skyclan — year twelve — allegiances
leader: mintstar (8y). pretty she-cat.
deputy: mistfeather (5y). mangy, ragged grey tom.
seer: cloudwing (5y). dark grey tom with amber eyes.
plumwillow (8y). fluffy, small, scrawny, dark grey she-cat with amber eyes and rough fur.
rabbitleap (8y). bulky, large, intimidating, short-furred brown tom with amber eyes, a torn ear, hunting skills, and a knowledge of herbs.
birdwing (6y). she-cat with green eyes.
sandynose (6y). huge, stocky brown tom with ginger legs. (apprentice: willowpaw)
hurricanetail (5y). she-cat with pale brown tabby patches and teal eyes.
silverberry (5y). small white she-cat with tabby patches.
madronesun (5y). small, reddish-brown she-cat.
birchtail (5y). large, mottled gold tom with white paws and hazel eyes.
sprucefrost (4y). muscular, dusty red tom with white paws and hazel eyes. (apprentice: hailpaw)
bayclaw (4y). small brown she-cat with amber eyes. (apprentice: tigerpaw)
pineface (4y). golden she-cat with hazel eyes.
echostripe (3y). scrawny, striped she-cat with a pale undercoat and gold eyes.
needleshine (3y). she-cat with long fur.
ridgeshine (3y). graceful, brown tom with white paws and hazel eyes.
shadeflight (3y). tom with long fur and green eyes.
trailpool (3y). black tom with amber eyes.
fringewhisker (3y). stocky white she-cat with brown splotches.
nectarsong (3y). stocky she-cat.
palesky (3y). white she-cat.
tree (3y). small, muscular, bright yellow tom with six toes on one of his paws.
hawkwing (2y). big, sturdy, and sleek-furred, dark tabby tom with yellow eyes.
pebbleshine (2y). sleek and pale, brown-speckled white she-cat with green eyes. (apprentice: thriftpaw)
snipfang (2y). tiny she-cat.
dewspring (1y). sturdy grey tom.
reedclaw (1y). small tabby she-cat.
violetshine (1y). small white she-cat with black splotches and yellow eyes. she has glossy fur, and wide paws.
tinycloud (8y). small, pretty, slight-framed, white she-cat with deep blue eyes and thick, smooth fur. (kits: quailkit, sunnykit)
bellaleaf (4y). she-cat with a chin that tapers to a point. (kit: wrenkit)
cherrytail (9y). small, sleek and pale, brown-speckled white she-cat with green eyes. (kits: antlerkit, creamkit, greykit, palekit, pinekit, sandkit, wormkit)
sparrowpelt (9y). brown tom.
sagenose (8y). pale grey tom with a knowledge of herbs, missing his left eye.
nettlesplash (8y). handsome, pale brown tom with green eyes.
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skyclan — year eleven — allegiances
leader: mintstar (7y). grey tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
deputy: mistfeather (4y). grey tom.
seer: cloudwing (4y). small, thick-pelted, graceful, plump, dark tom with a white chest.
clovertail (11y). soft-furred light she-cat with a white underbelly and legs and green eyes.
cherrytail (8y). brown speckled she-cat with green eyes.
tinycloud (7y). small, slight framed she-cat with blue eyes and smooth fur.
plumwillow (7y). scrawny, mangy, dark grey she-cat with amber eyes and rough fur.
rabbitleap (7y). bulky, large, intimidating, short-furred tom with amber eyes, a torn ear, hunting skills, and a knowledge of herbs.
birdwing (5y). she-cat with green eyes. (apprentice: violetpaw)
sandynose (5y). huge, stocky, brown tom.
silverberry (4y). white she-cat with brown tabby patches and teal eyes.
madronesun (4y). brown she-cat with white paws.
birchtail (4y). large, mottled tom with white paws and amber eyes.
sprucefrost (3y). dusty tom.
bellaleaf (3y). thickset she-cat.
bayclaw (3y). small brown she-cat with amber eyes.
pineface (3y). huge, sturdy, golden-red she-cat with hazel eyes.
echostripe (2y). scrawny, striped calico she-cat with gold eyes.
fernsun (2y). dark tom with orange eyes.
needleshine (2y). lithe she-cat with long fur and hazel eyes.
ridgeshine (2y). graceful tom.
shadeflight (2y). tom with long fur and pale eyes. (apprentice: dewpaw)
trailpool (2y). black tom with white freckles and amber eyes.
fringewhisker (2y). stocky white she-cat with brown splotches.
palesky (2y). black and white she-cat.
nectarsong (2y). stocky she-cat. (apprentice: reedpaw)
tree (2y). small tom with amber eyes.
hawkwing (1y). big tom.
parlseyseed (1y). dark tabby tom.
pebbleshine (1y). sleek and pale white she-cat.
snipfang (1y). tiny black she-cat with a white patch on her chest.
hurricanetail (4y). white she-cat with pale brown patches. (kit: cariboukit)
sparrowpelt (8y). dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes.
sagenose (7y). small grey tom, missing his left eye.
nettlesplash (7y). handsome tom.
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skyclan — year ten — allegiances
leader: mintstar (6y).
deputy: mistfeather (3y). (apprentice: hawkpaw)
seer: cloudwing (3y).
clovertail (10y).
cherrytail (7y).
tinycloud (6y).
sagenose (6y). (apprentice: pebblepaw)
plumwillow (6y). (apprentice: blossompaw)
rabbitleap (6y). (apprentice: hazepaw)
honeytail (4y). (apprentice: parsleypaw)
sandynose (4y).
hurricanetail (3y).
silverberry (3y).
cascaraheart (3y).
madronesun (3y).
birchtail (3y).
sprucefrost (2y).
bellaleaf (2y).
rileypool (2y).
twlightfall (2y).
bayclaw (2y).
pineface (2y).
echostripe (1y).
fernsun (1y).
needleshine (1y).
ridgeshine (1y).
shadeflight (1y).
trailpool (1y).
fringewhisker (1y).
palesky (1y).
nectarsong (1y).
tree (1y).
birdwing (4y). (kit: snipkit)
sparrowpelt (7y).
nettlesplash (6y).
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skyclan — year eight — greenleaf
tracepaw dies.
baypaw and pinepaw are apprenticed to birdwing and sagenose. yarrowkit dies.
ashkit and thriftkit die.
madronesun and mistfeather have seven kits:
birchkit: brown tom with long fur.
conekit: tom with a white chest.
moosekit: black she-cat with a spot under her chin.
needlekit: pale she-cat with hazel eyes.
ridgekit: tom with white paws and hazel eyes.
shadekit: black tom with long fur.
trailkit: tom with amber eyes.
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skyclan — year seven — leaffall
cascaraheart and madronesun become warriors.
larchpaw dies.
breezepaw and sprucepaw are apprenticed to sunbrook and rabbitleap.
orangekit, blackkit, and hazekit die.
bella & riley's family got erased so i just folded them in as clanborn cats.
bellakit is born to cherrytail and sharpstar.
birdwing and sagenose have five kits, glazekit (dark she-cat with orange eyes), ricekit (pale tom with long fur and gold eyes), rileykit, slugkit (she-cat with long fur and orange eyes), and twilightkit (massive black she-cat with gold eyes).
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skyclan — year seven — newleaf
thriftbloom dies.
birdwing becomes a warrior. yes it took that long.
hurricanetail, mistfeather, needledawn, and silverberry become warriors.
cascarapaw, cloudpaw, and madronepaw are apprenticed to rabbitleap, echosong, and sagenose.
vanillakit and windkit die.
tinycloud has four kits: breezekit (cat with white paws and hazel eyes), orangekit (red tom with stripes and hazel eyes), pinekit (dark grey calico she-cat with gold eyes), and sprucekit (red tom with white paws and hazel eyes).
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skyclan — year six — leaffall
a pretty eventful season actually!
honeytail becomes a warrior.
hurricanepaw, mistpaw, needlepaw, and silverpaw are apprenticed to thriftbloom, rabbitleap, sagenose, and sharpstar.
plumwillow has six kits, cascarakit (blind she-cat), cloudkit (small, thick-pelted, dark grey tom with a white chest and amber eyes), madronekit (she-cat with white paws), swampkit (small black she-cat with yellow eyes), vanillakit (black she-cat with green eyes), and windkit (black and white she-cat with yellow eyes).
what, it's busy for them.
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skyclan — year nine — greenleaf
ricestorm dies. i try not to pull my hair out because it took so damn long.
needleshine, shadeflight, and trailpool become warriors.
aspenpaw, birchpaw, hemlockpaw, hickorypaw, and larchpaw are apprenticed to madronesun, cloudwing, silverberry, sandynose, and honeytail.
duskkit dies.
tinycloud has two kits, parsleykit and pebblekit. fringepaw is reapprenticed to sharpstar.
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skyclan — year eight — allegiances
leader: sharpstar (6y). dark tabby tom.
deputy: mintfur (4y). tabby she-cat. (apprentice — breezepaw)
seer: echosong (5y). small grey tabby she-cat with a white chest. (apprentice — cloudpaw)
clovertail (8y). soft-furred light brown she-cat with a white underbelly and legs and green eyes.
tinycloud (4y). small, pretty, slight-framed, white she-cat with deep blue eyes and thick, smooth fur.
sagenose (4y). grey tom, missing an eye.
plumwillow (4y). fluffy, scrawny, mangy, dark grey she-cat with rough fur. (apprentice — tracepaw)
rabbitleap (4y). bulky, large, intimidating, short-furred brown tom with amber eyes, a torn ear, and a knowledge of herbs. (apprentice — sprucepaw)
honeytail (2y). she-cat with green eyes.
sandynose (2y). huge, light brown tom with ginger legs.
hurricanetail (1y). she-cat with pale patches.
mistfeather (1y). skinny tom.
silverberry (1y). white she-cat with pale brown tabby patches and teal eyes.
windfern (1y). pale orange tom with stripes, darker legs and tail, and teal eyes.
madronesun (1y). reddish-brown she-cat with copper eyes.
birchtail (1y). large, mottled gold tom.
cherrytail (5y). sleek, brown-speckled white she-cat. (kit — bellakit)
birdwing (2y). she-cat with a lighter muzzle and green eyes. (kits — ricekit, rileykit, twilightkit)
cascaraheart (1y). (kits — baykit, pinekit, yarrowkit)
sparrowpelt (5y). dark brown tom with yellow eyes.
nettlesplash (4y). handsome, pale brown tom with green eyes.
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skyclan — year eight — leaffall
rileypool and twilightfall become warriors.
echopaw, fernpaw, and hazepaw are apprenticed to hurricanetail, honeytail, and rabbitleap.
birchkit and moosekit die.
mintfur has four kittens: fringekit, gravelkit, nectarkit, and palekit. since she's deputy (god i hope we get a mintstar), madronesun is now looking after nine kits.
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skyclan — year nine — allegiances
leader: sharpstar (7y).
deputy: mintfur (5y). (apprentice: needlepaw)
seer: cloudwing (2y). (apprentice: ricepaw)
clovertail (9y).
cherrytail (6y). (apprentice: ridgepaw)
tinycloud (5y).
sagenose (5y).
plumwillow (5y). (apprentice: conepaw)
rabbitleap (5y). (apprentice: hazepaw)
birdwing (3y). (apprentice: shadepaw)
honeytail (3y). (apprentice: fernpaw)
sandynose (3y).
hurricanetail (2y). (apprentice: echopaw)
mistfeather (2y).
silverberry (2y).
cascaraheart (2y).
madronesun (2y).
birchtail (2y). (apprentice: trailpaw)
breezesong (1y).
sprucefrost (1y).
bellaleaf (1y).
rileypool (1y).
bayclaw (1y).
pineface (1y).
fringekit (1s).
gravelkit (1s).
nectarkit (1s).
twilightfall (1y). (kits: aspenkit, birchkit, hemlockkit, hickorykit, larchkit)
sparrowpelt (6y).
nettlesplash (5y).
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