#madremonte au
argent-l-p · 10 months
Peek into the Madremonte Story
Every moment spent under the vast star filled sky and weaving between ancient, sturdy trees brought its own lessons, but life is not always serene. Though the influence of the gods left Isa to learn her world, wide eyed wonder obscuring the inevitability of how the moments of life played out in dynamic melodies, a discordant note unavoidable. It came nearly a half year after the awakening, rain coming down on the canopy and thunder rumbling off in the distance clouds taking up the entire horizon. 
(A far-flung echo of a memory so faint only the vaguest feeling brought with it the notion of contained clouds and uniform weather. A childish chant of clear blue skies and the delighted shrieks of children playing in the sun, a whisper in the cry of the wind-) 
Authors Note: I apologize for the long wait! I know its been a bit over a year, but I promise that the second part is getting done. Life sort of got in the way and classes were not kind to my free time.
The second part is about half-way done and if I am correct may end up being longer that the first half, so at least it'll be more than I usually write. Hopefully this will be a start to more to come, especially with the Empires story that I'm writing!
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What’s this burn of the jungle house AU about?👀
The burn of the jungle hearts is about Bruno leaving because of his treatment from Alma. His power was really strong because of the built-up anger and depression so he managed to split the mountains while trying to leave. This was before Mirabel was born, he was about 20 when this happened.
This caused a change in his powers and he was given the gift of nature manipulation and basically other types of magic. He walked for what seemed like hours until the candle he was holding shined very brightly and then a huge village appeared right in front of him.
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The village had no people yet so it was very quiet. He saw a rather big temple near the end of the village and decided he would sleep there.
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Before he could even walk up the stairs he heard screams and sounds of glass breaking. He could tell it was very far and wasn't quite sure how he could hear it but he didn't want to stand around.
He found a nearby town getting raided by raiders and just fire everywhere. The raiders had people tied up in groups ranging from women, men, and children. All were separated and crying for the other's embrace.
At the end of it, all Bruno saved about a hundred people and he brought them back to his place. Some of the people he saved were kind of skeptical of his physical appearance but they didn't want to say anything. Others thought he was some sort of male madremonte and were entirely grateful for his kindness. Bruno was used to this physical appearance.
These traits would always come out when he was upset. Claws, fangs, glowing eyes, and somewhat digitigrade legs. (just think of harpy Eda but make it Bruno). The wings were new but he didn't notice them at the moment.
Alma and his sisters were never aware of these traits because he was always cooped up in his room when it happened. He knew he had to inherit it from someone in his family but wasn't sure how to ask, so he didn't.
He took the villagers back to the village he created and everything started from there. In the future, he learned that he can give off his magic but it was unintentional. He can't stop it but the magic wasn't really painful so the villagers were ok with it.
But yeah, that's the au! the au will also focus on the movie as well but with more drama, angst, characters, and happy moments.
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shylittlefrogg · 1 year
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I like to think that Isabella in this Au would hide as much as possible what is most Monstrous, like her ears and teeth.
But the town is still like, half terrified by the Madremonte More a thing for superstitions than anything else
Oh yeah, and let her go completely wild once she stops pretending to be perfect.
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Madremonte au
Dolores is always pinning up Mirabel's hair in fun styles and the attention is nice until she says "ow" too many times or doesn't want to wear a certain dress.
She’s stopped protesting years ago because Dolores doesn't raise her voice but she does get mean. Her voice becomes just as cool and sharp as a blade.
Her prima knows how to make her feel small.
But it’s fine.
Mirabel likes spending time with her prima.
She likes the accessories in her hair and shopping is fun even if she has to stay quiet.
She likes being top of all the gossip even if Dolores talks at her more than to her.
She likes the dancing lessons and the fuss and the girl talk even though she has nothing to say.
She doesn’t like that Dolores may whirl on her if Camilo winds her up too much.
She doesn’t like that she's discouraged to play with the village kids because she's too old.
She doesn’t like that she had been forced to practice her accordian very very quietly when she was still learning because Dolores just couldn’t take the noise.
But her prima is like a sister to her and spends time with her willingly. All that other stuff doesn't matter when they do sleepovers and Dolores does her makeup and makes her hair as extravagant as she can.
Mirabel just wishes she could tell her prima her secret feelings. Instead she whispers it to the never wilting flower on her windowsill when she's sure no one can hear.
For you @c-rose2081
Related stories; 1,2,3
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worrmbucket · 2 years
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Madremonte AU fanart!
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chickinu · 2 years
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@c-rose2081  Pretty much all your AUs are taking over my life and I do not mind whatsoever so like...I hope u don’t mind being @’d randomly by me cause hyperfixation go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
But for now, I offer u a quik doodle of smol Madremonte Mirable!
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mireyadc · 3 years
Know who you are - (Madremonte AU)
Just a short video, animatic type, of an idea that would explode if I didn't get it out of my mind.
After reading about the Madremonte AU by @c-rose2081 on Tumblr, certain phrases that Luisa said remind me a bit of Moana and how Mirabel felt attracted to the jungle although everyone said that it was dangerous and ended up going there to seek help i prevent your home from being destroyed; the concept of Madremonte which, in a way, is like a Colombian version of Tefiti...
My mind connects points very quickly and I couldn't help but imagine some scenes. I don't know if what I did would fit the plot exactly, but I had to get it out.
At first I was just going to make a sketch, then I decided to make several and ended up making this video.
I hope you like it.
En español tras el corte:
Solo un pequeño video, tipo animatic, de una idea que si no sacaba de mi mente explotaba.
Después de leer sobre el Madremonte AU de @c-rose2081 en Tumblr, ciertas frases que decía Luisa me recordaros un poco a Moana y como Mirabel se sentía atraída a la selva aunque todos decían que esa peligrosa y termina por adentrarse allí mara buscar ayuda i evitar que su hogar se destruya; el concepto de Madremonte que, en cierto modo, es como una versión colombiana de Tefiti...
Mi mente enlaza puntos muy rápido y no pude evitar imaginarme algunas escenas. No se si lo que hice encajaría con la trama exactamente, pero debía sacarlo fuera.
Al principio solo iba a hacer un boceto, luego decidí hacer varios y terminé haciendo este video.
Espero que os guste.
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
For thr Madremonte AU:
How protective of Mirabel is Isabela, if she is at all?
Very. Very. Protective. Obviously Isabela doesn’t leave the forest so she keeps tabs on Mirabel from the shadows, and visits the nursery window at night in order to check in. But she has a very keen sense of smell, and really ruffles up if she smells a stranger near/on Mirabel’s clothing.
Eventually she comes to recognize what the family smells like, so it gets even worse when it really is a total stranger, or someone Mira doesn’t usually hang around with regularly.
The first time Isabela smelled the cologne of a young man on her sisters blouse she was not a happy forest deity.
He had rashes all over his body the next morning from poisonous foliage that mysteriously sprouted in his bed.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
BatB AU: what cryptids/myths are the Madrigals now? For Isabela, I'd like to suggest la Madremonte. It's basically the Colombian mother nature myth(I think). And moths have wicked hearing so maybe moth girl for Dolores? It maybe something bat-related, since they're sharp-eared too. Minotaur for Luisa? She's probably one of the more docile ones... How wild is everyone? And how friendly?
Ok the ones you have so far are good! So. Yeah.
Someone before mention Antonio would be a chimera of sorts so there’s his :))) Camilo, maybe a kitsune of some kind, seeing that those creatures can shapeshift pretty freely. Pepa is some sort of cloud being, with her emotions basically affected her body and the surrounding area. She’s literally made of clouds. Fèlix is sort of like a sun/light being??? Can’t look at the dude for too long,especially when he’s super happy,he’s way too bright. I don’t know sun and clouds are so cool though.
Julieta is some kind of. Frankenstein like being??? Stark contrast to her gift, but I love irony. Undead/Stiched together healer haha. Agustín, idk why but that mfs gives me swamp monster vibes. Why you ask?? He’s always tripping over stuff, and if he was covered in vines/seaweed, swamp material etc etc, he’d be trippin over that too.
Bruno is. Idk. A yeti mix. Shiiiii with those mfs living in the mountains and Bruno being a little distant (but not as much as before,only a tad bit;he feels like heshould’ve saw this family, but the family assures him it’s not his fault…except for Alma, she plays victim card a little too much in this AU…) idk 😭😭😭I’m clueless on Alma 💀💀
As for the more wild ones, def Camilo, Antonio and possibly even Agustín. Antonio and Camilo for obvious reasons, Agustín cause he can’t not move, and he somehow always ends up in the most random places. No one knows how, he just does. Kinda freaks them out but they can’t do much about it.
And like the og movie, they’re all very openly friendly to Mirabel, even Isabela. She left when she was 5, and they were cursed at that time as well. They didn’t have any kind of way to grow distant with her. Had no reason to hate her; in fact they missed her, greatly. She was always such an optimistic little girl, and the family wished that she stayed, so that even if they’re cursed, they could find some kind of hope and happiness in Mirabel, because she saw the best in everyone.
And Mirabel, while spooked first, eventually (very quickly, actually) is just as welcoming to them. One might think they would blame Mirabel for the curse but they actually blame Alma. Mirabel was 5, and Alma was the one who kicked her out, so it’s Alma’s fault. Casita is even very expressive when Mirabel is around, and if Casita likes her, the family has no reason not to like her. Alma is the only one who has a problem with Mirabel right out the gate, but it gets better over time.
They treat her like family, more than anyone outside Casita (not including Agustin’s parents). And she likes that, she knows that they didn’t mean for her to be thrown out like that. She knows they didn’t intend for her to stay out of Casita; in fact most of them had been informed that Mirabel had simply been taken out of the house for a little while, and Alma was going to put her in her own room once it was mad, til she officially announced Mirabel wasn’t gonna come back. Hence why the family is a little rocky around Alma, but they don’t objectively hate her. They’re more disappointed and upset if anything.
Can you guys tell I’m way too invested in this AU.
What hast thou wrought upon me?
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argent-l-p · 7 months
Great news!
The next part in the Madremonte AU should be coming out within the week, though i will have to make sure it's ready.
So, look out for that 🤠
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My monster Family AU
Tommy is the only human (Maybe so far, Maybe it will stay like that), What The rest are is down below, Any questions, please feel free to ask, My ask box is always open
Also Im changing the AU, this is no longer just the Dream smp, though it is still the main focus, (The real main focus is Tommy), there will, and can be other MCYT’s (example- Hermitcraft, Aphmau, DanTDM, etc.)
My Ao3, where I write more stories at about this is https://archiveofourown.org/works/28163742/chapters/69011358
Have fun
Tommy- Human
Badboyhalo- Demon
Ph1lza- God of Death/Bird hybrid
Sapnap- A Blaze hybrid
Awesamdude- Creeper centaur
Skeppy- Diamond hybrid
Quackity- A duck Shapeshifter
Antfrost- A Cat humanoid
CaptainPuffy- A Sheep hybrid/humanoid
Jschlatt- A ram hybrid/humanoid
Ranboo- Half Enderman Half ???
ConnorEatsPants- Hedgehog hybrid
Tubbo_- Bee hybrid
Dream- Dreamon
ItsFundy- A Kitsune
WilburSoot- Sirens
lazarbeam- Gingerbread hybrid
Nihachu- mermaid
Callahan- reindeer hybrid
Wispexe- fairy hybrid
Purpled- Alien
Georgenotfound- mushroom Vampire
The_Eret- Medusa (male Version)
KarlJacobs- Werewolf
Punz- Typhon
Pokimane- Madremonte
Ponk- Ghost
Vikkstar123- dragon hybrid
Jack- Robot
~List will be updated when more MCYT shows up~
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That's why her hair's so big
(Related to this and has a sequel)
It was time for Mirabel to make a delivery into town and Camilo is sticking close. Abuela had layed into him for his latest excursion in the town and he was still cringing from the scolding talking about how unfair it was.
Personally Mirabel thought that Camilo could be a little mean and didn't know when to stop but the last time she had said that when they were kids he had cried so she kept it to herself.
Mirabel loved her primo though. She remembered her Quince which wasn't too long ago, she had felt like a princess. 
It was one of the few times Dolores had let her choose her own dress. Her prima did her makeup and braided her hair beautifully around her tiara. 
When Roberto who was a known heartbreaker asked her to dance she agreed. When he had gone in for a kiss (she wouldn't have minded if he had asked first) Camilo was on him completely. He ripped Roberto away and threw him on the ground and they started to tussle.
Privately that was the cherry on top for the party. She had wanted the kiss because Maya from her class had told her that you officially become a lady on your Quince when you got a kiss. (Mirabel later found out that was a lie) But she much preferred the adrenaline when the adults separated the two.
Abuela was mad but Tío Felix had cracked up. Camilo didn't get in any real trouble and the party lasted till 2am.
Mirabel was done with the party a lot sooner than that but it still remains her favorite birthday.
Her and Camilo were close and she wanted to comfort him but not right now.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm making a delivery to Señor Lopez."
Mirabel quickly made out of the house, her headache sharpening from both Dolores's words and her hands.
Sometime when Mirabel turned 13 Dolores had decided she was old enough to keep secrets.
Real secrets.
Mirabel hadn’t thought about just how much Dolores kept to herself until her prima started telling her things she'd never told anyone.
It came out in a rush like she just couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Now every once in a while Dolores will pull Mirabel aside and tell her things she'd never repeat. Awful things about her neighbors and nasty words that would never pass her lips.
To make up for the time, Dolores would do her hair. The juicier the secret the more ostentatious the hairstyle.
Dolores would take out her box of accessories and whatever she stuck in Mirabel’s hair was hers to keep.
“Never repeat this to anyone.” Dolores would whisper as she tightly braided Mirabel’s hair as if to physically force the words into her skull.
Earlier that morning Dolores had pulled her to the side and whispered a vile secret about the Lopez’s and adorned Mirabel’s hair with jeweled butterfly clips.
The interlocking cornrows ached and the metal decorations were heavy on her head, but not as heavy as the secret.
After a particularly foul secret that landed a genuine gold hair pin in Mirabel’s possession, Dolores asked if Mirabel wanted to stop.
Stop the fancy hairstyles, stop the pseudo gifts, stop the secret girl time.
Mirabel had said no.
Though it made her ears prick with shame, Mirabel was not above gossip or special attention.
Mirabel did not want Camilo to see that she couldn’t look any of the Lopez family in the eye.
“Ah, Mirabel, your hair looks lovely.”
 You wouldn’t say that if you knew what it took to get it
That night Mirabel carefully placed her “illicit good” into a steadily filling jewelry box and hid it behind her dresser to join her multiple others.
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worrmbucket · 2 years
In reference to this post
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Which mythical creatures would your kids be?
Oo good question
Orange: Arachne (Do you know abt her?)
Eryn: Dames Blanches (look it up)
Anny: Yee Naaldlooshiit (look it up)
Erin: Herne the Hunter (look it up)
El: You are a cryptid
Ty: Basilisk (look it up if you don't know it already)
Curt: La Guita Xica (look it up)
Cecil: Black dog (look up what it symbolizes, then think of the percy Jackson au)
Moss: Drop bear (look it up)
Lawyer: Madremonte (look it up)
Beta: Draugr (look it up)
Ash: Vodnik (look it up)
Ren: Wendigo or Şūräle (look em up)
Hika: Ammit (look it up)
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mireyadc · 2 years
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Drawing The Jungle Creature - (Madremonte AU)
Otro fanart de uno de los AUs de @c-rose2081.
Esta vez dibujé M!Isa como me la imagino con todas las descripciones que he leído y los dibujos que he visto. También hice el diario de campo donde Mirabel estudiaría a la criatura de la selva y la dibujaría.
Espero que os guste.
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English translation and journal without drawings:
Another fanart of one of @c-rose2081's AUs.
This time I drew M!Isa as I picture her with all the descriptions I've read and drawings I've seen. I also did the field journal where Mirabel would study the jungle creature and draw it.
I hope you like it.
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c-rose2081 · 2 years
By the time the miracle fails and Casita falls Isa would have been able to feel her connection to the gift fluctuate and knowing this, she would have raced towards Casita to find Mirabel. Just as Casita came crashing down, she would have leapt over the walls, tackled her sister and curling over and around her in an effort to protect her from the falling debris.
When the dust clears, there are Mirabel and Isa. Mirabel made of beautiful marble like stone is being cradled against her sisters chest, who is made of the twisting wood of the jungle trees her body took after; both of them nestled in the hollow of the tree that grew in the final moments of the candle. Isabela's roots are firmly embedded into the cracked stone center of the courtyard. Both of them perfectly and beautifully preserved within the protective casing of what should have been a wonderful blessing.
The tree and the statues cradled within are used as the center to the rebuilt Casita. Of course this takes time, as the family needs to have a serious re-evaluation of what happened and to grieve two more family members.
When the magic returns the tree blooms, and from inside the darkened hollow, Mirabel and Isabela wake up.
The visual of the statue and the tree was 100% what I was going for with this direction, as I wanted Mirabel’s curse to both be familiar, yet different then the one given to Isabela.
I can just imagine the grief Julieta must feel, seeing the likeness of her eldest etched so carefully into the trees, cradling her youngest who nearly died to protect them all.
Yes please. Would love a visual on this one.
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