#mainly cause the marvel one was meh
a-dorin · 8 months
is it just me or is a “what if?” star wars show really unnecessary because we literally have fanfic writers who have already explored some of those “what ifs?”
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spacejellyfish3 · 5 years
thoughts on 2020’s most anticipated movies
because reasons
Fast & Furious 9
cars, epic action, something about family
an entertaining popcorn flick but not much else
Pixar's “Soul”
i literally might just see this just because Tina Fey’s in it
In the Heights
yes more Lin Manuel Miranda Y E S
Birds of Prey
my response is simple and elegant:
you scum can simply call us...
A Quiet Place Part II
No Time to Die
come for Ana de Armas bond girl and Lashana Lynch 007
stay for...Ana de Armas bond girl and Lashana Lynch 007...
...i don’t know where i was going with this...but yeah
honestly Disney live action remakes inherently suck, but maybe this one’ll be worthwhile...though i probably won’t see it cause of...reasons
my brain: Marvel can die in a dumpster fire trainwreck after how they treated my babies Cloak & Dagger and Runaways last year (plus my growing dissatisfaction with the formulaic and disappointing nature of the MCU as a whole but mainly the other thing)
my heart: bUt WhAt aBoUt RiChArD mAdDeN???!!!!
Black Widow
same as the last one but substitute Richard Madden for David Harbor and Florence Pugh
Wonder Woman 1984
i am seeing this
movie in theaters and whoever tries to stop me will be dropkicked into the goddamn SUN
...that is all.
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goth-giraffe · 5 years
Not-so-quick guide to my OCs that I sometimes talk about here! xD So... Echo and Meredith, really. Plus a bonus one! Plus new art! :D
Warning, this is gonna be long so I put it under a cut :)
Anyway, because he’s the one that will definitely be mentioned most here, let’s start with..
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(I didn’t say anything about the quality of the new art xD)
Echo is my persona/self insert character..... he’s really just an alternate version of me (I like to think he’s my Alola form :3)
And like me he’s lonely so he has imaginary friends to keep him going, his current one being Loki ‘cause my current obsession is Loki
Echo is kinda hard to explain because everything about him fluctuates depending on my mood.. there are different versions of him and he doesn’t exactly have a set story or universe.. (For instance I didn’t create him specifically to hang out with Loki, but when I needed a friend I gave him Loki as an imaginary one)
Anyway! Some basic facts! He’s ace/aro, and agenderfluid (questioning?), with he/him pronouns (they/them is safe too though)
Kinda short, 5′2″ ish
Around my age, 17-20, but the mental age of anywhere from 8-17 ish.... he’s always kind of childish but how extreme varies from moment to moment
He’s AFAB but I usually draw him flat-chested because I use him as a way to combat dysphoria so, should anyone else want to draw him, best to draw him flat-chested
Loves trying on clothes! (Mainly because I like a lot of clothes but pretty much exclusively wear pajamas so... yeah I use my OCs as models)
Quiet, non-verbal in some versions (in which case he’ll write in a notepad to communicate), very shy
Sometimes makes clicking noises to calm himself
Daydreams a lot, also sleeps a lot
Gets upset over dumb things... and he’s scared of everything
Doesn’t really like being touched but sometimes snuggles Loki when he’s upset
He’s probably autistic
Probably also has borderline personality disorder.. but I’m unsure about giving him the disorders I think I have, because I don’t actually have a diagnosis (scared of doctors).. nonetheless, a lot of the symptoms that come with those disorders, he has
Likes to draw and his muse is Loki
Likes bugs, especially butterflies
Collects rocks
Eats goldfish crackers
Has really bad posture
Okay at this point I’m just adding random facts about me which is probably weird idk xD I don’t know what more to say about him soo yeah... this is my weird persona
aand next up-
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(I liked how this art turned out tbh and I might repost it on my other blog..)
Meredith is an OC insert specifically for Marvel Cinematic Universe
She’s dating Loki, and you’ll find a lot more about her and Loki at @cuddly-loki​! (It’s my blog specifically for them! :D)
Buuuut I do mention her here occasionally because I love her (and there are definitely traces of her from when this blog was cuddly-loki), so I’m including her in this :3
She’s not really into labels but she is kinda gendermeh, I think of her as a nonbinary woman (...or soft butch, but I call her that mostly when Loki happens to swap genders), but she just uses she/her pronouns
Again, meh about labels but she has dated both feminine and masculine people, and she doesn’t really experience physical attraction the same as most people
Kinda goth, dresses mostly in greyscale colours and in kind of goth/punk clothes I guess (also, she prefers androgynous clothes)
Really affectionate with people close to her, close friends and her boyfriend of course :3 (mild PDA does not make her uncomfortable but it sure does irritate Loki)
Quiet, but not shy- she’ll talk to anyone probably but she’d rather watch them until it makes them uncomfortable xD
Once you get past the being weird or goth to creep you out though, she’s very soft and pretty nice (even if still a little dark)
She’s an aspiring musician.. sorta. She plays violin and loves music.. but also has a weird relationship with music, we’ll just leave it at that for now
Works night shift as a bartender
Likes horror movies
Favourite food is pizza
Loves birds
Doesn’t like technology very much
She has a lineup of mental disorders too I’m sure, she’s an ex junkie for one and likes to feel numb to things.. 
Also has persistent insomnia, either related to her depression or depression meds, who knows
Lives in her apartment with a couple plants and Loki, who is still adjusting to Earth life
Like mentioned above you can find more of Meredith at my blog @cuddly-loki​ and if you ask questions about her or her and Loki I will probably be very happy :)
Side note: Meredith is not meant to be a self insert but we do have things in common, and I’d probably get along with her. She’s pretty chill and gets along with most people though haha
A little bonus one, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned her here before but just in case
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(Okay this turned out a little messy but ehh. It was kind of just from memory, I might have still had references for her but I lost them when my jumpdrive quit so meh)
She’s a dead character that I don’t use anymore and won’t be using anymore but on the off chance I’ve mentioned her or do mention her, I’ll go ahead and add her to this as a little bonus
I created her when I first started obsessing over Loki, and she was a self insert I used to selfship romantically with him... it was okay for a brief time but in the end I hated it. It’s hard to explain, kind of personal.. but for one thing, I’m pretty sure I’m aromantic. I love soft romance stuff but I don’t really want to be part of it.
...And that’s why I killed Gwyneth and created Meredith ehehe
I’m gonna talk about her a little anyway, for one, she was an artist/painter
She liked to take pictures of strangers to paint them and I’m pretty sure that’s how she met Loki (AKA the weirdo on the sidewalk in the all black suit)
I honestly don’t remember what her actual income came from, maybe she was on disability, Idk
Anyway she was a mess. Severely depressed. Couldn’t really keep herself together.
She hid behind jokes and sarcasm though, so no one really knew how bad she was (even Loki, for a time)
She would climb trees which annoyed Loki a little bit, turns out trickster gods don’t enjoy having to climb trees just to talk to their girlfriends
Wore a trench coat as kind of a comfort item (because that’s what I did at that time)
Often got lost in daydreams...
Scared of most things...
Yeah you’ll notice she’s a lot like Echo (even the hair- pbbt). I’ve had a lot of self inserts over the years, killed off when my anxiety convinced me I was being cringey or when they didn’t feel like me anymore.. with Gwyneth it was maybe a tiny bit those things but also other stuff, like being aromantic questioning. Creating Echo was a new start for me because it was more of an exploration of where I’m comfy gender-wise... and, unlike most of my other self inserts, I don’t really age him up. But most importantly... he’s very emotionally messy but he doesn’t hide it (or else he doesn’t hide it well) because one of my things is I need to at least pretend that people would still love me if they knew how sad and broken I am. So.. yes, Echo is a sensitive character, he upsets easily and he’s usually pretty sad.. but that’s kind of the point, because he’s still loved. 
.....Anyway sorry for going back to Echo. I don’t have a lot more to say about Gwyneth - she’s dead and not coming back - but she was a stepping stone to where I’m currently comfortable so, RIP Gwyneth I suppose :)
On the page I drew them on it’s kinda funny because it looks like Meredith and Echo are very uncomfortable that Gwyneth is there (which was only semi-intentional ehehe) 
Echo looks cautiously curious but Meredith looks very awkward like “Oh.. so you’re back...” ..she’s hiding something... And Gwyneth’s like “So... how’s Loki been?” xD
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All these characters are obviously kinda similar which is part of why I put them all here (....clearly I have an obsession with blue hair but shhh), also their connections to Loki, haha.... Meredith is definitely the most connected, Echo’s Loki isn’t real and Gwyneth is dead, so... yeah.
Anyway hopefully this was a little helpful. I might make better guides for Meredith and Echo sometime but for now this works. Also, always feel free to ask questions about them!! :)
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jacky-0610 · 6 years
Everynumber with a 1,2,3,5,7 and 8 in it for the question thingi😇😇😇
1. selfie 
2. what wouldyou name your future kids?
I don’treally want kids soo…
3. do youmiss anyone?
Yes myfriends because I haven’t done smth with them in a looong time
5. is thereanyone who can always make you smile?
Yeah I guessthat would be my best friends
7. what wasyour life like last year?
Actuallynot that bad because I made a lot of friends that I don’t want to lose but itwas still kinda bad but meh whatever
8. have youever cried because you were so annoyed?
No I don’tthink so… at least not that I remember
10. are yougood at hiding your feelings?
Sometimesyes but most of the time nope it depends what I’m trying to hide
11. are youlistening to music right now?
Yes Mino-fiancée
12. what issomething you want right now?
A will tolive :) jk (not really oops)
13. how doyou feel right now?
Meh. Notgood but also not bad I guess? I’m in a state of just yeah sure whatever
14. whenwas the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Idk? Ithink.. Tuesday? Not sure tho
15.personality description
uhhmm.... i guess im more on the shy andintroverted side but when i’m comfortable around the people im with i’m kindaloud and i’d say funny but i guess thats debatable
16. haveyou ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yes. sooomany times… mostly it’s because I don’t think anyone cares if I say somethingor not so I just let it be
17. opinionon insecurities.
Welleveryone has them I guess? But you can learn to live with them end embrace thembecause life is too short to worry about so many things
18. do you misshow thing were a year ago?
19. haveyou ever been to New York?
20. what isyour favourite song at the moment?
Uhh that’sa hard question because I’m an indecisive bitch. I’d say Mino- fiancée, Rothy-Sullae, the Rose- their whole ep `Dawn`, Dreamcatcher- Trap, Wonderland, Boa-Encounter ok I think I’ll stop here
21. age andbirthday?
22.description of crush.
Don’t havea crush at the moment
23. fear(s)
Spiders,height, being unhappy in the future
24. height
150 cm
25. rolemodel
Idk… Iadmire some people but I wouldn’t say they are my role model?
26. idol(s)
Isn’t thatthe same like role model? lol
27. thingsi hate
When peoplelook at someone and start to talk bad about them when they don’t know them atall or when people pressure someone to do something they very clearlyabsolutely don’t want to do… I also hate it when people try to talk to me whenI don’t want to or when I’m annoyed
28. i’lllove you if…
You givethe tiniest amount of interest. Please love me. I need love
29.favourite film(s)
Marvelmovies but I haven’t watched them all yet
30. favouritetv show(s)
Supernatural,Sherlock, chilling adventures of Sabrina, I’m not really watching any tv shows rnand I can’t think of any else
31. 3random facts
I have cutmy hair short by myself (my mom cried when she saw me), i’m good at wiggling myeyebrows, I’m from Germany but I’m way better in English than in german
32. areyour friends mainly girls or guys?                    
33.something you want to learn
A lot ofthings but…. Hmm… how to sing or rap would be cool
34. mostembarrassing moment
Can’t thinkof anything rn
35.favourite subject
English andpsychology
36. 3dreams you want to fulfill?
Read a lotof books because I have so many that I haven’t started but I still buy newones, go to munich with my best friends again, and visit a lot of countries
37.favourite actor/actress
Don’t haveone
38.favourite comedian(s)
Don’treally watch a lot of comedian but I’d say John Mulaney
39.favourite sport(s)
I like iceskating eben though I went like twice or inline skating
41.relationship status
Very single
42.favourite book(s)
Harrypotter, the infernal devices, the mortal instruments
43.favourite song ever
Like I saidI’m a very indecisive bitch who can’t decide if her live depends on it, but thefirst song I thought of was 3racha- broken compass
45. how youfound out about your idol
I don’treally understand this question… I’m just gonna say how I found out about straykids k so,,. I listened to their song hellevator on soundcloud  I don’t even know anymore how I found itthere)then I watched their mv on yt so I wanted to listen to more of theirsongs but it was the only one that was out cue to a few months later and Iheard about a survival show of jyp and yeah…. There’s that
47. turnons
Idk.. beingnice and funny? Never really thought about this
48. turnoffs
Idk same asabove
50.favourite picture of your idol
I’m gonnaput a picture of jisung here because it was the first thing I thought of
52.something i’m talented at
I have noidea that’s what I want to know too
53. 5things that make me happy
Stray kids,music, my best friends, sleep, fairy lights
54.something thats worrying me at the moment
Everythingbut mostly school and all the projects due before winter break
55. tumblrfriends
I don’tknow if i have friends here cause i don’t really talk with many people on herebut i love all of my mutuals and kinda consider them friends!!
56.favourite food(s)
Lasagna,mante, pelimeni, wareniki,
57.favourite animal(s)
Alpacas,cats, pandas
58.description of my best friend
She is aweird loud and funny bitch who I love very very much and I’m glad that I havesomeone like her in my life
59. why ijoined tumblr
I don’treally have a reason
 Aahhh wowthat took long.. but thank you so much i love you
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geek-gem · 7 years
OK KO The Power Is Your's
3:39 pm I've just watched the episode and okay gonna say this first. I missed the first part a bit and started at the part where this giant spray was being well spray a can of it.
Because I was watching this video talking about these leaks about possibly PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale 2 being announced this October which is this month and just those leaks from 4Chan were deleted and just like the guy said just....take it with a gain of salt but the fact that stuff was deleted makes me think. Including how just....the choosing just these four characters at first sorry whatever this is something else.
But basically I missed the first part a bit.
Honestly I did like the episode. Yet really just it's not my favorite. But yeah I missed the first part and that could of affected some of my thoughts. I'm talking about the part where the world gets sprayed.
Yet I also wanna talk about this. I'm not a fan of Captain Planet yet I'm thinking I forgot if I've ever seen the show maybe. Including I seriously question why the fuck Ian and who else decided to think of this crossover could be a good idea. Yet I'm sounding like a douche but what the episode shows and speaks I think I get what it's trying to do. Oh head no it doesn't suck.
Really let's say and I am one of the people just it's not a major game. Yet I'm not the biggest fan of Captain Planet's being included in a game called Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL which I have for PS3. But also me being not the biggest fan and despite the theme of the show. I think I have seen episodes when I was very young.
But sorry let's talk about the episode. So it seems like a Captain Planet villain shows up and teams up with Lord Boxman and his robotic children, they start some pollution with a spray mainly around the plaza despite the world is shown. Including the villain makes the mention some people believe climent change however it's spelt doesn't exist.
Let me say just yes their are people who seriously think that oh head yet I believe come on it's obvious it exists.
KO is the first to notice this. Yet Rad and Enid don't give a shit despite the signs. Including with KO finding out it's Boxmore on the other end doing this. Also seeing it's kind of well yeah flooded. One of the original Planeters however it's spelt but one of the people who has one of the rings arrives and KO and him team up.
Including with Rad, Enid, and that skeleton guy and bear guy I can't believe I don't know their names yet. He gives me them rings too.
KO has heart and honestly that fits him so much.
Rad had fire.
Enid has water.
The other two skeleton and bear have wind yet they have to share.
Basically them and the other guy summon Captain Planet and try to kick the villains ass, yet because of Boxman and his robots he basically disappears not killed.
Then they try to summon him again but the others argue and the original guy mentions of why the others got jobs and KO is able to get them working together again because of his ring of heart.
I'm honestly gonna say this episode was silly. Yet it's mainly due to how I remember how weird it is. Including just I am not so used to Captain Planet yet I just....I forgot if I ever made fun of him. Yet I grew up around people who didn't like the character. It's just weird and yet this could apply to any person who's a fan of a franchise or series that has a crossover with a series they were never really a fan of.
Yet yeah it was funny at times but I feel and I was thinking about the episode of what it was trying to do.
But I wanna mention this I don't know just if this is the episode itself or my tv yet I saw some black lines going back and forth a bit like it was something old long ago. It's not too noticable yet it's something I saw. I thought it might be something they did on purpose and the episode was gonna end like all of a sudden and we go back to the real world of OK KO and the characters go like what the fuck in a way.
But no it doesn't end like that. Including I wanna say it seems Boxman develops a crush of some sorts on this Captain Planet villain yet she goes away because something you can make anywhere dirty or just the shit that happened. Including it breaks Boxman's heart despite how silly it is of how it's portrayed one of the times I found funny.
Now we get to the ending. When KO mentions stuff like everything is back to normal and some shit. Captain Planet talks about how that's not really true.
I think I had thought of this during the episode. Listen and wanted to talk about this OK KO is a light hearted show yet it's very meaningful at times.
But during the episode and I don't wanna cause drama but basically just I feel the whole episode was trying to tell us something. I know I'm sounding stupid because it was trying to teach us this.
Basically Captain Planet and the other guy sorry forgot his name and just I'm sorry out of focus not seeing the first part and I don't focus on names at times unless their said a lot despite I remember it was shown. But they talk about how even if Captain Planet can clean some stuff up. It's gonna keep happening. Including the other guy I think it was him no must be him said climent change is permanent.
Then we get to just the weirdest part of the episode. Where it seems to be the most silly.
Yet I was well kind of horrorified ha lol okay to smile yet everyone such as Captain Planet, the other guy, and the other people who originally had the rings come back, in their original art style. But to make things no not worse oh my head but crazy KO, Rad, Enid, and Mr. Gar show up and just is very weird.
Wanna be honest if I can but some what disturbing. Meh I don't wanna say I hate it. Yet I'm shocked they did that. Because it's just okay not out of nowhere but you don't expect it.
I even wanna say I was thinking when I saw that. People on Tumblr mainly OK KO fans are gonna have a lot of fun, for some stupid meme shit and people's reactions being WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK for me just seeing in a real realistic versions of characters I like drawn like that was weird.
Yet I feel people are gonna have fun with those and people are gonna be freaking out because I was bothered to by that ha okay to smile.
But I'll just skip to this and wanted to say this before I wanted to write this and okay maybe during the episode.
I think of Ian and seriously no offense if someone else helped with him this please tell me yet I keep reading this was Ian's idea. Yet I feel like what he was trying to tell us with this episode was this.
Guys this shit is happening for real. We are seriously ignoring it. Our world is in some real shit and I'm talking about climent change. Theirs actual fucking people who don't believe in that shit so to prove my point I'm gonna bring a character from my childhood and have him crossover with my own show. We did to do something, we need to help the planet, our president fucking sucks he's one of the people who doesn't believe in climent change. We need to actually fucking help or some shit.
Okay that was a bit too long. I wanted to mention the president thing just I don't like talking about politics at times and our president if I remember has said he doesn't believe in climent change. I don't wanna make that the big deal of this. Also seriously the past few weeks have sucked and I question the government at times and even said one time I'm surprised we haven't....become the Helghast and overthrown our government. That's a reference to Killzone and just some stuff has made me question of reblogging stuff about some news sorry.
Really it was a nice episode I don't mind it. But it's not my favorite and during yeah looked at my last paragraph. Ether it's just me or I'm not the biggest fan wow I am being a big hypocrite.
Yet I was gonna say I'm not the biggest fan of crossovers like this. These silly short ones. Why I mentioned I'm a big hypocrite I liked Rugrats Go Wild where the show Rugrats crossovered with The Wild Thornberrys, the Nicktoons Unite games, and that Jimmy Timmy Power Hour trilogy. Those are ones I mostly enjoyed because of them being stuff I like.
Including I wanted to mention I'm so used to awesome kick ass crossovers such as the guest characters in games like Mortal Kombat, Injustice, also yeah the comic book stuff such as DC crossovers but I'm talking about other stuff. Including PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, and despite Marvel vs Capcom Infinite seems to be the weakest of the Vs Capcom games some of the story haven't watched all of it. It's very simple yet it's nice to see some interactions despite some choices being made. I even like Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe yet that game is weak compared to others after it.
Also Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe is the reason why I seem big into crossovers okay the Nicktoons Unite games started it or some shit. But playing MK vs DC when I was younger when it first came out inspired me to think of and draw a shit ton of Cartoon Network vs Nicktoons.
Including I'm one of the few or many people who wants a Sega vs Capcom. I even talked to myself last night I'm surprised Sega and Capcom haven't done that yet, and me discussing Sonic has been in T rated games before.
But also I wanna talk to my friend about how I would be horrible at picking characters for the Sega side because I like Sega and some of their games. Yet the first big characters list I had to make it to 48 when I put 9 Sonic characters because I felt they were important.
That got off topic yet was talking about crossovers.
Got tags done and well I put spoilers and was gonna put now but yeah I put spoilers in case despite the tag 4:29 also was gonna say again I'll see the new viewing to see the start 4:29 now turned 4:30 pm forgot to mention this.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the Steven Universe Uncle Grandpa crossover despite at first liking it and I did like Uncle Grandpa, but over time just meh I have to grow up I just don't like it much. Yet this episode was enjoyable and silly but not one of my favorites and I in the words of Lori Loud I littertly talked about crossovers 4:31 pm
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hey-mando · 7 years
Prince Adam Headcanons
Yeah I just physically couldn’t. stop. myself…
Word Count: um…a lot. I might as well take out the dots and make it an imagine bc LOL I GOT A LIL CARRIED AWAY HERE
A/N: yes, I’m still working on my Gaston series, but while I’m writing that, here *dumps fanfic in ur lap* have these post-curse headcanons that I thought up at 4:00am of the purest most adorably precious cinnamon roll prince ever
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 Prince Adam still literally unable to wrap his mind around the fact, even weeks after the curse is broken, that someone could find it in them to love him in his darkest and most hopeless of times
  Adam, not surprisingly, suffering from post-curse nightmares. He’ll dream that he’s once again the vain, cruel prince who turned away the rose, and wake with hands clutching at his chest and face to make sure that they’re not animalistic and covered with fur again
 on nights when the dreams are particularly bad, he’ll wake you and you’ll stay up till dawn comforting him, his head on your chest or in your lap while you whisper soothing words and brush your hand through his hair
sometimes you’ll snuggle into him and place your cheek on his shoulder, bringing your fingers up to his face and tracing his cheekbones, his eyebrows, and his jawline with soft strokes to remind him that his features are human again, and always will be
Adam catches your hand and gently presses his lips against your fingertips, his eyes closing and his forehead furrowing before kissing your palm. When his eyelids open, his gaze locks on yours and you almost can’t breathe for the amount of love in his stunning blue irises that shine like moonbeams
eventually lulling him back to sleep by singing or reading softly, admiring the peacefulness of his expression as he dozes, marveling at how truly lucky you are to love someone so beautiful and pure and to have his love in return
having literally the most perfect and healthy relationship ever. Seriously, the two of you are the stuff of romance novels (the happy ones that aren’t all dramatic and angsty). You can practically read each others’ minds, which really comes in handy when trying to find each other new books to read. You know everything about each other. How you like your tea, what position you find most comfortable to sleep in, your favorite author, your favorite composer, even what things you find annoying or frustrating
One more time now: RELATIONSHIP GOALS
being able to match Adam’s mischievous side with your own. Don’t get me started on snowball fights during the winter seasons which always leave you soaked to the bone (much to Mrs. Potts’ amused dismay when you leave puddles through the halls and on the stairs) and grinning like idiots. Mud fights are frequent during the summer as well (poor Mrs. Potts indeed). You never miss a chance to enjoy the fresh scent of rain after a summer storm, so you head out with Adam to enjoy the dewy gardens…then come back looking like you bathed in a swamp
just. imagine. tho. You’ll be sitting on a bench glossing over a book, or breathing in the crisp warm air when all the sudden you glance up and see Adam looking at you from a few feet away, his lips upturned in a smirk and his gaze peering through his eyelashes. He slowly brings one hand around from behind his back and you see a ball of sticky brown mud oozing between his fingers. You barely have time to growl, “Don’t you even think about it.” before it smacks you in the face, instantly dribbling down your neck and shoulders. Adam’s deep laugh bounces off the statues before it’s cut off by the sound of mud splattering against the back of his head. Total chaos ensues, and the cleaning staff shares a collective sigh as the sound of hysterical laughter from the gardens meets their ears
fervent apologizing on both your parts to the gardeners afterwards
kisses. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the camel, the k i s s e s. Kisses that stop time. Kisses that make the ground spin under your feet, or sometimes even make the ground disappear completely. Standing with your toes touching as Adam brings both hands to the sides of your face, dips his head and kisses you with such deep, slow passion that you forget who’s air you’re breathing, or you forget to breathe entirely. Gathering the fabric of his shirt in your hands and standing on your toes to be even closer to him. He brushes his thumbs across your cheeks, and when you finally break apart, you can’t move or draw oxygen for several seconds after. In these moments, if he were to ask you the sum of 2 + 2, you would only be able to answer with his name
waking up to feeling the feather-light touch of his lips against the side of your neck, along your jaw and on your cheek, unable to conceal the shudders that ripple along your skin or the butterflies that fluster uncontrollably around your stomach. Feeling him smile against your shoulder when he runs his hand along your arm and feels the goosebumps that his actions have caused, asking in a deep, husky morning voice if you’re cold or if there’s some other reason for the reaction. You sit up and stuff a pillow in his face
he’s not the only one who uses affection to rouse the other from sleep. Before the break of dawn, you’ll wrap your arm around his torso and lightly trail kisses across his features. On each of his closed eyelids, his nose, his cheeks, the corner of is mouth until the arm that he has around your shoulders tightens and pulls you against him, his lips spreading in a drowsy smile. After he’s awakened, you wrap yourself in blankets and lead him by the hand through the silent castle until you reach the tallest tower. There you stand in his arms, his lips pressed to the top of your head as the two of you watch the sun rise over the distant hills and flood the skies with pale pink light
spontaneous dances. This is 100% a thing. Imagine standing in the library at one of the tables, alphabetizing a stack of volumes when Adam’s arms wind around your waist and his firm chest presses to your back. “Do you hear that?” he’ll ask softly, prompting you to grin as you hear Cadenza’s playing a few rooms away. Before you know it your swaying to the sweet rhythm, then Adam’s twirling you across the floor, lifting you into effortless spins and dipping you nearly to the floor, making laughter flow from your lips
making faces at each other from across the diner table
holding balls and dances at least once a month to stay connected with the rest of Villenueve, and even though Adam is supposed to be socializing, he can’t help staring at you practically the entire night
Plumette helping you get ready for said parties, lacing up your dress and fastening back rebellious strands of hair when Adam appears in the doorway, his eyes widening in loving disbelief at your astounding beauty, which of course makes your face turn the color of a ripe pomegranate. Plumette smiles, her hands on your shoulders as she says, “Isn’t she a vision, my prince?” Adam’s shakes himself from his stupor and responds, “One almost too beautiful to behold.”
your face reddens ten shades
pet names. And lots of them, though mainly “love” and “my darling”
      • “(Y/N), I’m not wearing that.”  
      “Oh come on, it’ll look wonderful.”
      “It will look ridiculous.”
     “But Lumiere looks so dashing in them, I don’t see why you wouldn’t.”
      “(Y/N), it’s got bloody bows in it.”
     “It makes it look more fashionable. Now just try it on!”
     “I’d rather be a beast again.”
     “Oh honestly, it’s just a wig.”
     “Take one more step and I’ll throw that thing in the fire.”
the staff of the castle may as well be payed family members. Plumette is of course your best friend, Adam’s being Lumiere. Mrs. Potts is a second mother to you, and Cogsworth is always overjoyed to play the part of the father figure. Maestro Cadenza and Madame Garderobe took you under their musical wings as soon as the curse was broken, and you can never go through a conversation with either of them without being called “my dear” or “darling” at least five times. Your closest bond however is with Chip, and often you’ll glimpse Adam sitting with the young boy on his lap as well, exploring the surface of an atlas or looking at old maps
Adam being brilliant with children, despite thinking that he’s not. Sometimes he’ll watch you interacting with Chip and find himself wondering what it would be like to start a family of your own someday, not noticing the soft smile that graces his lips at the thought of it
going on adventures together. Not major ones necessarily, but even small journeys through the nearby mountains and forests are enough to mostly quench your wanderlust. You’ll often drag him to the top of a hill that overlooks Villeneuve and the surrounding countryside, standing with hands linked as the wind rushes over you
returning from such journeys to the warm castle, Mrs. Potts setting out tea by the fireplace, and you curling up against Adam by the huge marble hearth, practically on his lap with your face buried in his thick, smooth hair. Your fingers absentmindedly play with the laces of his shirt, his heartbeat echoing smooth and steady against your chest. Adam draws you closer as the warmth of the crackling fire surrounds you in a drowsy haze, pressing his lips to your forehead and murmuring a tender, “I love you.” to which you smile and tilt your head up to meet his eyes. “And I love you. For evermore.” His smile makes your heart swell to the point where it aches with happiness. “For evermore,” he replies.
uuugghhhhhh save meh plz
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geek-gem · 7 years
A talk about the DCEU
I’m gonna be honest. I was kind of nervous and just didn’t know well…at Sierra Vista just near let me see that Jungle Play House at one of the tables the third one. Just kind of in the middle ha man.
Just I’m sorry I’ve been a bit nervous. I’ve been thinking just…I’m gonna tag this. I have been nervous mainly I wanna be okay with what I have to say and spoiler it’s positive mostly man almost left nab ha man…yet I’m worried of people’s reactions not just people who dislike the DCEU even fans themselves. Or just…I mean Tumblr maybe a lot of people see this or not.
I’ll just say it and just said I do or some shit shit. I like the DCEU. I’m being serious. I honestly like what direction they are taking. Including their are things I like. Just saying I had thoughts of making a Zack Snyder post but I feel this will do.
But I like the DCEU. I like the MCU. But this DCEU has some stuff I personally like.
Even with my messy review. I kind of struggle of my liking toward the film yet at times I think.
I like Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice. The film is not perfect. Yet the Ultimate Edition I feel I know it may seem like bullshit but it really helped me with my thoughts on the film. But I feel some stuff could be better. Yet I honestly like that film.
Other things such as I honestly really like Henry Cavill as Superman/Kal El/Clark Kent and Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne that I really don’t want them to be recasted. Those rumors of Affleck leaving are bullshit. I seriously like them as the characters.
Also really I’m confused I like both DC and Marvel. Including I really loved Spider-Man Homecoming including as a Spider-Man movie. Yet just…again their are things I like about what the people behind the DCEU are doing. It’s not perfect yet I like it.
Well maybe I did see quite a bit of DC cartoons when I was younger being exposed to that might help.
I honestly like Man Of Steel and Wonder Woman. But I haven’t seen Suicide Squad just…I have mixed feelings on seeing that film. Just in case anyone reading this maybe a reblog don’t know how to reply to replies or…just a message or ask. Anyone’s opinions ether good or bad. I just feel mixed towards Suicide Squad.
Including I like the casting choices made for a lot of the characters. I’m even okay with Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor because I don’t mind the new direction Zack was trying to take.
Also I might wanna add Gal just everyone maybe in the I can’t or just don’t want them recast even Jessie but need to see Suicide Squad ha man.
Including I mean Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.
Also I’m gonna say I freakin adored Hans Zimmer’s and Junkie XL’s soundtrack of Batman V Superman including tracks like, “Beautiful Lie”, “Black And Blue”, and, “This Is My World” a track I’ve listened to many times even some remixes. I think I’ve listened to it too much yet imagining the right kind of moments it’s a track that makes me want to cry I’m even thinking of it right now mate ha.
Now Zack Snyder I like him. I really do. Mainly over time just my reaction towards BVS was a bit more negative yet over time I’ve looked into it a bit more.
Also I don’t wanna insult Zack. I haven’t seen all of his work and it’s mainly Man Of Steel and BVS, also Dawn Of The Dead the remake along with that wanna give my piece rest in piece George Romero I found out that news from yesterday mainly a FilmJunkie video about Zack taking down some Justice League stuff.
I can’t really word it right or just I like him. Including what happened to his daughter committing suicide is tragic as all fuck. No one should have to go through that. Really I’m concerned for him and hope him and his family are doing alright. Along with the fact I want him to come back but when he feels like he’s ready.
Even with that stupid joke in my head but it’s with people wondering if he shows up at ComicCon and him being like I’m back mother fuckers and people cheering. Yet I want him to take his time. That’s his choice I forgot if ComicCon okay what time is ComicCon this week or next week. Also damn fly still around.
Really okay I need to be honest it’s not to insult him. He’s not perfect. Yet I like his directing style and I can tell what he’s trying to do. It’s not perfect. Yet just… seriously I really admire him or something.
Including what I’ve learned more on Tumblr he seems like a really cool guy such as respecting women, and that his mother who died years ago inspired him. Theirs more stuff I might need to find out.
In fact my personal thoughts I honestly hate it when people compare him to Michael Bay. The director of those God damn Transformers films. To me at least Zack has well has some class and his direction of what a story he wants to tell. Really I don’t wanna talk much about Michael Bay that’s another story. But I’m just saying I don’t seem to like it when people compare the two yet my opinion man ha chill bro.
Meh it’s normal to smile. I don’t know…just seriously I like the MCU but I feel like the DCEU is a cinematic universe is to my liking. The fact just…I’m really excited for Justice League, even Aquaman, and whatever films they want to put in their cinematic universe.
Maybe beautiful in a way ha but…just I like it. Because just yeah it’s not perfect. Yet their are some things I liked. I’m sorry I don’t know what else to say. I needed to get this off my mind.
I do wanna say I feel ashamed or just disappointed just sad I didn’t see Batman V Superman in theaters twice. Including I would of loved to see the Ultimate Edition in theaters man. That honestly made me change my view on some things.
But just I don’t know almost left hot ha but…how deep can I be with this. Hey I also liked Doomsday. Yeah I seriously do I’m bothered we don’t have more figures of ha his version from BVS.
I wanted to get this off my chest. But I don’t know or forgot how to ha…be more deep with this man. So wrote Wonder Woman tag twice and no Suicide Squad tag ha…sorry yeah normal to smile.
But sorry wanted to get this off my chest that I like the DCEU
edit put the Justice League tag but that was the 2nd thought cause guess I’ll say this…that Zack Snyder or yeah both the DCEU has inspired me a bit ha…in front of GameStop. But I felt the inspiring thing was important ha…it’s okay to smile just…yeah the inspiring thing I felt was important sorry was to nervous to say edit yeah in GameStop sorry some ticks but I seriously felt it was important to mention the inspired part
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geek-gem · 7 years
Sonic Mania A Day Before Release
I wanted to talk about this a bit. A random text post also me talking about a certain theory. But just saying I was surprised when I see on my laptop that their was a launch trailer released and forgot August 15th thought 12th in my head lol it's okay to smile. But yeah August 15th is tommorow. So I watched Sonicguru's Item Box video about well pre release and it was 32 minutes after it was posted. Then I decided to search for the launch trailer if possibly reblogged by anyone I follow and found one was about to search the regular search thing. Then checked the likes. Honestly just saying Sonic Mania looks cool said in my head looks kick ass. Oh head saying random shit but seriously the game looks really good but also really fun. The new stages look fun and cool to be replaying some levels. Including the Hard Boiled Heavies seems kick ass and seem fun to play against or ha...okay normal to smile they could be a nightmare. Really Sonic Mania looks fun and guess I'm gonna try to download the game some time at midnight if it releases on time for the PlayStation Store on the PS4. Still have to play some Crash Bandicoot The N Sane Trilogy some more. Honestly the game looks fun and all that crap. Including I haven't seen much spoilers except honestly even the person I follow said it's not much of a spoiler yet...I'll mention it real quick sorry. Sonic wearing goggles. I'm gonna a leave it at that. You can figure out if you plan to see the game well watch some gameplay videos or play the game yourself. But yeah I haven't seen much spoilers and I think yeah that's very good. Including it's good for anyone's experience of playing the game for the first time. Yet I also wanna talk about something. It also relates to Sonic Forces. Because prior to the games release Sonic Mania people have thought of theories and since some news have been revealed that certain well the Sonic universe has different dimensions. Including that what I've read theirs a unknown energy source in Sonic Mania and I think Sonic Forces. Yet honestly I'm gonna blame Infinite as of now. Yet people have been thinking Sonia Mania is going to be a prequel to Sonic Forces. Honestly I don't mind this and yet it depends well it's not confirmed yet. Yet I've imagined my head of how it goes. I keep imagining the ending of Sonic Mania mainly gameplay yet you know let it be a animated cutscene no head not gameplay a animated cutscene where the screen just goes white and says Classic Sonic will return in Sonic Forces. Or to make to make it better. Show Classic Sonic showing up and being confused he's in a destroyed city. The one seen in the Sonic Forces trailers we've seen so far. Something called Park Avenue or some shit the custom character has a video about it. Or Jesus have Infinite showed up in the end teleporting Classic Sonic and maybe Tails and Knuckles to Modern Sonic's dimension. It's a theory not confirmed. Yet the idea of it is cool. In fact I would kind of like that. Yet I feel people and I'm just thinking some fans or a lot would scream and yell how that ruins the entire game and the game isn't complete because it connects to another Sonic game a modern one. Maybe start a petition to change the ending cause it sounds stupid as fuck to start a petition to change a game because...meh it's happened for good reasons some what. Yet I feel the people behind this game I feel I don't know them much. I feel they might not like that or they won't give a shit. Also fans saying Sega and Sonic Team are ripping off Marvel and maybe the DCEU a bit by teasing the next game in a game. Yet well...kind of happened or hardly. I don't know it's a stupid theory of how I feel it would go it sucks said that in my head. Also read on Wikipedia Sonic Mania is part of the canon series seems true and takes place after Sonic 3 And Knuckles or some shit ha normal to smile. Honestly time and history is a fucking mess at times in the Sonic series. Such as I don't know if this is a mistake Sonic's age in Sonic Jam is 16 yet in the games canon he's 15 and from what I know Amy when she first appeared was 8 and now she's 12 and I'm just fuck it. Including Sega and Sonic Team don't give a shit about ages I like to keep thinking many Sonic characters not really Tails, Cream, Charmy, and Marine as kids while a lot of the others are young adults. Sorry random bullshit. Yet I'm excited for Sonic Mania why did I say don't suck in my head random shit no it can't. It seems fucking amazing. Got tags down ha okay normal to smile but yeah I wanted to talk about this before the game releases at midnight. So got that out of the way Jesus it may not oh head but hope to God it releases the game at midnight on the PlayStation Store.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Now further thoughts on Doom 2016
8:49 pm I feel now it is the best time to say it. Doom is fucking amazing.
Yet also me wanting to talk more about the experience spoilers in case and think I heard my dad sneeze. Also okay just yawned and got out of this text thing before or was it the submit. Meh I was looking at activity and what people have uploaded or reblogged well people I follow seriously my stomach.
Now I'll talk about the whole voices thing. So basically unless the character mainly shows themselves voices are not heard restarted the first mission twice. The only characters I've heard talk are this Olivia Pierce of this pre recorded message, this Samuel character when you first see what he looks like and this Vega character he asks to now share the details of what's going on.
Yet honestly everything else works very well. Such as gameplay and even the whole glory kills I seriously like. Honestly I did glory kills a lot to mainly save ammo. But also just at times kind of difficult okay something or shit I really hate. Weirdly was thinking of Teen Titans Go despite I see the show at times and even if I'm not the biggest fan of the original show. Just how the new show is bothers me or just.....I don't really hate it. Okay I'm sorry mainly was thinking okay everyone hates that.
That is seriously some random bullshit I said. Yet seriously the games awesome as all fuck almost left the word duck lol smiled a bit it's normal.
Including I honestly hope as times goes on my interest only increases. Seriously I think it was today I was thinking I wonder if the original games are on Steam. Including seeing the awesome mods they have on Left 4 Dead 2 besides the BFG Division theme for the common infected beautiful.
Including for the time almost left 46 but seriously really nice game. This time I sat in my chair and turned up the volume even one time at 20 and it was really loud then to 12 and to 10 when the Olivia Pierce recording popped up.
Seriously I honestly enjoy these glory kills just really didn't need to think of Robin the TTG one when just....meh I have issues just it's a video game. I'm fighting demons which is amazing. Including I wanted to try another first person shooter out and seeing well mainly that music and now thinking about it. The Doom franchise okay just yawned it honestly appeals to me. Just the way it's set up and how insane it is. Meh and have to remember it's demons I'm fighting. I think I was trying to get in the mood I'm angry at something so I try to think of shit I hate. Yet TTG is a show I don't really hate that much. But bothered by how it's made and written. Seriously awesome kick ass game no tags. I turned off the PS4 despite stalling a bit after I finished the 2nd mission, "Discover The Cause" forgot what else but thinking just don't like the thoughts of hurting characters I like. Was thinking of OK KO ones and just....okay I guess just retyped that show title a bit. Maybe I'm tired a bit despite I went to bed early by mistake last night oh nose I'm okay.
Yet also wanted to say no tags. My stomach just might be the nice two pepperoni Costco pizza slices with a cherro and two Diet Dr. Pepper's one a can and another a bottle that was in the fridge thing outside.
Damn now I'm thinking of things that piss me off. 9:05 pm stalling put pm many times. Might as well mention that I seriously like the Doom Guy and want him as a Mortal Kombat guest character. Despite the jokes would be he would just kill everyone. Had my right arm up a bit. Honestly people complained about the horror characters. Despite I honestly like them and I remember people wanted Jason and Predator after Freddy was a DLC.
Including seriously almost left Foom like the title at first and phone put Food forgot it if lowercased f. Yet sorry just he's a video game character and we might not get characters like Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, Colonel Mael Radec from Killzone 2, a Chimera Hybrid from the Resistance series almost left Killzone or the Hunter from Bloodborne. Seriously before I started to talk about these characters. I realized I got off topic.
Including those ideas just..... PlayStation quest characters people....and I just....I'm gonna look in case.
9:11 pm wrote down 11 three or four times. I just looked two pages of ps all stars battle royale 2 and still nothing from Paris Games Week...so it says it's a week and Friday seems to be the last day. If that shit isn't announced yet I'm gonna be pissed. While I try not to trust but yeah mainly ignore rumors sometimes and watch videos by people who try to make sure if it's real or not. Before Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite was announced their were rumors of fourth game. Now I'm thinking of putting ps all stars battle royale 2 in the title no thanks.
Including I've heard and read it's from a reliable source that have gotten news for other games right. Even a Until Dawn 2 is rumored yes well no one is asking sorry or just I know the story to that game oh head....
I just want PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale 2 9:15
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geek-gem · 7 years
I’m gonna be honest or…well wanted to talk a bit. I was gonna see Spider-Man Homecoming again today yet just I updated my phone and shit and some stuff I can’t get Uber to work cause of a sms code I don’t know even when talking to my mom who will help me when she gets home ha man…
One thing I felt like seeing both Spider-Man Homecoming and Wonder Woman today and I’ve seen Wonder Woman just mainly for review sakes yet I don’t know maybe that’s too much ha man…yet I wanna talk about a bit of Spider-Man.
I have thought about making this yet when thinking of the movie. As a Spider-Man fan and guy who likes movies. I feel like Spider-Man Homecoming really exceeds my expectations and wasn’t really disappointed. Including when thinking about it I don’t have much memories or well don’t wanna say fondness ha of Spider-Man 2 it’s mainly Spider-Man 2002 and I feel Homecoming honestly makes me happy of how it was handled. A more personal movie including taking it slow and making Spider-Man a bit more grounded, mainly taking time with him watching him grow up.
Really I liked the film a lot. I’m hoping with a 2nd viewing I can study a bit more stuff.
The fact I put it as one of my favorite movies on DeviantArt the day I saw it. Yet it’s full just the Kaiju Godzilla films man haha dude.
…..kind of scared to tag this. Also I gave the movie 5 stars seriously that was my first impressions.
I think yeah some of my favorite Comic Book related films are this, Captain America Civil War, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Spider-Man 2002, probably Captain America The Winter Soldier, along with even Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice, and Man Of Steel along with Wonder Woman. Theirs also Deadpool and Judge Dredd I’m just saying I haven’t seen some of the other Marvel films almost left fans in years man. Also I haven’t seen Avengers the first one or Thor The Dark World ha…I’m not tagging this yet I wanna talk about other stuff in other posts ha dude
Edit this meh ticks is such a random thing mainly my experience my first experience with Spider-Man Homecoming I was left well I was happy ha man Edit I really don't fuckin know dude...... I don't know how to properly talk about this man. Also I just have Doomsday on my mind
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geek-gem · 7 years
Wanna say this also yesterday I was hanging out with my friend at fashion fare and he stayed over at my house. Really we had a good time and talked a lot. Also introduced me to Digi Valentine and Jacklynnglenn.
One of the things we talked about even if I’m not the biggest fan of Alex Hirsch. I think it’s a good thing and what could be confirmed he deleted any stuff concerning Sega and he might of helped with Sonic Forces. But again I think it would be a good thing to bring someone like him to work on the writing of the game with the writers they have.
I’m okay with the writers can’t spell their names right. I just feel as the games been going I feel they haven’t getting better. So having someone who was the creator of a critically acclaimed show I’ve even said that or some shit. To be on this would get my hopes up.
Also my friend made a joke like Infinite takes off his mask and reveals it’s Bill Cipher.
Including when mentioning or I forgot how it started imagine if Disney bought the rights to Sonic The Hedgehog and then I had a sudden obsession and thought, “I would love that and have more faith in Disney making a Sonic film” mainly cause of Marvel and Star Wars. Then meh yeah my friend saying they may not be working on it anymore and I can’t let go of it lol…that Sonic movie man…next year normal to smile……
Even if Disney ever got the rights and made a Sonic movie I guess they wouldn’t do certain stuff I liked. Yet I would have more faith because it would be made under a company I trust and even my friend said this today that he mostly looks forward or trusts Disney and he said maybe some others but didn’t name them….meh normal to smile to at times…..it was an idea
Including I ranted when finding out more of the news that good thing James Wants involved with the Resident Evil movie reboot yet started ranting to my friend how they were setting up 6 movies and me ranting how studios and companies get too cocky and need to make a good movie first and plan them. Not gonna put tags here lots of crap I talked about lol that isn’t Sonic Forces ha
Edit lol meh normal to smile.....yeah.....it was nice to talk to my friend about this stuff
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