#made in pdx
inga-don-studio · 2 months
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minotaurfemme · 3 months
got to hang out with a friend i made at a punk show a couple months ago and it has reaffirmed my love of trans women i love y'all so much
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da-riya · 1 year
Love paradox games cuz it's like I spend 4 hours straight watching the most ludicrous geopolitical shenanigans happen and then after a hour long break I go at it again to
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puckpocketed · 5 months
i genuinely appreciate the camera panning away from a possible ugly collision and a fight. yeah. let’s not fucking make a spectacle of that.
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bluemoonrabbit · 1 year
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I found this art glass bear at Goodwill and thought hmm, maybe I can sell this on Ebay, I'll just do a quick Google Lens search for it...
Well, it refused to turn up any matches. I tried a regular google search with just about every combination of words I could think of, and got nada. But it was so pretty, and felt so nice and smooth in my hands, that I figured I'd take it home and keep searching.
*Much* searching later and I still had nothing... then I decided to look at the manufacturer's sticker more closely, and realized the logo in the middle was not just an ungoogleable letter G, but GW, or perhaps WG. That lead me to an old post on a hobby forum saying GW stands for "Glassworks Warmensteinach." That did yield results, but nothing too in depth about the brand itself.
Then I realized, this is a German brand. Why would their name contain the English "glassworks?" I searched for "Warmensteinach Glaswerke," and bam! Found a glass collector's site which stated that WG was an art glass company active from 1899-2000. That page led to another page, where I found a catalogue from 1975...
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There's my bear!!!
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anigifs18 · 2 years
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Kaito White Blazer module with rabbit ears and tail in LOL -Lots of Laugh- in Project Diva X
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foxstonejewelry · 2 years
Available here. 🍁
Fall flowers with carnelian & citrine Sold!
Foxes with roses & sunstone
Foxes with sunstone
Halloween with obsidian & peach moonstone
Jack-o’lanterns with amethyst
Moondrops with rainbow moonstone
Pumpkins with amethyst, carnelian, & labradorite
Pumpkin studs
Rats with rose & smokey quartz Sold!
Rose planchettes
Rose studs with golden rutilated quartz Sold!
Skulls with amethyst & sunstone
Skulls with moon phases Sold!
Skull studs
Squirrel studs Sold!
Vampires with garnet & obsidian
Instagram | Shop | TikTok  
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selfhelpradio · 2 months
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should i ask? i don't want to ask. i should ask.
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pants-magic-pants · 4 months
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Tidings from the PDX Vampire Ball! We all had a lovely time -- hylianjean, her husband, and I. I haven't talked much about the costume I made (debuting here!) but that will be remedied soon. In the mean time, you probably wanted something like this, right? ;)
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female-malice · 6 months
Women's freedom of movement and freedom to cycle have been at the heart of feminism for 130 years
And men know this. And that is why they harass female cyclists. They want to intimidate us and keep us from claiming our freedom through cycling.
The most recent counts by the City of Portland estimate that only three out of every 10 bicycle riders are women and the gender split hasn’t budged since counting started in 2006. In east Portland, the City tabulated just 17% of all bike riders as women. As we ponder the reasons for this disparity, a survey has revealed one factor that’s causing it: the high rate of demeaning interactions and aggressive behaviors some women experience while riding.
A survey conducted in February by nonprofit BikeLoud PDX asked women to describe the worst or most common incident of abuse they’ve experienced while cycling. A shocking 311 out of the 329 women who answered that question reported some level of traumatic incident. The woman who led the survey project, Cathy Tuttle, analyzed the results and found that 229 respondents experienced a Level 3 Trauma (swearing, honking, catcalling, rolling coal, etc), 53 experienced a Level 2 Trauma (deliberate close pass, tailgating, menacing, etc), and 29 experienced a Level 1 Trauma (hit and run, throwing projectiles, aggressive stalking, etc) — the most severe category of abuse.
The vast majority of these aggressive behaviors came from people driving cars. Respondents said 88% of the aggressors were in cars, 7% were identified as homeless people and 5% were other bike riders.
In a summary of the survey results made public Monday, Tuttle shared several examples of the responses. I’ve pasted a few of them below:
A man screaming “get the f*ck off the road” repeatedly while I was cycling on a low traffic route downtown, revving their engine constantly and pulling up too close behind me. I finally got off the road, shaking and crying and called 911. The dispatcher told me there was “nothing we can do, it’s not illegal.” She didn’t want me to report the behavior, even though I had the license plate.
I had a driver stop to tell me that I needed a rear bike light so they could see me. I didn’t respond so the continued to verbally harass me. When the light changed they followed me and kept trying to yell at me. Eventually I came to park and biked into it so they couldn’t follow me. I was scared to bike for a while after that.
A woman yelling out her (passenger) side window “hit the bitch” after I pointed to the stop sign that they were rolling through when I had right of way.
Tuttle also included a longer response from someone who took the survey that is worth reading (edited slightly for brevity):
After he physically threatened me with his car, and after honking, I was told by a man, “I’m going to kill you the next time I see you” while I was biking — legally — on a typically busy (but not at all busy right then) 3 or 4-lane one-way road that has no cycling-specific infrastructure and doesn’t see much bike traffic, but which was at the time a crucial connector that I needed to be on to get across a freeway without going extremely far out of my way…
He didn’t yell it. He said it slowly, deliberately. I’ll never forget it. It wasn’t inflamed reactive rage; it was a slow, methodical, simmering threat. He looked right at me. I can still hear it many years later: I’m going to kill you. I’ve had men in SUVs and trucks deliberately swerve into me, almost, but not quite, hitting me more times than I can count. This is a cross-Oregon problem, in urban, suburban, ex-urban, and rural areas, all of which I’ve biked in extensively. I’ve been called a dumb c—, a stupid b—-, and other misogynist slurs, again, more times than I can count. I’ve also been treated to yelling misogyny from male street joggers, who run in the street against traffic all the way to the side of the road, right where cyclists typically are… This is weirdly common in Portland, and they are often very rhetorically and even physically aggressive. I’ve also been in collisions with street joggers, and their dogs, and I, the cyclist, have always been the more injured person, so it’s a real problem actually. I’ve encountered groups of 3 men jogging with 2 or 3 huge dogs who are taking up literally the entire street and are very aggressive when confronted with a cyclist — me, one woman — trying to get to work. Once I was biking to work in Portland with a male cyclist who was behind me, and a truck deliberately swerved into me at a high rate of speed to threaten me or worse, and the man who was biking behind me chased the driver down and yelled at him because he saw it all happen in a way I did not have the vantage to and he was pissed. The truck driver was likely annoyed by my male companion, who he encountered first, but didn’t do anything. Then when he encountered me, he became enraged and deliberately tried to intimidate me by swerving into me. If anything had “gone wrong,” I’d probably be dead now, due to the speed of the driver. Still have a pretty visceral reaction to light blue Leer-brand pick-up truck toppers to this day because of this decades-ago incident. None of these described incidents are rare, aberrant, unusual, or even, really, worthy of note anymore, but they’re the specific ones that come immediately to mind with no thought at all, but that are representative of a whole problem. They happen ALL THE TIME, for seemingly no reason often. The misogyny comes out almost immediately, reflexively. I feel that if a female cyclist doesn’t preemptively display deference to motorists — of any sex, but especially male — they will be targeted, and if we’re assertive, then all the more so. But cyclists need to be assertive to be safe. Male cyclists too often seem like they’re not our allies (aside form the aforementioned male cyclist — this was actually a rare instance in my experience). The dismissive ‘male glance’ is real, on the bike as in all of life. I can distinctly recall men realizing another cyclist (me, almost 50) is behind them, at a red light or whatever, and looking back, only to discover a woman who is older than he is, on a not-interesting-to-him bike, with no interesting blingy gear on it, and have him turn away, barely able to acknowledge I was there at all. What was he expecting to see? A sexualizable object young enough to be worthy of his attention? Men are far more sexist than they can admit. As many jobs become more gender-integrated, men find new ways to assert their male supremacy. There seems to me to be a distinct strain of “biking everywhere with no infrastructure makes me a man” in the Portland bike ecosystem and it’s detrimental to a lot of folks, not just adult women. We live in a deeply sexist society and misogynist backlash to feminist gains is observantly real across both dominant culture and most if not all subcultures. Women already experience this whether they have the interpretive lens to see it or not. Many women I know just don’t want to be extra-burdened by the physical and emotional danger of biking routinely for transportation, because they’re already burdened enough in a way men just aren’t.
The responses to this survey give us all a lot to think about and should add urgency to create a better cycling environment in Portland.
Tuttle based her survey on one conducted by the Women’s Freedom campaign in London. She said after hearing similar responses to their survey, bike advocates in London built an entire campaign around it with rides, petitions, letters to city council, etc.
What should Portland do to address this problem?
— Read the survey summary here.
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vaspider · 6 months
hello! im considering moving to the general PDX area--what's the jewish community like in that neck of the woods? if i remember correctly you are reform, but do you know of any conservative synagogues to reach out to?
many thanks (and belated chag purim sameach, i hope you managed to find gluten free hamentaschen)!
We were members of Congregation Neveh Shalom until they ended both their virtual services/programs and mandatory masking. We raised this as an issue with leadership and were blown off, so ended our membership. I didn't see the point in paying to belong to a community that had made the decision to functionally exclude us.
That's the only Conservative shul I'm familiar with in Portland.
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johnwaynegayscene · 4 months
maybe im looking at this the wrong way and i should really be embracing the fact that here in pdx, an lgbt small business owner can fuck your life up just as much as a big company. we made it, lads
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superknovamusic · 1 year
Ya’ll this all-trans choir arranged my song Goals_ and made this beautiful video 🥺💜🏳️‍⚧️
They are called Transpose PDX in Portland!
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nausiccaa · 11 months
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Free Palestine 2023 posters i made this week. i riso printed copies to distribute around town with the help of outlet pdx and the IPRC. if you’d like to print them yourself here are the free PNGs. Palestine will be free in our lifetime
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criticalcuteness · 4 months
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My current stock of made plushies! Gonna double it for Geekcraft Expo PDX in June! It’s gonna be a lot of work but I think I can do it!
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jacobthewilliam · 1 year
Use this beat for your next song - Jacobthewilliam.BEATS [ FABRICATOR ] ...
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