#maeve connor
ginbrucobooks · 30 days
Good morning my ass
Johnny’s Point of View
Ring. Ring. Ring. I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm. 5:45 Ring. Ring. Ring. I stretched out my arm and stopped it. I was too sore. There was no way I was able to go the gym today. Screw it, I’m sleeping in today.
I slept for another couple of hours when suddenly a huge weight was thrown on me and I opened my eyes. What the fuck?
“Wake up. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and big brothers are out to kill me.” Gibsie sang while on top of me.
“Get off me, ya little gobshite.” I screamed. “We’re leaving in a couple hours, I want to sleep.”
“No can do, Joey the hurler texted me and told me to get my pretty bottom over there.” He stated.
“Then tell him you’re busy and you’ll be coming by later.” I replied exhausted. I looked at the alarm clock once again. 9:12 God, why me?
“I’m already on thin ice with this lad, I have no intention of giving him any other reason to beat me up, not after yesterday.” He gave me a glance. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you still haven’t told me what happened.”
“I did tell you what happened.” I retorted.
“You gave me a generic excuse.” He pointed out.
“It was a generic occurrence.” I tried. “You know that girl can’t stand me.”
“She’s not a fan of you because she thought you meant to hurt her cousin.” Gibsie reminded me. “And you know she wanted to apologise to you.”
“Then you had to go and ruin it by doing whatever it is that you did.” He concluded. “I wanted her to join our friend group.”
“You’ve been obsessing over that girl ever since you met her last week.” I wondered. “Do you like her?”
“What? No.” He declared. “You know I only have eyes for Claire-Bear.”
“Like that has stopped you from screwing half the female population at Tommen.” I rolled my eyes.
“I have no intention of screwing your sunshine, rest assured.” Gibsie emphasised. “And I didn’t meet her last week, I met her last November at Biddies, during one of the parties you refused to go to.”
“You did?” I asked. “How?”
“Some lad from her school got a little rapisty and I had to drag him off her.” He explained. “Patrick was there too that night, he helped me beat the guy up, though I doubt Maeve remembers him, she looked pretty shaken up.”
“What?” I was seeing red. “Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“Because she made it known to me, in no uncertain terms, that she didn’t want anyone minding her business.” He spoke. “Also, you didn’t even know her name back then. It’s not like I go around telling you of every maiden I save.”
“Every maiden you save?” I gave him a glare.
“There are quite a few of those.” He grinned.
“Who was it?” I questioned him. He knew immediately what I was referring to.
“Paul Rice, apparently Lynchy stole his girlfriend and he wanted to get back at him by fucking his sister.” He exclaimed disgusted. “After a few punches he spilled everything. Don’t worry he got back home with a broken nose and more than a few bruises.”
“Does her brother know about this?” I rubbed my chin.
“I doubt it.” He sighed. “If he did, Paul Rice would be six feet under right now. That lad doesn’t take kindly to someone messing with his family.”
“Alright, get off me.” I pushed Gibsie. “We’re going to Maeve’s house. Tell me the address.”
And maybe we were stopping by Biddies on our way there.
“Why are you making that face.” Gibsie got off the bed.
“What face?” I rolled my eyes.
“Your scary face.” He commented.
“I don’t have a scary face.” I protested.
“Yes, you do.” He responded. “You’re making it right now.”
“Just get ready, Gibs. We’re heading out in fifteen minutes.” I told him and motioned for him to get out of my room so I could prepare.
“You’re not going to kill anyone are you?” He asked.
“No, Gibs.” I assured him. “I don’t even know where the lad lives. I’m just going to make sure he’s not going to bother Maeve again.”
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I feel like Sex Education deserves more credit. Although the ending was sad and bittersweet, I still do believe that it was the perfect epilogue. It started as an high school tv series with teenagers and their self discovery journey and now that they've all grown up, the themes are so mature and profound like abuse, grief, mental health, disability, self acceptance, feeling safe in their own communities and letting people and feelings go.
I personally loved Aimee's healing journey and how she decided to cope with the feelings lingering after the abuse, I get that it takes power in owning our own hurt. Most of all I deeply appreciated that Maeve went back to America to finish her course. She deserved to get on with a better life.
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iconsrequestsworld · 9 months
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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fishyyyyy99 · 9 months
I actually liked the way Otis and Maeve's story ended (I say this as someone who has shipped them since season 1). My only problem is that I feel like there weren't special moments between them like there used to be in season 1, or sometimes in season 2, that would have made their break up feel more impactful. I feel like Aimee and Maeve's relationship ended up outshining them, and even Isaac's small moment with Maeve this season felt like more of a connection than Otis had with her this season. I definitely loved what Maeve shared with Aimee and Isaac and would not change a thing. But, I would also add awesome Motis moments like we got when the show first came out. But I feel like the letter sort of made up for all the bullshit that went down between them and explained why she loved him. I still would have preferred if there were some season 1-like moments though.
Also, I didn't really like Ruby's last scene with Otis. I think it was a sign that she was putting herself first instead choosing to hang out with Otis when she clearly wasn't over him, which was good. But I wish the dialogue had been different. Or maybe I've completely misinterpreted the scene?
I actually quite liked this season overall for all of the characters, especially Maeve, Aimee, Ruby, Isaac, and Eric. I think Adam's arc was good too, he was just never my personal favourite.
Also, did anyone else expect that Molloy dude to steal Maeve's work? And a book from Maria Bronte's perspective sounds really interesting to me.
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263adder · 2 years
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Is there anyone left for the next season of Sex Education?
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veneredirose · 9 months
hello everyone!! i just finished the last season of sex education, so here i am making a review.
the first two or three episodes were boring af, i literally enjoyed only the scenes where Adam, Jackson or Ruby appeared. let me say that i can barely stand Otis, Maeve and Eric, so i didn’t enjoyed that much half of the season (lmao) so i’m not gonna mention them, i just want to say that they’re all been so selfish and didn’t care about their loved ones: Otis was too much into becoming the only educator in school, Maeve was focused on staying in america and the funeral of her mom, and Eric was too focused on being accepted into the popular group; but anyway, let’s move on: i liked a lot how they handled the relationship between Adam and his family, in fact i cried watching every scene where Adam was in (yes i’m a bit ashamed ahah). another thing i liked was the personage of Jackson: he was always there for Viv, he tried his best to protect her. but i didn’t like how they handled the situation with Cal, it was like he was so distant and he didn’t care at all about them, it was sad to watch. the personage of Ruby had a lot of potential, but they decided to put her aside and give her the role of “manager” which was very marginal for the story. the new personages were so useless, except for the deaf girl; yeah i mean, they had a role, but idk they didn’t convinced me at all. another thing that didn’t convinced me at all was the school, i mean, where do you find a so perfect institute? and how come that the only problem is the elevator that is not working? please tell me where LOL :) it was definitely too much perfect and visionary. the last words are for the personage of Jean, she’s been everybody’s mom for a while, and i’m so happy that she find the power to ask for help, and her sister too, finally they can be together and be happy and have therapy!!! that’s amazing.
i guess i’ll miss every personage of this series a little bit, but their journey went too far away for me, this is the perfect final for them, nothing has to change.
if you are still reading, thank you! i hope you like my review, see you next time :) -jus
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talknerdytome18 · 3 months
AGGGTM One of Us is Lying AU
Hear me out... AGGGTM One of Us is Lying AU. I've only read the books so any change that happens in the show isn't taken into account.
Bronwyn Rojas: Pippa Fitz-Amobi
Nate Macauley: Ravi Singh
Cooper Clay: Connor Reynolds
Addy Prentiss: Lauren Gibson
Simon Kelleher: Max Hastings
Maeve Rojas: Josh Amobi
Jake Riordan: Ant Lowe
Keely Soria: Stella Chapman (Pip's classmate from book 2 who had her pictures used for Layla Mead)
TJ Forrester: Tom Nowak (Lauren's ex who broke up with her during book 1.)
Kris: Zach Chen
Janae Vargas: Either Naomi Ward or Millie Simpson (Millie was in Sal's friend group if you don't remember)
Thoughts? I just thought about how Pipravi are so Natewyn coded and ran with it. - Em
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scorbleeo · 8 months
TV Series Discussion: Sex Education
Season 4 (2023)
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Source: Google Images
Insecure Otis has all the answers when it comes to sex advice, thanks to his therapist mother. So rebel Maeve proposes a school sex-therapy clinic.
Source: Netflix (2019)
Absolutely Brilliant
I'll be honest here, I started watching this season with expectations of disappointment only because I knew the one couple I was rooting for was not endgame. That being said, I had no idea what I was going to get from Sex Education's final season.
In this last season, we got some really good stories which ultimately led to great character growth. Some were simply briefly touched on, like Jean's postnatal depression, Jackson finding out the truth behind his sperm donor, Ruby finally figuring out her true identity (kind of), and Viv's experience with an abusive man.
Whereas some took practically the entire show (not just this season) to get an ending. Like Aimee finally being able to recover from her assault, or Cal's struggle to become who they truly were. We also had Otis realising what issues he had and how deep they were rooted. This season also showed us Maeve and exactly how thick the wall she built around herself truly was.
Some of these stories, I particularly enjoyed watching the characters learn and grow from them. Some, really annoyed me. For example, I was never in love with the idea of Maeve and Otis being endgame. As time went on, I just preferred them as friends instead of a couple. As friends, they brought out the good in each other. As a couple, it always felt like Maeve's just holding onto Otis's leash. And I hated how Otis forsaked anybody and everybody once Maeve was around. If you'd watched this season, you could see how bad of a friend, a son and a campaign party he was once Maeve was back in his life. I still don't like the idea of them being a couple but seeing how deep-rooted their individual issues were, it made sense why I always thought them together romantically was problematic but I am not opposed to them coming back together in the far future. Probably why Sex Education's finale struck a chord in my heart, one I did not expect to be struck. Way to go, ambiguous endings.
Now, Adam has been one of my favourite people in this show since he showed his vulnerable side which automatically meant Michael's not exactly likeable. Michael was a toxic father and husband, nobody can object to that. And when Adam told Michael off and finally articulated his unhappiness with his father, I was so proud of my dear boy. However, it's the part where Michael said he doesn't hate Adam, he hates himself. That part made me so happy because not only was Michael fully acknowledging he was a bad parent and husband, he also finally gave Adam clarity. My boy has struggled too much and although I hate that he is no longer with Eric, I am absolutely elated Adam's in such a better place both physically and mentally.
Which brings me to my favourite character growth in this season. Eric freaking Effiong. I never thought this person needed more development, then this season came and I was utterly proven wrong. However, it's his story that warmed my heart. I don't think enough people talk about what Eric was going through in season 4. It's something everybody knows, regardless of which side we're on. Yet, we never talk about it or in some cases, act on it. The dilemma, the identity crisis, the forlornness that people like Eric suffer from... It opened my eyes bigger, I was aware before, I am just even more aware now.
Sex Education actually got better as the seasons went on. And season 4 was an excellent finale to it. I know it's not a show for everyone but I think it should be.
Before I say farewell to Sex Education once and for all, I went back to read my reviews for seasons 2 and 3. And wow, my thoughts each season really go back and forth. (Sarcastically) I love the fact that none of my wishes for season 4 happened, at all.
Rating: ★★★★☆
P.S.: I did not realise how much I liked the secondary school teachers until they had that small appearance.
More on Sex Education here: Season 2 | Season 3
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mytvjunk · 1 year
Sex Education Star Ncuti Gatwa Leaving After Season 4
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screenzealots · 9 months
"Joan Baez I Am Noise"
A fully immersive, all-access pass into the entire private life of the legendary 60s folk music artist and activist.
Director trio Miri Navasky, Maeve O’Boyle, and Karen O’Connor’s’s documentary “Joan Baez I Am Noise” is a fascinating, poignant, and detailed portrait of a legendary folk artist coming to terms with the end of her celebrated musical career. At 82 years old, Baez can still sting, but she understands that her voice isn’t the same as it once was. This has led her to officially retire from the stage…
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maysmoviesss · 1 year
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sex education (2019 tv series)
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ginbrucobooks · 6 days
Maeve's Point of View
The bus was pretty empty, probably because it was Sunday morning and most people were sleeping in. Having nothing else to do, considering I didn't think to bring my earphones with me yesterday, I just stared out the window the whole ride from Aoife's house to my cousins'. Since I had nothing to distract me, my mind kept going back to my earlier argument with Aoife and Casey. They're right.
A voice in the back of my head that sounded suspiciously like my mom's said. They're not safe in that house. You are not safe in that house I brushed it off. At least if they were with me, I could protect them. Who knew what would happen to them if we called the authorities. Who knew what would happen to me.
Just like the previous moments when I had been in doubt, I clang to the last memory I had of my eldest cousin, Darren. The last request he made to me before he abandoned us and never looked back, when I was only eleven.
"Hey there, Mae-Mae." My cousin smiled at me.
"Hey Dar-Dar." I beamed back.
Today was my first day at the last year of primary school, and Joey's first day of secondary school. Lately life wasn't so bad. Uncle Teddy said he would try to get sober. Aunt Marie had bought me a brand new diary to use for school. Darren told me he was going to a college near us. Joey said that he is probably going to get the call up for hurling in the next few months. Tadhg was more upbeat than usual and Ollie looked more relaxed. I was still sad when I thought of my family, especially Clara, but Darren said that was fine, that it was okay to miss them.
"Are you going to bring me to school today?" I asked. "I thought you were going to accompany Joey and show him the ropes."
"I am, I just wanted to talk to you a second before I left." He responded.
"Are you going to show me the ropes too?" I wondered.
"No, don't worry Joey will do that for you next year." He answered.
"What do you mean, aren't you going to accompany me too next year?" I inquired. I wanted Darren to accompany me. He was my special person. Just like Shannon was Joey's and Ollie was Tadhg's.
I loved all my cousins, but I had a soft spot for Dar-Dar and I knew he had one for me. He was the only one who got to call me by a nickname. No one else got that privilege.
"Of course." Darren spoke looking nervous.
"Are you okay?" I grilled him.
"Yes. I just have something to ask you." He added.
"Okay, shoot." I grinned.
"I need you to never abandon them." He told me.
"Abandon who?" I was perplexed.
"This family. You're their protector now." He declared.
"Me? But I'm not strong like Joey or you." I pointed out. If uncle Teddy decided to be bad again and turn to the drink, there was very little I could do to defend Shannon and the boys. I wasn't brave like Joey nor resilient like Shannon.
"Not like that, you have to make sure they never get separated." He tried to make me understand.
"By who?" I looked at him weirdly.
"The Gardaí." He closed his eyes and sighed. "Promise me you'll do whatever is necessary to keep them together, so that what happened to me never happens to them."
"Alright." I said to try and calm him down. He looked agitated. "I will." No one had yet told me what had happened to him. When my cousins were little and they were taken into foster care for a while I was still living with my parents. But he looked so panicked that to calm him down I would have said anything.
"You promise?" He sounded like Shannon.
"Yes, I promise." I concluded.
I was sent back to the present when the bus got near the house, and I realised I had to get up and hop off the bus unless I wanted to get off on the wrong stop.
Since I was pretty near the house, I took out my phone and texted my Aoife that I got there.
I was about to call Joey to have him open the door – I wouldn't risk ringing the doorbell and possibly waking up Teddy – when I noticed two lads waiting on my front door.
Oh come on.
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carriessotos · 10 months
tag dump! dynamics - 02.
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iconsrequestsworld · 9 months
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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fishyyyyy99 · 9 months
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dreamless-disco · 2 years
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ugh everyone’s here now
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