#made my morning :DDD
lunart-06 · 11 months
Wait wait wait, hear this, post danganronpa 3 Hinaegi where they are dating in secret and Hajime is like "Hey guys, i think we should do a quick visit to the future foundation, see if everything's okay" and Makoto is like "Kyoko, Byakuya, we should check the remnants, see how they're doing" and they both just giggle and think they are being so secretive meanwhile class 77 and Byakuya/Kyoko just look at them like this 😐
Fuyuhiko voicing the whole ass class's statement: "Hajime. This is the 5th time you ask this fucking week, you ain't slick. We're not gonna go there the 6TH time just so you can fucking make out with the principal"
Meanwhile at FF
Byakuya, sarcastically tired of makoto's bullshit: with all due respect—
Kirigiri, has finally done with makoto's bullshit for today: no.
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keeps-ache · 2 years
good vibes this morning :DDDD
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lou-struck · 1 year
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They Said No... Part 2
Obey Me! x MC!
Featuring: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Part 1 HERE
Part 3 HERE
~We all get asked to do things sometimes that we do not want to do. And it's okay to say no, but sometimes you need a little extra help to get the point across.
Warnings: Pushy Demons, talk of pact control, Threats, Betrayal
The Avatar of Wrath has a bit of cat fur on his usually pristine uniform but has never been happier, RAD is hosting an animal adoption event, and he has spent most of his morning with the adoptable cats having the time of his life. The only thing he is missing is you.
You would love every minute of the event, and so Satan has made it his mission of the day to find you and bring you to the feline-filled classroom.
Stepping into the nearly empty corridor, he sees you sitting on one of the ancient stone benches, mindlessly scrolling through your DDD with one hand and toying with a button on your uniform with the other.
"Mc, there you are." a voice interjects before he can even open his mouth; you lift your head and look towards the owner of the shrill and unfamiliar voice. A Demon Satan doesn't care enough to recognize steps towards you. "I've been looking for you everywhere."
"Oh, hi." You don't meet their gaze, opting instead to stare at the ground in a way that tells Satan you would rather be anywhere else than talking to them. It irks him greatly, but he can't just interrupt yet.
"The brothers aren't here, so you can speak freely now. Did you see my messages?" they ask, taking another step towards you. "You know I've liked you for a while now, but I don't understand why you won't go out with me."
You look up at them apologetically but take a step further away from your not-so-secret admirer. "I'm so sorry, but my feelings are not the same; I've told you before that I am not interested, so can you please leave me alone.
"NO," the lesser Demons shouts, "you don't understand. I like you, which means you are Mine."
That is all Satan needs to hear, and his legs move forward on their own. His anger at this lesser Demon threatens to bubble to the surface as he approaches. Stepping between the two of you protectively.  
The Demon flinches but doesn't back down entirely. They open their pathetic little mouth to babble out some delusional retort, only to have their words die on their tongue.
"MC said they were not interested in the likes of you," he growls, his emerald eyes aglow as he stares down your harasser. "I suggest you leave before you manage to make me even angrier than you already have."
The Demon leaves satisfyingly quickly, leaving Satan with you. He notices that you look a bit shaken up but utterly relieved to be rid of that Demon. The wrath he felt earlier disappears as you throw yourself into the safety of his embrace. 
The cat can wait, but for now, he just needs to make sure you are okay.
Asmodeus is feeling particularly radiant today; the only thing that he thinks he can attribute this glow to other than the universe recognizing his beauty is that his elation to be going on this special little outing with you is showing for all the Devildom to see. 
How lucky are they?
He feels light on his feet as he walks down the cobbled streets of Majolish to the little bistro you promised to meet him at for your Devilgrammable date.
His Peach-colored gaze scans the plaza until it finds you sitting at one of the adorably small tables on the patio, your figure clad in the sweater he bought for you a few weeks ago. You just look so cute. He feels his heart flutter in a way that doesn't quite fit the Lust for which he has been known.
But you are not alone; standing over you is a demon he has seen you frequently talking to at RAD.
A friend of yours? 
But something feels off about the way you are looking up at them as if they are making you uncomfortable. As pretty and kind as you are, Asmo knows that you are trying very hard to keep your emotions undetectable. He has to know why.
Focusing on your conversation, he is able to hear what the other Demon is trying to talk to you about.
"Mc, y-you said we were f-friends," they whine in an exasperated voice. "Why won't y-you help me?" large tear drops run down their pearl-colored skin and onto the pavement below. 
"What you are asking me to do is wrong," you say calmly. "I would never do that to Asmo or anyone else for that matter."
"All you have to do is tell Lord Asmodeus to love me as I love him." they huff. "But you wouldn't even do that for me. I love him, and I deserve to have him for my own."
"I wouldn't be telling him you want me to order him to do it," you say. "I don't think I can be friends with you anymore."
The Demon waves your words off as if they were nothing of consequence, an action that makes Asmo narrow his eyes as he starts to approach. "I never wanted to be friends with some ugly human in the first place, I only wanted Asmodeus, and you were a means to an end. But it seems that you just want to keep all the Brothers for yourself."
"Even if Mc did want to keep us for themselves, they deserve to," Asmo interjects at last, hugging you from behind and placing his head on your shoulder. "I mean, just look at them; they are soooo cute."
The earlier cruelty that had been on the Pearl demon's face vanished in an instant as their cheeks flushed heavily. "L-lord Asmodeus," they breathe. "I didn't mean it like that; the two of us were just having a bit of a friendly disagreement, that's all."
All of the annoyance and irritation that Asmo had been feeling comes forward, and he exudes a threatening aura as he stares down the Demon, not caring enough to charm them into submission. "Yeah, no, I heard more than enough to know that you need to stay away from Mc." he sighs, lowering his voice enough to send a shiver down the other Demon's spine, and they rush away.
Now alone, Asmo turns his attention to you and smiles brightly as if nothing had happened. "Sorry I'm late, Hon; let's go and order our drinks; I think after that, we both need a little extra love."
Beel feels like he's going to die of hunger. Whenever RAD does schoolwide exams, he is not allowed to eat in the classroom. It seems like ages since he has last eaten. The test took him a lot longer than he thought it would take. But before he leaves to go to Hell's kitchen, he wants to find you and bring you along with him. He doesn't quite understand why, but food always tastes better when you are with him.
He hears your voice from down the hall, a happy smile resting on his face as he follows the sound. He says you sat at one of the long study tables in the common room, a mountain of books at your side, and one of your classmates standing over you.
"I'm sorry," you say softly. "But I told you before. But I have too much on my plate right now. You'll have to do that part of the assignment yourself. " 
Your classmate sighs, shaking their head in disapproval. "And I thought you were a nice MC, the kind of human who wouldn't hesitate to help out someone who needs it. You obviously don't have anything better to do, so just do my portion of the project. I'll pay you for your work."
Why is this Demon being so mean to you? 
Beelzebub truly doesn't understand why your classmate is treating you this way; you were very nice in turning them down. And he wouldn't want to do someone's project, either.
You clear your throat, "It's not about the Grimm; I just don't have time to do someone else's work. If you're struggling, I suggest you ask a professor to give you an extension." 
Your classmate is hovering over you now, trying to intimidate you with their size. "You don't seem to know your place, Human; when a demon asks you to do something, I expect you to bow your head and do it obediently."
The Scene before him is too much for poor Beel; angrily, he steps forward, placing a large hand on the other Demon's shoulder. "That's close enough, Mc said they did not want to do anything for you."
The Demon flinches as he turns towards Beel in shock. "B-Beelzebub, I'm sorry, but I needed to remind this human that we demons are superior.
Beel's hunger and anger have fused into one, and he looks down at the Demon with disdain. "Mc is and always will be more important than you; if anything, you should be doing their work."
"no, they don't; I just need them to do their own work." You interject
"R-right, thank you." They mutter, picking their bag off the floor and running away.
"Are you alright, Mc?" he asks, looking at you with a violet gaze of adoration. "That must've been pretty scary."
You nod and take his hand, "I'm okay now, Beel, thank you for stepping in. Can I buy you lunch as a thank you?"
"Could we go to Hell's Kitchen?"
"Absolutely," you smile, "anything for my hero."
Hero? He likes the sound of that for some reason; he smiles happily, picking up your books as the two of you walk side by side out the doors of RAD.
It's the stiffness in his neck that wakes Belpheghor from his nap. Maybe taking a nap on top of all of these decorative pillows wasn't that good of an idea after all. He sits up slowly, rubbing out the knot in his neck, feeling quite annoyed at the situation.
"Oh Belphie, you're awake." you smile, poking your head into the doorway, "I just placed an order for food. It should be here soon if you're hungry."
Just like that, all of his annoyance has vanished. "Thank you, Mc." he grins boyishly; moments like these make him happy to be awake. 
"No problem, I think they are getting close; I'll wait by the door until it arrives," you say before disappearing down the hallway. 
It's then he realizes that you probably had to order a lot of food since Beel is getting home from the gym soon and will need help carrying it all to the dining room once it gets here.
Belphie gets up from his seat and heads over to the front door where you must be waiting.
"You sure ordered a lot of food. Do you need any help bringing it in?" a voice asks. The delivery driver must be here already. 
"Yeah, I guess I did go overboard," you say good-humoredly. "But It will all get eaten, I promise you that."
"You're pretty cute, aren't ya?" The delivery man cooed, pulling back the bag playfully. "How about you give me your number, and then you get your food?"
You laugh nervously at his words. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
"and why not?" They laugh cockily. "Are you feeling a little shy? Because that's cute too."
Belphie's jaw clenches as he wonders what is with this guy. How dare he try and take you away from him.
"I'm taken," you respond, the irritation slipping through your voice as you meet his gaze.
They scoff, tossing the bag of food on the ground roughly. "Aren't you just a fricken tease then? All I ask for is your number, so how about you be a good human and give it to me?"
Belphegor knows you could have handled this guy, but he was honestly so irritated he had to step in. "Ugh, you're so annoying. Mc already paid, so you can go on your way."
Your harasser is arrogant, not stupid. He knows that he has no chance against one of the seven avatars of sin. He shuts his annoying mouth and stomps down the steps of the House of Lamination.
You watch him leave with a relieved smile on your face, "are you okay, Mc?" he asks, grabbing your hand.
"I am now," you smile "Thank you for helping me, Belphie."
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felixbit · 9 days
my sun
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pairing: felix x gn!reader w. 1.6k genre: fluff summary: it's felix's birthday, and you decide to spend the day reminding him all of the brightness he brings to your life. from sunrise to sunset, you show him how much he means to you. a/n: happiest birthday to my boy :DDD
Getting up early is hard.
Waking up your night owl boyfriend early on his birthday is harder.
But, there you were, dragging Felix out of bed just past six in the morning. You'd scolded him for staying up past midnight on his birthday, letting him know you planned an early morning.
So, a sleepy Felix was resistant to the idea of getting out of bed so early. You tugged on his arm, trying to physically pull him out. His gravitational pull to the bed seemed to increase in the mornings, so it wasn't working out.
"Felix, honey, it'll only be for a few minutes," You pleaded, "You'll be able to go back to sleep right after."
Your boyfriend made a low grumble sound as he finally budged, waving your hand away as he rolled out of bed on his own. "Fine."
Trying to ignore how enamored you were by his morning voice, you took Felix by the hand and walked towards the balcony. The timing was pretty much perfect, the sun just starting to peek above the horizon and the sky spilling out into beautiful colors.
Felix seemed to wake up a little more at the sight, rubbing his eyes as he looked out onto the view. You wrapped your arms around his waist, smiling. "You see that? That's how I feel when I first see you in the morning."
You heard him snicker softly, trying to turn and look at you. "Is this what you woke me up for? A pretty view and a cheesy one-liner?"
Kissing his cheek, you shrugged. "No, I just wanted to show you how much you're like the sunrise in my life. You're my sun, Felix."
Felix made an over-exaggerated groan and turned away from the sunrise so he could hug you back. He buried his face deep into the t-shirt you had stolen from him to use as pajamas. "Thank you," He mumbled into the fabric.
"Of course, sunshine boy," You rubbed his back softly as he held the hug, but then started moving you back towards the door inside.
"Can we please go back to bed now?"
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It was unfortunate that you had to get back up only two hours later, but you had other plans in store. Felix slept heavy, so you didn't have to worry too much about getting out of bed without waking him up.
You threw together a presentable look before you left the house. The first destination was a flower shop nearby, exchanging small pleasantries with the employees as you picked out a beautiful assortment of short sunflowers.
It was then that you walked over to the cafe that you had placed a custom order a few days back. They had pastries and cookies that the staff would decorate, given a theme. You had placed a rather large order, telling them to go all out with the sun and sunflower imagery.
You picked it up in a big bag, your hands now full as you traveled back to the apartment. Getting into the apartment itself was a struggle, but you made it with time to spare and set up the pretty display of flowers and breakfast.
With the pastries, you made some pancakes. It wasn't a planned thing, but Felix was taking longer than expected to wake up. So, next to the pastries sat a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. The waiting continued.
Eventually, you heard a yawn as the bedroom door opened. Out stepped Felix, with his blonde hair in a bird's nest on his head. His eyes were hardly open, so it took him halfway to you to stop and look at everything you had set out.
"Good morning, birthday boy," You said with a smile, sitting conveniently next to all of the food set out for him. The flowers were on the other side of the display. His eyes seemed to look over everything, you included, a few times before it all registered in his sleepy brain.
Rubbing his eyes again, he looked like he had finally pieced it together. "Is all this.. for me?"
Standing up and walking over to him, you gave him a quick kiss before nodding. "That it is, sunshine. I got up a little early and picked this up. Thought you deserved to eat some sweet sunny treats and the pancakes I made when I was bored."
Felix circled an arm around your waist and began to walk over to the assortment of pastries with you in tow. "How did you even.. I won't ask. This is perfect, baby. Thank you."
"You don't have to keep thanking me, Felix," You leaned into his shoulder, "I'm just showing you how much you matter to me today."
Felix detached himself from you, walking over to the plate of pastries and picking up a croissant with a little sun shape on it. He bit into it and looked as if he could melt into the floor, turning around and looking at you dumbfounded.
"You like it?" You couldn't hold back laughter as he stared at you like you were crazy, crumbs still on his lips.
"Are you kidding me?" Felix walked over to you and handed you the croissant. "Try it."
You took a bite, tasting the chocolate filling. Maybe it was the hefty tip you left on the order, but it was perfect. The flaky pastry was buttery and delicious, and the chocolate was rich and smooth. After swallowing your bite, you nodded in agreement. "Yeah. That's actually amazing."
"Where did you get these, anyways?" Felix snatched the croissant back from you and took a bite as he awaited your answer.
"Oh, there's this cafe-bakery spot nearby I've been meaning to show you. When I figured out they would do custom decorating orders, this whole plan came together in my head and I decided to hold off on telling you until I did this."
"How could you hide something like this from me?!" Felix feigned exasperation and betrayal, "I'm heartbroken. On my birthday."
"Oh, you drama queen. Eat your pastry."
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The day as a whole went great. You had far too many sunflower-themed things throughout the day that Felix was bewildered. Coming up with all of it wasn't easy, but it was turning out better than originally anticipated.
During the day, you took him to a flowery lunch with Hyunjin and Seungmin tagging along. Things went according to plan when both of your friends showed up in their sunflower outfits, much to the shock of your boyfriend. This was going on longer than he expected.
Things seemed to chill out after lunch, spending a few hours in bed watching shows and putting on a movie as you got a chance to nap after the hectic morning. It was nice to wake up on your Felix's chest as you were so used to doing in the mornings, seeing him smile down at you.
"Hi there," You said with a yawn, leaning up and giving him a kiss.
"Hey, you," Felix ran a hand through your hair, his voice warm and sweet, "You said to wake you up at six so we can get ready for dinner."
Catching up to speed on your own plans, you nodded. "Yep, I did. There's an outfit that I hid in the walk-in closet for you on my dresser, can you go put that on? I'll get mine on out here."
Felix looked at you a little surprised before grinning and nodding. "I shouldn't have expected any less after today. Alright, I'll go see what you picked out."
As he stood up and walked over to the walk-in closet, closing the door behind him, you reached under the bed. Pulling out the clothes you hid to change into, you put on your second flowery, warm-toned outfit of the day.
It only took a few minutes for Felix to join you back in the bedroom. "How do I look?" He asked, walking close and looking your outfit up and down.
You smiled and took his hand in your own. "Amazing. Just how I pictured it," You checked to make sure everything you needed was in your pockets, "Alright, you good to go?"
Felix had to grab a few belongings but you set off to the next adventure. Once getting to the parking lot, you climbed in the car. In the back was a cooler and basket with food and drinks and a picnic blanket.
You drove him out to a desolate hilltop spot with ten minutes to spare, setting up your little outdoors dinner on the blanket and Felix happily joining you. He looked out at the view, "So, what's this place for?"
"We have to watch the sunset," You answered, "So you can understand how I feel when I see you at night and before bed."
Felix was a smiling mess as he tried to eat his food, but you were entranced with the sun starting to set. The colors were like something out of a painting, vivid and clear.
Your fingers locked with his as your head rested on his shoulder. The view was stunning as the sun began to dip below the horizon, the beautiful colors being encased by the darkening sky. "I hope you get how I feel by now, Felix. You keep me going throughout the day. You're my sun."
Felix wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug. "I think I get it. And next time, I promise I'll do the same and show you how you make me feel, okay?"
"Okay," You hugged him back, basking in his warmth as the cold nighttime air settled on your skin, "Happy birthday, my love."
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koolades-world · 8 months
Okay follow me here what if jealous mammon is like why dont you ask x to do that with you? You're spending a lot of time with them. And mc just responds with they're not you
AHHH so cute
I'm 100% following gahhh that "they're not you" line is SO good
You finally arrived home after RAD, giggling with Asmo. It had been mostly boring, but at least you shared most of your classes with Asmo. He never failed to make everything more interesting. He not only made group assignments fun and colorful, he even made silent, individual assignments better with lots of texts back and forth.
Weirdly enough, you hadn't seen Mammon today. You didn't have as many classes with him, but you always made it a point to spend some time with him when possible. But, you couldn't find him anywhere. You also didn't get a response to any of your texts to him. After you were done talking to Asmo, you decided to make it a point to find him.
"Mc! Look at how cute this outfit is!" Asmo snapped you out of thought by showing you his DDD. It was Majolish Devilgram with a post with their latest stock.
"That belt is so you! The pink is just your shade." You take the DDD from him to look at the post closer.
"I know, right? We should go today before they sell out! They know me, and will probably set some aside for me, but if they did that forever, how would they make a profit?" He laughed, tucking the DDD back in his pocket. Before you could respond, you caught a flash of white at the top of the stairs. You remembered that you hadn't seen Mammon all day, and in hopes that it was him, you decided to see if you could find him.
"Actually, do you mind waiting a little? I just remembered I have something I need to check on." You glance towards the stairs again but see nothing.
"Oh, of course! You know, if its Levi you want to check on, just know he's still alive. I texted him this morning. Just be back soon! Those clothes won't try themselves on. Let me know when you're ready to leave." Asmo gave you a quick hug, before walking off in the direction of the living room.
As soon as he was out of sight, you made your way up the stairs and in the general direction of that something that caught your eye. You began to wander around upstairs, in hopes of finding the white haired demon that had been on your mind all day. The door to Mammon's room was shut, but a light was streaming out from underneath it. Gently, you knock.
"Mammon? Are you in there?" There was no response, but you heard movement in the room. "I can hear you in there. Is something wrong?" You can hear more shuffling around before the door finally opens.
"What?" Mammon asked sharply. You're stunned for a moment. You've never heard him use that tone with you before.
"Are you ok?" You ignore the way he addressed you and continued.
"I don't know. How's Asmo?" His tone was dripping with malice.
"What's gotten into you?" You raise your voice a little, confused. He turned away from you.
"Don't you have somewhere to be with Asmo?" He walked further into his room, away from you. You step into his room after him and shut the door behind you.
"He did want to go to Majolish later, but it can wait. I can't go anywhere without checking up on you." You keep walking after him as he sit down on his bed with force.
"Just go then. I'm clearly not worth your time." He turns his body away from you. He sounds more upset than anything at this point. You sit beside him and put an arm around him.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but please, help me help you." You lean to try and look at his face, but give up once he makes it clear he doesn't want you to.
"If you like Asmo that much, just go be with him." He huffs. His voice is quiet with emotion seeping into it.
"Mammon. He's not you." He stiffened like he'd been shocked. "No matter how much time I may spend with your brothers, or anyone for that matter, they come no where close to being you. You were my first friend here, and you made me feel at home away from home. You were my first pact. We have a special bond that's so precious to me. Most importantly, you're my first man. Not Asmo. Not anyone else. You." He turns back to you, his eyes glazed over with tears that threatened to spill. "Is that what you needed to hear? Because it's all true." He turns his entire body towards you and tackles you into a hug. You can't see his expression anymore, but from the way he fiercely cuddles you to his chest, you can tell how happy he is.
"I- I'm sorry." He hesitates at first. After taking a deep breath, he continues. "It was stupid. I just saw ya hanging out with Asmo a lot lately, and I jumped to conclusions." He hides his head into your shoulder.
"There's no need to apologize for how you feel, Mams. Just try to be a little more open next time. I was worried, you know." You feel him happily sigh into your shoulder at the nickname. You rub his back soothingly.
"I will. 'm sorry for scarin' ya." Before you can tell him he doesn't need to apologize again, he continues. "Will ya stay with me? I don't care if ya bring homework or whatever into my room, I just want yer company." He holds himself tightly to you as you try to push off of him a little to look at him.
"Of course." You decided to hold him for a bit longer, to reassure him he was the only man for you.
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demonvibez · 1 year
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Characters: Leviathan x GN Reader Word Count: 3.7k+ Rating: Teen Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, implied nd reader, gn reader, reader experiences overstimulation (non sexual), brief mentions of mental health topics, kissing A/N: This is based on my experience and what it's like to have my brain. Not gonna explicitly tag anything, but if you can relate, I hope you like this! And if you can't, I hope it gives you a look into my mind ♡ this was cute and fun either way, so enjoy!
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Typically, the liveliness of the House of Lamentation didn't bother you, in fact you enjoyed it. The constant chaos of the Demon Brothers typically meant you're never bored or lonely, always getting pulled into their antics at any given time of the day. The natural buzz and chatter around the House usually gave you comfort, knowing your home was filled with those that you love. Today though, for some reason, you couldn't help but to feel a bit...off.
You weren't sure exactly when you started to feel this way. Mammon had slept over in your room the night prior, and he had set a new alarm tone on his DDD to be sure the two of you awoke on time - it was really more for him, seeing as he had Saturday morning breakfast duty, but you promised you'd wake up with him anyway. You didn't know exactly how jarring it would be to wake up to, but it definitely put you in a panic as it ripped you from your deeply peaceful slumber. And the way Mammon was tightly gripping you in his sleepy cuddle made it hard for you to grab his phone and turn it the hell off - the day definitely wasn't starting off well. 
Perhaps it was breakfast that was the catalyst of it all. Before you can even step into the dining hall, you can hear most of the brothers already talking inside. As you pushed the door open, your senses were flooded with a barrage of sight, sound and scent. The lighting was unusually brighter as Asmodeus painted his nails at the table, his perfume being the first to hit your nose as you made your way to your seat, and a faint headache started to pulse behind your eyes.
"Good morning, hon~♡," he said, in his typical Asmo singsong voice, "This brand new polish just arrived for me this morning so you know I just had to apply it before I got my day started!"
The pungent scent of Devildom food being prepared wafted out from the kitchen, mixing with the scent of Asmo's beauty products, and you mentally hoped to yourself that the weird combination of scents didn't cause you to lose your appetite. You heard a few crashing noises ring out from the kitchen, followed by the swears of the Second Born and promises of punishment from the First. You shook your head, a small smile on your lips before you looked over to see a pouting Beelzebub next to you. Knowing he was disappointed at the tardiness of this morning's breakfast, you rubbed his arm gently and reassured him that the wait will be over soon.
The final straw definitely came sometime after breakfast. You were sitting in the common room with Beel, watching BBQ Life on the television as you both munched away on some kettle corn. Leviathan was sat across one of the chairs, his legs dangled over one of the sides as he played his current favorite new game on his handheld console, sound turned down to almost a minimum. The three of you were having a relaxing time, when all of the sudden, you heard a faint yelling coming from the front porch before the extremely loud slamming of the entrance door, open then shut. You jumped at the loud bang of the slamming door, and turned your eyes to the hallway to see Satan and Belphegor in a screaming match. You couldn't even really gleam what the two were arguing over, you just knew you were starting to feel overwhelmed by it all. 
The chattering from the television, the stickiness of your hands from the popcorn, the brothers' screaming, the scuffing of their shoes on the floor as they wrestle with each other, the soft noises from Levi's game, your headache now suddenly pounding at full force and the anxiety creeping in with it all...it was just too much.
Just as Beelzebub got up to jump between his twin and his older brother, you also jumped up and decided to make a break for it. You needed to get away and go chill somewhere that you could clear your head. Normally you'd also step in and try to diffuse the situation, but the overstimulation was making it hard to process your own thoughts, much less anything else that was going on in the House. You quickly made your way up the stairs, knowing you couldn't possibly go hide out in your own room. You knew that if you hid there, more than one of your demons would follow you and crowd you until you told them what's wrong - not that you wanted to push them away, necessarily, but you just couldn't explain it at that moment. Your mind felt like lightning was striking your brain, while simultaneously, hurricane force winds blew your thoughts around in a flooded vortex. You needed to go somewhere that you could calm the storm in your mind in peace.
There were three rooms in the House of Lamentation you knew you could find uninterrupted solace, for if any demon enter without permission, there would be literal hell to pay. You couldn't go to Satan's room right now, for he was most likely still in the middle of his rage, which you didn't have the capacity to deal with at that moment. You could go to Lucifer's room, but then he'd interrogate you as to why you had decided to let yourself into his room and curl up in his bed. That only really left you with one option - the one demon you knew without a doubt would understand.
You made your way to his door and grabbed the knob, silently praying to yourself that it was unlocked - and to your luck, it actually was. As you pulled the door open, a soft blue light spilled into the hallway, and you made quick work walking inside and closing the door behind you. The soft glow and ambient hum of both the aquarium and the computer were already starting to feel comforting to you. You kicked your shoes off and crossed the room, crawling into his tub and under the covers. As you pulled the fuzzy blanket over your body, you spotted Leviathan's Azuki-tan plushie, pulling it tightly against your chest as you closed your eyes. Maybe if you could just rest and recharge a little, you'll start to feel a bit better. 
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Leviathan is sitting downstairs on one of the common room chairs, questing away in his new game, Grand Theft Demonio VI. He needs to beat part one of the solo campaign before he can unlock the online multiplayer features - one of the many anti-cheat techniques in use by the developers, but he is enjoying the campaign all the same. He had decided to come downstairs to play in the common room so he can be closer to you as you watch TV with his little brother. He's deep inside his quest, doing everything he can to win the virtual street race against NPCs, when he hears the slamming of doors and it's subsequent screaming match. He jumps slightly at the noise, but is too focused to look up at from his game, seeing as he can clearly recognize the voices of his Fourth and Seventh brothers fighting over a prank gone wrong. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you make your light sprint out of the room, which forces him to finally look up. A frown befalls his face as he sees you make your exit, and when he looks back down at his game to see that he has lost, his fuse snaps. He taps the button on his handheld to dim and lock the screen, sliding it into his jacket pocket and stomping over to his brothers. All three of his younger brothers take pause as Leviathan verbally tears into them, assigning blame to them for not only losing his game, but scaring you off in the process. Satan can feel Leviathan's wrath building, and he decides to back off, if only to save the House from being flooded and Lotan summoned onto them all. Beel just picks up Belphie and walks off with him under his arm, eventually leaving Leviathan on his own to go find you. 
Naturally, he just assumes you went to your own room - after all, why wouldn't you? He knows better than anyone how much your own room can become an oasis of safety, a place you can just barricade yourself into and unmask. He makes quick work of walking to your room, eager to check on you and make sure that you're okay. You never really shared any diagnoses with him, per say, but he could just tell that you two were very similar in the way that your minds work - and while he's used to several millennia of sharing a roof with his rowdy brothers, he knew it would be a bit different for a human such as yourself. He approaches your door and lightly knocks twice, gently whispering your name before putting his ear to the door. He doesn't hear a single sound coming from your room, which causes him to raise an eyebrow. Surely, you'd at least be watching a comfort anime or something?
"A-are you in there? It's m-me, your Lord of Shadows. I came by to check on you," he says nervously, slowly opening the door to see that you aren't actually inside. He steps in, looking around for you, growing more and more frustrated every moment he doesn't see you. He checks your bathroom, your closet, even under your bed - where the hell could you be? You're probably with one of his brothers again, aren't you?! He stomps out of your room, slamming the door behind him, as he fumes to himself silently. Of course you'd be seeking comfort from one of his brothers, and he's sure he can guess which one of them you may have run to - most likely one of his older brothers' rooms. He figures you'd either go to Lucifer, because he knows how to fix anything - or Mammon, simply because the two of you are so damn close. He can't stand either thought. The Eldest's perfection has caused him a great deal of lamentation over the years, but when he thinks of you running to him for comfort, it stings all the worse. And the fact that you're so close with Mammon? Really?! Mammon?!?! The stupid scummy Avatar of Greed, SERIOUSLY?! WHAT DO YOU EVEN SEE IN HIM?!?! KILXRFJ;-
Filled with envy and demon form on full display, Leviathan storms through the hall and up the stairs. A tidal wave of emotions flash flooding his own mind, he's unable to process his thoughts or feelings, and he just knows he needs to retreat to the safety of his little otaku island. Almost racing to his room, Leviathan quickly finds himself at his own bedroom door. His tail wraps around the knob and twists it open, pulling the door open and then shut again after stepping inside. He lets out a long exhale, his eyes fluttering shut as he takes in the ambient noise of his room - his safe space. His orange eyes finally open, the purple in them slowly seeping back in as the envy slowly recedes from his mind. He takes a few steps towards his bathtub, pulling his handheld out of his pocket as he does so, before freezing in place as he notices movement inside. His eyes widen and his free hand floats up to hide his face when he sees the top of your head peaking out from beneath the pile of fluffy Ruri-chan blankets. His mind goes blank, for he honestly has no idea how to proceed. 
"Leviathan?" your whispered voice calls out to him gently as you pull the covers from your face. You rub your eyes before looking up at him, a small smile pulling at your lips when you see him. "Nap," is all you ask as you scoot over in the bottom of the tub, patting the space next to you as you invite him into his own bed with you. You'd apologize for intruding into his space later, but you know that right now you both need a good cuddle and a nap together - especially if the way he tore through the door a few minutes ago tells you anything about his mood. He hesitates for a moment, his brain still rebooting to process the sight before him, and next thing he knows you're full on assaulting him with your puppy dog eyes.
As you silently plead with him, you reach up towards him, inviting him into your arms as you make a grabby hand gesture. Before he starts to spiral with doubt, he decides to just go for it - you're his Henry, after all. He slides off his shoes and steps into the tub, lowering himself down beside you as you lightly giggle and scoot over just a little more so he can get comfortable. As soon as his head hits the pillow, you rest your head on his chest, your arm draping itself over his torso as your legs tangle with his. A rosy blush dusts his cheeks as he hears you sigh happily, and he can't help but to smile a little himself. His tail snakes its way around your waist as he wraps his arms around you, holding you close as the two of you eventually drift off to sleep.
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After a very adventurous dream involving the two of you slaying a dragon, Leviathan finally drifts out of his slumber and into wakefulness. As his mostly purple eyes flutter open, still adjusting to the dim light of the room, he focuses to see you still comfortably asleep in his arms. As he gazes down at you, he thinks about earlier, and how he so quickly assumed you'd seek the comfort of another demon. A tinge of guilt enters the back of his mind, feeling bad about having doubted you so easily - you're his Henry! His player two! He internally curses himself, telling himself he should have a little more faith in his best friend in all three realms, or else you may grow tired of his antics like everyone else. One of his biggest fears is that one day you might think he's just too much, and he'll lose you forever. . .
Before his thoughts could become too turbulent, he feels you stirring within his grasp. The way you gently squeeze him, and press a loving little nuzzle into the crook of his neck, is enough to push back the fear and insecurity - at least for now. You crane your neck upwards, pressing a kiss into the bottom of his jaw, before your eyes flutter open to look up at the gorgeous sea demon beneath you. A small blush paints itself across Leviathan's cheeks as he looks down at you, his admiration for you sparkling in his orange and purple gradient eyes. 
"Heeeey...y-you're awake," he says nervously, his hand moving to hide his blush as the other stays rested on your back. You can't help but to let out a small giggle. 
"As are you, my sweet otaku. Hope your nap was as good as mine was," you murmur softly, reaching up to move his hand away from his face and cup his cheek with your own hand. You push yourself up a little on your other arm, stretching a bit to be able to kiss him. You finally press your lips to his, and Leviathan could have sworn he can see animated hearts and fireworks flashing around the room as he finally felt the warmth of your kiss. He hesitates for a moment, his brain caught in a slight lag, which causes you to internally panic for a moment as well - until you can finally feel him relax beneath you and kiss you back. He pulls you up closer, his arms wrapped around you in a loving hug, his tail still securely wrapped around your waist. You playfully nibble his bottom lip, smiling into the kiss as you attempt to deepen it, when all of the sudden - a loud banging at the door.
The suddenly loud bang made you jump a little, your heart skipping a beat as you unintentionally break the kiss. The banging continues, and you shrink down into the tub, burrowing your face into Leviathan's chest and pulling the blanket back over your head. You weren't quite ready to go back out and deal with all the chaos of the House of Lamentation - you just wanna stay here and relax with him.
"Yo, Levi! I know ya got my human in there! Open the hell up!" You know that voice anywhere - Mammon has probably been blowing up your phone asking for you. You love your greedy first man but, he's a ball of energy that you'd rather hang out with later when you're recharged yourself. Your headache is now gone, but you're still a bit tired and a little anxious from earlier. Just as you peak your head out from under the blanket to whisper something to Levi, you hear more banging at the door, followed by a loud scoff from the Avatar of Envy.
"Who does he think he is, banging on my door like he owns the place and demanding I give you to him," he said, his tone sharp as the envy flares up in his eyes, his eyebrows scrunching together in anger. 
"Hey," you murmur softly to him, "you can go tell him I'm fine, I'll see him later. But you don't have to worry, Levi. I'm staying here with you." You reach up to press another little kiss onto the bottom of his jaw, before looking at him to see a satisfied smirk spread across his face. He would absolutely take this opportunity to go tell off his scummy older brother - especially taking pride in the fact that you want to ignore all of his brothers and stay here with him.
"I'll be right back," he confidently says before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. He lets go of you as you move off of him - you sit up at the opposite end of the tub as he stands up and climbs out, making his way to the bedroom door with a purpose. You had made your wishes clear to him, and he is beyond willing to be the one to enforce them for you. He rips the door open just before Mammon could slam his fist into it one last time, and you look away just as Mammon calls your name. Leviathan pushes Mammon backward into the hall as he steps through the door, mindful enough to gently click the door shut. 
You wrap the blanket around your body and up over your shoulders as you listen and wait for the commotion in the hallway to be over. You can hear some faint shouting at first, but then it dies down to an undistinguishable murmur, so you just lean back against the tub and turn your attention to the aquarium. You always love the glow of the LED lights in Levi's tank - and you could watch lil Henry 2.0 swim around for hours. The new little plants Levi put in the tank are really pretty, love the way they look in the water. A little aquarium would look really cool in your room! Maybe you should also get a few new plants for your room too, give the tree in there a few siblings. You start to wonder about the tree, was the house built around it, or was a tree transplanted there? Does is like living in your room? You should definitely get those plants, make the tree happy! Does the tree have a name...?
The door opens and closes once again, snapping you out of your streaming thoughts and your attention back to the door. You have no idea how long he was out there, but Leviathan is now back with a smug smirk on his face, making his way to his desk to take the phone off the charger. He unlocks his DDD and taps away, typing a message in the House group chat saying that 'the human is fine and recovering with me, DND ⛔,' before tossing his phone back down into his gaming chair.
"Thank you, Leviathan...for everything," you say softly. "I just got..so...um, overwhelmed. And you're the only one who understands me like that...plus I love spending time with you..." The two of you struggle to look at each other as blush spreads across both of your faces. 
"N-no need to thank me," he says, hiding his face behind both of his hands. "You're always welcome here, a-and I'll always have your back!" 
The two of you settle back in together, cozy in his arms as you lean back against his chest while the two of you watch a cute new anime. He asked if you wanted to pick one from his watchlist, but you couldn't make up your mind on one, so he ended up streaming 'Help! I Have a Crush on My BFF from Another Realm!' 
After watching for a while, the two of you get to chatting - mostly starting with analysis of the anime, and eventually drifting into the events of the day. You explained to the best of your abilities what happened and how it felt, to which Leviathan reassures you that he heavily relates, and that you can always come to him for anything - especially when you're feeling overwhelmed. You assure him the same, reminding him that Henry always has their Lord of Shadows' back. 
The two of you share another tender little kiss before turning your attention back to the anime on screen, the next episode starting to auto-play. As he holds you in his arms, the theme song softly playing on the TV, Leviathan can't help but to think how happy he is to have a relationship with such a deep sense of understanding between the two of you - you really are his Henry.
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· demonvibez ♡ 2023 · do not copy, repost or modify · · likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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nonsense, kang haerin
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haerin finds comfort in your nonsense.
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"rinnie," haerin hums, eyes closing before yawning and snuggling in further your embrace as you pull up the blanket to cover areas that left haerin shivering. "would you still love me as a worm?"
she sighs and nods, you were back to spilling your nonsense again and no matter how tired she is, she can't help but agree and chase the warmth that you emit. "really? even if i was an icky dirty insect?"
she nods against you, eyes closing as your hushed voice coaxes her to sleep. "what about if i was an alien that doesn't look like myself anymore? like i'm green and have three fingers. would you still love me?"
"yes," she whispers, "i'd love you no matter what you turn into, because you're y/n." you flush and melt into her, hiding your face in her hair as she continues. "my y/n."
"please stop." she chuckles, "you started it." you stayed quiet, body heat through the roof and into the moon, disregarding the fact that it was winter season and heavily snowing outside. "why are you so hot?"
"w-what?" you clutched her tighter, turning into a tomato and almost combusting there and then. "your body heat, i mean." she stifles a laugh as you breathe out, "i like it. my human heater."
you stayed quiet, trying to collect your thoughts bit by bit and piece it together like a puzzle, and haerin felt her sleepiness running away from her. "y/n."
you turn to her, leaving the comfort of her hair against your skin, hand that was grasping her jacket releasing. "keep talking." you nod and pull the blanket further up the two of you, flicking your tongue to meet your lips before continuing.
"rinnie, you're tired, aren't you?" she nods, and she thinks, dreamland is not that far away from her reach. "of course you'd be, after all, you've been running through my mind the whole day." she smiles and snuggles further in your embrace, rubbing her cheek on your sweater.
"you like my sweater?" she nods again, your voice lullabying her so so close to sleep. "it's made of 100% girlfriend material." you chuckle, and that was enough for haerin to fall off the edge and tumble into dreamland.
you were well aware, and continued to spew nonsense. you knew how much she liked you to continue, swearing she hears you even in her sleep. that's how much she dedicates her time for you, that she hopes to see you in her dreams, hear you in her dreams, hold you in her dreams.
you leave a lingering kiss on top of her head as you close your eyes, whispers turning into stardust as you close your eyes, wanting nothing more to stay in this moment and never leave. your eyes glistened when you opened them, and tears started to fall. your heart felt like it was about to burst and you fell into silent sobs. i'm sorry, rinnie. please, let go.
haerin woke up the next morning, your side of the bed cold and empty as it's always been for a few months now. her sobs racked her back, shaking and shivering as she holds the same sweater you wore yesterday night when you lulled her to sleep, the material starting to soak at the hands of her tears.
she'll do anything to get your nonsense back.
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broken records i am definitely failing my maths exam😀 also sorry for the anons who requested things! im working on them dw :DDD hope this made sense😭 kinda just rushed it💀
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Angst: MC come back
Most of people show an aspect of MC that is different towards the brothers after coming back.... I show an MC that is broken and ask Lucifer for help. Sort of a general spoiler of Nightbringer
A little of Mc×Lucifer
It passed some days form when MC returned to the present. All the while they never managed to utter a word. That's why Lucifer decided to get to the bottom of MC's feelings.
As he slowly enters the room, he finds the little human looking up at the tree that stands in the center of the room. They have a lost gaze, accentuated by dark circles under their eyes.
Lucifer: "MC, how are you? It's been more than 3 days since you locked yourself in this room. You need to have a full meal."
No respons
Lucifer: "Please talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind."
Mc: "I... am tired. When will all this end? When will I be able to stop worrying if this is really my room? What will I find if I go out?"
"I fought so hard to help you sort out your family dynamics. Now that I had done it, I thought we could enjoy this peace. Yet I found myself in the past."
"You were cold again towards me; Mammon didn't involve me in his plans; Levi was shy and avoided me; Satan... how could I deal with him?; Asmo could not look at himself in the mirror; Beel didn't know how to deal with this constant feeling of hunger, and Belphie still hated humans"
"It was you, but you weren't my family! Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but consider you my family. I just want to be with you, no worries or problems."
"You know how hard it was to wake up every day and keep from hugging you? I missed the good mornings and goodnights given on our chat. In the afternoon I didn't know what to do, having no homework to do. I'm serious Lucifer, I missed homework!. I also missed gaming nights with Levi or piano sessions with you. I missed the loud silence of the livingroom while watching DDD by the fireplace. I missed the impromptu dinners because others always showed up and we never had enough to eat"
"The others… You know how hard it was having to remember to be more formal with Diavolo? He also said for a long time that he had to send me back to the human realm. What was I supposed to do centuries or millennia in the past ?! Luckily Barbatos was inclined to let me stay. Besides, he couldn't stand Solomon. What the heck had he been up to at the time. But in the end I missed the afternoons spent at the castle talking of this and that over a cup of tea"
"Not even with Simeon and Luke was the same. I didn't help Luke in the kitchen and Simeno didn't ask me for advice on how to use the DDD. Only Salomon was a fixed point in all that chaos, but it wasn't like here in the present."
"I'm tired Lucifer. I was tired of fighting, I just wanted to come home here with you. And I'm worn out even now by this perpetual fear that it's not finished. That if I leave here I will be your "DevilSitter" and not just MC"
"Please.. Tell me it's all over. Tell me I can rest. Tell me that you are my family and that you love me"
As the human began to cry aloud, the Avatar of Pride could do nothing but embrace them. His mighty wings came out to wrap around their fragile bodies as much as possible.
Lucifer: "It is all right. You're at home Mc."
"If you go out you will find Mammon who is looking at the DDD sitting on the floor in front of your door; Leviathan in his room refusing to leave until you do too and checking your team games online to see if you are logged in; Satan is sitting on the couch in the living room near your favorite seat; Asmo is preparing a skin treatment for when you get out of here; Beel tries not to eat all the meals he has made for you these days; Belphie is sleeping next to Mammon on the floor, waiting for you. "
"Even Lord Diavolk comes constantly to find out how you are. If he can't come, call and send Barbatos. Then this one is working day and night to find out who did this to you. Luke cries every day in front of your door begging you to come out. Have you ever heard him? Simeon should console him, except that he stands at the door of the corridor praying that Luke's requests are heard. Solomon he said at the beginning that we had to give you time to get used to it, but now he too is starting to worry.
"And I'm here for you MC. I'm here for whatever you need. You're done dealing with us, now it's our turn. You just have to go out and get pampered."
"You are home MC, with your family"
Little but sad. Lucifer big brother/mom
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giggle-bee · 9 months
Triple Threat (Squealing Santa 2023!)
Hi, @hakurei-k, I'm your Santa for this year! Sorry this is a little late, but I hope you still enjoy it! It was a challenging prompt since I don't typically write intense stuff with multiple lers, but it was a fun fic to do, and I'm so happy I got you!! I also want to thank @squealing-santa, Hypah, for being such an amazing host!! Couldn't have done it without you, thank you for keeping the tradition alive!
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(Ler!Barbatos, Ler!Solomon, Ler!Simeon, Lee!MC)
Warnings: pranks, suprise tickles
Summary: Barbatos has a day off but doesn't know how to spend it. How better to than with you? Mediating a prank war wasn't in the plans, though.
Word Count: 1.8k
When Diavolo had first approached Barbatos about taking the day off, he was against the idea. “My Lord, the New Year’s celebration is not far away. The castle must be prepared for guests, there is much work to be done-” “Exactly my thoughts! You’ve been working tirelessly, my friend, you deserve some time to yourself. It’s my castle, I want to have part in the decorating! Besides, I know you’ve been keeping an eye on that new tea house. Take the day and relax, Barbatos.”
Diavolo patted him on the back and left Barbatos standing in his office, lost for words and with a blank mind for the first time in a while. For anyone else, the opportunity would be a blessing, to leave your duties behind and pay attention to the parts of your life neglected. All Barbatos could think about was the castle in a state of disarray, clashing colors, decorations strewn haphazardly about the place, anything less than perfect was not acceptable.
However, Diavolo’s pout if he figured out Barbatos was still working during his break was too heartbreaking to think about. Barbatos sighed, pulling out his DDD and pulling up his messages with you.
Barbatos MC, would you like to join me at Witch’s Brew this afternoon? My schedule has been cleared. 
MC Oh? Is that the new tea place across from Majolish? I would love to!
Barbatos Alright. See you at noon. 
Witch’s Brew was a quaint shop that sold both loose leaf teas, tea sets, and delicious desserts. To a demon like Barbatos, it was heaven. The aroma of dried flowers and warmth tickled his nose as he opened the door, sitting down at a small table with a candle in the middle. It was peaceful here, soft music playing over the speakers and setting a light ambience to the space. Ordering some tea for the both of you would be his first order of business. The fragrant notes of hibiscus and lemon called to him from behind the counter, he would bring it back to the table piping hot and waiting. 
A smile came across his lips as he imagined you taking the first sip, your eyes lighting up at the sweet flavor- rich and floral with a hint of tart to balance it. The thought was almost as sweet as you were. The tinkling of the doorbell made Barbatos glance up hopefully from his cup, eyes alight when he saw you. But you weren’t carefree and jubilant as usual. He picked up on the nervous glances you were sending around the room, your hesitant steps towards the table, and most of all, you hadn’t greeted him with so much as a smile yet. Quite unusual. 
“Ah, hello Barbatos! Sorry I’m late,” you whispered, smoothing your clothes and sitting in the chair he pulled out for you. The demon cocked an eyebrow at your behavior, instantly analyzing your expression. He knew something was up.
“Would you like to tell me what is obviously bothering you? You look like someone is out to get you.”
“Ahaha… well…” You scratched your arm, averting your gaze and peering down into the teacup. “You could say that.” You chose to elaborate on the prank war currently going on in Purgatory Hall, the one you had started a week ago. Luke had voted on staying out of things, which meant you, Solomon, and Simeon would have to prank amongst yourselves.
Pulling out all the stops this morning, you had set up several pillows to fall onto Simeon’s head, covering him in feathers. You had swiped one of Solomon’s singing potions earlier in the week and mixed it into a batch of cookies, which had him singing curses for the next hour. You had found these harmless pranks extremely funny, but both Solomon and Simeon were sure to get you back. 
“So that’s why I have to stay vigilant! They could be anywhere, Barbatos, I have to keep a lookout,” you explained, taking a sip of your tea. The flavor was complex and delicate, a nice reprieve from the chaos going on with your friends. You melted into the warm drink, nodding at the teapot, “This was a good pick, thank you for letting me try it!”
Barbatos shook his head with a fond smile. He knew you were “I believe tea is better when shared in good company, so it’s my pleasure.” Pouring you two another cup, he thought on your predicament. If Solomon and Simeon were working together, it could spell disaster for everyone in Purgatory Hall.
Humming in thought, Barbatos finished his tea and set the cup down gently onto a saucer. “Can I escort you back? Like I said, my schedule is clear for the day, so it would be no trouble. That way, you won’t have to worry about anything on your way,” he offered. Barbatos knew they would never do anything to harm you, but if it would make you feel better, it was worth it.
You perked up, relief washing over your face. “I would appreciate it, those two like to scare me as much as it is.”
Taking a dessert to go, you and Barbatos left the teahouse and started the journey back to the House of Lamentation. On the way, you talked about everything from next year’s classes to Satan’s newest cat adoption antics. Barbatos felt at ease talking to you, as he always did. His worries for the celebration faded with every step as he let you take the wheel of the conversation. Before you knew it, you two were on the doorstep. 
“Thank you for walking me here, Barbs. We need to do this again sometime!” You opened the door and were about to wave goodbye when two arms pulled you into the foyer. Barbatos quickly moved inside, surprised by the sight that greeted him. 
Solomon and Simeon had trapped you in their arms, encircling you like twin felines playing a game of cat and mouse. Solomon’s deadly smirk was something you knew all too well, paired with Simeon’s laughing eyes, they had been out to get you from the start. “You fell right into our trap, MC~” Simeon purred in your ear, watching your eyes flit between the trio of people in the room. Well, one human, one angel, and one demon. The mischievous fire in Solomon’s eyes appeared anything *but* human to you in this moment. 
Solomon looked to the demon at the door, “What do you think is a fitting punishment for our friend here, Barbatos?” 
Barbatos slowly stepped forward until he was in front of you three, assessing the situation. “Seeing as they’ve confessed their transgressions to me already, I believe something… like this will suffice,” Barbatos reasoned, grinning at your shocked face.
“Barbatos! You’re supposed to be on my side- HEY!” Barbatos wormed his hand between you and Simeon to give your side a squeeze, making you curl into Solomon. Simeon started to snicker at the idea, using his free hand to scribble around your neck while Solomon’s smile grew wolfish. “I think that’s a great idea, don’t you think so, MC?” 
You were trying not to react to Simeon’s gentle scribbles, your cheeks puffing out and your lips pouting to hide your smile. “N-no! Not a great idea! Barbatos- help me!”
Raising an eyebrow, the demon tilted his head to the side, “You want me to help? Alright, I can manage that. After all, I have no obligations today, I can spend as much time as I want here.”
Barbatos latched onto your sides, kneading into them with sudden speed and vigor that you weren’t prepared for. Your straight faced facade went flying out the window as you tried to wiggle away from the tickles to no avail. Solomon and Simeon seemed to have the same idea, the angel’s fingers finding a home in your armpits and Solomon’s squeezing at your hipbones. “WHAHAHAIT! NOhOHoO!” 
You had endured tickle attacks from all three of them separately, but together, the trio was insufferably good at reducing you to a laughing fit. They continued to scribble and poke all over your worst spots, Simeon finding a good spot on your lower tummy that almost sent you backwards. Every time you got used to something, one of them would move, sending you into giggles all over again. 
“I almost forgot how ticklish they are! Solomon, keep that up,” Simeon laughed with delight at how you squirmed away from Solomon’s evil hands that were currently chasing your ribs. “If I were you, I would stay still- it would be done a looooot faster!” Solomon chirped from your left, tazing your ribs and making you fall into Barbatos’s waiting arms.
“Your laugh is almost as sweet as the tea, you know,” Barbatos whispered quietly, kneading into your lower back and sides, chuckling when you tried to pull away with a blush. Simeon gasped and excitedly pulled you away, hugging you tight against his chest. 
“Theres this thing I used to do to Luci when he would misbehave, let me show you!” He closed his eyes and you felt invisible feathers gliding across your ears and neck, making you scrunch up. The feathers seemed to reach all of your worst spots, soft but they tickled like hell. When you felt one graze the bottom of your foot, you squeaked in surprise, how was this even possible? Simeon’s laugh sounded like bells, contrasting with your loud and squealy one. “I cAhAHaAHaN’t! PlEHehAHeaSe!” 
He slowed down the feathers of his wings to softly stroke up and down your arms, letting you collapse into him. Solomon ruffled your hair, “You all tired out? I think it’s payback for making me sing through all of breakfast. Simeon looked like a fancy chicken this morning,” he laughed. Simeon rolled his eyes, “Did you learn your lesson, MC? Never mess with Purgatory Hall, or you’ll awaken the tickle monsters that live there!” He tapped your nose, taking note of your lingering smile and flushed cheeks. He grinned and gave you a hug, releasing you. 
Barbatos had his hands behind his back, almost like he hadn’t contributed to your ticklish demise. “The cake is still outside, would you like me to bring it in?” His sly smirk didn’t go unnoticed, you nodded, rolling your eyes. “You were supposed to help me!”
“I never said I would help you. Besides, I think you deserved a little prank back for the ones you performed,” he noted, bringing the slice of matcha cake inside. 
With a sigh, you took the bag, holding out the delectable sweet. “How about a truce? Do you guys wanna split this?” All three of them nodded, causing you to smile. As you made your way towards the den, Barbatos concluded that his day off was a day well spent.
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chibifox2002 · 1 month
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This was gonna be a whole doodle dump of young Mamas and baby DDD but I currently don't have any motivation to doodle more atm so plz accept my single offering.
(also ignore the fact that I fucked up the text plz it was 2 in the morning when I made this I couldn't sleep)
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I'm taking you out (Lucifer)
MC hadn't noticed the empty seat at the table until they got up from dinner. Lucifer's plate sits untouched at the head of the table, the brothers carry on around it, ignoring the eldest's absence.
MC can't ignore the sharp tug at their chest. Diavolo was planning some kind of event, meaning Lucifer has been bending over backwards to make the prince's vision a reality, as usual.
MC's well aware that Lucifer always works long hours and occasionally skips lunch, but he so rarely skips dinner.
They haven't seen him at all that day, barely seen him at all the day before, making their decision a rather easy one to make.
"MC, where are you going?" Satan wondered as the human walked around the table, a loaded plate in their hand.
"Taking Lucifer his dinner"
"I'm not sure that's a g-and they're gone."
Shifting nervously in his seat, Levi glares at the door MC just exited. ''Shouldn't we stop them? Lucifer hates being interrupted.''
"It's MC, they make up for the lack of magic with otherworldly gumption." Satan declared, shrugging off the issue to carry on his dinner. "Besides, Lucifer won't hurt them."
"He'd better not."
MC tapped gently at Lucifer's bedroom door, hoping he'd at least retreated home from RAD.
"Not now."
"Unless you're hiding a full kitchen in there, you haven't eaten properly today, Lucifer." MC replied, unphased by his scathing tone. "I brought dinner."
"I don't have time for this, MC!"
"The sooner you open the door the sooner I leave you alone."
They heard him heave a sigh, can practically see the furrow between his brows through the door before it swings open, leaving them face to face with the glowering fallen angel.
MC's grown a thick skin to that glare by now, and smile up at him while holding out the plate.
"You are the most stubborn creature in any realm, living or dead."
"Why thank you, now eat."
Lucifer huffed and ignored their words as he spun on his heel, headed back to his desk. "I don't have time for this, MC. There are papers due tomorrow morning."
MC follows him in, kicking the door shut behind them and turning the key in the lock. "Can I help?"
"So, you won't let me help and you won't take the time to take care of yourself?"
"I'm no feeble human. A day's missed meals won't reduce my cognitive abilities."
MC took a long, appraising look at him, at the dark circles sagging under his eyes and the slouch to his usually proud shoulders.
"Only one day? Or six?"
Lucifer avoids their gaze as he drops back into his chair, knowing he's been caught. "Leave, MC."
"No. You'll eat, or I'll make you."
When he looked up, it was into the eyes of the human who mastered the 7 Lords of Hell, His Master.
No matter how much he dressed it up, how much MC let him have his way for his pride's sake, Lucifer surrendered himself to them with that pact. Sometimes, and only sometimes, MC has to remind him.
Lucifer relented and made room for the plate on his desk.
While he ate, MC went about putting on some music and lighting the fire, nipping out of the room to bring him some chamomile tea.
His heart stung, but his heart melted as MC nestled into his bed in their comfy clothes, making themselves at home on the massive mattress.
"And just what do you think you're doing?"
"Getting ready for bed. I'm taking you out tomorrow, by the way." MC grinned, sliding their DDD onto his nightstand. "I've already cleared it with Dia."
"That nickname isn't appropriate, and I don-"
As if on cue, his own DDD lit up with a message from the prince himself. Lucifer sighed, hearing MC's chuckle as he unlocked the device.
Enjoy your outing tomorrow, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more! I'll see you for our morning meeting the day after tomorrow. Good night, Lucifer.
"You, are a menace."
MC giggled innocently, pulling the covers over themselves. "You love me."
Lucifer pushes away from his desk, kicking off his shoes and discarding his tie as he rips the covers away from them, pressing himself over their defenceless body, relishing the way MC melted beneath with without resistence.
Eyes of liquid wonder gaze up at him adoringly as they slide their arms around his neck.
"You'd do well do remember who you belong too, little human." He growled, breath sending shivers down MC's spine as it tickled their ear, so close, and yet too far away. "Whose are you?"
"Yours." No hesitation, not a quiver of fear or doubt as their eyes beg him to come closer and finally lay his lips over theirs.
Lucifer doesn't care that MC's technically won, gotten him away from his work for the next 24 hours. He knows that he's just as much theirs as they are his, and loves it as he finally lets himself sink into their kiss, body aching to consume them whole until no astral form could tell where one ended and the other began.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello! Can i req? Like spider noir in the modern world but you two are still students? Yeah like that (inspo by pavitr’s filipino headcannons)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
school days with spider noir (modern universe)
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"morning." he greets you with a small grin on his face, his big gray and brown eyes staring into your own sleepy ones as you yawned and lazily waved him hello. he waved back at you and watched as you sat down on the table he was at, across from him. you folded your arms on the table and groaned.
"can't believe it's a monday..." you muttered as peter chuckled, folding his arms on the table as he continued gazing at you in this position. "yeah, well... at least i get to see you." he said with a blush that extended up to the tips of his ears.
you chuckled back and extended your hand on the table. "i guess that's the only good side to it." you said as peter extended his own hand towards you on the table. he placed his hand on top of yours at first, but then you took the initiative to interlock your fingers with his own. now you two were holding hands, with your arms folded on the table, being the first people at school.
peter grinned wider as his blush deepened. "...i love being early just for this." he confessed in a whisper. you smiled back with a slight blush on your own face. "yeah, so do i."
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you two soon had to line up for the assembly, and unfortunately, you and peter were in separate classes this year. at least you and peter had admitted your feelings to each other over the summer, it made it much more convenient to hang out and spend the whole day with each other.
as the flood of students walked down the halls and to the assembly site, you and peter walked hand in hand with each other, with peter slightly gripping your hand a little tightly, so as not to lose sight of you. you smiled at how protective he can be sometimes.
you leaned closer to him as more students flocked around you two; gossiping, giggling, talking, shouting, doing homework by each other's lockers, going on their phones and all--the world around you two was oblivious to the romance you two had. and that was just how you both liked it, fading into the crowd and being allowed to love each other without any stares or pointing or sneers.
peter shuddered a little as he felt your head against his shoulder as you leaned against him. he looked down at you and sighed in contentment. "we are definitely gonna get busted for pda one of these days." he muttered. "what does pda mean again? oh, right, peter does my assignments for me." you teased him, and he his face flushed all over again.
"hey, i do not... well, for math, maybe. and your science homework, when you're really stumped. and..." he trailed off as he mentally went back on the subjects you asked him to help you with, but he ended up doing because he was so invested in it. you nudged him playfully and gave him a smirk. "such is the perk of dating this high school's biggest nerd." you said with a snicker and peter grinned and blushed deeper.
"okay, okay, fine... maybe i do end up doing your homework on more than one occasion." he said as you stopped walking when you ended up at your line. "guess this is my stop." you said as you tried to let go of his hand, but he didn't let go of yours yet. he ran his thumb over your knuckles. and in a flash, he kissed your hand, let go of it gently, and in one breath, told you, "haveagreatdaymylove," and ran off in a bashful bout.
oh how you loved him.
a/n: again, sorry this is so short, BUT I WANTED TO END IT HERE IT WAS JUST SO CUTEEEEE i wanted to add more, but i felt like this was a good way to end it ! if you guys want more, don't hesitate to ask :DD it might be slow in coming though so i'm sorry TT nevertheless, i hope y'all enjoyed it !!!
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper @maxoloqy
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morroodle · 7 months
Birthday party complete! All in all it went pretty well aside from one interruption that I will deal with tomorrow. We slaughtered a pinata, played ninjago the board game, ate pizza, watched ninjago season 5, had some cake and then finished season 5 and had just enough time for presents.
The cake was a bit of a situation. The first cake was not good, being very ugly and having frosting made with expired ingredients so this morning I had to speedrun making a new cake. It turned out well but I unfortunately was not able to transfer the edible printed image from the first cake to the second so I had to settle for real paper. Still looked good though!
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I enjoyed murdering him and revealing the secret ingredient
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Everyone thought that since my morro minifure was on the outside there was no way it was the secret ingredient. They didn't count on me having 2 morros >:DDD. (my dad accidentally grabbed him and tried to eat him. What a fool)
Friends got me a pretty good gift haul too, these combined with the set my dad got me should have me set for a good week at least
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Plus the dino plushie is real cute. He's got a lil party hat :D
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shaniartss · 9 months
Don't you think kick and kendal will end up pretty happily in future?, scarlet was in only one episode plus she is a teen( kick is a kid) , Jacky is too wacky and her crazy obsession with kick is pretty problematic! Plus Kendall is pretty attractive as per the show standards ,don't you think? Plus kick might admire Kendall beauty when he thinks about her! Plus she has a thing for stunts ( as in hand in hand)and kick has a awesome memory plus he is smart (as seen morning rush). I don't like Kendall and Ronaldo togather , he was a jerk to kick in frame story and in stand and delivery :/
Hey can draw Kick holds Kendall after their dance routine in dancing with the enemy 😍? Please🥀
Btw loved your arts😊
In my honest opinion, both would have happy endings, with Kendall using her strong intellect to advance her career and Kick being recognized as the world’s greatest daredevil. Despite my fondness for the Kindall ship, there remains a possibility that Ronaldo and Kendall will end up together because, well, they are dating (A Quite toxic one , actually hszbsijdxj).
Also hey! Scarlett’s cool! :DD Though he made an effort to downplay his admiration for Scarlett's train stunt, I really thought that his little crush on her was adorable xD Like, really, those two stared at each other while they drank like a barrel-sized cheetah chug.
Regarding Jackie, she is, in my opinion, the biggest fan of Kick (literally), even though her kick obsession is getting a little out of hand. Still, I think she is great, baby is so underappreciated, along with Cousin Kyle.
Furthermore, one thing I enjoy about Kendall is that, to be honest, she is the kind of girl you want to get to know because she is full of surprises. It is great that, despite their differences, they have a small appreciation for each other's interests. Both she and Kick possess an inner sense of adventure and intelligence. I like it :DDD
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Honestly Backgrounds are the worst.
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While You Work
*Lucifer (Obey Me!) x Reader
*Summary: Reader can’t sleep so they join Lucifer in his office while he works.
*Warnings: None, I think.
*A/N: I’ve done it, now my Obey Me! love is here for you all to see. I made a little post about this a bit ago and had to write a drabble because I love soft Lucifer.
Tip Jar
The light from your DDD blinded you as you checked the time for the thousandth time. You knew you had classes in the morning, but you just couldn’t fall asleep for some reason. Your room was too warm, you couldn’t find the right position to sleep in, your pillow was too uncomfortable, nothing was lining up for you to have a restful night’s sleep. Not even listening to the sleep ASMR videos that Levi had sent you earlier that day were helpful. At this point you were both exhausted and annoyed and just wanted your boyfriend to cuddle you to sleep but he was too preoccupied with his never-ending paperwork for Lord Diavolo.
It didn’t matter though, you were determined to get some attention. You grabbed one of your thinner blankets and pulled it over your shoulders, going to look for your boyfriend in his office. Before you even reached the door to knock, you could hear the music from one of Lucifer’s records playing lowly. Of course he would be working instead of sleeping, but you knew to expect that by now. You knocked on the door, not wanting to startle the demon who was undoubtedly deeply focused on his work.
“It’s late, this better be important,” Lucifer called out. You rolled your eyes at his response, because of course that’s how he would react to his brothers bothering him this late. Nonetheless, you opened the door and made your way into his office. As you walked in, he spoke without looking up at the door. “Well?”
“Sorry, I didn’t want to bug you, but I couldn’t fall asleep,” you answered, closing the door behind you. Lucifer’s head snapped up to look at you, eyes widening when he realized the tone he’d taken with you.
“I’m sorry, love, I didn’t realize it was you,” Lucifer immediately apologized, turning his chair and beckoning you to come closer to him. You crossed the room, standing between his parted legs. This was one of the rare times you were taller than the demon, and you had to admit that you kind of enjoyed it. Lucifer wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he looked up at you. “Now, why aren’t you asleep?”
“Don’t know, just couldn’t fall asleep. Do you mind if I just stay here with you for a while?”
“You know I don’t, but I wouldn’t be able to spend time with you. I need to have this paperwork done for Lord Diavolo by end of day tomorrow, and I won’t have the time with classes,” Lucifer explained, that little furrow between his brows appearing as it did whenever there was too much on his plate. You cupped his cheek, bringing his attention back to you.
“I didn’t expect anything less, I’m content to just stay here with you. I’ll just lay on the couch and you can get your work done, yeah?” Lucifer considered your words for a moment longer before nodding. “Great, don’t let me distract you.”
“You’re always a welcome distraction, one I wouldn’t dream of being rid of,” Lucifer replied, releasing your waist. You made your way over to the plush couch, getting settled under your blanket. You expected the scratch of Lucifer’s pen to lull you to sleep, but when he didn’t immediately get back to work, you looked at him with curious eyes. You were a little surprised when you saw him gathering his work, but you didn’t want to interrupt whatever he was doing.
What you didn’t expect was for Lucifer to join you on the couch, the paperwork perched precariously on the arm of the couch with only a hardcover book as support. As he got settled, his pen once again raised to begin working again, he looked over at you. Your confusion must have been evident, but his little smirk was enough to let you know that had been his plan. “Rest against me, love. I’ll continue working here.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be a distraction.” Even as you hesitated, you moved from your spot against the arm of the couch, nearing the demon. You could practically feel the warmth of his side calling to you, promising at least a few hours of sleep beside him. 
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure. Now, come.” Lucifer’s tone left no room for argument. At this point, it was no longer an offer, it was an order. You rested your head in his lap, his hand a gentle presence in your hair as you settled in. The scratch of Lucifer’s pen created the softest background noise as you focused only on the feeling of your love with you, his hand in your hair, his thigh under your cheek. He provided the comfort you needed as he always did, your eyes lazily watching the repetitive back-and-forth of his pen.
“Come on, love, we should get to an actual bed,” Lucifer’s voice gently woke you. You groaned, trying to bury your head further into his lap.
“Don’t wanna get up,” you complained when he tried moving away from you. “Just keep working.”
Lucifer’s short laugh startled you enough that you actually looked at him, a slight frown on your face. “I just finished, now come on, let’s get you into an actual bed.”
“Could I sleep in your room tonight? I sleep better with you there.”
“As if that was even in question,” Lucifer said as he finally stood. He looked back at you, where you sat with your arms up, silently asking for him to carry you. With a little sigh of amusement, he complied. As he carried you to his room, you could already feel yourself drifting off again, your face pressed into the crook of his neck. This was everything you needed.
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness, @delaber, @laic2299
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wonderful-magician · 1 year
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More likely than you would think my friends.
Ok so I worked on the drawing above for maybe 10 hours and I'm very proud of it! And I felt like this post would be a good transition into elaborating MY VERY LONG LIST OF HEAD CANNONS for this rat.... Since he has very little backstory canonically similarly to most Kirby characters who have like a sentence of backstory. And unlike Meta knight or King DDD who have a general concept or idea. We know nothing about the silly rodents!! Nothing!!
So I'm here to basically write a whole damn book for these guys. But specifically daroach because... I'm biased. Lmao. SO I decided to give him something! The life of a poor child from 1920!! ....woohoo?
I believe I've said this before, and I don't think it's that crazy- but I enjoy playing with the fact these characters are for the most part from different planets and have different cultures and experiences because of this. And I love to write little things about it. And just like many others. We have no idea where daroach is even from in the first place.
I like to think the original species of squeaks/squeakers originated from the forgotten land. But at some point they all moved to different planets and locations. You can find them on different planets, and they have a unique culture to each other. The only thing they all share is the bells! Which I shared on my post all about the bells!!
Anyway I figured I would have two bulletin lists about the fun head cannons of mine! But put both of them here for simplicity. And I hope this is coherent and doesn't come off too ... Wow! Tragedy! Daroach is really a chill, happy guy despite some of the things that happened to him in my personal canon...
Despite the events I list here, Daroach actually has a very positive attitude and outlook on life! Despite how his homworld has shitty living conditions and child labor.
Daroach lived with his father until he was ten, when his father was drunk and shot by an officer for being openly against the current mayor.
Daroach never met his mother. But he worries about it little. He cared about it more when he was younger. He also has no known extended family.
Daroach had to live in the streets for a while because of this. Working as a newspaper boy.
He met Storo during this time. The two quickly became good friends. As Daroach was fast and Storo was ... Big. Even as the two were only 10-12 year olds.
The boys became familiar with a lot of the adults in town. Knowing the baker or the locals well. Storo liked to speak to a specific man named doc, quite often.
One harsh winter. Daroach gets sick. And Storo starts to feel under the weather as well. Storo, worried for their well being. Begs doc for help one morning. Doc, after seeing the full conditions of the two boys. Let's them stay with him.
While this was originally temporary, doc ended up enjoying their company. And the three live together like a family. But none of them want to call it a family.
Daroach starts working at a factory and so does Storo. Doc trying to revive his career as a scientist. ( and failing.. miserably. ) around this time doc also takes in spinni. Who's only 7.
Daroach starts to become a more intense thief. While he was always good at it, he did live on the streets for two years after all. But he gets... Very good at theft. For he learns how to float and teleport.
As they all get older. They form a early version of the squeak squad. But it's more like a group formed against the current situations and political climate. As a civil war is occuring in the country and the city is very divided.
Daroach gets himself into a lot of fights. But is both loved and hated by the press. For his hatred to the government but attractive looks by squeak standard.
After daroach is wounded in a fight. They get money, and leave on their newly made airship. Never to return to this planet. As it's just miserable there.
Ok that was a basic outline of his story on my end! Time for more basic head cannons that can be applied much easier !!
Daroach has been smoking since he was like 13. This was normal for his planet. But nowadays he mostly understands his mistakes. But he still smokes, even if he's polite about it and smokes outside it matters little. Meta knight likes to absolutely mock him for this...
Daroach hates being hatless for an extended period of time. It's just ...weird...
Daroach is the only squeak/squeaker to stand on his tiptoes constantly.
Won the triple star in a bet with a certain wizard who plays star stacker.
Used to have a alcohol problem, as his father originally did. But he did actually recover from this.
Dated meta knight for a couple months before they broke up with no explanation.
Nobody but them and galaxia know why.
At the age of 11 he developed a limp and still to this day he doesn't even understand how he got this mysterious limp.
Owns like three of the same outfit and does his laundry often. Pure comfort
Hates not being formal. You won't find this man in public wearing slides and a T-shirt. Must be a poet shirt. Or something alike that.
Totally not weird that he dated meta knights reflection. When he broke up with the real thing.
Okay this better post correctly 🙂
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