#madeline and maverick.
getsevens · 10 months
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from your memories, madeline kennedy and maverick macaulay.
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thebahwrites · 2 years
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killshot. (on ao3)
“Name one hero who was happy." "You can't." He was sitting up now, leaning forward. "I can't." "I know. They never let you be famous AND happy." He lifted an eyebrow. "I'll tell you a secret." "Tell me." I loved it when he was like this. "I'm going to be the first." He took my palm and held it to his. "Swear it." "Why me?" "Because you're the reason. Swear it." "I swear it," I said, lost in the high color of his cheeks, the flame in his eyes. "I swear it," he echoed.
A Top Gun: Maverick superhero AU. (dark aesthetic for @minhkhoa-khan​)
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ahristocatsz · 1 year
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“He is half of my soul, as the poets say.” “I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.” ― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
Top Gun: Maverick [2022].
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one thing i like about me (is that i’m nothing like you and i never will be) (lt. bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: the title came together for this and then the rest all just fell into place. currently, this is the last thing i’ve got planned out for same mistakes-verse so if there’s something else y’all want to see in particular... i’m all ears. first, this is tagged as a rooster fic because same mistakes is but it’s got a hefty dose of Coyote. this is a behemoth of a thing. honestly, you gotta read best bud, you alright bud? and a slice of life before you read this, no exceptions (otherwise you’ll be lost lmfao). this is the longest thing i’ve ever written
summary: Coyote decides to put an end to the legacy of the Green Vipers. the truth comes out, much to Rebel’s chagrin. what happens next leaves their friendship in pieces.
based on this request from an anon
title comes from mean! by madeline the person
part of the same mistakes-verse
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist
warnings: swearing, physical violence, same mistakes-verse canon bullying/hazing, this is so not how the Navy works, like i really made shit up this time, like seriously i know this isn’t how the Navy works, this got away from me, i feel like this needs to be said because people in my fics (like im not the one doing it) keep insinuating it but Rebel and Coyote are just platonic besties like Rooster and Phoenix k thx, one of the lines comes from the title, Cyclone’s a hardass but he looks out for his kids (but he’ll never admit it)
word count: 8,975
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“Lieutenant Machado, thanks for meeting us with us today.”
“Of course Admiral.”
“Your report was, quite frankly, concerning. In light of the active investigation we’re opening, we’d like to get more information from you.”
Your eyes adjust slowly to the light of the bar, taking in the patrons. The Hard Deck is unusually noisy and rowdy, all thanks to a certain squadron occupying the pool table. Your heart falters a bit as you take in Raven’s figure first. You pause next to Hangman, who’s settled up on the bar talking to Penny. Coyote’s behind you as the team swarms to Penny, not looking at or even paying attention to the same people the two of you are. 
"Well, they’re new.” Coyote states, crossing his arms. He’s right, there’s a petite red head girl standing next to a tall, lanky brunette man. 
“Must be our replacements.” You say, grabbing the beer from Rooster’s outstretched hand over Hangman’s shoulder. 
“Ain’t nobody replace us baby.” Coyote says with a teasing smile and you laugh. He grabs the beer Hangman’s handing him and takes a sip. A smirk appears. “We should go say hi.” You won't deny that the thought of going near them makes your heart crawl into your stomach, but you’ve got Coyote and Rooster won’t be too far away. Besides, you’re more than curious about your replacements and how long these two have been with the team. You find yourself nodding and you and Coyote leave the Iron Daggers behind, weaving through the patrons to appear next to the pool table. Owl glances up at the two of you first, a smile erupting on her face.
“Well, look at what the cat dragged in.” She sings, alerting Arrow and Moonshine. Moonshine nudges Ghost, who looks over. 
“Machado, my man!” He exclaims, moving towards the figure of your best friend, pulling him into a hug. You glance at your boyfriend, who’s watching the scene unfold with caution. “Rebel.” He grunts, moving back away from you. That catches Shadow and Raven’s attention and the dark looks on their faces makes your stomach curl. 
“What’re y’all doing out here?” You ask, crossing your arms, not giving them a chance to talk. Charm sighs from her place next to Redwood. 
“We’ve been grounded indefinitely. We’re not sure why.” She answers and you frown. Grounded indefinitely? 
“All of you?” You ask, curiosity raising in your voice. If something happens, there is always the possibility a few pilots would get grounded, but never the whole squadron, never brought all the way back out to Miramar. Coral’s nodding, her ever curly hair bouncing along with her. You glance at Coyote, who’s got the same confused look on his face. He shakes his confusion faster than you can and clears his throat. 
“Who’s the fresh meat?” Coyote asks, pointing to the two new figures. You turn back to Rooster’s gaze and you see the entirety of the Iron Daggers are watching this unfold and you subtly nod your head. Rooster understands the gesture and pulls the crew over to the pool table. You turn your attention back to the Green Vipers, listening to Shadow introduce Ruby and Swiper. Rooster settles in next to you, arm around your shoulder, causing Shadow to narrow his eyes. 
“You know man, the last time we were here, I didn’t catch your name.” he says, and Rooster glares. 
“Rooster. This here’s Phoenix, my wingman, and Bob, her WSO.” 
“Bob?” Raven’s cackling and your eyes roll so hard you think you might get a headache. “What kind of callsign is that?” 
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you considering the only reason your callsign is Raven is because your voice sounds like one.” You shoot back and she’s turning to you. 
“I see Rebel’s finally found a voice.” Ghost taunts and your eyes narrow but Coyote’s intervening before things can go any farther. 
“We definitely did introductions that last time y’all were here, this is unnecessary.” Coyote says, moving in front of you. You see Hangman glance at Rooster, the two exchanging a look you don’t understand. 
“Why don’t we play a game of pool?” Hangman’s offering. “2v2? Vipers versus Daggers.” Ghost chuckles and tosses Hangman the pool cue. 
“You’re on. Whose your partner?” 
“Rooster.” He answers like it’s the most obvious choice in the world, like these two didn’t used to spend everyday at the other’s throats. “Yours?”
“Shadow.” There’s bile rising in your throat as you realize your boyfriend is about to go head-to-head with your tormentor. The two squadrons spread out and you take a seat sandwiched between Phoenix and Bob. Payback and Fanboy are just behind you, watching the team carefully. And then the bell to the door of the Hard Deck is jingling again, and both squadrons turn to catch the entrance of a tall man with dark brown eyes and even darker hair to match. He seems to be looking for someone and he finds it at the pool table. Something changes on Coyote’s face and then the man is pulling him into a hug.
“Venom, man, how are you?” Oh, Coyote’s old wingman. Coyote turns to you, nodding you over with his head. “This is Rebel, my wingman.” Venom bypasses your outstretched hand to take in the rest of the team. “What’re you doing out here?” 
“Oh, you know, the Navy is still looking for a replacement for Admiral Kazansky. Or multiple, not sure anyone can replace that man.” You wince at the carless reminder that your godfather is gone. Coyote glances at you. 
“Oh yeah, I heard about your promotion to commander. Congrats man.” Venom nods absentmindedly.
“Yeah, well, we’re in the final rounds of interviews. The Navy really wants some Captain, callsign Maverick I think, but apparently he’s got a squadron of his own. The Iron Dangers or something.” A ripple of laughter goes through your squadron.
“Iron Daggers.” You correct and Venom looks back down at you. Coyote clears his throat. 
“That’s where I’m stationed right now.” Coyote clarifies. Venom looks back over to Coyote and then shrugs. 
“Well, tell Mitchell to give up Kazansky’s position. He’s like 60, he shouldn’t even be flying.” 
“Captain Mitchell could outfly you ten times over any day, I’m sure of it.” You respond, eyes narrowing. The two squadrons are watching this exchange intently and you’re just waiting for the opportunity to drop the bomb about who you really are. 
“Yeah, sure. God, I just wish he’d get out of the picture, let someone younger and better have all the glory. Not like Mitchell needs anymore anyways.” Your Dad didn’t fly for the glory and neither did Ice. 
“You don’t deserve Admiral Kazansky’s position.” You say cooly, and you can feel Rooster move just behind you, anticipating your next move. 
“God, who are you? Why do you keep talking?” Venom snaps, looking back to Coyote. 
“I’m Admiral Kazansky’s goddaughter.” Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see Fanboy snickering into his hand as Venom’s face falls. “And Captain Mitchell is my father, so you be very careful about what you say next.” 
“You’re who?” Owl asks, eyes going wide. 
“Is that why Kazansky was there that day you and Coyote went down?” Moonshine’s asking and you’re nodding. 
“Uncle Ice wanted to make sure I was okay.” You slip the name in on purpose, and it had it’s intended effect. 
“Uncle Ice?” Raven practically screeches. 
“Nepotism at it’s finest.” Venom snarks, eyes narrowing. Ghost has a hand on the back of Venom’s uniform before he can do anything, pulling him back. 
“C’mon, Venom, we were just a about to play a game of pool against the Daggers here.” Venom nods dangerously, his eyes never leaving you. You move back to your seat next to Phoenix and Bob, watching the game unfold. The game is uneventful, each pair neck and neck until the Green Vipers start making digs at you and Coyote. 
“So, Coyote.” His head pops up from where’s he’s chatting with Owl in the direction of Arrow’s voice. “Why do you put up with Rebel really?” Raven’s laughing. 
“I’m telling you, they’re sleeping together.” Despite the fact that the thought of sleeping with Coyote is mildly disgusting, you find yourself rolling your eyes instead of gagging. Here we go. 
“We are not sleeping together.” Coyote says adamantly. Owl snorts and he looks at her. 
“I don’t buy that for a second Machado.” She says and he looks bewildered. 
“Why not?”
“Because your head is so far up her ass that I would hope you were getting some.” 
“My head is not-” 
“Yes it is.” Comes the unison voice of Coral, Moonshine, and Owl, the only girls left on the Green Vipers. Coyote elects to ignore it and move on. 
“Well, we’re not and we never have.” Coyote states, taking a sip of his beer, pointedly avoiding Rooster’s look. 
“So then why do you defend her like you do?” Coral’s asking. “I mean, you don’t have to look out for her anymore, no more obligation to have her back. She’s got a team that likes her. By all accounts, your friendship should’ve fell apart the day you left the Green Vipers.” 
“Because she’s my wingman and she’s never left my ass, even when she should.”
“So? Moonshine’s never left me but you don’t see me defending her the way you do Rebel.” Ghost proves and you’re itching to say something, but you hold back, knowing this is between Coyote and them. 
“What’s your point?” Coyote asks dryly. 
“That there’s something more between you.”
“She’s got a boyfriend.” Coyote states blankly, as if he’s lost interest in this conversation. At some point Hangman meanders over to you, leaning over to your shoulder. 
“Why are they worse then what you originally told us?” You shrugged, willing for the game to be over. It’s Hangman’s turn to shoot, and so he doesn't get a chance to pry more but Bob and Phoenix are giving you too many questioning looks so you stood up and move next to Coyote. He glances up at you, briefly nudging your hand, a gesture that doesn’t go unnoticed by Revenge. Revenge rolls his eyes, leaning over to make a comment to Coral and Arrow, who are snickering at it. You ignore it, glancing down at Coyote. 
“That means nothing, you do know that right?” Raven’s taunting and you feel your blood began to boil. 
“Fuck you, I’d never cheat on my boyfriend.” She’s putting her hands up in the air, in mock surrender. 
“Never said you would. Doesn’t mean Machado’s not pining after a girl he can’t have.” Shadow picks up the taunting now, leaning on his pool cue.
“Hey, do the two of you still sing?” He asks smirking and Venom chokes on his beer. 
“Sing?” He asks incredulously. You snort, looking down at Coyote, knowing exactly what’s being discussed right now. Shadow’s nodding.
“Yeah, when the Terror Twins,” God, not that nickname. “here used to get people out during training they’d go-”
“Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” You and Coyote finish, laughing lightly. Coyote’s favorite movie was Remember the Titans and after a late night watching the movie in the common area, it was something the two of you had picked up. Despite the light-heartedness of the statement, you’re still nervously watching Rooster out of the corner of your eye, who looks like he’s one more comment from smashing someone’s face in. Hangman seems to be aware of it too, never going far from his partner. 
“God, no wonder no one liked me.” You respond and Coyote’s snorting. The end of the game is nearing, all that’s left is for one team to pot the 8-ball. You wait with bated breath as Shadow leans over to take the shot, but he’s smirking. 
“You know, I should’ve shot her out of the sky when I had a chance.” He says, missing the chance to pot the 8-ball but it doesn’t matter because that’s the comment that causes Rooster to snap. He’s close to you, making it easy for you to pull him back as he tries to go launching after the pilot. Coyote’s grabbing his shoulders and Hangman’s there in an instant. A quick glance over to the bar tells you Penny and Mav are watching carefully as you push Rooster back. 
“That’s enough.” You say, moving in front of your boyfriend, coming face-to-face with Shadow. The man is tall, uses it to his advantage to intimidate you, and you will yourself not to shrink back. Coyote’s lingering just behind you. 
“Is it? Is it enough Rebel?” Shadow taunts and your shaking your head. “Man, I can’t believe Coyote puts up with you.”
"We’ve been through a lot together.” Coyote defends, his anger radiating off of him. Shadow raises an eyebrow.
“Is that so?” He chuckles darkly. “Well, here’s what I think. I think that the day the Navy rescued you from the ocean was a mistake. It was a waste of Navy resources. They should’ve rescued Coyote and left you to drown. You were never supposed to come home from that mission, but you just had to go and fuck it up, didn’t you?” Shadow’s dangerously close to your face now but you stand firm in the face of what’s being said. 
“That’s enough Shadow.” Ghost calls and Shadow pulls back, but the glint from his eye isn’t gone. 
“You’re going to spend the rest of your life searching for a validation and approval you’re never going to get. Because you’re a waste of space.” What happens next is a blur. 
You feel Coyote pushing you out of the way to get his hands on Shadow, and the pair are tumbling down as Coyote lands a sweet punch to the man’s face. You move forward to pull Coyote off but Hangman (you think, you’re not entirely sure) is pulling you backwards. You stumble, running face first into your Dad, who, after a quick once-over, is running into the pile to pull the two men off of each other. Shadow’s being pulled back by Ghost and Venom, Revenge moving in the middle. Hangman’s got a hold on Coyote, Fanboy keeping Rooster at bay, Payback standing between the two of them. There’s shouting, from Penny probably, and the Green Vipers take their leave. Your heart is hammering in your chest as you glance at Phoenix, who’s worry is evident as her and Bob take you in. You somehow end up outside, Coyote sitting on the bench, the rest of the group crowded around. You’re leaned up against the railing, eyes closed as you try to sort out your feelings. The front door opens and you briefly open your eyes to see your Dad exiting the Hard Deck to toss a bag of ice at Coyote. Your eyes close again as you try to bite down the nausea surfacing. The group is quiet, waiting for you to make the first move. Finally, you shift, opening your eyes to look at your best friend. There’s a sweet bruise forming around his eye, another on his jawbone, but nothing is broken or bleeding. 
“Coyote, what the hell were you thinking?” You ask lowly and he grimaces. “Tell me you weren’t thinking because you’ve never done that before.”
“I was thinking I wanted Shadow to shut the hell up and the only way to do that was to put my fist in his face.” You groan, not hearing you wanted. 
“Coyote, in the almost three years I’ve known you, that is by far the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.” Coyote sighs and leans back up against the bench. 
“I don’t regret it. I regret a lot of things but finally punching Shadow’s face is not one of them.” You really take in Coyote’s figure for the first time since the fight broke out. He’s slumped against the bench, defeated. “I was complicit in their abuse and I’m sorry.” 
“Coyote-” You protest but he shakes his head.
“(Y/N), I’ve done something that you’re going to find out about over the next few days. You’re going to be really angry at me and I’m sorry that this is how this is going to come out, but I need you to know that I don’t regret it.” 
“Coyote, what are you talking about?” You’re confused but there’s an element of fear appearing as well. Coyote’s never talked like this.
“What I’ve done is probably going to end our friendship.” There’s a weakening in your knees at the thought that there might be a day where you and Coyote aren’t friends anymore. “(Y/N), I need you to know that whatever happens over the next few days that I’m sorry, but I don’t regret what I did protecting you and making things right. Being friends with you has been some of the best years of my life and I’m sorry this is how it’s ending.” You think you might be sick as tears surface. The way Coyote’s is talking is scary and you look at Hangman, who is confused about the scene unfolding. You glance at Rooster, who looks equal parts baffled and concerned. Coyote glances at your Dad, handing him the ice. “Thanks for everything Mav.” He finished, standing up. He’s moving past the group, out to the parking lot and before you knew it, he’s driving away. 
“Dad?” You find yourself asking, fighting back the tears. Rooster’s hand finds yours. Your Dad sighs, looking away from you. 
“You’ll find out in your meeting with Admiral Simpson tomorrow.” You sigh as your Dad stands up, disappearing back into the bar. 
You feel Rooster tugging on your arm. “C’mon, let’s go home.” 
You knock on the door of Admiral Simspon’s office and then open it. Warlock is there too along with another Admiral. Cyclone clears his throat upon seeing you, beckoning you further into the room. “Lieutenant, please come in.” You shut the door behind you, walking to the desk cautiously. “Lieutenant, this is Admiral Oliver “Mercy” Davis.” The man puts out his hand and you shake it, forcing a smile. 
“Admiral, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“You as well Lieuetnant.” The two of you sit and you face Cyclone.
“Admiral Simpson, uh, am I in trouble?” He shakes his head. 
“No, no, far from it. Admiral Davis here just has some questions for you about your previous assignment before the Iron Daggers.” It takes you a moment and then it clicks. 
“The Green Vipers?” Mercy is nodding.
“Yes, we’ve gotten reports of harassment so we’re just doing a routine investigation. We’ve been talking to previous pilots who’ve flown with them, people who were stationed at the base with them. Numerous people, including your wingman, have named you as a primary subject of the harassment so we’re just looking to get your side of the story and all of the information we can about this certain squadron.” You nod. “You’re not in any trouble of any kind and you won’t be in any trouble for speaking with us or for the things you share with us. The Navy can protect you from any kind of retaliation they may try to enact against you.” You glance at Cyclone. 
“There’s no chance any of this will get back to my Dad?” Cyclone shakes his head, despite Mercy’s eyebrow raise.
“No, what you say in here is confidential and won’t be repeated to Captain Mitchell.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing you won’t have to disclose these experiences to your Dad. 
“Oh, you're Maverick’s daughter?” Davis asks, chuckling. You nod. 
“I’ve flown with him a couple times. Good man.” 
“He’s the best.” You respond. 
“Well, let’s just get started, why don’t we? Let’s start with something easy. How long did you fly with the Green Vipers?” 
The words came tumbling out of you after that. Experiences you had shoved down came pouring out and poor Admiral Davis didn’t seem like he could keep up. Cyclone’s face went stony the longer the interview went on. Finally, after at least two hours, the interview began to wrap up. “Well, thank you for sharing your experiences with me Rebel, I do appreciate it.” Davis says and you nod. “Do you have any questions for me?” You nod again.
“What happens now?” He sighs, adjusting his glasses.
“Well, you’re the last person we had on our list to interview. The Green Vipers are grounded indefinitely. I have to report back to the investigation committee and we’ll discuss each pilot’s future individually, but there’s going to be a disbandment of this squadron. Some are facing dishonorable discharges.” Ghost, Shadow, Raven, certainly. Revenge and Arrow probably. Maybe Coral and Moonshine too. Hopefully not Owl. You nod, taking in this information. 
“Swiper and Ruby weren't there when I was. I don’t want their careers to be ruined over this.” You clarify and Davis smiles at you. 
“For a team that tried to break you, you only seem to be kinder.” He pauses. “No, Ruby and Swiper are grounded for the moment while we complete the investigation but they’ll be re-assigned.” 
“Can I ask who made the original report?” You asked, fearing the answer. You were certain you knew but you needed to hear it. 
“Your wingman, Lieutenant Machado. Said he was guilty for his part played in the harassment and wanted the Navy to be aware.” 
“Is he... is he facing grounding too?” Davis hesitates and glances at Simpson. He nods. 
“Because he didn’t come forward sooner and did play a complicit part in it, yes he is facing some form of repercussions. There was discussion of grounding him, yes.” You glance at Warlock panicked. 
“Don’t ground my wingman, please.” You say, the panic obvious. Cyclone raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, this probably isn’t professional but I’m- he’s my best friend and I’ve never had a better wingman.” Davis nods. 
“The way the two of you fly together is what’s keeping Lieutenant Machado’s wings at the moment. Rebel, you have to understand that the Navy needs to take these kinds of reports and especially to this magnitude seriously and there needs to be repercussions for everyone involved.” 
“If Coyote were to get grounded, would... would I be reassigned?” You ask, voice low as you think about having to start over. 
“No, no, not at all. We’d find you a new wingman or assign you to Rooster or Hangman.” Cyclone assures, although it doesn’t make you feel better. “You’re too much of an asset to the Iron Daggers.” 
“What about Thompson?” 
“That’s a bit more difficult. He’s highly decorated but his disregard for the rules and wellbeing of some of his pilots raises a lot of alarm within the higher-ups in the Navy.” You nod. 
“How many pilots on my squadron know about this?” Warlock is the one to answer this time. 
“Rooster and Hangman have been informed because of the possible switch-up of wingman. They’re not aware of what’s happening, other than there’s an investigation involving you and Coyote about your previous assignment. They were informed this morning.” You take a deep breath, leaning back into your chair. 
“Sorry, this is just a lot.” You mumble. Davis shakes his head.
“No need to apologize. We’re more than grateful for your help. I just wanted to let you know that the Navy has resources for you to further discuss your experiences and what’s currently happening should you need to. Admiral Simpson can direct you to them should you need them. No shame in asking for help.” You nod, knowing you weren’t planning on taking a trip to the base therapist over this. Davis excuses himself and Warlock follows. Cyclone folds his hands on his desk as you look at him. 
“Rebel, I know this is hard on you.”
“Do you?” You ask, words said with an edge that probably shouldn’t be said to your CO but you find you don’t care. “The Iron Daggers, Coyote, they’re the first family I’ve had in a really long time. And now, it’s getting ripped out from under me, for people I’d rather never think about again. How am I going to explain any of this to my Dad?” Cyclone sighs. 
“The Navy failed to protect you (Y/N) and I’m sorry.” You look up at him, seeing the seriousness of his face. “I’m fighting for Coyote, believe me.” Cyclone looks at you for a while and then sighs, leaning back in his chair. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Sort of what you need to with your Dad and Lieutenant Machado.” You nod, find yourself numbly pulling yourself up from the chair to wander out of the office. You wander through base, starting to feel more than a little lost and dazed and you eventually find your way to the parking lot. Climbing in the car, you drive aimlessly before eventually pulling up in front of Rooster’s home. The Bronco is in the driveway, meaning he’s home and you climb out, opening the front door. 
“Darling?” He calls from the kitchen and you round the corner. He looked up at you from where he’s examining a pizza menu.��“What’s- oof.” He says as you throw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. He returns the hug, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Darling, you’re still dressed from base. Why don’t you get changed and I’ll order food and we can talk about your meeting?” It’s a great idea but the words are out of you before you can stop them.
“They’re talking about grounding Coyote.” He takes a step back, looking at you. 
“What? Why?” You shake your head. 
“Pizza first.” He huffs out a laugh, nodding. 
“Yeah, I’ll order it right now. Go get changed darling.” You make your way to the bedroom, pulling on some of the extra clothes you’ve left here over the course of the last six months and when you return, Rooster’s on the couch. He pulls you into his arms and you settle on his chest. His fingers are carding through your hair as your brain tries to wrap itself around everything that’s happened over the last 24 hours. The two of you sit there until the pizza arrives and you shift to a crosslegged position as Rooster sets it down in between the two of you. Rooster’s watching you carefully as you eat the food, thinking through what you want to say. 
You finally settle on, “I don’t want to lose Coyote.” 
“You won’t.”
“I’m so mad at him. Why, why did he stick his neck out for me like this? What the fuck was he thinking?” You take a deep breath, setting the slice you had been holding down in the box. “He’s so dumb. I’ve never held what happened against him. I know sticking up for me would’ve cost him, I knew the friendship was damage enough. It doesn’t even matter now so I don’t understand why he’s doing it. I’m gonna lose my wingman and there’s nothing I can do.”
“(Y/N), why didn’t you ever tell anyone about how bad they were? Tell me or Mav? The shit they said last night, that was just the tip of the iceberg wasn’t it?”
“Because. It’s humiliating and embarrassing and I’d rather not think of those two years ever again.”  You pause. “Did you know what he was doing?” He shrugs. 
“I... might’ve overheard him tell Mav he was going to file a report about your previous assignment.” You shoot Rooster a look, angry he hadn’t told you. “But I didn’t know why or what was gonna happen, I promise.” He rushes to defend, seeing you get tense. You groan.
“What do I do now?” 
“Talk to Coyote.” 
“No, I’m so fucking mad at him over this dumb, self-sacrificing, noble bullshit.” Rooster sighs. “God, and how many more things is my Dad gonna keep from me?” Rooster shifts, moving the pizza box to the floor and is then reaching for your legs, pulling you against him. 
“No matter what happens, he’s still your best friend.” 
“Well, obviously.”
“Does he know that?” You shrug.
“He should.” 
“Well, maybe you should start by reminding him.”
It’s been a few days since your meeting with Admiral Simpson and you haven’t spoken to Coyote since he put his fist in Shadow’s face. The group is at the Hard Deck, a game of pool happening as you sit quietly in the corner. You’re ignoring Coyote and he knows it and so does everyone else. You’re still not certain what’s happening with the Green Vipers or Coyote’s future. Hangman has temporally been re-assigned as your new wingman, Coyote taking his spot as Rooster’s. No one involved is happy about the switch and it’s ended in no less than three different arguments between the four of you. To which your Dad yelled at the four of you today, a conversation approximately no one enjoyed. You wanted to go home but Rooster had begged you to come with him and you really couldn’t ever say no to the brunette so here you were. Coyote’s looking at you and you’re avoiding his gaze, studying the records on the wall of the Hard Deck. 
“(Y/N).” He says firmly and you glance over at him. “We need to talk.” 
“I’ve got nothing to say to you.” His face falls but he pushes on. 
“Where do we stand these days? Because not knowing is killing me.” You look at him, with a shrug. 
“I don’t know, I’m still really mad at you.” He sighs. 
“Look, if this is the end of our friendship, I’ll accept that, but at least just tell me.” You sigh, feeling frustration bubble up.
“No, Coyote-” You sigh again. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Look, (Y/N), I’m sorry that this came out, I know you didn’t want anyone to find out about it but-”
“Coyote, I could not give less of a shit about that.” He pauses, looking at you. 
“So... why are you mad then?”
“Why- why am I mad? Because you’re an idiot for putting your career on the line for something I don’t care about. I’ve never blamed you for standing by while we were there and instead of talking to me about it, you went and told the Navy. I might lose my wingman because you decided to pull some self-sacrificing noble bullshit. You’ve left me with fucking Hangman because of this.”
“Hey, I thought we were friends.” Hangman protests and you whip around to face him. 
“You’re on thin fucking ice Seresin, shut up.” He puts his hands up in surrender and backs away. 
“I want my wingman back. What the hell were you thinking?” Coyote looks baffled. 
“So... just to clarify, you’re not at mad me because everyone found out about what they did to you?”
“Jesus fuck- no. I mean yeah, I would’ve rather they never found out and not like this certainly, but I’m more mad that I might lose my wingman.” Coyote’s staring at you. “Nothing? You have nothing to say.” He opens and closes his mouth a few times, looking like a fish out of water with how wide his eyes are. You shake your head. 
“Fine, whatever.” You push past him, walking out of the front door of the Hard Deck. Your Dad’s following you, Rooster not far behind him. Your back is turned to your Dad as you look out of the ocean, trying to rub the tightness from your chest. 
“(Y/N)-” He starts and you turn. Rooster’s leaned up against the wall, trying to look as if he’s not there. 
“How many more secrets are you going to keep from me?” He sighs. 
“Like you don’t keep secrets from me?” 
“Oh, please, enlighten me, what have I kept from you?” 
“You almost dying? The way your last squadron treated you? You don’t think those were important things to share with your father?” 
“Could you have handled the truth?” He’s stunned for a moment. 
“Look, I had an obligation to Coyote as his instructor and superior officer to not say anything to you. And maybe if I had, we wouldn’t be here right now, but Coyote’s made his decisions. You need to respect that.” 
“You don’t think I had a right to know?”
“And what about my right to know my kid almost died? That she was being actively harassed for two years? What about that?” 
“Mav.” Rooster warns and your Dad seems to deflate. 
“You figure out what’s going on with you and Coyote because I need my best wingmen back.” 
“Well, he might not even be my wingman anymore because they’re talking about taking his wings.” Your Dad doesn’t respond, just watches you carefully.
“Lieutenant Machado needs you.” He finally says after a moment. “Look, Ice isn’t here anymore. We don’t have him to help us. And maybe he would’ve done something different, but this is what I did.”
“Figure it out.”
You walk into the Hard Deck the next day. It was a long day of training, the bickering between everyone following you the whole day. The team is falling apart and you’re not even sure they know why. You haven't explicitly told the Iron Daggers what’s gone down, and you’re not sure who did (you suspect Rooster, you’re pretty sure there’s a group chat without you in it, dating back to the days of before the Iron Daggers were the Iron Daggers) but it’s tearing the team apart. But there’s no way to be certain and you’re not about to find out. You were the first out of the locker rooms today, ready to drink beer and eat pretzels and sit around for an answer to come. Coyote’s already there, nursing a beer at the counter. Jimmy’s chatting to him, clearly trying to cheer him up. With a sigh, you sit next to your (maybe not anymore?) wingman and he glances at you. Jimmy hands you a beer and then looks between the two of you.
“The two of you still not talking?” He asks and you glance at the older man as Coyote shakes his head.
“How’d you know that?” You ask, starting to pick at the label of your beer, a nervous habit you’d adopted at the Green Vipers. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Coyote’s hand twitch, like he’s itching to take your hand to stop it, something he’s always done. 
“Penny. Well, Mav told Penny. Penny told me.” 
“Of course he did, Dad can’t keep his mouth shut for shit.” You mutter and Coyote’s snorting because it’s not really all that true. Your Dad could get stabbed and he’d keep it to himself if he could, never trying to worry or burden anyone. You glance over at Coyote, really studying him for the first time in days. He looks tired. He looks up at you, meeting your eyes. He opens his mouth to says something when the door to the Hard Deck is being slammed open. You go cold when Shadow comes barreling through the door, Raven and Ghost not far behind him. The rest of the Green Vipers are following, Venom, Ruby, and Swiper bringing up the rear, looking more than slightly confused. 
“You bitch!″ He yells and you fall off of your chair in fear, stumbling back into Coyote’s chest. His hand reaches out to the small of your back, gently keeping you upright. “You bitch, you got me dishonorably discharged!” Before you know it, Shadow’s got a fist full of your jacket and he’s bringing you close to his face. 
“The hell’s your problem? Hate us so much you had to report us to the Navy for harassment?” Ghost fires and you’re mildly panicking. 
“Let her go Shadow.” Coyote says calmly. 
“And why the hell should I do that?” Shadow snaps, fire lighting his face. “Give me one good reason.”
“Because she’s not the one who asked the Navy to do an investigation.”
“Then who the hell did?!” Raven shouts and Shadow’s grip on your shirt is getting tighter and tighter by the second. You’re afraid that at any moment his hand is going to go from your clothes to your throat.
“I did.” Shadow’s eyes narrow, but he doesn’t let go of you. 
“And why the fuck would you do that Machado?”
“Because she’s my best friend and I needed ensure no one would hurt her that way again.” Shadow’s looks is venomous as his look goes from you to Coyote. 
“You two, you deserve each other, honestly.” Owl states and you look at her. 
“You know,” You start, finally deciding you’d had enough of them. You were done being scared. What more could they do? “One thing I like about me is that I’m nothing like you and I never will be. You can’t hurt me anymore. You tried to break me and you failed.” You didn’t think anyone’s eyes could go any darker with rage but Shadow’s do as his second hand comes up to the other side of your shirt. You’re really afraid now as Coyote stands up abruptly, chair scraping against the floor. 
“Lieutenant Robinson, I suggest you let go of my pilot before I have you arrested.” Comes Cyclone’s firm voice. You’re not certain he’s going to let go, too far into his rage to think clearly, but it resonates somewhere in Shadow’s brain and his hands slowly slip from your clothes. In an instant, Coyote’s pushed you behind him, effectively cutting Shadow off from getting to you again without having to go through Coyote. “Get out of this establishment, all of you, or I’ll have the police called.” Shadow doesn’t make to move but Shost pulls him back. After a few moments, they’re gone, save for Venom. Your heart is racing with what just happened and the realization of what all of it meant. Cyclone being here, Coyote’s early arrival, Shadow being dishonorably discharged... it all meant one thing. 
They had taken Coyote’s wings. 
The thought alone is enough to make you want to vomit as you move away from Coyote, who's trying to ask you if you’re okay. Distantly, you hear Venom angrily start an argument with him. You slip out of the back door of the Hard Deck, feeling the emotion crash over you like waves crashing onto the shore not so far away. Before you know it, you’re vomiting up into the trashcan sitting on the back deck, just out of Coyote’s line of sight. You don’t stop until you’ve dry heaved everything out of your stomach and are borderline sobbing into the trashcan. 
You had just lost your wingman.
You walk through the doors of the hangar classroom, feeling like shit. Apparently, you look like shit as well as Fanboy lets out a low whistle. “Damn, who pissed in your morning coffee?” Payback asks but you ignore him. 
“Seresin, have you heard from Coyote?” He looks up at you from where he’s talking to Rooster and Bob, taking you in. He shakes his head slowly. 
“Not since we left here yesterday, why?” 
“They grounded him.” Hangman’s face falls and Rooster’s next to you in a second. You don’t tell them about what went down at the Hard Deck the night before, a conversation for a later date. 
“Rebel, I’m so-” Phoenix’s voice is soft, coming from just over your shoulder, but you turn, shaking your head. You push past them, taking your usual seat. Usually, Coyote would be next to you. Guess that’ll never happen again. 
It’s not too much longer then before Cyclone and Warlock walk in to the classroom, but you feel like your ears are filled with water as you look at the empty seat next to you. It’s something so mundane, a piece of furniture, but his absence left a huge hole in the team. You weren’t sure where your friendship stood these days with him, leaving an even larger hole in your heart. Cyclone’s halfway through the training debrief for the day (one you’re not actually listening to) when the phone on the desk rings. Everyone looks at it confused, the thing never actually having rung before. Cyclone moves to answer it as everyone looks on with curious fascination. 
“Admiral Simpson. Yes, uh huh. Well, Captain Mitchell and I would be happy discuss that with you. Yes, we’ll see you in a few moments.” Cyclone hangs up and looks back at everyone. “You’re all dismissed to go get changed. You’ll meet us out of the tarmac. Captain Mitchell will finish giving you instructions then.” He turns to Maverick, already moving towards the door. “Maverick, will you follow Warlock and I please?” He’s nodding, moving to follow the pair out of the doors, but then Hangman’s talking.
“Uh, Admiral Simpson?” He asks and you look over at him. Cyclone turns. 
“Yes, Lieutenant Seresin?” Hangman makes eye contact with you and you shake your head. You know what he’s going to ask and it’s not worth it. You’re not sure you can withstand hearing the words come out of Cyclone’s mouth. 
“Uh, never mind.” Cyclone nods and the three resume their walk out of the classroom. You stand up and follow the team to the locker room. The walk is quiet and when you go to split off, Rooster’s arm is reaching out for you. You brush him off, heading towards your side. The mood is solemn as you change into your flight suits. At one point, you groan, your head making an awful thud as it makes contact with the front of your locker where you had face planted. Halo’s closer and she chuckles, reaching out to pull you back. 
“Don’t worry Rebel, I’d feel the same way if I was stuck with Bagman.” She jokes and you force a smile. There’s knocking on the door of the locker room. 
“Hey, everyone decent?” Fanboy asks. 
“Yeah, we’re all good.” Phoenix calls and the doors open to reveal a swaying Fanboy, who’s still got a hand covering his eyes. Phoenix snorts. “Seriously Fanboy.” He peeks out from behind his hand, a light blush covering his cheeks. 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt it’s just-” He pauses, looking over to you.
“Just what? Spit it out Fanboy.” Halo urges, moving up off the bench. 
“It’s Coyote.” The alarm bells in your brain start ringing as you push past Fanboy, through the group of men crowded around your side of the locker room, trying to keep your feet from running to the airfield. Hangman and Rooster are close behind you as your pace never falters. Out on the airfield, there he is, with Cyclone and Warlock and Admiral Davis. They’re chatting with your Dad as Omaha and Fritz look on. Coyote catches your gaze and he gives you a half-smile. 
“What do you think’s happening?” Yale whispers and you look over at him. 
“I don’t know, but that’s the admiral who interviewed me as part of the investigation.” Hangman glances at you. 
“Well shit.” Hangman responds. You can feel Rooster’s eyes on you, urging you to not go over there but it’s too late. You’re striding over to the group of men with whispered protests from Bob and Phoenix as you hear Hangman’s “Damn Bradshaw, your girlfriend’s got balls.” You appear just next to your Dad, smiling brightly at Admiral Davis. 
“Admiral Davis sir, it’s good to see you.” He returns the smile. 
“Mav, I gotta tell you, your daughter- she’s something.” Your Dad smiles, resting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Thank you Mercy, I’m proud of her everyday.” 
“As you should be.” Cyclone states and your cheeks go warm from the praise. Coyote’s nudging your hand, trying to hold back a laugh. 
“Well, Cyclone do you mind if I stick around? I’d really like to see these two fly together.” Davis says, gesturing to you and Coyote. A flare of hope alights in your heart as you look at Coyote. 
“Of course Admiral Davis. Coyote, why don’t you get suited up while Mav instructs the groups?” Coyote’s nodding as the group breaks apart. 
“Alright, all of you, listen up. We’re changing things up a bit today...” Your Dad’s voice fades off as you follow Coyote to the locker room, even though you’re probably not supposed to. They let you go and you’re grateful. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Coyote asks after a beat of silence. “Last night was scary.” You nod. 
“Yeah, I was fine. You were there.” He huffs out half a laugh. “Coyote, why- why wouldn’t you just talk to me? I’m not worth you risking your career over.” He falls silent, mulling over this words. He shrugs. 
“I’ve carried that guilt for a long time. And you’re happy here and I wanted to make sure the Navy would never take that from you again, even if it cost us our friendship.”
“And your career?”
“You matter more than my career.” You’re at the door of the locker room and you turn to face him. 
“Look, you’re my best friend. You know things about me only a handful of people in this world do. I’d give my life for you and I’d do anything to make sure you’re happy and safe. And what happened at the Green Vipers was a wrong I needed to fix. I don’t give a shit about my career if you’re not the one flying up there with me.” You open your mouth to respond but Coyote’s cutting you off again. “You and I both know that wingmen have an unbeatable bond and we’re one of the lucky few that get to keep flying together. That work as seamlessly on the ground as they do off of it. I know your Dad had that bond with Ice, know he was that close with Goose. You’re my best friend and you weren’t happy there and you’ll never say it outloud but you and I both know you were questioning your place in the Navy because of them.” Coyote’s rushing the words out now, like if he stops, he’ll never start again. “I couldn’t watch you hurt anymore, wait for the opportunity for you to get hurt like that again. And if that meant that if my career went down with theirs, so be it. You have a really good thing going right now, with the team, with Rooster, with your Dad, I couldn’t- couldn’t let you fucking throw it away.” You’re stunned, reeling as you take his words in.
“How close were they to taking your wings?” You whisper. 
“Pretty damn close.” He breathes out, tears surfacing in his eyes.
“Why didn’t they?”
“Because of you.” 
“The hell I’d do?” Coyote gives a watery laugh. 
“Fly with me.” 
“I only want to be here if you and I still get to fly together. You know that, don’t you? You know Hangman and I would get each other killed.” Coyote shakes his head, giving you a look like he wants to hug you but restrains himself. 
“Mav and Cyclone were instrumental in keeping me here, and we didn’t know for sure until this morning whether I’d keep my wings, but I was told explicitly the only reason the Navy didn’t make an example of me was because of how we fly together. How we’re too much on asset to this team and the Navy to split up.” 
“Jesus, Coyote.” You say, because you don’t know what else to say. He presses the palms of his hands to his eyes, trying to keep in the tears and you take that as the perfect opportunity to barrel into your best friend’s chest, pulling him into a tight hug. He doesn’t say anything, just returns it. After a few moments, he pulls away. 
“I gotta go get changed.” You nod, but don’t move away. He gives a silent laugh, understanding that you’re not leaving. When he returns a few moments later, the two of you head back to the airfield, a comfortable chatter emerging. You pause in front of those left (Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy, and Payback) and Hangman smirks. 
“I still think you hooked up.” He says and Rooster’s promptly shoving Hangman over as you laugh. 
“You know Bagman, unlike you, I don’t need sleep with everything that moves.” Fanboys snorts as Hangman glares you. “Sorry, but your reputation as a man whore precedes you.” Hangman’s flipping you off as Hondo approaches, warning the six of you that you’ll need to get in the air soon or Maverick will have everyone’s head. You all break off for your planes and soon you’re back in the air, with Coyote on your side, things better than they have been in weeks. 
“Hey Rebel, what do you say we put a little friendly wager on this?” Coyote calls. The six of you have been broken off into pairs. You and Coyote, Rooster and Hangman, and then the other four. The goal is to get as many other people out as possible without leaving your wingman. 
“What do you got in mind Machado?” You call back. 
“If I get more kills, you and Hangman have to go on a friend date.” Rooster’s laughing through the comms as you shoot a dangerous look at your best friend through the canopy. 
“Fine, but if I get more kills, you have to go on a friend date with Rooster.” It wasn’t that Rooster and Coyote didn’t get along, but despite the fact that they were two of the most important people in your life, Coyote’s alliance to Hangman made it difficult for them to co-exist. Rooster’s laughter ceases as Payback erupts into laughter from his plane. 
“Oh, now we’re talking.” He calls.
“You’re on Rebel.” Coyote shoots back, and then you’re breaking apart. You successfully get Phoenix and Bob out, with Coyote getting Hangman out. Another successful kill from Coyote takes out Fanboy and Payback, leaving Rooster pretty much defenseless. The two of you are doing some of the best flying you’ve ever done together. “Rooster, c’mon man, give it up, you’re not gonna win.” Coyote calls over the comms. “Give me another kill so Seresin and Mitchell here have to go hang out.”
“Over my dead body.” Rooster shoots back. Coyote’s still far away enough that he doesn't see Rooster, but you almost have a lock on him, unbeknownst to either party. 
“Hey Coyote, what was that Marvin Gaye song from the 60′s? Something about a mountain?” Coyote chuckles. “It goes something like ‘Cause baby there ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you.” Coyote starts singing along with you and then the dial tone’s sounding.
“Shit. Mav, that has to be cheating.”
“Cheating? For what?” You ask incredulously. 
“Sorry Rooster, no rules about singing.” Mav’s voice comes from the comms, laughter hidden behind his words. He’s only up there to make sure no one goes down, so you know he’s enjoying himself. 
“Hey Rooster.” Coyote calls. 
“What?” The man asks, clearly disgruntled. 
“Na na na, na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye.” The two of you sing. 
“Fuck you!” Rooster calls as the two of you start laughing. 
“Sorry babe, can’t help that I’m such a distraction.” You call. He grumbles as the seven of you make your way down to the ground. You climb out of your plane, laughing with them as you join the other pilots who are gathered on the ground. 
“Wait, does this mean I still have to hang out with Bagman?” You ask and Phoenix is roaring in laughter as you panic.
“Technically, no one won.” Your Dad says, a shit-eating grin on his face. 
“But no one lost either.” You defend hastily. 
“I mean, I’m still game if you are.” Coyote says as Rooster groans. You glance at Hangman. 
“Fine, Coyote, I’ll hang out with Bagman, if you hang out with Rooster.”
“This seems more like punishment for Rooster than Coyote.” Omaha says with a laugh. You smile at Rooster, who despite everything, returns it. 
“Yeah, but he’ll do it for me because he loves me.” He presses a quick kiss to your cheek. 
“I’m not doing it because I love you.” Hangman states, looking disgruntled as he glances at Coyote. You snort.
“I don’t knowwww, the two of you looked pretty loved up to me that morning you guys were cuddling in guest room.” You sing as Hangman goes pale. 
“Hey! You swore never to bring that up!” Coyote practically yells as you snicker with Fanboy and Payback. Halo looks at you in confusion. 
“Pics or it didn’t happen.” She says firmly and you tilt your head. 
“Oh, I’ve got plenty on my phone in the locker room.” And the team is scrambling up, dying to see them. Distantly, there's a shout from Fritz about why you didn’t send it to the group chat. Coyote’s eyes narrow.
“You better run Mitchell.” You shove your helmet into Rooster’s chest as you take off, hearing his oof as Coyote’s footsteps follow you. He’s faster, always has been, and soon he’s got you in his arms. He doesn’t tackle you, thankfully, as the thought of being tackled into the hot tarmac asphalt sounds less than pleasant. “Take it back! I’m not in love with Hangman!” He yells, humor coloring his tone.
“Never!” You shout back, but the two of you are laughing and if it wasn't for Coyote’s grasp keeping you close to his chest, you’d fallen over. “Good to have you back Lieutenant.” You whisper and he smiles at you.
“Good to be back. We still best friends?”
“Ain’t no way in hell you’re ever getting rid of me Machado.” 
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
Mayhem | Bob Floyd
Summary: In which Mayhem and Bob go on their first date
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Mitchell f!reader (callsign: Mayhem)
Content warnings: Just fluff and sweetness <3
Spotify playlist | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
A/N: Funny story (not really) - I lost half of this because I forgot to hit save. That was an emotional journey but I got everything back. I'm also kind of thinking about writing a spin-off with Hangman... Basically just everything that happened between them in Spain though.
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Everyone had half a day of training. It was because Maverick had to go talk to Ice, but he wanted everyone to use the morning to fly and fill out paperwork. You decided to eat lunch with Rooster and Fanboy.
"Where are you going?" Rooster asked, as you put the containers back in your lunchbox.
"I'm leaving. I have a date that I have to get ready for."
"A date? With whom?"
"You're so dramatic. I'll text you later."
Bob told you that he would pick you up from your place at two, and it was almost 12:30 when you got home. You were happy that you decided to shower on base, because that definitely would've taken up too much of your time otherwise. It didn't take long for you to do your makeup and change your outfit. When Bob texted you that he was outside, you slid your shoes on and grabbed your bag before heading out.
"You look cute," he said. You couldn't help the blush that crept onto your cheeks.
"Thanks. So what did you have planned for us?"
"Well, I was thinking that we go to Barnes and Noble first. I really want to get you a copy of my favorite book. And then maybe we could dinner and watch a movie after?"
"I like how that sounds."
"Oh, and you can pick the music. I'll listen to anything."
You smiled and texted him a link to one of your playlists. The first song that came on was Heaven is A Place On Earth by Belinda Carlisle and the two of you looked at each other and laughed. You got your phone out and recorded Bob singing Material Girl by Madonna. The two of you were laughing it up when he parked in front of the bookstore.
He took your hand when you walked through the parking lot, and the gesture made you smile.
"I hope you like sci-fi fantasy," he said as you walked through the store. You were stopped in front of the sci-fi books and it didn't take long for Bob to pick up the one that he was looking for.
"This is your favorite book?" You asked.
"At the moment, yeah. Why? Have you read it?"
"No, but I've had my eye on it for a while. Come on, I'm getting you my favorite book now."
He bought you a copy of An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green, and you bought him a copy of The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.
"It's like you knew that I've been wanting that book. So what did you like about it?" You asked Bob when you got back to the car.
"The plot is super intriguing and it's really well written."
You told him about why picked The Song of Achilles for him, and you went to Olive Garden for dinner. While you were eating, your phone went off with a text. Ice sent you a picture of him and Maverick, which you found a little weird, but you saved the picture and let it slide.
"I know you said that you wanted to watch a movie, but have you ever seen Stranger Things?" You asked as you unlocked the front door to your house.
"Only the first episode but we can watch it together if you want," Bob said. You kicked your shoes off before heading to the kitchen to grab plates for the cheesecake.
The two of you made it about halfway through the first season before you realized how late it was getting. You put the plates in the sink before grabbing a container and splitting the rest of the cheesecake.
"I'll text you when I get back. Maybe we can finish the rest of the season sometime? I think I liked watching it more because I was with you."
You smiled and leaned up to kiss Bob. He was about to set his things down before you stopped him.
"Okay, you should really get going. Wouldn't want you to be late to training tomorrow."
Bob chuckled before kissing you once more. You started to get ready for bed when you saw his car pull out of your driveway, and you fell asleep texting Rooster and Mav. The goodnight texts between you and Bob were brief, but you were both pretty tired.
@peaches-1999 @tallrock35 @paintballkid711
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inaducursehq · 16 days
can you offer name suggestions for kids?
for females : layla , faye , rosie , violet , natalie , juliet , liloth , briana , evelyn , eleanore , bridgett , claudette , kelly , charlotte , dephine , anastasia , brenda , annette , amelia , beatrice , esmeralda , gwendolyn , harriet , jeanette , lydia , madeline , penelope , priscilla , rochelle , rosemary , rosalie , scarlett , tabitha , valentina , heaven , aubree , Celeste , felicity , amber , victoria , olivia, emma , blossom , francesca , vivian , charlotte , mai , luna , harper , veronica , hayes , peyton , donna , sawyer & rue ! for males : rowan , emerson , stephen , mitchell , owen , james , bengamin , eric , clyde , iain , lester , ephraim , sawyer , charles , henry , thomas , daniel , liam , noah , peter , jack , anthony , asher , colton , hudson , nolan , reid , river , wyatt , phoneix , zeke , nate , ellery , harland , humphrey , milo , jax , luca , ash , ocean , grey , sire , maverick , knightley , justin , dante , theodore , logan , angel , sebastian , miles , ezra , aaron & garrett !
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fundieshaderoom · 5 months
Fundies and Adjacents I Follow: Marriages & Babies Born in 2023
Genesis Laura Liberty Reber was born to Lemuel and Hannah on January 2.
Emily Haight and Justus Stangl married on January 14.
Valkyria Claudio was born to Darienne (Moravek) and Fredo on January 15.
Madeline Langdon and Zachary Garcia got married on January 16.
David Silas Robertson was born to Reed and Brighton on January 20.
Scottie June Love Weaver was born to Vanessa and Jeff on January 27.
Hailey James Clark was born to Katie (Bates) and Travis on February 17.
Phillipos Luke Papapostolou "Pippo" was born to Jenny and Elias on March 16.
Rhett Alan Webster was born to Alyssa (Bates) and John on March 18.
Hudson James Hill was born to Matthew and Kayla on March 19.
Hannah (Paine) and Levi Pelletier welcomed a little girl sometime in April.
Charles Ervin Holt was born to Spencer and Hayley Holt on April 6.
Josiah Paine and Alyssa Nickles married on April 8.
Willie Robertson Jr. and Abby Hammond married on April 28.
Brooklyn May Hoover was born to Ashley (Salyer) and Eric on May 1.
Kayson Clark Manaraze was born to Kayla (Clark) and Cameron on May 9.
Logan Smith and Lindsay Haight married on May 16.
Gunner James Forsyth was born to Joy (Duggar) and Austin on May 17.
Haven Belle Huff was born to Sadie (Robertson) and Christian on May 22.
Nora Kate Duggar was born to Jedidiah and Katey (Nakatsu) on May 24.
Haven Mae Kahle was born to Brance and Cherise on May 29.
Eliza Muckerheide was born to Darbs (Trewhella) and Isaiah.
Ryan and Erin Alexander welcomed a little girl sometime in June.
David and Paige Williams welcomed a little boy sometime in June.
Lily Robertson and Austin Stalbaum married on June 5.
Owen Matthias Wissmann was born to Matthias and Michelle on June 17.
Benson William Blair was born to Brooklyn (Collingsworth) and William on June 30.
Haven Proell was born to Rochelle (Trewhell) and Nick.
Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jarred married on July 1.
Gideon Daniel Hill was born to Kaylee (Rodrigues) and Jonathan on July 5.
Geneva Claire Silberman was born to Anastasia (Salyer) and James on July 9.
Atlas Gray Hoover was born to Hannah (Salyer) and Luke on August 1.
Iliya Andrii Petrenko was born to Ellissa (Baird) and Andrii on August 2.
Matt Reith and Rachel Raylyanu married on August 4.
Theodore James Wissmann was born to Nathanael and Katrina on August 7.
Lincoln Bontrager and Susanna Helferich married on August 12.
Lily Jo Bates was born to Zach Bates and Whitney (Perkins) on August 15.
Rafe Alden Wikstrom was born to Lauren (Andregg) and Devin Wikstrom on August 21.
Baby Girl Trewhella was born to Talia and Matthew.
Calvin Driscoll and Brisee Schnack married on September 1.
Margot Lea McDaniel was born to Emma Mae (Jenkins) and Joshua.
Sophia Trewhella and Maxwell Trego got married on September 10.
Ryker Cruise Bates was born to Lydia (Romeike) and Trace Bates on September 12.
Wells McEacharn Robertson was born to John Luke and Mary Kate on September 12.
Liberty Arabella Staddon was born to Robert and Kendalyn on September 19.
Indiana Levi Chase "Indy" was born to Ashley (Driscoll) and Landon Chase on September 23.
Audrey Ann Busenitz was born to Rachel (Wissmann) and Alan on September 26.
Sailor and Skye Wilson were born to Jonah and Grace on October 4.
Denver Alan Patton was born to Gabrielle (Perez) and Andrew on October 8.
Emerson Wells and Jackson Bates married on October 14.
Mia Gayle Paine was born to Alyssa and Josiah on October 14.
Maverick James Young was born to Kristen Nicole and Justin on October 16.
Luca Charles Mauro was born to Christiana (Clark) and Michael on October 20.
Evie Mae Metz was born to Courtney (Collingsworth) and Michael on October 20.
Hayes Gerald Willis was born to Lexi and Jeremiah on October 24.
William Gage Paine was born to Erin (Bates) and Chad on October 30.
James Ezra Schadt was born to Amber (Perez) and Levi on November 1.
Isla Jane Barger was born to Michelle (Seewald) and Elijah on November 3.
Isaiah Valiant Arakel Afarian was born to Rachelle (Waller) and Joseph on November 10.
Kimberleigh Noel Roberts was born to Sophia (Meggs) and Jacob Roberts on November 26.
Dakota Rae Kenney was born to Cat (Smith) and Aaron on December 11.
Lydia Ballinger and Thomas Herring married on December 13.
Lilian Noelle Storms was born to Sara (Trewhella) and Jason on December 18.
George Augustine Seewald was born to Jessa (Duggar) and Ben Seewald on December 19.
Jonathan Hartono and Tannia Christy married.
This year, 50 babies were born and 14 weddings were held.
Top Families:
Bates- 5 babies born, 1 wedding held
Robertson- 4 babies born, 2 weddings held
Trewhella- 4 babies born, 1 wedding held
Paine- 3 babies born, 1 wedding held
Clark- 3 babies born
Salyer- 3 babies born
Wissmann- 2 babies born, 1 wedding held
Driscoll- 2 babies born, 1 wedding held
Noyes- 2 babies born
Duggar- 3 babies born
Hill- 2 babies born
Wilson- 2 babies born
Collingsworth- 2 babies born
Perez- 2 babies born
Seewald- 2 babies born
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This year's Winter trip: Ski Lodge in Aspen, Colorado! The trip will take place starting December 28th and ending January 7th. Everyone will be staying at Aspen Meadows. There will not be an itinerary for this trip, but there are shuttles into town for restaurants, shopping and other entertainment.
Room Assignments: Each group will be in a suite with two King beds and a queen pull out. each suite has TV, microwave, fridge, balcony, wet bar, and room service access. All students must be in their assigned rooms between Midnight-7am.
Suite 1: Hiram Lodge FP Jones
Suite 2: Tom Keller Maxwell Roarke-Wood Kat Sullivan Fitz Parker
Suite 3: Diego Torres Adelaide Jenkins Hunter Clarington Kurt Hummel Sky Evans
Suite 4: Danny Andrews Nate Mantle Daisy Blossom Ollie Smythe Wren Hummel Kyla Clarington
Suite 5: Sam Evans Oz Chang Noah Andrews Owen Evans Michael Chang Violet Evans
Suite 6: Gunner Rose Madeline Beiste Beau Rose Alejandro Lodge Dexter Wells-Beiste
Suite 7: Roman Lodge Darius Blossom Adelaide Jenkins Annabeth Blossom Betty Cooper Ross Berry
Suite 8: Maverick Mason JB Jones Veronica Lodge Archer Clarington Delilah Pierce
Suite 9: Tristan Clarington Ryan Li Buck Wilde Jamie Prescott
Suite 10: Javier Fogarty Reggie Mantle Jughead Jones Matt Fabray Joe Berry
Suite 11: Ivan Carvalho Gwen Morgan-Daniels Teddy Cohen-Chang Charlie Fabray Austin Fabray
Amenities: On the resort grounds (and nearby) is: skiings, snowboarding, snowshoeing, ice skating, heated pool, hot tubs, art walk (self guided), rocking climbing wall, hikes, Opera house, art center, environmental center, fishing and health center.
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mangled-fnafkinhelp · 6 months
ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ᴀꜰᴛᴏɴ !
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🦊 Mateo
🩹 Mason
🦊 Maverick
🩹 Miles/Myles
🦊 Max
🩹 Madeline
🦊 Milo
🩹 Maeve
🦊 Laverne
🩹 Lex
🦊 Lulu
🩹 Luna
🦊 Logan
🩹 Liam
🦊 Lyra
🩹 Lamden
🦊 Liryn
🩹 Lego
🦊 Lathelyn
🩹 Lockwood
🦊 Lizzy/Lissy/Leecy
🩹 Lora
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autumntouched · 1 year
Day 16 of Ode to Phoenix
Sorry, I just have some thoughts to share today. I need to recharge on the creative steam/my head is in a weird place
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Some of you may have noticed an o/c Naval aviator named Riptide in Talk to Me and Every Time It Comes Around Pt. 2. In my headcanon, Riptide is Black and the only female aviator to overlap with Natasha during their training at NAS Meridian in Mississippi (Halo trained at NAS Kingsville in Texas.) In a throw away line that didn't make the cut, during their training at Meridian, Riptide and Phoenix hooked up in a sexist pilot's cockpit so they could call it the pussypit.
As I was doing research for Ode to Phoenix, I learned Madeline Swegle is the US Navy's first Black female fighter pilot. She received her wings in 2020, which means that when Top Gun: Maverick was made there were no Black female fighter pilots in the Navy nor had there ever been one. Which means that there has never been a Black female TOPGUN aviator.
When I was growing up, there weren't a lot of women doing what I do. The ones who were received little to no visibility. There wasn't really anyone who looked like me to show me it was possible so I worked on faith that if there wasn't someone like me out there, I'd somehow find my own way. So many people were skeptical of my dreams or told my parents they should force me to do something more traditional. But there were also a lot of people who believed.
Phoenix is so important because she shows girls what they can be and boys that women have a place on the team. But I also imagine that when Phoenix was growing up, she might not have seen many examples of women to look up to. Women weren't allowed to fly combat missions until 1993 (Monica was born in 1990 for reference.) In my headcanon, she cobbled together her dreams on what women she did see, even if they weren't doing exactly what she wanted to do. Being a representative at the base open house, a role model for Hangman's niece, those things are so meaningful to her because they're what she didn't have or had to work so hard to find.
While I think it is important for girls to see what they can become, I think it's also important to encourage them to be what they can't see. Why not them? It's okay to be the first, whether by plan or accident. Sometimes we have to be what we can't see because that's what the world needs but doesn't have.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Maybe this. If you look around a room and don't see anyone else there who looks like you then know that you belong, that you're supposed to be there, and that you deserve to be there. If your ideas are different from everyone else's, that doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong, only that you may see the world in a way that they don't. That is your truth and it belongs in the room too and it deserves to be shared.
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thechanelmuse · 1 year
My Top Albums/EPs of 2022
So I bet you thought I forgot to post my end-of-the-year music list 😏
Chile, I did 🙃. Better late than never tho, right? 
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The Baylor Project - The Evening: Live at APPARATUS
Billy Drummond & Freedom of Ideas - Valse Sinistre
Brandon Coleman - Interstellar Black Space
Cécile McLorin Salvant - Ghost Song
Charlie Gabriel - Eighty Nine
Jeremy Pelt - Soundtrack
Joshua Redman Quartet (Redman, Brad Mehldau, Christian McBride, Brian Blade) - LongGone
Makaya McCraven - In These Times
Marquis Hill - New Gospel Revisited
Ron Carter - Finding the Right Notes
Samara Joy - Linger Awhile
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Abbey Cone - Hate Me EP
Carrie Underwood - Denim & Rhinestones
Luke Combs - Growin Up
Madeline Edwards - Crashlanded + Madeline Edwards EP (two projects)
Maren Morris - Humble Quest
Mickey Guyton - I Am Woman EP
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Brandi Carlile - In These Silent Days (Deluxe Edition) - In the Canyon Haze
Kina Grannis - It's Hard to Be Human — (2021 album)
Valerie June - The Moon and the Stars: Prescriptions for Dreamers + Under Cover (two projects)
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DOE - Clarity
Kirk Franklin & Maverick City Music - Kingdom Come One (Deluxe)
Ricky Dillard - Breakthrough: The Exodus (Live)
Tasha Cobbs Leonard - Hymns (Live)
Tye Tribbett - All Things New
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Gabriels - Angels & Queens – Part I
Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope (Deluxe Edition) — 25th anniversary
Moonchild - Starfruit
PJ Morton - Watch the Sun (Deluxe)
Robert Glasper - Black Radio III (Supreme Edition)
Tank and the Bangas - Red Balloon
Various Artists - Stranger Things: Soundtrack from the Netflix Series, Season 4
YEBBA - Live at Electric Lady
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Jamison Ross - JAMO
Lady Wray - Piece of Me
Lee Fields - Sentimental Fool
Liv Warfield - Live at Cafe Wha? *
Lizz Wright - Holding Space: Live In Berlin
Miko Marks and The Resurrectors - Feel Like Going Home
Various Artists - Summer of Soul Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
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Alex Isley & Jack Dine - Marigold
Ari Lennox - age/sex/location
Arin Ray - Hello Poison
Coco Jones - What I Didn't Tell You
Durand Bernarr - Wanderlust
Kenyon Dixon - Closer
Lucky Daye - Candydrip
Mariah Carey - Butterfly: 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition
Mary J. Blige - Good Morning Gorgeous
Ravyn Lenae - HYPNOS
Sevyn Streeter - Drunken Wordz Sober Thoughtz
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The 1975 - Being Funny In a Foreign Language
Aurora - The Gods We Can Touch
Avril Lavigne - Let Go (20th Anniversary Edition)
James Bay - Leap
LÉON - Circles
Lissie - Carving Canyons
Sigrid - High Note
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Danger Mouse & Black Thought - Cheat Codes
Denzel Curry - Melt My Eyez See Your Future
Elzhi & Georgia Anne Muldrow - Zhigeist
JID - The Forever Story
Leikeli47 - Shape Up
Mozzy - Survivor's Guilt
Nas - King's Disease III
Saba - Few Good Things
Smino - Luv 4 Rent
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Niia - OFFAIR: Mouthful of Salt
Sault - Air + Aiir (2 projects)
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I know it’s coming... *hands on hips* “Honorable mention?!?”
I just can't listen to Renaissance straight through. I’ve tried and tried and tried. When it comes to my listening experience, I approach music sonically first, following the story and arrangement of the music instruments, and how the timbre of one's singing or rapping meets and interweaves between those elements. Give me an audio painting with a tapestry of enthralling colors and textures that I can feel. Then I'll invite in the lyrics.
It's like cinema. The average person most likely follows the eyes of the camera as it relates to the dialogue for the cinematic story. The way my brain is wired 🤖 I have to separate a number of other elements into parts as the story moves along — from the color grading and lighting to the sound design and mise-en-scène — to fully understand the director's vision and grasp the actual tale.
The thing about Renaissance as a whole is that it doesn't breathe enough for me. It feels chaotic like a tide than a flow if I let it run straight through. Give me spatial, darling! But that's the intentional, heavy-handed part about Renaissance, especially on the heels of a post-pandemic world: "Get tf up, dance and feel good." I don't wanna dance; I just wanna listen 😩 lol
Side note: 
We all have a specific musical palette as to why we fully gravitate to some songs/albums and not to others. I posted my review of Susan Roger’s book, This Is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You, a few months ago. (She was Prince's sound engineer from 1983 to 1988.) If you’re curious about why you like the music you like, I recommend for you to read it.
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jaslovesmedia · 1 year
welcome to my blog!
i’m an aspiring media journalist who spends the majority of my free time watching movies & shows ♡ this blog will consist mainly of reviews of books & movies/shows i have recently read/watched !
as of right now, my favourite tv shows & movies include :
╰┈➤ moulin rouge! (2001)
╰┈➤ babylon (2022)
╰┈➤ the empire strikes back (1980)
╰┈➤ top gun maverick (2022)
╰┈➤ knives out (2019)
╰┈➤ american psycho (2000)
╰┈➤ the truman show (1998)
╰┈➤ the last of us (2023)
╰┈➤ house of the dragon (2022)
╰┈➤ the good place (2016-2020)
╰┈➤ wandavision (2021)
╰┈➤ gravity falls (2012-2016)
my favourite books currently include :
╰┈➤ daisy jones & the six, taylor jenkins reid
╰┈➤ the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, taylor jenkins reid
╰┈➤ malibu rising, taylor jenkins reid
(noticing a pattern?)
╰┈➤ the song of achilles, madeline miller
╰┈➤ jessica’s ghost, andrew norriss
as mentioned in my username, and if you’ve been interested enough to scroll this far, i love media. as well as over-analysing books & tv, i over-analyse music :) right now, my favourite albums are :
╰┈➤ folklore, taylor swift
╰┈➤ MAGDALENE, fka twigs
╰┈➤ good riddance, gracie abrams
╰┈➤ lemonade, beyoncé
╰┈➤ rumours, fleetwood mac
╰┈➤ evermore, taylor swift
any movie/tv/book & album suggestions would be greatly appreciated !
enjoy my blog 💌
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
Kelso vs Brooke's Name Lists...
Their tastes are very, very different, let's say...
Girls: Alyssa, Amber, Ashley, Ashlyn, Briana, Courtney, Danielle, Haley, Holly, Jessica, Jocelyn, Kendra, Kayla, Mackenzie, Madelyn, Mariah, Michaela, Michelle, Misty, Molly, Morgan, Nicole, Sarah, Savannah, Sierra, Taylor
Boys: Aaron, Adam, Austin, Blake, Bradley, Brandon, Brendan, Brett, Cameron, Cody, Connor, Cory, David, Devin, Dustin, Dylan, Ethan, Garrett, Jacob, Jesse, John, Justin, Kevin, Kyle, Landon, Logan, Mason, Michael, Nathan, Ryan, Seth, Trevor, Tyler, Wyatt, Zachary
And after seeing Top Gun, he'd seriously beg Brooke to name their son Maverick. Brooke promptly refuses, just as she promptly refused to name their daughter(s) Molly, since they "met" at a Molly Hatchet concert.
Girls: Alexandra, Alice, Anna, Bridget, Christina, Claire, Eleanor, Emily, Emma, Grace, Hannah, Julia, Katherine, Laura, Louise, Lydia, Madeline, Margaret, Nora, Rachel, Rebecca, Sarah
Boys: Adam, Alexander, Benjamin, Christopher, Daniel, David Edward, Gabriel, Gregory, Henry, Ian, Jacob, James, John, Jonathan, Michael, Matthew, Nathan, Nicholas, Patrick, Samuel, Theodore, Thomas, William
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therealtsk · 2 years
tag game
rules: tag people you would like to know/catch up with. got tagged by the amazing @subjectsix, so here we go
last song: colors (stripped) by halsey
last movie: uhhhhhh i think the last movie I actually sat down and watched was several months ago- I think it was Top Gun: Maverick?
currently reading: Three books at once, because i'm insane. The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik, sweet-dark by Savannah Brown, and Circe by Madeline Miller.
tags! hitting @prismatic-et-al, @dustorange, @muffinkun, and @sassyasses
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storiesbytoria · 6 months
Hey there! My name is Victoria, and I’m an aspiring writer and illustrator :) I’ll likely be using this blog to indulge in anything that inspires me, but I do also take professional commissions in graphic design, illustration, and writing. For the sake of leaving this intro post concise, I’ll post my website here if you’d like more info on what I do and offer:
As for my interests and what you’re likely to find here and in my work/fanwork:
My latest obsession has been Frogwares’ Sherlock Holmes games, both Chapter One and The Awakened
Sherlock Holmes works in general
Queer action/adventure, fantasy, and romance 
Some of my favorite books/series:
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Dragon’s Bait by Vivian Vande Velde
Proxy and Guardian by Alex London
The Skybound series by Alex London
Lyndsay Faye’s Sherlock Holmes pastiches: The Whole Art of Detection and Dust and Shadow
Black Butler (Kuroshitusji) manga by Yana Toboso 
Countdown to Countdown webcomic by Velinxi
Misc Interests: Fitness, dance, notebook making, bullet journaling, handmade stationary
Fan Writing (Archive of Our Own): 
Right now, my recent works are in Sherlock Holmes (Frogwares), but I also have older work in Tales of Vesperia, My Hero Academia, and Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) 
My Original Works:
The Maverick Project (in progress)
A friends - to - enemies - to - lovers story about two childhood friends separated by opposing practices - mavericks who wield the arcane and warriors who boast physical prowess. After a decade of distance, the two friends are forced to work together to protect the arcane and/or their kingdom. 
The Rune Project
Still in development! But, in it’s current form, I imagine it to be a post-apocalyptic world that allows for an exploration of relationships, society, value, and choice.
Instagram Accounts:
Illustration : character design, fanart, concept art, etc 
Graphic Design : includes Branding, Self-Discovery, Motivation, Goal Setting/Achieving
Etsy Store
For handmade notebooks and more!
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And here are the matches! Each person in the pair are eachother's secret santas. Remember, each person has only 20 questions to guess the gift they want!
OOC TIP: Write down the present your character wants someone where NO ONE else can see it. That way there won't be any questions when you transfer it to the google sheet at the right time.
Matthew Fabray and Dexter Wells-Beiste
Wren Hummel and Joe Berry
Danny Andrews and Tristan Clarington
Ryan Li and Fitz Parker
Ollie Smythe and Delilah Pierce
Violet Evans and Teddy Cohen-Chang
Ross Berry and Kurt Hummel
Madeline Beiste and Austin Fabray
Beau Rose and Darius Blossom
Gwen Morgan-Daniels and Jughead Jones
Noah Andrews and Ivan Carvalho
Veronica Lodge and Sky Evans
Alejandro Lodge and Sebastian Smythe
Nate Mantle and Charlie Fabray
Owen Evans and Oz Chang
Kat Sullivan and Roman Lodge
Jamie Prescott and Michael Chang
JB Jones and Maverick Mason
Archer Clarington and Daisy Blossom
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