How Soon Is Now? by The Smiths
Billy's a Smiths fan. He puts music on just to brood over his life. The man thinks he has better music taste than everyone else he knows. Stu likes to make fun of Billy's music taste. "Damn does that shit come with razor blades?"
5.) Mama I'm Coming Home by Ozzy Osbourne
Mommy issues. Likes to play music he knows that'll make him cry. He thinks if he makes himself cry in private he'll be less likely to accidentally cry around anyone.
6.) It's The End Of The World As We Know It by R.E.M
Stu knows all the words to We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel. Billy thinks he's a dork because of this. Yet in the privacy of his car, he will sing every single word of this song.
7.) Every Breath You Take by The Police
Told a girl he related to this song on a first date. He's still not sure why she stopped talking to him. Billy still thinks it's a romantic song.
8.) Goodbye Horses by Q Lazzarus
Only knows the song because of Silence of the Lambs. Will start dancing to this song if he's been drinking.
9.) Flesh For Fantasy by Billy Idol
Remember how I said he thinks about where a song would fit in a movie about his life? This would play while he's kissing down your chest. His movie wouldn't have a full sex scene he's not a sellout. More like a montage of kissing and soft moans. It would be frustrating to watch for people like me and you.
10.) A Girl Like You by Edwyn Collins
Without wasting words he'd play you this song hoping you'd understand how he felt about you. Billy was odd like that. He obsessed over lyrics and a song's meaning. When he realized he had a crush on you he immediately started making a list of songs that reminded him of you. They could put his emotions into words when he couldn't.
1.) In The Meantime by Spacehog
Stu loves music. He doesn't care about lyrics although they can make a song better. If he likes instruments he'll buy the album. Will buy a whole album for one song. This is one example. Stu doesn't like what he calls "sad bastard music." You will rarely catch him listening to music he knows will bum him out.
2.) Blood Makes Noise by Suzanne Vega
This song itches his brain every time he listens to it. Stu is odd. He likes rock but if there's too much going on it freaks him out. Not one for screamo makes him feel like he's being yelled at. This song is on his sex playlist do what you will with that information.
3.) Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Nirvana fan first human second. He has a crush on Kurt Cobain. Hates Cortney Love like she's Yoko Ono. Stu likes to learn about bands and artists' personal lives. He's nosey. "Can you believe that shit? I'd treat them so much better." Stu would rant to his friend about a random celebrity making Billy want to drink Draino.
4.) Paradise By the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf
He thinks the song is hilarious. Will perform the 8-minute-long song at karaoke. There will be an empty room once he's done. He doesn't regret his actions.
5.) A.D.I.D.A.S by Korn
It was your fault. You picked out the movie Say Anything and made him watch it. You woke up at 3 in the morning to Stu loudly blasting this song outside of your house. Not only was it funny it was romantic to him. Cops were called.
6.) I Was Made For Lovin' You by KISS
This is one of Stu's favorite songs. When he was little he was obsessed with KISS. He'd put on a full face of face paint and he'd stain his tongue and hands with red food coloring. The boy would run around the house singing and dancing. To his parents, however, Stu's unserious habit of playing with makeup wasn't something they were proud of. His music taste is all over the place because he constantly went through different phases trying to figure out what he could do to please his parents. Nothing ever did.
7.) Peaches by The Presidents of the United States
If you write a song that sounds good and had some goofy ass lyrics Stu's sold. Stu will sing this every time the school lunch consists of peaches. Billy has thrown several trying to get his friend to shut up.
8.) Iron Man by Black Sabbath
Stu loves to stir up shit and have arguments. He was actually on the debate team for his freshman and sophomore years of high school. Billy thinks Ozzy Osbourne is better alone than with Black Sabbath. Every time this is brought up Stu acts like a little piece of him dies. Plus when this song comes on the radio Stu likes to cover his mouth imitating the voice at the beginning. It's where they got the whole ghostface voice idea from.
9.) Fight For Your Right by Bestie Boys
Stu is a huge fan of The Beastie Boys. Their first record is a go-to when there's a party at his is. Of course, this is his favorite song of theirs. The amount of times that man has bounced around an empty house blasting that band is almost worrying.
10.) Psycho Killer by The Talking Heads.
Best for last. If Stu had a theme song this would be it. In his movie, it'd play as he's running around as Ghostface. He has a lot of energy so he loves to chase people. Randy called him an "evil golden retriever" once and Stu likes the comparison.
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some-lonely-loser · 8 months
📍Location-Perez Household
📷POV- Narrator (3rd)
Brooke sat on Maddy's bed with a small, foldable mirror in one hand while her other hand lined her lips with a walnut brown shade while listening to Maddy and Kat's conversation. "Do you think my areolas look weird?" Maddy asked, while looking at her boobs in the mirror.
"No." Kat responded while Brooke just hummed in agreement, moving onto her eyeshadow, gathering her brushes together.
"But like.. The edges though." Maddy spun a little round, glancing at her friends who weren't even paying attention to what she was saying.
"Maddy, they're fine." Kat said while Brooke responded, "Yeah girl, calm down."
Maddy scoffed and said "Fine like they're weird, or fine like nobody but me would notice what I notice?"
"Fine like shut the fuck up Maddy!" BB yelled from Maddy's bathroom which caused Brooke to stop applying her makeup and start laughing
"I'm disgusting. I literally look disgusting." Maddy said while  pulling her tank top back up while Brooke scoffed and Kat responded "Maddy, you need to snap the fuck out of this. You're hot as fuck and Nate's a loser. Who cares?" Kat said, looking up at her while Brooke hummed in agreement, finishing her makeup and putting the mirror back on Maddy's table.
"He's not a loser, he's a dick." Maddy defended him. "All dicks are losers... duh." Kat mumbled. Brooke stood up and grabbed her phone, walking into the bathroom that BB was previously getting ready in, no longer interested in the seemingly never ending conversation. She pulled up her periwinkle colored jeans and smoothed out the wrinkles on her satin, indigo shirt.
Brooke came back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed and grabbed her phone to get more details about the party that was being thrown later.
"Brooke! You ready?" Maddy yelled from downstairs, glancing at Kat and BB who were also confused on what Brooke was doing. "Yep! I'm coming, gimme a sec I'm putting my shoes on." Maddy shrugged and turned around, walking to the door while BB shouted "We're gonna wait for you in the car." while following Kat and Maddy outside, shutting the door.
Maddy slowed the car down, beginning to pull into the parking lot of the store that Fezco owned with his brother. A certain curly haired girl walked past  the car and as soon as Maddy parked, she squinted her eyes and leaned closer to where the familiar figure was coming from.
"Is that..?" Maddy mumbled
"Oh shit. Slow down." Kat told her, even though she was already parked.
"Dude that's Rue! Oh my god.." Kat yelled.
Brooke sat up and smiled. "Oh shit! It is her!"
"Wait. didn't Rue like.. Die?" Maddy asked, confused.
BB leaned back in her seat and said "Oh my god.. I hate ghosts." Making Brooke laugh and say "She was in rehab I think."
Kat stuck her head out the window and yelled, "Yo Casper! You want a ride?"
Rue turned around and started walking slowly to the car. "Why thank you."
Brooke moved over to the middle seat, making room for Rue while she opened the door and got in the car. "Hey Rueee" Brooke said, making Rue turn to her and grin lazily. "Oh hey."
Maddy pulled out the parking spot and continued driving while rap music played and the smoke from BB's vape and the blunts that were being passed around, filled the car.
Brooke looked down at her phone, getting a message from her best friend, Sienna.
Hey bitchh, where u at?
I'm omw rn. I'm in the car wit Maddy and evb else. This car loud asf
Ok girl be safe
Love u. see u soon
I will! Love u too.
Brooke shut her phone off and laid her head against the headrest behind her, growing a headache every time BB blew smoke in her direction. Brooke just kept calm and continued listening to the rap music playing throughout the car, thankful that the current situation would only be for a couple more minutes. When the girls arrived at the party, they all said their goodbyes and ran off inside.
Brooke planned to stay with Maddy, but of course that wasn't happening since she already walked off, probably to find Nate. Her eyes darted across the room, hoping to find Sienna, or anybody else that was familiar to her.
After walking around for a few minutes, Brooke grew irritated with how many people shoved into her, unapologetically. Looking through the crowd of people one last time, before eventually deciding that she would find Sienna later, Brooke walked to the kitchen.
She grabbed a red solo cup, glancing at all the bottles of alcohol and shot glasses that were scattered throughout the kitchen. Making sure her cup was clean, she walked over to the fruit punch bowl and made herself a drink, making a mental note to add some tequila to it as well.
"Hey Brooke! I've been looking for you!" Brooke's head snapped to where the voice came from, thinking it was Sienna but it was just one of her friends from school, Isobel. "Hey Isobel! You liking the party so far?" She said drinking from her cup.
"It's ight." Isobel shrugged. "You?" Brooke grinned before shrugging as well. "Yeah it's ight. You know where Sienna is?" She shouted over the loud music.
"Uhm.. The last I saw her, she was at the bathroom so try there." Isobel spoke before grabbing a bottle of alcohol and walking away, saying her goodbyes.
Brooke drank the rest of her drink, scrunching her face, looking down into the cup, only to see that it was clear. She put the cup down, rolling her eyes as she realized she just drank from the wrong cup. She shrugged it off, walking back into the living room, to find Sienna. Her eyes scanned over all the dancing figures before she found what she guessed
were the bathrooms, where a lot of people gathered.
Brooke looked at all the figures, not finding one with noticeably crimson colored hair, which caused her to turn around, figuring whatever was going on behind that crowded door, was most likely bullshit.
She walked around more, still trying to find Sienna before eventually giving up and sitting herself down onto an empty seat on the couch. Her eyes scanned the room, watching all the people who were doing their own thing before she turned her head to get a look at who she was sitting beside. Her eyebrows raised and when she saw Sienna
"Where the hell were you?" Brooke shouted over the loud music, causing Sienna to look at her and smile. "I was looking for you everywhere!" Sienna yelled before pulling her into a hug.
Brooke's smile faded away as she felt a tug on her bladder. "Hey, stay here, don't go anywhere. I gotta use the bathroom." Sienna pulled away from the hug and said "Alright, but be quick" she chuckled and walked off to the bathroom.
Brooke walked out the bathroom, shaken up from all the drama she had heard. She shrugged it off, walking back to the couch that she was previously at. She looked around for Sienna before eventually sitting down, figuring she just went to get a drink.
She grabbed her phone out of her bag and started scrolling on instagram, no longer having interest in this party.
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Liked by MaddyPerez, and 4,728 others.. Ashtrayoneil: Jus got done countin View all 1,384 comments
She started scrolling through the comments before she felt the seat beside her sink down. She looked over and saw Sienna. "I told you not to leave!" Sienna laughed "I'm sorry, I was thirsty I had to get a drink. You wanna dance?" She yelled over the loud music. Brooke nodded as Sienna pulled her up and led her toward the middle of the living room, crowded with dancing figures.
Sienna and Brooke started dancing together but Brooke felt eyes watching her. Brooke continued dancing but shrugged the feeling off
Unbeknownst to Brooke, Ashtray was staring ahead of them. He watched as they grabbed onto each other, dancing and singing along with the music. He didn't know either of the girls well, but he did know that Sienna bought weed from him alot and Brooke just seemed.. Confusing.
He met her a couple times before. Sometimes she was dressed in sweatpants and a tee and didn't talk at all while looking at her phone and other times, she was dressed all fancy with her hair done up in some kind of way while being chatty.
He knew she came from a rich family and just figured she would be one of those rich, annoying, stuck up girls with an everlasting bitchy attitude. Maybe he was judging her based on what he heard about her but she just seemed like she was uninteresting and annoying.
Despite how Ashtray was staring her down, Brooke didn't notice it. But Sienna did. And just as she was about to tell Brooke, and suggest going over there, she heard a loud voice.
"Do you guys know who the fuck this is?" Brooke and Sienna stopped dancing and the music stopped. Everyone was staring at Nate Jacobs pointing at a girl Brooke had never seen before.
"Does anybody know who the fuck this is? Does anybody know who the fuck Jules is?" Nate yelled again, while everyone stood awkwardly, but silent. He walked away from the girl and towards the crowd of people around him and started pointing at someone "Anyone at all. You. Do you know who the fuck Jules is?" He turned around and started walking back towards her. Continuing their previous conversation, Brooke couldn't hear because she was too far away.
Nate started getting in the girl's face which obviously upset her before he yelled again "Yo is anybody here, friends with Jules? Anyone? Does anyone know who the fuck this bitch is?"
He got quiet again, waiting for someone to speak before yelling louder. "Somebody better speak up or this bitch is gonna get fucked up!" The girl, seemingly tired of Nate being an asshole to her, grabbed a knife
"Oh shit.." Brooke mumbled while Sienna hummed in agreement to her reaction. Nate walked backwards away from the girl, as if he was retreating from a bear. "You wanna fucking hurt me!?" She yelled, walking towards him. "No! I was fucking kidding!" He yelled, trying to calm her down, which obviously in this case, wouldn't work. "Back the fuck up! What the fuck is your problem?!" She yelled, getting him against a cabinet with a scared look as he eyed the knife in her hand. "Put the fucking knife down okay- It was a joke-" He scrambled, trying to find the right words.
"You wanna fucking hurt me!?" "No no no-" Nate mumbled, still eyeing the knife. "You have no fucking idea." She said, slicing her wrist after. Brooke gasped like everyone else and looked at Sienna, who was just shaking her head, at a loss for words.
"I'm fucking invincible!" Jules said, with her hand raised up, walking over to Nate and putting her blood on his shoulder. She backed up from Nate, putting her arm down and shouted, "By the way, I'm Jules. I just moved here!" She said, smiling and walking out the kitchen,
The music started back up and everyone continued dancing. Brooke nodded slowly, finding the new girl cool but somewhat weird. She then  turned to Sienna, who was already looking at her. "Okay then.." Sienna mumbled over the music. "The fuck just happened" Sienna shrugged in confusion
WC: 1946
I haven't posted on here in so long but I hope u enjoyed LMAO
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geminibsworld · 7 months
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it had been almost three months since we last spoke. skye was sad, so sad she went back to her natural color, black. well she tried, more like a black with a plum finish. it was may, and it was hot. her car didn't have working ac, which is fine as long as her windows will actually work. she pulled shorts up her pale legs sliding on her checkered vans, before slipping out the door to the car. her shirt hung carelessly off her shoulder, skye had gotten a new tattoo on her colorbones. they were still quite sore, but at least she looked cool. that's what she thought anyways. she rolled down her windows turning on sublime, her waves flew everywhere messily as she stuck an arm out the window moving with the beat. the spring and summer made skye feel good,but unfortunately they're not helping her with tom. she wants to apologize and let him know the truth but she's frightened at the idea that he leaves.
she pulled into the school parking in the back when she climbed out of the car. sligging her backpack over she shoulder, she walked inside of the school. she notices Tom's figure, she wants to approach him but can't help and see Maddie on his side, arm around her shoulder.
she wanted to scream, to yell at tom, she wanted to tell him how she felt. she looked away walking to her locker, pretty close to them. as she's putting things away, and moving things into her bag, she can't but feel his gaze. she knows it's him because no one else did this to her. she looked at him, his showed little emotion. she wanted to cry then and there, apparently a tear or two slipped down her cheeks. skye gasped wiping her cheeks quickly turning them a pink color, before walking off. Tom's neck nearly broke snapping to follow her, he loosened his grip on Maddie watching skye. Maddie rubbed his arm smiling, he smiled a small smile before looking back to where skye was, and she was gone. tom pulled away from Maddie soon as the bell rang, he was about to graduate and be done with this school. he knew a way to get skyes attention, he'd throw a party.
"your white boy is throwing a party," Elizabeth's laugh erupted skyes ears, skye scrolled on her phone lazily. Elizabeth was over and they had barely said a word to each other. skye eyed Elizabeth before replying coolly.
"we should go," Elizabeth laughed.
"yeah and do what? so you can end up fucking him and crying? what he did to you wasn't fair," skye laid her head down on her bed, closing her eyes.
"he said he loved me," skye breathed out, her friend gasping very loud and dramatically.
"okay and? he is literally just a man, there's plenty out there," Elizabeth's voice echoed in her ears, she was determined to go to the party.
tom was drinking, he never drank either. he didn't like it that much, no control is what he didn't like. he wasn't drunk but was feeling himself. he was dancing with all his friends, jumping, singing, he felt so free and happier than ever. he was grinning when he turned around and saw skye. her hair so dark, and her skin as pale as ever. her eye make up brightened her aqua colored eyes in the most perfect way. she was talking to a guy, smiling, her little devious smirk appeared across her lips. tom knew that smirk all too well.
'yes daddy,' that smirk, he wanted to kiss her then and there. take her away from that guy, and touch her, remind her she is his flower, princess, baby, ruby, and now a raven. he watched as that guy pulled her outside to his back porch, Tom's jaw clenched. he had to follow.
"I'll be back," he said to one of his friends, before the friend could reply he walked to the glass door in the back, music loudly played as he was trying to listen through the door. he knew he looked crazy, but he couldnt help it. he loved her, love made him feel crazy and he didn't care.
skye was laughing with a man, named Sam, outside when Sam pointed something out.
"is that your boyfriend?" she turned around and saw tom with his ear pressed against the window, very shamelessly. her eyes turned big, and she turned to Sam.
"uh, no, but he is just a friend," that hurt her to say, they definitely weren't just friends. they shared too many intimate close memories together. her heart ached, before slamming back her drink.
"I'll be back," she mumbled walking towards the door, yanking it open. Tom's eyes went wide as he lost his balance and fell back ever so slightly. she gasped, and went to grab his hand. he stared at her, the world in slow motion, the background sounds, the people, all gone.
she grabbed his large hand, steadying, him. his hand went to her small waist pulling her into him. she gasped, he was hugging her. she went rigged, and pulled away. she looked up, he was staring at her. lips apart, hair mess, and his eyes wide.
"I'm sorry," he pulled back from her even more, she grabbed another drink and downed it like it was nothing avoiding eye contact.
"so can I ask why you had been watching me, or listening to me?" she shouted over the music, tom steaded himself against the kitchen counter. his arms crossed over his chest.
"oh fuck off," tom started, skyes furrowed her brows.
"excuse me?" he laughed in her face.
"why do you pretend to care?" he asked, his eyes searching her face. "you've never cared about me or my feelings,"
"what're you talking about tom I don't understand, we haven't talked in months and before that we shared a lot of time together, so excuse me for being a little freaked out because you said you loved me! we were supposed to be friends with benefits, not lovers!" skye yelled at him, the music covering their conversation. thank God, she thought, no ones paying attention to them.
"because you asked me to! I left you alone like you asked, skye!" she clenched her jaw and squeezed her fists.
"because I fucking care about you tom," before she could finish, tom started going off.
" I have thought about you every single day since the day we met, every waking second, minute, hour. I thought about you skye, then when we started to get closer I realized how beautiful you were on the inside as well of the outside. my heart aches for you, and you only. I've never felt this before, for no one. it's new to me too, but I'm not fucking scared like you. you may be able to attack people, but you have other emotions other than anger too. I've noticed how you look at me, how you touch me, how you smile and laugh more with me," he stepped closer, skye gulped falling into the other side of the counter.
"you love me, just admit it," tom was so upset, his eyes brimming with tears. skye swallowed, eyes avoiding his.
"I fucking knew it, you're too scared," he spat at her, skye started to cry.
"you're an asshole, tom." she whimpered, wiping her face. he laughed, before turning to walk away before stopping at the entrance.
"I love you, skye. don't think I don't,"
she wasn't going to let him walk away, she couldn't not this time.
"tom wait!" she yelled, following closely behind him, "hear me out," he turned to her, his face hardened.
"what?" he grumbled, skye grabbed both of his hands rubbing the top of them gently with her thumbs. he looked down as her soft hands rubbed his big ones, in a comforting way.
"look, tom," she sighed, closing her eyes, started crying. full on sobbing. her breathing erratic, tom put his feelings aside before leaning down to her height. his heart hurt, he pulled her into a tight, warm hug. she cried helplessly into his chest, tom looked around and pulled her into his bathroom. he got her inside, closing the door behind him, and locking it. he grabbed a rag from under the sink.
"sit," he said, getting the rag wet with cold water to help with the puffiness. she sat on the edge of the sink, her eyes more green than ever from her crying. he dabbed the rag underneath her eyes, gently. she stared at his face as he did this with concentration, she grabbed his hand pulling it away before saying,
"tom, I do love you," she said, quietly. "I've had a lot of people, come and go, and I couldn't let that happen with you. you make me feel warm, wanted, needed even." he stared at her, his lips parting slightly before closing his mouth nodding at skye. they loved each other. this is all he wanted.
"you've invaded my heart, body, and soul. I can't not think about you, or our time together. you make me want to be alive," skye said, placing a hand on his jaw rubbing it softly. he leaned into her touch, closing his eyes softly before fluttering them open. skye waited for a response before tom took her into a passionate, hungry, kiss.
he kissed her like she was his oxygen to breathe, like he needed to kiss her. their lips together, molding perfectly. she was his missing piece. he needed her like she needed him. she kissed back with the same fire, he slipped his hands into her hair tugging gently. she whimpered into his mouth, oh God, her whimpers. he couldn't fuck her now, wouldn't feel right to him. he wants to show her he loves her.
he pulled away, breathlessly and when he opened his eyes and looked at her. he realized he'd never love her more. her lips and cheeks red, her hair slightly unstraightened, he grabbed her hair with two fingers playing with the ends not taking his eyes off of his beautiful girl.
"I want to show you something,"
she drove him to her house in silence. his hand in hers, fingers between fingers. she didn't dare look his way, she wanted him to come inside and spend the night with her. they completely abandoned the party, his party. but he didn't care, he just wanted to be with her. he would take care of the mess another time.
they pulled into her place, they both thought about that kiss in the car. their first kiss, they both thought about it as she turns off the car. she opens the door, tom follows behind her closely. she unlocked the door, quietly.
the whole house was quiet, tom looked around. a family lived here, he had never even met her family before.
"they're all asleep, follow me quietly." her voice barely above a whisper, tom looked around the home. no pictures, a box TV and a small love seat with a recliner. her hand grabbed his pinky, gently pulling him up the stairs, pulling him past 2 doors, before they reached her room
she walked in, pulling him in quickly, shutting the door behind. he looked around her room, white walls with posters and a tapestry. yellow Christmas lights laced the top by the ceiling. her floors wooden and older, her bed lay on the floor with fluffy pillows and blankets.
tom watched at skye moved things around before taking off the clothes she was wearing in, he watched her body as she slid the dress down her legs as she grabbed a large t shirt off the floor. tom cleared his throat looking away, as skye turned back to him. he couldnt help but want her in everyway. skye sat next to him on the bed, his eyes leaving her pale legs. she sighed staring out the window, Tom's eyes traced her body from her legs up to her face. she was truly beautiful in every way.
"you're incredible," he whispered, eyes not leaving her face. she looked over at him, placing a small kiss on his cheek. so innocent but not.
"tom, I really mean what I said earlier," skye said, barely above a whisper. tom stared at her, nodding.
"I know, and I meant what I said too," she nodded, he grabbed her face placing a soft kiss to her lips. her hand rubbing his stubble, she kissed back gently. he was so gentle with her, it was different. this was different, so much more tender. she climbed atop of him stradding him, his hands rubbed her back softly, he leaned back on his elbows staring up her. her hair messy, in loose waves. his fingers pulled at her hair gently, her pale skin in the moon light was possibly the prettiest sight he's ever seen. she leaned down, placing a slow kiss to his lips. her fingers found his buttons, his fingers twisted in her hair. she whimpered quietly, unzipping his pants before palming him in the kiss. he groaned into her mouth sending vibrations into her. she traced her fingers up and down him, teasing him, pulling away from the kiss. she leaned down, pulling his pants and underwear down. tom hissed, as she jerked him spitting on his cock. before sliding her tongue up his shaft, his hips jerked.
“mhm fuck baby,” he breathed, his hand grabbing her hair. she took him into his mouth, bobbing up and down. “fuck babygirl,”
she hummed in response, going lower and lower every time she went down. tom’s head went back in pleasure before looking up at her. she was bent over, her back arched and her ass in the air, tom moaned quietly before his hands found her ass. clenching the skin, spanking her. she moaned on his cock, slurping him up and down, spit covering him. his fingers slowly inched towards her hot wet heat. his index finger gently rubbed between her folds as skye gagged on him, spit dribbling down her chin as she sits up to breathe before going down again. she went faster as tom, rubbed between her puffy folds her getting wetter and wetter.
“mhm baby, i need you,” he moaned, she sat up, tom wasted no time grabbing her, pulling her into his lap, she positioned herself over him before lowering herself down.
“fuck,” she breathed, tom wrapped his arms around her taking over, their chests touching, their skin wet and hot. he lifted his hips to meet hers, as she bounced on him. he grabbed her throat, pulling her lips to his.
their lips hungry for each other, his fingers tangled in her hair. she moaned into the kiss, his tongue slipped in and wrestled hers. their moans, whimpers, and grunts were the only sounds in the house. he pulled her down so she lay on top and as he lays on his back. his hands on her ass, helping her bounce. her juices covering his cock, she clenched around him whimpering into his month. skye pulled away from tom, as he lay flat she ground herself on him, moaning a way.
“fuck my flower,” skyes heart fluttered, whimpering at she bounced on him. the name that started it all.
“you feel so fuckin good,” tom’s hips meeting her, she cried out her nails digging into his chest. he hissed at her, his fingers clenching her hips leaving bruises forsure.
“fuck-daddy,” she whimpered, tom cried out. she clenched around him, “i-i love you tom,”
“fuck princess, i love you most,” he said, letting go and finishing in her, filling her up. they both sat quietly as she climbed off of him, and went to pee. tom climb into her bed, still naked waiting for her.
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she climbed in next to him, facing him in the moonlight. his fingers tracing her skin, she placed a small kiss to his forehead. he smiled, tiredly.
“promise to be my flower forever?” he asked, his voice hoarse and tired. skye nodded, their fingers interlocked. their foreheads touching, “i promise, as long as you promise to be mine,”
“always baby,” she heard him whisper, as she closed her eyes. finally feeling at peace.
she was his flower, and he was her tom.
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