hadesisqueer · 2 years
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Please reblog for it to reach more people
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thuskindlyshescatters · 3 months
RWBY ask game!
I don't have any art to contribute to the Viz hype and SMMRofRWBY, but I do want to get people posting, so I'm making a RWBY ask game!
Favorite debunked fan theory?
Rank the soundtracks!
Favorite Ruby ship?
Pick a design choice for the new outfits!
Favorite redhead in the show?
What kind of Faunus would you be?
Favorite lines?
Any characters you wish had lived?
Any characters you wish had died?
Favorite soundtrack moments?
Pitch a new Grimm!
Favorite visuals/shots?
Best idea for a RWBY crossover?
Favorite background character design?
Most nostalgic part of Poser animation?
Favorite location?
Theory for the Relic of Choice?
Theory for the Relic of Destruction?
Favorite Weiss ship?
What are you looking forward to seeing in Vacuo?
Favorite RWBYxJL character design?
Characters you want to see redeemed?
Favorite Maidenbowl?
Which acre of the Ever After would you want to live in?
Favorite trans character headcanon?
What would be your Aura color/color theme?
Favorite voice performance?
Fairytale character you'd want to see RWBYified?
Favorite opening to sing along to?
Free space, ask me anything!
Reblog to receive questions, or just post your own answers by the end of the day! And remember to tag #greenlight volume 10, #smmrofrwby, and #fndmrtx2024!
@smmrofrwby @calmenergy @hadesisqueer @bmblboop @primordialpaper @short-wooloo @tumblezwei @arnieb95 @strqyr @greenteaandtattoos @greenbeany @squipedmew @definitelynotgayforqrow @actualbampot
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sir-adamus · 6 months
next Maidenbowl with Winter, Raven and possibly the Summer Maiden vs Cinder is just gonna be
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bmblboop · 3 months
For the rwby ask thing, 7, 20, 28
Thanks for asking!
7. Favorite lines?
Most of my fave lines are bittersweet or sad-yet-hopeful, thanks to Volume 4. Blake and Ghira’s talk, Ruby’s speech at the end. “You didn’t drag us along; you gave us the courage to follow you.” Also Ruby resolving to 'keep moving forward' despite her fear in v5.
There's this line in the 2nd RWBY Beyond episode where Jaune wonders "Do you think we're gonna make it?" and it's just so topical now because it was made at a time when RWBY's future was uncertain. No matter what, they're still gonna try, and that's worth it.
On a lighter note, sometimes I remember Vol 2's “They don’t give out prizes for almost” “They do and they’re called silver!” and it cracks me up every time.
20. What are you looking forward to seeing in Vacuo?
The new headmaster, Theodore. We got a hint at his design in the RWBY Beyond shorts, but I can’t wait to meet him. The Summer Maiden, if she’s even in Vacuo, so we can complete the set (and gear up for Maidenbowl #3). Renora growth (even though they aren’t together) because I love them both and I love them together and I want the best for Nora. Emerald being a good guy now and how that has changed how she interacts with people.
I am also interested in seeing, even though it will break my entire heart, Oscar/Ozpin’s struggle with the merger. I just want Oscar to be happy, and I am fearful that we might lose something once they are one consciousness.
28. Fairytale character you'd want to see RWBYified?
Okay, so lame answer but I’ve been watching Inuyasha recently… and Viz Media got big bc of the Inuyasha localization… and he’s got a ‘faunus trait’ with the dog ears…it makes too much sense.
For actual fairytale characters, maybe “the Lion and the Mouse” from Aesops fables. It’s a very RWBY moral, that a smaller, more simple soul can still make a difference. I also loved Fenix’s design from the Grimm Campaign, and would like to see something like it in the show.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Vernal was reasonably quick & armed way better than any bandit bar her boss/parent figure/whateverthehell, though Weiss has demonstrated a much improved sense of summon timing since. Think there's anything to that old saltheap about her being plot-lobotomized to set up Jaune's semblance discovery?
Yes. Almost everything about the Battle of Haven was a shitshow except the Maidenbowl they spent 90% of the budget that Gray Haddock hadn't managed to siphon away for his stupid robot show on. Given that Yang, a highly intelligent and extremely technically proficient fighter, decided that giving up her prosthetic arm was somehow a better choice than breaking a grip weaker than Mitch McConnell's sense of empathy that she would've learned how to counter in Baby's First Self-Defense class and the writers fucking agreed with her and tried to present this as her being smart, I do not hesitate in the slightest to grant credibility to the idea that Weiss was deliberately dumbed down so as to set up Jaune's Semblance discovery. RWBY has a problem with deciding that it really wants to make the Next Cool Moment happen, so it's going to force that moment to happen no matter what and no matter how it has to get there, even if doing so makes that moment feel... somewhat less than organic, and frustrating rather than triumphant. That could very well be what happened here, and frankly, I think it is.
That said, Weiss is notably inexperienced in a real fight and it wouldn't surprise me to see someone who has mostly just sparred and hunted Grimm tunnel onto her new technique, but Weiss is also a character the show at least tries to tell us is intelligent (I'll be honest, she's never felt like "the smart one" of the group to me. I genuinely think Yang is the most intelligent of the main four, even if the show tries to hint that it's Weiss), so I feel like she should get enough credit for me to assume that she'd use the rest of her vast toolkit when one aspect of it clearly isn't working if whoever wrote and choreographed that fight wasn't busy dicking her over. God I hate the Battle of Haven so much it's so ass.
Anyway yeah, Weiss has gotten way better since Volume 5. Just ask Marrow. I think it's because she's getting more experience in the field and more guidance from experienced Huntsmen and Huntresses.
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alkaria · 6 months
really just putting as much manifestation in to the universe as i can for Maidenbowl 4: Now There's Three Of Them
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citadelofmythoughts · 2 years
Hypothetical V10 wishlist: screw the 'Raven comes back & saves RWBY or R&Y' takes, I'd rather see RWBY or the sisters save Raven, be it from a Maidenbowl going south (maybe Cinder's actually winning solo or brought Tyrian), new goons or even Antagonist!Summer (fingers crossed for the last one because we're *still* nowhere near filled-in on STRQ's whole deal). Just to further drive home that (a) even the hardass 'seasoned' Maidens aren't untouchable and (b) Raven's current 'ethics' are bunk.
Honestly, this seems more likely than Raven saving the kids. Vacuo is going to become a "Helm's Deep" kind of situation with all the allies and enemies converging. And RWBY+J & Neo? Pull a Gandalf and show up to turn the tide.
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yang-gang · 4 years
Cinder: Winter would have made a terrible Winter maiden, she could never match up to the name.
Raven: ?
Raven: Her name is literally "Winter". You called yourself Fall because you wanted to sound more like the fall maiden!
Cinder: ...
Cinder: Facts are irrelevant in my world Raven.
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kkglinka · 3 years
"Rwby being paladin class with strong secondaries ". Elaboration, please? When u have time. It sounds fascinating
There's a decently well known, large dnd class survey you can do, for fun or to help conceptualized existing fictional characters. It's an older test that doesn't have a lot of the fancy subclasses or, like cat people, but it's solid. I ran the four rwby protags through it out of curiosity during the v5 hiatus to see how well they conformed to fanon, and then again after v6. I did my best to recall in-show examples to various questions, and running the survey twice helped average things out.
My first big surprise, and clue about the original chess pieces, was that all four came up as paladins. They all picked the knight pieces, after all (with Blake's initial contemplation of the queen piece representing her conflict/avoidance of her responsibilities to Kuokuana and the White Fang). Notice that the character with the lowest paladin score was the one shown eagerly choosing the knight piece — and the one I was certain wouldn't be. This was played for laughs at the time, but I think most of us realize by now that Yang absolutely knew that the knight piece wasn't a "horsey".
We tend to equate paladins with legality, but they can support the structures of any higher cause, and they don't need to be west european. The cause may be the desire to stop a pervasive evil by joining an honored institutional system (which they all did), family honor and tradition, the end of structural racism to the point of zealotry, or a simple desire to quest and provide aid.
I imagine scores will have shifted around some since then but, aside from paladins: Ruby came up ranger, followed by the highest rogue score (questing knight). Weiss came up as a wizard, followed by rogue, iirc (arthurian knight). Blake came up monk, followed by rogue (samurai/ronin). Yang was almost fifty/fifty with fighter, followed distantly by monk (asian warrior monk).
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nikosarc · 4 years
I just wanna say watching Penny beat the shit out of Cinder was so fucking satisfying and the fact that she’s 0 for 3 on these Maidenbowls is fucking hilarious
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oh my god vol 8 really is mirroring vol 5
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
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roguecoelacanth · 3 years
Many people have talked about the fight at the end of volume 5. And while it definitely has its flaws, I just want to say that Maidenbowl II: No Heroes Edition was really well done. And I love the electric-arc-face-smash finisher from Raven. 10/10. Overall, though. That fight had too many moving parts, and they couldn’t quite juggle it all.
Honestly, the final fight of in Vol 8 had similar issues. It was much better executed, but ultimately the best fight in that volume was Hazel vs Salem, because it could focus on one thing. Big team fights can be fantastic, but I would love to see a single-location 4v4 team fight again. Balance the big stakes and powerful players with a constrained environment. Don’t get me wrong, the fight at the end of Vol 8 was wonderful, I loved it, but it still tried to be too much.
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sir-adamus · 2 years
Pointless R00by old-magic thought: while the 'imbued in others by Oz' flavor (e.g. Maidens) might not be limited by a user's aura, it *does* seem to still need stamina. I mean, near the end of that ambush Amber was limping over to finish Emerald with her staff instead of blasting her again.
yeah; it doesn't make you invincible and if you take hits it's gonna be harder to do same as anything else
this is another reason why Salem doesn't really have much finesse to the way she fights because she simply doesn't get tired, she doesn't need to be smart about it because in a war of attrition she's basically the ocean, unrelenting, all she needs is time, and so if you're going to hit with something you need to be sure it'll take her out for a few hours otherwise it's just wasted energy (also props to Hazel for achieving with his fists what it took Oscar blowing up a whale to do)
and i'm pretty this is also why Cinder emulating that backfires so often because brute force doesn't work if taking a heavy hit can still knock you out, which is why Cinder lost every MaidenBowl since getting the powers, because every other Maiden is more tactical and utilises other aspects of their arsenal than "spam one element constantly and use nothing else no matter how impractical" (best seen in Cinder vs Raven where Raven uses ice to make a giant sword, wind to aid flight - meanwhile Cinder is shown visibly overexerting herself making a fire sword and blasting fire from her hands to achieve flight; she doesn't use these powers efficiently because she's so reliant on fire for the most part). Raven (temporarily) killed her, she couldn't get near Fria, and Penny knocked her out using her Floating Array energy cannon
Cinder finally playing smart in a fight in the final act of volume 8 is still less her playing efficiently and just being underhanded and fighting dirtier; and it's still gonna bite her in the ass in the long run because she never actually confirmed her kills
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strqyr · 2 years
What would you like from a Raven return? What kind of expectations do you have (if any)? Or will you just be happy to see her again?
Me personally, I’m in the middle because as much as I’d like to see Raven again I still wonder what she’d bring to the table, unless it’s to show she’s not a coward anymore or maybe help develop Yang’s character going forward. Hell, I’d love to see a Raven vs Cinder rematch where Cinder gets the better or her.
well, mostly i feel like raven's return is necessary for couple reasons:
i. it's important for yang's development. yang still hasn't gotten answers to her question why raven left, and v5 brought up how yang doesn't know who raven really is, she just has stories to go off of. these are, of course, connected—by learning why raven left yang would also get to know her better, but for that to happen, raven needs to return, as no one else can give those answers to yang.
ii. it's relevant to team strq and learning what the hell went wrong with them + possibly also to give an idea what summer's last mission was about; it's a bit suspicious that we've been told that qrow, tai, and ozpin have no clue with no mention of raven, esp when v5 also gave us a first look at how raven might have viewed summer.
simply put, there's a lot we don't know and the only way to find out is if raven comes back and shares that knowledge.
like. if raven didn't return (unlikely) i'd be disappointed simply bc it'd feel like they're cutting storylines short / rushing through them for whatever reason.
if there would be another raven vs cinder fight (which i'm unsure of since cinder is bit busy with other maidens and hasn't given rly a second thought to raven since haven, but you never know) as long as they get to fight some place where using maiden powers isn't a hindrance, i'm game. they were already being more extra than any other maidenbowl since then and then the mountain threatened to collapse and they had to tone it down. rude.
(though thinking about it now, i wonder if all that magic 'taking off' during their fight was just a stylistic choice or if it had something to do with the fact that they were opposite maidens, spring and fall? hmmmmm...)
but yeah, i need her to return for story reasons first and foremost. the fact that she's one of my faves just happens to be a happy bonus.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Been rewatching some Yang sequences and...well, that 'jumps at camera winding up a swing' shot (trailer, V3C11, V5 short, V7 tree fight) recurs a lot. Think it's actually fair shorthand for the 'too direct & telegraphed, needed to Consider Ways Around & Stop Eating Hits' take? I also see analysts try to connect Raven's slips against Cinder (super direct, lots of force-on-force, didn't exploit the Grimm arm after *pointing it out*) with Tai projecti-er, analogizing her & Yang's tactical flaws.
In fairness to Raven, she's pretty blatantly fucking around during that fight until Cinder targets her choking kink with the Grimm arm and starts draining her Aura. Everything she does throughout the Maidenbowl demonstrates her contempt for Cinder, from the "mine is bigger than yours" contest to not taking advantage of openings to not even bothering to kill Cinder properly when she was defenseless.
That said, Raven is a dumbass whose fighting style clashes hilariously with her chosen weapon. She's running a DEX build and fights like she's running a STR build (nope nothing to be said about the way weapons in RWBY are representations and extensions of a person and Raven smashes hers to pieces every time she fights just ignore that part completely)
Give this woman a weapon with an actual durability stat and she becomes unstoppable.
I don't think Yang's use of a gap closer is a sign that she needs to Grow Up And Get Smarter, no. She's an infighter and needs to close the distance rapidly and moves very intelligently throughout all of her fights.
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