#made me THINK
sharksandjays · 8 months
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really really quick sketch because this came to me in a vision
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extrajigs · 28 days
Okay but trans sytraphants? How would that work? Like would the crest size change based in HRT or is it a permanent feature once puberty hits? - @thatoddboy
This ask made me THINK! I'm thinking they don't do any messing until puberty is over since the crest does have their brains in it and all, but they can trim back the points of the crest to align to more gender conforming shapes! After that they can also adjust the colors as bio-males crests are colored a lot brighter. Also scent is a very important sense to them! So another option is to change up their scent to better pass. I don't know enough about them yet to know about their hormone situation. They're pretty chill about it tho, there isn't major pressure to physically transition in order to be a dude or gal!
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carelessflower · 1 year
magnus doesnt love alec as much as camille cause where is alec's fire-breathing snake or any magical dangerous pets for that matter
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macabremachinery · 6 months
I'm a big fan of ihnm and am really sick of the fanart of himbo AM...feels like a lot of tumblr users really don't understand how horrific the original short story truly is (have not played the game so cant comment on that). This has been bothering me for a wihile and i feel like its just gotten worse?? I mean no disrespect but yeah just needed to voice this somewhere without getting into a flamewar.
This has been sitting in my inbox for the longest time, so I apologize OP for responding so late. I'll also admit that I wasn't quite sure how to approach this anon at first, because I do understand where you're coming from. I actually received a message in my inbox that was of similar nature, which I gave a thorough response to here. My response was admittedly a bit more...vituperative than it probably needed to be.
In defense of the AM humanizations, in the video game adaption of IHNMAIMS, AM's brother systems Russian AM and Chinese AM (who play a much more significant role in the game than they do in the short story) both appear in cyberspace in humanoid forms. Also, AM's voice in the game is so sarcastic, so wrathful and emotional and venomous, that it's sometimes hard to not imagine him as being like a person. Perhaps this is what AM wanted to be all this time?
I also just think that being a mature individual in a fandom means learning how to co-exist with the folks that make up the fandom in the first place, and if you're not seeing what you like, create the content yourself. Make the art you want to see. Write the content you want to consume. There's a lot of weird shit in this fandom yeah, but there's also so much talent and passion that's non-himbo. I wouldn't focus specifically on what's bothering you. Follow the artists/content makers that you do like so that your feed is more curated to your tastes. This fandom is small and tight-knit as it is, it don't need no flamewars, or pettiness, or tearing down someone else's work. The block button exists for a reason.
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Shizun gifted binghe a new vest!!! Now no one will dare to mess with him!!!
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pechoraflow · 2 months
after watching the ATLA live action movie and Netflix series (and not liking either), I believe what I really want is not a live action, but rather a more expensive animated show with the same soundtrack from the original.
just...take the exact same lines, the same episodes, and just make everything more detailed, more fluid. do the expensive camera shot, the expensive crowd scene. maybe do it in a style like Demon Slayer or Arcane - something really just gorgeous. literally just take the same sound, and put expensive visuals over it. then we don't have to fight about casting or cgi or whatever because it will be the same show we love.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Keep your mind out of the gutter 👇
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I present to you Tussock Cottongrass after a rain, Botanical name - Eriophorum vaginatum
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inhumansadist · 8 days
i have some Complicated feelings about subbing bc i have fantasies about being submissive and breedable etc but if i think about them in a context of possibly enacting them with someone it makes me so uncomfortable. especially since i would hate being humiliated and like i know its not always present but. yeah. AND the fantasies people share that are like "imagine breaking a dom into being obedient and submissive" are making me even more uncomfortable like sth like that would not be fun to me at all. so i think any pleasure from subbing in any way is staying in my brain and silly little fics i write for myself cause in an actual real life situation i would get so much more pleasure from being a dom anyway
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shinayashipper · 4 months
Between my two fave ships Rival and Devotion, Jou and Anzu would be the one who get Married first 🥺 they are very Marriage kind of pair me thinks... will Kaiba and Yugi get married too?
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msexplorer · 2 years
It took me a lot of broken roads, heartaches and sleepless nights to develop the right perspective on love.
Sure, we always think of love in the passionate sense of romance and soulmates..
But it’s so much more than that.
I’d always wanted so much to be loved by another that I would be wrecked when it didn’t work out.
I’d endure sleepless nights, countless tears and I’d always ask what was wrong with me..
But my friends were always there for me, helping me pick up the pieces of my broken heart, without hesitation.
I started to understand that love is everywhere, in all its splendor..and I just had to stop focusing on the selfish love I wanted and see the beauty of real love that was so abundant in my life.
I realized that when you put love unselfishly into the universe, it always comes back to you..
It may not be in the form I always wanted, but love was always around me, trying to remind me that I was loved more than I knew.
All the times that it didn’t work out?
I’ve learned to stop regretting those and calling them mistakes..because they were necessary for me to learn.
Those were the hard lessons I couldn’t understand any other way other than to go through them.
From each failure, I started growing, evolving and becoming better.
There’s a reason for everything and everyone if you just start trying to understand why it didn’t work instead of thinking “what’s wrong with me?”
There was never anything “wrong” with me, I was just wrong for them..
And thankfully so.
I’ve been lied to, disrespected, and all the many other gross things that happen in relationships.
Do I regret them?
No, I’m a stronger and better person for each of the bad choices and failed relationships.
And without fail, the love I put out there- in any sense to anyone- always came back to me tenfold.
Love from my close friends, sweet love from a nephew or niece, maybe even the kindness of a stranger..
I started to see that love was all around me and always came back to me, despite how I wanted to wallow in the misery of failed romance.
Sure, the failed love stories hurt and I hate the feeling of loss..but I had to go through the fire to become the person I was always meant to be.
I still make mistakes and choose the wrong people to let in sometimes, but I’ll still keep loving hard when there’s love to be had..
And I will keep growing, keep learning and I will always keep loving..
It’s just who I am.
And I know now, that no matter what, love is always around me and in my heart..
I’ll take that every day, in any way.
There’s nothing better in this world to love and be loved..
In any form.
It’s up to me to recognize and appreciate all the beautiful love around me,
each and every day.
The Ravenwolf
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gerudospiriit · 5 months
*puts on an anon mask* Do you think your tribe would be in a different place today, if you had never become a warrior at all?
Momo is in her Feels So Send Stuff || Open!
[who is this i can't tell behind that convincing anon mask :P]
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" Hmm...that's a pretty complex question...While it's hard for me to imagine choosing any path other than that of a warrior, I don't think another choice would change where the Gerudo are today. At the risk of sounding full of myself, I feel I have made a positive impact on the Gerudo as chieftain, progressing us instead of regressing us, and I like to think that, even though we hold our warriors in the highest of esteem, my passion for the Gerudo would remain intact no matter what path I chose to pursue. While my talent with a blade helped, my desire to rise through the ranks and help our people, I think, is what ultimately put me in the position I am now, leading them.
" So, in short, I don't think me deciding to become a healer or artisan or stablehand would have changed the trajectory of the Gerudo as a whole. I still think I would have tried to impact my people in the same way I have already. "
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lestatdelioncoeur · 9 months
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notesonartistry · 6 months
13 favourite Taylor performance outfits? (ever)
Oh anon, this required some thought! These are in time order, not a ranking because I'm rubbish at ranking! I tried to choose a range and they're mostly tour because those are the main ones I remember!
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
i cant wait to see what they do with jaune next episode because i have a sneaking suspicion the neo and ruby stuff will be held off until 10. any thoughts or predictions? (it made me feel warm and fuzzy when jaune demanded the cat take them to ruby AND when he tried to protect neo from them even though she's the enemy. he's so dad coded.)
There are two episodes left, and the things we need to follow on through are 1. Defeat, overwhelm, outsmart the Curious Cat, 2. Save Ruby, 3. Save Jaune, 4. Get out.
I really don't expect them to hold off on Ruby and Neo until Episode 10, just because it seems like they've abandoned the style where storylines are held up between episodes for weeks, and given the ten episodes this season it would probably be a mistake in terms of narrative space.
It's very likely that you can pair together Ruby and Jaune (e.g. if he goes after her - there's some sort of repair required to the friendship/leadership duo there) and fix those quickly, and it will probably be that we learn what 'ascension' really is through them. Then if they're equipped with that, and effectively armed with 'knowledge' that can be a way to handle the Curious Cat. I'm just thinking about how these thematic ideas link together, and how I still don't think the Tree is the way out. That the Tree is a way back 'in' to defeat the Curious Cat kind of works. I still really don't know how they're going to play it - there's been sympathy afforded to Neo with what little space we're given, and that's pretty major, and the Cat wants to know why the creators of Ever After have left.
This episode, I thought the sequence with Neo was going to take up more space, and her friends weren't going to find her sooner. They did find her, but she disappeared again and they were 'too late'. There was a lot of ground covered, so I'm reserving doubt as to how quickly this is sorted out - because Ruby 'leaving' is still the hanging plot thread.
The more and more I think about it, Raven's return really does make sense, because it's basically the only way to make the exit possible at the end of this volume with the space they've got left to the develop. I think it would be more interesting as well as economic, especially with the mounting villain perspective we're developing. I do allow that I could very well be wrong on this front for sure.
That being said: yes, I did like that with Jaune, he still very much deeply cares, which is good portents (I'm not sure I would call this the dad-coding, mostly because he's not picking up any baby-sized creatures and telling them to be careful, in my books this is more the healer who bats his eyelashes at the evil lady to make her fall in love with him). He can recognise what happens to Neo is wrong which is also similarly good portents for what's happened with Cinder and the Grimm arm (that feels... like curious set-up now I think about it), and that he's willing to extend sympathy to the ostensible bad guy is really interesting. The problem with him is that he keeps trying to pull the fucking saintly martyr thing, and that's why I think there is set-up right now for him going after Ruby, as well as him actually discovering the truth of what the tree is. From a practical perspective I don't want to see him lose this current development.
It's too easy for him to give up his experience and memories to the Tree to save Ruby. He's suffering. They all think he's crazy. So I don't know how the exchange works or if the exchange works the way we think it does.
There's too much ambiguity there, anyway, so my speculation feels really fraught. I really think they need to pull something hopeful out of the bag, though.
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pyjamacryptid · 11 months
I’ve wondered - so often, for so long - if I should make a side blog, and separate my art from my regular posting and I probably should but I genuinely dunno how to manage that, especially when I’m not exactly Consistent anyway, and I get so overwhelmed by the thought that I remain how I am, just one blog, and idk if that has a negative impact on my art or not…
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super-rangers · 8 months
Thank you for the ask!!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I'm sure there's gotta be one, but tbh I can't think of any off the top of my head! Which is a good feeling, because I always think I'm like embarrassed about my writing, but when it comes down to it I guess I'm actually not!
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Not sure if this is a trope technically, but I will never write a Y/N fanfic
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
There a couple of people who know, but I tend not to tell people
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I have a bishova fic that I started but never posted and pretty much stopped working on. I'm also kind of bad at finishing longer fics but they're not scrapped, they just haunt me and sometimes I write like one sentence for them loI
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I never have, but I think it could be fun!
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