#mafia plot drama on top of all that too)
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❥ Choi San x fem reader
➯a/n: i've been watching waaaaay too much 1920s drama sooooooo (i went way overboard, i feel liek i wrote a movie)
✃ moll; a mobsters girl, circa 1920s
✫彡wordcount: 6.2k
(✯◡✯)(>ᴗ•)genre: 1920s mafia au, plot heavy smut
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: mentions of drugs, violence, threatening with a gun(safety was on lol), kidnapping, forced marriage, forced affection, stockholm syndrome, pregnancy, murder(not descriptive at all), NSFW; virginity loss, unprotected (NO DO THAT🫵🏻), possessiveness to the max, breeding kink
not proof read
✩ index: dope; drugs, specifically cocaine or heroin. bent; drunk. bump you off; murder. bearcat; a feisty woman. vamp; an aggressive flirt. flat-tire; a bore. punch the bag; talk. dame, doll, bunny, water-proof; a (attractive) woman. holding a torch; having a crush. get in a lather/ get lathered up; get worked up or angry. skin; condom. get a wiggle on; leave quickly.
⁂taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
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"Where's the money?"
    "That's all of it! Please, Mister-"
  The echoing slap across the room makes you cringe from your hiding place in the pantry. It's nothing new. Your family had been mixed up in all kinds of shenanigans and you had witnessed a great deal of them. But it always hurts when they come back to haunt you.
      You cup your hand over your mouth to muffle your scared breath, trying desperately put your mind in a better place. Anywhere but here.
   "I gave you more than enough time. Don't you think?"
   "Nobodies buying, please Mr. Choi! You have to understand, I tried. I went from corner to corner to corner," your older brother pleads.
    He isn't lying either. The drugs that the mafia had provided him to sell- well, they weren't selling. No body had the money. If they did, they only bought the smallest amount and resold it at a higher price.
    It wasn't his fault the country was in a depression.
     "It- I still have the dope stored away! Just in the back shed, you can have it back! May-maybe someone up North can have better lu-ah!"
     A dull thud.
     And another.
    And another.
     A crash. Your brothers body hitting the floor no doubt.
     "You gon' tell me how to peddle my own product now? I don't think so! Are you bent? Huh?" His voice gets louder with each insult hurled at your brother. "You skim a little of the top, is that it? I oughta bump you off!"
     You can't help the small gasp that exits your shaking lips, and you immediately recognize your mistake as it goes silent in the home. Only your brothers ragged breathing and the thrumming of your anxious heart reaching your ears.
    "Mr. Ch-"
   "Shut your kisser! Who's here with us?"
   "N-Nobody! No! No, no, wait-"
    Light floods the small room you've sought safety in, and that false sense of security shatters the second you see the man attached to the threatening voice.
      He's a cop.
    He's got a badge and a gun and authority. He's supposed to be someone safe. Instead, he's got knuckles blooded with your kin and a smirk on his stubbled face.
     His wide shoulders block the light, casting his silhouette over you like a storm cloud.
     You've cowered into the corner, skirt pulled over your trembling knees as you scoot further away. Wide eyes looking up at him, silently pleading.
     "Why you hidin', vamp?"
      "Please, Mr.Choi, she don't know from nothing!"
     You glance past the man -Mr.Choi- 's neat slacks, and see your brothers face messed with blood, dripping onto the floor from his nose. He's pulling himself up slowly, kneeling on the hardwood.
    "Get up," Mr.Choi nods his head at you, and you immediately follow his order, afraid to test his nerves further. "Help this goof up." You lower your head, slowly approaching the man who stays in the doorway. "Now, we ain't got all day!"
    You rush past him and kneel, wrapping your arms under his and pulling him up with a grimace, "c'mon, Bub, get up."
     The man watches you heave him up, leaning against the wall with his hand on his hip holster in case you decide to get brave. "Bub's done got you mixed up in something real risky, girl. What do you know?"
    "Don't know nothin', Mister. Mind my own." You feign some semblance of calm. You lower your brother onto a chair, and he nearly falls onto the dinner table before you catch his head. "You had to knock him on the head?"
     He chuckles, slowly stalking around the room, "don't get mouthy, Bearcat." He takes a seat at the head of the table, pointing to the chair opposite of him. "Sit."
     You lower his dizzy head to rest on the table before taking the seat he pointed to, folding your hands in your lap and lowering your head. "I never touched your dope, I don't mess with that."
    He slowly places his gun on the table, fingers lingering over it. He studies you- eyes never leaving. "How much of the beans has he spilled to you?"
     "I don't know what you mean-"
     "Oh, sure."
    You look up, and you regret floods your veins. He's sizing you up. Face completely void of emotion. Shoulders slack and relaxed like he isn't ready to shoot you at a moments notice. "Punch the bag, now. Before I shoot off your Bubs knee cap." He cocks his gun.
     "Okay! Okay, listen-" you gulp, looking back down, "all he's ever told me is that he gets some products and sells them, gives you the money and you give him a cut. That's it! That's all I know, really. Don't know where you get it or nothin'. I can keep my trap shut."
     "You don't go to the corners with him?"
     "If I show your face at the station, nobody gonna recognize you?"
    "No," you look up again, "everyone knows I'm a good girl, Officer."
     He lets out an amused chuckle, rubbing his brow. "You tugging my leg?"
     "No. I'm not a drug peddler. I'm a secretary. I volunteer at the soup kitchen. I babysit-"
     Your anxious babbling to get yourself out of your brothers trouble is interrupted when Mr.Choi, suddenly behind you, grips the back of your neck and pushes your head to the table. Your eyes meet your brothers drowsy ones, tears quickly filling up in both. "Please, she's tellin' the truth! I ain't even tell her I was selling till you called last minute! She's innocent!"
      "I don't like liars!" He shouts, making you jump under his harsh grip, "I asked you if we were alone the moment I walked in this dump! You're a little sneak, aye? How do I know you didn't hide her to gather intel on me? Get me fired and kicked out? Get yourself a little raise? How do I know she's even your sister? She could be a snake! Tell me the truth, now!"
     The cool metal of his gun touches your temple, and the sobs you've been holding back fall out of your lips loudly. "Bub, tell him!"
     "Tell me, Bub!" He mocks you, pressing the barrel deeper into the back of your head.
     "That's the truth! I sell your dope by myself and she doesn't know nothing about it! Please, she's all I have!" He's growing more and more frantic, head heavy as he lifts it to look Mr.Choi in the eyes, "I'll find a way! I'll go up North myself, I-I'll take a dimebox to Iafeild o-or," he himself is crying now, watching helplessly as he tugs you out of your chair. "Please, she's all I have!"
      He pushes you to the floor and watches you scramble, kicking your knees out from under you, albeit gently, it makes you fall face first. He lowers himself in a squat, watching you with a certain amusement you curl up on yourself. "Well why didn't you just say so!" He clips his gun back on his hip and smirks as you both let out a sigh of relief.
Mr.Choi doesn't leave just yet, however.
He straddles your back and flips you over, gripping your chin as it trembles. Pulls your face close to his and inspects you. Your tears wet his fingers. "Hmm, can't blame me for being suspicious. She's water-proof and you," he looks over at the table and chuckles, "well you're just a dog."
He stands and extends his hand for you, rolling his eyes as you ignore it. "Get up, Doll." He groans, pulling you to your feet, "go pack a bag."
"She's not goin' with you," your brothers brief bravery is shut down the second the copper reaches for his gun again, "I- I mean why?"
"You," Mr.Choi points to him, "are gonna go to Iafeild and sell all of the shit I gave you like you should have done two months ago. And she," he wraps his arm around your shoulders with a cocky grin, "is gonna be your encouragement to get me my money. If you aren't back with all of it in... three weeks, say? Little sis' here is gonna take the big sleep." He ignores you as you cry harder, simply glaring at your brother. "Capiche?"
He nods frantically, looking away as you look to him with pleading eyes. There's nothing he can do. This is bigger than him. He's got messed up with the wrong crowds and now you have to pay the price as well.
     "Put a pep in your step, clock starts tonight."
He opens the car door, watching silently as you peek your head out before your body follows.
You clutch your bag close to your chest, still sniffling and sobbing quietly. Your kitten heels click on the cement, messed curls blowing with the October winds.
"Follow me," he guides you by the small of your back, shockingly gentle with your shaking form. "Don't pull any tricks, Doll." He leads you up the stairs of the secluded farm house, opening up the screen door and ushering you in.
      "San, Finally!" A voice booms from inside the home, making you squeak. When you turn to go back out the door, you collide with Mr.Choi, who you gather must be San, 's chest. "Was starting to think- oh! Who's the dame?"
    "This," he turns you by your shoulders and tilts your head up to face the man who's descending the stairs, "is Mr. (L/n)'s sister. She's staying for a bit while her brother sorts out some business upstate." You can almost feel his smirk in the way he speaks.
      The other man, who's finally come face to face with you, seems a great deal less threatening than San.
"Tsk," he rolls his eyes at San, "sure thing, fella. You just went and found yourself a Moll."
"A Moll? Sure, she's cute but she seems a bit flat-tire, no? Not exactly the type of woman I go for."
"She's exactly the type you go for, you're trying to get her in the bag! Lost bunny is your type."
"Oh, take a hike, Hwa!"
You go back and forth looking at them in confusion as they bicker, hugging your bag to your chest tightly. You don't know what a 'Moll' is but you do know you don't want to be Mr. Chois. You simply tune them out and stare at the floor blanky, tears still flowing.
        "If you're not holding a torch, why didn't you kill him like we planned?"
    "Well-" His words die on his tongue as he looks over at you. You do look like a lost bunny. Making yourself small between them and letting your tears flow as a defense mechanism. He won't admit it, especially aloud. But you are exactly the woman he's been looking for. "Oh, hell," he pulls a blue handkerchief from his pocket and shoves it into your hand, "stop crying so much. Not gonna hurt you."
      Very hard to believe after his threats, but you try your hardest to stop the onslaught of warm tears. You wipe your face with the fabric and sniffle quietly, coming back to your own body as Seonghwa extends his hand slowly.
      "I'm Seonghwa, 'can call me Hwa if you like. I'll be lookin' after you when San here is busy. Let's get along well."
     You shake his hand gently and croak out a simple, "(Y/n)."
The rest of the day passed quickly, locked up in a bedroom while San and Hwa could still be heard downstairs, which only served to add to your anxieties. It felt as if at any second they would change their mind and come up to bump you off.
You busied yourself doing what San told you to before he locked the door behind him. 'Unpack and get cozy.' Though that latter wasn't as easy as hanging your few dresses in the oak closet and putting your hairbrush in the nightstand, awkwardly placing your products in the corner of the attached bathroom. Especially after you pieced things together.
There was an array of suits and slacks hanging in the closet. Shiny loafers on the floor. A clip of bullets in the nightstand. A roll of condoms. A stash of cash in a duffle bag on the hook behind the door. A pack of cigarettes and matches on the window sill. A bottle of cologne that smelled suspiciously like Mr. Chois car.
This was Sans room they had locked you in.
You had long took a seat on the windowsill and dangled your legs out of it, debating how badly it would hurt if you decided to fall and try to make a run for it. You came to the conclusion that it was useless. It took fourty minutes to get here from the city. The last home you passed being 20 of those away.
The lock on the door clinked loudly, and it opened slowly. You turned and looked over your shoulder, and it wasn't a surprise that San was the one you faced.
"Hungry, Doll?" He shuts the door with his foot as he carefully enters with a plate in hand. He doesn't seem alarmed by your hazardous seating choice, probably because he doesn't take you for a fool that will break their ankles trying to jump from the third story.
"No," you mutter, turning back around and facing the setting sun without another word or pleasantry his way.
"Don't let it get cold, I reheated it just for you."
"Too bad. Not hungry."
He comes behind you and rests his palms on either side of your hips, chest pressing to your back as he looks out at natures expanse. "Pretty, ain't it?"
When he doesn't get anything resembling a response, he tries again. "It's my own property. Worked in that barn everyday until I became a cop."
He's met with silence. "Plan to share it with my wife one day."
Nothing. "I know you think I'm a monster but I am just a man."
"A man who had a gun to my head..."
"A man who's just trying to survive a war and a pandemic. You'll get that one day. I don't mean no harm until harm comes for me."
A silence washes over you both for a moment.
"Will you shoot me if my brother doesn't sell all your dope?"
And again. His soft breath, your anxious ones.
"Then why am I here?"
It's his turn to be silent. He backs away from you and sits on the bed, watching you as you sit still like a statue. You watch the sun disappear like a motion picture of art. A certain peace overcoming you for the briefest moment.
"Because you will be that wife that I share with."
And peace shattered by Choi San once again.
You head snaps in his direction, falling back into the house from the windowsill with a thud. You both stare at one another. San stares with an unreadable expression. Yours of pure horror and confusion. "What?!"
"I'll drop business with your brother for good. Clear all his debt with the boys. Give him all of the cash he gets from this last... adventure. He'll be well off and so will you. I'll make a good, honest woman of you."
"Y-" Yours brain is officially thrown into a panic, an overdrive of emotions, and it all tumbles out before you can stop it. "You have to be off your rocker! You're insane! I already am a good, honest woman! Go chase yourself, I'm not marrying you- you- what? No! No!"
"You 'aven't got much choice in the matter, Doll. Don't get yourself in a lather."
"Don't get- oh, I am lathered up, Mr.Choi! I oughta smack some sense into you, demanding a girls hand in marriage like it's still 1890! It's nineteen-twen-"
He smacks the sense into you before you can to him.
"Oh God," you sob, holding your stinging cheek as tears build up in your waterline. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," you lower your head. Thinking, surely, you just dug your own grave. "Please-"
"This is exactly why I chose you," he crouches in-front of your crumpled form and tilts your head up, "a dame who appears like a lost bunny but has the soul of a beast."
You simply stare up at him, deathly afraid to move or speak in fear of letting your anger and sadness slip again.
"Got somethin' to say?"
You gulp before nodding your head in his hold.
"Go on."
"I don't w-want to marry a mobster... I don't want to be involved with dirty money! A corrupt copper..."
He chuckles softly, rubbing his thumb over your untainted cheek. "You should be thanking me, Doll... That dirty money? Been putting a roof over your head for three years. Corrupt copper? Well, he even had the decency to have the safety on his gun while pointing it at your pretty head. Mobster? Willing to put a ring on your finger and give you a nice home."
The tears start free falling as your situation fully sinks in. There really is no way out. You'll end up in the ground if you don't let him put a ring on it.
"So, I'll say it again," he grips the back of your neck, squeezing ever so slightly, "you should be thankin' me."
"T-thank you."
"Attagirl," he lets go of you completely, letting you fall back to the floor, "now eat."
He let you be that night, and you didn't see him the next morning either. It was Seonghwa who came to the door, and you didn't know if you should feel relieved or not.
"Hey, Miss," He spoke softly, staying just outside of the doorway. "I heard what happened... I'm sorry."
He seemed genuine enough. You sat down your hairbrush and turned on the small stool. Your eyes puffy and red from the lifetimes worth of crying you did last night.
"Uhm, so San wants us to go to town and pick out some fabrics for your weddin' gown. If you aren't up for it, I can pick them out myself."
"Will he be going with us?"
"No, just you and I."
You were sick and tired of smelling San every time you tried to take a deep breath, and that's how you ended up here.
It's less overwhelming than being in that farmhouse that seems to be your prison for now and for forever to come. But overwhelming nonetheless.
Hwa is talkative. But you don't mind. He treats you well. Like an equal. He doesn't talk down to you like many men do. And that, you very much appreciate.
He tells you of how he feels it's unfair you have no saying in your future, his heart is heavy with sadness that he cannot help you. And he tells that to your face. He will not help you. He is loyal to San. But that doesn't mean you can't be friends.
You seem to share life stories with one another the entire car ride there. And then he already feels like an old friend as he holds up fabrics to your skin to see which compliments you best. You, admittedly, aren't as into it as he is. As much as a bride should be. But then, how could you when you were picking things out for the day that would solidify your future with a mobster?
You both settle on one that, you will admit, made your heart flutter when you imagined yourself in. And then you're on your way, but Seonghwa stops the vehicle halfway through town.
"What are we doing?" You look out of the window and your heart stops in your chest as you see that he's parked infront of the police station. "No, Hwa! You promised I wouldn't have to see him."
"I'm sorry, Miss (Y/n)... he said he wanted to see what you picked afterwards. It will be quick."
You take a few deep breaths without San's cologne smothering you, then you swing the door open and follow after Hwa.
Sans broad shoulders aren't hard to pinpoint in the semi-packed station. "Ah, my beautiful fiancée!" He perks up immediately as he spots you and his friend.
What he does next absolutely floors you.
He cups both of your cheeks, and kisses you deeply. Right out in the open. Hot lips on yours.
You grip his wrists, face flushed with heat as he pulls away, bending down slightly to rest his forehead on yours. "Did you pick a pretty fabric for our special day?"
The look in his eyes seems almost innocent from far away. He's already got everyone in the room convinced that you're a willing participant of this relationship. But you, up close and personal, can see the glint of silent threats in his eyes- telling you to keep up the act or face the consequences.
"Uhm, uh-huh," you move slight to the side and look to Hwa, who's head is down slightly for a spilt second before he smiles at you and San and holds out the roll of fabric.
"Oh, Doll, what a good choice! No doubt you will look jaw-dropping," he runs his fingers over the fabric, imaging the pure beauty that you will be. "You'll make it extra good, right, Hwa? Only the best for my girl."
" 'Course, San. We're gonna work on some sketches when we get home." His smile is genuine, like he looks forward to it.
"Officer Choi! Hate to interrupt but we got a hold-em-up at the bank," another officer passes in a hurry, stopping briefly to congratulate you both.
"Ah," he clicks his tongue, rubbing his hands on your side gently, "wish me luck?"
"Good luck..." He looks like he's waiting for more. You gulp and force a smile, almost gagging on the words you conjure up, "good luck, Baby."
    The days after that first one passed almost like groundhog day. You awoke with San nearly laid ontop of you. Bathed and made breakfast. Worked with Hwa on your gown until it was completed. Walked around the farm and conversed with the farm-hand. Cooked and had a semi-awkward dinner with the three of them. Talked and became closer with San, slowly becoming happier with your situation.
   And then all too suddenly...
It's two days short of three weeks since you've been 'brought home', as San likes to say. Which means one very big thing.
      You are to be married. 
   It's a small affair, but beautiful nonetheless.
    You can quickly tell that only one side of San's life is invited. There is not a badge to be seen as you peer out of the window, only gangster after gangster taking their seat.
    Hwa finishes buttoning up your gown and steps back, smiling at you like a proud family member. "Ready, Miss?"
     "Ready as I'll ever be."
      Hwa walks you down the aisle.
     And then it's a blur.
    How did your get back in your bedroom? Was the ceremony already over?
It seems to have happened in a flash.
You stand infront of the window again. All of the guests have either left or have taken up in one of the many guest rooms in the home. San no doubt offered them up so that he could have witness to what was about to happen.
Your wedding night. Oh, how special and magical a day.
San slides his hands up your back, landing on your tall collar and skillfully unbuttoning it. Slowly, almost teasingly. His words send a shiver down your spine, they set your hairs on edge: "you are so beautiful, my Dear... it took everything in me not to take you right there in the aisle. I've never wanted anyone, or anything, as badly as I want you."
     Your breath hitches in your throat as his soft lips come in contact with your now exposed neck. It not the first time he's left adoring kisses on your body. But somehow it feels different as husband and wife. "San..."
    "Yes, Doll?"
    "I... I'm a virgin."
   "I know, Doll. Tell me to stop and I shall, but... I want to make you feel good like only a husband can. I want to show you my love in physical form." His hands slide into the now open back of your dress, around to your breasts. "Only I can touch you. Only you can touch me. Do you understand that?"
    A breathless 'yes' trembles out of your lips as he cups your bosom. The little moan that follows has his hard member throbbing, so ready to finally claim you. He presses it to the round of your ass, and you have to hold back a gasp, simply letting your mouth gape as you look out at the dark night sky. But when his calloused finger tips roll over your hardened nipples, you can't bite back the curse of pleasure that bubbles in your throat.
"Oh, you poor bunny," he whispers in your ear, "you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into." The warmth of him slowly dissipates, and the tell-tale sound of the stool in the room dragging on the floor makes you turn around. "Drop your gown, let me see my wife in her full glory."
Heat burns on your cheeks, of embarrassment or arousal you can't quite tell at the moment. He's shed his fanciest uniform jacket and is now working on his button up, his cock straining against his slacks.
"You ever seen a man's prick?" He smirks as he catches you staring. Your eyes don't leave his lap as you take off your white kitten heels. That is, until he calls you out.
"No," your eyes drop to the ground as you neatly arrange your shoes, "never..."
"Mine will be the first? Mm, first and only," he half hazardly tosses his shirt, leaving his chest bare. Scars and toned muscle on full display for you. "Catch up, Dollface."
You step out of your gown carefully, holding it to your chest to hide yourself. "What if I'm not... pretty enough?"
"Oh, my wife can't possibly disappoint. I've seen that silhouette while you shower." He tilts his head and smiles, a soft smile. "You'll be my first as well."
     You swear your eyes have bugged out of your head the way he chuckles at your expression. "Really?"
     He stands, gently unraveling your fingers tight grip on the white fabrics. "Really, and I don't want to wait any longer. I want it to be with you. It will be with you." You let him take the fabric, and he drapes it on the stool carefully without ever taking his eyes off of you.
    "W-what about the skins in our drawer?"
   "So I don't make a mess while I fuck myself thinking about all of the dirty things I want to do with my wife."
    "Oh-" You swear you're running a fever. You've never felt this way before- but then, you imagine you'll be feeling many firsts tonight.
     "Would you like to hear about them?" He grins, his signature shit-eating-grin, as he guides your hands to his belt. You fiddle with it with a small nod, slowly pulling it off of him as he speaks. "I've got you laid down on our bed, legs spread..." You unbutton his slacks. "Touching, exploring what's mine." His zipper is undone next. "I take my time, make you nice and wet." His bottoms are gone. "I hold your hands." His boxers go after them. "And then I fuck you on my cock." 
    And he did exactly that. That's how you got here.
     Hours of teasing later, his member is finally buried inside of you, stretching you like your fingers never could. He interlocks his fingers with yours as his hips withdrawn. Squeezes your hands tightly as he slowly sinks back in.
      "Oh God," you whisper, heels digging into the mattress as you arch beneath his built frame, "ah, Sannie."
    His hips stutter, mind overheating as the nickname reaches him. You feel... oh, you feel amazing. Like heaven on Earth. Your gummy, warm walls suck him in, so wet and inviting. He wants to bury himself in your cunt and never leave. "Fuck, Bunny, you feel fucking godly."
      Only a moan is his response, your head tossed to the side in embarrassment. "D-don't stop," you pant, squeezing his hands tighter as you gather the courage to- "please go faster." Oh, nevermind. Your mind has left and only your pussy's logic remains. And it's logic is- "Sannie, faster!"
   His thick, veiny shaft feels otherworldly as it drags against you. You need more. And he is happy to oblige. He quickens his pace, keeping his strokes languid and tender so as not to hurt you. But by God, he goes faster.
     "Ah! Ah, my God!" You cry into the night, uncaring as your pleasure echoes in the houses thin walls.
     Your noises, your facial expressions, your divine warmth around him. San feels that familiar coil tighten quickly, winding up. "Fuck, (Y/n), I'm gonna bust," he bites his lip, a loud moan vibrating his chest.
"C-close, I'm close, Sannie," you squeeze his fingers in yours, looking up beggingly, "please don't stop, ah- ah! Just like that! Nngh!" Your eyes roll back into your head, cunt clenching down on him like a vice, a gush of heat tells him you've just came around him, so he no longer holds back.
He hooks one of his legs around yours and pushes himself deeper than before, making you yell out in overstimulated ecstasy. And that primal yelp as he buries himself as deep as possible sends him over the edge, coil in his gut not only snapping- but burning to ash as he fills your womb with his release. "Fuck, fuck," he whines, rutting into you unable to move as your core clenches more than ever, refusing to let him go. "Mine," he growls out, leaning down and colliding his lips with yours passionately.
     Your body goes limp beneath him, your soft breaths fanning against his sweaty face as he pulls away from the kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly and your jelly like arms wrap around his broad shoulders. "Mine, all fuckin' mine," he lowers his weight onto you slowly, and it makes his hard cock feel heavier than before. He ignores your whiny moans, resting his head on your chest. "My wife, filled with my seed. Mine, mine, mine," with each of his possessive proclamations comes a thrust of his hips. "Say it, say you're mine."
      "I'm yours," you whimper under his weight, blissed out beyond belief and in shock that -despite having filled you less than five minutes ago- he is already rock hard again and thrusting into you, slowly building his speed back up.
     "Louder," he demands, head pressed firmly to your chest and listening intently to your drumming heart beat.
    "I'm yours," you speak more confidently.
    "Louder," his pace has passed where you reached before, he's nearly drilling you with his cock.
    "Ah! Fuck!" You screech, nails digging into his skin, legs wrapping around his wildly thrusting hips instinctively.
    "Say it," his voice rumbles on your chest, sending vibrations through you as his thrust shake the bed, "fucking say it, tell everyone who you belong to."
     "I'm yours, San! Oh! San! Sannie! Baby!" Your brain has shut down, you're putty in his arms, babbling loudly. "Cumming!" You can't help but announce it to the farm, your pleasure has set you ablaze and everything is pointless besides San.
    He follows shortly after, his second release flooding your stretched walls and pushing his first out, making a mess of your sheets and pelvises.
     When he doesn't show any sign of slowing, you slap his shoulders repeatedly and let out a loud whine. He stills deep inside of you and pants into your chest, cock still throbbing inside of you.
    He's become insatiable.
     "Break, please," you slur, hands finding purchase in his disheveled hair. He melts into the drunken affection, eyes peering up at you with love and adoration... obsession in the comfort of your own home.
     He slowly pulls out of you, watching in awe as the pearly white of his love seeps out of you. He rubs your thighs in a soothing manner, taking a moment to catch his own breath.
     "D...do you feel good?" He looks up, almost like a lost puppy. You've never seen him so vulnerable.
      "God, yes," you smile at him dopily, propping yourself up on your elbows with a groan. He sits back, immediately locking his arms around you and pulling you into his lap. His scent blankets you, and you welcome it. Taking a deep breath.
     His member is messy with a mix of your juices, resting against your lower belly like it knows that's where it belongs. Showing you both how deep he reaches.
     The sight alone lights the fire in you again, now just as insatiable as he is.
     "I love you." The words that slip past your swollen lips shock the both of you, eyes meeting in an instant.
     The crickets outside chirp their song, stars and moon casting light through the window. A shooting star flies by.
    "I love you."
    There's a knock at the door. Strange. Anyone who needs in can get in. You trot down the stairs and stop halfway as your eyes meet your brothers through the screen door. "Bub?" You nearly trip over your feet as you jump down the rest of the steps, slinging the door open and wrapping your arms around him tightly. It been long past those three weeks San have him. Almost a year past.
     "Bub! Bubby!" He spins you around in his arms, nearly falling off of the porch.
     "Oh, thank God! You're alive!" Both of you have wide smiles, blissfully unaware as San turns the corner in his farming overalls. "Let's get a wiggle on, before Mr.Choi knows I'm here." San stops in his tracks, eyes trained on you.
     "Oh... Bub."
    "Let's get, c'mon." He goes to drag you by your arm to the awaiting car.
    "Stop! I'm not going with you."
    A smirk grows on Sans as a frown grows on your brothers. "N-not going? Don't be silly!"
    "Let go of me," you slap his hand away and when your hand falls back to your side, that's when he sees it.
    Your belly. Swollen with child.
      You wrap your hands around your stomach protectively as his concerned look turns to a glare. "D-did he rape you? Dear Lord," his hand flies to his mouth in shock.
      "What!? No, no, nothing of the sort. San and-"
     "Hurry, before he gets back."
      "Before who gets back?" San grins wide as he joins your side, wrapping his arm around you and purposefully showing off the ring on his finger. "Long time, no see... Bub."
      His face so that of a ghost, backing away until he hits Hwa, who forces him to kneel.
      "You really left your poor helpless sister for dead?" The words that San speaks knocks the reality back into you. He did leave you. You'd been so happy with your new life that you'd forgotten entirely about what lead up to it. "I doubt you've even got my cash, huh?"
     "Mister, please! Surely you've forgiven me?"
    "I don't hold grudges... my wife is a different story, however." He turns to you with an innocent smile. "Honey?"
"Sissy... Tell me you didn't."
"I did." You dead pan. "You left me!" You land a slap harshly across his cheek. "Bastard!"
"Alright, Miss, don't put too much stress on the baby-" Hwa tries to calm you, but you've already gone off the deep end after being reminded of your life before San.
"I hate you!! You left me all alone! You threw me to the wolves! Where were you?!"
"Sis, just- just come home, you aren't thinking straight."
The cicada chirp loudly, nearly drowning out your next words.
"This is home. This is all I have. This is all I want."
"Sis, what has he-" Tears are welling up in your brothers eyes. And it pisses you off.
"I hate you! I never want to see you again, I hate your coward guts!"
San squeezes your shoulder gently and it brings you back to reality. Your brother is shaking as all of the realizations come crashing down on him. Hwa knows what's about to happen, he and San have talked about it a million times. He takes the gun from his belt and hands it over.
"My Moll has spoken."
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silviakundera · 4 months
Joy of Life S1 Ep 42 liveblogging
watching for the 1st time, so don't tell me secrets ;)
Fan Xian seems really sure he's the emperor's son. Hmmmm Do I feel confident the emperor likes him, as much as a selfish schemer of his kind can like anyone? Sure. Do I feel confident at this point that the emperor thinks FX is his illegitimate kid? IDK because this could be another cover and he was actually helping her hide something. I'm just not at the place yet where I am taking that as an irrefutable fact.
The look on FX's face when Xiao En says as long as he knows he's a Xiao. Good acting! You can see the compassion FX has for him. He's not only ruthless and vicious.
"Don't bury me. I don't want to be underground anymore." 😢😔
"I am sorry I am not your grandson. Sit tight. You won't be bothered anymore." All of his dialogue in this scene is simple but full of sincere feeling. FX is not as wholly dark as he thinks he is. What a fantastic, complex character. I really like him.
That secret was indeed underwhelming for me but Xiao En had a fantastic arc.
Chen Pingping always has like 5 reasons for anything he does. Love that about him.
LMAO Chen Pingping even set up things so evil Princess' plot ended up giving FX a chivalrous bestie. (He reminds me a lot of Korn, the mafia kingpin from Kinnporsche. Can't predict everything but makes great bets based on all the variables he can control and his understanding of people's hearts. Willing to risk it all for the reward.)
Hi Gao Baokun! Ohhhhhhhh now FX is on the trail of Chen Pingping's 5th Reason. Teng Zijing was set up to be in that village! Hand selected to be positioned into FX's life. Just a pawn.
Gao Baokun is just a random loser who got dragged into the mud (but wait--we already knew he didn't try to kill Teng Xijing's fam in the end, and that part was the Bureau? Or at least I thought we knew that.)
It's touching that after all FX still trusts Teng Zijing. His one true friend! ❤
ahhhhhhhh Fan Xian is super pissed at his uncles. Guys you may have miscalculated this. Like my beloved Korn from Kinnporsche, Chen Pingping & Emperor want it all and are betting big that they can have their power AND their chosen people. Or at least the Emperor really wants both. Korn won the day in that drama (tho fandom keeps punishing him in fanfic). We'll see if FX can eventually forgive.
His Majesty is actually calling it out that they say to each other & perhaps even to themselves that they see Fan Xian as their baby boy and yet.... I like the emperor for his self awareness and inner conflict about his hypocrisy
Does Fan Jian truly think of FX wholeheartedly as his foster son? Are Chen Pingping and His Majesty actually having real trust issues..? Remains to be seen.
We're back with Yan Bingyuan and FX admitting this was a test for him.
Who's Xiao En's real grandson? Yan Bingyuan? ....... LMAO that took the drama like 3 min to answer. Yep it's probably him.
nah don't tell Bingyuan any disabling shit before you are out of the country 🙈 this man is already like an anxious chihuahua
I believe the emperor sees what I do: that a fealty to Qing & determination to make it the most powerful does not necessarily = fealty to the current emperor. Saying Chen Pingping is dedicated to the best for the country does NOT read like perfect loyalty to His Majesty. It's not that he's against the emperor or FX and doesn't gaf, it's just that his obsession for the bigger goal is what it is. A common fear that cdrama royalty has to grapple with. They both hunger for personal loyalty & can't trust it.
oh is it Shen sister? She's way more fun than her erstwhile boyfriend, let her in!
lol that's right Bingyuan, give us nothing
FX just watching the drama because Bingyuan is too obvious
So..... Now Fan Xian wants to be the Investigations Bureau head and a top official.... to find out how mom really died and get revenge? 🤔
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pxnsneverland · 1 year
Beauty and the Boss | austin!elvis x oc (part 7)
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plot summary: Laura Jean Walker is the daughter to Louisiana’s most powerful mafia boss, but to her, he’s just her jail warden. When she sneaks out to the Louisiana Hayride with her friend she sees Elvis Presley perform and instantly knows something is special about this boy. Especially when he saves her from being assaulted by a townie. She thinks she’s on cloud 9 until she gets kidnapped in the middle of the night by the Memphis Mafia led by Elvis himself. Will Laura Jean try to free herself or will something hold her back from finding her way home?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
pairings: austin!elvis x oc
word count: 1938
warnings/notes: N/A
Chapter 7
               As our escape car made its way to the police station where Elvis was being held, minutes felt like hours. It was ridiculous. He had committed no wrongdoing. The riot had been sparked by the cops, not Elvis. The vehicle arrived at the police station, which was already encircled by protesters demanding Elvis' release. We were brought inside the station through the mob. Colonel left Gladys and me alone to speak with the officer in command. For once, I was relieved to have a smooth-talking conman among us. Ms. Gladys seemed beside herself, pale with a worried expression. I put a soothing touch on her shoulder.
              “It’ll be fine, Ms. Gladys,” I reassured her as much as I could, “They can’t hold Elvis in here. They can’t even charge him with anythin’.”
              Gladys sighed loudly, her hand over her heart. “I promised myself that after Vernon went to jail, I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Elvis, no matter what. Then he wanted to do this music thing and I thought it was harmless and…” Tears streamed down her cheeks.
              “It is harmless. Elvis isn’t the problem. It’s those bigots and prudes in society that are the problem. They’d rather have things stay exactly the same than even think about change.”
              Colonel approached us. “They will let us see him. They are holding him but nothing to worry about. The police want to make an example out of him, scare the kids, you know? Ah, they will send him home with a fine and nothing more.”
              My chest tension began to relax slightly. I'd feel better once this was all over and we were all secure back in Graceland. Until then, no matter how frightened I was, I would put on a brave face. “We want to see him.”
              Colonel turned and nodded to the officer who signaled for us to follow him. He took us down a poorly lit corridor before entering a code to unlock a door at the far end. It opened to reveal an interrogation room with two chairs, one long desk, and a lamp hanging overhead, much like on those cop dramas on television. Elvis sat in one of the seats, exactly as untidy as when they took him away. Gladys immediately hugged him, kissing his face and clutching him closely as if he would vanish.
She finished by hitting him in the arm. “What were you thinkin’?!”
Elvis touched the spot on his arm where she had struck him. “I was thinkin’ that I didn’t get this far by being a musician who wears tails and sings to dogs. You’ve always approved of what I done, Mama, and all my fans do too. That’s all that matters.”
Gladys shook her head as she sat down in one of the seats to rest, as if all her energy had vanished. Elvis shifted his gaze to me, encircling me and putting his cheek on the top of my head. “I am sorry for getting you involved in this, Darlin’. I never wanted you to get hurt.”
I shook my head. “I’m fine. I’m just glad you’re okay. It could have been so much worse.” And, to be honest, I wouldn't have known what to do.
“Worse? Quite an understatement,” Colonel replied from his corner seat, “My boy, I told you simple. We play this show as family style and then we go back to our show business. You just had to get through one performance.”
Elvis glared, but he wouldn't release my arms. “And I did, as myself. I’m sorry, Colonel. You done so much for me, but I just couldn’t do it. I can’t be somethin’ I ain’t no matter what happens to me. Not when it comes to music.”
Colonel shook his head, clearly agitated. “You are just lucky I snowed them. You will have to pay a fine, a hefty one, but it is better than jail. I don’t know where you get these ideas from, but they are going to have to stop.”
“Why?” I cocked my brow. “This is what his fans want. It’s what sells all that merchandise you make and pays for whatever it is you’re doin’ when you’re not at Graceland. Sounds like Elvis’s ideas are workin’ better for everyone than yours.”
Colonel grinned evilly. “Ah, I see. So, this is where you are getting these silly ideas. The pretty girl with the big mouth.”
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Elvis exploded.
“You’re smarter than this. Smarter than letting a little skirt distract you from the career you have worked so hard to achieve, the family you’ve worked to protect.”
“Laura Jean is my family now which means she’s in this just as much as you are. And ain’t no one distractin’ me from nothin’. What I did tonight was my choice! And I ain’t goin’ back to that family style Elvis you keep talkin’ about so hush up about it! I can’t sing if I can’t move!”
Colonel leaned back and nodded, but he still didn't seem persuaded. He had that dreadful look on his face again, this time directed at me. I didn't give him a second thought. Elvis knew music better than anyone. Being himself and singing his heart out was precisely what he needed to do. It's what made him so famous and endearing to his fans. It's what made me care so much for him.
Elvis smiled sheepishly as he peered down at me. “How did you like the show?”
“Besides the riot of teenagers, it was amazing.” I laughed as he kissed my cheek.
Then two cops entered the room. The expressions on their faces indicated that they were not there to accompany us home. Gladys rose from her seat, as did the rest of us, to see what was going on. One officer signaled to his comrade, and the other took out handcuffs, seizing Elvis and putting his hands behind his back.
“What the hell are you doin’? Let go of my son!” Gladys screamed.
Colonel approached the officers. “Officers, w-what is going on? I talked to the chief. He said we were all good to go as long as we paid for all the commotion caused tonight.”
“Change of plans, Parker.” The officer tightened the shackles around Elvis' wrists. “Looks like your boy here has been doin’ much more than causing riots and inciting violence.”
Elvis battled his bindings half-heartedly. “What are you talkin’ about? I ain’t done nothin’!” That wasn't totally correct, but he hadn't done anything that they were able to figure out about him in two hours.
Suddenly, the other cop grabbed my arm. I was struggling. “Hey, let me go!”
“This girl is all the proof we need. Elvis Presley, your being charged with the kidnapping and abduction of Laura Jean Walker.”
My eyes grew wide. What? How did they find out about that? Except for me, Elvis, and the Memphis Mafia, no one knew, and none of them would have informed anyone, especially a cop. But none of that mattered. Whatever had brought me to Elvis, I didn't want to go, and I wasn't a kidnapping victim. I fought harder against the cop's grip. “What?! No, he didn’t! Let him go! He didn’t do nothin’!”
I could still hear Elvis yelling down the hall as they dragged him out the door. The Colonel followed as taken aback as the rest of us. Gladys' expression had changed from worried to outraged. She raised her finger at the officer.  “Now, you tell me who is out here spreading these vicious lies about my son! He’s good boy! He didn’t kidnap Laura Jean! She’s his girl, simple as that! Ain’t no crime here!”
The officer softened as he spoke to Gladys, clearly recalling his manners. “With all due respect ma’am, the girl’s father has given us a completely different story. Until we get to the bottom of it, we have to hold your son and her as well.”
My mouth became parched. “Daddy? Daddy told you this?!” I should have known better. Instead of returning the money, this was his answer. In this manner, he might win the fight while also eliminating the leader of a competing gang in a single strike. I never imagined he'd descend so low. For good reason, the mafia avoided the police for the most part. I was curious as to who he had hired to back up his story. It didn't make a difference. He should have realized by now that I wasn't scared to fight him. “Is he still here? I want to see him.”
The officer nodded. “We’ll take you to him. Mrs. Presley, will you please wait out in the lobby?
              I was escorted into another room, away from the individuals I had considered family for the last month. When the door reopened, Daddy strolled in, cocky and unconcerned about what he had just done. I felt a strong urge to hit him in the face. I would have if I hadn't known he'd instantly block it.
              Daddy extended his arms to me. “Oh, my little girl…”
              Instead of hugging him, as I'm sure he expected, I began banging on his chest with all my might. It had no effect on him, but it made me satisfied. “You damned bastard! How could you do this?!”
              Daddy appeared to be perplexed. “How could I save you from the man who kidnapped you? The man who’s been…God, who knows what he’s been doing to you.”
              “He hasn’t done anything to me except treat me better than you ever have!”
              “So, he’s got you under his spell just like he’s deceived the whole world? Somehow, I figured you would be smarter than everyone else.”
              “And I thought you would at least be decent enough to give back what you stole instead of involving the police. You know how the law feels about Elvis. They want any excuse to throw him away!”
              “He should be thrown away! He kidnapped my daughter for ransom!”
              “Ransom you owed him anyway! And I wasn’t kidnapped! I was treated like family, like my own person. I was more of a prisoner at home with you than I ever was at Graceland. And let’s face it, Daddy, you don’t care one lick about me. You just don’t want to get bested by another mafia family, much less one headed by someone much younger than you.”
              When Daddy's cheeks became crimson, I realized I'd touched a nerve. He snatched my arm violently. His fingers were pressing into my skin. “You’re damn right! You belong to me! You hear me?! And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some little punk take you from me and give me the run around!” He drew me in closer. “Now, be a good girl and you tell the police that he abducted you and held you against your will or I really will give you somethin’ to be afraid of.”
              I was familiar with this speech and its intimidating air. He handled his employees who went out of line the same way he treated anyone who had slighted him. It was the mask of the murderer I suspected him to be. I almost thought he'd do something to me if I didn't cooperate, but even if he did, I didn't care. I couldn't care less about him or the authority he wielded. I was concerned about Elvis, Gladys, the boys, and Graceland. They were now my family, and I would go to any extent to keep them safe, just like Elvis. I would even defy my own father.
            “No,” I calmly answered, looking him down, I’m going to tell them that I left home to go live with my boyfriend and his family, and you didn’t approve so you lied to them and said he kidnapped me.”
             I struggled to stop myself from cringing as his grasp on me tightened. “You wouldn’t dare.”
             “Try me, Daddy. Elvis isn’t the only one the police would love to lock up.”
             Something about the way I appeared apparently made him hesitate. He seemed to be seeing someone else instead of me. He let go of my arm long enough for me to draw it back. He shook his head, but not in defeat. I couldn't quite put something in his gaze, but I didn't like it. “Your mother would be so disappointed.”
             “Thanks to you she’s not around to care.” It was a stomach hit, but he had gone too far, so I had to go just as far. I was, after all, my father's daughter.
             As he put his hands in his pockets, his jaw clenched in the corner. “I’ll see to it that the charges are dropped for the kidnapping and abduction.” He took a step closer to me, his finger in my face. I smelled cigarettes on his breath. “But just remember, Laura Jean…you wanted to play with the big dogs. I hope you’re ready for what that means.” He grinned slightly and kissed my brow like an adoring father. He moved carefully towards the door. He walked away, giving me one final glance.
             I knelt on my knees, panting heavily. I'd challenged one of the South's most feared men, and it wasn't some juvenile rebellious challenge. I had approached him as if I were a genuine candidate, which I knew I wasn't. But I'd have to be. Daddy didn't enjoy losing, and he'd already lost twice. This wasn't over, and unexpectedly, I wasn't afraid that I would be the one paying the price.
Stay tuned for part 8!! Click HERE to view!
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mikuni14 · 1 year
Love in Translation Ep 8
Love in Translation, like Laws of Attraction, aired on Saturdays, only had eight episodes which is a crime 😤, traumatized mafia bodyguards with gay stuff in the final episodes, had the drama resolved quickly and spent the rest of the time wrapping things up and on fluff, and, oh yes, completely took over my life with lovely scenes of the main couple 🥰
First of all, I wanted to express my surprise that the series has a main pair of actors who are singers who actually can sing, but they weren't asked to sing lmao
Love in Translation had a silly and funny plot, many scenes were unnecessary, the Tammy arc dragged on too long, and yet I like this series very much, for its humor, fun, nice cast and characters, and, above all, for DAOU and OFFROAD, who created amazing characters Yang and Phumjai. I've seen their BTS videos, they really gave it their all and their comfort with each other transferred to the series. The chemistry between this couple was really something else. For me, this couple, especially from the moment when Tammy is out of the picture, was really top-notch and meets all my "requirements" that I have for BL couples. I liked how both Yang and Phumjai are equal, but also that Phumjai actually has the final say in their relationship and in the store and Yang is more than happy to give him the leadership. How Phumjai constantly offers strenght and support and how Yang allows himself to lean on him. I like how they are both in love with each other and I loved their little scenes, little gestures, kisses, smiles, stares. They are one of those very rare couples who are extremely romantic but never make me feel second-hand embarrassment. And Daou is like really, really hot. I mean, for me, he's like Mile, they both have this calm and powerfull presence, and they're both, well... big 😳 I would love to see another series with Daou and Offroad ✨
Love in Translation is another little surprise this year, I already know that I will come back to my favorite scenes often 💖
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sunshinebbokari · 2 months
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seeking oc discord 1x1 krp
getting uncomfortably close to four years since my last 1x1, so hoping to make some new friends. i'm also helping run a group server that will be advertised in the near future, so expect me to try to drag you into that too. /lh
here's my general 1x1 preferences. please send me a message if you think we’d be a good match! tumblr keeps glitching when i receive likes, so this is the easiest way to check in.
i am 25+ so please keep your personal comfort level in mind. i prefer 25+ partners but am open to 21+.
please be comfortable with (preferably daily) ooc talks, including regularly initiating conversations. i am a very unsuitable match for anxious / avoidant personality types. i am also highly neurodivergent, as well as chronically ill, so i appreciate patience / understanding and will give you the same.
i'm only comfortable playing m/m pairings. i would also prefer a partner who defaults more to top/dom/switch/vers types because i am primarily a dom/switch/verse player. i dislike passive ship dynamics. if you're familiar with proper D/s dynamics, please come be my friend.
i write third person past tense with around 300 - 800 words per post, occasionally more or slightly less, but usually at least 2-3 paragraphs. i love introspection / detail (please give) but not overly so.
i haven't written smut in many years, but i'm open to it. i prefer slow burn ships with chemistry rather than pre-pairing characters together. this is why i would also prefer that we both play multiple characters in whatever roleplay we do.
i love intense plotting and worldbuilding, constantly throwing ideas around and coming up with new things to add. i also prefer running multiple plotlines at once in the same setting. i love gushing about our characters and everything we're doing. please bring lots of enthusiasm!
i exclusively write ocs with a variety of faceclaims. i have a backlog of 80-100 or so and will try to pick and choose from the backlog as we plot, though i may also make a new character. i have a couple fc pairs i like, but we can mutually discuss our favorites. my main groups are skz + ateez.
my ideal posting speed is multiple replies per day, but my health issues / mental state can sometimes make maintaining that a challenge esp because i'm out of practice. i like to aim for multiple times a week and i love staying involved/hyped ooc in the meantime.
i do have some triggers, but i am willing to thoroughly discuss them before roleplaying and i do still enjoy writing angsty/dark content.
if the way you roleplay is by talking to your characters in your head as if they're real people, i am your guy.
concepts i enjoy: modern supernatural, idolverse (with all the drama), scifi futuristic with political junk (eg: the expanse, liu cixin works), mafia/gangs, street racing. throwing proper D/s dynamics into the mix. open to considering others.
concepts i dislike: smut-focused, historical settings, fantasy-geared, school settings.
tl;dr: i'm way more chill than i look, please be friends with me.
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omniuravity · 4 months
Ranking all of the Helluva Boss Episodes (so far)
Tagging my friends: @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @bloodypeachblog @je-suis-eternel-jennie @moths-and-mantids @dynogadget @awful-amateur
Obviously there will be spoilers. This is also my opinion, so don't come after me.
Pilot (Season 1, Episode 0):
I never really was a fan of the pilot when it came out. I've obviously grown to love the show itself, but I'm just generally not a fan of the pilot. The only thing I really enjoy about be pilot is "Oh, Millie".
Unhappy Campers (Season 2, Episode 5):
When I said I wanted more depth to Millie's character this isn't what I meant. I feel like Millie's self worth issues kinda came out of nowhere. It's a good concept I just wish it was developed better. The only part that really entertained me was the side plot with Blitzø and Barbie Wire.
C.H.E.R.U.B. (Season 1, Episode 4):
I feel like this is one of the weaker episodes. It isn't bad by any means just not my favorite. I personally skip it when I do rewatches of the series.
Murder Family (Season 1, Episode 1):
It's a good and clear narrative for a first episode. Granted it is still a first episode and still has that crude and violent Helluva Boss premise. I do like keeping up the censoring Stolas joke that carried on from the pilot.
Western Energy (Season 2, Episode 4):
I feel like this is one of the weaker "serious" episodes. It's one I just personally don't enjoy. It is well written and I do like the reintroduction of Striker despite him no longer being voiced by Norman Reedus. It's just not one I really enjoy.
Truth Seekers (Season 1, Episode 6):
I absolutely love the visuals on this episodes for both Moxxie and Blitzø's drug trips and the big fight scene. This episode has some incredible visuals, but I feel like that's it. I'm not sold on the D.H.O.R.K.S. thing, but I think it could grow and become stronger.
The Circus (Season 2, Episode 1):
I'm generally not a fan of backstory episodes, however little Stolas is too fucking cute. Also I do enjoy the backstory it brings out between Blitzø and Stolas. I just really don't like backstory episodes.
Seeing Stars (Season 2, Episode 2):
I feel like Loo Loo Land had a stronger Stolas and Octavia narrative. This one felt watered down and too cluttered between both father daughter plots, the side plot with Moxxie and Millie, and the Blitzø and Stolas plot with the human world stuff. It could've been stronger, but I enjoyed it.
Exes and Oohs (Season 2, Episode 3):
This is written like a Wattpad "romance" and "drama" story. It's the whole character is secretly in the mafia and the forced marriage thing that really drags this episode down for me. Also, Millie being used as a plot device again. I do think she's still badass, but she's still Moxxie's muscle and "savior". I do like Chaz and Crimson as characters. Shame Chaz died though.
Harvest Moon (Season 1, Episode 5):
I'm still surprised that Viv managed to get Norman Reedus to voice her sexy cowboy character. Other than that I generally enjoyed the plot and it was very well written.
Queen Bee (Season 1, Episode 8):
Anyone on the A/V2 Discord server knows how much I love Bee as a character. I think this was a nice continuation of episode 7. Also Kesha is incredible and I enjoy Cotton Candy a lot. I also like her relationship with Tex and interactions with Loona. However, I feel like this is one of the weaker narratives in season 1. Though I am excited to hopefully see more of the sins in the future.
Spring Broken (Season 1, Episode 3):
Another character I love is Verosika. Love her! This is another episode that has issues of characters turning around too fast. I feel Like Blitzø turns around to letting Loona come on the mission too fast. However, I do like that their father daughter relationship is better defined in this episode.
Loo Loo Land (Season 1, Episode 2):
Notice how all of the episodes with Fizzarolli are in my top 5. If you can't tell by my rp blog and that fact, I love Fizzarolli. Regarding the episode, I remember when I first came out that I cried. You Will Be Okay is such a good song. I also like the relationship Stolas has with Octavia. This is also when Viv started getting those big musical theatre names, so the musical talent is awesome.
Full Moon (Season 2, Episode 8):
When i first watched this I was on my break from work and was yelling "No, Blitzø! No!" because it made me feel that emotional. I could honestly do without the cherubs and the D.H.O.R.K. agents, but what they had was well written. However, the Stolas and Blitzø stuff broke me. I think we all knew that they were going to break up and fight, and yet it still broke me. I did enjoy this episode a lot, but I liked the top 3 better.
Ozzie's (Season 1, Episode 7):
The return of Fizzarolli and introduction of Asmodeus. I love the song in this episode as well as the growth of relationships. Fizz and Blitzø, Blitzø and Stolas, Millie and Moxxie, Oz and Fizz, like there's so much to look at. However, I feel like there's too much going on all at once. I still have my bias and enjoy a lot about this episode.
Oops (Season 2, Episode 6):
Oops reveals backstory and has the return of my favorite character, what more could a Helluva fan ask for? Personally, I think the reconciliation of Fizz and Blitzø is very well written. I also enjoy the teaming up between Striker and Crimson's mafia. Though this goes against a crucial plot point in Exes and Oohs. Striker can't be a part of the mafia unless he marries in. Though one could argue that Striker is a freelance mercenary, else Crimson let him join cause, money. Anyway, this is a good episode that I watch a lot. I also do enjoy having more musical elements in season 2 as a musical theatre fan.
Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special (ft Fizzarolli) (Season 2, Episode 7):
Are we surprised that this is my favorite? I love Fizzarolli as well as Glitz, Glam, and Mammon as villains. I again love the well written musical numbers as well as the solidification of Fizz and Ozzie's relationship. I also like how Blitzø is involved and is working on fixing his relationship with Fizz. Mammon is a well written villain along with Glitz and Glam being convincing female side villains. I love everything about this episode and I can't wait for more.
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wondernus · 4 months
alright nu, I remember giving you a list of recs before and now I bring more with commentary 😏 now you don’t have to read any of these but they’re some of my current reads that I dig :D
Starting off with…..
1. Lion Heart by Choi Soohyun
Manwha, Josei, modern, medical romance, married-to-work-chaebol x equally-married-to-work-surgeon, he fell first then fell harder, hilarious side characters, contract relationship, immaculate chefs kiss, INSANE ART pls they’re so hot
Season 1 complete, season 2 just started
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2. The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet
Manhua, shoujo but walks the line of josei a little, modern, romcom drama, showbiz, another contract relationship 🤩, more insane art with a hot couple, I haven’t read very far but the vibes and chemistry are off the charts tbh, he totally fell first, power couple frfr
Season 1 almost complete I think
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3. I Stan The Prince
Manwha, shoujo, historical but lots of modern references, romcomfan, TOOTH ROTTING SWEETNESS, ML has actual mfing emotions and shows them, she fell first he fell harder ordeal, original work so no novel, not as cliche as you may think, MORE INSANE ART, one of my top faves of all time omg, this one is for the kpoppies
Season 1 complete, season 2 just picked up after a two year hiatus 🥹
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4. The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Manga, josei, modernc slice-of-life, supernatural office romcom, SO WHOLESOME, lot of memes in this one, ML is sososo sweet, FL is too cool, japanese lore is what makes this supernatural, side couples are equally amazing, just super cute light read
Volumes 1-7 completed, vol.8 ongoing
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5. Run, Meil
Manwha, shoujo, isekai, historical, romcom, memes are abundant here too, girl gang is so comedic, ML is sweet, FL isn’t dumb and is actually smart nor does she care about original storyline, og!fl is a cutie too and gets her own happy ending, miscommunications are mild and get spoken through, I’m super picky about shoujos but I love this one
Season 1 complete, season 2 TBA
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6. The Girl and The Geek
Manhwa, josei but cute like a shoujo, modern, romcom, slide of life, MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, super sweet and natural love, they make each other better 🥹🥹🥹, their families can be annoying, her family I can’t really forgive, but his family is only initially overbearing but you def warm up to them, humble rich CEO dude, miscommunications but their handled pretty well and actually does something for the plot, ugh the story is so good
idk if you follow Stray Kids but ml is so han jisung coded, there’s a recent photo of han that is soooo this ML 😭😭
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7. You Are My Desire (aka Daydreaming About Me)
Manhua, josei, romcom drama, starts off in high school but later half is in college, first loves, some mature topics in relation to family problems, idek what to say but god I just love them sfm and I think the artist is from the same studio as the Hidden Love artist, the novel is sauuuuur good, comic does it justice but I recommend the novel even more
Season 1 ongoing but novel is complete
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HI AUTUMN!! i'm sorry this was from so long ago alskfjlasjdf but I added every single one of these recs onto my reading list so I'll be getting to them when I have time and when they're close to being finished. here are some of my recs in return!!! (these are all completed)
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L -> R
father I don't want this marriage: I think this one just ended but GOD I love a good reincarnation manhwa and a DILF. the plot is really cliche but I just love the genre so much
the dilettante: E2L mafia member x secret agent. what more do you want?? (I wanted so much more that I looked up the original korean novel and went to a forum to read about what happens in the novel)
bring the love: I hate how some people dropped this because they didn't like the art style but this literally has to be one of the best romances I've ever read. the characters are mature and they communicate really well. they touch upon a lot of social topics that aren't usually talked about in the historical genre. green flags all around.
do you know anything about tpo kageyama-kun?!: plugging a kagehina dj because I squealed when I read this and literally reread it over and over bc of how cute it was
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mao-likes-2-draw · 5 months
guess who finished turnabout bigtop…
what the hell was that????? i felt like crying at the end because why was it so sad??
(spoilers under the cut, tw for suicide and mentions of grooming)
the ENTIRE thing was a fever dream. i know it was rushed and literally written under the influence, but GOOD LORD ????? some of the most insufferable characters i’ve ever seen were in this case. i was so tired when i finished it though i think they warmed up to me.
moe was something else, but me and my sister kept laughing so hard whenever he made the sprite like 😐 he was the real mvp of this case though (in a way??) very annoying sometimes though
regina was so bubbly and sparkly and her gimmick was just not working. this case has some of the most gimmick heavy characters, so i genuinely cannot deal with how bad some of them are. the whole plot involving regina was also kind of gross because of the age gaps between max, ben, bat, etc…i do understand her whole thing was about being sheltered and spoiled and unable to cope with bad things and blah blah blah though
big back ben… he was just an uncomfortable character. 31 in love with a 16 year old?? i did like the whole act with him and trilo at least, i like how he almost uses him as an outlet? or that’s what it feels like anyways
i actually did like acro. i thought he was dramatic and kind of an asshole for plotting murder on a 16 year old for an incident that basically killed his brother, but my sister was totally on his side. now i do feel like if the girl who inadvertently caused the death of my brother was in my room every day, taking out my trash and feeding me, and laughing and smiling, showing NO sympathy about what happened and saying “ohhh he became a star :)” i would go a bit insane too. not to mention him being wheelchair bound because of the incident, AND unable to leave the lodge because he lived on the third floor (someone move this poor man to the first floor please) the isolation must’ve been torture with the only person you see being what you see is the cause of all this. when he finally DID have enough of it and executed his murder plan, it didn’t even go right. he instead killed his only family figure he had left, leaving everything he had gone. his legs, his job, his brother, and finally the ringmaster. moe said he was livid when acro found out about the ringmaster’s death, because he didn’t even KNOW who he actually killed. he must have been crushed by that point, and he did contemplate suicide or turning himself in to the police. but he didn’t. because he KNEW bat was still alive, despite being as good as “dead” in the seemingly unshakable coma. he couldn’t kill himself or go to jail, because he needed to be there for his brother on the off chance he even woke up. he’s a murderer, but it wasn’t pure malice. one of the more sympathetic culprits in JFA .
max was funny, but again the whole thing with regina was really weird. i did like how he was a country bumpkin and his real name was billy bob johns and his flamboyant personality was great too
moving on, the whole case in general didn’t feel real. it was all zany and gimmicky, it didn’t seem like it should belong in AA. in fact, nearly all of the cases in JFA feel like a fever dream.
the plot was SO convoluted, and the whole trial parts were actually the worst. i liked the investigations. i think what i love about the investigations in little communities like the circus or global studios or the police department in rise from the ashes is the absolute TEA that the characters give you. like YES can i hear about all these scandals, and dee vasquez’s ties to the mafia and the rumors about edgeworth and blah blah blah… yess girl give me the drama!!
overall, everything felt unnecessary and over the top, but it’s a circus. i guess that was a point. still an absolute batshit case to go through, most insane and annoying story i’ve seen come out of AA so far.
justice for everyone in that fucking circus though. justice for regina too!! shes getting groomed left and right. will never forget this case for like another 10 years. God.
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negrowhat · 2 years
Tagged by: @yugiohio @wintersolaar @myfirstisthefourth @ommited-miscellaneously @gillianthecat AND @pharawee
This is my second time doing this one!
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
what have been BLs that took you by surprise this year?
Triage the Series: It's literally the only series I've ever watched with a time loop and it was insane from beginning to end. Had me on the edge of my seat and I was very excited to see TaeTee together again after we got played by 2MOONS.
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Ghost Host Ghost House: I didn't know what to expect, but damnnnnn not only was the series a tearjerker but also so freaking soft and romantic. You find yourself crying about the tragedies and then squealing about the romance budding amidst the pain.
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Blueming: Such a refreshing series. It felt the most like what it was supposed to portray. It was so simple and yet damn near perfect. The series felt the least like a BL, kind of sidestepping a bunch of tropes and making them seem more realistic. IDK how to explain it. Hwang Da Seul is just really talented.
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Secret Crush on You: Once you get past the cringe that is eps 1-3 then you start to realize that the series is kind of epic with great representation and support and dialogue. It's a relatable series with relevant content.
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Takara-kun to Amagi-kun: I wasn't expecting to love those boys so much. It's another simple series that left a huge impact. They really showcased what a first real love is supposed to be like.
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what have been BLs that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
Check Out the Series: WHACK!
The Eclipse: It just didn't hit for me the way it hit for everyone else.
Coffee Melody: It started off cute! But became boring and the main character became annoying.
Fahlanruk: Again, started off cute, but Fahlan? I couldn't stand him. He demanded so much from Sherbet and forced his way into the man's life. I just couldn't commit to him.
Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss: I mean. It wasn't bad, it just didn't hold my attention.
what has been your favorite BL this year?
Love in the Air: Swooped in and took the #1 spot from KP. It really wasn't even about the plot it was more about the characters for me. PayuRain and PrapaiSky were just amazing couples. The chemistry was unmatched. ALSO NO ONE TOLD ME THAT THE ACTOR THAT PLAYED SIG PLAYED DR. SING IN TRIAGE! That man could act because the stark difference in characters left it impossible for me to notice.
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Between Us: WinTeam FTW. I've been waiting for this series for a long time and it has not been disappointing. BounPrem have come a long way and it shows in this series.
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KinnPorsche the Series: Originally I was only planning to watch KP for JeffGame, but then all that drama went down with the original production company and Game left so I was like NAH BUT THEN I SAW THE TRAILER?? This series is really what popped off Mafia themes in BL. I love some action and romance so I was not let down.
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favorite BL couples (not just of 2022)
CaiReel, KinnPorsche, PayuRain, FighterTutor, PluemKevin, Phunnoh, AePete, TharnType, NubsibGene, DeYi, Hao Ting x Xi Gu, TangFei, Kurodachi, WeiLan, Wangxian, WenZhou, and Yu Zhen x Shi Lei. There are much more but we would be here a long time.
what's your non-BL favorite this year?
Kei x Yaku: I mean technically it's a bromance and I think the source content was a bromance too. The plot was thrilling and exciting and suspenseful. The chemistry was top notch. The action scenes were amazing. Like the entire series was 10/10.
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Heartstopper and Young Royals 2: Queer content but not Asia-based so technically not BLs. Heartstopper has excellent LGBTQ representation across the board. It's sweet and funny and the tackle a lot of topics. Young Royals is on the opposite side of the high school queer spectrum. It's filled with angst and anxiety. Follows up with Prince Wille once he returns to school and has to be in contact with his ex-boyfriend again and the people that helped facilitate their breakup.
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Gap the Series: I'm loving the girlies. Office romance between a newly graduated young woman and her seemingly untouchable idol/boss.
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MMM that's really it, the only thing I watch outside of BL is reality TV and courtroom shows.
I've done this before so IDK who to tag this time. If you see this do it and tag me!
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itsanidiom · 8 months
Final thoughts on Pit Babe (as an Omegaverse fan)...
Honestly...at the end of the day...I'm a bit disappointed.
Not with the drama itself, mind you. It's a decent BL drama for what it is.
For me personally, Pit Babe will rank somewhere between My Dear Gangster Oppa (Another Evil Mafia Bonsai Daddy) and KinnPorsche (Why is there so much product placement in my Mafia drama?). If you cut out the super powers and just make it about human trafficking (which wouldn't actually change the plot too too much) it fits perfectly in that arena.
The overall disappointment came from the fact that it wasn't Omegaverse...It wasn't even A/B/O. I would say it's X-men with Mpreg that (unnecessarily) uses (some) A/B/O verbiage.
I kept waiting for it to prove itself as a fit for the Omegaverse trope, but it never did. No heats. No mating cycles. No biting. NO OMEGAS!!! (lol)
Yeah, we get some "pheromones" and "scent compatibility" but Babe only ever mentioned them, so maybe it's just part of his personal super power and not a general thing all Alphas have. Also, Babe only mentions Charlie DOESN'T have the smell which is good because he thinks it stinks. So even the Alpha scent feature of the Omegaverse trope isn't handled how I, personally, am used to or would like to see.
All in all, since it didn't hit the Omegaverse mark for me, I ended up only about as invested as I would with any other drama, and there are a lot of other supernatural and soul mate themed dramas out right now (The Sign, La Pluie, Ghost Host Ghost House, etc.) that I feel have had better execution. The super power theme in this one just didn't excite me enough to drive me to give it top marks with all the other faults.
The car racing was dope! But again, I personally enjoyed Love In The Air more with it's racing and mechanic themes. Also because Love In The Air is street racing and not...whatever competitive sport this was...it allows for more of the vagueness around the rules of the sport that this drama should have better explained because they were meant to be competing in some sort of Nascar/F1 style races. So it didn't win there either apart from some of the visually awesome race scenes. The best one was still the drifting in episode one. Street racing, once again, better than trying to make an official competition make sense.
So yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm just left feeling a little disappointed. Totally down to read people's thoughts if you have any counter arguments though!
P.S. Side dish was the best dish tbh. AlanJeff own my heart. Once Charlie fake died and Alan and Jeff's relationship started, that kept me on board ngl. Also if the show just made Jeff an Omega, it would have redeemed so much for me, honestly. But no...AlanJeff are just a normal (very adorable) couple.
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mejomonster · 2 years
I started Never Let Me Go part 1 ep 1:
1. Oh my god they batmanned the main character immediately. No time wasting. Turning 18, loves his dad, setup to fulfill family legacy, just wants dad alive and proud of his dad? Dad shot in the RAIN WHILE EXITING
Screaming crying in the rain oh My god
Don't get me wrong, I loved it, I'm loving the setup, it's just WOW do u see it coming they got real quick to the point I love it
2. STAR STUDDED CAST at least 3 guys from The Gifted Graduation and I'm beyond hype about it, I'm absolutely over the moon. My favorite dude is in this I'm practically in tears <3 ;-;
3. For that matter, the vibes? Actually REALLY similar to The Gifted. More realism rather than sci fi, so like The Eclipse. But visually and tonally it's leaning FAR HEAVIER into serious plot like The Gifted with queer relationships IN it but not like the main point. The Eclipse balanced both a murder mystery political protest plot WITH some very ship style shot scenes of boys standing super close and flirting for the sake of a flirty scene, but a bit subverted in that Khaotung and all queer characters on the show were heavily clearly coded as queer men, khaotungs character as a femme queer man, and so those bl fluffy romance type cliches had a certain realism to them even when the cheesy usual music played. I expect THIS show is going to go the 3 Will Be Free route, where there's a main queer romance as a center point but it's not going to be presented too reliant on fluffy shippy they fell on each other and MUSIC SWELLED CUTESY scenes. Oh sure, they may share a shower or fall on each other for sure! But I think the romantic tropes will be handled in a more grounded way as a compliment/intensification to the plot and character romance rather than the vehicles that PUSH the romance and story to begin with. (Actually now thinking about it both The Eclipse AND GAP do a really good job using cutesy fluff tropes but as a compliment to a queer character focused story to like make me feel great I Get a gushy cute over the top scene while still feeling it makes logical sense for the story). So basically... I think tonally this show is going to be like Not Me and 3 Will Be Free and I'm SO HYPE FOR IT. It's my personal preference. I imagine it'll feel initially "slow" to some people, but for me it feels the intro episode is setting up and introducing the individual characters and arcs and themes and setup well which is a good strong opening. (GAP does this while also playing with cute tropes so you can do both if you want a slightly less heavy opening ep).
4. LOVE the visuals. Again, reminds me a LOT of The Gifted Graduation visually in color choices - it's more colorful like Moonlight Chicken, but there's also a lot of more muted looking color choices that remind me of The Gifted. That make the school feel realistic rather than rom com set (like I love Bad Buddy and I love its design choices but it also leans into the bright vivid visual style which is more sitcom and romcom then heavy drama palette). The color scheme is a lot more like The Eclipse, The Gifted, Girl From Nowhere, more muted and I'm hoping it's an indication we'll get some suspense and mystery in the story like other Thai shows that go for these kinds of visuals.
5. I'm happy to say it feels like it's own thing and not a kinnporsche knockoff. I definitely Want more gang grey moral character gay adventure stories even if they are heavily inspired by other stuff or not (I LOVE 3 will be free, manner of death, history 3 trapped, and am always happy for more thriller gay stuff). But when I initially heard this show premise I expected a mafia boss and bodyguard premise. While it may eventually evolve into that setup.... these initial characters are NOT like kinn and Porsche. They're 18 for one and both in the point of life of deciding life paths, which changes the whole trajectory wildly (and in this rare instance despite me not liking high school settings I like the choice... they're 18 truly about to go to college. And the premise reminds me of The Gifted so I imagine the transition of some innocence to no innocence and involved in the corruption of the world and reality fully and no longer being naive and needing to make hard decisions will be major themes in this. Or at LEAST feature at some point. And people becoming adults are a decent character choice for telling that kind of story.) I just like a Lot of the unique choices this shows opening with, I didn't expect a story this thought out and I'm excited
And I'm only done with ep 1 part 1!!! I'm hype
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: King of Wrath by Ana Huang
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3.25/5. (Re)-releases 4/25/2023.
For when you're vibing with... Modern arranged marriage, billionaire romance, a very cosmopolitan international feel (complete with jetsetting), and some groveling.
Vivian Lau hails from new money, and her father will do anything to break their family into the upper echelons of society--including arrange her marriage to billionaire Dante Russo. Though Vivian is willing to make the best of it, Dante is hostile from the start. So why did he agree to the marriage in the first place? As the two grow closer, the answer may be something Vivian never expected...
So, mixed feelings on this one. I like Ana's writing style, and I certainly like the way she writes sex, as well as this very opulent and interesting world she's created. But I had some issues on the execution.
Quick Takes:
--I really enjoyed the differentiation between new money and old money, the emphasis on elitism, and the sense of business intermingled with personal. Often, in these billionaire romances, it doesn't feel like the billionaires really live in a weird world. Here, it definitely read as something exclusive and inaccessible, yet at the same time something Vivian was very used to because her parents had been super wealthy since she was a child. I liked, so much, that Vivian didn't hesitate to use Dante's black card, didn't wring her hands over dropping $250K on a couple pieces of jewelry like heroines in billionaire romances often do. Basically, I liked that she was rich, too.
--In general, I appreciated the idea of an Italian billionaire who didn't have mafia connections and came from old money. Did that necessarily ring super true to me (real world aside, because this is a fantasy world)? I don't know. I will say that after reading a series in which I could tell the author put a lot of work into making the heroes feel Italian, Dante didn't super read that way to me. He was very American, but threw in some "mia caras" and in many ways I think it might've been better to just committing to him being fully Americanized, or perhaps delving more into the idea that he has lost connection with his heritage.
--I really enjoyed Dante's family backstory and the family drama (Vivian's included) in general. It felt very real, and it was hurtful and traumatic without being over the top.
--The pacing of this book was a double-edged sword for me. It takes place over an extended period of time... Yet somehow, I really didn't feel that, and in some ways I think it would've been better if they'd fallen in love over a (perhaps unrealistically) compressed period of time. Dante would leave to do business for a month; Vivian and Dante's relationship would skip forward a month. We would know that time passed and the relationship naturally grew, but something about it just felt kind of rushed and artificial to me. I felt like I missed the part where they became ridiculously into each other, or where they fell in love, even though I did believe in their chemistry.
--This felt like it was supposed to be enemies to lovers, but Vivian didn't give me anything on that front. I liked her, and she wasn't a doormat; but she wasn't lashing out at Dante, either. She wasn't really spoiled, she wasn't mean, she was just very mature. It made me feel like Dante really wasn't at her level at all, and it also made me feel like... I don't know. It was just hard to connect with her.
--The Big Secret is something you as the reader know from the jump. Vivian does not. It is obviously a big deal when this gets revealed, but I couldn't help but think... she probably should've... guessed? It was something along those lines? Maybe I'm just being cunty, but it felt a bit obvious? And for that matter, her reaction felt a bit over the top. It added to the main issue I had with the book, which is that I liked the way it was presented in terms of writing, but it felt very paint by numbers. Every beat could be predicted, both in terms of plot and emotion.
The Sex Stuff:
The sex in this was... very good. Probably my favorite thing about the book, if I'm being real. At first, it began a bit typically, with that well-known ramp-up. (But I did really like that these two just started having sex and not talking about it at all; fully having these encounters and being like "WELP".) Gradually, however, it got a bit kinkier, and I... wasn't mad at that. There is a scene in a moving vehicle... that is so good.
Overall, I can't say that I loved King of Wrath, but I did like parts of it quite a bit, and I do want to read more of Ana Huang. I feel like she could have gone further with this one, but she's clearly a talented writer. I'll probably read the next book in the series, and check out other books of hers. This novel is a re-release, and I see a great response to it, so clearly, this works for many! And that's great.
Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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rest-in-bees · 2 years
do you have a live action bl series with a serious plot you would recommend? i like the stuff you’ve been reblogging but i can’t choose which to start with
hi anon! i wasn't quite sure what you meant by serious (like focused more on the plot than the romance or like more serious tonally) so i went with a mix of the two with the help of the group chat! for the record everything in this list has a happyish ending except for one
a lot of the stuff I've been reblogging lately is from Kinnporsche, which is a thai mafia bl with romcom vibes but it's also v dark. and honestly i don't even know how to explain it? but i want to steal the genders of most of the cast and wear them like little hats (esp this one guy named vegas who i also want to put in a washing machine set to maximum spin) anygay there's three couples and they're all living in different genres, and there's def a reason everyone i know calls it a revolutionary bl. it can be found on dramacool, tws for sexual assault tho and there's also sex on screen if that's a squick of yours
another good one (still airing tho) is The Eclipse, which is thai and airing on youtube every friday. it's inspired by some real life events where the first openly transgender member of thailand's parliament was removed from office due to authoritarian measures (pls do not ask me what they are im too tired to google it) and so they decided to make a bl about an all boys high school fighting against an authoritarian school board! i really like the main couple and the side couple both, it's telling four different queer journeys and i love how all of them are portrayed
there's also Not Me which is thai and on youtube as well, and it follows a dude going undercover in a biker gang to figure out who put his twin brother in a coma. fair warning it's a little over the top at times (white is kind of an idiot but he's sean's idiot) but the pride rally episode makes it worth it imo
next up is Manner of Death, which is a thai crime drama on dramacool and was so cool to watch, bc it was the first bl I'd ever seen in which they could've been a straight couple and v little would change. they're adults and they have really good chemistry even if i think sometimes the characters engaged in some Poor Decision Making™️
and ofc i have to mention Cherry Magic! it's a japanese office drama on dramacool which covers a lot of serious topics and has a great ace character so i think it deserves to be an honorable mention. shoutout to the side couple for being hilariously cringe
next off is 180 Degrees of Longitude Passes Through Us, which i would like to say up front i have not seen! but it does come highly recommended to me and has a serious plot so i wanted to mention it. tws for kind of a big age gap and a sad ending. it's thai and can be found on dramacool
another one i haven't seen yet is Young Royals which is a swedish bl on netflix and looks like it's only angst so I'm ignoring it as that's not my thing but it might be yours! it's a prince and a commoner story set in a high school and my friend said i should suggest it to you since it's serious, season two is about to air!
is Bad Buddy serious? sort of so I'm adding it to the list bc it was so so so good. it's a childhood friends to rivals to lovers romcom and it does cover serious topics and i really like it so i highly recommend it. it's a thai bl on youtube
and ofc i have to mention The Untamed, which is a chinese bl (and as such is censored) and can be found on netflix, but it's based on novel called The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by MXTX and just so you understand the vibes: the first line is "Good news! Wei Wuxian is dead!" and uh. wei wuxian is the mchecking main character. but the plot follows a lot of conspiracy and murder and a lot of the characters are heartbreaking but i swear it does end in marriage
NOW. there are two dramas that are not strictly bls but are both v homoerotic and so i really wanted to mention them anyway bc they are v serious and i liked them a lot
first off: The Devil Judge. the man himself becomes the head judge in a televised courtroom in a post pandemic south korea in an attempt to remove courtroom corruption and foul play from high priority trials. along the way he engages becomes the beast to a fellow judge's beauty (not a joke they literally said it was based on beauty and the beast and it's kinda obvious) and it has a bittersweet ending, can be found on dramacool
and last but certainly not least is Beyond Evil which is a kdrama on netflix and is this one guy trying to catch a serial killer, but the other one thinks he's suspicious and ofc insanity ensues but in a v dark and murdery way. bittersweet ending again and there is an age gap but it's not technically a bl even tho there's a lot of hinting imo
and ofc look out for Big Dragon when it starts airing on oct 8, it's one I'm really looking forward to (another thai mafia bl ofc)
and that's all I've got right now! anyone else pls feel free to add on to this list and anon def feel free to reach out with any questions! I'd love to know which, if any, you end up watching and your thoughts on it!
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spoilertv · 7 months
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heavywithplot · 2 years
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leslie (glasses, he/they) and andy (tall, he/they)!
the story they’re in is an overdramatic mafia plot, leslie is the guy who does the bookkeeping lmao
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absolutebl · 2 years
10 BLs to Watch if You Loved KinnPorsche
It’s really hard for me to understand exactly why you liked a thing, anything, let alone a phenomena of pop culture. Also there is nothing exactly like KP. With those two codicils in mind, I will do my very best. 
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So here are 10 things I’m going to assume you are looking for. 
higher heat levels - things get steamy 
lower angst levels - external conflict (rather then internal agony and navel gazing) 
good chemistry (not the same thing as heat) - this means the actors are good at portraying physical, mental, and emotional attraction to each other
grey morality 
multiple couples 
mature characters
non-school setting
longer length treatment
a happy ending 
I do hope I’ve gotten it right. This BL list will be rated on a scale of #/10 KP rating system - one point for each of the above, half points allowed. (Which is NOT my normal BL rating system.) 
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Some things that I can’t really help you with: 
Explicitly kinky characters. There is very little of this in light BL (stories with happy endings) and what there is I’ve a listed here. 
Mafia or yakuza set dramas are more common in dark BL. There are a few exceptions, but none of them have the bodyguard trope of KP. 
Trigger warnings: assume if it happened in KP it may happen in these. including the stuff people argued over and disliked. Also dubcon and few others nasties. (Why so much dubcon in BL?)
Narrative structure. As you probably noticed in KP, strong story structure is not a hallmark of BL, but rather the exception. So far there have been only a few great strongly written high concept and killer narrative BLs. 
Let’s start, shall we? 
Loved KinnPorsche? Try These BLs Next
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1. Manner of Death 
(Thailand 2021) WeTV 
This is a gay romantic suspense featuring a doctor and a mafia character. It’s more a murder mystery investigation with multiple plot twists than a mafia romance, but it is tons of fun. It’s stars the Original Kings of BL IRL ships: MaxTul. Also two of the hottest bodies in BL. 
KP rating 9.5/10 
It has higher heat levels, low angst (there is no angst at all, really, these boys got other things to do), great chemistry, action, grey morality, multiple couples (kinda - this is where it flails at bit so I dinged it 1/2 a point), mature characters, a country + medical setting, longer length treatment AND a happy ending. 
What to watch next if this was your favorite off this list? Triage or Dear Doctor, I’m Coming for your Soul. 
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2. Trapped 
AKA HIStory 3: Trapped 
(Taiwan 2019) Viki 
Basically the definition of enemies to lovers. Is about a cop investigating a cold case where a mafia boss is the only witness, so he starts chasing him. Along the way to solving it, they fall in love. Side characters = mercenary hitman meets nerdy cop of his dreams, cooks for him. All the leads are stellar. It’s high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but is pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but... amorphous ending. The sides end happily tho. 
KP rating 9.5/10 
Contains mature characters, non-school setting, higher heat, lower angst, great chemistry, action (some of it the SAME action, these two run through the woods hand-cuffed together for days too), grey morality, multiple couples, and a longer length - only the ending falters. 
You want HIStory 3: Trapped NOT the other HIStory 3! 
If you’ve been frustrated by the heat levels and setting of Thai BLs since KP, then that’s because you need to turn your attention to Taiwan instead. Taiwan specializes in high heat levels and non-school settings. (They have some, but it’s not their focus.) 
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: HIStory 2: Crossing the Line, DNA Says Love You, and you can explore the top 10 I talk about in my Taiwan’s history with the genre post. A warning, do not take Trapped as a typical example of HIStory franchise, it’s all over the place.  
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3. Long Time No See 
(Korea 2017) GaGa 
Long Time No See is about two assassins who fall in love via online gay fanfic without knowing they are hitmen on opposite sides of a turf war. Or do they? It’s absolutely great and very under appreciated. One of Strongberry’s few longer pieces (but still short by Thai BL standards) with good fight sequences and very suspenseful. 
KP rating 8/10 
Contains all KP elements except multiple couples and a longer length: mature characters, non-school setting, high heat, low angst, good chemistry, action, grey morality, and a happy ending.
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: Actually you might try some of Japan’s darker stuff, I’m thinking Double Mints, for example. 
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4. Not Me
(Thailand 2022) YouTube 
This is crime thriller BL-lite about a group of motorcycling malcontents bent on bring down a corrupt system. Overtly queer, the romantic threads are not entirely the narrative drivers and it’s very slender on tropes, making this one, like MoD more gay romantic suspense than BL. But if gritty tension is what you’re after, this one has that in spades. 
KP rating 7/10
It’s pretty low heat, this is OffGun+GMMTV and heat is not what they do. It has some angst because of the twin thing and the political thing (but not as much as I expected). The characters are not mature by my personal standards, they do act with the idealism of youth and they are in university some of the time. Otherwise ticks all the boxes: good chemistry, action, grey morality, multiple couples, longer length treatment, and a happy ending.
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: you can try OffGun’s back catalogue but it’s probably not what you’re looking for, try Bad Buddy instead and consider my favorite Thai BL, Until We Meet Again. 
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5. 3 Will Be Free 
(Thailand 2019) YouTube
Is about a mafia kid, a stripper, and a grifter who accidentally kill a hitman and then have to go on the run with two assassins chasing them. Along the way the three of them basically fall in love with each other. You also get the mafia hitmen perspective. It’s GREAT and very queer. 
KP rating 6/10 
Low heat levels for this one because it’s from GMMTV. However it is also low angst (there consistent outside stressors and this plot moves FAST), good chemistry, lots of action, very grey morality, multiple couples (but with each other, this is a poly romance), is not set at school, and has a longer length treatment. However, the characters aren’t entirely mature and it has a slightly ambiguous ending - they survive and are kind-of together but also stuff has happened. I dinged it an extra point because technically this is a queer romance and not, actually, a BL at all. Still it’s a very under-appreciated gem of a show, and I highly recommend it. 
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: there’s nothing else out there like this show, sorry, it’s unique. However if you like Tay (Shin) you should watch his BL series the Kiss series and Dark Blue Kiss (watching guide here) where he plays a completely different personality. 
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6. Irresistible Love 
AKA Irresistible Love: Secret of the Valet (YouTube) + Irresistible Love 2 AKA Uncontrolled Love (YouTube) 
(China 2016) grey 
This two movie series is mafia esk but it’s very rough and lacks narrative cohesion. Rich kid (maybe mafia) boss has obsession with his family’s butler in a classic execution of the whipping boy trope. It’s in two parts and the second part has two endings, you want the one that ends not entirely unhappily. I not-so-secretly love this BL: obsession, mutilation, very hard fought and absolutely classic Chinese BL pre-censorship. It's a wild melodramatic ride.
KP rating 6/10
This has higher heat levels (all are dub con), good chemistry, very grey morality, mature characters, non-school setting and a medium length treatment. It also has some serious angst because of the unequal power dynamic and the seme’s bisexuality, there’s little action, only one couple, and the ending is all over the place, happyish if you can find the right one. (As of typing this post: the YouTube links should still work, but this is a grey show it has no official distribution.) 
What to watch next if this was your favorite on this list: really? This one was your favorite? Okay then, how about trying My Beautiful Man AKA Utsukushii Kare? Or go for Addicted, if you want the best that China can do. 
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7. Golden Blood 
(Thailand 2021) YouTube 
A Thai BL pulp with the whipping boy trope (attack dog variant) about a boy who is pulled off the streets because he has the correct blood type and trained to be the servant/caretaker/bodyguard of a rich mafia kid. They fall in love.
KP rating 5/10
This one has higher heat levels, multiple couples, a longer length treatment and a happy ending. But it is a Thai pulp so the production values are poor. There is some unnecessary angst as the characters are not mature and it is partly set in university, the chemistry is uneven (great with the sides but not the mains), there is action but it’s not very good, and grey morality (sort of). All in all, a mixed bag.
If you liked this best you have some pretty relaxed standards. why not lean in and try some MAME stuff like TharnType, Don’t Say No, or Love in the Air. Consider yourself warned. 
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8. Unforgotten Night 
(Thailand 2022) iQIYI 
Ostensibly a kinky story of a mafia Dom who after a one night stand gets obsessed with a simple office worker and kidnaps him into his dark crime riddled world. But that made it sound appealing. It’s terrible. 
KP rating 5/10
It does have higher heat levels but they aren’t actually, ya know, good because the chemistry is poor, there’s a lot of unnecessary angst, there’s some action, grey morality, multiple couples, longer length treatment, and a happy ending but ho boy. It’s not a wild ride, it’s a confused and quite dull one. Also you will spend a lot of time worrying about plumbing, and not in a euphemistic way. 
If you liked this best, you're confused. You need to learn what good chemistry looks like, watch Zee’s catalogue - Why R U? and Cutie Pie. 
There is also Chains of Heart to consider. 
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9. Where Your Eyes Linger 
(Korea 2020) Viki
Ostensibly high school set about a poor kid whose been raised in a mafia kid’s family specifically to protect him (whipping boy trope, attack dog variant). Themes of codependency and survival with pretty classic Korean style romance ending. 
KP rating 4.5/10 
Excepting Strongberry, Korean stuff is rarely high heat, this one gives you a kiss at the end but that’s it. Decent chemistry, only a little action, only one couple (also a hallmark of KBL), and short treatment. It does have grey morality and a happy ending (at the very last minute). The characters are not mature and it is set in high school. 
What to watch next if this was you favorite: you might try Hwang Da Seul’s other BLs To My Star or Blueming. I like the both a whole lot. 
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10. Word of Honor
(China 2021) Viki also Youku’s YouTube 
Yes a censored Chinese bromance actually made one of my lists. But remember I’m rating this by KP standards, not my own. Normally I leave the censored stuff off my lists because I believe in censoring the censors. However, if anything gets on, it’s usually this one. 
This show is my favorite of the post 2016 bromance wave. It’s two murder-gay assassins (pining sunshine/tsundere), and they are so insanely gay for two boys who are never allowed to kiss. Tropes include: wuxia, soulmates, paranormal, historical, and fantasy elements.
KP rating 4/10
No heat, this is Chinese BL post censorship, some angst (China likes angst) but in this case it’s warranted, good chemistry, fantastic action, beautifully grey morals, there are other couples but only het and they die, a VERY long treatment, and an ambiguous ending.
If this was your favorite go ahead and watch Untamed (knowing they don’t end up together) or even The Guardian. You might also try Advance Bravely if only to see our boy Jun swap seme for uke. That’s kind of a bodyguard romance. 
And that’s it, those are my recs. Feel free to leave your own recs (and reasons) in the comments. 
This post is dated Sept 2022, not responsible for other BLs that come along after that date and fit the KP model better. 
That said, recent additions! 
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Never Let Me Go
KP rating 7/10
This is a bodyguard romance with has lower angst, good chemistry, action, multiple couples (sort of), mature-ish characters, longer length treatment, a happy ending. However it is medium heat, no grey morality, and 1/2 in a school setting. 
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The Sign
KP rating 9/10
Def has the higher heat levels, lower angst (it’s mostly external conflict), fantastic chemistry, and some grey morality, mature characters, non-school setting, longer length treatment, a happy ending. It’s only flaw is weak secondary couples. They there, but not awesome. 
This show is literally everything (except straight) all at once. It's BL, queer, band of brothers, romcom, erotica, PNR, fated mates, police procedural, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and slasher. It’s the king of genre mash-up chaos. Sure, it's madness but there is genius in it. Was it a crazy unhinged mess +1 roll for damage? Yes. Yes it was. Did it manage to hold all those tangled threads together? No it did not. Was it also a charmg, sexy, engaging, non-stop piece of entertainment? Sure thing. I think this show is basically my KinnPorsche, and frankly I’ve been chasing that dragon naga since KP aired. Is it perfect? No. But it was balls to the wall FUN. 
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
KP rating 8/10
Def has higher heat levels, medium angst levels (so half a point off for that) one of them is in high school, after all. Still mostly external conflict. Great chemistry, some action, grey morality, multiple couples (sides steal the show). Only half the cast is mature, but they get there, so half a point ding for that. Half of it is in a school setting so it loses half a point for that too. Longer length treatment and a happy ending. However everyoen is a little bit kinky, and the sides are insanely good, so I’m giving it a full point as VegasPete extra credit.
The plot is totally ridiculous and slightly unhinged, but that’s normal for Taiwan. It involves all the tropes under a very casual framework of gay mafia gangs + food = love. Absolutely every character is queer. There’s a gum-ball machine of cameos, elder gay rep, great chemistry from all pairs, and a KILLER side couple. As a result Kiseki is a poster child for Taiwanese BL, and I happen to love Taiwanese BL. Bonus? They also managed to END IT WELL, which we cannot expect from Taiwan. Personally? I enjoying this a hell of a lot. 
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