#mahoyaku reader insert
mhykimagines · 2 years
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When a Tornado Meets a Volcano (GN!Reader/Nero)
tags; angst w comfort, nero, arguments
It's always this tense atmosphere you hate the most. Your boyfriend Nero was a typically easygoing guy; there was hardly any arguments in your relationship because you both knew communication was the most important part. You knew that, even if you were afraid of the results, you needed to be open about it. And because of that, you guys hardly ever argued, and even then your arguments were short-lived because you quickly came to a resolution.
But this one, you feared, wasn't something either of you could back down from. Not with how you both felt about it, anyway. You were sitting in your room in the manor, sitting on your bed while Nero sat on the couch, and neither of you were looking at each other. You were content to pick your nails, and Nero was looking out the window, both of you unsure of where to start. But, fuck, this silence was the worst and you would rather die than sit here quietly any longer. So you speak, your voice a bit strained as you speak. "You know, I just wish you wouldn't lie about it."
That does it, because even though he's not looking at you you can feel the glare. "I didn't lie about it, damnit."
"You did. You told me you would stop, and you went and did it anyway. Is that not the definition of a lie?"
"I didn't do it on purpose. I had no other choice."
"You did." You're adamant about this, because you know you're right here. "You could've come to me, or even Faust. Instead, you ran off with Bradley-"
He scoffs, laughing bitterly under his breath. "You should've said that's what this was about. You can't just keep me from him."
You finally lift your gaze from your nails, staring at him incredulously. "Oh, I'm sorry for telling you I didn't feel comfortable with how Bradley has absolutely no concern for your life-"
"That's not true-"
"-And how you blindly follow him into any scenario regardless of how dangerous it is-"
"(Name)." He finally moves to meet your eyes, his eyebrows pressed down angrily. "You can't control me. I'm allowed to do what I want if I desire to do it. You would be pissed at me if I told you to stop hanging around Cain or Murr."
"That's not the same thing!" You defend, laughing bitterly. "I don't have a history of being a bandit with Cain and Murr, and they don't ever intentionally put my life at risk! You're not a bandit anymore, Nero, you were a fucking chef from the East who got summoned as a Sage's wizard! Now you're running off, throwing yourself into dangerous situations without any regards for your own life or how worried it makes me!"
"Brad wouldn't take me anywhere he didn't think we could handle it." Nero defends, and part of you is growing angry that he's so defensive of the Northern wizard. It makes you feel like he's disregarding everything you're saying. "You've known I was a bandit, I can't just throw that whole part of my life away."
"I'm not asking you to do that." You shake your head, sighing in exasperation. "But God, Nero, you can't just run into everything Bradley tells you to. You could've died-"
"What would that matter to you? Surely you could find someone else to replace me."
This makes you stop what you're about to say completely, eyes widening in horror as he seems to realize what he just said. It was like a volcano had erupted from inside of him, blurting out the most hurtful thing he could think to say without a single thought of the impact. He freezes, and before he can even apologize you're pointing at your door. "Out."
"If after all this time you think I wouldn't care if you died, or think I'm not saying this out of pure concern, get out my room and never come back in here."
"I didn't mean that-"
"Then why would you say that...?!"
He tenses when he hears the faint sound of your voice cracking, and he wants to beat his own ass when he sees how you're crying, mad at himself for being the one to cause that. He stands up, only to promptly be smacked in the face by one of your pillows, but he doesn't even bother complaining. He deserves that one, he knows it. He said it without thinking, and it wasn't right, but he needs you to let him verbalize this to you without lashing out on him. You were like a tornado, once you got started you just wanted to lash out and take your emotions out on something until you were calmed down, but again, he basically caused that form of response. You hit him with all the pillows on your bed before you were out of things to throw, your hands messily reaching up to rub your face. "Get out...!"
He doesn't say anything, instead silently walking towards you with an unreadable expression on his face. Since you were out of things to throw, your hand lifted as if you were about to hit him, but he gently catches both of your wrists in his hand, sitting on your bed and keeping his face level with yours. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, so please forgive me."
God damn, you were so weak to him. Usually you would just yell, tell whoever it was to get out of your sight before you cursed them, but you can't do that. Not with Nero and certainly not with how gently he's looking at you. You let out an audible cry before pressing your face to his chest and his grip on your wrists weaken as your arms wrap around his neck. He sighs gently, his hand reaching out to rest on the top of your head and run gently down your scalp, trying to soothe you as best as he could as he mutters gentle apologies. "I don't want to control you, Nero..." Your voice is cracking as you speak, and he quietly rests his chin on top of your head as you say what you need to. "I just can't bear the thought of seeing you turned to stone, or having to worry about your mana stone, or having a funeral for you... I know you're strong, and I know you trust Bradley, but please... Please just tell me... Don't just run off..."
He's quiet for a moment before lifting his head off your chin, pressing his lips against your head. "Ok. I'll tell you from here on out, alright? And no matter what, I won't go anywhere I think I can't handle." Part of you wants him to promise to really settle your worries and make you 100% sure of his words, but that was selfish. That would be way too selfish to ask of him. Even just this was enough, for now. You could be ok with this. Your head nods against his chest, trying to calm yourself down.
You were a tornado, and he was a volcano. You were two natural disasters, just waiting to explode and wreck everything in your paths. But, maybe this one time, two disasters could do some good in the world. At least, that was your hope.
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hotaru-no-yume · 7 months
little one, thank you for bringing me happiness (Part 1)
aka You got reincarnated as a baby dragon in the world of Mahoyaku and somehow became a wizard's familiar.
Children's story books are filled with wonder, fantastical worlds, and exciting tales of adventure. And objects like these, which are filled with the pure and innocent feelings of children would no doubt be capable of something strange and magical -- especially with the moon amplifying its power.
On a quiet night, as a little boy sleeps peacefully, one of the books in his room starts shaking from its place on the shelf. It drops to the ground and opens, the pages frantically turning. It stops at a specific page with the image of a baby dragon sleeping peacefully on a cloud. It opens its eyes and proceeds to jump out of the book; fantasy turning into reality. Awareness emerges from its big eyes before they widen in panic. It looks around frantically before jumping out of an open window.
The next morning, the little boy sees one of his favorite story books on the floor. In one of its pages was an image of a blue sky. But it's strange -- why is there an empty space in the middle of the image?
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Oz finds you buried in a pile of snow near his castle. He sensed some strange magic lurking about and went out to take a look. He never expected to find a baby dragon half dead in the snow. Oz considered just leaving you there and letting nature run its course… but your desperate cries stopped him. He looks back and sees you looking at him, eyes burning with a will to live regardless of how you're basically turning into a popsicle under the North's harsh conditions. (He remembers Arthur. He remembers the dying child in the snow. He remembers warmth, happiness, laughter and how those happy days disappeared in the blink of an eye. Oz burned everything that reminded him of that child and he regrets it. He misses Arthur. His heart is aching.)
When you wake up, you find yourself in an unfamiliar room. You hear the crackling of a fireplace and the sound of a book's page turning. Oz sits near the fireplace, quiet and still. His eyes, which were gazing at old pages of his book, turn to you when you rise from the mess of blankets and pillows. You flutter your wings before approaching him, still unsteady and weak. You collide onto his face and slide down to his lap, clutching your head in pain as you look up and give him a small squeak filled with gratitude. Oz thinks you're very strange.
The first thing he did after you recovered was to send you back to wherever you came from. You look like you've only hatched from your egg recently, so the mother couldn't be far. He doesn't want to deal with a rampaging dragon thinking that he stole its child. When he does find a dragon that might be your parent… To put it simply, you freaked out. A shrill scream comes out of you as you jumped behind Oz and clung to his ponytail. You frantically climbed up his mass of hair using your little paws and hindlegs before smacking to the side of his face and holding on like a koala bear.
You blamed your newly acquired animal instincts for the breakdown because all of your senses are screaming at you to run away. The dragon was huge. Easily towering over the highest skyscrapers you've seen in your original world. It's talons were sharp and can probably tear you to ribbons and its flaming breath would surely incinerate you if you got too close. In short, you had an awful time. When Oz comes back home, he is greeted with the sight of his teachers and Figaro chatting by the fireplace. (Another surprise visit. Oz gets them often from them after Arthur left.) And in return, they are greeted with a very distressed baby dragon on top of Oz's head.
Oz lives a very quiet life in his castle. He doesn't do much so whenever you're bored, you're either exploring his castle, or dragging Oz to go outside and touch some grass (snow?) because staying inside and staring at the fireplace all day can't be good for him. Oz complies with your demands more often than not. All you need to do is tug his ponytail. (You can't resist, alright? It's so soft--)
Snow and White adore your presence. They really do seem like doting grandfathers with how they coo at you, give you headpats and hug you close. Figaro's more distant, preferring to observe you and your amusing antics. You were wary of him too so you didn't mind his distance. You preferred it in fact. But when you see him staring off into space with a lonely look in his eyes, you figured that being a little affectionate wouldn't hurt. He looks like he needs someone's presence anyway, so you fly up to him and you nuzzle your cheek against his. The look on his face was priceless. (You did have to deal with him attempting to take you as his own familiar after that though. Oz has a surprisingly strong grip.)
You cuddle up against Oz whenever it is time to sleep. You're warm, so you make a pretty good heater. To the point that Oz finds himself holding you close after he wakes up. Sometimes, in the early hours of the morning, Oz just stares at your sleeping form, wondering how a creature like you managed to just come into his life and stay for so long. Before he knew it, the phantom images of Arthur ceased to haunt him. Of course, you could never replace the child he raised, but your presence made his days… more comfortable? Warm? It's a shame that you weren't awake at that moment. If you were, you would have seen that tiny smile on Oz's face as he imagined Arthur meeting you.
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You, quite literally, crash into Riquet's life. He meets you one night after finishing his prayers before bed. His prayer was trivial at best, perhaps just a silly, little wish of a lonely child -- he wanted a friend. And a few moments later, he hears his window breaking. There, on his floor surrounded by broken glass was a small creature with cute little wings and adorable doe eyes.
Honestly, you just wanted to practice flying. You had no intention of crashing into some poor soul's window in the middle of the night, but here you are -- being poked, prodded, and squished by a very curious wizard child. A group of acolytes came a few minutes later after hearing the commotion. They weren't too thrilled about seeing Riquet with some unknown creature but after hearing Riquet's protests of how you were a "gift from God" and that "God answered his prayer", they couldn't do anything.
The Church leader reluctantly agreed to let Riquet keep you under strict conditions: you must be collared and watched at all times, you must not interfere with Riquet's duties, you are not allowed to go outside, blah, blah, blah… To summarize, you were a prisoner. It would be easy for you to get out and never come back, but there was no way you would leave Riquet all alone -- not when he was still so young and obviously longing for a companion; so you stay and comply with their stupid rules.
It was kind of surreal how you were experiencing Riquet's childhood. The game's story made it clear how his childhood was fucked up -- how he was locked up in some hellhole while the adults manipulated him and drilled their beliefs into his mind. But it felt so much worse when you see the abuse happen in front of you. It made you sick. And worst of all, you couldn't do anything about it, otherwise they would take you away.
You do the only thing you can for Riquet -- provide him comfort. You let him hug you after a long day, you listen to his ramblings about the outside world and what he imagines it to be, you pray alongside him -- closing your eyes and shouting to some higher being up above to make time go faster so he can get out of here and meet the friends he deserves to have. You nuzzle your cheek against his when he cries silently in the middle of the night, promising that you'll always be with him. Your words come out as little squeaks, but you hope your sincerity and well wishes reach this poor kid that didn't deserve such a hard life. The one in front of you right now wasn't the sassy Riquet who can scold the strongest wizard in the world. This Riquet was barely ten years old (he's so small, you thought he was younger), deprived of a happy childhood.
Riquet's a bit clumsy with taking care of you, which is understandable. You weren't a common household pet and he was a kid. So you don't mind if he feeds you way too much or brushes you a little too hard whenever he needs to clean your fur and wings. Learning how to fly is… a challenge. Mostly because Riquet thinks that you would learn more quickly if he throws you off from a high place. You swear that your soul nearly got reincarnated again during the first time it happened. You did manage to flap your wings and catch yourself before you turned into a pancake, but it wasn't worth the trauma. After that, you vehemently refused to come with him whenever he mentioned flying.
When the mark finally appeared on Riquet's forehead, you almost cried tears of joy. You soothe his worries by nuzzling against his cheek with yours just like always and when he steps outside of that stupid church, you can't help but say "so long motherf*ckers!" It came out as a long squeak again (which is good because you don't want Riquet to learn bad words). And if some god finds your behavior disrespectful then they can smite you or whatever. You don't care. You're just happy that Riquet is finally out of that place and he'll never ever come back.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
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hi guys!! as many of you already know, a really bad earthquake has hit the turkey and syria area. to do my part in helping rescue efforts, i will be opening donation commissions!
what are they?
donation commissions are in the name: you donate to a charity that’ll use the funds towards humanitarian relief, and i’ll write you a request!
where can i donate?
i encourage you to do your own research to pick out a reliable and honest organization. as a starting point, this new york times article has a list of organizations that are accepting donations.
how will it work?
you will dm me a timestamped screenshot of your donation, and i’ll write you a request! i will write 100 words for every $1 usd donated, and you can pick between headcanons or written oneshots! i will ask that in the case of larger donations, i will cap the word count at anywhere from 8k-10k words, solely for my own stamina.
you are welcome to dm me here or on discord (rhomphaia#4157)!
what will you write?
just about anything! you’re welcome to browse any of my masterlists for samples! pls dm if you’re interested in seeing samples that might not be present on this blog!
ok with: oc x canon, canon x canon, reader insert, nsfw (for 18+ donors), almost all genres and subjects
not ok with: anything super uncomfortable. use ur better judgement for this pls n thx
fandoms: blue lock, twisted wonderland, mahoyaku, haikyuu, boku no hero academia, yumekuro, and more! if you’re not sure, please feel free to ask!
what if i can’t donate?
that’s alright! i encourage you to rb this post and find people who are willing to donate! obviously, it would be nice if people could donate out of the goodness of their hearts, but i understand not everyone has the financial means to do so.
so for that: for every 50 rbs this post gets, i’ll pick one random reblog to win a 1k wc fic!
i have other questions as to how this will work!
feel free to drop an ask or send me a dm! i once did a similar donation commission event on one of my old deleted blogs with a lot of success, and i’d love to do my part to help those in need.
other than that, thank you so much for your attention thus far! let’s all come together and do our best to uplift the brave souls heading out to help!!
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takuyakistall · 2 years
— important
As of today, I've decided to make this blog multifandom! Meaning that the pieces I write here won't be exclusively TWST anymore. But that doesn't mean I'll stop writing it anytime soon, it just means that there will be different fandoms from time to time so expect that from me.
Requests are Open! But there is no guarantee that I will write them, I will be a little selective with what I decide to write. So please don't hesitate to throw in your idea to my inbox! As of now, I accept requests for the following fandoms: Twisted Wonderland, Mahoyaku, Yumekuro, Identity V, Genshin Impact, a plethora of otome games, etc.
I will not be writing NSFW. Mild spice and fluff are acceptable, most of my pieces will be reader inserts or commissions I have done for other people. You can ask me to write canon/canon pieces but I will be selective with this as I'm a bit picky.
I'm always up for chats so hit me up whenever in my inbox! I don't bite. But any hate or harassment will not be tolerated and I will immediately delete it and block. If you want priority with what you want me to write, my commissions are always open if you're interested.
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solaris-cafe · 3 years
You sometimes feel that being with Murr is a thing of anticipation. You never know what might happen next, but the beat of his whims is something that carries you forward before you're even aware of what you're doing. 
That's right... even if he's a great philosopher no more, Murr is by no means someone to ignore. 
You've learned to enjoy his games; the mystery behind his actions that you might never find an explanation to. It's like entering an amusement park with the freedom of a child - everything so bright and colourful that if you reached for it just a bit more, you might just be able to grasp the stars. 
Though sometimes, it also feels like Murr brought the stars down to you. They dance around along with his laughter, and you once again find yourself drawn into their excitement. Perhaps... This is what it feels like to be young again.
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delvalentine · 4 years
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Once Upon A Time
[reader x faust] In which "happily ever after" never comes.
Support my writing through ko-fi?
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serendiquity · 3 years
Hi, I’m Lise (she/her), and welcome to my writing blog! 
I currently write for Lovebrush Chronicles, Mahoyaku, and Genshin Impact
Requests are currently OPEN
I write for gender neutral/female reader inserts
If possible, please try to be more specific with your request!
I don’t write for NSFW 
I’m a slow writer, so please be patient with me 
I’ll try to get to as many as possible, but I won’t write requests I don’t have inspiration for
I hope you enjoy your stay! 
MHYK Masterlist 
Genshin Masterlist
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mahoyakuwritings · 3 years
so cool that there is a reader insert blog for mahoyaku!! if requests are open then how about playing board games with cain, riquet and arthur?
thank you for requesting! this was fun to write, hope you enjoy.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ cain ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
★ it’s actually cain who approaches you with a game first
★ missions have been taking up a lot of time so he can’t visit his hometown as often
★ and as a result he wants to show you a game he played growing up with his friends
★ you think it’s simple enough
★ but you’ve lost more times then you can count
★ all while cain gives you a laugh and tells you you’ll get the hang of it soon
★ he seems to win everytime but it’s clear he’s not cheating
★ cain says it all comes from experience
★ “ahaha, that round was a close one! see sage, you’re improving already.”
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ riquet ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
★ i like to believe that riquet didn’t get to grow up playing too many games in his early childhood due to his strict upbringing
★ so when you propose playing a game with him he might not know what it is right away
★ it might take a bit of explaining, but when you finish riquet will clearly be excited
★ he’ll definitely want to show your game with other people
★ if you accuse him of cheating he might get offended
★ he’d say it’s not something a disciple of god would do
★ if he wins he’ll feel proud of himself for getting the hang of a game he had no experience in
★ “i never knew that games like these could be so fun! thank you for showing me, sage.”
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ arthur ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
★ arthur loves a good challenge
★ he definitely knows what he’s doing
★ i hc he grew up playing strategy games with oz often so he knows his way around them
★ arthur wouldn’t mind sharing his secrets and tips on how to win if you ask
★ if you accuse him of cheating he’ll frown and say it wouldn’t be a fair game that way
★ if you end up losing he’ll compliment how well you played
★ if you win he’ll be intrigued and ask for a rematch
★ he’ll want to try all the games from your world out of curiosity
★ if his schedule allows he might even set aside a day where both of you explore the games you haven’t played
★ “sage, i had an enjoyable time with you today. perhaps we could play again tomorrow?”
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mhykimagines · 2 years
Hi! I really like your blog and I was wondering if I could request some dating hcs for cain? Thank you!
Of course! Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoy!!
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Love Language (Cain/GN!Reader)
tags; fluff, cain, gender neutral reader, headcanons
If you thought Cain was anything other than the ideal boyfriend, think again. He puts in so much effort to please you, to make sure you know how much it means to you that it makes some wizards Owen sick.
If he's out on a mission where you can't come with, he always brings you back little souvenirs. Whether it's food or an object, your room in the manor is now littered with things from Cain's trips, and you can distinctly point out and remember what object comes from where.
Cain is a really affectionate lover. He always wants to be in close proximity to you, especially physical contact. Not only because of his affliction, but it puts him at ease knowing you're right there holding his hand, or that you're holding his arm in case there's an emergency.
He enjoys when you play with his hair, believe it or not. When he's tired he'll lay his head in your lap, talking to you about his day as you undo the ponytail holding his hair together and comb your fingers through it, twirling and braiding it casually. He falls asleep pretty quickly when that happens, and you're not complaining if it means you get to see him as relaxed as he is.
If you're weaker than him in terms of magic, he'll become the best knight possible. He swears (not promises, but you can tell what he wants to say) that he'll protect you no matter what and that you're safe with him. If you're stronger than him however, he kind of likes to be protected by you. Shino asks if that's not degrading or embarrassing, but Cain's thrilled to have a partner as strong as you. He likes to show you off no matter what.
He doesn't like Owen getting too close to you, though. He never knows what the Northern wizard is thinking, and god forbid Owen attempts to take your eye as well... Cain isn't sure if Owen's intent is to hurt you, befriend you, or just mess with you, but he doesn't trust it. He'll always put his arms around you when Owen is around, which you don't particularly mind but you notice Owen has grown to hate it.
The day he finally decides he wants to introduce you to his mother is huge. Her approval and love of you would mean the world to Cain, since you're probably the most important people in his life. He tells you not to be nervous and that he's sure she'll adore you, and if she does he decides you're his soulmate. If his mother approves and adores you, there's no way he'll ever let you go.
He likes it if you get along with Arthur, as well. His prince and his lover getting along is great; it means he can protect both of you with even more intensity than before. Although, it does fluster him when Arthur mentions a few embarrassing situations Cain has had with you.
Cain is a patient man. If you're upset about something, he's there to walk you through it. If you want your relationship to be a bit slower, he doesn't mind that either. Any arguments between the two of you are settled relatively peacefully, since Cain hates arguing with you because of the tension and how your sadness makes him feel. He's a patient man and a patient lover, and he's so glad to be the person spoiling you.
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mhykimagines · 2 years
omg hello i’m so happy to see another mahoyaku writing blog aaaa ❤️ may i request kissing headcanons with rutile? thank you soooo much and if you’re not feeling this request feel free to ignore, have a good day ❤️❤️
Ahhh thank you for welcome! I haven't wrote for Rutile before, but he's so cute I might have to do it more often! Thanks for the ask!!
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Your Lipstick Stain is a Work of Art (Rutile/GN!Reader)
tags; headcanons, rutile, fluff, kissing
Rutile is a very gentle man, so it's no surprise he's a gentle kisser. His lips always are so soft and well maintained you're almost jealous.
Seriously, they're softer than your own! Plus he always tastes fondly like cedar wood, or there's always the lingering taste of whatever Nero made for dinner that night. Rutile's lips always keep scents and tastes, you note. It makes kissing him a surprise.
He likes to give you random, unprompted kisses through the day. If he passes you in the hallway? Cheek kiss. He's getting up to go teach Mitile and Riquet? Forehead kiss. You're going away on a mission and he's not sure when you'll see each other? Oh boy, you're gonna want to be in private for a bit cause he won't stop till he thinks he's kissed you enough for how long you'll be gone.
He likes kissing you to be the first thing he does in the morning. It helps him 'start his day off right', he claims, but you know it's just an excuse to kiss you (not that you're complaining).
If you thought your first kiss with him was anything other than awkward, think again. It was like two trains collided with each other and then bounced back, you two could not for the life of you figure it out.
But he's a Southern wizard at heart, so he took it as a learning experience and laughed it off with promises that he'd learn how to do it better the next time.
Needless to say, he (somehow) got 10x better the next time you two kissed, and it had been smooth sailing since.
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mhykimagines · 2 years
helloooo welcome!! im so happy to see another mhyk writing blog! can i please request kissing in the rain with heathcliff (gn reader)? thank youuuu!! <333
Thank you for the warm welcome, and thanks for requesting!!
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Do you feel the love? (GN!Reader/Heathcliff)
tags: fluff, kissing in the rain, heathcliff
“Hurry, come this way…!”
You can’t help but laugh. Isn’t this just your luck, being caught in a sudden storm while out on a mission with the blonde haired male? Usually Shino would accompany you and your boyfriend on missions like this, but this time he had to go somewhere with Nero and Faust, so that left you alone with Heathcliff this time. Your mission wasn’t even hard; all you were supposed to do was investigate why this nearby lake had been drying out in a village that relied on it as their water source since it hardly ever rained in this area. You suspected it was a result of the Great Catastrophe, but before you both could even make it to the village, it started raining. In an area where it never rained. You swear you didn’t know if this was supposed to be funny or not.
What wasn’t funny was this rain, though. It was pouring pretty quickly, quickly setting into your clothes and your hair and you were pretty sure there were puddles in your shoes. Heathcliff guides you by your hand to the tree with the best cover you two will get, and you places your hands on your knees as you hunch over in exhaustion, sighing tiredly as Heath leans against a nearby tree, catching his breath from running. “What’re the chances of this…?” He starts off, some sort of a breathy laugh leaving his lips as you chuckle in response.
“Tell me about it. Are we just unlucky, or what?”
You examine your clothing, which is heavy with water now, and while usually you would use magic to dry them out, the shade of the tree wasn’t the best and you were still being hit with rain drops. Granted it wasn’t as heavy and intense as before, but it would be a waste and a bother to constantly dry your clothes out. You’ll wait till the rain lets up, you decide, and with that being said you stand up straight, leaning against the tree with your boyfriend. A comfortable silence fills the space between you two, and your fingers gently reach out to curl around his. He doesn’t seem to be expecting it, so he jumps slightly out of alarm. Heathcliff was always so jumpy with romantic affection, but it’s not like you disliked that about him. After all, it was cute being able to fluster him so easily.
After he gets over his initial embarrassment and the fact that nobody is there, he holds your hand gently, your fingers interlocked with one another. It was nice being able to do these things with Heath, even in a bad or unexpected situation. You felt like things couldn’t even be that bad as long as he was by your side, as selfish as that may sound. But Heath seems to share your sentiments, if the way his face is flushed and the small smile on his lips is any indication. You both reach a silent conclusion to simply wait here until the rain lightens a bit, and you’re fine with that.
Well, until you remember something the Sage told you.
‘You know, a common trope in my world is kissing your partner in the rain! I’m surprised it’s not super common in this world…’
You find yourself suddenly intrigued by this idea. Why would kissing in the rain be so common in the Sage’s world? Isn’t the rain annoying? Why bring your partner into it just to kiss? At first you thought it seemed stupid, since humans don’t have magic like you do and would be forced to dry off the normal way… But, well, you were a wizard after all, and you two had to dry off later anyway… Surely it couldn’t hurt.
Having made up your mind, you push off the tree and start walking forward, making Heath cry out in alarm and stumble after you. “H-Hey, why are you dragging me back into the rain…?!” He says this, but isn’t making an attempt to stop you, despite his hesitation. You simply hum carefreely, not bothering to answer him until you’re both standing in the rain, and you turn yourself to face him.
“The Sage told me this was something they did in his world a lot, and I wanted to try it.”
“You could’ve warned me beforehand…!”
“You wouldn’t have done it if I told you!”
“What are you even planning-?”
You decide to cut him off by leaning forward, your hands untangling themselves from his hand and instead one of them situates itself on the back of his head, your lips gently meeting his. He seems genuinely startled, his hands scrambling to rest themselves on your waist as he lets his eyes close quickly, his mind overheating and refusing to let him keep his eyes open in embarrassment. It doesn’t take long before you feel him start to kiss you back, and you hum happily as your other hand rests on his shoulder. Is it just you, or do his lips taste sweeter than usual…? There’s no way the rain is affecting that, right?
The two of you sit there for a moment, kissing and holding one another like you’re the only people in the world. You think you’d be ok with that, honestly, but that was another thought for another day. After a moment you both pull away, needing air after sitting there stealing each other’s for a good minute or so. His face is bright red, and you can’t tell if that’s all from embarrassment or if that’s just from the rain, but you find yourself laughing before you know it. He speaks up, tightening his grip on your waist playfully. “Remind me to never let the Sage give you anymore ideas…”
“Aww, so you didn’t like it?”
“…I never said that.”
You laugh again, allowing Heathcliff to drag you back to the shaded tree while lecturing you about ‘no more surprises right now’. You had to remind yourself to thank the Sage when you got back.
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mhykimagines · 2 years
hi!! loved your heath work it was so adorable :) could i request confessions with mithra with a gn wizard reader please? thank you very much if you decide to do this and have a nice day <3
Aw thank you for the support!! And thanks for sending in a request!
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Beginning to End (GN!Reader/Mithra)
tags: headcanons, fluff, confessions, mithra
Mithra views strength as a above all measurement of who he takes an interest or disliking to. For example, he notes that Riquet is very much weaker than him, so he doesn’t view him as person of interest. On the flip side, though, he resents Oz for being stronger than him and has attempted to kill him several times. Strength, to Mithra, is how he remembers certain people.
But with you, for some reason, it’s different. You’re not stronger than him, yet he wouldn’t call you weak. He thinks if you had caught him in a bad situation, he may actually be defeated at your hands, and that’s what initially draws him to you. When you two run into each other in the North on accident for your first meeting, he could’ve just killed you and taken your mana stone for consumption, but something told him not to. So you part ways with no conflict, just his curiosity being piqued by you but leaving it as that. After all, he doubted he would see you again.
That is until you’re also summoned as a Sage’s wizard, and you two are living in the manor together. The person who had some strength he thought was valuable to keep alive, yet not stronger than him… He didn’t understand his infatuation with you, even though it was his own. That didn’t stop the two of you getting closer, though, not exactly breaking through barriers you had up but just slipping through them.
When he finally does confess, it’s not in your average way. It’s Mithra, after all, did you really expect a normal confession from him? The way it goes down is so sudden, both you and him are surprised. At some point, you managed to convince him to let you spar with him so you could tactics and get stronger, and he accepted. You’ve never managed to take him down, but he’s also given you some decent pointers. You wonder why he’s doing this, since you found out Arthur got promptly turned down when he asked Mithra, but you don’t care because you’re getting to practice and spar with the great Mithra.
The day the confession happens, though, he’s a bit more tired than usual. You ask if he wants to wait till tomorrow, but he makes some comment about how he can still defeat you when he’s tired, and that makes you ready to go. The two of you go back and forth at it for a while, but his movements are slower than usual… Taking advantage of this, you shoot one of your attacks at his leg and successfully manage to take him off balance. Before he can even fully process, you’re pushing him to his back, the older wizard grunting as he hits the ground, you landing on top of him. When he fully processes what happens, you’re grinning and cheering and rambling about how you’ve finally taken him down. And it’s when you’re in this moment of childish, carefree elevation that he finally says what he’s been thinking.
“If I ruled the world, would you rule alongside me?”
A weird confession, of course, but you find yourself flustering over it anyway. After all, being asked that by Mithra was basically an invitation to get married. He judged people through strength, and yet even after all these years, he’s never asked anyone to rule with him. It’s either been under him, as his subjects, or he threatens to kill them because they have no place in the world in his mind. But in his mind, your place is by his side, permenantly.
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mhykimagines · 2 years
hii!! i literally love ur writing so much i always get excited when you post! can i please request shino and (gn) reader seeing each other after a long time and they rlly miss each other? bonus points if you sneak in a kiss ahshjdhjdsfhj. but if this request is too specific please feel free to ignore!
Ahhh all the nice words are embarrassing me.... You guys are all so sweet! Thank you for sending a request in, and I hope you like it!
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Caricature of Intimacy (Shino/GN!Reader)
tags; scenario, shino, fluff, kissing, gender neutral reader, wizard reader
"I'm going to him."
"And I'm telling you to just wait...!"
You're growing more and more frustrated with the knight standing in front of you, your eyebrow twitching. You were usually pretty patient; you were a Sage's wizard, after all, so sometimes missions were required. You'd long since come to terms with that, since this was necessary to become stronger for the Great Calamity’s impending attack. But this was different.
Shino, along with the other Eastern wizards and the ones hailing from the North had a mission quite a distance from the manor, and it sounded fairly intense. However travel time shouldn’t have mattered because they had Mithra, the man could teleport for crying out loud, so what the hell was taking so long? It’s been nearly two weeks, with no word from any of them, not even in the Sage. They could’ve been in trouble, they could’ve been hurt or dead or-… Well, there was nothing worse than death for wizards except… Oh god, did Shino and Heath lose their magic? Then they would need you, and that’s what you’ve been trying to tell Cain, but he’s not letting you go.
“If they need me, the longer we stand around talking is the more time that’s wasted, so if you’ll excuse me.”
“And if they don’t need you, the Northern wizard’s are going to blow the whole manor to pieces for a Central wizard to underestimate them.”
“I don’t particularly care, at least I’ll know he’s safe! If Arthur or the Sage was in danger, you wouldn’t hesitate to run into any problem! Why should I have to wait because I’m younger?” You’re really trying to understand Cain’s thought process here, but maybe it’s because you’re not exactly thinking rationally. You’re thinking more with your heart than your head, but the thought of Shino being hurt or needing you is too much for you to process. Cain seems to be at a loss for words or what to say here, and you’re certain you’ve won this argument, when there’s a knock on your door and you groan in exasperation. “Yes…?”
“You may want to come downstairs and quit sulking.” Bennett’s smooth voice suddenly cuts in, the door to your room opening enough to reveal him. He’s smiling languidly like he always is and you wonder why for a moment before your eyes light up, your heart beating rapidly in your chest.
“T-Thank you!” You stand up quickly, scrambling past Cain and Bennett before letting your feet carry you down the hallway. Halfway down the flight of stairs from floor 3 to floor 2 you remember the fact that you can fly, but it felt stupid to pull your broom out inside the manor when you’ve got so much pure adrenaline in you. You can’t see your own face but you’re sure your expression is a mix between desperation and hope that your boyfriend is downstairs waiting for you. You fly down the stairs from 2 to 1, apologizing for nearly crashing into Murr and Rustica as you run through the hall, and as you fling the door open from the hallway to the courtyard, you crash into someone who’s going about the same speed as you.
You hit the ground with a thud, hissing as you hit your tailbone on the annoying material of the damn floor, eyes looking down at your lower back and rubbing the area in pain. “Shit, I’m sorry…” You haven’t even seen who you crashed into yet, too busy reeling from the impact. “I wasn’t really paying attention, I-“
You nearly jump when something is on top of you, feeling another bodily weight send you to prop yourself up with one hand as your head snaps downwards, and your heart nearly explodes at that familiar head of hair pressed to your neck, arms you’re so used to feeling around your torso. “God, I missed you.”
“Shino…!” You nearly explode and want to cry and laugh and scream, but you opt for the third choice and wrap your arms around him, pushing your weight back into him and he lets the position change. He ends up on his butt as you press your head against his chest, desperate hands clutching his shirt as you sign and take in the feeling of him. “Where have you guys been…?! I’ve been worried sick, you didn’t tell me it would take you this long!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He does genuinely sound apologetic as you pull away from his embrace to look at his face. He doesn’t look injured or pale or worried, all good things, but you’re still confused on what took him so long to get back to you. “We couldn’t use Mithra’s teleportation near the barrier of the place we were at, and we ended up staying the night for a few days to get a feel for the situation and see what we needed to fix. Were you worried?” He seems like he was trying to tease you, but you’re having none of that.
“Of course I was worried, are you crazy…?! You’re suddenly gone for like two weeks on a mission you said would be a few days, I thought you were dead somewhere or lost your magic or something was seriously wrong! Don’t freak me out like that-“
You’re promptly shut up by the feeling of his lips pressing themselves to yours, and you want to be mad at him for cutting you off, but you can’t. Not when your hands instinctively grip his shoulders, and you feel yourself melting.
Yeah, you were worried.
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mhykimagines · 2 years
Hello everyone! My name is Aria, but I’ll also be going by Mithra since I’m considering adding more mods in the future if this blog needs it! I’m currently a sophomore in college, but I’m super in love with Mahoyaku! I hardly see any reader insert content for it, though, so I wanted to start my own blog here for people like me to read my works!
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Guidelines for Requests
I am an adult! Therefore I will take NSFW requests, however I will not take NSFW requests about the minor characters. This means no NSFW of Arthur, Riquet, Snow + White (in their child bodies), Shino, and Mitile. The other characters besides the few I listed are 18 and up, so I will take NSFW requests for them.
I take all genres of requests! Angst, fluff, smut, au’s, etc! The only thing I will absolutely not take requests for is Omegaverse. I’m just not comfortable writing about it, as it’s a discomfort of mine. Please respect my boundaries.
If you’re going to ask for a prompt with sensitive topics involved, such as S/H, suicide, etc, please put a warning at the beginning of your request! Example below:
[TW/CW: Depression] Hi there! I’d like to request a prompt about Cain and his S/O that’s dealing with depression.
Please let me know in your request if there’s anything specific you would like in it! If the reader has a certain body type, if they’re a wizard or not, pronouns/gender, any certain quirks like being a certain height or a physical disability like hearing loss! I’m open to just about everything, and can’t think off the top of my head if there’s any certain topic I won’t write for, but if that changes I’ll be sure to update this post and make a general announcement!
Please do not spam request or harass me to finish your request in the inbox. It will most likely get your request cancelled. I am a college kid, and while I’m currently on summer break, school and work will be starting very soon for me. I have a life outside of the blog, so please consider my schedule and life as well. This blog is meant to be enjoyable, not stressful for me.
Other than these few rules, nothing is coming to mind! I’m excited to write for my favorite source, and I hope my writings are enjoyable for you all!
— Aria
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solaris-cafe · 3 years
Familial interaction for Shylock! *she holds up an adorable calico kitten bundled in her coat* "Sensei, look what I found when I was out exploring! Do you think it would be okay if I kept her? I couldn't just leave her all alone."
A gentle chuckle leaves his lips as Shylock bent down to look at the cat. "Hello there, little one."
It meows in reply, causing him to smile in amusement. "This kitten's quite cute, it might just steal some hearts if you keep it around." Shylock straightens, allowing the curious creature to nuzzle at his hand. "I'm not particularly opposed to that, of course. I know at least a few of us would enjoy the company of a pet."
"Perhaps we can get it checked up with vet before you bring it home later on... For now, would you like a drink?" Shylock gestures to the counter. "We can chat about where you stumbled upon the kitten. Maybe that will help with picking a name, unless you already had one in mind?"
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mahoyakuwritings · 3 years
hi there! i was really excited to come across a reader insert for mahoyaku! i'm not really sure if requests are open right now, but is it alright if i may request an imagine where the reader overworked themselves to the point where they got sick. so arthur takes it upon himself to take care of the reader! i hope this made sense! (´;ω;`) feel free to deny it though <3
thank you for requesting! this was cute.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
 “Sage? Sage, are you alright?”
Your eyes opened with a start to the report in front of you. You shook your head in frustration as you realized you were dozing off in the middle of your work again. The past week hadn’t been the easiest on you, with every country going on missions that had required you to write a thorough analysis on each of them. Admittedly, your sleep schedule wasn’t the best and Nero had pointed out how you hadn’t been eating properly.
To make things easier, Arthur had offered to help. However, your exhaustion hadn’t gone unnoticed by the prince, who now scanned you with a concerned gaze.
“Sorry, Arthur, just a little tired,” you mumble out, “Mind if I get water?”
“Please do,” he replied, “You look a little pale, so whatever you need.”
You nod, pushing your chair. But as you stood, the world began to spin and you felt yourself stumble. You shut your eyes to try and block a wave of pain that went straight to your head, but it did nothing to help. Before you could fall, you felt yourself be guided into a pair of arms.
“Sage! I knew we were pushing yourself too hard,” Arthur gently guided you to the couch that wasn’t too far away and helped you lay down, “I apologize that we’ve caused you to overwork yourself like this. Will it be alright if I treated you to some soup?”
You sat up with a start and began to protest, “No, no it’s okay! I just need a little rest and I’ll get back to work right away. I don’t want to delay anything further, and I’m sure you're just as busy-”
“Sage,” Arthur interrupted, “I insist.” He took your hand and clasped it between his own. You noticed how warm they made your own hand feel as you looked into his clear, pleading eyes.
You sigh and agree.
“Okay. But only this once.”
Moments later Arthur returned with a rather large bowl. As he placed it down, the aroma of the soup filled your senses and you felt your muscles relaxing. You closed your eyes, letting your body give it rest it needed.
“Here, Sage.”
When you opened your eyes, you were met with Arthur offering a spoon of soup inches from your face. He tilted his head to the side and gave a soft smile.
“You’re feeding me?”
“Of course. If I’m taking care you, it’s only natural I help in anyway possible,”
Upon trying the soup your eyes widened.
“Arthur this is...excellent,”
“Good!” he blushed, “I’m glad. When I lived with Oz, we would spend a good amount of time cooking. If you would like I could make more dishes for you?”
You agreed, and the rest of your time was spent in idle chit chatter. Eventually you finished and as you began to get back up, Arthur protested.
“No, wait...would you continue to rest a little longer? For me?”
You sighed as you were once again met with clear, pleading eyes. As much as you needed to get back to work, a little more of rest felt like a good idea with your mind hazy from the lack of sleep.
“Pernoctant Nixzo,”
A pale gray blanket appeared in Arthur’s hands. You faintly registered the feeling of the prince tucking the blanket around you, but you were already dozing off.
“Good night, my sage,” He whispered, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, “Sweet dreams.”
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