sonarsunbeam · 3 months
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burning questions
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lochburn · 1 month
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(ignore how they look i havent drawn humans in a hella long time)
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antichrstar · 1 year
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"Dogura Magura" directed by Toshio Matsumoto, (1988)
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blackqueernotables · 5 months
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Reverend Crone Goddess Magora Kennedy: minister and LGBT civil rights activist who participated in the Stonewall uprising, In the civil rights and women’s rights movements.
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rollingtovictory · 2 years
It has become a major topic of late that humans could be perceived as an absolutely insane race to the galactic community, assuming that most sapient species evolved on more ‘Paradise Planets’. For instance, humans are insanely good at adapting to different environments and can consume a huge number of things that are poisonous to other species. One of my favorite ideas that I came across recently is that perhaps humans make the ideal search and rescue species due to our ability to track, even untrained humans can often come up with the right ideas when tracking even if we don’t fully understand why.
Xelaqua was completely and totally lost, had been for three local days. Xe’d been playing with the other Klitori children around the edge of the forest here on M’Jang, a relatively new colony of the Klitori Union on D’Nik. The moon was a beautiful world, but a dangerous one. Klitori scales could keep most of the radiation from the gas giant they orbit at bay, but they still were advised not to go out after planetrise. 
Xelaqua had been chasing a Zo, a small, brightly colored, winged insectoid being. Being an adolecent, xe could move fairly quickly, but his arms were still short and pudgy, meaning catching the little zo had taken some time and the climbing of a very old tree of some kind. That was when xe’d realized xe was in fact very lost. Xelaqua had roamed for three days now, hiding in the roots of old trees by the river bank or in small caves during the planet day, and trying to find the colony elsewhen. The problem came when a magora, a large predator, had attacked xim. The six eyes and sharp fangs had been all Xelaqua had really seen, as it bit his tail and thrashed him into a tree. 
Xelaqua woke up some hours later, confused and frightend as the planet was overhead. The pain took a moment to set in, but come it did. A broken arm was painful but not too bad, xe had three others after all, but the missing tail was a major issue. Klitori slither along the ground, lacking legs, but with four arms. A Klitor without a tail can’t move very well, as their arms are somewhat weak due to their homeworld’s low gravity. Xelaqua was going to die out here, alone in the forest. It was odd that the magora had decided to only eat xis tail, but that was a mystery for another time. Xelaqua slowly crawled under the roots of the tree, cradling xis broken arm and doing xis best not to look at the stump where xis tail had been. Klitori don’t have the same kind of vascular system we’re used to, so bleeding out isn’t actually an issue. Which is almost unfortunate for the young Xelaqua, as starvation will set in soon. 
Another day passes, Xelaqua only venturing far enough to drink from the small steam. Nothing nearby looks edible, but xe moves so slow that xe can’t go far. Hours later, as Xelaqua sings quietly to ximself in his little hiding hole, xe hears a stange sound. Something almost like someone calling for xim, but the pronunciation was dreadful, something not Klitori at all. While Xelaqua knew not to talk to strangers, this might be xis only hope of survival. Calling out was hard, exhaustion was a major issue, but the sounds drew closer. 
Human. Xelaqua had heard of them. Insane predators, violent, brilliant, and hardy. It was hard to imagine a sapient mammal, but here it was, calling out to others to come. 
“Help need you. Xelaqua you?” Xelaqua almost giggled at the strange way it talked, obviously knowing some words in Klitori Majoris, but not much. Regardless he answered yes as they were lifting him up.
Xelaqua was amazed at the speed at which humans could move. They had set his arm (ouch!), sanitized and wrapped his tail, and given him some food and water from the colony all in less that ten minutes. They moved through the forest in a way Xelaqua had only ever seen on TV shows about predators on death worlds, where the prey might kill you as likely as other predators. Quick, silent, and most frighteningly, hard to see. Xe’d watched the other humans move about around the one carrying xim, a human named Cuthbert, but they seemed to vanish and reappear later. 
Being saved was amazing, getting saved by the galaxies greatest trackers was something else entirely. And they suggested that they might be able to regrow his tale, as reptiles on their world often had the ability. They’d have someone look into it. What an insane world they must live on if regrowing limbs is something that animals can just do. 
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shadowthief78 · 7 months
Puffin's (poorly) Translated JJK Ch. 236
I got tired of people screaming about [redacted] and thought, "Y'know what? Fuck it! I speak some Japanese, I'll translate it myself." So I went to the raws and this was the result.
Spoilers under the cut, obviously.
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(Sukuna pay child support for Magora 2k23 lmao)
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(The second and third to last pages are there bc I translated them firt then saw the higher quality ones, so i kept both in)
Pages might be slightly out of order but I did my best to keep track. A lot of the stuff is kinda nonsense and went over my head so definitely don't take this without a cupful of salt.
Basically, after Gojo's death spread, Sukuna's explaining how Magohara cut through infinity (if the whole world can be cut, it doesn't matter if there's an infinity or not, that's basically the gist).
The phrase "空間世界" gave me so much trouble. At first I assumed it was Magoha even tho the characters don't match, but it literally translates to "sky-gate (to the) world" and i really dunno what it is since the wiki isn't giving any hits. It's probably (?) something to do w/Magoha's technique? Or skills? idk really.....
(some of my ranslation notes) Please ask if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer :) It took me five horus to do this chapter and I'm up much past my bedtime. "It'll be easy" my ass!
I'd also like to apologize for the awkward phrasing, I did my best. Check notes for any tl corrections ppl catch!!
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uriekukistan · 17 days
yall the jjk translations are so bad i need u all to know this. like tf is “mahoraga” in japanese its “magora” there’s nothing to be gained from changing it either???? i dont understand why they did that
also wtf is “with this treasure i summon” thats literally not….this is just ONE thing as well. i could keep going
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gaylight-prairie · 7 months
The lelda of delda magora madorda
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zakazanestrany · 10 months
Malý vesmír v raji
Keď máš dvadsať a niečo, tak si musíš odpustiť inak nikdy nedospeješ. Prijať to, čo bolo a prestať sa s tým identifikovať. Je na čase vytvoriť si vlastnú identitu a nie živiť minulosť. 
Rada sedím u seba v kancli a len tak pozerám na zamračenú Bratislavu - malý vesmír. Budova, kde robím je aktuálne diapazón komunizmu, ktorý je miestami elegantne prerobený na haló volá vám rok 2007 a chce svoje šedé koberce naspäť. Nevadí, v tomto nie som náročná.Vlastne mať samostatný office je celkom oslobodzujúca vec, môžem v ňom spať, plakať, prípadne nerušene rozmýšľať nad rozhovormi s mojimi kamoškami. 
Tým, že je Bratislava malá, tak každý pozná každého. Malý vesmír. Posledných x chlapov, ktorých som riešila zákonite poznal niekto z môjho okolia. Je to lepšie ako rating na wolte, dopredu človek vie, aký garbág ide jesť ale proste fastfood si ani ja stále neviem odpustiť. Také hranolky z mcdrivu o 2:15 ráno v tomto kontexte dávajú nový zmysel. Dopredu viem, že mi z toho bude zle, že sa ani poriadne nenajem, nevyspím a že moja pečeň mi na druhý deň dá bitch slap vo forme krásnych fialových kruhov pod očami. Ale pomôžem si, keď mám rada dobrodrúžstvo? Cez deň jeptiška, večer márnotratná dcéra. Niekto tomu hovorí manická depresia, ja čajdy rajdy. 
Vlastne každý z nás hľadá hĺku, len ja si ju miestami zamieňam za temnotu, choas a ketamín. Dostane ma to síce do zvláštných zákutí mojej identity, niekedy až integrity, avšak zatiaľ neviem inak. Snažím si pripomínať si, že keď hľadám lásku svojho života, tak ju nemám hľadať na drogách. Pretože tam sa ľahko zotrie hranica medzi realitou a snom, zostane len opar halucinácie. Veľmi chutnej a už potom nechcem inak. 
Sociálne siete nám dopomáhajú k šíreniu našej povesti, nechcem vedieť koľkokrát bolo preprané moje meno v nejakom groupchate. A nechcem vedieť ani môj rating na tinder wolte, podľa mňa by som bola spicy. 
Leto je ideálna príležitosť na sedávanie na múriku a ohováranie všetkých možných nočných eskapád. Vďaka bohu za kamošky, keď môžem niekomu bez hanby povedať nad kým masturbujem alebo s kým by som ten sex už nezopakovala, tak sa pocit hanby radikálne zmenšuje. Minimálne viem, že som prijatá aj za tie moje temné stránky, ktoré som doteraz nikomu neukazovala. Bordel a špina v raji. 
Milujem tu sedieť v tichu, rozmýšľam aj nad tým, že opäť začnem praktikovať to, že si dám na skoro celý deň letový režim. Stratím kontrolu nad tým, či vôbec na mňa niekto myslí, keď na mňa nereaguje na sociálnych sieťach alebo budem len v tichu sedieť s vlastným podcastom v hlave, ktorý ti sem budem zapisovať. Ale kludne reaguj a povedz mi, čo si o tom myslíš a či to máš rovnako. 
Posledných 5 rokov riešim tému prečo sa neviem zamilovať, akoby moje srdce zostalo hladké ako z kameňa. Nešlo do neho spraviť žiaden zárez. Ja samozrejme furt musím niečo robiť a niekoho riešiť, tak za tých 5 rokov som sa už mala pomaly brať, podľa mňa aj dvakrát, keby nešpekulujem.  Dobre, že sa tak nestalo, lebo by som podľa mňa na antidepresívach rozmýšľala ako skočiť z okna prípadne sa spochybňovala hodiny nad tým, že či nie som lezba alebo by ma chytila taká popôrodná depresia, že by som ublížila sebe aj dieťaťu, lebo by som bola zbabelá čeliť realite, že žijem s niekým, kde tú blízkosť neviem vytvoriť. Ani keby sa sebemenšie snažím, pocit viny z vlastnej neschopnosti milovať ma roky prenasleduje, ako nedeľná úzkosť z toho, že ráno je pondelok.
Okrem tejto depky som začala redukovať moju hoe fázu len na mužov, s ktorými som mala orgazmus. Číslo sa zredukovalo o cca 60 percent ale stále sa zo seba necítim lepšie. Pred 5 rokmi som k sebe pustila totálneho magora a roky som nečelila tomu, že vlastne nie som prenesená cez tento vzťah. Samozrejme takého o ktorom som stále počúvala od mojej matky, že prečo chodím s takým kokotom a prečo ho milujem. Nemyslím si, že sa dá odpovedať na otázku prečo niekoho milujeme, vtedy zapojíme racio a to skutočné chcie sa len snažíme vyrobiť.  
Pomaly pri každom ex som myslela na neho alebo skôr na jeho idealizáciu. Viem, že som už inde a už ani nad ním nemasturbujem, avšak po tomto zážitku som zdá sa uzavrela svoje srdce do vákuovej komory, kde nebolo možné spraviť ani jeden zárez. 
Nepúšťala som k sebe ani priateľov ani ostatných ľudí, vytvorila som okolo seba akúsi nepriepustnú membránu. Nikto nemohol nič vidieť. Teraz tu sedím o 22:23 na múriku so Sašou a Palim a bavíme sa o tom, s kým z davu pred nami sme spali. Bratislava je malý vesmír, v istom bode človek začne rozmýšľať, čo sa pozdraviť alebo nie. Povedať ahoj? Dobrý deň? a čakať odpoveď “ahoj, poznáme sa?” Prípadne trápne dobrý deň naspäť a rád by som zaplatil. Aj s 20 centovým tringeltom, kedy pocitíš cenu vlastnej sebaúcty. Aj 50cent bol na tom lepšie. 
Sem tam príde myšlienka, že musel ma zrovna vidieť v teplákoch s mastnými vlasmi, ako vyhadzujem smeti. To je preklatie bývania v starom meste. Každý roh má svoju špinu a príbeh. Ale to je to, čo malému vesmíru dodáva jeho charakter. 
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quiesphere · 1 year
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Couldn't finish in time before the official zodiac reveal this year, but here's my rabbit design, Magora!  🐰
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sonarsunbeam · 2 months
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mfw wife
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alt palette and sadwolf on his own
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caroldantops · 1 year
gamantis or magora 👀 (for their ship name)
ill probs use gamantis for now thats what i initially thought of
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antichrstar · 1 year
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"Dogura Magura" directed by Toshio Matsumoto, (1988)
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444names · 8 months
roman emperor, tolkienesque and french forenames + roman places and deities BUT excluding "i"
Adalf Adane Adanus Adette Adroth Aetor Agnus Alate Aldang Aldar Alemna Alemon Alenwë Alette Amrah Amrodda Anast Anbora Ancus Andel Andra Andred Androth Angeleb Annator Annon Annonum Antus Anáro Aphrod Apollus Aquaes Aracae Aracaen Arach Aragus Araharn Aranc Arancan Arata Arato Aravane Arazôn Ardanel Areth Arette Argestë Argetas Argette Argue Arles Arleth Arnar Aroma Artas Artha Arvedum Arvelyë Ascatar Ascate Astans Aules Auram Austus Bacca Baldar Balus Banna Barazôn Baugus Belebor Belegon Beles Belle Benor Beona Beorl Beracum Berence Berenée Beres Berna Berta Bolgero Bombul Brodel Caglas Caglor Calcar Calla Calmo Camed Cament Camuel Camula Caran Carazôn Carcel Carme Caros Castes Cates Catha Cator Celeg Celes Celle Celyne Celynea Celyë Cemeter Ceorn Cerea Clata Claud Claume Claur Claure Clotas Coelu Colas Coletor Comon Concal Concora Concorn Condela Consta Constan Constas Corum Cybello Daedalf Derna Deven Drastan Dylane Déago Ebona Ectho Ecthor Egaland Elander Elareth Elber Elendo Eleth Elfhel Elumer Emmanwë Eneldad Eorgel Eregorm Erenda Erylla Estans Estas Evert Eärenta Eärenus Eärené Eärenée Eärnus Faman Famanus Fannona Fanon Farahar Faunum Febrían Fenge Feronwë Ferra Ferula Florach Flore Forum Forus Franc Frandel Fëano Fëanon Gabalba Gaetas Galas Galda Galens Gantar Ganto Garwen Genel Geneta Gerent Gerette Gette Glander Glandre Glorach Glóred Golae Golane Gorba Gortona Gothéod Gratant Gratar Grato Hadoc Hadon Halba Haldog Haldor Halla Hallae Hanthor Helle Henator Henrva Heracum Hercel Hercus Herme Herucas Herum Herus Hestes Horon Jacque Jeanc Jeancan Jeanna Jessa Joanne Joceleg Jocetum Justes Justus Jutum Juven Juvenus Khamer Lactor Lagory Lalanta Laramna Laude Laume Laven Legund Leona Lette Lonna Lothéo Lucales Luent Lugduf Lugdus Léodwyn Madette Madoc Mador Maeda Magash Magast Magnès Magora Magund Mahtar Malanon Malas Malla Mallas Mamuel Mandrée Manos Mantona Manum Manus Mathel Matho Maura Meldë Menae Mendor Menette Mentas Menter Mohamen Mohamûl Monel Morges Mortune Mélan Nahael Narda Nathôn Necessa Nemes Neron Neros Nessor Nonum Océanel Océanes Olóred Orbag Ornen Ornovum Orodre Orona Orond Oronwë Ostanto Ostvera Palatar Palenwë Parcele Parcus Paulë Penae Perence Pereth Perette Pertus Perva Petella Peterre Phaesar Pollo Pollum Pompeda Porthur Portuna Portune Portus Porumor Posette Potent Quent Radanus Raphor Raymon Regon Regula Rence Robus Rogerme Rogeron Rogeros Rómence Sabeorl Sadoc Salmach Salmoth Sanck Sandel Sander Saradoc Sarus Satuta Secury Senoît Sephaël Sergel Sevent Shadoc Shagram Shelm Smaugus Smauhúr Sméagon Solas Solum Soros Sorsa Stred Stren Stéphan Summa Suzanna Taromë Taroth Tatan Teleb Tellane Telle Temnae Tempes Thena Thenrva Theodor Theophe Thorod Thoromë Thorond Thoros Thostor Thras Théod Tranc Trant Trebor Trebora Trenée Turna Turnus Vacum Vagna Vagnès Valad Valadûn Valas Valeth Vanne Vanny Vecthor Vector Venne Venua Verae Verna Verra Vertune Verula Verus Vette Volum Vorod Vulcar Vulturn Waldor Yandré Yanna Yanne Yanny Yavanus Yvonna Zenor Élodh Éomunda Éotha Éothéo Éverna Éverus
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nzbricks · 2 years
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MOC Showcase: Old Grove Inn and Tavern
At the crossroads of Akrathia, nestled in a woodland hollow, is the Old Grove Inn and Tavern, the quintessential rest-stop for the average pilgrim, traveling sorcerer, or wandering minstrel. Serving only the best apple-berry beer and Honeybrew, the Old Grove Inn and Tavern has catered to the heartiest of adventurers for decades. 
The MOC itself is constructed from the remains of the LEGO IDEAS Blacksmith, from which I lifted some building techniques such as the walls of the first floor. The roof of the tavern can of course be removed to reveal the interior inn. Though not much for accommodation, it does contain two beds, a bookshelf, and storage space for the odd trinket. The lower floor completely abolishes the serene atmosphere of the inn, trading it for the bustling laughter and music of the homely tavern. tables fashioned from dark brown round plates sport meats and treats ordered by the patrons, while a spinner over the open fire cooks chicken legs and a pot of stew. The tavern is decorated with an assortment of accessories adorning the walls and shelves, along with portraits and maps. The rearmost nook near the stairs to the inn acts as a kitchen of sorts, with a water basin for washing dishes, a rack for utensils, and stacked barrels of mead behind the steps. 
The notable minifigures featured in this build from left to right include Beowulf Greymane, at this time still an itinerant sell-sword and not yet the warrior of Akrathia’s Guardians. Magora is the tavern’s proprietor, a warrioress who has left her adventuring days behind her, still acting in Akrathia’s defense as a broker of vital information. Eloch the Enchanter, one of Akrathia’s most powerful wizards, visits the tavern often as Magora’s closest confidant and the future organizer of the Guardians of Akrathia. Friar Hroldan is a traveling sermoneer, spreading the Good Word where he can. Last is Bard the Minstrel, a relentlessly optimistic traveling musician intent on having an adventure of his own.  
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latestindustryreports · 4 months
Custom Software Development Market Size, Share, Company Profiles and Trends Forecast to 2030
For existing and emerging players in the Custom Software Development market, The Insights Partner's recently released "Study on Custom Software Development Market - Industry Developments and Future Scope" provides a thorough road map. This research solution addresses the market's size, share, and projected revenue, among other factors. Custom Software Development Market research provides reliable insights on factors of impact, trends, difficulties, and strategic suggestions in a company environment that is evolving dramatically. This syndicated research examines the dynamics of the Custom Software Development market using primary and secondary research approaches.
The Insight Partner believes Custom Software Development market enthusiasts will benefit from learning current trends and strategies used by key market players. Furthermore, insights on supply chain, competitive landscape, and business growth are covered in this report to help new businesses streamline their revenue channels.
This market research report by The Insight Partners presents market trends, supply chain analysis, leading participants, and business growth strategies. This study looks at important advancements in technology that affect many facets of the inclusive market. Both new entrants and established major businesses in the Custom Software Development Market can benefit from this useful market research. This research aims to inform prospective investors on market specifics and possible returns on investment through expert advice. This study doesn't stop at operational information; it delves further into the specifics of all business operations. These insights, which deal with venture economics, include investor funding strategies, capital investment strategies, and ROI estimates. Financial statistics on net income and profit and loss are important components of this Custom Software Development market research study. In the upcoming ten years, businesses may lower their risks and boost success rates by utilizing these thorough insights.
Covid-19 Implication Analysis
A dedicated section under this report will analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Custom Software Development market. The pandemic led to supply chain disruption and impacted on trajectory of the Custom Software Development market. Although disruptions were temporary, the impact was large. Maybe companies started to rebuild local supply chains and focused on local growth. Suspension of production was coupled with a drop-down of revenues. This market research brings forward details on pandemic influences and offers a strategic outlook to companies to operate in post post-pandemic period. Some companies quickly responded to emerging needs and survived stressful conditions well.
Key companies in this Custom Software Development market are- Brainvire Infotech Inc., Iflexion, Infopulse, Infosys Ltd, Magora, MentorMate Inc., Trigent Software Inc., TRooTech Business Solutions, Fingent, Chetu Inc..
Business Environment Analysis
This section aims to offer the study of a range of external factors impacting Custom Software Development market players. These factors include economic, technological, and environmental considerations. Businesses can optimize their strategies as per these influences. Custom Software Development market is driven by certain factors and there might be some hindrances ahead, this section takes you through all these factors. This chapter focuses on the following aspects-
Custom Software Development market trends
Economic conditions
Consumer behavior analysis
Technological landscape
Significance of Custom Software Development Market Research:
Accurate records of the size, revenue, and market share as of the current Custom Software Development market.
Future market predictions for the forecast period.
Segment-wise insights, and growth potential assessment.
Regional Growth Mapping- Market size, revenue estimates, key players, and future growth.
Competitive landscape (Key market players and their organic strategies).
Customization of reports as per business requirements.
Access to PDF and PPT formats for this report.
Custom Software Development Market Segmentation
Based on Type of Custom Software Development Market Research report:
Enterprise Software Development
Web Application Development
Mobile Application Development
Based on Deployment of Custom Software Development Market Research report:
Based on End Use of Custom Software Development Market Research report:
IT and Telecom
Based on Regions:
North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
Europe (U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Central & Eastern Europe, CIS)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, ASEAN, India, Rest of Asia Pacific)
Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America)
The Middle East and Africa (Turkey, GCC, Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Rest of the World…
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