#magnus bane's cat eyes
you dont know that magnus’ magic is the same striking blue as alec’s eyes
you dont know alec’s eyes are the same color as the ancestors of a family so intertwined with his
you don’t know that magnus sees ghosts in the blue of alec’s eyes
you don’t know magnus is two inches taller than alec
you dont know that alec loves that magnus is taller than him
you don’t know that they dated in secret for months
you dont know alec’s wardrobe is absolutely hopeless and he only wears years old worn out sweaters with holes in the cuffs and magnus loves it
you dont know that sometimes magnus wears his worn out sweaters
you dont know that they didnt get married for years until alec became consul and they could get married in warlock blue and shadowhunter gold under his new law
you dont know they have two kids, before they ever married
you dont know their first son is named after alec’s brother max, who actually died during the war
you dont know that max’s skin is blue, and his eyes are just a shade darker than alec’s
you dont know that alec loved one man so much he changed the world for him
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battymimi · 4 months
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kasirose · 2 years
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Happy birthday to one Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane!
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loki-nightfire · 1 year
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dear shadowfam, you repeated Magnus and Alec in six fanart prompts a lot. let's start with malec then, book canon characters. everybody has to do it once, i believe.
p.s. Yes, Alec is wearing Magnus' t-shirt because his jumper accidentally got on fire. Oups!
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greatquakerstudent · 1 year
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Cat Eyes vs White Violin Eyes
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
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newtmas-supremxcy · 1 month
who would have thought the nerdy and sassy, "go fuck yourself I spent 70 years in hell but 5 minutes around this bitch is even more painful" ghost boy who hates pretty much everyone except his totally platonic 'best friend' would end up being the bicycle of the show who you end up shipping with three different people: a literal bird, a sassy hundred year old with cat eyes (essentially the dead boy detectives equivalent of magnus bane) and his aforementioned 'best friend'
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foodsies4me · 4 months
AWG but Alec has a warlock mark
Tagging @ariella9melody and @buglersholiday because you both asked for this prompt that ended up in Cat's POV because the majority of Alec's POV would have been a mixture of "don't speak to Magnus Bane", "don't speak of Magnus Bane" and "don't tell Catarina about Magnus Bane"
Catarina stares at the young teenager, barely more than a child, in front of her. She takes in the nervous way he’s clenching and unclenching his fingers, his eyes darting every so often to a smiling Magnus, who is discussing some last-minute details with Elder Musa.
The boy is clearly uncomfortable with Magnus being there and Catarina is still trying to figure out if that’s due to his parents or something else. She doesn't think it's the usual shadowhunter bigotry, though, which is a relief because she wouldn’t want him to fight to overcome self-hatred on top of everything he already has on his plate.
“So, Alec,” she says, “- are you fine with me calling you that? Or do you prefer something else?”
“Alec is fine,” he nods, eyes darting over to a slowly approaching Ragnor. “But - uh, I thought you were sending me back to the institute, so,” another look sent Magnus’ way and a sigh of relief when he leaves, “Why am I here?”
“I’ll make a portal for you,” Catarina reassures, trying not to scare the young teenager away or make him think they’re keeping him captive, “But you’re here so we can schedule a training regimen for you that wouldn’t interrupt your shadowhunter duties.”
Catarina tries to keep her voice even as she says this, trying to ignore the same impulse that had pushed several of the Elders to mention the word ‘kidnapping’ in more than a joking manner. Because it wasn’t enough for Alec to be in an immense amount of danger just by existing. No, the Lightwoods also had the fantastic idea of letting a thirteen-year-old patrol.
Alec furrows his eyebrows together, “Why?”
“To teach you how to control your magic,” Catarina says, confused by Alec’s sudden confusion. He had been the one to seek her out, after all, panic and fear were visible in every line of his body when he asked her for help because his glamour runes refused to work any longer.
Catarina had been confused at first, wariness and compassion in equal measure had put her on high alert, her magic scouring her surroundings for any other angelic signatures, which led to her only catching half of Alec’s explanation.
That confusion had faded the moment Alec had raised his shirt and twisted around to reveal white, opalescent scales that gathered into small diamond-like shapes along his spine. A warlock mark.
Catarina had been quick to contact Magnus and the other Elders despite the panicked request she keeps this between them. Something like a shadowhunter-born warlock, one that could bear runes unlike Tessa, was not something she would have been able to keep to herself. Not when that very fact put Alec into a world of danger.
Still, it had taken her nearly an hour to get Alec’s okay. The promise of blood oaths that would prevent her and the Elders from sharing the information with anyone else enough to finally convince him.
That's how they ended up in their current situation, though, Catarina is starting to realize there was some miscommunication somewhere down the line if Alec is asking her why she would help him train his magic.
“But you glamoured the…my back,” Alec says, eyebrows still furrowed in confusion. “That’s all I needed.”
Catarina gentles her voice, “Untrained magic is dangerous magic,” she says, repeating the sentence her own teacher had installed into her at a young age.
Alec somehow looks even more confused.“But I don’t have magic,” he corrects, breaking his parade’s rest to scratch at a spot over his chest. “I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if I had.”
“Maybe it’s weaker because of your angelic blood,” Catarina muses, walking over to her couch and inviting him over. “But I can assure you, you do.”
Alec presses his lips together, “I don’t want to be a bother,” he says, sounding old and painfully young all at once. “You mentioned you’re a nurse and I don’t want to take up your free time to accommodate my schedule.”
There’s something infuriatingly adult in the way he speaks, a maturity that comes from being forced to grow up past your age. Then again, she thinks sardonically, being used like the Nephilim equivalent of canon fodder will do that to you.
Seriously, a thirteen-year-old patrolling. Most warlocks wouldn’t let their children or apprentices brew a harmless beginner's potion by themselves at that age.
“I’m sure we can figure out something that would work out for the both of us,” she says, conjuring a pen and a notepad that she holds out to him. “Now, what about you write down your schedule and I write mine down.”
Alec does as ordered and starts writing down his weekly schedule to her growing horror. Starting at half past five in the morning, Alec's days seem to stretch well until midnight on the nights that he isn't patrolling and that will just not stand.
"As a nurse, I'm obliged to tell you that the recommended amount of sleep for a child your age is eight to ten hours a day."
"I'm a shadowhunter, not a child," Alec says with an assertiveness that doesn't come from defensiveness, but from being told the same words over and over again. "And I think I'm finished."
Alec hands her the schedule and Catarina tries to read the different categories Alec has written down: training, trainees, paperwork, Max and Leo, archery practice, patrol, sparring with Jace, sword practice, studying, rune practice, and story time.
"Training and trainees?" she asks, wondering what the difference is between both categories.
"Training is for Jace, my parabatai, Izzy, my sister, and I. The trainees are what we call my little brother and his best friend, they just turned three and are learning their basic forms. I'm helping them."
Catarina nods to show she understands. She supposes she can't fault Alec for wanting to be a good brother and help his little brother with his training, even if the thought of a three-year-old needing to learn how to fight is horrifying to even think of.
"And Max and Leo?"
"The New York Institute isn't a kid institute, so Max and Leo don't really have anyone to play with or keep them busy."
Catarina nods again to avoid asking about the amount of 'Max' as well as 'Max and Leo' time as well as 'Trainee' time that has been penciled in. Instead, she summons a cup of hot chocolate for Alec to have something to distract herself and him with. Then, after he's taken a few sips, eyes brightening in delight - and oh, she wouldn't have taken him for a sweet tooth - she asks about the strangest entry.
"What about paperwork? Is that similar to the studying and rune practice?"
Alec shakes his head, slowly lowering his cup on the coffee table, "No, it's just - when mom and dad are away to other institutes or in Idriss, I have to do the paperwork," he says with a careless shrug.
Catarina looks down at the schedule, looks back at the young teenager on her couch, and back at the schedule. Then, she bites down the question that is burning on her tongue.
After all, the answer is staring at her in the shape of a frankly ridiculous schedule that Alec wrote down without a second thought.
This means the story time entry, the entry that takes place twice a day at the same time every single day, right around what would be the usual bedtime for a three-year-old, is exactly what the word entails.
Catarina didn't think her personal opinion on Maryse and Robert Lightwood could sink any lower.
"Your studies are they with a teacher?" She asks, looking at the few spots those take. She wouldn't be able to ask him to do the paperwork he shouldn't be doing over at her apartment, but maybe she can convince him to take his studying sessions here.
"Not anymore," Alec says, "I just get the study material and the homework I need to finish. Why?"
"Well, then I suggest we broaden your studies during those hours," she says, circling the study hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the days she usually has off. "That okay with you?"
Alec is still looking at her with a confused expression as if unsure of what to expect from her. "If that's easiest for you," he says, hand coming to scratch that spot on his chest again, "But I can adapt. I just have to be there for Max when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep, but the rest I can switch around."
Catarina had an inkling he would say something like this.
"Don't worry, this would work out the best for both of us," she reassures, hiding the anger behind a kind smile and another cup of hot chocolate. Then, she gives Alec his promised portal with a promise to see him on Thursday and dials a number she knows as well as her own.
Magnus picks up on the first ring. "Chocolate or alcohol?"
"Both. As well as a plan on how to murder the Lightwoods if you'd please."
"That bad?"
Catarina thinks of patrolling at thirteen years old, thinks of the hellish schedule and the fact that Alec is apparently single-handedly raising his little brother, is semi-raising his two other siblings as well, and all that on top of not quite running the institute in his parents' absence. .
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queenie-blackthorn · 1 year
nothing sets me crying more than reading the teasers for the wicked powers/the black volume of the dead, so why not overanalyze them and wish for death in the process (i got all of them from the page on fandom)
❗️spoilers ahead ❗️
he kissed each finger, and with each one of them spoken a word. five kisses, five words. his last.
no 🫶🫶 (im hoping this is a flashback gurl plz i hope its not the ‘lightwood death in each series’ thing coming after my life)
"oh, god, the lovebirds," magnus said, pulling the pillow off his face. "i hate happy couples."
this could be anything tbh but prolly gonna be in tbvotd
belatedly, she realized something else. "do you... have anything?"
he didnt seem to have recovered from her last comment. "but do you mean - wait, do i have what?"
she slitted her eyes at him. "something important."
"like what? the phone number for the white house?" a moment later, under her withering glare, realization dawned. "oh." his was the expression of someone who has run out of gas in the middle of the desert, miles from help. "i..."
there are literally zero names in this one but i think its gonna be smth w dru and jaime (maybe the eternidad ??) but i swear if it turns out to be a joke imma flip a table
"what if i just love you? what if i love you but i never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then?"
i think this might happen after a conversation between kit and ty where either kit says “its too dangerous to love me” or “i dont love you” and then ty replies w this
"well, its a bit ironic, isnt it?"
"what do you mean?"
"all that effort to convince you i wasnt in love with you, and here i am, dying in your arms."
this is gonna kill me i just know it, but i have a feeling its gonna be kit saying the first and third lines and hes talking to ty, and then i can imagine it saying “dont say that,” ty said furiously
his face crumpled. "he hates me," he said. "all i do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, i dont know why."
clearly gonna be ty talking about kit (to either livvy or dru ???)
there was nothing less sexy than an angry-looking cat on your bed.
okay this is 100% magnus’s pov in tbvotd 💀💀
"actually, its short for maximum lightwood," said magnus. "as in the most amount of lightwood you can have."
… no comment. actually, yea i do have smth to say. i love magnus.
"no one who loved you would want you to sacrifice your own happiness."
if we’re going by the thing where kit doesnt want ty to love him for his safety, then someone is gonna say this to kit for sure
alec was beginning to understand how the slings and arrows of fortune and history had shaped magnus and made him what he was. it was a delightful sort of discovery, as getting to know magnus always had been. magnus was probably the one person in the world who'd never bored him.
im craving more malec scenes please dear god
"i was thinking about monogrammed towels," said isabelle.
"my name is going to be simon lewis lovelace lightwood," said simon. "no monogrammed towels."
first off, i forgot that simon wants to take isabelles last name
second, his initials are technically S.L.L.L oh my lord
it was late, and someone was trying to break into the high warlock of brooklyn’s apartment.
​magnus bane, the high warlock in question, felt this behavior was rash and foolish. he’d been passed out on his still-made bed, too exhausted to slip under the burgundy and emerald sheets, or even take off his robe, when he heard the noise of his window sliding open. he was grateful for the robe. he felt it would be demoralizing to face housebreakers in nothing but silk pajama bottoms.
​also, the housebreakers had done nothing to deserve such a sight.
seeing magnus bane in nothing but silk pajama bottoms is the stuff of dreams
jokes (even tho i meant it with full seriousness) aside, this is definitely gonna be the opening lines of tbvotd. if it turns out to not be, i will never show my face in public again because of how sure i am right now
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rinadragomir · 2 months
The potential of "Better-er In Black" Stories
7/10 - classic, too basic maybe💁🏼‍♀️ OR MAYBE CASSIE you can simply do your "author" magic, bring Thule Clace back to life so Janus can stop terrorizing local kids, thanks in advance
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8.5/10 - drama💅style👑epic, the whole package story, I approve
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8.5/10 - it seems she just forgot to add this one to Bane's Chronicles, it was supposed to be there. Magnus met way more exciting people tho, that's why it's just 8 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Try harder Abraham
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9/10 - maybe I don't deserve it, maybe I didn't ask for it and maybe the society isn't ready for such concept BUT WE ALL NEED IT, THE NATURE WILL HEAL, HUMANITY WILL RISE🏋‍♀️✨🌱
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6/10 - old perverts' party? Real life is full of that already, let's leave this one behind the scene🤚
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-1/10 and 5 years in jail for a potential crime, 10/10 for the confidence, risk and potential slay💅
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8/10 - if this love triangle is not the plot of Luke/Jocelyn story in Better in Black... I throw this shit out of the window, I don't need it😤 no one is risking these days WE COULD HAVE GOTTEN AT LEAST SOMETHING!!!
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It's Cassie's cat isn't it? -20/10 for nepotism, 6/10 for creativity😼
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I can't attach more than 10pics so...
12/10 - swag? Done✅ drama? Done✅ the elegance? Right here✅ passive aggression and sad puppy eyes? Served ✅
What more can you ask for?
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So for your Writing Wednesday, would it be possible to get a different meeting for Male where Magnus sees Alex for the first time as he 'deals' with an out of line Shadowhunter from a different area. All of Alec's Shadowhunters just cluck their tongues about poorly prepared outsiders (or something like that). I love reading all your stuff!
Ah I love seeing your kudos pictures and cookie!
Ahaha I kind of went off with this prompt because when I started writing i couldn’t stop
Magnus barely manages to duck the blade that nearly gets his arm, his spell fading as he avoids adamas.
He spits out a curse and shoves the shadowhunter away from him.
And then the shadowhunter is down, a harsh yelp coming from his lips and an arrow from his shoulder. And Magnus watches as his attacker is being stepped on, a boot sharply pressing into his spine.
There is a new, aggressively dressed and nearly heavily armed group of shadowhunters.
The one stepping on Magnus’ would-be-murderer is an archer from the bow he wields and the arrow he launched. The red of its feathers match the ones in his quiver and Magnus watches as he looks down and grinds his heel into vertebrae.
Magnus’ attacker's face is pressed into the dirt, his cries of pain muffled by ichor soaked dirt as the archer pulls out his arrow.
The archer, a nephilim commander by the respect he’s shown, scoffs and wipes the bloodied arrowhead on the downed shadowhunters back.
Magnus has seen shadowhunter punishments.
He’s been across and on the same battlefield as nephilim warriors enough times to recognize its brutal efficiency.
But he’s never had it directed or doled out on his behalf.
And there’s every likelihood that this is only a tactical choice, seeing as Magnus is the only one on sight who is capable of closing the rift.
But Magnus still finds himself charmed.
As Cat would say, the bar is lower than Edom for shadowhunters.
“Someone get this disappointment of a hunter off of my battlefield!” The shadowhunter says voice deep and low and it rings across the small strip of sand and mud that Magnus has been desperately protecting while trying to close a colossal rift.
Dark eyes glance to him and widen and Magnus and several shadowhunters watch in shock as he misses a step, his booted heel crushing the man’s hand.
Magnus’ hunter looks down in consternation before he rolls his eyes. “Useless.” He mutters like it’s the man’s fault for being shot and having his fingers and spine tap-danced on. “Track what Institute they came from and tell them to stay out of my territory unless I ask for help. Idiots can’t be trusted not to fire on obvious allies.”
He walks towards Magnus carefully, bow out but unnotched and blade inactive at his thigh.
“Alec Lightwood, acting Commander and Head of the New York Institute.” And he’s younger than Magnus thought, with a still-healing nick through his eyebrow and blood at his jaw.
To anyone else he might look terrifying, with his dark scowl and the nearly feral way he’s assessing his surroundings.
To Magnus, he looks terrifyingly brilliant, like a comet that you’ll miss if you blink.
“Magnus Bane,” Magnus doesn’t add his titles because any decent commander, acting or otherwise should know him by name.
Alec’s eyes widen a bit, he definitely knows of Magnus then, but he seems more relieved than horrified.
“So if my hunters keep them clear of you, you can close the rift?”
Magnus nods, sharp and serious because this commander — Alec, perhaps Alexander — did take down another shadowhunter on Magnus' behalf.
“Protect the High Warlock of Brooklyn at every cost.” Alexander says, turning to his teams. There is a heavy emphasis on Magnus’ title and two of his gathered seven teams break off to surround Magnus.
They don’t hesitate, putting their backs to Magnus like it’s a natural occurrence, to have a furious and magically explosive warlock at their backs.
“I’ve wasted quite a bit of magical power.” Magnus admits, and his voice is cold because it’s a weakness he doesn’t want to share. But passing out unconscious in a group of admittedly, not-yet-terrible shadowhunters is not something Magnus wants to risk.
It’s unspoken that Magnus wasted that power because he was protecting himself from the demons and shadowhunters, while also still helping the shadowhunters.
Instead of being able to focus on the rift.
“Mirai.” Alexander is ordering and a woman with tight curls and sharp brown eyes steps away from the circle around Magnus. “We’ll switch positions. I’ll direct from the rear—“ he turns to Magnhs and steps closer, his hand held out. “You can take what you need, just leave me alert enough to direct my people. They’re competent enough to protect us until the rift is closed.”
There was a hint of threat in his tone and the shadowhunter he called Mirai is saying something into her earpiece.
“Of course sir, I’ll keep everyone in line. If we fall, you’ll fall last.” And Mirai gives a perfunctory nod and then takes off to create a larger and more secure perimeter.
It’s the first time Magnus has been able to catch his breath since he portaled in and he takes a moment to just inhale and exhale.
A flask is being pressed to his hands and Magnus is about to use magic to check it for poison when it’s taken back and he watches as Alexander unscrews it and sips, several deep gulps and Magnus can see the shine of water against his lips.
Magnus is suddenly a man dying of thirst.
He takes the flask when it’s passed over this time and doesn’t have to use any magic, just drinks the surprisingly cool water and feels it soothe his throat.
He finishes it and when he hands it back, he watches Alexander screw the lid back on and toss it to one of his hunters.
Alec holds out a large, calloused hand and Magnus takes it.
It’s dusty and dry and Magnus never wants to let go.
“Let me fall if I start to waver.” Alexander tells him as he stands next to Magnus, covering his back and side as best he can. “I won’t get a concussion with ground this soft and my hunters won’t break the perimeter to ease my muscles. Better to concentrate on the rift and any stragglers.”
Magnus laughs, a sharp bold thing that breaks across the screams of demons and the swears of shadowhunters.
“I’d have to let you go, for you to fall.” Magnus quips as he tightens his grip on Alexander's hand. And Magnus smiles, a soft thing that’s not fit for a battlefield but that spreads softly across his mouth. “And I don’t think I’m inclined to that.”
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cosmicskit · 1 year
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Magnus Bane + Cat Eyes 😻
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angelst4re · 2 years
Jace wayland smut
so... i came up with the idea for this whilst listening to weeknd and i just think it's been one of my best ones so far... i hope you like it!! <3
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Professional- Jace Wayland/ Herondale/ Lightwood x Stripper!Reader
summary: you and jace dated in the past but broke up as he was moving away, after years, you reunite at the strip club you work at...
warning: NSFW!! smut, oral (m receiving!)
note: jace <3333 also, can i just say i'm still not ever this photo, it has taken over my brain all over again. ALSO, i'm thinking of writing a part 2 to this where he *repays* reader so let me know if you'd like that!! :)
Jace Wayland was a name you would never forget. Although the two of you were only young he had given you memories to last a lifetime. Neither of you wanted to break up, but he was moving away. It was for the best. You both knew that the long distance wouldn’t work out and he wanted to put your happiness first. 
However, that was not the case. It had been 6 years and you still thought about him almost every day, every time you saw a motorbike or a mango or a duck, your first thought would be Jace. You had tried to move on, start new relationships and situationships, but nothing would ever last longer than a couple weeks. You constantly craved male validation now Jace had gone and you couldn’t hold down a relationship, so you turned to the strip club. 
Jace knew he would also never move on from the relationship the two of you had. He had tried, though. He experimented with relationships, went on a few dates, then turned to sleeping around. However, that all stopped when Clary turned up at the Institute. This time he had managed to trick his brain into loving her, he knew it was the best he could do now that you weren’t around. 
He was so dedicated to loving Clary, taking his mind off of you, that he had even proposed to her. He knew that way he would be tied to her, and no longer tied to you. 
Magnus Bane was adamant about organising Jace’s stag party. He wanted to do as much as he could to make Jace feel uncomfortable, just so he and Alec could laugh about it before going in to rescue him. This resulted in a visit to the strip club. 
As the 25 year old Jace Herondale walked through the door, you immediately decided your brain was playing tricks on you. There was no way he could be here. The last time you had seen him, he was 19, you were 18, and boy had he aged wonderfully. His face was more defined, his jawline sharp enough to cut. His golden hair remained the same, but there was a new addition- more runes and a few tattoos. 
After you finally decided your mind was no longer messing with you, you went to fix your makeup, deciding that you were going to be the one to see to him tonight, and if anyone else tried, it would result in a stiletto to the eye. 
“Jace Wayland,” you smirked, your long legs carrying you towards him, the 7 inch heels tapping against the floor as you walked. Tonight you wore a black skin-tight dress, what was underneath was to be revealed later. “What are you doing here?” 
One of the men he was with began to grin, his cat-like eyes widening in amusement as he patted Jace on the back. 
“Don’t tell me you’re a regular!” Magnus laughed, but Jace’s face showed no sign of amusement. 
“It’s Herondale now, actually.” Jace had corrected you, “what are you doing here?”
“I work here, darling.” You smiled, looking at him through your lashes, “now, would you like a dance?” 
“He would!” The other man he was with spoke, his dazzling blue eyes were playful as he grinned at Jace. “It’s his stag night, we thought he-”
“You’re getting married? Wow, who’s the lucky person?” You faked a big smile, your words sounded a lot harsher than they should have. 
“That doesn’t matter.” Jace dismissed your question, “let’s get this over and done with, then.” 
You had led Jace back to one of the private rooms, sitting him on the chair as you began to take your hair out of it’s ponytail, letting it fall to your shoulders. 
“I still can’t believe you’re working here.” Jace said after a few moments of silence, “what happened?”
“My parents kicked me out when I told them I didn’t want to be like them anymore. I needed a place to stay and a way to make money, and… well, I like the way they look at me.” You said, cringing at how vulnerable you sounded, yet you made your way over to Jace. He spread his legs out, pulling you down on top of him.
“Darling, I hate the thought of anyone else seeing your body. Please, you can’t stay here.” He said, placing his hands on your waist.
“Don’t tell me what to do, Wayland.” You smirked, tracing your hands down your chest, moving to the sound of the music. “I’m a big girl now.” 
Jace didn’t correct you on his name, instead his hands rubbed down your back, resting just above your ass. He smirked seeing how flustered you had become under his touch.
“Is this how they touch you?” He asked. 
“Usually, I don’t allow them to touch me,” you smirked, flipping your hair over your shoulder before bending down to whisper in his ear, “but I can make an exception for you.”
The two of you knew you had unfinished business, maybe one night together would be the closure you both needed, or maybe it would leave you feeling even more empty- either way, you both knew what you wanted. 
You placed a delicate kiss just under his ear, moving your hips to the music that played. He groaned, his hands coming back up to your waist to slow your pace. 
“Darling,” he whispered, “if you carry on like this you know where it’s going to lead to.” 
“I know… maybe I want it to lead to that.” You grinned, ripping yourself out of his arms and standing up, reaching behind you to unzip your dress. “I’ve missed you, Wayland.” 
Once again, Jace didn’t correct you. His attention was elsewhere. 
“Maybe I’ve missed you too.” He grins, shifting about in his seat, “now get over here.”
You do as he says, and he spins you around so your back is to him. He leaned forwards, placing one hand on your hip as the other came up to the zip of your dress. As he slowly dragged it down, exposing your back, goosebumps rose on your skin. He was always so gentle with you. 
He softly traces his finger over a long scar on your back, you had gotten this in your first fight. Jace wasn’t there to protect you, you had gotten into an argument and Jace being Jace, hadn’t answered any of your calls. He had never forgiven himself for it. 
He kissed the scar before turning you back around to face him. You dropped your dress to the ground, revealing the intense lingerie set you had been wearing. Jace immediately bit down on his lip, he couldn’t help the jealousy that had consumed him as he thought about you wearing this for many people to see. 
He still remembered the way your body felt under his, the way you would moan into his kisses, the way your legs would wrap around his waist when you begged for him to go faster. 
Noticing the bulge in his jeans, you smiled and placed your hands on his thighs, dropping to your knees. 
The room suddenly got hotter and the air was thick. You looked up at Jace through your lashes with lust-filled eyes, he looked down at you, his lips slightly parted as his chest heaved. He leaned down, placing a finger under your chin as he crashed his lips into yours. He always felt like heaven. 
As the kiss began to get more heated, your hands fumbled around with his belt. When it was off, you now worked to unbutton his jeans. Your mouth was almost watering at the thought of tasting him again, feeling him. 
When his jeans were unbuttoned, you pulled them down his thighs along with his boxers, his aching cock was already leaking precum. You swiped your finger over the top as you pulled away from his lips, slipping your finger into your mouth instead. He groaned at your actions, kissing your forehead before leaning back, spreading his legs out further. 
“You sure you wanna do this?” He asked, his voice dropped a few octaves, utterly consumed by lust. His fingers combed through your hair as you looked up at him. 
“Yes.” You stated bluntly, wrapping your hand around his cock. 
“Fuck,” he groaned as you began pumping his hand. 
You pressed a wet kiss to the tip of his dick before wrapping your lips around it, sucking on him like it was the last thing you would ever do. You couldn’t help but press your thighs together when he threw his head back, running a hand through his hair. 
You were determined to make this the best orgasm he’s had since leaving you, wanting to leave him begging for more. You hollowed your cheeks as you took him further down your throat, your hand working at the base. You placed your other hand on his bare thigh and felt him bucking his hips in time with your actions. 
The sounds he would make were music to your ears. His hand came down to push your hair away from your face, holding it in a makeshift ponytail before involuntarily thrusting his hips again, forcing you to take all of him into your mouth. Despite your best attempts to hold it back, you couldn’t help but gag as you felt it hit the back of your throat. He immediately apologised, but you didn’t care. It was clear he was enjoying this, so you did it again, allowing him to fuck your throat. 
“Holy shit,” he groaned, using his other hand to wipe away a tear that had slid down your cheek, “you’re so- so good… I’m not gonna last much longer, angel.” 
His words only encouraged you further. Needing to feel him finish in your mouth, you worked faster, bobbing your head and sucking harder. Your teeth accidentally grazed a vein on his cock and that’s when you felt him twitch inside your mouth. He pushed your head down so your nose was pressed into his pelvis as he came down your throat with a loud groan. 
As you swallowed it all, you pushed yourself up with the hand on his thigh and looked down at him, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath, his head thrown back, you were ready to climb on his lap. 
Then there was a knock on the door. 
“Hey, y/n, it’s been 15 minutes now. I need to use this room soon.” A girl you guessed to be Lillian called from the other side of the door. 
You frowned, forgetting you were actually at work and if anyone found out you had sucked off a ‘customer’ you would probably lose your job. 
“Okay, we’re done now, anyway.” You shouted back, desperately trying to get your dress back on. 
As you reached behind to zip it up, you were met with Jace’s hands. He zipped your dress back up for you and kissed your shoulder. 
“Since I now have a favour to repay…” he whispered, handing you his phone to type your number in.
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emmalovesfitzloved · 7 months
Welcome! These are a few of my favourite things...♡
Bare min starter-pack to get to know a bit about me :)
she/her. 26 y/o lives in the UK.
My favourite hobbies are reading, dreaming, drinking coffee and obsessing over pets.
My favourite movies tv shows: Blue Eye Samurai, LOTR, Arcane, Haunting of Bly Manor/Hill House and the Office.
I work in the legal profession.
My guilty pleasure is reality shows...
I read fanficton of my fav novels every night to sleep and to wake and have for the past decade.
If you like:
Fitzloved (Realm of the Elderlings; Of Cats and Closed Doors)
Shadowhunter Chronicles;
18th 19th century classical literature;
Mauraders & Drarry Era (specifically, jegulus & wolfstar, rosekiller etc.);
All Souls series.
Relevant Posts/Essays ͙͡★
My Love Letter to OCACD and Fitzloved
Magnus Bane is the best Downworlder
Wessa is the Best!!!!!
Tessa Tessa Tessa
Ranking of SHC Novels
My response to Booktok turning the book community into fast fashion
Top 5 in the Shadowhunter Characters, Ships
I also love to make moodboards for the All Souls universe by Deborah Harkness which you can find: here !
Please let's be moots and friends :D Have a lovely day scrolling 😊
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Gorgeous art by pandyals_art on instagram
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Lessons in Soulbonding
Pairing: Malec
Rating: E
Artist: @gintoki976
Beta: @quickbright
Word Count: 12k
This fic was created for the ​ Mini Bang 2023 presented by the @malecdiscordserver
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How does one go from being a single middle-aged, well not quite but might as well be, literature professor to being the soulmate of a model turned nightclub owner. It sounds like the plot of some movie Alec would look at the poster and then turn away from. That was fantasy, he lived in the real world, but now fantasy had become reality.
It had been exactly two days since he’d met Magnus Bane. Magnus was gorgeous, witty, playful, and young. Really young in comparison to Alec who was pushing 37. Magnus hadn’t even had a quarter life crisis yet. They were barely a decade apart. It was only a twelve year difference, but twelve years seemed like an insurmountable number. 
So far the only thing they had in common, besides being soulmates, was their love for trash reality tv. Magnus was a night owl who loved to party at his new club in Brooklyn. Alec was a morning bird that preferred to spend his evenings at home with his two cats, Church and Raz. Okay, they did have one other thing in common, cats. Magnus had a lovely little fluff ball he called Chairman Meow for whom he liked to throw parties. And Alec thought he was a crazy cat parent.
Alec leaned back at his desk in the small office. He couldn’t even focus, not that he needed to try that hard. Spring semester had just finished and summer was not far off, but it gave him a sense of normalcy. His old boring life when all he cared about were his cats and which book to read next.
His new soulmate was breathtakingly beautiful. He lit up the room when he entered. He was young and carefree, everything Alec wasn’t. Alec was too old, too jaded, and too set in his ways.
Everyone wanted to be soul bonded. There were movies and romance novels that described the joy and passion of finding your soulmate, to be bound to them for the rest of your life. While soulbonding had been around for centuries, only a small fraction of the population ever found their soulmate. Around puberty the initials of their soulmate would appear on their skin, usually where their soulmate would first touch them.
When Alec was fourteen he woke up one morning to find the initials MB on his right shoulder. Teenage Alec had been excited at the prospect of meeting his soulmate. He had imagined what the man would look like. Would he be tall, dark, and handsome? Would he have a childlike wonder in his eyes? What color of hair or eyes would he have? He had spent so much time fantasizing about his future that he nearly forgot the statistics. Only 1 out of 100 individuals would find their soulmate. Not to mention the small number of soulmates that didn’t get along. It was rare, but it still happened.
Being a closeted gay teen in a small Midwest town didn't help either. No one in his small town had those initials, which was fine with him. He had grown up in that bigoted town and wanted out as soon as he could manage it. That was why he applied to colleges in all the big cities. New York, Chicago, LA, and even Cincinnati. He just knew his soulmate would be out there waiting for him. 
When he finally got to college, the first year had been a race to find his soulmate. Not many people had only two names. Some even had multiple middle names, while Alec’s soulmate had just a first and last name. He finally found two men his freshman year with an M first name and B last name, but it turned out Michael was straight and Mathias had two middle names. Subsequent years were a bust. 
Berkeley didn’t provide him with his soulmate but he was sure moving across the country for his master's program in NYC would. Again he looked throughout the campus only to come up short. There had been a couple more candidates but were either bonded or soulmates with different initials. 
In the time he had been looking for his soulmate his best friend found his soulmate, a fiery redheaded artist that Alec had hated on the spot. It took nearly six months before he could admit, only in his mind, that Clary was good for Jace. Nowadays they are much closer. Even his little sister had found her soulmate in a little nerd of a kid.
As the years went on Alec slowly stopped caring. Now he was edging 40. He dressed like the typical professor with his tweed jackets, plain button up shirts, and camel colored sweaters. He even wore horn-rimmed glasses. Alec had been a literature professor at NYU for the past six years ever since he’d finished his PhD.  
He had given up on finding his soulmate and was content with being a lovable uncle to his three nieces and two nephews and the godfather to his best friend's two kids. While he thought he was truly finished with this soulmate nonsense he didn't take into account that fate had other plans OR that his life was just about to begin. 
Chapter One
Two days prior…
It had been a long and grueling semester. Another class of students had graduated and come the fall they would have another group coming in. Usually Alec would take a small staycation at home for two weeks before summer classes, hanging out with his two cats. He would drink his wine and marathon the Real Housewives of New York. It would be a time to catch up on sleep and just relax. So when one of his colleagues had asked him if he wanted to go and get a few drinks he uncharacteristically said yes. 
Now, Alec was a bit…well, a lot of an introvert. He preferred staying at home with his cats or going to his sister's place in Chelsea to visit his family. So it surprised even Alec that he had agreed to go to one the newest and hippest clubs in Brooklyn. One of his colleagues knew the owner so they would be VIP. Everything about the idea should have sent him running home, but something made him <i>want</i> to go. Like a moth to flame. 
The only problem was that he didn't have a thing to wear to a hip club or any club for that matter. He had a decent pair of jeans and black loafers, but it was the shirt that was causing him the most problems. Clothes were not his forte. He had been wearing the same type of clothes for nearly a decade, only trading them out for new ones when holes appeared. But he couldn’t wear one of his sweaters as it would be too hot in the club. He did have a polo shirt that someone had given him for his birthday the year before, but it made him look like a frat brother circa 2008. His button ups were also less than spectacular. Dear lord, he would have to do what he never wanted to do. Call Izzy. 
Isabelle Lightwood had been the middle and only girl of the Lightwood clan. She was about 17 months younger than Alec. It had been just them for nearly ten years before the last son, Max, had been born. She had been scouted at an early age for modeling and spent ten years in the industry before pivoting to being a fashion editor for some of the best magazines. She knew her way around a store or two. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 
She answered on the second ring with a cheery voice. "Hey big bro."
"Hey Izzy. How are you?" She sighed.
"Dealing with a moody preteen who thinks her uncool parents are trying to ruin her life." Izzy had married Simon Lewis when they were both only 20. 
Simon's small band had been playing at an event when they locked eyes on each other. Izzy had always wondered who belonged to the SLL on her left forearm. When their eyes met across the dancefloor they had started walking toward each other. The way Izzy described it was as if she was only half a person until she met Simon. While walking over to talk to her, Simon had tripped over some of the cords to his amplifier and wound up falling face first into Izzy. She had caught his forearm as he touched her forearm and his head bumped her stomach. And that was that.
Simon's band had never really gotten that big and when Izzy got pregnant with their first child, Lizzie, the aforementioned preteen, he had settled down into a 9-5 job that he had absolutely hated.
"Sounds like fun. All I have to worry about is if Raz is going to steal Church’s food when he’s not looking."
"If only I could have stuck with cats and not kids." She chuckled. "But enough about me. How are you doing, big bro? It’s been a while. School out for summer yet?"
"Actually, yes. Just ended today. I have a few more papers to grade, but pretty much done…that is kinda why I was calling…I got invited to a party at a club." There was silence before Izzy spoke.
"Remember that teal shirt I got you for Christmas like four years ago? Wear that." Alec didn't even ask how she knew what he was going to ask because it was Izzy. She knew everything. "And either some black slacks or black jeans."
"I have a pair of dark blue jeans I never wear."
"Black would be better, but that will do. Also, Alec, try to have fun for once in your life. You never know what could happen when you try." She was right, but Alec had never tried.
He showed up at the club, Pandemonium, at around ten p.m.. His colleague, Lydia, had told him that the club didn't get really busy until about midnight or one a.m. so they would start out when the club opened and end just before midnight. Alec decided that he would arrive at ten and leave by eleven. 
The outside of the building was not spectacular. Just a brick face with a neon sign that read Pandemonium with devil horns flashing once in a while over the E. The bouncer let him in after he said he was with a group of professors. Once inside he could tell that what money was not spent on the outside had been used on the inside. 
Along the walls were tables and plush couches. A few people were already hanging out there. Off to one side was a bar with two bartenders making a few drinks. They were very hot men in tight white shirts with muscles you could see through the fabric. Three girls that looked like they might barely be able to enter the club were seated near them giggling to each other. Alec remembered being smitten with hot guys. But each relationship had ended before it had even begun. 
Across from the bar on the opposite side of the room was the VIP session. It was made up of three stories of tables and equally plush couches. Alec wondered who would choose white for the couches. Didn’t that stain easily? 
On the main floor of the VIP section he could see John Monteverde, Lydia's husband and professor of Chemistry. Alec liked both John and Lydia. Lydia was a professor of psychology and while psychology and literature were not in the same field being from a small college you got to know everyone, and she was also his neighbor, being right next door to his office. Off to the side he saw Ragnor Fell, the Head of the History department and the man that knew the owner of the club. One look at the older man, alright he was probably only ten years older than Alec, and he wouldn’t strike you as a man that liked clubs or anyone that ran them.  
Walking over to them, through the sparsely populated dance floor, Alec couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. It was an odd feeling, like hair standing up on the back of his neck. Alec tried to shake it off. It was probably just some of the other patrons of the club looking at him. He didn’t exactly belong here anyway.
Chapter Two
Magnus never arrived at his club before midnight. Why wait around for the fun to begin? He would just lounge at home, maybe get the party started with a couple drinks before dressing to kill. But tonight was different. He felt different. His skin felt tight around his bones. He felt jumpy and any attempt to relax made him instantly jump back up. Maybe it was because he had just recently broken up with his on-and-off girlfriend of seven years. 
Camille Belcourt was as pretty as she was cruel. They had met when Magnus was just 17. Both of them had been modeling in the same fashion show. At 20 Camille had seemed so mature but looks can be deceiving. Magnus always seemed to find himself going back to her but not now. His new club had just opened up the month prior and, being only 24 himself, he intended to forget about Camille and move on. Still that didn't explain why he arrived just as the club was opening up.
When he entered he felt like something was…not right. Walking around he checked everything just to make sure. The music started up without a hitch and the first customers arrived. The bar was fully stocked and he even had a drink with his bartenders. 
Ragnor and his group of roughly 50 professors would be coming in soon to celebrate the end of the semester. Maybe that was why he felt off? Ragnor was not one for clubbing, but when one of his colleagues had asked where they could have a party he knew who to call. Magnus would do anything for Ragnor. The man was the reason why Magnus was able to leave his poor town in Indonesia. Ragnor was like the father Magnus never had. Still, older people out celebrating at such an early hour, it was…cute. He might feel pity for them but he still cheered them on. 
After checking everything twice, again, he couldn't find the problem. Drinks were plenty, music was great, bathrooms were stocked with condoms and small sachets of lubricant. His money was locked up tight and he had balanced the books the day before, so why did he feel on edge? 
By ten he had moved up to his office to look over the security cameras. Still nothing. Maybe he was just tired, he had been working a lot lately. He needed another drink and maybe some company. Looking out over the whole of the dance floor from his one way mirror he noticed a single, dark haired man walk in. The dark haired man was tall and lithe, at least from this far. The lights danced across the shirt and Magnus instantly recognized style and brand. A little out of date but still beautiful. The man stopped and looked around. He looked like a fish out of water. Probably being pulled out by friends that wanted to make him have fun and he was right— the man headed for the table of professors. Ah, an educated man. 
Magnus found himself rubbing the skin just under his watch where the initials of his soulmate resided. Magnus was a romantic but he was also a pragmatist. If he went looking for his soulmate he might never meet them. Better to enjoy life and then when your soulmate comes around you wouldn't have any fomo. Still he found himself forgetting the letters more often than not. This had been the first time he had thought of them since the night he broke up with Camille.
Pushing the band up he looked at the tiny letters. His soulmate must have the worst handwriting in the world. The letters looked like chicken scratch but they were still endearing to him. AGL. How many times had young little Magnus stared at those letters before he covered them up? How many times had he wished his soulmate would take him away from his horrible life? How many times did he wish for his soulmate to appear just to push it away and live life?
But why did he think of them now? He looked back up to see that tall, dark, and brainy had made his way to the professors’ table and the people there were welcoming him, though he still had a stiff posture. Yup, he didn't want to be here at all. Maybe Magnus could help that. He still needed to see Ragnor, and maybe he could double check that this teacher was not his soulmate. Magnus chuckled to himself. Yeah, a professor and a hedonist, what worse pairing could there be?
Magnus danced down the stairs to the beat of the music. It was still early so only a few people were on the dance floor. The party didn’t really get started until midnight when the floor would be packed with writhing bodies all looking for release. Magnus had joined them a couple times, but with the club still being so new he had to make sure the ship was running smoothly. Maybe after he started to make a decent profit he would join in the merriment more often.
The lights danced across his face as he walked towards the group of professors. One of his waitstaff was just finishing up bringing them their drinks. From his position now he could not see the fish out of water, but Magnus knew he was still there. Probably nursing a drink for a while before he would inevitably excuse himself to run back home. Introverts were so cute, Magnus thought as he rolled his eyes.
“And here is our mysterious benefactor.” Magnus picked up Ragnor’s posh voice instantly. He remembered so well when the Englishman had walked into the tiny little one room schoolhouse in the remote countryside to teach a small group of Indonesian children English. That has been over twenty years ago and yet the man had still not aged, he had always looked old.
“Ragnor, darling.” Magnus said, putting his arms around the man. He still smelled like tobacco and old books. It reminded him of a simpler time. “I am so glad you are here, you and all of your lovely friends.” He was sure that not all of the people there were friends, but a friend of a friend was just as good. 
“And how are you, my dear boy.” Ragnor was just a few inches taller than Magnus so Magnus had to look up into those emerald green eyes. 
“I am good, Paman. Now why don’t you introduce me to your friends.” He knew this would annoy his friend, but Ragnor did it anyway. Mostly history, english, and psychology professors in the group. There were a couple science teachers and one math teacher. All brainiacs.
Magnus had been good at school, but it was not where he wanted to land. He loved fashion and makeup and expressing oneself through their appearance. Ragnor had not been happy when Magnus had told him. In fact that man had been furious. After everything he had done for Magnus. But after he calmed down they had talked and Ragnor accepted Magnus' decision. 
Magnus was great with names, faces not so much. Sometimes it was hard putting a name with a face that didn't have some special feature. Most of these professors were dressed nicely but not like his usual clientele. 
"This is Lydia Branwell. She is part of the psychology department." Lydia was sitting with the tall, dark, and handsome man from before, well across the booth table and next to another man. Magnus leaned in to shake her hand. He had to place his other hand on a chair to balance himself, but misjudged where it was and ended up touching tall-dark-and-handsome’s shoulder. A light shock went through his body, like static shock, but all over. Before Magnus could remove his hand the man was twisting and grabbing his wrist. The pad of tall-dark-and-handsome's thumb pressed into Magnus’ inner wrist. If the shock before had been a little odd this touch was like coming home.
Feelings of love, comfort, and safety ran over him. Home.
Chapter Three 
Alec hadn't meant to grab the man’s wrist. He didn’t touch others freely, but the small shock from just a hand on his shoulder made him think something was wrong. Of course this man wouldn’t try to hurt him here, in front of everyone, but Alec acted before his brain could process. Which was very unusual for him. They stood there staring at each other for the longest time. Everything else seemed to vanish. His co-workers sounded like they were miles away. 
He felt warmth envelop him from head to toe. It was like curling up in a thick blanket on a cold winter's night. It was like coming home to peace and security. It was like…oh fuck. 
Alec’s brain had finally started to work again. This was not good. Not good at all. Alec let go of the other man's wrist like it had burned him. He had given up on ever experiencing this moment a long time ago, yet every instinct told him that he needed this man more than he needed air to breathe. This man was the answer to all his lonely nights. But Alec was rational and rational thought told him he needed to get the hell out of there. ASAP.
He stood up and pushed past the man, noting the smell of sandalwood, musk, and bourbon. It was the most intoxicating scent he had ever smelled. It made him want to go back, stick his nose into the other man’s neck, and just breathe him in. But Alec’s body had already made up its mind. He was hurrying out as fast as his feet could carry him. 
It took Magnus exactly three seconds before he was running after the man. The first touch had been like getting hit by static electricity, but when tall-dark-and-handsome had touched his skin the feelings had only intensified. 
Yes, he had always wanted to meet his soulmate, everyone did. He just didn’t know it was going to be here, in a club and that his soulmate would be a tall, dark, and smart man. When the man got up and brushed past him Magnus was still reeling. This moment had finally happened. Then his mind kicked itself into high gear. He was not letting his soulmate get away. Not when they were this close.
Alec had almost reached the back entrance to the club. The orange-red light of the exit sign had been the first thing he’d seen when he darted out of the booth. He had to get home. He needed to get home. 
His whole body was buzzing with something just under the skin. His breath was coming in heavy pants, sweat ran down the back of his neck, and his skin felt too tight. As Alec reached to punch the door open, a hand on his shoulder had him reeling around. 
They were staring at each other once again. The air was thick with the smell of sandalwood and Alec felt his knees want to buckle. This man was unbelievably gorgeous even in the red light of the exit sign. Alec found his eyes drifting down to those perfectly plump and shiny lips. It had been a while since he’d had a date, let alone a kiss. He had been fine with it at the time. Content with his life, but now…
Suddenly Alec was grabbing the man by his lapels and pulling him in for a kiss. He tasted…cherry? No, strawberry. The man was wearing lip gloss of some kind. But even as Alec had the thought, all other thoughts left as the other man’s tongue slid against his. Alec was falling in love.
Magnus had not been expecting a kiss, but hell, he didn’t mind. He had read somewhere that the meeting of two souls could create an intense reaction and this was truly intense. Tall-dark-and-handsome had pulled him in for a kiss. There was a scrape of stubble across his cheek and he found himself hoping for stubble burn. A reminder that this was not a dream.
Magnus pushed the man back against the door, intensifying the kiss and running his hand through short dark locks. His pulse was racing, sending every ounce of blood straight to his groin. If only they were not in a small hallway that led to the back exit. Okay, he was going to let that joke slide by.
Magnus' leg slid between the other man’s thighs and he felt an echoing bulge. Tall-dark-and-handsome was just as turned on as he was. With that last thought Magnus’ brain shut down and focused only on kissing and getting his soulmate off.
The kiss was almost all consuming. Alec had never felt like this before. It was all so fast and so very much unlike him. The man, well, his soulmate pressed against him and Alec could feel the hint of a bulge. Then suddenly there was a rush of cool air and Alec was falling. For a minute he thought his legs had finally given out, but no. He was falling backwards. 
A hand gripped his wrist while the other gripped his hand. It kept him from falling head first onto the cold alleyway. He was able to get his feet under him and get back inside the club.
They were both panting when the door finally closed behind them. Now that they were not pawing at each other Alec felt…very uncomfortable. He had just kissed a man he had just met and STILL didn't know the name of! And to make matters worse he had nearly fallen because of all that kissing.
"Uh…thanks for…catching me." Even in his awkwardness Alec was still a gentleman with good manners.
"Not at all. I couldn't let my soulmate get hurt. Name's Magnus, by the way." The raven haired man stuck out his hand to shake as if they had not just been making out like teenagers in the back of a parked car.
Alec slowly put his hand out to shake Magnus'. Magnus of course, his name had been said but Alec had only been half listening. 
Soulmate. The word finally made it from his ears to his brain. Oh shit he had just been making out with his soulmate and fuck his soulmate was so young. What was he? Twenty, maybe twenty-two if he was lucky. They had an over ten years age difference. How the fuck could they be soulmates?
"Uh…tall-dark-and-handsome, you alright?" Wait what? Did the ma- Magnus just call him tall, dark, and handsome? 
A flush crossed Alec’s face as he answered. "Iii-I'm Alec." Great now he was a stuttering teenager. 
Now that they had quit clawing at each other they could hear the music that pounded in the background. Where did they go from here?
“Let’s go up to my office.” Magnus said, stepping back and unlocking a door to their right. Where had that come from? Magnus was already through it when Alec finally followed.
Chapter Four
The door led to a set of stairs which they used to get up to Magnus' office. Alec was glad not to have to see his colleagues again. He didn’t know how to explain what sent him running from the table. They would probably figure it out sooner or later. Preferably later and not with Alec around. 
The man in front of him asked if he wanted a drink or a seat, but Alec was still trying to wrap his head around this whole…situation. 
“I hope you don’t mind if I have one.” Magnus walked over to a small bar cart and started to make a drink. The golden eyed man knew they had to take this slow, but he was too giddy. He finally had his soulmate, a breathtakingly gorgeous man with the beginnings of gray at the temples of his dark brown hair. Magnus licked his lips hoping to taste the man. Alec. Short for Alexander? Maybe.
Turning back to Alec, Magnus smiled slightly. The man looked like a lost puppy. Magnus would give anything to go and push the man down on the couch and kiss every last inch of his body. Okay, calm down. You didn’t know him an hour ago and now you are ready to climb him like a jungle gym.
“How old are you?” This was the first time Alec was asking any questions. It might seem odd but Magnus understood. 
“Twenty-four. And you?” Magnus popped his hip to the side, looking sultry, but tall-dark-and-handsome was not even noticing it. Pity.
“Thirty-six.” Alec was not going to mention that he would be thirty-seven in September. God, twelve years. Alec ran his hand over his face as he tried to process. For years he had been trying to find his soulmate only for the man to be two years younger than his little brother.
“Alexander?” Alec’s head shot up at the name. No one but his parents ever called him that. He had been Alec for as long as he could remember. 
“Okay, Alec. Are you sure you don’t want to take a seat?” The man before him was being nice and Alec should try to be just as cordial.
“No. I’m fine.” So much for being cordial.
“Alright.” Magnus moved to sit on the arm of the couch and took a drink. “Well I am sure you have a lot of thoughts going through that pretty little brain of yours. I know I do.” Magnus smirked behind his drink. “I never knew my soulmate would be a professor. Kind of exciting really. I liked school but never saw myself going into academia. I know Ragnor was sad I didn’t, but why hide all this.” Magnus motioned to himself with his arms. “In tweed jackets, camel colored cardigans, and turtlenecks. Still I am excited that we’ve finally met. Ooo, I need your phone.” 
Getting up from his perch and setting his glass down he walked up to Alec and held out his hand expectantly. It took Alec a moment to understand what Magnus wanted before he slowly pulled his phone out of his pocket. Magnus grabbed it and put his number in tall-dark-and-handsome’s phone then shot himself a text.  
“There we go.” Magnus handed the phone back to Alec.
Alec looked back at his phone as he finally processed what Magnus had said. Shouldn’t he be more upset that this kid just called his wardrobe dull? Not that he was wrong. Alec knew his style was old fashioned but it suited him. His soulmate, he was probably never going to get over calling this man his soulmate, was dressed in what Alec could only describe as club clothes. A navy blazer, that now Alec could look more closely at, he realized there was no shirt underneath. Oh God! Magnus was practically naked. Oh God! He sounded like his father.
“I knew there had to be a reason.” Alec finally noticed that Magnus was talking. “And here he is.” Magnus said, grabbing his drink back up and winking at Alec. “My soulmate. Wow, I didn’t think I would meet you this soon, but better sooner than later.” Magnus turned his back and walked over the window where he could see the rest of the club starting to fill up. 
“I was standing here when I saw you walk in. I could tell you were handsome, but I didn’t know this was the beginning of forever.” Forever, dear lord. Any plans that Alec had about his future were moot. “Now we will need to tell our families, naturally. A bonding ceremony will take a bit to plan, but it will be the talk of the town.” Magnus' voice was low as if he was speaking to himself. “We can do it right here! Where we met.”
Magnus was planning out their bonding ceremony as if both of them had agreed to this. Alec hadn’t agreed to being Magnus' soulmate, let alone having a bonding ceremony. Magnus sounded like he had been planning this since he was child. But hadn’t Alec done the exact same thing? Didn’t he have scores of notebooks filled out with what he wanted included in his bonding ceremony? All he had ever wanted was to meet the man that MB belonged to. Now he had and he was not ready.
“I can’t do a honeymoon for another couple months. Opening up this club has taken most of my time.” Magnus still had his back to Alec, oblivious to his soulmate’s full blown panic attack.
“I…I can’t. I have to go.” Alec said, before zeroing in on the door to the office. Flinging it open he barely remembered flying down the stairs and out the same back door he had wanted to take not an hour ago. Thankfully, this time, Magnus didn’t follow him.
Chapter Five
Alec awoke to the sound of a text. He was still too tired to get up so he just stuck his hand out of the covers to see who it was. It was probably Izzy, wondering how his night had gone. Boy was she in for a shock. Blinking a few times he read the name and almost dropped the phone.
Magnus 🌶💋: Morning, darling. Sleep well?
Lord did he really put that as his contact name? Alec sat up and checked and sure enough a pepper and a kiss emoji. Maybe he was lucky the younger man didn't put an eggplant emoji.
Magnus 🌶💋: Darling?
Alec put his phone on silent and rolled over in bed. He still couldn't come to grips with his own reality. Just yesterday he was ready for a regular, boring old summer and now… now he had a soulmate a decade his junior. Maybe that was why he never found him. Magnus was so much younger. All those years spent trying to find his soulmate while the man was running around on a playground somewhere.
Alec turned back over and looked at his phone again. There was another text asking if he was alright, something that warmed his heart, but his brain was not having it. He is 24! He is a child! You teach others his age! It was not like Magnus was in high school or anything like that. 
He must have been thinking for a while because the phone lit up with a call. Magnus 🌶💋. Panic welled up in his chest and he quickly put the phone upside down back on his side table. He couldn’t deal with this right now. He was not supposed to have a soulmate. He was supposed to be single for the rest of his days. That was the plan and now some hot, sexy, beautiful…. 
“Dear God.” He groaned and fell back onto his pillow. Magnus was everything Alec was not. Pulling the covers up over his face he felt like being a petulant child and staying in bed. He wanted to go back to sleep and wake up back in his reality, not in this soap opera. That lasted all of about 20 minutes before Raz started clawing at the door wanting food. Leaving his phone in the bedroom he went and fed his cats. 
Church had been given to Alec by a neighbor when he had to move out of state several years ago. He was an eight year old Himalayan mix with beige fluff.  Raz, on the other hand, was a gray tabby and only two years old. She was so spunky and playful while Church was a grumpy old man in cat form. As he watched his cats he suddenly felt lonely. 
He had not felt like this since college while he tried to find his soulmate. Now that he had one his body chemistry was changing. Soulmates were drawn to each other. They needed physical closeness to truly feel at home. Running his hand over his beard he scratched his head. Was he being an asshole while he ignored his soulmate? Surely Magnus was feeling the same way, but the problem was Magnus had their lives all planned out. Alec had given up.
After he fed the cats and got a cup of coffee he went back to his bedroom. Flipping the phone over he saw several more texts and two more calls. Sighing he opened the messages and typed in, I am alright. I just need time. I will call you later. But even as he sent the message he didn’t know when later would be. 
Sipping his coffee he scrolled through instagram not really seeing what was posted, just needing something mundane to do. Something to get his mind off of the present. Somehow, he still was not sure how or why he did it but he found himself on Pandemonium’s insta. In the bio it said owner Magnus Bane @purrfectlymagnus. He clicked on it before he could stop himself. The account was not private, which he was glad for. Maybe? 
Alec scrolled through the pictures. There were several of Magnus with a white fluffy cat who he called Chairman Meow. There was even one with the cat behind a huge cake that said Happy 5th Birthday, Chairman. The cat looked like it would rather be sleeping. Alec looked over at his cats. Church had run off to probably sleep off his breakfast while Raz was licking both of the bowls clean.
Well, at least we have something in common. One thing they had in common. Alec didn’t party or go to the most exclusive restaurants. He kept scrolling until he found a Throwback Thursday post. Magnus had his arms around a dark skinned woman; they were both in high fashion outfits that made absolutely not sense to Alec. The caption read: “To the time when @imblue_catarina and I were in the same show. She was better than me, though. Just don’t tell her that.” Below one the comments was from the woman in the picture calling Magnus a liar. Alec clicked on her name, but her account was private. 
Going back to Magnus he looked through more photos. Ones of Magnus with friends or his cat. A few posts about trashy reality tv shows, the very same ones that Alec liked to watch just to have background noise. Still they didn’t have much else in common. Setting his phone down he sipped his coffee and looked out the window. 
They liked cats and the same tv shows. But in everything else they were complete opposites and twelve years apart. Of the posts he had looked at was one of Magnus celebrating his 24th birthday at a strip club. Magnus was wild and free. Alec was boring and conventional.
Sitting back in his chair Alec didn’t know what to do, but he knew he had to do something. He was an adult and while he had given up on a soulmate or even just a partner he had to do something about this for Magnus. The kid didn’t deserve to be left on read.
Chapter 6
Alec leaned back at his desk in the small office at his university. He couldn’t even focus, not that he needed to try that hard. Spring semester had just finished and summer was not far off. He had thought that coming to work, and going on as he normally would, would help him decide what to do with Magnus, but surprise, it didn’t. There was still a small stack of papers that needed to be graded and entered. He had only one more day before all grades were due but his mind was not in it and he refused to just give them a pass.
There was a knock at his door. Slowly opening it Lydia stuck her head in. She had tried to call Alec but, like he was doing with Magnus, he ignored her. 
“Hey. I am glad to see you got home safely. Ragnor told me not to worry.” Oh god now he had to face the shame of having run out on the party. What did everyone say about him after he left? Alec was always so stoic yet he went running out of the club like a ghost was after him. And they didn’t know he’d found his soulmate. They would probably all be happy for him.
“Yeah.” Was all he could muster to say to her. 
“Are you…alright?” She stepped a bit more into the room but stayed in the doorway. 
“Yes and no. It’s a long story.”
“Well I am here if you need me. Well if you need me later. I was just grabbing my tablet from the office. Forgot it on Friday.” 
“Maybe I will take you up on that offer after I know what I am doing.” Lydia just smiled at him and bid him good day. After the door closed Alec groaned and rolled his eyes at himself. He could have been more civil, but it seemed like that emotion had left him for someone else. 
“What the fuck do I do?” Leaning over his desk and hand in his hair, probably making it stick out at all angles. He needed to talk through his emotions and fears, but to do so, for a very private man, was incredibly tough. 
Alec was silent for what seemed like hours, his mind both racing and freezing. He was not used to being out of control, to have his life messed with. Finally he buckled down and did what he knew needed to be done.
<3 Alec <3: Is there somewhere we can meet that is both public and private?
The moment Magnus' phone lit up with those words he was jumping up and screaming yes, arm fist pumping the air. Quickly he typed out the directions to a small coffee/ice cream stand in Central Park. Once he received Alec’s confirmation he went running from the living room to his closet to pick out his outfit.
Ever since Alec had left the club on Friday night Magnus had felt like a part of him was missing. He didn’t feel whole or even comfortable in his skin. He was able to brush it off until he had tried texting Alec. When tall-dark-and-handsome didn’t answer, that was when the panic set in. 
He had worried that maybe Alec had never made it home. What if…Alec already had a boyfriend or even a girlfriend? Was Alec bisexual like himself, gay, straight, or even still in the closet? It was not unheard of for one soulmate to choose their partner from before over a newly met soulmate. Granted Magnus had not given Alec much time to talk. He couldn’t even remember everything he’d said since he was riding the highest of highs but he was sure that whatever he said had scared his soulmate off.
It had been a tense half an hour before he got the text saying Alec was fine but needed time. Magnus had relaxed at those words. He needed time. Duh. Alec had just met his soulmate and he needed time. While Magnus could understand that, it didn’t make the time apart any easier.
He had waited all day for Alec to text or call, hoping it wouldn't take too long, but as the minutes turned into hours he had to accept the fact that Alec needed even more time. So he tried to fill his time with trash tv but seemed to gravitate to the sad romantic movies instead. He cried his eyes out to the Notebook and A Walk to Remember before he finally fell asleep from pure exhaustion. 
It didn’t help that Ragnor wanted to know what had happened. He was Magnus’ closest thing to a father but Magnus pushed him away. Old feelings of abandonment surfaced. He thought he was over and done with those feelings. He thought he had left his time at the orphanage long behind him when he went to England. But it seemed he was not over his past. 
He remembered when he had first met Ragnor and how happy he’d been that someone cared, even a little, for the odd boy with honey brown eyes. Ragnor didn’t care that Magnus’ father had been a foreigner that got his mom pregnant then ran away. Magnus was known as the bastard that killed his mother, but Ragnor didn’t see it that way. When his mother had died in childbirth her family had taken Magnus to the orphanage. He was at least happy they had done that instead of killing him. 
While life in England had been fun and exciting he never really had anything that was solely his. When he chose to become a model and travel around the world he thought that would be the something he was missing. Then Camille happened and again he thought that was the something he was missing. But it wasn’t. He was missing his soulmate, his other half.
Magnus finally decided on a casual purple top and dark skinny jeans. He threw on his Chucks, grabbed his leather jacket, keys, and wallet before heading out the door. Of course he told Chairman he would be back, but the cat probably didn’t even hear him. Down in the parking garage he put on his helmet and revved his bike. Since he had not really fixed his hair he would wear the protection.
Chapter 7
Alec was waiting by the cart with an ice tea in his hand. It was too warm for coffee but he didn’t feel like ice cream. Looking at his watch he wondered how much longer Magnus would be. Really it had only been half an hour since he got the text telling him he would see the man in about half an hour. 
Everything in Alec screamed to leave and hide at home, but that was not fair to Magnus. He deserved to know why Alec had run and why he was not sure this would work out. If Alec could give him anything he would give him that.
Taking another sip he finally saw Magnus, leather jacket and hair pushed back from his face. He looked…younger with no makeup on. God, why did he have to be so young.
“Hey, Alec.” Magnus smiled at him, but didn’t come in for a hug or even a handshake like he was waiting for Alec to initiate it first.
“Hey. How are you doing?” Alec was never good at small talk.
“Good. Let me get something and then we can talk.” Magnus ended up getting a cone with strawberry and vanilla swirl on top. 
They walked for a bit just trying to get used to each other's company. It was like a balm to frazzled nerves. Odd but kind of nice. 
“I am sorry.” Alec said after Magnus was halfway done with his ice cream. “For running out on you the other night.”
“No worries. I understand. I was talking too much.” Magnus tried to shrug it off, but had remembered what he had been talking about when Alec suddenly said he had to go and left. He had been talking about their future. Stupid really, but when you have grown up imaging your life differently you tend to dream about your soulmate. But in the dreams his soulmate had been just as happy. “I am sorry about what I said. I understand it was all too much and I am sure your partner was not happy when they heard.”
“Partner? What partner?”
“Boyfriend or girlfriend. Or are you mar…” At that moment Alec had let out a sharp laugh that made some ducks honk and move farther away from the two of them on the pond.
“Sorry, no. I don’t have a boyfriend and I’ve never had a girlfriend. I am…I’m gay.” Relief flooded Magnus' body. “I didn’t run from you because of a partner…I ran because…” Alec sighed. “You were not in the plans.” 
“Plans?” Magnus asked and Alec motioned them to a bench. He quickly finished his cone, which was not the best idea, and had a bit of a brain freeze. Thankfully Alec waited until Magnus was not in so much pain before he continued.
“I’m thirty-six, Magnus. I have been looking for my soulmate for a long time.” Alec said, looking into his drink as if he was replaying his past over again. “After I finished my PHD and still had not found him I decided that I was done waiting. It hurt too much to keep searching and failing to find my soulmate. So I gave up. I made myself believe I was fine with no partner and being the brainy uncle to my brother and sister’s kids. I got a second cat and was like, this is it. This is me.” Alec paused. Magnus wanted to say something. He had been waiting and looking too, not for as long, but he had never given up that his soulmate was out there and they would meet one day. 
“Then Friday…every carefully laid plan I had made for my life just crumbled. I didn’t know how to move forward. I finally had the soulmate I had always wanted, yet at the same time, I had told myself for years that I didn’t want a soulmate. That…I didn’t deserve a soulmate.”
“Didn’t deserve a soulmate? Just because you could not find me?” Magnus asked. It made sense, they were twelve years apart. While Alec was in college running around trying to find his soulmate Magnus was still in Indonesia. When Alec was finishing his schooling Magnus had just started his modeling career. But it still didn’t help the words from hurting. Magnus felt a burn in the back of his eyes. “Do you still not want a soulmate?”
“I don’t know, Magnus. I could not find you and now that I have given up you are here. I am a mixture of emotions. I don’t know anything anymore. I wanted to run, but you deserve better than that.” Finally Alec looked up and their eyes met. Wow how had he never noticed those beautiful golden eyes. They were unlike any color he had ever seen before. “Your eyes…” Magnus looked away, trying to make sure that not one single tear fell. “They're beautiful.”
Okay what?! Magnus’ head whipped back around. “What?” That was not something he was expecting Alec to say.
“Well, they are. I just didn’t notice until now.” Magnus felt his cheeks heat up a bit.
“Thanks.” After that they were silent for a bit. They watched as people came and went. A couple of little boys with their dad, begging him to play catch. A mother and her stroller. A young couple holding hands.
“I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Magnus started. “My father was long gone by then. They said he was a foreigner. My mother died in childbirth with me and her family didn’t want the disgrace of a bastard child so they gave me over to an orphanage.”
“I’m sorry.” Magnus shrugged. 
“I never knew my family so I feel no attachment.”
“But you were a child. No one should be made to feel like that.” Magnus looked back at Alec. It felt good to have someone other than Ragnor know the tale. “My parents and I were never very close.” Alec said. “They were a midwest power couple that liked the prestige of being a perfect family. I haven’t talked to my dad since I came out when I was 23 and after I graduated with my degree. He wanted to disown me but my mom stopped him. My mom and I do not have the best of relationships but I know she is trying. We have been in contact more since they divorced.” Wow they both had screwed up families.
“I don’t remember how old I was, but I do remember when I first met Ragnor Fell. It was late April and he came to teach the children of the orphanage English. I took to him and he took to me. It was a couple more years before he became my guardian and took me to England, where he was teaching at the time. I call him  Paman which means Uncle. He never formally adopted me, just sponsored me so I could go to school in England.” Sometimes Magnus wished he had but it didn’t make Ragnor any less special to him.
“But he is like your father.” Alec said and Magnus nodded. 
“He is all I have.” They were quiet again for a moment before Alec spoke.
“I don’t…I don’t know how to be a good boyfriend. I have not dated since I was 29. I don’t know if I can be what you need me to be.”
“How do you know? We barely know each other.” Magnus protested. “If you want to give us a chance, I would be very happy. But don’t discount us because we are different. Haven’t you heard? Opposites attract.” Alec chuckled at that. “Give us a chance.”
“Okay.” Alec nodded. “I will.”
Chapter 8
Their first official date was set for the following Wednesday. They had texted back and forth since Sunday. Alec finished up his work and then spent the next couple days worrying. It had been ages since he had gone out on a date. He was not even sure he remembered how to date. Martin had been his last shot at something meaningful, but they were just not meant to be. 
Martin had been a dance instructor and two years Alec’s junior. He had the correct initials, Martin Barns, but the initials on Martin’s waist were not Alec’s. Still they tried to make it work, because they were both lonely. As looks went Martin was not exactly GQ man of the year, but neither was Alec. He had sandy brown hair, crooked teeth and a thin frame. Martin was more carefree than Alec, but it seemed like a perfect balance, at least at first. As time went on Martin wanted more and more of Alec’s time until Alec felt smothered. They broke up not two months after becoming a couple. 
After that Alec had wiped his hands of the whole idea of partners and soulmates. If he couldn’t find his soulmate, then he didn’t need one. It was also around that time that Max got married and had his first kid. Alexis was the spitting image of her dad and the happiest baby. Alec took a semester off of school to visit Max and his family in Chicago. That change had helped him to solidify his position. He would be content with what his life was.
But now he’d found his soulmate and while he couldn’t change overnight, he did want to try and make this work. Magnus deserved that much, they both did. Still he was on edge as he got out of the taxi in front of a nice restaurant. It was not one that required a coat and tie but that didn’t seem to be his soulmate’s type of place either. 
Walking in he told the hostess that he was meeting someone and gave Magnus’ name. The woman nodded and showed him the way to the table, telling him his friend was already there. That was a surprise. Alec was well over ten minutes early and Magnus was already here?
As a man from another table sat down Alec could finally see Magnus. The man was drop dead gorgeous. His black hair was styled to perfection atop his head. He wore a magenta shirt with a black sequined jacket over it. When their eyes met Alec felt a jolt go through his body, much like their first connection.
“Sorry if I’m late.” Even though it wasn’t even 7 o’clock yet.
“Fashionably late.” Magnus purred and Alec felt like melting into a pile of goo at his feet. Magnus’ voice did things to him. “But I suppose I was fashionably early.”
They opened the menus and looked through the selection. Alec wasn’t sure what he wanted, aside from Magnus. He felt his face flush at the thought and buried his face in the menu until the waiter came to take their drink orders. Alec was not one for alcohol, not since his junior year in undergrad. You can only drink so much tequila before everything you’d ingested for the past week would come spilling out. 
Magnus ordered red wine and Alec joined him in that. They sat in relative silence while their drinks were being poured. Only after their food orders had been taken did Alec try to break the ice. 
“Is fish your favorite?” He asked, since Magnus had ordered the salmon. 
“Not really. I mean, I do like fish, but I would say my favorite food is rather mundane.” Magnus chuckled. “I love fruit, especially mangos and blueberries.”
“Oh? I love blueberry pie and crumble, but I have never been too fond of the fruit on its own.”
“It can be an acquired taste.”
“I prefer strawberries myself.”
“Chocolate covered strawberries?” Magnus’ little wink made Alec feel hot all over. He had this sudden urge to reach over the table to pull Magnus in for a never ending kiss.
“Yyyeah. Them, too.” Alec stuttered. Another smile across Magnus’ face let him know that Magnus knew just how much he was affecting Alec.
“I tried to go vegetarian once.” Magnus said, thankfully changing the subject before Alec made a fool of himself. “But I like fish and steak too much. So I just cut down on it when I can.”
“I love steak, chicken, and pork.” Magnus scrunched his nose up at the last one. “You don’t like pork?”
“Not really. When I lived in Indonesia the home next to mine had pigs and they got into everything and they smelled.”
“Ah, I see.” Alec nodded. “So no pork, what about chicken?”
“It’s fine.”
“But also not your favorite?” Magnus nodded. They talked a bit more about their food choices and had even moved into music when their food arrived.
“I am not going to say I don’t like them, but…their music is not my taste.” Magnus comments on Alec’s favorite group, The Nephilims.
“What do you mean?!” Alec asked with a smile. “They are the best alternative rock group to come out of Brooklyn in ages.”
“Yes, but a lot of their songs are…sad and lonely.” Oh. Yeah, they were. 
“So you stay away from them or any alternative rock?”
“I like upbeat parties, techno, trap, and dance mixes. And some kpop. It’s my secret obsession, but you didn’t hear that from me.” They both chuckled. Finally they were getting comfortable with each other. Finally they were making progress.
After dinner, and a brief argument about who was going to pay, they stood outside the restaurant watching the cars go by. Now that they had become somewhat comfortable with each other Alec found himself gravitating closer to Magnus.
Turning his face toward Alec, Magnus asked if he would like to come over and share a drink. The tension seemed to get worse after Magnus asked.
“I don’t know…if it’s a good idea.” The sad look that briefly passed over Magnus’ face made Alec want to take the words back.
“I understand. It’s no-” Magnus didn’t even get to finish his sentence as Alec pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. What had been simmering at dinner was igniting.
Magnus thread his hands through Alec's hair, not caring that they were in the middle of the sidewalk. His soulmate was kissing him and he never wanted to stop. Unfortunately, they did have to stop kissing so they didn’t die of asphyxiation.
“I…I don’t know where…” Alec was stuttering again.
“I shall ask you again, want to come back to my place?” Finally Alec agreed.
Chapter 9
They barely made it into Magnus’ apartment before they were pulling clothes off each other. The taxi ride home had been excruciatingly long. Keeping his hands to himself had been hard but somehow Alec did.
They almost tripped over someone’s shoes and they both laughed. 
“Bedroom or couch?” Magnus asked. They hadn’t been able to talk about what exactly they would be doing. All they knew was it involved less clothes and more touching.
“I…I haven't been intimate with anyone for a long time.” Alec found himself admitting, feeling ashamed. Magnus pressed his finger to Alec’s lips. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. I don’t mind taking the lead, but I need to know what your boundaries are.”
“Stand here and talk out the details?” Magnus laughed a hearty laugh.
“Neither do I but I prefer clear guidelines.” Alec bit his lip, not sure how far to take this, but knowing he needed something more than just kisses.
“Maybe not all the way.” God he sounded like a teenager about to lose his virginity on prom night.
“Alright. Are you okay with condoms? We probably should get tested.”
“Yeah. But can we do something before my dick decides to settle down?”
“You are only in your thirties. You are fine, but I will gladly help you.” Magnus pushed Alec back against the wall and knelt down. He pulled out his wallet and produced a condom.
“Expecting something?” Alec asked with a blush. 
“More like prepared.” Magnus tore the wrapper and pulled the condom out. He placed it on the tip of Alec’s dick and with one quick motion used his mouth to roll it all the way down.
“FUCK!” Bubbled out of Alec’s mouth. Magnus just pulled back to the tip before going back in. The pace he set was both too much and not enough. Alec felt like he was on the edge from the moment Magnus’ mouth had engulfed his dick. 
“Magnus, fuck… please!” What was he pleading for? More? Faster? Alec’s fingers slid into Magnus’ raven hair, pulling the strands from the perfect coif and pushing it out of place. His hips started to move on their own even as he tried to hold back. He didn’t want to hurt Magnus, but he did love the feeling of hitting the back of the man’s throat. 
“Magnus…” He panted, letting his eyes close as Magnus’ hands ran up his thighs to his ass and pulled him forward. Fuck, did his soulmate want him to fuck his throat? His hips seemed to understand and snapped forward hard, causing Magnus to moan around him. It wasn’t long before the thrusts and Magnus’ own vibrations over his dick were too much and he fell over, coming inside Magnus’ mouth.
Magnus pulled off, panting, and leaning against Alec’s thigh for a moment before he was able to gather himself enough to stand up and help Alec with the condom.
“When I said…maybe not all the way…” Alec was panting trying to stand on shaking legs. “I might have spoken too soon.” Magnus chuckled.
“One step at a time, big boy.”
They ended up sticking to their agreement not to go all the way. While they both wanted to, it wasn’t the right time. Instead Magnus took Alec back to his bedroom and showed him his collection of “toys”. Magnus even put a few to good use as he fucked himself while Alec watched. 
If Magnus had been breathtaking at dinner, he was something else now. Alec’s gaze ran over Magnus’ body as he pushed a purple toy in and out of himself. Magnus’ back was arched and his neck stretched to show off his throat. What did Alec do to deserve such a god?
Once Alec was hard again Magnus switched from a dildo to a vibrator. He still needed something inside him as they kissed and pressed their bodies closer. Their cocks rubbed against each other smearing precome all over their stomachs. 
The morning after was devoid of any awkwardness. It was as if everything had shifted into place. They were completely comfortable around each other. That, in and of itself, was magical. They moved in sync as they made breakfast; snuggled on the couch, trading kisses and stories. 
Unfortunately, before too long, Alec had to leave. He had two fur babies that would not be happy they had to wait until nearly noon for food. 
“You could bring them over here. So they don’t get lonely.” Magnus said as Alec had put on his clothes from the day before.
“Are you sure your cat won’t mind?” Alec countered.
“Well…he will have to get used to them sometime, right?” They hadn’t talked about the next steps in their relationship, but they were both pretty sure that they would be moving in together sooner rather than later.
“Maybe a play date?” Alec suggested.
“Tomorrow?” Magnus asked hopefully.
“Tomorrow.” Alec agreed.
Epilogue - Three months later
Magnus growled as his liner skipped, again. Alec walked over to him, passing the bed where a kitten pile had developed on Magnus’ discarded clothes. Alec knew Magnus was nervous. This was the first time he was going to meet his soulmate’s family. It would be nerve wracking for anyone.
“You look stunning.” Alec said, leaning down to kiss Magnus’ cheek. 
“One side is thicker than the other.”
“Magnus, relax. Everything is going to be just fine. Izzy is very excited to meet you, having heard of you from the modeling world.” Alec tried to pump his soulmate up.
Magnus met Alec’s eyes in the mirror. “What if they don’t want me in the family?” It hit Alec like a ton of bricks. Magnus had already been shunned from his biological family and now here was another chance at rejection. 
Alec knelt down next to Magnus. “They won’t. My siblings are much more open minded than my parents. Izzy knew I was gay before I even told her. Max wanted to cut all ties with our father when he tried to disown me. They will love you, because I love you, but also because you are loveable.” Magnus smiled as his eyes watered. “The only one we have to worry about is my mother. I don’t think she will be cruel, but she can be stone faced. But if she doesn’t accept you, then I won’t accept her.”
“Alec!” Izzy nearly threw herself at her big brother as she opened the door. Alec caught her in his arms and Magnus just stood in awe. They could pass for twins. They were both tall and thin with dark hair. Her eyes turned to Magnus and she let go of her brother. “And you must be Magnus.” 
“Yes.” They shook hands as two little kids peered out. 
“Uncle Alec!” The cousins say in unison. Alexis had a head of curly dark hair while her cousin, Luke, had short brown hair. They were the only cousins close enough in age. Alexis was four years younger than Izzy and Simon’s middle daughter, Abby. But Luke and Alexis were only a year apart.
“Lexi, Luke.” Alec said, scooping the two little ones up into his arms. “I want you to meet someone.” Suddenly all eyes were on him and Magnus had not even gotten in the door. “This is my soulmate, Magnus.” 
“Hi.” Alexis waved at him, but being five and more inquisitive Luke asked. 
“Soulmate? Like mommy and daddy?”
“That is right dear.” Izzy said, taking her song from Alec’s arms and motioning them in. “Uncle Alec now as a soulmate.”
“Uncle Magnus?” Luke asked, looking from his mom to his uncle. 
“If that is alright with Magnus.” Alec sat Alexis down and looked at Magnus. Uncle wow that was quick. 
“Yeah. I would like that.” Magnus nodded. 
“Uncle Mans.” Little four year old tried saying. Magnus smiled.
Luke took Magnus by the hand and introduced him to the rest of the family. First off was his two older sisters that were on the couch not inches apart but on their phones.
“Abby, Lizzie. Uncle Magnus.” Luke introduced Magnus, with Alec stepping in to tell the nine and eleven year old, respectively, that Magnus was his soulmate. Abby was shy, like her father and only smiled, but Lizzie was the clone of her mother.
“Nice fit. Armani?”
“Yes.” Magnus nodded looking down at his dusty green jacket. 
“Last fall’s collection, correct?” 
“Yes. You know your styles well.”
“Thanks. Mom takes me to work with her a lot.”
“Soon enough she will know more clothes then I will.” Izzy commented. “But I am still so proud of my little fashionista.”
“Mom.” The preteen whined and hid behind her phone. 
Next was Max and his wife, Erica. Max was nearly the same height as Alec, but had a mess of curls much like his daughter. A family of giants.
“Max, good to see you.” The brothers hugged and then Alec leaned down to gently side hug Erica as she was holding the youngest member of the Lightwood clan, two year old Peter. 
“It's good to see you too, Alec.” Erica tilted her head at Magnus and sighed. Taking something out of her pocket she gave it to her husband. “You win.”
“You win?” Alec asked, echoing Magnus’ own thoughts. Had they made a bet about them? Or about him? Magnus suddenly felt very uncomfortable. 
“Your brother bet me that your soulmate would be shorter than you. I said he would be the same height or taller.” Alec laughed and that broke any tension Magnus had felt. His soulmate pulled Magnus closer to him.
“He is shorter by maybe an inch or two.” Magnus made a show of laying his head on Alec’s shoulder. 
“Yes, but what I lack in height I make up for in style.”
The last person on the list to meet was Maryse Lightwood, the matriarch of the family. After Max had left home there was nothing else holding the family together. Robert had been cheating on her for years and Maryse had just looked the other way. Once the divorce was final Maryse moved closer to her youngest child. She had enjoyed being a grandmother more than she had being a mother. There were no external pressures, just love.
“Mother. I want you to meet Magnus, my soulmate.” Alec said, one arm around Magnus’ back. Alec was not sure what his mother would do. They didn’t talk that often and only for short amounts of time. She was trying, he knew that.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Lightwood.” Magnus held out his hand like he had for Max and his wife and waited. It didn’t exactly take that long for Maryse to react, but to the soulmates it was an eternity.
Maryse sat her glass of wine down on a side table and leaned in, putting her arms around Magnus and hugged him tight, much to Alec’s shock. 
“Thank you for making my son happy.” She whispered into Magnus' ear. Pulling back she had a bright smile on her face. “And welcome to the family.”
“Mom! Can you help me wrangle the kids?” Izzy called out to her mom. The younger ones were underfoot while the older ones were on their phones. 
“If you will excuse me.” She grabbed her glass and headed for the kitchen. “Now, who is getting into trouble in here?”
Alec’s mouth was still slightly agape, his mind not comprehending what had just happened. “I think Mom might have had too much wine.”
Magnus just smiled, keeping what she had said a little secret to himself for now. He had been welcomed into the Lightwood family by every single member. It was like a dream come true. 
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lurafita · 6 months
Alec fanboying about Magnus
After Alec turns in the third report in which he goes to great length to describe the magnificence of Magnus in battle, Consul Penhallow mandates that whenever Bane is helping out, someone else has to write the report.
"It would have sufficed to say that Mr. Bane was able to close the portal while the others on the field eliminated the demons that had already come through. I didn't need to know that 'his golden cat like eyes shined brightly as his graceful movements weilded the magic like no one else would ever be capable of. Enchanting and mesmerizing both, just like Magnus himself.' "
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