#mag 169 fire escape
Redemption Round 2 - Match 16
Another high seed again, we have Section 31, which had only 91 votes in Round Two against Fire Escape, which lost its Round One match with 90 votes -- is this match as evenly matched as the numbers make it seem?
MAG 043 - Section 31 | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Police Constable Basira Hussain regarding her time investigating strange occurrences as part of Section 31. Statement taken direct from subject.
MAG 169 (almost nice) - Fire Escape | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Considerations on the sanctity of home. Recorded by the Archivist in Situ.
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fractal-voidling · 2 months
MAG169 - ########-9 │ Fire Escape
it's hot as hell where I live rn, so this was a pretty immersive experience, lol
we won't miss you Jude, byeee~
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a-mag-meme-a-day · 1 year
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Meme for @a-mag-a-day Day 174
MAG 169 - Fire Escape
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spacedemodulator · 1 year
MAG 169, Fire Escape
MARTIN: Smite! Smite!
MARTIN: Gimme an S! Gimme a M! Gimme an I! Gimme a T! Gimme an E!
MARTIN: What’s that spell? Smite!
JON: Ok, the next domain is The Desolation.
JON: It’s a burning tenement and the avatar is inside. We’re gonna smite the @#$& out of that *&$#.
MARTIN: Inside…a burning building?
JON: Yep!
MARTIN: Will it hurt?
JON: Oh yes, I’ll feel every molecule of pain and despair.
MARTIN: I mean, will it hurt me?
JON: …
JON: I guess? But it’s a long way to London, I’m sure you’ll walk it off.
MARTIN: Ok, new plan.
MARTIN: I’ll build an Archivist-sized trebuchet, and I’ll just yeet you in there so you can smite more efficiently.
MARTIN: The old yeet-n-smite maneuver.
MARTIN: Yeet! Yeet!
MARTIN: Annnd smite!
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kat-and-their-cats · 5 months
Favourite Episode Masterlist
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 169 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the Kolkwitzia amabilis in my garden.
JON: "Some fears don’t need to be intensified. Only manifested." Hm, insufficient or blatantly negligent fire escapes are so common in apartment buildings… Often seen escape routes get affected negatively by tenants, leaving shoes and all kinds of obstacles in the hallway. Of course this in turn can be a consequence of too many people crammed into one flat because otherwise they can’t afford living there. What I absolutely hate, is when they do that in the hospital I work at. There is no excuse. Leaving wheelchairs or even beds in the hallway even though we have fire prevention and fire action training every year and every year it’s said, that this is not allowed.
Oh this episode shows a dark side of Jon. He didn’t tell Martin what was the deal with the fire, probably hoping he wouldn’t ask (since he’s getting a bit cagy there) because he wants to revenge himself on Jude.
This conversation really shows Alex‘s VA talent again. He‘s so good at portraying fear, panic, you can hear he’s on the verge of tears.
MARTIN:(overlapping) "I know! I know, okay, I just – (bracing exhale) Look, I j,just – don’t want to get burned, all right? It’s, it’s like my least favorite pain ever." JON: "Is that – a joke?" They really gotta work on their understanding of humour. Neither one knows when the other is making a joke or not.
MARTIN: (a bit faster, a bit shaky) "No, no, okay? I, I legitimately hate burns, alright? They’re, they’re awful, and they scar horribly, and they just – it – it just makes me sick; I, I hate it. Hate it!" Hm, would love to hear what Jon would have thought about this. Like, thanks I know what it’s like to get properly burned... His hand is probably a hot mess, if you excuse the pun xD 
JON: "Alright. If you really don’t want to do this, w-we can go another way." MARTIN: (somewhat smaller) "Really?" JON: "Really. My revenge… (long sigh) Well, let’s just say you’re more important." After lots and lots of talking how much Martin hates this and is afraid Jon caves in. That is good to see. If it weren’t for what’s following…
JON: "Maybe? It’s… (inhale) Like I said, I can’t see the future. It wouldn’t free them, if that’s what you’re asking. ‘Free’ doesn’t really exist in this place." MARTIN: "Apart from us." One of those instances where Martin gets acutely aware of their privilege. Also, not sure what Jon's deal is here. That hesitant "maybe?". Does he legitimately not know or does he want to stay bit vague so Martin would be on board with going in. (Couldn't Jon just know how the merry-go-round is doing since he has destroyed the Not!Them?) I mean he's at least honest about the fact that's it not freeing the people trapped in here.
JON: "I – Oh, right: I want revenge on Jude Perry. I want to… smite her. Make her feel what – (sigh) What all her victims felt. But I’m not willing to force you to suffer for it." MARTIN: "Okay. So it’s – (brief pause) I have to choose, do I?" JON: "Or we could sit here." MARTIN: "…No. No, I’m not going to choose; I don’t, I don’t think that’s a fair decision to put on me. It’s your revenge; your choice, not mine." It’s good that Jon hears Martin’s feelings on this and actually tries to respect them. But yeah, putting that decision on Martin is complicated. It’s once again a shitty situation in which nobody wins (except that I think Jon also didn’t win. At least not in the way he wanted. But at least he’s one step closer to realizing that this is doing nothing).
[SILENCE.] JON: "Fine. We go in." I like the long pause. Jon‘s inner fight about what to do is almost audible. He probably thought if Martin really, reaaaally doesn’t want this he would have said so. As he said, he's not forcing Martin to suffer for it. And Martin bounced it back to Jon. Still, he’s putting his desire for revenge before Martin…
"Home. Such a simple word. Home – not house, not dwelling, not residence or address, not domicile or flat or lodging or abode or apartment or property or accommodation. Home." How many synonyms xD
"And home is where that heart can be hurt most severely, because within that place of safety, the warm and welcoming embrace of the cramped and well-trod floors whose layout has ingrained itself into your soul, there you are most vulnerable." A lot of people are not aware how much their home means safety. Even when things happen which limits people in the capacity of feeling at peace at their home (noise, aggressive neighbours etc.) Still, a lot of people underestimate what it can do with you when your home gets violated in one of those most horrible ways. Break-ins, catastrophes...
Usually I have problems following statements which ramble a lot about general premises, but here I find it super interesting. How that first part is just generally putting it all into words. What a home means, what's it to you, which bad things can happen to it, how you become aware of said bad things etc.
"Sabina senses it, feels it drawing near." Okay, people who also had statement people with your name, how did it make you feel? Because it's such a jump scare every single time for me. It's also, I'm not used to hearing my name in media and when there actually is a character (Star Wars, Miraculous), it's always anglicized version with the silent E at the end. But the way Jonny pronounces the A at Sabina, it sounds so much like the German pronunciation of my name. I of course have no reference, but I also feel it's worse because it's one of the S5 statements and they are a lot closer to rl than some supernatural shit. I don't know, any other experiences with this?
MARTIN: (overlapping, coming into focus) "Jon, you idiot! Please go back!" Why "you idiot"? Also is it really "please go back" or is it "please come back"? The official transcripts doesn't have this line at all, it's just Martin yelling "Jon!" again and again. "Pls come back" would make more sense because he wants him to snap out of his Eyepocalypse Guidesona. Maybe that "idiot" because I'd guess Jon lost all sense of his surroundings and marched ever deeper into the inferno.
I know there’s the debate about Martin slapping Jon awake. He already did it in MAG 160 and it will happen one more time I think? Complicated matter, it’s such a trope to slap someone awake, but it being a trope doesn’t make it okay. There is also the matter that this is an audio medium, how would you hear, say, shaking someone to snap them out of it? The olfactory sense is really sufficient, I think? But very rarely that people have something for that to use. Water would be audible, but there wasn’t really any at their disposal. Perhaps in MAG 160..? But yeah, a slap is audible in a way, that people know what’s going on.
JUDE: "Fancy seeing you both here. (sarcasm) To what, exactly, do I owe the pleasure – the honor – of being graced by the great and powerful Archivist, harbinger of this new world and his, mm… (deliberately obtuse) …valet?" Oh god, I hate that mocking tone of Jude xD Also funny to see how everyone addresses Martin. Of course they don't know him, they're all like "who's that, what makes him so special that he's traveling with the Archivist?"
JUDE: What’s wrong? Scared of a little flame? (delighted) Oh, you are, aren’t you?" [SHE LAUGHS.] JUDE: "How pathetic." MARTIN: (high) "Screw you!" JON: "Leave him alone." Ah yes, antagonizing Martin, not good. Still, don't know how much that actually does. Cause Simon... But also, Simon was never actively antagonizing Martin in front of Jon, he always seems rather polite and very funny.
JUDE: "Oh, I see. I get it. You finally get a sniff of power, and the first thing you do is try to settle some old scores. (enjoying this) Play the big man; get off on good old-fashioned petty revenge." JON: (not in the mood for games) "I’d have thought that was a mindset you would appreciate." She's not wrong, and he knows it.
JUDE: "I’m… happy in this world. I belong here. And so do you." Jude has some very difficult but kinda true statements... The Archivist does belong here, the fear of others feels good to him. But with Jon it's not that easy.
MARTIN: (half screaming) "Just DIE already!" JUDE: "You’re not – better – (audibly struggling) than – me!" Also kind more of Martin's dark side. This overall stance of the revenge arc didn't really surprise me, especially not after S4. But directly shouting as someone "Just die already"... Also Jude again... Probably got a lot into Jon's head. Is he better? He surely has caused less pain on purpose than Jude did. I refuse to contribute the Eyepocalypse to Jon, he didn't know, he was tricked into this like all the others. I don't fault him for not wanting to die and also not for not immediately wanting to gouge his eyes out especially when he knew Martin wouldn't follow him and he therefore would have lost the last bit of influence/protection/support/whatever he could offer Martin. The thing about his statement victims is complicated as it seems that he does kind of need them to survive. Old statements wouldn't have done it forever. We saw in MAG 155 that the Fears want maximum pain out of all this... Love it, the entire moral dilemma! It's super interesting!
JON: "She’s gone." MARTIN: "The fires are still here. Doesn’t look like much has changed." JON: "No. I suppose not." I would love to know if there was a thought behind this, if it was taken into account if Jon knew it wouldn't do anything, or if it's open, like it didn't matter for the character growth/narrative here.
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Home. Such a simple word. Home — not house, not dwelling, not residence or address — [...] not domicile or flat or lodging or abode or apartment or property or accommodation. Home. A structure of brick or wood or concrete or canvas. A box in which you pack yourself away when the long day is done. A book neatly closed and placed snugly on a shelf. There's no place like home. An Englishman's home is his castle. Home is where the heart is.
This house says my name like an elegy Oh my, oh my Echoing where my ghosts all used to be Oh my, oh my
there was a house in pennsylvania with a ghost in the walls (an unloved house can be a certain kind of forever home)
And home is where that heart can be hurt most severely, because within that place of safety, the warm and welcoming embrace of the cramped and well-trod floors whose layout has ingrained itself into your soul, there you are most vulnerable. Your home is an extension of yourself, as much as you will let it be, and the place and the people and the things that form it and fill it are as much a part of you as your blood. As your bile. As your tears.
Home is- Home is where the fucking heart is, but someone ripped out mine.
You just wanted to prove there was one safe place, just one safe place.
There is a place, deep in the heart of fear, where you trap yourself and claim that it is safety. It was once a cabin and professes still to be such, but as with all in this new world that promises respite, it is a trap. The land outside is warped and twisted by the touch of those things that feed on your suffering, and behind those rough, wooden planks it seems they cannot reach you. The screams may linger on the distant breeze, and your Eye may wander beyond the curtains from time to time, but you and the one you love are, it seems, safe.
That place is in my bones. That place is in my soul. I can't remember what it looked like.
Stay, the cabin says. Stay within my false defences, cling so close to what you desperately wish to save, and live in shaking fear of the things beyond that may take it from you. Throw another log on the fire and curl up close. There are always more logs for the fire here. This is your home, and here you can be safe, as you putrefy, body and soul.
Won't you stay with me, my darling When this house don't feel like home?
MAG 169 - Fire Escape / "Curses" by The Crane Wives / "a haunting" by mag200 / MAG 169 - Fire Escape / my writing on 2 June 2023 / "You Are Jeff" by Richard Siken / MAG 162 - A Cosy Cabin / my writing on 25 June 2023 / MAG 162 - A Cosy Cabin / "Curses" by The Crane Wives
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lemonofthevalley · 8 months
listening to mag 169 (fire escape) while smelling smoke from a bonfire/campfire/whatever outside is certainly one way to be immersed into a podcast
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sashadealltheknives · 2 years
callback to that time I was listening to mag 169 fire escape and I heard a loud pop and my room suddenly smelled like burning rubber/electrical fire
like seriously of all times that could have happened come on did it have to be then
(If you’re wondering it turned out it was just a usb adapter that had decided to dramatically break at the worst time possible but it took. A long time to figure that out)
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social-mockingbird · 1 year
MAG #169: Fire Escape
Revenge >>>>> smoke inhalation
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mamahersh · 2 years
Once again, Season 5 continues to be unreasonably distressing. Just listened to Mag 168-170, and I can honestly say that they each were uniquely dreadful (dread inspiring?).
More below the cut:
At least 168 had a hopeful spin on things. I didn't realize that Jon knew about the End consuming the apocalypse this early in the season? Well, ok, I said hopeful, but hopeful in that at least there is an end to the suffering, not that it's an escape that includes people around afterwards. (Also, Martin's exchange with Jon was thoroughly amusing, though it's rather frustrating seeing Jon once again being incapable of explaining himself. But Martin once again trying to get Jon to murder an Avatar for selfish reasons is rather silly, if incredibly morally reprehensible.)
However, this is contrasted with 169 where Jon actively wants to hunt someone down to inflict punishment on them and we get the tried and true message that revenge isn't worth it. Like, you can tell Martin would have thought the excursion worth it if they had gone after the biggest baddie on the block, but hearing Jon is instead going after a personal vendetta seems to have mixed results. It's interesting how Jon, after finding out that Martin has a great fear of fire and burns, wants to give Martin the choice on if they subject themselves to possible harm. Martin, however, wants Jon to decide; presumably to see what Jon sees as more important: Martin's mental well-being or Jon's desire for vengeance. The answer at the start of the episode if Jon's vengeance. However, by the end, I think we could extrapolate that it's more than likely Martin's well-being.
We also find out that Jon continually experiences the pain and agony of every person in (at bare minimum) the entire domain he's in at any given moment, but also that his new physiology allows him to enjoy it. So keeping this in mind we we move forward, I know that their final decision boils down to kicking the fears into the multiverse or Jon pushing humanity faster into the waiting arms of the End after becoming the Pupil. What I'm curious to see is if Martin just forgets that Jon is in constant agony but that what he is doesn't allow him to process it the same way he would have as a human from all of humanity. But that's harsh, I'll wait and see.
Finally, 170 we get Martin's backstory. I mean, we had bits and pieces, but this is from start to finish his life and experiences. Through the lens of the lonely of course, but I really like how they structured this episode to basically follow Martin's life as he slowly goes from earliest to latest memories. It's hard hearing him this torn up, and it's fascinating to hear Jon basically offer to give the closest Martin can get to an out of the apocalypse without force feeding him to either the Eye or some variant of the Corpse Routes. If I remember right, this isn't technically Martin's domain, but I'm not sure since Martin seems intimately familiar with the make up of the place and how it works. Could also just be his affinity with the Lonely helping him figure out how the place works and giving him an insight into how he would be eaten if he didn't embrace it. Interesting indeed that a Man who wasn't an Avatar before the apocalypse seems to still be on the border between the two. Jon gives Martin the chance to be the Watched, and from what I've heard about later, he will then accidentally allow him the chance to be a Watcher.
Anyways, these 3 episodes were rough and I'm honestly excited to listen to MAG 1 for the one a day MAG relisten.
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Round One Part Seven - Match 55
So, how do we feel about fate? And how do we feel about shitty landlords and their wild disregard for fire safety?
MAG 070 - Book of the Dead | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof.
MAG 169 (almost nice) - Fire Escape | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Considerations on the sanctity of home. Recorded by the Archivist in Situ.
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
Date: April 9th, 2023
Episode of the day: MAG 169 Fire Escape
" “We’re burning! We’re burning! Oh please, god, Sabina; we’re burning!”"
MAG 169 transcript
MAG 169 Wiki
MAG 169 on YouTube
TW's can be found in the transcripts
Asks and submissions are open for episode 169! Send your reactions, insights, memes, art, etc., Regarding today's listen or tag this blog in your post.
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Ok, this is the post where i'm going to get potentially stupid and sinful (for tumblr) and mix politics and fandom. and it might suck. Obviously we don't live in a world with this brand of supernatural shit, this is just a metaphor, an you're welcome to say 'this is a bad metaphor" and disregard it, or argue, or argue about any other aspect of it. And in a sense i think this works because The Magnus Archives is about fear and all that icky shit. So maybe it only works that far. So if you've listened to TMA...
this is also basically a response to this post https://landofspaceandrainbows.tumblr.com/post/716770248396800001/jambeast-captainjonnitkessler and this post https://jambeast.tumblr.com/post/716765867387617280/ok-i-think-i-figured-out-what-the-fuck-is-going on @jambeast 's blog and that whooole discussion.
but basically, this is an interesting discussion, but there's a lot of fraught bs going on, elsewhere in the chain - and a lot of it is basically ok, it's argument.
ok, this is kinda falling apart here, i'll try to put it back together. I'm seeing at least two threads here.
first part: somewhere along the reblog chain there's bringing up the idea that some people may just be seeing their culture as "default" and "less religious" and therefore "less scary" and other cultures as "less familar" "more religious" and "scary" which is - sort of a good point in many cases. there's a rather neat sounding line about "the call to prayer sounding unfamiliar, but the sound of church bells sounding as comforting background noise" cool, or semi-cool. and genuinely well said. but then it connects it to "being privileged which... ehhh. that's when things get dicy.
but i'll be coming back to that way later.
Ok, back to the magnus archives.
Thinking about Gerry Keay and Agnes Montague.
Thinking about Jared Hopworth and Mike Crew and Jon Sims.
Like the fire, the lighters, all that jazz. Like i think it can be easy to wonder why would anyone talk about leaving families, communities, books behind except as an act of coercion. "why would anyone burn a book?" "why would anyone burn a house?" "why would anyone leave a family or community unless it's some sort of forced plot?" but what if you grew up in Mary Keay's library? Or in Hilltop House? Would you walk in then? Would you find a volume to burn?
Likewise, i don't find the boneturner's tale and ex altiora frightening. I bet Jared hopworth doesn't mind the boneturner's tale too much I bet mike crew enjoys ex altiora. The statements, properly organized hepl people research, understand, and hunt down problems, and help keep Gertrude Robinson and Jon Sims going more viscerally.
But you might say, that's a fucked up implication because those are all monsters. and separately from being monsters, they all hurt people. Which, fair. But it's a metaphor, and maybe a bad one. And plus we all sort of like them. Jon, yes, gertrude, michael, helen, mike crew - maybe. And as above, Agnes? also a monster. and Gerry - hopped up on so much weird shit, just dripping with Eyes, so whatever. If we respect them, we might be able to extend that.
But basically all the above have reasons to team up when Fucked UP shit is about to go down, no one likes the Eternal Circus of The Extinction. We've seen it work.
Anyway, there's reasons not everyone is gonna like the web or the desolation or whatever, there's reasons why people don't like being infested with bad community and oppositely why people aren't gonnal like the idea of the stuff they like going away - and why they'd fear it's burning, even when it's not particularly likely to happen at that exact moment, because fear goes deep like that.
So in my ideal world, all the cosmopolitan atheists can go watch MAG 169: Fire Escape (which tbf, i almost couldn't watch straight through because it shows a deep connection and comfort that at this point I cannot have, except in little bits hedged about with nomadism and desolation. - but it's good!)
And all the people who have found a tradition they like can go listen to MAG 4: Page Turner and MAG 59: Recluse and MAG: 67 Burning Desire
And both could listen to Scrutiny, ig.
But anyway, like, even normies don't always like dumbshit hegemony. atheists and agnostics and freethinkers wouldn't benefit from more normative religiosity, and neither do members of minority religions. even normies and christians hate jacked up abortion bans, and even if they don't hate them they can still suffer under them.
In any case, i remember the messed up stuff i saw, and am getting away from. and it's mostly bad atheist shit. so sometimes atheists raise my hackles up, but i suspect now that's because i'm my own kind of "off". we probably don't want to hear from eachother all that much.
but anyway, back to the beginning. sometimes people fear cute little bugs because they aren't familiar. there's cute little bugs everywhere and they're mostly harmless, and they're even there being cute in horror movies. But if someone's afraid of fire, or someone's taking a flamethrower to cute little bugs, sometimes it's because they're "privileged" and never went camping or out of bug spray or had a cockroach in their house. But they could have seen fucking Jane Prentiss or have lived at Hilltop House. And assuming things can be ok in most circumstances until it gets really fucking weird.
And this is the fucking weird everybody's hurt website.
and none of this makes hurting bugs ok - but it does require A Different Response, JFC.
Most of the time, the people who have the most reason to hate and fear church bells are the ones who grew up hearing them. And the ones who fear the call to prayer may have grown up hearing it. And there's a separate issue of what it's ok or not ok to do about that.
Ok stepping down from the metaphor, holy hell the assumptions. And the republican agenda now sucks.
But basically when some hardcore "burn the past" type on here calls something "surface level fun" it's basically a compliment - though you may disagree or find the worldview twisted. because the "deeper than surface level stuff" in their experience is always UGLY. Likewise when someone speaks of "culture" and "underpinnings to everything" they can be talking about something that's been genuinely nice to them.
But it's gonna be hard to work together, if it's even worth it, because like, when you hear "of course people are going to leave their communities and families" if you have a nice place - there's a history of forced removal and so that's gonna bring up some very ugly questions about "WHY they would leave". But if you've been in a rough circumtance, "the second the door opens, people will walk out, and resources open that door" will make sense because you walked out. And people going "of course the Suffering is worth it for our stability and continuation." is gonna sound SUS as hell, because.... that's also what every sketchy relationship on the fucking earth is justified by. But sometimes it's more a matter of a minor suffering for something wanted. etc.
But there is a reason that if we ever do form an Atheist - Theist alliance (and given they're ok with dumb insular in-jokes) i'd like it to be called
Leitners & Lighters
or the Gerry Keay and Mike Crew society.
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oaxleaf · 1 year
mag 169 - fire escape
the home has quite an interesting place in the modern world as an actual, physical structure. not just as a place of emotional comfort, but a physical, four walls and a roof kinda thing. 'home' is so often held up as the pinnacle of comfort and protection, and quite often pretty idealized for the nondescript building it commonly is, but in the modern day the home, and especially a safe and decent one, is harder and harder to come by
that's sort of the point of the desolation. it really has nothing to do with fire, but the associations of the two align. with language speaking of burning bridges and things going up in flame, fire has such a connotation to loss, which is what the desolation really is about. and anything worth loosing is usually centered around the home, which is such a fragile structure in the world of capitalism and the nuclear family
jon and martin's relationship is absolutely fascinating all throughout this season, because they're trying to figure all that stuff out right in the middle of a fucking apocalypse, which obviously leads to some pretty clear issues in communication. i think they do a decent job a lot of the time. they don't do that infuriating thing where couples just refuse to talk about what's bothering them. but their reactions to it all are so different and somewhat incompatible. mainly in that martin a) lacks any sense of having responsibilty over the current situation and b) doesn't want any responsibility either, frequently expressing discomfort and aversion to making any choices about it. meanwhile, jon is not someone who can easily ignore stuff like that, but he too likes to stuff his feelings inside, and all of these combined factors leads to situations like at the beginning of this episode
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ofmoonsandlight · 2 years
someone help i was listening to 'MAG 169 - fire escape' and it got to the part at the end where they read out a list of sponsors to thank them
and i kind of zoned out but im pretty sure he just said 'sammy winchester'
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