#madness combat white hank x reader
imjustheremam · 1 year
hihihi!! :3
imma jus. from here on out be a anon stalkin ur acc. can you write white hank or hank with a scenemo type reader? like bright colorful emo ass reader who listens to ungodly loud music. totes not a self indulgent ask-
reader has ungodly big hair. everyone’s convinced it had secrets in it…
-🐜 (gunna reserve the ant becuz it’s the best emoji 😼🔥)
Ok I don't know what this is but I'm searching and grabbing info but this all I could think and also this going to be platonic, so I'm sorry...
Platonic Wank And Hank With a Scenemo reader..
Ok so wank would think your skittles but if skittles became an emo due to your bright colorful hair and outfit..
And you guys would probably be besties since in my headcanon she would most definitely be the type to hear loud ungodly music like damn girl lower down your music...
I believe she's into either metalcore or maybe pop punk... (I'm not sure, I have no music preference so....yeah what do you think what music She's into)...
When she first met you, she was processing for like a second. mostly grunts have grey, black, red or even white like her, but all a sudden you pop out of nowhere with theses colorful outfit and hair... you just caught her "eyes"...
Now she going to ask alot of questions but there mostly about music preference or your look.
i won't lie, the style it really cool...
Now if she had a phone with her or something to take pictures she would definitely try to take pictures of you just because of your hairstyle and looks cool..
Don't worry she sometimes will ask for your permission if she can take pictures of you...
She loves!! Your damn hair to the point she straight up touches it and pets it like if you were like a kitty or puppy(or something really cute)..she also will investigate and might try to add something on it to see if it will fall off(she'll sometimes but her head on top of you because your hair I'd either soft or smooth)...
Also she secretly uses your hair as a warehouse...
Ok now we all know scenemo have haters too, so if she hears anyone disrespecting your looks, may God forgive or not because they are going to meet Jebus in hell or other place because good lord she is a menace...
She will never let a hate comment go until she sees that hater dead... but hey or either glad or...whatever your feeling right now...but hey that's what besties do... and that bestie will never let your hair go until you let her lay her head on that blessing long huge ass hair!!!
Ok imagine this:
You: hi, it's your favorite boy/girl/grunt
Hank: get the fuck out or I'm gonna-
Yeah hank won't like you but don't assume he hates scenemo, because he doesn't hate them he just doesn't care about them (we all know he hates everyone) but your music, he wants you to lower it down... but if you refuse... he won't hesitate to ki- I mean destroy your speaker or phone... yeah... really sad...
At first you guys would not like each other he thinks your weird and annoying with your loud ass ungodly music playing everytime...
When doc hired you, hank was only staring and then assume your annoying like Deimos, and you were but not your personality... ok maybe idk... but your music is ungodly loud as fuc-
Hank will their break in your room and turn it off or break it...except for when... the radio because both you, deimos and Sanford love...ungodly loud ass music and hank is suffering...
But when it's missions and hank's fighting, you and deimos will share a braincell and straight up turn on ungodly ass music(idk what music yall like to hear so yeah...this is awkward)...
Hank would even notice you turn that shit on until he finishes every enemy and would just either mad or...he hates to admit it...he might actually liked it...
So hank and you would get along by you letting him choose a song from your dvd collection or Playlist... at first hank would refuse to since he thinks your music are ass...bit you insisted so he gives up and chooses...
For hank I believe he's into metalcore...(is that a music preference?? And also...wait hold up I gotta look up something)... ok ok I think...he might be into deathcore aswell if not then you can guess what hes into because i suck at this...
Now just like wank he also will ask questions but it really rare... like you if you Finally had gotten that one achievement you tried to get in a game...
Hank would sometimes just stare not because you clothes no, but your hair. He's jealous(bald ass old man)...
He would grab your hair and pull it slightly to see if it's fake (since it'd huge!!) but it isn't, that's sad(forever he will be bald)...
If you had achieved hank's trust and everything, he would pet you(also be careful he will sometimes put a knife on yout hair because your his storage now)
This dude thinks your hair is secretly a storage warehouse and when he's on missions he will grab you and take out a either a gun or a knife out of your hair and agents are like... the fuc- *BAM*
Now haters gonna hate but when he's around, everyone needs to shut the fuck up...
Because only he can bully you, who Gave them permission to bully you. Nah that ain't happening today...
This dude will kill and traumatize those haters, and your like...this is fine *scream of deaths coming from a hater*
You may be his friend but he will always be a bully (not too much) your bully friend. But at least he helps you with the haters and lets somehow affectionately lays his head on your hair...
Ant 🐜
He/she/they are always hiding inside your pockets dimension hair you have and will never ever get out...your their/her/his home now...
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
totes plz write a white hank or jebus x scenemo reader. like big ass hair and stuff!! make reader rlly bright and colorful. i think it’s jus funny to imagine any of the main cast with a bright ass grunt funny teeheee :3
White Hank And Jebus With A Scenemo!Reader
Hey thanks for the ask
Honestly it is kind of funny if you think about it. On one hand there’s a normal grunt, just plain grey then there’s another that’s literally a grunt version of a glowstick. Also, I did both White Hank and Jebus because why not (mainly did so because their both my favourite characters besides Deimos). Hope you enjoy. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: They/Them
Warning: ⚠️Mentions of Murder + Slight mention of dead bodies⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: White Hank + Jebus
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by spingkalavan (White Hank) and FoReVeRDiRt00 (Jebus) on Pinterest + Banner by loverxcandy on Pinterest
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White Hank:
- Honestly when she first saw you and your style, she was immediately interested in it. The only colours she’s seen are different shades of black, white and red. Then all of a sudden a grunt version of a highlighter just appears.
- She’s definitely going to ask you about your style. She couldn’t really help it, it’s so interesting to her. She’ll be more than happy to listen to you rant about how much you like your style as well as every single detail about it.
- If someone even dares to judge you for your style or even worse insults you because your style is different, well time to say bye bye to them. Because they’ll be dead. She’s literally a female version of Hank. What do you expect? She’s not going to have someone talk shit about you all because you're a little different. It’ll probably go something like this:
+ “Do you see that grunts clothing? They look so bad right?” Two other grunts slightly chuckled to themselves as they eye you up and down. But before they knew it white Hank suddenly appeared beside them and said “care to repeat what you’ve said about them?” She said, already holding a weapon in hand.
-She desperately wants to touch your hair. It looks so goddamn fluffy to her that she can’t help it. But she didn’t really want to mess it up and plus she’s not really upfront when it comes to that so she ends up keeping it to herself until you’ve come to notice her constantly staring at your hair to which you asked if she wants to play with it and she quietly says yes. Of course you didn’t mind and said she could play with it.
- I’d like to think that she got you things in your style that reminded her of you. Well most of it was probably stolen from dead bodies and similar things but hey it’s the thought that counts, right? Maybe she might get some for herself so the two of you could match.
- When first meeting you Jebus was a little caught off guard when he saw your style. All of a sudden he saw all this colour on a single grunt. He wasn’t sure what to say about it but he wasn’t going to judge you for it so he kept silent about it, asking some questions here and there but overall minded his business about it. If you were happy with it then he doesn’t have any reason to tell you otherwise.
- Just like White Hank and carrying on from the previous sentence he’s going to ask some questions about it. It may not look like he’s interested in it but he’s surprisingly taking in a lot of notes about it. Keeping in mind about your style.
- Again just like White Hank if anyone dares speak ill of your choice of clothing especially when he is around, he won’t be so kind letting them be let go in one piece. Do they seriously think it’s best to disrespect someone he’s friends with? They must be stupid if they think it is
- I have a feeling he wouldn’t really be interested in things like playing with your hair unlike White Hank, one because he doesn’t want to mess it up and two he isn’t interested in those kind of things but to make up for it he does compliment you about it and your style just so it doesn’t look like he’s not interested in it.
- If he’s feeling nice enough maybe he might get you a few things that may go along to your style but that’s pretty much it. He’s not too fond of the style on himself but he does like it on you. But maybe a few times here and there he might let you do a little style makeover on him and try the things himself.
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Hank, Sanford and Deimos with a Reader who does Handcrafts
Gonna post my old MadCom stuff since people seem interested in it! I didn't write too much back then, but I'll post it anyway and hope for some MadCom requests as well! What the title says! Reader knits, crochets and embroiders in this! The format is different from how I usually write, but that's because I wrote this months ago, if not in 2022! I don't remember when, but it's been a while since I wrote this!
If you get his attention while doing one of your crafts, expect him to just stare at you for a while. He knows what knitting is, since you can use those needles to stab someone with enough force, but he never really cared much for any of it. So, seeing you do those small, but precise movements has him somewhat curious. If you beckon him closer to check out what you’re doing, he will approach you, taking your piece from your hands and gently examining it, before returning it to you.
While he won’t join you that often due to his occupation, Hank will lie down next to you from time to time, watching you work until he falls asleep eventually. Doing so next to you, especially when you’re knitting or doing embroidery, takes a lot of trust on his behalf, so it’s a rather rare occurrence, but it might happen. Still, sometimes even Nevada’s most wanted can’t resist getting some sleep in.
If you give him a scarf or anything of the likes it might seem like he doesn’t like it at first. As he only grunts in acknowledgement and doesn’t wear it, it might seem disheartening at first glance. But rest assured, he’s well aware that him wearing it would only get it covered in blood, and he wouldn’t want your creation, that you put so much love into, to get sullied like that. Hank does keep it somewhere hidden where only he can find it so that it won’t get stolen as well, he truly does treasure anything you give him.
He has helped his mother crocheting every once in a while when he was young by holding her wool for her. Sanford always thought it to be really cool how you can make something so beautiful out of something as simple as wool and yarn. Much like he did when he was younger, he’ll hold your yarn for you, making it more comfortable to knit or crochet for you. Unlike Hank and Deimos, he will try to learn it as well. It seems relaxing, so why not? But by no means is he a master. Due to his strength, he will likely rip the yarn and wool apart from time to time and come to you for help.
In order to relax and unwind a bit, he’ll likely come to you and ask if you would like to practise your craft for and with him. Having you around in and of itself already makes Sanford happy, but just getting to spend time with you without having to worry about being killed by the enemy makes it all the better. If you let him, he will hold you close, lean into you, put you on his lap, anything you’re comfortable with.
Please give him a sweater. Because he’s never wearing a shirt he gets cold fairly easily. He’ll cherish it dearly and wear it whenever he can, and whenever he knows it won’t get ripped. Another thing he’d be very happy with would be a piece of embroidery. It reminds him of better times and gives him hope, especially when your piece of art is something pleasant and sweet to look at. Because of that, he will put it up somewhere in his room where he can always see it. Even if Deimos makes fun of him for it, he will simply lightly jab at the smoker, all the while smiling at it.
He’ll lovingly call you a grandma for having hobbies like these. Even while doing embroidery, where you stab things thousands of times, he will snicker at you whenever he catches you doing any of these things. Though, he doesn’t mind that sort of thing at all since that means you’ll be sitting still for a while, meaning you’ll give him a chance to unwind with him. Deimos will wrap his arms around you, leaning onto you or just cuddle into you in general. No fighting, no getting hurt, just watching you do the same movements over and over again.
Despite possibly calling you boring, he does have great respect for your craft, since he can’t do any of it. It’s too tedious and he can’t sit around for long enough doing something like this. It’s simply not exciting enough. But the moment you give him his first sweater, he will think it’s the most awesome thing to ever exist. Proud as a peacock, he will flaunt and taunt his new piece of clothing, especially to Sanford and Hank, declaring just what a great lover he has.
Present him with a plushie and his mind will be blown. He always thought knitting and crocheting are just for woolly hats and sweaters and scarves and all. If he sees you made him a tiny grunt, he will simply lose it, run around the Status Quo base and show everyone what you’re capable of. It doesn’t even matter to him whether or not it looks good. Your hands are magical to him and absolutely everyone has to know just how cool and epic you are.
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nowheregoat · 2 years
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Big women (=//⩊/=)
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saltymongoose · 2 years
since i have no clue what i requested before, can i just ask for something domestic (as domestic as wank can be, anyway) and soft? maybe reader is wank's partner who always tends to her wounds when she gets back because they worry about her being out there alone?
Yo Anon! We haven’t had anything official for Wank yet, so I was excited to do this. Here ya go! :)
You Treat Her Wounds When She Returns Home ft. White Hank (Wank)
(TW: Mentions of Bodily Injuries and Blood.)
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The times when Wank returns home to you are usually unceremonious. She doesn’t typically call you to warn you about her impending arrival beforehand, so it’s a pleasant surprise, but that also means you have no time to prepare for her either. (In fact, she rarely calls at all. Though, it’s because she doesn’t want her enemies figuring out that she has a partner rather than her not wanting to speak to you.)
You only know she’s back from the telltale noise of your deadbolt being unlocked, and you immediately drop whatever you’re doing to meet her at the door. To anyone else, the view of the tall merc, dressed in pure white sullied with blood and gore, would be absolutely horrifying. She did have the reputation for not being the most hospitable (an understatement), but for you, your reaction couldn’t be more different. 
For one, you now know for certain that she's okay and that she's home safe and not left to rot in some corner of Nevada’s wasteland. When she comes back, you don’t have to think of gruesome “what ifs” and there’s no anxiety about what could be happening to her, or if you’ll ever see her again. You don’t have to spend time ruminating over every past interaction you’ve ever had with your girlfriend, with the chance that you’d regret not taking those extra few seconds to remind her of how much you love her, violent tendencies and all. No, the sight of your partner in the flesh only overwhelmed you with happiness and near palpable relief.
This feeling is also shared if her physical reaction says anything. The moment she lays eyes on you, her posture immediately straightens, and if you look closely, you could start to see her hands tremble as she rushes to remove her gloves and coat before embracing you. (It’s not like she wants to get you covered in the filth that soaks her outer clothing.)
You accept the hugs she wraps you up in without issue; it’s like a tradition at this point for you both. It’s been weeks since she’s last seen you, so she figures you can’t blame her for wanting to have as much contact with you as possible when she finally has the chance. She engraves the memory of how you fit in her arms into her mind, leaning down to make it easier for you as she presses her face against the crown of your head, purring all the while. She’s missed this - missed you - beyond what you could imagine.
While Wank isn’t typically the most physical person, insofar as non-violent touch is concerned, you’re the only real exception to that. The longing she’s felt for your presence is finally extinguished, and all that’s left is the feeling of how right it is to have you tucked into her embrace and laughing when she “kisses” you through her mask. She welcomes the warm feelings of affection she has around you, falling deeper into them as you press a soft kiss to the bandages that cover her jaw.
“You’re finally back…” You breathe the words out as almost a sigh of relief, and Wank nods silently in response. 
All is fine and well until your palm brushes her side and touches fabric that is distinctly wet. A side glance at your hand reveals a red sheen to your fingers, and you pull back from Wank with some difficulty. (Especially considering how she instinctively tightens her grip on you when you try to budge. You’d be surprised at how clingy she gets in times like these.)
“Wank…you’re injured.”
She seems hesitant to give any sort of response when you bring this subject up, only really pausing at your words. You can’t say if it’s some sort of guilt on her part or an attempt to hide it. Perhaps she wasn’t even aware that she was injured, as adrenaline can have that effect. In either case, she never brings up her wounds to you, and even if you don’t accidentally come across them, you make a point of searching them out later. You might not be a doctor, but you’ve taken up basic studies just to help her (and ease your worry about her as well).
Some gentle prodding on your part leads her to relent (as she always does with you), and she pulls up her shirt so you can see the wound. You grimace. It’s not pretty, but then again, it never is. In this case it’s a few deep cuts where something must’ve just gotten close enough to slice at her, though you don’t ask what, and although it’s been taped over with gauze, it’s come undone on one of the sides, letting her blood leak through it.
Even with how hesitant she might be to reveal her injuries, she allows you to treat them without complaint. After you “force” her to sit on the sofa (aka you gently pushing her by her shoulders and Wank humoring you while laughing under her breath) and rush to go get your medkit, she’ll remove her boots and try to make it easier for you to get to whatever other scapes and bumps she’s acquired on her missions.
It’s honestly a bit shocking to her that she isn’t uncomfortable in the slightest when you kneel down in front of her and start to dress her wounds. Wank usually takes care of her injuries herself, even if she doesn’t do the best job at it. She’s never really taken to the idea of having someone else do it before you became such an important part of her life; she just couldn’t trust anyone else with this. Any attempts from anyone else to help - or even touch her, for that matter - would end with a blade pointed at one of their vital points or a few broken bones, but with you, she doesn’t even flinch.
Perhaps it’s because of the clear worry and concern on your face when you clean the blood from her skin, and how painfully tender you are when you soothe ointment over the cuts she has, whispering little apologies when you think you’ve hurt her more in some way. Your gentleness is just one of the ways you show how much you care for her well-being, even if you both know she’s not a stranger to being wounded. Wank can take pain, but she’d never have to think about suffering when she’s with you. 
It makes her feel not only loved but oddly safe as well, if she had to describe it. You’ve earned her absolute trust, and this is why she doesn’t move when you treat her many wounds. She cooperates with everything you ask, even if she’d sometimes rather spare you from the sight of her more gruesome cuts and gouges.
For you, patching up your girlfriend gave you peace of mind; it told you that she was really here, safe and alive. The blood you wiped away from her proved as much, and you took comfort in how you were able to help her out in some way, even if you lacked more combat-related abilities like her.
(It’s one of the reasons she’s so willing to let you help her out. You don’t know how easy it is to read your emotions, to her anyway. While you always seem distraught at her wounds once you first see them, you appear less worried later if you get to manage them yourself. Something about seeing their true extent cleared the anxiety you had over them; you couldn’t worry about her succumbing to any infections or bleeding out if you saw to it that neither would happen. Your relief alone is enough for her to let you touch her, aside from everything else.)
You can’t help but bring up your own feelings of worry when you do this though. No matter how many times you patch her up when she comes back, the concern never fades. She’ll always leave at some point, and your nervousness over her will come back in her absence.
("I worry about you a lot while you’re out there,” you mutter one day, and Wank tilts her head slightly, silently asking you to continue. “It’s funny - I’ve done this so many times, but seeing you with wounds like these still scares me somehow."
The room goes silent, and you look up from the bandage you’re wrapping to see your girlfriend’s pink-lensed goggles closer to you than you remember them being. Wank leans in to bring her masked face closer to your cheek, rubbing against it lightly before replying.
"...’m sorry," she offers, her voice soft and filled with remorse that’s usually so unlike her. She honestly felt terrible to leave you like this, but you both knew that it was unavoidable. So long as it was her you were tangled with, there would be the fact you had to deal with her getting injured, or worse. The ache in Wank's chest when she sees how crestfallen you are stabs at her worse than any wound. For once, she wishes that Nevada was not the violent wasteland she thrived in if only so you didn't have to worry about her anymore. You deserved as much.
You sigh and shake your head before pressing a chaste peck to her clothed cheek. "Don’t be. I didn’t mean to guilt trip you or anything, I just..don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I love you, y'know." Your melancholy is briefly lifted when she whispers those three little words back.)
When you’re finally finished with treating her, Wank insists on cuddling with you, at least for a few minutes (actually an hour) before you go on about your day. You might be hesitant to do so, depending on just how bad she’s gotten injured this time around, but she’s anything but concerned.
It starts with her leaning more into your hands when you try to check her bruises again as a precaution, so much so that you can barely even move them away from her. She’s practically chasing your touch, and even if you decide to just work around it by tracing your fingers over her instead of outright removing them, she’ll just escalate.
Your soft protests about how this could hurt her go ignored when she yanks you closer and into her lap, and you sigh, trying to hide the smile creeping up on your face as she lavishes you in affection and the odd verbal praise here and there. (Mostly compliments on how well you treated her - better than she could do on her own, mind you - along with words on how much she missed you.)
The attention makes your heart beat faster, and your face heats up with each spoken word and gentle caress from her. Wank hasn’t ever neglected to show her appreciation for you, but after such a long time of being without her, it hits you even harder. The fondness and genuine love that's conveyed with every gesture from her is enough to make you melt further into her. She can be so sweet, it's almost too much for you to take.
It’s comfortable, almost too comfortable, and if it wasn’t for the fact that you had other things to do that day, you’d be perfectly content to just fall asleep cuddling there with her. You can't do that though, unfortunately.
When you try to get up, she grunts in refusal and tightens her grip around you, pouting as you squirm weakly in her arms. If you thought she’d make it easy for you to leave her after she just got back to you, then you’d be dead wrong. (Even if it’s only to go to the kitchen to finish dinner for yourself and her now.)
It takes a little longer before you’re finally able to convince her to let you go, but she does eventually (though not without a few kisses to make up for it, of course). However, once you get up, she does too, preferring to follow you as you go about the rest of your evening instead of just relaxing on her own.
You really want her to rest; not only has she just returned from a long trip, but she needs it to heal properly as well. She refuses each time that you mention it though, as she’d much rather keep you in her view while she can. You might act jokingly miffed at it, calling her your shadow as she stays at your heels, but you know it means more than what she tells you. 
You missed her presence while she was away, and despite your minor complaints, you felt better just having her sitting silently somewhere while you do something. The knowledge that she was there with you brought you a warm sense of fulfillment, aided by the sight of her tall form in your peripheral and the familiar feeling of her gaze on you. It just felt right to have her by your side, as rare as it could be with such different lives you both led. You knew she felt similarly even if she didn’t tell you outright; the faint sound of her footsteps echoing shortly after yours wherever you went said it all.
You hum happily when you feel her chin resting on your shoulder and her hands meet the countertop, caging you in as you chop more vegetables (to make more food for her, no doubt). Wank doesn't know if she’s done all that she can to show you just how grateful she is to have you, and how much she truly adores you. She wouldn’t consider herself to be very good at romance in general, certainly not from experience, and as a result, she fears that some of her attempts at showing you the true depth of her affection fall short. How can she make you aware of how much it means to have you to come home to, and have you put her back together (both physically and mentally)? It’s a question that plagues her, even when she’s out and should probably be focused on other, more dire things.
Despite this conundrum, however, one thing that Wank is completely sure of is that you’re one of the few good things in her life, and the only person she can say she’s ever truly loved this much. So she’ll continue trying to find ways to show this to you, and make each attempt better than the last. You’re the most important person she has, and she’d loathe it if she wasted a single second not showing you the love and care you deserve, just as you do with her every time you’re finally together.
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
White Hank x Reader Headcanons
She is my wife, my raison d'etre and I would actually melt into a blob of happiness if she ever held my face in-between her hands. Anyway, metnal illness hcs for the folks with metnal illess!!
If you have any scars that you're ashamed of Wank will kiss them and tell you that you're as much of a fighter as she is. She doesn't mind her own, in fact she thinks they add to her and loves talking about the unfortunate grunts that gave her those in hopes of making you feel better. She loves you in your entirety, that includes the scars showcasing the battles you've fought. That's why she's so proud of you: Despite everything, you've still emerged victorious and survived every one of the wars within you.
Since Wank feels as though it's a waste of time for her to mull over too many things, she won't really know how to comfort you properly with words if you're feeling especially down. In fact, she won't know particularly well what to do at all. However, she will sit beside you and keep you company, if that's what you want. Seeing you in such a state breaks her heart, so she'll do what she can to help, regardless of whether that be cuddles or watching a movie with you. You're her world and she wants nothing more than to see you smile.
But even if she can't help and you still end up breaking down in front of her, she's gonna die before she tells a single soul one of your deepest, darkest secrets. If you really need it, she'll awkwardly hug you and hold you until you're no longer crying, telling you that it's alright and to just let it out. While she doesn't hold back her emotions, she knows from Hank that burying them will only make them explode at one point. She'd prefer if you just showed them, but she understands if you're incapable of doing so.
Due to her occupation she is a rather observant grunt, so the smaller, or larger, switches in your behavior will not go unnoticed. Therefore she will look out for any signs that you might need anything and will give you that. Comfort, food, helping you with basic hygiene, or just a distraction from it all.
Those times you feel alienated from everyone and believe no one understands you Wank will be by your side. She'll include you in almost everything she does and refuses to leave you out of all the fun. Although sometimes she might get a bit frustrated, talking everything over with her will help her understand your condition. Neither of you are bad people, you just need to work on some things together. But then again, that makes a healthy couple.
If you ever get so anxious you don't want anyone touching you, or you are having a panic attack, Wank will make the mistake of hugging you exactly once and then never again. Although she still regrets making you feel worse, she will find other ways to help you. Despite having her pride, she will consult Skittles if needed on other methods. While she may not understand how breathing techniques and finding 5 things you can see work, she's more than happy to remind you. Plus she'll remind you afterwards how strong you are for making it through such a draining thing.
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Request? 😳👉👈
B i g l a d y
Gimme some Wank. Give her to me.
Cute momment with big strong lady
Fuckin SIMP
White Hank x reader
For some, the strain of a long distance relationship with a hardcore mercenary seemingly hellbent on getting herself killed would've been far, far too much to bear. But for you, this was no burden. The passion that burned in her veins while working seemed to bloom tenfold while beside you.
Wank had a sweet, clingy side to her, plenty of love to give you to make up for her time away from you. Cuddles strong enough to leave an imprint of her body on your own, kisses upon every inch of skin she could get to, whispering such sweet words capable of rotting your brain.
Tearing at all your perceived faults, ripping out your insecurities one by one, filling their place with love and reassurances. Though the physical distance between you could stretch miles upon miles, the emotional distance was none existent, never a trace of doubt that she didn't care for you.
And in turn you'd do the same, during quiet intimate moments of cuddling in bed together, tracing over both familiar and fresh scars and stitches, loving each and every facet that made her up. She was no ordinary woman, but that was what attracted you to her the most, spontaneous, protective, strong, a woman who will kill to see you smile.
"And this one?" Your fingers rolled over a newer scar. "MAG claw, he was desperate to do some damage, but he barely grazed me before I broke his skull." She was always so prideful of her scars, telling you once before that they were signs that the world had been against her, and yet she survived.
She survived for you.
Wank loved sleeping with you safe in her arms. The trauma and nightmares distanced themselves with you around, crawling into the dark away from the light and love your emitted.
To her, home was a person, and that person was you.
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cerise-on-top · 28 days
White Hank Falling in Love with an Enemy
I really wanted to write for my girl again because I missed her so so much, so this idea was born! It's not the best thing I've ever written, but I thought the idea was interesting! Maybe I should add that there's mentions of violence, but this is Madness Combat, so the violence is to be expected!
It would be a curious thing, really. Wank was a top mercenary, she knew what she was doing, she was a professional in every regard. And then came you. Little you who fought a little bit too hard for her liking, who kept dodging her attacks and refused to die. It was quite bothersome to her. And, whether it be through whim or will, you struck her down. She was barely conscious, barely saw what you were about to do to her, usually unmanageable pain coursing through her. With you standing in front of her, looking down on her, she was certain she’d need to be revived yet again. She had been sliced in half and lived, so why did some no one like you beat her in combat?
And yet, nothing came afterwards.
Wank’s vision was blurry, she could barely move having been beaten black and blue by someone she’s never seen before, by someone she was certain she’d never see again after this. But somehow, for a reason unknown to her, you never struck her after the initial few blows. You merely stood there, regarding her. She wasn’t bleeding out, there were only a few bullets stuck in her body, she should have been able to get up and kill you then and there. Stuck in her own body that refused to do anything but lie there, looking up at you, she forced her arm to move. Nothing. Wank grew increasingly more frustrated as time passed. You could have called for reinforcements, you could have sliced her head off. None of this would have been her first time, but no. You simply looked at her, before having the gall to kneel down next to her.
It was a simple statement, one that held true no matter how one looked at it: “You’re strong.” That she was. She had had to fight for her life ever since she was young, if there was one thing Wank was, it was strong. Fierce. Powerful. She wasn’t to be messed with, no matter what. Many people were happy to never come across her in the first place. Why were you so stupid? You must have been a special kind of idiot. With every passing second she would be closer to being able to move again, with every passing second you would be closer to your demise. Stay away from her and there’s a chance you might never cross paths again. If you had any brain cells then that fact should have been obvious.
“I would like to fight with you again at some point. Do you think that can be arranged?”
She was sure she had misheard you. If she could have moved she would have pointed her finger at you and laughed. This time was a fluke and nothing else, next time you’d wind up dead. Better kill her now, better kill her in one shot. She will be back, but you might have a peaceful night or two. Your voice was gentle and calm, aside from your uneven breathing. It was almost pleasant to listen to, in some way.
“Are you stupid? I’m one of the most wanted mercenaries in Nevada, next time we fight I’m gonna fight dirty and make sure you end up in The Other Place. Don’t test me.”
You got up and grabbed an item Wank couldn’t quite make out from her position. Another table, another item. Soon enough, you turned around and she saw what you managed to get: Tweezers and bandages. Kneeling down next to her, you got to work.
“In that case I’m gonna fight dirty as well, wouldn’t want to be outdone by you, after all.” It almost got on her nerves how nothing she did seemed to faze you. Wank didn’t even flinch as you worked on removing the bullets from her shoulder, but hissed as you bandaged her wounds. “Normally grunts cry in pain when you remove a bullet from their body without anesthetics, you know?” Diligent as you could be, it didn’t take very long for Wank to feel better, to not feel the blood flow from her every pore. The pressure was uncomfortable, debilitating her ability to move, but at the very least she could move again. Her glare was like ice, it could freeze anyone’s blood just by seeing it. Anyone’s but yours as you faced the table again to put the leftover bandages away.
“Guess I’m not like normal grunts, then.” Wank’s voice could corrode a wall of metal with her poison. Cautious and wary, she got up, watching your every move. The way you carried yourself showed some grace that was unusual in most grunts. Seems like you’re not a normal one either, then. She picked up her blade and pointed it at your back. “This was a mistake on your behalf, I hope you know that.”
“Was it, though?” The sword poked your back. One thrust and you’d be done for. What made you so confident that she won’t kill you just like that? She could, she would, and you’d face an eternity in hell if you continue to be this falsely confident. Have a bit more fear, will you!
You turned around to face her again, your face not betraying your emotions in the slightest. “Go ahead, kill me.”
An invitation that Wank would have loved to take. She could already see it: Your guts on display for everyone to see. Another betrayal from someone who thought they could rule the world. You were another speck of dust on this rotten planet. The thought of slicing you in half, for some reason, filled Wank with disgust. Your brains on the wall, your blood covering every inch of the floor, your limbs hanging from the ceiling. Normally such a thought would make Wank smile. Especially if it’s the innards of a confident bastard she could imagine someone else finding. But in your case, there was nothing like it. Somehow, the idea was abhorrent to her. Lowering her sword, she walked up to you, pushing you against the wall by your neck. “What did you do to me? What did you coat those tweezers in that your death feels so wrong? I’m going to kill you!”
No matter how hard she pushed you, Wank was certain at some point you’d be crushed between her and the wall, you didn’t budge. “I put nothing on them. This really isn’t my fault.”
The sword slowly made its way to your neck. One slice and you’d be done for. And yet, even now, Wank couldn’t move. Visions of your head lying next to your body flooded her mind. No glee, no joy, only a mad kind of confusion that made her question everything she stood for. And with that, she released you again. “Fine, you’ll get another battle. Today, I’ll let you live. We’ll fight again when the time is right.”
“I appreciate it, thank you. Let’s hope we’ll have another kind of closure afterwards.”
“Fuck you.” She put her free hand up high, showing off her middle finger as she walked through the door to the other room. This was going to be interesting indeed.
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Could I ask for some fluff of a Hank x Reader x 2BDamned? If that's okay, please!
Hello! Of course you can! Here you go!
Poly 2BHank x Reader Fluff
I would say that the both of them are rather busy people, so you won’t be spending too much time together. It’s not like they can make too much time for each other either, though. However, they’ll try. It’s fairly risky for everyone involved, especially for you. If you’re not part of S.Q. then you’ll likely become the target of some attack if you’re seen with Doc. If you’re seen with Hank, if people can tell you’re affiliated with him, then they’ll attack you as well. So really, you’ll be at a disadvantage either way. However, it’s not like either of them feel like going out too much with you. Yes, Hank will want to get some hot dogs with you at some point since he does like those, but after a mission he’s usually torn as a rag and just wants to sleep. Doc is well aware of the dangers he poses towards your wellbeing, so he actively chooses to not go out with you too much either. However, that doesn’t mean that the three of you can’t be lovey dovey at home. It’s very rare to see Hank and Doc cuddle properly with each other, but it happens. Neither of them are touchy people, but sometimes you just desire the touch of a loved one, so you might catch Hank sitting on the floor next to Doc from time to time, his head in his lap. Hank could fall asleep like this too, actually, but he wants to protect you and Doc, so he usually doesn’t. Doc sometimes has a hand on Hank’s shoulder and gently rubs it to show he’s there for him, but he needs his other hand to go through files. If you join Hank on his endeavours, cuddling up to Doc yourself, then the grunt will sigh in feign annoyance and get away from his work for some time to give the two of you some attention. You can get him to settle down for the night like this as well, but he will only begrudgingly do so. 2B may not be the cuddliest person out there, and neither is Hank, but he does enjoy some physical touch from time to time. You will likely switch it up when it comes to cuddling. While you may be the little spoon now, chances are you’ll be the big spoon next time. 2B and Hank are versatile like that. While Hank may prefer holding someone as he falls asleep, if he’s not headed to bed then he can go either way.
Although it’s rare for Hank to show his softer side, he will do so for you and Doc only. Sometimes he’ll come back from a mission, bloody and almost entirely disassembled, holding a few flowers he found. Maybe even a nice scarf or a cool weapon. Despite being a very confident grunt, he knows he can easily protect you, he does believe that you having a weapon yourself would help you with defending yourself. Sometimes he’ll get you a nice katana, one like he has. Other times you can expect a rocket launcher or chainsaw from him as well. His metaphorical tail starts wagging whenever either you or Doc accept his gifts and thank him. He did a good job on this one, you will be safe and sound from here on out. Give him a nice pat, either on his arm or head, and he’ll happily grunt away. Doc pats Hank from time to time and Hank absolutely loves it. However, only you and Doc are allowed to do that, anyone else will be dealt with immediately. Hank definitely doesn’t mind being treated like a dog from time to time. If he’s in a good mood you can call him a good boy and put his face in your hands, he eats that right up. Be enthusiastic about it as well and he’ll lightly headbutt you. Don’t get mad at him for doing so, he doesn’t know what to do with these positive emotions, so he goes straight for gentle violence again.
Going on dates with the two of them mostly consists of something simple. Doc usually suggests Burger Gil’s since no one cares that Hank is there. People are there for the food, not to get mauled by Hank, so they usually leave you alone. Sometimes the three of you go to take a look at the red sun on a cliff as well, though, and reminisce about the better times. Hank still remembers the greenery that used to be in Nevada. He doesn’t remember it well since he doesn’t miss it in the slightest, but he’s lived a good chunk of his life surrounded by plants. Doc barely remembers them, but he still thinks back on them fondly. While neither of the two of them may be sentimental people, they do like discussing the past. There’s always something new to be learned about each other. There’s this unspoken trust between the three of you, so you know each other better than anyone else. For example, you know that Hank likes being picked up, even if he’s far too tall and heavy for that these days. Sometimes you pretend to try and pick him up just to make him feel good. One fact you’ve learned about Doc is that he sometimes, when you and Hank are asleep, likes to hold one hand of each of you. Sometimes he can’t sleep well, or at all, so he opts to spend that time resting from time to time. He won’t particularly go all out in holding you since he doesn’t wanna risk waking you, you’re both extremely tired, after all, but he does like holding your hands, sometimes playing with your fingers as well. He denies this, but you both know it happens. Sometimes Hank makes fun of Doc for it in his usual demeanour, but he secretly loves it. Hank’s favourite activity aside from killing and maiming is helping you and Doc out with whatever you need, even if it’s just holding the wrench. Doc loves showing you his creations. While he knows you likely won’t understand a word he’s saying, he explains them to you anyway. Besides, if he’s made a mistake thinking it over, then he’s more likely to find it while talking. Besides, he gets to spend time with you, what else could he possibly want?
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
White Hank and Skittles with a Tsundere Reader
I think I remember this not being a request either, just something I wrote when I had time! I just really love the tsundere trope, It's so much fun to me! What it says in the title! Again, these are over a year old so the formatting is different!
White Hank
She won't be particularly surprised by your behaviour at first: She’s a deadly mercenary, renowned for killing people, so naturally, you’d react negatively to her. However, that sort of heartbreak won’t last very long as she’ll find out soon enough regarding why you’re being rather harsh towards her. Once she hears from someone that you may or may not have a huge crush on her, she’ll have the time of her life.
While she won’t take it too far, get ready for some friendly teasing on her behalf. Her hand brushing against yours, maybe she’ll even take your face into her hands. Of course, her favourite move would be to find out whether or not a fever might be the cause of your reddened face by placing her forehead against yours, all the while smirking. She’s merciless, and she really wants to see you stutter and fail to make coherent sentences. And, just maybe, get you to blurt out a confession.
Once you’re together and you’re being especially “mean” towards her again, she’ll simply give you a soft and gentle kiss on the lips, which is usually enough to make your mind shut down. Afterwards, she’ll give you a chuckle as she watches you try to comprehend what happened. And if you’re the sort to hide behind your hands, she will make a comment about how adorable you are.
For as much as she likes to fluster you, it’s those soft moments where you don’t deny her that she treasures. The ones, where she simply holds you and you rest against her chest. No silly and empty insults, just peace and quiet. If you fall asleep against her, she will stroke your back and give you the softest of smiles, all the while imagining your future together.
Skittles knows that Nevada is a harsh place to live in that breeds cautious and violent people, but that won’t stop him in the slightest from showing you kindness and giving you a big ol smile. No matter how grumpy you may be, this ball of sunshine will try to cheer you up and make you happy, regardless of what it’s going to take. Therefore, expect him to spend a lot of time around you. He’s lived the majority of his life around grumpy and mean people, so he doesn’t shy away from them in the slightest.
His love language is just about anything wholesome in existence, so be prepared for gifts, compliments, hugs and so on and so forth. The meaner you get, the more worried he’ll become if he did something wrong, even if it couldn’t be further from the truth. But once he sees you deny his affection for you with the biggest blush and smile known to gruntkind he’ll slowly piece everything together. He’ll fluster you, yes, but it won’t be on purpose, he’s just a very affectionate guy by nature.
Eventually, you’ll think you’ll have gotten used to his ways, but no, he will always find new ways to surprise you. His favourite is to bring you a flower and place it in the folds of your clothes so that you look like a clown. As plant life has become sparse in Nevada, it means he’ll likely have gone through hell and back just to find one for you. If he could, he would make you a little flower crown, but alas. Still, he has hope that one day he will. But until then, he will shower you in hugs and do everything he can to show how much he loves you.
When you finally do give in and give him his much needed affection, he will literally beam brighter than the sun in our world. He knows that it means a lot to you to open up to him and be sincere like that, that’s why you might just see him vibrate in joy ever so slightly.
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cerise-on-top · 2 years
White Hank x Reader Headcanons
Because I love her so much and there isn't nearly enough content for her out there!
Wank is the kind of girlfriend to literally kill for you if someone or something bothers you. The hot dog vendor raised his prices? He better lower them for you or else he’ll turn into one himself. An A.A.H.W. grunt threatened you because you bumped into him? That’s a dead grunt walking. Having a mercenary girlfriend definitely has its perks if you’re more of a violent person, but she’ll tone it down if you tell her to. After all, how could she resist her most beloved!
If you have her lay on your chest while running your fingers through her hair, she will sigh contently and, since it runs in the family, purr a little bit as well. It’s not as loud as Hank’s purring, but it’s still audible enough. Sure, she might reek of blood and sweat after a day of fighting for whoever paid her, but that’s part of her charme, you’ll get used to it eventually. Plus she’s more often than not too tired to take a shower or bath.
However, you can still coax her into taking either of those things with you. Run her a bath with hot water, if you gently wash her hair and back, she will fall asleep eventually, so it’s up to you to make sure she doesn’t accidentally drown herself in her sleep.
Literally gives the best cuddles in the entirety of Nevada. She’s muscular but still soft as well, plus she’s warm. And, not to forget, with you, she’s a snuggle bug as well, so she really wants nothing more than to hold you close and never let go again. Wank can and absolutely will protect you, and she definitely gives you that feeling as well. Though, do get ready for some kisses wherever she can reach. Your forehead, your cheek, your lips, nothing is off limits for this grunt.
Absolutely adores talking to you. You’re more of a talker? She’s smitten whenever she hears your voice, even if you’re talking about something silly like how another grunt dropped their ice cream on accident. More than willing to engage in a conversation with you. And if you’re more of a listener? Don’t worry, she’ll do the talking for you. Given how most grunts pale in comparison to her, she likes to make fun of the enemies she’s slain and how easy they were to kill. The smiles she gives you during these moments are as sincere as they get.
While Wank may not be a romantic at heart, she tries really hard for you. Sure, your dates mostly consist of fast food since barely any other restaurant will let her in, but it’s the thought that counts. During her raids she likes to bring you items that remind her of you. These can range from accessories, to foods to weapons. Sometimes, when she gets lucky, she might find a flower or two, even if they are a rarity, and gift them to you, of course.
If you give her anything back, no matter how small, she will cherish it forever. Anything hand- or self-made will be something she either puts in a very special place or she takes along on her missions as a good luck charm. While you can’t be with her since it’s too dangerous, you can be with her in her heart all the time. You’re who she is fighting for, so she can provide for you and keep you safe in a wasteland where violence is the norm and culture.
Sing to her and she’ll go quiet immediately. There’s nothing she wants to listen to more than that. Doesn’t matter if it’s some pop song you’re singing or a show tune you’re humming. Secretly, she’s hoping you’ll put her head in your lap, stroke her hair and sing her a lullaby as she falls asleep ever so slowly. She can’t help it, for someone as rough as her, she’s very soft when it comes to you.
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offantasiesandreams · 2 years
White Hank x Reader: Fluff Edition
Pillow forts and fights galore! I think she does deserve some nice things too, not just angst and death and killing and maiming and shredding and attacking and-
Sometimes there are simply days where one must be stupid and silly. It's one of these days where you decide to make a pillow fort for you and your girlfriend.
The moment she comes home to see you in a cozy castle of pillows and blankets she wants in. To her, it looks nice and warm and it has you in it as well, so it's triple the plus. Softly, she'll call out your name while slowly approaching. It's almost menacing in its own kind of way.
Now, if you jokingly deny her entry, she will use all of the skills she's acquired throughout the years of being a mercenary to help her get in. Ergo, she's not afraid of some play fighting. The moment you leave your fort to grab a snack she will strike, pulling you down with her. Struggle all you want, you won't get out of her grip, but why would you want to in the first place?
Though, if you're very unlucky, she'll strike further. If you're ticklish, she'll definitely use that against you, especially if one of your weak spots is your neck. She'll cover it in soft little kisses until you give in. Even if you don't have that sort of weakness, she'll simply pin you down and give you kisses until you're a giggling mess from being so giddy underneath her. She'll throw you over her shoulder like a potato sack afterwards and carry you to her newly claimed castle. She's the dragon and you're the royal she's captured and started falling in love with.
You'll have the cuddling session of your life like that. Especially if you put on a movie. Some clichéd rom-com, and during the more boring parts of it, you could simply snack on some popcorn, chat, and maybe have a contest on who gives the other better and more kisses like that.
Another thing Wank would have the time of her life with would be a pillow fight. She'll go easy on you, naturally, but she's still a force of nature. Her attacks are fast and as calculated as it gets when you're laughing and having a good time with your lover. If she senses that it's getting too much for you she will ask you if you want to forfeit. Answer with no and she will continue play fighting you until you do give up. If your answer is yes, then get ready to be picked up by this strong grunt and carried to your shared castle.
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
Madness Combat Masterpost
Exactly what it say in the title! I might revisit this old Fandom I love so dearly! It's genuinely such a good show! I think even now I could still talk for hours on end about it and no one could stop me! A few posts link to another blog, but that's just another blog if mine where I used to post stuff!
Last Updated: 26.07.2024
Hank J Wimbleton:
With a Reader who does Handcrafts
With an Eldritch Horror Reader
With an Insecure!S/O
Poly 2BHank x Reader Fluff
2BHank with a Burnt-Out!Reader
With a Cute!Reader
With a Reader who does Handcrafts
With an Insecure!S/O
Comforting His S/O After a Breakdown
With a Cute!Reader
With a Reader who does Handcrafts
With an Artist!S/O
With an Insecure!S/O
Comforting His S/O After a Breakdown
With a Cute!Reader
Poly 2BHank x Reader Fluff
2BHank with a Burnt-Out!Reader
With an Employer!S/O
Falling Asleep at His Desk
Reassuring His Transmasc!S/O
Reader Worrying About Him
With a Clingy!Transmasc!Reader
White Hank:
With a Tsundere!Reader
White Hank x Reader HCs
Some More White Hank x Reader HCs
White Hank x Reader: Fluff Edition
With a Tsundere!Reader
With a Genderfluid!S/O
With an Artist!S/O
With an S/O with Severe Anxiety
With an S/O who Likes to Bake
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